ملخص المقالة :
There is limited literature on how to engage the rural women in agriculture and improve their contributions to household food security and income. This study aimed to contribute to literature on women engagement in agriculture through vegetable production using good agricultural practices. The empirical data used were drawn from technology demonstrations and experimentation, learning fields, and training. Field work ran from May 2010 to November 2010. Participant observation, focus group discussion, individual interviews and survey were used in data collection. The potentials of vegetable production using good agricultural practices in improving women’s household food security and income were investigated. But how gender-responsive is this technology to women farmers? The study was started with 68 women farmers from Barangays Dalaguisen, Pawa and Nagtupacan in Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines. The same technologies and training were given to all women however the volume of vegetables produced and the benefits derived varied among women partners. The major challenge lies in making the women’s vegetable production practices attain maximum potential gain for women, their household and the community. Strategies to determine the champions and profiling the champions is a very important research move to mobilize them.
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