• فهرس المقالات fuzzy set

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - ارائه مدلی فازی برای تبیین ابعاد ساختاری سازمان بر اساس ابعاد محتوایی
        سهراب خان محمدی علیرضا بافنده زند
        مقاله حاضر بر اساس مدلی بر مبنای تئوری مجموعه‌های فازی برای تجربه و تحلیل ساختار سازمانی تهیه شده است. این مدل از سه مرحله تشکیل شده است. در مرحله اول یک سیستم فازی برای تعیین ابعاد ساختاری مطلوب (خروجی‌های سیستم) بر اساس ابعاد متحوائی موجود (ورودی‌های سیستم) ارائه می‌ش أکثر
        مقاله حاضر بر اساس مدلی بر مبنای تئوری مجموعه‌های فازی برای تجربه و تحلیل ساختار سازمانی تهیه شده است. این مدل از سه مرحله تشکیل شده است. در مرحله اول یک سیستم فازی برای تعیین ابعاد ساختاری مطلوب (خروجی‌های سیستم) بر اساس ابعاد متحوائی موجود (ورودی‌های سیستم) ارائه می‌شود. بر اساس ادبیات تحقیق مهمترین ابعاد ساختاری سازمان عبارتند از رسمیت، تمرکز و پیچیدگی و نیز مهمترین ابعاد محتوایی سازمان عبارتند از استراتژی، تکنولوژی، محیط و اندازه سازمان. همچنین در این مرحله ابعاد ساختاری موجود نیز محاسبه می‌شود. در مرحله‌ی دوم، یک سیستم فازی برای تعیین اندازه مکانیکی یا ارگانیکی بودن (ساختاری نظری) سازمان ارائه می‌شود. ورودی این سیستم ابعاد ساختاری محاسبه شده در مرحله اول و خروجی آن اندازه ساختار نظری می‌باشد. پس از آزمون مدل، در مرحله سوم روشی برای تجزیه و تحلیل فاصله موجود بین ساختار نظری موجود و مطلوب ارائه می‌شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - توسعه الگوریتم فوردیس و وبستر برای حل مسائل سفارشات دورهای با هزینههای فازی
        دکتر ناصر حمیدی پروانه سموئی مهدی اقبالی
        یکی از الگوریتم هایی بسیار مفیدی که در کنترل کارآمد موجودی و تعیین سیاست سفارش دهی مناسب برای حل مسائلسفارشات دوره ای استفاده می شود، الگوریتم فوردیس و وبستر است . اما با وجود تمام کاراییهایی که این الگوریتم داراست، تنهامیتواند زمانی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد که هزینه های أکثر
        یکی از الگوریتم هایی بسیار مفیدی که در کنترل کارآمد موجودی و تعیین سیاست سفارش دهی مناسب برای حل مسائلسفارشات دوره ای استفاده می شود، الگوریتم فوردیس و وبستر است . اما با وجود تمام کاراییهایی که این الگوریتم داراست، تنهامیتواند زمانی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد که هزینه های موجودی مقادیری قطعی هستند. این در حالی است که در دنیای واقعیعوامل زیادی نظیر تغییرات نرخ ارز و تورم باعث ایجاد نوسان در هزینه های موجودی می گردند. لذا در این مقاله سعی می شودبه دلیل مزایا یی این الگوریتم ، توسعه ای از آن را برای شرایطی که هزینه های خرید، سفارش دهی و نگهداری از نوع اعداد فازیمثلثی هستند، صورت گیرد . برای نشان دادن الگوریتم پیشنهادی جدید یک مثال عددی نیز بیان گردیده است . نتایج نشانمیدهد که الگوریتم پیشنهادی جدید، از قابلیت انعطاف زیادی برخوردار میباشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - مدل تحلیل پوششی داده های ترکیبی برای حل مسائل تصمیم گیری با اعداد GTHF
        طیبه رضائی تازیانی مهناز برخورداری احمدی محمد رضا بلوچ شهریاری
        اصولا عدم قطعیت در ذات و نهاد طبیعت جای دارد. برای مواجهه با عدم قطعیت و ابهام موجود در جهان واقعی، منطق دو ارزشی به تدریج جای خود را به منطق فازی داده است. این دیدگاه جدید، عدم قطعیت ناشی از تردید را مدیریت می کند، و در این نوع تصمیم گیری یکی از مسائل مهم جمع آوری اطلا أکثر
        اصولا عدم قطعیت در ذات و نهاد طبیعت جای دارد. برای مواجهه با عدم قطعیت و ابهام موجود در جهان واقعی، منطق دو ارزشی به تدریج جای خود را به منطق فازی داده است. این دیدگاه جدید، عدم قطعیت ناشی از تردید را مدیریت می کند، و در این نوع تصمیم گیری یکی از مسائل مهم جمع آوری اطلاعات فازی مردد و انتخاب گزینه بهینه است. اعداد فازی مردد ذوزنقه ای تعمیم‌یافته (‏GTHF) که درجه عضویت آن‌ها توسط چندین عدد فازی ذوزنقه ای بیان می‌شود، برای حل مساله تصمیم‌گیری در زندگی واقعی نسبت به اعداد حقیقی مناسب تر است. در این مقاله، به مفهوم جدیدی به نام اعداد فازی مردد ذونقه ای تعمیم یافته و ترکیب آن با تحلیل پوششی داده ها می پردازیم. با استفاده از این اطلاعات مقادیر انحراف و امتیاز را به عنوان ورودی و خروجی مدل تحلیل پوششی داده های دو مرحله ای در نظر می گیریم، سپس از نتایج حاصل جهت ساخت ماتریس مقایسه زوجی استفاده کردیم و در نهایت واحد های تصمیم گیرنده را اولویت بندی نمودیم. برای استفاده از برخی از مفاهیم در روش تصمیم‌گیری پیشنهادی، ابتدا تعاریفی از مفاهیمی مانند تابع امتیاز و تابع انحراف از اعداد فازی مردد ذوزنقه‌ای تعمیم‌یافته را ارائه می‌دهیم. در نهایت، یک مثال عددی برای روش پیشنهادی جهت تایید و کاربردی بودن آن ارائه و نتیجه رتبه بندی را با روش های AP، TOPSIS با اعداد فازی مردد ذوزنقه ای تعمیم یافته و روش تجمع هندسی وزن دار در ]7[ مورد مقایسه قرار می‌دهیم. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - طبقه بندی عوامل انعطاف پذیر به کمک مفهوم فازی
        صابر ساعتی نیکو ایمانی
        در تحلیل پوششی داده ها، فرض بر این است که نقش هر عامل به عنوان ورودی یا خروجی مشخص می باشد. با این حال، دربعضی موارد، عوامل مشترکی هستند که ماهیت ورودی یا خروجی بودن آنها مشخص نیست. این عوامل را عوامل انعطاف پذیرمی نامند. در این حالت، تعیین ورودی یا خروجی بودن یک عامل، أکثر
        در تحلیل پوششی داده ها، فرض بر این است که نقش هر عامل به عنوان ورودی یا خروجی مشخص می باشد. با این حال، دربعضی موارد، عوامل مشترکی هستند که ماهیت ورودی یا خروجی بودن آنها مشخص نیست. این عوامل را عوامل انعطاف پذیرمی نامند. در این حالت، تعیین ورودی یا خروجی بودن یک عامل، کار دشواری است. به همین علت، نظریه مجموعه های فازیمی تواند ابزار مناسبی باشد.در این مقاله، جهت تعیین ورودی یا خروجی بودن یک عامل انعطاف پذیر، یک فرایند دو مرحله ای برای طبقه بندی فازی ارایهمی شود. بدین منظور، یک تابع عضویت معرفی می گردد. در نتیجه، کارایی واحدهای تصمیم گیری، با یک درجه عضویتمشخص خواهند شد. روش پیشنهادی با حل یک مثال بررسی می شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - مباحثی بر روی گراف‌های فازی دوقطبی و کاربردهای آن
        هیلدا صالح
        در این مقاله در ابتدا تفاضل متقارن و جمع متقارن دو گراف را برروی گراف­های فازی دوقطبی تعریف می­کنیم و سپس نشان می­دهیم که گراف حاصل نیز یک گراف فازی دو قطبی است. در ادامه با استفاده از تعریف گراف­های فازی دو قطبی قوی و گسترش این مفهوم، دو تعریف جدید بر ر أکثر
        در این مقاله در ابتدا تفاضل متقارن و جمع متقارن دو گراف را برروی گراف­های فازی دوقطبی تعریف می­کنیم و سپس نشان می­دهیم که گراف حاصل نیز یک گراف فازی دو قطبی است. در ادامه با استفاده از تعریف گراف­های فازی دو قطبی قوی و گسترش این مفهوم، دو تعریف جدید بر روی گراف­های فازی دوقطبی به نام قوی از بالا و قوی از پایین معرفی می­کنیم. سپس نتایج به دست آمده را بر روی چند مثال عددی مورد بررسی قرار می­دهیم. و در نهایت کاربردی از گراف­های فازی دو قطبی را بیان می­کنیم. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - Risk Analysis in E-commerce via Fuzzy Logic
        Mohammad Hossien Zirakja Reza Samizadeh
        This paper describes the development of a fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) for the assessment of risk in E-commerce (EC) development. A Web-based prototype FDSS is suggested to assist EC project managers in identifying potential EC risk factors and the corresponding أکثر
        This paper describes the development of a fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) for the assessment of risk in E-commerce (EC) development. A Web-based prototype FDSS is suggested to assist EC project managers in identifying potential EC risk factors and the corresponding project risks. A risk analysis model for EC development using a fuzzy set approach is proposed and incorporated into the FDSS. For running the fuzzy set approach, the researchers use MATLAB software. The research methodology includes these stages: At first, identifying the factors effect on the development of the E-commerce with the help of experts; secondly, defining the suitable membership function for each factor. There are three layers in the fuzzy system that every layers output is input for next layer. Then, the system calculates the final risk through SUGENO inference engine for E-commerce. Indeed the suggested architecture for the model with the help of experts is presented in this paper. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی
        دکتر یحیی حساس یگانه حجت حسن زاده محمد قدیری تلاقیان
        هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت شناخته شده ترین نوآوری بیست سال گذشته در حسابداری مدیریت بوده و مفهوماولیه آن مبتنی بر این قضیه است که هزینه های سربار نباید فقط بر مبنای حجم تخصیص یابند. مسئله ای که همهرویکردهای هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت را تحت تأثیر خود قرار می دهد، اتکای أکثر
        هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت شناخته شده ترین نوآوری بیست سال گذشته در حسابداری مدیریت بوده و مفهوماولیه آن مبتنی بر این قضیه است که هزینه های سربار نباید فقط بر مبنای حجم تخصیص یابند. مسئله ای که همهرویکردهای هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت را تحت تأثیر خود قرار می دهد، اتکای سیستم هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیتبه تخمین هاست که یکی از موارد نقصان این سیستم می باشد. لذا هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی به عنوان یکرویکرد مرتفع کننده این نقصان، ایجاد شد. هدف ایجاد سیستم هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی بسط متدولوژیتخمین پارامترها بر مبنای تئوری مجموعه فازی است که میتواند دانش مرتبط با اطلاعات ذاتاً مبهم و نادرست را باسیستم هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت ترکیب کرده و آن را بهبود بخشد. در این مقاله مفاهیم مرتبط با هزینه یابی برمبنای فعالیت فازی معرفی شده و فرآیند ایجاد مدل هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی مورد بحث قرار می گیرد. درادامه با نحوه به کارگیری هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی در یک شرکت تولیدی آشنا خواهیم شد. در مقایسه باهزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت، سیستم هزینه یابی بر مبنای فعالیت فازی اطلاعات بیشتر و با ارزشتری را برایتصمیم گیری ارائه می دهد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - تحلیل فازی مشارکت اجتماعی شهروندان تهرانی
        هادی برغمدی عادل عبدالهی
        پژوهش حاضر باهدف بررسی درجه عضویت شهر تهران در مجموعه مشارکت اجتماعی با استفاده از مفاهیم مرتبط با مجموعه های فازی انجام شده است. میزان عضویت شهروندان تهرانی در دو مجموعه اعتماد اجتماعی و همبستگی اجتماعی نیز به‌عنوان شروط علی لازم برای مشارکت اجتماعی با استفاده از شاخص أکثر
        پژوهش حاضر باهدف بررسی درجه عضویت شهر تهران در مجموعه مشارکت اجتماعی با استفاده از مفاهیم مرتبط با مجموعه های فازی انجام شده است. میزان عضویت شهروندان تهرانی در دو مجموعه اعتماد اجتماعی و همبستگی اجتماعی نیز به‌عنوان شروط علی لازم برای مشارکت اجتماعی با استفاده از شاخص سازگاری و پوشش مورد بررسی قرارگرفته است. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی، از نظر مسیر توصیفی و تبیینی، از نظر میزان ژرفایی، سطحی نگر و ازنظر زمان مقطعی است. روش گردآوری اطلاعات نیز میدانی و اسنادی بوده است. جامعه آماری کلیه ساکنان بالای 15سال مناطق 22گانه شهر تهران و حجم نمونه 920 نفر بوده است که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی متناسب با حجم انتخاب و با ابزار پرسشنامه مورد بررسی قرارگرفته‌اند. یافته های پژوهش نشان داده است که اعتماد اجتماعی و همبستگی اجتماعی شروط علی لازم برای مشارکت اجتماعی شهروندان تهرانی بوده است. همچنین اعتماد اجتماعی0.6247درصد و همبستگی اجتماعی 0.4734 درصد از فضای مشارکت اجتماعی شهر تهران را پوشش داده است که پوشش بیشتر اعتماد اجتماعی نشان از اهمیت بیشتر این متغیر در عضویت شهر تهران در مجموعه مشارکت اجتماعی دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - The Evaluation of Commercial Banks Performance and Market Risk by using of Fuzzy DEA
        Javad Gerami Seyed Majid Sajjadi
        This study presents a reasonable program for large commercial banks in order to supply bank resources by the long term bank deposits and investments, making balance between financial commitments and investments, enhancing the value at risk by maintaining market and bank أکثر
        This study presents a reasonable program for large commercial banks in order to supply bank resources by the long term bank deposits and investments, making balance between financial commitments and investments, enhancing the value at risk by maintaining market and bank high liquidity, management of crisis in condition of liquidity shortage and funds, assessment of value at risk index by using determination bank interval efficiency, ranking the set of commercial big bank by using of the fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. In the following, we extend fuzzy slack-based model (SBM) for fuzzy inputs and outputs data. We are determined the risk factors in bank operating process by using of inefficiency concept. In this study, we use the data of seven banks which were accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange (Eghtesad novin bank, Parsian, Tejarat, Sina, Karafarin, Melat and Saderat) over a 4 years' period from 2012 to 2015. We use the fuzzy DEA for assessment of value at risk index for Banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        10 - ارزیابی اثربخشی رهبری تحول آفرین سبز تحت نظام شایستگی پایدارِ منابع انسانی شرکت نفت استان گلستان
        احسان شاه حسینی محمودرضا مستقیمی سامره شجاعی
        زمینه و هدف: تغییرات محیط‌زیست در دهه اخیر منجر به تغییر ماهیت سازمان‌ها و کارکردهای آن شده است. لذا سازمان‌ها به دلیل مسئولیت اجتماعی که در برابر جامعه و ذینفعان دارند، با تغییرِ نظریه‌هایی همچون رفتار سازمانی، سعی در توسعه‌ی پایدار سازمان در محیط‌زیست دارند. هدف این پ أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: تغییرات محیط‌زیست در دهه اخیر منجر به تغییر ماهیت سازمان‌ها و کارکردهای آن شده است. لذا سازمان‌ها به دلیل مسئولیت اجتماعی که در برابر جامعه و ذینفعان دارند، با تغییرِ نظریه‌هایی همچون رفتار سازمانی، سعی در توسعه‌ی پایدار سازمان در محیط‌زیست دارند. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی اثربخشی رهبری تحول آفرین سبز تحت نظام شایستگی پایدارِ منابع انسانی شرکت نفت استان گلستان براساس تحلیل فازی شهودی است. روش بررسی: این پژوهش از نظر هدف، جزء پژوهش‌های توسعه‌ای است، زیرا به دلیلِ فقدان مبنایی برای ارزیابی اثربخشی رهبری تحول آفرین سبز تحت نظام شایستگی پایدارِ منابع انسانی در پژوهش‌های قبلی، براساس تحلیل فراترکیب در گام اول تلاش شد تا نسبت به شناسایی مولفه‌ها به عنوان مبنایِ تحلیلی پژوهش و مضامین به عنوان متغیرهای مرجع، اقدام شود. سپس باهدف تبیین مولفه‌ها و مضامینِ شناسایی شده، در بخش کمی از تحلیلِ ارزیابی فازی شهودی استفاده شد. در این پژوهش، جامعه هدف شامل دو بخشِ کیفی و کمی بود، که در بخش کیفی متخصصان و خبرگان رشته مدیریت منابع انسانی در سطح دانشگاه بودند و در بخش کمی نیز ۲۱ مدیران سطوح میانی شرکت نفت در استان گلستان، برای ارزیابیِ تحلیل‌های بخش کمی مشارکت داشتند. بازه زمانی انجام پژوهش نیز 6 ماه می‌باشد. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش نشان داد، تحتِ وجودِ شایستگی‌های مشارکتی منابع انسانی، مهمترین بُعدِ رهبری تحول آفرین سبز، اثربخشی فرصت محسوب می‌شود. بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: در واقع نتیجه این پژوهش بیان‌کننده‌ی این واقعیت است که شایستگی مشارکتی منابع انسانی سطح تعامل‎پذیری و ارتباطات درون سازمانی در حوزه‌ی تصمیم‌گیری‌های مسائل و مشکلات زیست‌محیطی تقویت می‌نماید و باعث می‌گردد تا بُعدِ اثربخشی فرصت در رهبری تحول آفرین سبز فضای خلق ایده را مهیا نماید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - ارزیابی آسیب‌شناسی پیامدهای پایداری مالیات سبز براساس موانع اجرای خط‌مشی‌های ابلاغی سازمان امور مالیاتی
        مها طاهری غلامرضا معمارزاده طهران مرتضی موسی خانی
        زمینه و هدف: یکی از مسائل مهم در سازمان امور مالیاتی، فقدان دستیابی به عملکرد قابل قبول و اهداف تعریف شده برای خط مشی های ابلاغی می باشد. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی آسیب‌شناسی پیامدهای مالیات سبز براساس موانع اجرای خط‌مشی‌های ابلاغی سازمان امور مالیاتی می باشد. روش بررسی: ا أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: یکی از مسائل مهم در سازمان امور مالیاتی، فقدان دستیابی به عملکرد قابل قبول و اهداف تعریف شده برای خط مشی های ابلاغی می باشد. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی آسیب‌شناسی پیامدهای مالیات سبز براساس موانع اجرای خط‌مشی‌های ابلاغی سازمان امور مالیاتی می باشد. روش بررسی: این پژوهش از نظر روش شناسی توسعه‌ای است و از نظر نوع جمع‌آوری داده‌های پژوهش ترکیبی است. در این پژوهش در بخش کیفی براساس فرآیندهای تحلیل فراترکیب تلاش شد تا ابتدا پژوهش‌های مرتبط با دو مفهوم موانع اجرای خط‌مشی‌های ابلاغی سازمان امور مالیاتی و پیامدهای پایداری مالیات سبز مشخص شوند و سپس مولفه‌ها و مضامین پژوهش براساس مقیاس ارزیابی انتقادی تعیین گردند. همچنین در ادامه بخش کیفی از تحلیل دلفی برای تعیین حدِ اجماع نظری استفاده شد. در بخش کمی از ارزیابی فازی شهودی (IFSs) بهره برده شد. زمان انجام پژوهش حاضر در سال 1400 به مدت شش ماه می باشد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد، مانع ساختاری به عنوان تاثیرگذارترین مضمونِ موانع اجرای خط‌مشی‌های ابلاغی سازمان امور مالیاتی در سازمان امور مالیاتی تلقی می‌شود که می‌تواند باعث تداخل در پایداری پیامدهای پایداری مالیات سبز گردد. بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان می دهد که سازمان امور مالیاتی در تدوین خط‌مشی‌های خود جهت پویایی اجرای آن با نزدیک‌کردن مکانیزم‌های اثرگذار شناسایی مالیات‌ها، نسبت به اتخاذ استراتژی‌های واقع‌گرایانه در حوزه‌های کلان همچون پایداری مالیات سبز، اقدامات لازم را به کارگیرند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        12 - Determining ‎N‎ormalized Crisp Weights From Fuzzy Comparison Matrices Using an Improved Two-Stage Logarithmic Goal Programming Model
        A. Mohamadghasemi A. Hadi-Vencheh
        Two-stage logarithmic goal programming (TLGP) is one of the weighting technologies from fuzzy comparison matrices. But, it only present the interval weights at all alphacuts under each criterion when usage of the TLGP. In this paper, we improve this limitation of TLGP u أکثر
        Two-stage logarithmic goal programming (TLGP) is one of the weighting technologies from fuzzy comparison matrices. But, it only present the interval weights at all alphacuts under each criterion when usage of the TLGP. In this paper, we improve this limitation of TLGP using an proposed index. Finally, the two real illustrative examples in literature are considered to show the verification of the proposed index. تفاصيل المقالة
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        13 - Solving fully fuzzy linear programming
        M. Otadi
        In this paper, a new method is proposed to find the fuzzy optimal solution of fully fuzzy linear programming (abbreviated to FFLP) problems. Also, we employ linear programming (LP) with equality constraints to find a nonegative fuzzy number vector x which satisfies Ax = أکثر
        In this paper, a new method is proposed to find the fuzzy optimal solution of fully fuzzy linear programming (abbreviated to FFLP) problems. Also, we employ linear programming (LP) with equality constraints to find a nonegative fuzzy number vector x which satisfies Ax =b, where A is a fuzzy number matrix. Then we investigate the existence of a positive solution of fully fuzzy linear system (FFLS). تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - A Study on Intuitionistic Fuzzy and Normal Fuzzy M-Subgroup, M-Homomorphism and ‎Isomorphism‎
        M. Oqla Massa'deh
        In this paper, we introduce some properties of an intuitionistic normal fuzzy m-subgroup of m- group with m-homomorphism and isomorphism. We study he image, the pre-image and the inverse mapping of the intuitionistic normal fuzzy m-‎subgroups.‎
        In this paper, we introduce some properties of an intuitionistic normal fuzzy m-subgroup of m- group with m-homomorphism and isomorphism. We study he image, the pre-image and the inverse mapping of the intuitionistic normal fuzzy m-‎subgroups.‎ تفاصيل المقالة
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        15 - A general approach to linguistic approximation and its application in frame of fuzzy logic deduction
        Rasoul Saneifard Rahim Saneifard
        ‎This paper deals with one problem that needs to be addressed in the emerging field known under the name computing with perceptions‎. ‎It is the problem of describing‎, ‎approximately‎, ‎a given fuzzy set in natural‎ ‎language‎. & أکثر
        ‎This paper deals with one problem that needs to be addressed in the emerging field known under the name computing with perceptions‎. ‎It is the problem of describing‎, ‎approximately‎, ‎a given fuzzy set in natural‎ ‎language‎. ‎This problem has lately been referred to as the problem of retranslation‎. ‎An approaches to ‎dealing with the retranslation problem is discussed in the paper‎, ‎that is based on a pre-defined set of ‎linguistic terms and the associated fuzzy sets‎. ‎The retranslation problem is discussed in ‎terms of two criteria validity and informativeness‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - New Generalized Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers
        Ezzatallah Baloui Jamkhaneh A. Saeidifar
        The aim of this paper is investigate the notion of a generalized interval valuedintuitionistic fuzzy number (GIVIFN), which extends the interval valuedintuitionistic fuzzy number. Firstly, the concept of GIVIFNBs is introduced.Arithmetic operations and cut sets over GIV أکثر
        The aim of this paper is investigate the notion of a generalized interval valuedintuitionistic fuzzy number (GIVIFN), which extends the interval valuedintuitionistic fuzzy number. Firstly, the concept of GIVIFNBs is introduced.Arithmetic operations and cut sets over GIVIFNBBs are investigated. Thenthe values and ambiguities of the membership degree and the non-membershipdegree and the value index and ambiguity index for GIVIFNs are de ned.Finally, we develop a value and ambiguity-based ranking method. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - Designing an Analytical Model for Assessing Supply Chain Resilience to different Types of Risks: Case Study of Iran Petro-chemical Industries
        Mohammad Bahrami Seyfabad Ahmad Jafar Nejad Ezatollah Asghari Zadeh Hanan Amo Zad
        The purpose of the study is to develop and test an analytical model for resilience assessment of supply chain risks against the risks of system and its individual tiers. In this regard a multi-method research approach is adopted as follows: By using data envelopment ana أکثر
        The purpose of the study is to develop and test an analytical model for resilience assessment of supply chain risks against the risks of system and its individual tiers. In this regard a multi-method research approach is adopted as follows: By using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and fuzzy set theory, a fuzzy network DEA model has been proposed to assess risk in overall supply chains and their individual tiers. The proposed model is tested by surveying of 130 people as selective petrochemical companies in Iran. The survey results show a substantial variation in resilience ratings between the overall petrochemical supply chains and their individual tiers.The research findings indicate that system resilience is not necessarily indicative of the resilience of its individual tiers. On the other hand, high efficiency scores in supply chain tiers have limited influence on overall resilience of supply chain. The proposed analytical model enables the assessment of supply chain flexibility at different levels for a wide range of supply chain risks in upstream, downstream and downstream process-es. تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - ارزیابی عملکرد سازمان با استفاده از رویکرد ترکیبی تحلیل پوششی داده های فازی و کارت امتیازی متوازن (مطالعه موردی : شعب بانک تجارت استان یزد)
        Seyed Habibollah Mirghafoori Ali Morovati Vahid Namavaran Fatemeh Zamani
        با افزایش رقابت در عرصه تولید و خدمات، سازمان ها به شاخص ها و الگوهایی برای بررسی عملکرد خود نیاز پیدا کردند. یکی از ابزارهای موفق در زمینه پیاده سازی برنامه های راهبردی سازمان سیستم کارت امتیازی متوازن است. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی عملکرد شعب بانک تجارت استان یزد و رتبه ب أکثر
        با افزایش رقابت در عرصه تولید و خدمات، سازمان ها به شاخص ها و الگوهایی برای بررسی عملکرد خود نیاز پیدا کردند. یکی از ابزارهای موفق در زمینه پیاده سازی برنامه های راهبردی سازمان سیستم کارت امتیازی متوازن است. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی عملکرد شعب بانک تجارت استان یزد و رتبه بندی آنها بر اساس میزان کارایی می باشد. کارت امتیازی متوازن ابزاری مناسب جهت طراحی ارزیابی عملکرد و سنجش آنها از چهار دیدگاه: مالی، مشتری، فرآیندهای داخلی و رشد و نوآوری می باشد. این پژوهش با استفاده از مدل تلفیقی کارت امتیازی متوازن و تحلیل پوششی داده های فازی در ارزیابی عملکرد شعب بانک تجارت استان یزد انجام شده است. روش این تحقیق توصیفی و برای گردآوری اطلاعات مورد نیاز برای اجرای پژوهش از انواع روش های میدانی، کتابخانه ای، مشاهده و بعضا مصاحبه استفاده شده است. پس از بررسی نتایج پژوهش مشخص شد که از 26 شعبه تحت بررسی در مدل CCR فازی تعداد 11 شعبه دارای کارایی یک بوده اند. همچنین برای رتبه بندی کامل از روش رتبه بندی کارایی متقاطع استفاده شده است. در نهایت نتایج به دست آمده از تحلیل حساسیت حاکی از آن است که ATM بیشترین تاثیر را بر کارائی واحدها دارد، و همچنین موقعیت و تعداد کارکنان نیز به ترتیب در رده های بعدی قرار دارند. از سوی دیگر جمع سپرده بانکی کمترین تاثیر را بر کارائی بانک ها دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        19 - کاربرد تئوری فازی در تحلیل پایداری شیروانی ها(با نگرشی به زمین لغزش محمد آباد جیرفت)
        مهدی محمدی حسین توکلی حمید شجاعی
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        20 - Adaptive Inverse Control of Flexible Link Robot Using ANFIS Based on Type-2 Fuzzy
        Saeed Barghandan Mohammad Esmael Akbari Hamid Ghadiri
        This paper presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based on interval Gaussian type-2 fuzzy sets in the antecedent part and Gaussian type-1 fuzzy sets as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part. The capability of the pr أکثر
        This paper presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based on interval Gaussian type-2 fuzzy sets in the antecedent part and Gaussian type-1 fuzzy sets as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part. The capability of the proposed ANFIS2 for function approximation and dynamical system identification is remarkable. The structure of ANFIS2 is very similar to ANFIS but in ANFIS2, a layer is added for purpose to type reduction. An adaptive learning rate based back propagation with convergence guaranteed is used for parameter learning. Finally, the proposed ANFIS2 is used to control of a flexible link robot arm. Simulation results shows the proposed ANFIS2 with Gaussian type-1 fuzzy set as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part has good performance and high accuracy but more training time. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        21 - A New Model for Best Customer Segment Selection Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Based on Shannon Entropy
        Naime Ranjbar Kermany Sasan H. Alizadeh
        In today’s competitive market, for a business firm to win higher profit among its rivals, it is of necessity to evaluate, and rank its potential customer segments to improve its Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This brings the importance of having more effi أکثر
        In today’s competitive market, for a business firm to win higher profit among its rivals, it is of necessity to evaluate, and rank its potential customer segments to improve its Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This brings the importance of having more efficient decision making methods considering the current fast growing information era. These decisions usually involve several criteria, and it is often necessary to compromise among possibly conflicting factors. In this paper a new extension of fuzzy Techniques for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) based on Shannon entropy concept for customer segment selection is proposed. Fuzzy set theories are also employed due to the presence of vagueness and imprecision of information. The contribution of this paper is that it provides a framework for MCDM which considers vagueness and ambiguity as well as allowing to set multiple aspiration levels for customer segment selection problems in which ‘‘the more/higher is better’’ (e.g., benefit criteria) or ‘‘the less/lower is better’’ (e.g., cost criteria).At the end, a numerical example of this approach is shown to illustrate its effectiveness. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Using Generalized Mixture Operators
        mahdi shaghaghi Kamran Rezaie
        Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a method based on teamwork to identify potential failures and problems in a system, design,process and service in order to remove them. The important part of this method is determining the risk priorities of failure modes usin أکثر
        Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a method based on teamwork to identify potential failures and problems in a system, design,process and service in order to remove them. The important part of this method is determining the risk priorities of failure modes using therisk priority number (RPN). However, this traditional RPN method has several shortcomings. Therefore, in this paper we propose a FMEAwhich uses generalized mixture operators to determine and aggregate the risk priorities of failure modes. In a numerical example, a FMEAof the LGS gas type circuit breaker product in Zanjan Switch Industries in Iran is presented to further illustrate the proposed method. Theresults show that the suggested approach is simple and provides more accurate risk assessments than the traditional RPN. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - An Assessment Method for Project Cash Flow under Interval-Valued Fuzzy Environment
        Vahid Mohagheghi SEYED meysam mousavi Behnam Vahdani
        Effective project management requires reliable knowledge of cash required in different stages of project life cycle. Getting this knowledge is highly dependent on sophisticated consideration of project environment. Nature of projects and their environments are associate أکثر
        Effective project management requires reliable knowledge of cash required in different stages of project life cycle. Getting this knowledge is highly dependent on sophisticated consideration of project environment. Nature of projects and their environments are associated with uncertain conditions. In this paper, a new project cash flow assessment method based on project scheduling is proposed to foresee projects' cash flow in their different stages. Interval-valued fuzzy sets (IVFSs) are applied to address the uncertainty of activity durations and costs. First, an IVF-project scheduling method is proposed to calculate early start time and early finish time of activities under IVF-environment and based on that, a new method of cash flow assessment is introduced under IVF-environment. For the purpose of illustration, the proposed method is implemented to generate cash flow of main activities of a large-scale project. The results show the flexibility of presented assessment method in expressing uncertainty, in addition to its capability in risk evaluation. Furthermore, using alpha-cuts to address different levels of uncertainty and risk provides a comprehensive insight of the cash required in different stages of project life cycle under different levels of risk and uncertainty. Finally, the results are discussed and the proposed method is believed to be useful in the project evaluation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - Hierarchical Group Compromise Ranking Methodology Based on Euclidean–Hausdorff Distance Measure Under Uncertainty: An Application to Facility Location Selection Problem
        Seyed Meysam Mousavi Hossein Gitinavard Behnam Vahdani Nazanin Foroozesh
        Proposing a hierarchical group compromise method can be regarded as a one of major multi-attributes decision-making tool that can be introduced to rank the possible alternatives among conflict criteria. Decision makers’ (DMs’) judgments are considered as imp أکثر
        Proposing a hierarchical group compromise method can be regarded as a one of major multi-attributes decision-making tool that can be introduced to rank the possible alternatives among conflict criteria. Decision makers’ (DMs’) judgments are considered as imprecise or fuzzy in complex and hesitant situations. In the group decision making, an aggregation of DMs’ judgments and fuzzy group compromise ranking is more capable and powerful than the classical compromise ranking. This research extends a new hierarchical group compromise ranking methodology under a hesitant fuzzy (HF)environment to handle uncertainty, in which for the margin of error, the DMs could assign the opinions in several membership degrees for an element. The hesitant fuzzy set (HFS)is taken into account for the process of the proposed hierarchical group compromise ranking methodology, namely HFHG-CR, and for avoiding the data loss, the DMs’ opinions with risk preferences are considered for each step separately. Also, the Euclidean–Hausdorff distance measure is utilized in a new proposed index for calculating the average group score, worst group score and compromise measure regarding each DM. A new ranking index is presented for final compromise solution for the evaluation. Proposed HFHG-CR methodology is applied to a practical example for a facility location selection problem, i.e. cross-dock location problem, to show the validation and application. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        25 - A hybrid intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach for supplier selection
        Ahmad Makui Mohammad Gholamian Erfan Mohammadi
        Due to the increasing competition of globalization, selection of the most appropriate supplier is one of the key factors for asupply chain management’s success. Due to conflicting evaluations and insufficient information about the criteria, Intuitionisticfuzzy set أکثر
        Due to the increasing competition of globalization, selection of the most appropriate supplier is one of the key factors for asupply chain management’s success. Due to conflicting evaluations and insufficient information about the criteria, Intuitionisticfuzzy sets (IFSs) considered as animpressive tool and utilized to specify the relative importance of the criteria. The aim of this paper is to develop a new approach for solving the decision making processes. Thusan intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach is proposed. Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted aggregation (IIFOWA) is utilized to aggregate individual opinions of decision makers into a group opinion. A linear programming model is used to obtain the weights of the criteria.Then acombined approach based onGRAand TOPSIS method is introduced and applied to the ranking and selection of the alternatives. Finally a numerical example for supplier selection is given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. A combined method based on GRA and TOPSIS associated with intuitionistic fuzzy set has enormous chance of success for multi-criteria decision-making problems due to containing vague perception of decision makers’ opinions. Therefore, in future, intuitionistic fuzzy set can be used for dealing with uncertainty in multi-criteria decision-making problems such as project selection, manufacturing systems, pattern recognition, medical diagnosis and many other areas of management decision problems. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        26 - A New Version of Earned Value Analysis for Mega Projects Under Interval-valued Fuzzy Environment
        N Moradi Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani
        The earned value technique is a crucial and important technique in analysis and control the performance and progress of mega projects by integrating three elements of them, i.e., time, cost and scope. This paper proposes a new version of earned value analysis (EVA) to h أکثر
        The earned value technique is a crucial and important technique in analysis and control the performance and progress of mega projects by integrating three elements of them, i.e., time, cost and scope. This paper proposes a new version of earned value analysis (EVA) to handle uncertainty in mega projects under interval-valued fuzzy (IVF)-environment. Considering that uncertainty is very common in mega projects’ activities, the proposed IVF-EVA model is very useful and applicable in evaluating the progress of projects. In this paper, analyzing earned value indices and calculating them with linguistic terms have been discussed. They are then converted into interval-valued fuzzy numbers (IVFNs) for the evaluations. Finally, an application example from the recent literature is presented and steps of the proposed IVF-EVA are elaborated. تفاصيل المقالة
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        27 - Overcoming the uncertainty in a research reactor LOCA in level-1 PSA; Fuzzy based fault-tree/event-tree analysis
        Masoud Mohsendokht Mehdi Hashemi-Tilehnoee
        Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) which plays a crucial role in risk evaluation is a quantitative approach intended to demonstrate how a nuclear reactor meets the safety margins as part of the licensing process. Despite PSA merits, some shortcomings associated with أکثر
        Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) which plays a crucial role in risk evaluation is a quantitative approach intended to demonstrate how a nuclear reactor meets the safety margins as part of the licensing process. Despite PSA merits, some shortcomings associated with the final results exist. Conventional PSA uses crisp values to represent the failure probabilities of basic events. This causes a high level of uncertainty due to the inherent imprecision and vagueness of failure input data. In this paper, to tackle this imperfection, a fuzzy approach is employed with fault tree analysis and event tree analysis. Thus, instead of using the crisp values, a set of fuzzy numbers is applied as failure probabilities of basic events. Hence, in the fault tree and event tree analysis, the top events and the end-states frequencies are treated as fuzzy numbers. By introducing some fuzzy importance measures the critical components which contribute maximum to the system failure and total uncertainty are identified. As a practical example, under redesign Iranian heavy water research reactor loss of coolant accident is studied. The results show that the reactor protection system has the largest index in sequences lead to a core meltdown. In addition, the emergency core cooling system has a main role in preventing abnormal conditions. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        28 - A note on "An interval type-2 fuzzy extension of the TOPSIS method using alpha cuts"
        Amir Mohamadghasemi
        The technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is a method based on the ideal solutions in which the most desirable alternative should have the shortest distance from positive ideal solution and the longest distance from negative ideal so أکثر
        The technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is a method based on the ideal solutions in which the most desirable alternative should have the shortest distance from positive ideal solution and the longest distance from negative ideal solution. Depending on type of evaluations or method of ranking, different approaches have been proposing to calculate distances in the TOPSIS method. In a recent paper, Dymova et al. (2015) extended the TOPSIS approach using interval type 2 fuzzy sets (IT2FSs) in which distances were calculated using alpha cuts. When investigating their paper, we found out that the extended method has some drawbacks such that it leads to the incorrect calculations and results when solving an IT2FSs-based multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. In this note, the corrected version of extended TOPSIS method is being presented to eliminate its limitations. In order to show effectiveness and possibility of the proposed approach, it is also implemented in two illustrative examples and one case study. The results have showed that the optimal alternative obtained by the corrected TOPSIS approach has the similar rank to the others, whereas it is different from the results of existing TOPSIS approach. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        29 - A New Analysis of Critical Paths in Mega Projects with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Activities by Considering Time, Cost, Risk, Quality, and Safety Factors
        Yahya Dorfeshan Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani
        Critical path method (CPM) is categorized as a popular tool for scheduling mega projects. In this paper, to enjoy the advantages of interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2FSs) and better address uncertainty for the activities’ attributes, a new analysis model is presented أکثر
        Critical path method (CPM) is categorized as a popular tool for scheduling mega projects. In this paper, to enjoy the advantages of interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2FSs) and better address uncertainty for the activities’ attributes, a new analysis model is presented to determine the critical path under an IT2F-environment. Also, new efficient factors on specifying critical paths, such as time, cost, risk, safety, and quality (TCRSQ), are presented to achieve a more robust plan assisting in megaproject success. Moreover, an IT2F weighting approach is suggested for specifying the weights of TCRSQ factors. Furthermore, a new IT2F-approach employing the relative preference relation is expressed for identifying the importance of each expert. Consequently, a new model for critical path determination procedure by considering efficient factors is developed under the IT2FSs environment. Finally, to demonstrate the suggested model's capability and the calculation process, an application from the previous research is solved. تفاصيل المقالة
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        30 - An EOQ Model for Defective Items Under Pythagorean Fuzzy Environment
        Mitali Nayak Suchitra Patnaik Milu Acharya
        Classical EOQ models can help us decide on the terms of how much to order, to manage an inventory. Any company dealing with physical products needs to manage an inventory to improve and avoid shortages occurring. Many times the lots come with defective items due to whic أکثر
        Classical EOQ models can help us decide on the terms of how much to order, to manage an inventory. Any company dealing with physical products needs to manage an inventory to improve and avoid shortages occurring. Many times the lots come with defective items due to which there is a loss in the effectiveness of the model. In the present study, we consider two types of carrying costs for good and defectives items, and also proportionate discount is being considered for defective items. We use the Pythagorean fuzzy environment (PFS) and analyze the score functions with help of cuts of the fuzzy parameters. The problem is optimized to get the best solution, utilizing Yager’s Ranking. The numerical results obtained from crisp and fuzzy environments are also compared. Lastly graphical and sensitivity illustrations are being used to justify the models. تفاصيل المقالة
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        31 - A New Algorithm for the Discrete Shortest Path Problem in a Network Based on Ideal Fuzzy Sets
        Sadollah Ebrahimnejad Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani
        A shortest path problem is a practical issue in networks for real-world situations. This paper addresses the fuzzy shortest path (FSP) problem to obtain the best fuzzy path among fuzzy paths sets. For this purpose, a new efficient algorithm is introduced based on a new أکثر
        A shortest path problem is a practical issue in networks for real-world situations. This paper addresses the fuzzy shortest path (FSP) problem to obtain the best fuzzy path among fuzzy paths sets. For this purpose, a new efficient algorithm is introduced based on a new definition of ideal fuzzy sets (IFSs) in order to determine the fuzzy shortest path. Moreover, this algorithm is developed for a fuzzy network problem including three criteria, namely time, cost and quality risk. Several numerical examples are provided and experimental results are then compared against the fuzzy minimum algorithm with reference to the multi-labeling algorithm based on the similarity degree in order to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed algorithm. The computational results and statistical analyses indicate that the proposed algorithm performs well compared to the fuzzy minimum algorithm. تفاصيل المقالة
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        32 - A New Fuzzy Method for Assessing Six Sigma Measures
        Seyed Habib A Rahmati Abolfazl Kazemi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad Alireza Alinezhad
        Six-Sigma has some measures which measure performance characteristics related to a process. In most of the traditional methods, exact estimation is used to assess these measures and to utilize them in practice. In this paper, to estimate some of these measures, includin أکثر
        Six-Sigma has some measures which measure performance characteristics related to a process. In most of the traditional methods, exact estimation is used to assess these measures and to utilize them in practice. In this paper, to estimate some of these measures, including Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO), Defects per Opportunity (DPO), Defects per unit (DPU) and Yield, a new algorithm based on Buckley's estimation approach is introduced. The algorithm uses a family of confidence intervals to estimate the mentioned measures. The final results of introduced algorithm for different measures are triangular shaped fuzzy numbers. Finally, since DPMO, as one of the most useful measures in Six-Sigma, should be consistent with costumer need, this paper introduces a new fuzzy method to check this consistency. The method compares estimated DPMO with fuzzy customer need. Numerical examples are given to show the performance of the method. All rights reserved تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - A Fuzzy Decision-Making Methodology for Risk Response Planning in Large-Scale Projects
        Seyed Meysam Mousavi Sadigh Raissi Behnam Vahdani Seyed Mohammad Hossein
        Risk response planning is one of the main phases in the project risk management and has major impacts on the success of a large-scale project. Since projects are unique, and risks are dynamic through the life of the projects, it is necessary to formulate responses of th أکثر
        Risk response planning is one of the main phases in the project risk management and has major impacts on the success of a large-scale project. Since projects are unique, and risks are dynamic through the life of the projects, it is necessary to formulate responses of the important risks. The conventional approaches tend to be less effective in dealing with the impreciseness of risk response planning. This paper presents a new decision-making methodology in a fuzzy environment to evaluate and select the appropriate responses for project risks. To this end, two fuzzy well-known decision-making techniques, namely, decision tree and TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution), are extended based on multiple selected criteria, simplifying parameterized metric distance and fuzzy similarity measure. Finally, a case study in an oil and gas project in Iran is provided to show the suitability of the proposed fuzzy methodology in large-scale practical situations. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - مدیریت رفتار سازمانی با رویکرد عدالت سازمانی برمبنای سیستم خبره فازی (مطالعه موردی: سازمان‌های صنعتی کوچک صنایع‌غذایی استان آذربایجان‌شرقی)
        ناصر فقهی فرهمند
        هدف تحقیق حاضر اندازه گیری عدالت سازمانی براساس سیستم خبره فازی می باشد. بر همین اساس ابتدا بر اساس تئوری مجموعه های فازی، مدلی طراحی گردیده است. این مدل پنج مرحله دارد. در اولین مرحله متغیرهای ورودی و خروجی مدل بر اساس تئوری های موجود به دست می آیند. ورودی های این مدل أکثر
        هدف تحقیق حاضر اندازه گیری عدالت سازمانی براساس سیستم خبره فازی می باشد. بر همین اساس ابتدا بر اساس تئوری مجموعه های فازی، مدلی طراحی گردیده است. این مدل پنج مرحله دارد. در اولین مرحله متغیرهای ورودی و خروجی مدل بر اساس تئوری های موجود به دست می آیند. ورودی های این مدل عبارتست از عدالت توزیعی، عدالت رویه ای و عدالت مراوده ای و خروجی آن نمره عدالت سازمانی می باشد؛ در مرحله دوم ورودی ها و خروجی ها پس از افرازبندی، به اعداد فازی تبدیل می شوند. در مرحله سوم قوانین استنتاج که بصورت قوانین اگر- آن گاه می‌باشند براساس ادبیات موضوع و نظرات افراد خبره تدوین می گردد. در مرحله چهارم، فازی زدایی انجام می‌گیرد و در مرحله پنجم، مدل طراحی شده آزمون می شود. نتیجه تست مدل نشان می دهد که مدل ارائه شده از اعتبار بالایی برخوردار می باشد. پس از اطمینان از اعتبار مدل طراحی شده، با استفاده ازمدل طراحی شده نمره عدالت سازمانی برای سازمان های صنعتی کوچک صنایع غذایی استان آذربایجان شرقی محاسبه شده است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق را کلیه کارکنان و مدیران میانی این سازمان ها تشکیل می دهند. نمونه آماری با استفاده از رابطه کوکران برای کارکنان معمولی 260 نفر و برای مدیران میانی 106 نفر محاسبه شده است. به منظور گرد آوری داده ها از اعضای جامعه آماری نیز از پرسشنامه استفاده شده است که روایی و پایایی آن مورد سنجش و تایید قرار گرفته است. نتایج حاصل نشان می دهد که نمره عدالت سازمانی در سازمان های صنعتی کوچک صنایع غذایی با درجه عضویت 816/0 در حد متوسط و با 184/0 در حد کم می باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        35 - ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت مراکز آموزش مهندسی در ایران با رویکرد فازی: مطالعه موردی
        حسن خادمی زارع مهناز زارعی
        از جمله علل کلیدی که سازمان ها و به ویژه مراکز آموزش عالی را به سمت ناکارآمدی سوق می دهد، عدم ارزیابی فرآیند‌ها و نتایج حاصل از آن‌ها می‌باشد. چنانچه مراکز آموزش عالی جایگاه خود را شناخته و از نقاط ضعف خود آگاهی یابند، بی تردید درصدد رفع آن نواقص اقدام خواهند نمود. هدف أکثر
        از جمله علل کلیدی که سازمان ها و به ویژه مراکز آموزش عالی را به سمت ناکارآمدی سوق می دهد، عدم ارزیابی فرآیند‌ها و نتایج حاصل از آن‌ها می‌باشد. چنانچه مراکز آموزش عالی جایگاه خود را شناخته و از نقاط ضعف خود آگاهی یابند، بی تردید درصدد رفع آن نواقص اقدام خواهند نمود. هدف از این پژوهش، که دامنه انجام آن یکی از مجتمع های فنی- مهندسی است، ارائه یک روش در ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت مراکز آموزش مهندسی بر اساس مدل تعالی EFQM است. از آنجا که فضای تصمیم‌گیری حاکم بر مراکز آموزش عالی، همچون بسیاری از سازمان ها، عموماً فازی است، لذا به منظور تطابق بیشتر این روش با شرایط حاکم بر فضای تصمیم گیری، الگوی پیشنهادی در محیط فازی طراحی شده است تا بتوان به ارزیابی دقیق تری از عملکرد مدیریت مراکز آموزش مهندسی دست یافت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        36 - بررسی میزان بکار‌گیری فرایند مدیریت دانش در یک سازمان خدماتی (مطالعه موردی)
        هوشنگ تقی زاده غلامرضا سلطانی فسقندیس روح اله مهدی لوی
        هدف این مقاله بررسی میزان بکار گیری فرایند مدیریت دانش و پنج مرحله اصلی آن یعنی کسب دانش، ثبت دانش، انتقال دانش، خلق دانش و کاربرد دانش در سازمان با استفاده از تئوری مجموعه های فازی می باشد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق را 75 نفر از پرسنل یک سازمان خدماتی تشکیل می دهد. به دلیل أکثر
        هدف این مقاله بررسی میزان بکار گیری فرایند مدیریت دانش و پنج مرحله اصلی آن یعنی کسب دانش، ثبت دانش، انتقال دانش، خلق دانش و کاربرد دانش در سازمان با استفاده از تئوری مجموعه های فازی می باشد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق را 75 نفر از پرسنل یک سازمان خدماتی تشکیل می دهد. به دلیل محدود بودن جامعه آماری، هیچ گونه نمونه گیری انجام نشده و کل جامعه آماری مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. به منظور گرد آوری داده ها از اعضای جامعه آماری نیز از پرسشنامه استفاده شده است که روایی و پایایی آن مورد سنجش و تأیید قرار گرفته است. نتایج بررسی نشان می دهد که در سازمان مورد بررسی میزان بکار گیری پنج مرحله اصلی (ابعاد فرایند) مدیریت دانش در حد متوسطی می باشد. همچنین بین وضع موجود و مطلوب پنج مرحله اصلی مدیریت دانش در سازمان مورد بررسی فاصله قابل توجهی وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        37 - یک روش ترکیبی سروکوال و تاپسیس سلسله مراتبی بر اساس مجموعه‌های فازی نوع2 برای ارزیابی کیفیت خدمات (مطالعه موردی: کیفیت خدمات حمل و نقل عمومی شهرکرد)
        علی دهقانی فیل آبادی امیر سامان خیرخواه حمید رضا احدی
        روش سروکوال یکی از کاربردی ترین روشها در سنجش کیفیت خدمات است که دارای ساختار سلسله مراتبی شامل چند بعد اصلی و چند آیتم است و فاصله بین انتظارات و ادراک مشتریان از خدمات دریافتی را برای هر یک از آیتم ها مورد تحلیل قرار می دهد، از سوی دیگر کیفیت خدمات یک مفهوم انتزاعی و أکثر
        روش سروکوال یکی از کاربردی ترین روشها در سنجش کیفیت خدمات است که دارای ساختار سلسله مراتبی شامل چند بعد اصلی و چند آیتم است و فاصله بین انتظارات و ادراک مشتریان از خدمات دریافتی را برای هر یک از آیتم ها مورد تحلیل قرار می دهد، از سوی دیگر کیفیت خدمات یک مفهوم انتزاعی و ذهنی است و ارزش شاخص های آن به صورت ترم های زبانی تعیین می شوند که دارای ابهام هستند، بنابراین، در این مقاله یک روش ترکیبی سروکوال و تاپسیس سلسله مراتبی ارائه شده است که در آن براساس ساختار سروکوال، کیفیت خدمات، با کمک روش تاپسیس سلسله مراتبی مورد ارزیابی قرار می گیرد و برای مقابله با ابهام موجود در داده های مسأله، از مفاهیم مجموعه های فازی نوع2 استفاده می شود. روش پیشنهادی، در قالب یک مطالعه موردی، برای ارزیابی کیفیت خدمات سناریوهای حمل و نقل شهری در شهرکرد شامل اتوبوس، تاکسی گردشی و تاکسی خطی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است، نتایج حاصل از مطالعه موردی نشان می دهد که در مجموع، تاکسی گردشی بالاترین سطح کیفیت خدمات را دارد و تاکسی خطی و اتوبوس در رتبه های بعد قرار دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        38 - تدوین یک سیستم خبره یِ فازی جهت طراحی ساختار سازمانی
        علیرضا بافنده
        در این مقاله با فرض قرار دادن رویکرد اقتضائی، سعی شده است، مدلی بر مبنای ریاضیات فازی جهت تعیین ساختار مناسب سازمانی ارائه گردد. مدل معرفی شده پنج مرحله دارد. در مرحله اول یک سیستم فازی طراحی می شود که ورودی های آن را چهار بعد مهمِ محتوائی سازمان و خروجی آن را شکل های م أکثر
        در این مقاله با فرض قرار دادن رویکرد اقتضائی، سعی شده است، مدلی بر مبنای ریاضیات فازی جهت تعیین ساختار مناسب سازمانی ارائه گردد. مدل معرفی شده پنج مرحله دارد. در مرحله اول یک سیستم فازی طراحی می شود که ورودی های آن را چهار بعد مهمِ محتوائی سازمان و خروجی آن را شکل های مختلف سازمانی معرفی شده توسط مینتزبرگ، تشکیل می دهند. در مرحله دوم ورودی ها و خروجی ها پس از افرازبندی، به اعداد فازی تبدیل می شوند. قوانین استنتاج(موتور استنتاج) در مرحله سوم تبیین می گردند. در مرحله چهارم فازی زدائی انجام می گیرد. در نهایت مدل طراحی شده در مرحله پنجم آزمون می شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        39 - Characterization of Topological Fuzzy Sets in Hausdorff Spaces
        Benard Okelo Allan Onyango
        In this paper, we have characterized big data fuzzy sets and shown that topological data points form singleton fuzzy sets which are closed. Besides, fuzzy sets of topological data points are compact and have at least one closed point. We have also shown that the fuzzy s أکثر
        In this paper, we have characterized big data fuzzy sets and shown that topological data points form singleton fuzzy sets which are closed. Besides, fuzzy sets of topological data points are compact and have at least one closed point. We have also shown that the fuzzy set of all condensation points of a fuzzy Hausdor space is in nite and the cardinality of a topological data fuzzy set is also in nite and arbitrarily distributed in fuzzy Hausdor spaces. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        40 - A Hybrid Model for Assessing Student Mathematical Skills
        Michael Voskoglou
        Student assessment is a very important process in education, because it helps the instructor to determine student mistakes and to improve their performance by reforming his/her teaching plans. A hybrid assessment method using qualitative grades for evaluating student ma أکثر
        Student assessment is a very important process in education, because it helps the instructor to determine student mistakes and to improve their performance by reforming his/her teaching plans. A hybrid assessment method using qualitative grades for evaluating student mathematical skills is presented in this work. The paper starts with the mathematical background which is necessary for the understanding of its contents. This includes basic information about fuzzy, neutrosophic and soft sets, and about grey numbers. It also includes a description of the use of the center of gravity (COG) defuzzification technique for assessing a student group’s quality performance. The COG technique is compared with the classical method of calculating the GP A index. The hybrid assessment method, which is based on all the previous concepts and processes, is developed next and the article closes with the final conclusion and some recommendations for future research. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        41 - Use of Soft sets and the Bloom's Taxonomy for Assessing Learning Skills
        Michael Voskoglou
        Learning, a universal process that all individuals experience, is a fundamental component of human cognition. It combines cognitive, emotional and environmental influences for acquiring or enhancing ones knowledge and skills. Volumes of research have been written about أکثر
        Learning, a universal process that all individuals experience, is a fundamental component of human cognition. It combines cognitive, emotional and environmental influences for acquiring or enhancing ones knowledge and skills. Volumes of research have been written about learning and many theories have been developed for the description of its mechanisms. The goal was to understand objectively how people learn and then develop teaching approaches accordingly. In this paper soft sets, a generalization of fuzzy sets introduced in 1999 by D. Molodstov as a new mathematical tool for dealing with the uncertainty in a parametric manner, are used for assessing student learning skills with the help of the Blooms taxonomy. Blooms taxonomy has been applied and is still applied by generations of teachers as a teaching tool to help balance assessment by ensuring that all orders of thinking are exercised in student learning. The innovative assessment method introduced in this paper is very useful when the assessment has qualitative rather than quantitative characteristics. A classroom application is also presented illustrating its applicability under real conditions. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - Lukasiewicz Anti Fuzzy Set and Its Application in BE-algebras
        Young Bae Jun
        The idea of Lukasiewicz t-conorm is used to construct the concept of Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy sets based on a given anti fuzzy set, and it is applied to BE-algebras. The notion of Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy BE-ideal is introduced, and its properties are investigated. The cond أکثر
        The idea of Lukasiewicz t-conorm is used to construct the concept of Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy sets based on a given anti fuzzy set, and it is applied to BE-algebras. The notion of Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy BE-ideal is introduced, and its properties are investigated. The conditions under which Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy set will be Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy BE-ideal are explored, and the relationship between anti fuzzy BE-ideal and Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy BE-ideal are discussed. Three types of subsets so called ⋖-subset, Υ-subset, and anti subset are constructed, and the conditions under which they can be BE-ideals are explored. تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - ‎Managing the Uncertainty‎: From Probability to Fuzziness‎, Neutrosophy and Soft Sets
        Michael Voskoglou
        The present paper reviews and compares the main theories reported in the literature for managing the existing real life uncertainty by listing their advantages and disadvantages. Starting with a comparison of the bivalent logic (including probability) and fuzzy logic, p أکثر
        The present paper reviews and compares the main theories reported in the literature for managing the existing real life uncertainty by listing their advantages and disadvantages. Starting with a comparison of the bivalent logic (including probability) and fuzzy logic, proceeds to a brief description of the primary generalizations of fuzzy sets (FSs) including interval valued FSs, type-2 FSs, intuitionistic FSs, neutrosophic sets, etc. Alternative theories related to fuzziness are also examined including grey system theory, rough sets and soft sets. The conclusion obtained at the end of this discussion is that there is no ideal model for managing the uncertainty; it all depends upon the form, the available data and the existing knowledge about the problem under solution. The combination of all the existing models, however, provides a sufficient framework for efficiently tackling several types of uncertainty appearing in real life. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - On a New View of a Fuzzy Set
        Enric Trillas Adolfo De Soto
        With this paper the authors try to newly reflect on Zadeh’s concept of a fuzzy set. The departing point is the fact that not only fuzzy sets originate in Language, but that they are just ’linguistic entities’ genetically different from the concept of ’crisp sets’ whose أکثر
        With this paper the authors try to newly reflect on Zadeh’s concept of a fuzzy set. The departing point is the fact that not only fuzzy sets originate in Language, but that they are just ’linguistic entities’ genetically different from the concept of ’crisp sets’ whose origin is either in a physical collection of objects, or in a list of them. Thus, a new definition of a fuzzy set is presented by means of two magnitudes: A qualitative one, a graph, the basic magnitude, and a quantitative one, a scalar magnitude. If the first reflects the language’s relational ground of the fuzzy set, the second - and thanks to ’measuring the meaning of words’ -, reflects the (numerical) extensional state in which it currently appears. Since the second, the scalar magnitude, is essential for the applications, it is also introduced the concept of a ’working fuzzy set’ by taking into account the numerical function, the meaning’s measure or the membership function. The working fuzzy set, that enlarges the corresponding fuzzy set, allows us to see the ’same fuzzy set’ with different membership functions, that is, the same graph appearing in different extensional states. Notice that a ’working crisp set’ is but the same crisp set. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - ‎Role of Fuzzy Sets on Artificial Intelligence Methods‎: ‎A literature Review
        Cengiz Kahraman Sezi Onar Basar Oztaysi Selcuk Cebi
        Machines can model and improve the human minds capabilities through artificial intelligence. One of the most popular tools of artificial intelligence is fuzzy sets, which can capture and model the vagueness and impreciseness in human thoughts. This paper, first of all, أکثر
        Machines can model and improve the human minds capabilities through artificial intelligence. One of the most popular tools of artificial intelligence is fuzzy sets, which can capture and model the vagueness and impreciseness in human thoughts. This paper, first of all, introduces the recent extensions of ordinary fuzzy sets and then presents a literature review on the integration of fuzzy sets with other artificial intelligence techniques such as automated reasoning, autonomous agents, multi-agent systems, machine learning, case-based reasoning, deep learning, information reasoning, information representation, natural language processing, symbolic reasoning, and neural networks. Graphical illustrations of literature review results are presented for each of these integrated artificial intelligence techniques. The results of a patent search on fuzzy artificial intelligence are also given. تفاصيل المقالة
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        46 - ‎Shannon Entropy Analysis of Serum C-Terminal Agrin Fragment as a Biomarker for Kidney Function‎: ‎Reference‎ ‎Ranges‎, ‎Healing Sequences and Insights
        Mehmet Sengonul
        This article focuses on evaluating the success or failure of kidney transplantation using Shannon entropy‎, ‎fuzzy sets‎, ‎and Scaf‎. ‎The data for Scaf references used in this study for both healthy individuals and kidney transplant recipients have been collected from أکثر
        This article focuses on evaluating the success or failure of kidney transplantation using Shannon entropy‎, ‎fuzzy sets‎, ‎and Scaf‎. ‎The data for Scaf references used in this study for both healthy individuals and kidney transplant recipients have been collected from the relevant literature‎. ‎For both groups‎, ‎Scaf's Shannon entropy values have been calculated using an appropriate probability density function and formulation‎, ‎and sequences have been generated for CAF and Scr biomarkers from entropy values‎, ‎with findings interpreted‎. ‎These sequences are called healing sequences‎. ‎A case study demonstrating whether the transplant procedure was successful or unsuccessful was presented using sequences that we refer to as healing sequences‎. ‎In this context‎, ‎the utilization of mathematical tools such as fuzzy sets‎, ‎Shannon entropy‎, ‎and reference intervals becomes evident‎. ‎These tools provide a systematic and quantitative approach to assessing the outcomes of kidney transplantation‎. ‎By leveraging the principles of Shannon entropy‎, ‎we gain insights into the degree of unpredictability and fuzziness associated with biomarker values‎, ‎which can be indicative of the transplant's success‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎the concept of healing sequences provides a valuable framework for tracking the progression of patients post-transplantation‎. ‎By monitoring changes in CAF and Scr biomarkers over time‎, ‎healthcare professionals can make informed decisions and interventions to ensure the well-being of kidney transplant recipients‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        47 - Similarity Measure: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Approach
        Jaydip Bhattacharya
        In fuzzy set theory, the concept of a non-membership function and the hesitation margin were not considered while these two concepts have been included along with the membership function for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. It is also to be noted that the intuitionistic fuzzy أکثر
        In fuzzy set theory, the concept of a non-membership function and the hesitation margin were not considered while these two concepts have been included along with the membership function for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. It is also to be noted that the intuitionistic fuzzy set is reflected as an extension of the fuzzy set accommodating both membership and non-membership functions together with a hesitation margin. In the intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, the sum of the membership function and the non-membership function is a value between 0 and 1. In recent times, intuitionistic fuzzy rough set theory has emerged as a powerful tool for dealing with imprecision and uncertain information in relational database theory. Measures of similarity between fuzzy rough sets as well as intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets provide wide applications in real-life problems and that is why many researchers paid more attention to this concept. Intuitionistic fuzzy rough set theory behaves like an excellent tool to tackle impreciseness or uncertainties. In this paper, we propose a new approach of similarity measure on an intuitionistic fuzzy rough set based on a set-theoretic approach. The proposed measure is able to give an exact result. In the application part, we consider a real-life problem for selecting a fair play award-winning team in a cricket tournament and describe the algorithm. تفاصيل المقالة
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        48 - ‎A Novel Technique for Solving the Uncertainty under the Environment of Neutrosophic Theory of Choice
        Tabasam Rashid Aamir Mehboob Ismat Beg
        ‎When it comes to solving dynamic‎ ‎programming challenges‎, ‎it is essential to have a well-structured ‎‎‎‎decision theory‎. ‎As a result‎, ‎the decision-makers must operate in a‎ ‎dynamically complicated environment where appropriate and rapid‎ ‎reaction in a cooperat أکثر
        ‎When it comes to solving dynamic‎ ‎programming challenges‎, ‎it is essential to have a well-structured ‎‎‎‎decision theory‎. ‎As a result‎, ‎the decision-makers must operate in a‎ ‎dynamically complicated environment where appropriate and rapid‎ ‎reaction in a cooperative way is the fundamental key to effectively‎ ‎completing the task‎. ‎We express a theory of decision modeling and‎ ‎axiomatizing a decision-making process‎. ‎The payoffs and‎ ‎probabilities are represented with simplified neutrosophic sets‎. ‎We‎ ‎therefore‎, ‎provide the theory of choice with the implementation of‎ ‎simplified neutrosophic sets‎. ‎By exploiting the idea of pure‎ ‎strategy‎, ‎we introduce two steps‎: ‎in the first step‎, ‎for each‎ ‎attractive point‎, ‎some particular event is selected that can bring‎ ‎about a relatively neutrosophic upper payoff with a relatively‎ ‎neutrosophic upper probability or a relatively neutrosophic lower‎ ‎payoff with a relatively neutrosophic upper probability‎. ‎A‎ ‎decision-maker selects the most favored attractive point in the‎ ‎second stage‎, ‎based on the focus on all attractive points‎. ‎Neutrosophic focus theory has been introduced to improve overall‎ ‎performance with more flexibility in complex decision-making‎. ‎The‎ ‎approach suggested in this work has been implemented in a real-life‎ ‎example to determine its effectiveness‎. ‎The proposed method is shown to‎ ‎be the most useful for ranking scenarios and addressing dynamic‎ ‎programming problems in decision-making‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - ‎Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Algorithm for Multi-Objective Structural Model Using Various Membership Functions
        Sanjoy Biswas Samir Dey
        In real life, structural problems can be described in linear and nonlinear forms. This nonlinear structural problem is very challenging to solve when its all parameters are imprecise in nature. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets were proposed to manage circumstances in which exp أکثر
        In real life, structural problems can be described in linear and nonlinear forms. This nonlinear structural problem is very challenging to solve when its all parameters are imprecise in nature. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets were proposed to manage circumstances in which experts have some membership and non-membership value to judge an option. Hesitant fuzzy sets were used to manage scenarios in which experts pause between many possible membership values while evaluating an alternative. A new growing area of a generalized fuzzy set theory called intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy set (IHFS) provides useful tools for dealing with uncertainty in structural design problem that is observed in the actual world. In this article, we have developed a procedure to solve non-linear structural problem in an intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy (IHF) environment. The concept of an intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy set is introduced to provide a computational basis to manage the situations in which experts assess an alternative in possible membership values and non-membership values. This important feature is not available in the intuitionistic fuzzy optimization technique. Here we have discussed the solution procedure of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy optimization technique dedicatedly for linear, exponential, and hyperbolic types of membership and non-membership functions. Some theoretical development based on these functions has been discussed. A numerical illustration is given to justify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming method and intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming method. Finally, based on the proposed work, conclusions and future research directions are addressed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - ‎Intuitionistic Fuzzy Modular Spaces
        Tayebe Lal Shateri
        After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy sets by Zadeh, several researches were conducted on the generalizations of the notion of fuzzy sets. There are many viewpoints on the notion of metric space in fuzzy topology. One of the most important problems in fuzzy top أکثر
        After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy sets by Zadeh, several researches were conducted on the generalizations of the notion of fuzzy sets. There are many viewpoints on the notion of metric space in fuzzy topology. One of the most important problems in fuzzy topology is obtaining an appropriate concept of fuzzy metric space. This problem has been investigated by many authors from different points of view. Atanassov gives the concept of the intuitionistic fuzzy set as a generalization of the fuzzy set. Park introduced the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy metric space as a natural generalization of fuzzy metric spaces due to George and Veeramani. This paper introduces the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy modular space. Afterward, a Hausdorff topology induced by a δ-homogeneous intuitionistic fuzzy modular is defined and some related topological properties are also examined. After giving the fundamental definitions and the necessary examples, we introduce the definitions of intuitionistic fuzzy boundedness, intuitionistic fuzzy compactness, and intuitionistic fuzzy convergence, and obtain several preservation properties and some characterizations concerning them. Also, we investigate the relationship between an intuitionistic fuzzy modular and an intuitionistic fuzzy metric. Finally, we prove some known results of metric spaces including Baires theorem and the Uniform limit theorem for intuitionistic fuzzy modular spaces. تفاصيل المقالة
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        51 - The Reference Ideal Method and the Pythagorean Fuzzy Numbers
        Elio Cables María Teresa Lamata Jose Luis Verdegay
        As it is well known, in spite of having small dimensions, there are daily manysituations that require the solution of a decision-making problem: eating, streetscrossing, assessments, shopping and so on. Generally, the way of working onthese types of problems depends on أکثر
        As it is well known, in spite of having small dimensions, there are daily manysituations that require the solution of a decision-making problem: eating, streetscrossing, assessments, shopping and so on. Generally, the way of working onthese types of problems depends on how the information used to evaluate eachalternative is provided and represented, as for instance is the case with: crisp values, fuzzy values, Pythagorean values, etc. In this way, different very wellknownmethods have been developed and modified to help to solve this kind ofproblems. Among them, the following may be remarked: AHP, PROMETHEE,ELECTRE, VIKOR, TOPSIS. But there are many other. This paper shows howto apply the so-called Reference Ideal Method (RIM), previously developed bythe authors, when Pythagorean Fuzzy numbers are used to evaluate eachalternative. The paper shows how to solve a decision-making problem throughthe proposed method using such kind of fuzzy numbers and, in order to showhow to practically apply the RIM method, an illustrative example is provided. تفاصيل المقالة
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        52 - The Soft Fuzzy Set In Electrical
        Tahere Zare Farhad Ben Mohamad Khajeh Vesal Toranj
        In this article, first the aggregation operator and the operational waves in the oscillators are introduced. Next, we choose a demanded Electrical waveform in the demanded oscillator using a model have been done. We use the fuzzy soft aggregation operator in the oscilla أکثر
        In this article, first the aggregation operator and the operational waves in the oscillators are introduced. Next, we choose a demanded Electrical waveform in the demanded oscillator using a model have been done. We use the fuzzy soft aggregation operator in the oscillators on L2 space at the method can be successfully applied to many problems that contain uncertainties. Our simulation is done with R software. تفاصيل المقالة
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        53 - Rough Set in Fuzzy Approximation Space with Fuzzy Equivalence Class
        Mohadeseh Taginejad
        The rough set model was constructed in fuzzy approximation space. In this study, we first introduce the fuzzy relation, relative sets, and fuzzy equivalence class. Then, we prove some properties of the fuzzy equivalence class. Thereafter, the concept of fuzzy rough set أکثر
        The rough set model was constructed in fuzzy approximation space. In this study, we first introduce the fuzzy relation, relative sets, and fuzzy equivalence class. Then, we prove some properties of the fuzzy equivalence class. Thereafter, the concept of fuzzy rough set is proposed over fuzzy relation and inverse fuzzy relation in fuzzy approximation space by means of relative sets and fuzzy equivalence class sets, and some propositions are proved. Also, some examples and dentitions are presented in this study تفاصيل المقالة
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        54 - Integrating Developed Evolutionary Algorithm and Taguchi Method for Solving Fuzzy Facility’s Layout Problem
        Hossein Jafari Abbas Sheykhan
        The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the combinatorial optimization problems belonging to the NP-hard problems’ class and has a wide application in the placement of facilities. Thus far, many efforts have been made to solve this problem and countless a أکثر
        The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the combinatorial optimization problems belonging to the NP-hard problems’ class and has a wide application in the placement of facilities. Thus far, many efforts have been made to solve this problem and countless algorithms have been developed to achieve optimal solutions, one of which is the Genetic Algorithm (GA). This paper aims at finding a suitable layout for the facilities of an industrial workshop by using a developed genetic algorithm and Taguchi Method (TM). The research method in the current study is mathematical modeling and data was analyzed using genetic algorithm in Minitab and MATLAB. The results show that the Developed Genetic Algorithm (DGA) is highly efficient, as it has the power to discover many optimal solutions. Therefore, according to the obtained results, it is recommended that when the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to solve problems, it is better to run this algorithm several times; because the proposed method increases the variety of answers in the genetic algorithm and power for discovering the optimal solution becomes more. تفاصيل المقالة
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        55 - Coping Uncertainty in the Supplier Selection Problem Using a Scenario-Based Approach and Distance Measure on Type-2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
        Ali Sorourkhah
        Supplier selection (SS) is a process in which companies identify, evaluate, and select suppliers. The MCDM methods are often used for supplier selection in supply chain management. An unlimited number of MCDM techniques, such as analytic hierarchy process (AHP), analyti أکثر
        Supplier selection (SS) is a process in which companies identify, evaluate, and select suppliers. The MCDM methods are often used for supplier selection in supply chain management. An unlimited number of MCDM techniques, such as analytic hierarchy process (AHP), analytic network process (ANP), the technique of order preference distance to the ideal solution (TOPSIS), etc., have been deployed to solve the supplier selection problems. Though they can manage problem complexity, MCDM techniques cannot deal with problem uncertainty. Hence, they have been combined with the fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set, etc., to provide more accurate solutions to supplier selection problems. Nonetheless, the future uncertainty related to the environmental changes is ignored in the SS literature. Therefore, we use future scenarios as criteria to select the best supplier in this study. Moreover, we applied a distance measure to rank Type-2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, which is a suitable approach to deal with the vagueness of verbal judgments. A numerical example explains the 5-step proposed approach. تفاصيل المقالة
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        56 - On Fixed Points of Soft Set-Valued Maps
        Mohammed Shehu Shagari Ibrahim Fulatan Yahaya Sirajo
        Conventional mathematical tools which require all inferences to be exact, are not always sufficient to handle imprecisions in a wide variety of practical fields. Thus, among various developments in fuzzy mathematics, enormous efforts have been in process to produce new أکثر
        Conventional mathematical tools which require all inferences to be exact, are not always sufficient to handle imprecisions in a wide variety of practical fields. Thus, among various developments in fuzzy mathematics, enormous efforts have been in process to produce new fuzzy analogues of the classical fixed point results and their various applications. Following this line in this paper, a new type of set-valued mapping whose range set lies in a family of soft sets is examined. To this effect, we introduce a few fixed point theorems which are generalizations of several significant fixed point results of point-to-point and point-to-set valued mappings in the comparable literature. Some of these particular cases are noted and analyzed. Moreover, nontrivial examples are provided to support the assumptions of our main results. تفاصيل المقالة
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        57 - Fuzzy Regression Models Using the Least-Squares Method based on the Concept of Distance: Simplified Approach
        Abdullah Al-Qudaimi Walid Yousef
        Regression models have been tremendously studying with so many applications in the presence of imprecise data. The regression coefficients are unknown i.e., they cannot be restricted. To the best of our knowledge, there is no approach except Chen and Hsueh approach (IEE أکثر
        Regression models have been tremendously studying with so many applications in the presence of imprecise data. The regression coefficients are unknown i.e., they cannot be restricted. To the best of our knowledge, there is no approach except Chen and Hsueh approach (IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 17, no. 6, December 2009 pp.1259-1272) which can be used to find the regression coefficients of a fuzzy regression model without considering the non-negative restrictions on the regression coefficients. Chen and Hsueh have used some mathematical assumptions which lead to limitations in their approach. Furthermore, Chen and Hsueh approach is inefficient regarding to computational complexity. This paper proposed a simplified approach overcoming the limitations and computational complexity of Chen and Hsueh approach which can be considered by the researchers who would like to use Chen and Hsueh approach in real life applications. تفاصيل المقالة
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        58 - Anti Fuzzy Bi-Ideals in Semirings Under S-Norms
        Rasul Rasuli
        In this paper, by using s-norms, the notion of fuzzy bi-ideals in semirings will be defined and investigated some properties of them. Next prime, strongly prime, semiprime, irreducible, strongly irreducible of them will be introduced and obtained some results about them أکثر
        In this paper, by using s-norms, the notion of fuzzy bi-ideals in semirings will be defined and investigated some properties of them. Next prime, strongly prime, semiprime, irreducible, strongly irreducible of them will be introduced and obtained some results about them. Latter, they will be investigated under regular and intra-regular semirings. Finally, they will be characterized under totally ordered by inclusion. تفاصيل المقالة
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        59 - Arithmetic Operations of Generalized Triangular Picture Fuzzy Numbers with Applications
        Mohammad Hasan Abeda Sultana Nirmal Mitra
        Picture fuzzy set is the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy set as well as the fuzzy set considering the positive, neutral and negative membership functions of an element. In this article, we develop the arithmetic operations on generalized triangular picture fuzzy أکثر
        Picture fuzzy set is the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy set as well as the fuzzy set considering the positive, neutral and negative membership functions of an element. In this article, we develop the arithmetic operations on generalized triangular picture fuzzy numbers by (α,γ,β)-cut method. Some related properties of them are explored. Finally, picture fuzzy linear equations are solved by using these arithmetic operations. تفاصيل المقالة
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        60 - Fermatean Fuzzy Type Statistical Concepts with Medical Decision-Making Application
        Murat Kirisci
        When a correlation between datasets is presented, it is clear from this statement that it quantifies how strongly these datasets are connected. Meanwhile, this coefficient is a well-known metric for assessing the link between two sets. The Fermatean fuzzy set is a signi أکثر
        When a correlation between datasets is presented, it is clear from this statement that it quantifies how strongly these datasets are connected. Meanwhile, this coefficient is a well-known metric for assessing the link between two sets. The Fermatean fuzzy set is a significant extension of the extant intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets, with the benefit of more comprehensively characterizing ambiguous data. In other words, Fermatean fuzzy sets are powerful and useful tools for representing imprecise information. The purpose of this work is to generate novel correlation coefficients using Fermatean fuzzy sets. These coefficients specify the degree and kind of correlation (positive or negative) between two Fermatean fuzzy sets. The new coefficient values will similarly be in the [-1,1] range. During formulation, pairs of membership and non-membership degrees were viewed as a vector representation containing the two elements. Furthermore, the novel approach was compared to existing methods. A medical diagnosis application and pattern recognition as a data mining application were used to exemplify the effectiveness of the proposed method. تفاصيل المقالة
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        61 - Application of Grey Numbers and Neutrosophic Sets to Assessment Processes
        Michael Voskoglou
        Zadeh extended in 1965 crisp sets to the concept of fuzzy set (FS) on the purpose of tackling mathematically the partial truths and the definitions with no clear boundaries. In a later stage FSs were extensively used for tackling the existing in the real world uncertain أکثر
        Zadeh extended in 1965 crisp sets to the concept of fuzzy set (FS) on the purpose of tackling mathematically the partial truths and the definitions with no clear boundaries. In a later stage FSs were extensively used for tackling the existing in the real world uncertainty. Neutrosophic sets (NSs) are extensions of FSs in which each element of the universal set is characterized, apart from Zadeh’s membership degree, by the degrees of non-membership and indeterminacy. Grey numbers (GNs) are real numbers with known range, represented by a closed real interval, but with unknown exact value. GNs and NSs are used in this paper as tools for assessment processes under fuzzy conditions. The use of GNs enables the evaluation of the mean performance of a group of objects when qualitative grades (linguistic expressions) are used for the individual assessment of its members. The use of NSs, on the other hand, is useful for assessing the overall performance of a group, when one, due to incomplete assessment data, is not sure about the exactness of the grades assigned to its members. It is concluded that the suitable combination of two or more theories related to FSs give better assessment outcomes in general. Examples are also presented on student assessment illustrating our results. تفاصيل المقالة
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        62 - A Fuzzy VOSviewer Modelling of EMI Research: A Multifaceted Perspective
        Han-Kwang Chen
        English plays an increasingly important role in non-English-speaking countries, and bilingual elites with English-Chinese always make a country's economy prosperous. Thus, to efficiently promote and implement the “English as a Medium Instruction” (EMI) progr أکثر
        English plays an increasingly important role in non-English-speaking countries, and bilingual elites with English-Chinese always make a country's economy prosperous. Thus, to efficiently promote and implement the “English as a Medium Instruction” (EMI) program in higher education to raise university students’ English proficiency is inevitable. This study collects a total amount of 594 EMI important papers of articles, periodicals, books, etc., of the last 20 years from the Scopus database and sequentially conducts a bibliometric literature analysis of these papers with the VOSviewer software tool to gain the study conclusions. In network visualization analysis, especially when using tools like VOSviewer, fuzzy sets are essential for capturing the multifaceted nature of node relationships, enabling a more precise and informative representation of network structures and connections. According to the analysis results, the EMI study mainly started in 2014, and EMI papers have increased since. Four EMI majors have been focused. They are the aspects of higher education, the issues of trans-language, the perspectives of teachers and students, and the viewpoints of human social behavior. This research simultaneously arranges and provides valuable information on the journals, authors, units, institutes, and countries that have published EMI articles the most تفاصيل المقالة
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        63 - Continuous Energy Values of 3-Amino-4-Nitraminofurazan Molecule by Modern Optimization Techniques
        Ahmet Sahiner Fatih Ucun Sumeyya Koman
        The conformational energy values of 3-amino-4-nitraminofurazan (C2N4O3H2) molecule changing with two torsion angles were firstly calculated using density functional theory (DFT) with Lee-Young-Parr correlation functional and 6-31 G(d) basis set on Gaussian Program. And أکثر
        The conformational energy values of 3-amino-4-nitraminofurazan (C2N4O3H2) molecule changing with two torsion angles were firstly calculated using density functional theory (DFT) with Lee-Young-Parr correlation functional and 6-31 G(d) basis set on Gaussian Program. And then, these obtained discrete data were made continuous by using Fuzzy Logic Modelling (FLM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This allowed us to make predictions about the untested data and, to obtain the optimized energy value depending on two torsion angles with reasonable computational cost, great efficiency and high accuracy. The obtained results were compared with the DFT results by using regression analysis. تفاصيل المقالة
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        64 - On the averaging of differential inclusions with Fuzzy right hand side with the average of the right hand side is absent
        Andrej Plotnikov Tatyana Komleva Lilia Plotnikova
        In this article we consider the averaging method for differential inclusions with fuzzy right-hand side for the case when the limit of a method of an average does not exist.
        In this article we consider the averaging method for differential inclusions with fuzzy right-hand side for the case when the limit of a method of an average does not exist. تفاصيل المقالة
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        65 - Application of adaptive fuzzy decision-making system for managing water consumption at smart house
        Reza Mohammadi Jahan Mohsen Daryani Mehdi Azarafza
        The purpose of this study is application of fuzzy-based decision-making system (FMCDM) method and a device for monitoring and controlling water consumption in a smart house used for water supply management (WSM) based on intelligent water management system (IWMS). This أکثر
        The purpose of this study is application of fuzzy-based decision-making system (FMCDM) method and a device for monitoring and controlling water consumption in a smart house used for water supply management (WSM) based on intelligent water management system (IWMS). This paper presents an algorithm applied for water demand consumption (WDC) optimization in regular household and its capability to evaluate the WDC range and decision and controlled WSM in critical circumstances. For this purpose, the heuristic decision-making method are used to monitor and control the WCM as effective IWMS methods based on artificial intelligence technology (AIT) and smart-learning multi-sensor. To program the device software, the MATLAB fuzzy logic programming software has been used. In order to assess the device’s capability to respond to real conditions, a device is run to study sample-data for 24 hours a day for a month. In this study, four locations (kitchen, restroom, bathroom and garden balcony) are considered as the main WDC locations, then FMCDM algorithm are applied on these targets by main device. The results indicate that the first place (kitchen) has the greatest impact on WDC. However, the fourth place (garden balcony) has the lowest impact on WDC as well water consumption volume (WCV). Moreover, for analysis justification, the expert system (ES) is conducted as a comparison that shows the appropriate agreement with the FMCDM results. تفاصيل المقالة
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        66 - Type-2 fuzzy set extension of DEMATEL method combined with perceptual computing for decision making
        Mitra Bokaei Hosseini Mohammad Jafar Tarokh
        Most decision making methods used to evaluate a system or demonstrate the weak and strength points are based on fuzzy sets and evaluate the criteria with words that are modeled with fuzzy sets. The ambiguity and vagueness of the words and different perceptions of a wo أکثر
        Most decision making methods used to evaluate a system or demonstrate the weak and strength points are based on fuzzy sets and evaluate the criteria with words that are modeled with fuzzy sets. The ambiguity and vagueness of the words and different perceptions of a word are not considered in these methods. For this reason, the decision making methods that consider the perceptions of decision makers are desirable. Perceptual computing is a subjective judgment method that considers that words mean different things to different people. This method models words with interval type-2 fuzzy sets that consider the uncertainty of the words. Also, there are interrelations and dependency between the decision making criteria in the real world; therefore, using decision making methods that cannot consider these relations is not feasible in some situations. The Decision-Making Trail and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method considers the interrelations between decision making criteria. The current study used the combination of DEMATEL and perceptual computing in order to improve the decision making methods. For this reason, the fuzzy DEMATEL method was extended into type-2 fuzzy sets in order to obtain the weights of dependent criteria based on the words. The application of the proposed method is presented for knowledge management evaluation criteria. تفاصيل المقالة
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        67 - Correlation coefficient of intuitionistic fuzzy sets
        W Zeng H Li
        Based on the point of view of geometrical representation of an intuitionistic fuzzy set, we take into account all three parameters describing intuitionistic fuzzy set, propose a kind of new method to calculate correlation and correlation coefficient of intuitionistic fu أکثر
        Based on the point of view of geometrical representation of an intuitionistic fuzzy set, we take into account all three parameters describing intuitionistic fuzzy set, propose a kind of new method to calculate correlation and correlation coefficient of intuitionistic fuzzy sets which is similar to the cosine of the intersectional angle in finite sets and probability space, respectively. Further, we discuss some of their properties and give three numerical examples to illustrate our proposed method reasonable. تفاصيل المقالة
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        68 - A fuzzy approach to the evaluation of human factors in ultrasonic nondestructive examinations
        J Domech Moré A.S Guimarães G Bonorino Xexéo R Tanscheit
        Human factors are among the main elements affecting the reliability of nondestructive examinations (NDE). In a man-machine system, human reliability is affected by many factors (performance shaping factors) whose influence on reliability cannot be easily expressed quant أکثر
        Human factors are among the main elements affecting the reliability of nondestructive examinations (NDE). In a man-machine system, human reliability is affected by many factors (performance shaping factors) whose influence on reliability cannot be easily expressed quantitatively. This paper identifies and ranks 59 perform-ance shaping factors by using a fuzzy reasoning method and proposes a procedure to measure them. This will determine the Quality Standard (QS) for a NDE system so that human reliability in ultrasonic nondestructive examinations can be qualitatively evaluated. تفاصيل المقالة
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        69 - رتبه بندی واحدهای تولیدی چرم از منظر ویژگیهای کارآفرینی کارکنان براساس سیستنم خبرۀ فازی
        هوشنگ تقی زاده ناصر تاملی
        هدف از مقاله حاضر،رتبه بندی واحدهای تولیدی چرم از منظر ویژگیهای کارآفرینی کارکنان آنها است.بر همین اساس،ودلی بر مبنای تئوری مجموعه های فازی برای تعیین نمره کارآفرینی در سازمان از منظر ویژگیهای کارکنان ارائه می شود.این مدل 5 مرحله دارد:در اولین مرحله،متغیرهای ورودی و خرو أکثر
        هدف از مقاله حاضر،رتبه بندی واحدهای تولیدی چرم از منظر ویژگیهای کارآفرینی کارکنان آنها است.بر همین اساس،ودلی بر مبنای تئوری مجموعه های فازی برای تعیین نمره کارآفرینی در سازمان از منظر ویژگیهای کارکنان ارائه می شود.این مدل 5 مرحله دارد:در اولین مرحله،متغیرهای ورودی و خروجی مدل بر اساس تئوریهای موجود به دست آمده است.ورودی های این مدل عارتند از:خلاقیت،نوآوری،ریسک پذیری،مسئولیت پذیری و توفیق طلبی.در مرحله دوم،ورودیها و خروجیها پس از افراز بندی،به اعداد فازی تبدیل شده است.در مرحله سوم،قوانین استنتاج که به صورت قوانین اگر-آنگاه است،بر اساس ادبیات موضوع و نظرهای افراد خبره تدوین شده است.در مرحله چهارم،فازی زدایی انجام گرفته و در مرحله پنجم،مدل طراحی شده آزمون شده است.نتیجه آزمون مدل نشان می دهد که مدل ارائه شده اعتبار بالایی دارد.در نهایت،با استفاده از مدل طراحی شده ،نمره کارآفرینی سازمانی برای واحدهای تولیدی چرم محاسبه شده است.جامعه آماری این تحقیق را 11 واحد تولیدی چرم در استان آذربایجان شرقی که 20 پرسنل و بیشتر داشته اند تشکیل داده است.به دلیل محدود بودن جامعه اماری کل جامعه پیمایش شده است.به منظور گرد اوری داده ها از اعضای جامعه اماری،از پرسشنامه استفاده شده که روایی و پایایی آن سنجش و تایید شده است.نتایج پژوهش نشان دهنده آن است که شرکتهای چرم سازی آیدا،شاهگلی و مرکزی به ترتیب با نمره کارآفرینی 0.626،0.621 و0.604 در رتبه های اول تا سوم قرار دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        70 - A Flexible Link Radar Control Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Systems
        Sajad Rahmati Heshmat Asadi
        An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system based on interval Gaussian type-2 fuzzy sets in the antecedent part and Gaussian type-1 fuzzy sets as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part is presented in this paper. The capability of the أکثر
        An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system based on interval Gaussian type-2 fuzzy sets in the antecedent part and Gaussian type-1 fuzzy sets as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part is presented in this paper. The capability of the proposed method (we named ANFIS2) for function approximation and dynamical system identification is remarkable. The structure of ANFIS2 is very similar to ANFIS but in ANFIS2 a layer is added for purpose to type reduction. An adaptive learning rate based backpropagation with convergence guaranteed is used for parameter learning. Finally the proposed ANFIS2 are used to control of a flexible link robot arm that can be used in radar. Simulation results shows the proposed ANFIS2 with Gaussian type-1 fuzzy set as coefficients of linear combination of input variables in the consequent part has good performance and high accuracy but more training time, so radar system can be controlled very well. تفاصيل المقالة
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        71 - ارزیابی ریسک مالی شرکت های سرمایه گذاری در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با روش تصمیم گیری فازیD-CRITIC و EDAS مبتنی بر یک تابع امتیاز جدید
        مهدی آقابیگی اختیار خدادادی
        ارزیابی ریسک مالی شرکت‌ها برای شناسایی ریسک‌های مالی بالقوه، ارائه مبنای تصمیم‌گیری برای مدیر ارشد مالی و پیشگیری و کاهش زیان‌های ریسک بسیار حیاتی است. در ارزیابی ریسک مالی شرکت ها، مساله اساسی مربوط به عدم قطعیت و عدم دقت است. در این تحقیق، به منظور ارزیابی ریسک های ما أکثر
        ارزیابی ریسک مالی شرکت‌ها برای شناسایی ریسک‌های مالی بالقوه، ارائه مبنای تصمیم‌گیری برای مدیر ارشد مالی و پیشگیری و کاهش زیان‌های ریسک بسیار حیاتی است. در ارزیابی ریسک مالی شرکت ها، مساله اساسی مربوط به عدم قطعیت و عدم دقت است. در این تحقیق، به منظور ارزیابی ریسک های مالی شرکت ها در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران به استفاده از روش های تصمیم گیری گروهی می پردازیم. مجموعه فازی فیثاغورث (PFS)، که با درجات عضویت و عدم عضویت به تصویر کشیده می‌شود، ابزار جدید و مؤثرتری برای مقابله با ابهام است. در این مقاله، تابع امتیاز فازی فیثاغورث جدید برای حل مساًله مقایسه ارائه شده است. علاوه بر این، وزن‌های ترکیبی را ارائه می‌کنیم که هم ترجیحات ذهنی و هم ترجیحات عینی را منعکس می‌کند سپس وزن معیارها و همبستگی فاسله بین جفت معیارها توسط D-CRITIC، و اولویت بندی ریسک مالی شرکت ها با روش EDAS (ارزیابی بر اساس فاصله از میانگین راه حل) مبتنی بر تابع امتیاز جدید محاسبه می شود. این روش زمانی بسیار مفید است که معیارهای متناقضی داشته باشیم. در نهایت، امکان‌سنجی الگوریتم برای ارزیابی ریسک مالی چهار گروه سرمایه گذاری با شش معیار را با تحلیل حساسیت مربوطه بیان می کنیم. تفاصيل المقالة
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        72 - Bipolar general fuzzy automata
        M. Horry
        In this paper, we define the notion of a bipolar general fuzzyautomaton, then we construct some closure operators on the set of states of a bipolar general fuzzy automaton. Also, we construct some topologies on the set of states of a bipolargeneral fuzzy automaton. Then أکثر
        In this paper, we define the notion of a bipolar general fuzzyautomaton, then we construct some closure operators on the set of states of a bipolar general fuzzy automaton. Also, we construct some topologies on the set of states of a bipolargeneral fuzzy automaton. Then we obtain some relationships between them. تفاصيل المقالة
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        73 - Second order linear differential equations with generalized trapezoidal intuitionistic Fuzzy boundary value
        S. P. Mondal T. K. Roy
        In this paper the solution of a second order linear differential equations with intuitionistic fuzzy boundary value is described. It is discussed for two different cases: coefficientis positive crisp number and coefficient is negative crisp number. Here fuzzy numbers ar أکثر
        In this paper the solution of a second order linear differential equations with intuitionistic fuzzy boundary value is described. It is discussed for two different cases: coefficientis positive crisp number and coefficient is negative crisp number. Here fuzzy numbers aretaken as generalized trapezoidal intutionistic fuzzy numbers (GTrIFNs). Further a numerical example is illustrated. تفاصيل المقالة
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        74 - On Fixed Point Results of L-Fuzzy Set-Valued Maps
        Shehu Shagari Mohammed Iqra Zia Akbar Azam
        In this paper, two novel extensions of Banach and Meir-Keeler fixed point theorems for $L$-fuzzy set-valued map defined on a complete metric space are presented by using new general contractive conditions under suitable assumptions. In the case when the $L$-fuzzy set-va أکثر
        In this paper, two novel extensions of Banach and Meir-Keeler fixed point theorems for $L$-fuzzy set-valued map defined on a complete metric space are presented by using new general contractive conditions under suitable assumptions. In the case when the $L$-fuzzy set-valued map is reduced to its crisp counterparts, our obtained concepts herein generalize several significant fixed point theorems of point-to-point and point-to-set valued mappings in the comparable literature. We provide non-trivial examples to validate the hypotheses of our results. تفاصيل المقالة
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        75 - ‎U‎sing Fuzzy Interest ‎Rates for Uncertainty‎ Modelling in Enhanced Annuities Pricing
        Mahboubeh Aalaei
        The modeling of uncertainty resources‎‎ is very ‎important in ‎insurance pricing‎‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎fuzzy set theory is implemented to model ‎interest ‎rates ‎as ‎an ‎uncertainty ‎resources‎ for calculati أکثر
        The modeling of uncertainty resources‎‎ is very ‎important in ‎insurance pricing‎‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎fuzzy set theory is implemented to model ‎interest ‎rates ‎as ‎an ‎uncertainty ‎resources‎ for calculating the price of ‎enhanced ‎annuities. In this regard, ‎t‎he ‎single ‎fuzzy‎ ‎premium ‎for a‎ ‎fixed ‎annuity ‎payouts ‎is ‎calculated ‎using‎‎‎ ‎adjusted ‎mortality ‎probabilities ‎for ‎an ‎insured ‎with ‎health ‎problems ‎and ‎the ‎results ‎are‎ ‎compared ‎with ‎standard ‎status. ‎As the ‎adjustment ‎multiplier‎‎‎ increases, which means that the health problems of the insured are worse, the life expectancy of the person decreases. In addition, as adjustment ‎multiplier‎‎‎ increases, the insurance premium decreases, which is due to the adjustment of survival and mortality probabilities based on the individual's health status‎. Also, to show the validity of the ‎proposed‎ fuzzy method, the random interest rate has been used. The results of the ‎fuzzy ‎and ‎random‎ models are close to each other ‎which indicates the validation of proposed method‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        76 - Evaluation of Performance of Chicken Meat Suppliers Using Fuzzy-MCDM Method (Case Study: Arak City-Iran)
        Asma Etebari Rahmat Arab Mohammad Amirkhan
        Performance management encompasses important activities aimed at fostering effective and efficient behaviors within an organization. Performance evaluation, as one of the tools of performance management, can serve as a robust foundation for decision-making concerning pe أکثر
        Performance management encompasses important activities aimed at fostering effective and efficient behaviors within an organization. Performance evaluation, as one of the tools of performance management, can serve as a robust foundation for decision-making concerning personnel affairs, such as promotions, transfers, demotions, dismissals, and salary increases or decreases. Performance evaluation indicators for chicken meat suppliers in the city of Arak were identified. To collect opinions of chicken meat store managers (24 stores), instruments such as questionnaires were employed. Fuzzy Likert Scale (FLS) was utilized to convert verbal data obtained from the questionnaires. Following the validation of the questionnaire, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy decision-making techniques were used to rank the studied suppliers (six suppliers). Data analysis in MATLAB determined that Supplier 6 (Dorsa Chicken Company) exhibited the best performance, while Supplier 2 (Fakhrar Company) demonstrated the poorest performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        Michael Gr. Voskoglou
        The methods of assessing the individuals’ performance usually applied in practice are based on principles of the bivalent logic (yes-no). However, fuzzy logic, due to its nature of including multiple values, offers a wider and richer field of resources for this pu أکثر
        The methods of assessing the individuals’ performance usually applied in practice are based on principles of the bivalent logic (yes-no). However, fuzzy logic, due to its nature of including multiple values, offers a wider and richer field of resources for this purpose. In this paper we use principles of fuzzy logic in developing a new method for assessing the performance of groups of individuals participating in any human activity. For this, we represent each of the groups under assessment as a fuzzy subset of a setUof linguistic labels characterizing their members’ performance and we use the centre of gravity defuzzification technique in converting the fuzzy data collected from the corresponding activity to a crisp number. The resulting structure provides a weighted assessment, in which the higher is an individual’s performance the more its “contribution” to the corresponding group’s performance. Thus, in contrast to the mean of the scores (i.e. numerical values of the performance) of all the group’s members, which is connected to the mean group’s performance, our method is connected somehow to the group’s quality performance. Two real applications are also presented, related to the bridge players’ performance and the students’ problem solving skills respectively, illustrating the importance of our assessment method in practice. تفاصيل المقالة
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        78 - ‎Enhancing Big Data Governance Framework Implementation Using Novel Fuzzy Frank Operators‎: ‎An Application to MADM Process
        Hamza Iftikhar Faisal  Mehmood
        In today's data-driven landscape‎, ‎to ensure continuous survival and betterment‎, ‎the implementation of a robust Big Data Governance Framework (BDGF) is imperative for organizations to effectively manage and harness the potential of their vast data resources‎. ‎The BD أکثر
        In today's data-driven landscape‎, ‎to ensure continuous survival and betterment‎, ‎the implementation of a robust Big Data Governance Framework (BDGF) is imperative for organizations to effectively manage and harness the potential of their vast data resources‎. ‎The BDGF serves no purpose when implemented in a random manner‎. ‎This article delves into the complex decision-making challenges that emerge in the context of implementation of the BDGF under uncertain conditions‎. ‎Specifically‎, ‎we aim to analyze and evaluate the BDGF performance using the Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) techniques aiming to address the intricacies of big data governance uncertainties‎. ‎To achieve our objectives‎, ‎we explore the application of Frank operators within the framework of complex picture fuzzy (CPF) sets (CPFs)‎. ‎We introduce complex picture fuzzy Frank weighted averaging (CPFFWA) and complex picture fuzzy Frank ordered weighted averaging (CPFFOWA) operators to enable more accurate implementation of the BDGF‎. ‎Additionally‎, ‎we rigorously examine the reliability of these newly proposed fuzzy Frank (FF) operators (FFAOs)‎, ‎taking into consideration essential properties such as idempotency‎, ‎monotonicity‎, ‎and boundedness‎. ‎To illustrate the practical applicability of our approach‎, ‎we present a case study that highlights the decision-making challenges encountered in the implementation of the BDGF‎. ‎Subsequently‎, ‎we conduct a comprehensive numerical example to assess various BDGF implementation options using the MADM technique based on complex picture fuzzy Frank aggregation (CPFFA) operators‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎we perform a comprehensive comparative assessment of our proposed methodology‎, ‎emphasizing the significance of the novel insights and results derived‎. ‎In conclusion‎, ‎this research article offers a unique and innovative perspective on decision-making within the realm of the BDGF‎. ‎By employing the CPFFWA and the CPFFOWA operators‎, ‎organizations can make well-informed decisions to optimize their BDGF implementations‎, ‎mitigate uncertainties‎, ‎and harness the full potential of their data assets in an ever-evolving data landscape‎. ‎This work contributes to the advancement of decision support systems for big data governance (BDG)‎, ‎providing valuable insights for practitioners and scholars alike‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        79 - ‎A “Journey” from Traditional to Fuzzy Methods of Decision-Making
        Michael Gr. Voskoglou
        ‎Decision-making (DM) is one of the most important components of human cognition‎. ‎Starting with a review of the traditional criteria for DM‎, ‎this work presents also a method for the verification of a decision‎, ‎a step of the DM process which‎, ‎due to its special i أکثر
        ‎Decision-making (DM) is one of the most important components of human cognition‎. ‎Starting with a review of the traditional criteria for DM‎, ‎this work presents also a method for the verification of a decision‎, ‎a step of the DM process which‎, ‎due to its special interest‎, ‎is usually examined separately from its other steps‎. ‎Frequently in everyday life‎, ‎however‎, ‎the data of a DM problem are vague and characterized by uncertainty‎. ‎In such cases the traditional techniques for DM‎, ‎which are based on principles of the bivalent logic (yes-no)‎, ‎cannot help effectively in making the right decision‎. ‎The first who introduced principles of the fuzzy sets theory in DM were Bellman and Zadeh in 1970 and an example is given here illustrating their fuzzy criterion for DM‎. ‎Also‎, ‎among the several fuzzy methods proposed later by other researchers for a more effective DM‎, ‎a hybrid method is developed here for parametric multiple-criteria DM using soft sets and grey numbers (or intuitionistic fuzzy sets‎, ‎or neutrosophic sets) as tools‎, ‎which improves an earlier method proposed by Maji et al‎. ‎in 2002‎. ‎All the DM approaches presented in this paper are illustrated with everyday practical examples‎. تفاصيل المقالة
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        80 - Families of Fuzzy Sets and Lattice Isomorphisms Preparation
        John Mordeson Sunil Mathew
        In this paper, we discuss how theoretical results from one family of fuzzy sets can be carried over immediately to another family of fuzzy sets by the use of lattice isomorphisms. We also show that these families can occur naturally and that applications may not necessa أکثر
        In this paper, we discuss how theoretical results from one family of fuzzy sets can be carried over immediately to another family of fuzzy sets by the use of lattice isomorphisms. We also show that these families can occur naturally and that applications may not necessarily be carried over using these isomorphisms. We illustrate this using techniques from the study of human trafficking and its analysis using mathematics of uncertainty. We also consider the new definition of fuzzy set provided by Trillas and de Soto. تفاصيل المقالة