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    Author’s Instructions

     The manuscripts submitted to the Productivity Management Journal should be innovative, not previously published in or concurrently submitted to other journals. The journal follows a rigorous reviewing policy. Each submitted paper is first evaluated by the Editorial Board for its style consistency and appropriacy of the topic after being checked for plagiarism.  The papers that meet initial submission criteria are then reviewed by at least two external reviewers.

     The authors are required to both apply the reviewers’ comments, highlight revisions and to address all concerns in a formal letter directed to the Editorial Board where the can discuss the reviewers’ comments that run counter to their own attitudes.

     A final decision is made on the status of the paper based on the feedback offered by board members and anonymous reviewers to the Editor in Chief. The final decision (which takes the form of Accept as it is; Accept with minor changes; Accept with major changes; Revise and Resubmit as a new paper; and Reject) will then be communicated to the corresponding author by the Managing Editor. It should be borne in mind that the Editorial Board retains the right to make qualitative, structural and textual modifications to the manuscripts and has the final say in accepting or rejecting them. Those manuscripts accepted by the reviewer team and the Editorial Board will be published based on the submission date.

     For accepted papers, by agreeing to publish their papers in the Productivity Management Journal, the authors grant copyright to the Journal/Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University Press to exclusively publication of their papers online at the Journal website and in hard copy. While published papers may be downloaded free of charge and used for academic/research purposes by readers, they are not allowed to be re-produced in another form/outlet without written permission from the Publisher.

     Thee corresponding author is responsible for all the correspondence and is held responsible for the content of the manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible to sign and electronically submit the originality commitment form to the Journal site.  According to the Editorial Board Approval, the Corresponding Author should be a faculty member, preferably an associate or full professor

       Dear Researcher,

    According to the Circular number 10/62815 dated 2019/12/31, the authors are required to pay a nonrefundable review fee of 1500000 Rials after the initial verification of the manuscript by the editor-in-chief and a nonrefundable publication fee of 3500000 Rials after it is accepted for publication. The payment documents should be scanned and uploaded along with the manuscript.  

    The Journal


    Account Number

    Productivity Management





    For author instructions and how to submit click here

     For Originality Commitment Form click here.

    For Conflict of Interest form for Journal of Productivity Management Form click here.

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    Submission Guidelines 

    Visit the website of the Productivity Management Journal, /http://jpm.iaut.ac.ir, or the website of the Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, /http://iaut.ac.ir.

    Click the ‘login’ button and select the register option to register your information.

    After you register, your user name and password will be sent to the corresponding author’s email address. 

    You should further login to the website using your user name and password to submit the manuscript.

     In case the Journal’s website is not in service, contact the Editorial Board via their email: mag.pro@iaut.ac.ir

     Authors’ Guidelines

     The manuscripts should be written in Persian and the abstract should be translated into English. 

    The paper should be typed on A4 papers with:(up 5.5, down 4.5, left & right 4) and single line spacing.

    The paper should be typed in the Word 2007 format and extend over not more than 18 pages.

    The Persian font type should be B Lottus size 13 and the English font should be Times New Roman size is 11.

    Different headings should be typed using the Bold form of the same font type and size.

    Original research articles should not exceed the 6000 word-limit including the abstracts and references.  

     Organization of the Manuscript

     The manuscript should be divided into clear sections of: Cover Page, Title, Persian Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interests, References, English Abstract

     Cover Page

     the Cover Page is a distinct page including the research title, author’s or authors’ first and second names and affiliations, postal addresses, electronic emails and telephone numbers of the corresponding author and other authors. In case of multiple authors, the corresponding author should be specified. The cover page should be designed in Persian and in English.

     Running title

     The manuscript should be given a short running title which does not exceed the 8 word-limit and includes research variables.

     The Farsi Abstract

     The Farsi abstract should be written as a single paragraph of approximately 250 words delineating important features of the research methodology, findings and their significance. The abstract should be translated to English.


     Between three to five keywords that are closely related to the topic should be added right after the Farsi and English abstracts. These words should be arranged alphabetically.


     The introduction should contextualize various aspects of the research problem. The overall theoretical and empirical background to the study should be set, the research gap and the innovative approach to the problem be highlighted and finally the research purpose be clearly stated. Reference to existing literature is necessary to provide the theoretical and empirical support in the introduction and other sections of the study.

     Materials and Method

     This section includes detailed description of the research design, participants, data collection instruments, procedures and statistical analyses.


     This section presents the findings emerging from the study which can be reported textually and visually using either tables or figures that are presented to illustrate relevant findings after they are adequately introduced. Concomitant use of tables and figures is to be avoided. 

     Tables, Charts and Figures

     Tables should be legible and of appropriate size and quality. The quantitative content of the tables should follow the International SI format with minimum number of horizontal lines and without any vertical lines. Table captions should be as concise as possible including keywords that refer to the main variables.  Detailed information regarding the data analysis presented in the tables should appear under each table. Captions should be placed at the top of the tables but under the figures and graphs. All tables, figures, graphs and other visuals should be saved as color files in Word 2007 format and the numerical values along with qualitative information should be displayed in Persian.

     Discussion and Conclusion

     The focus in this section is on interpretation and justification of the findings, and thereby, on theorizing. To serve the purpose, the findings should be restated and paraphrased and then then interpreted by highlighting the causes of the findings and the underlying relationships among various research variables. Further, the findings should be compared and contrasted with previous studies in the field and the similarities and differences should be justified. It should be noted that this section should not merely review the literature. A separate paragraph should provide a concise, simple and comprehensive conclusion based on the findings.


     If necessary, authors should acknowledge individuals, organizations or institutions that contributed to the study in a few short sentences. Acknowledgement section is very concise and comes before the references.

     Conflict of Interests

     Any conflict of interest among the authors (such as priority of the authors’ names) or between authors and the funding providers should be clearly stated. The authors are recommended to align their interests and mention the organizations and institutions that played a role in the research or benefited from it. Lack of conflict of interests should be vividly stated.

     Reference List

     All Persian references should be cited in English and then ordered alphabetically based on APA Style Sheet. Authors should ensure that the reference list is a comprehensive list of “all” and “only” cited sources and avoid citing invalid dissertations and internet sites.

     Citations in the Reference List

     All Persian sources should be cited based on APA which uses the author-date method of citation. 


    Persian Sources: All Persian sources should be cited in English in the following way: the last name of the author(s), The initial(s). (the date of publication). The paper title. The Name of the Journal, Issue (Number), Publisher, page numbers. The phrase [In Persian] be added to the end.


    Shirazi, M.(2001), Investigating the competitive priorities in determining the industry sector operations strategy. Management and Development Journal8, 49-39, [In Persian]

    Other sources:

    The last name of the author(s), The initial(s). (the date of publication). The paper title. The Name of the Journal, Issue (Number), Publisher, page numbers.


     Toivonen, R. M. (2012). Product quality and value from consumer perspective - An application to wooden products. Journal of Forest Economics, 18(2), 157-173.

     In-text Citation

    Persian sources: (the last name of the author(s), the date of publication, page number(s)).

    In case of translated works and Persian sources by two authors or translators, the names of the original author and not the translator is mentioned as follow:

     (Family Name in Persian, the data of publication of the translated word in Iran, page number(s)).

     Example for works by one author: (Robins, 1381, 54-58)

    Example for works by one author: (Robins & Freeman, 1380, 255)

     For books or articles by more than three authors, the name of the first author (not the translator) is mentioned followed by the expression (et al.).


     (First author, et a. (Year of translation in Iran, page numbers) (Thompson et al., 1381, 58-54)

    When a Persian source is cited for the second or third successive time, it is quoted in the

    following way:

     (Ibid, 75)       

     Citation of English Sources  

     For original sources with one author, the second name of the author should be mentioned as follows: (Last Name, Year, p)       (Robbins, 2001, 85-88)

     For English sources with two authors, the second names of both authors should be mentioned as follows:  (Last Name 1, Last Name 2, year ,p) (Stoner & Friman, 2002, 253)


    For original works with more than three authors, the second name of the first author is mentioned followed by “et al.”, year of publication and page number as follows:

    (Last Name et al., 2000, 229)

     When an English source is cited for the second or third successive time, it is quoted in the

    following way:

     (Ibid, p)      (Ibid, 38)   

     Reference List Citation

     Following APA Style sheet 6th Edition, all Persian and English sources, including books and published articles, should be cited alphabetically based on the author’s name. The following list provides detailed examples: 

    Original Books:

     Authors’ family name, first name initial. (publication date). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, Volume Number, Page number(s).


    Ellis, R. (1979). The guide to everything and then some more stuff. Oxford: Oxford University Press.   

    Original Articles:

     Authors’ second name, first name initial. (publication date). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Issue(Issue number), page number(s).


    Seligman, K. (1985). Welcome to the management. Journal of Management37(2), 25-36. 

    Persian Books or Translations

     Second name, first name initial. (publication date). Title of the book. Full Name of the Translator, Place of publication: Publisher, Volume Number, Page number(s).


    Ellis, R. (1979). The guide to everything and then some more stuff. Oxford: Oxford University Press.   

    Articles from Persian Journals: 

      Second name, first name initial. (publication date). Title of the article. Title of the Journal,, Page number(s). Issue (number Month or Season of Publication) 


     In book and articles with two authors, a comma is added after the first author’s initial and the & sign is added, then the second author’s family name is mentioned followed by a comma and the initials. Remember to indent the second, and other lines, to follow the APA style.


    Strunk, W., & White, E. B. (1979). The guide to everything and then some more stuff. New York, NY: Macmillan.  

    Electronic Sources

     For electronic sources, Provide the DOI if one has been assigned. Copy and paste this where possible, and do not change it. The DOI can usually be found on the first page of an article at the top or bottom of the page. When a DOI is used in your citation, no other retrieval information is needed.

     Author, A.A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Subtitle [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi:xxxxxxxxx.

     Author, A.A., & Author, C.C. (Year of publicaion). Title of article. Title of Journal, Issue(number), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx

     If no DOI has been assigned to the content, provide the home page URL of the journal or of the book or report publisher.

     Author, A.A. (Year of publication). Title of book: Subtitle [Adobe Digital Editions version]Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.  Date of Retrieval.

     Author, A.A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, issue(number), page number(s). Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx. Date of Retrieval. 

    Theses and Dissertations available from an institutional database

    Author, A.M. (2009). Title of dissertation (Doctoral dissertation, Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from http://www.university/etd/

     Thesis and Dissertation available from the Web

    Author, A.M. (2009). Title of dissertation (Doctoral dissertation, Master’s Thesis, University Name, Country). Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxxx/thesis/

    For more information not mentioned here, check APA Manual of Style (6th edition) available at www.apastyle.org 

     For additional information on layout and referencing, check: 



     Journal Address:

    Room 209, Second Floor, Allameh Amini Building, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Tabriz Road, Pasdaran Highway. Postal Code: 5157944533, Tel: 041-31966293

      Web site:http://jpm.iaut.ac.ir


