A comparative study of the image of Imam Ali (as) regarding generosity with an approach to several literary works
Subject Areas : شعر
Najmieh Karimi
Hossein Azar Payvand
Gholamreza Tamimi Tavandashti
1 - PhD student in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Kashan Branch
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kashan Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch
Keywords: تصوف, Sufism, Shiism, فتوّت نامه, الفتوة, التشیّع, Fotovatnameh, Al-Fotwa,
Abstract :
Generosity is a social movement and a spiritual impulse of the culture and civilization of ancient Iran, which has been influential among the masses since the beginning of the entry of Islamic culture into the vast geography of Iran and it has somehow merged with Islamic culture. This research has observed the image of Imam Ali (AS) in "Fotovatnameh of Soltani" from Persian literature and "Treatise of Fatwa in Islam", Yusef Ibn Sousha and the book "Al-Sela Bain Sufism and Shi'ism »Kamel Mustafa al-Sheibi, from Arabic literature in a qualitative content analysis method and by referring to the reliable sources and documents of the library. Throughout history, many Shiite and Sunni nobles who believed in the principles of Shari'a and Tariqah, considered Imam Ali (AS) as the leader of the nobles and the strong point of this current of thought. The historical presence and spiritual support of Imam Ali (as) as the leader of generosity caused to be the helper of the poor and to fight against the oppressors with the slogan of La Fati Alla.
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