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    Transcendent Education ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    Informs researchers and experts in the field of education that the "Quarterly Journal of Transcendent Education" was approved based on the resolution of the "16th meeting of the Commission for the Validation of Publications in the Field of Humanities and Arts of Islamic Azad University" dated 12/08/2020, No.99/p 37832 and the quarterly system will be ready to receive the papers of respected researchers from 01/10/2020.

    Country of publication: Iran
         Licensee and publisher: Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj branch
         Start of publication: Spring 2021
         Publication type: electronic
         Publication period: Quarterly
         E-ISSN: 2783-4255
         Accessible from
         Social networks: Google Scholar, Linkedin, Academic Resource Index, Magiran.
         Arbitration policy: two-sided blind arbitration (closed)
         Journal language: Farsi (English abstract)
         Specialized area: Education
         Journal type: scientific research
         Evaluation rank of Islamic Azad University publications in 1402: B rank
         Eligible articles: research and review
         Free and open access to articles: Yes
         Indexed: Yes
          Digital Object Recognizer (DOR)
         Judging time: at least 2 to 4 weeks

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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch
    Print ISSN: 2783-4255
    Online ISSN:2783-4255

    Publication period: Quarterly
    Address: Sanandaj, Saadi Town, Amirkabir St., Faculty of Humanities, Building No. 2, 2nd Floor, Magazine Office, Phone: 08733626458, Postal Code: 6616935391 Email the editor of the


    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 3
    Number of Issues 13
    Printed Articles 96
    Number of Authors 542
    Article Views 14998
    Article Downloads 4682
    Number of Submitted Articles 279
    Number of Rejected Articles 100
    Number of Accepted Articles 108
    Acceptance 31 %
    Time to Accept(day) 150
    Reviewer Count 84
    Last Update 9/29/2024