List of articles (by subject)
Open Access Article
1 - Path Planning and Control of an Industrial Robot Used for Opening Tap Hole of an Electric Arc Furnace
Mohammad Esmaili Mohammad Saadat -
Open Access Article
2 - Experimental Investigation of the Effects of the Roller Burnishing Parameters on the Surface Roughness and Micro-hardness of Ti6Al4V Alloy
Mohammad Asadbeiki Reza Nosouhi -
Open Access Article
3 - Comparison of the Behavior of Martensitic and Ferrite Samples on Acoustic Emission Parameters
Ramin Khamedi Mehdi Khosravi -
Open Access Article
4 - An Electrochemical Investigation on the Effect of Heat-Stable Salts on the Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel in MDEA Solution
Hojatollah Abnavi Esmaeil Jafari -
Open Access Article
5 - Development of New Technique for Reverse Engineering by Microstructure Features Detection
Ahmed Hebatalrahman -
Open Access Article
6 - Measurement of Residual Stress in Composites Using Central Hole Drilling and Digital Image Correlation Methods
Peyman Ghasemi Tamami Davood Akbari Farid Azadi -
Open Access Article
7 - Investigation of the Effect of Ferrite Grain Size on Acoustic Emission Signals
Mehdi Khosravi Ramin Khamedi -
Open Access Article
8 - Analysis of Orthotic Insoles Manufacturing for Treating Flatfoot Using Smart Orthotic Insole in Comparison with Traditional Methods
Behzad Karimkhani Sayed Hasan Mirtalaie -
Open Access Article
9 - Effect of Temperature on Diffusion-Bonded Joint of AZ31 Magnesium and 7075 Aluminum Alloy
Hossein Alimardan Sahebali Jamal Seidi -
Open Access Article
10 - بررسی تجربی نیروهای برشی در فرآیند فرزکاری بهکمک ارتعاش اولتراسونیک
محمد مهدی ابوترابی زارچی پرویز سروی محمدرضا رازفر امیر عبدالله -
Open Access Article
11 - A Comparison of Job-shop and Group Technology Using Simulation by ARENA
Siyavash Khaledan Hadi Shirouyehzad -
Open Access Article
12 - Experimental Investigation of Effective Parameters at Laser Sintering the Mixture of Iron and Copper Powder
Omid Mir Mohammad Sadeghi Sayed Ali Fatemi Jamal Zamani Ashani -
Open Access Article
13 - بررسی تجربی جوشکاری مقاومتی نقطهای ورقهای فولادی با ضخامت نامشابه: مشخصههای دکمهی جوش و رفتار شکست
مجید پورانوری -
Open Access Article
14 - بررسی عددی توزیع ضخامت در فرآیند هیدروفرمینگ گرم لولههای آلومینیومی
حسن مسلمی نائینی غلامحسین لیاقت سیدجلال هاشمی قیری فرزاد رحمنی -
Open Access Article
15 - امکان سنجی اکستروژن مقاطع واگرا بر اساس روشهای تئوری و عددی
میثم مکارمی کارن ابری نیا محمدکاظم بشارتی گیوی -
Open Access Article
16 - Investigation of Parameters Effect Resin Movement Velocity at Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Method (VARTM)
Sajad Rajabi Jalal Mohammad Golzar -
Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
28 - Survey and Study of Machinability for Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V through Chip Formation in Milling Process
Hassan Gheisari Ebrahim Karamian -
Open Access Article
29 - Investigation the Effects of Layer Structure on the Tribological Behaviour of PAI Overlays Containing MoS2
Takayuki Doi Kazuki Enomoto Muhammad Nor Sharudin -
Open Access Article
30 - Survey and Effects of Manufacture and Assembly Errors on the Output Error of Globoidal Cam Mechanisms
Hassan Gheisari Ebrahim Karamian Mohammad Barati -
Open Access Article
31 - Task-space Control of Electrically Driven Robots
Morteza Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
32 - Experimental Study of Effective Parameters on Honing Process of Cast Iron Cylinder
Saeed Saki Entezami Masoud Farahnakian Ali Akbari -
Open Access Article
33 - An Investigation of the Manufacturing Process, Structure, and Performance of the New Micro and Nano Thermoplastic-based Composites Prepared with Zeolite Filler
Ahmed Hebatalrahman -
Open Access Article
34 - Designing and Manufacturing the Multiple Jets Simulator and Experimental Investigation of the Multiple Jets in Crossflow
Saeed Toolani Mohamad Hojaji -
Open Access Article
35 - Machining Operation Parameters in Drilling Process; Variation of Thrust Forces in Epoxy Based Nanocomposites
Hamzeh Shahrajabian Masoud Farahnakian Mehdi Moghri -
Open Access Article
36 - Robust Fractional-order Control of Flexible-Joint Electrically Driven Robots
Payam Kheirkhahan -
Open Access Article
37 - Survey of AZ31/HA-Zeolite Nano Crystalline Biocomposite with Powder Metallurgy (PM)
Mehrdad Soltani Ebrahim Karamian Majid Karimian -
Open Access Article
38 - Analytical Modified Model of Cold Rolling Process and Investigation of the Effect of Work Roll Flattening on the Rolling Force
Mohammad Heydari Vini Pedram Farhadipour -
Open Access Article
39 - Study of Vibration Specifications of a Three-axle Truck Using Lagrange Method
Seyed Mohammad Javad Zeidi Pedram Hoseini Ali Rahmani -
Open Access Article
40 - Robust Anti-Windup Control Design for PID Controllers–Theory and Experimental Verification
Payam Kheirkhahan -
Open Access Article
41 - Robust Control of Electrically Driven Robots in the Task Space
Payam Kheirkhahan -
Open Access Article
42 - Experimental Study of Packing Time and Melt Temperature Effects on Shrinkage of a Thin Sheet Made of Wood-HDPE Composite
Siavash Sobhani Nathan Jafarian Jam -
Open Access Article
43 - A Novel Optimization Approach Applied to Multi-Pass Turning Process
Amin Kolahdooz Hossein Towsyfyan Seyed Adnan Adnani Salehi Majed Ghayyem Farid Mosaedi -
Open Access Article
44 - Experimental and FEM Analysis of Ribs Defects on Composite Lattice Cylindrical Shells
Amin Kolahdooz Seyyed Ali Latifi Rostami -
Open Access Article
45 - Analyze the Effect of the Maintenance Activities on the Internet Sustainability by Using 2k Factorial Experiment Design
Ali Karevan -
Open Access Article
46 - Analysis of Surface Roughness and Micro-hardness in Roller Burnishing of Aluminum Alloy 6061
Amin Poursafar -
Open Access Article
47 - Solving Group Scheduling Problem in No-wait Flow Shop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Abolfazl Adressi Reza Bashirzadeh Vahid Azizi Saeed Tasouji Hassanpour -
Open Access Article
48 - Solving the Problem of Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines with Limited Access to Jobs
Mohammadreza Naghibi Abolfazl Adressi -
Open Access Article
49 - Colloids: Applications and Remaining Challenges
Majid Molaie -
Open Access Article
50 - Analyzing Indexes of Agile Reverse logistics Using Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
Mona Ganjali Hadi Shirouyehzad Arash Shahin -
Open Access Article
51 - Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Thickness Variation in the Spinning Process of Al-1060 Alloy
Mohammad Honarpisheh Shayan Namazikhah Iman Alinaghian -
Open Access Article
52 - Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Investigation of Internal Pressure Effect in Hydroforming Process on Metallic Bellows Produced from Thin Wall Tube of Austenitic Stainless Steel Grade 316L
Mehdi Arabbeigi Mehran Moradi Boozarjomehr Ghasemi Majid Sattar -
Open Access Article
53 - تولید کامپوزیت پایه فلزی Tio2/Al5083 به وسیله روش فراوری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی (FSP)
رضا عبدی بهنق رسول سالک رستم محمد کاظم بشارتی گیوی -
Open Access Article
54 - استخراج روابط سینماتیکی و تحلیل اجزای محدود تنش در پوستهی انعطافپذیر جعبه دندهی هارمونیک درایو
محمد شیشه ساز شهرام هاشمی -
Open Access Article
55 - Machinability evaluation of Titanium alloy in Laser Assisted Turning
Kamran Puladsaz Razavi Shojae Rezavi Mehdi Tajaddara -
Open Access Article
56 - تحلیل کرانهی بالایی فرآیند اکستروژن مستقیم توخالی با فرض منحنی سینوسی برای مرز ناحیهی فلز مرده با منحنی سینوسی
حشمت اله حقیقت سمیرا محمدی نوری -
Open Access Article
57 - مدلسازی تخریب پیشرونده صفحات کامپوزیتی با گشودگی دایروی تحت بار فشاری محوری
محمود شکریه علیرضا نوری -
Open Access Article
58 - Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Tire Rubber Particles toward Constant Development
Hasan Sousani Amir Mahmoudzadeh -
Open Access Article
59 - Investigation of Springback Angle in Single Point Incremental Forming Process on Explosive Welded Cu/St/Cu Multilaye
Mohammad Honarpisheh Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Hadi Mansouri -
Open Access Article
60 - Experimental Passive Suppression of the Regenerative Chatter Phenomenon by Variation of the Frequency and Amplitude of the Spindle Motor Excitation in Turning
Kamyar Foroojani Zadeh Reza Nosouhi -
Open Access Article
61 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Deionized Water on Surface Roughness of Near Dry Electro Discharge Machining of AISI D2 Steel
Mojtaba Taghizadeh Sayed Ali Mosavi -
Open Access Article
62 - The Role of SiC and Different Binders on Mechanical Strength and Compaction of Silica Based Refractoriness Materials
Hassan Gheisari Ebrahim Karamian -
Open Access Article
63 - Intelligent Knowledge Based System Approach for Optimization of Design and Manufacturing for Abrasive Water Jet Machining
Morteza Sadegh Amalnik -
Open Access Article
64 - Evaluation of Damage Problems in the Water Pump Components of an Air Compressor Cooling System: a Case Study
Moslem Tayebi Hesam Moghadasi Davood Rahmatabadi Enayatolah Mohemi Ramin Hashemi -
Open Access Article
65 - Computer Aided Design of the Tube Hydroforming and Dual Hydroforming Processes
Javad Shahbazi Karami Gholamhasan Payganeh Hamid Rakhodaei -
Open Access Article
66 - تشخیص انواع عیوب چرخ دنده با استفاده از سیگنالهای آکوستیک امیشن توسط درخت مدلی لجستیک
کاترین خلیفه زاده محسن سریانی -
Open Access Article
67 - Experimental Investigation of Subsurface Damages Made by Cup Grinding and Lapping Process of Optical Glass BK7 in Ductile Mode
Vahid Barahimi Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
68 - Using Rubber Pad Forming Process for Local Compression in Assembling of Vehicle Structure Tubes
Meysam Darvishi Mohammad Sedighi Mehrdad Khandaie -
Open Access Article
69 - Formability Study of Steel Tailor laser Welded Blanks (TWB) in Stretch Forming
Mohammad Riahi Ahmad Amini Hossein Bisadi -
Open Access Article
70 - A Heuristic Approach for Optimization of Gearbox Dimension
Mehrdad Hosseiniasl Javad Jafari Fesharaki -
Open Access Article
71 - Investigation of the Effective Parameters on Surface Roughness in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process Using Design of Experiments
Yahya Choopani Mohammad Reza Razfar -
Open Access Article
72 - A Two-phase Model for Product Design Development and Evaluation and Supplier Selection in Product Configuration Change Process (Case study: SUPCO)
Mousa Amini Alireza Alinezhad Sepideh Ghasemian -
Open Access Article
73 - Investigating the Effect of Titanium Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Hard 4 Cast Iron
Masoud Bahrami Alamdarlo Kamran Amini Vahid Nemati Najafabadi Mahyar Mohammadnezhad -
Open Access Article
74 - Identification and Clustering Outsourcing Risks of Aviation Part- Manufacturing Projects in Aviation Industries Organization Using Kmeans Method
Alireza Abbasi Mehrdad Nikbakht -
Open Access Article
75 - مطالعه تجربی شکل دهی ورقهای فلزی با استفاده از انرژی شیمیایی
رضا عباسیان مهران مرادی غریبوند بوذرجمهر قاسمی -
Open Access Article
76 - Micro Machining of AISI 440C Stainless Steel using Magnetic Field and Magnetic Abrasive Particles
Yahya Choopani Mohammad Reza Razfar -
Open Access Article
77 - Optimization of parameters of Anti lock Braking System for use in deep drawing
Ali Abedi Bozarjomehr Ghasemi Moradi -
Open Access Article
78 - Ranking of the Solutions of Reducing Electrical Energy Consumption in Isfahan Sepahan Cement Industry by Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method
Saeed Mojoudi Atefeh Amindoust Mehrdad Nikbakht -
Open Access Article
79 - Characterization and Investigation of Grain Selection in Spiral Grain Selectors during Casting Single-Crystal Turbine Blades
Hassan Gheisari Ebrahim Karamian -
Open Access Article
80 - تخمین استحکام کششی قطعات در جوشکاری قوسی تنگستن- گاز با سرعتهای پیشروی کنترل شده با استفاده از شبکه های عصبی
غلامرضا مرامی امیر مصطفی پور اصل رامین مشک آبادی -
Open Access Article
81 - An Investigation on Formability and Crystallographic Texture in Novel Magnesium Alloys
Pnina Ari-Gur Andreas Quojo Quainoo Shubram Subramanyam Ashkan Razania Sven C. Vogel Wei Gao -
Open Access Article
82 - بررسی عددی و تجربی متغیرهای تاثیرگذار بر پدیده برگشت فنری و میزان تنش در فرایند شکلدهی به کمک ابزار انعطافپذیر بر روی قطعات دارای شعاع انحنا
آرمین مهشیدیفر عباس وفائی صفت -
Open Access Article
83 - Evaluating Organizational Performance Based on Safety Management Using Data Envelopment Analysis; Case Study: Isfahan Car Industry
Hadi Shirooyezad Negin Berjis Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei -
Open Access Article
84 - Effect of Overage Hardening Heat Treatment on the Micro Structure and Hardness of Nickel-based Super Alloy Rene-80
Mahmoud Moradi Mohammad Meghdad Fallah Fallah Mahdi Kazazi Mahdi Vahdati -
Open Access Article
85 - تحلیل و بررسی میزان انحنای خروجی ورق در فرآیند نورد سرد ورقهای دو لایه آلومینیوم - فولاد
محمد تمیزی فر نصرت ا... صلح جویی مهران مرادی -
Open Access Article
86 - پیش بینی دمای سطح سنگزنی خزشی با استفاده از منطق فازی و به کمک روش هدایت حرارتی معکوس (IHCP)
محمد صدیقی علیرضا بابائی داود افشاری -
Open Access Article
87 - Dry Friction and Wear Performance of Micro Surface Textures Generated by Ultrasonic Assisted Face Turning
Hossein Nouri Hosseinabadi Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
88 - Numerical and Experimental Study of Geometrical Dimensions on Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding of Stainless Steel 1.4418
Mahmoud Moradi Majid Ghoreishi Azam Rahmani -
Open Access Article
89 - Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Elastic Deformation of work rolls on the rolling force and Comparison with the Results obtained by the Slab Method during the reciprocating cold rolling
Mohammad Heydari Vini -
Open Access Article
90 - The Optimization of the Effective Parameters of the Die in Parallel Tubular Channel Angular Pressing Process by Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Methods
Amin Armanian Hassan Khademi Zadeh -
Open Access Article
91 - Manufacturing of Aluminum Thin Cylindrical Parts By Using Friction Stir Welding Method
Ahmad Reza Sabet Hamid Montazerolghaem -
Open Access Article
92 - Designing Tolerance Chart and Process for CNC Machining Parts
Mohammad Ali Farsi -
Open Access Article
93 - Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation on the Conventional and Vibration Assisted Drilling
Mehdi Nosouhi Reza Nosouhi Hossein Paktinat Saeid Amini -
Open Access Article
94 - Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of a Novel Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels Formed by Hydroforming Process
Javad Shahbazi karami Nazanin Kafaei Kavoshian Afshin Kazerooni Akbar Ghazi Mir Saeed -
Open Access Article
95 - Investigation of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on Inner Surface of AL 6061 Tube
Hamzeh Shahrajabian Masoud Farahnakian Seyed Alireza Mousavi Hasan Soltani -
Open Access Article
96 - A New Temper Rolling Force Model for Dry Thick Strip Considering Fully Elastic Contact
Pedram Farhadipour Mohammad Heydari Vini Sayed Mohammad Reza Loghmanian -
Open Access Article
97 - Design and Fabrication of a Longitudinal-Torsional Ultrasonic Transducer
Yahya Radi Najafabadi Reza Nosouhi Frahad Sajajid -
Open Access Article
98 - بررسی اثر پارامترهای فرایند قالبگیری تزریقی ABS و PP به کمک آب با استفاده از روش بهینه سازی تابع هدف با معیارهای چندگانه (OEC)
طاهر ازدست زهرا محمدیان امیر حسین بهروش احمدضیاء احمدزی -
Open Access Article
99 - Machinability Investigation of Inconel 657 in High-speed Turning
Amir Hossein Khoei Hasan Fathi Masoud Farahnakian Mohammad Reza Razfar -
Open Access Article
100 - A Solution for the Security Barrier of the Intelligent Manufacturing with Cloud Computing
Ashidsha Jaleel T.K. Rajendran Lijohn P. George -
Open Access Article
101 - Using Experimental Procedure to Improve the Efficiency of the Two Stand Reversing Cold Mill
Mohammad Heydari Vini -
Open Access Article
102 - شبیه سازی شکل دهی انفجاری ورق از جنس آلیاژ آلومینیوم
مهدی ظهور مسعود کریمی -
Open Access Article
103 - پیش بینی صافی سطح قطعات تنگستن کاربایدی (CO10%-WC) درفرایند EDM با استفاده ازالگوریتم فازی
محمدرضا شبگرد گوهر رنجبری -
Open Access Article
104 - Modeling and Optimization of Industrial Multi-Stage Compressed Air System Using Actual Variable Effectiveness in Hot Regions
Shahram Azizifar Salem Banooni -
Open Access Article
105 - The Effect of Annealing Heat Treatment on the Bond of Explosivewelded Copper/Steel after the ECAR Process
Mohammad Honarpisheh Ali Akbar Haddadi Hadi Mansouri -
Open Access Article
106 - مقایسهی فرآیند هیدروفرمینگ لولههای تکلایه، دولایه و سهلایه با استفاده از شبیهسازی اجزای محدود
غلامحسن پایگانه جواد شهبازی کرمی کرامت ملک زاده فرد -
Open Access Article
107 - Experimental Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Alloy 3003 Produced by Equal Channel Angular Rolling Process
Mohammad Honarpisheh Mohammad Reza Aghili Mahdi Kotobi -
Open Access Article
108 - Feature Selection in Big Data by Using the enhancement of Mahalanobis–Taguchi System; Case Study, Identifiying Bad Credit clients of a Private Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran
Shahin Ordikhani Sara Habibi -
Open Access Article
109 - A Method for Ranking, Assessment and Evaluation of Sustainability Factors in Project
Abolfazl Hesampour Mehrdad Nikbakht Hadi Shirouyehzad -
Open Access Article
110 - Design, Manufacturing and Surface quality Analysis of Machining by Self-Rotary Milling Tool
Mostafa Rabi Yeganeh Aminolah Mohammadi Hamed Ghafarirad Mehdi Meskin -
Open Access Article
111 - Relationship Between Operational Performance in Industrial Manufacturing Companies with Approaches of Innovation, Quality, Efficiency and Productivity
Marzieh Horry Najafabadi Mehrdad Nikbakht Ahmadreza Shekarchizadeh -
Open Access Article
112 - Intelligent Knowledge Based System Approach for Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Process for Wire-Electrical Discharge Machining
Morteza Sadegh Amalnik -
Open Access Article
113 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Significant Parameters on Strength of Electromagnetically Assembled Products Joints
Mehdi Zohour Bahman Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
114 - Implementation of Agile Manufacturing Principles in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES)
Hamid Moradlou Mehrdad Asadi -
Open Access Article
115 - Machinability Improvement of 17-4PH Stainless Steel by Cryogenic Cooling
Salman Khani Mohammad Razfar Masoud Farahnakyan -
Open Access Article
116 - Desiging, Part Selecting and Fabrication Procedure of the Vaccum Section of a Leaf Vacuum Shredder Machine
Alireza Shirneshan Mohammad Ali Ghazavi Mehrdad Poursina -
Open Access Article
117 - The Effect of the Third Element on Corrosion Behavior and Phase Structure of Fe35Mn Alloy Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)
Nahid Hasanzadeh Nemati Mahdis Parsafar -
Open Access Article
118 - تأثیر پارامترهای ماشینکاری تخلیه الکتریکی در مرحلهی پرداخت بر روی سرعت براده برداری
رضا عاطفی سعید امینی نصرت ا... صلح جویی -
Open Access Article
119 - An Optimization on the DIN1.2080 Alloy in the Electrical Discharge Machining Process Using ANN and GA
Masoud Azimi Amin Kolahdooz Seyyed Ali Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
120 - Investigation of the Model of Microscopic Contact Parameters for Grinding M200 Using Elastic Abrasive Tool
Hassan Gheisari -
Open Access Article
121 - Experimental Investigation of the Surface Roughness in Grinding of BK7 Optical Glass in Brittle Mode
Vahid Barahimi Masoud Farahnakian -
Open Access Article
122 - بررسی مدل ریاضی تراشکاری با جت الکتروشیمیایی
امین میراحمدی نادر شرفی -
Open Access Article
123 - Numerical/Experimental Analysis of the Deformation of Tubes under Concentrated Load
Javad Jafari Fesharaki Omid Rejali Seyed Ghasem Madani -
Open Access Article
124 - Investigation of the Microscopic Aspect of the Stress Distribution in the Accumulative Roll Bonding Process Using the Slab Method
Mohammad Heydari Vini Pedram Farhadipour -
Open Access Article
125 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Significant Parameters on Strength of Electromagnetically Assembled Aluminum Tube Joints
Mehdi Zohoor Bahman Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
126 - Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Poly Methyl Methacrylate and Polycarbonate Sheets
Mojtaba Rezaee Hajideh Omid Shapurgan Navid Molla Ramzani Essa Hasan Nejad -
Open Access Article
127 - Deformation of Al Alloy during Integrated Extrusion and ECAP: A Simulation Research
Ankit Sahai Shanti S. Sharma Suren N. Dwivedi -
Open Access Article
128 - Investigation of Mechanical Properties for Commercial Purity Titanium Severely Plastic Deformed by Accumulative Roll-bonding Process
Pooya Bahrami Abdolhamid Azizi -
Open Access Article
129 - بررسی و مقایسه ویژگیهای سایشی سطح فولاد به سه روش کرم سخت، نیتراسیون گازی و نیتراسیون سطح کرم شده
ع. حسن آبادی م. زارعی -
Open Access Article
130 - Investigation of a Fully-automated Manufacturing Environment Realized through a Flexible Logistic System
Jan-Hinrich Kämper Arne Stasch -
Open Access Article
131 - Predicting Failure in the Hydraulic Lift Structures with Monitoring and Fuzzy Logic
Morteza Jamshidian Sayed Ali Mousavi -
Open Access Article
132 - Assessment the Wear Properties of Biodiesel-diesel Blends with the Addition of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
Hossein Khorshidnia Alireza Shirneshan -
Open Access Article
133 - A Study on the Forming of Sheet Metal Parts Using Multi-Point Forming Technology
Vahid Rikhtehgar Nezami Behrooz Zareh Abbas Vafaee Sefat -
Open Access Article
134 - Investigation on Wear Behavior of W-Cu Nanocomposite Fabricated Through Thermochemical Synthesis
Mehdi Jahangiri Mazdak Hashempour Hekmat Razavizadeh Hamid Reza Rezaie -
Open Access Article
135 - The Effect of Artificial Aging Treatment and Lubrication Modes on the Cutting Force and the Chip Surface Morphology when Drilling Al-Si-Mg (A356) Cast Alloys
Seyed Ali Niknam Keyhan Jabbari -
Open Access Article
136 - The Effect of Chemical Composition on Wear and Microstructural Properties of Babbitt Coatings
Zahra Moghadami Ali Mehdi Pour Omrani -
Open Access Article
137 - تخمین استحکام فشاری ماسه ریختهگری در مقادیر مختلف رطوبت با استفاده از شبکه عصبی مصنوعی
رامین مشک آبادی غلامرضا مرامی کمال جهانی -
Open Access Article
138 - 3-D Numerical Investigation of Flow Field in Starting Stage of High Speed Wind Tunnels
Mehdi Jahngiri -
Open Access Article
139 - Thickness Measuring of Thin Metal by Non Destructive with Fuzzy Logic Control System
Sayed Ali Mousavi -
Open Access Article
140 - Simulation of Tool Rotation and Travelling Speed Effects on Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V
Hamed Aghajani Derazkola -
Open Access Article
141 - Production of Dispersed Ceramic Nano-Particles in Al Alloy Using Friction Stir Processing
Amin Rabiezadeh Ahmad Afsari -
Open Access Article
142 - Effect of Cold Rolling sequence on the Texture Development and Magnetic Loss of Grain Oriented Electrical Steels
Mehdi Salari -
Open Access Article
143 - Effects of Tool Tilt Angle and Plunge Depth on Properties of Polycarbonate FSW Joint
Hamidreza Mohammadi Kuhbanani Hesameddin Yasemi Hamed Aghajani Derazkola -
Open Access Article
144 - An Alternative Stability Proof for Direct Adaptive Function Approximation Techniques Based Control of Robot Manipulators
Payam Kheirkhahan -
Open Access Article
145 - The Analysis of Experimental Process of Production, Stabilizing and Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Water/Graphene Oxide as a Cooling Nanofluid in Machining
Ramin Ranjbarzadeh Amir Homayoon Meghdadi Mohammad Hojaji -
Open Access Article
146 - An Experimental Investigation on Surface Roughness and Edge Chipping in Micro Ultrasonic Machining
Hamid Zarepour -
Open Access Article
147 - Numerical and Experimental Study of Residual Stress Measurement and Thickness Distribution of T-shape Steel Tube Produced by Tube Hydroforming
Javad Shahbazi Karami Gholamhasan Payganeh Mohsen Khodsetan -
Open Access Article
148 - Scheduling Problem of Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems (VCMS); Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm based Heuristics
Saeed Taouji Hassanpour Reza Bashirzadeh Abolfazl Adressi Behnam Bahmankhah -
Open Access Article
149 - Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Sinusoidal Pressure Path on Thinning of Tube in Hot Metal Free Bulging Process
Ali Talebi Anaraki Mohsen Loh-Mousavi -
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150 - A New Hybrid Prediction Reduces the Bullwhip Effect of Demand in a Three-level Supply Chain
Afshin Yousefi Ayub Rahimzadeh Alireza Moradi -
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151 - Ranking and Managing Stock in the Stock Market Using Fundamental and Technical Analyses
Amir Amini Golriz Rahnama Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
152 - Performing a Calcium-Phosphate Layer on Porous NiTi Alloy for Using in Orthopedic Applications
Nahid Hasanzadeh Sayed Khatibolah Sadrnezhad Negar Afra -
Open Access Article
153 - بررسی پارامترهای سنگزنی ریشه پره متحرک توربین گازی در فرآیند سنگزنی خزشی و تاثیر آنها بر میزان انحراف ایرفویل پره بکمک روش طراحی آزمایشات
احمدرضا فاضلی -
Open Access Article
154 - Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Study of the Spline Tube Forming
Masoud Feizi Reza Jafari Nedoushan -
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155 - Simulation of a Microgripper with Electrothermal Actuator Using COMSOL Software Based on the Finite Element Method
Amin Rouhani Esfahani Mojtaba Kolahdouzan Mehran Moradi -
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156 - Evolution of Texture and Grain Size during Equal Channel Angular Extrusion of Pure Copper and 6012 Aluminum
Mohammad Hossein Shahsavari Farshid Ahmadi -
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157 - Optimization of Spindle loading and Tool Wear for CNC Turning Machine by Using Intelligent System
Morteza Sadegh Amalnik -
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158 - Investigation of the Slipping Wear based on the Rate of Entropy Generation
Mehdi Jahangiri -
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159 - Effect of Electrical Current on Nitinol Medical Staples Shape Memory
Nahid Hasanzadeh Nematy Fatemeh Farhadi Sahar Shapurgan -
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160 - Design and Construction of Load Cell of a Three Point Hitch Dynamometer for Tractor John Deere 3140
Mohsen Beigi Mohammad Ali Ghazavi Iman Ahmadi -
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161 - The Effectiveness of Ceramic Wiper Tool in Turning of Monel K500
Mohammad Lotfi Saeid Amini Sayed Ali Sajjady Adil Hussein Juaifer -
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162 - Determination the Mechanical Stress on the Cutter Bar of the Harvesting Combine by Abaqus
Alireza Shirneshan Ali Hori Najafabadi Bahram Hosseinzadeh Samani -
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163 - Analysis of Wrinkled Composite Membrane of Inflatable Antenna Using Shape Memory Alloy
Ankit Pandey V. Huzuer Saran Suraj Prakash Harsha -
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164 - Optimization of Cutting Parameters Based on Production Time Using Colonial Competitive (CC) and Genetic (G) Algorithms
Hossain Towsyfyan Seyed Adnan Adnani Salehi Shahed Mohammadi Sepideh Hadipour Moradi Basim Freegah -
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165 - Designing a New Model for Evaluating the Maintenance System
Abolfazl Sherafat Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi -
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166 - Impedance Control of Robots Using Voltage Control Strategy Revisited
Masoud Shahhosseini -
Open Access Article
167 - بررسی تولید مواد با استحکام بالا در فرآیند ECAP به کمک شبیه سازی سه بعدی
عرفان عباسی سید راوش احدی -
Open Access Article
168 - A Hybrid Thermal Assisted Friction Stir Welding Approach for PMMA Sheets
Mojtaba Rezaee Hajideh Mohammadreza Farahani Masoud Ahmad Khanbeigi -
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169 - Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Rolling Force and Real Exit Thickness of Steel Strips
Mohammad Heydari Vini1 -
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170 - Identification and Ranking Green Supplier Selection Criteria Using One-Sample T-Test and FANP Methods: A Case Study for Petrochemical Industry
Pirouz Sayfi Merdad Nikbakht -
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171 - Fractional Order Control of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
Mohammad Goodarzi -
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172 - Simulation and Analysis of the New Brake System according to Changing of the Spring and Vertical Acceleration of the Wheels
Bahman Karami Pirmohammadi Mehdi Tajdari -
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173 - Anti-swing Fuzzy Controller Design for a 3D Overhead Crane
Mohammad Saadat -
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174 - Numerical Approach Toward Calculation of Vibration Characteristics of the Multi Axles Truck Using Lagrange Method
Ali Rahmani Ali Mirmohammadi Seyed Mohammad Javad Zeidi Saeed Shojaei -
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175 - Design and Construction of Electromechanical Wrist Hand Orthosis with a Functional Interface
Behzad Karimkhani Sayed Ali Mousavi Meysam Sattari -
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176 - Numerical and Analytical Investigation of a Cylinder Made of Functional Graded Materials under Thermo-Mechanical Fields
Javad Jafari Fesharaki Seyed Ghasem Madani Sa’id Golabi -
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177 - A Comparison of Job-Shop and Group Technology Using Simulation by ARENA
Siyavash Khaledan Hadi Shirouyehzad -
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178 - Robust Lyapunov-based Control of MEMS Optical Switches
Mohammad Goodarzi -
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179 - Development of Design and Manufacturing Support Tool for Optimization of Ultrasonic Machining (USM) and Rotary USM
Morteza Sadeghamalnik Mohammad Rasoul Najafi -
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180 - Finite Element Simulation of Hydrostatic Extrusion Process to Produce Thin Bimetallic Parts
Hamid Montazerolghaem Ali Delfani -
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181 - Organizational Agility and Knowledge Sharing Process in the Staffs of the Iran's Central Plateau Contractor Company
Seyede Parvane Noorbakhsh Samani Molood Sadeghiyan Sirous Keshavarz Fateme Ziglari -
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182 - Fabrication of Porous Segments Using Ti-6Al-4V Chips for Orthopaedic Applications
Nahid Hassanzadeh Nemati Shiva Yasini Maryam Aryana -
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183 - Integer-order Versus Fractional-order Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Electrically Driven Robots with Elastic Joints
Asghar Kebreyaeezade -
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184 - Ranking 7Ms Effective Factors in Iranian Production Systems Using Fuzzy AHP
Amir Amini Alireza Alinezhad -
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185 - Machining of Makrana White Marble Surfaces by Abrasive Water Jet Machining
Vishal Gupta M.P. Garg Garg N.K. Batra Arjun S. Wadwa -
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186 - Controlling Electrochemical Machining By Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach
Morteza Sadegh Amalnik -
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187 - Comparison of Hardness Values of Various specimens with different geometries and material properties after ECAP
Mohammad Hossein Shahsavari Farshid Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
188 - Design of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System for Irankhodro Auto Industry
Morteza Sadegh Amalnik -
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189 - Design and Manufacturing of Jet to free Stream Simulator to Experimental Study of Interaction of Oblique Jet in Crossflow
Moslem Ahmadi Mohamad Hojaji Saeed Toolani -
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190 - Solving Re-entrant No-wait Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem; Using the Bottleneck-based Heuristic and Genetic Algorithm
Sara Habibi Shahin Ordikhani Ahmad Reza Haghighi -
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191 - Development of Linguistic Rules Diagnosis of Failure in Centrifugal Pump for Use in Expert System
Morteza Khakzar Bafruei Reza Adiban -
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192 - System Engineering Implementation Process for Super-Systems
Saeid Azad Mehdy Morady Gohareh -
Open Access Article
193 - Experimental Study of the Cutting Parameters Effect on Hole Making Processes in Hardened Steel
Navid Molla Ramezani Mojtaba Rezaei Hajideh Ali Shahmirzaloo -
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194 - Development of a New Dynamic Friction Model for Analytical Modeling of Elliptical Vibration Assisted Turning Process
Reza Nosouhi Saeed Behbahani Saeid Amini Mohammad Reza Khosrojerdi -
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195 - Relationship between Technology Management and Operational Performance in Manufacturing Companies
Marzieh Horry Mehrdad Nikbakht Ahmadreza Shekarchizadeh -
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196 - Robust Fractional Order Control of Under-actuated Electromechanical System
Mohammad Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
197 - Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Manufacturing Wind Turbine Blades Produced by Hydroforming of Aluminum Alloy AA5754
Javad Shahbazi Karami Hamed Bakhtiarizade Mohsen Shahmoradi -
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198 - Stress Concentration Factor in a Functionally Graded Material Plate around a Hole
Javad Jafari Fesharaki Seyed Ghasem Madani Davood Seydali -
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199 - Task-space Control of Robots Using an Adaptive Taylor Series Uncertainty Estimator Revisited
Masoud Shahhosseini -
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200 - The Effect of Al2O3-MWCNT Hybrid Nanofluid on Surface Quality in Grinding of Inconel 600
Behnam Taghizadeh Hamid Zarepour -
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201 - Routing in a Wireless Multilayer Physical Network by Balanced Utilization Approach and Minimum Energy Using a Firefly Optimization Algorithm
Abolghasem Nadali -
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202 - Cause and Effect Analysis of Risks of Refinery Developmental Turnkey Projects through System Dynamics Approach Case Study: Development Project of Third Distillation Unit and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) in Isfahan Oil Refinery
Arash Shadmanpoor Mehrdad Nikbakht -
Open Access Article
203 - Performance Evaluation of Banking Organizations Using the New Proposed Integrated DEA-BSC Model
Kianoosh Kianfar Mahnaz Ahadzadeh Namin Akbar Alam Tabriz Esmaeil Najafi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
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204 - Fabrication of Various Dimple Shapes and Arrays on a Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Using a Turning Process
Jaharah A. Ghani Faarih Farhan Mohd Nasir Mohd Nasir Mohd Nor Azam bin Mohd Dali Wan Fathul Hakim W. Zamri Mohd Shahir Kasim Che Hassan Che Haron -
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205 - Numerical Analysis of Delamination Buckling in Composite Cylindrical Shell under Uniform External Pressure: Cohesive Element Method
Sayed Ali Sajjady Saeed Rahnama Mohammad Lotfi Reza Nosouhi -
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206 - Extracting Manufacturing Process Map in the Form of the IDEF Model Prerequisite for the Implementation of PFMEA in the Sugar Industry
Mohammad Baghbani Soleyman Iranzadeh Majid Bagherzadeh Khajeh -
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207 - Optimum Designing of Forging Preform Die for the H-shaped Parts Using Backward Deformation Method and Neural Networks Algorithm
Afshin Naeimi Mohsen Loh Mousavi Ali Eftekhari -
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208 - Investigation of ECAR Routes on Mechanical Properties of Explosive-Welded Al-Cu Bimetal
Mohammad Honarpisheh Mahdi Dehghani Sina Ghaffari -
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209 - Effect of Welding Processing Parameters on FSW of Aerospace Grade Aluminum Alloys
Erfan Khosravian -
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210 - Numerical simulation of realistic Implants and implant prosthesis of molar teeth model by 3D Finite Element Analysis method during chewing cycle
Shahin Heidari Neda Nasr -
Open Access Article
211 - Investigating the Effect of T6 Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of 7075 Al Alloy
Mohsen Emami Vahid Hasan Nasab -
Open Access Article
212 - Table of Contents
Open Access Article
213 - Comparing the Performance of Composite Polymer Structure and Single Polymer Material by Manufacturing Artificial Hand using 3D Printing Method
Abbas Savabpour Ali Pourkamali Anaraki Javad Kad Khodapour -
Open Access Article
214 - Investigation of Steel Slabs Marker Robotic Arm Control Parameters in Noise and Disturbance Absence/Presence
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh -
Open Access Article
215 - Simulation and Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of AA6063-T5 in FSW by FEM
Yunus Zarei Ahmad Afsari Seyed Mohammad Reza Nazemosadat Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
216 - Development of a Precise Mechanical Mechanism for Controlling Some Solenoid Valves
Peyman Heydari Reza Abbasi Kesbi -
Open Access Article
217 - Investigating of Manufacturing of Titanium Hip Prosthesis by Cold Forging Process via FEM Analysis
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Farshad Nazari Khalid Shleej Zayed Fatemeh Aghoun -
Open Access Article
218 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Temperature Field, Deformation, and Residual Stress in Two-Stage Single-Pulse Sub-Powder Welding Joints
Hamid Mozafari -
Open Access Article
219 - An Improved Analytical Model for Prediction of Residual Deformation in Longitudinal Scheme of Laser Tube Forming Process
Hossein Ebrahimi Zohrhe Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
220 - Comparison of the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of the Welding Zone of Aluminum Alloy 5754 by FSW and TIG Methods
Esmaeil Zarei Ahmad Afsari Eshagh Saharkhiz Seyed Kambiz Ghaemi Osgouie -
Open Access Article
221 - Exploring the Hidden Benefits and Dual Nature of Electrode Misalignment in Resistance Spot Welding: Unveiling Drawbacks and Advantages Through Isolated Thermal-Induced Stress and Nugget Formation Analysis
Mahan Dashti Gohari Farshid Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
222 - Prediction of Defects in the Plastic Injection Process by Mold Flow Software Based on the Experimental Data
Ahmad Afsari Sayed Ahmad Behgozin Mohammad Ramezani Seyed Alireza Hamidi -
Open Access Article
223 - Exploring the Impact of Rubber Friction in the Localized Pipe Hollowing Process Using a Rubber Pad
Ehsan Mehrabi Gohari Iman Pishkar Meysam Darvishi -
Open Access Article
224 - Investigation of the Stamping Process of the Jack Bracket of the Kia Rio Car
Peyman Mashhadi Keshtiban Ali Fata -
Open Access Article
225 - Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Factors Influencing Human Face Profile Shaping in Single-Point Gradual Sheet Forming
Hamid Mozafari Mojtaba Moravej Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi