Peer Review
The manuscripts submitted to the Productivity Management Journal are subject to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument. The journal is committed to the highest standards of double blind-review. Hence, the authors are recommended to organize the manuscripts based on a careful review of the guide for authors before submitting it on-line. The submitted manuscripts will undergo an in-house review process by the editorial board, which can take up to 7 days. If it is accepted in the first stage, the manuscript will be assessed by the editor-in-chief.
Upon receipt of the manuscript, the corresponding author is notified and receives the number under which the manuscript has been registered, as well as the name and e-mail address of the scientific editor who is in charge of handling the submitted manuscripts. The authors should correspond with the editor-in-chief for any information regarding the manuscript status and the progress of the review process. The manuscript will undergo a double blind-review process, which can take up to four weeks. At the end of the review process, they will receive a response from the reviewers reflecting their decisions which may be: accepted, acceptance with minor revision, requiring major revision, or rejected. If the decision is ‘revision’, the authors are requested to apply the reviewers and editors’ comments into account and to revise the manuscript accordingly. The revised manuscript highlighting the revisions can undergo a second review process. Upon final acceptance, the authors are required to organize the final version of the manuscript based on the journal’s guidelines as a word document, rather than a pdf file, with tables filed in Excel. The finalized files should be sent to the editor-in-chief. The authors will then be notified when the paper will be published. Only one galley proof will be sent as a PDF file to the corresponding author. This proof must be carefully proofread and sent back within 2 working days.