Chat-GPT in Learning Environment in an Iranian EFL Context: EFL Learners` Perception
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University , South Tehran Branch
Massood Yazdanimoghaddam
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Retired
ali rabi
teaching English
Keywords: Transformative learning, adult learning, artificial intelligence, Chat-GPT,
Abstract :
based on the peculiarities of developing AI technology, learning English among EFL learners has become easier and the significance of studying the way English skills interact with AI technology such as Chat-GPT, and EFL learners’ internal and social factors have become highly important. Social factors include may greatly affect the problem-solving skills of the students. It might also lead to a decline in students' writing skills as they rely on the model to generate content rather than developing their own communication abilities. Social factors might include issues related to job or individual growth. Adopting a transformative learning ground, the present study attempted to use a qualitative-method approach to investigate how EFL learners experience AI, on one hand, and how they perceive Chat-GPT in this process through understanding changes in their job, attitudes toward themselves and etc, on the other hand. This study is based on a detailed investigation of the learning experiences of 46 Iranian EFL learners (intermediate and upper intermediate level) from Qom and Tehran provinces; selected based on convenience sampling procedure. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary data collection method. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the recorded and transcribed data and theme extraction, which combined with an abductive approach helped derive broader meaning. The results indicated an overall positive perception of Chat-GPT among the participants
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