About the journal
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research (IJFLTR) is a peer-reviewed, Open-Access Scientific Journal, owned and sponsored by Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch. It welcomes the submission of research-based papers and review articles on various aspects of English language teaching, learning, and research. Submissions should comprise relevant theoretical foundations and pedagogical implications. They should further reflect a clear contribution to the existing related literature.
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Open Access Article
1 - Impact of Interest on EFL Learners' Reading and Learners' Perceptions
Rusul Ismaeil Sakran Alkemi ، Majid Asgari * ، Riyadh Abbas Ubeid AL-Jashami ، Fatemeh KarimiIssue 53 , Vol. 13 , Summer 2025
Open Access Article
1 - Translation of Psychology Book Titles: A Skopos theory perspective
Esmat Alimardani ، Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi *Issue 34 , Vol. 9 , Summer 2021 -
Open Access Article
2 - Feuerstein’s Theory and Pedagogy: Epitomizing Mediated Learning Experience in Teaching Grammar
Effat Hadidi Zavareh ، Abdollah Baradaran * ، Bahram MowlaieIssue 46 , Vol. 11 , Autumn 2023 -
Open Access Article
3 - EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Pluralistic Teacher Effectiveness: Iranian Teachers in Focus
Fahimeh Karvandi ، Afshin Soori ، Mohammad Ali AyatollahiIssue 49 , Vol. 12 , Summer 2024 -
Open Access Article
4 - The Surviving Nature: An Ecofeminist Study of Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses
Farhoodeh Naghdibak ، Shahram Afrougheh * ، Fatemeh AzizMohammadiIssue 46 , Vol. 11 , Autumn 2023 -
Open Access Article
5 - Becoming an Identity Change in ‘No Longer at Ease’ Based on Deleuze’s Theory
Maryam Sadeghi ، Fatemeh AzizMohammadi * ، Mozhgan YarahmadiIssue 45 , Vol. 11 , Summer 2023 -
Open Access Article
6 - Development and Validation of a Quantitative Research Literacy Questionnaire <br> DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
Alireza Zaker * ، Mania NosratiniaIssue 37 , Vol. 9 , Winter 2021 -
Open Access Article
7 - Impact of Multimedia Technology Use in English Classes on the Enhancement of EFL Learners’ Self-Concept
Vahdat Karimi ، Mohammad Alipour * ، Sajad ShafieeIssue 48 , Vol. 12 , Spring 2024 -
Open Access Article
8 - Relationship Between Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Learning Styles Using Structural Equation Modelling Across Age and Gender
Behzad Hayatbakhsh Abbasi ، Mehry Haddad Narafshan * ، Peyman SeifaddinyIssue 47 , Vol. 11 , Winter 2024 -
Open Access Article
9 - The Role of Direct Metalinguistic and Indirect Feedback Timing in Enhancing Willingness to Communicate (WTC) of Iranian EFL Learners
Elham Dehdari ، Nasser Ghafoori * ، Saeideh AhanghariIssue 47 , Vol. 11 , Winter 2024 -
Open Access Article
10 - Relationship among Self-perceived Oral Competence, Communication Apprehension, and Iranian EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate: Cooperative teaching in focus
Mansoureh Bahadori * ، Seyed Moslem HashemizadehIssue 21 , Vol. 6 , Summer 2018