Prediction of Defects in the Plastic Injection Process by Mold Flow Software Based on the Experimental Data
Subject Areas :
Ahmad Afsari
Sayed Ahmad Behgozin
Mohammad Ramezani
Seyed Alireza Hamidi
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Bahonar Engineering College, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Shiraz, Iran;
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Plastic Injection Molding, Polycarbonate, Defect Analysis, Moldflow Software, Parameter Instructor Software,
Abstract :
Several factors influence the quality of the final parts of the plastic injection process, as many variables play a role in controlling this process. These factors can include the machine, mold, operator, raw materials, and working environment. An extensive study revealed that molding machines significantly impact quality compared to other factors. Adjusting and optimizing the machine parameters makes it possible to achieve parts with the desired or acceptable quality. The main goal of this project is to develop an application system that selects the regulatory parameter values for machines handling polycarbonate and other polymers. Additionally, the defects will be predicted in injected parts, and their properties will be analyzed using Moldflow software. Another software, based on practical data, will take initial user input and provide the necessary machine parameters to the operator from a reliable information source. During the production stage, if a defect occurs, the software will generate instructions tailored to the defect type and the conditions and parameter values. If the defect persists after following the provided instructions or if the nature of the defect changes, the software will adapt its guidance until defects are resolved, creating perfect parts without any flaws.
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