Loan Repayment and Its Implication on Agricultural Financing in Ghana-The Case of MiDA Agriculture Program
الموضوعات :
ماکسول آمدی
موسس دوماییری
عبدالرشید محمد
1 - World Vision International, Ghana
2 - گروه بانکی و دارایی، دانشکده تجارت و حقوق، دانشگاه مطالعات توسعه، غنا
3 - دانشگاه مطالعات توسعه، غنا
الکلمات المفتاحية: Rice Farmers, Agricultural financing, Loan repayment, MiDA, Tobit Regression Model,
ملخص المقالة :
The study investigated performance of loan repayment among rice farmers under the MiDA agricultural credit programme in the Hohoe Municipality. Primary data was collected from 120 farmers from four beneficiary towns while secondary data was gathered from literatures and various actors. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Obtained data were analyzed using t-test, Tobit regression model.Results from t-test showed statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) between the amount of loan applied for and the amount received by farmers.Out of the ten explanatory variables included in the Tobit regression model, five were significant. Significant factors (p < 0.001) include: sex, household size, group size, value of output and timeliness of loan disbursement.
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