• Abbasi.Morteza Housing cooperative project risk assessment using multi-criteria decision-making models [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Summer Year 1393]
  • abdekhoda.kamyar An Analysis on Policies of Reducing Informal Housing in Iran [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Abdolah.Bahar Evaluating and Determining the Role of Darvazeh-Dolat Station Complex With Transit-oriented development (TOD) Approach [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Abdolah.Bahar Introducing the land use classification methods in Regional Planning and presentation of an appropriate pattern for Iran [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • abdoli.zahra The Impact of Digitalization on Public Sector Audit [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • abdollahi.haidar Urban quality of life as human development indicatores: Dimensions, elements [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • abiyat.morteza Assessment of Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Public Services in Rural District Mosherehat of Ahvaz by Combining MCDM Method in GIS Media [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Abiyat.Mostefa Assessment of Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Public Services in Rural District Mosherehat of Ahvaz by Combining MCDM Method in GIS Media [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • afifi.mohammad ebrahim Investigating the geomorphological limits of the physical development of city)Case example: Mahabad city( [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Afsahhosseini.Fatemehalsadat Position, Dimensions and Realization of Urban Competitiveness in Urban Management [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • aftab.ahmad Survey, analysis and ranking the Development levels of erode texture districts of Urmia city [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • aftab.ahmad Pedestrian way design with an emphasis on social capita (Case Study: Tarbiat pedestrian way of Tabriz) [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Summer Year 1394]
  • aftab.ahmad Analysis and Assessment the implementation of good urban governance in Urmia city [ Vol.7, Issue 21 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Aghaei.Mehrdad Functional role in the vitality of urban open spaces(Case Study: Eram Park Hamadan) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Aghayari.pegah An Analysis of the Role of Good Governance in the Quality of Life of Citizens(Case Study: Residents of Mehrshahr Alborz) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Ahadi.Parviz Examining the process of public policy in the field of urban economy based on the naming of years by the Supreme Leader [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Ahangari.navid The Role of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Organizational Readiness in Smart City Transformation (Case study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Ahmadi.Hamed Developing quality improvement strategies in the construction of urban sidewalks; (Case study of Taleghani pedestrian street in Ilam city( [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Ahmadi.Hamed Analyzing the Quality of the Interior Spaces of the Faculty of Architecture with an Emphasis on Thermal Comfort and Cognitive Performance of Students(Case Study: Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Ahmadi.Hamed Investigating the Effect of Different Thermal Conditions in Educational Buildings with the Approach of Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Students' Cognitive Performance (A Sample Study of Architecture Students of Ilam Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ahmadi.reza The investigation of hierarchy of development in the citis of Khuzestan, with an emphasis on sustainable development theory [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Ahmadi.Vahid Recognizing Dimensions of Using Water in the Traditional Architecture of Iran with an Emphasis on Arid and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Residential Architecture of Yazd City) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • ahmadigorji.Masoud Analyzing the Improvement Criteria of Urban Waste Management Based on Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Technology Using Dimatel Method [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • ahmadyeh.masomeh Presenting the model of behavior compatible with the urban environment on environmental performance [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ajzae Shokuhi.Mohammad The revival of urban decay with the approachof development strategy (CDS)(Case study: the central part of the city of Ahwaz) [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Akbari Namdar.Shabnam Interpretation of components affecting the intertwining of place in semi-open architectural space [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Akbari Noodeh.Habib Identifying Effective Factors in preventing the Occurrence of Environmental Crimes in Urban Communities [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ALAM.SARA Evaluating the Components Affecting Social bonds in Ardabil Neighborhood Center [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Alamdari.Vahid Designing a Model of General and Specific Competencies in the Field of Urban Management (Case Study: Managers of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • alehasan.salman Pathology of Staff Training Needs Assessment in Mashhad Municipality Using a Three-Branch Model [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Alipour Shoari Dehghani.Maryam Feasibility Study of Resilience Management Principles in Iran Metropolises with Emphasis on Hugo (HFA) Approach (Case study: Tabriz metropolis) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • alipour.Shohreh Explaining the Role of Urban Spaces in Improving the Child's Interaction with the Environment with Emphasis on Creativity and Sense of Attachment [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • alipour.Shohreh The Role of Effective Components on the Visual Quality of Environmental Graphics in the Development of Public Spaces (Case Study: District One of Tehran) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • alipour.Shohreh The Role of Cultural Information Management in Tehran Municipality (Tehran Municipality Cultural and Art Organization) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Alizadeh.nadi Analyzing the Improvement Criteria of Urban Waste Management Based on Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Technology Using Dimatel Method [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • almasi.ehsan Investigating the Impact of Market Orientation (Centered) on Business Performance and Urban unit (Integrated) Management [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Almodaresi.Seyed ali Optimal spatial management using of fuzzy membership and overlaying functions and AHP model in GIS environment to clinics and hospitals site selection in Bandar Abbas [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • amanpour.saeid Factors influencing the increase in the willingness of citizens to pay tax (Case Study: City izeh) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Amini.Elham Analyzing the Role of Urban Engineering System in Controlling the Physical Development of Cities [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • amini.shima Identification and ranking significant factors causing cost overrun in the design and construction process of buildings using the BWM method (Case study: City of Mashhad) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • aminpour.saeed Fuzzy Multi-Objective Model of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network in the Automotive Industry with an Urban Management Approach [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Amirabadi.Jafar Investigating the relationship between providing cultural services of Tehran Municipality, District 8, and raising the level of awareness of citizenship rights [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • AMIRI.ELHAM Designing the model of organizational culture based on participatory culture strategy approach in the Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • AMIRI.ELHAM Investigating the status of organizational culture with the approach of participatory culture strategy in Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Andalibi Miandoab.Shabnam Sociological Study of the Impact of Political Power on Urbanization and Urbanization in the First Pahlavi Period [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Ansari.Mojtaba Investigating the role of sensory perceptions in the memory of urban squares using Merleau-Ponty ideas(Case study: Tajrish Square) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Arbabi.Hani Investigating the Functions of Social Network Analysis in Risk Management with Stakeholder Approach: Tehran Metro Projects [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • arshin.mahsa Assessment of the Executive Policies of the Government on Providing Housing for Low-income Urban Groups (Case Study: Metropolitan City of Mashhad [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • asadi.hamid Experimental Analysis of Non-Formal Costs Imposed on the Municipality of Ajin Due to Non-Allocation of Civil Credits [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Asgari.Ali Increasing Sociability with Flexible Design of Public Spaces of Residential Complexes [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Askari.Asra Comparative Comparison of Factors Affecting the Willingness and Participation of Donors in the Urban Uses Sector (Case Study: Development of Sports Facilities in Golestan and Tehran provinces) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ataei.elham Explaining the Role of Urban Spaces in Improving the Child's Interaction with the Environment with Emphasis on Creativity and Sense of Attachment [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • aziz abadi farehani.fatemeh Organizing Film Festivals and Its Effects in the Field of City and Urbanization [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]


  • badri.reza An investigation of the level of satisfaction of New year tourists from utilities, facilities, and recreational services in the town of Shooshtar [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • baghbani.Mohammad An Evaluation of the citizens’ satisfaction with the services provided by the Islamic City Council and Municipality of Saghez (2013-2017) [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • bagher piri.maryam Design of Urban Furniture Suitable for Pedestrian Approach (Case study: Tehran Sadeghiyeh Neighborhood) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Bagheri.Maryam The Role Fundamental of Urban Planning and Environmental Regulation in Preventing Environmental Violation in Guilan Province [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Bagherzadeh.Mohammad Reza Human Resources Productivity with a Structural Equation Modeling Approach in the Organization [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Bahari.Masoumeh The role of Information Technology in Regional Development(Case study: Lorestan Province) [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Bahlakeh.Taher Comparative Comparison of Factors Affecting the Willingness and Participation of Donors in the Urban Uses Sector (Case Study: Development of Sports Facilities in Golestan and Tehran provinces) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Bahmanpour.Hooman Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Pollutants in Sports Floors [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Bahmanpour.Hooman Prioritizing factors affecting the establishment and application of green architecture standards in the sports structure of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Bakhshian.Asal Housing cooperative project risk assessment using multi-criteria decision-making models [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Summer Year 1393]
  • Balali oskoyi.Azita The Emergence of Spatial Phenomenology in Architecture Confronts Cultural studies approach (Case Study: The Historical Bazaar of Tabriz)* [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Balanian.Neda Analyzing of micro climate, environment and solar thermal effect in terms of environmental and thermal comfort in urban spaces (Case study: Analyzing of thermal comfort in shahrdari st in tehran, Tajrish Sq. to Ghods Sq.) [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Baniardalan,.Esmaeil Investigating the Aesthetic Components of Pseudo-Dionysius Iin Urban Views [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Banisi.Parenaz The Relationship of Trainings Provided in Traffic Park on Professional Citizens Education(Case Study: District 17 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Baradaran.Vahid Identifying and ranking the factors affecting the pricing of BOT projects for the construction of suburban pedestrian bridges, using Fuzzy Delphi-BWM [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Barakpoor.Naser A Comparative Study of Mayor Election Procedures in Iran and Seven European Countries [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Barati.Javad Surveying feasibility of industrial cluster formation associated with urban green space: Case study of Mashhad [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Barati.Morteza Identifying Effective Factors in preventing the Occurrence of Environmental Crimes in Urban Communities [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Baratlou.Fatemeh Explaining the influential components in cultural Policy-making with the approach of sustainable urban development (case study: foreign languages) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Bargh.Hamid An investigation into life quality by emphasizing urban management: a case study in Islam abad gharb [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Bayramzadeh.Nima Make the Soundscape Musical in the City's Public Parks(Case Study: Mellat Park-Urmia) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Bayramzadeh.Nima Promoting Social Vitality with a Community-Based Approach in Informal Settlements (Case Study: Koshtargah Neighborhood-Urmia) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Beheshtinia.Edris The Impact of Agrarian Reforms on Rural Bourgeoisie and Urban Development in Kermanshah And Ilam [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Beigi Nasrabadi.Fateme Analytical Evaluation of the Gap between Current State of Succession Planning System and the Expected one in Municipality of Mashhad [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Bemanian.Mohammad reza Assessing the effective factors on housing price through Hedonic price estimation method (case study of Narmak) [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Winter Year 1390]
  • Bigdeli Rad.Vahid Evaluation the Citizens enjoy of Right to the City(Case study: Qazvin city) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Bitaraf.Ehsan Investigating the Effect of Different Thermal Conditions in Educational Buildings with the Approach of Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Students' Cognitive Performance (A Sample Study of Architecture Students of Ilam Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Bitaraf.Ehsan Analyzing the Quality of the Interior Spaces of the Faculty of Architecture with an Emphasis on Thermal Comfort and Cognitive Performance of Students(Case Study: Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • boodaghi.roja Quality measurement-based environmental aspects of urban spaces (study compared the neighborhood of University Town neighborhood Bu-Ali District 12 and District 2 of Tehran) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • bronk.farhad Facilitation and Flourishing of Local Capacities and Assets (Case Study: Jafarabad Neighborhood) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]


  • Dadashnejad Delshad.Davood Identifying Effective Factors in preventing the Occurrence of Environmental Crimes in Urban Communities [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Daneshfard.Karamollah The Pathology of Strategic Planning in Local Organizations (Case Study of Kermanshah Provincial Council and Municipalities) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Darskhan.Rasoul Promoting Social Vitality with a Community-Based Approach in Informal Settlements (Case Study: Koshtargah Neighborhood-Urmia) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • darvish.farzane Spatial Analysis of Factors Influencing the Increase in Housing Prices in Tabriz Using Correlation and Regression Model [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • daviran.smaeil Scrutiny organization social capital in urban management of Iran Moderate cities (Zanjan and Hamadan) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • davod pour.zohre Evaluation the Citizens enjoy of Right to the City(Case study: Qazvin city) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • davoodzade.amir mohamad Presenting the model of behavior compatible with the urban environment on environmental performance [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • dehnad.nazanin Investigating the Effect of Residential Complexes Morphology on Thermal Comfort of Open Space [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • DEHNO.FARIBA Ecological Assessment of Public Spaces with Emphasis on the Connection between the City and Nature (Case Study: Yousefabad Neighborhood of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Deldadeh Mehraban.Esmaeil Comparative Comparison of Factors Affecting the Willingness and Participation of Donors in the Urban Uses Sector (Case Study: Development of Sports Facilities in Golestan and Tehran provinces) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Didehrowshan.Arash Measuring the way of using historical social spaces in Shiraz city [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Donyadideh.Aziz Assessing urban seismic vulnerability(A case study of Ardabil City) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Dousti.Behzad Combination of land- uses and measurement of its effect on neighborhood- based sustainability (Case study: Velenjak and Darroos neighborhoods- Tehran city) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]


  • Ebrahimi Boozani.Mehdi An Analysis of the Quality of Life in Mehr Housing in Intermediate Cities: A Case Study of Fasa City [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Ebrahimi Boozani.Mehdi An Analysis of the Feasibility of Urban Land Use in Comprehensive plans of small cities (Case Study of Asgaran City) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ebrahimi.Mahdi Leveling of Kashan City Areas Based on the Amount of Smart City Indicators [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Ebrahimi.Mahmoud Valuating the Role of Localization of Elements on the Identification of Urban Furniture in District 5 of Karaj [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Ebrahimzadeh.Reza Assessing Tourism Potentials to Recreate the Historical Fabric of the City (Case study: Isfahan( [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Eghbal Moghaddam.Roya Providing of optimal strategies for creating environmental security for children with a focus on Indicators of the desirable urban space for children (Case study: Udlajan neighborhood) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • elahi.masoud Analysis of Physical Resilience of Social Housing against Earthquake Using Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Support System (NSFDSS) Technique(Case Study: Zanjan's Mehr Housing) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Emami.ّFarshad Provide the Effect of Social Networks on Creating Sports Businesses in Metrocity [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ershad.ali The Principles of Pedestrian Design with the Approach of Sustainable Urban Tourism [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • esfandiari.mohamad javad Investigating the Relation between knowledge management practices and the psychological empowerment of human resources in municipality of Tehran [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • esnaashari.seyed mani The Role of Effective Components on the Visual Quality of Environmental Graphics in the Development of Public Spaces (Case Study: District One of Tehran) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Etemadfard.Hossein Allocation of Fire Stations by Hybrid Method (Case Study: Mashhad) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ezatpanah.Bakhtyar Risk Management Futures Research in Cities with Emphasis on Earthquake Risk Vulnerability [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]


  • fadaee.mohadese Identifying the Influencing Factors on the Participation of the Family Institution in Educational Cultural Policies in Tehran Metropolis (Study of Regions 2 and 12) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Faghihi.Dorsa Effects of Environmental Psychology on the Design of a Care Center for Homeless Children in Order to Mitigate Urban Harm [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Falamaki.Mohammad Mansour Interpretation of components affecting the intertwining of place in semi-open architectural space [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Fallah.Zynalabedin Comparative Comparison of Factors Affecting the Willingness and Participation of Donors in the Urban Uses Sector (Case Study: Development of Sports Facilities in Golestan and Tehran provinces) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Farabiasl.Nayyer Introduce a method to measure the power of urban space production Actors(Proposing criteria and indicators for measuring the power of actors) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Farazandeh Mehr.Mahyasadat Evaluation of safety indicators in sports uses located in urban parks (Case study: District 4 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Farhadimanesh.Nima Governance Structure in Iran Based on Multi-Level Governance Theory [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • farmanfarmaee.toktam The Role of Iranian Cinema in Acceptance of Afghan Immigrants [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • FatahiVajari.foroogh Ranking The Most Important Indicators and Variables in urban Resilience of The Region 15 of Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Fattahi.Hajir Evaluating the Performance of the City Council in Urban Management(Case Study: Baneh City) [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Fattahi.Mahkameh Evaluation of village’s ecological capacity and its role in regional development from the ecotourism viewpoint (case study: Villages of Lavasan city) [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Summer Year 1394]
  • fayzi.soleyman Fuzzy Analysis of Success Factors of Urban Management, Indicators of Future Cities [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Fazli.Abbas Analyzing the Role of Urban Engineering System in Controlling the Physical Development of Cities [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Fooladi.Vahedane Effects of Environmental Psychology on the Design of a Care Center for Homeless Children in Order to Mitigate Urban Harm [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]


  • garmeh.behdad Investigation the Impacts of Urban Neighborhoods Ecological Index on Increasing the Sustainability of the Cities(Case study: three different urban districts of Mashhad- Iran) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Gelard.parvaneh Design of the Meritocracy of the Managers with the Urban Management Approach of Mashhad City [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ghaemi.Pooyan The Effect of Social Capital on the Acceptability of the Supply Chain and Organizational Performance Considering the Two Roles of Adjustment and Mediation of the Alignment of the Management of the Supply Chain, Points and Absorbability (Study of Iran Khodro Automobile Company) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • ghafurzadeh.mojtaba Analysis of the optimal model of how forming councils in the framework of appointive or elective(Case study: City of Yazd) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • ghalandarzadeh.afsaneh Citizens' satisfaction with the performance of subways in Tehran (case study: the project underpass intersection in Tehran's Valiasr) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • ghalandarzadeh.afsaneh Strategic development of urban neighborhoods(studied: District 11 Tehran metropolis) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • ghamari.shima Investigating the Impact of Local Identity in Urban Development Plans [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • ghanbariyan.meysam Prioritization of Sport Development Strategies in Shahrood City with Reverse Logistics Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • gharabaghi.majid The role of municipalities in creating sustainable urban employment and income with an emphasis on income from funds and property (Study case: Hamadan city) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • gharehdaghi.Rostam Identifying and Prioritizing the Effective Factors of Achieving Happy City: Case Study, East Azerbijan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Gharib Garkani.Parvaneh Investigating the Aesthetic Components of Pseudo-Dionysius Iin Urban Views [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • ghayoomi.Abasali Problem analysis and presentation of strategies to improve the cultural identity of the youth of Ilam city [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Gheadamini Harouni.Abbas Assessing Tourism Potentials to Recreate the Historical Fabric of the City (Case study: Isfahan( [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Gheadamini Harouni.Abbas The Relationship between Self-Concept and Decision Making for Selected the Location of a Tourist Fare on the Consumption Style of Domestic Tourists in Isfahan City [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • ghoddusifar.Hadi A Study on Cognitive Maps about Space Perception by the Elderlies (Case study: Kahrizak Nursing Home) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Gholipour.Yaser Strategic Planning of sustainable Ecotourism in Small Cities Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, SWOT and QSPM Models (Case Study: Masal, Guilan) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • ghorbanichegeni.akbar The effect of ethical virtues of marketing on internet marketing and relational marketing in food customers of Kale city of Hamedan [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • ghorchian.nader gholi Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Promotion of Competence of Training Managers in the Aviation Industry with the ORESTE Technique (Case Study of Aviation Training Centers in Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ghotbedin.Negin Increasing Sociability with Flexible Design of Public Spaces of Residential Complexes [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • gilvari.saeed Investigation of the relationship between quality of work life and job motivation with professional ethics in the employees of the municipality of the 11th region of Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • golijani moghadam.sanaz Identifying Cultural Factors Underlying the Spread of Divorce from the Perspective of Women and Presenting a Management Model to Reduce It (Case study: District 1 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • habib.farah etermining the Effects of the Components of Visual Structure Quality on the Receptibility of Sociopetal Environments (Research Subject: Isfahan’s Historical Bazaar Saria) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • haddad.shervin The effect of the black economy in the moral sense of security in cities [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • haji Asghari.SeyedYosef Identifying and Prioritizing the Effective Factors of Achieving Happy City: Case Study, East Azerbijan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Hajiani.ebrahim Development of an Optimal Patern of Spatial identity in New Cities(Case Study of Parand New City) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • hamdi.karim A Theoretical Framework to Determine The Effective Factors on Organizational Readiness For Implementing Project Risk Managemen [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • hamdi.karim Factors Affecting the Growth of Migration to Tehran Metropolis [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Winter Year 1388]
  • harivandi.Niloofar Locating the temporary landscapes in order to improve the quality of the urban living environment [ Vol.5, Issue 15 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • Hasanpour Kazeruni.naser The Effectiveness of Sensory Perception of Place in the Association of Meaning in Reducing the Stress of Home Quarantine of Students [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • hashemzade khorasegani.gholamreza Identifying the Constituent Factors of Open Governance with a Sustainable Development Approach in the Municipalities of Tehran Province [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Hashemzadeh.Gholamreza Designing a sustainable development model related to organizational intelligence in line with the general policies of the 6th Development Plan (Study case: Bank Mellat branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Hashemzadeh.Gholamreza Development of Organizational Intelligence Model Using Foundation Data Analysis (Study Case: Bank Mellat Branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Hasoumi.Tahereh Investigating the relationship between providing cultural services of Tehran Municipality, District 8, and raising the level of awareness of citizenship rights [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • HATAMI.FATH HOLAH Assessment of Urban Development Strategy Indictors in Zanjan [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • hedayat.homa To Assess the effectiveness of resulted changes from the municipality proceeding to improve quality of space around Metro Stations (Sadeghiyeh subway station) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • hemati.kheirollah The role of urban big data in smart cities [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • hemati.kheirollah The Principles of Pedestrian Design with the Approach of Sustainable Urban Tourism [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • hoseini.batol The relationship between organizational culture and Organizational capital Features(Case Study: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • hoseini.seyed emad Design and Fitting the Model for Managing Startup Businesses in Sports with a Smart City Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • hoseini.seyed emad Provide the Effect of Social Networks on Creating Sports Businesses in Metrocity [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Hoseinkhani.Hadi Strategic Planning of Districtic Development with Urban Prosperity Approach(Case study: District 5 of Karaj) [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Hosseini.seyede fateme Explanation on alignment of municipality’s construction projects with the citizens’ need (Case study: District 3, region 5 of Tehran municipality) [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Summer Year 1394]
  • hosseini.shakila Measuring the Level of Citizen Participation in Urban Management Based on Urban Governance Model (Case study; District 5 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Hosseynian.Negar Investigation the Impacts of Urban Neighborhoods Ecological Index on Increasing the Sustainability of the Cities(Case study: three different urban districts of Mashhad- Iran) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • hossinian.siedmehdi Experimental Analysis of Non-Formal Costs Imposed on the Municipality of Ajin Due to Non-Allocation of Civil Credits [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Houshmand Nanehkaran.Afagh Evaluation of the Environment of Ardabil City from the Perspective of New Urbanism [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]


  • irajpour.alireza Fuzzy Multi-Objective Model of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network in the Automotive Industry with an Urban Management Approach [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Iranishad.Arefeh Contemporization of Historical Neighborhoods with the Aim of Urban Spaces Place Making [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • irankhah.ahmad Localization of Paris city management experiences in urban health [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Izadi.Haniye An Analysis of the Quality of Life in Mehr Housing in Intermediate Cities: A Case Study of Fasa City [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]


  • Jafari.Fatemeh Optimal spatial management using of fuzzy membership and overlaying functions and AHP model in GIS environment to clinics and hospitals site selection in Bandar Abbas [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Jafari.Masoome The study of neighborhood division and rupture In District 1 Tehran municipality [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Jafari.Masoome Analysis of knowledge-based urban development status in three metropolises of Iran by gray relational analysis method (Case study: Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Jafarzadeh Afshari.Ahmad Identifying and ranking the factors affecting the pricing of BOT projects for the construction of suburban pedestrian bridges, using Fuzzy Delphi-BWM [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • jafarzadeh.parisa The Role of Iranian Cinema in Acceptance of Afghan Immigrants [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • jahanbakhsh.sadegh The Effectiveness of Sensory Perception of Place in the Association of Meaning in Reducing the Stress of Home Quarantine of Students [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • jalali.mohamad Presenting the model of the effectiveness of environmental and health teachings on the citizenship behavior of athletes in Semnan province [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Jamali.Ali Akbar Optimal spatial management using of fuzzy membership and overlaying functions and AHP model in GIS environment to clinics and hospitals site selection in Bandar Abbas [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Jamshidian.Farhad The Impact of Agrarian Reforms on Rural Bourgeoisie and Urban Development in Kermanshah And Ilam [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Jannat pour.Niloufar Analysis of the Physical Components Influencing the Formation of a Sense of Belongingto the Place in the Residential Complex of Rasht(Case Study: Al Ghadir Complex, Abrisham Complex, Masuleh Tak Complex) [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Javadian.Ali Human Resources Productivity with a Structural Equation Modeling Approach in the Organization [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • javan forouzande.ali Investigating the Place and Impact of Vernacular Values in Architectural Designing(Case study: Architectural Design 3 from the Undergraduate Course of Architecture in Tabriz Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Javanpour Heravi.Aziz Examining the process of public policy in the field of urban economy based on the naming of years by the Supreme Leader [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Javanshir.Hasan Identifying and ranking the factors affecting the pricing of BOT projects for the construction of suburban pedestrian bridges, using Fuzzy Delphi-BWM [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • javidnejad.mehrdad The Role of Architectural Fabric in Promoting Public Life in Communal Spaces (Case Study: Baharestan Square) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Johari.Leila Analytical Evaluation of the Gap between Current State of Succession Planning System and the Expected one in Municipality of Mashhad [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Jovzi Khameslouei.Ali Urban Crisis Management and Population Emergency Evacuation in Schools of Isfahan Educational Secondary District [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]


  • Kaboli.Mohammad Hadi Explaining the concept of comfort in residential complexes [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Kamali.Ehsan The Impact of Digitalization on Public Sector Audit [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Kamali.Mandana Analysis of Physical Resilience of Social Housing against Earthquake Using Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Support System (NSFDSS) Technique(Case Study: Zanjan's Mehr Housing) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Kamanroudi Kojouri.Mousa Identity and Branding Orientations in Tehran's Urban Development Plans [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • kanani moghadam.sana Necessity of Urban Landuse Planning Adaption to Smart City; Considering the Effects of Information and Communication Technology adapting AHP [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • karami.islam Investigating the Place and Impact of Vernacular Values in Architectural Designing(Case study: Architectural Design 3 from the Undergraduate Course of Architecture in Tabriz Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • karegar.bahman The Evaluating of the Influence of Industrial Settelment of Shams Abad on the Development of Hasan Abad city [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • karegar.bahman The Role of Urban Regeneration with Tourism Approach in Lalehzar St., Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Kargar.Bahman An analysis of the assessment place and social impact in the management of social vulnerabilities in the context of Tehran's limit. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • karimi.bagher Investigating the Effect of Residential Complexes Morphology on Thermal Comfort of Open Space [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Karimi.Naser An Analysis of the Feasibility of Urban Land Use in Comprehensive plans of small cities (Case Study of Asgaran City) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • karimiazeri.amirreza Analysis of the Physical Components Influencing the Formation of a Sense of Belongingto the Place in the Residential Complex of Rasht(Case Study: Al Ghadir Complex, Abrisham Complex, Masuleh Tak Complex) [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • karkehabadi.zeynab An Analysis of the Role of Urban Symbols in Identifying Places (Case Study Semnan City) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • kaveh.mohammad The Role of Urban Regeneration in Resolving Land Ownership Conflicts in Terms of Citizens (Case Study: Farahzad) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Kazemi.Abuzar Studying the Relationship between Urban Advertising and Citizenship Awareness [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Kazemi.Neda The Identification and Analysis of Causal and Effective Relationships of Required Infrastructures for the Deployment of an Electronic City based on Business Intelligence in Tehran [ Vol.6, Issue 17 - Spring Year 1393]
  • keikha.aleme Predicting the Performance of Employees Based on Organizational Justice and job security Variables (case study: Municipal of Zahedan) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • kenarkoohi.elahe Extension level definition in Ahwaz Urban Areas with Topsis and ANP models [ Vol.9, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1396]
  • khalilian rad.neda Studying the Role of Leadership in Services Provided to Citizens through Urban Management Mediation [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Kharaghani.Hamed Allocation of Fire Stations by Hybrid Method (Case Study: Mashhad) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Khatami.Seyed Mehdi Governance Structure in Iran Based on Multi-Level Governance Theory [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Khayam Nekoui.Parisa The Effectiveness of Environment Quality of Schools on Students' Academic Self-Concept [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • kheiri.shaghayegh Identify the factors affecting the adoption of waste management by the citizens of Tehran [ Vol.6, Issue 17 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Khiabani.Farnaz The Emergence of Spatial Phenomenology in Architecture Confronts Cultural studies approach (Case Study: The Historical Bazaar of Tabriz)* [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • khodadad.mehdi Citizens' satisfaction with the quality of furniture in the inner city parks in Tehran [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Khodaee.Zahra Ecological Assessment of Public Spaces with Emphasis on the Connection between the City and Nature (Case Study: Yousefabad Neighborhood of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Khodaee.Zahra Landscape management of urban distressed areas with Emphasis on visual and spatial Organization; Case study: Khak sefid Neighborhood [ Vol.9, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Khosravi Hajyvnd.iraj Examining the components of urban resilience with an emphasis on natural disasters (earthquake) Case study: District 16 Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • khosravi.Mohamadbagher Design of Urban Furniture Suitable for Pedestrian Approach (Case study: Tehran Sadeghiyeh Neighborhood) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • KHOSROKhAH.Ali Examining resilience components in city areas(case study: Bandar Bushehr city) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • kiani salmi.sedigheh Estimation of recreation value and recognition of effective factors for Willingness to Pay for urban natural parks by using Contingent valuation method [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Kiani.Mostafa Mental Image Model in Evaluating the Spaces of High-Rise Residential Buildings [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • kohzadichegeni.maziyar The effect of innovative behavior on organizational performance by explaining the mediating role of customer relationship management and competitive advantage in the customers of Snowa refrigerator in Arak city. [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • koolivand.shakiba Examine the Citizens' Participation in Rehabilitation and Renew This Neighborhood (Case study: Accounting lecturer Kermanshah streets of old ones) [ Vol.7, Issue 21 - Spring Year 1394]
  • kordi.morad An Analysis of the Role of Good Governance in the Quality of Life of Citizens(Case Study: Residents of Mehrshahr Alborz) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]


  • lalehi.samaneh The effect of cultural programs on happiness and increase productivity Municipality(Case study: city of Damghan) [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • lalepour.manijeh Explanation of Relationship between Financial Supply System of Tehran’s Urban Management and Organization of its Physical-Spatial [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • lashgari.ehsan Analysis of the optimal model of how forming councils in the framework of appointive or elective(Case study: City of Yazd) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • letafat.sakineh The Effect of Perception-Justice, Emotional-Intelligence and Social Capital on Intra-Organizational Entrepreneurship of Quds Municipality Employees [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]


  • Mahdavinejad.Mohammadjavad Contemporization of Historical Neighborhoods with the Aim of Urban Spaces Place Making [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Mahdianpoor.Javad Analysis of quantitative and economic indicators of housing and forecasting of population structure, housing prices and houses required till 1410 in Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Mahmoudian Attaabdi.Hamid Evaluation of the Performance of Durable and Safe Houses Affiliated to Tehran Municipality in Order to Promote Community-Oriented Participation of Citizens in Crises [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Majdi.Khojasteh Make the Soundscape Musical in the City's Public Parks(Case Study: Mellat Park-Urmia) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Malak Fazli.Asghar Measuring the satisfaction of the quality of the residential environment from the point of view of the residents of Mehr Housing with emphasis on the physical-visual dimension(case study: Ardabil city) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • maleki.saeed Participation assessment of citizens in environmental and services urban areas Baghmalek [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • maleki.saeed Analysis and ranking of Municipalities tasks in Iran with using TOPSIS model [ Vol.7, Issue 21 - Spring Year 1394]
  • maleki.saeed Presenting an optimum model to locate urban greenbelt using geographical information system (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) model [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • maleki.saeed Assessment the level of citizen's satisfaction from the municipality performance in Urban services field (Case study: city of Ilam) [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Summer Year 1394]
  • Malekshah.Arezoo Identity and Branding Orientations in Tehran's Urban Development Plans [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Mansouri Armaki.Reza Investigating Solutions to Implementing Integrated Urban Management in Tehran [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mansouri.Behruz Examining the Discontinuity and Confusion of Contemporary Iranian Architecture through Cultural, Political and Social Factors (Case Study: Residential Buildings in Areas 1 To 3 of Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Mansouri.Sina Applying the Principles of Islamic-Iranian Culture in Urban Design Contemporary Iranian(Case Study: Tajrish Square in Tehran) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • maskani.mehdi Investigating the effects of the implementation of the electronic city on the optimal urban management with an emphasis on the mediating role of citizens' participation and the moderator of the smart city [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Masoudinejad.Mostafa Cultural Components and Elements Role in the Satisfaction of Residents of Organizational Residential Complexes in Iran ((Case Study: Ahvaz City [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Masoumi.Mohammad Taghi Evaluation of the Environment of Ardabil City from the Perspective of New Urbanism [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • mazaheri.bahareh Application of the Maturity Model of CMMI's Integrated Capability in Urban Management Organizations and Determining the Capability Level of Supply Chain of Product and Services Using the SCAMPI Evaluation Method [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Mehdinejad Darzi,.Jamaledin Investigating the Effect of Residential Complexes Morphology on Thermal Comfort of Open Space [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Mehrara.Asadollah Human Resources Productivity with a Structural Equation Modeling Approach in the Organization [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • MEHRIKOLI.SIMIN Identification of Effective Components on Increasing the Survival Rate of Vulnerable and Elderly Weaved Municipalities in the Event of Natural Disasters (Case Study: Tehran) [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • mehrmohammadi.mahmoud Identifying the Influencing Factors on the Participation of the Family Institution in Educational Cultural Policies in Tehran Metropolis (Study of Regions 2 and 12) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Memarzadeh Tehran.Gholamreza Designing a sustainable development model related to organizational intelligence in line with the general policies of the 6th Development Plan (Study case: Bank Mellat branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Memarzadeh Tehran.Gholamreza Identifying the Constituent Factors of Open Governance with a Sustainable Development Approach in the Municipalities of Tehran Province [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Memarzadeh Tehran.Gholamreza Development of Organizational Intelligence Model Using Foundation Data Analysis (Study Case: Bank Mellat Branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mirabadi.Mostafa Analysis of the disparities between urban areas, based on social, economic and physical Indicators, using Quantitative models and spatial statistics (Case Study: The city of Mahabad) [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • mirasgari.seyed ali Designing a sustainable development model related to organizational intelligence in line with the general policies of the 6th Development Plan (Study case: Bank Mellat branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • mirasgari.seyed ali Development of Organizational Intelligence Model Using Foundation Data Analysis (Study Case: Bank Mellat Branches in Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mirderikoundi.Saba Cultural Components and Elements Role in the Satisfaction of Residents of Organizational Residential Complexes in Iran ((Case Study: Ahvaz City [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • mirmasoudi.seyed pouya Investigating Solutions to Implementing Integrated Urban Management in Tehran [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mirshahi.Hamideh The Model of Capital Attraction Process in the Municipality; Based on a Mixed Study [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mirzapour.Masoud Identifying the Constituent Factors of Open Governance with a Sustainable Development Approach in the Municipalities of Tehran Province [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • moazemi.manoochehr Mental Image Model in Evaluating the Spaces of High-Rise Residential Buildings [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • mobaraki.omid Assessment of Urban Development Strategy Indictors in Zanjan [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • mobaraki.omid Assessing the satisfaction of citizens from urban furniture (Case Study: Marivan City) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • moeini tabatabaei.seyed hamed Examine The impact of the implementation of the model Fast Response Organization (FRO) On the Quality of civil municipal services in Municipality of Tehran(Case study: Municipality region 14 of Tehran) [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Moghadasian Niaki.Negar Interpretation of components affecting the intertwining of place in semi-open architectural space [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • mohamad khani.kamran Identifying Cultural Factors Underlying the Spread of Divorce from the Perspective of Women and Presenting a Management Model to Reduce It (Case study: District 1 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • MOHAMADIYAN.hasan The origin of idealistic thought and utopias in the two cradle of great civilizations in the east and west (Iran and Greece) [ Vol.9, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh.Mostafa Assessment of Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Public Services in Rural District Mosherehat of Ahvaz by Combining MCDM Method in GIS Media [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Mohammdi.Farzad The Explanation of the Effect of BREEAM and lEED Indicators on School's Improvement With Ecological Approach (Case study: Secondary schools of desert provinces of Iran) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • mohseni.reza ali Sociological Study of the Impact of Political Power on Urbanization and Urbanization in the First Pahlavi Period [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Mohseni.Seyed Reza Presentation of a Strategic Model to Implement the Promotional Plan of Social and Cultural Level in 12th Territory of Tehran (Case study: ImamzadehYahya area) [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Mojibi.Touraj The relationship between organizational culture and Organizational capital Features(Case Study: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • mokhberi.maryam Analysis of institutional requirements for realizing communicative planning in Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • monavarian.abbass Identification of Effective Components on Increasing the Survival Rate of Vulnerable and Elderly Weaved Municipalities in the Event of Natural Disasters (Case Study: Tehran) [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • moradi.mehdi Presenting the model of behavior compatible with the urban environment on environmental performance [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • moradimokaram.siavash Experimental Analysis of Non-Formal Costs Imposed on the Municipality of Ajin Due to Non-Allocation of Civil Credits [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • moridin pirdosti.ali Evaluation of the successful criteria of public-private partnership in the development of Shiraz city [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • morsal.باقر Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Pollutants in Sports Floors [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • morsal.باقر Prioritizing factors affecting the establishment and application of green architecture standards in the sports structure of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • morsal.باقر Prioritization of Sport Development Strategies in Shahrood City with Reverse Logistics Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mortazavi.Seyyed Farid An analysis of the assessment place and social impact in the management of social vulnerabilities in the context of Tehran's limit. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Moshiri Asl.Shadi The effect of local management on community development(Case Study: Tehran 2nd District 7 area residents) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Mostafavi.Shamsolmolok Investigating the Aesthetic Components of Pseudo-Dionysius Iin Urban Views [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • motahari.mahya A Comparative Study of Mayor Election Procedures in Iran and Seven European Countries [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • mousavi.Amin Fuzzy Analysis of Success Factors of Urban Management, Indicators of Future Cities [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • movahedizadeh.hamidreza Design of the Meritocracy of the Managers with the Urban Management Approach of Mashhad City [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • mozaffari.mohammad Studying the Relationship between Urban Advertising and Citizenship Awareness [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • mozaffari.mohammad Evaluation of the Performance of Durable and Safe Houses Affiliated to Tehran Municipality in Order to Promote Community-Oriented Participation of Citizens in Crises [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Moztarzadeh.Hamed Measuring the way of using historical social spaces in Shiraz city [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]


  • Nabavi Razavi.Haleh Sadat Assessing and Evaluating the Resilience of the Pphysical-Spatial Structure of Urban Neighborhoods Against Earthquakes(Case Study: Minoodar Neighborhood of Qazvin) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Nabavi Razavi.Haleh Sadat Assessing and Evaluating the Resilience of the Pphysical-Spatial Structure of Urban Neighborhoods Against Earthquakes(Case Study: Minoodar Neighborhood of Qazvin) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • naghdi.asadollah Examine the Citizens' Participation in Rehabilitation and Renew This Neighborhood (Case study: Accounting lecturer Kermanshah streets of old ones) [ Vol.7, Issue 21 - Spring Year 1394]
  • naghshineh.roozbeh The Role of Architectural Fabric in Promoting Public Life in Communal Spaces (Case Study: Baharestan Square) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Najafbagy.Reza The Pathology of Strategic Planning in Local Organizations (Case Study of Kermanshah Provincial Council and Municipalities) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Najafi.Mehrdad The Role of Urban Regeneration in Viability(Case Stady: Javid Zanjan Neighborhood) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • najafi.mohammad Investigating the supply of urban housing in the form of neighborhood-based planning(Case study: Arak city) [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Naqib Hosseini.maryam Provide the Effect of Social Networks on Creating Sports Businesses in Metrocity [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Naseri.Gholamhossein The Explanation of the Effect of BREEAM and lEED Indicators on School's Improvement With Ecological Approach (Case study: Secondary schools of desert provinces of Iran) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • nasiri.gita Combination of land- uses and measurement of its effect on neighborhood- based sustainability (Case study: Velenjak and Darroos neighborhoods- Tehran city) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Nasiri.Ramin Application of the Maturity Model of CMMI's Integrated Capability in Urban Management Organizations and Determining the Capability Level of Supply Chain of Product and Services Using the SCAMPI Evaluation Method [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Nasr Isfahani.Hosein Evaluation of the successful criteria of public-private partnership in the development of Shiraz city [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • nazari.ZAHRA An Analysis of the Distribution of Parks in Ahwaz District in Crisis Management [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • NEDAEIY.SOMAYEH Study of Tehran Nature Bridge and its impact on urban landscape [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Nejad Ebrahimi.Ahad The Emergence of Spatial Phenomenology in Architecture Confronts Cultural studies approach (Case Study: The Historical Bazaar of Tabriz)* [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Nejadabrahimi.Ahad The Role of Context-Oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Nejadabrahimi.Ahad The Role of Context-oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Niazadeh.Gelayol Explaining the influential components in cultural Policy-making with the approach of sustainable urban development (case study: foreign languages) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Nikpiran.Hassan Examining the process of public policy in the field of urban economy based on the naming of years by the Supreme Leader [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • noorllahi.Mojtaba Analyzing the Quality of the Interior Spaces of the Faculty of Architecture with an Emphasis on Thermal Comfort and Cognitive Performance of Students(Case Study: Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • noorllahi.Mojtaba Investigating the Effect of Different Thermal Conditions in Educational Buildings with the Approach of Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Students' Cognitive Performance (A Sample Study of Architecture Students of Ilam Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • nori kermani.ali The Environmental Performance Evaluation of Tehran Municipality Based on the Green City Indicators [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • noruzi.hassan Risk Management Futures Research in Cities with Emphasis on Earthquake Risk Vulnerability [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Nosratpour.Darya Investigating the role of sensory perceptions in the memory of urban squares using Merleau-Ponty ideas(Case study: Tajrish Square) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Nouri Imani.Elham Measuring the satisfaction of the quality of the residential environment from the point of view of the residents of Mehr Housing with emphasis on the physical-visual dimension(case study: Ardabil city) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • nozari.abdolrahman Presenting an optimum model to locate urban greenbelt using geographical information system (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) model [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • nozari.abdolrahman An investigation of the level of satisfaction of New year tourists from utilities, facilities, and recreational services in the town of Shooshtar [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • nozari.maryam The role of Tehran Municipality in promoting the cultural dimention of Islamic lifestyle (case study: region 5of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]


  • pahlevan.Somayeh etermining the Effects of the Components of Visual Structure Quality on the Receptibility of Sociopetal Environments (Research Subject: Isfahan’s Historical Bazaar Saria) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Pakar.Maryam Leveling of Kashan City Areas Based on the Amount of Smart City Indicators [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Panahi.Ali Assessing urban seismic vulnerability(A case study of Ardabil City) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Panahi.Ali Feasibility Study of Resilience Management Principles in Iran Metropolises with Emphasis on Hugo (HFA) Approach (Case study: Tabriz metropolis) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Panahi.Siamak Explaining the Role of Urban Spaces in Improving the Child's Interaction with the Environment with Emphasis on Creativity and Sense of Attachment [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Partovi.Parvin Analysis of institutional requirements for realizing communicative planning in Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Pirkhzraniyan.Somayeh Assessing the satisfaction of citizens from urban furniture (Case Study: Marivan City) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Pourahmad.Ahmad Identify and examine the available capacities and potentials of the land focusing on infilling development (Case study: Sardasht city neighborhoods) [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Pourjavan.Khosrow Explaining the concept of comfort in residential complexes [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • pourmand.Hasanali A Study on Cognitive Maps about Space Perception by the Elderlies (Case study: Kahrizak Nursing Home) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • POURMAND.HASANALI Investigating the role of sensory perceptions in the memory of urban squares using Merleau-Ponty ideas(Case study: Tajrish Square) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Pourmohammadi.Mohammad Reza Spatial Analysis of Factors Influencing the Increase in Housing Prices in Tabriz Using Correlation and Regression Model [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]


  • RABANI.ROMINA Strategic Planning of Urban Branding in Tourism Industry [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Radfar.Reza Fuzzy Analysis of Success Factors of Urban Management, Indicators of Future Cities [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • rafieian.mojtaba The Role of Local Sovereignty in Participatory Planning Process Planning Framework for Local Communities Sustainable Development [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Autumn Year 1388]
  • rafieian.mojtaba A Study of the Factors Affecting the Quality Reduction of the Urban Environment [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Winter Year 1388]
  • rafieian.mojtaba Introduce a method to measure the power of urban space production Actors(Proposing criteria and indicators for measuring the power of actors) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • rafieian.mojtaba Assessing the effective factors on housing price through Hedonic price estimation method (case study of Narmak) [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Winter Year 1390]
  • rafieian.mojtaba To Assess the effectiveness of resulted changes from the municipality proceeding to improve quality of space around Metro Stations (Sadeghiyeh subway station) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • rafieian.mojtaba Measuring the Qualitative Visual Streetscapes Experience of People Using the Customer Experience Management (CEM) Method; Case Study: Karim Khan Zand Street, Shiraz [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • rahimi.ali Organizing Film Festivals and Its Effects in the Field of City and Urbanization [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Rahimi.leila Investigating the Place and Impact of Vernacular Values in Architectural Designing(Case study: Architectural Design 3 from the Undergraduate Course of Architecture in Tabriz Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • rahimi.mahmoud Analysis on effective components in reducing the vulnerability of informal settlements against earthquakes Case study: Farahzad neighborhood Tehran Metropolitan Area 2 [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • rahimi.vahid Design and Fitting the Model for Managing Startup Businesses in Sports with a Smart City Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Rahmani.Hamed Urban Governance: Identifying measures for Urban Management of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • rajabi.azita Analysis of the disparities between urban areas, based on social, economic and physical Indicators, using Quantitative models and spatial statistics (Case Study: The city of Mahabad) [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • rajabi.azita Regional Development Strategy (RDS) as a solution for decentralization (case study: Rasht metropolis) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • rajabi.maryam Analyzing the Relationship between Urban Management and Tourists' Responsibility (Case study of Mashhad City) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ramyar.Reza The Role of Education in Green Infrastructure Plannig and Design Approch [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Winter Year 1394]
  • ranjbarzadeh.somayeh An Analysis of the State of the Pedestrian Roads in Region 12 of Tehran by an Urban Regeneration Approach [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Rashidi.Razieh Measure the Urban Quality of Life in Worn out Tissues Case Study: Aliabad Neighborhood, Khorramabad City [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Rashidi.seyedMansour The Role of Context-Oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Rashidi.seyedMansour The Role of Context-oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • rashtian.mohammad The Effectiveness of Sensory Perception of Place in the Association of Meaning in Reducing the Stress of Home Quarantine of Students [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Rasouli.Seyed Mehdi Developing quality improvement strategies in the construction of urban sidewalks; (Case study of Taleghani pedestrian street in Ilam city( [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • rasoulzadeh.maryam Surveying feasibility of industrial cluster formation associated with urban green space: Case study of Mashhad [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • razaghi harikandehee.hadi Comparing cultural and Artistically needs between citizens who live in South, North and west areas of Tehran [ Vol.4, Issue 9 - Spring Year 1391]
  • razzazan.sahar Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Pollutants in Sports Floors [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • reshadatjoo.hamideh Investigating the effects of the implementation of the electronic city on the optimal urban management with an emphasis on the mediating role of citizens' participation and the moderator of the smart city [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • rezaei.ali Prioritizing factors affecting the establishment and application of green architecture standards in the sports structure of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • rezaei.naimeh Studying the impacts of Olympic Games on housing for low-income groups in host cities(Seoul, Beijing, Atlanta, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro) [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The role of municipalities in promoting urban management, neighborhood-oriented approach [ Vol.6, Issue 17 - Spring Year 1393]
  • rezaii.aliakbar Urban Management in Annexed Village into Urban Area (Case study: Islamshahr and Shatareh) [ Vol.5, Issue 13 - Spring Year 1392]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The role of social capital in social crisis management Iranian metropolis (Case study in Rasht city) [ Vol.3, Issue 6 - Summer Year 1390]
  • rezaii.aliakbar Examination of the impact on the promotion of cultural intelligence municipal managers Case Study (Regional Municipality of Tehran) [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The relationship between social capital and communion in city affairs management and solving Tehran city problems [ Vol.4, Issue 9 - Spring Year 1391]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The Environmental Performance Evaluation of Tehran Municipality Based on the Green City Indicators [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The Role of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Organizational Readiness in Smart City Transformation (Case study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The role of urban management in indicators promotion pertaining to citizen prosperity (Field study on residents in zone 3 on 5th municipal district of Tehran) [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Summer Year 1393]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The Role of Cultural Information Management in Tehran Municipality (Tehran Municipality Cultural and Art Organization) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • rezaii.aliakbar Assessing the Visual-Spatial Quality of the Urban Landscape over Time (Case Study: Region 8, District 1 of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • rezaii.aliakbar The relationship between urban designing and the rate of social security according to citizen’s opinions and on the basis of CPTED model (Case study: Karaj) [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Winter Year 1390]
  • rezvani.alireza Identification and ranking significant factors causing cost overrun in the design and construction process of buildings using the BWM method (Case study: City of Mashhad) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • ROBATI.ABOLFAZL The Relationship of Citizenship Ethics with Citizens' Traffic Behavior(Case study: District 17 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • robati.afshin Development Potential of Green Educational Zones with Emphasis on Sustainable Development (Case Study for District 2 of Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rostami.amin The Impact of Digitalization on Public Sector Audit [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]


  • Sa'edi.Ali Reading City Ratings Law to Empower Level 1 to 7 Municipalities for Sustainable Income (Isfahan Province Study) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Sabbagh.Seyyed Mehdi Regional Development Strategy (RDS) as a solution for decentralization (case study: Rasht metropolis) [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • saberi.hamid Evaluation the Sustainability of Urban transportation Network through Analytical Network Process (ANP)(Case Study: District 21- Tehran) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • saberi.hamid Extension level definition in Ahwaz Urban Areas with Topsis and ANP models [ Vol.9, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1396]
  • saberi.samira Using Similated Annealing Algorithm for Optimizing Multi objective Location-Allocation Problems in GIS Environment (Case Study: Firestations in District 11 of Tehran) [ Vol.5, Issue 16 - Winter Year 1392]
  • Saberifar.Saeid Factors Affecting Citizens' Attitudes toward the Development of Green Roofs(Case Study of Mashhad) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Sadabadi.Ali Asghar Application of Era-Based Cellular Planning for Crisis Management of Earthquake in Tehran with Emphasis on Scenario Planning [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Sadabadi.Ali Asghar Modeling of the Relation between Capability Approach and Community Based Approach Disaster Management [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Sadat.Seyedeh Ashraf Tangible Factors of Living in Happiness on the Mental Dynamics of Inhabitants of Residential Areas [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Sadeghi de cheshmeh.Mehrdad Assessing Tourism Potentials to Recreate the Historical Fabric of the City (Case study: Isfahan( [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Sadeghi.Mehrdad The Relationship between Self-Concept and Decision Making for Selected the Location of a Tourist Fare on the Consumption Style of Domestic Tourists in Isfahan City [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • saeedifard.faranak The study of neighborhood division and rupture In District 1 Tehran municipality [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • saeidi.leila Investigating the status of organizational culture with the approach of participatory culture strategy in Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • saeidi.leila Designing the model of organizational culture based on participatory culture strategy approach in the Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Saeidinejad.Hamidreza The Impact of Agrarian Reforms on Rural Bourgeoisie and Urban Development in Kermanshah And Ilam [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • saeidirad.majid Assessing the level of citizen participation in local management: case study Sanglaj neighborhood [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • saeidnia.ahmad Measuring the satisfaction of the quality of the residential environment from the point of view of the residents of Mehr Housing with emphasis on the physical-visual dimension(case study: Ardabil city) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • safaei.marzieh The Relationship of Trainings Provided in Traffic Park on Professional Citizens Education(Case Study: District 17 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • safaei.razieh A Consideration of relationship between perceived effectiveness of coaches and customers’ satisfaction in Municipality`s Sports Complexes in Tehran [ Vol.6, Issue 17 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Safavi.Bijan The effect of the black economy in the moral sense of security in cities [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Sahami.Susan Evaluation of safety indicators in sports uses located in urban parks (Case study: District 4 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Salatin.Parveneh The effect of urbanism on energy consumption in selected countries [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Explaining the influential components in cultural Policy-making with the approach of sustainable urban development (case study: foreign languages) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Organizing Film Festivals and Its Effects in the Field of City and Urbanization [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza The role of citizenship education in proper water consumption in Tehran (case study of regions 2 and 16) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Development of an Optimal Patern of Spatial identity in New Cities(Case Study of Parand New City) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Identifying Cultural Factors Underlying the Spread of Divorce from the Perspective of Women and Presenting a Management Model to Reduce It (Case study: District 1 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Identifying the Influencing Factors on the Participation of the Family Institution in Educational Cultural Policies in Tehran Metropolis (Study of Regions 2 and 12) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Sociological Study of the Impact of Political Power on Urbanization and Urbanization in the First Pahlavi Period [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • salehi barmi.mona The Environmental Performance Evaluation of Tehran Municipality Based on the Green City Indicators [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Salem Rafush.Ahmad Allocation of Fire Stations by Hybrid Method (Case Study: Mashhad) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Winter Year 1400]
  • salemi.mehdi Evaluation of educational spaces, locating with GIS and AHP elementary (Case study: Karun city) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • salimi.serve Application of Sustainable Development Based Urban Development Strategy Model (Case Study: Marivan City) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • samadzadeh.rasoul Evaluation of the Environment of Ardabil City from the Perspective of New Urbanism [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • samadzadeh.rasoul Assessing urban seismic vulnerability(A case study of Ardabil City) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • samani nezhad.Mohammad javad Leveling of Kashan City Areas Based on the Amount of Smart City Indicators [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Samet.Alireza Problem analysis and presentation of strategies to improve the cultural identity of the youth of Ilam city [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • sarhani.faeghe Ranking of Ahwaz marginal neighborhoods based on indicators of social sustainability of housing using the model ELECTRE [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Sarraf Moayerre.pegah Explain the Effect of Socialization Components of Urban Open Spaces on the Development of Tourism Concept(Case study of Qazvin city) [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • sarvar.rahim Assessment of the Executive Policies of the Government on Providing Housing for Low-income Urban Groups (Case Study: Metropolitan City of Mashhad [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Sarvar.Rahim The evaluation of amount of pardis new city establishment succes in absorbing extra population from tehran capital city [ Vol.4, Issue 9 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Analysis of factors affecting on the performance of municipalities And Measurement Amount of Citizens Satisfaction (Case Study: Yazd Municipality) [ Vol.5, Issue 16 - Winter Year 1392]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Discussion of agents influencing citizens' participations on managing urban affairs (Case Study: Urmia City) [ Vol.4, Issue 11 - Autumn Year 1391]
  • Sarvar.Rahim The Role of Urban Regeneration in Resolving Land Ownership Conflicts in Terms of Citizens (Case Study: Farahzad) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Strategy of Small Municipalities' Income Management Promotion by Emphasizing Budgeting Case Study Shahdieh Municipality [ Vol.3, Issue 5 - Spring Year 1390]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Delphi technique in urban planning and management [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1389]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Ranking The Most Important Indicators and Variables in urban Resilience of The Region 15 of Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Ranking of industrial development in Kurdistan province [ Vol.5, Issue 13 - Spring Year 1392]
  • sayahi.zahra Evaluation of educational spaces, locating with GIS and AHP elementary (Case study: Karun city) [ Vol.8, Issue 28 - Winter Year 1395]
  • sayahi.zahra The revival of urban decay with the approachof development strategy (CDS)(Case study: the central part of the city of Ahwaz) [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Sayyadi.Mohammad Ali Strategic Planning of sustainable Ecotourism in Small Cities Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, SWOT and QSPM Models (Case Study: Masal, Guilan) [ Vol.11, Issue 37 - Spring Year 1398]
  • seyed ali por.seyed khalil Application of Sustainable Development Based Urban Development Strategy Model (Case Study: Marivan City) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • shabani.maryam An Analysis of the Role of Urban Symbols in Identifying Places (Case Study Semnan City) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • shaddel.Roya Analyzing the Relationship between Urban Management and Tourists' Responsibility (Case study of Mashhad City) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Shafati.Elahe Identifying and ranking the factors affecting the pricing of BOT projects for the construction of suburban pedestrian bridges, using Fuzzy Delphi-BWM [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Shafiee.Morteza Evaluation of the Performance of Durable and Safe Houses Affiliated to Tehran Municipality in Order to Promote Community-Oriented Participation of Citizens in Crises [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • shafipour yourdshahi.parya Mental Image Model in Evaluating the Spaces of High-Rise Residential Buildings [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • shafizadeh.hamid Identify and prioritize the factors affecting the survival and sustainability of municipal employees in district 13 in Tehran [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Winter Year 1394]
  • shafizadeh.hamid Investigation of the relationship between quality of work life and job motivation with professional ethics in the employees of the municipality of the 11th region of Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Shaghaghi.Shahriar The Emergence of Spatial Phenomenology in Architecture Confronts Cultural studies approach (Case Study: The Historical Bazaar of Tabriz)* [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Shahabi.Negin Recognizing Dimensions of Using Water in the Traditional Architecture of Iran with an Emphasis on Arid and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Residential Architecture of Yazd City) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • shahedi.bahram The Effectiveness of Environment Quality of Schools on Students' Academic Self-Concept [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • shahini.atena The Role of Architectural Fabric in Promoting Public Life in Communal Spaces (Case Study: Baharestan Square) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • shahmohamadi.zohre Pathology of Staff Training Needs Assessment in Mashhad Municipality Using a Three-Branch Model [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Shahparvari.Mahdieh Examining the Discontinuity and Confusion of Contemporary Iranian Architecture through Cultural, Political and Social Factors (Case Study: Residential Buildings in Areas 1 To 3 of Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • shahraki.fatemeh Predicting the Performance of Employees Based on Organizational Justice and job security Variables (case study: Municipal of Zahedan) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Shakeri Khoee.Ehsan Examining the process of public policy in the field of urban economy based on the naming of years by the Supreme Leader [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Shams.Fatemeh Measuring the Qualitative Visual Streetscapes Experience of People Using the Customer Experience Management (CEM) Method; Case Study: Karim Khan Zand Street, Shiraz [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • shamsipour.mahtab The Effect of Organizational Anomics on Human Resource Productivity by Explaining the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment (Case of Study: Boroujard City Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • shekhi.hojt Facilitation and Flourishing of Local Capacities and Assets (Case Study: Jafarabad Neighborhood) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • shetaban.sahar Examination of the impact on the promotion of cultural intelligence municipal managers Case Study (Regional Municipality of Tehran) [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • sheykhol eslami.alireza The investigation of the importance of urban quality improvement programs with emphasis on tourism development (Case study: Arak city) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • shirvani.alireza Designing an urban management model based on social justice in the municipalities of Isfahan province [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • shoaei.hamidreza Recognizing Dimensions of Using Water in the Traditional Architecture of Iran with an Emphasis on Arid and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Residential Architecture of Yazd City) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • shojaee.fereshteh Investigating the Impact of Market Orientation (Centered) on Business Performance and Urban unit (Integrated) Management [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Shojaei Baghini.Golnar The Model of Capital Attraction Process in the Municipality; Based on a Mixed Study [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • shokoohfar.fahimeh Evaluation the Citizens enjoy of Right to the City(Case study: Qazvin city) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • sobhiyah.mohammad hossein Investigating the Functions of Social Network Analysis in Risk Management with Stakeholder Approach: Tehran Metro Projects [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Soheili.Jamaleddin Explain the Effect of Socialization Components of Urban Open Spaces on the Development of Tourism Concept(Case study of Qazvin city) [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Soleimani.mohmmadreza Analyzing the Quality of the Interior Spaces of the Faculty of Architecture with an Emphasis on Thermal Comfort and Cognitive Performance of Students(Case Study: Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Soleimani.mohmmadreza Investigating the Effect of Different Thermal Conditions in Educational Buildings with the Approach of Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Students' Cognitive Performance (A Sample Study of Architecture Students of Ilam Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Solimani.Taher Problem analysis and presentation of strategies to improve the cultural identity of the youth of Ilam city [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Soltanzadeh.Hossein A Study on Cognitive Maps about Space Perception by the Elderlies (Case study: Kahrizak Nursing Home) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Soltanzadeh.Hossein etermining the Effects of the Components of Visual Structure Quality on the Receptibility of Sociopetal Environments (Research Subject: Isfahan’s Historical Bazaar Saria) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • soufi.maryam Development of an Optimal Patern of Spatial identity in New Cities(Case Study of Parand New City) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Souki.Behzad The Pathology of Strategic Planning in Local Organizations (Case Study of Kermanshah Provincial Council and Municipalities) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]


  • Tabakhan esfahani.Azam Application of Gestalt Theory in Poster Design of Urban Spaces [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Tabassi.Mohsen Identification and ranking significant factors causing cost overrun in the design and construction process of buildings using the BWM method (Case study: City of Mashhad) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Tabibian.manouchehr Analysis of Physical Resilience of Social Housing against Earthquake Using Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Support System (NSFDSS) Technique(Case Study: Zanjan's Mehr Housing) [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Tabibian.manouchehr Analysis of knowledge-based urban development status in three metropolises of Iran by gray relational analysis method (Case study: Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • taghavi.lobat Presenting the model of the effectiveness of environmental and health teachings on the citizenship behavior of athletes in Semnan province [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • taghvai.aliakbar Overview of the Factors and Causes of Inefficiency of the Worn Urban Textures Renovation in Iran; Sample Case: Navab Project [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1388]
  • Taher Tolou Del.Mohammad Sadegh Tangible Factors of Living in Happiness on the Mental Dynamics of Inhabitants of Residential Areas [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Taheri rozbahani.Mohamad Investigating the Impact of Market Orientation (Centered) on Business Performance and Urban unit (Integrated) Management [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Taheri rozbahani.Mohamad The Effect of Organizational Anomics on Human Resource Productivity by Explaining the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment (Case of Study: Boroujard City Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Taheri rozbahani.Mohamad The effect of ethical virtues of marketing on internet marketing and relational marketing in food customers of Kale city of Hamedan [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Taheri rozbahani.Mohamad The effect of innovative behavior on organizational performance by explaining the mediating role of customer relationship management and competitive advantage in the customers of Snowa refrigerator in Arak city. [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Taheri.Ahmad Investigating the Impact of Urban Regeneration on Urban Tourism (Case Study of Isfahan City Three) [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • taherian dehkordi.somayeh Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Promotion of Competence of Training Managers in the Aviation Industry with the ORESTE Technique (Case Study of Aviation Training Centers in Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Talaie.Avideh Explaining the concept of comfort in residential complexes [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • tamimi.gholamreza Strategic planning of development of urban poverty neighbourhoods have(Case study: Tehran district 17) [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Tavakkoli.Mohammad Identifying and Prioritizing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Dimensions of Port Cities and Its Role in Urban Management (Case Study: Khuzestan Port Cities) [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • tayebi.mahdi An Investigation of Relationship between Organizational Structure and Employee Empowerment of Development Management Department of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.9, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1396]
  • tayebisani.seyedmostafa Presenting the model of behavior compatible with the urban environment on environmental performance [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • tayebisani.seyedmostafa Presenting the model of the effectiveness of environmental and health teachings on the citizenship behavior of athletes in Semnan province [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • tayebisani.seyedmostafa Evaluation of safety indicators in sports uses located in urban parks (Case study: District 4 of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Teymoorian.katayoon The Role of Effective Components on the Visual Quality of Environmental Graphics in the Development of Public Spaces (Case Study: District One of Tehran) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Teymoorian.katayoon Assessing the Visual-Spatial Quality of the Urban Landscape over Time (Case Study: Region 8, District 1 of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • toofan.sahar The Role of Context-Oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • toofan.sahar The Role of Context-oriented Management in the Formation of the Historical Landscape of Takht Suleiman [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]


  • Usefian.Melika The role of citizenship education in proper water consumption in Tehran (case study of regions 2 and 16) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Winter Year 1399]


  • vaalizadeh.morteza Designing an urban management model based on social justice in the municipalities of Isfahan province [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • valikhani.mashaallah Designing an urban management model based on social justice in the municipalities of Isfahan province [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Valinavaz.Setareh Investigating the Functions of Social Network Analysis in Risk Management with Stakeholder Approach: Tehran Metro Projects [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • valiyari khiyavi.Farhad Investigating the Place and Impact of Vernacular Values in Architectural Designing(Case study: Architectural Design 3 from the Undergraduate Course of Architecture in Tabriz Universities) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]
  • valizadeh.reza Risk Management Futures Research in Cities with Emphasis on Earthquake Risk Vulnerability [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Valizadeh.ولی‌زاده Feasibility Study of Resilience Management Principles in Iran Metropolises with Emphasis on Hugo (HFA) Approach (Case study: Tabriz metropolis) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Vaziri.Vahid Evaluating the Components Affecting Social bonds in Ardabil Neighborhood Center [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]


  • yarmohamadian.naser Evaluation of the successful criteria of public-private partnership in the development of Shiraz city [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Yavari.Mohammadkazem The investigation of the importance of urban quality improvement programs with emphasis on tourism development (Case study: Arak city) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Yavari.Mohammadkazem Comparison and Evaluation of the Quality of Urban Open Spaces for Leisure )Case study: Arak city( [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • yazdani.ahmadreza The Role of Urban Regeneration with Tourism Approach in Lalehzar St., Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • yazdani.saeid The investigation of the importance of urban quality improvement programs with emphasis on tourism development (Case study: Arak city) [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Yazdi.Kazem The Effectiveness of Environment Quality of Schools on Students' Academic Self-Concept [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • younesi.farinaz Development Potential of Green Educational Zones with Emphasis on Sustainable Development (Case Study for District 2 of Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]
  • younesi.jalil Designing a Model of General and Specific Competencies in the Field of Urban Management (Case Study: Managers of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.15, Issue 53 - Spring Year 1402]


  • zabihi hesari.narjes khatoon Reading City Ratings Law to Empower Level 1 to 7 Municipalities for Sustainable Income (Isfahan Province Study) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • zabihi hesari.narjes khatoon Optimization of Spatial Distribution and Location of Urban Services is a Basic Strategy in Realizing Sustainable Urban Management Using Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)(Case Study: Kalishad And Sudarjan, Isfahan Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Zabihi.Hossein Evaluating and Determining the Role of Darvazeh-Dolat Station Complex With Transit-oriented development (TOD) Approach [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Zabihi.Hossein Position, Dimensions and Realization of Urban Competitiveness in Urban Management [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Summer Year 1397]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane The role of Tehran Municipality in promoting the cultural dimention of Islamic lifestyle (case study: region 5of Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Winter Year 1393]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane The relationship between the “urban spatial structure and permeability” and the rate of social safety according to citizen’s opinions and on the basis of CPTED model (Case study: Karaj) [ Vol.5, Issue 15 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane Fuzzy Analysis of Success Factors of Urban Management, Indicators of Future Cities [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane The relationship between urban designing and the rate of social security according to citizen’s opinions and on the basis of CPTED model (Case study: Karaj) [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Winter Year 1390]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane determine the effectiveness of using the SCADA systems in Water and sewage in crisis management [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Summer Year 1393]
  • zamanie moghaddam.afsane Determination of training components in present situation of Tehran subway [ Vol.5, Issue 13 - Spring Year 1392]
  • zandmoghadam.mohammad reza Valuating the Role of Localization of Elements on the Identification of Urban Furniture in District 5 of Karaj [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • zandmoghadam.mohammad reza A survey of Gologicakl Factotes and Effective on Human Community(Case study: Varzaghan) [ Vol.14, Issue 49 - Spring Year 1401]
  • zandmoghadam.mohammad reza An Analysis of the Distribution of Parks in Ahwaz District in Crisis Management [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Zangisheh.Sajjad Facilitation and Flourishing of Local Capacities and Assets (Case Study: Jafarabad Neighborhood) [ Vol.13, Issue 45 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Zardi.Fatima Investigation the Impacts of Urban Neighborhoods Ecological Index on Increasing the Sustainability of the Cities(Case study: three different urban districts of Mashhad- Iran) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Zarei.Majid Providing of optimal strategies for creating environmental security for children with a focus on Indicators of the desirable urban space for children (Case study: Udlajan neighborhood) [ Vol.10, Issue 33 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Zarghami.Eamail The Role of Education in Green Infrastructure Plannig and Design Approch [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Zendehboudi.Yaser Investigating the geomorphological limits of the physical development of city)Case example: Mahabad city( [ Vol.16, Issue 57 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ziari.Keramatollah Evaluation of Selected housing indexes in city(Case Study: Ahvaz) [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1396]
  • zivyar.parvaneh The Evaluating of the Influence of Industrial Settelment of Shams Abad on the Development of Hasan Abad city [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Spring Year 1399]
  • zivyar.parvaneh An Analysis of the State of the Pedestrian Roads in Region 12 of Tehran by an Urban Regeneration Approach [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Summer Year 1399]
  • zivyar.parvaneh The Role of Urban Regeneration with Tourism Approach in Lalehzar St., Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Ziyae.Babak Identifying and Prioritizing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Dimensions of Port Cities and Its Role in Urban Management (Case Study: Khuzestan Port Cities) [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Summer Year 1398]
  • zolfagharzadeh.mohamad Identifying the Influencing Factors on the Participation of the Family Institution in Educational Cultural Policies in Tehran Metropolis (Study of Regions 2 and 12) [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Summer Year 1401]