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    Human Resources Excellence ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    The Journal of Human Resources Excellence is a quarterly journal with a scientific research approach that is published by the Islamic Azad University of Sirjan with the mission of developing management knowledge in the country. This publication has been established to provide an intellectual environment for researchers and academics with a focus on human resource management and excellence, and with the aim of improving and advancing the development of organizations and achieving efficient and effective management practices in order to produce science and knowledge management. Publishes research articles in the field of human resource management.

    Note: All articles submitted to the quarterly can be reviewed only through this system. Submitted articles will be published after specialized judging and with the approval of the editorial board. If you have any questions, please proceed from the "Contact Us" section in the main menu of the system.

    Please send the article to the quarterly office through this system to prepare and submit the article after carefully reading the authors' guide.


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    Address: Sirjan, end of Hijrat Blvd., Campus Complex of Islamic Azad University, Sirjan Branch, Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources Excellence Quarterly





    Fax: 03441523001




    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 5
    Number of Issues 19
    Printed Articles 108
    Number of Authors 636
    Article Views 68398
    Article Downloads 11314
    Number of Submitted Articles 271
    Number of Rejected Articles 118
    Number of Accepted Articles 125
    Acceptance 39 %
    Time to Accept(day) 93
    Reviewer Count 23
    Last Update 2025-3-09