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    Code of Ethics of the Journal of Instruction and Evaluation

    ● Compliance with cope rules: 

    “This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”.

    All participants are expected to stick to the mentioned ethics. It is clear that any plagiarism or other unethical behaviors will lead to the elimination of the paper from the reviewing process. This code of ethics has been designed for delineating the responsibilities and commitments of the authors, editor in chief, editorial board, and reviewers:


     ● Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board

    Acceptance of the papers: The editor in chief of the journal is responsible for making decisions on acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers. The editor in chief with the help of the editorial board, reviewers, and editors decides on the acceptance of the papers while considering copyright and plagiarism issues.


    Acceptance of the Papers: The reviewers help the editor in chief and editorial board in making decisions about the acceptance or rejection of the papers, and contribute to the improvement of the submitted papers by sending corrections to them.

    The right of refusals and rejection: Refusal and rejection of a paper review are necessary according to the time and setting. The reviewer who feels disqualification for reviewing a research paper should refuse the review.

    Confidentiality: The reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the reviewing process and should not yield any information about the paper to anyone except the editor in chief without the written consent of the writer.

    Being Unbiased: The reviewers should review the papers objectively and in an unbiased and just manner. They should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments.

    References: The reviewers should identify and examine the writer’s references. Any conclusion or discussion already proposed should be accompanied by the source. Moreover, in case of observing any similarity or overlap between the submitted paper and another paper, the reviewer should report it to the editor in chief.

    Conflict of interests: The reviewers should not use the information or ideas they obtain during the review process for their own interests. Moreover, the reviewers should avoid reviewing the papers that, in their opinion, entail a conflict of interests including common, organizational, or personal financial interests or any link with the companies, institutions, or the people related to the papers in one way or another.

     ● Authors

    Reporting the results: The corresponding author is responsible for the contents of the submitted paper. The authors are responsible for the comprehensive and complete report of their findings, and they should be particularly careful in reporting the results and interpreting them. The paper should include enough details and sources so that other researchers will have access to similar data for replication of the study.

    Plagiarism: The corresponding author should make sure that all the material in the paper is the product of his/her and his/her colleagues’ research, and he/she should ascertain the origin and genuineness of all the data used in the study.

    Originality: The study should be new and original work. The writer is not allowed to send all or part of the paper that is under review process in another place to the Journal of Food Hygiene.

    Acknowledgment: The author(s) should mention the name of the centers or people who have affected the completion of the study and should express their appreciation of their help. Moreover, if the study has a financial sponsor, it should be mentioned and appreciated in this section.

    Writing the paper: All authors mentioned in the article should have real cooperation and contribution in writing the paper and should be responsible for its results. The authorship validity or score should be determined according to the authors’ share in preparing different parts of the paper. The authors should accept the responsibility of the paper. The corresponding author who sends the article to the paper should send a copy or a draft of the paper to all authors and colleagues and should have their written consent for sending the paper to the journal and publishing it. 

    Conflict of interests: The authors are required to mention any conflict of interests that have affected the research results or their interpretation and refer to the financial sources who sponsor the study.

    Revising the paper: If the author(s) notice any error or major carelessness in his/her work, he/she should report it to the editor in chief of the Journal of Food Science and should cooperate in the process of revising and making corrections.

    ● Copyright:

    The author(s) hereby permanently assign all material and intellectual rights in the above article to the journal of Instruction and Evaluation and make no claims to it (it is to be noted that any author may copy and submit his/her article citation).


     The Originality of the Paper (Note of Originality) Journal of Instruction & Evaluation

    Conflict of Interest form for Journal of  Instruction & Evaluation