Investigating the Aesthetic Components of Pseudo-Dionysius Iin Urban Views
Subject Areas : Urban Management StudiesParvaneh Gharib Garkani 1 , Esmaeil Baniardalan, 2 * , Shamsolmoloke Mostafavi 3
1 - Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Art Research, Faculty of Theoretical Sciences and High Art Studies, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Aesthetics, Pseudo-Dionysius, urban views,
Abstract :
Introduction & purpose: Pseudo-Dionysius is one of the influential people in the emergence of the attitude to beauty with a Neoplatonic view and has complemented his speeches. Various artists are able to create a beautiful work by expanding and promoting his speeches. This study has been done to the aim of extracting the mentioned aesthetic components from the point of views of Pseudo-Dionysius and examines them in urban views. Method: Documentary studies in the field of beauty by analysis of Grand Theory and with a variety of coding, try to extract the Dionysius' components of beauty from various texts. The extracted components in the survey research, examine these components in urban views. The statistical population (views of residential houses in the metropolis of Tehran) in the quantitative part includes urban space users, which according to Morgan table, 373 users have been selected and in the qualitative part, targeted studies are performed based on optimal sampling. The research is a qualitative-quantitative combination in which the component is first extracted by Atlasti software and then it is examined by a questionnaire for the factor share of each component in Spss software. Findings: Studies show that harmony, proportion, color equality, geometric shapes, comprehensibility all have a coefficient of determination (1.000) and were the first variables that entered the model and have the greatest relationship with the beauty of urban views. The multiplicity and abundance, with value (0.383), was also the last variable that entered the model and has the least relationship with the beauty of urban views. Conclusion: In this study, the laws that form the basis and main core of proportions can be extracted from the writings of the Pseudo-Dionysius and examined in the case of urban views. It turned out that space audiences did not find beautiful for shapes and volumes that they could not understand or could not find a formal connection between its volumes. Being understandable to the extent that it can form a schema in the minds of the audience has a decisive role in creating the beauty of a work. Also, some solutions are suggested for the beauty productivity in urban views.
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