Aims and Scope:
Publication and dissemination of theoretical, analytical views and research findings in the field of education.
- Evaluation of goals, programs and methods in the education system
- Encourage researchers to conduct research in the field of education.
- Study the challenges of education and provide appropriate solutions to improve it in the field of education
- Promoting interaction and exchange of ideas between education experts.
- Dissemination, expansion and application of education knowledge.
-Research methodology in the field of education
Topics of the articles:
The subject of the articles should be in the following fields and referring to theoretical and practical aspects:
- Theoretical foundations of education (such as philosophical, religious, sociological, psychological, historical and economic)
- The structure of academic courses in education
- Leadership and management at different levels of education
- Educational planning and education development planning
- Studies related to the education of different groups, including nomads, villagers, immigrant children, gifted people
- Articles related to all types of vocational, adult, virtual and distance education in the education system
- Curriculum and educational technology
- Recruiting, training, retraining, maintaining and evaluating teachers
- Introducing, criticizing and evaluating educational innovations in Iran
- The basic competencies of learning in the new era such as: entrepreneurship, creativity, life skills, problem solving and citizenship skills
- Educational psychology and counseling and academic guidance