The effect of the black economy in the moral sense of security in cities
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
Shervin Haddad
Bijan safavi
Hamidreza adabi
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Keywords: Black economy, Moral sense of security, Cities, Shadow economy, Informal economy,
Abstract :
Introduction and Objective: Black economy is considered as a set of activities and economic exchanges, which may be legal or illegal, but cannot be measured and reported. So far, several studies have estimated the size of black economy in the world and Iran, Which represent the increase in black economy in many countries and especially in Iran. But no researches that explain the impact of black economic on the sense of security for the citizens were found. Due to the increase in size of the black economy it is imperative that these effects on people's sense of security must be measured and also for the citizens live in cities and black economy also generally occurs in cities. Method: Statistical population have been selected all the citizens of fifth district of Tehran, which it’s volume equals 793750. And the sample size was calculated based on the Cochran formula equals 383.97 (400 questionnaire speeded out). For this study questionnaire was developed after extensive literature studies. Creator variables of sense of security were divided to 5 variables: moral security, emotional security, health security, Criminal and financial security. And for moral sense of security, this research has conducted. After the data collection, questionnaire showed satisfactory in reliability and validity. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (including frequency, percentage and average data) and inferential statistics were used. For inferential statistics after Kolmogorov-Smirnov test normality of the data has showed so one-sample t test was used. Notably, all of the analyses were conducted in SPSS. Results: the results showed that black economy would not be desirable for moral sense of security in cities. The results of the study can be viewed as a warning sign especially for urban practitioners that immediate plans should be implemented to decrease the size of black economy as soon as possible. Conclusion: Therefore, suggestions for reducing the size of the black economy in this research were presented.
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