Test-taking Techniques and the Reading Performance of IELTS Test-Takers across Proficiency Levels: Effects and Percepts
Mahboubeh Nakhleh
Department of English Language, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Seyyed Hassan Mirahmadi
Department of English Language, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Saeed Yadani
Department of English Language, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Keywords: IELTS, Test-taking techniques, Reading, Perceptions,
Abstract :
In spite of numerous extant studies on IELTS test-taking techniques, insufficient research has examined the effect of such techniques on reading performance among IELTS test-takers across proficiency levels. Therefore, this study, adopting an explanatory mixed-methods design, investigated the potential effect of test-taking techniques on IELTS reading scores gained by B1 and B2 level learners. The sample comprised 62 B1-level and 63 B2-level learners. The participants were placed into four groups consisting of two experimental and two control groups. In the two experimental groups, 17 reading test-taking techniques were explicitly taught and practiced. The four groups took reading pretest and posttest before and after the treatment. Ultimately, 15 participants from each experimental group partook in semi-structured interviews. The quantitative analysis showed the significant effect of teaching test-taking techniques on both B1 and B2-level learners' reading performance scores with the B1-level learners outperforming their B2-level counterparts. As for the qualitative data analysis, the results yielded eight themes for B1-level learners and seven themes for B2-level learners. Also, the results indicated that B1-level learners earned a notably higher number theme instances than B2-level learners. The results are discussed and implications for language learning, teaching, and testing are provided.
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