• List of Articles Sufi

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        1 - -Awfāq and Raml Treatises in Safīna-yi-Tabrīz
        Parisa Ghorbannejad
        Safīna-yi Tabrīz is a manuscript collection consisting of 209 titles of treatises, poems, tables, letters and book excerpts that Abolmajd Tabrizi wrote in his own handwriting in the first third of the eighth century AH. In this article, the treatises on the science of a More
        Safīna-yi Tabrīz is a manuscript collection consisting of 209 titles of treatises, poems, tables, letters and book excerpts that Abolmajd Tabrizi wrote in his own handwriting in the first third of the eighth century AH. In this article, the treatises on the science of awfāq and geomancy in Safīna have been reviewed. There are two treatises Al-Modjez fī ʿlm-i- aʿdad wefq and Khawaṣ aʿdad wefq on the science of awfāq, and three treatises Ashkā raml, Ketab fī ʿlm al-raml, al-toḥfah fī ʿlm al-Raml on the geomancy have been written. The treatise of Al-Modjez fī ʿlm aʿdad wefq according to adaptation has different chapters compared to the common treatises of its time, so that one chapter is for matching numbers and has the section of odd squares, evenly-odd and evenly-even, and the other chapter by common methods in matching names and dhikrs  is assigned. In the treatise on the Khawaṣ aʿdad wefq, the properties of squares up to the order of 9*9 are written, while in the treatises of this period, more ranks are usually mentioned. Raml's treatises on the Safīna-yi Tabrīz are selected and together form a complete collection of Raml's works. The first work was in the form of poetry, the second work was in the form of a table and had a completely different innovation and structure than other works in this period and it seems to have less influence than other works, and finally the treatise of al-Toḥfah fī ʿlm al-raml, which has a different structure with similar works in its era.  Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Fundamental ShÊa Concepts in the Persian SunnÊ Man§qÊbs from the 14th to the 16th Century
        Oveis Khadem-Lu Mohammad Haji Taghi
        Writing Manaqib works has been one of the Hadith compilation styles. A deepening of the Shia-Sufism link, the growth of Shia societies, the absence of Imamate in Islam, and the development of a Mahdaviyya environment, transformed the Manaqib writing. This transformation More
        Writing Manaqib works has been one of the Hadith compilation styles. A deepening of the Shia-Sufism link, the growth of Shia societies, the absence of Imamate in Islam, and the development of a Mahdaviyya environment, transformed the Manaqib writing. This transformation led to the growth of intellectual Sunni sect with the tendency to Shiism. This transformation was also noted in the works of Sunni authors. This study reveals how semantic developments and the role of religious, political, and social factors contribute to the question “Were the Shia thinking concepts in the Persian Sunni Manaqib works of the 14-16th centuries transformed to the benefit of Shia? This study used a historical method based on sources and the literature to suggest that in the Manaqib works of this era, there was a rising tendency to holy literature. Also, such concepts as ‘Itrat and qurbat, tavalla and tabarra and shafa’a expanded Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Analysis of Sarbedaran Movement Based on Charles Tilly Collective Action Theory
        Ali Bahranipour abdolah fazeli sajad kazemi Ali Lajmorak Moradi
        Ahvaz, IranThe combination of history and theory is among the methods that many scholars, including historians and sociologists, have shown their interest in that. Charles Tilly is a sociologist who has used historical events to illustrate how sociological patterns work More
        Ahvaz, IranThe combination of history and theory is among the methods that many scholars, including historians and sociologists, have shown their interest in that. Charles Tilly is a sociologist who has used historical events to illustrate how sociological patterns work. This article analyzes the Sarbedaran social-religious movement based on the theory of collective action by him. Thus, the concepts which are related to the collective action theory such  as interests, organization, mobilization, collective action, opportunity, threat, suppression and facilitation, were extracted from the history and described. Then, based on those concepts,  the inner elements of the Sarbedaran movement, namely the impact of economic interests, the role of the Dervishes, futuwat Organization, Shiite and the sources of effective mobilization of forces, as well as the objective factors, such as the conditions for suppression or facilitation of the confrontation between the challenging groups of the Leaders and the political community of the Ilkhans have been analysed. The method used in this article is comparative. The findings show that continuation of tax encroachment and double taxation, the role of the Sufi traditions, the Shiite, and the organization of futuwat and close connection between its social forces and the movement's organization as well as the political role of such forces are major sources of mobilization, and the disintegration of the Ilkhanates government and also the inability of their armed forces to suppress the opposition and challenger groups, are facilitating conditions for the Sarbedaran movement. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Nūshābād’s Zīlū: The Earliest Known Zīlū from Islamic Persia
        Mohamad Reza Ghiasian Mohammad Mashhadi Noosh Abadi
        Although zīlūproduction has been mentioned in the historical texts of the tenth century, the surviving examples belong to the sixteenth century onwards. Some scholars have considered a zīlūwoven in Maybod and dated 808/1405 as the earliest known zīlū, but they have mist More
        Although zīlūproduction has been mentioned in the historical texts of the tenth century, the surviving examples belong to the sixteenth century onwards. Some scholars have considered a zīlūwoven in Maybod and dated 808/1405 as the earliest known zīlū, but they have mistaken in reading the date and it belongs to the Safavid period. The only known pre- Safavid zīlūis preserved in the Hermitage museum. Historians of Islamic art believe that this zīlūbears no date and introduce it as one of the masterpieces of Ilkhanid art. This paper with careful scrutiny of both artistic style and inscriptions offers a new suggestion for its weaving date. It can be hypothesized that this zīlūhas been woven in Ramadan 808/1406 in Nūshābād, a small town near Kashan. Thus it can be considered as the earliest dated zilu surviving from Islamic Persia. One of the important questions concerning this zīlūaddresses its function. Although other scholars considered this flatweave as a saf – carpet with repeated niche designs that may have been intended for large congregational mosques, use of Quranic inscriptions in a carpet, which would be trodden on by feet would have been disrespectful. Regarding the content of the inscriptions shows that it probably was a prayer rug and connects it to sufi circles Manuscript profile
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        5 - philosophical- theological transitions in Hafsi period
        M.R Pak
        Immigration of the philosophers Mutakalims from the descending cities of Andalucia to Ifrikiya was simultaneous with the advent of Imām- ul- mutikallīm kalāmi thoughts from Egypt to Ifrikiya. In this encounter of thoughts Maliki Mutakalims were superior who confirmed More
        Immigration of the philosophers Mutakalims from the descending cities of Andalucia to Ifrikiya was simultaneous with the advent of Imām- ul- mutikallīm kalāmi thoughts from Egypt to Ifrikiya. In this encounter of thoughts Maliki Mutakalims were superior who confirmed and established their predecessor´s traditions. Superiority of kālam over philosophy continued in most schools of the Hafsi period. Combination of philosophy and kālam philosophy and Sufism and cration of philosophical Sufism was one of the special phenomena in the Hafsi period. Ibn khaldūn´snew policy in history and advent of the worldly character of Ibn Sab‘īn introduced Hafsi period as the fundamental stage in the history of Islamic philosophy. Muslim´s superiority over the Christian in sagacious discussions indicates liveliness and predaminary of Islamic philosophy after Ibn Rashid prevalence of polemic is one of the common phenomena in Hafsi period that revealed itself most in Ibadiyeh (madhhab).   Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Factors Affecting Divergence of Anatolian Sufi Turkomans from the Ottomans
        Mahdi Jamalifar Mahdi Ebadi
        great convergence of the Ottomans due to their presence and role in the Ottoman Empire's establishment and evolution and its rise as a powerful state, notwithstanding the divergent nature of their life. Therefore, the nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkomans of Anatolia, foll More
        great convergence of the Ottomans due to their presence and role in the Ottoman Empire's establishment and evolution and its rise as a powerful state, notwithstanding the divergent nature of their life. Therefore, the nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkomans of Anatolia, followers of popular Sufism led by the Sufi dervishes, had agreeable relations with the first Ottoman sultans. Gradually, historical developments changed this trend. The Ottomans conquered Constantinople in the second half of the ninth century AH and moved their capital to it. Following this conquest, the Ottoman bureaucracy underwent a new stage of evolution and development. Moreover, the Ottomans' policies towards the Turkomans, the Ottoman state's former founders, changed radically. This was while a large population of Turkomans emphasized the nomadic ways and traditions of life. According to this study, Ottoman bureaucracy's development in the post-conquest period of Istanbul, headed by the three institutions of Timar, Devshirme, and School, presented a crucial role in isolating the Turkomans. Besides, Ottoman centralism policy in the face of the nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkomans and the humiliation of these groups by the Ottoman society's elites reinforced the Sufi Turkmens' divergence from the Ottomans and caused their convergence of the Safavids Manuscript profile
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        7 - Rhythmic Patterns in a Treatise on Music Entitled Kulliyat-i Yusufi
        بابک khazraei
        According to the scribe of its unique manuscript, the treatise entitledKulliyat-i Yusufi, attributed to iya’uddin Yusuf, is written duringFatḥ‘ali Shah’s reign (1212-1250 A.H.). Despite its unoriginality,since very few numbers of Musical works are ext More
        According to the scribe of its unique manuscript, the treatise entitledKulliyat-i Yusufi, attributed to iya’uddin Yusuf, is written duringFatḥ‘ali Shah’s reign (1212-1250 A.H.). Despite its unoriginality,since very few numbers of Musical works are extant, this short treatisewhich indicates the continuity of writing works on music underQajarids, is very important. The fact that there is a reference to thenames of twelve musical model systems (dastgahs) at the end of theaforementioned treatise, shows an important turning point in thehistorical course of this concept. Like most of Safavid works onmusic, this treatise uses the word Uṣul for the concept of rhythmicpatterns in Music. The last chapter of this work on Uṣul has beendivided to two parts. The first part, under the influence of MirṢadruddin Qazvini (d. 1008 A.H.)’s work on music, commences withthe definition of the terms “Uṣul” and “Naqra”, and describes 5 oldand 17 recent Dawrs, and finally different rhythmic genres. Secondchapter, influenced probably by a treatise entitled Bahjat al-Rawḥ(written probably in the eleventh century) describes 24 rhythmicdawrs. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Sufism in the Analysis of a Discourse; the Treatise of Radd-i- Sufiya
        iman amini Shahram Pazzouki
        As the Safavid kings determined to confined the Sufis of Qizilbash power and using Shari'a for obtaining legitimacy, the raddiah (refutation) texts of some jurisprudents against Sufism also have grown significantly in the second half of the Safavid era. One of the influ More
        As the Safavid kings determined to confined the Sufis of Qizilbash power and using Shari'a for obtaining legitimacy, the raddiah (refutation) texts of some jurisprudents against Sufism also have grown significantly in the second half of the Safavid era. One of the influential Ikhbari jurisprudents was Mulla Taher Qomi, who by writing many dissertations in opposition to Sufism is also considered as the most prolific raddiah writers. This paper, by using Van Leeuwen and Laclau Mouffe's analysis patterns, explores linguistic propositions and disclose discourse constructions of one of those controversial texts, Radd-i-sufiya . The paper indicates that the author, from the point of view of his superior argument, Shia and Sharia of Islam, is against the rival discourse around the central point of tariqah and haqiqah, and thus, with the misunderstanding and diminution of semantic elements of discourse, introduce Sufism as non-Islamic and sometimes originated from the Sunnite. These pretensions and the intensification of otherness between the two discourses had a profound effect on subsequent hegemonic interventions, especially during the Qajar period. Hegemony with the means of force gave certainty and unambiguity in conflicts to the Sufi discourse. As a result of this intervention, formally, Sufism and any mystic recitations of religion was marginalized in public discourse, and the formalist discourse was the dominant discourse of the religious understanding in the society. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Reexamination on Relation between the Islamic Arts and Mysticism on the Historical Evidences
        مهرداد قیومی بیدهندی
        Many scholars have suggested that, in the Islamic culture, there was afirm and deep relation between the arts and the Islamic mysticism. Asthe Sufi poets tried to present their mystic intuitions in poems, theIslamic artisans and craftsmen tried to realise their mystic f More
        Many scholars have suggested that, in the Islamic culture, there was afirm and deep relation between the arts and the Islamic mysticism. Asthe Sufi poets tried to present their mystic intuitions in poems, theIslamic artisans and craftsmen tried to realise their mystic findings inthere are works artefacts, buildings, calligraphy, paintings, music, etc.Such an assertion is based on two premises:(1) The non-modernIslamic milieu was full of spirituality in spite of many reports aboutvillainous acts in it;(2) The art works which we have inherited fromthe non-modern Islamic culture are of spirituality enough to lead us tosomehow contending the spiritual character of their creators, or, atleast, the spiritual milieu and the context in which they were created.But in fact the efforts for showing reliability of the premises are notenough. We know that a good number of the Islamic artists were Sufibut all of them were not so. Hever the less we can also find manyhistorical instances showing that the milieu was full of mysticism aswell as the prominent effective artists were Sufi or, at least, had Sufitrends. Moreover, in the Islamic society, the men who had publicacceptability, i.e. the moral leaders, were Sufi or had somehowrelation with Sufism and mystic cycles. In this article, the presentauthor introduces many instances from the Persian literature andhistoric texts to show the relation between Sufis and art, as well as therelation between the Iranian Muslim artists and mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Sūfi Criticism in Safavīd Era: A Comparison between Mullāh Muhammad Tahir Qumi and Allāmih Madjlisī Points of View
        helia menshari Fahimeh Mokhber Dezfouli
        With the recognition of the Twelver Shiite and the presence of Shi’i scholars in the Safavid court, the Sufis power was diminished. During the second period of Safavid reign, the attempt of the Safavid kings to break free of Qizilbash sovereignty, which began in t More
        With the recognition of the Twelver Shiite and the presence of Shi’i scholars in the Safavid court, the Sufis power was diminished. During the second period of Safavid reign, the attempt of the Safavid kings to break free of Qizilbash sovereignty, which began in the early Safavid period, became more and more and also accompanied by anti-Sufis movement of Shia scholars. The emergence of a kind of vulgarian Sufism provoked the opposition of Shi’i scholars even more and sometimes created a competition between them. Those factors led to the formation of a literature and writing of some books, which in one side were Shia jurists and on the other side Sufis. Some of those books were in the form of treatises criticizing Sufis beliefs and customs, such as Tuhfat-al-akhyar of Mullah Mohammad Tahir Qumi. And other books were generally religious included verses and narrations for Shia which in a chapter or chapters criticized Sufis’ beliefs. Among those books, we can mention ‘Ayn al-Hayat by Allamih Majlisi. The present study will explain the cultural atmosphere of the Safavid period by reviewing the anti-Sufism opinions of the two famous scholars. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Investigation the effect of land use changes on the quantity of water resources using remote sensing data and SWAT model (Case study: Maroon basin-southwest of Iran)
        khosrow shafiei Jahangir porhemmat Hossien sedghi Majid Hosseni
        The Correct management watersheds is one of the most important methods is the optimal use of soil and water resources. To do this, it’s need for comprehensive information of different methods administrative management. Recent decades, correct and timely assessment More
        The Correct management watersheds is one of the most important methods is the optimal use of soil and water resources. To do this, it’s need for comprehensive information of different methods administrative management. Recent decades, correct and timely assessment of quantitative and qualitative runoff is considered one of the concerns of the country's macro management. This project is modeling and evaluation and efficiency of the SWAT model to simulate the monthly runoff, sensitivity analysis, optimization of critical parameters, to evaluate the effect land use during the past four decades on Quantity of Maroon River watershed at the departure station (Idanak) in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad. For this purpose, were used from semi-distributed SWAT model and SUFI2 program in the form of bundles SWAT CUP for sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation and uncertainty analysis.In this research first were prepared changes in land use map available as well as soil and vegetation in the watershed Maroon map within four ten-year period from 1980 to 2010 by using TM and ETM sensor of Landsat satellite .Observations Data of hydrometric Idenak station as base station was used during 1970 to 2010 in four ten-year period to observe changes in runoff during the calibration and validation. Compare the effect of land use management options on the different components of the hydrological cycle shows different amounts of runoff. Shows a the pessimistic scenario occurred in four decades. With continuing damage to the state in land use regression various amounts of runoff increases and decreases permeability and gullies on the surface and deep aquifers. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The Sufi Conduct and the Social Responsibility: A Probe into Hajj Mulla Ali NurAlishah Gunabadi’s Social and Cultural Views and Affairs
        MohammadAli Tavousi Mahmoodreza Esfandiar
        The present study examines the views, social behavior, and cultural affairs of Hajj Mulla Ali NurAlishah Gunabadi, a prominent Sufi master of the Nimatullahi Sufi order, in order to gain insights into the relationship between Sufi conduct and social responsibility. The More
        The present study examines the views, social behavior, and cultural affairs of Hajj Mulla Ali NurAlishah Gunabadi, a prominent Sufi master of the Nimatullahi Sufi order, in order to gain insights into the relationship between Sufi conduct and social responsibility. The study uses a descriptive-analytical method and is a library based research. The first section defines social responsibility and explores notable views on the social roles of Sufis. The authors then discuss NurAlishah's forty-day period of seclusion and his social and cultural activities, including the establishment of the Mazare Soltani Sufi Center of Beidokht. The results of the study suggest that NurAlishah's devotion to fulfilling Sufi commands did not prevent him from engaging in society, which is a trait common among many Sufi masters. The issue of Sufism and its effect on social and cultural affairs remains a controversial topic among Iranian researchers, and this paper contributes to the ongoing discussion by examining the behavior and views of a prominent Sufi master. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Sharia and Tariqa in the Gospel of Thomas and Islamic mysticism
        Mehran Rahbari
        The Gospel of Thomas is one of the important texts of Nag Hammadi library. Paying attention to the external implementation of religious laws (Sharia) and its internals (Tariqa) are among the topics that have been mentioned to in this non-canonical text. In this Gospel, More
        The Gospel of Thomas is one of the important texts of Nag Hammadi library. Paying attention to the external implementation of religious laws (Sharia) and its internals (Tariqa) are among the topics that have been mentioned to in this non-canonical text. In this Gospel, the fraudulent behavior of the Pharisees and their imitative traditions are criticized and Jesus encourages the disciples to correct the intention and perform religious practices with the presence of the heart. According to Islamic traditions, religious affairs are divided into Sharia and Tariqat. On this basis, Sufis, as the bearers of the spiritual dimension of Islam, consider the truth of religion including both aspects of Sharia and Tariqa, and they are two sides of the same coin and inseparable. They advise the seeker not to get caught up in the form and oblivious to the meaning while adhering to the Sharia and in addition to the implementation of Sharia laws, they must also take care of the interior of religious practices as the spiritual life of believers. This article compares the approach of the Gospel of Thomas and Islamic texts on this issue. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Mystical Stations and States in the Quotes from Imam Ali in Sufi Literature from the Beginning up to the 11th Century
        zahra ebrahimi ابوالفضل Mahmoudi
        Sufism has designated the stages and processes involved in the levels of the sufist’s progression under the rubric of Station. In the light of the revered place that Imam Ali (PBUH) holds in Islam, leading texts on Sufism quote the Imam frequently touching these s More
        Sufism has designated the stages and processes involved in the levels of the sufist’s progression under the rubric of Station. In the light of the revered place that Imam Ali (PBUH) holds in Islam, leading texts on Sufism quote the Imam frequently touching these stages and levels. Sufists have rightly recognized that some of Imam’s revered remarks are open to a mystic interpretation. Mystics have had access to Imam’s legacy of quotes and remarks through either official sources of quotes or the traditional orally handed ones. The latter source has especially fed into certain meanings and lines that have no precedent even in Shiite sources and texts; it is a remarkable source to get to know the revered Holy Imam. Statistically speaking, the legacy of Imam’s quotes and remarks in all of its coverage of concepts and meanings has provided the one dependable source of reference for concepts to do with Stations and most expressions concerning States. Nevertheless, in view of the sheer number of schools of thought developed in Sufism, the book Al-luma’ fi al-tasawwuf will act as the mainstay and frame of reference in this study. Manuscript profile
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        15 - he Critical Emendation of Hamadānī's Inspirations Treatise
        علیرضا ٍEbrahim معصومه Nakini
        Mir Sayyed ʿAlī Hamadānī (1314-1384) is one of the great Sufi masters of Kubravī order who has played a crucial role in developing and promoting the Islamic teachings, especially in the northern and central parts of Iran, Central Asia and north India (Kashmir). Some of More
        Mir Sayyed ʿAlī Hamadānī (1314-1384) is one of the great Sufi masters of Kubravī order who has played a crucial role in developing and promoting the Islamic teachings, especially in the northern and central parts of Iran, Central Asia and north India (Kashmir). Some of his treatises have been published in Persian speaking countries, however there are some manuscript version of his writings which have not still been published. The Risālah-ye Vāridāt (The Treatise of Inspirations) is one these manuscripts. Here, we emendate this treatise based on three different manuscripts. We tried to correct scribes' mistakes and prepare a reliable edition of this treatise. Risālah-ye Vāridāt consists of an introduction and an epilogue. The text is a prose poem full of companionate advice. The main characteristics of Kubravī order can be traced in the treatise such as paying attention to religious obligations, avoiding superficial understanding of religious teachings, following futuwwa path, Shi'ite tendencies and holding some teachings of Ibn al-'arabī. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Imām ʻAli in Sufi Literature (With an Emphasis on the Sufi Texts up to the 12 C.E.)
        زهرا Ebrahimi ابوالفضل Mahmoudi
        In Sufi literature there are important materials on Imam Ali's life and teachings so one can consider Sufi literature as a proper source for knowing him. With an emphasis on four important aspects this essay tries to describe the place of Imam Ali in the Sufi texts. The More
        In Sufi literature there are important materials on Imam Ali's life and teachings so one can consider Sufi literature as a proper source for knowing him. With an emphasis on four important aspects this essay tries to describe the place of Imam Ali in the Sufi texts. These four aspects are as follows: 1) the description of Imam Ali’s character according to traditions used by Sufis, 2) the relationship of Imam Ali with the other Caliphs, 3) miracles that ascribe to him, 4) Sufis' experiences of meeting Imam on dreams. It should be noted that all the above-mentioned aspects are based on the Sufi texts up to the twelve century C.E. The essay leads to the conclusion that Sufis’ perception and understanding of the Imam’s status is to a large extent close to Shi'ite understanding of Imam Ali, and it is on this ground that one can increasingly emphasize the closeness of Sufism and Shi'ism. Manuscript profile
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        17 - "Khutbah al-Bayān" and the Ecstatic Utterances of the Sufis (shaths)
        رضا اسدپور
        "Khutbah al-Bayān" is a sermon ascribed to Imam Alī which consistsof a group of rhythmical sentences which begin with the pronoun "I". Itdescribes Imam Alī as a Perfect Man, who is ready to annihilate in God(fanā’). Since "Khutbah al-Bayān" is similar to the Suf More
        "Khutbah al-Bayān" is a sermon ascribed to Imam Alī which consistsof a group of rhythmical sentences which begin with the pronoun "I". Itdescribes Imam Alī as a Perfect Man, who is ready to annihilate in God(fanā’). Since "Khutbah al-Bayān" is similar to the Sufis' ecstaticutterances (shaths), it has been welcomed by the followers of theesoteric sects of Islam, some groups of Shi‘ites and Sufis. On the otherhand, there are some other Muslims, specially the opponents of theSufis, who do not recognize in the originality and authority of thissermon. Therefore, there have been diverse viewpoints about "Khutbahal-Bayān" in the Muslim world.This essay begins with a bibliographical account of the "Khutbahal-Bayān" in accordance with typological divisions; it then, surveys thedifferent versions of the sermon and finally deals with the history of the"Khutbah" and its relation with the shaths. In doing so, this essay triesto explain the multiple meanings of the shaths and observe thebackground of this concept in Sufism. Therefore the viewpoints ofRūzbihān Baqlī other of the exegetes of the "Khutbah" such asMīrsharīf Nuqtawī, Dihdār Shīrāzī, ‘Abd al-Samad Hamadānī, RāzDhahabī and Mīrzā Qumī are mentioned. Finally, this essay comes tothis conclusion that "Khutbah al-Bayān" could be treated as a shath. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Non-prophetical Miracle from the Viewpoint of Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī
        بهرام پروین گنابادی حسن قادری
        According to the Islamic mystical texts, and in spite of the writings ofthe hagiographers, Sufi masters were not willing to do miracles andextraordinary practices. On the contrary, these extraordinary practiceshad no essential role in the development of early Sufism. Bu More
        According to the Islamic mystical texts, and in spite of the writings ofthe hagiographers, Sufi masters were not willing to do miracles andextraordinary practices. On the contrary, these extraordinary practiceshad no essential role in the development of early Sufism. But graduallywhen the Sufi orders were established, speaking about the miracles ofthe masters became prevalent among the naive adherents of Sufism.They used these stories as a proof of the superiority of their masters.However, some of the Muslim philosophers and mystics such asIbn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī, speak about the possibility of these practices.Ibn Sīnā in the tenth chapter of Ishārāt wa Tanbīhāt surveys themystery of non-prophetical miracles (kirāmāt) and extraordinarypractices and he tries to give rational reasons to prove it. Ibn Arabī alsobrings many examples of Sufi miracles in his works. He categorizesextraordinary practices into miracles, non-prophetical miracles andmagic. He insists on the possibility of non-prophetical miracles. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Knowledge in Islamic Mysticism and Gnosticism
        Seyyed Ali Mohammad Sajjadi Ahmad Khatami Fereshteh Jafari
        Gnosticism is in fact a mystical movement that includes differentreligions such as Manichaeism, Mandaeism and Christianity. Gnosticshad a dualistic view and they considered the material world as thecreation of an evil force. Their main doctrine is that the human soul is More
        Gnosticism is in fact a mystical movement that includes differentreligions such as Manichaeism, Mandaeism and Christianity. Gnosticshad a dualistic view and they considered the material world as thecreation of an evil force. Their main doctrine is that the human soul istrapped in this world and the path of his salvation is passing throughachievement of gnosis or the saving Knowledge, which brings to themankind by divine messengers and holy saviors. This knowledge isacquired through the heart not the mind. Such an idea is considered asone of the most basic principles in Islamic mysticism, so there areremarkable similarities between gnostic and the Sufi epistemologicalstandpoints. This becomes more obvious when we consider themeaning of the two words, gnosis and „rfān, both of which mean“knowledge”. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Hadith of “God Created Adam in his Image” in Abrahamic Religions
        علی Delshad Sh Pazooki
        Mystics and Sufis believe that the hadith, as the book of Allah, has an appearance and a reality. A very important point is the meta-historical and hermeneutic view of the mystics in confrontation of mystical and Sufi hadiths which is due to their kind of view. They bel More
        Mystics and Sufis believe that the hadith, as the book of Allah, has an appearance and a reality. A very important point is the meta-historical and hermeneutic view of the mystics in confrontation of mystical and Sufi hadiths which is due to their kind of view. They believe that the way of the hadith narrators, which noted more on the hadith evidence, excludes hadith from perception its contents. For example, the narrative of Adam’s creation on God’s image which the first time mentioned in Genesis, is one of the documentation of Sufis, Considering that this teaching was first mentioned in Bible, jurists and hadith narrators, consider it as an adaptation from Jewish heritage, giving it the title of the Isra'iliyyat (attributing to Israil), and consider it spurious hadiths. While from the sight of Mystics, in all Abrahamic religions, this belief that God created Adam in his Image or truth, is a principle and spiritual truth and the fact that in one (Judaism) it is explicitly mentioned in the old testament, and in another (Islam), the same phrase is not mentioned in the Qur'an but in narrative was seen, cannot be a reason for its spurious.  Manuscript profile
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        21 - Abulfazl al-Baghdādī: the Unknown Successor of Ahmad Ghazālī
        انسیه شیخسفلی شهرام پازوکی
        According to the Sufis’ chains of authorities, the tradition of ShāhNimatullāh Valī (d. 1430 C.E.) goes back to Ahmad Ghazālī (d. 1126C.E.), the head of the Marufī order and the brother of the famousImām Muhammad Ghazālī. This chain was developed outside Iran byt More
        According to the Sufis’ chains of authorities, the tradition of ShāhNimatullāh Valī (d. 1430 C.E.) goes back to Ahmad Ghazālī (d. 1126C.E.), the head of the Marufī order and the brother of the famousImām Muhammad Ghazālī. This chain was developed outside Iran bythe unknown successor of Ahmad Ghazālī, mentioned as Abulfazl al-Baghdādī, and through some intermediaries reached Abu Madyan (d.1198 C.E.), in Tlemcen (a town in Northwestern Algeria). The name ofAbu Madyan is frequently mentioned in Ibn al-Arabi’s works as hismaster. This chain finally came up to Shāh Nimatullāh Valī, thusreturned to Iran. This article tries to survey the real identity of ShaikhAbulfazl al-Baghdādī. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Saikh Ahmad Tidjāni and Tidjāniyya Order
        مرتضی khosro-shahi محمدجواد Shams
        Tidjāniyya is a Sufi order which was founded by Saikh Aḥmad Tidjāni (1737-1814 C.E.). The order is one of the greatest Sufi orders of north Africa which has played an important role in the development of Islam in that region.  Shaikh Aḥmad joined Sufi path when he More
        Tidjāniyya is a Sufi order which was founded by Saikh Aḥmad Tidjāni (1737-1814 C.E.). The order is one of the greatest Sufi orders of north Africa which has played an important role in the development of Islam in that region.  Shaikh Aḥmad joined Sufi path when he was young and after initiating into some important orders such as Qādiriyya, Nāṣiriyya and Khalvatiyya, gradually became a Sufi master. In 1781 C.E. he claimed that he had a mission from the prophet of Islam to establish a Sufi order and he called it Tidjāniyya or Ibrāhimiyya. Nowadays the order is active in African countries such as, Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Tunisia and Mali. The main practice of the order is invocations (Dhikr) of God and the prophet.  Manuscript profile
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        23 - Thomas Merton's views on Islam and Sufism
        reza rezaei طاهره حاج ابراهیمی Shahram Pazouki
        One of the unique ideas of Thomas Merton, a catholic reverend, was the idea of interreligious dialogue to which he has pointed out in a multitude of his essays and articles. Merton aimed to expand the notion of interreligious dialogue in order to include religions other More
        One of the unique ideas of Thomas Merton, a catholic reverend, was the idea of interreligious dialogue to which he has pointed out in a multitude of his essays and articles. Merton aimed to expand the notion of interreligious dialogue in order to include religions other than Christianity as well, and by stressing the similarities in the belief system and religious rituals of other religions with that of Christianity, he tried to pave the way towards the enrichment of religious experience for the believers of all religions and to further develop their religious bonds with Christianity. In this study, Thomas Merton’s thoughts on Islam, especially that of Islamic Sufism and Mysticism are discussed. While expounding on his interreligious dialogue, the discourse between Islam and Christianity is examined in depth. The ideas of Merton, especially that of Sufism including recitation, meditation, to see yourself as nothing without God, and to see God as your only source of existence are discussed in this study. Merton’s view on Sufism as what brings Christianity and Islam together, as the findings of this study suggest, remains both a highly plausible and rather controversial stance that needs further investigation. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The Salvation of Pharaoh in the Holy Quran
        محمود Sheikh
        Three interpretations of the issue of Pharaoh's salvation can be offered;1.Pharaoh truly believed and was saved;2.Pharaoh believed, but his faith did not lead to his salvation,3.Pharaoh only expressed faith, and his faith was not true or complete or genuine. There is ev More
        Three interpretations of the issue of Pharaoh's salvation can be offered;1.Pharaoh truly believed and was saved;2.Pharaoh believed, but his faith did not lead to his salvation,3.Pharaoh only expressed faith, and his faith was not true or complete or genuine. There is evidence in the Qur'an that Pharaoh was tormented in the Hereafter that is difficult to deny, such as Moses' prayer for Pharaoh and his entourage not to succeed and the answer to his prayer, the existence of very negative and sometimes implicit attributes for Pharaoh in the Qur'an, the literal meaning of verses. The torment of Pharaoh, on the torment of the Hereafter. The third interpretation is not acceptable because of the explicitness of the verse of Pharaoh's faith on his belief and its confirmation with the phrase "now and the height of my disobedience before", while the second interpretation is due to accepting Pharaoh's faith but his faith is not beneficial for his salvation because of the verses that faith They do not consider torment to be beneficial at the moment of revelation, it is more acceptable and more in proportion to the appearance and spirit of the verses of the Qur'an.  Manuscript profile
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        25 - Review of the “Caliph Allah” Doctrine in Islam
        masoud shavarani
        Considering Human as “Caliph of God on the earth” is now accepted as a Muslim doctrine; however, in the Holy Quran, this term is not mentioned and the term “caliphate” is mentioned twice in the Qur'an. The main meaning of the word "Khalifa" is th More
        Considering Human as “Caliph of God on the earth” is now accepted as a Muslim doctrine; however, in the Holy Quran, this term is not mentioned and the term “caliphate” is mentioned twice in the Qur'an. The main meaning of the word "Khalifa" is the succession and replacement of the present person to the absent person, and it seems that the purpose of the Quran was to use this term and derivatives of that meaning, and “the caliph of Allah” has a contradictory meaning, because God The present and the ruler of the world, described in the Holy Qur'an, is not absent from being replaced. On the other hand, historical studies show that this term was not accepted by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, but gradually, perhaps for political reasons, it was used by the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs in the political literature of that time. The political sphere entered into the fields of commentary, mysticism, philosophy and theology, and human beings were considered as the caliph of the Lord in the earth. This article seeks to examine and critique the meaning of the term “caliphate”. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Sufi Institutions in Mamluk Jerusalem and Their Social and Cultural Functions
        batul sheikh Masoumali panjeh فهیمه Mokhber
        This article examines the formation and expansion of three main institutions of Sufism including Khānqah, ribāṭ, and zāwīyah in Jerusalem during the Mamluk period and raises the question of what was the function of those institutions in the social and cultural life of t More
        This article examines the formation and expansion of three main institutions of Sufism including Khānqah, ribāṭ, and zāwīyah in Jerusalem during the Mamluk period and raises the question of what was the function of those institutions in the social and cultural life of the city. According to the findings of this study, thirty Sufi institutions including seven khānqahs, six ribāṭs and 17 zāwīyahs were founded in Jerusalem during this period. The founders of the khānqahs and Ribāṭs were mainly Mamluk Sultans and Amirs, but the Zāwīyahs were instituted by the Sufi sheikhs. In addition to their educational and pedagogic functions, those institutions also had a large social and cultural function of accommodation and hospitality. By that they legitimize the Mamluk rulers, as the main founders and financiers of the institutions and so they used them to strengthen the religious foundations of their monarchy. The formation and expansion of Sufi institutions during this period was also one of the important factors in restoring the Islamic identity of Jerusalem and the Islamization of the city. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Ahmad Jām’s Social Approach to his Contemporary Religious Guilds
        محمود Sheikh Zahra Amirkhan
        In the works of Shaikh Ahmad Jām (11-12 A.D), besides his attention to mystical and moral issues, he often considers the social problems. By employing content analysis method, this article tries to describe his approach towards his contemporary religious guilds. Accordi More
        In the works of Shaikh Ahmad Jām (11-12 A.D), besides his attention to mystical and moral issues, he often considers the social problems. By employing content analysis method, this article tries to describe his approach towards his contemporary religious guilds. According to his works, one can distinguish three different classes in the religious community: firstly the sacred characters who are completely acceptable, such as ascetics, mystics and sages. Secondly, a group that consists of good and bad characters, such as Sufis and Dervishes. Thirdly a group that consists of hypocrites who just care about the outside elements of the religion. From this categorization, it is obvious that Shaikh Jām just preoccupied with religious community and did not pay attention to other classes of society, such as rulers and merchants. Moreover, he numerated the attributes of these classes from which one can guess his focus was on the ethics and spirituality and he did not concern about socio-political issues.     Manuscript profile
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        28 - A Study of the Term “Caliph of God” in Mystical Texts (2nd to 11th Century AH)
        masoud shavarani
        The doctrine of "Caliph of God" is an important doctrine in Islamic theology and is the most important basis for thinking about the superiority of man. Considering the influence of Islamic mysticism on the formation of Islamic theology, this study seeks to investigate t More
        The doctrine of "Caliph of God" is an important doctrine in Islamic theology and is the most important basis for thinking about the superiority of man. Considering the influence of Islamic mysticism on the formation of Islamic theology, this study seeks to investigate the use and evolution of the meanings of this term in mystical texts. Our method for this research is the analysis of the descriptive content of the first mystical texts up to the 11th century AH. The findings of this study show that the phrase "Caliph of God" has been used four times in all books of the second and third centuries AH. Later, in the fourth and fifth centuries AH, it is still rare to see this phrase in mystical texts; but its frequency has increased compared to the past. But from the sixth and seventh centuries onwards, this phrase has been used extensively. In the following centuries, the use of "Caliph of God" has been completely institutionalized and its examples have become diverse; but the most important example was the "Perfect Man." Also throughout these centuries, many Sufis have always explicitly or indirectly opposed to the use of the term and avoided mentioning it. Manuscript profile
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        29 - ‘Ayn al-Quzzāt Hamedānī and the Accusation of Promoting Ismā‘īlism
        فاطمه کیائی
        One of The charges against ‘Ayn al-Quzzāt Hamedānī was propagationof Ismā‘īlī doctrines, especially the doctrine of infallible Imam. Hisidea about the necessity of master’s guidance for aspirants provided thepretext for his opponents to accuse him. In More
        One of The charges against ‘Ayn al-Quzzāt Hamedānī was propagationof Ismā‘īlī doctrines, especially the doctrine of infallible Imam. Hisidea about the necessity of master’s guidance for aspirants provided thepretext for his opponents to accuse him. In fact, there are closesimilarities between these two concepts, i.e. Imam in Shi’ism andMaster in Sufism, because both Sufis and Shiites believe that there isan esoteric knowledge beyond the external world which could beacquired only by a few men. Consequently, as they say, people needImam/Master as the successor of the prophet to teach them the secrettruths and to uncover the esoteric meanings of Holy Quran. SinceImam/Master’s knowledge is inspired by God Shiites/aspirants shouldobey him without questioning. However, this doctrine is completelyrejected by the majority of Sunnis. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Historical Connection of Bāyazīd Basṭāmī and Imām Jaʻfar Ṣādiq
        محمد جواد شمس
        Bāyazīd Basṭāmī is one of the greatest and the most famous mystics of2nd-3rdA.H./9th C.E. that his connection with Imām Jaʻfar Ṣādiq hasbeen accentuated by many Sufi writers and Shiite scholars. It is alsomentioned that he has been at Imām’s service for while. How More
        Bāyazīd Basṭāmī is one of the greatest and the most famous mystics of2nd-3rdA.H./9th C.E. that his connection with Imām Jaʻfar Ṣādiq hasbeen accentuated by many Sufi writers and Shiite scholars. It is alsomentioned that he has been at Imām’s service for while. However,there is no consensus about the historical accuracy of these narrationsamong contemporary scholars. But due to the fact that there wereseveral people by the names of Bāyazīd and Ṭayfūr in 2nd-4thA.H./9th-10th C.E., all of them apparently were among Basṭāmī’s family, itseems that their words and biographies have been mixed up in the earlysources. It should be mentioned here that some of Bāyazīd’s associates,such as Ibrāhīm Satanba, lived in the 2nd century and also Bāyazīd’snephew- Abu Musa- who passed away in the half of 3rd century, was atthe age of twenty-two during the death of Bāyazīd. Moreover somesayings and teachings of Bāyazīd has been rooted in Shiite Imāms’traditions, especially that of Imām Jaʻfar Ṣādiq. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Path of Love and Tolerance According to Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā' and Kabir
        Shamsali Fathi Meresht MR Adli
        Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā'(1325 C.E.) was one of the famous Sufis of India and Kabir (1518 C.E.) was one of the Indian mystics, both emphasized love and tolerance as the main element of mystical journey. The activities of Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā'and his successorsled to t More
        Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā'(1325 C.E.) was one of the famous Sufis of India and Kabir (1518 C.E.) was one of the Indian mystics, both emphasized love and tolerance as the main element of mystical journey. The activities of Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā'and his successorsled to the spread of the Chishtiyya dynasty and the promotion of the Persian language and Islam in the Indian subcontinent. According to Nizāmuddin love is a basic prerequisite for Muslim prayers. Divine love is manifested in the form of love to the pīr (mystical instructor) and in a broader sense it encompasses all creatures. Kabir as one of the famous poets and mystics of India, along with his followers, played an important role in promotion of Bhakti (love) cult in India. It is not clear Kabir was either a Hindu or a Muslim. Both groups try to introduce him as a member of their own cult. However, Kabir himself strongly criticizes the outward aspects or superficiality of both religions. He believes that love is the essence of religion so he emphasizes the Bhakti cult as the best way of praying. He also speaks of the love of guru as a main element in mystical path. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Nature and Function of Dreams in the Classical Sufi Works
        Vahid Mahmoodi Amir Ali Mazandarani
        Sufis considered dreams to be one of the means of communication with the unseen realm, and they were thus highly valued. They examined the effects and goals of the dream experience in spiritual life and presented various viewpoints on the origins of dreams. This article More
        Sufis considered dreams to be one of the means of communication with the unseen realm, and they were thus highly valued. They examined the effects and goals of the dream experience in spiritual life and presented various viewpoints on the origins of dreams. This article explored the nature and function of dreams in Sufism by carefully studying 34 mystical texts from the 4th to 9th AH and assessing the contents of 387 dream accounts in these works. Dreams, according to mystics, are tied to either external circumstances or people's mental processes. Some mystics consider angels and others consider human waking behaviour, speech, and thought as the sources of dreams. Finally, others see the connection of man's encompassed imagination (khayal muttasil) to the absolute imagination (khayal mutlaq) as the source of dreams. Analysis of the content of dream reports in mystical works shows that dreams had three main functions for mystics: 1. a way for communicating with the unseen and gaining knowledge; 2. An approving proof for their doctrines; 3. A mirror that shows the people destiny and the outputs of their deeds. The present study can provide a coherent framework for understanding the nature and function of dreams from the perspective of Islamic mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Typology of Sufi-Hindu Relationship from Medieval Period up to Mughal Empire
        Mohammad Montazeri Shahram Pazouki Mahmoodreza Esfandiar
        Reconstructing the frames of Sufism's approach towards Hinduism in the Indian Subcontinent is what this paper aims for. Sufism over the course of time influenced Hindu ideas and was itself immensely influenced by Hinduism. Sufi Muslims' relationship with Hindus took a v More
        Reconstructing the frames of Sufism's approach towards Hinduism in the Indian Subcontinent is what this paper aims for. Sufism over the course of time influenced Hindu ideas and was itself immensely influenced by Hinduism. Sufi Muslims' relationship with Hindus took a variety of forms based on the historical moment, place, and the specific currents within the Islamic civilization with which they were influenced. Generally, these relations put Muslim Sufis somewhere within “orthodox,” “philosophical,” and “popular” schools of thought within Sufism. In a broader scheme, these schools appear in six different types each with particular historical instances of its own. We can calibrate these relations to one of the following types: “comparison,” “interaction,” “conversion,” “assimilation,” “Affirmation,” and “confrontation”. This study will categorize these six types with the aid of historical evidence. This research examines the era between the third to the tenth century AH, during which Muslim Sufis remarkably thrived in the Indian Subcontinent. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Hydrological Simulation of Taleqan Watershed Using SWAT
        Mahsa Aghakhani Touraj Nasrabadi Alireza Vafaei Nejad
        Background and Objective: Hydrological modeling of watersheds plays a significant role in study, development and management of water resources. Based on importance of Taleqan Watershed as a main supplier of Alborz and Tehran Provinces water resources, in this study, sur More
        Background and Objective: Hydrological modeling of watersheds plays a significant role in study, development and management of water resources. Based on importance of Taleqan Watershed as a main supplier of Alborz and Tehran Provinces water resources, in this study, surface water hydrological simulations in this basin are investigated. Method: Hydrological simulations were performed by applying physical semi-distributed SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. Moreover, model calibration and sensitivity analysis were done using SUFI-2 algorithm. Model performance is evaluated by means of statistical indicators such as Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) and coefficient of determination (R2). Findings: Sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters of the curve number (CN), soil evaporation compensation, and soil available water capacity are the most important factors to control the flow in the basin. At Gelinak station (watershed outlet), NS and R2 coefficients values after calibration are 0.84 and 0.87, respectively. These values in validation interval were obtained as 0.79 and 0.84. Discussion and Conclusion: The results show good performance of the watershed simulations. Moreover, it was shown that the model has good capability for monthly surface runoff prediction of the Taleqan basin. Due to reducing field operations costs of required components measurements and especially due to reducing the time required to analyze issues, applying this model is efficient for improving water resource management and environmental protection.   Manuscript profile
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        35 - Investigating Water Quality of Sufi Chay river using macrobenthos indicators
        mahsa mobasheri lobat taghavi Seyed Mohammad Bagher Nabavi
        Background and Objective: The present study investigates the water quality of Sufi Chay river in Maragheh, Iran using Benthos groups and their population structures in 2015. Material and Methodology: Overall, 9samplingsites were selected in the region and Macrobenthos More
        Background and Objective: The present study investigates the water quality of Sufi Chay river in Maragheh, Iran using Benthos groups and their population structures in 2015. Material and Methodology: Overall, 9samplingsites were selected in the region and Macrobenthos were sampled in triplicate at each siteusing a 25×50 surber. The samples were stabilized by Formaldehyde 4% and their species, family and genus were identified. A total of20Macrobenthos species from 19 families, 10 orders and 2 classes were evaluated. Baetis sp. was the dominant species in winter and summer. Findings: The results indicate that the 7 and 9 sites with the aggregation of 47 and 128 Macrobenthos per m2 were dominant in winter and summer, respectively. Regarding Welch model, water quality of Sufichay river was moderate at most sites in both seasons. However, the water quality at the 7 site in winter and the 8 and 5 sites in summer was unsuitable. According to the BMWP Index, water quality of the river, except the 8 and 9 sites in winter, was suitable. Discussion and Conclusion: Regarding the results of this research it can be concluded that Macrobenthos community is an effective bioindicator to assess environmental conditions of the Sufi chay river. In addition, the results of this study display the relatively suitable water quality of Sufi Chay river. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Conversational context - speech of Shams articles and letters of language sounds
        Seyed Esmail Faraji estelakh poshti Reza Heydari noori Malak Mohammad Farrokhzad
        The linguistic techniques outlined in Shams's essays adequately assist the audience in expressing mystical concepts. Articles as the only work left by Shams are of particular importance in the history of literature, but have received less attention. The most important r More
        The linguistic techniques outlined in Shams's essays adequately assist the audience in expressing mystical concepts. Articles as the only work left by Shams are of particular importance in the history of literature, but have received less attention. The most important reason for this may be in the particular discourse genre of this book, what is at first glance noticed in the articles is the particular style of writing written as spoken notes, as if it were personal notes that never lost their spoken state. And it's not actually written. The oral discourse of the articles is clearly visible elsewhere in the book, and this has given rise to certain linguistic features in the book. The language used in Shams's essays is a specific language and somewhat different from the language of the earlier texts and of course the later periods. Shams's articles have their own style and style, including the use of names that can be better analyzed by analyzing their linguistic features. Onomatopoein is one of the features of spoken language that can easily represent natural situations in real language. The present study, which is a descriptive-analytic and library method designed to introduce some of the text into Shams's articles, shows that Shams has used the phonetic features of language in this work to explain the speaker's interpersonal expressions. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Sohrab Sepehri’s Mystical Truth Seeking Through a Comparative Approach to Islamic and Buddhist Mysticism
        Nemat Esfahani Omran
        One of the most important manifestations of mysticism among religions and learning schools is the mystical truth seeking of the devotees and failure in understanding the essence of the creator of both worlds; it is the subject which has had a great and controversial sta More
        One of the most important manifestations of mysticism among religions and learning schools is the mystical truth seeking of the devotees and failure in understanding the essence of the creator of both worlds; it is the subject which has had a great and controversial status in epistemology and ontology since ancient times and has kept busy the mind of many researchers. Thus the subject of mystical truth seeking is being studied by the present article through a comparative review of Islamic and Buddhist mysticism while taking into consideration some of the poetry of SohrabSepehri. Manuscript profile
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        38 - A Survey on Islamic Mysticism in Comparison with Secular Mysticism
        Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni
        Iranian mysticism is one of the most ancient and brilliant mystic literatures of the world. Its richness is based on the rich Islamic culture and instructions, Iranian traditions and customs and Eastern and Western wisdoms as well as relying on divine religions, ethical More
        Iranian mysticism is one of the most ancient and brilliant mystic literatures of the world. Its richness is based on the rich Islamic culture and instructions, Iranian traditions and customs and Eastern and Western wisdoms as well as relying on divine religions, ethical perfections resulting in pure Islamic Iranian mysticism which opposes secular interactions and pure materialism. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Comparison of Islamic and Hindu Sufism in Jami's Poetry
        Roya Ahmad Amarji Ali Eshghi Sardehi
        Although Sufism itself was criticism literature origin, Jami's criticism poetry in ninth century changed the path of critical literature toward its source and mystic. The researches of the present paper and Jami's poetry show that his critical views is as the result of More
        Although Sufism itself was criticism literature origin, Jami's criticism poetry in ninth century changed the path of critical literature toward its source and mystic. The researches of the present paper and Jami's poetry show that his critical views is as the result of mystic realism conjunction and  the will of the government to mysticism  in order to acquire legitimacy. The aim of the critical literature was not to be included in Shia movement and verbal thoughts against poetic words or religious or factional prejudice; but it was to critic the Sufi who intended to enter the crown by Sufism rally in order to obtain the political power and control. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Sana'i and Hafez's Confrontation with Sufism
        Motalleb Ghaffari Reza Heidari Noori Manijeh Fallahi
        The present research attempts to study the similarities and differences between Sana'i and Hafiz's approaches to life, poetry and Sufism attitude; In fact, "Sufism" is an independent variable and the way in which Sana'i and Hafiz& More
        The present research attempts to study the similarities and differences between Sana'i and Hafiz's approaches to life, poetry and Sufism attitude; In fact, "Sufism" is an independent variable and the way in which Sana'i and Hafiz encounter that dependent variable constitutes this research. The spirit of mysticism and spirituality arises from unworldly experiences in both poets' lives and works; but there is no valid evidence that any of them belong to the official communion and dynasties of Sofia. The forms of social life, such as poetry, etc., have not been avoided. Their free method of life and contents of poetries proves their desire to spirit, message of reproach and Qalandaria. Sana'i is the pioneer of mystical themes in poetry and his poetic presence has revolutionized the field of Persian literature in terms of form and content. Manuscript profile
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        41 - A Comparative Study on "Monotheism and Trust" in “Al-Qushayriyya Al-Risala” with Sufi Levels by Khajeh Abdullah Ansari
        Mehrnoosh Mansouri Meymandi
        In the present article, the mystical terms "Tawhid" (monotheism) and "Tawakul" (trust) in "Al-Qushayriyya Al-Risala" have been studied in a comparative view with the book "Sufi levels" by Khajeh Abdullah Ansari. Unlike al-Qushayrī, Khajeh Abdullah has not dedicated a sp More
        In the present article, the mystical terms "Tawhid" (monotheism) and "Tawakul" (trust) in "Al-Qushayriyya Al-Risala" have been studied in a comparative view with the book "Sufi levels" by Khajeh Abdullah Ansari. Unlike al-Qushayrī, Khajeh Abdullah has not dedicated a specific chapter to any of these terms, but has addressed some of mystical concepts in his sermons as required by the word. The words of all Sufis about monotheism show their confession of the singleness of God. Qushayrī himself directly confirms it, and Khajeh Abdullah, in his definition of monotheism, believes that monotheism is not the "I" of a person, but only "He" and that is enough. Qushayrī and Khajh Abdullah quote the words of other Sufis about Trust. Undoubtedly, the two agree on the words of the Sufis who use them as evidence. Qushayrī and Khajeh Abdullah have tried to express the words of the great Sufis in this regard in addition to describing the conduct status. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Manifestation of the image of elders in Attar Neyshabouri and Movlavi's Divan according to the American school in comparative literature
        Farzaneh Dastmard Massoud Sepahvandi Qasem Sahraei
        The old image has a special position in Islamic mysticism. Mystical books have more or less depicted and described the old image and have clearly stated its importance and necessity, among which Sanai's "Hadigah", Attar's "Mantegh Al-Tair", Movlavi's "Masnavi" and Hafez More
        The old image has a special position in Islamic mysticism. Mystical books have more or less depicted and described the old image and have clearly stated its importance and necessity, among which Sanai's "Hadigah", Attar's "Mantegh Al-Tair", Movlavi's "Masnavi" and Hafez's Divan have a special importance and role. By creating these works, these great men have made a great contribution to understanding the mystical situation of the great poets beyond their mystical teachings and personal experiences. Comparing the appearance of the old in these four works will not be ineffective in clarifying some aspects of the actions and behavior of the old and understanding the texts correctly. Attar and Movlavi introduce the old character to the reader with various interpretations such as Sheikh, Saqi and Rand and by using the holy names of divine prophets such as Jesus (AS), Khezer (AS), and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This article seeks to explain the appearance of elders in the Sufi thoughts of Attar and Movlavi. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A Study on Important Preaching and Educational Issues in Abū Saʿīd Abū'l-Khair and Molana's Works
        Fares Sharifi Mahnaz Bazgir Mansoureh Sabet Zadeh
        Since preaching assembly is known as one of the cultural – educational gatherings among Sufis, a preacher spoke with preaching asd advisory subject for the attendants and audiences; the assemble was called meeting. The aim of this paper is to be informed of Sufi's More
        Since preaching assembly is known as one of the cultural – educational gatherings among Sufis, a preacher spoke with preaching asd advisory subject for the attendants and audiences; the assemble was called meeting. The aim of this paper is to be informed of Sufi's meetings, their quality and being familiar with the sermon language as well as knowing the subjects in such meetings. The emphasis of the research is on "Abū Saʿīd Abū'l-Khair's manners and speeches", "Molana's seven meetings" and "Manaqeb Al Aarefin". A survey on the general style of the mentioned meetings as well as Molana and Abū Saʿīd Abū'l-Khair's speech content has been done. The abovementioed Sufis are the ones who make great changes and internal evolutions in many people. Manuscript profile
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        44 - A comparative study of the image of Imam Ali (as) regarding generosity with an approach to several literary works
        Najmieh Karimi Hossein Azar Payvand Gholamreza Tamimi Tavandashti
         Generosity is a social movement and a spiritual impulse of the culture and civilization of ancient Iran, which has been influential among the masses since the beginning of the entry of Islamic culture into the vast geography of Iran and it has somehow merged with More
         Generosity is a social movement and a spiritual impulse of the culture and civilization of ancient Iran, which has been influential among the masses since the beginning of the entry of Islamic culture into the vast geography of Iran and it has somehow merged with Islamic culture. This research has observed the image of Imam Ali (AS) in "Fotovatnameh of Soltani" from Persian literature and "Treatise of Fatwa in Islam", Yusef Ibn Sousha and the book "Al-Sela Bain Sufism and Shi'ism »Kamel Mustafa al-Sheibi, from Arabic literature in a qualitative content analysis method and by referring to the reliable sources and documents of the library. Throughout history, many Shiite and Sunni nobles who believed in the principles of Shari'a and Tariqah, considered Imam Ali (AS) as the leader of the nobles and the strong point of this current of thought. The historical presence and spiritual support of Imam Ali (as) as the leader of generosity caused to be the helper of the poor and to fight against the oppressors with the slogan of La Fati Alla. Manuscript profile
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        Zarin Taj Parhizgar Tooraj Aghdaie
        The evident aspect of the Sufi consideration is the belief in evolution; although there is a background for this beliefin other mystic systems, but the way it is explained by Sufis is different. Sufism has based its system on the Islamic learnings. It has mixed its theo More
        The evident aspect of the Sufi consideration is the belief in evolution; although there is a background for this beliefin other mystic systems, but the way it is explained by Sufis is different. Sufism has based its system on the Islamic learnings. It has mixed its theories with those of Islam in a way that they don't interfere. Certain samples of this could be observed in Mov lana' s work: I died as a mineral and became a plant. I died as plant and rose to animal. NajmRazi also believes humans could reach at truth only if they seek the way of re ligion.  Manuscript profile
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        46 - Manifestation of Hallaj's Mask in Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati's Poetry
        Foad Abdollah Zadeh Ali Asghar Habibi Ali Akbar Ahmadi Chenari Mojtaba Behrouzi
        Poetic symbolization based on past symbols in order to create a romantic situation is one of the important poetic evolutions. Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati is one of the modernism strongest poets in this field who could express his poetic approaches in the most effective way More
        Poetic symbolization based on past symbols in order to create a romantic situation is one of the important poetic evolutions. Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati is one of the modernism strongest poets in this field who could express his poetic approaches in the most effective way by applying different symbols of dream. This article – which is done in descriptive – analytic method – studies symbolization and its importance in al-Bayati's poetry in general as well as analyzing Hallaj symbol. He has applies this symbol in many different poetries such as "Hallaj's Torture". The common points in two characters caused forming mask technique in the best way. Manuscript profile
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        47 - The Study of Sufism with Dynasty in Safavid and Qajar Period
        masoud motallebi azeem Izadi Oudlo
        The present research aims to investigate the position and quality of the Sufism relations with the dynasty in Safavid and Qajar period. Using the descriptive-analytical research method, the result show that mysticism in the first half of the Safavid realm and also in Mo More
        The present research aims to investigate the position and quality of the Sufism relations with the dynasty in Safavid and Qajar period. Using the descriptive-analytical research method, the result show that mysticism in the first half of the Safavid realm and also in Mohammad Qajar’s realms have the most political power and they are considered one of the basis of power. Taking the key positions in authority, the Safavid established and promoted their political power and realm and became one of the most powerful forces while their power increasingly developed. However, when greediness and conspiracy of Kizilashes increased, the next kings of Safavid dynasty tried to suppress them and this dynasty lost its power by and by from the second half of Safavid governance. Having suppression the Safavid, most of them emigrated from Iran. Through establishing Zand dynasty in Iran and taking the power of the dynasty, Sufism (Tasawwuf) returned to Iran and resided in different cities and areas. The most critical tribe among them is Darvish Ne’matollāhī who gained very considerable influence in various parts of the country during Mohammad Shah’s period that their power increased again in political scenes and took high political status in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Studying, Analyzing and Classifying the Miracles of the Sheikhs in the Tabaghat al Sofie by Khaje Abdullah Ansari
        Fathie al-Sadat karamooz Reza Ashrafzadeh Seyed Majid Taghavi
        Dignity is one of the key concepts in Islamic mysticism and a genuine advocate for the recognition of the Sufi mysticism of the bad Sufi. Khaje Abdullah Ansari, in the Tabaghat al Sofie, mentions the names of many Sufis and explains their behavior, behavior and thought. More
        Dignity is one of the key concepts in Islamic mysticism and a genuine advocate for the recognition of the Sufi mysticism of the bad Sufi. Khaje Abdullah Ansari, in the Tabaghat al Sofie, mentions the names of many Sufis and explains their behavior, behavior and thought. To accomplish this goal, he has described many miracles and described the quality of the elders' submission to epistemological and cognitive principles. In this research, based on the descriptive-analytical method and citing library resources, the duplicates mentioned in the above work are categorized and why they are frequented. Examination of Ansari's views shows that dignities have manifested in the mystic's lifetime and after his death. The wonders of life are: the knowledge of the unseen; the reading mind; the seizure of the forces and elements of nature; The dignities revealed after death were less frequent. These dignities include: speaking in the dream and dream; the role of closing the verse and mentioning the body of the deceased; The primary purpose of Sufis is to use these dignities, to discipline disciples, and to encourage them to follow the path of conduct. In this work, contrary to the tradition of popular mystical writing, there is no indication of the transcendent function of dignity to humiliate and suppress enemies and deniers, which can be attributed to the attitude of the author and his hopeful and romantic tendencies in the field of mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        49 - The place of the crown and hat in the symbolism of mystical texts
        Behzad Bahmani Mutlaq Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour
        Symbols and symbols are part of the mystical language and the status of the emergence of eschigas and esoteric truths that have changed over time and space, which their study is essential for proper knowledge of mysticism. The covers of mystics and Sufis in various shap More
        Symbols and symbols are part of the mystical language and the status of the emergence of eschigas and esoteric truths that have changed over time and space, which their study is essential for proper knowledge of mysticism. The covers of mystics and Sufis in various shapes and colors have been a perfect example of these mystical symbols, calling it "the crown of poverty," and in white, sacred, and in black, depreciating poverty, in the red color, power and testimony, and in the color of color, they have seen the merging of nature. In a hat, each craze is a sign of leaving one of the vices and seeking one of the virtues. Mysticism and Sufi often used the simplest capsules made of felt, wool or cobbled to show their disregard for the world and kick back to material glitter. This paper deals with the interpretation and analysis of data through a descriptive-analytical method based on primary sources and authentic mystical texts. Manuscript profile
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        50 - The Study and Analysis of Taalab in Attar’s and Maulavi’s Worldview
        Shahram Foroughi mohammadali khaledian Hasan Ali Abbaspoor Esfeden
        Taalab( seeking) is a verbal sign that has become widely used in Islamic mysticism. In order to find out the place of Taalab in Islamic Sufism, it is necessary to consider mysticism as a system, a system that is founded on the pillars of Sharia, Tariqat and Truth. This More
        Taalab( seeking) is a verbal sign that has become widely used in Islamic mysticism. In order to find out the place of Taalab in Islamic Sufism, it is necessary to consider mysticism as a system, a system that is founded on the pillars of Sharia, Tariqat and Truth. This structure of conduct, is derived from tariqat and seeking is considered the first step in mystical conduct. Therefore, seeking is an inseparable part of the structure of mysticism, and traces of it can be seen in almost all works of mysticism. But in the meantime, two great mystics of Iran, Atar and Maulvi, have spoken about it a lot and accelerated its features. In Attar's thoughts, seeking is considered the first of the seven valleys of Saluk, and thus it should be considered as one of the defining components of his intellectual system, but in the Masnavi, it is basically a system of thought in which the place of the components of Rumi's thought can be recognized. There is no data. In the Masnavi, not one wadi of the wadi is considered as a saluk, and it is mentioned in a definite place; Rather, Masnavi can be present everywhere. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to find, categorize and measure them, which is a difficult task in Attar's thought. The result of this research shows that Attar and Maulavi consider the request as the beginning of conduct and one of the means to realize the nine goals. They know the truth, the health of the soul and the happiness of human beings, the data of this project was collected by the library method and after classification, it was described by the qualitative method. Manuscript profile
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        51 - The Analysis and Study of the Books and Monographs of “ Adab-ol-Moridin” up to theThirteen Centrury AH
        Naser Ahmadzadeh Mohammad Yosof Nayyeri Najaf Jokar Zarintaj Varedi
        The linkage among Persian literature and Islamic mysticism is so high that conducting any research in the most of literary works will be cumbersome in the absence of perception and understanding of Islamic mysticism. Carrying on leading research and studies on mysticism More
        The linkage among Persian literature and Islamic mysticism is so high that conducting any research in the most of literary works will be cumbersome in the absence of perception and understanding of Islamic mysticism. Carrying on leading research and studies on mysticism owns a more focal necessity and importance specially in the field of  mystic literature. "Adab al Moridin" or "Handbook of Disciples" is one of the written measures of mystical literature in the field of spiritual instructing and training of disciples and trainees in Tarighat (religious mysticism). This research is aimed at introducing these lesser known and observed resources. After finding, listing and academic reviewing of the same mystical handbooks and considering the absence of specific and significant record about the aforementioned "Adab al Moridin"s and shortage of resources we decided to examine and sctutinise the handbooks of mystical instructions Through recruiting and analysing existing" Adab al Moridin"s until the 13th century, the present research has led to the instructional methods of the Tarighat. It should be reminded that this research has not intended to enter into the creeds and foundations of Sufi thought and has sufficiently tried to examine the mores and manners  of the disciples. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Religion as Viewed by Sufism
        Mohammad Yousef Nayyeri Maryam Elahizadeh
        As with their other doctrines which are based on another world beyond this tangible one, the Sufis think of religion as having an inner nature in addition to its outward appearance. In their opinion, the outward appearance of the religion, cut off from its inner nature, More
        As with their other doctrines which are based on another world beyond this tangible one, the Sufis think of religion as having an inner nature in addition to its outward appearance. In their opinion, the outward appearance of the religion, cut off from its inner nature, is a framework with no value in itself and can lead its believers neither to their destination nor to their goals. In their religious discourse, inner nature and appearance, principles and commandments, and theory and practice are blended together. They conceive the true meaning of the religion as revelatory certitude and serving people and put more emphasis on the latter, i.e. serving people. The writers, throughout this essay, are seeking to discover the true manifestation of religion. In conducting this research, the researchers have relied mainly on quotations and works of the greatest Muslim Mystics of 2nd to 5th centuries (AH) – Bayazid Bastami, Abul-Hassan Kharaqani, Abū Saʿīd Abi’l-Khayr, Imam Mohammad Ghazālī and Ayn-al-qożāt Hamadānī. Manuscript profile
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        53 - An Introductory and Analytical Study of the Original Manuscript of Kašf al-Loghāt wa’l-Estelāhāt by Abd-al-Rahim Ben Ahmad Sur Bahari Hindi
        Elham Adere Mir Jalal-al-Din Kazzazi
        In the domain of Persian language lexicography is a significant category.  The 10tht and 11thh (AH) centuries were the golden period when great lexicographers, especially in India, composed and compiled dictionaries. One of those dictionaries is Abd-al-Rahim Ben Ah More
        In the domain of Persian language lexicography is a significant category.  The 10tht and 11thh (AH) centuries were the golden period when great lexicographers, especially in India, composed and compiled dictionaries. One of those dictionaries is Abd-al-Rahim Ben Ahmad’s Kašf al-Loghāt wa’l-Estelāhāt (Revealing [of the meaning] of words and terminology). A great Sufi, Abd-al-Rahim Ben Ahmad compiled his book in 673 chapters before 1017 (AH), most probably around the middle of the 16thh century. It uses a simple and scientific language and contains information in various subjects. This article first gives a brief history of lexicography and then reviews the life style and ideas of Abd-al-Rahim to study the structure, style and linguistic features of his dictionary.   Manuscript profile
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        54 - PROTEST of masnavi molana
        sedighe sajadirad ahmad zakeri
        Protest poetry, as one of the subsets of committed poetry, there has been existed from long ago in various forms in Persian literature. The works of the most of the prominent Iranian poets and writers from past up to now have been a full mirror of their environment and More
        Protest poetry, as one of the subsets of committed poetry, there has been existed from long ago in various forms in Persian literature. The works of the most of the prominent Iranian poets and writers from past up to now have been a full mirror of their environment and era. As many of them in analyzing and explaining difficulties of life have been far more scrutator and sensitive than the other social scientists and felt responsibility to the social issues and problems; as a result, through composing protest poems reacted to the untruths and misconducts of the ruling board and different classes of society including political, cultural, social …. One of these poets and thinkers is Maulana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi. Talking about Maulana and his political and social thoughts is very difficult and in this regard everyone accompanies him by his/her perception; while, in view of Maulana’s mystical passion though initially it seems that he has doesn’t think about his time situation and is away from policies of rulers of that time, but exploring in his works can find his political, social and critical views. Also can represent his time situation and relations governing on the terms and policy of his era everywhere in his poems and illustrate some scenes of the rulers and their relatives’ force and violence. The aim of this article that was carried out by descriptive-analytical method is to review protest poetry in Maulana’s Masnavi; to the end, the protest poems of Maulana in his Masnavi will be reviewed and analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Sofian Souri as Depicted in the Mysticism
        Maryam Karamlou ahmad zakeri
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        56 - Denouncing Superstitions in Shaikh Bahayi’s “The Advice of the Sage through the Language of the Cat and the Mouse”
        Fateme Emami
        In his allegorical tale “The Advice of the Sage through the Language of the Cat and the Mouse” Shaikh Bahayi fights all types of superstitions, and this paper tries to study his tale and his attitude towards superstitions. The researcher believes Shaikh Baha More
        In his allegorical tale “The Advice of the Sage through the Language of the Cat and the Mouse” Shaikh Bahayi fights all types of superstitions, and this paper tries to study his tale and his attitude towards superstitions. The researcher believes Shaikh Bahayi denounces indirectly the common superstitions of the Sufis. He instructs the young people to follow their common sense and to refuse superstitions. This paper is to trace back the origin of superstitions and its different types in the ideas of Sufis, and how Shaikh Bahayi redirects the people to rationalism, the source of knowledge that had been seemingly declining in that period of time. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Anti-wisdom during Safavid age
        Hassan shamyan Mehdi Muhaghegh
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        58 - Malamatiye and Qalandariye
        Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni Seyyed Ali Jafari Sadeqi
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        59 - The analysis of the nature of the wine in Raziuddin Artemani's Saghinameh
        Rasool Shams Nosrat Seyed Hassan Seyyd Torabi Ali Mohammad Moazzeni Mohammad Reza Shad Mannamen
           Among the mystical poets of the Safavid era, Raziuddin Artemani has a special reputation Because of the creation of Saghinameh. His opinion has done Considerable the one hand mystical meanings on the other hand religious thoughts and his interest in Shia.Th More
           Among the mystical poets of the Safavid era, Raziuddin Artemani has a special reputation Because of the creation of Saghinameh. His opinion has done Considerable the one hand mystical meanings on the other hand religious thoughts and his interest in Shia.The purpose of this paper it is to show the task is double playe the "wine" object, in addition to its usual function in Saghinameh. "Wine" and its affiliates represent many of the meanings of culture-social and political.Examining Implicit Implications and hide it can clarify some of the problems encountered in the culture of that period of iran.this research with the method descriptive-analytic and reflection on each of Saghinameh's verses examines the influence of the ruling ideology on the Artemani's Saghinameh and its specialty.The results showed that Artemani due to accompaniment with Safavid Shiite government has tried in addition the usual meanings of wine with little change the nature, also to give it religious approach and hue.He has not acted for your exclusive idea image not like extremist Sufis and not like fanatical jurisprudents but achieved by creating balancing between matter and meaning, world and other world, to some kind of Shiite mysticism.He is on the one hand in the final drunkenness of consciousness have been and on the other hand, seeks to rescue the opposition namely Sheikhs & duplicity ascetics from ignorance & Unknowing drunk.Understanding this approach shows the Importance of Artemian's Attitude as a Mystic Poet in the Age of Extremists and Makes it worthwhile his poem. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Camel as a Sufi Symbol in Ebrahim Al-kooni Novel Al-tibr
        Kobra Roshanfekr Ahmad Heidari
          Nature has always been  the source of  inspiration for  poets and writers in different parts of the world especially among Arabic speakers who have close connection with it. While reading Ebrahim Al-kooni's works, we can clearly observe existence More
          Nature has always been  the source of  inspiration for  poets and writers in different parts of the world especially among Arabic speakers who have close connection with it. While reading Ebrahim Al-kooni's works, we can clearly observe existence of deserts as well as living and dead nature.Therefore, he has frequently used  the elements of nature  and using these elements , he induces his thoughts and ideas to his readers.Ebrahim Al-kooni in "Al-tabar" , chose camel as one of the elements of nature and hero of the story and considering  supreme human values for the camel, he not only regards a higher place for it than other animals but also he prefers it over all humans  and even his own wife and child. This study tries to investigate function  of  this animal in this novel using  descriptive –analytical  method and the results indicate that the writer with considering ancestors' traditions, beliefs and myths  has  used the animal as a symbol in service of  Sufic concepts and thoughts like  companionship ,love ,sin and its consequences and patience. Manuscript profile
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        61 - A Critical Deliberation on the Works of the Iranian Poet Jami
        Ali Ganjian Fatemeh Nasrollahi
        In the ninth century (A H) an adept poet and perfect mystic emerged  in Iran which left various poetic and prose  works behind him, providing  scientific references for literature and mysticism seekers up to now. He is Abdurrahman Jami who was born in 817 More
        In the ninth century (A H) an adept poet and perfect mystic emerged  in Iran which left various poetic and prose  works behind him, providing  scientific references for literature and mysticism seekers up to now. He is Abdurrahman Jami who was born in 817 in Jam at a knowledgeable and pious atmosphere, starting his studies from childhood with his father. He entered scientific assemblies then and was apprenticed to great masters and learned various sciences such as religious jurisprudence, philosophy, wisdom and others. He enjoyed a good command of composing poetry which elevated him to the highest literary ranks among Persian speaking poets. Because of his interest in Sufism, he joined a famous and important sect among other mystical sects, where well known Sheikhs of Sufism attended there. Jami carried on their path to become a Sheikh of  Sheikhs and a  disciple of  followers of God’s pathway during his old age. He has numerous poetic and prose works, denoting his literal capability and implying his mystical tendencies as well. Among these works we can mention collection of poems including  lyrics, quatrains, odes and couplets. These poems are abundant in advice, wisdom and pure love to life origin and destination (God). Jami lived 81 years and passed away in Herat in 898, and was buried there. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Sufi-lyrics of Ibne Farez and Jamie ; conceptual comparative criticism
        Mohammad Hadi Moradi Fatemeh Nasrollahi
        Comparative literature is one of the major branches of literature, in which the researcher surveys on the works of two poets who enjoy different literature and after identifying of the differences and similarities between both of them, their poems and proses are compare More
        Comparative literature is one of the major branches of literature, in which the researcher surveys on the works of two poets who enjoy different literature and after identifying of the differences and similarities between both of them, their poems and proses are compared. This leads to unity of culture between two nations and also the great literary men are mostly recognized. In this research, sufi-lyrics of two eminent poets, Ibne Farez and Jami, have conceptually been investigated since both are considered the pioneers of sufi verse between Arab and Persian. This research first deal with the biography of two poets and then their poems are conceptually surveyed based on the most significant symbols of sufi verse such as wine and woman that is used as the mystery of verse by poet in order to express his spiritual goal and mystical purpose. Manuscript profile
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        63 - The Arabic Sonnets of Mowlana and Hafez: A Contextual Critical Study
        Mehdi Momtahen Monir Ahmad Shareeati
        Researches done on Mowlana’s and Hafez’s poems abound in numbers leaving the readers with the idea that no other concept has been left unexplored. But once all these researches re-examined, one finds that a part of the Iranian and Islamic literature has not More
        Researches done on Mowlana’s and Hafez’s poems abound in numbers leaving the readers with the idea that no other concept has been left unexplored. But once all these researches re-examined, one finds that a part of the Iranian and Islamic literature has not been thoroughly explored and explained by the researchers in the field. This is where we come to the Arabic poems composed by these two poets which in themselves exemplify their poetic craftsmanship as well as their mastery, especially Mowlana, of the Arabic language. A re-examination of the poetry of these two great poets one comes to the conclusion that they take their philosophical sustenance from the teachings of Quran. This is apparently detectible through the liens of all these Arabic poems which reflect the impact of the Abbasi era literature on them using a very simple and down to earth language and bearing the vast power of imagination and some motives of Arabic poetry. This article is an attempt to compare the Arabic poems composed by Mowlana and Hafez and, through a new perspective, present these two poets in different dimensions and perspectives which have not been explored therewith informing the readers who have not been acquainted with them by examining their mutual spiritual experience they both provide. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Allegorical Expression of Joseph in the Mirror of Nizari Quhistani’s Mysticism
        Maryam Parhizkari
        The story of Joseph the prophet has been particularly paid attention to in Nizari Quhistani’s book of poem. The research question of this study is going to explore how the component parts and characters of this story are dealt with allegorically and used to expres More
        The story of Joseph the prophet has been particularly paid attention to in Nizari Quhistani’s book of poem. The research question of this study is going to explore how the component parts and characters of this story are dealt with allegorically and used to express the mystical, religious, moral, and philosophical thoughts of poet. Another posed question of this study deals with the allegories used by Nizari to express the story of Joseph and the trajectory according which the story is explained. A book titled Kashf o lasrar by Abolfazl Meibodi and an article titled Esharat Erfani dar Dastane Hazrat Yousef are used as literature review. The significance of this study is emanated from Nizari’s special attention to the great story of Joseph from mystical and allegorical viewpoint. The current study attempts to discover the allegorical position of this story in Nizari’s book of poem and also to elaborate on the component parts of the story of Joseph in a framework of mystical literature. The descriptive and analytical methodology, by using library sources, are used to develop our research project. After note taking about any single part and character, they are categorized and analyzed. Finally, regarding to the features of allegorical approach, the researcher investigate the component parts and characters in the framework of mystical literature. The findings of this study shows that Hakim Nizari had a mystical view on the story of Joseph and all characters and elements of the story are used symbolically and allegorically. Manuscript profile
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        65 - The Image of Women in Rumi's Mathnawi
        Nasrollah Emami
        Women are considered the second half of mankind’s existence. According to the Koran mankind is God's caliph on the earth and mankind regardless of their sex and race are equal. This caliphate is not explicitly and solely allocated to men. Moreover, there has been More
        Women are considered the second half of mankind’s existence. According to the Koran mankind is God's caliph on the earth and mankind regardless of their sex and race are equal. This caliphate is not explicitly and solely allocated to men. Moreover, there has been no exclusive relationship between God and the male creatures which the female ones might have been deprived of; there is no religious ritual and rite specified to men only and women have been exempted from. Religiously speaking there has been always emphasis on the equality of men and women.  Besides, in Persian mystic and Sufi texts, men have never been considered superior to women and there have even been Sufi women who along side male Sufis attained to the highest spiritual position in the tradition among whom Rabia_al-Adawiya was the most famous. Nevertheless, we often come across disapproving images of the character of women in Persian and Sufi literature. This might have been rooted in restrictions caused not by the religious instructions but mainly in the social beliefs and opinions of the time. The reflection of these social beliefs and notions in the works of Persian poets caused some misunderstandings and misjudgments about the poets themselves. This becomes worse when these reflections are pictured in various allegorical forms.  In the allegories of Rumi’s Mathnawi women are depicted in such a way that might result in some misunderstanding in the mind of the reader about the poet himself. In some of his allergies, which were influenced by the his contemporary beliefs and opinions regarding women, apparently men were often considered superior to women; in these allegories women are pictured as less intelligent than men and almost in level of children in this regard. Women are also pictured as an icon of greed, gluttony, animality, and other vile characteristics while men are regarded as the symbol of wisdom and spirituality. However, Rumi’s own conception of women is different from what we see in his allegorical poems. In his allegories, Rumi has presented a realistic picture of women of his time which does not necessarily reflect the poet’s own opinions himself. For him women as wives and mothers have an important position in the society. In this essay the poet’s true conception of women will be examined.       Manuscript profile
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        66 - Investigate the functioning of tools, "parable and anecdote" in Sufi education assemblies
        Mohammad Haji Abadi
        Major part of Sufi unparagraphed prose is educational prose that includes training the principles and basics of the religious beliefs and the mystical on the one hand, and promoting the mysticism and Sufism among the common people and the middle, on the other hand. It s More
        Major part of Sufi unparagraphed prose is educational prose that includes training the principles and basics of the religious beliefs and the mystical on the one hand, and promoting the mysticism and Sufism among the common people and the middle, on the other hand. It should be indicated here that a kind of educational and promotional unparagraphed prose of the gatherings is Sufi preaching. Holding preaching meetings and in a sense, “parliamentary accountability " was an ancient tradition in Iran after Islam and has been considered as a method of understanding the education and promotion of the religious and mystical beliefs.  Since the audiences of the preaching assemblies were the common people and the middle and had no ability to perceive the rational arguments like that, eloquent has been attempted to utter the issues in a tangible and perceivable manner for them and was trying to make clear and explain the topics using examples, parables, anecdotes and such cases instead of ratiocinate. In this study, the author, by looking at the prose of Sufi educational assemblies, intends to analyze the plurality of anecdote, parable and allegory, one of the most obvious features such unparagraphed prose and also to investigate of the eloquent and scribes’ objectives and purposes applying these tools and elements in those meetings. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Yoga and Mysticism
        Maryam Ansari
        The Word “yoga” enjoys a great prestige value. It is frequently associated with the acquisition and exhibition of supernatural forces. Yoga is commonly regarded as a form of “ancient art which is combined with a set of religious beliefs and a strange, More
        The Word “yoga” enjoys a great prestige value. It is frequently associated with the acquisition and exhibition of supernatural forces. Yoga is commonly regarded as a form of “ancient art which is combined with a set of religious beliefs and a strange, mysterious, and practical discipline. To the orthodox Hindu mind, it represents something very high, beyond the ken of the man on the street- indeed, something very auspicious and to be achieved only by virtue gathered over many past lives. It is amazing fact that, even in the land of yoga, superstitious and fanciful notions of the subject seem to have wide currency. The philosophy of yoga is perhaps one of the least known of its aspects. The reasons for this profound ignorance are not far to seek. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Recognition of the Allegorical Dimensions of the Character of the Spiritual Master
        F. Abbaszade M. jabbari
        Walking though hard ways, without Trusting master and disciple is not possible. Thus the need for attendance of the spiritual master has been among the major issues at the center of sufism. Except for a small number of sufis, like Ovagsian who considered discovery journ More
        Walking though hard ways, without Trusting master and disciple is not possible. Thus the need for attendance of the spiritual master has been among the major issues at the center of sufism. Except for a small number of sufis, like Ovagsian who considered discovery journey is merely possible through meditation; that most sufi scholars have emphasized the need for choosing master, believing that success in the journey through ups and downs on the way to perfection, can not be achieved without the help of a master. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive definition of master in the Theasosophy. We include the master and to need to follow master. Manuscript profile
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        69 - The explatidn of poverty from The view of Islamik mystics*
        Masood Sepahvandi fatemeh taghizadeh
        According to Aboonasr Seraj, who is the fourth mystic, poverty is just to pay attention to Allah and to confess the neediness to him. Poverty has som ranks. They are contentement, Piety, Spiritual reward, and Vacation of heart from ambition, and morality of attributes. More
        According to Aboonasr Seraj, who is the fourth mystic, poverty is just to pay attention to Allah and to confess the neediness to him. Poverty has som ranks. They are contentement, Piety, Spiritual reward, and Vacation of heart from ambition, and morality of attributes. the last and highest rank is that the mystic Sees himself as a way for the influence the order of Allah, and he Satisfies with what Allah Prescribes for him.Therefor, this explanation of poverty Shows he can be wealthy, but he doesn’t have relish for it, So he is poor.   Manuscript profile
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        70 - A study of the Types and Methods of Satire in Hafez
        Mahmood Sadeqzadeh,
        Hafez’s satire is social and political, yet it is artistic, subtle, and flexible in interpretation. However, in most cases, it is innocent, noble, deep and elegant, rooted in a logical feeling and understanding, reflected in a regretful smile.  Hafez employs More
        Hafez’s satire is social and political, yet it is artistic, subtle, and flexible in interpretation. However, in most cases, it is innocent, noble, deep and elegant, rooted in a logical feeling and understanding, reflected in a regretful smile.  Hafez employs two general patterns in the structure of his satire: one, the frank social satire, directly criticizing a specific class or group; second, the mediated social satire in which he recklessly introduces himself to be representing a class, complaining about himself, thus reflecting what others are suffering from. Hafez has employed whatever possible method to fight satirically against injustice, corruption, and hypocrisy. Among his major ways of satire, irony, and witticism are: violating the signs and values of the sanctity of the ascetics and Sufis; changing the objects and the words by adoption and accountability; employing literary figures such as ambiguity, euphemism, simile, and antithesis; irony, kenning, and sometimes epigrams for the beloved in the form of questions and answers and repartee; satire in the form of an advice;  panegyric writing and responsibility seeking; employing public culture and colloquialism. On the whole, Hafez’s satire is sometimes deep and sarcastic and sometimes superficial and tender which are going to be analyzed and illustrated in this paper.  Manuscript profile
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        71 - Molana’s Meaning induction in ‘’Divane Kabir’’ through music plectrum
        Abbas Kemanesh
        In Persian poetry any poet hasn’t exploited as much as Molana Jaleledin Mohammad Balkhi (604-672 AH) from rhythms and various capacities of music for explaining and interpreting philosophical and mystical meanings and any eloquent hasn’t used like Molana fro More
        In Persian poetry any poet hasn’t exploited as much as Molana Jaleledin Mohammad Balkhi (604-672 AH) from rhythms and various capacities of music for explaining and interpreting philosophical and mystical meanings and any eloquent hasn’t used like Molana from music in different meanings of poetry and no poet as Molana has grasped at music harp for explaining mystical and philosophical issues, and no poet to the extent of Molana hasn’t relied on music  in using music terms and music instruments, wind and percussion, and using prosodic verbs and periodic rhythms and different rhythms in a single Ghazal and letters and words neighborhood magic and inducing various meanings from mystical terminology, even in the loving Sufism, no poet has resorted to music for stating worship manners and spiritual wayfaring that is of Sufis' conventional trainings and in using mystics' books and theses and authentic learnings of this dynasty's great persons hasn’t been like him the guidance source of seekers of Tarighat (mystical path), Shari'a (shariat) and truth (haghighat). Manuscript profile
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        72 - The common Rituals between Samake-Ayyar and Fotovvatnamehe-Soltani
        Ali Zarini Roqieh kardel Aylvari
        Cultural heritage and reserves of civilized societies are spiritual defense forces against outbreak of cultural and spiritual illnesses. Beliefs and rituals of every nation can protect society from social and cultural diseases. Especially under conditions that the total More
        Cultural heritage and reserves of civilized societies are spiritual defense forces against outbreak of cultural and spiritual illnesses. Beliefs and rituals of every nation can protect society from social and cultural diseases. Especially under conditions that the total ancient value system become invalid and new foreign value system are being established. The moral and cultural repertoires that prevalent old customs and traditions in the heart of the society and its internal layers there with his expression and by increasing the powers of the faith and spiritual and moral beliefs community waste can reduce the moral and social. Two letters about generosity and chivalry, (Samake-Ayyar and Fotovvatnamehe-Soltani) are full of generosity thought and chivalry. This survey was trying to study and analysis 51 ordinances of generosity between these letters. Common features of them were undeniable superiority ethics and their content is a tool for promoting and fixing fair character on peoples. Manuscript profile
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        73 - The First Sufis and their Thoughts in Fars Area
        Mohammad Hadi Khaleghzadeh Mehdi Famoori Jalil Nazari
        Sufism has always been one of the most fundamental of the school of thoughts in Islamic history. A glance at Sufis’ biography (Tazkereh) in the first century of Islam states that more than 80% of the Sufis lived in Iran. The number of Sufis who lived in Khoarsan in Iran More
        Sufism has always been one of the most fundamental of the school of thoughts in Islamic history. A glance at Sufis’ biography (Tazkereh) in the first century of Islam states that more than 80% of the Sufis lived in Iran. The number of Sufis who lived in Khoarsan in Iran is more than the other areas. Furthermore, the attention should be paid to the other areas on the training and education of well-known Sufis and the formation of the Sufism traditions and the role of which is very important in the type and place in the history.  In this study, it is tried to state the history of Fars Sufism in the second and third centuries of Hegira. This also consists of one third of the fourth century Hegira. This study includes the biography of 80 mystics who lived in the second, third and fourth centuries in the Fars area in Iran. At first, four ancient famous Sufis who lived in the second century are introduced. They are: Habib Ajami, Mohamad Ben Zeid, Abohelmane Dameshghi and Abo Mohraz. Secondly, it represented the Biography of the 10 Sufis in the second stage of the history of Sufism in the Fars area in the third and the early fourth century. They are: Hallaj, Abu Mozahem, Abubakre Tamestani, Abusahle Beizawi, Ahmadebne Yahya, Abdol Rahime Estakhri, Jafare Hazza, Hosham Ibne Abdan, Bondarebe Hussein and Abughoreibe Esfahani Manuscript profile
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        74 - Sufis’ Commentary Approach to Koran and Hadith
        Mahmoud Haji Mohammadi Ghadamali Sarrami
        Islamic Theosophy is closely and inseparably related with Koran and Hadith. Koran is the precious and methodical guideline for mankind. Koran not only has instructions regarding religious tasks and rituals but also has a rich and artistic literature. It has all features More
        Islamic Theosophy is closely and inseparably related with Koran and Hadith. Koran is the precious and methodical guideline for mankind. Koran not only has instructions regarding religious tasks and rituals but also has a rich and artistic literature. It has all features of a true art work both in its structure and in content. Sufis have found some pretexts both in Koran and in Hadith, based on which they tend to prove that there is a string that makes a link between the almighty God and the mortal human.And since generally the sayings are mystical, strange and coded, they believe that Koran means more than what it is seemed at the surface and the true meanings are covert, spiritual and deep and cannot be understood deeply unless through intuition or revelation. Such an attitude justifies a commentary approach to Koran. Due to vastness of Koranic concepts and Hadith, and for the link they have with theosophical thoughts, this essay attempts to brieflystudythis linkage and to manifest Sufis’ commentary approach to Koran and Hadith. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Trends in Sufism:From the Beginning until the Fifth Century AH
        Yalda Babaei
        The word Sufism is derived from Arabic and is the name of a tribe’s religion from the fact that it has been purified from ego and knows the objects of universe as a manifestation of God. From the first days of its creation until the fifth century, Sufism has undergone s More
        The word Sufism is derived from Arabic and is the name of a tribe’s religion from the fact that it has been purified from ego and knows the objects of universe as a manifestation of God. From the first days of its creation until the fifth century, Sufism has undergone several changes. Sometimes it progressed and some other time it became inactivated. Sufism underwent through up and downs during its contemporary age and many Sufis dedicated their life to it. This survey studies Sufism and its changes from the first until the fifth centuries with an analytical method in order to emphasize the issue that the words Sufism and Sufi had entered in Islamic culture from the second century AH and the third century is accounted as the golden age of Sufism. Monastery establishment, woolen goods covering and sectarianism were common within this century. In the fourth century a general structure was created for Sufism. Not only were Poem and prose used for expressing Sufi’s ideas in the fifth century, but also Sufis benefited from the expression of freedom Manuscript profile
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        76 - Sufism and manner Of Malamateye
        Seyed Ali Jafari Sadeghi seyed Ahmad Hoseini Kazerooni
        That`s  reminisce from the past about Malamateye sufic and in then memoir transfer to repeated tradition and biography continuous , as Malamateye know like sectary from other Sufism sect and in series Zahabie , Naghshbandie , Ghalandarie, …. , that were Hamdon ghassar`s More
        That`s  reminisce from the past about Malamateye sufic and in then memoir transfer to repeated tradition and biography continuous , as Malamateye know like sectary from other Sufism sect and in series Zahabie , Naghshbandie , Ghalandarie, …. , that were Hamdon ghassar`s clientele . Even in some cases , They descript apart from Sufic and versus them , because was nature of fact them in the ambiguity , always write this article is effort for arriving to more clear and more real feature from Malamateye and them historic identification and specification Manuscript profile
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        77 - Impact Of Islamic Mysticism on Iranian Architecture with an Emphasis on Soltaniyeh Dome Decorations
        Hatef Siyahkoohiyan
        In the realm of mysticism, art is a kind of spiritual journey in which the artist, heavenly and spiritually inspired, achieves intuition. In fact, the Islamic art and architecture is the manifestation of the almighty revelation on the earth, the delicacy and subtleness More
        In the realm of mysticism, art is a kind of spiritual journey in which the artist, heavenly and spiritually inspired, achieves intuition. In fact, the Islamic art and architecture is the manifestation of the almighty revelation on the earth, the delicacy and subtleness of which will take the mystics to the apocalypse and intuition. Traditional historic buildings in the Islamic architecture are emblems of the heaven and manifestation of the divinely tradition in which the skills and delicacies used come in close relation with the spiritual and metaphysical principles. Meticulous attention to the decorations and drawings, as well as the selection of the statements and concepts used in the inscriptions on the Islamic buildings, can make one witness the direct and indirect impact of Islamic mysticism and Sufism over the designs. The abundance of the Koranic verses in the inscriptions and mosques decorations and shrines and Imam Descendents shrines and domes, including Soltaniyeh Dome where every inch is sainted and virtue stricken, could be related to the topic of "citation" and "beads" that are among the major issues of Islamic Sufism and mysticism. In addition, the image or design of a "star" as a symbol of illumination and beauty, the center of which is the word "Allah" and sided by the words Mohammad and Ali demonstrate the spiritual leadership of God and divine leaders within the internal and external direction of Tariqa disciples, which are abundantly seen in the designs and images of the domes decorations, especially Soltaniyeh. The unity between Shari'ah, Tariqa, and reality is one of the major issues of mysticism that are easily seen in some parts of inscriptions and designs of Islamic buildings, including Soltaniyeh, "Allah, Mohammad, Ali" adjacent. Within the decoration, the word "Allah" signifies reality, the word "Mohammad" signifies Shari'ah, and the word "Ali" signifies Tariqa. In addition, the sole use of the grand name of "Allah" exclusively used in inscriptions and decoration of Islamic buildings represents  the principle of "monotheism" and mystical monotheism in Islamic Sufism. Manuscript profile
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        78 - An overview Of Ibn Arabi`s Influence on Sufism in the Malay World
        Mahmoodreza Esfandiar Faezeh Rahman
        No doubt Ibn-i Arabi is considered, one of the most prominent figures in history of Islamic thought and mysticism. Perhaps less character in the history of Islamic culture can be traced back to the circle of supporters and opponents widespread. His thought was spread to More
        No doubt Ibn-i Arabi is considered, one of the most prominent figures in history of Islamic thought and mysticism. Perhaps less character in the history of Islamic culture can be traced back to the circle of supporters and opponents widespread. His thought was spread to anywhere in the Muslim world was controversial, both disciples and followers were loyal and tough opponents and critics found. In other parts of the Islamic world, such as Malay world also has been more or less in these circumstances. The people of this area of far from Islam homeland have been followed mystical Islam. Basically Sufis and Sufi orders had played a major role in the Islamization of the region.Some of these orders (such Qaderieh) very impressed by the school of Ibn-i Arabi, especially his theory of  "unity of being". In the Malay world Sufism The unity of being also was very effective and found a lot of pros and cons. Hamzah Fnsuri, Shams Alddin Sumatrani, Abdulsamad Palimbani, Abdul Rauf Singkili and Raniri that were The influential personalities and sufis in the mysticism of Malay world, are considered proponents and critics of Ibn Arabi`s school. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Study Of the Companionship Customs and Solitude in Sufism
        Mehdi Jabbari Farhad Tahmasebi
        Customs and traditions of Sofia indicate their mental and doctrinal principles. Their companionship and solitude as the Islamic Sufi rituals, has an effective role in individual and social life of Islamic Sufis and their Seir and Suluk in order to accomplish the truth. More
        Customs and traditions of Sofia indicate their mental and doctrinal principles. Their companionship and solitude as the Islamic Sufi rituals, has an effective role in individual and social life of Islamic Sufis and their Seir and Suluk in order to accomplish the truth. So that the companionship, has provided an opportunity for displaying the outstanding characteristics of the Sufis like dedication and devotion, and solitude in addition to refining the condemned from them, have disposed their mind and spirit. Some Sufis were demanding God’s satisfaction through talking to people and leniency and some of them with commitment to solitude and withdrawing from other than Allah were searching to achieve to Allah without any intermediaries. In this paper the nature of companionship and solitude, besides Sufi, and studying the reasons of their distinctive approach toward companionship with the people or taking the hermitage in three different groups have been discussed; and the similarity and intrinsic links of Sufi’s companionship and solitude to reaching a common goal, despite their apparent differences have analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        80 - A Survey on the Position Of Jalal Al-Din Suyūti in Islamic Sufism and his Ideas about it
        Ali Akbari Chenari Mohsen Sharfaei
        Jalal Al-Din Suyūti(849 -911A.H) is Sunnite great Jurisconsult, translator and commentator. He has wrote various works about Islamic sciences. Although, majority of his works are referring to the holy Quran, narrative (Hadith), history, Islamic Jurisprudence, and Arabic More
        Jalal Al-Din Suyūti(849 -911A.H) is Sunnite great Jurisconsult, translator and commentator. He has wrote various works about Islamic sciences. Although, majority of his works are referring to the holy Quran, narrative (Hadith), history, Islamic Jurisprudence, and Arabic literature, other ones such as Tayid Al-HaqiqahAl- aliyyahand Tashyid Al-Al-Tariqah Al-Shazliyyah show his Sufi tendencies. He at the same time criticizes those persons that claim allegedly are Sufi and defends real ones. Jalal Al-Din in his Sufi works has not offered new Ideas and opinions, but rather has tried to transmit other Sufi Mentor’s thoughts. He has received his Sufi cloak from Kamal Al-Din, the so called Ibn Imam Al-Kameliyah, and Shams Al-Din Mouhammad, and because of this he can be attached to Ahmadiyyah, Qaderiyyah, and Suhrawardiyyah orders. But there are some indications which refer to his relation with Shazliyyah order.  Manuscript profile
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        81 - A Query about the Jealousy Of love
        Siavash Nariman
        Among various subjects regarding theosophy, jealousy attracted the Sufis and theosophists attention. This is fundamental concept for the Sufis’ thoughts. In gnostic thoughts jealousy has appeared as an ethical belief and could draw a great deal of attention. And God bas More
        Among various subjects regarding theosophy, jealousy attracted the Sufis and theosophists attention. This is fundamental concept for the Sufis’ thoughts. In gnostic thoughts jealousy has appeared as an ethical belief and could draw a great deal of attention. And God based on this jealousy, has called all the visible and invisible sins inadmissible. In religious law texts, saints lifestyles, shiilks words, Sufis and poets’ works, jealousy was not only neglected, but was seriously taken into consideration. Theosophists and spiritual contemplators impressed by Qudsi and prophetic Hadiths based on their own mystical tact or taste, interpreted and paraphrased the jealousy. That is to say: each Sufis and theosophist interpreted jealousy from their own point of view. In this article, “What jealousy is”, it’s literal and terminological definition, jealousy as a social phenomenon, Divine jealousy and its different types and the theosophists’ impression of it have been dealt with. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Place Of an Inmate Of the Great Mystics Of the Islamic Mystical Poetry by Qasim Anwar
        Yadollah Bahmani Motlagh
        Qasem Anwar (837 -757 AH.) Great Iranian mystic and poet of the Timurid era , mysticism and literature of Khorasan, Azarbaijan and Gilan and Ibn Arabic poetry compilation of thoughts about the perfect man and Unity along Kbrvyh Khorasan Sufi and Shiite movements Sfvyh A More
        Qasem Anwar (837 -757 AH.) Great Iranian mystic and poet of the Timurid era , mysticism and literature of Khorasan, Azarbaijan and Gilan and Ibn Arabic poetry compilation of thoughts about the perfect man and Unity along Kbrvyh Khorasan Sufi and Shiite movements Sfvyh Azerbaijan offers. He was a great Sufi Muslim mystics and the Court of Hussein ibn Mansur al-Hallaj, Bayazid Bastami, Ghazali and Hafy human goodness and learn to respect their praises high, often thought of as imparting to the Shiite Imams Ali, Imam Hussein, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as ) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) has expressed devotion . Among the bits from all over to Hazrat Ali (AS) and follow a spiritual sonnets dedicated to Imam Ali in which he explicitly declared that his true followers. Ghasemi pursuant to which the poet Poets Iraqi style is great, the greatest mystic poets like Rumi's poems orientation, Hafez, Sanai evident. This aspect of our study of poetry Qasim Anwar will lead to many hidden aspects of his thought. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Relationship between Shiism and Sufism in the Works Of Seyyed  Heydar Amoli
        Mohammad Mehdi Babapour
        This paper deals with some basic issues in terms of one of the most important pillars of Seyyed Heydar Amoli’s mystical mind. At first, the motivation of this issue is explained in details by Seyyed Heydar and then the relationship between Shi’ism and Sufism is raised. More
        This paper deals with some basic issues in terms of one of the most important pillars of Seyyed Heydar Amoli’s mystical mind. At first, the motivation of this issue is explained in details by Seyyed Heydar and then the relationship between Shi’ism and Sufism is raised. The most significant achievement in this writing is that Seyyed Heydar is prone to the unity between the two sects of Shi’ism and Sufism. They are in fact one single reality that the perfect man should achieve. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Study Of Marvels in Mystical Verses up until 8th Century AH
        Abbas Babaie Heydar Hassanloo Seyyed Nader Mohammadzadeh
        One of the facts that you are not in any doubt is marvel. Because the thaumaturgic reality is different from the usual, customary and normal by default, one cannot be imagined and realized. Thus, the others fail to like it. Always pay attention to such things as the qua More
        One of the facts that you are not in any doubt is marvel. Because the thaumaturgic reality is different from the usual, customary and normal by default, one cannot be imagined and realized. Thus, the others fail to like it. Always pay attention to such things as the quality of their realization. The idea has attracted the attention of scientists and writers. So faced with these issues in books and mystical card should be treated with caution and deliberation. This paper investigates and analyzes the mystical to the eighth century AD this book deals Manuscript profile
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        85 - A Research over Mystical Views and Spiritual Journey Of Sheikh Najmoddin the Great
        Ibrahim Bavafa Dalivand
        Known as Sheikh Najmoddin the Great, Abuljenab Ahmand Kheivi was the famous commentator, relationist, and mystic of Islam and Iran who spent the two decades of his life on scientific and spiritual research in Islamic territories. In his journeys, he learned the special More
        Known as Sheikh Najmoddin the Great, Abuljenab Ahmand Kheivi was the famous commentator, relationist, and mystic of Islam and Iran who spent the two decades of his life on scientific and spiritual research in Islamic territories. In his journeys, he learned the special science of relation and mystical and spiritual journeys from the great scholars of his time and then after refining his soul, learning spiritual science, and achieving the ability to teach out of his own sheikh, he went back to his hometown Kharazm. Over there, he began extending his mystical teachings and supporting the enthusiasts. In addition to writing great deal of works on spiritual journeys, he nurtured followers from Khorasan and Mesopotamia, out of which he spread the mystical science despite the prevailing political and religious atmosphere throughout Kharazm kingdom. This paper endeavors to analyze the religious atmosphere of Khorasan , Mesopotamia and Kharazm after evaluating his scientific and religious life, together with his mystical and spiritual teachings in Gorganj, the east empire of the Islamic world, especially his debate as the advocate of Tariqa and intuition with Imam Fakhr Razi, the representative of Sufi and Reasoning school. Manuscript profile
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        86 - effects Of Mysticism and Sonnets Of Hafez Shirazi and Sonnets Of Ghalb Dehlavi
        Zohre Valikhani Akbar Shabani
        In this paper, the dominant influence of Hafiz of Shiraz in different aspects of mystical analyzed and evaluated using comparative analysis
        In this paper, the dominant influence of Hafiz of Shiraz in different aspects of mystical analyzed and evaluated using comparative analysis Manuscript profile
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        87 - Studying the Historic Spread Of Sufism in the Early and Middle Islam Era and the Expansion Of Sufi Literature in Iran
        Shahrbano Sahabi Khalil Hadidi Saeedullah Qarabeygloo
        Is the appearance of Sufism in its modern meaning and in turn Sufism literature an abrupt event or a result of historical processes and evolution of social trends which led to such an extensive phenomenon? Though it is true that gnostic thoughts and also Sufism in its g More
        Is the appearance of Sufism in its modern meaning and in turn Sufism literature an abrupt event or a result of historical processes and evolution of social trends which led to such an extensive phenomenon? Though it is true that gnostic thoughts and also Sufism in its general meaning date back to the beginning of the human history, but except for a few ambiguous images on the cave walls and/or myth stories attributed to the ancient people after invention of writing systems, nothing has remained from the vast sea of the ancient people thoughts and ideas. Identification of Sufism phenomenon and its effects on the Islamic societies and also on the non-Islamic ones in later times is subject to the same above-mentioned constraints and limitations. Acknowledging the inevitable deficiencies, the author tries to present a picture of the appearance of Sufism and some examples of its various influences on the society based on the remaining relevant books and literature as accurate as possible Manuscript profile
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        88 - Pantheism in the Eyes of Ibn Arabi and Spinosa
        MohammadTaghi Ghandi Mohammadreza Aram
        Ibn-e-Arabi and Spinoza have come up with brand new insights about existence. This study is concerned with a study of their views. Espinoza was also known as Cartesian philosopher too.The problem of substans and divine attributs and how they are attributs to the Lord be More
        Ibn-e-Arabi and Spinoza have come up with brand new insights about existence. This study is concerned with a study of their views. Espinoza was also known as Cartesian philosopher too.The problem of substans and divine attributs and how they are attributs to the Lord being and their relation with the true and pure unity of God are of the most fundamental epistemological problem in the realm knowing the origian.The present article is going to study the process of pantheism from the point of view thinkers such as Ibn-e-Arabi and Aspinoza. Manuscript profile
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        89 - The Gnostic Sama and the Worshipful Circumamambulation and Persian Literature
        Maliheh Jafari Langroudi
        Regarding the word Sama and its acceptance and condemnation in mystical journey and conduct much has been said. The writer has tried to shed light on the importance of the real Sama for everyone by expressing various reasons and literary evidences, introducing it as an More
        Regarding the word Sama and its acceptance and condemnation in mystical journey and conduct much has been said. The writer has tried to shed light on the importance of the real Sama for everyone by expressing various reasons and literary evidences, introducing it as an attractive means toward stimulating and exciting mankind’s psyche for reaching the truth and gaining cognition; the means that due to various reasons has been condemned from the view points of some; nevertheless, a logical relation between gnostic Sama and worshipful circumambulation, because Sama like circumambulation is justifiable as a means or way of doing particular actions, that in the light of appearance have similar manner in common; of course, this justification must be in a way that should not be against the religion of Islam and will open a more attractive way for understanding the truth and perfection of human being as gainst mankind. The aim of writing this paper is to show the spiritual relations of the above two rotations, and the reasons for the agreements and disagreements of the great theoreticians will be presented. Therefore more disciples will be absorbed on the way towards truth and take them away from deviating path. With this viewpoint in mind, mystical Sama is not accounted as a means in the hands of neither a particular group nor a particular sect, but all the truth-seekers can enjoy it, provided that they take a look at its original meaning. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Sufi s List of Evidencess (Naghshbandineh: Based on narrations by Seddighiyeh Dynasty)
        پروفسور سیدحسن امین
        Sufis dynasties recognize themselves as the disciples of religious leaders, as for which they have registered their kinship dynasty. The relevant documents and narrations are considered to be a significant part of the written inheritance of Sufism ans so far little has More
        Sufis dynasties recognize themselves as the disciples of religious leaders, as for which they have registered their kinship dynasty. The relevant documents and narrations are considered to be a significant part of the written inheritance of Sufism ans so far little has there been any ananlysis on them. The current paper endeavors to deal with one of the narrations related to Naghshbandineh, having a fundamental role in identifying personages of the dynasty such as Abdur Rahman Jami and others as well as being regarded as the keys to explore mysticism ans Sufism. Studyng the available primary resources can lead us to the date of extablishment of Khanghah-Sufis temple- and Sufis establishments as well, depiciting an important part of social and political Sufism. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Zoroastrian Mysticism and Its Commonalities with Islamic Mysticism
        علی‌اکبر افراسیاب‌پور
        Zaroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions that contain the principle and pure mystical beliefs having an enormaous impact on eastern and western religions. This article endeavors to both present fundamentals of mystical beliefs and recommend some titles for mo More
        Zaroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions that contain the principle and pure mystical beliefs having an enormaous impact on eastern and western religions. This article endeavors to both present fundamentals of mystical beliefs and recommend some titles for more extensive studies respectively. The theory on Light and Darkness is from an existential and anthropological perspective assumed to be derived out of the commonalities of the above mentioned mysticism. Intellectual persons such as Ibn Yazdaniar Ormavy were conveyers of Zoroastrian mystical beliefs to Islamic mysticism. Zoroastrian light and fire known as love, beauty, and wisdom conlinue their lives. Mystical myths are also other sommonalities exising between Zoroastrian mysticism and that of Islam, especially Simorgh myth that is a perfect example. Khergheh and Sedreh are other evidences in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Craziness and Crazy likeness in Mystical Literature
        حسین آریان
        Love, affection, and beauty have been some of the everlasting concerns of mankind who have been engaged with it globally and mentally. These essential matters have special reflection in mysticism insofar as they have been proposed as one of the mystical debates in its v More
        Love, affection, and beauty have been some of the everlasting concerns of mankind who have been engaged with it globally and mentally. These essential matters have special reflection in mysticism insofar as they have been proposed as one of the mystical debates in its various branches. Loving the beloved, drowing in the infinite beauty of the eternal image of God, and having a sip of His affectionate wine make lover a sensation that take him her away from consciousness and reasoning to the bowndless desert of craziness and bewilderement, and as Sufis claim, drive anyone from sobriety to intoxication, and in his inebriation and craziness, he will alienate himself by having a pure wine of unity, behaving in a queer and strange way different from human reasoning and wordly intelligence quite close to insane people, thus it causes a sort of behavior that will be explored later in the paper. These insane and divinely intoxicated people in their impersonal intoxication achieve one of the most beautiful and uncontaminated spiritual and internal relation with their eternally mere beloved, getting so much ripened that nothing remains from their egos except Him and nothing else. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Analysis of the Impact of Quranic Verses and Traditions on Attaar Neishaboori's Works
        Shokouh Assadollahi Jamshid Jalali Sheejani
        Sheykh Farīd ud-Dīn Aṭṭār Neyshabooriwas one of the famous Persian poets and theosophists who lived during the late sixth to the early seventh Hijra centuries. He was among the theosophist poets who were enamored to Quran and Gnosticism. He also had thorough knowledge o More
        Sheykh Farīd ud-Dīn Aṭṭār Neyshabooriwas one of the famous Persian poets and theosophists who lived during the late sixth to the early seventh Hijra centuries. He was among the theosophist poets who were enamored to Quran and Gnosticism. He also had thorough knowledge of religious sciences such as interpretation, Haddith or narrations so that all his works were replete with some contexts originated from verses and narrations. Hence, in his poems, being fully gnostic and religious, reflection and manifestation of the God’s discourse (speech) and narrations can abundantly be observed. In contrast with his ancestors, he resorted to a different method to create his poems. Relying on to simple language and common parlance, giving different parables and allegories, giving fables on behalf of ordinary people and animals and excitement of emotions were among the methods he used to create his works. He sometimes used Quranic verses directly and sometimes he partially pointed out to them. Moreover, he gave some trivial changes in such verses and gave an overall meaning of them in his works. Focusing on his works such as Asrarnameh, Mantegholteir, Mosibatnameh, Elahinameh, Mokhtarnameh and his odes and sonnets, in this paper, we are trying to investigate whether his works have directly (or indirectly) been impacted (by other sources and factors). Manuscript profile
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        94 - Mystical Theosophy in Saeb's Divan
        Seyede Zahra Askari Nejad Syed Ahmad Hosseini Kazeroni
        Certainly, the social behavior of human beings and the manner of their behavior against each other and the importance of religion and faith role have been studied continuously. In addition to, one of the most important secrets of poet permanency and stability in future More
        Certainly, the social behavior of human beings and the manner of their behavior against each other and the importance of religion and faith role have been studied continuously. In addition to, one of the most important secrets of poet permanency and stability in future thoughts is depend on his usage of universal human purports. The poem of Saeb period is a humanity poem. His audience has been people; he has talked with them friendly and sympathized with them. The purpose of Saeb in the tendency of theses purports has been paying to regular life problems in different dimensions that according to his Divan, the reflection of social problems have been distinct and obvious from different aspects. This essay studies the religious and theosophical aspects further which are the sociological matters of one literary work. Manuscript profile
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        95 - Mystical Analysis of Poverty and Riches Through Mystical Approach by Rumi and Khajeh Abdullah Ansari
        Nasrin Biranvand Hossein Arian Fahimeh Sazmand
        Poverty is one stage of the mystical journey and literally means requirements and needs, and in terms of Sufism it means reliance in God and no need to others. "Poverty and riches" in the Iranian literature, especially the works by mystics, have an ancient h More
        Poverty is one stage of the mystical journey and literally means requirements and needs, and in terms of Sufism it means reliance in God and no need to others. "Poverty and riches" in the Iranian literature, especially the works by mystics, have an ancient history and a higher position. Poverty is defined as indigence and dervish-like whereas "riches" means the opposite, which are opulence, needlessness and wealth. Spiritual traveler in the territory regains his attribute of non-existence and inherited poverty where he admits. Spiritual poverty is a major mystical issue which not only do poets refer to in their divans, but also mystics have some theories respectively. This research was conducted with analytical methods by poetic evidence and explanations of poverty, by the viewpoints of the two mystics, namely Ansari and Maulana, and its interpretationt through mystical approach. Manuscript profile
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        96 - Sanctity in the Thoughts of Shams-i Tabrīzī and its Reflection in the Works of Sultan Walad
        Davood Vaseghi, Mehdi Malek Sabet Mohammad Kazem Kahduyi
        After believing in the unity of Allah, the issue of “Saint and Sanctity” is one of the most fundamental issues in Islamic mysticism ideology. Saint literally means closeness, affection, victory, seigniory, etc.; however, in Sufism terminology it means the on More
        After believing in the unity of Allah, the issue of “Saint and Sanctity” is one of the most fundamental issues in Islamic mysticism ideology. Saint literally means closeness, affection, victory, seigniory, etc.; however, in Sufism terminology it means the one who goes through denying human traits and worshiping Allah to achieve a higher form of life. Shams-i Tabrīzī and his devotee, Sultan Walad, like most of mystics, believe that saint is the one who becomes united with Allah. In their beliefs although knowing the real saint is even harder than knowing Allah, real aficionados should truly know the saints and avoid following dishonest plaintiffs. Moreover, both of them categorized the saints into two groups of “hidden” and “well-known”. In their views, even though all the saints came from one source, each receive their share from Allah based on their innate capacity. Further, the place of the “beloved” is higher than “lovers”. Besides, the Pole is considered as the king of saints who is the ultimate purpose of the creation. This study investigated the influence of Shams-i Tabrīzī on Sultan Wald regarding to the issue of sanctity. Manuscript profile
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        97 - Various Dimensions of Junaid and Hallaj Dispute in the Light of Khorasan and Baghdad Schools of Sufism
        Shokrollah Pouralkhas Ahmad Jabari Farshid Bagheri
        The effect of the geographical environment on human thinking is a remarkable matter. Islamic Sufism with entering the geographical area of Iran faced new challenges. Iranian mystics and scholars, with a new reading of religion and Quran led the Islamic world gradually t More
        The effect of the geographical environment on human thinking is a remarkable matter. Islamic Sufism with entering the geographical area of Iran faced new challenges. Iranian mystics and scholars, with a new reading of religion and Quran led the Islamic world gradually to polarization. Soon after, Sufistic romance of Khorasan School was put in opposition to tradition-based Sufism of Baghdad School. Confrontation of these two schools penetrated into fields of thought, politics and society as well. The peak of this conflict was in the death of Hallaj and also the approach the followers of Baghdad and Khorasan schools chose toward that issue. In this study, we discuss the causes and the nature of the confrontation between these two schools. Then, with regard to the importance of Hallaj issue, after investigating the dimensions of Hallaj dispute with Junaid, it became clear that the divergence between these two great mystics had roots in the confrontation of Baghdad and Khorasan schools. These two persons had fundamental disagreements about important issues such as: 1. the political thought, the border between interpretation and explanation of Quran, 3. the meaning of Oneness 4. the conscious rationality and unconsious pondering 5. Arabian servitude and Persian justice- seeking. Manuscript profile
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        98 - Creative Imagination in Shams Tabrizi's Divan
        Zohreh Mohamad ali Ahmad Qani pour Malekshah Morteza Mohseni Masoud Rouhani
        The theory of imagination has a special position in philosophy and theoretical mysticism (Sufisms). Ibn Arabi is one of greatest theoretician in the field of imagination. In his words, Imagination is, in a sense, everything except God and His manifestation, but in human More
        The theory of imagination has a special position in philosophy and theoretical mysticism (Sufisms). Ibn Arabi is one of greatest theoretician in the field of imagination. In his words, Imagination is, in a sense, everything except God and His manifestation, but in human being imagination is a kind of perception that gathers between tangible forms and abstract meanings. Human is the successor of the creative God and can use his imagination to create scientific, literary, and artistic creations, and can be the source of perfection. The most important purpose of the paper is to emphasize the role of the creative imagination in wandering human’s identity, in order to escape from the crisis of identity and to achieve its true status. Rumi's poetry in Divan Shams is one of the hallmarks of the creative imagination in mystical literature. In this study, Ibn Arabi’s and Rumi's common views on the theory of God in the creation have been compiled and analyzed using a comparative-analytic approach. Manuscript profile
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        99 - Study of the First Mystical Authority and its Analysis in Psychology through Statistical Method
        mahnoush mani Seyyed Aliasghar mirbaghari Fard Tahereh Khoshhal shole Amiri
        Remembrance is the root of all mystical homes. The awakening inside or outside of the body results in feelings of sweetness and devotion during prayers and prayers, ease of hardship, repentance, craving, self-exaltation, and the attainment of higher mystical stages; mys More
        Remembrance is the root of all mystical homes. The awakening inside or outside of the body results in feelings of sweetness and devotion during prayers and prayers, ease of hardship, repentance, craving, self-exaltation, and the attainment of higher mystical stages; mystical teachings are increasingly found in personal and social affairs. Closer to God. Therefore, using mystical theories, psychological concepts can be extracted and used in the lives of individuals. These effects on the human psyche increase the quality of life and consequently create happiness, and psychologists are looking for this. The purpose of this study was to investigate memory and freedom in mystical prose texts until the seventh century, its application to psychology using cognitive, behavioral, and emotional approaches, and to examine demographic differences (age, sex, income, and tendency to mysticism) in reminiscence. And it is dead. ۱۸۰ Participants were selected by random sampling method in which three domains groups, those interested in mysticism and ordinary people responded to the Inner Awakening Questionnaire. The subjects included men and women with different incomes. The results of the questionnaire are also discussed on theoretical grounds. This descriptive-analytical research has attempted to explain its theoretical foundations in Islamic mysticism and to provide a practical basis for its application in psychology. Manuscript profile
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        100 - Investigating the Process of Differentiation in Mysticism from beginning to the 9th century AH (Case study: Level and Completeness)
        Mohsen Fasuniechi alireza mozafaritazehkand Abdolnaser Nazariani
        One of the distinguishing features of Sufism from other sects has been the issue of flattery, which ironically has been one of the most controversial features of this group. In this research, we have studied the process of differentiation in mysticism with emphasis on t More
        One of the distinguishing features of Sufism from other sects has been the issue of flattery, which ironically has been one of the most controversial features of this group. In this research, we have studied the process of differentiation in mysticism with emphasis on the phenomenon of Shath and Taamaat from the beginning to the ninth century (AH).  The results show that although mystics initially resorted to certain customs and behaviors to distinguish themselve from other currents of thought, these distinctions were gradually criticized and opposed by both groups. A group that has used the special traditions of mystics as a pretext for its transgression in order to transcend the totality of mysticism, and another group of mystics who have tried to fight against these extremes and deny some behavioral and speech features. Thus, the wave of differentiation from mysticism had continued from the beginning of the formation of this current thought and became more and more intense and pervasive, since the mystics themselves, relying on critique within the discourse began to monitor and refine unusual customs. They practiced Mysticism, Shath and Taamaat were also attacked, and later, in their own interest and in order to protecting their original beliefs and fortifications, Shath and Taamaat, which were the hallmark of mysticism, due to its controversy and marginalization, were attacked. Sufis erased their speech and character of Taamaat. Manuscript profile
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        101 - Clothing and its Symbols in Mystical Literature
        Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Yadullah Bahmani Motlaq
        Clothes and gourds in Islamic mysticism are considered to be worn and used from cover to cover as a symbol of movement in various meanings and have given special effects to the mystical literature in poetry and prose. This article examines the examples of mystic and Suf More
        Clothes and gourds in Islamic mysticism are considered to be worn and used from cover to cover as a symbol of movement in various meanings and have given special effects to the mystical literature in poetry and prose. This article examines the examples of mystic and Sufi clothing according to their symbols and its reflection in the mystical literature. Graffiti covers the most important part of the Sufis' veil, signifying a spiritual connection with the spiritual master and the elder, symbolizing austerity and disregard for the world and for the journey. Dressing a thousand stitches in a thousand divine names, "Qasemi" dressed as Chuck and a symbol of the plurality and martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and so on are other spiritual symbols. The most important characteristic of the mystic's "color" and "shape" was that the symbols of white, black, sweatshirt were more than other colors, and the simple shape of the short, patchy and old cup was also a common symbol of ignorance. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Ibn Arabi's Unity Regime Effects on the Bubbling and Sonnets by Bidel Dehlavi with an Emphasis on Love
        Abbas Bakhshande bali Aliakbar Shoubkalaei
        One of the issues raised up constantly through Mohiyeddin Ibn Arabi is the idea of unity of existence. Like other ideas, this thought has had a dramatic effect on some Indian thinkers, such as Bidel Dehlavi. One of the issues of the unity of existence is love in the Bei More
        One of the issues raised up constantly through Mohiyeddin Ibn Arabi is the idea of unity of existence. Like other ideas, this thought has had a dramatic effect on some Indian thinkers, such as Bidel Dehlavi. One of the issues of the unity of existence is love in the Being that Ibn Arabi and, consequently, Bidl had in their works at its angles. This article is based on a descriptive-analytical method and citing library resources to explore the impact of Ibn Arabi on Biddle on the issue of love in the universe. The findings of the research are that Biddle has been dealing with the Islamic mystic system of Ibn Arabi by introducing discussions such as the series of love in the system of unity of existence, grief and love, virtual love, and martyr Love in the course of the Unity School of Being. The presence of love in the mysticism is exhilarating and exhilarating. From the perspective of Ibn Arabi and Bidel, love exists in all the mystical interpretation of existence based on mystery. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Investigation of Hypocritical Sufis in Jami's Haft Owrang using Functional Attitude Theory in Social Psychology
        Faranak Jahanbakhsh Masroureh Mokhtari Askar Salahi
        Attitudes are relatively stable assessments of various phenomena in the social world in people's minds. Functional Attitude Theory examines the inner motivations of human beings, the cause of attitudes and their role and function in creating social behaviors. In Haft Ow More
        Attitudes are relatively stable assessments of various phenomena in the social world in people's minds. Functional Attitude Theory examines the inner motivations of human beings, the cause of attitudes and their role and function in creating social behaviors. In Haft Owrang poetry, the poet's use of allegory and the narrative format, in most cases, has contributed greatly to the emergence of Jami's views on individual, interpersonal and social issues. The present article has studied the subject of "Hypocritical Sufis" from the perspective of analyzing their personality and behavior based on Functional Attitude Theory using analytical-descriptive method. The result of the research shows that the attitude of different social classes towards the phenomenon of hypocrisy and its manifestation in the Jami’s age as "Hypocritical Sufis" can be classified into two "profit-seeking" and "value-seeking" functions. Also, the role of political and cultural conditions, traditions and customs of society, as well as the function of mysticism can be considered in this field. Despite the relative stability of Jami's view, the study of the contradiction in attitude as "cognitive inconsistency" is also important in Jami's Haft Owrang, where the poet has implemented the two approaches of "attitude justification" and "following destinism" in this component. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Design and Validation of Islamic Sufism Management Model
        Asadollah Asadi Garmarudi Ali Sheiykholeslami Esmaeil Mansuri Larijany Reza Saaki
        The intense effort to inject, promote, and deepen the teachings of pure Islamic mysticism is indispensable in all areas of society, and especially in the realm of principles of management. The purpose of this research is to design and validate the model of Islamic mysti More
        The intense effort to inject, promote, and deepen the teachings of pure Islamic mysticism is indispensable in all areas of society, and especially in the realm of principles of management. The purpose of this research is to design and validate the model of Islamic mysticism management: firstly, to show this effect and secondly to save true Islamic mysticism by modeling the perfect human being and completing the managers in Sadra’ian circus, from negative isolation. This study uses an exploratory mixed-design study, and provides a baseline guide to library research and interviewing, based on the Q method, which links quantitative and qualitative data to the final stages of research. To design and validation of the expected model is followed. The model has seven main components: central justice, excellence, social improvement, effectiveness, efficiency, role model, orbital task, and the results indicate that the components of Islamic mysticism management are directly or indirectly related to coefficients ranged from 0.108 to 0.384 with a significant effect on each other and the presented model is statistically confirmed with 95% confidence. Therefore, by utilizing the teachings of Islamic mysticism in management, a divine and more effective manifestation can be presented which leads to the growth of organizations. Manuscript profile
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        105 - A Research on the Strengths of the Ideas and Functions of Mysticism and Sufism
        Mohammad Sharifani Mohammad Ma’refat
        In this article, with the help of written documents and applied research, the strengths and functions of Sufism and mysticism have been explored and analyzed with the help of descriptive and analytical methods. Every profession and religion may have strengths or weaknes More
        In this article, with the help of written documents and applied research, the strengths and functions of Sufism and mysticism have been explored and analyzed with the help of descriptive and analytical methods. Every profession and religion may have strengths or weaknesses. Irfan and Sufism are no exception to this rule. Investigating the indicators of positive mysticism and Sufism is from the perspective of Islam and Islamic teachings. In this article, four axes, including moral and educational, social and political, cultural and artistic, religious and intellectual, have been investigated as the main axes of the strengths and positive heritage of Sufism and mysticism; then the sequence of each axis, evaluation and analysis of the most important features of positive mysticism is given. Disregarding appearance and turning away from past habits, purifying and purifying the soul, developing religious education and upbringing, legitimate and reasonable austerity, asceticism and piety, tolerance, compromise and religious tolerance, prudence and rationality, moderation and moderation, spreading charity and social benevolence. , the attitude of creating happiness and cheerfulness, literature and poetry, calligraphy and calligraphy, cultural enrichment and expansion of art, music, adherence to Tariqat customs, Sharia-oriented and provincialism are the most important positive legacies of the aforementioned axes. The author emphasizes that due to the existence of some harms and plagues of Sufism and mysticism, one should not consider Sufism and mysticism in general distasteful and should not prevent the dissemination of its strengths and acceptance. Manuscript profile
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        106 - Stylistic Characteristics of Shams-e-Maghrebi's Divan (Eighth Century Poet)
        Amir Ismail Azar
        Shams-e-Maghrebi, the eighth and the early ninth century poet, is a real Sufi with a tendency towards Islamic Mysticism. He is inspired by Ibn Arabi and some other schools such as Pantheism, Buddhism and Christianity which make up his style. In ode (Qazals) he appears a More
        Shams-e-Maghrebi, the eighth and the early ninth century poet, is a real Sufi with a tendency towards Islamic Mysticism. He is inspired by Ibn Arabi and some other schools such as Pantheism, Buddhism and Christianity which make up his style. In ode (Qazals) he appears as a mystical character. In terms of structure and meaning his odes are of an absolute form and of a logical unity. The words and idioms which are utilized in the poems are sometimes difficult to understand. The use of Arabic words is considered to be of a high number. The Meditation of the poet seems to be something between Sanaee and Attar. Throughout his Divan, he has denoted many Sufi idioms as: mirror, morality, appearance, union with God and so on. The idioms show his willing towards Sufi approach, although he is an Aref as well. Manuscript profile
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        107 - Mysticism and Civilization: Exploring the Political Participation of Mystics and Sufis Focusing on Critique of Power
        Mohammad Nasiri bagher mokhtari Ramezan Rezaei Alireza Khajehgir Seyed Mohammad Reza Mosavi Faraz
        Despite some reports of mysticism and Sufism's distance from politics and its generalization to the main point of view of this movement, the existence of a discourse of critique of power and development and the completion of this discourse in the form of a complete mess More
        Despite some reports of mysticism and Sufism's distance from politics and its generalization to the main point of view of this movement, the existence of a discourse of critique of power and development and the completion of this discourse in the form of a complete message that has precise content, clear audience and logical means of transmission. It shows the activism and political participation of mystics and mystics. Criticisms that sometimes lead the analyst to the political participation of Sufism in the existence of a deep socio-political base. Utilizing the model of analyzing the message of critique of the power of this effective institution, this study tries to examine and analyze the role of pure heart Sufis in the heart of political events during historical and literary propositions. One of the only achievements is the constant presence of morality and sharia alongside power and politics. Based on historical evidence and authentic mystical sources, mystics, as one of the most influential sections of society and at some times spiritual leaders in various forms, direct and indirect, oral and written, have criticized the pillars of power. As for the critics of the critics, the caliphs, the kings of the ministers, the local rulers, the rulers who have been criticized by the mystics. The appointment of incompetent people to government positions has opened the door to criticism Manuscript profile
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        108 - Quranic Verses in Mystical Texts
        Zohre Allahdaadi Dastjerdi
        Mystics and Sufis have always used the verses of the Holy Qur'an to express the concepts and terms of theoretical and practical Mysticism; they did not consider any language more efficient and profound than the language of the Qur'an to express their mystical discoverie More
        Mystics and Sufis have always used the verses of the Holy Qur'an to express the concepts and terms of theoretical and practical Mysticism; they did not consider any language more efficient and profound than the language of the Qur'an to express their mystical discoveries, intuitions and experiences. Therefore, many meanings, interpretations, Ta'vil and referent of many verses of the Qur'an can be found in the texts of Mysticism and Sufism. The main focus of this article is to find the referent of Quranic verses in these texts. The selected mystical texts of this article are in Persian. At the beginning of the article, the definition of referent is presented in the context of semantics to distinguish it from the words "concept" and "meaning", and then the definitions of referent and its difference with Ta'vil in the Quranic sciences are explored. Finally, examples of these referents of Quranic verses are mentioned in these texts. "molook" and "Qarye" in verse 34 of Surah An-Naml, "Keramat" in verse 70 of Surah Asra, "Amanat" in verse 72 of Surah Al-Ahzab and the words "Serate Mostaqim", "Taq'va" and "Hava" are examples that have been incorporated in twenty Persian mystical texts. Manuscript profile
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        109 - The Mystics and the Virtue of Eating Halal Food
        Maryam Haghi Zahra Salehi Sadati
        The miracles of mystics and their related anecdotes constitute a large volume of mystical stories and is one of the key topics in Persian mystical texts. In a general classification, different types of miracles are divided into three main types: Notification of the unse More
        The miracles of mystics and their related anecdotes constitute a large volume of mystical stories and is one of the key topics in Persian mystical texts. In a general classification, different types of miracles are divided into three main types: Notification of the unseen, aristocracy of insides, and possession of the universe, each of which includes several sub-types. One of the sub-types of the miracles of notification of the unseen is the recognition of the forbidden or suspicious nature of the morsel and the food through food and divine instruction. This dignity is based on the Sufi belief that if absolute blood covers the whole world, the believer will eat nothing except halal. In this dignity, the mystic without any signs and sometimes with signs such as moving a finger vein, not reaching for the forbidden, feeling full and not going down the forbidden morsel from the throat, calling to the heart, speaking of forbidden food, seeing blackness, Impurity and blood in food and ... is associated. Opponents of mystics sometimes used this method to test their legitimacy, and often, after being recognized as a mystic, they sought forgiveness and became mystics' followers. In this article, while collecting, classifying and analyzing such miracles in earlier mystical books, it has been tried to point out recent examples of this virtue. Manuscript profile
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        110 - Characteristics of Sufism and Islamic mysticism in the practical and theoretical life of Thomas Merton
        Reza Rezaei Tahereh Hajebrahimi Shahram Pazuki
        In 1959, Thomas Merton became familiar with Islam and its religious teachings; His acquaintance and encounter with Islam has been formed in many ways. When Mertan established a relationship with Muslims and students of Islamic thought, it was at a time in his life when More
        In 1959, Thomas Merton became familiar with Islam and its religious teachings; His acquaintance and encounter with Islam has been formed in many ways. When Mertan established a relationship with Muslims and students of Islamic thought, it was at a time in his life when mysticism and spiritual life were the most prominent mental concerns for him. He was familiar with the works of Schwan and Rene Gunon by studying Sufi poems; The most influential person in Merten's introduction to Islam was a person named Louis Massignon. Thomas Merton became familiar with Islam and its teachings in the late 50s and throughout the 60s; His acquaintance and encounter with Islam has been formed in many ways. Among these ways of getting to know Mertan, we can mention the encounter and study of the main texts of Islam, including the Qur'an, as well as the meeting and correspondence with Muslim (Sufi) figures during his life. The most influential person in Merten's introduction to Islam was a person named Louis Massignon. Merten received many influences from Islam and his familiarity with Islam has played a significant role in enriching his religious and mystical thoughts. One of the most important teachings of Sufism that Merten received is the teaching that all human beings can achieve God's knowledge and knowledge by following their faith and beliefs and looking at God's personal signs in everything. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Reflection on Linking Ring of Mysticism and Religious Sociology
        Shahram Basity Monireh Moradinasab Rangin Negar Karamzadeh
        Religion is an integral part of society. Everybody has orders that are interpreted and analyzed according to different levels and categories of society. The society is in harmony with religion and seeks most of its needs from religious teachings. In this respect, sociol More
        Religion is an integral part of society. Everybody has orders that are interpreted and analyzed according to different levels and categories of society. The society is in harmony with religion and seeks most of its needs from religious teachings. In this respect, sociology behaves in harmony with religion, that is, it does not consider sociological theories to be separate from religion. On the other hand, in the history of Iran (and most lands), we have a phenomenon called "mysticism". Although at first glance, it may seem that mysticism or Sufism has gone against the wishes of society and has anarchist theories; But by analyzing all mystical views in all categories of history, we can refute this claim and say that: mysticism (Sufism), religion and sociology have moved in the same direction.The findings of the present study, which was done by descriptive-analytical method using the tool of "content analysis", show that mystics such as Sanai Ghaznavi, Attar Neyshabouri, Rumi and their like-minded people have mystical theories that They can be studied under sociology. Manuscript profile
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        112 - Basic, Methodological and Final Pathology of the Mystical Interpretation of the Holy Quran
        fatemeh Hosseini Mirsafi
        Throughout history, Sufi and mystical interpretive currents on the one hand to respond to the cognitive and epistemological needs of the audience and attention to its moral, educational and spiritual aspects have been considered by the commentators of the Holy Quran, an More
        Throughout history, Sufi and mystical interpretive currents on the one hand to respond to the cognitive and epistemological needs of the audience and attention to its moral, educational and spiritual aspects have been considered by the commentators of the Holy Quran, and on the other hand due to the existence Deviations in mystical interpretations have their opponents and have damages in the basic, methodological and final domains. The purpose of this study is to identify, analyze and investigate the damages of the basic, methodological and final areas of mystical interpretation of the Holy Quran. This research is an applied research in terms of purpose and a qualitative research in terms of data collection. In terms of research method, it is descriptive-analytical. The findings of this study can be used for the purpose of writing mystical commentaries and expressing the meaning and purpose of God Almighty verses with an educational and cognitive approach to promote morality and educate the audience of the Holy Quran. Manuscript profile
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        113 - The place of Monasticism in Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism
        Zahra Abedini Bakhshali Ghanbari Abdolhossein Tarighi
        Ibn Arabi is one of the greatest mystics in the Islamic world, whose numerous works are one of the main and rich sources of theoretical mysticism. The concept of monasticism is one of the important elements of the Sufi tendencies of the Islamic world and consequently ha More
        Ibn Arabi is one of the greatest mystics in the Islamic world, whose numerous works are one of the main and rich sources of theoretical mysticism. The concept of monasticism is one of the important elements of the Sufi tendencies of the Islamic world and consequently has a special place in Ibn Arabi's mystical intellectual system. Therefore, in this article, this concept is examined and its relation with Ibn Arabi's mystical system is measured. Monasticism in Ibn Arabi's thought is closely related to discovery and observation, which is the axis of his mystical system. According to him, monasticism is a path that accelerates the attainment of observation and thus helps the seeker in the annihilation of God. Hence, he considers the order of observation to be proportional to each order of existence. This article is a library method. Data collection is obtained from various texts, publications and internet search. The results of the research showed that Ibn Arabi considers monasticism in solitude, silence, worship, insomnia and hunger, and states these as the prelude to reaching the position for every seeker Manuscript profile
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        114 - The Influence of Spirituality and Mysticism among Shiite Scholars and Sufis in the First Half of the Ninth Century AH
        Yusof Zohurian Ardeshir Asadbeigi Shahrbanu Delbari Alireza Roohi
        One of the prominent features of the ninth century AH in terms of religion was the spread of the Shiite religion and the expression of a cultural and cultured stratum towards this religion. The Timurids policy of religious freedom, which was a continuation of the Mongol More
        One of the prominent features of the ninth century AH in terms of religion was the spread of the Shiite religion and the expression of a cultural and cultured stratum towards this religion. The Timurids policy of religious freedom, which was a continuation of the Mongols policy. It paved the way for the conflict of votes. In this regard, the Shiite school, which had a firm belief base, grew significantly with spiritual, divine and mystical motives, which finally laid the groundwork for the formation of a Shiite government. There is also calm after the conquests of Timur and his interest and respect for scholars, scientists and Sufis. In this period, they were scholars or Shiites and based their writings on mysticism and Shiism, and if they were Sunnis, they were Sunnis with little prejudice or inclination towards Shiites. Now, the efforts of scholars and scientists in the previous period and at the same time as the Timurids came to power to create Shiism are important, which this study addresses. The method of this research is (descriptive-analytical). The main question of this research is based on the question of whether by studying the works of scientists in this period, their mystical views on. Manuscript profile
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        115 - Analyzing the Socio-historical Relationship between Sufism, Diplomacy and Power in Iran at Mongol Era
        Mahdi Janaliyan
        The leading research aims to analyze the type of political-social relations of Sufi mysticism with the sphere of politics and political power in Iran under the Mongol dynasty. In this case, it explores the period between 1200 AD and 1500 AD with an analytical and histor More
        The leading research aims to analyze the type of political-social relations of Sufi mysticism with the sphere of politics and political power in Iran under the Mongol dynasty. In this case, it explores the period between 1200 AD and 1500 AD with an analytical and historical method. The important question is that Sufi mysticism in the above historical conditions, did they enter into converging and important relations with the sultans and Mongol dynasty, or did they turn to divergent and confrontational relations, or at least isolationist? In response, it is stated that the tolerant spirit of the Mongols, the structural homogeneity between the status of magicians and the beliefs of the Mongols with the dignity of mystics and the teachings of mystics, and the need of the Mongols to transform hard power into authority through legitimizing power, together cause attention, respect, and assistance. The financial and even political advice of the Mongol sultans was compared to the old Sufis. In such a situation, some Sufi schools relied on their spiritual power, disciplinary power, and knowledge to cooperate and legitimize the secular government. But another group turned away from convergence with political power. Also, the political power of Mongol was influenced by the spiritual power, the disciplinary power, and the knowledge that was reminiscent of Sufi mysticism. Therefore, in the network of power relations, power flowed not only from the top to the bottom, but from the bottom to the top (although unequally). Here, monasteries appear as a focus for the exercise of spiritual power and disciplinary power of mystics and Sufis. Manuscript profile
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        116 - Interpretation of the Intertextual Context of Sufism and Jāmi’s Mysticism in Baharestan Based on Fairclough Theory
        Fatemeh Ghasemian Pouran Yousefipour Kermani Asieh Zabihnia
        Abd al-Rahman Jāmi is a famous poet and writer of the ninth century AH, who is in fact the end of the great Persian poets and is considered the greatest poet after the era of Hafez. Jāmi is a professional Sufi poet who uses Sufi terms in his poetry and prose, and in Bah More
        Abd al-Rahman Jāmi is a famous poet and writer of the ninth century AH, who is in fact the end of the great Persian poets and is considered the greatest poet after the era of Hafez. Jāmi is a professional Sufi poet who uses Sufi terms in his poetry and prose, and in Baharestan, many examples of good mystical thoughts can be found. Jami has expressed these thoughts mostly in short stories. Throughout Baharestan, Jāmi does not forget his main goal and purpose as a teacher of ethics and mysticism, and teaches readers of mysticism and ethics. Jāmi, like many mystics, considers the main goal of mysticism through the stages of mystical education or the journey of the houses of conduct, which begins with repentance and ends with annihilation, to be the essence of truth, which is the goal of every mystic. In this research, the author uses a descriptive-analytical method and a library method to study the intertextual context of Jāmi’s Sufism and mysticism in Baharestan and to answer the question of how Jāmi in Baharestan uses mystical themes to express his educational and moral goals. Studying Jāmi's mystical ideas in Baharestan concludes that Jāmi has shown interest in Iranian mysticism and the theories of Sheikhs in Khorasan and has used extensive mystical themes along with anecdotes for guidance and instruction as well as teaching others. Manuscript profile
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        117 - A Study on Sufism Sama in the Manuscript of Latayef-e-Ashrafi
        Asma Atashgohary Abdorreza Modarres Zadeh Mohammadreza Sharifi
        Since long time ago, Sufism Sama has had a particular status in the prose and the poetry of mystics, and has always been controvertial among sufists. Some used to call it the food for soul and some others denied and rejected it. Meanwhile, through studying the manuscrip More
        Since long time ago, Sufism Sama has had a particular status in the prose and the poetry of mystics, and has always been controvertial among sufists. Some used to call it the food for soul and some others denied and rejected it. Meanwhile, through studying the manuscript of Latayef-e- Ashrafi, the ideas of Sheykh Ashraf al-Din Semnani, the famous Iranian mystic of India during eighth and ninth centuries AH, we understand that he had a special perspective toward Sama and regarded it as listening to cunning lyrics and sufism dancing. He has divided human beings into three categories and introduced the issue of Sama according to the spiritual features of the listener in details. He believes that Sama has some specific conditions and if done by Sufi, he will enjoy eternal life. Though most of Chishti sheykhs- the formers and the latters- performed Sama and accepted it, Ashraf al-Din regards the permit of Sama conditional to the listener and the method of performing. In general, his pious attitude to Sama is considerable, so that he introduces mosque as the best place for Sama. This research aims at not only presenting a brief introduction to Seyed Ashraf al-Din Semnani and his book but also analyzing his outstanding viewpoints about Sufiam Sama. Manuscript profile
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        118 - Mystical Discourse Analysis of Hafez versus Sufism Hegemony
        Mehri Talkhabi
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the power, ideology and hegemony in Hafez's poem in three levels of description, interpretation and explanation using the theory of critical discourse analysis. This article argues that Hafez's poetry is a mystical discourse that More
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the power, ideology and hegemony in Hafez's poem in three levels of description, interpretation and explanation using the theory of critical discourse analysis. This article argues that Hafez's poetry is a mystical discourse that attempts to neutralize dominant discourses. Hafez's mysticism, through the use of language, rhetorical and semantic tricks, challenges the hegemonic institutions and institutionalize another discourse within the context of culture; in fact, Hafez's poem, by showing this controversy, has created a new cultural ability. At the end this article concludes that Hafez, through its special mystical framework, challenges the hegemonic institutions of Sufism and Shariah, and move contrary to hegemony. Therefore, it can be said that the Hafez mystical system has been formed on the basis of a political, social and moral reaction. This article has been done by analytical and descriptive method. Manuscript profile
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        119 - Death-Thought in Mystical Prose of Sixth to Tenth Centuries
        Sara Shahsavar Farhad Edrisi Hossein Arian
        Death is an unanswered question in human life that has occupied his mind for a long time. In the literature of different countries, each of the thinkers has given an appropriate and not a definite answer to this question. Mystical texts have also studied the issue of de More
        Death is an unanswered question in human life that has occupied his mind for a long time. In the literature of different countries, each of the thinkers has given an appropriate and not a definite answer to this question. Mystical texts have also studied the issue of death in a way, considering that they rely on Quranic and religious lessons. In the present article, which is presented in a descriptive analytical way, the most important prose of mystical literature from the sixth to the tenth century are considered to examine the prose writers' views on death. What can be deduced from the study of the texts in question is that in mystical texts the issue of death, which is often depicted as a metaphor of the bird (release of the soul from the body), is one of the concerns of prose writers. In terms of frequency, the most attention to this issue can be seen in Suhrawardi's works. In Suhrawardi's works, this issue has been expressed in the form of various symbols and metaphors, and sometimes interpreting their details requires more intellectual effort. In other works, the discussion in this field is explicit and simple. In Rumi's works, the tradition of mystical thinking about death before him is manifested in another way. Sufism divides death mainly into physical (emergency) and voluntary (death before death), and this view has become a tradition in the field of death- thought in mystical prose works Manuscript profile
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        120 - Reflection of the Mystical Thoughts of the Chishti Order in Amir Khosro Dehlavi’s Masnavi
        Seyyed Taleb Jalali abbas kheyrabadi Hamidreza Soleimanian Mahmood Firoozi Moghaddam
        Cheshti is an influential order within the mystic Sufi tradition in India. It has been established as a prominent mystical system. Amir Khosrow Dehlavi, a prominent Indian poet who was influenced by the teachings of this method, has created his own literary works, using More
        Cheshti is an influential order within the mystic Sufi tradition in India. It has been established as a prominent mystical system. Amir Khosrow Dehlavi, a prominent Indian poet who was influenced by the teachings of this method, has created his own literary works, using his Sufi knowledge of the Chishti way, to explain his mystical views. This descriptive study seeks to examine the mystical aspects of Amir Khosrow's fictional Masnavi. Certainly, the most basic doctrines of Cheshti works reflected in this poet's masnavi are: manifestation, unity of existence, revelation, divine providence, love and eternity, emanating of love through the world, virtual love, compassion, lust, Murshid, abandonment, pleasure, and abstraction. Some of these features have been examined in this study e.g., unity of existence, sight, providence, and divine will. The results reveales the fact that the Sufi principles of the Chishti order have had a direct impact on Amir Khosrow Dehlavi’s works and the terms and expressions of this order have been used to teach and promote the Chishti order. Manuscript profile
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        121 - The Concept of Man in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law and its Feedback with Theories of Mysticism and Sufism
        bahman Babajanian
        The subject of the article is a reflection on the epistemology of the human condition in jurisprudence and law and its relationship with mysticism and the method of mystical thinking. This research is to answer the question of how human rights and its levels are explain More
        The subject of the article is a reflection on the epistemology of the human condition in jurisprudence and law and its relationship with mysticism and the method of mystical thinking. This research is to answer the question of how human rights and its levels are explained in jurisprudence and mysticism in various forms and to what extent. Theoretical research with analytical-descriptive method is the approach of analysis of research texts. The main hypothesis of the research is the connection of mystical theories and views with the principles of individual-social human rights. Rights and strategies are also explained in Islamic jurisprudence and principles. Some mystical theories seek to construct a position and consequently human rights for human beings. Others have expressed their views based on the defined rights of individuals. Manuscript profile
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        122 - A Study on Some Mystical Components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish Folk Literature with the Narration of Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi
        Nasrin Rukesh Farhad Kakarash Mehry Pakzad
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lot More
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi, one of the narrators of this story in the form of folklore (oral literature) named as "Beit-e-Kurdi"( Kurdish Verse) which is narrated under the influence of Attar’s Sheikh Sanān, but in terms of anthropology and sociology with a combination of Attar’s mysticism and mystical beliefs of the narrator's period and geography. He has presented a different mystique. This article has been written with the aim of considering the mystical components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish folk literature according to Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi’s narration. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the article show that the Kurdish story of Sheikh Sanān has some differences both in form and content, which indicates the cultural and strong influences and developments of mystical culture in various periods of history. Changes in important influential personalities and even some mystical rites are obvious. Manuscript profile
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        123 - Analysis of Representations of the Sufi Prose in Mirṣād Al-ʻibād of Najm Al-Dīn Rāzī
        Zahra Zarei
        Mysticism is the report of the relation between humans and God. The description of this report at least, there was in Persian poetry and prose after the 11th century. Mirṣād al-ʻibād is one of these prose works which is a guide for mystics. Najm al-Dīn Rāzī has written More
        Mysticism is the report of the relation between humans and God. The description of this report at least, there was in Persian poetry and prose after the 11th century. Mirṣād al-ʻibād is one of these prose works which is a guide for mystics. Najm al-Dīn Rāzī has written this book in the 13th century in a simple structure. But it has some differences as compared with previous prose works. The text of this book sometimes leads to complex text by using figures of speech and also, more Arabic words. This article tries to explore the Sufi prose’s representations in this book. This research concluded that this book hasn’t monotonous text and its author sometimes has tried to decorate it by figures of speech. Riming prose is the figure of speech which he has used mostly. Manuscript profile
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        124 - Mystical Themes in Divan Fāni Khoei
        Katayoun moradi
        Fāni Khoei (deceased 1846) is a mystical poet and a comprehensive sage who shows in his written works, especially in his poems, that mystical themes have been his constant preoccupation. For this reason, he gives importance to precise points in theoretical and practical More
        Fāni Khoei (deceased 1846) is a mystical poet and a comprehensive sage who shows in his written works, especially in his poems, that mystical themes have been his constant preoccupation. For this reason, he gives importance to precise points in theoretical and practical mysticism and defends the theory of the unity of existence with different expressions more than any other concept. Then, following the Khorasani and Iraqi style, and following Sana'i, Attar, and Molavi, he performs art in the field of divine love. It also follows the Sufi path by fighting against the ego and pluralistic thought and he looks at Imam Ali (a.s.) from a mystical point of view and gives more importance to poverty as well as death and survival in mystical authorities. It clearly expresses its dependence on Shiite mysticism and draws the philosophy of human life in love for the eternal beloved. For this reason, this wise poet can be considered one of the great Shiite mystics in Persian literature. Manuscript profile
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        125 - Anti-taboo in the mystics Shatahiat
        Manizheh Hamraah behrooz romiani Mostafa Salari
        When studying mystical texts, in addition to the assimilation relationship of the seeker with God, which is accompanied by trust, fascination, surrender, and finally, there is another relationship that does not respect the sanctity of the sacred and the unholy in the ap More
        When studying mystical texts, in addition to the assimilation relationship of the seeker with God, which is accompanied by trust, fascination, surrender, and finally, there is another relationship that does not respect the sanctity of the sacred and the unholy in the appearance of words and deeds. The association of this "disruptive" attitude with that passive relationship makes every reader feel conflicted. The present essay aims to investigate the causes of hypocrisy in mysticism, what individual or social reasons or mental states can cause the emergence of mysticism. Reflecting on the reasons of anti-Taboo shows that although the arrogance of the mystics in some cases is a protest against the distortion of values, In most cases, it is the product of man's intimacy and fascination with God, and it has nothing to do with mystic devotion. Manuscript profile
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        126 - The aspects eloquence saibs ghazels
        mohammadvali mardani
        The whole universe is germinated by a primary being that is the origin of the unity of existence. This axiom is a principal belief in Sufism vision of life. This primary being is incarnated in a vast array of abstractions and revelations; thus; the Holistic vision of Su More
        The whole universe is germinated by a primary being that is the origin of the unity of existence. This axiom is a principal belief in Sufism vision of life. This primary being is incarnated in a vast array of abstractions and revelations; thus; the Holistic vision of Sufis enables them to discover the primary being as origin of unity of existence through its various manifestations. The Sufis has embarked on a spiritual journey towards an epistemological knowledge of the unity of existence. Saib’s poetry is the story of such a pilgrimage. The present study aimed at investigating Saib’s vision of unity of existence. This data collection in this analytic-descriptive study is done through library research. The findings of the study showed that Saib, holding a vision akin to that of Holistic Sufis, believes in the unity of existence and tries to discover the primary being through pondering on its revelations and embodiments in the Universe. Manuscript profile
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        127 - Annihilation (Fana) from Attar’s Point of View
        mehdi nowrouz reza jalili
        Annihilation is an important fundamental concept in Iranian-Islamic mysticism and is somehow the pivot of mystic issues. The literal meaning of annihilation is destruction and dissipation, but it has a different meaning in mysticism: annihilation of the self to reach th More
        Annihilation is an important fundamental concept in Iranian-Islamic mysticism and is somehow the pivot of mystic issues. The literal meaning of annihilation is destruction and dissipation, but it has a different meaning in mysticism: annihilation of the self to reach the truth (survival). Attar Neishaburi is an outstanding mystic who has explained and explicated mystic issues succinctly. The high frequency of this word in his works reveals the importance it has in his thoughts. Therefore, in the present research, Attar’s approaches to this issue will be studied and analyzed. Having attained the rank of annihilation, Attar seems to see true survival in annihilation and believes that such a man, who has reached the rank of annihilation, is to be revered since he has achieved the peace of the two worlds. Moreover, the links that the poet creates between annihilation and taverns, perfection, pride, silence, poverty, and the sea are noteworthy. Manuscript profile
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        128 - Attar’s Motives in Writing Tazkerat-ol-Owliya (Biographies of the Saints)
        mohi'odin ghanbari
        Attar himself has penned his motives for authoring Tazkerat-ol-Owliya. The study of these motives reveals his efforts to reach God, to be with his friends, and to achieve salvation. The sublime status of the words of the elders and pioneers of the mystical path created, More
        Attar himself has penned his motives for authoring Tazkerat-ol-Owliya. The study of these motives reveals his efforts to reach God, to be with his friends, and to achieve salvation. The sublime status of the words of the elders and pioneers of the mystical path created, in Attar’s heart, a clear inclination and enthusiasm. It is very probable that his faith and trust in the efficiency and effectiveness of the words of the mystics has caused his biography to shine among the biographies written in the past 800 years. Manuscript profile
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        129 - Ichnotaxonomic analysis and depositional controls on the carbonate ramp ichnological characteristics of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation (Middle Cambrian), Central Alborz, Iran
        Aram Bayet-Goll Reza Moussavi-Harami Asadollah Mahboubi
        The trace fossil assemblages from the Unit 2 of Deh-Sufiyan Formation are described for the first time from The Central Alborz Range of northern Iran,  improving the record of the assemblages in the Cambrian of the Middle East. Twenty-one ichnogenera have been iden More
        The trace fossil assemblages from the Unit 2 of Deh-Sufiyan Formation are described for the first time from The Central Alborz Range of northern Iran,  improving the record of the assemblages in the Cambrian of the Middle East. Twenty-one ichnogenera have been identified in the Deh-Sufiyan Formation, namely Arenicolites, Bergaueria, Chondrites, Circulichnus, Cruziana, Diplichnites, Didymaulichnus, Diplocraterion, Halopoa, Helminthopsis, Gordia, Gyrophyllites, Lockeia, Monomorphichnus, Palaeophycus, Phycosiphon, Planolites, Rosselia, Rusophycus, Skolithos, and Treptichnus. Characteristics of the facies, lateral and vertical relations between these facies,  associational types of the facies and the depositional profile of the shelf transect  examined show deposition on a wave-dominated carbonate ramp. Integration of ichnologic data with sedimentologic information supports a  firm interpretation of the depositional systems and their evolution. Ethological grouping of the trace fossils resulted from the physico-chemical depositional constraints which defines the proximal-distal ichnofacies gradient pattern of the wave-dominated successions of the Deh-Sufiyan ramp. Considering the obvious deepening of the shallow marine depositional systems of wave-dominated parts of the carbonate ramp, the succession of archetypal ichnofacies can  display a bathymetric trend from deeper to shallower parts, and from lower-to-higher hydrodynamic conditions, from the  bottom to the top of the Unit 2 of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation. The identification and interpretation of the archetypal ichnofacies are  employed to further refine the sedimentary interpretations of parameters such as wave energy, substrate properties, nature of available food supply, salinity, dissolved oxygen content, and variability in sedimentation rates. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Woman's Face in Sufis Poem (Sanaie, Attar and Jami)
        یدالله Bahmani Motlagh علی Sharbati
        The woman as a half of the human society has a special place in the new studies. Viewing the great development in attitudes to the main social elements that exist in present time, it is necessary to study the views of different classes of society about woman for knowing More
        The woman as a half of the human society has a special place in the new studies. Viewing the great development in attitudes to the main social elements that exist in present time, it is necessary to study the views of different classes of society about woman for knowing her more generally and accurately. Sufis (mystics) for the high and positive position that they have among the various classes of society, their views has a special importance. In this essay it is tried to analyze the face of woman from the view of greets Sufis like sanaie, attar and Jami. What is understood from the first view is that they receive most of their thoughts from the high education of Quran and the prophet's tradition. In the second stage, we understand from the result of this essay that their positive and probably negative view about women is not personal and emotional. But as we see some examples of them in Quran and the speech of the greats of religion, is often reaction against negative and in appropriate individual behavior and the roles that some women have played. The criticism of in correct human behavior, not themselves, is confirmed today from the psychological view. The negative impact with inappropriate behavior and negative character of individuals is something that does not allocate to woman kind. There are many people that we had a bad memory of them in Quran like Abojahl and Abolahab. Our great mystics, according to the conditions of time and the speech position, sometimes introduce women as a model and pattern that men should learn from them the lesson of manliness, reliance and devotion. Manuscript profile
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        131 - Butterfly position and its literary benefits emphasizing the Safavid era
        AZAM KARAMI Abdolhosein Farzad Mohsen Abolghasemi
        Butterfly is one of the oldest and the most bizarre of Iranian office,which combining its features with the elements of the butterfly, as a symbol of love and affection, causes difficulties in the literary field and Contrary to what seems supposedly, the Safavids have b More
        Butterfly is one of the oldest and the most bizarre of Iranian office,which combining its features with the elements of the butterfly, as a symbol of love and affection, causes difficulties in the literary field and Contrary to what seems supposedly, the Safavids have boosted this office than any other government. because the foundation of the Safavid government is based on pure surrender and devotion and a relationship between the ruler and the citizen who relied on religious and Sufi thoughts. The authors intend to study the role of Safavid in improving the position of the butterfly through the historical and literary studies of this position and its alignment with the literary texts of each period. Evidence of this research is based on the study of important historical and literary texts of each period and is extracted by analytical-descriptive method and historical order, and the study result is explained by drawing separate graphs. Studies indicate that although the Mongol attack and the influence of foreign words have led to lexical changes in this position, the concept and nature of the butterfly position have the same name and characteristics and the first function has been the same all along the history and in the deep religious relationship between king and Sufis with the abundance of butterfly elements in the literary works of the Safavid era, there has been a significant relationship that has promoted the status of this position and strengthened the symbol of the butterfly in poetry and literary works. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Archetypes and its Role in Achieving Perfection in Khaled Naghshbandi's lyrics.
        nasrin chireh
        This paper is research inorder to reviews the way of attain to individuality prosess in Mawlana Khalid Naqshbandi lyrics. This work is carried out as descriptive - analytical study.first the poet's is introduced briefly and then the theoretical principles of individuali More
        This paper is research inorder to reviews the way of attain to individuality prosess in Mawlana Khalid Naqshbandi lyrics. This work is carried out as descriptive - analytical study.first the poet's is introduced briefly and then the theoretical principles of individuality, and means of achieving it are discussed. As a result, more Khalid sonnets theme is meeting with the anima to achieve individuality During in the course. first meeting with the anima that is in the level of love.and then facing with shadow happend. Meet the old wisdom which that refered to it in Jung's psychology in meeting with various aspects of the anima is manifested. In explainin of i Khalid individuality process the mandala symbolic image is remarkable. it culd be side the positive aspect of the anima in the form of misbehavior lover and beloved is in the positive side.wich is a symbol of free anima of lover. Manuscript profile
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        133 - A Study of Rumi’s Thought About Faith
        jamal ahmady
        Faith is the basic sector of All Religions and the most important term that Theologians have presented their descriptions according to their point of view. Besides faith in Islam has a different meaning From Other Nations, also there are various comments about faith am More
        Faith is the basic sector of All Religions and the most important term that Theologians have presented their descriptions according to their point of view. Besides faith in Islam has a different meaning From Other Nations, also there are various comments about faith among Islamic Sects. Every especial Islamic Sects has represented comment according to Quran verses and it‟s Commentary that is totally different From  others.  Sufis  have  also  paid  attention  to  faith  that  somehow differs From the other Theologians‟ point of view. That‟s clear that the view to “artistic look to Theology and religion” be deeper, the frame of Theologians‟ issue will be something else. In This Article, the Author has Attempted Not Only to Mention Varios Quran  Verses  and  Theologians‟Ideas But Also to  take  Sufis  and Especially  Mawlānā  Jalāloddin  Mohammad  Balkhi‟s  Views into Consideration. Manuscript profile
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        134 - Comparative Study of Love from Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani’spoint of view in Savaneh al- oshshagh, Tamhidat, and Nameha and Lavayeh
        Valiollah Esmailpour
        Love  (amour)  is  one  ofthe  prominent  concepts  of  Iranian-Islamic mysticism which is used widely in Khosravani and later centuries’ mysticism schools. Therefore, according to the subject, three questions have been ans More
        Love  (amour)  is  one  ofthe  prominent  concepts  of  Iranian-Islamic mysticism which is used widely in Khosravani and later centuries’ mysticism schools. Therefore, according to the subject, three questions have been answered in this article: First, are there any similarities between Savaneh al-oshshagh, Tamhidat, Nameha and Lavayeh in term of love? Second, are these similarities in terms of the notion, indicating impression or influence of these two mystics on each other? Third, which part of this impression or influence is considered as the most? This paper has tried to classify and compare and contrast components of love (amour) from Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani’s point of view. The research result shows that similarities between words, terms and concepts on the one hand and the teacher and student relationship between Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani on the other hand, is the chief reason for the wide and undeniable influence of Ahmad Ghazali’s point of view   on   Eyn   al-GhozzatHamedani.   Hence,   the   majority   of   these influences are in the field of mystical-amorous styles and approaches. Manuscript profile
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        135 - A Survey on "Quest" in Maulana's Mathnavi
        Seyyed Mohammad Khaled Ghaffari Hassan Heidaryan
        According to most of mystics, the first stage in the mystical conduct is the man's desire to return to his homeland. This desire and willpower to return to origin (Everything returns to its origin) is flowing, not only in humans, but also in all substances.  & More
        According to most of mystics, the first stage in the mystical conduct is the man's desire to return to his homeland. This desire and willpower to return to origin (Everything returns to its origin) is flowing, not only in humans, but also in all substances.                                                                                         The faces of particulars are set towards the universals nightingales   Play game of love with the rose. (Mathnavi, 1/767).That which is of the sea is going to the sea: it is going to the place , Whence it came. (Mathnavi, 1/771).From the mountain the swift-rushing torrent, and from our body the soul , Whose motion is inspired by love. (Mathnavi, 1/772). Molavi also from the very beginning of his verses in Mathnavi (Ney Name) starts his speech by inviting people to listening to the sufferings of Ney for being abandoned from Neystan. Since all the researchers believe that all Mathnavi has been summarized in the eighteen verses of Ney Name, Maulana's Mathnavi is the story of this desire and many of the tales interpreted by Maulana, aim to inflame the fire of desire in seeker and mystic traveler's heart. This paper aims at investigating the" Quest" subject from Maulana's point of view. Maulana's special belief in Mathnavi is discussed after some Sufi masters and ideas introduce. The manner of researching in this essay is mainly rational analysis and library method. Since Mathnavi has been composed full of emotions, mystic singing and dancing, mystical points have been interpreted and scattered among his stories. So, to find out Molana's point of view in each of them, one cannot help searching all six volumes of Mathnavi in great detail and care. This research is an effort to collect Molana's view points regarding quest in logical and systematic method to leave no need for researchers of Mathnavi's mystical ideas to go through all six volumes of Mathnavi for this topic. Manuscript profile
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        136 - Incarnation and Unification from the Viewpoint of Imam Mohammad Ghazali
        Hasan Sarbaz Abdollah Rasoolnejad
        "Incarnation and Unification" are two of the controversial issues in Islamic  mysticism  and  Sufism  which  have  been  condemned  by  the majority of Islamic scholars and mystics. According to these scholars, it is against More
        "Incarnation and Unification" are two of the controversial issues in Islamic  mysticism  and  Sufism  which  have  been  condemned  by  the majority of Islamic scholars and mystics. According to these scholars, it is against Sharia'ah and Tariqa (Sharia'ah and Sufi order); however, some statements have been quoted from a few of Sufis which seemingly denote incarnation  and  unification.  The  researchers  with  mystical  order  have either been uncertain on the appropriateness to attribution to Sufis, or have interpreted them in way which will lead to incarnation and unification. Imam Mohammad Ghazali is one of the hardworking and influential intellectuals  in  the  field  of  Islamic  mysticism  and  Sufism.Although Ghazali was seriously against the idea of incarnation and unification, he has  engaged  himself  in  interpreting  and  justifying  the  Great  men  of Sufism. This actual fact ended to accusing him of contradicting (inconsistency) in this respect. In this study, effort has been made to investigate the issue of incarnation and unification. This paper also investigates the ways of interpreting and commenting on the statements of some of the Great men of Sufism utilizing descriptive-analytical method shedding some light on the views of Imam Mohammad Ghazali. Manuscript profile
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        137 - The causes of the Safavid relations with political rulers and the rulers of the Timurid period and patriarch
        Hadi abbasnejhad khorasani
        Sufi tendency has always existed in the history of mysticism. But the nature and trends of this varied political and religious structure. Since the emergence of religion and revered Sufi figures, some political leaders and rulers because of various circumstances, of pa More
        Sufi tendency has always existed in the history of mysticism. But the nature and trends of this varied political and religious structure. Since the emergence of religion and revered Sufi figures, some political leaders and rulers because of various circumstances, of particular concern to Sufis and their efforts have attracted and satisfied. Some of the patriarch and Timurid rulers and rulers because of their spiritual disposition, were given to elders and different forms of Sufi been in contact with. Following this review it is up to the main axes of communication between political leaders and rulers of the Timurid period patriarch and pay the Sufis or: 1. Reasons for Supporting the patriarch and Timurid rulers and political leaders, from the hospice, the hospice provider and financial assistance to analyze the Sufis. 2. The effect of prayer, miracles and listening to Sofian, to make connections with political leaders and rulers of the Timurid period and to check the patriarch. 3. The importance of expert advice and Sufis against the rulers of the Timurid period and specify the patriarch. 4. Siding rulers of the Timurid period and patriarch of the Sufi in difficulty, war and jihad in the role of consultant, examines. Manuscript profile
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        138 - Sheikh Hassan Mawlanabad’s Biography, Works and Sufism
        Sayyed Mohammad Khalid GHafari Mohammad Erfan Parsa
        Sheikh Hassan from Molan Abad (a village of Saqqez in Kurdistan province) was an obscure author, poet and theologist in Kurdistan in the end of Safavi dynasty. Unfortunately there has been no research on his life and he has been left unknown since then. While Sheikh Ha More
        Sheikh Hassan from Molan Abad (a village of Saqqez in Kurdistan province) was an obscure author, poet and theologist in Kurdistan in the end of Safavi dynasty. Unfortunately there has been no research on his life and he has been left unknown since then. While Sheikh Hassan had great effect on his society that time, his religious as well as literary piece of work are little known to people of these days. In this article we have tried to clarify some aspects of his life including: his education as well as his theological and scientific works. Manuscript profile
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        139 - The Investigation of "Repentance" in Molana's Mathnavi
        Hassan Heidaryan
        From the very beginning of Sufism existence, Mystic's Stations and affections of observance have divisions according to ways of the Sufis conduct orders which at times have differences with regard to number as well as priority and posteriori. Yet all orders have conside More
        From the very beginning of Sufism existence, Mystic's Stations and affections of observance have divisions according to ways of the Sufis conduct orders which at times have differences with regard to number as well as priority and posteriori. Yet all orders have considered Repentance as the first and the base of conduct.Molana's Mathnavi also begins with Nei Name from the beginning and ends with an incomplete story called "Deje Hooshroba" a story of separation and aloofness from Neystan and excitation of man, captured in the evil prompting self and soil prison, in seeking his origin while his perfection is not possible without Repentance in start of the conduct. Therefore, Molana encourages man to repent through pages of Mathnavi. This essay tries to investigate the" repentance" subject from Molana's point of view and after the introduction and the ideas of some Sufi masters, Molana's special belief in this regard is discussed. The references used in this research, in the first place are Molana's works especially, Mathnavi, as well as the most important mystical works related to this issue. The manner of researching in this essay is mainly rational analysis and library method. The conclusion of this research is: because Molana has composed Mathnavi, being full of emotions, mystic singing and dancing, mystical points have been interpreted and scattered among his stories. So to find out Molana's point of view in each of them one cannot help searching all six volumes of Mathnavi in great detail and care. This research is an effort to collect Molana's view points regarding repentance in logical and systematic method to leave no need for researchers of Mathnavi's mystical ideas to go through all six volumes of Mathnavi for this topic. Manuscript profile
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        140 - The Causes of Soofies Relations with Politicians of Teimuri and Ilkhani period
        Hadi abbasnejhad khorasani
        Sufi tendency has always existed in the history of mysticism. But the nature and trends of this varied political and religious structure. Since the emergence of religion and revered Sufi figures, some political leaders and rulers because of various circumstances, of pa More
        Sufi tendency has always existed in the history of mysticism. But the nature and trends of this varied political and religious structure. Since the emergence of religion and revered Sufi figures, some political leaders and rulers because of various circumstances, of particular concern to Sufis and their efforts have attracted and satisfied. Some of the patriarch and Timurid rulers and rulers because of their spiritual disposition, were given to elders and different forms of Sufi been in contact with. Following this review it is up to the main axes of communication between political leaders and rulers of the Timurid period patriarch and pay the Sufis or: 1. Reasons for Supporting the patriarch and Timurid rulers and political leaders, from the hospice, the hospice provider and financial assistance to analyze the Sufis. 2. The effect of prayer, miracles and listening to Sofian, to make connections with political leaders and rulers of the Timurid period and to check the patriarch. 3. The importance of expert advice and Sufis against the rulers of the Timurid period and specify the patriarch. 4. Siding rulers of the Timurid period and patriarch of the Sufi in difficulty, war and jihad in the role of consultant, examines. Manuscript profile
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        141 - Survey the effect of land use changes on quantity of water Maroon River using RS and GIS
        Khosro Shafei Motlagh Jahangir Poorhemat Hossen Sedghi Majid Hosseini
         The Correct management watersheds is one of the most important methods is the optimal use of soil and water resources. To do this, it s need for comprehensive information of different methods administrative management. Recent decades, correct and timely assessment More
         The Correct management watersheds is one of the most important methods is the optimal use of soil and water resources. To do this, it s need for comprehensive information of different methods administrative management. Recent decades, correct and timely assessment of quantitative and qualitative runoff is considered one of the concerns of the country's macro management.This project is modeling and evaluation and efficiency of the SWAT model to simulate the monthly runoff, sensitivity analysis, optimization of critical parameters, to evaluate the effect land use during the past four decades on Quantity of Maroon River watershed at the departure station (Idanak) in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad. For this purpose, were used from semi-distributed SWAT model and SUFI2 program in the form of bundles SWAT CUP for sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation and uncertainty analysis.In this research first were prepared changes in land use map available as well as soil and vegetation in the watershed Maroon map within four ten-year period from 1980 to 2010 by using TM and ETM sensor of Landsat satellite .Observations Data of hydrometric Idenak station as base station was used during 1970 to 2010 in four ten-year period to observe changes in runoff during the calibration and validation. Compare the effect of land use management options on the different components of the hydrological cycle shows different amounts of runoff. Shows a the pessimistic scenario occurred in four decades. With continuing damage to the state in land use regression various amounts of runoff increases and decreases permeability and gullies on the surface and deep aquifers. Manuscript profile
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        142 - Landslide Hazard Zoning Maps Sufiyan Area By Using AHP Model In GIS
        Hamid Shahinfar
        Mass movements are a complicated mechanism that many factors and variables can play roles in their occurrence. In this article the frequency and distribution of large landslides in Sufiyan of the E- Azerbaijan province are studied. The main investigation of this study i More
        Mass movements are a complicated mechanism that many factors and variables can play roles in their occurrence. In this article the frequency and distribution of large landslides in Sufiyan of the E- Azerbaijan province are studied. The main investigation of this study is to investigate that factors influencing the landslides through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and then hazard zonation map in the studied region. To do this, six landslide factors, including (1) lithology, (2) slope, (3) the distance of fault, (4) elevation, (5) the distance from the spring and (6) land usage, have been detected as important factors affecting the landslides in this area. Each layer is imported as data into GIS, and their weights are illustrated by using hierarchical analysis. Any how by integrating layers in GIS landslide hazards are mapped in 5 levels as very high-risky, high-risky, medium-risky, less-risky and very less-risky. The results show that most parts of the area are in the very less-risky (43%), and the others covered less-risky (22%), medium-risky (17%), high-risky (9%) and very high-risky (9%) parts of the area. From the mention factors in slopes instabilities, lithology, slope and the distance form fault ordinarily have impact on the slope movements of the studied region Manuscript profile
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        143 - Investigating the Influential Elements in the Babism to Bahaism Eclectic Curve
        hosseyn jafari Salim Mohammad Nabi Ahmad Ashrafi
        During the existence of Islam, the history of Islam has witnessed the emersion of a number of religious sects, many of which distinguish common elements in justifying their beliefs with their own readings. But what has so far been less addressed is the influence of exte More
        During the existence of Islam, the history of Islam has witnessed the emersion of a number of religious sects, many of which distinguish common elements in justifying their beliefs with their own readings. But what has so far been less addressed is the influence of external factors, such as the social, political, religious, and economic conditions of the society, on how these particular elements are used in religious distinctions. This pepear Meanwhile, the influence of these elements has been criticized and criticized in the evolution of the Babite's and bahaisme eclectic concepts, called Bab Mahdaviyat, to the claim of al-Ahwit in Baha'ism under an intellectual curriculum.This pepear Meanwhile, the influence of these elements has been criticized and criticized in the evolution of the Babite's and bahaisme eclectic concepts, called Bab Mahdaviyat, to the claim of al-Ahwit in Baha'ism under an intellectual curriculum.This pepear Meanwhile, the influence of these elements has been criticized and criticized in the evolution of the Babite's and bahaisme eclectic concepts, called Bab Mahdaviyat, to the claim of al-Ahwit in Baha'ism under an intellectual curriculum. Manuscript profile
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        144 - The connection between Sufism and Shiism in the ninth century AH in Iran
        pourndokht ramazanjamaat nasser Jadidi masoud mohammadi
        The extraordinary development of Sufism and the proliferation of monasteries is a feature of the ninth century AH in Iran. On the other hand, the beginning of this century is a significant period in the history of Shiism in Iran; Because Sufism in this period became the More
        The extraordinary development of Sufism and the proliferation of monasteries is a feature of the ninth century AH in Iran. On the other hand, the beginning of this century is a significant period in the history of Shiism in Iran; Because Sufism in this period became the link between Sunni and Shiite and Shiism itself was crystallized in the form of Sufism and this issue played an important role in the spread and influence of Shiism in many lands of most Sunni religions. Many sects of thought with the Shiite approach such as Harufiyeh, Moshasheieh, Noorbakhshieh and Nemat Elahieh in transferring the Iranian intellectual approach from Sunni to Shiite in the ninth century AH finally provided the grounds for the emergence of the Safavid Shiite government in every way. How Sufism was incorporated into Shi'ism is one of the topics that has always been questioned by scholars.This research seeks to study the proximity and connection between Sufism and Shiism in the ninth century AH with a descriptive and analytical method and analyze its consequences. It was especially religious in connection with Sufism and Shi'ism of the previous period. Manuscript profile
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        145 - The History of the Emergence and Development of Sufi's "Sama" and its Establishment
        Mohammad Shirani naser jadidi fizollah boshasb
        "Sama" is one of the most obvious manifestations of Iranian Sufism, about which different theories have been expressed and there has been a difference between the legislators and the mystics for centuries in refuting or proving it. This study intends to examine the reas More
        "Sama" is one of the most obvious manifestations of Iranian Sufism, about which different theories have been expressed and there has been a difference between the legislators and the mystics for centuries in refuting or proving it. This study intends to examine the reasons for the formation and development of "Sama" and to examine the efforts of its proponents and opponents to confirm their views and the results that have emerged.To carry out this research, library research method and citing the sources of the opponents and supporters of Sama have been used to illustrate the progress of this Sufi tradition by examining and criticizing various views and opinions and comparing them with the existing documents.On the one hand, one group has tried to prove its sanctity by relying on Quranic verses and quoting the narrations of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS), and on the other hand, some people have tried to soften the statements of the opponents by using the same tools and documents. Have been it. Eventually, with the efforts of the proponents, especially Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair, the ceremony was able to gain a prominent place among Sufis and the people, although in the works of people like Ghazali, conditions and restrictions were considered for it. Manuscript profile
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        146 - Evaluation of the Naqshbandiyya studies in the West and Russia
        ali aramjo
        In recent centuries, Naqshbandiyya  Sufi order which because of its nature , special believe functions and his policy has been paid attention by Orientalists.Now as something living and effective, specific topics for research in scientific and political circles in More
        In recent centuries, Naqshbandiyya  Sufi order which because of its nature , special believe functions and his policy has been paid attention by Orientalists.Now as something living and effective, specific topics for research in scientific and political circles in West.  Process of the West studies in this subject, according to the policies and strategies of the Western goverments in the East, in different periods, as well as  after their scientific and cultural evolution,has passed some changes and evolutions. According to the present  research findings, although until the first half of the 19th century  westerns information about the Naqshbandiyya Sufi order was so vague and confusing, but in the wake of the formation and development interests and the interests of Western countries in East and appearing Naqshbandiyya as a leader in some local resistance, the situation was changed. The challenge Naqshbandiyya was created for the growing power of Russia in Central Asia, led to the works of Russian writers, with bias and unilateralism to be addressed. In the 20th century and following of formation of the Soviet Union, this situation continued. In the end of 20th century and the subsequent of collapse of the USSR and the establishment of independent republics in Central Asia, is considered a milestone in the history of Naqshbandiyya .On the one hand the challenge of identifying newly established nation-states, paying attention to the historical and cultural background necessitetes, and on the other hand the West to understanding how is interaction with this state , action out widely researches in this field. In addition itself ( the West) as a result of the increasing development of Naqshbandiyya and their signifficant presence in the West  world , considered a suffering to laid of that .  Manuscript profile
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        147 - Investigating the effect of non- Islamic thoughts on Sufism path
        zohreh mortazavi aboalhasan mobayen
        Sufi Mysticism is the important and researchable issue about Islamic Civilization and culture that have passed centuries Since its genesis. Attention to Sufi Mysticism issue and checking this pathes activity history and measuring and opening its different parts by easte More
        Sufi Mysticism is the important and researchable issue about Islamic Civilization and culture that have passed centuries Since its genesis. Attention to Sufi Mysticism issue and checking this pathes activity history and measuring and opening its different parts by eastern and western investigators from many years ago has been started and followed up in Islamic countries. Such an action is necessary because there is Sufi Mysticism in all religions, even more or less in philosophical Schools. With all inquries that have been done about appearing Sufism and Friany and pathes, nobody could Say that what or where is the main source of Sufism? Since every religions has some indicaitons of asceticism and piety and disregarding to financial affairs and may be these general characteristics of religions and disregarding to spiritual affairs and leaving financials in some regulations such as Christianity, Ancient Iran, Buddhism and Taoism have more spiritual indications that some believe that some path regulations has been derived from them. This article is a new and systematic look to investigating the effect of non- Islamic thought on Sufism and Mystcism and neutral reviewing of the effect or non-effect of non- Islamic thoughts onIrany and IslamicSufism and mysticism Manuscript profile
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        148 - Cultural Status of Yazd during the Eighth Century
        mohammadkarim yusefjamali mohammad mirhosine jamal abediyan
        The eighth century in Yazd should be considered as a period of cultural improvement, because many educational centers such as schools, and libraries were established in this period and religious and non-religious sciences were taught and developed in these centers by sc More
        The eighth century in Yazd should be considered as a period of cultural improvement, because many educational centers such as schools, and libraries were established in this period and religious and non-religious sciences were taught and developed in these centers by scholars up to a point where Yazdi scientists had a say in some fields and in some others, they were not that distinctive. In the meanwhile, although Mongols’ assault caused some of these centers to be destroyed, it made Sufism to grow rapidly which was accepted by the people. The reason of it was that Sufis were not interested in material affairs. As the time went on and as the Sufis entered the government and the court, they got corrupted by bribery and became venal and thus were hated by the folks. However, Sufism was developed culturally and arts and architecture was paid more attention by the governors and the people. Some centers were also built by some great men, some of which were endowed. Manuscript profile
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        149 - Sufism & Shi ism From Divergence To Convergence
        naser jadidi
        One of the determining and epoch-making periods in political and  social life of  Sufism and shi ism starts from 7th to 10th century A.H.Political,social and ideological developments happening after the fall of Abassid   Caliphate influenced  Su More
        One of the determining and epoch-making periods in political and  social life of  Sufism and shi ism starts from 7th to 10th century A.H.Political,social and ideological developments happening after the fall of Abassid   Caliphate influenced  Sufism and Shi ism as two stable and long-lasting movements.During the destruction of Abassid  Caliphate until Safavid Kings came to power,Sufism and Shi ism found better grounds for more flourishing and better functions.In additions to their political functions,these two movements had remarkable cultural  achievements.So the political  functions of these two movements were performed according to already established thought  and mystical principles the positions of which were more popular.Studying the the common  grounds of these two religious movements in terms of convergence,the aim of this study is to answer this fundamental questions:What is the effect of common mystical principles and the attempt to gain power on the convergence of Sufism and Shi ism?   Manuscript profile
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        150 - Study on shiism and Sufism places in safavids policy
        Yosef Motavali Haghighi
        Safavids were the first Iran's government (kingdom) who could made anImportand and useful combination between shi ism and safism and setupthir government an it. These two important elements had a determiningrole in different political issues such as, military, economic, More
        Safavids were the first Iran's government (kingdom) who could made anImportand and useful combination between shi ism and safism and setupthir government an it. These two important elements had a determiningrole in different political issues such as, military, economic, religious andin all their government aspects shiism as the most important thought ofsafavids government made wide changes in Iran sociely. Althoughsafavids kings religious behaviors with shiism and the scholars weren’tthe same ,like dismiss . of fagraup of Iranian shiit scholars and Invitationof scholars jibah Amel in lebonan JiB ALAMEL scholers tried toset upthe Ideas of shiit government in Iran. But soon they understonded thatthe main point in their invidatian was to firm the polidical life of shi itkings.Though they never stoped trying to gain control over palidical power andthey could gain power during some weals safavid kings.The net wery important element in safavid king power after shi ism wasSufism. Befor safavids use shi ism for their political aims they were sufi.And after that they tried to gain material power through Sufism thoughtsand it got faster whe timur (goorlcani) sat free a group of ttoman(osmanlis) slaves to khoeh ali. Safavid sufies whom absolutely obeyedtheir masters were the most important weapon for safavids in gainingpower. Although some times after safavid dynasty sat up, the ill_use ofsome suflism radical thought caused tensions between safavid kings andsufids. To solve and decrease these ten sions safavid rulers decreasedtheir connections with masters and that in long term causes the weaknessof sufids and consguently caused the weakness of safavids. Manuscript profile
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        151 - Earth surface temperature monitoring in relation to land use changes Case study: Maragheh Sufi chay basin
        mousa Abedini Abozar sadeghi Nazfar Aghazadeh AmirHesam Pasban
        The main purpose of this study was to monitor the surface temperature in relation to land use changes with surface temperature using OLI and TM images in the present study. It was used for 2020, and the Landsat 5TM satellite imagery was used to extract land use and its More
        The main purpose of this study was to monitor the surface temperature in relation to land use changes with surface temperature using OLI and TM images in the present study. It was used for 2020, and the Landsat 5TM satellite imagery was used to extract land use and its thermal band (band 6) was used to extract ground surface temperature for 1992. The monitored method was used to classify land use for 1992 and 2020 and land use changes and the maximum similarity method was used. The obtained results indicate the accuracy of the classification by the basic pixel method. According to the research findings, the total accuracy of the classification maps using the maximum similarity method was 99.84 for 1992 and 99.78 for 2020. According to the land use map of Sufi Chay watershed from 1992, which has been extracted by the maximum similarity method, most of the land uses are primarily related to the type 1 mountainous part, which has an area of approximately 320.42 square kilometers. Then, rainfed land use with an area of 191.09 square kilometers and dense agricultural land use with an area of 74.29 square kilometers have the most areas. The area of land uses in 2020 also shows that the most land uses are mountainous type 1 rainfed and residential. Keywords: Surface temperature, land use change, OLI, QGIS, Sufi chay. Manuscript profile
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        152 - Study of changes in water resource components and sediment rates of Atrak Watershed before and after the Shirin dareh dam Building Using SWAT, calibration and model uncertainty
        mahboobeh Hajibigloo
        Calibration and analysis of model uncertainty were performed using SUFI-2 program. P-factor, R-factor, br2 and r2 indices were used to evaluate the ability of SWAT model to simulate runoff and sediment before Shirin Dareh dam construction and after Shirin Dareh dam cons More
        Calibration and analysis of model uncertainty were performed using SUFI-2 program. P-factor, R-factor, br2 and r2 indices were used to evaluate the ability of SWAT model to simulate runoff and sediment before Shirin Dareh dam construction and after Shirin Dareh dam construction. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of SWAT model in estimating average daily flow and sediment concentration and calibration and validation of this model in Atrak watershed located in North Khorasan Razavi province. The results showed that the monthly runoff before shirindare dam building coefficients in calibration P-factor, R-factor, br2 and r2 at the outlet to the 0.73, 1.15, 0.53 and 0.56 and in validation stage 0.77, 1.3, 0.48 and 0.58 respectively. The values for calibration of sediment concentration at the outlet, respectively, 1.58, 2.15, 0.98 0.25, and 0.47 respectively at the stage of validation is 2.5, 0.32 and 0.57. The output produced by the model, Shirin dareh sub-basin to be known as the most erosion. The high annual sediment into the reservoir of the dam and the shelf life is reduced. The results showed that SWAT simulated runoff much better than sediment. The reasons for model poor for simulation of sediment load can be Flow Low simulation, few data, use sediment information Discontinuity can be mentioned. Manuscript profile
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        153 - The position of rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents of khorasan in the 6th century AH
        mohammadreza saidi zohair siamian sina forouzesh
        The end of the fifth century AH in the history of Khorasan with The end of the fifth century, throughout the sixth and seventh centuries AH is one of the most important periods in the history of Sufism. The emergence of many great Sufi elders, the establishment of the o More
        The end of the fifth century AH in the history of Khorasan with The end of the fifth century, throughout the sixth and seventh centuries AH is one of the most important periods in the history of Sufism. The emergence of many great Sufi elders, the establishment of the oldest organized methods, the formation of some rituals, the growth and development of monasteries as formal social institutions, are prominent features of this period. While the religions of the society were facing each other among the Sunnis and Shiites, the Sufi currents tried to reduce these sectarian differences by presenting unifying concepts. Among these issues were the differences between the Islamic sects, the issue of the caliphate, the Imamate, and the position of my Rashidun caliphs in terms of political legitimacy and ideological superiority, but the Sufi currents tried to define the issue differently by offering a different definition of the issue. Rashidun caliphs should be considered Sufis in Islamic thought and culture. The problem of the present research is what was the position of the personality of the Rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents of the sixth century AH in Khorasan? The position of the Rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents seems to be convergently defined, given that Sufism and mysticism have always been the inspiration and unifier of Muslims. In the present study, the typology of religious and social concepts of the life of the four caliphs in Sufi literature has been studied in a semantic way. Manuscript profile
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        154 - The effects of the Mughal invasion on Sufism
        Zekrallah mohamadi Nasrollah pour mohammadi amlashi Mohsen soltani
        Mongol invasion of Iran by insecurity, destroying most of the infrastructure ofcivilization and vacuum left by the fall of the Caliphate was, Sufism reference notonly to escape social pressures Commons promoted A place of refuge areas beyondthe reach of the cultural eli More
        Mongol invasion of Iran by insecurity, destroying most of the infrastructure ofcivilization and vacuum left by the fall of the Caliphate was, Sufism reference notonly to escape social pressures Commons promoted A place of refuge areas beyondthe reach of the cultural elit Due to the characteristics of the elders in simplicity,and trust to give general guidanceComply with the law and without burdening thegovernment, the people and government of Sufism was twofold Legitimize thepower structure and social pain relief. The devotion of Governors, and localleaders to Sufism, found in the construction and development of the financialmonasteries. Despite the positive effects of this influx Brtsvf inflict severe damage.Resulting in the displacement and killing of a group of Sufis were It also favorsthe idea of some mystical determinism and rely on God more than ever overcome.And development of folk mysticism leads to banality, the mediocrity and declinein the next century. Manuscript profile
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        155 - The position of rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents of khorasan in the 6th century AH
        mohammadreza saidi zohair siamian sina forozesh
        The end of the fifth century AH in the history of Khorasan with The end of the fifth century, throughout the sixth and seventh centuries AH is one of the most important periods in the history of Sufism.  The emergence of many great Sufi elders, the establishment of More
        The end of the fifth century AH in the history of Khorasan with The end of the fifth century, throughout the sixth and seventh centuries AH is one of the most important periods in the history of Sufism.  The emergence of many great Sufi elders, the establishment of the oldest organized methods, the formation of some rituals, the growth and development of monasteries as formal social institutions, are prominent features of this period.  While the religions of the society were facing each other among the Sunnis and Shiites, the Sufi currents tried to reduce these sectarian differences by presenting unifying concepts.  Among these issues were the differences between the Islamic sects, the issue of the caliphate, the Imamate, and the position of my Rashidun caliphs in terms of political legitimacy and ideological superiority, but the Sufi currents tried to define the issue differently by offering a different definition of the issue.  Rashidun caliphs should be considered Sufis in Islamic thought and culture. The problem of the present research is what was the position of the personality of the Rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents of the sixth century AH in Khorasan?  The position of the Rashidun caliphs in the Sufi currents seems to be convergently defined, given that Sufism and mysticism have always been the inspiration and unifier of Muslims.  In the present study, the typology of religious and social concepts of the life of the four caliphs in Sufi literature has been studied in a semantic way.         Manuscript profile
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        156 - The Historical Background of 'Ayn al-Quzāt Hamidāni's attitude towards the hadith "Utlubu al-‘Ilm wa lu Biṣīn" (Seek knowledge, even though it is in China)
        javad faramarzi
        The Sufis and Muslim philosophers have in many cases provided a different understanding of the traditions. Among such Muslim scholars is 'Eyn al-Quzāt Hamidāni (killed in 525 AH). He does so in discussing various traditions. For example, in discussing the narration of " More
        The Sufis and Muslim philosophers have in many cases provided a different understanding of the traditions. Among such Muslim scholars is 'Eyn al-Quzāt Hamidāni (killed in 525 AH). He does so in discussing various traditions. For example, in discussing the narration of "Utlubu al-‘Ilm wa lu Biṣīn" (Seek knowledge, even though it is in China) he says that the meaning of the narrative is to go to a spring called "Ṣād" to learn interior and secret knowledge, a source that implies a secretive meaning. It is appropriate to ask what historical roots existed in his time to cause him to have such attitude to this narrative . As we shall see, this notion is rooted in his Gnostic and mystical thinking. According to the Gnostic thought - partly on the path of its transmission through Christianity and Manoit to Iran and subsequently to Iran after converted to Islam - the material world and material science are worthless. Gnostics give authenticity to the metaphysical world and 'Eyn al-Quzāt was  influenced by them as well. Another mysterious thought that 'Eyn al-Quzāt was influenced by is the one presented by  Plato, who believed in the universe of the forms and that the principle of all things existed in the higher world and regard material objects as shadows and darkness. Although his viewpoints of hadiths have historical roots outside of the Muslim world, aspects of such beliefs can be viewed in various religions and schools of interest to esoteric interpretations of Shiite Islam in particular. Manuscript profile
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        157 - The Position of Imam Sādiq’s Narrations In Mystical Exegesis on the Quran as Whole
        Reza Tabatabaee Amid Ghodratollah Khayyatian Azim Hamzeian
        Imam Ja'far Sadegh (AS) is one of the personalities whose narrations can be seen in various interpretations of Shiites and Muslims. Shiite scholars, of course, have expressed his views in their Quran commentaries, considering the position of that Imam and the large volu More
        Imam Ja'far Sadegh (AS) is one of the personalities whose narrations can be seen in various interpretations of Shiites and Muslims. Shiite scholars, of course, have expressed his views in their Quran commentaries, considering the position of that Imam and the large volume of his narrations. However, the narration of Imam Sādiq’s (as) interpretive sayings is not exclusive to Shiite commentators. Among the Sunnis commentators, the most inclined to Sufism and the creators of mystical interpretations have shown a tendency to quote the narrations of this Imam. For example, Abu Abdul Rahman Sullami (d. 412 AH) in his commentary has included a considerable number of interpretive narrations of Imam Sādiq (AS). So far, the difference between these interpretations in terms of the amount of citation to the sayings of the Imam has not been explored. Therefore, with the present study, we want to know how much attention has been paid to the narrations of Imam Sādiq (AS) in mystical interpretations, what is the approach of mystics-oriented commentators to these narrations, and when did such attention begin, and what ups and downs did it have over time?  Among mystical interpretations, we only examine complete interpretations; Interpretations that include all chapters of the Qur'an. Manuscript profile
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        158 - Causes of convergence in Shiite-Sufi movements of the Timurid era (Emphasizing the role of alien sciences in convergence)
        human mohammadi shoko arabi Soheila Torabi Farsani
        The Shiite-Sufi movements of the Timurid era emerged on the basis of common components. The leaders of these movements, realizing the temporal and environmental requirements and seizing the opportunity, tried to achieve success by taking advantage of the existing common More
        The Shiite-Sufi movements of the Timurid era emerged on the basis of common components. The leaders of these movements, realizing the temporal and environmental requirements and seizing the opportunity, tried to achieve success by taking advantage of the existing common components and using all their capacities. They cleverly and, of course, ambitiously tried to take advantage of the vacuum created by the fall of the Abbasid caliphate and the decline of the patriarchal power, and by using Sufi obedience, along with motivating the Shiite revolutionary teachings and the potential mobilizing power of Mahdism, pave the way for these movements. The three movements of letters, Moshasheian and Noorbakhshieh played a prominent role in this regard. This research seeks to answer the question that under the influence of what factors the common components of the three movements of the alphabet, the radiant and the enlightenment caused the convergence of these groups? It seems that the most important factor in the convergence of Shiite-Sufi movements is the religious tolerance of the Mongols. In addition, the existence of common claims and the emergence of a great dervishes with a justified face who were also friends of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) can also be other influential factors in this regard. Analytically, descriptively, while criticizing and examining the common components of the three movements of the alphabet, the radiant and the enlightened, the causes of the convergence of the mentioned movements should be examined. Manuscript profile
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        159 - Studying the History of Sufism and Shiism During the Timurid Period of Iran
        porandokht ramezanjamaat nasser Jadidi
        The extraordinary development of Sufism and the proliferation of monasteries is a feature of the ninth century AH in Iran. On the other hand, the beginning of this century is a significant period in the history of Shiism in Iran; Because Sufism in this period became the More
        The extraordinary development of Sufism and the proliferation of monasteries is a feature of the ninth century AH in Iran. On the other hand, the beginning of this century is a significant period in the history of Shiism in Iran; Because Sufism in this period became the link between Sunni and Shiite and Shiism itself was crystallized in the form of Sufism and this issue played an important role in the spread and influence of Shiism in many lands of most Sunni religions. Many sects of thought with the Shiite approach such as Harufiyeh, Moshasheieh, Noorbakhshieh and Nemat Elahieh in transferring the Iranian intellectual approach from Sunni to Shiite in the ninth century AH finally provided the grounds for the emergence of the Safavid Shiite government in every way. How Sufism was incorporated into Shi'ism is one of the topics that has always been questioned by scholars.This research seeks to study the proximity and connection between Sufism and Shiism in the ninth century AH with a descriptive and analytical method and analyze its consequences. It was especially religious in connection with Sufism and Shi'ism of the previous period. Manuscript profile
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        160 - The Analysis of Action to Power of Safavid Sufi Masters
        Abolfazl Fathabadi
        In his study of world religions, Max Weber formulates his religious typology and presents two main ideal types in this respect. The first ideal type is inner-worldly asceticism, mainly Protestant Puritans, who are active in socio-political actions, and the second ideal More
        In his study of world religions, Max Weber formulates his religious typology and presents two main ideal types in this respect. The first ideal type is inner-worldly asceticism, mainly Protestant Puritans, who are active in socio-political actions, and the second ideal type is world-flying mysticism, mainly followers of East-Asian religions and Islamic Sufis, who are passive in socio-political actions on the way to salvation. However, referring to the historical facts of the socio-political life of the Safavid Sufi masters in the process of development of Safavid government through archival research method and reviewing related historical texts, reveals cases contrary to Weber's views, and our problem emerges from this Inconsistency between scientific knowledge and historical reality. So, the main question is that according to Weber, can Sufism and Sufi Masters be included in ideal type of world- flying mysticism? Findings shows that the Safavid Sufi masters, in addition to paying attention to transcendental matters, also have taken role in worldly socio-political affairs. Therefore, they are not world-flying and passive, but their Sufism and Sufi beliefs, along with other possible effective factors, has taken an important role in the development of Safavid government. Manuscript profile
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        161 - A Franciscan Analysis of "Poverty and Richness" in the Sufi Ethics and Golestan Ethics
        Farzad Baloo Mustafa Mirdar Rezaei
        The concept of Francis (practical wisdom) roots in Aristotelian philosophy and is closely related with the applied term in Gadamerian hermeneutics. Being inspired by Aristotel's Francis, Gadamer emphasizes the practical and pragmatic aspects of understanding. Therefore, More
        The concept of Francis (practical wisdom) roots in Aristotelian philosophy and is closely related with the applied term in Gadamerian hermeneutics. Being inspired by Aristotel's Francis, Gadamer emphasizes the practical and pragmatic aspects of understanding. Therefore, he considers understanding and interpretation as concrete and empirical concepts, not been subjected to specific rules and procedures. In Confrontation with the moral doctrines in general and with poverty and richness in particular, Saadi attempts to gain an objective and practical uderstanding. One of these moral lessons reflected in various Sufi books from the third and fourth centuries AH, was the pereference of the patient poor over the thankful rich. This belief was dominant on the Sufi up to the the seventh century in the wat that they believed every rebellion and disobedience from it would lead to the eternal torment both in this world and the hereafter for the disbelievers. In the seventh century, however, Saadi in his ethical treatise, Golestan, takes a new approach dealing with the concept of poverty and richness. With a Franciscan interpretation, which is in line with the concrete and tangible situation of his everyday life, Saadi considers richness as the savior in the age of decline. His belief is in contrast to the dominant, transhistoric, and ruling interpretation. With his practical ethic, Saadi introduces a new life to Iran and Iranians. This paper intends to explain and analyze such claim by using a descriptive-analytic approach depending on the library studies.     Manuscript profile
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        162 - The concept Image of Knowledge in the Mystical Literature
        majid Bahrevar
        In the repertoir of mystic literature of Iran, we read about some conceptual discourses like science and knowledge repeatedly, there fore, we can study mystical definitions and attitudes toward them. In this brief article we neglect some definitions and divisions of sci More
        In the repertoir of mystic literature of Iran, we read about some conceptual discourses like science and knowledge repeatedly, there fore, we can study mystical definitions and attitudes toward them. In this brief article we neglect some definitions and divisions of sciences and then give some examples about present mystical opinions. Moreover the differentiations and some contradictions between mystical knowledge and others knowledge is given to illustrate domains of two contemplations. Manuscript profile
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        163 - Analyzing the Didactic Doctrines in the Outstanding Mystical and Sufi works of Hakim Molla Abbas Ali Kaivani Ghazvini
        Nasser Mohseni Nia Mohsen Abolghasemi Roghayeh Sadraei
        Among different literary types, didactic literature has no definite boundary and after lyric poetry, this literary type has the highest occurance in Persian literature. The introduction of Sufism and mysticism into Persian literature has played an important role in deve More
        Among different literary types, didactic literature has no definite boundary and after lyric poetry, this literary type has the highest occurance in Persian literature. The introduction of Sufism and mysticism into Persian literature has played an important role in development and fulfillment of this significant literary genre in the way that the sufis and and mystics mostly tended to express their own ideas through this literary type. The present research intends to analyze four of the most prominent sufi works of sufi Keyvan Ghazvini Mollah Abbasali (1862-1938) who was the philosopher, interpreter, poet and also a great sufi of the late Qajar period and the early years of the first Pahlavi's. These four works include: Raz Gosha (Mystry Unraveler), Behin Sokhan (Best Speeches), Ostevar Razdar (Secretive Consistent) and Erfan Nameh (Mysticism Letters). His major ethical and critical views about Gonabadiyeh sufi leaders (Aghtab) were illustrated in these works after his separation from them and they had been based upon his own quotations. He attempted to demonstrate the main reason of his separation from Gonabadiyeh group after a long period of accompanying them, his critical beliefs towards them, his own unique and unprecedented views, his innovations in Sufism and mystical issues, and their scientific value and acceptability. The reaserch method used in this study is descriptive-analytical using the library studies and its approach is critical discussion. It is done through studying and analyzing the above-mentioned works. The results of the present research, which rely on a detailed analysis of the author's thoughts, show that Qazvini's reason for his separation from Gonabadieh and its extremity and his perefernce to be detatched from Sufism and its traditional approach of master-disciple and aslo his ethical criticism of Gonabadieh could not be related either to his frustration of achieving material goals or to his frustration in acquiring the position of leader of Gonabadieh. The main reason for his separation from different Sufi sects, especially from Gonabadieh after nearly thirty years, was that he realized that this kind of Sufism and mysticism could not satisfy his internal yearning. When this bitter truth became apparent for him, he decided to criticize its ethics and to reject them and then to provide a new and accurate definition of true Sufism and mysticism.    Manuscript profile
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        164 - The moral teachings of Hatam Assam, Sufi of the first period
        manijeh pournemat
        The first patriarch Sufis such as Hatam Assam were real pious. Their complete cognizance about sin and the fear of God cause them to run away from the world and to be succumbed to God. This fear of God and disappointment of the people lead to an intensive piety. It can More
        The first patriarch Sufis such as Hatam Assam were real pious. Their complete cognizance about sin and the fear of God cause them to run away from the world and to be succumbed to God. This fear of God and disappointment of the people lead to an intensive piety. It can be said that the first Sufis were pious rather than Gnostic. Abou Abdorahman Hatam ebne Onvan well known as Hatam Assam (273 A.H/ 851 A.D.) was one of the Sufis of the first period (150-250 A.H.) which  has been living at the same time with Motasem, the eighth Abbasi khalife. He was the student of Abu Ali Shaghigh Balkhi and Ahmad Khezruye.Here,  using old references, thought and speeches of Hatam Assam are investigated to illustrate how the Sufis have trained their students, governors and the people. These speeches and anecdotes can be a document of the Mysticism history and the moral teachings of the first period. Manuscript profile
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        165 - Social functions of the Khaksari method in the Safavid and Qajar periods
        zahra ebrahimi
        The khaksariyeh method, which gained strength in Iran from the Safavid period onwards, was the source of many social developments in this period and after that, and interacted with various institutions of the society. The members of this Shiite method contribute to the More
        The khaksariyeh method, which gained strength in Iran from the Safavid period onwards, was the source of many social developments in this period and after that, and interacted with various institutions of the society. The members of this Shiite method contribute to the promotion of Shiite culture by chanting and chanting prayers, and oppose the Shiite movements (such as Babbitt). While promoting tolerance and non-violence ethics among the people, they strengthened the relationship between Iranian nations and preserved and transmitted their important cultural heritages with tools such as poetry, calligraphy, music, painting, and veil reading.By writing practical and mystical treatises (such as fatutnamehs), in addition to literary activity, they tried to institutionalize mystical ethics among guilds and professionals and present Sufism in their form.Khaksariyyah consider themselves Twelver Shia. In their texts, they mention Shiite imams with respect and appeal to them. Therefore, he should be considered among the strengtheners of the tradition of invocation, a tradition that has often been objected to by Shia opponents.Key words: Khaksariyyah, Safavid Sufism, Qajar Sufism, Asnaf, Ahl Fatut Manuscript profile
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        166 - Love with Roozbehan, Baqli and Ibn Arabi; With emphasis on the status of women
        Zahra Kushki Insha' Allah Rahmati
            Abstract"Love" as a challenging category has been the concern of many Muslim mystics, including Roozbehan and Ibn Arabi. In addition, this word has always been associated with the female sex as a mistress. This connection seems stronger in the opinions o More
            Abstract"Love" as a challenging category has been the concern of many Muslim mystics, including Roozbehan and Ibn Arabi. In addition, this word has always been associated with the female sex as a mistress. This connection seems stronger in the opinions of the two mystics than the others. The importance of the issue of love from the point of view of Roozbehan and Ibn Arabi, emphasizing the role of women, is due to the fact that both mystics had innovative and somewhat different views on love and women from other Sufi elders. This is what makes this issue "controversial" and readable. In this regard, the authors, through phenomenological studies, have explored the circumstances and views of these two characters about women and chaste human love. How these two mystics interpret love and its types, as well as the status of women in their minds, are questions that have been tried to be answered. After studying the opinions of Sheikh Shatah and Sheikh Akbar, it has been concluded that for all of them, virtual love is not just a training ground or a ladder and a path to true love, but chaste human love is a radius of the spark of divine love and along and in line with It is counted. Moreover, both mystics believe that understanding the eternal beauty of God and tasting the love of God, only by paying attention to the "manifestations" of that eternal truth in the forms of creatures, especially the highest of them, namely man, especially woman, with All aspects of his existence, including physicality and spirituality, are possible. It is in this direction that woman and chaste human love find a special place in the life and thought of these two in comparison with the opinions of other great Sufis.   Manuscript profile
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        167 - The Methods of Healing (as a Karāmat) in the Mystical Prose Texts
        Maryam Haghi
        Karāmat (Divine grace), as an extra-ordinary event, is used by awliya Allah (saints of God) and has a special place in Islamic mysticism. Karāmat is divided into three main species: 1. Predictions of the future, 2. Interpretation of the secrets of hearts 3. Miraculous h More
        Karāmat (Divine grace), as an extra-ordinary event, is used by awliya Allah (saints of God) and has a special place in Islamic mysticism. Karāmat is divided into three main species: 1. Predictions of the future, 2. Interpretation of the secrets of hearts 3. Miraculous happenings in the corporeal world (or breaking of the natural order of things) Each of them has several subtypes. One of the subtypes of the third kind is healing patients that occur during the lifetime or after the death of the possessor of karāmat. The diseases usually include congenital and chronic illnesses that all the doctors are unable to cure them. Sometimes, the disease is caused by the curse of a spiritual person (sheikh). The treatment methods are very diverse, among which are the following: reading Surah al-Hamd, praying, hand touching, blowing, rubbing saliva, reading a poem, hugging patient, repenting patient, touching and using the personal belongings of the possessor of karāmat such as clothes, shoes, hat and toothpick. In most of these cases, the patient is treated in such a way that he/she won't catch the disease until the end of his/her life. By using descriptive-analytical method, in the present article, the attempt is made to categorize and analyze the methods of healing as mentioned in the early mystical prose texts. Manuscript profile
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        168 - The Origin of the Dreams of Saints of God in Tazkirat-al-Auliyā
        Isā Najafi Qodratollāh Alireāzee
        Dreaming is one of the puzzles that has preoccupied the mind of man from way back. It has been discussed in many fields such as religions, mythology, psychology, literature and mysticism. Dreams have been categorized into some types like veridical dream, sound dream and More
        Dreaming is one of the puzzles that has preoccupied the mind of man from way back. It has been discussed in many fields such as religions, mythology, psychology, literature and mysticism. Dreams have been categorized into some types like veridical dream, sound dream and so on. As a source of inspiration, mystics and Sufis used dream to solve many of their problems and they had great value for it. Attar of Nishapur has narrated many dreams of Sufis and saints of God in his book, Tazkirat-al-Auliyā. By using descriptive-analytical method, the present article tries to consider the dreams narrated in this book. Also, the characters of the dreams, their subjects and their relationship with facts of life are considered. The results show that many of the dreams are rooted in real life of mystics and Sufis. They intended to express their dreams, because they were considered as part of the Prophecy and messages from the Divine world. Manuscript profile
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        169 - Mystical Contraction and Expansion in Educational Texts of Sufis till 8th A.H. Century: A Comparative Study
        Abdolali Oveisi Abdolah Vaseq Abbasi Esmaeil Alipour
        Mystical contraction and expansion has a Quranic origin and it has been discussed in educational texts of Sufis till 8th A.H. Most authors of these texts believe that mystical contraction and expansion is one of the sālek's (the holy traveler) mystical states and comes More
        Mystical contraction and expansion has a Quranic origin and it has been discussed in educational texts of Sufis till 8th A.H. Most authors of these texts believe that mystical contraction and expansion is one of the sālek's (the holy traveler) mystical states and comes to his/her heart from God. Based on comparative mysticism, in the present article, attempts are made to show the historical development of contraction and expansion in educational texts of Sufis and to examine their similarity, difference and their impact on each other, and to introduce prominent views. The main question of the research is that, in its historical development in educational texts, how far do the concept of mystical contraction and expansion go from its lexical meanings, and how are semantic contexts and conceptual implications of it developed and modified? Given the high frequency of the use of the concept in Persian mystical texts, the present research will lead to correct interpretations and analysis of views during reading texts.   Manuscript profile
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        170 - "Cause and Effect" and "Means and Caused Things" in Sufism
        Loqmān Mahmoodpoor
        "Cause and effect" and "means and caused things" are theological and philosophical issues of Sufism. So far, the general understanding has been that Sufis have denied causation and consider God as real agent. The purpose of the present article is to examine these issues More
        "Cause and effect" and "means and caused things" are theological and philosophical issues of Sufism. So far, the general understanding has been that Sufis have denied causation and consider God as real agent. The purpose of the present article is to examine these issues and to explain how Sufis believe in them. The issue of "cause and effect" has been studied in various Persian and Arabic texts, prose and verse, as well as in theological texts. The results show that, according to Sufism, "cause and effect" is something other than "means and caused things". The whole world and its phenomena are caused by an agent, "Divine Act"; God is necessarily existent by itself and beyond Him there is no real cause in the world. According to Sufis' terms, what is called "cause and effect" is "means and caused things" or " the world of wisdom". So, based on this view, they have not denied cause and effect. In the belief of Muslim Sufis, "means and caused things" act on the basis of Divine traditions; they believe that God can create "caused things" without "means" and call it "the world of power".  Manuscript profile
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        171 - The Teachings of Sufism: An Analysis Based on Foucault's Theory of Power Discourse
        Fātemeh Elhāmi Abdolqafoor Jahāndideh Mohammadriyāz Raiisi
        Sufism, as a social institution, has great importance in the history of Iran. Its principles, rules and teachings refer to special rituals that Sufis have to obey them. Along with political and social changes, Sufism has had its ups and downs, and many tendencies and br More
        Sufism, as a social institution, has great importance in the history of Iran. Its principles, rules and teachings refer to special rituals that Sufis have to obey them. Along with political and social changes, Sufism has had its ups and downs, and many tendencies and branches have been formed in it. But for all its breadth, it can be considered as a Foucauldian discourse. By employing analytical-comparative method, the present study seeks to assess the function and structure of power in Sufism based on Foucault's theory of power discourse. The results of the study show that Sufism has a dual function. On the one hand, it creates a kind of public discipline, affects the individual freedom, and its teachings reinforce and establish the propositions of power. On the other hand, it can sometimes expand the scope of general knowledge, challenges, as a rival discourse, the other discourses including the sovereign power discourse. In this way, Sufism can reduce, albeit slightly, the despotism of parallel institutions, especially the sovereign one, by distributing power and wealth.   Manuscript profile
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        172 - Protest literature in Contrast to Mystical Literature
        Ali asmand goonegani
        In the thematic classifications of Persian poetry, we encounter a type of literature whose subject is the struggle against the tyranny of rulers and those in power. In recent times, this type of literature has been referred to as protest literature. In mystical poetry, More
        In the thematic classifications of Persian poetry, we encounter a type of literature whose subject is the struggle against the tyranny of rulers and those in power. In recent times, this type of literature has been referred to as protest literature. In mystical poetry, protest literature can be seen separately and alongside other literary genres. So far, the connection between this genre and the mystical literature has not been studied much. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the aim of the present article is first to classify mystical and Sufi poets from the perspective of protest and then to express the reasons for the opposition of protest literature with mystical poetry in different periods. The results show that due to the spirit of indulgence and deep tolerance, mystical poets do not have a suitable ground for protest and criticism and despite a handful of examples, most mystical poets have been reluctant to address protest themes. Also, the results of the research indicate that due to their intellectual principles, deterministic view, complete reliance on God, surrender to God's will, and sometimes due to severity of the rulers or interacting with powerful people, the mystical poets refused to protest. Manuscript profile
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        173 - The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
        Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkoohian Jamshid sadri
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of More
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of Sufis about the abrogation of the Islamic Laws by wise fools and to recognize the causes of it from their point of view. An attempt is made to answer these questions: In mystical anthropology, which human faculty is related to Islamic Laws? If the intellectual faculty declines, is there any other faculty related to these Laws? Considering the fact that the wise fools have a kind of intellect, can they be considered as obligated to enforce Islamic Laws like other wise men? The findings of the study show that the Sufis believe that the wise fools receive Divine inspirations and experience a state of intoxication and these spiritual modes justify their behavior.  According to some Sufi theories, the decline of intellect and consequently the abrogation of Islamic Laws is a gift from God; and some Sufis consider the intoxication state of a wise fool as constant praying. The aim of the research is to study the reasons for the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools from the point of view of Sufis, especially Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. Manuscript profile
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        174 - The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles of Language in Sharh al-shathiyyat of Rouzbahan Bagali; A Study Based on the Theory of Roman Jakobson
        farzane Cheharlang Iraj Mehraky
        Prose books of Sufi have two types of expression: books with defeated expression style (kalām-e Maqlub) that express the states of mystic in the world of ecstasy, and books with a rich expression style (kalām-e motamakken) that express the principles of Sufism. Using an More
        Prose books of Sufi have two types of expression: books with defeated expression style (kalām-e Maqlub) that express the states of mystic in the world of ecstasy, and books with a rich expression style (kalām-e motamakken) that express the principles of Sufism. Using analytical-descriptive method and based on Roman Jakobson's theory of the metaphoric and poles of language, the present article wants to examine Rouzbahan Bagali's ecstatic sayings (shathiyyat). Accepting Saussure's statement about paradigmatic and syntagmatic axes, Jakobson argues that metonymy is linked to the syntagmatic axis and metaphor is based on paradigmatic relations. Jakobson believes that prose has a metonymic nature but the role of poetry is metaphorical. The main question of the present research is which figures of speech has Rouzbahan, in Sharh al-shathiyyat, used the most? The results show that he employs both metaphoric and metonymic poles of language in his work. When he describes God and the Rashidun Caliphs, his way of expression has a metonymic nature, and when he describes the shathiyyat of mystics, his his style of expression is metaphorical. Manuscript profile
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        175 - Intertextual Interaction between Qaboosname & Quotations of Sufis Based on Gerard Genette’s Theory
        Ebrahim Danesh Faramarz Jalalat
        Qaboosname is one of the prominent works of Persian didactic literature. It is considered a central text among Persian literary works due to its formal attractiveness and thematic variety. This book had an undeniable intertextual role in the evolution of the Persian tex More
        Qaboosname is one of the prominent works of Persian didactic literature. It is considered a central text among Persian literary works due to its formal attractiveness and thematic variety. This book had an undeniable intertextual role in the evolution of the Persian textual galaxy in getting, developing, and transferring religious, social, and educational teachings. Wise quotations and pieces of educational advice are some of the valuable heritage that reached Qabooname to remarkable Persian works after it. Analyzing intertextual relations between Qaboosname and quotations of Sufis can explain the share of mysticism in Onsorolma’ali’s educational system and make us familiar with the amount and the way of intertextual application of Qaboosname and its intellectual references. It also can help us to reach a better understanding of the book and its related texts. This paper in a descriptive and analytical way has concluded that the high frequency of implicit and explicit intertextuality indicates that Qaboosname has a high level of literariness and aestheticism. The high amount of educational topics such as social, and religious issues and the necessity of linguistic and behavioral politeness signifies that social interactions are important in Onsorolma’ali’s view and intellectual framework of Sufism. Paying attention to the quotations and behaviors of the first-class Sufis of Islamic mysticism indicates that Onsorolma’ali had a firm belief in getting educational teachings from basic Sources of this movement. Manuscript profile
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        176 - Mahdaviat and Sufism: A Historical Approach
        mahmod erza esfandiyar faeze rahman
        Mahdaviat, as a basic doctrine of Shiism, plays a significant role in Islamic-Iranian culture. This article, after presenting a brief survey of Messianism in Abrahamic religions, tries to analyze the historical background of Mahdaviat in Islam, especially during the 2nd More
        Mahdaviat, as a basic doctrine of Shiism, plays a significant role in Islamic-Iranian culture. This article, after presenting a brief survey of Messianism in Abrahamic religions, tries to analyze the historical background of Mahdaviat in Islam, especially during the 2nd to 5th centuries A.H. Mahdaviat continued to thrive in Sufism during the 6th and 7th centuries A.H. In the 8th and 9th centuries A.H., Shiism and Sufism gradually merged; and the Safavids, having sufi inclinations, established Shiism as the official religion of Iran. Finally, we will study the thoughts of Soltānalishāh and Safialishāh, two great sufis of the Qajar dynasty. Manuscript profile
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        177 - Burning the Clock
        Khadijeh Hajiyān Saeed Bozorge-Beigdeli
        Kherqeh-pushi (wearing the clock) is a customary ritual in Sufism. This ritual is usually accompanied with kherqeh-andakhtan (dedicating the clock) or takhriqe-kherqeh (tearing the clock) and kherqeh-az-sar-beh-dar-avrdan or kherqeh-az-sar-bar-kashidan (underssing the c More
        Kherqeh-pushi (wearing the clock) is a customary ritual in Sufism. This ritual is usually accompanied with kherqeh-andakhtan (dedicating the clock) or takhriqe-kherqeh (tearing the clock) and kherqeh-az-sar-beh-dar-avrdan or kherqeh-az-sar-bar-kashidan (underssing the clock). Kherqeh-andakhtan (dedicating the clock) used to occur often in the state of ecstasy (vajd) and especially Sema. kherqeh-az-sar-beh-dar-avrdan (underssing the clock), besides that happens when two Sufis wish to do away with misunderstandings. Similarly, Kherqeh-az-sar-bar-kashidan (underssing the clock) was a way of punishing the culprit Sufi in Khangah. It seems that there is a connection between kherqeh-pushi (wearing the clock) and kherqeh-suzi (burning the clock), even though there was no citable and valid evidence about it in Sufi texts. Kherqeh-suzi (burning the clock) has a widespread use in mystical poems, as in the poems of Attār Neishapouri, Saadi, Mulavi, Qasem Anvar, Fakhredin Araqi and especially Hafez. By considering Kherqeh-pushi, the present article, tries to analyze the concept of kherqeh-suzi (burning the clock) in mystical texts, especially in the works of Attar and Hafez. Manuscript profile
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        178 - The External Journey (Seire Aafaq) in Sufism
        لیلا هاشمیان میثم احمدی
          According to the teachings of Sufism, a Sufi needs two journeys, the external (Seire Aafaq) in which he travels on earth, and the internal (Seire Anfos) that leads to the purification of his heart and makes him eligible to receive the Divine grace. The external More
          According to the teachings of Sufism, a Sufi needs two journeys, the external (Seire Aafaq) in which he travels on earth, and the internal (Seire Anfos) that leads to the purification of his heart and makes him eligible to receive the Divine grace. The external journey (Seire Aafaq) is rooted in the teachings of Quran and the prophetic saying (hadith) whose manifestations are the rites of Haj and pilgrimage. The present article attempts to show the various aspects of Seire Aafaq among Sufis.     Manuscript profile
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        179 - Nezāmī Ganjavī: A Mystic Poet?
        یعقوب نوروزی حجت ا... قهرمانی
          Can Nezāmī Ganjavī (1141-1209), like Sanā'ī Ghaznavi, Attār-e Neishābūri and Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din  Balkhī, be called a mystic poet? Is he an official mystic or is he just a poet who entertains mystic thoughts beside other subjects in his works?  This More
          Can Nezāmī Ganjavī (1141-1209), like Sanā'ī Ghaznavi, Attār-e Neishābūri and Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din  Balkhī, be called a mystic poet? Is he an official mystic or is he just a poet who entertains mystic thoughts beside other subjects in his works?  This article,  after having answered the above questions, will discuss the reflection of Nezāmī's mystical thoughts in his life and poems. Then,  his  view toward his contemporary mystic traditions, disciplined Sufi practices, piety and renunciation of the world (all of which are figured prominently in his works) are examined.  Finally, it will be concluded  that  Nezāmī, unlike Sanā'ī, Attār, and Mowlānā is not a mystic poet.     Manuscript profile
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        180 - Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Rumī and Mystic Tales
        ناصر نیکوبخت سعید بزرگ بیگدلی حسن حیدرزاده
          In Persian Language, the greatest part of mystic literature is presented in the form of tales. The teaching of mystic manners, rules of ascetic disciplines, internal rules and etc. are entertained in these tales. Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Rumī, in his works, especial More
          In Persian Language, the greatest part of mystic literature is presented in the form of tales. The teaching of mystic manners, rules of ascetic disciplines, internal rules and etc. are entertained in these tales. Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Rumī, in his works, especially Masnavī Manavī, has narrated these stories. The present article, by considering the role of the mystic tales in the works of Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Rumī, tries to show the changes and improvisations that he has made in them.     Manuscript profile
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        181 - The Idea of “Unity of Being” in the Rubā'iyāt of Bidel Dehlavi
        masuode rohani siyavash haghjo ali akbar shobaklaii
        Ibn 'Arabi's idea of “unity of being” grew slowly in Islamic lands, especially in Iran and then in India. One of the important ways of promoting the idea was the literary-mystic texts. The idea of “unity of being” has been manifested in the rubā' More
        Ibn 'Arabi's idea of “unity of being” grew slowly in Islamic lands, especially in Iran and then in India. One of the important ways of promoting the idea was the literary-mystic texts. The idea of “unity of being” has been manifested in the rubā'iyāt (quatrains) of Bidel Dehlavi. In his rubā'iyāt, the issues of tashbih and tanzih (transcendence and immanence), inward and outward, unity and diversity, and the like are discussed. He believes firmly to the idea of “unity of being” and explains, in a stable manner, the related topics.   Manuscript profile
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        182 - Mysticism in Versified Description of Garmābeh
        پروانه سید الماسی
        In some versified Persian literary texts certain characteristics of public bath (hammām) like the building and its parts, temperature and rituals of taking a bath are described, although the numbers of these texts are not very many. Some of the texts reflect the mystica More
        In some versified Persian literary texts certain characteristics of public bath (hammām) like the building and its parts, temperature and rituals of taking a bath are described, although the numbers of these texts are not very many. Some of the texts reflect the mystical teachings and its rituals. In these texts, the poet, at first, compares hammam with Sufi monastery (Khanqāh) and then connects the rituals of taking a bath to rituals of mystic journey (Suluk). The present article, first tries to show the intellectual details and beauties of the poems, and then, explain the reasons for the reflection of some mystical elements in description of these bath buildings (hammāmz). Manuscript profile
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        183 - Using SWAT Model to Investigate the Impact of Rangeland Management Practices on Water Conservation (Case Study: Gorganroud Watershed, Golestan, Iran)
        Mohadeseh Zadsar Mojgansadat Azimi
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        184 - Introducing and Studying the Kholasatoshoara ( Botkhaneh ) , idol temple , Biography
        Mohaddeseh Farrokhi
        Abstract         One of the methods in paying attention in the existing identity of societies is collecting and editing of the manuscripts and precise programming to identify and introduce these works. Among the manuscripts, since som More
        Abstract         One of the methods in paying attention in the existing identity of societies is collecting and editing of the manuscripts and precise programming to identify and introduce these works. Among the manuscripts, since some of the biographies have kept the names and addresses of their writers, and have been survived up to now, are of specific importance. The biography of Kholasatoshoara ( botkhaneh ) is a footnote which  has been written to the miscellany of Botkhaneh. It has over four thousand stitches, a selection poetry of the ancient or contemporary poets which is collected by Mulla Mohammad Sufi Mazandarani in cooperation with Abdollatif Abbasi in 1010 A. H. and later Abdollatif Abbasi Gojarati , in addition to writing a preface to it, has added the biography of poets together with their contemporary kings and the sages in brief and has arranged it in two volumes called Kholasatoshoara. In this article, by introducing the biography and existing copies of it, we have tried to offer its stylistics specification from the view point of lingual, thought and rhetoric Manuscript profile
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        185 - Passing Through the Elixir Highway ( purification and demolition of human nature in the thoughts of Maulana Jalaloddin )
        Akram Rahmani
        Abstract In ancient times, alchemy was the science of the conversion of low-priced metal into precious metal by the alchemist. Of course, there was a mystery and mysterious alchemy that transformed man into a perfect and transcendental creature. Yung considered alchemy More
        Abstract In ancient times, alchemy was the science of the conversion of low-priced metal into precious metal by the alchemist. Of course, there was a mystery and mysterious alchemy that transformed man into a perfect and transcendental creature. Yung considered alchemy as the father of psychology. The mystics, regardless of the material properties of the kimia, have used it to convert the copper of human being into the gold of perfection with its spiritual purpose. Rumi has the right to call the alchemy the original kimia to humans, and believes that transforming man into a perfect man is a chemical process. In his view, one of the uses of alchemy is the liberation of the soul from the earthly body, and love, as the source of unseen world, is a kimia that can bring man to the highest authority and convert disbelief into faith. This research seeks to illustrate Rumi's ideas of alchemy and its practice and their effects on human being and how it can be used by this term and its concepts. Manuscript profile
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        186 - Study of Cultural and Religious Movements in Sudan with Emphasis on the Pathology of Cultural Diplomacy of Iran in This Country
        mostafa ghasemi Mohammad ali Basiri enayat alah yazdani
        One of the most important mechanisms and tools for attaining the goals of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iranian which are based on fostering the Iranian-Islamic culture is to develop and pursue an effective cultural diplomacy. This is of critical importa More
        One of the most important mechanisms and tools for attaining the goals of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iranian which are based on fostering the Iranian-Islamic culture is to develop and pursue an effective cultural diplomacy. This is of critical importance in Sudan as one of the countries with the most permissive attitudes towards the Sufi movements. Despite the presence of two intellectual-cultural movements, Sufism and Shiasm in Sudan, currently the active presence of Wahhabi currents poses a serious threat to these two movements. It seems that pathology of the cultural diplomacy of Iran in Sudan could pave the way for development of cultural relations and countering the threats to the relationship between Iran and the Sudan.  In order to identify the opportunities and weaknesses of cultural diplomacy of Iran at Sudan, this study seeks to explain the cultural and religious movementsin this country. The main objective of this study is to answer the fundamental question of "what religious and cultural currents exist in Sudan?" The hypothesis of this paper is that three important cultural-religious movements are found in Sudan: Sufism, Shiasm, and Wahhabism. In this paper, descriptive-analytical method and library research were used to answer the main research question Manuscript profile
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        187 - Battal Nameh, a prose epic, common heritage in Arabic, Turkish and Persian Literature
        milad Ja'afarpoor
        For the first time in Iran this article introduces a trilogy of religious epic in Turkish literature, the emphasis being upon the introduction of the Persian translation of the prose epic Battal Nameh and some of its most important characteristics.  Based on this b More
        For the first time in Iran this article introduces a trilogy of religious epic in Turkish literature, the emphasis being upon the introduction of the Persian translation of the prose epic Battal Nameh and some of its most important characteristics.  Based on this background first the authenticity and the Arabic fountainhead of this epic  is verified, second the distinct presence of its hero, Arab in origin  in Turkish literature is referred to, next full account of Saltikh Nameh, and Daneshmand Nameh is given, and the historical identity of  the protagonist of Battal Nameh epic, that is Ja’far Ebn Hossein, titled Seyyed Battal Ghazi is introduced and in the end his connection with Sufism, Ayyars or rogues and his presence in Mosayeb Nameh, Persian epic is pointed out.  Manuscript profile
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        188 - Mystic and Commoner in Dance and Sama
        Abdul Hossein Zarrinkub
        Among the paintings and works found in historical places one can get familiarized with the ancient Persian culture and traditions.  What catches the eyes among such paintings are ceremonies where one witnesses dances. The purpose of this article is to investigate v More
        Among the paintings and works found in historical places one can get familiarized with the ancient Persian culture and traditions.  What catches the eyes among such paintings are ceremonies where one witnesses dances. The purpose of this article is to investigate various aspects of such dances.  Then Sama which is regarded as a Sufi dance is dealt with.  In the course of history these two styles of dances had some significance and by tracing ceremonies and feasts given by Royalties and the Sufis one can infer subtle points, but in Masnavi also there are some references to this subject. Mowlana had particularly held high regard for Sama in sufi ceremonies. Manuscript profile
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        189 - Verese Stylistics of the th century
        Sayyed Ziaedin Sajadi
        Hereby we talk about the characteristics of verse stylistics in the th century.      It's started with examinig Sanaii Ghaznavi's Poetry that was known as a Nezami's Eghbalnameh Coincided with the finishing of his EskandarNameh in the th century. More
        Hereby we talk about the characteristics of verse stylistics in the th century.      It's started with examinig Sanaii Ghaznavi's Poetry that was known as a Nezami's Eghbalnameh Coincided with the finishing of his EskandarNameh in the th century.      In this century Persian poetry changed in many ways such as theme, rhythm, form, word, and rhyme blending, novelty and the  khorasani's  poetry styles developed in the th century, and the most significant change is the entrance of Sufi and mystical ideas which was started by sanaii and Nezami ended it. Manners like virtues, Lampoonic, and Satirizing Poems, Wise sayings, Panegyric verse, Death Elegies, etc. engaged the Poets thoughts in this century.    Manuscript profile
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        190 - On Stylistic features of Mongols period (second Part)
        Ismaeil Hakemi
        This piece of writing is the second part of late Dr Forozanfar’s lectures given at TehranUniversity in 1335, compiled and revised by Dr Hakemi. The notes discuss various issues such as the impact of Mongols culture and dictum on the works from the 7th century onwa More
        This piece of writing is the second part of late Dr Forozanfar’s lectures given at TehranUniversity in 1335, compiled and revised by Dr Hakemi. The notes discuss various issues such as the impact of Mongols culture and dictum on the works from the 7th century onwards; the influence of Sufism and mysticism on the prose and poetry, also the impact of the Race and Religion on Literature and Culture of the époque. In narrating Dr Forozanfar's words attempt is made to remain true to his multi dimentional references. Manuscript profile
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        191 - Defence of Eblis in some Schools of Sufism
        Bahador Javdaneh
        Sufis’s view with regard to Eblis is one of most controversial and at the same time the most engaging  subjects that is reflected in their most important texts.  On one hand, one is faced with radical beliefs speaking of rejection of devil and his condem More
        Sufis’s view with regard to Eblis is one of most controversial and at the same time the most engaging  subjects that is reflected in their most important texts.  On one hand, one is faced with radical beliefs speaking of rejection of devil and his condemnation from the God’s providence and on the other hand some of the key figures in the sufi world with their various interpretations in defence of Eblis or at least regarding his refusal to obey Adam, made their best to regard him as manifestation of love and bravery. This article is concerned with the study of the views of the great sufi figures regarding Eblis with emphasis on the ideological foundations of such renowned characters as Hallaj, Ahmad Ghazali, Ayn al-Qudat Hamedani, Attar Neishabouri, and Moulana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi. Manuscript profile
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        192 - Criticism of the Sufis of the inappropriate times and hostile people
        Ghahreman Shiri
        Due to attachment to certain principles such as the supreme system of creation, determinism and fatalism, submission in faith and also because of the inclination towards endurance and idleness in behavior, mysticism fundamentally has not much objection to the present st More
        Due to attachment to certain principles such as the supreme system of creation, determinism and fatalism, submission in faith and also because of the inclination towards endurance and idleness in behavior, mysticism fundamentally has not much objection to the present state of affairs however the fact is that in practice the complaint of the great sufi figures of their times and their people in general is not less significant than that of the other classes.  The root of these dissatisfactions should be sought in what factors?  The truth is that in many periods the country had undergone such agitation and turbulence that even great sufi figures had begun to raise their voices.  In addition to the worldliness and indifference towards religious teachings particularly oblivion of the remembrance of God from the mind, and tongue of people, and those in power in everyday life and formation of conflicts between fanatical groups, attachment to wealth and position by the religious authorities and certainly the sensitive temperament of sufi figures are among the influential factors causing dissatisfactions. Manuscript profile
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        193 - The inner unity of religions in Mowlana’s thoughts
        Akbar Ghorbani
        Islamic Gnostic tradition whose principles and teachings are well portrayed in the works of Moslem mystics is central to our cultural heritage and religious identity.  Revision of such works in order to discover its potentialities at a time when globalization and d More
        Islamic Gnostic tradition whose principles and teachings are well portrayed in the works of Moslem mystics is central to our cultural heritage and religious identity.  Revision of such works in order to discover its potentialities at a time when globalization and dialogue among civilization are of prime importance, is a commitment laid on the shoulder of great scholars.  In this article Mowlana’s thoughts are revised to find the footprints of a new theory in the field of comparative religious studies, that is inner unity of religions which is based on the separation of religious law, and the mystic path encountered often in his works.  Insisting upon the main principle of ‘unity of existence’ he regards the inner contents of religions far superior to their outward surface.  The unifying thought of Mowlana in this regard is expressed sometimes based on the multiplicity of forms and unity of essence, and sometimes is based upon the unity of truth and difference in views. Manuscript profile
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        194 - Moral and social pathology in Ebn Yamin’s Divan
        Zinab Hadi
        Ebn Yamin Forumadi is regarded as one of the poets in the Mongol era when the social morality and mental and cultural foundations of people began to decline.  Although the social-political upheavals, and fall in morality and humane values in the conquered lands in More
        Ebn Yamin Forumadi is regarded as one of the poets in the Mongol era when the social morality and mental and cultural foundations of people began to decline.  Although the social-political upheavals, and fall in morality and humane values in the conquered lands in this era caused the emergence of the spirit of resignation and determinism among the populace yet among some of the proud Persian poets, and brigands rose the spirit of fighting against oppression and literary criticism began to take root.  Each poet in this era, according to the existing atmosphere in the society at the time, chose certain approach to fight the moral and social meanness, social and political instabilities and injustices of the governors and their puppets.  Although Ebn Yamin had praised extensively the rulers and ministers he had also criticized their actions and the social state of the society and social morality.  Although his criticism in comparison with his contemporaries such as Saadi and Seif Forqani are less harsh and is ranked inferior to them, but on occasions he has criticized people from all walks of life, elites and common people alike.  This article deals with the moral and social pathology in the poetry of Ebn Yamin. Manuscript profile