The role of Tehran Municipality in promoting the cultural dimention of Islamic lifestyle (case study: region 5of Tehran Municipality)
Subject Areas : Urban Management StudiesMaryam Nozari 1 * , Afsaneh Zamani moghaddam 2 , Fatemeh Ahmadi 3
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Keywords: Islamic lifestyle, Tehran Municipality, Culture, Ethics, leisure,
Abstract :
Introduction and the goal of research: the goal of this research is to determine the role of Tehran municipality in promoting cultural dimension of Islamic lifestyle. Methodology: In cultural dimension, two components of ethics and leisure are raised. In this study, 4 indicators for ethics and 6 indicators for leisure were determined. A 16-item questionnaire was developed which included two parts of the ideal situation and the status quo. Findings: The study findings show that the highest and the lowest mean among the indicators of ethics belong to “increased awareness of people in dealing with superstition” and “increased tendency of young people to marriage”, respectively. In addition, among the indicators of leisure, “strengthening the programs of cultural centers” and “introduction of natural and historical attractions” obtained the highest and the lowest mean, respectively. Conclusion: The results indicate that all items of the questionnaire are involved in the ideal situation of the municipality. On the other hand, statistical analyses show that the municipality has not managed to play a decisive role in the areas related to the status quo.
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