Development of an Optimal Patern of Spatial identity in New Cities(Case Study of Parand New City)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
maryam soufi
ebrahim hajiani
seyed reza salehi amiri
1 - Cultural Affairs Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ministry of Science, Research and Technology,tehran,iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Management and Planning, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran-
Keywords: Location identity, The crisis of identity, place, New city, Parand,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose of the research : Location identity affects the quality of human-location relationship and individual identity. One of the plausible reasons for the failure of the new cities is their lack of identity. The crisis of identity will have unpleasant consequences. The purpose of this investigation is recognition of a desirable spatial identification pattern in the newly established city of Parandresearch method :For the purpose, the qualitative method has been basically employed and the quantitative method (using numbers and figures as descriptive to complete the qualitative information) has been also used. Studying the three components of spatial identificationResearch findings: Research has found that Parand enjoys an appropriate status in terms of the natural identity components however the city suffers from an incompatibility and heterogeneity in terms of the artificial and social identity makers and this has contributed to absence of common culture and the lack of communication with the urban environment and finally crisis of identity.Conclusion :Therefore, it is suggested to adopt a participatory and bottom-up approach and appropriate social and cultural management for expanding the social and cultural capital indicators that create common culture and communication with the urban environment
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