Quranic Intertexuality in Sa'adi's poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesKheriyeh Echresh 1 , Ammar Sorkheh 2 , Sayed Yusif Nejat Nejad 3 , Mahmood Reza Tavakkoly Mmohammady 4
1 - An associate Professor in ChamranUniversity.
2 - A student of Ph.D in Arabic Literture in ChamranUniversity
3 - A student of M.A in Arabic Literature in University of Qom.
4 - An associate Professor in Qom University
Keywords: القرآن, التناص, intertextual, سعدی الشیرازی, القصائد العربیة, الآداب العالمیة, SaadiShirazi, and Arabic Qsayd, Qur', an,
Abstract :
Persian literature especially and world literature generally are proud of having a unique and gentle poet who associated word literature with values of humanity; the meanings and values which beautifies literary summits and associations. By following poetic associations - in anywhere of the world - which has superior feelings and elegant emotion, a footprint of Sa'adi would be found. By studying and researching about this poet we have found out that he versed many poems (Ode) in Arabic. When the poetry have been distinguished,) were surprised about his ability in saying poem in Arabic and creating art through Arabic and Persian poem. We found out that many meanings of poem in his Odes are distinguished by Qur'anic culture. Therefore it is remarkable to state that some of intertexual texts in his poetry have some kind of implications of Quranic intertextuality.
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