A Historical Study of Typological Word Order in Gilaki Variety, as a Northwestern Iranian Language
Hoda Naraghipour
English Department,Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Farinaz Nasir Ziba
English Department, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Gilaki, Historical, Northwestern Iranian Language, Typological, Word Order,
Abstract :
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study the historical trend of 10 sets of the typological word order changes starting from the Ancient Iranian period to Middle and New Iranian periods in Gilaki variety which is from the group of northwestern Iranian languages. In fact, it is a branch of a language called Parthian Pahlavi that is historically related to Parthian language. Data collection on Ancient and Middle Iranian periods was done drawing on library sources of information, whilst a direct data collection method was applied to prepare the spoken corpus of through a descriptive and field method.The diachronic study of Gilaki during these three historical periods revealed that the process of linguistic changes in Middle Western Iranian occurred earlier than in the Middle Eastern. Although the linguistic evolution of Parthian and Middle Persian that belong to Middle Western languages has taken them away from their Ancient origins; Middle Persian has undergone more changes compared with Parthian. The main typological differences in Ancient Persian and Middle Persian are: the disappearance of the inflectional system to show the grammatical functions of nouns in Middle period, the possibility of occurrence of adjectives before or after the noun.With regard to the word order tendencies in Gilaki variety, PO, OV, NRel, GenN, PredCop, AdjN, DemN, NArt, SV, and WhQ in situ were observed. This study can provide a context for the revival of rare language varieties by recognizing their linguistic changes and even conducting comparative historical research among several language varieties.
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