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    Manuscript Submission Guidelines

    The journal invites submission of previously unpublished articles that address issues relevant to Applied Linguistics-particularly in Iran. Book reviews and brief reports or summaries of works in progress which address similar issues are also welcome. This open access journal requires an article publication charge (APC) which covers the costs involved in the publication process, from administrating peer-review to copy editing and hosting the final article on dedicated servers. 

    Manuscripts should not exceed 7000 words (not including references, appendices, etc.). Authors are requested to submit their articles online using the following website: https://sanad.iau.ir/journal/jal/. Further, they are required to submit five separate files:

    (1) title page including all information about the author(s) (name, affiliation, postal address, contact number, academic email address),

    (2) the manuscript without the names of the authors and any information within the article revealing the identity of the author(s).

    (3) the biodata file of the author(s)

    (4) the Similarity Report file obtained from the plagiarism checking tool https://www.lingaline.com/ for Iranian authors, and https://www.ithenticate.com/ or https://www.turnitin.com/ for foreign authors.


    (5) Title, Abstract, and Keywords in Persian


    Note 1: The corresponding author should have an academic email address for example, ntamjid@iaut.ac.ir 

    Note 2: You need to apply the APA Style - 7th edition guidelines throughout your paper.


    Title page: Includes the article title and the name, institutional affiliation, full postal address, contact number and e-mail address of each author; indicate the joint author to whom correspondence should be sent.


    Abstract: The abstract must not exceed 200 words. It should contain an informative summary of the main points, including, where relevant, the purpose, methodology (including specific names of scales/tests and types of questionnaire), type of data, special characteristics of subject used, and findings. List 5 keywords for the article after the abstract. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication must also provide their abstract and keywords in the second language of the journal. Papers written in English will require a Persian translation of the abstract. The Persian abstract should include the abstract, authors’ names and affiliations, and the keywords all in Persian along with the corresponding author’s academic email address.


    Text: The article must be single-spaced with at least 2.54 cm-wide (1") margins, in 12pt Times New Roman font. Indent the beginning of each paragraph with a tab and do not leave a space between paragraphs. Use a clear system of headings: Introduction (Center), Method (Center), Participants (Left), Instruments/ Materials (Left), Procedure (Left), Design (Left), and Discussion (Center). The authors are required not to include any other heading such as Review of Literature, Conclusion, etc.


    Cited words and quotations: Use single quotation mark for glosses and terms, double for quoted material. Any quotation that runs for more than 40 words should be set off the main paragraph and does not need quotation marks. Quotations of any length should follow page number after the name of the author and date of publication.

    Note: These should be kept to an absolute minimum and should be placed at the end of the main text. Do not use automatic footnote programs.


    In-text references: These should appear in the body of the article, not in footnotes, giving the author’s last name followed by the year and the page number where relevant (in quotations not in citations). All names of the authors should be included in the first citation, with only the first author followed by et al. in subsequent citations; work by three or more authors should use et al. in all citations. Use authors’ first initials if two or more authors with the same surname are referred to in the article. When citing from a reprinting, give the original date second in brackets. All and only works referred to in the text should be listed at the end in References.


    References in articles: References should be arranged alphabetically by surname, with only initials for first names. The format should be consistent with the following examples:

    Hymes, D. (1971). Pidginization and creolization of language (2nd edition).Cambridge University Press.

    Anisman, H., Remington, G., &Sklar, L. S. (1979). Effects of inescapable shock on subsequent escape performances: Catecholaminergic mediation of response initiation and maintenance. Psychopharmacology, 61(1), 107-124.

    Trudgill, P. (1992a). Ausbau sociolinguistics and perception of language in contemporary Europe.International Journal of Applied Linguistics2.2, 167-77.

    Plonsky, M. (2004). Psychology with style: A hypertext writing guide (Version 5). Retrieved from http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/apa4b.htm

    For further information about the editorial style of the journal refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th Edition), available at http://www.apastyle.org.


    Conflict of Interest Form

    :The authors are required to complete the following form of the conflict of interest

    Conflict of Interest form for Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice 

    :The authors are also required to mention the following statement at the end of their articles, before the references, if there is no conflict of interest

    Declaration of interest: none


    Online Plagiarism Checker

    :The contributors are strongly recommended to verify the originality of their work using the following link 
    .(http://www.lingaline.com  The report should be directly sent to the email of the journal (tabrizjal@gmail.com

    The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), "Islamic World Science Citation Center"(ISC), "Google Scholar", "Ensani" and "Noor Professional Journals Database"(Noormags).