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    Iranian Journal of Optimization ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal


    IJO follows a stringent peer review policy. Each article is first evaluated by the editor-in-chief for the originality and scientific rigor of its research. If it passes this first test, the editor-in-chief assigns at least two peer reviewers, to determine whether it meets the rigorous scientific standards, whether it requires revisions, or whether it should be rejected. Only original material that meets IJO editorial standards will be published.


    Respected Ph.D. students of Islamic Azad University,
    It is worth noting that according to circular number 10/79534 dated 1398 / 12 / 7, publishing in IJO with rank “A”, leads to a score of 2. In this sense, all Ph.D. students can submit and publish their papers in IJO to achieve this score.
    Editorial office of IJO.


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    Iranian Journal of optimization

    Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch

    Pol-e-Taleshan, Rasht, Iran 

    Postal Code: 4147654919

    Telfax: +98 (13)33424069





    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 15
    Number of Issues 37
    Printed Articles 208
    Number of Authors 520
    Article Views 63733
    Article Downloads 8962
    Number of Submitted Articles 333
    Number of Rejected Articles 97
    Number of Accepted Articles 221
    Acceptance 59 %
    Time to Accept(day) 221
    Reviewer Count 12
    Last Update 1403/09/03