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    Aims and Scope 

    Journal of “Iranian Journal of optimization” (ISSN: 2008-5427) has been earmarked for publishing innovative and original papers in all fields related to optimization. This journal publishes original papers with high quality which contribute to the methodology of numerical analysis and operational research. Applied articles from different aspects of numerical analysis, mathematical problems in engineering and operations research are of major importance for this journal. Creativity should be demonstrated by providing novelty insights which leads to successful implementation to a problem.

     Subjects relate to numerical analysis, operational research in mathematics, engineering and their application in various sciences along with OR techniques will be published in this journal. Papers which do not contain a fundamental new research finding or fiction approach to the application of optimization will be rejected the same is true for those paper in poor English.

    By Submitting an article the authors imply that the work described has not been published previously and also it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    This journal will be an excellent source for mathematicians, industrial engineers, management engineering, computer engineering, statisticians, technological and scientific specialists, all of the specialists in efficiency and productivity evaluation and other relevant Scientifics. 

    This journal shows greater flexibility in publishing papers with variety of subjects. Moreover, it has been attempted that the procedure of registration, reviewing and publication accomplished in the possible short period of time along with the exact precision in all steps. Furthermore, it is much more selective due to the growing inflow of submissions and limited volume.  

    This journal will publish papers with the following subjects:

    System Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Operation Research and its applications, Mathematical Engineering, Continuous Optimization, Discrete Optimization, Linear and Nonlinear programming, Stochastics Problems, Meta-heuristics and evolutionary algorithm Models related to optimization and Applications in Industry and banking and other discipline.




    Publisher: Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch


    Professor Alireza Amirteimori