Explanation on alignment of municipality’s construction projects with the citizens’ need (Case study: District 3, region 5 of Tehran municipality)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
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Keywords: Project, citizen, Municipality, partnership, Satisfaction,
Abstract :
The main objective of this research is to illustrate the alignment of the city’s construction projects with the citizens’ need in order to provide feedback about municipality’s performance in securing the welfare of the citizens and improving the quality of urban life. In this research, based on a survey study, the participation and satisfaction of the citizens from construction projects performed by the municipality have been studied by a questionnaire. During this research, 127 citizens representing 46940 families residing in district 3, region 5 of Tehran municipality, were randomly selected by the use of Cochran’s sampling formula. According to the results, the amount of citizens’ awareness about the construction projects is at a high level. Also the significance of construction projects such as “surface runoff drainage”, “street construction", "construction of a sport complex” and so on in responders’ view is more than dealing with projects such as “construction of a retaining wall in the region’s passages” and “construction of quarters' center”. However, the citizens’ satisfaction about the performance of the municipality in implementing the construction projects is at a high level. Also from the citizens’ point of view, the mass media is a good vehicle for notification about the municipality construction projects. And the quarters' center plays a minor role in this context. In this regard, enhancing the tools of the communicating systems 137 and 1888 by the municipality is of high significance. In sum, based on these results, the amount of satisfaction, awareness and partnership of the citizens in municipality construction activities is at a high level and it can be concluded that the municipality construction projects are highly in alignment with citizens’ need.
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