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    Publication Frequency from 2015 onwards

    Two issues per year


    How to send your manuscript to us

    Manuscripts should be uploaded by one of the authors online via our OMSTS (Online Manuscript Submission and Tracking System). The manuscript is then assessed for its suitability for publication in accordance with the peer review principle. During the entire assessment process the author in question who has submitted the manuscript remains in contact with us. If you have any technical problems uploading, contact our service team through ijo@iaurasht.ac.ir


    Requirements and conditions

    The submitting author must be authorized by co-authors to act on their behalf to submit the manuscript.

    The submitting author confirms that

    • All listed authors have contributed significantly to the submitted manuscript.
    • All authors who have contributed significantly to the submited manuscript are listed.
    • The order of authors listed in the submitted manuscript has been approved by all authors.
    • The submitted manuscript has been read and approved by all authors.
    • The submitted manuscript does not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party.
    • There are no conflicts of interest associated with the submitted manuscript and the results of the submitted manuscript have not been influenced by any financial support.
    • All financial sponsors and their roles for the submitted manuscript appear on the submitted manuscript.

    The submitted manuscript should conform to academic standards. The authors affirm that the submitted manuscript has not been published hitherto and is not currently undergoing assessment at any other publisher. The submitting author affirms that all the authors involved with the manuscript have agreed to its publication. The authors give their consent in principle to possible amendments to the manuscript to improve its legibility. 


    Language editing

    If English is not your first language, make sure that your manuscript is edited by a professional language editor before submission. This will help editors and reviewers to assess the scientific quality of your manuscript.


    Manuscript Publishing Charges

    This journal does not have any piblishing charge, and all materials are free of charge and will be paid by publisher, Islamic Azad University, Rasht branch.


    Peer Review

    All manuscripts are assessed in accordance with the peer review principle. An editor will assess a submitted manuscript initially for its suitability in general terms. If a manuscript is evaluated as suitable, it is forwarded to two or more peer reviewers. The editor cannot designate himself as a peer reviewer. After assessing the content, the peer reviewers cast a vote as to whether 
    a) The manuscript should be published in its submitted form, 
    b) Returned to the author for revision or 
    c) Permanently rejected. 
    In the peer review process the peer reviewers' identities remain hidden from the author of the manuscript but the authors' identities are not hidden from the peer reviewers. 

    The manuscript should contain the following information

    Title of the work and information about the authors (full names, academic affiliation and email addresses of the authors)


    Summary or Abstract

    The manuscript should include a brief summary of the subject matter as an abstract with a maximum length of 150 words. It should not contain quotes. 


    The introduction should be brief and not contain any subheadings.


    Acknowledgements are placed at the end of the work but before the references. 


    The authors guarantee that the information in the bibliography is complete and correct. The bibliography is sequentially numbered and quotes in the text should be marked with the appropriate number in square brackets. 

    Presentation of charts

    Charts should appear within the main section of the manuscript and have a descriptive title. Measurements should be specified in the column heading. 

    Source Files

    The source files (LATEX or Word and PDF) must be uploaded within the submission process.
    If you submit your source file as a Word document, the FULL TEXT of your paper will be published as PDF only. If you submit LATEX, the FULL TEXT of your paper will be published as HTML and PDF.



    Open Access authors retain the copyright to their manuscripts and the publication of Open Access articles is subject to the conditions of the Creative Commons licence, which means an article may be used, disseminated and reproduced in any medium as long as it is correctly cited and the author's name is stated. Despite the possible use of generally descriptive names and copyright-protected names in this publication they continue to be protected by the appropriate statutory regulations.