Submission Guidelines
Please read the following guidelines carefully and adjust your article accordingly before final submission. For more information, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and submit your paper through the journal's website (Submit Paper). 1. Authors are requested to do free registration in the Journal's online system (under Submit Paper) prior to submitting their manuscripts. They are also required to submit a signed Research Ethics Note (on a separate sheet), confirming that their work is novel and that no part of it is plagiarized. 2. Plagiarism: The Journal exploits the ithenticate plagiarism checker (belonging to the University of Isfahan) to verify the originality of the articles (concerning this, please contact the Journal language editor before submission-- 09133228533). 3. The corresponding author has to complete the Conflicts of Interest Form فرم تعارض منافع and submit it to the Journal as an attachment simultaneously with the submission of the paper (see the end of this section). 4. Fees: All articles published in the International Journal of Language and Translation Research are open-access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes the provision of online tools for editors and authors, article production and hosting, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and customer services. Therefore, publishing an article in this Journal requires a review fee of 2000,000 IR Rials, and a publication fee of 10000000 IR Rials, which will be billed to the corresponding author before the review and after acceptance of an article for publication.Please only use the Firefox browser for online payment.
Authorship criteria
IJLTR adheres that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
- Final approval of the version to be published; and
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Font size of the title: 14 and bold (Times New Roman). For the main manuscript, the font should be 12. All words with more than four letters should be capitalized.
Length: up to 15,000 words (including Abstract & References). Submissions with less than 4000 words in size won't be considered,
Title page: It should include the authors' first name(s), family name(s), current position(s), and affiliation(s), complete mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address, plus an abstract of not more than 250 words. Please indicate which author should receive correspondence regarding the submitted paper (*as the corresponding author).
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Gutter: 0cm
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Spacing before and after paragraphs: 0 pt---No space between paragraphs
Page numbers: top of the page, to the right
Indentation: Paragraphs separated by indentation: Use Tab to indent all paragraphs.
Don’t use headers and footers.
Title on the top and centered, with the following format: e.g., Table 3. Title of Table.......
Title: Directly above table, with no space.
Title on the bottom and centered, with the following format: e.g., Figure 3. Title of figure.........
Title: Directly below figure, with no space
Sections Titles:
No pages should contain just a title: Some paragraph(s) must exist beneath each title/subtitle.
Title: bold, two spaces above, and one space below
Headings: one space above, and one space below
Headings of APA
Abstract (level 1)
Teaching communication strategies is one of the most challenging subjects which has its own supporters and opponents.......
Keywords: teaching, strategies,.........
Methodology (level 1)
Participants (level 2)
Materials and Instruments (level 2)
Pretest.(level 3)
Proficiency test.(level 4)
Writing test.level 4)
Multiple choice. (level 5)
Composition. (level 5)
Posttest. (level 3)
Motivation questionnaire. (level 3)
Procedure (level 2)
Treatment.(level 3)
Data Analysis and Results (Level 1)
Discussion (Level 1)
Try to prevent references to other pages in the paper. If necessary, type (see p. XXX) in the text and explain in a separate document to which part of the text you want to refer. Please be specific: Mention page, paragraph and sentence.
Use italics for non-English words, to emphasize text, and for all kinds of titles (books, plays,
movies, and newspapers). Do not use italics to indicate quotes, for names of persons or organizations, or for geographical terms.Titles in italics are not put between quotation marks.
Use double quotation marks for quotes. Use single quotation marks only for quotes inside quotes. Quotes up to 40 words are integrated in the running text. Quotes longer more than 40 words are set apart in a separate paragraph with special formatting(i.e., block formatting). Shift the left margin 1 centimeter to the left, and use Times Roman 12 point as font. Add white lines above and beneath the quote.
When reporting quantitative results, please avoid excessive overlap between the text and the
tables. There is no need to repeat in the text all of the numbers that appear in a table.
Also, avoid excessive overlap between the Results section and the Discussion/ Conclusion section. The Results section should contain what you have found, and the Discussion or Conclusion section should contain your interpretation of what you have found (not just repeat what is already in the Results section). If you would like to present the results and discussion together, use a single section labeled Results and Discussion.
Literature References:
Lynch (2000) describes strategy as an organization’s sense of purpose. At least, three different levels of strategy within all organizations can be identified (Chaffey, 2002; Hackbarth & Kettinger, 2000).
References Instructions (Hanging Indentation):
Books with one author:
Doniger, W. (1999).Splitting the difference.University of Chicago Press.
Books with two authors:
Cowlishaw, G.,& Dunbar, R. (2000).Primate conservation biology (2nded.). University of Chicago Press.
A chapter or other part of a book:
Twaddell, W.F. (1957). Do we want to use the German umlaut? A boring
story. In M. Joos (Ed.), Readings in linguistics I.The development of descriptive linguistics in America (85-87).University of Chicago Press.
Journal Articles:
Picard, R. G. (2002). Research note: Assessing audience performance of public service broadcasters. European Journal of Communication,17(2), 227-235.
Hlatky, M.A., D. Boothroyd, E. Vittinghoff, P. Sharp, & M.A. Whooley (2002).The measurement of consistency and occasion with latent class models.Journal of the American Medical Association,287(5), 90-99. Retrieved November 19, 2000, from http://jama.ama-assn.rg/issues/v287n5/rfull/joc10108.html#aainfo
Books with no author/editor/no date/in press:
Alejo, R. (in press). Where does the money go? An analysis of the container metaphor in
economics: The market and the economy. Journal of Pragmatics.
Cameron, L., & Low, G. (n.d.).Researching and applying metaphor.Cambridge University Press.
Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10thed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
Theses and Dissertations:
Martinez, F. E. (2003). Exploring figurative language processing in bilinguals: The metaphor interference effect.Unpublished master’s thesis, Texas A& M International University.
Amundin, M. (1991).Click repetition rate patterns in communicative sounds from the harbor porpoise. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stockholm University.
Paper presented at a meeting or conference:
Doyle, B. (2002). Howling like a dog: Metaphorical language in Psalm 59. The Annual International Meeting for the Society of Biblical Literature, Berlin, Germany.
5. Conflicts of Interest Statement
Manuscript title:
The corresponding author whose name is stated below certifies that s/he and all other co-authors have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization with any financial interest (such as educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements) in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.
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6. Copyright Transfer Form
Paper Title: _____________________________________________________________________
The authors hereby transfer all copyrights in and to the manuscript named above in all forms and media, now or hereafter known, to the International Journal of Language and Translation Research (IJLTR) effective if and when the paper is accepted for publication in the IJLTR. The authors reserve all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.
Everyone who is listed as an author in this paper should have made a substantial, direct, intellectual contribution to the work and should take public responsibility for it.
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