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      • Open Access Article

        1 - -Qurān and Akhbār ad-Dawla al-Ābbāsīyya: An Intertextual Study
        zeinab izadi Masoud Sadeghi
        Akhbār ad-Dawla al-Ābbāsīyya is a new work from an unknown writer which had an important role in changing researchers view on the Abbasid revolution and the principles of Caliphate. In this book, Qur’ânicization and the Citation from the Qur’an have fo More
        Akhbār ad-Dawla al-Ābbāsīyya is a new work from an unknown writer which had an important role in changing researchers view on the Abbasid revolution and the principles of Caliphate. In this book, Qur’ânicization and the Citation from the Qur’an have four methods: literary use of the Qur’an,  putting verses in the new historical context and presenting a different interpretation of them, historization and legitimization by using Quranic terms. According to the intertextuality studies, we can say that the Qur’an has certainly affected this book. The various goals of the Citation from the Qur’an are improving of the writing style of the text, creation of religious space  and giving the authenticity to a narration or even legitimization to the Abbasid Caliphate. Moreover, Akhbar ad-Dawla al-Abbasiyya  shows that the writer knew the Qur’an well, used it skillfully and his mind is too familiar to words, terms and verses of the Qur’an Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Theory of Intertextuality as a Research Approach in Social History Studies; Ali ibn Abi Talib in the Inscriptions and Futuwat-namas from the Seventh to the Tenth Centuries H.
        Nasim Khalili Mahdi Farahani Monfared
        The aim of this article is to study the legend of Ali b. Abi Talib (puh) during Iranian Medieval history in a wide range of fields from architecture to literature and folklore. The author used the intertextuality approach and on basis of Roland Barthes's method, tries t More
        The aim of this article is to study the legend of Ali b. Abi Talib (puh) during Iranian Medieval history in a wide range of fields from architecture to literature and folklore. The author used the intertextuality approach and on basis of Roland Barthes's method, tries to clarify how the legend personality of Ali has been formed and re-produced through a cultural network during centuries.  References Afshar, Iraj, Yādigār-hā-yi Yazd, Tehran, Andjuman-i āthār wa mafākhir-i farhangī, 1995/1374. Afshari, Mehran, Futūwwat nāma-hā wa rasāil-i khaksāriyya, Tehran, Institute For Humanities & Cultural Studies, 2003/1382. Ahmadi, Babak, Sākhtār-i tawīl wa matn (the structure of text interpretation), Tehran, Nas̲h̲r-i- Markaz, 1991/1370. Ahmadi, Babak, Risāla-i tarīkh, djustārī dar Hirminūtīk-i Tarīkh (An essay on history- the Hermeneutic vision of history), Tehran, Mazkaz, 1999/1378. Alan, Graham, Biynāmatnīyat, (Intertextuality), trans. Payam yazdanju, Tehran, Nas̲h̲r-i  Markaz, 2001/1380. Azam Vaqefi, Seyyed Hussein, Mīrāth-i  farhangī-yi naṭanz, Natanz, Andjuman-i Mīrāth-i farhangī, 1995/1374. Barthes, Roland, “Guftār-i takhī” (The Discourse of History),trans. Fazlollah Pakzad, Arghinun, No.4, pp. 96-83, 1994/1373. Ibid, Usṭūria-yi imrūz (Myth today) trans. Shirin Dokht Daghighian, Tehran, markaz, 2007/ 1386. Ibid, Ladhdhat-i matn (The pleasure of text), trans. Payam Yazdanjoo, Tehran, markaz, 2006/ 1385. Blair, Sheila, Mimārī īlkhānī dar naṭanz(The Ilkhanid Shrine Complex At Natanz, Iran), trans. Wali Allah Kavoosi, Tehran, The Iranian Academy Of Arts, 2008/1387. Braudel, Fernand, Sarmāyia-Dārī wa ḥayāt-i  Mādī 1400 Tā 1800 Mīlādī( Capitalism & Material Life, 1400-1800), trans. Behzad Bashi, Tehran, Niy, 1993/1372. Godard, André, Āthār-i Iran (Annales des services archéologiques d'Iran), trans. Abual-Hasan Sarvghad Moghaddam, Mashhad, Islamic Research Foundation, 1996/1375. Gūlpīnārlī, ʿAbd al-Bāḳī, Futuwwat dar kishwar-hā-yi Islāmī, trans. Tofigh H. Sobhani, Tehran, Ruzana, 2000/1379. Hamzelu, Manouchehr, “Nām-i ʿAlī bar gunbad-i sulṭāniyya”,  Kitāb-i māh hunar, No.32-32, 2001/1380. Honarfar, lotf- Allah, Gandjīna-yi Āthār-i  Tarīkh-yi  Iṣfahān, Isfahan, Thaḳafī, 1965/1344. Ibn Maghāzilī, Manāḳib-i Maghāzilī, Revised by Muḥammad Djawād Ayatullāh Zāda Marʿashī Nadjafī, Qom, The library of Ayatollah Marashi Najafi, 1957/1336. Ibn  Miʿmār, Muḥammad b. Abu al- Makārim, Kitāb al-Futuwwat, Revised by Muṣṭafā Djawād, Baghdād, Maktab-i  al- Muthannā, 1957/1336. Kalbasi, Hossein & Ahmadi, Gholamhossein, “Hirminūtīk fan-i  ʿām-i fahm wa tafsīr az nazargāh-i Schleiermacher”, The University of Tabriz Journal of Literature and Humanities, No. 205, 1999/1378. Kashefi Sabzevari, Molla Hissein, Futuwwat-nāma-yi sulṭānī, Revised by Muhammad Jafar Mahjoub, Tehran, Cultural foundation of Iran, 1971/1350. Kristeva, Julia, Fardīyat-i  Ishtirākī(Head Cases: Julia Kristeva on Philosophy and Art in Depressed Times- Julia Kristeva, interview by Nina Zivancevic), trans. Mehrdad Parsa, Tehran, Rozbihān, 2010/1389. Ibid, “Kalām, mukālima wa rumān” dar Payam Yazdanjoo, ba sū-yi pasāmudirn: pasāsākhtār-garā-yī dar mutāliāt-i adabī, Tehran, markaz, 2002/ 1381. Lechte, John, Pandjāh mutafakkir-i Buzurg-i muāṣir az sākhtār-garā-yī tā pasāmudirnīta(Fifty keyContemporary thinkers: from structuralism to postmodernity), trans. Mohsen Hakimi, Tehran,  Khudjasta, 2004/1383. Lévi-Strauss, Claude, Nizhād wa Tarīkh (Race et histoire), trans. Abolhassan Najafi, Tehran, Pazhūhishkada-yi ʿulūm-i Irtibāṭī wa tawsiʿya-i Iran, (und.). Makaryk, Irena Rima, Dānish- nāma naẓariyya-hā-yi adabī muāṣir, trans. Mehran Mohajer & Muhammad Nabawi, Tehran, Āgah, 2005/1384. Mazzaoui, Michel, Piydāyish-i Dawlat Safawī (The origins of Safawids), trans. Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Gustara, 1984/1363. Mcquillan, Martin, Guzīda-yi Maḳālāt-i Rawāyat( The narraitive reader), trans. Fattah Muhammadi, Tehran, Mīnuwī-yi khirad, 2009/1388. Mirzaei, Faramarz, Rawish-i guftumān kāwī-yi shir, Iranian association of the Arabic language and literature, No.4, 2005/ 1384. Modarressi Tabatabaei, Seyyed Hosseien, Turbat-i pākān, Qom, Mihr-i ḳum, 1956/1335. Mostafavi, Seyyed Mohammad Taqi, Āthār-i tarīkh-yi Tehran, Revised by Mir Hashem Mohades, Tehran, Society For The Appreciation Of Cultural Works & Dignitaries, 1996/1375. Namvar motlagh, Bahman, Darāmadī bar Baynāmatnīyat, naẓariyya-hā wa kārburd-ha, Tehran, Sukhan, 2011/1390. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm & others, Hirminūtīk-i mudirn, Guzīna-yi djustār-hā, trans. Babak Ahmadi, Mehran Mohajer, Mohammad Nabavi, Tehran, Nashr-i  Markaz, 2006/1385. Safavi, Kourosh, “Munāsibāt-i- Baynāmatnīyatī”, dar Hasan Anushe, Dānishnama adab-i farsī, Tehran, Sāzmān-i čāp wa intishārāt, 1997/1376. Sarraf, morteza, Rasāil djavānmardān(traits des compagnons- chevaliers: Rasail-e javanmardan), Tehran, Andjuman iranshināsī Iran wa France wa intishārāt-i  Muʿīn, 1991/1370. Sasani, Farhad,“Pīshīnia wa Pasīnia-yi Naḳd-i- Baynāmatnīyatī” , Baynāb, No. 5-6, 2004/1383. Shayestehfar, Mahnaz,“Djāyigāh-i  ḳurʾān, ḥadīth wa adʿiyya dar katībia-hā-yi  islāmī”, Human sciences Modares, No. 23, pp. 94-57, 2001/1380. Ibid,“Tazʾīnāt katībia-iy gunbad-i sulṭāniyya”, Journal of fine arts, No. 11, 2001/1380. Strinati, Dominic, Muḳaddima-iy bar naẓarīya-hā-yi farhang-i An introduction to theories popular cultur), trans. Soraya Pak- Nazar, Tehran, Gām-i nū, 2009/1388. Tarsusi, Abu Tahir, Abu Muslim nāma, Revised by Hossein Esmaeili, Andjuman iranshināsī-yi France dar Iran wa Nashr-i ḳaṭra, 2001/1380. Todorov, Tzvetan, Būṭīḳā-yi sākhtār-garā (Qu'est - ce que le structuralisme), trans. Muhammad Nabawi, Tehran,Āgah,1998/ 1377. Vaezi, Ahmad, Darāmadī bar hirminūtīk, Tehran, Mawasisa-yi Farhangī-i dānish wa andīsha muʿāṣir, 1380/2001. Vakiliyan, seyyed ahmad & salehi, khosrow, Ḥaḍrat-i Alī dar ḳiṣṣa- hā-yi āmīyāna, Tehran, Ministry Of Culture & Islamic Guidance, 2001/1380. Zaimaran, Muhammad, Gudhar az djahān-i usṭura ba falsafa, Tehran, Iran Hermes publishers, 2000/1379. Zamrashidi, Hossein, “siyrī dar namāsāzī-yi masādjid dar adwār-i islāmī”, Masdjid, No. 38-37, 1998/1377.                         Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Rituals in the Ottoman Court: Orta Ouyunu and Karagoz
        Reza Abbasi Hossein Bayatlou
        There are a lot of documents and various evidence for festive rituals in Ottoman court, which performed for different purposes, including demonstrating the power and grandeur of the empire. These extravagant festivals were held in variety of occasions like birth of prin More
        There are a lot of documents and various evidence for festive rituals in Ottoman court, which performed for different purposes, including demonstrating the power and grandeur of the empire. These extravagant festivals were held in variety of occasions like birth of princes, circumcisions, courtier marriages and so on. They took several days to finish and the sultan and High-ranking officials as well as ordinary people attended in the festivals. Among the old types of performing in Ottoman festivals, Orta Ouyunu and Karagoz had comic content and characters that made the audiences laugh a lot. Having examined the existing documents of Ottoman period, especially the visual evidence, including Ottoman miniatures, the authors of the article try to present a critical description of the subject References Acarlı and akova, Meltem, “Ottoman art and Culture During World war 1: Theater as a Communication Tool”, Sofia University, September 2013. Aḥsan, Muḥammad Manāẓir, Zindigī idjtimāī Dar Ḥukūmat Abbāsīān, Masoud Rajab Nia )trans(., Tehran, ʾIlmī wa Farhangī, 1369/1990. Albayrak, Nurettin, “Orta Oyunu”, in Türkiye diyanet vakfı Islam ansiklopedisi, Istanbul, 1988. Ali bey, Travels of Ali bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyptus, Egypt, Arabia, Srria, and Turkey, Between the years 1803 and 1807, Reading, UK, 1993. Amini, Javad,“Kumidīyā dilārta” (Commedia dell'arte), Namāyish, Dawriya Djadīd, No.9, 1367/1988 june. And, Metin, “Karagöz”, Tütkiye diyanet vakfı Islam ansiklopedisi, Istanbul, 2001. And, Metin, “The Turkish folk theatre”, Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.38, vo. 2 (1979). And, Metin, 40 Days 40 Nights Ottoman Wedding Festivites Phocessious, Istanbul, 2000. And, Metin, Karagöz: Turkish shadow theatre, Istanbul, 2005.  And, metin, Osmanlı tasvir sanatları: 1 Minyatür, Istanbul, 2004. Asadī, Ṭūsī, ʿAlī b. Aḥmad, Gershāsp-nāma, Revised by Habib Yaghmaei, Tehran, Tahoory, 1354/1975. Aysu, Muzaffre, Karagöz Topkapı sarayindaki tasvirleriyle, Istanbul, 2000.    Awliyā čalabī, Muḥammad Ẓillī B. Darwish, Awliyā čalabī Sīyāḥat- nāma-iy sī, Istanbul, 1314/1935. Baily, John, Music of Afghanistan; Professional musicians in the city of Heart, Cambridge-New York-New Rochelle, 1988. Baykal, Ebru, Osmanlılarda Törenler, Yüksek lisans tezi, Edirne, 2008. Beşir, Ayvazoglu, Turkish coffee culture “A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship”, translated by: Melis Seyhun, Ankara, 2011. Beyzai, Bahram, Namāyish dar Iran, Tehran, (un d.), 1965. Boratav, P.N, “Karagöz”, The Encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden, 1997. Idem, “Orta oyunu”, The encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden, 1995. Chardin, Jean, Voyages du Chevalier Chardin en Perse et Autres Lieux de I, Orient, ed, l. Langles, Paris, 1811. Djuwaynī, ʿAtaʾ al-Din ʿAtā-Malik, Tarikh Djahan-Gushāy, Edited by Ghazvini, Leiden, 1334 AH/1916 AD. Figueroa, Don García de Silva, Safarnāma-yi Don García de Silva Figueroa (Ambassade de D. Garcias de Silva Figueroa en Perse(, Glamreza Samiei(trans.), Tehran, 1363/1984. Ghaffari, Mojgan & Ashtari Tafreshi, Alireza, “Khayāl al-zill”, Dānīshnāma Djahān-I Islām (The Encyclopedia of the Islamic World), Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel (as supervisor), Tehran, 1390/2011. Ḥāfiẓ-i Abrū, ʿAbdallāh b. Luṭf Allāh, Zubdat al-Tawārīkh, Published bySeyyed Kamal Haj Seyyed Javadi, Tehran, 1380/2001. Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Riḥla Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Revised by Muḥammad ʾAbd al-Munʿim ʾUrīyan, Beirut, 1407 AH/1987 AD. Ḳalḳashandī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, Ṣubḥ al-Asha fī ṣināat al-inshā, Cairo, 1383 AH/1963 AD. Kāshifī, Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī, Futuwwat-nāma-yi sulṭānī, Muhammad Jafar Mahjoub, Tehran, Cultural Foundation of Iran, 1971/1350. Khāḳānī, Badīl b. Aḥmad, Diwān, Revised by Seyyed Ziaoddin Sajjad, Tehran, 1338/1959. Kenneth and Richards, Loura, “Commedia dellarte”, in a History of Italian theatre, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Kılıç, çigdem, ortaoyunu ve Karagöz metınlerınde kullanilan ilençler, Sitem sözleri, aşagılamalar, çevrimiçi tematik Türkoloji dergisi online thematic journal of Turkic studies, yil 1, sayi 2/I, temmuz 2009. Kömeçoglu, Ugur, “Homo ludens ve home sapiens arasında kamusallık ve toplumsallık: Osmanlı kahvehaneleri”, in Osmanlı Kahvehanelerı mekan, sosyalleçme, iktidar, Istanbul, 2010. Kudret, Cevdet, Karagöz, Ankara, 1968. Idem, Orta oyunu, Ankara, 1973. Lane, Edward William, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, London-New York-Melbourne, 1890. Maḳrīzī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, Kitāb mawāiẓ wa l-itibār fī dhikr al-khiṭaṭ wal-āthār, commonly referred to as khiṭaṭal-Maḳrīzī, Bulaq, 1270 AH/1853 AD. Martinivitch, Nicholas N, The Turkish theatre, Newyork/London, 1968. Miraç ümıt, Nazli, “çadırlardan saraylara Türk tiyatrosunun sahneleri”, Art-sanat, 1, 2014. Monfared, Afsaneh, “Khānḳāh: Niẓām wa ādāb”, Dānīshnāma Djahān-I Islām (The Encyclopedia of the Islamic World), Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel (as supervisor), Tehran, 1389/2010. Mousapour, Ebrahi, “Djashn”, Dānīshnāma Djahān-I Islām(The Encyclopedia of the Islamic World), Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel (as supervisor), Tehran, 1385/2006. Myrsiades, Linda suny, “Legend in the theatre: Alexander the great and the Karaghiozis text”, Educational theatre journal, Vol.27, No.3, popular theatre (oct., 1975). Niẓāmī, Ilyās b. Yūsuf, Kitāb Khusraw wa Shīrīn,Revised by Vahid Dastgerdi, Tehran, 1333/1954. Niẓāmī, Ilyās b. Yūsuf, Makhzan al-Asrār, Revised by Vahid Dastgerdi, Tehran, 1313/1934. Niẓāmī, Ilyās b. Yūsuf, Haft Paykar, Revised by Vahid Dastgerdi, Tehran, (un d.). Ocak, Derya, XVI. Yüzyıl Osmanlı şenliklerinin siyasal boyutları ve gündelik hayata etkileri, Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara, 2006. Oral, ünver, Günümüzden Karagöz-Hacivat söyleşmeleri, Istanbul, 2002. Pakalin, Mehmet Zeki,Osmanli Tarih Deyimleri va Terimleri Sozlugu, Istanbul, 1993. Schuyler, Eugene, Turkistan; Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Kokand, Bukhara and Kuldja, ed. Geoffrey Wheeler and abridged by K. E. West, London, 1966. Shahri Baf, Jafar, Ṭihrān-I ḳadīm, Tehran, MuʿīnI, 1381/2002. Shiykhlī, Ṣabāḥ Ibrāhīm Saʿīd, Al-aṣnāf fī aṣr Abbāsīd: Nishāt-hā  Wa Taṭawūr-ha, Baghdad, Wizāra al-ʾalām, 1396 AH/1976 AD. Smith, James, “Karagöz and Hacivat: projection of subversion and conformance”, Asian theatre Journal, Vol.21, No.2 (Autumn, 2004). sözleri, aşagılamalar, çevrimiçi tematik Türkoloji dergisi online thematic journal of Turkic studies, yil 1, sayi 2/I, temmuz 2009. Thesiger, Wilfred, Riḥla ilā ʿArab ʾAhwar al-ʿirāḳ, Khālid Ḥasan Ilyās, Beirut(trans.), 1426 AH/ 2004 AD. Tahsin, Konur, “Ortaoyunu”, Tiyatro Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 12, 1995. Tietze, Andreas, The Turkish shadow theater and the puppet collection of the L. A. meyer memorial foundation, Berlin: Gebr. Mannverlag, 1977. Yazıcı, Ezgi, Theater in nineteeth century Istanbul: cases for the translation of an architectural typology, A thesis submitted to the graduate school of social ciences of middle east technical university, September 2010.     Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Elements of postmodern cinema in the movie “Have You Another Apple?”
        Seyede Sorayya Mousavi Seyed Mohammad Mehdizade Taleshi
        The current study aims to recognize the elements of postmodern cinema in the movie “Have You Another Apple?” directed by Bayram Fazli in 2006. To this end Quantitative content analysis method was used in order to achieve the goals. The unit of analysis is &l More
        The current study aims to recognize the elements of postmodern cinema in the movie “Have You Another Apple?” directed by Bayram Fazli in 2006. To this end Quantitative content analysis method was used in order to achieve the goals. The unit of analysis is “scene”. Statistical population of this research is 90 scenes of movie “Have You Another Apple?”. Data were collected through the census method and were analyzed using SPSS. The findings have been analyzed based on “intertextuality” and “decline of metanarrative”. The result shows this film is a postmodern movie without a classic hero. It involves the audiences in storytelling. The film is dominated by a pseudo-surreal sphere. The postmodern films include lots of signifiers that their signified is made in audiences' minds. “Have You Another Apple?” is full of signs and symbols. Many of scenes look like painting, so it could be concluded that the figure is dominant. The main character in “Have You Another Apple?” is not like the heroes in classic films; he is immature and fool. In the most scenes of this movie, human is portrayed as a “captive”. Based on the results characters rarely try to escape from oppression, and in the most scenes they surrender. At the end of the movie, nobody overcome the oppression. The movie denies the active and aware subject and the possibility of human liberation and emancipation. This film ends while the main character running that reminds “Sisyphus Cycle and the Futility”. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Media policy to improve the quality of entertainment on the television of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        sakiineh asadi nassim majidi omid jahanshahi
        Entertainment, as an inevitable necessity of Iranian society, has been favored by the audience more and more every day, while uncertainties, ambiguities and multiplicity in television entertainment politics have caused the quality of entertainment to not have a coherent More
        Entertainment, as an inevitable necessity of Iranian society, has been favored by the audience more and more every day, while uncertainties, ambiguities and multiplicity in television entertainment politics have caused the quality of entertainment to not have a coherent approach. The widening of different dimensions and sectors of the entertainment industry, the serious competition of satellite networks, social networks, games, and smart phones with national television has led to the position of national television in giving people's lifestyles and shaping the sector. A significant amount of social entertainment and filling the free time of the citizens in the audience's entertainment portfolio will face a challenge. Therefore, trying to understand these trends, components and respond to the needs of "politicization in improving the entertainment quality of I.R.B. TV programs and providing appropriate policies" from the perspective of experts and program makers is the goal of the article.From the results of what was extracted by thematic analysis method in interviews with 15 experts, national media managers and television program producers; It is said that the stubborn and late acceptance of changes in entertainment policy imposes high political, economic and social costs on the media and causes the loss of new markets in the age of new media. Also, understanding, analyzing space and realistic, wise and timely media policies can increase the ability to progress and adaptability of media policies to improve the quality of entertainment on I.R.B. TV. Be effective Manuscript profile
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        6 - Comparative Comparison of Common Animal Motifs in the Sheikh Safi Al-Din Complex (Safavid Period) and the Shrine of Imam Reza (AS) (Qajar Period): An intertextual Approach
        Roya Esmi Habib Shahbazi Shiran
        Decorative motifs have evolved significantly in the architecture of the Islamic era in terms of form, s‌tructure, aes‌thetic, and doctrinal principles and represent the beliefs of the people in that era. In this s‌tudy, an attempt has been made to provide a new possibil More
        Decorative motifs have evolved significantly in the architecture of the Islamic era in terms of form, s‌tructure, aes‌thetic, and doctrinal principles and represent the beliefs of the people in that era. In this s‌tudy, an attempt has been made to provide a new possibility for a deeper analysis of common animal motifs in the Islamic periods of Safavid and Qajar with an intertextuality approach (with the help of logical reasoning and the Delphi method) to perceive decorative motifs. Therefore, the intertextuality relations between the motifs of the two his‌torical tombs of the Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili complex (Safavid period) and the holy shrine Imam Reza (AS) (Qajar period) were analyzed. According to the findings, the animal motifs identified with intertextual relations included peacock (11 cases), cow (2 cases), pheasant (16 cases), duck (1 case), and dragon (16 cases). In all the motifs of the buildings, the pretext type was of the exclusive type, and the hypertext type was of the transformation type. In addition, in peacock, pheasant, and dragon motifs, the larges‌t number of additional subs‌titution, subs‌titution, and subs‌titutional -ellipsis types were observed, respectively. It seems that in selected buildings of the Safavid and Qajar periods, the change in the colors of animal motifs is more evident than in other dimensions of intertextuality. This change has had an impact on the spiritual and mys‌tical content of the motifs, and somehow, in addition to the mys‌tical and spiritual content, attention to material aspects (increase in wealth and abundance of blessings) has been considered in the use of various colors. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Effect of Using the Potential of Social Networks in preventing Drug Addiction from the Perspective of Elites
        Nazanin Ostovari Sara Mohamadpour
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        8 - Semiotics of verbal rhetoric in print advertising - Case study
        masoud keymasi Mazdak Anusheh vahide assadzade
        This article discussing profound dependency between advertising and language, illustrates how some of the rhetorical and semantic features of language are exploited to achieve the purpose of advertising. Using qualitative semiotics and multi-case study strategy, this st More
        This article discussing profound dependency between advertising and language, illustrates how some of the rhetorical and semantic features of language are exploited to achieve the purpose of advertising. Using qualitative semiotics and multi-case study strategy, this study examines the relationships and functions of verbal rhetoric’s and signs and demonstrates the importance of rhetorical and sign language in advertising in achieving advertising goals. Using Saussure, Barthes, and Helmsley’s view of semiotics, this article reveals important methods in which advertisers create meaning, such as metaphor. It also studies concepts such as “implication” and “meaning” for the semiotic analysis of print advertising. In this paper, we tried to collect all print advertisements in magazines, newspapers and billboards in Tehran in the second half of 1396 and at first using a multi-case study strategy the typology of verbal rhetoric’s was performed and the frequency of each was identified, and then analyzed using the semiotic method. After studying 287 print ads, it was found that the important methods of meaning creating of advertisers is to use innuendo, metaphor, irony, and exaggerations with 84, 68, 34 and 33 respectively. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Designing a Reporting Financial Intertextuality Model and Its Effect on Working Capital Management Strategy: Case Study of Steel Industry Companies
        Mohsen Shiribabadi Allah Karam Salehi Saber Molaalizadeh Zavardehi Alireza Jorjorzadeh
        Financial reporting practices as an information strategy, while it can help increase the company's interaction with stakeholders, can also be effective in the future direction of the company in terms of adopting the optimal level of working capital. Financial intertextu More
        Financial reporting practices as an information strategy, while it can help increase the company's interaction with stakeholders, can also be effective in the future direction of the company in terms of adopting the optimal level of working capital. Financial intertextuality reporting is a systematic approach based on the interaction between the company and stakeholders, which allows the presentation of comparable financial statements in a competitive market and through it, it can influence the optimal working capital policies of the company due to the increasing confidence in the market. The purpose of this research is designing a reporting financial intertextuality model and its effect on the working capital management strategy. The methodology of this research was mixed. In the qualitative part, grounded theory analysis based on Glaser approach was used to formulate the model, and in the quantitative part was used analysis of variance. In fact, the purpose of the analysis in the qualitative part was to present the model and in the quantitative part was to analyze the differences between financial intertextuality reporting methods in the optimal adoption of working capital management. The target population in the quality department was 12 academic specialists who were considered experts, both scientifically and empirically. But the target population in a small part were the managers of the accounting department of capital market companies who based on work experience and level of technical and specialized knowledge according to the level of error 5% and test power 90%, 2 groups of 50 people based on the separation of demographic variables on differences in reporting methods. Financial intertextuality was selected and contributed to the optimal management of working capital. The results of the research in the qualitative part indicate the existence of 2 categories, 4 components and 22 concept codes that have established the method of reporting financial intertextuality in the form of an integrated quadrilateral model. Also, the results in the quantitative section with respect to the two categories of strategic approach and operational intertextuality of financial reporting showed that the strategic intertextuality approach in financial reporting on optimal working capital management is significantly different from the operational intertextuality approach in financial reporting. This result shows that since financial management is considered as an area of corporate decision-making in formulating the firm's future financial strategies, the firm's focus on uniformity and content development of dis closable concepts can be more specifically than the development of intertextual reporting levers (Operational) such as information technology and cybernetic approaches such as scalable reporting language.  Manuscript profile
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        10 - The Relationship between cultural factors and religion, social Happiness (case of study: the residents of the city of Esfahan)
        Asghar Mohammadi
        One the essential human needs that can affect social and cultural aspects of his/her life is the feeling of happiness. The present investigation aims to study the relationship between cultural factors and religion happiness among the residents of the city of Esfahan. Th More
        One the essential human needs that can affect social and cultural aspects of his/her life is the feeling of happiness. The present investigation aims to study the relationship between cultural factors and religion happiness among the residents of the city of Esfahan. The research population consisted of all the residents above 10 years of age which totaled 1663834, of which, on the basis of Cochran formula and utilizing a quota sampling technique, 600 individuals were chosen as the sample. The theoretical framework was provided by drawing on the ideas of Bourdieu, Fordise, Singleman, and Allison. The research questionnaire had face validity and the reliability coefficients were above 69.5. The results showed that social happiness was moderately and significantly associated with religiosity (r= 0.38), cultural capital (r= -0.41), mass media programs (r= -47), recreation and entertainment facilities (r= 0.63). The results also showed that social happiness was significantly related to age, sex, income, education, and occupation. The results of regression analysis showed that all the independent variables entered the equation and that all together could explain about 28.9 percent of the variance of social happiness. Religiosity and cultural capital had, respectively the highest and the lowest amount of influence on social happiness Manuscript profile
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        11 - Assessment of human Bio-climate the South West plain Garmsar using Mahani and Trijong Indicators in order to make tourist-resort complex
        Davood Hasanabadi Hasan Lashkari
        The Garmsar city located in a particular situation because of geographical, topographical conditions and weather systems affecting the region is allocated to the special climatic conditions, environmental. So that changes daily and seasonal temperature problems for tour More
        The Garmsar city located in a particular situation because of geographical, topographical conditions and weather systems affecting the region is allocated to the special climatic conditions, environmental. So that changes daily and seasonal temperature problems for tourism activities and the general population has created. Therefore necessary to examine the conditions and situations Bio-climate climatic comfort throughout the day and different months of the year and prepare a calendar of tourism will be felt. The data used in conjunction with synoptic weather conditions were studied and following results were obtained Bio-climate region. Bio-climate best in terms of the convenience factor Trijong to attend the open day in months  Farvardin and very good and pleasant Mehr terms and conditions of the night, the months of June, July and August with air conditioning and a pleasant feel and comfort is the Bio-climate. Mahan status indicators based on daily temperature in six months of the year (from November to April) below the comfort level (cold), 2 months of the year (the months of May and October) In good comfort (comfortable) and 4 months of the year (from June to September) than comfort is located. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Interpretation of components affecting the intertwining of place in semi-open architectural space
        Negar Moghadasian Niaki Shabnam Akbari Namdar Mohammad Mansour Falamaki
        Introduction & Objectives: Place as opposed to the "outside" environment as an "inside" needs a clear boundary or definition to define itself, which must connect the inner world to the outside world with openings and create a transitional area that indicates the deg More
        Introduction & Objectives: Place as opposed to the "outside" environment as an "inside" needs a clear boundary or definition to define itself, which must connect the inner world to the outside world with openings and create a transitional area that indicates the degree of continuity in Existential space. This study tries to investigate the components affecting the intertwining of semi-open architectural space in the residential body. Method: In the first part, the research method has been evaluated by examining the literature review in relation to the intertwining of place in semi-open architectural space and the components that lead to further reading of this semantic body. In the second part of the survey method and field studies; Used to prove research hypotheses. Research method in this study is a combined strategic type and the statistical population of architectural experts with a sample size of 215 people who have been selected by random classification sampling. Tests used in this study: Kruskal, Human-Whitney parametric test and correlation in SPSS21 software environment. Results: The semantic factor component and the physical factor component, by emphasizing the role of semi-open space as a mediator on the intertwining of inside and outside place in a residential space, can affect the continuity and continuity of architectural space. Conclusion: The results show that the components of sensory perception and components of spatial perception are effective in semantic reading in the intertwining of semi-open architectural space in the body of residential space.     Manuscript profile
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        13 - Cosmic Eschatology in the Jewish Apocalypses of the Intertestamental Period
        علیرضا ابراهیم
        The period between composition of the last book of the Old Testamentand the first book of the New Testament is called IntertestamentalPeriod. Jewish literature in this era, because of the encounter of theJews with other nations, flourished in various forms and genres. F More
        The period between composition of the last book of the Old Testamentand the first book of the New Testament is called IntertestamentalPeriod. Jewish literature in this era, because of the encounter of theJews with other nations, flourished in various forms and genres. Forexample, the genre of apocalypse as a result of the Iranian influence onJudaism became prevalent in Jewish literature. The Greco-Romanpersecutions brought about a new eschatology in the intertestamentalapocalypses, which was on the one hand in accordance with theteachings of the Old Testament, and on the other, it consoled thehistorical sufferings of the Israelite nation. This eschatology dependedon a historical determinism which observed the depravities of thehuman society as the cause of cosmic misfortunes, which in its turnwas the prologue to the advent of the Messiah. The apocalypses'transhistorical approach to the end time events altered the historicalviews of the Old Testament. The apocalyptists of the intertestamentalperiod believed that the hereafter was in motion parallel to this worldand heavenly Jerusalem, which was the symbol of the kingdom of God,was established in the heart of the righteous men. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Feminist Analysis of Biblical Interpretation Using Schussler Fiorenza's Hermeneutic Model
        nazanin kianifard mahdi lakzaei
        Although committed to Christian principles, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza seeks to provide a different interpretation of the sacred texts by presenting her seven hermeneutic paradigms; the hermeneutics of Experience, Domination, Suspicion, Critical Evaluation, Creat More
        Although committed to Christian principles, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza seeks to provide a different interpretation of the sacred texts by presenting her seven hermeneutic paradigms; the hermeneutics of Experience, Domination, Suspicion, Critical Evaluation, Creative Imagination, Re-Membering and Reconstruction, and Transformative Action for Change. By employing the hermeneutics of Suspicion, she casts doubt on the androcentric reading of the sacred texts. Then she reveals the rhetorical features of the misogynistic texts and strives to restore the transformed writings to their original version. Furthermore, Fiorenza employs the hermeneutics of the Proclaimed to reveal the omitted, distorted, or altered facts. Then, using the hermeneutics of Remembering, she narrates all applicable past experiences, to infuse creativity. Throughout these seven hermeneutics, Fiorenza insists on the necessity of the transition from the concept of the archetype to the prototype, to dislodge the sacred text and its interpretations, permitting new readings. In addition, the gender dominance system (Kyriarchy), throughout the pyramid of power should be scrutinized  and simultaneously,  after deconstruction, it is necessary to consider rhetoric reconstruction to make women aware of the “false consciousness” embedded and internalized by the patriarchy in the androcentric text  and help them in their efforts to free themselves from it. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Recognition of physical encryption in the structure of Tehran bazaars from an intertextuality view (Case study: Amir and Navab saras)
        hoda sadeghi mohamadreza bemanian sara hamzehloo
        Background and Objective: Traditional Iranian markets, despite many changes in urban life and the passage of time, still retains its special place within cities. Meanwhile, the traditional bazaar of Tehran is one of the examples of the country's markets in terms of anti More
        Background and Objective: Traditional Iranian markets, despite many changes in urban life and the passage of time, still retains its special place within cities. Meanwhile, the traditional bazaar of Tehran is one of the examples of the country's markets in terms of antiquity, size, geographical and political location since the Qajar era, which due to its unique architecture, physical structure, has given a desirable quality to the urban space. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the text layers (Sarai Amir and Navab) using the system of physical codes and semantic meanings from Bart's point of view to deeply understand the semantic underlying layers of the work. Material and Methodology: This research has been done qualitatively and from the descriptive-analytical method using the layer semiotics method from the intertextual point of view to study the different layers of the text (architectural effect). In this research, the text layers (function, form and meaning) of Amir and Navab saras have been studied in three main categories: explicit meaning, implicit meaning and ideological meaning. Findings: It also indicates that each layer of text contains multiple layers of meaning that is created by placing the layers together in different time axes and the continuity of the previous layers. With the help of intertextual reading, in addition to recognizing the surface layers of the work, He realized a deep understanding of the hidden layers of meaning.   Discussion and Conclusion:  Recognition of physical codes of the architectural text has been done with emphasis on intertextual relations (analysis with various meanings and surface and lower layers) and physical sign system and semantic code system.   Manuscript profile
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        16 - Determination of appropriate method for estimating of MTBE absorption coefficient by the soil of Tehran oil refinery (Ray city)
        Mohammad Nickhah Monfared mohammad reza Sabour
        Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) is one of the gas additives that can be more effective in increasing the octan rating of fuel. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has labeled MTBE in carcinogen compounds.This compound can leak into the soil from&nbsp More
        Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) is one of the gas additives that can be more effective in increasing the octan rating of fuel. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has labeled MTBE in carcinogen compounds.This compound can leak into the soil from underground fuel tanks and its chemical and physical properties affords rapid influence.Sorption ability of soil, is so effective in influence of MTBE into the soil and “distribution Coefficient (Kd)” can show this ability. Kd is one of the important effectives that recently lionizes in Environmental Geotechnics and its range is so wide in as much as it can be “0” or “1000” and more; This wide range is important in using numerical models for underground water and contaminant trasformation modeling.In this study, the real value of sorption has been determined by several sorption tests on MTBE and the soil of Ray city and according this value, various isotherm models were studied to find the most accurate model for MTBE and this soil.In this study, all of the tests have done according to ASTM standards. Finally, it’s concluded that all of studied models are appropriate for calculating Kd but in similar cases,  we can offer foloing models sequently: Dubinin-Radushkevich Model; Langmuir Model; Freundlich Model; Linear Model. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Using Of Method Ozonetion for Mineral Water treatment
        Hassan Zhian
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of %80 ofhuman diseases are unavailability of healthywater.%75 percent of people in developingcountrie More
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of %80 ofhuman diseases are unavailability of healthywater.%75 percent of people in developingcountries are deprived of facilities for water.Actually , healthy water scarce and expensive.Pollutions descend quality of water by changingit physically, chemically and biologically.Someof the pollutions are decadence and can bedecreased easily, like human, animal andagricultural drainages.Some of the pollutionsare undecadence , like polop and Mercury, andplastices that we should reduce them in water.In this reseach two samples of mineral waterfound in northern Mahabad, west Azarbaigan,with hardness of 42 , 36 mg/l(CaCo3) areinvestigated. Then, different amount of Ozonegas is injection in to mineral water and biologicaland chemical changes probed.The used Ozonator can produce 25 mg Ozoneper hour.We used iodometry method in order todetermine amount of ozone gas . In injection of1.25 mg/l we have done complete removal ofdiatomaceae in sample (1) and up to 99 percentin sample (2). Both had complete removal ofchlorophyceae in 1.1 mg/l complete remove ofBOD5 sample 1 in 1.1 mg/l Ozone and sample 2in 1 mg / lit ozone are produced.We had 65 percent reduction of COD for injectionof 1.2 my Ozone for sample (1) and 68 percent forsample (2).Complete disinfection is done in both by 0.5 mgper liter.In this method agreeable water is achievedbecause no chemical is used and we don’t need toprovide chemical substance . So, we can introduceOzonetion the best method for water treatment . Manuscript profile
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        18 - Investigating the intertextual relations of the mystical Masnavi "Shahed Ghaybi" by Ahmad and "Yousef and Zuleikha" Jami
        fatemeh maleki alipedram mirzaei fatemeh koupa hosein yazdani
        Intertextuality is one of the new topics in literary criticism that deals with the relationship and interaction between texts. According to this theory, any text makes sense with the texts before it and no text is independent and conscious or unconscious speakers have b More
        Intertextuality is one of the new topics in literary criticism that deals with the relationship and interaction between texts. According to this theory, any text makes sense with the texts before it and no text is independent and conscious or unconscious speakers have benefited from each other's literary and intellectual sources. Intertextuality was first proposed by Julia Kristova, and later Geragent, as one of the most influential researchers in the field, developed this theory by examining his studies. Genet called his collection of studies transmittent. He divided the transtextuality into five categories, which are: intertextuality, paratextuality, hypertextuality, supertextuality, hypertextuality. Each of these five categories examines a type of relationship between a text and others. Among which intertextuality received more attention. This study has analyzed the effectiveness of the "Unseen Witness" manuscript of Abdolrahman Jami's "Yousef and Zuleikha" Masnavi based on the intertextual approach. The fruits of this research show that although these two works are completely different in terms of subject matter, but they have a lot in common in terms of text, verbal structure and narrative. And the author of "The Unseen Witness" has been influenced by Jami's thoughts and ideas in "Haft Orang", especially his "Bosef and Zuleikha", and intertextual relations are explicitly, explicitly and implicitly. Manuscript profile
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        19 - A Research on Radviani's Views and the Relationship Between Tarjoman Al-Balaghah and Mahaasen Al Kalaam
        Reza Qasemi Amir Hossein Hemmati Asghar Reza Pourian
        Literary nations are inevitably influenced by intellectual and cultural connections. One of the manifestations of influence in the field of Islamic culture is visible and remarkable in the field of rhetoric undoubtedly. Intertextual theory discusses the relationships an More
        Literary nations are inevitably influenced by intellectual and cultural connections. One of the manifestations of influence in the field of Islamic culture is visible and remarkable in the field of rhetoric undoubtedly. Intertextual theory discusses the relationships and influence of texts; According to this theory, no text is self-reliant and is somehow related to its predecessors. The book "Tarjaman al-Balaghah" is one of the prominent works of Persian rhetoric, which has been proposed as the first rhetorical work and has remained till now according to the available evidence. This valuable work has a special place in Persian rhetoric and most rhetorical books have also been influenced by the mentioned book. Although the author is an expert and innovative in writing "Tarjman al-Balaghah", but it is a translation of the book "Mahasen al-Kalam" in terms of naming and most of the definitions. Radviani's research method in his book is more accurate than its original source and provides a list of arrays (devices) at the beginning of the book. The number of its devices is more than the number of them in "Mahasen al-Kalam". In translating the book, Radviani has tried to inspire the Persian language. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A comparative analysis of the story of the island from Ghazaleh Alizadeh and I am going by Jean Eshnoz from the point of view of Bakhtin's views.
        Maryam Dibaj rezvan sadeghi ghahsareh
        Island” by Ghavaleh Alizadeh, is the story of a one-day trip by a man and woman to the Ashūradeh island. This story is some form of a sequel and ending to her “Tehran’s Nights” novel. In this article and using Bakhtin’s polyphony components More
        Island” by Ghavaleh Alizadeh, is the story of a one-day trip by a man and woman to the Ashūradeh island. This story is some form of a sequel and ending to her “Tehran’s Nights” novel. In this article and using Bakhtin’s polyphony components, we investigated the examples and their use in this story using a descriptive-analytical approach. We first aimed to answer the question regarding the components of polyphony and their use in this novel. To this end, we emphasized intertextuality, multilingualism, and conversational aspects. Afterwards, these components were analyzed in the story. Bakhtin found the true representation of "polyphony" in Dostoyevsky's works; Polyphony means the presence of several sounds. Every character in Dostoyevsky's works is a representation of a voice that represents an individual self - apart from others. Polyphonic thought to the concepts of "infinity" [ to the entry of the endless self in the same entry] and "self and other" is relevant; Because it is the infinity of people that creates real polyphony. The results of this article indicate that the story by Ms Alizadeh has been successful in avoiding singular ideas in its discourse and providing a suitable basis for different ideas and thoughts and different attitudes, leading to acceptance of others as a separate and independent awareness. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Intertextual analysis of Symphony of the Dead and Death of a Salesman; Based on Julia Kristeva's theory
        HAMID AGHAJANI majid mansoori fatemeh karimi
        Based on Julia Kristeva's theory, intertextuality is mainly a method that shows that each text is formed on the basis of previous texts, and it is a method that introduces history to structuralism and its orphaned and lonely texts and interpretations. Based on this More
        Based on Julia Kristeva's theory, intertextuality is mainly a method that shows that each text is formed on the basis of previous texts, and it is a method that introduces history to structuralism and its orphaned and lonely texts and interpretations. Based on this method, some previous articles and researches have considered the novel Symphony of the Dead as a reflection of "the novel of fury and uproar" or "the novel of the city I loved once again". Although all these factors can be discussed and investigated, due to the similarity of some cultural aspects and the similarity of some historical and cultural events, such as the occurrence of world wars, the comprehensive system of fascism and capitalism, many literary texts may be combined in terms of structure and content. slow down But what seems certain based on the opinion of the authors is that the most important work that is close to the novel Symphony of the Dead in terms of content and structure is "The Play Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller. . In fact, according to the historical parallels, and the common experience of different nations in historical events, we can boldly say that Symphony of the Dead is an Iranian example of the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Manuscript profile
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        22 - A Study and Analysis of Gérard Genette's Transtextualite Relationships in "Istanbul, Memories and City" Novel by Orhan Pamuk
        Ameneh Hashemi Siamak Panahi
        Transtextualite is a literary approach that allows critics to investigate the links between literary works in a scientific and systematic way. Gérard Genette is one of the most important theorists of this approach who plays a key role in its application. This art More
        Transtextualite is a literary approach that allows critics to investigate the links between literary works in a scientific and systematic way. Gérard Genette is one of the most important theorists of this approach who plays a key role in its application. This article has been formed with the aim of establishing a relationship between the theory of Gérard Genette's Transtextualite and "Istanbul, Memories and City" novel by Orhan Pamuk. And it has been tried to be analyzed based on the divisions of Gérard Genette's Transtextualite of urban space and architecture of Istanbul in the novel. The research is conducted based on deductive research method, based on the data collected by documentary studies and data analysis based on comparison and comparison. In the mentioned novel, Orhan Pamuk has been able to place the roots of previous artistic works of texts such as literary texts, prose, poetry and painting in various ways in his text and establish a close relationship with the theory of Gérard Genette's transtextualite, especially in the field of transtextualiteand hypertexuality. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Study on Mythical Intertextuality in Shamloo's Poetry (Based on Gérard Genette's Theory)
        Akram Zafari Batool Fakhr Islam Seyyed Hossein Seyyedi Akbar Shabani
        Mythical texts are texts of past which have close relation with Persian poetries. Myths own intertextual nature; because in the texts in different times, verbal and written literature are reviewd contiously.   Intertextuality and comparative mythodology are tw More
        Mythical texts are texts of past which have close relation with Persian poetries. Myths own intertextual nature; because in the texts in different times, verbal and written literature are reviewd contiously.   Intertextuality and comparative mythodology are two continuous sciences. Shamloo is one of the famous Iranian poets who was committed to society in Persian literature. Assumption of the present article is that Shamloo was enamored of western culture and Christian texts; thus intertextual discourse (with Gérard Genette's approach) with the texts derived from the mentioned cultures is more applicable in his works. The present research attempts to study not only recognize intertextuality focused on Gérard Genette's writtings but also expresses its application in Shamloo's poetries.  This article's methos is descriptive with comparative approach. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Matching "Blind Owl" and "El Ella" According Grymas
        Ali asghar Mahmoodi Samira Ghasemi
        Investigating two effects can often provide two understand it more , especially when they are from one source but day seem different. In writers idea two effects boof koor (hedayat) and elella (Serrano) while they benefit from one manifestation but they seem two separat More
        Investigating two effects can often provide two understand it more , especially when they are from one source but day seem different. In writers idea two effects boof koor (hedayat) and elella (Serrano) while they benefit from one manifestation but they seem two separate categories. Both of them are discussed in the mental or psychological sense and try to report a new emotion and analyses it and become familiar with different people in fact they reach to themselves or show themselves in boof koor more explanation is what is happen but in elella it leads two a consensus and unity with mental and cognitive events and complexity of them or united to describe personalities caused by looking at the origin narrative with the Grymas logic to be explained more clearly. Inside such works (which is full of repetition and ambiguity) can find a particular system and different manifestation of one person how can be closed to be united while they are in contrast. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Myth in Hedayat and Edgar Allan Poe's works Based on Intertextuality approach
        Mahboubeh Emtiyazi Gholam Reza Hatefi Majomard
        Today the conjunction between the comparative literature and intertextuality is known as a new achievement which makes the analysis easier in a framework. One of the most important factors of analysis in the field of comparative literature is to study the similarities a More
        Today the conjunction between the comparative literature and intertextuality is known as a new achievement which makes the analysis easier in a framework. One of the most important factors of analysis in the field of comparative literature is to study the similarities and the effects on one another; the text founds based on a pre – discourse and then makes the discourse of his own and it even causes change in the main text. According to the myths effects on one another, this paper tries to compare the myths in Sadeq Hedayat and Edgar Allan Poe's works. The present paper attempts to study the myths and their applications in two abovementioned famous authors based on intertextuality. The question of the research is how to study Sadeq Hedayat and Edgar Allan Poe's works based on intertextuality. The results show that the similarities of myths and common applications in the field of content and concept is observable. Manuscript profile
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        26 - “Complete Peace”: The Logical Dialogue of World Literature in the Logic of a Dialogue between Hazef and Goethe
        Tahereh Kouchakian
        The extreme form of cultural peace and affection among two nations can be found in Goethe’s love towards Hafez. In his spiritual maturity, Goethe was so infatuated by Hafez’s well established thought that he could choose an interactive approach and frequentl More
        The extreme form of cultural peace and affection among two nations can be found in Goethe’s love towards Hafez. In his spiritual maturity, Goethe was so infatuated by Hafez’s well established thought that he could choose an interactive approach and frequently talked about this infatuation. Literary relationships between Iran and Germany are not confined to Hafez and Goethe, but the magnificence of the logical dialogue between them stands outside time and place. Goethe introduced the idea of the world literature for the first time; Bakhtin offered dialogism, the relationship of a speech to another one to omit monologism; and Julia Kristeva developed this concept to the relation between texts and literary discourses. This study aims to review Hafez and Goethe’s dialogue as a symbol of east and west and analyze the world literature theory from one hand and study the effect of this dialogue in constituting positive global discourses on the other. In so doing, the role of logical dialogue among texts and discourses is highlighted to create a universal peace and understanding, to glorify the similarities and respect the differences leniently. This study deals with this idea analytically, comparatively and critically. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Comparison of “Lamiya Al Arab” and “Lamiya Al Ajam” in ethical norms depiction
        Abbas Eqbali Masoumeh Hosseinpour
        Poetry expresses lots of ethical norms as an ancient literary media. In the background of this media two epics – “Lamiya Al Arab” and “Lamiya Al Ajam” – are the reflector of the culture, norms and abnorms of two generations and societ More
        Poetry expresses lots of ethical norms as an ancient literary media. In the background of this media two epics – “Lamiya Al Arab” and “Lamiya Al Ajam” – are the reflector of the culture, norms and abnorms of two generations and societies – dark age and Abbasid era. The present article shows that “Lamiya Al Arab” is rather an artistic image of ethics of the dark society by Shanfara but “Lamiya Al Ajam” is the mirror of religious trainings and common proverbs of Toqraee’s era and proves the priority of Toqraee’s poetry on Shanfara epics. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Effect of Ashura Poetries after Islamic Revolution on Poetries about Holy Shrine Defenders
        Zohreh Yazdan Panah Qareh Tappeh Atousa Rasouli
        Since there is no text without pre – text according to intertextuality main rule and all contexts have always been founded based on last contexts (text), thus Ashura event – as an independent context – create proper field for identification with simila More
        Since there is no text without pre – text according to intertextuality main rule and all contexts have always been founded based on last contexts (text), thus Ashura event – as an independent context – create proper field for identification with similar situations (to Ashura) in future centuries. In 90th decade and by starting war in Syria and Iraq followed by forming Holy Shrine defenders (group) in various countries including Iran – which evokes Ashura  and its characters – not only the term “Holy Shrine defenders” entered literature vocabulary specifically Iran’s poetry, but also prepared the field for presenting poetries about “Holy Shrine defenders”. The present paper intends to study samples on “Ashura poetries” of Iran after Islamic Revolution as well as the ones on “Holy Shrine defenders” in 90th decade based on intertextuality approach according to Gérard Genette’s attitude and the method is descriptive – analytical. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Investigating the effectiveness of Soltani's fatutnameh style from the style of Golestan and Saadi's prose treatises with the approach of Quranic verses based on the theory of intertextuality
        Najmiyeh Karimi Hossein Azarpivand Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti
        Fatwat or chivalry is a social movement and spiritual impulse in the culture of ancient Iran, which has been mixed with the Quranic culture and the foundations of the Muhammadan Sharia (PBUH) since the introduction of the religion of Islam to the vast geography of Iran, More
        Fatwat or chivalry is a social movement and spiritual impulse in the culture of ancient Iran, which has been mixed with the Quranic culture and the foundations of the Muhammadan Sharia (PBUH) since the introduction of the religion of Islam to the vast geography of Iran, and has been widespread among the masses of the people of that time. This research, using the method of qualitative content analysis and referring to valid library documents, investigated the effectiveness of the style of Soltani's fatut-nameh from the style of Golestan and Saadi's epistles, based on the theory of intertextuality, and reached the following results: Soltani's fatut-nameh It has been most influenced by the luminous verses and blessed surahs of the Holy Quran and the works of Saadi Shirazi. Waez Kashfi has embellished the Quranic teachings and the basics of Islamic mysticism in the style of prose mixed with order and masterful imitation of the authorities of Hariri, Badiul Zaman and Saadi Shirazi. Because emotional states make people's character and the poet, like other members of the society, is influenced by emotional states and feelings and emotions, and his artistic personality, which is actually his style, is developed in this way. So, if two or more poets lived in a certain geography at the same time and wrote poetry, it cannot necessarily be said that they have the same style. Manuscript profile
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        30 - A Study on the Effect of Quranic Stories of Determined Prophets on Initial Mystical - Educational Persian Works
        Samaneh Jafari
        In a significant part of mystical writings written to teach the basics of mysticism, the authors have used Qur'anic stories to explain their views. The present study examines the function of the Qur'anic stories of Determined Prophets in five important Persian mystical More
        In a significant part of mystical writings written to teach the basics of mysticism, the authors have used Qur'anic stories to explain their views. The present study examines the function of the Qur'anic stories of Determined Prophets in five important Persian mystical works through a library method and shows that the story of Miqat of Prophet Moses has the highest frequency in the description of the views and mystical expressions and in most cases has been raised in opposition to the Ascension of the Prophet Mohammad. This story has been widely used to explain the importance of the Elder and his unquestioning obedience. Consequently, the story of Prophet Ibrahim was presented in all five works in order to explain the terms of submission, gathering, observation, seeking, enthusiasm, and so on. The story of the Ascension of Prophet Mohammad has been considered in two books, "The Treatise of Qashiriyya" and "Abhar Al-Asheqin" and the story of Jesus has been discussed only in "Abhar Al-Asheqin" in order to explain the issue of Meeting God that this article studies all of them in details. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Intertextuality of the fiftieth prayer of Sahifa Sajjadieh and Quran
        Keyvan Ehsani Naval Hazbavi
        Intertextuality is one of the approaches considered in recent decades in the field of literature. Intertextuality is a theory that examines the relationship between two texts. The Holy Quran, which is at the top of the religious heritage, has always been the source of m More
        Intertextuality is one of the approaches considered in recent decades in the field of literature. Intertextuality is a theory that examines the relationship between two texts. The Holy Quran, which is at the top of the religious heritage, has always been the source of many literary and religious texts, and the Sajjadiyya Sahifa, which is interpreted as "Akht al-Quran", has many Qur'anic meanings and interpretations. The present study investigates the intertextual relationship between the Qur'an and the phrases of the fiftieth prayer of Sahifa Sajjadieh and with the descriptive-analytical method has reached the conclusion that there is a two-way link between the verses of the Qur'an and the words of Imam Sajjad (AS).Imam (AS) during this prayer, have used a variety of structural, thematic and lexical intertextuality as the Qur'an is manifested in their requests and the structure of his words in this prayer, more than the type of thematic intertextuality and the type of relationship It is of the parallel negation type. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Intertextual types of the Holy Quran in poems by Farid Isfahani (Esfarayeni)
        ayat shokati محمدرضا اسلامی سهیلا کاظم علیلو
        The Holy Quran is always one of the rich and timeless sources that Muslim poets and writers have used. The history of using the Holy Quran in Persian poetry is as long as Iranian Islam. Tanas (intertextuality) is one of the new literary criticism theories that was propo More
        The Holy Quran is always one of the rich and timeless sources that Muslim poets and writers have used. The history of using the Holy Quran in Persian poetry is as long as Iranian Islam. Tanas (intertextuality) is one of the new literary criticism theories that was proposed by Julia Kristeva in the second half of the 20th century. In fact, Tanas is a new term that has old concepts in literature. The present study aims to investigate intertextual types in the poems of Farid Esfahani, one of the lesser-known poets of Saadi's age, using the descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that he benefited the most from partial intertextuality that appeared in the form of Quranic words, sentences and phrases. It is also possible to consider indicative intertextuality as one of the most widely used types of intertextuality in his poetry, which is shown in the form of invoking Quranic stories and characters. The poet has rarely used inspirational and conceptual intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        33 - An intertexuality look at the poetry of Shahnameh
        Ahmadreza Yalameha Moslem Rajabi
        Intertextuality is one of the new approaches in the literature criticism. The basis of this approach is that every text can not stand by itself. In fact a text is a quotation or reflection of previous text. The Divan of poets as well as the books of men of letters is no More
        Intertextuality is one of the new approaches in the literature criticism. The basis of this approach is that every text can not stand by itself. In fact a text is a quotation or reflection of previous text. The Divan of poets as well as the books of men of letters is not exception in this regard. One of the great and precious Divan in the Persian literature is Shahnameh that is written by Ferdousi. This Divan is a good source that can be analyzed from intertextulity perspective. A close look at this book reveals that there are many couplets based on Hadith of Excellencies of immaculate ones PBUT. intertextuality has been reflected throughout the book. Ferdousi has used Hadith lexicons and phrases. This research paper has tried to investigated and show intertextuality and study this technique in great book of Shahnameh. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Intertextual Relations between Moses and "Tariq min Al Sama" stories
        Javad Ranjbar Khatereh Ahmadi
        The present article attempts to study the intertextuality theory beside expressing and interpretation of intertextuality relations between Moses story and its influence on "Tariq min Al Sama" story. The results show that the author has enjoyed the hidden as well as appa More
        The present article attempts to study the intertextuality theory beside expressing and interpretation of intertextuality relations between Moses story and its influence on "Tariq min Al Sama" story. The results show that the author has enjoyed the hidden as well as apparent intertextual items and has beautified his work by Quranic stories. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Conjunction between “Al Comidia Al Samawiyah” and Holy Quran
        Mohsen Seifi Leila Khoubiyan
        Holy Quran as the superior masterpiece and Prophet Muhammad’s miracle is the most complete text that many poets’ verses and poetries make conjunctions with it. One of these poets is Mohammad Al Forati – well – known Arab poet and translator &ndas More
        Holy Quran as the superior masterpiece and Prophet Muhammad’s miracle is the most complete text that many poets’ verses and poetries make conjunctions with it. One of these poets is Mohammad Al Forati – well – known Arab poet and translator – who joined Quranic interpretations and concepts with his verses in artistic and creative way which made his works attractive and effective. Thus the present article tries to express and explain the Quranic intertextuals in analytical – descriptive method in order to discover the Quran’s effect on surface structure and deep structure of Forati’s poetries. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Quranic and Religious Intertextuality in Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati
        Mohammad Ahmadzadeh Roodi Leila Ghasemi Haji Abadi Katayoun Fallahi Tahereh Chaldarreh
        Poets could enrich their works of art in various ways. These tools and techniques such as simile, metaphor, symbol, myth and etc. could boost their works to the highest level. One of these methods is intertextuality in which the poet enters other texts and contexts to s More
        Poets could enrich their works of art in various ways. These tools and techniques such as simile, metaphor, symbol, myth and etc. could boost their works to the highest level. One of these methods is intertextuality in which the poet enters other texts and contexts to strengthen his poetry. Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati is one the contemporary Iraqi poets who has chosen intertextuality as a key technique in his works in order to express his intend more understandable and beautifully. He applied Quran as well as Bible in his poetries. Religious intertextuality owns various political – social applications in his works; sometimes a technique to express the social problems, and sometimes to criticize the politicians. The present paper attempts to study religious intertextuality (Quran and Bible) in Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati's poetries in descriptive – analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Intertextuality of Fourth Prayer in Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya and Quran
        Alireza Zakizadeh Somayyeh Ghorbani
        “Quran’s sister” is not an exception in which many Quranic concepts and interpretations are manifested and reflected. Quran’s Verses are appeared either clearly or indirectly in Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya which shows Imam Sajad’s deep und More
        “Quran’s sister” is not an exception in which many Quranic concepts and interpretations are manifested and reflected. Quran’s Verses are appeared either clearly or indirectly in Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya which shows Imam Sajad’s deep understanding of Quranic concepts. Present research studies the intertextuality of Holy Quran and initial parts of fourth prayer of Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya and resulted out that there is a close and bilateral relationship between Quran and Imam Sajad’s words with comparative – descriptive method. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Quranic Intertextualite in the Manuscript of Merat Al-Khiyal
        Mahrokh Ahemeh Maryam Mahmoudi
        One of the new achievements in the field of literary criticism is intertextualite, i.e, the study of the relationship between texts and the extent of influencing on each other. According to this theory, since the exudation of human thoughts is the result of his previous More
        One of the new achievements in the field of literary criticism is intertextualite, i.e, the study of the relationship between texts and the extent of influencing on each other. According to this theory, since the exudation of human thoughts is the result of his previous studies, experiences and learning; Therefore, all human texts, willingly or unwillingly, are indebted to the thoughts and works of their predecessors, and it is very clear that this influence varies according to the position of the texts and their value in societies. In religious communities, due to people's belief in sacred texts, writers and poets benefit from these texts much more than other works. The Holy Quran, as the holy book of Muslims, is one of these popular texts whose influence on the writings and poems of Muslim poets and writers has been evident for a long time. The Qur'anic themes, as the highest concepts that are directly derived from the source of revelation, are woven more than any other text in the fabric of the works of Muslim writers and poets. One of the texts in which the influence of the source of revelation can be clearly seen is the manuscript of "Merat Al-Khiyal" by Mikraj Maltani, a writer from the Indian subcontinent.   Manuscript profile
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        39 - Intertextual Relations of Ibn Zaydún Poetry With Holy Quran
        Masoumeh Nemati Qazvini Hamideh Sadat Mohseni
        In general every human being is affected by thoughts, ideas and schools in his thinking process. “Intertextuality” is a theory which has made remarkable change in this field by its influence in literature criticism. According to this theory, any text – More
        In general every human being is affected by thoughts, ideas and schools in his thinking process. “Intertextuality” is a theory which has made remarkable change in this field by its influence in literature criticism. According to this theory, any text – conscious or unconscious – is a reading or recreation of another text parallel or before it. There are many Arabic texts which have intertextual relations with Arabic classic texts. Ibn Zeydun is one of the Andalusia poets whose poetries are affected by Holy Quran. The present article studies different types of intertextuality in analytical – descriptive method. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Nahj al-Balagha's Borrowing of Quranic Illustration
        Valiollah Hassomi Marziyeh Narouei
        The relationship between Nahj al-Balagha's text and Holy Quran is searchable from different aspects. One of these aspects is to study intertextual relations and formation fields. Intertextual relations may contain various aspects. The present paper surveys the intertext More
        The relationship between Nahj al-Balagha's text and Holy Quran is searchable from different aspects. One of these aspects is to study intertextual relations and formation fields. Intertextual relations may contain various aspects. The present paper surveys the intertextual relationships in the field of illustration elements by the aim of showing the relationship between Nahj al-Balagha and Holy Quran. Thus it recognizes and analyzes the similarities to offer clear answers to the questions in descriptive – analytical method. The questions such as: what are the similarities of Nahj al-Balagha and Holy Quran in applying illustrative elements? How are the illustrative elements which are the fields of intertextual relationships chosen? How much are the intertextual relationships recognizable? How much is the frequency of illustrative elements in both texts? Manuscript profile
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        41 - Quranic intertextuality in the lyrics of Hafez
        Ahmadreza yalameha Moslem rajabi
        Undoubtedly,The poet and scholar of Islam and Muslim that is influenced by religious books Tries That In his speech Reflects Verses of the Quran and hadith inmate PBUH. This is one of the poets Hafez .his Poetry is a very large position. He knows all the great literatur More
        Undoubtedly,The poet and scholar of Islam and Muslim that is influenced by religious books Tries That In his speech Reflects Verses of the Quran and hadith inmate PBUH. This is one of the poets Hafez .his Poetry is a very large position. He knows all the great literature and poetry. He has been widely used Verses of the Quran. Perhaps this is one of the secrets of his poems into account durability. In this study, we examined the Quranic view of intertextuality in his lyrics. In fact, in the words of the poet and mystic Quranic intertextuality large, has been manifested in many forms. He has used in his Poetry Many Quranic words and phrases This paper describes Various forms unaffected Hafez of the Quran. This section introduces us to the color of the Qur'an lyrics of hafez. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Recreation of Maryam’s Character in Arabic Contemporary Poetry
        Ali Najafi Ivaki Nasrin Jafari Maryam Nikfakhr
        Applying religious figures, especially the Qur'anic ones, is one of the hallmarks of contemporary Arabic poetry. Those poets are very much inspired by these characters to indirectly convey their desired concepts.  Maryam is one of the religious codes that More
        Applying religious figures, especially the Qur'anic ones, is one of the hallmarks of contemporary Arabic poetry. Those poets are very much inspired by these characters to indirectly convey their desired concepts.  Maryam is one of the religious codes that poets have expressed their contemporary experience in symbolic ways by her aid. In the light of the importance of the issue, the present article tries to describe how this religious code is present in the poetry of five prominent contemporary Arab poets such as Mahmoud Darwish, Badr Shakir Siab , Ezza al-Din Manasra , Abdul Wahab al - Bayati and Mamdouh Adwan in a descriptive – analytical method. Research shows that these poets had a special focus on the verse " And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. " and tried to emphasize patience and perseverance. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Literary signs of Nima in the poem of Manouchehr Atashi
        Yousef Karami Chemeh Mehdi Torkshvand
        Literary signs of Nima in the poem of Manouchehr AtashiAbstractIn the history of Persian poetry and literature, there have always been prominent poets who have attracted the attention of contemporary poets or the poets who lived in next centuries. The poetry of these co More
        Literary signs of Nima in the poem of Manouchehr AtashiAbstractIn the history of Persian poetry and literature, there have always been prominent poets who have attracted the attention of contemporary poets or the poets who lived in next centuries. The poetry of these composers has shown its presence in the works of others in different ways. In fact, by following the poetic and literary tradition and by using the poems of great poets before them, the later speakers created a relationship between their text and previous cultural texts and assets and enriched their poetry. Nima's status in contemporary Persian poetry is undeniable. Prominent poets after him are often composers who are familiar with his poetry and opinion and were influenced by it. Among these poets is Manouchehr Atashi. In Nima's way, he has paid attention to both climatic and native issues as well as to the phonemes. Atashi has secured some of Nima's poems and has also used the titles of his poems. In the following article, the obvious signs of Nima's presence in Atashi's poetry have been discussed using library sources and in a descriptive-analytical way.Keywords: Nima Youshij, Manouchehr Atashi, Intertextuality, climateism, Implication. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Reasons for the spread of Maqama in Arabic literature and its disappearance in the contemporary period and its limitation to Persian literature
        Mohammad Rasool Ahangaran Farah Naz Rifatjoo
        The Abbasid era represented a great cultural revolution that was the inevitable result of changes in the new Arab and Islamic life and led to a significant progress in form and content. This change indicated the cultural integration of the Arabs with the countries with More
        The Abbasid era represented a great cultural revolution that was the inevitable result of changes in the new Arab and Islamic life and led to a significant progress in form and content. This change indicated the cultural integration of the Arabs with the countries with which they were associated. Literature has been the true history of great changes in human societies. In Arabic and Persian literature, maqamah is an introduction to cultural dialogue that has survived as the root of civilization, its branch and fruit throughout the ages. Maqamah in its form and content was an accurate expression of major changes in social life and evidence of cultural fusion between Arabs and Persians. This article tries to clarify the reasons for the decline of the art of maqamah in Persian literature because the opinions of some scholars indicate that the Persians do not tend to the language and art of maqamah. It also deals with the reasons for the spread of maqamah art in Arabic literature until the beginning of the twentieth century and its extinction in the present era. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Stylistic Techniques in Sheikh Bahai's Arabic Poetry
        Seyed Amir Moosavi sadegh ebrahimi kavari Sohad Jaderi
        Stylistics is the special way in which a person formulates his thoughts, and shows what is raging inside him, and his emotions and feelings circulate in his mind. The methods may differ according to different situations and purposes, but perhaps the same purpose had man More
        Stylistics is the special way in which a person formulates his thoughts, and shows what is raging inside him, and his emotions and feelings circulate in his mind. The methods may differ according to different situations and purposes, but perhaps the same purpose had many different methods. Among the characteristics of a good and sober style are: the accuracy in the choice of words, as well as that the pronunciation should be smooth and easy, and it should not come with strange, brutal words, but rather the pronunciation should be familiar and acceptable, because the goal of literature is the rapid impact on the soul. This is what we find in our poet Sheikh Al-Baha’i in his Arabic poetry, and he has tended to use the easy and familiar language by using some techniques and stylistic features that seem prominent and dominant in his poetry. As long as the poet was keen to achieve between him and his interlocutors. He adhered to the unity of the poem and its construction, an integrated artistic structure in which feelings and feelings follow, so building his poetry for him is based on emotional and psychological unity. Sheikh Bahai used the characteristics of the word in his poetry of generosity, strength, accuracy, ease, flow and resonance in proportion to its neighbors in sentences and structures, to derive from them the elements of techniques through values and his vast religious culture.Keywords: style, techniques, Sheikh Bahai, intertextuality, recall Manuscript profile
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        46 - Analyzing the intertextual relations between the houses of the walkers and the book of whiteness and blackness based on Gerard Genet's theory
        elham ghanavatimohammadghasemi ahmad khiyali khatibi aliasghar halabi
        Intertextuality is the production of a text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, and those texts are shared in the required text explicitly, not explicitly and implicitly from one text to another. Gerard Genet is considered one of th More
        Intertextuality is the production of a text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, and those texts are shared in the required text explicitly, not explicitly and implicitly from one text to another. Gerard Genet is considered one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, as most of his studies focus on the nature of narrative discourse. This article was written in a descriptive and analytical manner using library sources. He studied the intertextuality in the books “Manazil al-Sa’irin” and “Al-Bayyad wa Al-Sawad”, both of which are in Arabic and have been translated into Persian. The Houses of the Walkers were assessed as post-text and the book of whiteness and blackness as a pre-text, and the participation of the text of whiteness and blackness in the text of the Houses of the Walkers was determined explicitly, indirectly and implicitly with a special look at the mentality of Gerard Genet.Research conducted indicates that Khwaja Abdullah Al-Ansari was influenced by Al-Bayad wa Al-Sawad Al-Sirjani. Explicit intertextuality is not seen in this work, non-explicit intertextuality has less frequency than implicit intertextuality, and in general, the conceptual commonalities of Walkers' Houses are limited to whiteness and blackness. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Quranic intertextuality in Fadva Toqan poetry
        Sadeq Sayyahi Farhan Golmoqani zadeh
        Contemporary poets have allocated a great share in Quranic intertextuality to themselves. One of these poets is the Palestinian one called Fadavi Toqan who has used the Quranic concepts and vocabulary in order to express social and political problems as well as his own More
        Contemporary poets have allocated a great share in Quranic intertextuality to themselves. One of these poets is the Palestinian one called Fadavi Toqan who has used the Quranic concepts and vocabulary in order to express social and political problems as well as his own pains and suffers. In the present article the poet has studied all three kinds of pun by bringing examples.   Manuscript profile
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        48 - Quranicintertextuality in Mustafa SadiqRafii’sPoetry
        nasro allah shameli sajed zare najaf abadi amir omrani sardo
        Abstract Religious heritage is considered as a rich fount of literature, especially poetry; and the number of literary works which writers of the ancientheritage exploited is not few; but there are even a multitude of these effects nourished by writers since it is inse More
        Abstract Religious heritage is considered as a rich fount of literature, especially poetry; and the number of literary works which writers of the ancientheritage exploited is not few; but there are even a multitude of these effects nourished by writers since it is inserted in their cultural and religious record; and considering the Quranic verses from the splendor and beauty in connotation and structure, We often see that the faltering of divine meanings which that the poet has drawn from the Holy Quran provides the text with more and deeper influence in the reader; and the Quranicintertextualityis divided in his poems into two sections:First: the intertextualitywith the holy verses and the intersection with them in the verbal and semantic structure; and secondly: evoking theQur'anic stories; and from the personalities that are reminded in the Holy Quran are: the father of mankind Adam, and the God’sfriend, Ibrahim and the honestJoseph, the Prophet Ayyoub and Moussa-blessings of Allah be upon them all; and from this point of view, this article aims to search for the texts intertextualizedwith the Holy Quran in Mustafa SadiqRafii’s poems and the research on how the poet was illuminated by it to showin what way he irrigated his language splendor from the fountain of the Holy Quran , based on the analytical- descriptive method.   Manuscript profile
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        49 - The Inspiration Technique; Case Study: Farouk Gouida poetry
        Saeed Zar Mohammadi Ayatollah Zar Mohammadi
        Farouk Gouida is an undertaken a contemporary poet who pays attention to the events around and his poetry is full of inspiration techniques which enables him to transfer his thoughts and emotions to the receiver. Thus it is necessary to know the inspiration tools which More
        Farouk Gouida is an undertaken a contemporary poet who pays attention to the events around and his poetry is full of inspiration techniques which enables him to transfer his thoughts and emotions to the receiver. Thus it is necessary to know the inspiration tools which Farouk Gouida has applied them for a better accompanying between the reader and the poet. The present article – which is in analytical – descriptive method – intends to express these techniques – such as mystery, the conflict between the image and the intertext. Two questions are raised here: 1- what is the benefit of applying the inspiration techniques and how much can it be useful in transferring the poetic concepts? 2- What are the factors that cause the poet apply them? The present article tries to answer the abovementioned questions. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Holy Quran's Reflection and Quranic Characters in Palestinian Contemporary Poetry
        Ashour Ghelich Paseh Masoud Bavan Poori Narges Lorestani Hadiseh Motevalli
        Resistance poetry's method and frame is cultural and national which makes the poet enjoy the religious and the related issues in this kind of literature. One method to study the religious contexts is the intertextual study. Undoubtedly any Muslim literate who own a stro More
        Resistance poetry's method and frame is cultural and national which makes the poet enjoy the religious and the related issues in this kind of literature. One method to study the religious contexts is the intertextual study. Undoubtedly any Muslim literate who own a strong religious relations, has been affected by religious books and has apply them. Intertextuality can be seen in these poets' works in different types. The present paper tries to study contemporary Palestinian poets' divans and express the way they have applied Holy Quran and their affects. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Intertextuality in the poems of Mahmood Darvish
        Marzieh Zare Zardeyni
        “Intertextuality” is one of the figures of speech in order to enrich Arabic literature poetry and prose to make their work eternal. The present article intends to study “Intertextuality” in the poems of Mahmood Darvish (1964-1983) to unders More
        “Intertextuality” is one of the figures of speech in order to enrich Arabic literature poetry and prose to make their work eternal. The present article intends to study “Intertextuality” in the poems of Mahmood Darvish (1964-1983) to understand the reasons of resistance of using this figure of speech in his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Quranic Intertexuality in Sa'adi's poetry
        Kheriyeh Echresh Ammar Sorkheh Sayed Yusif Nejat Nejad Mahmood Reza Tavakkoly Mmohammady
        Persian literature especially and world literature generally are proud of having a unique and gentle poet who associated word literature with values of humanity; the meanings and values which beautifies literary summits and associations. By following poetic associations More
        Persian literature especially and world literature generally are proud of having a unique and gentle poet who associated word literature with values of humanity; the meanings and values which beautifies literary summits and associations. By following poetic associations - in anywhere of the world - which has superior feelings and elegant emotion, a footprint of Sa'adi would be found. By studying and researching about this poet we have found out that he versed many poems (Ode) in Arabic. When the poetry have been distinguished,) were surprised about his ability in saying poem in Arabic and creating art through Arabic and Persian poem. We found out that many meanings of poem in his Odes are distinguished by Qur'anic culture. Therefore it is remarkable to state that some of intertexual texts in his poetry have some kind of  implications of Quranic intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Analysis of Hafez's influences from Rumi
        Morteza Darvishi niyafekderi Abolghasem Amirahamdi
        Poets and writers for empowering and enrichment of poems and for stating their view points,they use olden texts in different style of literal or figurative language which today is called intertexual, intertexual is a new theory in texual critic studies.According to inte More
        Poets and writers for empowering and enrichment of poems and for stating their view points,they use olden texts in different style of literal or figurative language which today is called intertexual, intertexual is a new theory in texual critic studies.According to intertexual theory, not any piece of writing is independent and self-made of any writer because any text has used preceding texts and it has been arisen inly from previous texts and contributes coming texts and meaning intertexual text evolves in different texts.Therfore, it helps the reader in deeper comprehension and better understanding of a text. the aim of this study is investigating the relationship of intertextual between lyrics of Hafiz and Romi which is expressing library and Analytica descriptive method for investigating the symbols of intertextualinvolving inliric two poets. studies show that hafiz is a poet who by using the works of the antecedents and by artistic repossessions has expressed them sweeter, more pleasant and conciser. In this field he has used mostly religious and theosophical sources. One of these theosophical sources Romi`s works especially lyrics of shams. subject matter and the results showed the existence of intertextual relationship in the poems of these to poets. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The Intertextual Relationship between Hafiz and Sayeh’s Sonnets
        Mozhgan Mahdavi Farhad Tahmasbi
        Among the modern literary topics one is the intertextuality that explores the semantic, stylistic and sociological relations in literary works, as well as the course of cognitive grounds and their evolutions. According to the theory of intertextuality, no context is ind More
        Among the modern literary topics one is the intertextuality that explores the semantic, stylistic and sociological relations in literary works, as well as the course of cognitive grounds and their evolutions. According to the theory of intertextuality, no context is independent of other ones; contexts are interrelated and bound to the contexts before and after them. This article aims to study the intertextual relations between the sonnets of Hafiz and Houshang Ebtehaj aka Sayeh. From among the Iranian contemporary sonneteers Sayeh is closer to classic poets and to Hafez in specific, regarding his fluency and stylistic composition. The question here is the intertextual frequency between Sayeh’s sonnets and Hafiz’s. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Analysis of the Theory of intertextuality in SiminDaneshvar’sThe Serpent and the Man
        Fateme Bidakhoidi Fateme Heidari
        Literature is a dynamic, alive entity, which is inevitably adapted, composed, affected, impressed and recreated. Therefore, literary worksinteract. Every text is inevitably created based on the previous literary texts and literary heritage. A few literary works can be f More
        Literature is a dynamic, alive entity, which is inevitably adapted, composed, affected, impressed and recreated. Therefore, literary worksinteract. Every text is inevitably created based on the previous literary texts and literary heritage. A few literary works can be found with no link to other texts in any way. Poets and authors have acknowledged the fact that the themes and issues have already been uttered or written, and it makes the situation difficult to them. Julia Kristeva introduced the theory of intertextuality which indicates any relationship between the various texts. Having studied Kristeva’s theories and works, Gérard Genette expanded the theory. The main point of the present paper is to examine the instances of intersexuality in SiminDaneshvar’sThe Serpent and the Man in the light of in the light of intersexuality. The researcher tries to figure out and analyze the relationship between this story and text before it. Considering the theory of intertextuality and its history in literary texts, the researcher presents a brief summary of the story, and then analyzes the story through Gérard Genette’s theory.This research aims to deal with the interaction between the story of The Serpent and the Man with other literary texts and obtain extra information on the subject. The methodology deals with Genette’s theory of intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Intertextuality Criticism of Two Literary Works: Bustan and Qabousnameh
        Fatemeh Emami
        Based on the intertextuality approach, in the field of literature, a new text is not formed as it is considered as an intertextuality of the texts before it. The theory of intertextuality is concerned with the relationship between the texts; a relationship recurrent in More
        Based on the intertextuality approach, in the field of literature, a new text is not formed as it is considered as an intertextuality of the texts before it. The theory of intertextuality is concerned with the relationship between the texts; a relationship recurrent in literary works. The theorists in this field, such as Kristeva and Barthes, argue that there is no pure text and all the texts have already existed , and only the narrator is different. This article seeks to study and analyze The Bustan of Saadi and Qabousnameh of Onsor al-Ma’ali in order to explain the commonalities and recurrent elements of these two significant literary works and stress the point that, according to the theory of intertextuality that states that no text is original, in terms of content. Hence The Bustan of Saadi is a reflection of the texts before itself, including Qabousnameh of Onsor al-Ma’ali, which is the aim of this research. Manuscript profile
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        57 - The transtextual relationship between Abu-Shakur Balkhi'sAfarinNameh and Saadi'sBustan and Gulistan
        javad rahimi atani Fatemeh Heidari
        According to intertextual theory, no text is formed in isolation, and each text is influenced in an explicit or implicit way by the books before it.Gérard Genette studied the relationship of texts to the subject of transtextualite. He categorized it into five cat More
        According to intertextual theory, no text is formed in isolation, and each text is influenced in an explicit or implicit way by the books before it.Gérard Genette studied the relationship of texts to the subject of transtextualite. He categorized it into five categories: intertextuality, hypertextuality, metatextuality,Paratextuality andarchitextuality. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to examine these five categories between Abu-Shakur Balkhi'sAfarin-Name and Saadi'sBustan and Gulistan. It has been done in a library and descriptive-analytical way. Both poets have commonalities in the fields of: science and wisdom, speech, luck, greediness and the value of contentment, enjoying life and in the context of Didactic literature. Saadi's works have been strongly influencedAs "hypertext" (second text)From Afarinnameh as "hypotext" (first text)And we can say thatSaadi's works are a perfect example of the subject ofrelationship of texts transtextual That the category has more intertextuality and transtextuality with the hypotext of its text. Manuscript profile
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        58 - The study of Structural manifestations of the novel "The Secret History of the Ancient Persian Heroes" by Cyrus Shamisa Based on Gerrard Genette's Theory of Transtextuality
        Fereshteh Naseri
        By carefully examining various texts, we discover similar points and themes that guide us in recognizing the structural relationships and similarities of that text with other texts. Meanwhile, the use of Gérard Genet's legal Transtextuality relationships by creat More
        By carefully examining various texts, we discover similar points and themes that guide us in recognizing the structural relationships and similarities of that text with other texts. Meanwhile, the use of Gérard Genet's legal Transtextuality relationships by creating different relationships between different texts and creating systems, encoders, cultural styles and descriptive rules, as well as discovering relationships between different texts, in turn, leads to uncovering common connotations and similarities between them.  Hence, the "novel of the secret history of ancient Persian heroes", with its historical, scientific, ideological, social and cultural relations (along with other texts), provides a suitable ground for studying the foundations of "Transtextuality", including descriptive and analytical methods as well as its various characteristics.  They are Intertextuality, Hypertextuality, Architextuality, Paratextuality, and metatextuality or textual transcendence. Therefore, this research studied and explained all the real events and allusions of this work and matched them with previous texts, to find out how Dr. Shamisa was able, by providing an appropriate structural space, to make the reader go towards knowing the foundations of sociology. To what extent has it succeeded in creating a intricate network  of Transtextuality by creating a similar content and structural space by changing the volume and content of previous texts, and shortening and lengthening their time domain (Hypertextuality) as well as by consciously interfering with literary genres (Architextuality)? . Manuscript profile
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        59 - Intertextuality in the novel 'harb al-kalb al-sania' (The Second Dog War) by Ibrahim Nasrallah - a semiotic study according to the Grimas approach
        Alaa Hmoozee Reza Nazemian
        Semiotic approach of Grimas focuses on the relationships between the actants in the text to identify the poles of the conflict. This approach concentrates on whatever is oppose to the other one or helps it and the incentives generating the conflict, as well as seeking i More
        Semiotic approach of Grimas focuses on the relationships between the actants in the text to identify the poles of the conflict. This approach concentrates on whatever is oppose to the other one or helps it and the incentives generating the conflict, as well as seeking its concepts in the deep structures of the text. The novelist Ibrahim Nasrallah foresaw the future danger to the fate of man in his conflict with those who are similar and disagree with him in his novel 'harb al-kalb al-sania' (The Second Dog War). He used a lot of empirical methods and techniques including intertextuality. This descriptive analytical study is based on the semiotic approach of Grimas theory of actants, tries to reveal the forms of religious and literary intertextuality in the novel and show how the writer employs them to produce semiotic connotations, and to indicate the areas of innovation in treatment and the application of mechanisms of work of the actantial model and the semiotic square in analyzing the semiotic relationships. Some of the results of the study is that in this thematic novel the internal and external dialogues are apparent and connotative.  Manuscript profile
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        60 - Intertextual analysis of the tale "the porter with girls" in the Qajar Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights, based on the Bertrand WestphalGeocriticism
        mohammad parsanasab mohammad ali rajabi bahador bagheri nafiseh alsadat abdolbaghaee
        The theory of intertextuality is one of the major discoveries of the twentieth century that investigates the network connection between the texts, and so far has proceeded the new approaches in human science and specially literature and art through various methods by ma More
        The theory of intertextuality is one of the major discoveries of the twentieth century that investigates the network connection between the texts, and so far has proceeded the new approaches in human science and specially literature and art through various methods by many researchers. In Geocriticism of Bertrand Westphal in the Post-structuralism period, as one of the important approaches of this pervasive knowledge, intertextuality deals with the importance of space, place and geography in literary-artistic works. Until now, the role of geography hasn't grown to such an extent in the formation of knowledge. Sann'y-al-Molk's Qajar Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights in Golestan palace is considered as one of the unique illustrated versions in the world which has a special intertextual position in pre-text conversations and images. This version is also in interaction with theoretical and methodological principles of Bertrand Westphal that has an important irony and interdisciplinary position in geocriticism. By considering this approach and selecting seven interwoven tales of "the porter with girls" which have been portrayed with fifteen images of pictorial narratives of Sann'y al-Molk in the mentioned version, as well as analyzing the position of intertextuality in different periods of its emergence, the present article analyses this literary-artistic work in the field of geocriticism of Westphal. Writers have paid attention to the analytical-descriptive approach and its application in analyzing the text and the figures. Qajar's Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights of Sann'y al-Molk is a polyphonic work with a human-cultural boundless geography which has been talking to us with the two layers of text and figure. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Parody in Contemporary Persian Literature: A Case Study of The Novel The New Thousand and One Night by Mohammad Ali Oloumi
        Azar Daneshgar
        Parody is a literary device  which distorts and recreates an utterance, style, or plot of an original work. The author tries to investigate this device in TheNew Thousand and One Night by Mohammad  AliOlumi. To that end, having described and analyzed the term More
        Parody is a literary device  which distorts and recreates an utterance, style, or plot of an original work. The author tries to investigate this device in TheNew Thousand and One Night by Mohammad  AliOlumi. To that end, having described and analyzed the term parody, the author investigates how parody relates to Bakhtin’s views such as intertextuality and dialogic. Afterwards, applying an analytic and comparative approach, the samples of this devicein TheNew Thousand and One Night are studied. The findings show that The New Thousand and One Nights is a sub-text which bears a comic and purposeful relationship with its original work, Thousand and One Night, by recreating the characters, plot, and utterance. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Koranic Intertextuality in Contemporary Poetry of Iraq
        Ali Salimi Abdolsaheb Tahmasbi
        The Arab poetry has adorned different types of  intertextuality which include: mythical, historical, and religious ones. Abundant use of this  phenomenon, especially what is called koranic intertextuality, led to the review of this phenomenon. For this means & More
        The Arab poetry has adorned different types of  intertextuality which include: mythical, historical, and religious ones. Abundant use of this  phenomenon, especially what is called koranic intertextuality, led to the review of this phenomenon. For this means  one must identify the strengths and weaknesses imposing a  framework for it. Considering the interaction of poet with the holy Koran intertextuality is divided in to several types such as : total and partial  intertextuality , referential  intertextuality and conceptual intertextuality. Some of these  give abeautiful forms to the poetry and some are ugly and unacceptable, because they do not preserve dignity of Koran.It should be noted that the overall shape and detailed koranic intertextuality is more susceptible to error, while the conceptual and referential formsare less affected by slips. This research criticizes and studies koranic intertextuality in modern poetry of Iraq. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Intertextuality in the Odes"Qol Leldiare"by Jarir and "Khaf Alqatin" by Akhtal
        Ali Nazari Yunes Vali
        There are several critical scrutinies in contemporary literature. Intertextuality is one of these. It is a  new critical idiom inserted  to Arab world from the  West which has several kinds that literary intertextuality  is one of them  which me More
        There are several critical scrutinies in contemporary literature. Intertextuality is one of these. It is a  new critical idiom inserted  to Arab world from the  West which has several kinds that literary intertextuality  is one of them  which means the  interference of  past literary texts to the present ones . This kind of intertextuality is visible in Naqaes.  This paper tries to discuss literary intertextuality  in the Jaria's ode "QOL LELDIARE" from NAQAES , by Akhtal's ode "KHAF ALQATIN" and its goal is to show   the  level of dialogue and interference  in form and content of both odes.  Manuscript profile
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        64 - Allegorical analyses of elements and stories in Imam Khomeini’s poem relying on the holy Quranintertextuality.
        Sayed Hossein Mousavi Shamsolhajiyeh Ardalani Sayed Jafar Hamidi
        Allegory is an anecdote or a narrative consisting of ethical, religious, didactic, social, mystical, philosophical and even psychological concepts. There is also the other side of intertextuality in which the method of convergence contexts should be adopted through cons More
        Allegory is an anecdote or a narrative consisting of ethical, religious, didactic, social, mystical, philosophical and even psychological concepts. There is also the other side of intertextuality in which the method of convergence contexts should be adopted through considering the effect of foregoing contexts and it’s influences on subsequent contexts. Current research is a qualitative study. Therefore, this is a descriptive-analytical study conducted based on library references with the aim of allegorical survey ofall the elements and narratives of Imam Khomeini’s poem which relies upon Quranic intertextuality. Imam Khomeini was a divine mystical character. He also has had a perfect familiarity to God’s utterances with divine providence. Accordingly, the core and frame of his poems are based on this fact. Moreover, his poem comprises ethical and reflective tips leading to firmness and stability in the poetry. In this survey, due to the necessity of research, attempts have been made to address Quranic elements and tales which are allegorically utilized in Imam Khomeini’s poetry. Although such elements and tales possess real nature in principle, they carry a second meaning when placed in allegorical forms. Manuscript profile
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        65 - ESP Courses for Psychology and Law Tertiary Level Students: Attitudes, Challenges Needs and Obstacles
        Elahe Sadeghi Mohammad Hassan Tahririan
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        66 - Enhancing Speaking Proficiency and Terminology Learning Among ESP Learners Through Edutainment Activities
        Shiva Grami Azizeh Chalak Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
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        67 - Intertextual Reading of Form and Color in the Artworks of Masoud Arabshahi based on Gerard Genett's Opinions
        Farzaneh Vahed Dehkordi Asghar Javani Jouni
        The theorists of Intertextuality believe that there is no original text. Therefore, Masoud Arabshahi's artworks are akin to other works based on previous texts. Masoud Arabshahi is one of the contemporary artists who has drawn from various pretexts in the form and color More
        The theorists of Intertextuality believe that there is no original text. Therefore, Masoud Arabshahi's artworks are akin to other works based on previous texts. Masoud Arabshahi is one of the contemporary artists who has drawn from various pretexts in the form and color of his artworks. The use of these pretexts can be recognized through intertextual relationships. In this research, which explores the 'intertextual reading of form and color in Arabshahi's artworks based on Gerard Genette's opinions,' different aspects of text and intertextuality, as well as the theorists of this approach, especially Gerard Genette, are elucidated. Subsequently, Arabshahi's artworks (12 samples), which have been categorized and purposefully selected, are analyzed, and the types of Genette's intertextuality (intentional-overt, intentional-hidden, and implicit) in the form and color of these artworks are specified. This research is qualitative and follows a descriptive-analytical method. It employs basic theory and reasoning to explain the relationships and understand the components of a visual work, conducted in the form of reading texts and documents. This research seeks to answer the question of which pretexts Arabshahi's artworks have utilized in form and color, and how intertextual relationships, based on Genette's theory, are employed in his works. The results indicate that Masoud Arabshahi has made more use of the pretexts from ancient Iranian and Mesopotamian arts in his artworks than other pretexts. Additionally, the use of earlier texts has gradually evolved in Arabshahi's works, transitioning from overt intertextuality to hidden and then to implicit. Manuscript profile
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        68 - A Glimpse at the Inter-textual Relationship  between Dr. Ghadamali Saramis Poetry and Cognitive Field Of Mysticism
        Mehri Talkhabi
        The purpose of this paper is that, using the intertextuality theory one can show that a work itself is the result of attracting other texts. This paper contemplating on the Ghadamali Sarrami’s lyrics shows that he is a poet who doesn’t hide intertextual nature in his wo More
        The purpose of this paper is that, using the intertextuality theory one can show that a work itself is the result of attracting other texts. This paper contemplating on the Ghadamali Sarrami’s lyrics shows that he is a poet who doesn’t hide intertextual nature in his works. Sarrami's works have strong intertextual relations with mysticism. Finally, this paper concludes that, the easier it will be realized Sarrami’s poetry semantic horizons by knowing the frame of reference of mystical. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Intertextual Relationship of Safvat-al-Safa and Asrar-al-Tawhid (Based on Theory of Gerard Genette)
        khodabakhsh Asadollahi Sorraya Karimi
        Gerard Genette, one of the prominent scholars, relates the intertextuality of each text with its predecessors and in the theory of over-texture, the relation between any texts has been raised with its prefaced text. During the mystical period the discussion of mystics h More
        Gerard Genette, one of the prominent scholars, relates the intertextuality of each text with its predecessors and in the theory of over-texture, the relation between any texts has been raised with its prefaced text. During the mystical period the discussion of mystics has been remarkable with similar views and the structure of mystical tokens such as Safvat-al-Safa and the Asrar-al-Tawhid based on certain thoughts and speeches of mysticism. This study aims at enlightening the mystical aspects of the eighth century it is argued that the Qaramate and the ideas of Sheikh Safi according to the viewpoint and Qaramate of Abu Sa'id Abu- al-Khair in terms of the theory of genes. As a result of this research, intertextual orientation of Safvat al-Safa is welcomed in the wake of Abu Sa'id Abu- al-Khair thoughts in Asrar-al-Tawhid. The similarity of the themes of Safvat al-Safa with the wisdom of Qaramati like Tey-al-arz, Farasat, Death issues, people̕ s rescues and the like and the moral and educational concepts such as Self-education, Covering, and other issues of the intertextual relationship between these two works is confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’s Theory
        masroureh Mokhtari Mahsa Kazempour
        With the arrival of Islam in Iran Quranic teachings in the individual and social life of Muslims took a special role followed by Quranic verses and hadiths in the literary and mystical texts of the people of this land, reflected and the writers and poets of your word de More
        With the arrival of Islam in Iran Quranic teachings in the individual and social life of Muslims took a special role followed by Quranic verses and hadiths in the literary and mystical texts of the people of this land, reflected and the writers and poets of your word decorated with Quranic themes and in various ways showed their writing power. Interpersonalism is one of the structuralists issues according to it, any text of the texts before itself has been influenced; therefore, the authors do not create the original effect; but it also extracts its features from the texts before it. Baba Afzal Kashani is a wise and spiritual ontologist; one of the aspects of his thoughts on human thinking and ontology and many of his topics are inspired by the verses of the holy Qur'an the word's of revelation in the works of this great wise have left many spiritual and verbal influences; as discussed in the essay by Baba Afzal Kashani (madaregolkamal and gavdanname), this influence on the depth of his thoughts is an excellent expression and a feature of his style of writing. The present research project is analytically-descriptive and uses library resource's, has examined the influence of Baba Afzal Kashani on the Qur'an and narration the results of the studies show that he has expressed his mystical thought's, using the Quran and narrative, and has created a deep link between Quranic thought's and literary-mystical thought's given the division of Gérard Genette from Intertextuality, Baba Afzal to the forms, straight (Revealing), and Non-explicit (Hidden and deliberate) and implied, the Quran and narration both in content and in the structure of the treatises have been influenced Manuscript profile
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        71 - Static Analysis and Fatigue of DHS Implants to Treatment Femoral and Intertrochanteric Neck Fractures Using Ti6Al4V and SS316 Alloys, A Finite Element Analysis
        A Shokrgozar Navi S Etemadi Haghighi M Haghpanahi A Momeni
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        72 - Comparative Study of Genet Intertextuality with Islamic Rhetoric Theory in Nafi-e-Zahid-e Zaydari Nasavi
        marjan kamyab somayeh mohamadi
        According to intertextuality theory each text is affected by past texts and is inheritor of past legacy and tradition. Intertextuality studies the transformation, presence and cultural legacy of past texts in the innovation and the obvious and latent layers of texts and More
        According to intertextuality theory each text is affected by past texts and is inheritor of past legacy and tradition. Intertextuality studies the transformation, presence and cultural legacy of past texts in the innovation and the obvious and latent layers of texts and reveals the identity of texts. The present studies tries to see the Gerard Genete’s  intertextual aspects in Nafsaghol Masdour based on Islamic rhetoric theory. According to Genete’s theory, types of manifest-latent, explicit-implicit intertextuality and their comparative aspects in Islamic rhetoric are studied in this work including: borrowing, quotation, inspiration and recreation, adaptation, allusion, translation, simile, plagiarism and transformation. Studying the use of previous texts based on Gentete’s theory and adapting it with Islamic rhetoric theory are the goals of this study. According to the present study the type of intertextuality with the highest frequency is obvious-intentional and adapting it with Islamic rhetoric becomes borrowing. After that implicit and latent-intentional intertextualities have the highest frequency respectively. The creativity of author in how to use previous texts and using intertextual elements and establishing novel and innovative links among previous texts and present text make the audience interested and satisfied Manuscript profile
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        73 - Explaining The Position 0f Women in the Marriage Narrations of Shahnameh Tahmaspi, Based on the Intertextual Analysis of Text and Image
        Shohreh Doosti Farzaneh Farrokhfar Arman Yaghubpour
        The aim of this study was to explain the position of women in the marriage narrations of Shahnameh Tahmaspi based on the intertextual analysis of text and images in Iran. The present study statistical universe included all the drawings of Tahmaspi Shahnameh. The sample More
        The aim of this study was to explain the position of women in the marriage narrations of Shahnameh Tahmaspi based on the intertextual analysis of text and images in Iran. The present study statistical universe included all the drawings of Tahmaspi Shahnameh. The sample subsumed 29 images in all of which women have an important and key role. The research design was descriptive-analytical. The data collecting method was through library documentary, observation and reviewing the intertextual drawings and analyzing the visual elements in the selected works. Data were analyzed using interdisciplinary studies and content analysis methods. The results showed that the position of women in Shahnameh marriage narrations were rooted in the mythological beliefs of Iranians and in this regard, had a special validity. Due to the mythological structure of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, fidelity and adherence to the principles of the original texts was quite clear. However, in the depiction of the paintings of Tahmaspi Shahnameh, there were obvious differences with the text, the source of which was the culture of the Safavid society and the beliefs of the patriarchal society of that period. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Examining Students' Views on the Use of Instagram and Written Text During the Corona
        Negin Heidarizadeh
        This study aims to investigate students' views on the use of Instagram during the Corona and as a platform for writing written text using qualitative research methods. In this study, 30 second semester English language students in the Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz ha More
        This study aims to investigate students' views on the use of Instagram during the Corona and as a platform for writing written text using qualitative research methods. In this study, 30 second semester English language students in the Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz have been used. Students participated in the writing class and the survey technique was used with open questionnaire tools to collect data. The results show that almost all students have a positive view of Instagram as a platform for writing text. Participating students found that Instagram was a fun, easy, and effective way to write text. However, a number of students also cited barriers to its use, such as the slowness of the Internet and the issue of IT privacy. Therefore, it can be concluded that Instagram can be one of the useful educational media, especially for writing, provided it is used and monitored properly.Keywords: Instagram, written text, privacy, fun media, Corona era. Manuscript profile
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        75 - The application of love in the Quran and the ideas of Rumi and Hegel based on the intertextuality approach
        Halima Dilaminejad Shams alhajeyeh ardalani Seyed ahmad hoseyni kazeroni
        An analysis with the "intertextuality" approach examines the communication of a text with other texts. The main purpose of this research is to compare the application of love from the perspective of Rumi and Hegel based on the Qur'an. Love is a matter which philosophers More
        An analysis with the "intertextuality" approach examines the communication of a text with other texts. The main purpose of this research is to compare the application of love from the perspective of Rumi and Hegel based on the Qur'an. Love is a matter which philosophers, mystics and scholars have long sought to understand and understand its nature, and is one of the most important issues that all mystics and philosophers have spoken about and talked about. They consider love as the basis of the universe, through which all creatures move from one to the highest in the movement and towards the root of love, the essence of God. Maulana and Hegel are two leading thinkers of two very different time frames that express the various aspects of love and play a central role in their works and writings. The main question of this essay is that what is most striking in terms of the love of Rumi's works and the works of Hegel? In this research with a descriptive-analytical approach, first, explain the love and then describe its examples, referring to the verses of the Quran, from Masnavi and Hegel's works. Finally, it was concluded that what is on the path to the knowledge and comprehension of the human soul by relying on pure love is the most important point in the opinion of these two thinkers. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Intertextual relations between the anecdotes of Rumi in Masnavi in the first book with the texts of Persian poetry and prose (based on the theory of Gérard Genette)
        siamak saadati
        Intertextuality examines the relationships between texts. Because in every text there are references to earlier works; In other words, new texts are the offspring of earlier texts. Hence, it can be said that there is no new and original text and every writer is inspired More
        Intertextuality examines the relationships between texts. Because in every text there are references to earlier works; In other words, new texts are the offspring of earlier texts. Hence, it can be said that there is no new and original text and every writer is inspired to create his work from the works of his predecessors. In intertextuality, two texts are compared: a text below and a rough text. Gérard Genette has perfected the theory of intertextuality. Genette divides intertextuality into three categories, which can be examined in the form of: the explicit, implicit and implicit presence of one text in another. In this article, the author first explores the roots of Rumi's mystical anecdotes and thoughts in the first book of Masnavi in mystical, fictional, interpretive works, Poetry Courts and Persian historical books. Then he divides these anecdotes into three categories based on Genet's theory of intertextuality. At this stage, the following text of Masnavi is specified. This text below should have both chronological and historical precedence over other texts and should be most similar to Masnavi narration. This study shows that Rumi had read many Arabic historical, interpretive, fiction and mystical books before him and brought them to the margins of Masnavi. However, in all the cases studied, he has changed mystical thoughts and previous anecdotes to achieve his mystical, theological and moral goals. Manuscript profile
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        77 - The study and analysis of Qur’anic intertextuality relations of Nasir Khusraw’s Diwan based on Genette's theory
        sakineh pirak
        Intertextual analysis, which deals with the connection and interaction between texts and examines the similarities, differences, and influences of one text on other texts, has gained popularity in recent years in literary criticism and linguistics. According to this the More
        Intertextual analysis, which deals with the connection and interaction between texts and examines the similarities, differences, and influences of one text on other texts, has gained popularity in recent years in literary criticism and linguistics. According to this theory, texts and their speakers are mutually impacted and profit from one another's literary and intellectual sources, whether consciously or subconsciously. This theory proposes that texts and their speakers are mutually impacted and benefit from each other's literary and intellectual sources, whether consciously or subconsciously. In the realm of Persian literature, the Qur'an is one of the hypotexts that has long served as a reference and inspiration for poets and writers with varying viewpoints on its formal and semantic aesthetics. They have utilized Quranic principles and teachings to enhance the veracity and depth of their words. One of these poets is Nasir Khusraw, whose hypotext of inspiration for his Diwan is the Holy Quran. Using a descriptive-analytical technique and quoting library sources, an effort was made to examine the dimensions impacted by Nasser Khosrow from Quranic verses based on Genette's intertextual theory. This research demonstrates that in Nasir Khusraw's Diwan, intertextual explicit and its branches (words, phrases, short sentences, extra and descriptive combinations) are the most prevalent of Genette's intertextual relationships. Words are the most often employed intertextual method in these poems, among the numerous branches of intertextual explicit. Implicit intertextuality frequently follows explicit intertextuality. Among the different branches of this intertextual, intertextuality thematic is increasingly diversified compared to other types. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Analysis of the mystical intertextual relations of the republican order with book of orthography based on Gerard Genet's theory
        Elham Ghanavati mohammad ghasemi Ahmad khatibi khiyali aliasgar halabi
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, in which the participation of those texts in the text in question is explicit, implicit, and implicit from one text to another. Gerard Genet is one of the More
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, in which the participation of those texts in the text in question is explicit, implicit, and implicit from one text to another. Gerard Genet is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, focusing most of his studies on the nature of narrative discourse. With this view, Suhrawardi's encyclopedias have been evaluated in the position of pre-text and the order of the Republic of Sheikh Kharghani as post-text. In this study, it is shown that Sheikh Kharghani has been influenced by the encyclopedias and most of the intertextuality in the Republic's order has been done implicitly (borrowing and inspiration) and sometimes Kharghani has an implicit view of the encyclopedias. The present article concludes that Sheikh Kharghani is in a mystical-intellectual atmosphere similar to Suhrawardi, and this closeness has led to the creation of commonalities and conceptual similarities in the work. In this research, intertextuality has been studied in the republican order and after studying the theoretical foundations, it has been adapted to Suhrawardi's encyclopedias. The result presented in a library method and in an analytical-descriptive way proves the intertextuality in the work. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Intertextual analysis in the stories of Azadaran Bil and Tatar Khandan by Gholamhossein Saedi with an emphasis on Bakhtin's dialogue and polyphony
        nemat mansoori Badrieh Ghavami Reza Borzoiy Jamal Adhami
        The present study investigates the intertextuality in the stories of Azadaran Beil and Tatar Khandan by Gholam Hossein Saedi based on the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. What is referred to as intertextuality today is a term that can be called discourse between texts. Intert More
        The present study investigates the intertextuality in the stories of Azadaran Beil and Tatar Khandan by Gholam Hossein Saedi based on the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. What is referred to as intertextuality today is a term that can be called discourse between texts. Intertextuality is the study of the discourse of texts in literary and cultural works of the world. Before Ferdinand de Saussure's theories, everyone believed in the independence of texts, but Saussure's theories lack the validity of these theories. Based on this theory, Bakhtin believes that texts and their speakers consciously or unconsciously benefit from each other's intellectual and literary sources. The authors of this article intend to analyze these two works with the method of content analysis and with the aim of knowing more about the works of this author based on Bakhtin's theory and with the library method; The findings of the research show that the author was influenced by the Quran and Islamic beliefs and also mentioned some popular beliefs during the stories. The expression of proverbs and myths, irony and bringing part of prayers and supplications are other indicators of these works. Saedi has sometimes mentioned other stories in his works, and in terms of content and theme, he has been influenced by Sadiq Hedayat's Buf Kor and Kafka's Metamorphosis. Manuscript profile
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        80 - The Presence of Angels in Hafez & Imam Khomeini Poetry with the Approach of Quranic Intertextuality
        Sayyed Hossein Mousavi shamsalhajeyah Ardalani Sayyed Jafar Hamidi
        Angels are inconspicuous beings that god created them to serve through his orders. On the other hand, it is intertextuality which is the method of text convergence, based on impressionability from previous texts and the influence on later texts. The current research is More
        Angels are inconspicuous beings that god created them to serve through his orders. On the other hand, it is intertextuality which is the method of text convergence, based on impressionability from previous texts and the influence on later texts. The current research is qualitative research with the descriptive-analytical method based on library resources and with the aim of investigating the role of angels in the poetry of Hafez of Shiraz and Imam Khomeini, it has been compiled based on Quranic intertextuality. Both Hafez and Imam Khomeini had mystical tendencies and regarding the fact that they had complete familiariaty with the word of God, therefore the dominant theme of their poems is based on mysticism. Angels as executors of God's orders, which mostly have a formative identity, are well considered by Hafez and Imam Khomeini. They pointed to a wide range of angel's activities; both aspects of mercy and wrath and also in between which depend on reaction to human behavior, were regarded. Manuscript profile
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        81 - The study of Intertextuality in subversions and commercials
        Khalil Nemat Jafar Hakim
        Literary criticism, text analysis and their effect on the world literary and art creativity, texts relationship or intertextual topics from the view of literary critics and thinkers, since the twentieth century have become very important and have had different reflecti More
        Literary criticism, text analysis and their effect on the world literary and art creativity, texts relationship or intertextual topics from the view of literary critics and thinkers, since the twentieth century have become very important and have had different reflections in the cultural world. Some experts believe that all the texts are somehow related and no new text will come into existence without any relationship to previous texts. They think the individual knowledge and awareness is the product of the group knowledge and awareness. The meaning of any literal text, either prose or verse, cannot be fully understood without being aware of the governing traditions over the previous related texts. In other words, all the texts, including literary and nonliterary texts do not have an independent identity. This process which is called intertextuality, deals with the presence of a text in another text and  with  the  omission  of  some  concepts  such  as  author,  history  and society, it studies the text independent of the author but dependent on other  texts.  However,  in  intertextual  relationship  studies  finding  these traces are not enough and we should see what the author has done with the elements taken from other works. This article tries to investigate the intertextual relationship in subversions and commercials. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Designing a Tertiary education system based on knowledge-based economy ( Islamic Azad University casestudy)
        hosein karimi Mojgan Abdollahi fatemeh parasteh Ramezan Jahanian
        Education is a means of improving human resources.The present study was conducted with the aim of designing a model of the university education system based on knowledge-based economy.This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-correlation m More
        Education is a means of improving human resources.The present study was conducted with the aim of designing a model of the university education system based on knowledge-based economy.This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-correlation method and in terms of data collection it is mixed Done.The statistical population included all the professors, managers and research students of Azad University's knowledge-based field. In the qualitative part, interviews were conducted with selected experts of targeted research and samples until theoretical saturation, in the number of 15 people.The tool used to collect qualitative data was a semi-structured interview,which was analyzed by theme analysis using Nvivo software.In the quantitative part, 370 people were selected from the mentioned society as a sample of stratified sampling.The data collection tool was a questionnaire and extracted from qualitative results with appropriate validity and reliability.The designed model was tested in the form of structural equations with the PLS software.Academic education based on knowledge-based economy was approved with 4 main themes and 19 sub-themes.The main themes include background factors, driving factors; It is the moderating factors and the results and consequences.the barriers have a moderating role in the influence of driving factors on human capital.The results showed that the model has a good fit and includes educational and research, economic and…managerial consequences.The perspective of the knowledge-based economy is one of the structural and supra-organizational background factors, and by reducing the harmful factors on the driving factors, especially human capital, the desired results can be achieved Manuscript profile
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        83 - Biostratigraphy of Campanian – Maastrichtian & Danian on the based of plankton foraminifera in Galanderud area, northern flanks of Alborz mountains
        Roza Khajehtash Behrouz Darvishzad
        In central Alborz Mountains in north of Iran, a new Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (K/T) section near GalanderudMine in Mazandaran province reveals diversity of planktonic foraminiferal the fauna similar to those found inElKef & Elles in Thunisia.The Cretaceous-Tertia More
        In central Alborz Mountains in north of Iran, a new Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (K/T) section near GalanderudMine in Mazandaran province reveals diversity of planktonic foraminiferal the fauna similar to those found inElKef & Elles in Thunisia.The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is located by planktionic foraminifera with in a narrow interval bounded bylast appearance of tropical and subtropical Cretaceous species and first appearance of small Tertiary species. InGalanderud section only 5 species survived after the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event and 31 species ofCretaceous became extinct in or before Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The Maastrichtian species that seem todied out gradually are generally large and cosmopolitan. Manuscript profile
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        84 - A Comparison of the Intertextuality of the Qur'anic Poems of abu al-atahiah and the Molavi About the ways toAscetic
        Mohamadjavad koochakyazdi ali nabiolahi
          One of the literary treasures is poetry, meanwhile, many muslim poets are influenced by the Holy quran, and in their poems they have published the teachings, a comparative study of some of these poets In order to understand their views and the quality of the qura More
          One of the literary treasures is poetry, meanwhile, many muslim poets are influenced by the Holy quran, and in their poems they have published the teachings, a comparative study of some of these poets In order to understand their views and the quality of the quran's impact on them about strategies for achieving ascetic the purpose of this article is.To do this two Muslim poets namely, Abu al- atahiah as an Arabic-language poet and mawlawi was chosen as a persian poet. At first, ascetic's poems of abu al-atahiah and Molavi were identified Then, using the content analysis method and the term and identifying the verse the poet has chosen the relationship between poetry and the Qur'an was explained, this work was done in three forms of partial negation, general negation and parallel negation based on Kristeva's view. The results of this study showed that the views of these two poets on the ways of achieving asceticism are very broad Things like: Fighting the air of self, emphasizing resurrection, remembering God's constant supervision, and paying attention to the end of the world; among these are the results It is also possible to say the poems of Abu al-atahiah with an ascetic approach is and Multidimensional Molavi Poems and it is mystical. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Educational and moral teachings of tebbol qoloob Mohammad Naqshbandi and Kimia Sa'adat, Imam Mohammad Ghazali, based on the intertextuality approach
        golamreza hatefimajomerd Mansoor Dehghan manshadi Abdolah Moradi
        An analysis with the "intertextuality" approach examines the communication of a text with other texts. The main purpose of this study is to compare the moral teachings of Kimia Sa'adat and tebbol qoloob . Ethics is an important part of teaching literature in Persian lit More
        An analysis with the "intertextuality" approach examines the communication of a text with other texts. The main purpose of this study is to compare the moral teachings of Kimia Sa'adat and tebbol qoloob . Ethics is an important part of teaching literature in Persian literature. In Persian, such works as Kimia Sa'adat   and tebbol qoloob have been created with the theme of educational literature, full of moral teachings. In examining some of the virtues and moral vices of these two books, we find that the moral teachings in these two works are well-presented and impressive. Ghazali and Naqshband in their works will give their moral messages to humankind. The man of the present age, the controller and the deterrent of the fall in the corruption of the past, needs more than ever before. Consequently, the contemporary world's need for ethics is critical to the emergence of existing moral corruption. Accordingly, by recognizing the virtues and moral vices of these two writers, they can be seen in their worldview and by contemplating their thoughts in the way of the knowledge of morality and introducing their moral messages in order to apply them in life Individual and social way to save humanity from the ruin and corruption of the current world, the author has analyzed and analyzed the descriptive-analytical approach using the library method of the present article in the form of scientific-research paper. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Comparative study of the three axes of Gerard Genet intertextuality with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the gardens of lights by Mohammad Sadegh Ghomshami
        Mahin Farahmand Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi Shams Al-Hajiyeh Ahmadi roknabadi
         Intertextual links are one of the new approaches in the reading and critique of texts in the theory of genetic transmutation. According to this approach, no text is independent of other texts and each text is an intertext derived from previous texts that will be p More
         Intertextual links are one of the new approaches in the reading and critique of texts in the theory of genetic transmutation. According to this approach, no text is independent of other texts and each text is an intertext derived from previous texts that will be present in later texts. Gerard Genet, one of the theorists in the field of intertextual links, formulated his theory of transtextuality in five axes, one of which is the intertextuality axis. He has divided intertextuality into three types: intertextual connection, explicit-intentional, covert-intentional and implicit, and has also defined and limited the conceptual scope of each of these interpretations. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, this study comparatively examines the intertextual aspects of genet with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the treatise of Hadayegh Al-Anwar by Mohammad Sadegh Qomshami. Accordingly, the types of explicit-intentional, covert-intentional and implicit intertextuals and their comparative aspects in Islamic rhetoric, including proverbs, allusions, adaptations, allegories, allusions, guarantees, resolutions and contracts, are examined in this text. One of the objectives of this research is to study the use of previous texts based on the theory of genet and their adaptation to the theory of Islamic rhetoric. The result of the research indicates that the most common type of intertextuality is implicit intertextuality and in accordance with Islamic rhetoric, it is a kind of allusion. After that, hidden-intentional intertextuality has the highest frequency. Qomshami art in how to use the previous texts and use the intertextual element and create an original and innovative connection between the previous texts and the present text has artistically attracted and convinced the audience. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Investigating and analyzing Dimensions of Mehdi Akhavan Sales's influence from the verses of the Holy Quran Relying on the intertextual theory of Gerard Genet
        AKRAM ZAFARI Dr.BATOOL FAKHR -E- ESLAM Dr.hossein seyyedi Dr.akbar shabany
          In recent years, in the field of literary criticism, a theory called intertextual criticism has become popular, according to which none of the texts have an independent identity and have been created under the direct or indirect influence of their previous works. More
          In recent years, in the field of literary criticism, a theory called intertextual criticism has become popular, according to which none of the texts have an independent identity and have been created under the direct or indirect influence of their previous works. The frameworks of intertextual critique were first explained by Julia Kristova, but culminated in Gerard Genet's views, so that today Genet's views are considered as a model in intertextual studies. He divides intertextuality into three categories, "explicit, implicit, and implicit," to which all texts fall. One of the sub-texts that poets pay attention to is religious characters, which in contemporary Persian literature, the Third Brotherhood is among the poets who have reflected religious issues in their poems. Citing the most important Islamic religious text, the Qur'an, he described some of his mentality and shared it with the audience. Therefore, in the present article, relying on descriptive-analytical method and citing library sources, the dimensions of the Third Brotherhood's influence on Quranic verses in four sections of content, lexical, structural and ritual stories have been studied and explored to answer these questions. It should be given that: a) The third Brotherhood has been influenced by the verses of the Qur'an? B) Which of the levels of the intertextual view has been used more in the poems of the Third Brotherhood? The foundations of Genet's intertextual theory have been used to avoid scatterbraining. The results of the research show that the poet has used the earlier text, namely the Qur'an, to explain the political, doctrinal, descriptive, protest-philosophical, moral and lyrical concepts. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Comparative comparison of the intertextuality types of Gerard Genet with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the sixteenth and seventeenth chapters of the principles of chapters in obtaining
        Saeed Abedini Dr. Azizollah Tavakoli Kafi Abad Dr mahmoud sadeghzadeh
         Today, the link between comparative literature and intertextuality is a new achievement that makes it easy to analyze the work within its patterns and methods. One of the most important elements of analysis in the field of comparative literature is the study of si More
         Today, the link between comparative literature and intertextuality is a new achievement that makes it easy to analyze the work within its patterns and methods. One of the most important elements of analysis in the field of comparative literature is the study of similarities and the effect of works on each other and how to realize or convey a subject and theme; Existence is constructed and then acquires that discourse and even changes the meaning of the central text. In the present paper, relying on the descriptive-analytical method, we make a comparative study of the intertextual aspects of genetics with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the principles of chapters. Accordingly, the types of overt-intentional, intentional, covert, intentional and implicit intertextuals and their adaptive aspects in Islamic rhetoric, including guarantee, allegory, proverbial transmission, adaptation, contract, allusion, dissolution and implication, are examined in this work. One of the objectives of this study is to evaluate the use of previous texts based on the theory of genetics and their adaptation to the theory of Islamic rhetoric. According to the present study, the most diverse type of intertextuality is implicit intertextuality and adaptation in accordance with Islamic rhetoric. Therefore, they have the most abundant intertextual intertextuality, respectively. Hedayat's creativity in how to use the previous texts and use the intertextual element and create an innovative and creative connection between the previous texts and the present text in an artistic way will attract and convince the audience. Manuscript profile
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        89 - From Persepolis to Naqsh-e Rostam: An Archaeological Survey on the Nature of Site's Element in the Story of “Atash Parast”
        Fatemeh Johari Najmeh Dorri
         This is the retrieval of the other texts' presence and regenerating them in the narrative texts that enriches the process of reading as well as evaluation of any substantial work. On the other hand, assuming archaeology and its evidences as yet another textual sou More
         This is the retrieval of the other texts' presence and regenerating them in the narrative texts that enriches the process of reading as well as evaluation of any substantial work. On the other hand, assuming archaeology and its evidences as yet another textual source, the question arises that, how was the interplay between the narrative texts and archaeological evidences, as two influential and important texts, during their natural development process in Iranian society?Preliminary studies indicate that the issue had become increasingly apparent in the works of celebrated authors such as Sadegh Hedayat — due to their relatively extensive studies in different fields of historical geography, their historical approach, as well as their inherent propensity in discerning archaisms and “epochs” in their works. Furthermore, among his oeuvre, “Atash Parast” is the one that provides the ground for a comparative-intertextual reading, by establishing the connection between the narratives of the story and the most prominent elements of the Iranian archaeology. Accordingly, the present study explains the reasoning behind the relocation of the fabled place-in-question by comparing subsequent text (“Atash Parast”) with the former text (the travelogue of Eugène Flandin), using the principles of comparative and intertextual criticism to prove the hypothesis behind its intentional relocation from Persepolis to Naqsh-e Rostam. Moreover, the mentioned relocation has caused the elements of the original discourse to be separated from their context, placed in another context and provide more substantial archaeological ground for the intertextual reading of the work-in-question.  Manuscript profile
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        90 - Interpretation of Quality and Dimensions of Intertextual Relations in Contemporary Public Constructions in Uzbekistan with Architectural Works in this Country at Timurid Era (Since 1960-1990)’
        leila zamaniaghaiee Hossein Soltanzadeh
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        91 - Intertextual Relationships in the Contemporary Architecture of Iran During 1961-1977
        Maziar Ghaseminia Hossein Soltanzadeh
      • Open Access Article

        92 - strt
        alireza shapor shahbazi
      • Open Access Article

        93 - st
        unes motevali
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        94 - The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial Quality
        Mohammadreza Jasbi fatemeh amirian Bahman Namvarmotlagh
        The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial QualityAbstract: As valuable traditional pieces of the past, historical and cultural contexts are indispensable parts of any society, highlighting the importance of their More
        The Intertextual Reading of Lalehzar Context Based on Event-Space Concept for Improving Its Spatial QualityAbstract: As valuable traditional pieces of the past, historical and cultural contexts are indispensable parts of any society, highlighting the importance of their preservation and restoration. Generally, historic sites carry the bio-codes of generations who left their distinct traces at a point in time. Without a shadow of a doubt, these unique footprints shape the cultural capital of any nation, including memories and mental images of citizens, leading to the basis of their identity. This article aimed to determine the most influential factors in improving the spatial quality of valuable urban context based on the concept of “event-space” through an intertextual reading. The selected area in this study was the Lalehzar context, one of Tehran's oldest historical and cultural streets. Reminiscing with vivid memories from the past citizens, Lalehzar street was a representation of modern life. This is why it consists of a significant number of cinemas, hotels, cafes, boutiques, and markets as modern functional representations, being an appropriate container for various social-cultural events and modern behavior. However, during the last seven decades, this area has lost its identity because of the city development and its negative consequences. Unfortunately, a large part of this historic district has been damaged due to the absence of social and cultural activities and an unfit neighborhood. Many symbolic spaces in Lalehzar have been destroyed or are on the verge of destruction. The place is now mainly used for everyday activities, entirely in contradiction with the physical body of the street in the form of electronics stores, resulting in intensified visual pollution. Given its rich history in Tehran and its exceptional location neighboring Baharestan Square and Toopkhaneh Square, Lalehzar Street has a brilliant capacity to accept new uses befitting its cultural and historical status. In doing so, the spatial quality and its improvement as an area of theoretical study in contemporary architecture were put into consideration, and the research and views of experts like Bentley, Rogers, Bell, and Golkar have been compared and analyzed. Some architects and urban designers believe that current factors are insufficient for the quality improvement of valuable contexts. Considering that the history and backgrounds of buildings are crucial in urban design and quality improvement, the intertextual approach was chosen to reinforce available potential and eliminate disharmonious parts. Intertextuality refers to the various relationships of texts, and intertextual reading allows studying different layers of a text and utilizing hermeneutics, the science of interpretation and change. Meanwhile, what is so important about this area was the events that took place here granted a lively atmosphere, almost equal to its physical representations and history that the built environment historians usually pay attention to. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to find the hidden dimensions of the effects of event space on spatial quality in Lalehzar through intertextual reading. The main research question was posed as follows: How can we determine the reliable and influential factors in spatial design quality improvement in valuable contexts through intertextual reading? In this qualitative interpretive research, the views of experts in event-space and spatial quality were first studied. To collect the data, in addition to the library resources and documentary research, interviews were conducted with the space users and audiences, whether at the buildings or in their neighborhood. To narrow down the study for accurate results, five landmark event spaces (Grand Hotel, Nasr Theater, Pars Theater, Pars Café, and Alborz Cinema) were selected through purposeful sampling, and they were studied and analyzed over two years. The data were coded via interpretive and content analysis, and eventually, SPSS and MAXQDA were used to analyze the extracting data. The former was used for quantities analysis resulting in a diagram of crucial factors for improving the quality of space based on the theorists’ writings, while the latter was used for creating some graphical coding diagrams for both the conducted research and interviews. The study’s results indicated that space perception, attachment to the natural flow of life (proportion, order, dynamicity), and spatial formation (variety and hierarchy) were the most influential factors in improving the quality of valuable contexts.Keywords: Intertextual Reading; Event-Space; Space quality enhancement; Lalezar; Valuable historical context. Manuscript profile
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        95 - بررسی مقابله ای بینامتنیت در مقالات پژوهشی تالیف شده توسط مولفان ایرانی و انگلیسی در رشته زبان شناسی کاربردی
        داود کوهی نسرین ملانقی زاده
        گفتمان علمی این امکان را در اختیار مولفان قرار می دهد که از متون مولفان دیگر در قالبها و الگوهای قراردادی بهره جویند. با اینحال، یکی از عواملی که می تواند بر نحوه استفاده مولفان از متون دیگر تاثیر بگذارد تعلقات فرهنگی مولفان است. بر اساس فرض مذکور، این پژوهش به بررسی مو More
        گفتمان علمی این امکان را در اختیار مولفان قرار می دهد که از متون مولفان دیگر در قالبها و الگوهای قراردادی بهره جویند. با اینحال، یکی از عواملی که می تواند بر نحوه استفاده مولفان از متون دیگر تاثیر بگذارد تعلقات فرهنگی مولفان است. بر اساس فرض مذکور، این پژوهش به بررسی موضوع بینامتنیت آشکار در مقالات پژوهشی تالیف شده توسط مولفان ایرانی و انگلیسی  در رشته زبان شناسی کاربردی در دوره زمانی سالهای 2000-2010 پرداخته است.  در راستای این هدف، الگوی ارائه شده توسط سویلز (1990) که توسط تامپسون و تریبل (2000) و تامپسون (2005) گسترش یافته مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. نتایج پژوهش حاضر حاکی از استفاده متفاوت مولفان دو گروه از استراتژیهای نقل قول است. نتایج به دست آمده می تواند مورد بهره برداری مولفان و محققان حوزه زبانشناسی کاربردی قرار گیرد. Manuscript profile
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        96 - A Study of the Concept and Special Rulings of "Composite and Comprehensive Contracts" in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law with a Comparative Perspective
        Seyyed Mohammad Taghi karimpoor Alehashem
        In the present work, we have tried to find out the result of the combination or aggregation of contracts; therefore, by descriptive and analytical methods in jurisprudence, Iranian law, French law, and UNCITRAL legal guide on international mutual trade transactions, we More
        In the present work, we have tried to find out the result of the combination or aggregation of contracts; therefore, by descriptive and analytical methods in jurisprudence, Iranian law, French law, and UNCITRAL legal guide on international mutual trade transactions, we conducted a comparative study and concluded that, connecting different contracts with each other in the form of contract sets, can lead to “merged contracts" or "comprehensive contracts". The terms, conditions and effects of merged contracts are subject to the mutual will of the contracts and the general rules of them, unless it is a specific contract. However, in comprehensive contracts, individual contracts retain their independence, so the disruption in the implementation or validity of one of the subcontracts has no effect on other contracts subject to the comprehensive contract, except by the will of the parties and the determination of the law. We face a shortcoming in the jurisprudence and law of Iran and France regarding the issue, so it is necessary to consider the future changes in the civil code of Iran and France. Manuscript profile
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        97 - Effects of Tribulus tertesris extract on body weight, testis histopathology and size in rats
        رامین Kaffashi Elahi GH Mouasvi سجاد Hejazi M.H Khayat nouri, سبحان Kalantari
        Tribulus terrestris (TT) is a flowering plant, traditionally being used as an aphrodisiac agent. Studies shown that TT extract increases testosterone levels and produces aphrodisiac effects. Nowadays is a major ingredient of most aphrodisiac drugs but there is no docume More
        Tribulus terrestris (TT) is a flowering plant, traditionally being used as an aphrodisiac agent. Studies shown that TT extract increases testosterone levels and produces aphrodisiac effects. Nowadays is a major ingredient of most aphrodisiac drugs but there is no document about its testicular pathology in long term use. The purpose of our study was to identify the effects in rats of oral TT on body weight, testicular histopathology and weight at normal and double doses to presume its probable negative effects in human while using exaggerated for long period of time. 30 male mature SD rats were used, kept in individual cages, fed with standard ration and water ad libitum, divided into 3 groups (G); c, a and b received placebo and oral doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg of TT, SID for 8weeks .Rats were weighted at day 1, and At the end of the study, all were weighted, anaesthetized and the left testis excised. Testicular weigh with and without epididymis was recorded then histopathologic slides prepared with H&E and Masson trichrome, and focused on seminiferous tube diameter, epithelial layer thickness, interstitial space length, testicular capsule thickness. All stages of the experiment were conducted as blind. Data statistically analyzed by variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey test, at a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results showed a significant body weight gain in G-a and body weight loss in G-b. Testis weighting showed a significant increase in G-a, but there was no significant difference between G-c and b. Microscopic examination of G-b showed, shrunken seminiferous tubes and spermatogoni cells were lower in population. Primary spermatocyte and spermatozoids, in comparison with groups’ c and b, in lower concentration, destruction of seminiferous tubes group b. Sub cortical vessels were thickened and distributed. All parameters in other two groups were normal. Results indicate that exaggerated use of TTE over 8 weeks may result in destructive effects on male genital system in rats which may in turn induce male fertility problems. The use of TTE with caution is suggested. Further research to evaluate effects on fertility, sperm count, reproductive status is indicated. Manuscript profile
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        98 - بررسی تأثیر مکانیسم شرمنده‌سازی در روابط والدین و فرزندان و نقش بازدارنده آن در گرایش به رفتارهای انحرافی در جوانان (بر اساس الگوی تئوریکی شرمنده‌سازی بریتویت)
        ماجده قلی پور
        کجروی اخلاقی و بزهکاری در زندگی نوجوان به یک صورت تجلی نمی‌کند و معانی و مفاهیم متفاوتی دارد که انواع و علل مختلف آن را می‌توان برشمرد. تنها نوجوانان بزهکار یا کجرفتار نیستند که جامعه را به فکر و اندیشه و کوشش مداوم در جهت سازگاری مجدد آنها با جامعه وا داشته، بلکه بسیار More
        کجروی اخلاقی و بزهکاری در زندگی نوجوان به یک صورت تجلی نمی‌کند و معانی و مفاهیم متفاوتی دارد که انواع و علل مختلف آن را می‌توان برشمرد. تنها نوجوانان بزهکار یا کجرفتار نیستند که جامعه را به فکر و اندیشه و کوشش مداوم در جهت سازگاری مجدد آنها با جامعه وا داشته، بلکه بسیاری از نوجوانان هستند که هنوز جرمی مرتکب نشده‌اند ولی در خطر انحراف اخلاقی قرار دارند. حمایت از این نوجوانان و پیشگیری از سقوط آنها مورد توجه می‌باشد. در این بررسی سعی برآن بوده که تأثیر ساز و کار شرمنده سازی در روابط والدین و فرزندان و نقش بازدارنده‌ی آن در بروز رفتارهای انحرافی نوجوانان بررسی شود. با بررسی آراء صاحبنظران مختلف حوزه جامعه‌شناسی انحرافات، در نهایت دو نظریه اعم از نظریه پیونداجتماعی هیرشی و فعالیت‌های شرمنده‌سازی جهت تبیین فرضیات ‌انتخاب شد. به عقیده‌هیرشی اگر فرد دارای سطح بالایی از تعلق به والدین باشد و یا هنجارها در فرد به خوبی درونی شده باشد، در رابطه با دیگران خاص حس‌شرمساری ایجاد می‌شود و این حس شرمساری، فرد را از ارتکاب به جرم باز خواهدداشت. اطلاعات این پژوهش با استفاده از روش پیمایش و توزیع پرسشنامه در بین 375 نفر از دانشجویان بدست‌آمد. پس از جمع‌آوری داده‌ها برای تعیین روایی سؤالات از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ استفاده شد و همچنین از آمارتوصیفی و استنباطی ا عم از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، آزمونT-test برای سنجش فرضیات و برای پیش‌بینی تأثیر متغیرهای مستقل بر روی متغیر وابسته (بزهکاری) تحلیل رگرسیون چندمتغیره با روش Enter مورد استفاده قرار گرفته‌است. نتایج حاصل از آزمون‌ها نشان داد که همبستگی معنادار و معکوس بین مشغولیت شرمنده‌سازی و بزهکاری وجود دارد. یعنی هرچه میزان این متغیر بالا رود میزان بزهکاری پایین می‌آید. همچنین میانگین بزهکاری در شیوه فعالیت شرمنده‌سازی بازدارنده و تقویت کننده و نوع فعالیت شرمنده‌سازی (رسمی و غیررسمی) تفاوت معناداری با یکدیگر ندارد و از نظر میزان با یکدیگر برابرند. رابطه بین دو متغیر دلبستگی و فعالیت‌های شرمنده‌سازی نشان داد که میان این دو متغیر و بزهکاری رابطه معناداری وجود ندارد و فرض ما در مورد این دو متغیر رد می‌شود. Manuscript profile
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        99 - A Study on the Body Management and the Social Acceptability(A Case Study among Male and Female Students at Islamic Azad University and Payam Noor of Zanjan
        Aliyeh Shekarbaygi Amir Amiri
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        100 - Employing ZnFe2O4 as a nano photocatalyst for degradation of Tert- Butyl alcohol in synthetic wastewater
        Ali hassani joshaghani Fariba Soleimani Mahdi Sanavi Fard Aref Shokri
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        101 - Providing Tertiary Education Pattern based on Knowledge based Economy (Islamic Azad University case study)
        hosein karimi Mojgan Abdollahi fatemeh parasteh ramazan jahanian
        Knowledgebased economy is one of the global megatrends related to higher education, where knowledge is the most fundamental source of value or wealth production and learning is its most important process.Rapid changes in knowledge technology and the emergence of new req More
        Knowledgebased economy is one of the global megatrends related to higher education, where knowledge is the most fundamental source of value or wealth production and learning is its most important process.Rapid changes in knowledge technology and the emergence of new requirements have transformed the demand for education. A variety of educational models are formed in different academic generations to respond to these demands and changes. This research has been done with the aim of identifying the determining components of university education based on knowledge-based economy and providing a suitable model.The current research was conducted with a mixed method in terms of practical purpose and in terms of nature.In this article, the results of the qualitative part of the research are presented in both library and field sections.In this regard, in an analytical way and through the background of the research, various theories of tertiary education and knowledge-based economy have been investigated and in the field part by purposeful sampling through semi-structured interviews of 15 experts including The professors and research managers of Azad University of Tehran and Alborz provinces, consisting of 9 main response questions, using Nvivo software with theme analysis method, the collected data were analyzed, and finally, the research model was created by the researcher after identifying and extracting the minimum ten main and effective components as background factors and drivers each with five components in three general categories of background factors;Driving factors and outputs and consequences of tertiary education based on knowledge-based economy were designed and presented. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Separation and Computation of Relative Risk Aversion and Elasticity of Inter Temporal Substitution: Recursive Preferences and Dynamic Programming Approach
        reza roshan
        Abstract The aim of this paper is separation and calculation of the relative risk aversion and elasticity of inter temporal substitution (EIS) by combining the recursive preferences and budget constraint of the consumer. For this mean,at the first, asset portfolio was More
        Abstract The aim of this paper is separation and calculation of the relative risk aversion and elasticity of inter temporal substitution (EIS) by combining the recursive preferences and budget constraint of the consumer. For this mean,at the first, asset portfolio was constituted for Iranian households and by using of the GMM approach and utility function, Euler equations investigated for during the 1357-1393. The results of different models indicate that there is no reciprocal relation between of two parameters and Iranian households tend to stabilize and smooth consumption at different states and times. Based on the results, development of financial markets will be on the agenda of planners, so that small-scale households’ capital can be led through such markets to rebuild the country's infrastructure. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Analytical review of Quranic intertextuality in the verses of Mullah Abdul Karim Modarres (case study: The Court “Sana va Skalah”)
        abdollah rasool nejad masoud bavanpouri soudabe jafari
        Holy Quran and the issues with it have always been among the important issues which have been the center of attention of researchers and the profound effects of this holy book from the time of its descend to the present time have been obvious to everyone. This impressib More
        Holy Quran and the issues with it have always been among the important issues which have been the center of attention of researchers and the profound effects of this holy book from the time of its descend to the present time have been obvious to everyone. This impressibility is not limited only to the period of descending of the Quran and Arabic old literature but contemporary poets, even poets of other languages and religions were impressed by Quranic concepts and values . Many prominent poets of different languages have decorated their court with words and combinations from the Holy Quran. Mullah Abdul Karim Modarres is one of the leading Kurd poets who enjoys valuable and distinctive position in Kurdish literature. He has interpreted the Quran in Kurdish and clearly he has been impressed. He has several books of poetry and religion, in which the authors of this article have examined the court “Sana va Skalah” (praise and supplication). The poet sometimes has used the same verse of the Quran or a translation in Kurdish language, and in the second part of his poem, the poet has praised God's great attributes. The authors intend to express examples of this effect using descriptive and analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Investigating format- structure features in children songs common in Fars
        mohamad moradi
        Common folk songs in Fars from the perspective of the type of audience have a distinct range from other local literature climates. One of the main types of Fars local songs, depending on the type of audience is those poems that have been composed for children and adoles More
        Common folk songs in Fars from the perspective of the type of audience have a distinct range from other local literature climates. One of the main types of Fars local songs, depending on the type of audience is those poems that have been composed for children and adolescents. And they can be classified under titles such as: lullaby, caressing songs and the songs of play and entertainment. Since no research has been conducted on investigating format and structure features in common children's songs in Fars as well as the relationship between their structure and content, in this paper, by content analysis method, the format and type of musical function, reliability and shape- verbal repeating elements in Fars children's songs have been analyzed and investigated. The findings of this study show that in mentioned three main types, repeating and sometimes distinct techniques and patterns are found in composing songs and as we approach songs related to the age group of children and adolescents from infant, the importance of music in songs' structure has been reduced and the importance of the narrative has been added; also poems' space has been approached a discourse- oriented space and rarely in some songs polyphony from monologue, that the feature is directly related to the type of songs' format and their length as well as the application of row, rhyme and requirements available in songs Manuscript profile
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        105 - Quranic and Hadithic Intertextuality in the 9th Ode of Adibol-Mamalek Farahani
        hamidreza jadidi
        Intertextuality is a way of criticism in literary explains that no context is original and pure; but every context is a reflection of previous ones. Bakhtin, Julia Kristeva and Gérard Genette are great researchers who worked on interconnection between related wor More
        Intertextuality is a way of criticism in literary explains that no context is original and pure; but every context is a reflection of previous ones. Bakhtin, Julia Kristeva and Gérard Genette are great researchers who worked on interconnection between related works of literature. Genette divides intertextuality into three large categories: implicit or explicit; covert or overt; hidden or open. The Holy Quran is the most effective book to create Farsi texts and many poets were influenced by it and by Infallibles’ narratives. About ritual literature, obviously, the results should be clear in order to approach a deeper understanding of poems. Adib al-Mamalek Farahani, the remarkable poet of Constitutional Time, who was quietly familiar with Arabic literature, Quran and Infallibles’ narratives, used these sources especially in his political and social poets. He had poetical picture of Quranic contents sometimes; and offered new examples of misreading. In this article, by analytical-descriptive method and by looking at Gérard Genette’s criticism method, writer tried to summarily express rhymes of Adib al-Mamalek’s ninth ode, inspired by Intertextuality. These rhymes show his complete ability to comprehend Quran’s characters and words, and Infallibles’ narratives; mostly gained explicit way for better stimulus. Manuscript profile
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        106 - Relationship between Rate of Internet Use and the Type of its use with Academic Performance of the Students in Islamic Azad University of Zanjan
        Rasol Davoudi Raheleh Nourbakhsh Bonjar Naghi Kamali
        The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between rate of internet use and the type of its use with academic performance of the students in Islamic Azad University of Zanjan. To reach this goal, in addition to theoretical studies and investigating resear More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between rate of internet use and the type of its use with academic performance of the students in Islamic Azad University of Zanjan. To reach this goal, in addition to theoretical studies and investigating research literature, data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. Experts approved the validity of the questionnaire and the reliability was estimated by Cronbach Alpha 0/88. The statistical population consisted of 12,309 Islamic Azad University undergraduate students, 364 people of whom were selected as the sample based on Cochran formula and through stratified random sampling method. The research method was an applied one in terms of purpose, and a correlation one as far as data gathering is concerned. Data analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between internet use and academic performance of undergraduate students in Islamic Azad university of Zanjan. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the way to use internet in three aspects, that is, recreational, communicational, and educational aspects and the academic performance of the students. Manuscript profile
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        107 - An Analysis of Computer Games’ Role in Improving U.S. Soft Power
        farhad badiee hossein harsij
        Abstract: The world of video games is very interesting and attractive which could fascinate millions of people throughout the world and their audiences are increasing daily. Nevertheless there is a fundamental question that "what is the main objective behind producing More
        Abstract: The world of video games is very interesting and attractive which could fascinate millions of people throughout the world and their audiences are increasing daily. Nevertheless there is a fundamental question that "what is the main objective behind producing these games?" Whether the production of these games is only for entertainment or there are other goals behind them. The background location, story and characterization of some of these games are such that some sharp-sighted players feel doubtful whether the goal of producer of these games is just entertainment. The present article wants to answer the above question and it examines these games in two parts. First part is about battles in Islamic countries, the games which their story happens in Islamic countries. The second part is about future games, the games that are related to wars which happen in the near future. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical. The finding of the paper shows that these games help improve the soft power of the United States and could influence the audiences and change their way of thinking. Moreover, these games prepare the ground for implementation of the Western countries policies especially the United States one and try to legitimize those policies. Manuscript profile
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        108 - A Survey of Khaqani's ode of Madaen Porch (Based on the Theory of Intertextuality With an Inter-semiotic, Intra-semiotic Approach)
        hamedreza ansari ali eshghi Abolghasem AmirAhmadi
        Intertextuality is a much discussed theory in the area of Literary and artistic studies dealing with the relationship of literature / texts with one another ; and inasmuch as the Persian Poetry is one of the texts that has constantly had a profound and inseparable bond More
        Intertextuality is a much discussed theory in the area of Literary and artistic studies dealing with the relationship of literature / texts with one another ; and inasmuch as the Persian Poetry is one of the texts that has constantly had a profound and inseparable bond with the antecedent Work in various areas of human thought and idea over its different periods of life, field of inter-textual studies about it is widespread. Khaqani-e Sharvani (b.1141 d.1216) is a great poet of personal style who has benefited from a variety of motifs in his poems, and this matter has turned his poems into an encyclopedia taking on a profound and widespread inter-textual relationship with the diversified past literature. Hence it is, an endeavor has been made so as to consider his well – known and lasting ode of Madaen Porch with attention to the bidirectional nature which it bears to the effect that it has been affected by the non-verbal sign of the majestic edifice of Khosro's arched roof on the one hand, and on the other hand it is affected to some extent by the literary works that  his antecedents have created under the impression of observing this historical and magnificent palace – on the basis of the intertextuality theory while emphasis is being laid on inter-semiotic intertextuality and intra-semiotic intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        109 - Intertextuality in the critical proofreading of the manuscripts of mystical interpretations of Surah Yusuf case study: Bahr al-Mahabbah fi Asrar al-Mawaddah
        mahboobe shamshirgarha
        The concept of intertextuality has a great function in understanding and criticizing mystical texts as well as Proofreading manuscripts. In particular, If the many connections between the mystical interpretations of Surah Yusuf in the interpretations of the middle centu More
        The concept of intertextuality has a great function in understanding and criticizing mystical texts as well as Proofreading manuscripts. In particular, If the many connections between the mystical interpretations of Surah Yusuf in the interpretations of the middle centuries are understood, it will have a great impact on correct reading and solving some problems of Proofreading these texts. The existence of a network of earlier and later intertextual relationships in these works, Including the qesse- ye- Joseph, Anis al-Muridin and Rawzah al-Mohebeen, Anis al-Muridin and Shams al-Majalis, Hadaiq al-Haqaiq, as well as Bahr al-Mahabbah fi Asrar al-Mawddah is very strong. So that the effort to understand the meaning in each one with the assumption of independence does not lead to the right result. This article, using the method of content analysis, with the aim of emphasizing the perspective of intertextuality in Proofreading the mystical interpretations of Surah Yusuf, seeks to show how the Manuscript proofreader will be able to understand the text by considering this point of view; so that he can achieve the main goal of proofreading, which is to achieve a text as close as possible to the author's work. In Proofreading Bahr al-Mahabbah as a case study, a comparative study of specific interpretations of Surah Yusuf and understanding the relationship between them led to solving some difficulties. Some if the examples are: Choosing the names of some characters in the story, such as the names of Yusuf's sister and Zulikha and her rival, Manuscript profile
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        110 - Analysis of Intertextual Links between Parvin Etesami's Poems and Hafez's Lyric Poems Based on Genet Transtextual Approach
        Parvin Golizadeh Mokhtar Ebrahimi Maryam Ashkani
        The purpose in this research is to show the influences of Hafez on Parvin Etesami in terms of thought and language. The method of research is based on Gérard Genette’s rather descriptive and analytical, but actually intertextual approach. Intertextuality re More
        The purpose in this research is to show the influences of Hafez on Parvin Etesami in terms of thought and language. The method of research is based on Gérard Genette’s rather descriptive and analytical, but actually intertextual approach. Intertextuality relies on discovering influences and effects of texts upon other texts. Based on this approach there are no unique, pure, or all- inclusive texts. All texts are influenced by texts that existed before and will influence other texts in the future and such relation is present in the conversations that exist among texts (Genette). The terminology of intertextuality was first introduced in the late 1960s by Julia Kristeva. Gérard Genette is among theorists that utilized intertextuality in a practical manner and called it transtextuality. Our reading of Parvin’s Qasidahs and Hafez’s Ghazals reveals to us the presence of metatextuality and paratextuality from Genette’s five categories of Intertextuality, Paratextuality, Metatextuality, Hypertextuality, and Architextuality. The relations of metatextuality in some of the poetry by Parvin & Hafez are telling of Parvin’s adherence to cultural and intellectual principles of Persian classical poetry and Hafez’s critical positions on these matters.  Manuscript profile
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        111 - Comparative study of educational poems attributed to Imam Reza (as) With Saadi Shirazi's educational poems with an intertextual theory approach
        Faroogh Nemati Seyedeh Somayeh Mosavi Salem Ayoob Moradi
        Analysis examines the relationship between a text and other earlier or contemporary texts with an "intertextual" approach. Intertextuality was one of Julia Cristova's innovations, which was later expanded with the research of Gerard Genet and found several sub-branches. More
        Analysis examines the relationship between a text and other earlier or contemporary texts with an "intertextual" approach. Intertextuality was one of Julia Cristova's innovations, which was later expanded with the research of Gerard Genet and found several sub-branches. Educational literature seeks to teach moral and educational points in a way that is one of the most important areas of education in the context of the goals of human growth and excellence. Imam Reza (AS), who is the embodiment of the most beautiful and highest moral manifestations, by examining his poems, we find that the poetry of that Imam (AS) is tied to the rules and concepts of teaching and morality. Meanwhile, Saadi Shirazi, whose garden and orchard are the mainstay of all educational literature in the field of ancient Persian poetry, has included many moral-educational themes in his poems. What can be considered in comparing the educational poems of Imam Reza (AS) with the educational themes in Saadi's poems is very similar to these poems; It is as if Saadi, after a few centuries, has repeated the moral messages of that Imam (as) again with other words. In this research, the author tries to use the theory of intertextuality, while emphasizing the educational and moral themes in Imam Reza's (AS) poems, to discuss the similarities and commonalities of Saadi's educational poems with Razavi's poems and pass it on. Educational literature to examine and   Manuscript profile
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        112 - Intertextuality in Didactic Literature (Qābus-Nāma and the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep; the Oldest Book-for-Offspring in the World)
        Saba Jalili jashn abadi sayed mahdi Rahimi
        One of the topics in text criticism is intertextuality Which refers to the various relationships of texts in terms of form and meaning. It considers the text as a loop in an intertextual chain that is related to the texts before and its contemporaries and the texts afte More
        One of the topics in text criticism is intertextuality Which refers to the various relationships of texts in terms of form and meaning. It considers the text as a loop in an intertextual chain that is related to the texts before and its contemporaries and the texts after. In other words, each text has a hidden and explicit connection with its genre, both formally and semantically. Advice to offspring is a sub-Genre of didactic literature that has an ancient history in human civilization. This tradition of advising that relies on the three principles of antiquity, universality, continuity, and repetition, requires intertextual and comparative analysis. According to historical documents, the instructions of Ptah-Hotep is the oldest book-for-offspring in world literature. These instructions date back to 2880 BC in Egypt. in Persian language and literature, Qābus-Nāma is a famous and successful example that shortly after writing, until the end of the Qajar period, was considered and imitated by the authors of texts in Iran. The very ancient place of Instruction of Ptah in the tradition of advice to the son, and the fame of Qābus-Nāma is the main reason for selecting these works. In this research, with an analytical-comparative approach, the extra-textual, hypertext, and intra-textual characteristics of these works were investigated. That have similarities in the type of audience (authors' sons), social status of the authors (Isesis court minister and Prince Ale-Ziār), pride in lineage, having an emotional introduction and an emphatic ending, recommendation to apply the teachings, expressing behavioral advice in the community and family. This achievement shows that there was a common tradition in writing advice for the offspring, which of course varies slightly depending on the type.   Manuscript profile
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        113 - .Intertextuality of Quran and Hadith in Didactic Poems of Hafiz Based on Literary Theories
        Ahmad Khajeim Seyed Mohammad Alavi Moqadam Asadian Mohammadian Moslem Rajabi
        . Immortality of didactic poems of Hafiz lies in its irrefrangible relation with Quran and Hadith. He does this usage so artfully that arouses emotions of readers and provokes them to contemplate on these Quranic- Hadith doctrines. He intended to immortalize poems throu More
        . Immortality of didactic poems of Hafiz lies in its irrefrangible relation with Quran and Hadith. He does this usage so artfully that arouses emotions of readers and provokes them to contemplate on these Quranic- Hadith doctrines. He intended to immortalize poems through the use of these Hadith and Quranic usages. Since intertexuality, or the theory of interaction of texts, is of most important theories for structural and post structural scholars and it delves into the similarities and differences oftext, in prose and poetry, and literary men should have a good knowledge of contemporary and ancient texts, we try to read poems of Hafiz in the light of intertexuality and its theorists like Bakhtin, Cristova, Barth, Michael Riffaterre, Laurent Jenny. The purpose of this survey is to expound Hafiz’s usages of Quran and Hadiths. His poems have been analyzed in an analytic- descriptive method and in the light of theorists of intertexuality to show the consistent structure of the poems and its musical language, and furthermore, to identify the literary innovations by which he has incorporated Quran and Hadith.  Manuscript profile
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        114 - Determinants of Agricultural Students’ Academic Performance at the University Level: Case of Bangladesh
        Md. Wakilur Rahman Kazi Shek Farid Nishith Zahan Tanny
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        115 - Investigation and analyzing the role of urban volumes in memorization and urban identity with an inter textual approach (Case study; Kerman city)
        azadeh atashpanjeh mohammad naghizadeh zahra sadat saeedeh zarabadi
        Objective: urban volumes, including sculptures and elements in the text of their city,form a layer of city identity and a suitable platform for formation of signs and symbols of urban identity and creation of memorable and social spaces.In recent decades, it seems that More
        Objective: urban volumes, including sculptures and elements in the text of their city,form a layer of city identity and a suitable platform for formation of signs and symbols of urban identity and creation of memorable and social spaces.In recent decades, it seems that neglect of some features in creation and use of these works,especially in terms of content and space, has caused problems in the identity of contemporary urban spaces and reduced effectiveness of these works.Purpose is to analyze how urban volumes of Kerman city affect the identity and memory of urban space by examining intertextual references and sources of inspiration and themes of these works.Research method of this paper is researches of logical reasoning and its method is to use reason to explain the relations and comprehend the components of a mental system in a descriptive and analytical form and the intertextual approach is used as a theory in semantic critique and analysis of works of art.Results show that use of social, psychological,cultural and literary works, respectively,had the greatest impact on the design of urban elements and sculptures.Also,turning method of explicit meaning into implication and turning mere statues into meaningful elements and implicit references has strengthened the value and symbolic aspect of works and authentication in higher degrees. Manuscript profile
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        116 - Facies analysis and sedimentary environments of Sachun Formation in Kuh-e-Siah section, southeast of Sarvestan (Fars Province)
        Yagob Lasemi Masih Afghah Solmaz Arzaghi
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        117 - A neuro-data envelopment analysis approach for optimization of uncorrelated multiple response problems with smaller the better type controllable factors
        Mahdi Bashiri Amir Farshbaf-Geranmayeh Hamed Mogouie
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        118 - Determining the amount of information literacy skills of librarians in cultural recreational organization of Isfahan Municipality according to the model Izanberg and Brecoitz.
        Ahmad Shabani bibiEshrat Zamani Alireza AbediLenji Nahid Soleymani
        Purpose: the aim of this study is to determine the amount of information literacy skills of librarians in cultural recreational organization of Isfahan Municipality according to the model Izanberg and Brecoitz. Methodology: this study is a descriptive survey. The popul More
        Purpose: the aim of this study is to determine the amount of information literacy skills of librarians in cultural recreational organization of Isfahan Municipality according to the model Izanberg and Brecoitz. Methodology: this study is a descriptive survey. The population consists of all librarians (240 people) of Cultural recreational Organization of Isfahan Municipality. Simple random sampling method was used and sample was included137 people. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used and reliability coefficient was calculated 87 percent using Cronbach’s alpha. The data using SPSS software was analyzed at descriptive and inferential levels. Findings: according to the results the mean of all the components were greater than the average level and the highest average related to skill evaluation with 4.21 and the lowest was related to locate and access information with mean 4.07. Conclusion: the results of this study showed that the librarians of cultural recreational organization of Isfahan Municipality consider the amount of information literacy skills components application more than the average level based on the model Izanberg and Brecoitz. The results also showed that , there is significant difference based on demographic factors, field of study and level of education Manuscript profile
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        119 - The Intertextuality in an English as a Foreign Language Textbook: An Analytical Study of Interchange Fourth Edition
        Hani Mansooji Ahmad Mohseni
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        120 - Intertextuality and Plagiarism in EFL Writing: An Analysis of University Professors’ Attitudes towards MA Theses
        Hossein Pourghasemian Mohammad Afzali
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        121 - Kei Khosrow and Bahrām Gor: An Intertextual Reading of Shānāmeh and Haft Paykar
        Rezā Refāee Qadimi Mashhad Hoseinali Qobādi
        Shānāmeh, as an exemplary pattern for Persian epics, has been the source of numerous epic works. Based on an intertextual reading, in the present article the attempt is made to study the influence of the Shānāmeh on Haft Paykar in the creation of the mythological person More
        Shānāmeh, as an exemplary pattern for Persian epics, has been the source of numerous epic works. Based on an intertextual reading, in the present article the attempt is made to study the influence of the Shānāmeh on Haft Paykar in the creation of the mythological personality of Bahrām Gor (Bahrām the Onager). The present study seeks to explore the mythological personality of Kei Khosrow in Shānāmeh that has inspired Nizami Ganjavi in the processing of Bahrām Gor 's character. Nizami Ganjavi's reference at the beginning of Haft Paykar to Shānāmeh and the textual evidence reinforces this claim.  So, one can find a pattern for the creation of the character of Bahrām Gor according to Nizami Ganjavi's narrative. Based on the thoughts of Gérard Genette and by using a descriptive-analytical method and intertextual approach, the article tries to examine the characters of Bahrām Gor and Kei Khosrow in Shānāmeh and Haft Paykar. The results show that explicit and implicit intertextual relationships are presented in cases such as the actions and behaviors and mystical personality of the two characters and the dreams and predictions of the elders about them.   Manuscript profile
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        122 - Love in Sefat al-āšeqīn and Abhar al- āšeqīn: An Intertextuality Approach
        Ebrāhim Ebrāhimtabār Jamshid Najaf
        Abhar al-āšqīn is a collection of Rūzbahān Baqalī Šīrāzī’s thoughts about love. Because of the great importance of this mystical treatise in Persian literature, it has had great influence on its later works including masnavi of Sefat al- āšqīn More
        Abhar al-āšqīn is a collection of Rūzbahān Baqalī Šīrāzī’s thoughts about love. Because of the great importance of this mystical treatise in Persian literature, it has had great influence on its later works including masnavi of Sefat al- āšqīn, composed by Helali Joghtaei. Since these two books have a lot of similarities in content and subject matter, they can be studied based on Genette's Intertextuality theory that suggests three types of "explicitly deliberate", "hidden-deliberate," and "implicit" links between texts. The findings of the present research show that many themes related to love, such as eternality and the mutuality of love and its obstacles are presented in both books. The intertextuality relationship between them shows that Sefat al- āšqīn is not a mere imitation of Abhar al- āšqīn without any creativity. By using descriptive-analytic method, the present article tries to show the common themes about love in both books. Manuscript profile
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        123 - The Traces of Myths in Atash Bedune Dood (Fire without Smoke); A Review Based on Gerard Genette's Intertextuality Theory
        Royā Novin Hamidrezā Farzi Ali Dehghān
        Myth is one of the significant elements in the structure and content of the contemporary stories. One of Persian contemporary stories, influenced by myths, is Nader Ebrahimi's Atash Bedune Dood (Fire Without Smoke). By using descriptive-analytical method and library sou More
        Myth is one of the significant elements in the structure and content of the contemporary stories. One of Persian contemporary stories, influenced by myths, is Nader Ebrahimi's Atash Bedune Dood (Fire Without Smoke). By using descriptive-analytical method and library sources and based on Gerard Genette's intertextuality theory, the present article attempts to identify the traces of myths in the story. The authors assume that Ebrahimi has consciously used mythological elements in the structure and content of his work and has established intertextual relationships. He has been influenced by mythological and epic texts, especially Shāhnāmeh. Mythological and epic stories, including Rostam and Sohrab, Fereydun, Siavash, Banu Goshasp, as well as mythological themes, such as the sanctity of tree and transformation of hero into plant have played a role in shaping the story. Based on Genette’s five subtypes of transtextuality - intertextuality, paratextuality, architextuality, metatextuality and hypotextuality - these subjects have been explored in the article. Manuscript profile
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        124 - Intertextual Relationships in the Story of Khalil and Its Iranian Roots
        Zeinab Sādeghi Sahlābād Mahboobeh Mobāsheri
        In the present study we examine the hereditary and intertextual relationships in Khalil, a short novel written by Leonid Leonov, Russian author of the 20th century. The story is influenced by Iranian mystical and classical literature and has been created with Oriental a More
        In the present study we examine the hereditary and intertextual relationships in Khalil, a short novel written by Leonid Leonov, Russian author of the 20th century. The story is influenced by Iranian mystical and classical literature and has been created with Oriental and Iranian tone. So, we take into account the concept of intertextuality and examine the impact of texts on each other. The prototype of the hero of the story (Khalil) is one of the kings of the Timurid era, and the chronotope (spatio-temporal) pattern of the story relates to ancient Iran. The Oriental atmosphere of the story is conveyed to the reader through the use of a large number of Persian words and a language style similar to Iranian works. Also, the main character of the story has characteristics similar to those of Iranian literary heroes. In terms of content and structure, there are semantic and structural connections between mystical, mythical, and folk narratives and the story. Its themes and contents have been adapted from various anecdotes, and each of them has influenced part of the story. In the end, by using descriptive-analytical method, we show how successful Leonov is in creating a special story with a multi-dimensional discourse combined with Eastern narrative traditions. Manuscript profile
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        125 - An Intertextual Reading of Two Stories from Masnavi Manavi and Decameron
        AFSANEH SAADATI Hasan Yazdanpanah
        One method of gaining a deep understanding of texts is through examining the interactions between different works. Authors are often influenced by each other's writings, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The focus of the essay is to explore the intertextual read More
        One method of gaining a deep understanding of texts is through examining the interactions between different works. Authors are often influenced by each other's writings, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The focus of the essay is to explore the intertextual reading of two stories: "The Sufi Who Caught His Wife with a Strange Man" from Masnavi Manavi, and the second story from Day Seven of Decameron ("Peronella Hideth a Lover of Hers in a Vat, Upon Her Husband's Unlooked for Return") through the lens of Genet's theory of transtextuality. These two stories share similarities in themes such as unfaithfulness, betrayal, enjoying life, women's cunning, and the fear of scandal. The present research adopts an analytical-comparative approach to compare these two classic works and highlight their commonalities and differences. The research findings suggest that Boccaccio recreated a story from Masnavi Manavi in a remarkable manner within his own tales. The study not only establishes a favorable foundation for comparative analysis but also paves the way for further exploration of Rumi's works. Manuscript profile
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        126 - The Analysis of the Verses and Narrations of the First Book of Masnavi Manavi Based on Harold Bloom's Theory of Creative Misprision
        alieh youseffam Masoume Kazemi Nezhad
        Creative misprision is a theory proposed by Harold Bloom based on intertextuality and the relationships between literary texts and their influence on each other. The theory posits that there is always a conflict between poets and writers of the past and the succeeding o More
        Creative misprision is a theory proposed by Harold Bloom based on intertextuality and the relationships between literary texts and their influence on each other. The theory posits that there is always a conflict between poets and writers of the past and the succeeding ones. In his most important work, The Anxiety of Influence, Bloom emphasizes the two-way but hostile relationship between new writers and past ones. To get rid of the anxiety of influence of the past texts, poets and writers use methods through creative misprision to create new works in an attempt to show their own superiority to their predecessors. In the present research, we analyze the transformations that Jalāl al-Din Rūmi has applied in order to get rid of the anxiety of the influence of past texts , and to study the role of Bloom's creative misprision in Masnavi by using analytical-comparative method. The findings show that Rumi's creative method in the creation of stories and anecdotes to get rid of the influence of past texts is an instance of the creative misprision. For this purpose, he has employed a variety of techniques such as association, using educational, religious and philosophical themes, changing the elements of the stories, and symbolism.  Manuscript profile
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        127 - Intertextual Interaction between Qaboosname & Quotations of Sufis Based on Gerard Genette’s Theory
        Ebrahim Danesh Faramarz Jalalat
        Qaboosname is one of the prominent works of Persian didactic literature. It is considered a central text among Persian literary works due to its formal attractiveness and thematic variety. This book had an undeniable intertextual role in the evolution of the Persian tex More
        Qaboosname is one of the prominent works of Persian didactic literature. It is considered a central text among Persian literary works due to its formal attractiveness and thematic variety. This book had an undeniable intertextual role in the evolution of the Persian textual galaxy in getting, developing, and transferring religious, social, and educational teachings. Wise quotations and pieces of educational advice are some of the valuable heritage that reached Qabooname to remarkable Persian works after it. Analyzing intertextual relations between Qaboosname and quotations of Sufis can explain the share of mysticism in Onsorolma’ali’s educational system and make us familiar with the amount and the way of intertextual application of Qaboosname and its intellectual references. It also can help us to reach a better understanding of the book and its related texts. This paper in a descriptive and analytical way has concluded that the high frequency of implicit and explicit intertextuality indicates that Qaboosname has a high level of literariness and aestheticism. The high amount of educational topics such as social, and religious issues and the necessity of linguistic and behavioral politeness signifies that social interactions are important in Onsorolma’ali’s view and intellectual framework of Sufism. Paying attention to the quotations and behaviors of the first-class Sufis of Islamic mysticism indicates that Onsorolma’ali had a firm belief in getting educational teachings from basic Sources of this movement. Manuscript profile
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        128 - The Influence of Intertextuality in the Novel 'Suvashun' on Audience Engagement During Reading
        Esmaeel BANIARDALAN Shahrokh Amirian Doost
        Genetic intertextuality is a well-known form of intertextuality. From a genetic point of view, intertextual relationships in texts can be distinguished into two types: real (strong) and single-layer (weak). True intertextuality is only achieved when the connection betwe More
        Genetic intertextuality is a well-known form of intertextuality. From a genetic point of view, intertextual relationships in texts can be distinguished into two types: real (strong) and single-layer (weak). True intertextuality is only achieved when the connection between two texts transcends mere lexical and formal similarities, indicating a strong intertextual bond. Through genetic intertextuality, a thorough exploration of textual relationships at various levels—both formal and thematic—proves essential in identifying the type, nature, and intensity of intertextuality. Furthermore, Roland Barthes employs a genetic intertextual interpretation to enhance the reader's experience and interaction with the text. He posits that texts can be viewed as either "readings" where the audience plays a passive role or "writings" where the audience actively engages. Barthes contends that leveraging these two forms of intertextuality is pivotal in decoding the text effectively. This qualitative study employs a comparative analytical approach to analyze data. The findings underscore the significant impact of a strong intertextual relationship in transforming the novel, "Suvashun," into a narrative that captivates the reader's passive engagement. Manuscript profile
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        129 - Welcome toHades and the Myth of Persephone: A Comparative Analysis Based on Theory of Intertextuality
        Afsane Hasan zade dastjerdi
        Sometimes, the writers of literary texts utilize some characters from the other texts, stories and even the whole plot. One of main recourses of stories is myths that have been reflected in rites, beliefs and fables in different forms. The Greek myth of Persephone and h More
        Sometimes, the writers of literary texts utilize some characters from the other texts, stories and even the whole plot. One of main recourses of stories is myths that have been reflected in rites, beliefs and fables in different forms. The Greek myth of Persephone and her journey to the kingdom of Hades, the god of underworld, a myth about death and resurrection, is one of them. The main character of the novel, Welcome to Hades, by Belgheis Soleimani, travels like Persephone and after experiencing the events finally reaches the underworld. By using analytic method the present article attempt to explore the role and method of presence and recreation of the myth of Persephone in the novel, Welcome to Hades, with respect to Julia Kristeva’s theory of intertextuality and the ideas of Bakhtin about the logic of dialogue of texts and intertextual relationship in literary texts. The results of the research show that the myths of Persephone and Hades are a pretext for the novel Welcome to Hades and have influenced the structure and characters of the novel. By this way the hidden dimensions of the novel can be understood better. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Mythical-Intertextual Analysis of Heyrani; Based on Julia Kristeva's Theory of Abjection
        Fātemeh Zamāni
        Julia Kristeva has developed new approaches to analyzing texts by focusing on the theory of intertextuality and based on linguistics and psychology. According to the theory of abjection, derived from the post-structuralist ideas of Kristeva, literary creator, as a spoke More
        Julia Kristeva has developed new approaches to analyzing texts by focusing on the theory of intertextuality and based on linguistics and psychology. According to the theory of abjection, derived from the post-structuralist ideas of Kristeva, literary creator, as a spokesperson, becomes estranged from abjects and offers solutions, including taking refuge in myths andarchetypes, to purify himself/herself and his/her community. In the present article, Heirani (Astonishment), a novel by Mohammd Ail Sajjadi, is analyzed based on the theory of abjection. The results show that the author has considered the archetypes, like water, anima, immortality, mountain and the number of seven as well as the mythical characters such as Siavash, Bahrām, Mehr and the sacred cow in order to get rid of individual and social abjects. In this regard, the novel has a mystical-intertextual relationship with the Shāhnāmeh and the story of Siavash. Manuscript profile
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        131 - Intertextual Relationship between Sawāneh Ol-'Oshshāq & Abhar al-'Āshiqin
        منصوره مختاری محبوبه مباشری قدم علی سرامی
        Sawāneh Ol-'Oshshāq, a treatise by Ahmad Ghazālī (c. 1061–1123 or 1126), and Abhar al-'Āshiqin, another treatise by Ruzbihan Baqli Shirazi (d. 1209), have common points in mode of expression, language usage and content. The simultaneous and intertextual reading ca More
        Sawāneh Ol-'Oshshāq, a treatise by Ahmad Ghazālī (c. 1061–1123 or 1126), and Abhar al-'Āshiqin, another treatise by Ruzbihan Baqli Shirazi (d. 1209), have common points in mode of expression, language usage and content. The simultaneous and intertextual reading can lead to change our views about these texts and acquaint us with their common features and special features of their own. Based on Gérard Genette’s ideas, the intertextual reading of the texts reveals that the Abhar al-'Ashiqin is, explicitly and implicitly, influenced by Sawāneh Ol-'Oshshāq in selecting words, terms and proper names and allusions to Quranic verses, Tradition (hadith), and mystical stories and terms. Their intertextual relationship is much deeper and extensive than direct influence and adaptation which may appear. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Study of heavy metals (Cr,Co,Cd) in macroalgae in intertidal zone of Bushehr
        P. Nejatkhah Manavi A. R. Vosoughi E. Shirvani Mahdavi A. Goudarzi
        This study was done in three mounths of summer season of year 2006 in intertidal zone in the Boshehr town in 4 transcet . Gracillaria, Padina, Acantophora, Laurencia, Digenia, Gania Gellidium, Sargassum,Cladophora, Caulerpa, Entromorpha, Halimeda were indicated in inte More
        This study was done in three mounths of summer season of year 2006 in intertidal zone in the Boshehr town in 4 transcet . Gracillaria, Padina, Acantophora, Laurencia, Digenia, Gania Gellidium, Sargassum,Cladophora, Caulerpa, Entromorpha, Halimeda were indicated in intertidal zone of Boshehr Then, were analized samples with absorb atomic machines and considered word limited for metales such as Cr, Cd and Co Result measurement of heavy metal in macro alge show that ,there is not any Co and Cr in waters intertidal zone in Boshehr, also Co in macroalge. the most of Cd measured 0.88 ppm in Padina of Brown alge in Radar site and in Caulerpa 0.47 ppm of green alge in Plaj station. the most of Cr measured in Padina 0.6 ppm of Brown alge in Student park, and 0.1 ppm in Acantophora, Laurencia, Gellidium, Graciilaria in Student park and Jalali station. Manuscript profile
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        133 - Investigating the mystical positions "Sabr" and "Reza" in four works Dastour al-Juhumor, Awarif al-Maarif, Manazel Al-Saerin, and Al-Sawad and Al-Bayaz, relying on Gerard Genet's intertextuality
        elham ghanavatimohammadghasemi ahmad khiyali khatibi ali asghar halabi
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, the participation of those texts in the desired text is done explicitly, implicitly, and implicitly from one text to another. Gérard Genet is one of the More
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, the participation of those texts in the desired text is done explicitly, implicitly, and implicitly from one text to another. Gérard Genet is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, who focuses most of his studies on the nature of narrative discourse. With this point of view, the two books Manazel al-Saerin Ansari, Awarif al-Maarif Sohravardi in the pretext position and Sheikh Kharqani's Dastour al- Jumhour have been evaluated as the posttext.In this article, an attempt has been made to analyze the mystical views of these four works with the descriptive analytical method, around the two mystical positions of "Sabr" and "Reza" in order to reveal the dominant mystical aspect of their personality. From the examination of his views, it was concluded that Ibn Kharqani is very interested in practical trust, patience in hardships, and contentment with God's destiny, and his thoughts were implicitly influenced by his previous works. Manuscript profile
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        134 - Analysis of intertextual theory in the field of Arabic literary criticism, translations provided from it and introduction of elders in this Field
        sajad arabi hamidreza gholami
        The concept of intertextuality was introduced in 1982 by Siza Qasim in an article called “Paradoxical view in contemporary Arabic stories” in the discourse of  contemporary Arabic criticism. This theory was accom pained by different reactions from Arab More
        The concept of intertextuality was introduced in 1982 by Siza Qasim in an article called “Paradoxical view in contemporary Arabic stories” in the discourse of  contemporary Arabic criticism. This theory was accom pained by different reactions from Arab critics and they have provided different translation of it, and have different views and same have theorized about this and they raised view that had hot been raised in this field until then.In the present study, an attempt is made to study and analyze intertextual theory in the field of Arabic literary criticism by descriptive-analytical method, and to examine the most important efforts and works of authors in this field in the Arab world. The results show that the efforts of contemporary Arab critics on intertextuality have taken two trends so far which are: The first is to refer to the field of ancient criticism and adapt this theory to the critical heritage, and the second is to suffice with the new form of intertextual theory without referring to the ancient heritage of literary criticism.Contemporary Arab critics have made great strides in both practical and theoretical terms, Their efforts and achievements in this field and other new theories show this. Manuscript profile
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        135 - Boron trifluoride etherate; highly efficient catalyst for synthesis of tert-butylamides via modified Ritter reaction in solvent free condition
        Masoud Mokhtary Faranak Najafizadeh
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        136 - Alkali metal ion select ability of di-propoxy- p-tert-butyl-Calix[4]arene, synthesized in acetonitrile
        Afsaneh Amiri Mahshid Nikpour Nezhati
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        137 - Conformational Study of some novel Methoxy Half-Analogues of Michler’s Ketone by NMR
        Naghi Saadatjou Geoffrey Hallas
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        138 - Identification of poisonous broad crabs (Xanthidae family) at intertidal coasts of eastern Hormozgan province.
        شهرام شریف زاده هومن شجیعی
        For identify and completion of information about invertebrates species variety of Hormozgan province at intertidal zones and also parasite recognition of oyster and shrimp culture ponds and for ecological importance of crabs in Hormozgan province , species variety of Xa More
        For identify and completion of information about invertebrates species variety of Hormozgan province at intertidal zones and also parasite recognition of oyster and shrimp culture ponds and for ecological importance of crabs in Hormozgan province , species variety of Xanthidae family in suborder Brachyura have been studied. In this research , seasonal sampling via bait putting and hand net in three station with rocky and muddy structures in shrimp culture stations have been performed. The data in relation with species abundance have been analyzed by Excel program. In this study 43 samples of crabs including one genus and three species have been identified by valid identification keys on the basis of morphological characteristics. Manuscript profile
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        139 - The In Vitro Effect of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether on DNA of Blood Cells (Rutilus caspicus) by Comet Assay
        S. Mohammadzadeh Baran A. Mashinchian moradi E. Sharif pour Sh. Jamili P. Ghavam mostafavi
        MTBE increases oxygen consumption as well as reducing carbon monoxide and air pollution. It is very dynamic in soil, and its movement in water is a function of water movement in soil. MTBE is resistant to biodegradation, its half-life in water is long, its absorption in More
        MTBE increases oxygen consumption as well as reducing carbon monoxide and air pollution. It is very dynamic in soil, and its movement in water is a function of water movement in soil. MTBE is resistant to biodegradation, its half-life in water is long, its absorption in soil particles is weak, having high solubility in water, and being very dynamic. This research was aimed at investigating DNA blood cells of Rutilus caspicus in concentrations of 50, 100 and 150 mg/L MTBE for 7, 14 and 21 days. The mean temperature of water was 19 ± 1°C, water oxygen was 7.6 ± 0.2 mg/l, and salinity was considered zero. 220 R. caspicus with an average body length of 150 ± 30 mm and a weight of 15 ± 3 grams were prepared from Sijawal multiplication workshop located at the Turkmen port in Golestan Province and transferred to the laboratory by means of bags containing water (1/3) and oxygen (2/3). After the adaptation period, 13 fish were placed in 50-liter aquariums. The total number of control aquariums was three, and the number of treatment aquariums was nine. In the first, second and third weeks of the test, three fish were randomly taken from each aquarium and their blood samples were collected. After performing the determined stages, the blood samples of the fish were fixed on the slide and kept in the refrigerator for observation with a fluorescence microscope. In this study, Casp 1.2.3b1 software was used to evaluate the DNA degradation. In this software, several examples of alkaline comet data are extracted in data form. The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference between the control and other treatments in terms of DNA degradation. Furthermore, with increasing exposure time, the amount of DNA damage significantly increased (p < 0.01). Manuscript profile
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        140 - Intertextual Comparative study in Sa'di and Shahriar's Odes, Based on ethical points
        Hedayat Naghavi Mahdi Mahoozi Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh
        Abstract         Human being has had inherently a bias toward the ethical values from birth till the end of his life; and his personality has been evaluated with those virtues and devil concepts and whoever attains the higher privileg More
        Abstract         Human being has had inherently a bias toward the ethical values from birth till the end of his life; and his personality has been evaluated with those virtues and devil concepts and whoever attains the higher privilege in this evaluation, will have lofty stance in the memory of people and near his God. That's why, the prophets, in the long history of the humanity, by inviting them to worship the almighty, relying on the genuine ethical values, have guided people to the development and fulfillment of better life. Intertextual study in poets works is of the most attractive topics of literary criticism. The present essay is a research in which the influence of the virtues and wickedness of Sa'di's odes on Shahriar is studied comparatively and the cases of adaptation and inspiration of Sa'di's lyrics in Shahriar poetry is shown. The similarity of ethical thoughts is the theme of this article which have been shown by concrete examples; Shahriar's verses from the view point of affectability from Sa'di' lyrics through comparative approach  deserves studying. Manuscript profile
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        141 - Intertextuality of the Qur'anic Verses in the Transcription of "Gholshan" from Mohammad Rahim Kermani
        Seyyed Ya'ghoob Hosseini Maryam Mahmoodi
        Abstract         In fact, the intertextual relationship, studies the bonds of one text with the other past or present texts. Julia Christova was the originator of intertextuality. Later on Gerard Janet developed this idea and divided More
        Abstract         In fact, the intertextual relationship, studies the bonds of one text with the other past or present texts. Julia Christova was the originator of intertextuality. Later on Gerard Janet developed this idea and divided it to its subdivisions. Today, the intertextual technique is one of the most outstanding characteristics of poetical and textual structure. In this case, The Holy Qur'an as an ethereal source, is of the most significant sources which has inspired most of the writers and poets in the Islamic world. Mohammad Rahim Kermani, the writer of the ethical book " Gholshan ", and of the imitators of the Gulestan of Sa'di, has also utilized the intertextual technique. We have tried, in this article, by using the intertextuality and by employing analytical – descriptive method to investigate these impacts on the text of this book. The aim of this article is to reveal the approach and intertextual relations to highlight the didactic and ethic teachings of the Holy Qur'an. The attention of the author of the Gholshan to the Qur'an and utilizing it in numerous methods shows his presence of mind, the vastness of his knowledge, and indicates his commitment to religion. Mohammad Rahim Kermani, by using the Qur'an in his words has revealed the literary aesthetics elements in its best form. Manuscript profile
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        142 - The Intertextual Perusal of Allameh Hassan Zadeh Amoli's Mystical Poetry with the Holy Qur'an
        Javad Abedi Hossein Parsaee Reza Forsati Jooybari
        Abstract           The theory of intertextuality is one of the most prolific subjects on literary criticism; it is one of the items which adds exquisite beauty to the literary works. Affectability of the poets and writers fr More
        Abstract           The theory of intertextuality is one of the most prolific subjects on literary criticism; it is one of the items which adds exquisite beauty to the literary works. Affectability of the poets and writers from each other's texts and exploring them are really enjoyable. Allameh Hassan Zadeh Amoli's poetry is replete of mystical implications, Qur'anic and traditional themes. His poetry is saturated with mystical themes and is surveyable with the intertextual approach. In this paper, we have tried to analyze his poetry in mystical implications and themes which have rich supporting, by comparative analytical-descriptive method. Therefore, his mystical poetry is perusalled based on intertextuality with the Holy Qur'an. Allameh has tried, in addition to revealing his own feelings in poetry, to deal with belief problems and the Qur'anic Islamic manners. By scrutinizing in the poetry of Allameh one can see various kinds of intertextual relationship including: allusive, inspirational, thematical, technical, trivial and lexical. But by the sequence, the relationship of inspirational, thematical, lexical, trivial and technical are of the conspicuous ones. Manuscript profile
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        143 - Intertextual Analysis of Sacred Defense Paintings
        nayere mobinipour mohammadali khabari Mohammadreza Sharifzadeh
        To read a text, you need previous and contemporary texts, and no text is independent of its predecessors. Since every work of art is a text, a painting can also be considered a text. Due to the appropriateness of Gerard Genet's intertextual theory with the subject, it h More
        To read a text, you need previous and contemporary texts, and no text is independent of its predecessors. Since every work of art is a text, a painting can also be considered a text. Due to the appropriateness of Gerard Genet's intertextual theory with the subject, it has been used as a theoretical framework. The painting of the Holy Defense has its own semantic and aesthetic system that is different from each other. Tastes both in the production and in the acceptance of works of art change depending on the social transformation that has taken place in terms of the structural nature of the work under study. This article intends to answer the questions of how the painting of the Holy Defense was able to represent this subject through text and image and convey it to the audience and how to describe it in the form of aesthetics. The method is fundamental in terms of purpose and based on historical, descriptive and analytical methods in terms of nature. Considering the study of sacred defense paintings and semantics and the reproduction of the sacred concept of war by paintings (texts) and how the concept of sacred warfare is reproduced by images and their role in the reproduction and desecration of war is presented as the final result. Manuscript profile
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        144 - Identifying the components of academic education based on knowledge-based economics and providing a suitable model
        hosein karimi Mozhgan Abdolahi Fatemeh Parasteh ramezan jahanian
        Education is the main basis for creating economic power in the knowledge-based economy. Meeting educational needs requires pursuing multiple forms of knowledge acquisition. Economics helps to predict the manpower needed by different social sectors, and education is effe More
        Education is the main basis for creating economic power in the knowledge-based economy. Meeting educational needs requires pursuing multiple forms of knowledge acquisition. Economics helps to predict the manpower needed by different social sectors, and education is effective in the quality of the population and their acquisition abilities. According to the type and quality of the content of education and research and its amount, it is effective in the speed of transforming the resource-oriented economy into an efficiency-oriented economy and finally into a knowledge-based economy as well as economic growth. The current research was conducted in terms of practical purpose, in terms of descriptive method and in terms of data collection. In this regard, the background of academic education and knowledge-based economy was investigated in an analytical way, and in the field part, a purposeful sampling method was used through a semi-structured interview of 15 experts, including professors and research managers of Azad of Tehran and Alborz, the collected data were analyzed by theme analysis method with Nvivo software after identifying and extracting at least ten main and effective components as contextual and driving factors, each with five components in three general categories. background factors; Driving factors and outputs and consequences of tertiary education based on knowledge-based economics were classified and finally quantitative method with smart.pls software was used in order to validate the research model made by the researcher, the prospects of knowledge-based economy have an effect of 0.677 on underlying factors. Background factors have an effect of 0.518 on driving factors. Driving factors have an impact on human capital by 0.551. Human capital has an effect of 0.336 on results and consequences. The results and consequences have an effect of 0.328 on the ideal goal (strengthening sustainable development). Also, obstacles and injuries have a moderating role of 0.346. Manuscript profile
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        145 - Analysis of the intertextual relation between local historiography and Shahnameh
        فرشته محمدزاده Mohamad gafar yahaghi Bahman Namvar motlagh Javad Abbasi
        Abstract Intertextual relationship is the most important principle in shaping new texts, nevertheless texts coming from different disciplines have always influenced one another and there exists an intertextual connection between them. Based on this notion the purpose o More
        Abstract Intertextual relationship is the most important principle in shaping new texts, nevertheless texts coming from different disciplines have always influenced one another and there exists an intertextual connection between them. Based on this notion the purpose of this research is to explore and determine the extent to which the local historical writings were influenced by Shahnameh as a pretext and an ideal literary model.  Gerard Genette’s transtextuality theory which is the most complete theory in the study and recognition of the relation between texts is used in this article to find an answer to the question.  This research makes use of descriptive analytic and library method.  The study and the analysis of the textual data reveals that the local historians with significant frequency have employed four kinds of intertextual elements such as indirect speech, allusion, reference, and plagiarism in historical texts, hence Shahnameh as a pretext served as an ideal model to meet their expectations, motivations and purposes. Manuscript profile
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        146 - The study and analysis of Iranian national epic romances in the light of intertextuality approach (with emphasis on Shahnameh, Samnameh, Borzunameh, Garshaspnameh, and Banu Goshaspnameh)
        kamalodin Arekhi Mahmood Abbasi Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha
        Abstract   Romances are regarded as the integral part of Iranian national epics.  Considering the fact that epics produced after Shahnameh were all influenced by it, many lyrical characteristics of Shahnameh are found in them.  The attempt is made in this More
        Abstract   Romances are regarded as the integral part of Iranian national epics.  Considering the fact that epics produced after Shahnameh were all influenced by it, many lyrical characteristics of Shahnameh are found in them.  The attempt is made in this article to study these characteristics in the light of intertextuality approach.  Intertextual relationships are divided into three categories in terms of diction, theme, and content. The epics were examined from the perspective of content intertextuality and the descriptive analytic library method was employed in this research. The results of the study indicate that subjects such as falling in love via hearing, the role of mediators in love, women as pioneers in declaring love, role of astronomers and priests or Mobadan, and etc are used intertextually in most romances. Manuscript profile
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        147 - The analysis of the manner in which dynastic historical accounts find expression in Shahnameh on the basis of intertextuality concept forwarded by Gerard Genette
        Fereshteh Mohamad zadeh Mohammad ja’far Yahaghi Bahman Namvar Motlagh Javad Abbasi
        Intertextuality is based on the relationship of a text with other texts.  These texts could come from two different branches but still be dependent on one culture as Shahnameh and dynastic historical documents are of this kind in a way that close connection between More
        Intertextuality is based on the relationship of a text with other texts.  These texts could come from two different branches but still be dependent on one culture as Shahnameh and dynastic historical documents are of this kind in a way that close connection between Shahnameh’s pre- texts and the dynastic historical accounts was formed during subsequent eras.  Therefore the main question and the objective in this research is the nature of the relationship that exists between Shahnameh and its historical counterpart from the sixth century till the middle of the eighth century AH.  Gerard Genette’s theory of transtextuality which is a thorough theory in this regard is used in this research.  The method of research is comparative and is based on the description and the analysis of the data.  The results obtained demonstrates that dynastic historians according to their historical views, and their own historiographic style in order to fulfill their own expectations and those of their audience had willfully chosen Shahnameh.  In this vein they had most benefitted from four kinds of intertextual figures, quotation, allusion, plagiarism, and referencing respectively. Manuscript profile
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        148 - Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh
        Mehdi Mahoozi Maryam Amir Arjmand
        Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh Mohammadi in the tenth century A.H. , being fluent in both Farsi, and Arabic started this work in masnavi style in the year 947 A.H., and terminated it in the holy Makeh in 949 A.H.  The transcription of this unique copy in a cal More
        Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh Mohammadi in the tenth century A.H. , being fluent in both Farsi, and Arabic started this work in masnavi style in the year 947 A.H., and terminated it in the holy Makeh in 949 A.H.  The transcription of this unique copy in a calligraphic style was made by a calligrapher, Saghi-Ibn Solieman in 950 A.H. Soughnameh is the account of the spiritual journey of Beloghia, the Egyptian king, on his way to the place of pilgrimage of Prophet Mohammad which was composed in 4941 lines. The basic theme of this story is the longing and enthusiasm for reaching the Prophet’s sanctuary. Being largely under the influence of Masnavi Moulana, and Golshan Touhidi written by Shahedi, yet in terms of structure, Shoughnameh bears a lot of resemblance to Attar’s Mosibatnameh.  Nevertheless, in expressing religious and moral issues, its tone like that of Sanaei Ghaznavi becomes  more instructive and domineering.   Manuscript profile
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        149 - Qualitative Study of the Attitudes of Female Youths and Adolescents Adherent to South Korean Entertainment Industry Products
        Leila  Ebrahimi Varzaneh Elham Fathi
        The present research was purposed to qualitatively study the female youths and adolescent’s attitude who were adherent to South Korean entertainment industry products. The statistical population subsumed the female youths and adolescents who were adherent to South Korea More
        The present research was purposed to qualitatively study the female youths and adolescent’s attitude who were adherent to South Korean entertainment industry products. The statistical population subsumed the female youths and adolescents who were adherent to South Korean entertainment industry products in Tehran city. The sample until reaching theoretical saturation encompassed eleven female adolescents and youths aged 13 to 22 whom were selected via purposive sampling procedure. The research method was qualitative of contractual content analysis type and semi-structured interviews were used. The results of the research revealed that new media have become the cause of changes in identity building institutions and the media have changed the meaning-making factors of identity. The influence of the media in the formation of the identity and attitude of female youths and adolescents is significant in relation to the way their identity is influenced by the South Korean entertainment industry. Also, during exploratory interviews with the participants, 5 main themes and 24 sub-themes were extracted. The extracted themes included distance from the Iranian self and identity, critical attitude about the cultural, social, economic, and gender situation in Iran, idealism, imitation and feeling close to South Korean entertainment industry artists, lifestyle change, and group identity formation. The findings of this study could provide useful information to media policymakers, mental health professionals, and sociologists to be effective in forming the identity and attitude of young Iranian females. Manuscript profile
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        150 - Investigating the effect of online platform features(perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and entertainment) on brand loyalty considering the mediating role of customer satisfaction (case study: Snap application users)
        Saeed Landaran Esfahani Hadi Nosuhi Dehnavi
        The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of online platforms' features on brand loyalty, taking into account the mediating role of customer satisfaction (the case study of Snap application users). The current research is based on the purpose of developmenta More
        The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of online platforms' features on brand loyalty, taking into account the mediating role of customer satisfaction (the case study of Snap application users). The current research is based on the purpose of developmental and applied research, and in terms of the research method, it is descriptive-correlation based on structural equations. The statistical population of the research includes the users of the Snap application, and due to the large number of the population using multivariate regression analysis, the sample size was estimated to be 110 people. In this research, the available sampling method was used and a questionnaire was used to collect data, the questions of which were adapted from valid questionnaires to the number of 25 specialized questions and 4 demographic questions, the validity of which was calculated by convergent validity. And its divergent and reliability was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha index. In the statistical analysis, structural equation modeling approach and SMART PLS and SPSS software were used. Based on the results, perceived ease, perceived usefulness and entertainment have a significant effect on customer satisfaction in Snap application users. Customer satisfaction has a significant effect on brand loyalty among Snap app users. Perceived ease, perceived usefulness, and fun have a significant effect on brand loyalty considering the mediating role of customer satisfaction in Snap app users. Manuscript profile