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        1 - The Link between Talismans and Figural Images in Islam
        Negar Zeilabi
        Aniconism in Islam is an incontrovertible presumption for the researchers of Islamic arts. The main question of this study is that what the imagination and interpretation of Muslims, in the early centuries, was about figural images which caused aniconism in Islam. The p More
        Aniconism in Islam is an incontrovertible presumption for the researchers of Islamic arts. The main question of this study is that what the imagination and interpretation of Muslims, in the early centuries, was about figural images which caused aniconism in Islam. The present paper shows that the permanence of the verdict seems to be associated with the cultural conception of magic and talismans which was rooted in the old civilizations such as Iran, Egypt and ancient Palestine. The main hypothesis is that the relation between image-making and the magic and talismans was one of the most important social factors that caused the reaction of Muslim jurists and scholars to the issue and subsequently led to the persistence of aniconism in the middle centuries. Therefore, it can be stated that Islam’s opposition to figural images was not from an aesthetic standpoint but along with the Quran’s stand against polytheists and idolaters, was because of that cultural conception of magic and talisman.   References al- Aamāl al- Kāmila lil- Imām Muḥammad Abduh, Revised by Muḥammad ʿAmāra, Beirut, 1979/ 1357. A.Fodor, “The Rod of Moses in Arabic Magic”, in  Magic and Divination in Early Islam, ed.Lawrence I.Conrad, The Crownwellpress,2004. Gharawī, Djawād b. Muḥammad, Miftāḥ al- Karāma, Revised by Muḥammad Bāḳir Khāliṣī, Qom, 1419- 1424 AH/ 1998- 2003 AD. Anṣārī, Murtaḍā b. Muḥammad Amīn, al- Makāsib, Qom, 1415- 1420 AH/ 1994- 2000 AD. Arnold, Painting in Islam, Oxford,1928. Baḥrānī, Sayyid Hāshim b. Sulaymān, Madīna Maādjiz al- Aimma al- Ithna Ashar, Qom, 1413 AH/ 1993 AD. Barḳī, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Maḥāsin, Revised by Djalāl al- Dīn Muḥaddith Urmawī, Qom, 1371/ 1992. Bayhaḳī, al- Sunan al- Kubrā, Beirut, (Und.). 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Idem, Uyūn al- Akhbār al- Riḍā, Revised by Mehdi Lajevardi, Tehran, 1378/ 1999. Idem, Man lā Yaḥḍuru- hu l- Faḳīh, Revised by Aliakbar Ghafari, 1413 AH/ 1992 AD. Idem, al- Khiṣāl, Revised by Aliakbar Ghafari, Qom, 1362/ 1983. Ibn al- Barrādj, al- Muhadhdhab, Qom, 1406 AH/ 1985 AD. Ibn Ḥanbal, Musnad, Beirut, (Und.). Ibn Ḥayyūn, Nuʿmān b. Muḥammad( Ḳāḍī Nuʿmān), Daāim al- Islām, Qom, 1385/ 2006. Ibn al- Faḳīh, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Buldān, Revised by Yūsuf al- Hādī, Beirut, 1996 AD/ 1416 AH. Ibn Khaldūn, ʿAbd al-  Raḥmān, Tarīkh- i Ibn Khaldūn al-  musammā dīwan l- mubtadi wa al- Khabar, Revised by Khalīl Shaḥḥāda, Beirut, 1988 AD/ 1408 AH. Ibn Kathīr, Ismāʿīl b. ʿUmar, al- Bidāya wa  al- Nihāya, Beirut, 1986 AD/ 1407 AH. Ibn Ḳudāma, ʿAbdallāh, al- Mughnī, Beirut, (Und.). Ibn Waḥshiyya, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, al- Fillāḥa al- Nabaṭiyya, Revised by Tawfīḳ Fahad, Damascus, 1993- 1998 AD/ 1413- 1418 AH. Ḳanṣū, Akram, al- Taṣwīr al-Shabī  al- Arabī, Kuwait, 1995 AD/ 1415 AH. Ḳays Rāmpūrī, Madjmūa-yi Ṭilism Iskandar  dhul- ḳarnayn, Zubda al- alwāḥ, (Und.). Khafādjī, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, Shifa al- Ghalīl, Revised by Muḥammad Kashshāsh, Beirut, 1418 AH/ 1998 AD. Kūfī, Furāt b. Ibrāhīm, Tafsīr-i Furāt-i Kūfī, Tehran, 1410 AH/ 1990 AD. Kulīnī, Muḥammad b. Yaʿḳūb, al- Kāfī, Revised by Aliakbar Ghafari & Muhammad Akhondi, Tehran, 1407 AH/ 1987 AD. Madanī, ʿAlī Khān b. Aḥmad, al- Ṭarāz al- Awwal, Mashhad, 1384/ 2005. Malik, al- Muwaṭṭa, Beirut, 1406 AH/ 1985 AD. Margoliouth, “Djādū Dar Farhang-i ʿArabī wa Islāmī”, Magic (Arabian and Muslim), Trans, Ebrahim Musa Por, Tehran, 1385/ 2006. Masʿūdī, ʿAlī b. Husayn, Murūdj al- Dhahab, Revised by Asʿad Dāghir, Qom, 1409 AH/ 1988 AD. Māwardī, al- Ḥāwī al- Kabīr fī Fiḳh-i- Madhhab al- Imām al- Shāfiī, Revised by ʿAlī Muḥammad Muʿawwaz & ʿādil Aḥmad ʿAbd al- Mūdjūd, 1994 AD/ 1414 AH. Mīrzāī Ḳumī, Ghanāim al- Ayyām, Qom, 1417- 1420 AH/ 1996- 1999 AD. Mufīd, Muḥammad b. 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      • Open Access Article

        2 - Comparative Study of Sperm Selling in the Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions
        Ayoub Shafeipoor Hossein Nooroddini
        The issues related to fertilization in human and animal from past to now had been discussed and disputed by jurists. One of the questions which had been raised here and also answered in present study is that is it possible to buy and sell the sperm of human or animal fo More
        The issues related to fertilization in human and animal from past to now had been discussed and disputed by jurists. One of the questions which had been raised here and also answered in present study is that is it possible to buy and sell the sperm of human or animal for fertilization or not? About selling the sperm and semen of animal, the jurists of Hanafi, Maleki, Shafei and Hanbali religions know unlawful selling sperm of animals in each form and in addition to anecdotal evidence, they expressed lack of benefit, ignorance of the value of sales, lack of submission of the sales and lack of benefit for the owner of animal. Imami jurists mentioned the sale of male sperm in animal is execrable and the sale of sperm exited from the body of animal is unlawful and cited to anecdotal evidence. All Sunni religions know unlawful the sale, hire and donate the sperm by man to foreign woman and also donating or selling ovum to man by foreign woman. In this case, they cited anecdotal and rational evidences. Among Imami jurists, some attached to the abomination and some other attached to the license of exited sperm selling and its transfer to the body of foreign woman. To researcher dominating quote about selling sperm of animal is its license in all forms and about selling sperm of human is its sanctity. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Influence of the Type and Amount of Organic Material on the Soil Aggregation Process in Different Soil Textures in Wheat and Corn Rotation
        Masoud Mirzabaki Niazali Ebrahimipak Ebrahim Pazira Saeed Samavat
        Introduction: Many researchers have investigated the role of organic matter in the soil aggregation process, but each of them has used these characteristics for a limited area. In this research, the aim was to evaluate the effects in several climates and with two differ More
        Introduction: Many researchers have investigated the role of organic matter in the soil aggregation process, but each of them has used these characteristics for a limited area. In this research, the aim was to evaluate the effects in several climates and with two different types of organic fertilizers in different soil textures and in crop rotation for two years. Methods: In order to investigate the effect of organic matter on the soil granulation process in this research in three types of soil texture and in 6 weight ranges of soil grain diameter including 75-105, 105-250, 250-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-4750 Micron, which has a relatively high comprehensiveness, including the smallest to the largest diameter of soil grains, was carried out under the influence of alternating years of cultivation (wheat and corn) on the weighted average of the diameter of soil grains in 11 regions of the country. Also, changes in the average weight of the diameter of the soil grains in the control state (before cultivation) and the first and second year of cultivation in wheat and corn plants were investigated. In this experiment, the effect of organic matter on the soil granulation process was investigated in 5 treatments: 10, 20 tons per hectare of animal manure, 10, 20 tons per hectare of compost and control in a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. Results: The results indicate the predominant accumulation of clay in the range of 250-500 (40% by weight) and 500-1000 (30%) for clay loam texture, 105-250 (25% by weight) and 250-500 (30% by weight) for loam texture. and 105-250 (40% by weight) for the texture of sandy loam before the start of cultivation, this range is due to the completely effective and positive role of clay in increasing soil granulation, improving soil structure and consequently the stability of soil pores. The increase of organic fertilizers increased the weight average diameter of soil grains and caused the formation of soil grains with sizes of 250-500 and 500-1000 microns. The results of the effect of alternative crops of wheat and corn on the weight average values of the diameter of soil grains compared to before cultivation, especially in the first year of cultivation, showed that with the increase of organic fertilizers, the formation of soil grains with a diameter of 500-1000 microns increased and the percentage of abundance of soil grains with Diameter 105-250 and 250-1000 decreased. Also, the results showed that the improvement of soil granulation with the increase of organic fertilizers was the highest in soil with sandy loam texture and the lowest in soil with clay loam texture. Also, in different treatments of animal manure and compost in none of the diameters of soil grains and in any of No significant difference was observed between tissue classes. And the results indicate that the application of different treatments of organic fertilizers has the greatest effect on sandy loam soil compared to loam and clay loam soil. Conclusion: Generally and according to the statistical results, the addition of organic matter improves the soil granulation process, and also the soil with sandy loam texture is the most effective for the increase of organic fertilizers Manuscript profile
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        4 - Cooperation of Iran with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals "CMS" in the form of Memorandums
        Ghazaleh Ketabdari Alireza Zaheri
        The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, also known as CMS or the Bonn Convention, is one of the most important international legally binding agreements on the conservation and management of migratory species. It is a treaty under which a More
        The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, also known as CMS or the Bonn Convention, is one of the most important international legally binding agreements on the conservation and management of migratory species. It is a treaty under which all terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory species are conserved. The CMS commits all States Parties, including Iran, to establish concerted action for migratory animals, and with the necessary infrastructure, emphasizes the basic principles of cooperation and prevention to protect migratory species throughout their migration and habitat. So far, seven legally binding agreements and nineteen executive memorandums of understanding have been concluded under the auspices of the CMS. In this article, these four memoranda of understanding have been studied. The present study, using a descriptive-analytical method, intends to examine how to implement the provisions of the CMS Convention, its legal and executive gaps and the challenges faced by emphasizing the situation of Iran. The findings of this study show that despite extensive activities and useful measures related to Iranian migratory species within the framework of these four agreements and in the light of cooperation with the CMS Convention, four decades after its establishment and more than two decades of cooperation with Iran, still the satisfactory results in the conservation status of many species is not fully performed. It is deserved that this part of the biodiversity of Iran should be protected and supported favorably by eliminating legal and executive weaknesses and employing efficient, wise and centralized management as well as the cooperation of all organs and the people. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Protecting the rights of urban animals by following the example of leading countries
        nafise maktabi sepanta mojtahedzade Shima Arab Asadi
        Animals that live near humans and in urban areas are often killed by disease and car accidents and are harassed and abused. These animals have a very low level of well-being. Human concerns about the transmission of diseases, especially rabies and bites, and the high re More
        Animals that live near humans and in urban areas are often killed by disease and car accidents and are harassed and abused. These animals have a very low level of well-being. Human concerns about the transmission of diseases, especially rabies and bites, and the high reproductive capacity of these animals have led humans to take control of urban animals. This study seeks to answer the question of what Iran has done to control the population of urban animals while protecting their rights and whether it has been successful in this regard. This study seeks to answer the question of what Iran has done to control the population of urban animals while protecting their rights and whether it has been successful in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Eastimating the Animal House Area`s Per Capita on the Campus for Training and Research Purposes
        Banafshe Barkhordar Babak Barkhordar
        Background and Objective: Now animal houses are an important part of training and researches project. The objectives of establishing animal houses on the campus are making a suitable place for keeping lab animals under standard conditions similar to those of their lives More
        Background and Objective: Now animal houses are an important part of training and researches project. The objectives of establishing animal houses on the campus are making a suitable place for keeping lab animals under standard conditions similar to those of their lives making it possible to conduct reproducing healthy laboratory animals, performing training and research experiments and training students. On the other hand, it decreases the bad smell in the laboratory, reduces the possibility of animals catching different prevalent diseases, cuts down the probability of the disease to human being and prevents animals from escaping. In addition, animal houses can decrease purchase expenses and save staff time and if it is introduced well it can enjoy economic justification. Method: In this research with studding of animal houses in use and steaming the area for a university animal house for educations and researches. The animal house area per capita was estimated for each of student. Findings: The results contain the animal house parts are: Office, cloak- room, research room, increasing room, weighting room, behaiveir room, surgery and recovery, place of cages, washing room ,storage, compressor, marine increasing room, researching monkey behavior, museum. Discussion and Conclusion: The animal houses area for universities and high educational centers for training and research purposes is about 375 m2 for 200 biology students therefore the animal house area per capita would be 1.8 m2.  Manuscript profile
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        7 - Investigating the Potential of Biogas and Energy Generation from Biomass Resources in Villages of Iran with Sustainable Development Approach
        Maliheh Fallahnejad Tafti Mohammadali Abdoli Farshad Golbabaei Kootenaei
        Abstract Background and Objective: Energy crisis is the most important crisis threatening mankind. Recently, using biogas has been put under focus due to the problems caused by widespread dependence to oil and scarcity of energy resources. In addition, using biogas as a More
        Abstract Background and Objective: Energy crisis is the most important crisis threatening mankind. Recently, using biogas has been put under focus due to the problems caused by widespread dependence to oil and scarcity of energy resources. In addition, using biogas as a fuel supply can saliently reduce greenhouse gases and consequently reduce global warming. Also, other advantages of biogas generation from biomass resources are waste minimization and sanitary manure generation. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential of biogas and energy production from biomass resources in the villages of Iran with anapproach to supply energy at the consumption place and to reduce transportation costs. Method: In this study, potential of biogas production from cattle refuse is evaluated according to the numbers of cattle existing in Iran villages and determination of cattle refuse quantity. Results: Results show that 11.195 million m3 biogas can be produced from 63 million cattle in villages of Iran. The extractable biogas from rustic biodegradable wastes was also determined. It was found that, annually, 487 million m3 biogas can be produced from 1249000 tons of waste per. Conclusion: Generally, this study revealed that biogas and energy generation from biomass resources in villages of Iran with an approach to supply energy at the consumption place and to reduce transportation costs has economical efficiency and can be as a national strategy for achieving sustainable development Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Application of Ecology Theories in Finance
        Mohammad Salehifar Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti Hassan Chaharmahali
        In this paper we examine ecological theories in which could be applied explaining behaviors in financial markets. However animal behavior has been used to describe financial markets so far (Bull and Bear markets and herding behavior), we argue that many theories in ecol More
        In this paper we examine ecological theories in which could be applied explaining behaviors in financial markets. However animal behavior has been used to describe financial markets so far (Bull and Bear markets and herding behavior), we argue that many theories in ecology has not been studied yet and are overlooked. In this study we show there is a considerable potential to relate ecological principles such as optimal foraging theory, marginal value theorem, prey size threshold, predation and foraging, bet hedging hypothesis, natural selection, weather and animal behavior, and propagule pressure to financial markets theories.     Manuscript profile
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        9 - Investigation of habitation value of four under protected areas from the viewpoint of wind erosion zonation in Yazd province
        Mohammadhassan Sadeghi Ravesh
        According to desert habitation sensitivity and for optimum management of these areas and zone, it is essential that all effective factors in the habitation situation are investigated. Therefore in this research the relationship between wind erosion as a climatic-anthrop More
        According to desert habitation sensitivity and for optimum management of these areas and zone, it is essential that all effective factors in the habitation situation are investigated. Therefore in this research the relationship between wind erosion as a climatic-anthropogenic common phenomenon in desert area and under protected areas is studied in Yazd Province. By estimating the rate of wind erosion in such area, the capability of environment for providing appropriate conditions for animal species subsistence can also be estimated. This research has two parts: first, using of iso-erosion map and under protected areas map in order to determine of affected regions in every zone. Second, determination of habitation value of four under protected areas on the basis of food, water and security as three variable factors. Finally the correlation of the value of each habitation with the area of the regions was determined. The results showed there is strong correlation between two mentioned factors (r = -0.87). It means that effective factors of the increase of wind erosion amount affect on the quality of protected habitation and habitation value reduce proportional with the increase of the area of affected regions.  Manuscript profile
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        10 - Investigation of pollution related to sludge obtained from the effluent treatment Of slaughter house and making the practical proposal (Study was conducted in mash had slaughter house)
        Mostafa Khezri Masoud Monavari Parvin Farshchi Shadi Kafi Mallak
        Sludge, as an additional element in the process of treatment will cause numerous problems in long runs. Therefore, it has to be collected and disposed in sanitary ways. Disposing the sludge requires certain rules and it is often polluted by not following the environment More
        Sludge, as an additional element in the process of treatment will cause numerous problems in long runs. Therefore, it has to be collected and disposed in sanitary ways. Disposing the sludge requires certain rules and it is often polluted by not following the environmental rules. Pollution will be transferred to human and agriculture crops through water and soil. The best method to control this problem is to utilize that material in an efficient way. In this paper, we proposed an efficient method to decrease the pollution of sludge obtained from Mashhad slaughter house, as an applicable sample, and we tried to optimize its usage in an efficient application. We sampled the sludge, obtained from the treatment process in Mashhad slaughter house, for several times. Then, we carried out the relative tests such as: chemical pollution (BOD, COD, PH, Nitrate, and phosphate), heavy metal (As, Hg, Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd, Co), microbiology pollution, and animal feeding tests on the sludge samples. The obtained results indicate that the sludge could be utilized as animal feed. We prepared the cattle ration by using the utilized sludge as a portion. After cattle ration, the animal feed was prepared together with sludge and other elements. For measuring the value of the obtained ration, different experiments were conducted and outcome was compared with other factories' concentrated animal feed obtained forms such as: rice bran, wheat bran, straw, sugar beet pulp and barley. By drawing the relative curves, results showed that, the sludge obtained from Mashhad slaughter house satisfied the animal feed standard rules and perform better than other factories' products. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed method is the first research which studies the sludge obtained from the treatment process and tries to utilize its application efficiently in an animal feed ration which is very important and significant applicable research work. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Impact of Religious Belief On How To Deal With Environmental
        Maryam rafia Nafise sate
        This present article is writing in order to explain the impact of religious belief on how to deal with environmental issues. This papers some how comparative between Islamic theology and the environment, that is used the theological and philosophical foundations for how More
        This present article is writing in order to explain the impact of religious belief on how to deal with environmental issues. This papers some how comparative between Islamic theology and the environment, that is used the theological and philosophical foundations for how to deal with environmental. Also, environment, in the broadest possible sense used and there is the corresponding nature intended. The relationship between God as creator of the universe, and nature as subject human beings and he's Guide to theology, and the man as heir and representative of  by God on earth, that is the power to seize and conquer nature, are the purpose of this article. Therefore introducing the universe as a divine trust and suggests some lessons on how to preserve and maintain it, that Islam requires believers to put it, among the goals or purpose of this paper is to investigate and explain.   Manuscript profile
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        12 - An Analysis on Semiotics of Animal Fantasy Characters in Persian and English Children Literature
        Sediqeh Sadat Meqdari Fahimeh Tokhm Afshan Rahim Ansari Pour
        The importance of fantasy stories is in children's unconscious and educating the subjects to deliver the messages or useful understanding. In many fantasy stories, live and insentient characters always depict part of children's expectations or thoughts in the form of th More
        The importance of fantasy stories is in children's unconscious and educating the subjects to deliver the messages or useful understanding. In many fantasy stories, live and insentient characters always depict part of children's expectations or thoughts in the form of their own characters; they enter children's unconscious and affect them through story dramatizing. The present research studies the works in the field of children's fantasy literature in Persian and English and survey them from discourse comparative analysis viewpoint. In order to achieve this, two story series have been chosen: "Helen Beatrix Potter stories" in English and "Short stories for little children" in Persian. By studying semiotics of fantasy characters, the outcomes show that fantasy as a branch of literature is not different in Persian and English and the only difference is in data and different presentment of fantasy characters. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Dragon confrontation with other animals in Iranian and world mythology
        Mohammad Abbaszadeh Seyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi
        Dragon is a mythical and strange creature that is depicted almost in the form of a lizard or a giant snake and has a prominent role in all the myths of the world. This mythical creature in the culture of all nations except China, is a symbol of filth and impurity that s More
        Dragon is a mythical and strange creature that is depicted almost in the form of a lizard or a giant snake and has a prominent role in all the myths of the world. This mythical creature in the culture of all nations except China, is a symbol of filth and impurity that spews fire out of its mouth and it is the enemy of man and other creatures, and intends to destroy man and the world and in this role, Its demonic aspect becomes more apparent. Accordingly, in the myths and legends of the world, heroes are constantly in battle with this ugly animal to rid the world of its existence.Research shows that this ugly and demonic animal not only fights with heroes, but also does not have a good relationship with other creatures and animals, and evidence and images remained from the past indicate that it has also been fighting with other mythical animals such as Simorgh and Loin. In the remained images, even the battle of the two dragons has been seen. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Animals’ Behavior from Quran & Narrations Viewpoint
        Babak Hadian Heidari Mohammad Sharifi
        Since human set foot on the universe, he has tried to know and lead animals; but the cognition of animals becomes more accurate when it comes to knowing their moral qualities, because by knowing these qualities, man can control animals in order to use them properly. Ani More
        Since human set foot on the universe, he has tried to know and lead animals; but the cognition of animals becomes more accurate when it comes to knowing their moral qualities, because by knowing these qualities, man can control animals in order to use them properly. Animal morality is very influential in human life because animals live in a common environment with humans and in addition to benefiting more and more from animals it leads to a peaceful life with animals. thus and because of the importance of the mentioned issue, the authors of the present article intend to study it by citing Quran and narrations with a descriptive – analytical method. The results of the research indicate that each animal has unique moral characteristics that are very effective in recognizing the animals in a way that neither they are being hurt nor harms they harm. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Literary Analysis of Fables in Selected works of four Decades of Iran's Children Literature
        Soheila Vaziri Mehr Mostafa Salari Behrouz Roumiyani
        Animals' stories or fables are one of the most effective and important methods which creates more eagerness and keenness in reader to follow the story events and result and transfer the ethical evil and good better; this is because of the dreamy aspect of this type of s More
        Animals' stories or fables are one of the most effective and important methods which creates more eagerness and keenness in reader to follow the story events and result and transfer the ethical evil and good better; this is because of the dreamy aspect of this type of stories. Many books have been written in fables field and vast researches have been done as well but little attention to Iran's children works paid; most of researches in the field of fable are done on Iran's classic works such as Kalila and Dimna and some of Attar's works. The present article is written with the aim of finding the reaction of fable in selected works of four decades of Iran's children literature. To achieve this, initially exact meaning of fable is analyzed. The result of the research in four decades of Iran's children literature shows that fables are manifested in those decades in different forms either in poetries or in stories.   Manuscript profile
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        16 - Setting Deadlines in Contract Options: The Extent of Exercise of the Right of Annulment and the Authority of Decision Judgment in a Lawsuit
        Abolfazl Amani mehtarlo Esmat al-Sadat Tabatabaei Lotfi Nasrin Karimi
        Contract option refers to the right of annulment, in which setting deadlines plays a vital role concerning the rights of parties involved in contract. In some options that form the basis of contract (such as conditional option), unawareness about contract deadline, or f More
        Contract option refers to the right of annulment, in which setting deadlines plays a vital role concerning the rights of parties involved in contract. In some options that form the basis of contract (such as conditional option), unawareness about contract deadline, or failure to set it, may invalidate contract. In other types of options, the contract remains valid if the option is not practiced in its due time. Although jurisprudence and law have discussed the time span for options, there are always challenges in determining whether the options have been applied within the deadline. In the present study, all types of options have been independently described and analyzed in three categories: urgent, unidentified urgent and non-urgent. At the appointed time, the deadline may be determined based on agreement or a prescription of law. The authority in litigations is expert judgment, especially for urgent and common non-urgent cases, and doubtful situations. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A Study of Jurisprudential Principles of Animal Rights
        Farideh Asghari ahmad Moradkhani Seyed hasan Abediyan
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate jurisprudential principles of animal rights. The method of study is descriptive-analytic. General principles including the ones in the Qur'an and sonnat (the tradition) are discussed in this research. Both of the above More
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate jurisprudential principles of animal rights. The method of study is descriptive-analytic. General principles including the ones in the Qur'an and sonnat (the tradition) are discussed in this research. Both of the above revelation resources have mentioned common features for animals in terms of life principles, perception issues, and evolution after this world that is sufficient to prove the right of animals as living creatures. Rational arguments indicate that every measure violating animal rights is evidence of cruelty while every measure that sustains their dignity, life, interests, resources, environment, and survival of their different species is considered as an act of goodness. The Sunni and Shi'ite scholars have consensus that animals also have rights so humans are obliged to observe them. Jurisprudential principles state that killing an animal requires the responsibility to make up for the loss. Besides, any damage to animals is prohibited and every attempt to fulfill their rights is regarded as an act of benevolence and goodness. Finally, the above principles generally approve animal rights, in addition to human rights, and convey the necessity to observe and fulfill that. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Symbolic study of animals in Moin al-ddin Jovayni's Negarestan
        Narges Rezvani Moghadam Iraj Mehraki Azar Daneshgar Zahra Dorri
        Symbols often originates from nature, national and mythological rituals, and religion and are one of the methods of communicating and conveying meanings. The words in addition of its true meaning, evoke multiple and even contradictory meanings and images that to be arou More
        Symbols often originates from nature, national and mythological rituals, and religion and are one of the methods of communicating and conveying meanings. The words in addition of its true meaning, evoke multiple and even contradictory meanings and images that to be aroused different emotional reactions and feelings in the reader. In Persian literature, from the names of all kinds of animals have been used in various cases and in different meanings. Animals whose names are sometimes be applied in the real sense and sometimes in the unreal and symbolic sense. In this research, the symbolic study of animals is discussed in the book of Jovayni's Negarestan. Animals have been divided from the direction of symbolic meaning and real meaning, and the frequency of each item is also provided. Moin al-ddin Jovayni's Negareatan is a book written in imitation of Saadi's Golestan. The study method is based on theoretical principles and descriptive-analytical method and research tools, has been books and Information and library resources in this area. In compiling the desired contents due to the multiplicity and diversity of different species of animals, they are divided into four groups: ((livestock)), ((birds)), ((insects and vermin)); and ((aquatic)) and has been brought explanations and documents on their symbolic concepts in each group. The aim of writing the research was to find out what symbolic meanings the animals in Moin al-ddin Jovayni's Negarestan were used and to determine the frequency of each. The result of this study reveals that Jovayni has used in respectively from animals, birds, insects and vermin and aquatic animals in the symbolic and real meanings. The amounts of application of real concepts is more in all kinds, and in insects and vermin, symbolic meanings and real concepts are almost equal. Manuscript profile
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        19 - A Comparative Study of Supernatural Creatures and Animals in The Shahnameh and Gilgamesh
        Ali Fakuri Joybari Reza Forsati Joybari Nahid Akbari
        Supernatural forces are special forces that exist potentially in humans, animals, and even objects, and under certain circumstances, give rise to incredible actions the root of which must be sought in ancient times . Must be searched. In ancient myths, these supernatura More
        Supernatural forces are special forces that exist potentially in humans, animals, and even objects, and under certain circumstances, give rise to incredible actions the root of which must be sought in ancient times . Must be searched. In ancient myths, these supernatural beings compensate for the inadequacies and shortcomings of kings and heroes in achieving the goal. Belief in these forces can be seen in ancient and remarkable masterpieces such as Gilgamesh, The Shahnameh, Ramayana, Iliad and Odyssey. Therefore, the present study examines supernatural beings in two valuable ancient epics: The Shahnameh and Gilgamesh. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and the authors seek to find out in which epic the influence of supernatural forces is more evident. The results show that supernatural beings and creatures in Shahnameh are superior to the epic of Gilgamesh in terms of diversity, role and function, so that some of these creatures and animals have played a fundamental and important role in the epic and national process of the work. Manuscript profile
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        20 - This bulletin survey the animals role in the sadi s production
        AHMAD ZAKERI faeze jamaran
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        21 - Comparing the Life of Sadegh Hedayat and the Works of Sohrab Sepehri
        Farhad Tahmasebi
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        22 - Spiritual Blindness in Jose Saramago’s Blindness
        Zohreh Helali Fazel Asadi Amjad
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        23 - Khaghani and Folk Beliefs About Animals
        Hossein Zanganeh Iraj Mehraki
        Khaghani is one of the high level poets of Persian poetry and prose in the sixth century AH. He has been a man who has aristocracy on various topics, and he refers in his poems to various sciences. From the sociological point of view of literature, in which, nowadays co More
        Khaghani is one of the high level poets of Persian poetry and prose in the sixth century AH. He has been a man who has aristocracy on various topics, and he refers in his poems to various sciences. From the sociological point of view of literature, in which, nowadays considered by literary critics, Khaghani's poetry is full of social and political issues. One component of the sociology of literature is popular culture, or in other words, folklore. Khaghani's poetical work is full of folk beliefs of his era. Popular beliefs about animals can be found in the subset of popular culture. Surprisingly, some of these beliefs are applicable even now among the populace and properties.In this essay, the authors have attempted to examine, through a descriptive-analytical method, a section of Folklore in Khaghani's poetical work and to elucidate Khaghani's view of some superstitious material of his era. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Camel as a Sufi Symbol in Ebrahim Al-kooni Novel Al-tibr
        Kobra Roshanfekr Ahmad Heidari
          Nature has always been  the source of  inspiration for  poets and writers in different parts of the world especially among Arabic speakers who have close connection with it. While reading Ebrahim Al-kooni's works, we can clearly observe existence More
          Nature has always been  the source of  inspiration for  poets and writers in different parts of the world especially among Arabic speakers who have close connection with it. While reading Ebrahim Al-kooni's works, we can clearly observe existence of deserts as well as living and dead nature.Therefore, he has frequently used  the elements of nature  and using these elements , he induces his thoughts and ideas to his readers.Ebrahim Al-kooni in "Al-tabar" , chose camel as one of the elements of nature and hero of the story and considering  supreme human values for the camel, he not only regards a higher place for it than other animals but also he prefers it over all humans  and even his own wife and child. This study tries to investigate function  of  this animal in this novel using  descriptive –analytical  method and the results indicate that the writer with considering ancestors' traditions, beliefs and myths  has  used the animal as a symbol in service of  Sufic concepts and thoughts like  companionship ,love ,sin and its consequences and patience. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Comparative comparison of the function of animal allegory in "Kalileh and Demneh", "Marzbannameh" and "Sandbadnameh"
        Marjan Aliakbarzade zehtab Tahereh Mehri Malafjani
        The main problem of the current research is the comparison of the function of animal allegory in three educational works; Kalila and Demneh, Marzbannameh and Sandbadnameh are used to explain how each of the three works in question have used the allegory of animals in li More
        The main problem of the current research is the comparison of the function of animal allegory in three educational works; Kalila and Demneh, Marzbannameh and Sandbadnameh are used to explain how each of the three works in question have used the allegory of animals in line with their specific goals. The value of this research is due to the literary importance of allegory and also the valuable literary position of the three works in question in the field of educational literature. The most important questions in front of it are; In the three considered works, which functions are considered for animal allegory? What are the similarities and differences between these functions? This research was written with library tools and in a descriptive-analytical method, and it was provided by examining examples of stories with allegory of animals from all three mentioned books. The research findings show that; The authors of all three mentioned books have revealed complex meanings and expressed moral virtues and vices by using the allegory of animals. The function of allegory in Kalileh and Demneh relies more on the balance of power and is often political, social and moral, but the function of allegory in Marzbannameh is more moral, social and political, and in Sandbadnameh, by using allegory based on the beliefs of that time, it deals with the tricks of women. It is moral, social and cultural. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Searching Allegorical Tales with Animal Characters in Alluma' Fil-tasawwuf Abu Nasr Al-sarraj
        habib kargar Abbasali vafaie Alireza Shabanlu
        The tales that they are the base of allegory has had a very important role in Sufism training. An example of these tales is some ones that an animal is a character of the tale. In this study, these types of tales was considered in Alluma' Fil-tasawwuf book written by Ab More
        The tales that they are the base of allegory has had a very important role in Sufism training. An example of these tales is some ones that an animal is a character of the tale. In this study, these types of tales was considered in Alluma' Fil-tasawwuf book written by Abu Nasr Al-sarraj tusi(378). These kinds of Alluma' s tales are divisible to three general assortments: 1- real tales: these tales have taken place in the world or could have taken place. 2: fictional tales which were created by Sufism's fictions. 3: symbolic tales which the animal has a symbolic role in them. This type of tales is an endogenous event and it is the result of theosophist's subconscious. The main purpose of using all the stories in the texts of Sufism is to understand better the mystical material and to facilitate the teaching through the expression of the tale. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The studying symbols in children stories with emphasis on some books published in 1380s by children and teenager intellectual training association
        Mandana Alimi Maliheh Hefz sahe
        The story in the literature making today to two real and Virtual Learning. use real words in real space and virtual and precise meaning to word usage in the sense unreal. Two kind of famous in the story are allowed, allegory and symbol of which are indirect and implicit More
        The story in the literature making today to two real and Virtual Learning. use real words in real space and virtual and precise meaning to word usage in the sense unreal. Two kind of famous in the story are allowed, allegory and symbol of which are indirect and implicit concepts indicator in the story are. In fact symbol method is correct-that the author with the use of a subject under the cover the theme of other nothing and according to other things shows and scenes and concepts to appeal to witness and example before it takes the author in this article with method of case selection and 50 the story of the universals to the examination of two important elements in allegory and symbol of the story  of the children and Teenager . research has been done shows the fact that there is emotional to the world and children element in allegory and symbol of the special and extensive literature to children. Use of different kinds of symbols and allegory are writers-writers special to the story literature children-educational goals in inserting and upbringing indirect in the stories helped. Using the-dimensional style (or character of) belong to the animal kingdom, objects, space and time relations for human reflection and transmission of messages in the form of moral literature children in Iran. and major part of the book has been translated into the published or by the Center of Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults the book special age group Children animals of the kind of the story. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Allegory Role of Animals in Tarb al-Majales
        reza elyasi Maryam mahmoodi
        Using the role of animals as characters in storytelling and storytelling is one of the tools that writers and storytellers have long been interested in and benefited from. Among the works that have been used in some of the animals for symbolic and symbolic roles is the More
        Using the role of animals as characters in storytelling and storytelling is one of the tools that writers and storytellers have long been interested in and benefited from. Among the works that have been used in some of the animals for symbolic and symbolic roles is the seventh-century work by Tarb al-Majalis, a work by Mir Hossein Ghori Heravi. Mir Hosseini Heravi has used various animals as part of his book's story in the third part of the book, "On the virtue and dignity of man over all animals." The book mentions more than 60 different beasts, each with their own role in the story, an example of the character that exists in the outside world, and Mir Hosseini Heravi using these symbolic and symbolic characters. Designed for each of these animals in society and in people's minds, he has expressed his educational, ethical, and educational goals in this mystical work. Therefore, this book can be regarded as an educational and symbolic work, given its effective and widespread use of the female role of the various animals in it, and its place as an allegorical work in Persian and mystical literature. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Applicarion spellbinding in animal stories in Marzbannameh
        Hossein Abbasnezhad parvaneh Adelzadeh Kamran Pashayi Fakhri
        Animals play an allegorical and symbolic role, apart from being rich in content and the attractiveness of the stories, the poets and writers of the texts of order and prose use their allegorical approach more to fulfill ethical, educational, social and political goals. More
        Animals play an allegorical and symbolic role, apart from being rich in content and the attractiveness of the stories, the poets and writers of the texts of order and prose use their allegorical approach more to fulfill ethical, educational, social and political goals. In these tales, there is more than thought, passion, deception, greed, craziness, deceit, deception, and action in action. In this article, the criterion of the selection of stories is the presence of animal characters active in events and events. Often in these tales only the animal character speaks, sometimes it acts in the nature of animals and has animal motives and sometimes includes motives and deeds attributed to humans. Any trick and no means of thinking can not be done, but must be accompanied by the counsel of the wise. In this research, which has been done in a fundamental way based on library studies and descriptive-analytical method, it has been shown that the dictates are practiced as an opponent, and the hero originally derives from a perceptual mistake that is based on habit. This research points out the superiority of Squeal and Vile by force, courage and strength, and says that those who go to the enemy with a remedy and decree are more victorious than those who rely solely on the sharp fist and force of the arm. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The presence of animals in Shahnameh with a view to the allegorical and symbolic role
        Batol Fakhreslam Roghayeh Mehmandoost katlar Mahbobeh zea khodadadiyan Parvin dokht Mashour
        One of the reasons for the charm of the epic tales is the presence of animals in Shahnameh with a symbolic and allegorical effect. Ferdowsi has been able to enjoy animals to increase the content of the Shahnameh with perfect art. Of course, it should be noted that the s More
        One of the reasons for the charm of the epic tales is the presence of animals in Shahnameh with a symbolic and allegorical effect. Ferdowsi has been able to enjoy animals to increase the content of the Shahnameh with perfect art. Of course, it should be noted that the scope of parables in literature has a long history and playing roleby the animalshas been emphasized in Iranian literary culture. In such a culture, the story and allegory were current in human life, and for this reason it always considered a social, political, and even historic role for animals that was divided into different types such as mystical allegory, epic parable, political parable, … and animals have various kinds and in this regard, the characters who have an intermediate aspect are either gray or neutral, and sometimes multi-faceted. Ferdowsi has been able to illustrate the bond between human beings and animals by creating the animal's personality as well as passion in the stories of the Shahnameh with the art of allegory, and for its ethical teachings, which have epic and mythical colors and use well. The animals of Shahnameh stand alone as an example of an allegorical example of adventures and attractive events. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Allegorical novel blindness
        Mah Nazari
        The "blindness" of the Portuguese parable of Jorge Saraamago was published in1995. In this novel, "the poem" speaks of the beauty of the blindness that governed the animal's interior. The seemingly uncanny greetings. It is considered to be a white and hazy hollow landi More
        The "blindness" of the Portuguese parable of Jorge Saraamago was published in1995. In this novel, "the poem" speaks of the beauty of the blindness that governed the animal's interior. The seemingly uncanny greetings. It is considered to be a white and hazy hollow landing in a stinging swamp. The story is full of a dreamlike allegory with a bitter and sad humor that has highlighted the life of the monotone and the horizon. Saramago creates a horrifying nightmare that the industrial community has forgotten human dignity and has gone back to barbarism as a result of the failure of a man because he does not pass his dignity and neglects one's respect, and the world leader has replaced the collective reality. The significance of this novel Due to the rich atmosphere of the story, it is possible to examine the author's message from different angles, which is examined in a descriptive analytical manner. Issue: A writer and journalist as a contagious disease? Hypothesis: This allegorical novel is the mirror of today's life, which accentuates Bats and is a symbol of ignorance. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The allegorical role of animals in Shahnameh stories
        Fazel Abbaszadeh Mehdi Jabbari
        Animals with their symbolic and allegorical roles make stories wealth and attractive. Furthermore, poets and writers by using animals' allegorical trend and roles achieve moral and learning goals. Ferdowsi the wise man could use the personification of animals, in additi More
        Animals with their symbolic and allegorical roles make stories wealth and attractive. Furthermore, poets and writers by using animals' allegorical trend and roles achieve moral and learning goals. Ferdowsi the wise man could use the personification of animals, in addition to attaching passionate to Shahnameh stories, shows the solidarity between early human and animals with allegorical art in line with his ethical teaching epic and mythical pretending. In this paper animals playing role in Shahnameh are divided into three groups: Divinity, devilish and divinity-devilish. Their allegorical roles have been exemplified.   Manuscript profile
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        33 - A study on symbolic allegories in Marzbanname
        Masoud Pakdel Masoumeh Mirab
        one of the best parables٫ parable animal analogy is that Europeans to the fable locally and it is one of the literary species٫the fable are heroes is animal ssuggests that each represent a chass of people in society. Marzban name book of artifact prose master pieces of More
        one of the best parables٫ parable animal analogy is that Europeans to the fable locally and it is one of the literary species٫the fable are heroes is animal ssuggests that each represent a chass of people in society. Marzban name book of artifact prose master pieces of animal language and imitation of Kalila and demne written. Artistic author book٫and with wide viewing social and cultural٫he has can the heroes of the store are the same animals٫as a suitable tool for the benefit of their opinione. Reflecting on the stories seem very wise and instructive ethical issues are presented. The here is no negative point which is irritable consequences٫ can not be seem. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Study of Elements of Animal Symbolism in the Koranic in Shams' Lyrics a Prototype Perspective
        Ali safayi roghaye Aliani
        People try to use normal speeches and writings in order to express their meanings, but the normal language is not able to induce mental meanings and beyond, thus by elevating the lingual capacity they evade normality and make use of applying symbols. Accordingly, Rumi, More
        People try to use normal speeches and writings in order to express their meanings, but the normal language is not able to induce mental meanings and beyond, thus by elevating the lingual capacity they evade normality and make use of applying symbols. Accordingly, Rumi, a religious poet and intellectual, has subject matters in his mind that induces them through the eloquent mechanism of symbolism onto the audience, and since the Koranic themes flowed in the unconscious mind of Rumi, in which the variety of words and meanings Rumi used regarding traditions and the Koran represented his Islamic knowledge, therefore, symbols have consecutively maintained their religious background whereby in most cases to infer the implicit layers of a symbol one should take it into account its religious deep structure. The result of the studies shows that Rumi has utilized the Koranic predicates and traditions to process his Islamic and mystical patterns including refinement of soul, introspection, resurrection, and so on, which are composed of various layers of mental and lingual by poet in a form of concentric circles revolving around a human axis.   Manuscript profile
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        35 - Political and educational position of aquatic animals in Kalileh and Demneh
        hossein abbasnejad parvaneh Adelzadeh kamran pashayi fakhri
        Most of the stories of Kalileh and Demneh are allegorical and in the language of animals. Probably the main reason for the use of animal characters is its political, educational content. Animals, in allegorical texts by playing an allegorical and symbolic role, in addit More
        Most of the stories of Kalileh and Demneh are allegorical and in the language of animals. Probably the main reason for the use of animal characters is its political, educational content. Animals, in allegorical texts by playing an allegorical and symbolic role, in addition to causing the diversity and attractiveness of anecdotes and stories, poets and writers benefit from the approach of their allegorical role, more to achieve political, educational, moral and especially social ethics goals. They are looking. The stories of Kalileh and Demneh often reflect the pyramid of power and the advancement of moral teachings in society (India, Iran, and the Islamic world); It shows that by analyzing the text, the structure of political and educational status and its effect on individual and social behaviors can be discovered and studied. This issue has been addressed in Kalileh and Demneh. An attempt has been made to evaluate the content of several stories in terms of political dimension, education by considering managerial aspects, such as decision making, planning, organization and organizational behavior in a society or social institution. And the symbolic characters of the anecdotes are introduced by the role they play in the stories. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The relationship between the Internal Locus of Control and resilience with self-regulation in Domestic Animal Owners
        Mohammad Javad Ezzatinia Sona Esmaeili
        Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of the relationship between internal Locus of Control and resiliencewith self-regulation in Domestic Animal Owners in Tehran during 1397. Methodology: The research method was descriptive-correlational according to th More
        Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of the relationship between internal Locus of Control and resiliencewith self-regulation in Domestic Animal Owners in Tehran during 1397. Methodology: The research method was descriptive-correlational according to the purpose of the research. The statistical population consisted of all owners of pets holding in Tehran, using 257 sample sampling method as sample size. The data collection method was based on three standard questionnaires of the internal Locus of Control of Noviiki and Strickland (1973), resilienceConner and Davidson (2003) and self-regulation of Miller and Brown (1999). The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method and its value for all three questionnaires was higher than 0.7. Also, content validity was used to test the validity of the questionnaire, which for this purpose, the questionnaires were approved by the relevant experts. Data analysis was carried out through SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation test, multiple regression). Findings: The results of this study showed that there is a significant positive correlation between internal Locus of Control with self-regulating in Domestic Animal Owners. Also, there is a meaningful positive correlation between resilience with self-regulated in Domestic Animal Owners. Conclusion: The between internal Locus of Control and resilience is a meaningful self-regulating predictor of Domestic Animal Owners. Manuscript profile
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        37 - A Study on Effective Factors on Lack of Tendency of Agriculture graduate Students College to Employment and Production in Animal Husbandry Sector
        Serveh Ahmadi
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        38 - Zoomorphic Pattern Iconography in Sassanid Art
        Bahman Firouzmandi Elham Vosough Babaei
        In art of Iran, symbolic signs and mythical concepts has been an effective way to transfer rituals and religious insight of Iranian people. One of the most important and frequency symbol sign which can be seen from prehistoric to end of historic are zoomorphic pattern. More
        In art of Iran, symbolic signs and mythical concepts has been an effective way to transfer rituals and religious insight of Iranian people. One of the most important and frequency symbol sign which can be seen from prehistoric to end of historic are zoomorphic pattern. In Sassanid era, the artists were so concerned on animal motives that its reflection can be seen on Art works. So, the main aim in this article is analyzing of these designs and symbol and significant of their motives. This goal is pursued by answering the following questions: 1) what concept is reflect by each animals? 2) What relation between Sassanid Zoroastrian religions with the engravings of animals? In this representation, Archeological discovering includes relief, Metal work and textile (84 samples) were review in frequency chart and besides searching, and using the top and old textbooks of this period had been a way for getting complete result. The result show, in sassanian art like other cultures, symbol of animals has a specific meaning that the main of them have derived from the concepts of religion, mythical, astronomical and are also has been reflection of the Sassanid royal ideology. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Animal Subsistence of the Bronze Age in Tepe Taghiabad, Varamin plain, the Northern Central of Iranian Plateau
        Azadeh Ahmadipour Morteza Hessari Omid Zehtabvar
        Animal remains from Taghiabad in the Varamin plain are analyzed, conducted in 2018. This site is located north of Taghiabad and south of Ajorbast villages, Javadabad district in Varamin town. All the excavated bones are of animal origin, and no human bones have been ret More
        Animal remains from Taghiabad in the Varamin plain are analyzed, conducted in 2018. This site is located north of Taghiabad and south of Ajorbast villages, Javadabad district in Varamin town. All the excavated bones are of animal origin, and no human bones have been retrieved. This site dates back to the Iron and Bronze ages; in this study, we deal with Bronze Age. Two hills were excavated, which are referred to as Taghiabad 1 and 2. Taghiabad 1 relates to the recent and middle Bronze Ages, containing ten loci (Seven loci of the Late and three loci of the Middle Bronze Age, respectively), and Taghiabad 2 contains three loci of the Late Bronze Age. Burning and cutmarks were found on some of the bones, which cutmarks might be secondary to butchery. This study is based on field, and lab studies on animals remain retrieved from these two hills (Taghiabad 1 and Taghiabad 2). Results show that sheep, goat, cattle, gazelle, equid, deer, and canine in Taghiabad 1 and sheep, cattle, gazelle, and small carnivorous in Taghiabad 2 are the most prevalent findings. The people’s primary sources of meat supplies were sheep, goats, and cattle. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Indigenous knowledge related to Gilaki words of domestic and wild animals in Bibalan village,, Kalachai district, Gilan
        Ghassem Habibi Bibalani Fatemeh Mosazaded SayadMahaleh
        Indigenous knowledge is a piece of unwritten information between different ethnic groups that is traditionally used in that region. Part of this indigenous knowledge is related to the different uses of tribes in the use of the environment around settlements. A significa More
        Indigenous knowledge is a piece of unwritten information between different ethnic groups that is traditionally used in that region. Part of this indigenous knowledge is related to the different uses of tribes in the use of the environment around settlements. A significant part of this surrounding environment can be considered animals and birds. Since the study area is in a rural area and forest edge and with agricultural activities, different uses of domestic and wild animals and birds in it are of special importance. Therefore, in this research, three hundred and eighty seven entries were collected from specialized vocabulary related to animals, birds and hunt with different categories such as Domestic and wild animals, domestic and wild birds and hunting. By registering these specialized words, it can be prevented from being forgotten by the current generation who are not very interested in the dialect of Gilaki as a mother language and even future generations. Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Effect Different Irrigation Regimes and Animal Manure on Nutrient, Essential Oil and Chemical Composition on Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)
        A. Ahmadian A. Ghanbari M. Gholavi B. Siahsar E. Arazmjo
        To study the effects of water stress and animal manure on nutrients concentration, essential oil percentage and its chemical components in Cuminum cyminum, an experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station of Zahak, Zabol, during 2003–2004 in a rand More
        To study the effects of water stress and animal manure on nutrients concentration, essential oil percentage and its chemical components in Cuminum cyminum, an experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station of Zahak, Zabol, during 2003–2004 in a randomized complete block design arranged in factorial with four replicates. Treatments were there irrigation (I1: two times irrigation, I2: three times irrigation and I3: four times irrigation) and two animal manure levels (F1: no manure and F2: 20 ton/ha manure). The chemical composition of the essential oil was examined by gas- chromatography (GC) and GC-MS. The effect of water stress on Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P and K percentages was significant but its effect on Mn, Zn and Cu was not significant. I1F1 had maximum of Na, Ca, Mg and minimum of micro nutrients. Using of animal manure was not effected on nutrients. The effect of water stress and animal manure were significant on essential oil and its chemical compositions. I2F2 had the highest of cuminaldehyde and ρ-cymene and the lowest of β-pinene, γ-terpinene and α-pinene. Result showed that there is a correlation among the main components of cumin essential oil under water and mineral stress. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Recognition of Animal Rights in Fiqh Imamiyah with Emphasis on Alimony
        Hassan Alidadi Soleymani seyyed Mostafa Tabatabaei
        The issue of animal rights has been considered completely in the last century. Activists and animal rights movements believe that the religions –in general- have had little or no concern with animal rights issues, and that there are many protests to the religions. More
        The issue of animal rights has been considered completely in the last century. Activists and animal rights movements believe that the religions –in general- have had little or no concern with animal rights issues, and that there are many protests to the religions. The purpose of this study is to recognize the views of Islam towards this issue. This goal was carried out by examining the narrations of the Ahlul-Bayt (PBUH) and the words of the Shi'a great scholars, during which the rights of the animals were examined from the perspective of Fiqh Imamiyah on the basis of the right of alienation and presented a complete and comprehensive picture of the special interest of Islam towards it. According to this study, firstly, the religion of Islam,for all the beings of the world-according to their place in the creation-in order to attain their perfection believe in rights, and contrary to the beliefs of animal rights advocates, there are many doctrines and teachings regarding animal rights. In particular, in comparison with other religions, many of those rights have been expressed not only in the form of moral advice, but also in the form of a religious order and jurisprudence, which imply their importance and the guarantee of their performance. Secondly, Shi'a jurisprudents, in addition to acknowledging the necessity of observing the right to live animals in various ways, have also acknowledged in a variety of ways, also carefully considering their alimony, its cases, its responsibility, and how to provide and prepare it, using the great teachings of Islam, they delivered Fatwa. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Determination of arsenic in agricultural products, animal products and drinking water of rural areas of Bijar and Gharve, Kurdestan Province
        مقداد Pirsaheb عبداله Dargahi حافظ Golestanifar
           Environmental and food contamination with toxic element arsenic is one of the important issues that are threatening public health and other creatures. In this study, a total sample of 983 consisting agricultural and animal products as well as water samples More
           Environmental and food contamination with toxic element arsenic is one of the important issues that are threatening public health and other creatures. In this study, a total sample of 983 consisting agricultural and animal products as well as water samples was analyzed for arsenic contamination. According to the results, the highest concentration of arsenic (1.737 mg/l) was found in the piped water of Aliabad. Moreover, the highest level of arsenic contamination was detected in wheat obtained from Giklo and Gondak (0.14 mg/kg). Accordingly, highest arsenic level in barley, peas and lentils, was estimated in the samples of Gondak (0.11 mg/kg), Giklo (mg/kg 0.013) and Ghojagh (0.017 mg/kg), respectively. In addition, the highest mean concentration of arsenic in meat and milk samples was found in Ghojagh (0.167 mg/kg) and Gondak (0.0129 mg/l). The results revealed that the contamination level of arsenic in all crops, meat and milk samples were lower than the maximum acceptable limit adopted in many other countries. However, the concentration of arsenic in water samples was 174 times higher than the acceptable limit (0.01 mg/l) determined by the Iranian National Standard. Therefore, it is necessary to perform comprehensive studies on contaminations of water sources in this area. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Evaluation of bacterial causes of subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle of Negine sabze Makoo agro-industrial and animal husbandry complex
        mehdi shokohi changiz ahmadizadeh amir ali kaveh
        Acute clinical mastitis resulting from udder infections and reduced resistance to pathogenic organisms is an important issue in cattle production. The aim of this study was to identify the causes of subclinical mastitis as a first step in prevention of hygienic and econ More
        Acute clinical mastitis resulting from udder infections and reduced resistance to pathogenic organisms is an important issue in cattle production. The aim of this study was to identify the causes of subclinical mastitis as a first step in prevention of hygienic and economic losses. Daily milk samples were collected every morning after milking and mixed with equal volume of mastitis test reagent and the mixture was rotated in a figure of 8 fashion for a few minutes. Presence of subclinical mastitis was confirmed by clotting of this mixture. The collected samples from each milking were sent to the microbiology laboratory alongside ice for bacterial culture and antibiotic susceptibility tests. Results indicated that the highest number of isolated bacteria consisted of Corynebacteria (12.54%), Staphylococcus aureus (7.92%), Streptococcus agalactiae (4.62%), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (4.62%), Staphylococcus epidermis (3.3%), Bacillus (2.64%) and Streptomyces (1.98%). Antibiotic susceptibility test revealed the greatest susceptibility to gentamicin and resistance to penicillin indicating the presence of resistance in isolated bacteria against commonly used antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin and to some extent tetracycline but susceptibility towards the lesser used gentamicin was high. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Evaluation of polyclonal antibody production level against Listeria monocytogenes in animal model
        Yasin Bagheri Mansour Khakpour Hamid Zihag Alireza Barati
        Listeria monocytogenes is a short, gram-positive, spore-free bacillus and facultative intracellular parasite, which is transmitted through contaminated vegetables, milk, cheese and meat to humans. Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) obtained from the egg yolk of immunized hens is a More
        Listeria monocytogenes is a short, gram-positive, spore-free bacillus and facultative intracellular parasite, which is transmitted through contaminated vegetables, milk, cheese and meat to humans. Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) obtained from the egg yolk of immunized hens is a great and cheap source of polyclonal antibodies. These antibodies can be an appropriate replacement for antibodies produced in other laboratory animals. In recent years, IgY has been used widely in medical research for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. In current study, 12 Hy- line laying hens were divided into 2 groups of control (2 hens) and treatment (10 hens) and the treatment group was immunized by triple injection of Listeria monocytogenes antigens once a week. Then, after collecting the eggs and measuring total protein and yolk globulins at weeks 9,10 and 11 after the first injection, it was observed that there was no significant difference in both parameters at 9 and 10 weeks, while they showed a significant difference compared to the control group (p < /em><0.05). However, the amount of globulin and total protein of yolk in the eleventh week was significantly reduced although no significant difference was observed with the controls. Accordingly, it could be concluded that immunization of hens by antigens prepared from Listeria monocytogenes resulted in increased yolk globulin levels in the ninth and tenth weeks after injection therefore egg yolk can be used as a source for producing polyclonal antibodies against Listeria monocytogenes.          Manuscript profile
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        46 - An investigation on the reparative effects of boswellic acid on experimental spinal cord injury in a Wistar rat model
        Navid Razmian Elham Hoveizi Hadi Naddaf
        Spinal cord injuries (SCI) present significant challenges in terms of treatment, often resulting in long-term disabilities. Currently, effective therapies for these injuries are lacking, highlighting the need for innovative and efficacious treatment approaches. In recen More
        Spinal cord injuries (SCI) present significant challenges in terms of treatment, often resulting in long-term disabilities. Currently, effective therapies for these injuries are lacking, highlighting the need for innovative and efficacious treatment approaches. In recent years, natural products, including boswellic acid, have been investigated as potential therapeutic agents for various diseases. This study aimed to assess the effects of boswellic acid on spinal cord injury. Twelve male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: the control group (SCI) and the boswellic acid group (BoA), each consisting of six rats. The SCI group did not receive any treatment for 56 days following spinal cord injury induction, while the BoA group received daily oral doses of 10 mg/kg boswellic acid for the same duration. Motor recovery was evaluated using the Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan (BBB) locomotor test and spinal tissue analysis was conducted to evaluate the reparative effects of boswellic acid on the injured spinal cord. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in motor recovery in the boswellic acid-treated rats compared to the control group, as indicated by higher BBB scores (p<0.001). Histological analysis revealed notable enhancements in repair processes, including reduced lesion volume and increased myelination at the site of spinal cord injury in the BoA group compared to the SCI group (p<0.001). This study provides evidence of the reparative effects of boswellic acid on experimental spinal cord injury in the Wistar rat model, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of spinal cord trauma. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Rabies and its present situation in Iran
        M.Gh Nadalian حسن Tadjbakhsh M.R Mokhber Dezfuli Ali Rezakhani سوسن Simani محمود Bolourchi
             Rabies is a dangerous infections disease which is highly fatal and zoonotic. The disease occurs in many countries of the world and in Iran, rabies is endemic and a major public health Problem. Most warm blooded animals are susceptible to rabies. It i More
             Rabies is a dangerous infections disease which is highly fatal and zoonotic. The disease occurs in many countries of the world and in Iran, rabies is endemic and a major public health Problem. Most warm blooded animals are susceptible to rabies. It is transmitted by the bite of an infected animal to humans and other animals. The saliva of the sufferers is a rich source of rabies virus. Rabies is not seen in countries such as Scandinavia, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand which is related to their geographical situation and being surrounded by water. But in countries like the United States of America, Canada, Europe and Iran the rabies is endemic. Dogs, wild carnivores especially wolves and foxes are the main transmitters of the disease. Rabies has been known approximately from the year 2300 BC with the dog considered as the main vector. Scientists like Avicenna and Sayyed Esmail Jorjani have described rabies. Louis Pasteur presented antirabies treatment and vaccinations in 1885. The Pasteur institute of Iran opened in 1920 and today there are more than 300 antirabies treatment centers in the country involved with the treatment rabies. More than 100000 persons each year in Iran are treated for rabies due to being bitten by animals especially dogs suspected of having rabies. According to the report of the Pasteur institute of Iran, 421 Positive cases of rabies of which 3 were human cases where recorded in the year 2001. These figures for 2002 to 2004 were 356 positive cases with 6 human cases, 314 positive cares with 10 human cases and 325 positive cases with 5 human cases respectively. On average, 6 human cases of rabies were recorded each year with all leading to death. Considering the increasing trend of animal bites and the number of animals and humans affected by rabies the responsible authorities including the National Veterinary Organization, Ministry of health, municipalities, Ministry of Interior and … must present effective and practical measures for vaccination of dogs, destruction of stray dogs and control and vaccination of susceptible wild animals to rabies and they should take the matter seriously to minimize this zoonotic disease and public health and economic problem.          Manuscript profile
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        48 - Comparison of different methods for ectoparasite infestation detection in Laboratory bred animals and standardization of their health certificate
        mohammad Abdigoudarzi
        In order to study external parasites of laboratory reared animals at Razi institute, different methods including brushing of animal's surface body, cellophane tape of body surface, peri-anal cellophane tape test (CTT) and skin scrapings and digestive method were applied More
        In order to study external parasites of laboratory reared animals at Razi institute, different methods including brushing of animal's surface body, cellophane tape of body surface, peri-anal cellophane tape test (CTT) and skin scrapings and digestive method were applied and collected samples were studied. In addition, field collected rats were tested using brushing method. One mouse had been infested by some mites. Rabbits, rats, mice and guinea pigs had not been infested with external parasites. Field collected rats had been highly infested with mites from the family Laelapidae. The, brushing method was confirmed to be a useful method for mite detection. According to the methods used in this study and these recommended by SOP from international animal breeding centers the CTT method was proposed to be useful for preparing health certificate of laboratory animals at the department of laboratory animal breading at Razi institute.   Manuscript profile
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        49 - The current status of livestock tuberculosis in Iran and effective measures for its control
        M.GH Nadalian حسن Tadjbakhsh محمود Blurchi علی Rezakhani M.R Mokhber dezfuli M.H Bozorgmehri fard علی Eslami
        Tuberculosis is a zoonotic infection disease caused by Mycobacterium bacteria. The causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, is a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex which is the causative agent of human tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an i More
        Tuberculosis is a zoonotic infection disease caused by Mycobacterium bacteria. The causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, is a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex which is the causative agent of human tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an important disease of ruminants especially cattle and goats throughout the world and Iran. A part from humans and ruminants, tuberculosis also infects companion and wild animals; therefore its control is difficult. Dogs and cats are susceptible to human, bovine and avian tuberculosis bacteria and transmission of disease from dogs and cats to humans and livestock is easily accomplished. Domestic birds like the canary are also susceptible to the aforementioned bacteria and therefore have an important role in the hygienic control of humans and livestock. A part from the role of livestock and companion animals in the transmission of tuberculosis, the spread of immunosuppressive diseases like AIDS which is increasing rapidly in our country, have a major role in the outbreak of human tuberculosis. The causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) is an important source of infection and disease transmission to humans therefore the control and eradication of tuberculosis in bovine population has always been out of the priorities of the relevant tuberculosis like the Veterinary organization of our country.   ا   Manuscript profile
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        50 - The Stance of Sacrifice Rituals in the Stories of One Thousand and One Nights
        Mahdi Khalifeh Ghorbanali Ebrahimi Mehrdad Chatraei
        Sacrifice is among the oldest religious rituals that has received attention by human beings and its life can be tied to the length of human life. One Thousand and One Nights is important and necessary because it shows a deeper understanding of the human's beliefs and co More
        Sacrifice is among the oldest religious rituals that has received attention by human beings and its life can be tied to the length of human life. One Thousand and One Nights is important and necessary because it shows a deeper understanding of the human's beliefs and convictions during the past centuries. Various researches have been done about the sacrifice and its types in Persian texts. This article aims to study the types of sacrifices (especially human ones), their goals and methods in the stories of One Thousand and One Nights with a descriptive-library method with content analysis tools and also referring to scientific sources and references, journals, and databases. The results show that all kinds of sacrifices (human and animal) have been common among all religions and its purpose was to ward off calamity, fear of the wrath of the gods, legitimizing the need, a religious practice on the feasts of different religions, making aqeeqah and so on. This ritual act changed after the emergence of divine religions and human intellectual growth, and animals replaced man. It is still prevalent in various communities, especially Muslims, and is becoming something not related to killing the alive creatures. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Analysis the relationship between yield and area, animal unit and the number of exploiter in rangelands (Case Study: Isfahan Summer Range Management Plans)
        raufiraad valiollah Gh heidari Setareh Bagheri
        Abstract The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between rangeland area, the number of exploiter, and animal unit to Range Management plan. First, the list of summer range of Isfahan plans was prepared. Then, rangeland area, the rangeland yield, the n More
        Abstract The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between rangeland area, the number of exploiter, and animal unit to Range Management plan. First, the list of summer range of Isfahan plans was prepared. Then, rangeland area, the rangeland yield, the number of exploiter, and the animal unit were pulled out from the Range plans. Next, the number of existing animals in rangelands was counted. The number of samples was determined 90, among 226 Summer Range Management Plans, using Cochran's formula. Samples contain 45 plans of one exploiter and 45 plans of the group (plans which had more than one exploiter). Finally, the relationship between the rangeland area, the number of exploiter and animal unit (separately and commonly) and rangeland's yield were analyzed in both one exploiter's rangeland and group rangelands. Then, yield in two group's rangeland was compared. Also the number of existing animal and animal unit in each group (separately) were compared. Results indicated that a negative significant relationship was found between the yield and the rangeland area in both one exploiter rangelands (P≤ 0.01) and group rangelands (P≤ 0.05). A significant relationship was found between rangeland the yield and the animal unit in each two group's rangeland (P≤ 0.01). There is no significant difference (P≤0.05) between yields in two group's rangeland. Finally, a significant relation was found between the number of existing animal and animal unit in each two group's rangeland. Hence, sustainable rangeland management can be achieved by the selection of the number of animal unit based on rangelands area and yield. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Ecological investigation of changes in rangeland condition and its relationship to poisonous plants
        Kourosh Khalatbari Mohammad hasan Jouri Hamid reza Mehrabi
        Severe variations of exploitation structure in rangeland are caused to shakeup of plants vegetation in which invasion of poisonous plants in bare areas is a symbol of this deviation. Inkling of the rangeland condition’s values is brought about accurate decision to More
        Severe variations of exploitation structure in rangeland are caused to shakeup of plants vegetation in which invasion of poisonous plants in bare areas is a symbol of this deviation. Inkling of the rangeland condition’s values is brought about accurate decision to exploitation management in the rangeland. In order to investigating of this diversity processes, rangelands of Javaherdeh (Ramsar) under three treatments, include long term exclosure (30 years), short term exclosure (7 years), and grazing area, were selected. Collecting of species was done by patrolling in the sites and recognition of plants was also done by reliable references. Some plots are laid fortuitously down in order to determine the rangeland trend and condition which are settled by Trend Balance and six-factor methods. With a view to determine the utilision rate of poisonous plants by animal, Bit-count method was employed. Results showed that there are 133 species from 19 families and 56 genera in the study area. There are also 39 toxic plants in good (long-term exclosure), fair (7 years exclosure), and poor conditions (grazing area). 46 species are used by animal that 15 species of them were venomous plants. The study of rangeland condition trends, therefore, is shown that because of overgrazing or long term grazing, invader species, include unpalatable and toxic plants, occupy the land where palatable-endemic species depopulate it. Some poisonous species, however, exist in their own ecologic niches that occupy the bare land when there is not any palatable species. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Response of nitrogen physiological efficiency of safflower to animal and chemical fertilizers in Kashan region
        Mohammad Mirzakhani Marjan Ghanbari Kashan Sid Amir Farid Hashemi
        In order to study the response of nitrogen physiological efficiency of safflower to animal and chemical fertilizers in Kashan region, this study was carried out in 2014. A factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design with three replications More
        In order to study the response of nitrogen physiological efficiency of safflower to animal and chemical fertilizers in Kashan region, this study was carried out in 2014. A factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Chemical fertilizer treatment (F1= Control, F2= 50 kg ha-1 of nitrogen + 25 kg ha-1 of P2O5, F3= 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen + 50 kg ha-1 of P2O5, F4= 150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen + 75 kg ha-1 of P2O5) and animal manure treatment (M1= Control, M2= 20 ton ha-1, M3= 40 ton ha-1) were assigned in plots. Each plot consisted of 4 rows, 5 m long with 50 cm between rows space and 5 cm between plants on the row was used. Stem height, number of boll per m2, harvest index, oil yield, weight of boll, protein yield, phosphorus percentage, nitrogen absorption amount, nitrogen superficial recovery, nitrogen physiologic efficiency, and phosphorus use efficiency were assessed. Results indicated that the interaction effects of chemical fertilizer and animal manure on the characteristics such as oil yield, weight of boll, protein yield, phosphorus percent, nitrogen absorption amount, nitrogen appear recovery, nitrogen physiologic efficiency, and phosphorus use efficiency were significant. The maximum and minimum oil yield (254.3 and 75.33 kg ha-1) were obtained with the treatment (150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen + 75 kg ha-1 of P2O5 + 20 ton ha-1 of animal manure) and (no application of the chemical and animal manure),respectively. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Investigating how the myth of the sun affects the animals associated with this myth in ancient Iran
        masoomeh rahnama haratbar mohammad karim yosef jamali Feyzollah Boushasb gousheh Ahmad Kamranifar
        In this research,how the myth of the sun affects the animals related to this myth in the period of ancient iran is investigated.The main question that has been raised and studied in this regard is how the myth of the sun has affected the animals related to this myth and More
        In this research,how the myth of the sun affects the animals related to this myth in the period of ancient iran is investigated.The main question that has been raised and studied in this regard is how the myth of the sun has affected the animals related to this myth and what factors have been involved in this matter?This article is a historical research and the method of collecting data is library and the method of compiling and writing is a descriptive-analytical.The results show that the myth of the sun is a symbol of the sun is a symbol of kingship and the animals associated whit this myth also show that power and kingship and a clear victory over darkneaa and light and life is the basis of the sun,which along with different religions of ancient iran.It plays an important role in determining the effect of the myth of the sun on solar and royal animals. Manuscript profile
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        55 - The symbolization of animals in Balochi allegories and idioms
        Abdolghafur Jahandide
        Animals play a very significant role in traditional and rural life, as they have in language and literature. From all variety of folk literature, the animals are reflected in most proverbs, many of their behaviors and characteristics have become symbolic. Symbols are im More
        Animals play a very significant role in traditional and rural life, as they have in language and literature. From all variety of folk literature, the animals are reflected in most proverbs, many of their behaviors and characteristics have become symbolic. Symbols are important elements in social relations and in transferring of concepts. In this article, we examined the symbolic features of 55 animals in Balochi expressions. These animals consist of (11 cases) pet animals, (16 cases) wild animals, (13 cases) birds, (5 cases) marine animals, and (10 cases) insects. The number of proverbs, idioms, and independent Balochi words is related to the subjects reaching up to 290. The main purpose of this study is to show how the animals symbolized in Balochi proverbs. Some of these symbols are applicable to similar subjects in Persian language and literature. This research is novel of title and theme in Balochi. In this research, the analytical method has been used and the proverbs and idioms are collected in field-search method. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Investigating the role of animals in the common proverbs of Rostam city
        Gholamali Mohammadi Atamohammad Radmanesh Mahboubeh Khorasani
        The folk literature of every nation and region, including poetry and prose, and oral literature, reflects and expresses thought, belief, customs, behavior, cultural and social relations, and the way of life. Among the proverbs of Rostam city, animals play a significant More
        The folk literature of every nation and region, including poetry and prose, and oral literature, reflects and expresses thought, belief, customs, behavior, cultural and social relations, and the way of life. Among the proverbs of Rostam city, animals play a significant role. According to the studies, one-seventh of the proverbs are dedicated to animals. These animals, divided into domestic and wild, are animals closely related to the lives of the people of this land. Looking at the animal community in these parables is in fact the sociology of humans. Some of the animal's behavior, movements, and temperament are reflected in humans, which provides a parable based on allegory, metaphor, or irony. The animals with which man is most associated in daily life have more proverbs in his dignity and the reflection of his behavior is more dramatic. The animal that offers the most services is a human with a positive role, and the one that threatens life is a person with a negative role. A description of an animal in a proverb is in fact an expression of the characteristic of the person who is characterized by it. All this, like the dignity of animals, with their application in the culture of the people of this city, is nothing but education, growth and training, which emphasizes the important role of humanization to create a healthy society. Manuscript profile
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        57 - A Study the names of Animals in Laki proverbs
        Yosof Ali Beiranvand Ghasem Sahrai
        Proverbs are short and pithy sentences which have abundant uses and are used by people to persuade each other. Each of the Iranian tribes has themselves proverbs, they have made them for their relationship with each other and sometimes with their nature. Among the peopl More
        Proverbs are short and pithy sentences which have abundant uses and are used by people to persuade each other. Each of the Iranian tribes has themselves proverbs, they have made them for their relationship with each other and sometimes with their nature. Among the people of Lak, like other people, there are proverbs. The Lak is one of the Iranian tribes that live in provinces such as Lorestan, Ilam, Kermanshah, Hamedan and so on. The people of Lak speak the Lak language, which is one of the surviving languages of the Pahlavi language. The names of Animals are prominent in the proverbs of this language. This subject can indicate who they live in the mountains and relationship with animals. In this research, we have tried to study the names of animals in Laki proverbs by descriptive-analytical and field methods. So first we have written phonetics them, then translated them to Persian language and examined the position of their use. Finally, we have given equivalent proverbs that existed in Persian or other types of Iranian languages.   Manuscript profile
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        58 - The Investigation of Linguistic Images of Varaki Variety regarding the Ecolinguistics
        Zahra Hosseini Raha Zareifard
        Ecolinguistics is an interdisciplinary approach attracted the attention of many researchers in different fields. The environmental elements represented in everyday language, idioms and proverbs of different varieties. This article aims at investigating the ecological im More
        Ecolinguistics is an interdisciplinary approach attracted the attention of many researchers in different fields. The environmental elements represented in everyday language, idioms and proverbs of different varieties. This article aims at investigating the ecological images in, idioms and proverbs of Varaki Variety. The data gathered from 8 informants (4 men and 4 women) between 38 to 80 years old. After gathering data, data transcribed, and then analyzed by ecolinguistic approach. Linguistic images include similie, metonymy, irony and proverbs. For revealing these images, animals and plants play important role. The characteristics of animals are more frequent than plants. The images of animals include animal appearance and behavior. Animal images include animals such as sheep, donkey, cow, calf, dog, goat, bear, hog, wolf, hen, ram, cat, camel and insects. Physical characteristics include fatness, thinness, weakness, ugliness and beauty. Behavioral characteristics include fast, slow, anger isolation, persistence, ignorance, and insidious ones. Manuscript profile
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        59 - The role and status of snake in Animal-Wife Stories
        Ali Heydari mousa Sabzi
        One of the prominent actions occurring in many fairy tales is the ritual and symbolic marriage of princesses. In some of these stories, contrary to the norm, we face Animal-wife, among which one of the most famous is snake. In the course of history, in Aryan as well as More
        One of the prominent actions occurring in many fairy tales is the ritual and symbolic marriage of princesses. In some of these stories, contrary to the norm, we face Animal-wife, among which one of the most famous is snake. In the course of history, in Aryan as well as global culture, snake has played various and sometimes contradictory roles, at one time attaining a divine status and at another time behaving as an evil. It seems that snake, for various reasons, is one of the most ancient animal of bridegrooms; other birds and animals like frog, bear, swan have assumed this role at the later stages. The influence of the Abrahamic religions on the degradation of the snake is significant. In folk tales, marrying a snake could have different reasons which are historically justified. In addition to the common motives for animal-bridegroom tales, the main reasons for the emergence of snake-wife stories are the antiquity, holiness, and symbolic fertility of the snake wife. In tale symbolism, the snake has both female and male sexual symbol. That is why sometimes the snake is the bride and sometimes is the groom. The presence of this beautiful animal in the tales as a wife who continues to transform into a human being, can dispel the child's fear of a marriage from which those persons around him have made a taboo. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Investigating the poems of agriculture and animal ranching in Lorestan
        Arash Amraei Ali Bazvand
        Work is the foundation of life in rural and agricultural communities. Villagers or nomads begin their labor early in the morning and work until late at night. They spend their whole lives for work, and producing. As a result, leisure and vacation are uncommon in such so More
        Work is the foundation of life in rural and agricultural communities. Villagers or nomads begin their labor early in the morning and work until late at night. They spend their whole lives for work, and producing. As a result, leisure and vacation are uncommon in such societies. Existing a continuous link between labor and effort in these people's life is a clear and convincing motivation for them to whisper lyrics and poems throughout their long and laborious hard work. By doing so, they can either enjoy their work or motivate others to accomplish their task. Although these lyrics or poems are present in all aspects of these people's lives, the lyrics and songs concerning farming have a particular atmosphere. Because farming and animal ranching has always been the primary activities of the people in Lorestan, they make specific lyrics for each aspect of these ones. The majority of these lyrics and poems are about asking God to produce more crops, thanking God for the harvests, and boosting assurance to keep working. In this paper, in addition to describing the various aspects of these work songs, examples of them will be provided; so that the reader got more informed about their contents. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Ecofriendly synthesis of biscoumarin derivatives catalyzed by EDTA-modified magnetic animal bone meal nanoparticles in water
        Ahmad Reza Momeni Sadegh Bakhtiar
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        62 - اثر مکمل پروتئین جیره بر خواص انعقادی شیر گوسفند
        M.R. Yossifov
        هدف این آزمایش بررسی اثرات مکمل پروتئین در جیره غذایی میش‌های شیرده بر خواص انعقادی شیر بودند. نمونه شیر (126N=) برای ارزیابی منبع تغییرات برای توانایی مایه انعقاد در ساعت ششم (RCA6) و ساعت دوازدهم (RCA12)، زمان لخته شدن شیر (MCT) و شاخص زمان لخته شدن شیر (IMCT) آنالیز More
        هدف این آزمایش بررسی اثرات مکمل پروتئین در جیره غذایی میش‌های شیرده بر خواص انعقادی شیر بودند. نمونه شیر (126N=) برای ارزیابی منبع تغییرات برای توانایی مایه انعقاد در ساعت ششم (RCA6) و ساعت دوازدهم (RCA12)، زمان لخته شدن شیر (MCT) و شاخص زمان لخته شدن شیر (IMCT) آنالیز شدند. همچنین، داده‌ها برای تعیین تأثیر منبع پروتئین در جیره غذایی (کنجاله آفتابگردان (SFM) در مقابل کنجاله کلزا (RSM)) و روز شیرده (27، 35، 42، 49، 56، 63 و 70) بر RCA6، RCA12 و MCT مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. هجده گوسفند شیری در اوایل شیردهی (10-4 هفته) از جمعیت مصنوعی شیری نژاد بلغاری (SBDP) به دو گروه تیماری (9 رأس برای هر جیره) ایزونیتروژن (درصد 18=پروتئین خام، بر اساس ماده خشک (DM)) فرموله شده حاوی مقدار مساوی از فیبر، انرژی، پروتئین قابل هضم در روده کوچک (PDI) و نسبت کلسیم:فسفر اختصاص داده شد. نرخ MCT از زمان اضافه کردن مایه تا شروع ژل مایه اندازه‌گیری شد. ارزش RCA بر اساس مقیاس ویژگی لخته (نمره 3-1) اندازه‌گیری شد. نتایج اثر معنی‌دار (05/0P<) مکمل (RSM در مقابل SFM) در RCA6 و تمایل در 10/0P=) RCA12 نشان داد. اثر بر MCT و IMCT نیز چنین گرایشی (11/0P=) را نشان داد. همبستگی مورد مطالعه بین RCA6، RCA12 و ارزش MCT به مکمل جیره غذایی در مراحل مختلف دوره شیردهی (روز) هیچ روابط قوی را نشان نداد، اما جهت و نقاط قوت دائمی در طول دوره مورد بررسی بوده است. می‌توان نتیجه گرفت که پارامترهای مورد بررسی (RCA6، RCA12، MCT و IMCT) توسط منبع پروتئین در جیره غذایی (SFM در مقابل RSM) در رابطه با لخته محکم‌تر (RCA6 و RCA12) و MCT کوتاه‌تر برای شیر جمع‌آوری شده از میش‌های تغذیه شده با SFM مقابل RSM اثرگذار است. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Estimation of Optimum Utilization of Ruminant Feed Resources on Tropical Dry-Land during Dry and Rainy Seasons
        E. Handayanta I. Subagiyo H. Hartutik K. Kusmartono F.A. Steenstra S.J. Oosting
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        64 - Intensive Artificial Selection Jeopardizes Animals, Well-Being: A Short Review
        F. Pazhoohi
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        65 - رابطه رشد گوسفندان پشمی آمیخته با برخی از سنجه‌های حیاتی
        سی.آ. اُردونز-گومز
        با هدف مطالعه رابطه بین رشد گوسفندان پشمی آمیخته با برخی از سنجه­های حیاتی، رکوردهای توزین 18 ماده آمیخته با میانگین وزن 14/3 ± 7/14 کیلوگرم آنالیز گردیدند. علاوه بر وزن، محیط سینه، محیط ساق، طول بدن، طول گردن، بزرگی استخوان هیپ، بزرگی استخوان ایسشیال، ارتفاع More
        با هدف مطالعه رابطه بین رشد گوسفندان پشمی آمیخته با برخی از سنجه­های حیاتی، رکوردهای توزین 18 ماده آمیخته با میانگین وزن 14/3 ± 7/14 کیلوگرم آنالیز گردیدند. علاوه بر وزن، محیط سینه، محیط ساق، طول بدن، طول گردن، بزرگی استخوان هیپ، بزرگی استخوان ایسشیال، ارتفاع جدوگاه و ارتفاع جناق اندازه­گیری شد. همه اندازه­گیری­ها در مقیاس سانتی­متر انجام شد. 60 روز پس از وزن­کشی و اندازه­گیری سنجه­های حیاتی، حیوانات مجدداً توزین شده و میانگین افزایش وزن روزانه آنها برآورد گردید. ضرایب همبستگی وزن بدن اولیه با سنجه­های حیاتی بالا بود (7/0<r) و بالاترین میانگین افزایش وزن روزانه در صفت محیط سینه (34/0=r) و طول بدن (34/0=r) مشاهده شده و در سایر متغیرها ضرایب همبستگی زیر 3/0 بودند. بر مبنای معیار اطلاعات آکایک، بهترین مدل برازش یافته برای توصیف رشد عبارت بود از: ارتفاع جناق (ALG) × 3/3 - بزرگی هیپ (AC) × 6/5 + طول بدن (LCO) × 4/5 + محیط ساق (PC) × 4/44 - محیط سینه (PT) × 3/3 = میانگین افزای وزن روزانه بر حسب گرم در روز (ADG) (92/0=R2، 8/96=معیار اطلاعات آکایک (AIC)، 05/0>P). سنجه­های حیاتی با رشد در ارتباط بوده و این موضوع نشان می­­دهد که این سنجه­ها می­توانند ابزاری برای کسب اطلاع از پتانسیل رشد بره­های آمیخته باشند. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Vicia variabilis a Nutritive Feed for Domesticated Animals: A Survey about Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity
        M. Mosaddegh M. Hamzeloo Moghadam F. Naghibi S. Mohebby A. Pirani B. Eslami
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        67 - اندازه‪گیری خصوصیات مورفومتریکی پستان در نژادهای گوسفند دورگ و خالص
        س. صادقی س. ع. رافت غ. مقدم ح. جانمحمدی
        تکنیک پردازش تصویر برای مقایسه خصوصیات مورفومتریکی پستان در دو جمعیت از گوسفندان دورگ شامل: قزل-آرخارمرینوس و مغانی-آرخارمرینوس و یک جمعیت از گوسفندان خالص قزل مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. بعلاوه، نتایج به دست آمده از اندازه­‪گیری­های مورفومتریکری پستان به عنوان متغی More
        تکنیک پردازش تصویر برای مقایسه خصوصیات مورفومتریکی پستان در دو جمعیت از گوسفندان دورگ شامل: قزل-آرخارمرینوس و مغانی-آرخارمرینوس و یک جمعیت از گوسفندان خالص قزل مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. بعلاوه، نتایج به دست آمده از اندازه­‪گیری­های مورفومتریکری پستان به عنوان متغیرهای مستقل در برآورد تولید شیر روزانه در مدل‪های رگرسیونی مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. ارتفاع پستان در گوسفندان قزل بیشتر از دورگ­های قزل-آرخارمرینوس و مغانی-آرخارمرینوس بود. ارتفاع مخزن چپ و راست پستان در گوسفندان مغانی-آرخارمرینوس نسبت به سایر گروه­های نامتعادل‪تر بود. برای پیش‪بینی تولید شیر روزانه در گوسفندان قزل، زاویه بین سرپستانک‪ها، طول اتصال پستان، زاویه سرپستانک راست از محور قائم و فاصله عقب سرپستانک نسبت به سایر صفات مورفومتریکی پستان از اهمیت بیشتری برخوردار بودند. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که پردازش تصاویر دیجیتالی می­تواند به عنوان یک ابزار جایگزین برای شناسایی صفات بیومترک استفاده شود و صحت مشاهدات و اندازه‪گیری‪های مورفومتریک را روی حیوانات اهلی نسبت به روش‪های مرسوم بهبود ببخشد. Manuscript profile
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        68 - پاسخ جوجه‌های گوشتی نوین به افزودن پودر دارچین در جیره
        ک. شیرزادگان
        هدف این مقاله مطالعه پاسخ‌های عملکرد تولیدی، خصوصیات لاشه و اجزای پلاسمایی جوجه‌های گوشتی امروزی به افزودن پودر دارچین (CP) در جیره بود. جوجه‌های گوشتی سویه تجاری (راس 308) از 1 تا 42 روزگی مورد آزمون قرار گرفتند. این مطالعه در قالب یک طرح کاملا" تصادفی با 5 تیمار و 4 ت More
        هدف این مقاله مطالعه پاسخ‌های عملکرد تولیدی، خصوصیات لاشه و اجزای پلاسمایی جوجه‌های گوشتی امروزی به افزودن پودر دارچین (CP) در جیره بود. جوجه‌های گوشتی سویه تجاری (راس 308) از 1 تا 42 روزگی مورد آزمون قرار گرفتند. این مطالعه در قالب یک طرح کاملا" تصادفی با 5 تیمار و 4 تکرار (15 جوجه در هر پن) شامل: 1) جیره شاهد (جیره پایه)، 2) جیره پایه بعلاوه 25/0 درصد CP، 3) جیره پایه بعلاوه 5/0 درصد CP، 4) جیره پایه بعلاوه 75/0 درصد CP، 5) جیره پایه بعلاوه 1 درصد CP انجام گرفت. افزودن CP به جیره جوجه‌های گوشتی هیچ اثر معنی‌داری (05/0P>) روی کلسترول، تری‌گلیسرید، لیپوپروتئین با دانسیته پائین (LDL)، وزن‌های چربی محوطه بطنی، سنگدان، قلب و درصد پروتئین سینه نداشت. همچنین افزودن CP اثر معنی‌داری (05/0P<) را روی وزن نهایی بدن، افزایش وزن بدن، مصرف خوراک، ضریب تبدیل خوراک (FCR)، وزن کبد، میزان گلوکز، تیوباربیتوریک اسید (TBA) و درصد چربی عضله سینه جوجه‌های گوشتی نداشت. بیشترین (05/0P<) FCR و افزایش وزن بدن در انتهای دوره آزمایش با جیره 3 مشاهده شد. به طور کلی، افزودن CP به جیره جوجه‌های گوشتی موجب بهبود وزن بدن و کاهش TBA، گلوکز، LDL و وزن برخی از اندام‌های داخلی گشت. با توجه به نتایج اشاره شده در فوق، استفاده از پودر دارچین به عنوان یکی از اجزای خوراکی در جیره جوجه‌های گوشتی می‌تواند پیشنهاد گردد. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Welfare Assessment in Tunisian Dairy Herds by Animal-Linked Parameters and Performance Efficiency
        M. Mhamdi C. Darej M. Bouallegue S. Kaur Brar M. Ben Hamouda
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        70 - کاربرد ایزوتوپ پایدار در علم تغذیه حیوانات
        و. جعفری م. جعفری ل. روسی ا. کالیتزا م.ل. کوستانتینی
        کاربرد نتایج حاصل از آنالیز ایزوتوپ­های پایدار (SIA) در تحقیقات کشاورزی، اکولوژی و به طور کلی در برخی رشته­ها مانند زیست­شناسی، گیاه­شناسی، جانورشناسی، شیمی آلی، اقلیم شناسی و تغذیه، به یک رویکرد علمی استاندارد تبدیل شده است. اهداف اصلی این مقاله عبارتند More
        کاربرد نتایج حاصل از آنالیز ایزوتوپ­های پایدار (SIA) در تحقیقات کشاورزی، اکولوژی و به طور کلی در برخی رشته­ها مانند زیست­شناسی، گیاه­شناسی، جانورشناسی، شیمی آلی، اقلیم شناسی و تغذیه، به یک رویکرد علمی استاندارد تبدیل شده است. اهداف اصلی این مقاله عبارتند از: (١) ارائه یک تعریف ساده از ایزوتوپ­های پایدار و (٢) بیان روش­های اندازه­گیری تحلیلی و کاربردهای عمومی ایزوتوپ­های پایدار در تغذیه حیوانات. ایزوتوپ­های پایدار کربن (13Cδ) و نیتروژن (15Nδ) ابزارهای قدرتمندی برای ارزیابی اولویت تغذیه­ای موجودات و جایگاه تغذیه­ای آنها هستند. همچنین ایزوتوپ­های پایدار در ارتباط با مدل­های مخلوط بایزین (Bayesian Stable Isotope Mixing Models)، توضیح ارتباطات تغذیه­ای بین گونه­ها و سپس شبکه­های غذایی پیچیده را ممکن می­سازند. داده­های ایزوتوپ پایدار باید با داده­های رژیم­های غذایی مرتبط با رفتارهای تغذیه­ای تکمیل شوند تا قادر به ارائه اطلاعات دقیق انتقال انرژی یا مواد مغذی باشند. امروزه، آنالیز ایزوتوپ­های پایدار جهت پرداختن به رژیم­های غذایی حیوانات و انسان در سراسر جهان مورد استفاده قرار می­گیرد. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Insights of Herbal Supplements during Transition Period in Dairy Animals: An Updated Review
        K.R. Sriranga A.K. Singh K.R. Harini A. Kumar I. Mukherjee A.B. Durge K.P. Mohanta
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        72 - گیاهان دارویی و مکمل‌های آنها: روشی نوین در تغذیه جانوران
        ن. بهات
        دام­های اهلی یکی از مؤلفه­های اساسی در بخش کشاورزی بوده و تأثیر مهمی بر اقتصاد ملی دارند. یکی از عوامل اقتصادی برای تقویت تولید، جلوگیری و درمان بیماری­ها در جانوران است که در عین حال چالشی بزرگ بر سر راه متخصصین تغذیه دام نیز محسوب می­گردد. برای به دست More
        دام­های اهلی یکی از مؤلفه­های اساسی در بخش کشاورزی بوده و تأثیر مهمی بر اقتصاد ملی دارند. یکی از عوامل اقتصادی برای تقویت تولید، جلوگیری و درمان بیماری­ها در جانوران است که در عین حال چالشی بزرگ بر سر راه متخصصین تغذیه دام نیز محسوب می­گردد. برای به دست آوردن تولیدات حیوانی سالم باید حیوانات مزرعه­ای نیز سالم نگهداری شوند. استفاده از ترکیبات طبیعی نظیر گیاهان دارویی، عصاره­های آنها و سایر فرآورده­های گیاهی جهت تقویت سلامت حیوانات و کسب رضایت­مندی مصرف کنندگان، در مقایسه با ترکیبات شیمیایی ارجحیت دارند. علاوه بر این افزودنی­های خوراکی گیاهان دارویی می­توانند به عنوان دارو (گیاهان دارویی خام خشک شده که کاملاً خرد و ریز شده­اند)، عصاره‌های گیاهی و جدایه­های دارویی (نظیر روغن­های ضروری) مورد استفاده قرار گیرند. داروهای گیاهی شامل گیاه کامل یا شکل بریده و خشک شده بخش­هایی از یک گیاه، جلبک، قارچ یا گلسنگ بوده که برای خصوصیات درمانی­اش مورد استفاده قرار می­گیرد. گیاهان دارویی سبب ایجاد یا تقویت طعم­هایی در خوراک حیوانات می­شوند و بنابراین می‌توانند بر الگوهای خوردن، ترشح مایعات گوارشی و مصرف کل خوراک تأثیر بگذارند. نقطه اصلی فعالیت نیز دستگاه گوارش حیوان است. به دلیل وجود انواع مختلفی از ترکیبات فعال، گیاهان دارویی و ادویه­جات مختلف، تأثیرات متفاوتی بر فرآیند هضم دارند. گیاهان دارویی، ادویه­جات و مخلوط­های آنها اغلب به عنوان مواد ضد التهابی شناخته شده و نقش آنتی اکسیدانی نیز ایفا می­کنند. چندین آزمایش برون­تنی نشان داده­اند که عصاره­های گیاهی معین فعالیت آنتی میکروبی قوی بر علیه باکتری­های گرم منفی و گرم مثبت دارند. گیاهان دارویی و فرآورده­های آنها تأثیر مثبتی بر مصرف خوراک، رشد و تولید گوشت، شیر و تخم مرغ دارند. علاوه بر این منجر به تقویت کیفیت و پایداری محصولات حیوانی نیز می­شوند. Manuscript profile
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        73 - رشته‌های هموزایگوت روشی برای شناسایی همخونی در حیوانات مزرعه‌ای
        م. نصرتی
        افت ناشی از همخونی، پدیده‌ای مضر در حیوانات اهلی است که ناشی از پرورش خویشاوندی است. پرورش خویشاوندی تلاقی‌های متوالی بین دو فرد است که رابطه خویشی آنها بیش از میانگین جامعه است و منجر به کاهش شایستگی فرزندان و تنوع ژنتیکی در جامعه می‌شود. گسترش آرایه‌های جهش تک نوکلئوت More
        افت ناشی از همخونی، پدیده‌ای مضر در حیوانات اهلی است که ناشی از پرورش خویشاوندی است. پرورش خویشاوندی تلاقی‌های متوالی بین دو فرد است که رابطه خویشی آنها بیش از میانگین جامعه است و منجر به کاهش شایستگی فرزندان و تنوع ژنتیکی در جامعه می‌شود. گسترش آرایه‌های جهش تک نوکلئوتیدی متراکم اندازه‌گیری همخونی را با داده‌های مولکولی از طریق محاسبه اتوزایگوسیتی در ژنوم افراد آسان ساخته است. اتوزایگوسیتی به قطعه کروموزمی اتلاق می‌شود که یکسان اجدادی باشد و می‌تواند از طریق رشته‌های هموزیگوت اندازه‌گیری شود. بنابراین ROH مناطق هموزایگوت بهم پیوسته‌ای است که دو هاپلوتیپ به ارث رسیده از والدین در آن محل یکسان اجدادی‌اند. طول و فراوانی ROH می‌تواند تاریخچه، گلوگاه ژنتیکی و نشانه‌های انتخاب را در جامعه تعیین کند. ضریب خویشاوندی نیز می‌تواند از طریق ROH تعیین شود (FROH)، که در قالب کل طول ROH به طول ژنوم تعریف می‌شود. مطالعات زیادی سطح همخونی را از طریق FROH در گاو، خوک، گوسفند، مرغ و سایر حیوانات مزرعه‌ای از طرق آرایه‌های جهش تک نوکلئوتیدی بدست آورده‌اند. در بیشتر این مطالعات صحت و دقت FROH در مقایسه با FPED تأیید شده است. برخی افت ناشی از همخونی را با FROH برآورد کرده‌اند و برخی ارتباط بین محل ROH را با موقعیت QTL‌ها و ژنها ارزیابی کرده‌اند. این مطالعات نشان دادند که سطح همخونی در جمعیت‌های خوکی و گاوی بسیار بیشتر از انسان است. اگر‌چه بیشتر تحقیقات نتیجه گرفتند که FROH می‌تواند همخونی را به دقت اندازه‌گیری کند و در هنگام عدم دسترسی به شجره مفید باشد. اما نگرانی‌های در رابطه با تراکم پانل‌ها، خطای تعیین ژنوتیپ و عدم شناسایی هتروزیگوسیتی در درون ROH بهم پیوسته که تعیین و تشخیص ROH را دشوار می‌کند وجود دارد. این مقاله به تعریف ROH و بحث در مورد جزئیات آن در انسان و حیوانات اهلی می‌پردازد. Manuscript profile
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        74 - امکان‌سنجی تشخیص اولیه بیماری ورم پستان در دام‌های شیری با استفاده از پردازش نقشه های گرمایی
        م.ر. گلزاریان ح. سلطانعلی ا. دوستی ایرانی س.ه. ابراهیمی
        بیماری ورم پستان دام به ­عنوان یکی از شایع­ترین بیماری­ها در واحدهای پرورش گاو شیری مطرح می­باشد که از یکسو سلامتی دام­ها را تحت شعاع قرار داده و از سوی دیگر منجر به کاهش پویایی تولید محصولات لبنی شده است. از این ­رو هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تشخیص More
        بیماری ورم پستان دام به ­عنوان یکی از شایع­ترین بیماری­ها در واحدهای پرورش گاو شیری مطرح می­باشد که از یکسو سلامتی دام­ها را تحت شعاع قرار داده و از سوی دیگر منجر به کاهش پویایی تولید محصولات لبنی شده است. از این ­رو هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تشخیص بیماری ورم پستان در گاوهای شیری با نژاد هلشتاین با استفاده از پردازش تصاویر گرمایی بود. به­ منظور قابلیت تفکیک‌پذیری دام­ها و مقایسه بهتر نتایج حاصل از نقشه­های گرمایی، فاکتورهای چون میزان شیردهی، تعداد سلول­های سوماتیک و نیز تست ورم پستان کالیفرنیایی به عنوان مرجع آزمایش در نظر گرفته شدند. نتایج حاصل از روش همبستگی اسپیرمن نشان داد که یک رابطه معکوسی (97/0R=) بین سلول­های سوماتیک و مقادیر شیر ثبت شده وجود دارد. نتایج قابلیت تشخیص بیماری با کمک پردازش نقشه­های گرمایی حاکی از آن بود که میانگین اختلافات دمایی بین بافت سالم و غیرسالم در پستان دام­ها برابر 44/0 درجه سانتی­گراد بوده است. به ­عبارتی دقت تشخیص این روش برابر 3/57 درصد به دست آمد. به منظور نتایج بهتر حاصل از روش پردازش تصاویر گرمایی، مدیریت پارامترهایی چون کنترل اثرات منفی تابش نور، عدم وجود مو و کرک در ناحیه پستان دام، کنترل دما در ناحیه اتصال پستان با پای دام و مدیریت زایدات پوست، در مطالعات آتی پیشنهاد گردید. Manuscript profile
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        75 - یک ایده جدید در علوم دامی: نخستین کاربرد مدل AHP در انتخاب بهترین گاو شیری
        س. علی‌تنه ح. نعیمی پور م. گل شیخی
        سیستمهای پرورش گاو شیری در سراسر جهان با توجه به امکانات و همکاری دیگر بخش‌های مرتبط، در نهایت سعی دارند تا با رفع صحیح مسائل و مشکلات این بخش، انتظارات گسترده و رو به رشد را برآورده نمایند. اما در این خصوص تنوع و تعدد مسائل، مشکلات و از سویی دیگر، به علت وجود محدودیت‌ه More
        سیستمهای پرورش گاو شیری در سراسر جهان با توجه به امکانات و همکاری دیگر بخش‌های مرتبط، در نهایت سعی دارند تا با رفع صحیح مسائل و مشکلات این بخش، انتظارات گسترده و رو به رشد را برآورده نمایند. اما در این خصوص تنوع و تعدد مسائل، مشکلات و از سویی دیگر، به علت وجود محدودیت‌های فراوانی نظیر محدودیت‌های زمانی، نیروی انسانی، منابع مالی و غیره قادر به پاسخگویی کامل و همه جانبه نمی باشند. لذا ضرورت بهینه‌سازی توان پاسخگویی سیستم‌های پرورشی از طریق اولویت‌بندی معیارها و برنامه‌ها به عنوان یک چالش جدی و اساسی همواره پیش روی متخصصین و پرورش دهندگان قرار دارد. در این مقاله به معرفی فرآیند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (ahp) به عنوان یکی از روش‌های مشهور تصمیم‌گیری چند شاخصه و نیز چگونگی ترکیب شاخص‌های کمی و کیفی در اولویت‌بندی انتخاب گاوشیری مورد نظر پرداخته شد. این مقاله برای نخستین بار در جهان از طریق مدل ahp و نرم افزار Expert Choice در گاو شیری استفاده گردید. در این مقاله از نظرات کارشناسان برای انتخاب بهترین گاوشیری از میان 10 گاوشیری هلشتاین مورد مطالعه و براساس اهمیت آنها استفاده گردید. گاوهای شیری در این تحقیق همگی 4ساله، دو دوره شیردهی کامل 305 روز و در سومین دوره شیردهی بودند. سپس پرسشنامه‌های کارشناسان جمع‌آوری و به وسیله نرم افزارExpert Choice11.1  آنالیز گردید. در پایان نیز، یک آنالیز حساسیت برای بررسی حساسیت نهایی تصمیمات در قضاوت صورت گرفت. بر اساس نتایج حاصله شاخص‌های میزان تولید شیر، درصد چربی شیر، درصد پروتئین شیر، تعداد سلول‌های سوماتیک شیر و وزن بدن حیوان به ترتیب، با ضرایب اهمیت 437/0، 234/0، 134/0، 090/0 و 104/0 اولویت‌های مدنظر کارشناسان را تشکیل دادند. به علاوه، در این مقاله، با استفاده از نظر متخصصین، انتخاب بهترین گاو شیری از بین 10 گاو شیری مورد بررسی، اولویت‌بندی بر اساس گاوی با ویژگی‌های تولید شیر بالا، درصد چربی شیر مناسب، درصد پروتئین شیر مناسب، تعداد سلول‌های سوماتیک پایین و وزن مناسب بدن تعیین شدند. که به ترتیب، گاوهای A(099/0)، B(101/0)، C(098/0)، D(096/0)، E(095/0)، F(102/0)، G(120/0)، H(073/0)، I(107/0) و J(109/0) دارای بیشترین ارزش کلی بودند. بطوریکه در نهایت، بر اساس روش‌های دلفی و رکوردگیری، همچنین براساس میزان اهمیت صفات، گاو شیری (G) به عنوان گاو شیری مطلوب و مورد تأیید مشخص گردید. بدین ترتیب در آینده روش ahp در علوم دامی بسیار مفید واقع خواهد گردید. Manuscript profile
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        76 - تأثیر ال-کارنیتین و سطوح مختلف چربی حیوانی بر عملکرد، خصوصیات لاشه، برخی فراسنجه‌ها و سیستم ایمنی خونی جوجه‌های گوشتی
        K. Parsaeimehr M. Afrouziyeh S. Hoseinzadeh
        در این آزمایش تأثیر ال-کارنیتین و سطوح مختلف چربی حیوانی بر عملکرد، خصوصیات لاشه، برخی فراسنجه‌ها و سیستم ایمنی خونی جوجه های گوشتی بررسی شد. برای این منظور، 200 قطعه جوجه نـر یکروزه نژاد راس 308 در قالب یک طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 5 تیمار و 4 تکرار به ازای هر تیـمار و 10 ج More
        در این آزمایش تأثیر ال-کارنیتین و سطوح مختلف چربی حیوانی بر عملکرد، خصوصیات لاشه، برخی فراسنجه‌ها و سیستم ایمنی خونی جوجه های گوشتی بررسی شد. برای این منظور، 200 قطعه جوجه نـر یکروزه نژاد راس 308 در قالب یک طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 5 تیمار و 4 تکرار به ازای هر تیـمار و 10 جوجه در هر تکرار استـفاده شد. تیمارهای آزمایشی شامل: 1) جیره پایه با 5 درصد چربی گیاهی، 2) جیره پایه با  5 درصد چربی گیاهی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین، 3) جیره پایه با 4 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین، 4) جیره پایه با 5 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین و 5) جیره پایه با 4 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین، بودند. نتایج نشان دادند که هیچ یک از تیمارها تأثیر معنی‌داری بر افزایش وزن جوجه‌ها در دوره آغازین نداشت (05/0<P). ولی تغذیه جیره پایه با 5 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین تأثیر معنی‌داری بر وزن جوجه‌ها در دوره رشد و کل دوره داشت (05/0>P). ولی افزودن جیره پایه با 5 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین تأثیر معنی‌داری بر ضریب تبدیل خوراک و همچنین باعث افزایش وزن ران (05/0>P) و وزن سینه جوجه‌ها (01/0>P) شد. نتایج نشان داد که جیره پایه با 4 درصد و 5 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین تأثیر معنی‌داری بر کاهش چربی حفره بطنی داشت (05/0>P). از طرف دیگر جیره پایه با 5 درصد چربی حیوانی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین در جیره تأثیر معنی‌داری بر‌تری وزن بورس فابریسیوس داشت (05/0>P). همچنین جیره پایه با 4 درصد و 6 درصد چربی گیاهی + 300 میلی‌گرم ال-کارنیتین تأثیر معنی‌داری بر وزن طحال داشت (05/0>P). وجود ال کارنیتین در جیره تأثیر معنی‌داری بر وزن قلب دارد (05/0>P). نتایج چنین نشان می‌دهد وجود ال-کارنیتین در جیره تأثیر معنی‌داری بر متابولیت‌های خونی نداشت (05/0<P). افزودن ال-کارنیتین در جیره تأثیر معنی‌داری بر تیتر نیوکاسل در 32 روزگی داشت (05/0>P) ولی تأثیر معنی‌داری بر تیتر نیوکاسل در 42 روزگی نداشت (05/0<P). Manuscript profile
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        77 - .Nezami Ganjavi’s approach to Parable of animals in Makhzan ol-‘asrar: From a didactic point of view
        Nahid Ja’fari Zahra Bakhshi Pish Kenari
        .Using characters of animals have been common in stories and tales of Persian literature. These kinds of stories have written for teaching and publishing moral and mystical matters. Speakers of these kinds of stories show evil attribute of animals and their result in fo More
        .Using characters of animals have been common in stories and tales of Persian literature. These kinds of stories have written for teaching and publishing moral and mystical matters. Speakers of these kinds of stories show evil attribute of animals and their result in form of a story and sometimes point to its moral and mystical result directly. In Persian literature, especially in Iraqi period, plenty of educational and mystic books have written that use these kinds of stories. In this research, in purpose of knowing parables of these books and their speakers, two mystic books of Iraqi period have chosen, and animal symbols and characters have studied on them. These books show that these four speakers use animals for telling their aim in different ways. Furthermore, symbols of animals sometimes have used for telling bad attributes and sometimes have used as story characters instead of human. Manuscript profile
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        78 - On the Evaluation of the Biogas Production Capability of Animal Wastes in Rural Areas (Case Study: Kermanshah Province)
        R. bahrami
        Today, access to clean and secure energy sources is one of the main objectives of sustainable development. Biogas can be used as a strategy to replace fossil energy in rural areas by enjoying features such as generating clean energy, improving rural health environment a More
        Today, access to clean and secure energy sources is one of the main objectives of sustainable development. Biogas can be used as a strategy to replace fossil energy in rural areas by enjoying features such as generating clean energy, improving rural health environment and production of animal manure which is the main source of nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) and is free of weed seeds and pathogens.Study was conducted aimed to evaluate the production of biogas in rural areas of Kermanshah which people use required energy by means of gas for cooking and consuming water per capita through field study. The use of gas energy has been calculated according to the standards and national regulations of the country. Findings from different aspects infered that biogas is the best alternative for gas plumbing in rural areas economically, socially, and due to the tectonic position of Kermanshah province from 65% savings, Low-durability type of rural houses, and earthquake point of view, respectively. In terms of the environment, biogas cleans the countryside and raise the level of village health. Technologically, training and using biogas in rural areas is simple. The results show that using biogas in rural areas requires localization and creation of cultural and economic grounds through the collaboration of government agencies because of the lack of local people's awareness of it (Jihad and Banks to educate and to allocate loans, correspondingly), and to assist civil institutions.   Manuscript profile
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        79 - A comparative study of factors affecting the decline of traditional livestock in two areas of Plain and mountainous (Case Study: Rural Alqchyn city functions Choram)
        Hamid Heydari Mokarar Hamidreza Nasimi Mehrdad Rashidfar
        The country's rural and tribal society, a society which is based on its livestock is built in the traditional way. Despite the traditional farming systems play a vital role in the production of milk and meat needed a large part of the country, the unstable conditions fo More
        The country's rural and tribal society, a society which is based on its livestock is built in the traditional way. Despite the traditional farming systems play a vital role in the production of milk and meat needed a large part of the country, the unstable conditions for the survival of their own. The most important factors: the use of natural resources, turning to modern technology industries, higher levels of health and culture and etc, is that has led to this traditional livelihoods, in some rural areas the recession put a long history. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the decline of traditional livestock in the villages of research methods in terms of purpose, applied and descriptive - analytic.The population consisted of households living in rural ranchers Alqchyn is Choram city functions. A sample using Cochran formula consists of 198 farmer households were given. Data on two areas by SPSS software through the use of appropriate statistical tests, were analyzed.The Mann-Whitney test was used at the %95 confidence level, the results show that the dosage of extension-education courses and the cost of medication and veterinarian with the Sig. (2-tailed) = .000 most significant difference between the two areas must be concluded and the measures to protect the environment with the implementation and operations Sig. (2-tailed) = .833 and investment in other pastoral activities with the Sig. (2-tailed) = .567 same situation in the two areas and the most significant difference is achieved. Manuscript profile
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        Nasrollah Molaei Hashjin Hassan Dadras
        As regards the geographical conditions of Anzali wet land and its grasslands, which increases in area in warm seasons due to the lagoon’s regression, it becomes capable of feeding animals of the neighboring villages, being far enough from mountainous area, for abo More
        As regards the geographical conditions of Anzali wet land and its grasslands, which increases in area in warm seasons due to the lagoon’s regression, it becomes capable of feeding animals of the neighboring villages, being far enough from mountainous area, for about 5-6 months specially in Spring and Summer, when the farmers are busy with planting and harvesting in their rice pads. The feeding of animals in natural pastures plays an important role in managing the agricultural and animal feeding activities. With the lagoon’s regression, occurring in springs and summers, the profound and rich plant cover of the region is used until the mid autumn. The stockman farmers hand their animals over to wardens. During the period, the animals are being fed and fit and fat with notorious and tasty grass around the wet land. Preventing the alteration of natural pastures into rice farms and reviving and activating the game reserves and game reserve keeping in the environmental conservation, range management and animal breeding may play an important part as a secondary activity along with the agricultural ones. Manuscript profile
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        81 - The opinion of respondents about the effects of Grazing on Tabar (Ipomaea kordofana) on animal health and milk characteristics in Gezira State, Sudan
        Mohamed Hashim
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        82 - ویژگی‌های مختلف زنان کشاورز در توسعه روستائی بر اساس دامپروری
        حسین بیورانی سیمین ناصری
         زنان روستائی نقش تاثیرگذاری در فعالیت­های اقتصادی، اجتماعی جامعه دارند، به­طوری که توسعه ملّی بدون توجه به این بخش از جامعه ما امکان­پذیر نیست. میزان مشارکت زنان روستائی در فعالیت­های کشاورزی و به طور اخص در دامپروری،  نقش اصلی و تاثیرگذار در More
         زنان روستائی نقش تاثیرگذاری در فعالیت­های اقتصادی، اجتماعی جامعه دارند، به­طوری که توسعه ملّی بدون توجه به این بخش از جامعه ما امکان­پذیر نیست. میزان مشارکت زنان روستائی در فعالیت­های کشاورزی و به طور اخص در دامپروری،  نقش اصلی و تاثیرگذار در توسعه اقتصادی مناطق روستائی دارد. این تحقیق در استان آذربایجان شرقی واقع در شمال­غرب ایران انجام شده است. حجم نمونه 200 زن روستائی درگیر در فعالیت­های کشاورزی بود که از روش نمونه­گیری طبقه­ای استفاده شده است. به منظور پیدا کردن رابطه بین مولفه­ های مختلف زنان روستائی درگیر در فعالیت­های کشاورزی، از آزمون همبستگی و مدل­های خطی عمومی استفاده شده است. نتایج حاصل از این روش­ها نشان می­دهد که اندازه خانوار، میزان انگیزه و ارتباط با عوامل ترویج، میزان فعالیت­هائی که زنان به طور همیشگی در آن درگیر هستند و تداخل بین امور و فعالیت­های مربوط به زنان و نیز استفاده از وسائل ارتباط جمعی دارای رابطه مستقیم و مثبت با میزان مشارکت زنان کشاورز در فعالیت­های دامپروری است. Manuscript profile
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        83 - A review of common animal models in reproductive biology studies
        ramazan khanbabaee nahideh nazdikbin yamchi
        One of the major problems in today's world is the inability to have children. This has affected social health and led researchers to preclinical studies. Over several decades, numerous animal models in the biology of reproduction have entered the field of research. Diff More
        One of the major problems in today's world is the inability to have children. This has affected social health and led researchers to preclinical studies. Over several decades, numerous animal models in the biology of reproduction have entered the field of research. Different mechanisms and approaches induce different types of reproductive diseases. Variety in conventional methods in inducing animal models has confused researchers. Since premature ovarian failure, azoospermia and polycystic ovary syndrome are important causes of inability of couples to have children, we decided to review the studies conducted in this field, appropriate laboratory methods and processes to create an animal model for premature failure. Introduce ovarian, azoospermia and polycystic ovary syndrome. The use of chemical drugs used in adults as chemotherapy drugs, especially cyclophosphamide, is known as the most appropriate method to create an animal model in premature ovarian failure. To create an animal model of azoospermia, busulfan injection is used as the most common method to induce azoospermia. Finally, to create an animal model of polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common method is to inject androgens into dihydroepiandestrone. In the present study, common methods along with the relevant protocols, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each model are presented. Manuscript profile
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        84 - A comparative study of the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells on polycystic ovary syndrome in various animal models
        Umeh Leila Bakhshi Seyed Gholam Ali Jorsaraei Ramzan Khanbabaeia Maryam Gholamitabar tabari Seyedeh Zahra Babazadeh
        Infertility is a global health problem. One of the main causes of infertility in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Different methods are used to treat such people. Using stem cells and its products can be a good alternative for its treatment. There are differen More
        Infertility is a global health problem. One of the main causes of infertility in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Different methods are used to treat such people. Using stem cells and its products can be a good alternative for its treatment. There are different models for inducing PCOS in animal models. Mesenchymal stem cells reduce ovarian dysfunction in PCOS mice. Tail injection of BM-MSC will improve the process of folliculogenesis. Intraovarian injection of BM-Hmsc and UC-MSC mesenchymal stem cells improves the process of folliculogenesis. AMSCs mesenchymal stem cell injection is associated with a positive result in fertility. MSC-EV stem cells improve fertility and increase folliculogenesis. One of the main causes of infertility in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The use of cell therapy for various diseases including PCOS is considered. The use of MSC in the treatment of infertility is in its preclinical research stages. The safety and efficacy of MSCs in the treatment of infertility needs further investigation. In this study, we have compared the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells on polycystic ovary syndrome in various animal models. Manuscript profile
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        85 - جدایی از طبیعت: دیدگاه بومی-منتقدانه نسبت به The Heart Goes Last
        Fatemeh Golpaygani رویا Yaghoubi محمد مطیعی
        مقاله حاضر کتاب The Heart Goes Last (2015) اثر اتوود را از دیدگاه اکو انتقادی تحلیل می کند. دغدغه اصلی بوم نقد ایجاد رابطه نزدیک بین زبان طبیعت و زبان ادبی است. به همین ترتیب، گرگوری گارارد راه‌های جدیدی را بین انسان و محیط زیست در حوزه‌های فرهنگی در سال 2016 توضیح داد، More
        مقاله حاضر کتاب The Heart Goes Last (2015) اثر اتوود را از دیدگاه اکو انتقادی تحلیل می کند. دغدغه اصلی بوم نقد ایجاد رابطه نزدیک بین زبان طبیعت و زبان ادبی است. به همین ترتیب، گرگوری گارارد راه‌های جدیدی را بین انسان و محیط زیست در حوزه‌های فرهنگی در سال 2016 توضیح داد، اگرچه سه موج به سمت این رویکرد در دهه 2000 وجود داشت. به دست آوردن اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد جهان طبیعی نه تنها برای بحران زیست محیطی فعلی بلکه برای بلایای احتمالی در آینده بسیار مهم است. به این ترتیب، مردم در بسیاری از بخش های زندگی خود رویای طبیعت را می بینند که در رمان مورد بحث قرار خواهد گرفت. این رویاها تمایل درونی افراد را به محیط خود به عنوان بخشی اجتناب ناپذیر از زندگی نشان می دهد. جدای از طبیعت، فجایع قابل قبولی را در زندگی انسان به دنبال خواهد داشت. در همین حال، اتوود طبیعت را به عنوان نگرانی برای نگرانی های اکولوژیکی جهانی توصیف کرده است. نقش اکوسفر جدای از مفید بودن حیوانات در این مقاله نیز مورد تحلیل قرار می گیرد. از این رو، در نظر گرفتن تأثیرگذارترین عوامل بوم‌شناسی به خوانندگان کمک می‌کند تا جهان را بهتر بشناسند و احتمالاً تلاش خواهند کرد رویکرد نظری را عملی کنند.  Manuscript profile
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        86 - The Ritual of Sacrifice of Animals in the Persian Poetry-Narrative Texts; An Analysis Based on Theories of Sacrifice
        ayoob omidi maryam mosharraf
        The ritual of sacrifice, as a religious-social behavior, is one of the ancient rituals that has remained among different ethnic groups in different ways. The present study tries to study the position of sacrificial animals in the Persian poetry-narrative texts (up to th More
        The ritual of sacrifice, as a religious-social behavior, is one of the ancient rituals that has remained among different ethnic groups in different ways. The present study tries to study the position of sacrificial animals in the Persian poetry-narrative texts (up to the 7th AH century) through a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that sacrificial humans are gradually being replaced by sacrificial animals, and this is one of the good deeds of the founders of the divine religions. According to various texts of Persian literature, most animals like cows, camels, sheep, horses and sometimes mares, zebras, donkeys and chickens are sacrificed on various occasions such as scapegoating, repelling misfortune, protecting from evil eye, thanksgiving, succeeding in affairs, giving birth to child, repelling magic and talisman. The ritual of sacrifice is equally reflected in epic and mystical texts, but in the lyrical texts, due to the romantic atmosphere of them, there is often talk of donating animals to temples and fire temples, and there is rarly talk of shedding animal blood. Fraser's theory about scapegoating  as well as Tylor and Boyce's views about the sacrifice as a gift to the gods are more efficient and flexible than other theories.  Manuscript profile
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        87 - The Functions of Farr in Mohammadreza Yousefi's Adaptations of Shānāmeh; A Bio-Oriented Approach
        zahra parsapoor fateme mohamadzade
        The concept of Farr, as one of the mythological ideas, refers to the relationship between humans and nature. Those who believed in myths believed that Farr, or the divine power, exists in all beings, both human and animal, and causes them to perfect their functions. In More
        The concept of Farr, as one of the mythological ideas, refers to the relationship between humans and nature. Those who believed in myths believed that Farr, or the divine power, exists in all beings, both human and animal, and causes them to perfect their functions. In Shānāmeh, this power is sometimes associated with animal symbols, highlighting the synchronization of humans and nature in establishing order and preserving nature from the power of anti-nature during mythological times. The present article, using a descriptive-analytical method, focuses on the function of Farr in Mohammadrezā Yousefi's adaptations of Shānāmeh, written for children and teenagers. In his works, Farr, in the form of animals such as a bird (Spida) and a lamb (Farhan), creates order and saves both humans and nature from the elements of antinature, such as Divan (demons), drought, and severe cold. The research shows that Yousefi has presented Farr's animal symbols in a mythological way for his audience with a bio-oriented approach. In these works, Farr is a part of nature that fights against evil, restores order, and helps in the survival of both humans and non-humans. In later historical periods, the role of Farr changes, and it is placed at the service of political and social order.  Manuscript profile
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        88 - The First Decline in Kashf-Al-Asrar and Odat-Al-Abrar
        Aliasgar Zarei Alireza Mozafari
          According to Abulfazl Rashideddin Meybodi in Kashf-Al-Asrar and Odat-Al-Abrarin his interpretation of the story of Cain and Abel, Cain is afraid of a song and escapes from people and becomes familiar with wild animals. The story has a connection with an archetype More
          According to Abulfazl Rashideddin Meybodi in Kashf-Al-Asrar and Odat-Al-Abrarin his interpretation of the story of Cain and Abel, Cain is afraid of a song and escapes from people and becomes familiar with wild animals. The story has a connection with an archetype named the first decline. According to the archetype, the man has fallen from a golden age and has lost his roots. The present article tries to study the first decline archetype in some cultures based on descriptive-comparative method. The archetype can be seen in most of the rituals which indicates the close relationship of man with the nature and animals, the relation that has forgotten by an evil thought. Although the affinity of man and nature that existed in the Golden age has been forgotten, but its trace can still be seen. This archetype is present in different cultures with various forms and some common themes can be found in them. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Archetype of Shadow and the Soul in the Poems of Attār-e Neishābūri: A Comparative Study
        سعید قشقایی
          Archetype for the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) is a term of great importance. It refers to old images and instincts rooted in our collective unconscious. An archetype reveals itself in dreams and myths. There is a close connection between More
          Archetype for the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) is a term of great importance. It refers to old images and instincts rooted in our collective unconscious. An archetype reveals itself in dreams and myths. There is a close connection between an archetype and the mythical and epic stories in which it appears. In the present article, the shadow, one of Jungian main archetypes, has been analyzed in some works of Attār-e  Neishābūri (1145-1221), Persian poet and mystic, such as Asrār-Nāmeh, Manteq al-Teyr (The Conference of the Birds), Elāhī-Nāmeh, and Mosībat Nāmeh.     Manuscript profile
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        90 - Allegorical Reflection of the Carnal Soul in MasnaviManvavi
        Farhād Tahmāsebi Shahin Ayyāmi Badr-lou
        Jalāl al-Din Rūmi insists on recognizing the carnal soul. The soul is an abstract concept and is far from human understanding, so for depicting it, Rūmi uses allegory in which he relates the human soul to the elements of nature. Among the souls, he focuses more on the c More
        Jalāl al-Din Rūmi insists on recognizing the carnal soul. The soul is an abstract concept and is far from human understanding, so for depicting it, Rūmi uses allegory in which he relates the human soul to the elements of nature. Among the souls, he focuses more on the carnal soul and tries to express its ugliness by using allegories about animals and the four elements. By this way, he refers to didactic and ethic issues and by an indirect and impressive way warns his readers of the carnal soul. In the present article, the allegories related to the carnal soul have been extracted  from first three books of Masnavi Manvavi and have been divided to two groups of allegory: allegories of animals and imaginary beings, allegories of the four elements and inanimate. In order to show the results clearly, the rate of usage of the concept has been presented by diagrams and samples. In the first group, the imaginary beings have the most frequency and in the second group, the most common element of the carnal soul belongs to fire. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Fish consumption in Iran and the world
        A. Adeli
        The annual global growth rate of the human population (estimated for 1/3%) is enhancing the demand for provision of individual animal protein to one-third from 70 g daily dietary protein intake. An increasing interest in fish food consumption because of its health benef More
        The annual global growth rate of the human population (estimated for 1/3%) is enhancing the demand for provision of individual animal protein to one-third from 70 g daily dietary protein intake. An increasing interest in fish food consumption because of its health benefits has made seafood products to play an essential role in food basket of Iranian family as like as other parts around the world. Aquaculture growth in Iran and throughout the world has provided a suitable condition to supply nutrition safety for this valuable food source. Now, from a total amount of 78.4 g daily dietary protein intake per capita, 30.7 g is supplied by animal protein from which 5 g is comprised of fish protein. Results obtained during the last half a century indicates that fish consumption growth in Iran has been far more than other parts in the world; however, its consumption rate per capita is much lower. It is noteworthy that fish food consumption growth was higher rather than chicken and red meat consumption growth according to the base year 1965, as Fish per capita consumption can be elevated by different accessibility methods and controlling price and quality. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Evaluation the effect of native rhizobial treatment, animal manure and urea fertilizer on the growth of alfalfa plants in Fars province
        Mohammad Javad Nowrooz Nejad Mohammad Kargar Kavoos Ayaz Pour Mehdi Kargar Sareh Raeiszadeh Jahromi
        Background and Objective: Rhizobacteria are the most important microorganisms in the soil that have major role in fixing nitrogen than other soil microorganisms. The aim of this study is using native rhizobium of Fars province calcareous soil and determination the role More
        Background and Objective: Rhizobacteria are the most important microorganisms in the soil that have major role in fixing nitrogen than other soil microorganisms. The aim of this study is using native rhizobium of Fars province calcareous soil and determination the role of urea fertilizer in giving high yield and efficiency of alfalfa. Materials and Methods: First, native rhizobium is separated from alfalfa root nodules using YAM environment containing Congo red, and then it is identified with staining, and biochemical tests. This research is performed as a randomized plan and under different nutritional conditions, including fertilizer without urea, 100mg/kg urea fertilizer, 200mg/kg urea fertilizer, 1% animal manure, 3% animal manure and also under different microbial inoculations, including without bacteria, native rhizobium and standard rhizobial strain in six repeats in open air. Results: The best growth is observed in the pots treated with local rhizobium. In comparing to urea fertilizer, the pots fertilized with 3% animal manure treatments showed a better growth. The most height plants were seen in the pots fertilized with local rhizobium treatments. The best treatment to give high yield was achieved with local rhizobial strain and 3% animal manure. The most active root nodules in nitrogen fixation were seen in the plants treated with local rhizobium. Conclusion: By comparing the native and standard rhizobial strains and according to calcareous soil of Fars province and hot and dry weather of this region, it is suggested that fertilization with local rhizobial strain and animal manure can result in high yields and nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of the plant. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Forage Quality of Salsola yazdiana and S. tomentosa in Different Growth Stages in Saline Desert of Yazd Province, Iran
        Mostafa Zare Ehsan Zandi Ardavan Ghorbani
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        94 - A Simulation Model for Estimating Herbage Standing Crop and Grazing Capacity in Sar Ali-Abad Summer Rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran
        Ali Hosseini Nafise Fakhar izadi Mansoor Mesdaghi
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        95 - Estimating Nitrogen and Acid Detergent Fiber Contents of Grass Species using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)
        Hossein Arzani Anvar Sanaei Alen V. Barker Sahar Ghafari Javad Motamedi
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        96 - Potential of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Predict Nutrient Composition of Bromus tomentellus
        Hossein Arzani Anvar Sour Javad Motamedi
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        97 - The Effects of Moisture Content, Temperature, and Compaction Pressure on the Compressibility of Animal Feed Pellets Produced From Green Pistachio Shell Residues
        Kazem Laei Hossein Haji Agha Alizadeh Mohammad Hossein Kianmehr
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        98 - Influence of Chemical Fertilizers and Animal Manure on Morphological Traits of Medicinal Plants in Northern Iran
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        99 - Effects of nitroxin, animal manure and nitrogen fertilizer on yields quantity and quality of durum wheat (Triticum durum)
        Hadi Jasemi Hamid Reza Eisvand Mashallah Daneshvar
                In order to study of effects of non-chemical N fertilizers (Nitroxin and animal manure) as one of principal of sustainable agriculture and a chemical N fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) on quantity and quality of durum wheat (Var. More
                In order to study of effects of non-chemical N fertilizers (Nitroxin and animal manure) as one of principal of sustainable agriculture and a chemical N fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) on quantity and quality of durum wheat (Var. Yavaros79), a field research was carried out during 2009-2010 in Mehran, a city in Ilam Province of Iran. The experiment was factorial on base of CRBD with three replications. The factors including Nitroxin (0 and 2lit/ha), rotted sheep manure (0 and 30 ton/ha) and N fertilizer (0, 70% and 100% of N requirement according to soil experiment). Using of animal manure increased plant height, awn length, harvest index, grain protein and finally improved grain and biological yields. But, Nitroxin biofertilizer did not significant effect on biological and economical yield; it only increased grain protein. Application of N fertilizer (70% of N requirement) had a positive effect on grain yield and grain protein equal to using animal manure, but using over than 70% was not useful. Because of importance and beneficial roles of non-chemical fertilizer in sustainable agriculture, it is suggested that a mixture of rotted animal manure and Nitroxin be used instead of N fertilizer in production system of durum wheat.   Manuscript profile
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        100 - Effect of water stress and absorbent materials application on yield and components yield of fall wheat
        M. Farmahini M. Mirzakhani N. Sajedi
                Effect of water stress and absorbent substance such as animal manure, zeolite and bentonite in a field trial training - Islamic Azad University in agricultural research is conducted 2010 - 11.  Tested in a split  plot More
                Effect of water stress and absorbent substance such as animal manure, zeolite and bentonite in a field trial training - Islamic Azad University in agricultural research is conducted 2010 - 11.  Tested in a split  plot randomized complete block design with three replications. The experiment consisted of three irrigation treatments (100%, 85% and 70%) required water treatment plant in the main,Use absorbent materials on six levels (controls, 30 tons of manureper hectare, 15 tons of manure + 4 tons zeolite per hectare, 15 tons of manure per hectare consumption of + 2 tons of bentonite, zeoliteof 4 tons per hectare consumption of+ 2 tons of bentonite per hectare and 15 tons of manure+2 tons bentonite + 4 tons of zeoliteper hectare)in sub plots on wheat type alvand. Results showed that the effect of water stress on traits such as plant height, seed weight and seed yield and harvest index of the level of a cluster was significant at five percent. The results show that the use of fertilizers a significant effect on panicle harvest index, number of spikelets per panicle and grain has. highest levels of water stress on grain yield average of 8 / 5 tons per hectare to irrigation based on plant water requirement was 100 percent and lowest average yield of 4/03 tons per acre to plant irrigation was 70% water requirement. The results show that the zeolite used with manure can increase performance. Given the multi-year drought and water restrictions that exist in the country and Zeolite and its five-year price stability can be recommended to reduce the damage caused by irrigation farmers. Manuscript profile
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        101 - Environmental Analysis of the International Wetland of Parishan on the Basis of the SWOT Management Model
        سمیه اردو فریدون عوفی
        This paper has performed in order to evaluate the ecological and environmental study of the sensitive area as the international wetland of Parishan in emphasis on species and habitat varieties. The Parishan wetland is the widest wetland among all of the permanent freshw More
        This paper has performed in order to evaluate the ecological and environmental study of the sensitive area as the international wetland of Parishan in emphasis on species and habitat varieties. The Parishan wetland is the widest wetland among all of the permanent freshwater lagoons in Iran. It was registered in Ramsar convention as the international wetland. Parishan wetland is a part of protective places by area classification in Iran. Having the biological and habitat varieties, weird herbal and animal distributions cause this area to be unique and sensitive ecological place. By climate change and droughts, it is in the worst condition on the view of ecological issues. It was limited to small marginal pools temporarily. With regards to special species, unique herbals, sensitive and vulnerable settlements, ecotourism issues, this research shows that the most important issue in the international wetland of Parishan are climate change and drought in these years which have influenced the bio andndash; habitat variety and herbal animal distributions. On the basis of the results of this research, the international wetland of Parishan has the powerful internal factors totally and a lot of opportunities to rebuild and revival ecologically on the view of the external factors Manuscript profile
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        102 - Effect of nucleotides administration on growth and infectious disease resistance in aquatic animals
        Habib Sarsangi Aliabad
           Recently, the use of dietary nucleotides has mentioned in aquaculture, due to improvement in immune system, increasing growth parameters and absorption in the intestine. In general, nucleotides nearly, affect all cellular processes and play an important rol More
           Recently, the use of dietary nucleotides has mentioned in aquaculture, due to improvement in immune system, increasing growth parameters and absorption in the intestine. In general, nucleotides nearly, affect all cellular processes and play an important role in structural and regulatory functions of the body. Nucleotides continuously are synthesis, degradation and recycling in the cell. The immune system cell such as lymphocytes, red blood cells, hematopoietic cells and intestinal mucosa due to rapid metabolism and fast reaction, also need to high level of nucleotide, have a very limited capacity for nucleotide synthesis. In these cells, exogenous nucleotide administration, is very important for normal functions. Over the past two decades, use of nucleotides in diets has been examined for improving the immune system against viruses, bacteria and parasites, liver function, increased levels of absorption in the intestine and growth, fat and protein metabolism, biochemical and physiological functions and improve the stress response in marine animals. In addition, these compounds are important to energy transmission. Their effect on maturation, activation and phagocytosis of macrophages in humans and animals have been reported. There is a little information about their physiological functions in fish and more research is needed in this area.   Manuscript profile
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        103 - The historical trend of changes in different sources of labor in the productivity of agricultural lands in Iran's wheat production ecosystems (1921-2020)
        شهلا Lajmorakramechari عبدالمجید Mahdavi damghani هومان Liaghati
        Traditional agricultural systems and conventional agriculture have major differences from each other. Among these differences, we can refer to the number and different sources of external inputs used to achieve the final production. One of these inputs is the labor issu More
        Traditional agricultural systems and conventional agriculture have major differences from each other. Among these differences, we can refer to the number and different sources of external inputs used to achieve the final production. One of these inputs is the labor issue in Iran's agricultural systems, especially wheat production. The workforce in these systems is provided from the source of human labor, livestock labor and mechanization. The present study was compiled in order to describe the resources used in the physical work that occurred in wheat production ecosystems in Iran and the changes in its cultivated area during a hundred years. For this purpose, the method of energy return on investment was used. The required data were collected from various sources such as the Iranian Statistics Center, the Information and Communication Technology Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, the FAO statistical database, and historical sources. The data were converted into Joules using conversion coefficients and finally, these time series were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and Minitab® 17.1.0 software. The results of the research indicate an increase in the area under wheat cultivation from an average of 1.5 million hectares at the beginning of the study period to an average of 6.5 million hectares. During this one-hundred-year time period, the final yield of wheat production systems as the amount of work input that has entered the system as an external input (EFEROI) has decreased 37%. Therefore, it is necessary to review and revise the design of labor supply sources for wheat production systems. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Application of different nitrogen (organic, chemical and integrated) nutritional systems and biofertilizer on yield components and yield of sunflower seed
        Mansour Jalilvand Jahanfar Daneshian Hadi Asadi Rahmani Mohsen Yousefi
        An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of application of different nitrogen and biofertilizer systems on yield and yield components of sunflower seed in a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Nitrogen levels as the mai More
        An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of application of different nitrogen and biofertilizer systems on yield and yield components of sunflower seed in a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Nitrogen levels as the main factor in five levels including: N1: 100% nitrogen treatment (326 kg / ha urea), N2: 80% nitrogen (260 kg / ha urea), N3: 60% nitrogen (195 kg) Urea), N4: 80% N and 20% of manure (1.3 ton / ha) and N5: 60% N and 40% of manure (2.6 ton / ha) and application of azospirillum Sub-factor titles were considered at four levels: B1: non-application of azospirillum B2: inoculation with azospirillum, B3: foliar solution of azospirillum, B4: inoculation with fungal solution of azospirillum. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer and azospirillum treatments had significant effect on the studied traits. So that treatment with 100% urea nitrogen source had the highest number of grains per head. Inoculation treatment with foliar application of azospirillium had the highest number of seeds per head. The results also showed that treatment with 100% urea nitrogen and 60% urea nitrogen fertilizer and 40% manure had the highest grain yield. Foliar treatments as well as seed inoculation + azospirillum had the highest grain yield, which were in the same statistical group. Manuscript profile
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        105 - Jurisprudential Subjectology of Common Animal Traps with an Emphasis on Animal Rights
        Mohammad Shafiei
        Despite the prevalent use of animal traps today, particularly adhesive and spring models, the jurisprudential aspects of these traps remain largely unexplored within environmental jurisprudence studies, receiving only partial attention amidst broader discussions. This r More
        Despite the prevalent use of animal traps today, particularly adhesive and spring models, the jurisprudential aspects of these traps remain largely unexplored within environmental jurisprudence studies, receiving only partial attention amidst broader discussions. This research employs a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate the thematic dimensions of terrestrial animal traps. Initially, notable legal rulings pertaining to trap usage are highlighted as crucial variables in jurisprudential discourse. Subsequently, the most common types of animal traps are scrutinized from a jurisprudential standpoint. The investigation reveals that while there is no outright prohibition on the use of traps, it is imperative to prioritize less harmful trapping methods when possible, with due consideration given to alternative solutions. In cases involving live traps, swift decisions must be made regarding the release or humane euthanasia of captured animals. This article adopts a comparative research framework, focusing on the examination of jurisprudence surrounding prevalent animal traps. As such, a comprehensive analysis of the legal and principled foundations underlying each effective trap type is beyond the scope of this study. Manuscript profile
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        106 - Raising the mythological characters by animals and mythological creatures (In epics and Iranian and non-Iranian narratives)
        Narges Mohammadi Badr Yahya Nooroddini Aghdam
         Despite their complexities and variations among the mythological archetypes a kind of concordance and closeness is observed in their main theme which renders the comparative study of these narratives possible; the subject of raising certain mythological characters More
         Despite their complexities and variations among the mythological archetypes a kind of concordance and closeness is observed in their main theme which renders the comparative study of these narratives possible; the subject of raising certain mythological characters by animals and mythological creatures is of utmost importance. The close study of mythological narratives reveals that in the beginning man and animals lived together and lived in the same manner and no wonder that many of former Gods had dual nature. In many narratives humans and mythological personages were chosen and raised by some animals and due to this upbringing the good or evil nature of those animals were manifested in the material lives of their protected. These narratives are so widespread to the extent that one witnesses their similarity form the Far Eastern myths to Western ones. What is worthy of attention in this regard is the fantastic influence that animals in raising the humans leave behind in forming their characters that place them far beyond the other individuals. The best example of such characteristics are found in the Persian epic myth culture namely in the story of Raising Feraydun by the cow Barmayeh, and the raising of Zal by Simorgh. The subject of this article however limited is reflected in books such as “Dictionary of Greek and Roman myths” under the entry “Paris” and “Romelus”, Shahnameh in the tale of Feraydun and Zal, “Dictionary of the Greek myths” in the story of raising Eskandar and so forth and the role of animals were pointed out in raising these characters. As far as the author of this article is concerned a work which independently deals with all aspects of raising mythological characters by animals in the myths of different nations was not found, thus the present research aware of such necessity and by employing the comparative approach aims to study and discuss these mythological narratives. Manuscript profile
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        107 - A license to transplant a member from a defiled animal to a human
        zahra akbarzadeh Hamid Masjedsaraee
        Scientific developments in various fields, Bob has opened up the discussion of issues in jurisprudence. Among the achievements of medicine and the method of modern treatments, on the other hand, the issue of health and saving human life is raised in it, and on the other More
        Scientific developments in various fields, Bob has opened up the discussion of issues in jurisprudence. Among the achievements of medicine and the method of modern treatments, on the other hand, the issue of health and saving human life is raised in it, and on the other hand, it is، Its data is apparently in conflict with the rules and principles of jurisprudence, the issue of organ transplantation is from human or animal، In particular, the engineering of new biotechnological¬ reports the replacement of the member of the unclean animals to humans and its passage through the laboratory stage, while in jurisprudential sources, it is reported، The benefit of the confidant member of the unclean is haram. According to this point, some jurists recognize the lack of a license to act، In contrast, another view considers the emergency rule to be the rule of the initial order, and some others consider the benefit of the haram to be common intifada, and with this argument, it is considered، the organ transplant license is from the unclean animal. The present research, while reviewing and reviewing the votes, has obtained the license to link. Manuscript profile
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        108 - Effect of planting bed and soilless media on growth and yield of potato minitubers
        Monireh Hajiaghaei Kamrani Kazem Hashemimajd Nosratollah Najafi Hadi Hosseinniya
        The present study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with eight treatments and four replications. Eight types of potting media including perlite, perlite + vermiculite (1:1 v:v), perlite + peat moss (1:1 v:v), soil + perlite (1:1 v:v), perlite + soil + More
        The present study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with eight treatments and four replications. Eight types of potting media including perlite, perlite + vermiculite (1:1 v:v), perlite + peat moss (1:1 v:v), soil + perlite (1:1 v:v), perlite + soil + cow manure compost (4:3:3 v:v), perlite + soil + vermicompost (4:3:3 v:v:v), field soil and perlite + peat moss as conventional nutrient solution and planting media used in greenhouse (Control). During the growing season, the leaf area, plant height, stem basal diameter, tuber fresh and dry weight, tuber specific weight and tuber number per plant were measured. Analysis of variance showed significant differences between treatments in leaf area index, plant height, tuber number per plant and stem basal diameter. Growth and production of minituber were low in soil and soil containing medium. Therefore, the productivity of local soil was not corrected by any soil amendments. Soil containing medium had the highest bulk and particle density, EC and pH and the lowest porosity then produced the lowest number of tubers and fresh and dry weight of tubers. The highest number of tubers was produced in perlit + peat moss treatment. The maximum amounts of plant height were recorded in soil + perlite + compost treatments. The perlite + peat moss medium (1:1 v:v) is recommended for production of potato minitubers. Manuscript profile
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        109 - The effect of irrigation intervals and different ratios of manure and chemical fertilizer on yield and yield components of roselle in Iranshahr climate conditions
        Seyyed Mahdi Javadzadeh
        To study the effect of irrigation and fertilizer levels on yieldof roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), an experiment was conducted as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Iranshahr, Iran in 2016.Treatments were included irrigatio More
        To study the effect of irrigation and fertilizer levels on yieldof roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), an experiment was conducted as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Iranshahr, Iran in 2016.Treatments were included irrigation intervals of 7, 14 and 21 days and fertilizer ratios were included0:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 100:0 manure and chemical fertilizers. Irrigation and fertilizer levels had a significant effect on most of roselle characteristics. Calyx yield with irrigation interval of 14 days, it was about 8.1 g/m2, which was increased to 10.6 g/m2 compared to 7 days irrigation interval. Integrated application of chemical fertilizer with manure was more incresing on roselle yield components than their separate application. The highest calyx yield was obtained in equal ratio of manure and chemical fertilizer, which was 23.7 and 32.2% higher than their individual application of manure and chemical fertilizer, respectively. Integrated application of manure and chemical produced more biomass. Therefore, application of equal ratio of manure and chemical fertilizer with irrigation intervals of 14 days in Iranshahr aquatic and climatic conditions isrecommended for roselle cultivation. Manuscript profile