Analytical Evaluation of the Gap between Current State of Succession Planning System and the Expected one in Municipality of Mashhad
Subject Areas : Urban Management StudiesOmid Ali Kharazmi 1 , Fateme Beigi Nasrabadi 2 * , Leila Johari 3
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Keywords: Succession Planning, Gap Analy, Current State, Desired Situati,
Abstract :
Purpose: Succession planning is a process to ensure sustaining and developing intellectual and knowledge capital for the future and encourage people for promotion. This research aims to evaluate the current state of succession planning system and compare it with the expected situation in the municipality of Mashhad and analysis of the gap between them. Research method: The research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In the quantitative method, Research population was all employees in central Municipality of Mashhad. A total of 278 questionnaires were distributed randomly among them. Paired sample T-test is used in order to examine the gap between the current states and desired one. In the qualitative method, the saturated theory was applied and 6 people including managers and experts related to HRM department were interviewed. Findings: Results of the mean comparison tests showed that there is a gap between the scores of the current situation and the expected one, and results of the interviews confirmed this finding. The main reasons for the gap could be listed as: "The lack of senior management commitment", "Running challenges due to the large size of organization", "Failure to adhere to managerial principles and intensification of administrative bureaucracy", "Applying personal taste and preference of relation over regulations", "Manager fear of losing position and power", "Unwillingness of coordination of other departments with HRM department". Conclusion: The results of the quantitative research show the current status of succession planning in Mashhad municipality is poor and the gap between the current situation and the ideal situation is confirmed. Qualitative research confirms the results of quantitative research and finds the causes which are approved by theoretical principles of succession planning.
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