Participation assessment of citizens in environmental and services urban areas Baghmalek
Subject Areas : Urban Management StudiesSaeed Maleki 1 * , Rasol Sarvestan 2
1 - استاد
2 - دانشجو
Keywords: Keywords: participation, satisfaction. Services and the, the city, Baghmalek,
Abstract :
Due to the increase of urban population in the past few decades, if we want to develop cities meet the needs of today and of future generations of the city and the urban environment, we must plan for managing the cities based on informed participation of citizens. One of these areas, citizen participation in urban management system. The aim of this research analysis on the role of citizen participation in municipal services and improving the urban environment, the city is Baghmalek. The present study in terms of nature, development - application and the method of study, cross - sectional survey data collection method. And in the field of library and used. In a field survey of 325 residents of the city Baghmalek in 2016 in the areas of citizen participation with the use of questionnaires, utilities, samples, sampling proportional to size (using the Cochran) were selected and studied. To analyze the data using software Spss and Excel takes place. To test the hypothesis and find research tests Kendall (reflection and Tai Si), December, Spearman, chi-square, Eta coefficient is used. The results show between citizens and their awareness in city affairs, citizen participation, sex and education between citizens, between citizens and municipal services is a significant relationship between age and only Azarh citizen participation in municipal affairs of significant relationship has been established.
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