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    To type an article in Farsi, only use Microsoft Word software version 2007 and above in the Windows environment with Farsi features. The typesetting of the article should be done with a line spacing of 1 cm.


    The main text of the article is in single column with B Zar font and pt size. 13 to be prepared. Title of all sections in B Zar font and pt size. 13 bold and the titles of subsections should be typed with B Zar font and size 12 bold. The title of each section or subsection should be typed with a blank line from the end of the text of the previous section. Avoid numbering titles in the text of the article. The first line of all paragraphs will be indented 0.5.


    The order of the article titles (very important)

    The order of the article titles should include these titles: introduction (about 1 to 2 pages), theoretical foundations and background of the research (about 4 to 6 pages), research methodology (1 to 2 pages), research findings ( about 2 to 3 pages), conclusions and suggestions (about 2 to 3 pages), references.

    Note 1: In the introduction, the statement of the problem, goals and necessities of the research should be mentioned (in the introduction, what is this research and why is it being done?), and also at the end, the general question of the research should be raised.


    Note 2: In the theoretical foundations and research background section, the following main subsections should be mentioned:

    1. Theoretical foundations (existing theories, views and approaches regarding the problem); 2. Research background (previous studies and their methodologies on the problem); 3. Conceptual model (if the research is quantitative and has a model); 4. Main and secondary research questions or hypotheses.

    Note 3: Avoid including items such as attachments, questionnaires, etc. in the preparation of the article. The goals, questions and hypotheses of the research should be explained at the end of the statement of the problem.

    Maximum number of article pages

    The maximum number of pages of the article (including all parts of the article, including the English and Farsi abstract and sources, etc.) prepared in accordance with this editing guide, should be between 15 and 20 pages.

    Foreign words in Persian text

    The Latin equivalent of the names of foreign authors and new terms should be written in the form of subtitles at the bottom of the same page only in the first reference and immediately after the expression of such words.


    If you need to insert subtitles, all Persian items should be written right-aligned with B Zar font and pt size. 10[4] and Latin subtitles should be written in left-aligned Times New Roman font size pt. 9[5]. In the footnote, after the number, type a period, then a space, and then the Persian or English equivalent



    Each diagram must have a number and a title, which should be in the center below it in bold B Zar font and pt size. 10 and must be typed and numbered from 1. Diagrams should be inserted inside the text and where they are referred to, and diagrams should be placed in the middle position of the two sides of the paper. It is mandatory to express the unit of quantities in the diagrams. All diagrams must be referenced in the text of the article. Place each diagram with a blank line between the preceding and following text.


     Each table should have a number and a title, which should be in the center above it with bold B Zar font and pt size. 10 and should be typed and numbered from 1. The tables should be inserted inside the text and after the place where they are mentioned, in the middle position of the fold compared to the two sides of the paper. The titles of the columns of the tables should be in bold type (10B Zar pt. bold) and all the texts inside the table, if they are Persian, should be in right or center type depending on the amount of text in the table (B Zar pt. 10 thin) and if they are Latin, they should be typed as left-line (Times New Roman 8 pt.). All numbers in the tables must be typed in Persian and centered. It is mandatory to state the unit of quantities in the table. Each table should be placed with an empty line between the text before and after it. Table 1 is prepared according to the above guide. In this table, the font type and size required for editing Persian articles are summarized.

    Table 1. Summary of type and size of fonts required for editing Persian articles


     Mathematical formulas and equations

    Use a two-column table with invisible lines according to the example below to display mathematical formulas and equations. In the right column of this table, write the equation number and in the left column, write the equation or formula. (It is mandatory to use Microsoft Equation in writing formulas). If the formulas are prepared in Word version 2007 environment, the submitted file must be saved with the *.docx extension to prevent the formulas from being converted into photos. All mathematical equations should be numbered starting from 1 and the number of each equation should be placed in parentheses. Equations should be in font size 11 and Times New Roman font.

    Conclusions and suggestions

     The summary and conclusion section are mandatory after the main text of the article. If you have suggestions, you can put them at the end of the conclusion.

    Acknowledgments: At the end of the article, before the list of sources, appreciation of the participants in the research and financial sponsors of the article and research must be mentioned.

    Sourcing method

    ‎Article sourcing in Persian font BZar size pt. 12 and its English is in Times New Roman font size pt.11 and based on APA standard method. The reference writing method is as follows:

    Intext references:

    • References within the text: for books and dissertations (author's last name, year: page) such as (Alwani, 2019: 22) or (Robbins, 2007: 148). It must be Persian. For articles (Alwani, 2019) or (Robbins, 2020).
    • Reference in the text with the name of the organization: (if there is no author's name (Climatology Center, 1388: 154).

    Arrangement of sources at the end of the article:

    • Book reference: Surname, name. (year of publication). Title (prominent). Place of publication, publisher.
    • Translation reference: surname, author's name. (year of publication). Title (prominent). Translator's name and surname, place of publication, publisher.
    • Article reference: surname, first name. (year of publication). Title. Journal name (bold and italics), period (number): number of pages.
    • Thesis reference: family name, author's name. (year of publication). Title. By supervision of: first and last name of the supervisor, name of the university, degree and field of study.
    • Internet resource reference: surname and author's name. (Year). Title (prominent). Retrieved on..., from the Internet site address.

    In the list of sources, first Persian sources should be arranged in Persian alphabetical order, then English sources should be arranged in English alphabetical order.


    English abstract set up:

    English Title of the Article with English Font (Times New Roman) Size 14 Bold

     A line Distanceــــ Times New Roman 11

      English abstract:

    The English abstract of the article must be exactly the same as the translation of the Persian abstract (following all of the Persian abstract writing instructions in this section is also mandatory) and in Times New Roman font with 1 or single line spacing, 3.5 cm from the side. Right and 3.5 cm from the left side of the paper, with lined sides (Justify Low) should be written. The number of abstract words should not be less than 150 words and not more than 200 words.

    At least two spaces BZar 11


    Keywords: in terms of order and number, they should be the same as the English translation of Persian keywords and in Times New Roman 11 font.

    * Scientific rank, field or study group, faculty or university, city, country. Avoid using items such as faculty members. (10 BZar font, with 1 line spacing)

    ** Scientific rank, field or study group, faculty or university, city, country, email and phone number of the responsible author.

    *** Scientific rank, field or study group, college or university, city, country.





    Font type

    Title of article

    B  Zar



    Name and surname

    B  Zar



    آE-mail address of the authors

    Times New Roman



    Title of sections

    B  Zar



    Title of sub-sections

    B  Zar



    Abstract text

    B  Zar




    B  Zar



    English title

    Times New Roman



    Name and surname in English

    Times New Roman



    Abstract text in English

    Times New Roman



    English keywords

    Times New Roman



    Main text

    B  Zar



    Persian subtitles

    B  Zar



    Latin subtitles

    Times New Roman



    Title of tables and graphs

    B  Zar



    The title of the columns of the tables

    B  Zar



    The title of the columns of the tables

    B  Zar



    Latin texts inside the tables

    Times New Roman



    Persian references

    B Zar



    Latin references

    Times New Roman




    Undertaking form:


    Conflict of interest form:



    Matching form:

    The authors should download the article matching report from the Hamiyab site as a PDF file and send it in the supplementary files section. Obviously, the articles which don't have the matching form, will not be processed. https://hamyab.sinaweb.net