The Influence of Intertextuality in the Novel 'Suvashun' on Audience Engagement During Reading
Subject Areas : Mythical elements
Shahrokh Amirian Doost
1 - The Associate Professor of Art Research, Iran University of Art
2 - Ph. D. in Art Research, Tehran University
Keywords: Weak Intertextuality, Audience Engagement, Mythological-Religious Narrative, Genetic Intertextuality,
Abstract :
Genetic intertextuality is a well-known form of intertextuality. From a genetic point of view, intertextual relationships in texts can be distinguished into two types: real (strong) and single-layer (weak). True intertextuality is only achieved when the connection between two texts transcends mere lexical and formal similarities, indicating a strong intertextual bond. Through genetic intertextuality, a thorough exploration of textual relationships at various levels—both formal and thematic—proves essential in identifying the type, nature, and intensity of intertextuality. Furthermore, Roland Barthes employs a genetic intertextual interpretation to enhance the reader's experience and interaction with the text. He posits that texts can be viewed as either "readings" where the audience plays a passive role or "writings" where the audience actively engages. Barthes contends that leveraging these two forms of intertextuality is pivotal in decoding the text effectively. This qualitative study employs a comparative analytical approach to analyze data. The findings underscore the significant impact of a strong intertextual relationship in transforming the novel, "Suvashun," into a narrative that captivates the reader's passive engagement.
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