• فهرس المقالات Rangeland

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - تعیین عوامل موثر بر میزان مشارکت بهره‌برداران در اجرای طرح‌های مرتعداری در کجور شهرستان نوشهر
        جلال محمودی عباس محمودی شعبانعلی غلامی
        هدف اصلی در این پژوهش تعیین نقش عوامل اقتصادی و اجتماعی موثر بر میزان مشارکت دامداران در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری کجور شهرستان نوشهر بود.روش تحقیق، پیمایشی- میدانی بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 54 نفر از دامداران و مرتعداران در مراتع حمزه‌چال، لمنسفلی و علیا منطقه کجور بود که بر أکثر
        هدف اصلی در این پژوهش تعیین نقش عوامل اقتصادی و اجتماعی موثر بر میزان مشارکت دامداران در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری کجور شهرستان نوشهر بود.روش تحقیق، پیمایشی- میدانی بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 54 نفر از دامداران و مرتعداران در مراتع حمزه‌چال، لمنسفلی و علیا منطقه کجور بود که براساس فرمول کوکران حجم نمونه 45 نفر تعیین و از این تعداد، 28 نفر در امر پژوهش همکاری نمودند. با روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی ساده نمونه‌ها انتخاب واطلاعات لازم از طریق پرسش‌نامه جمع‌آوری گردید. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها به کمک نرم‌افزار SPSSv19 با استفاده از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، اسپیرمن و درنهایت رگرسیون چندمتغیره صورت پذیرفت. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که میزان مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری در حد زیادی بوده است، اما بین سن پاسخگویان، میزان تحصیلات آنان با میزان مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری همبستگی معنی‌داری مشاهده نشد. همچنین بین میزان درآمد و مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داریرابطه مثبت و معنی‌داری با احتمال بیش از 95 درصد و بین میزان اعتماد به وعده‌های دولت و مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری رابطه معنی‌داری مشاهده گردید.تحلیل رگرسیون نشانگر آن بود که متغیر میزان آگاهی از طرح‌های مرتع‌داری سهم بیشتری در پیش‌بینی متغیر میزان مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری در مقایسه با سایر متغیرها داشته است. همچنین برگزاری کلاس‌های آموزشی- ترویجی باعث افزایش انگیزه مشارکت و نیز ایجاد مسایل و مشکلات از سوی کارشناسان ومدیران برای طرح‌های مرتع‌داری سبب کاهش میزان مشارکت در طرح‌های مرتع‌داری گردیده است. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، افزایش میزان آگاهی دامداران، بالا بردن میزان اعتماد به دولت، کاهش مشکلات و معضلات و افزایش درآمد دامداران را میتوان به عنوان راهکار پیشنهاد نمود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - شناسایی پیامدها و پیشایندهای مشارکت مرتع داران در اجرای طرح های مرتع داری استان گیلان
        مهناز میرآخورلی سیداکبر جوادی حسین ارزانی
        یکی از مهمترین چالش های زیست محیطی دو دهه گذشته از بین رفتن مراتع کشور است. مراتع از آنجایی قابل اهمیت هستند که بخش مهمی از منابع تجدیدشونده را تشکیل می دهند و هنوز زندگی شمار قابل توجهی از انسان ها و حیوانات به آن وابسته است. از این رو هدف این پژوهش شناسایی پیامدها و پ أکثر
        یکی از مهمترین چالش های زیست محیطی دو دهه گذشته از بین رفتن مراتع کشور است. مراتع از آنجایی قابل اهمیت هستند که بخش مهمی از منابع تجدیدشونده را تشکیل می دهند و هنوز زندگی شمار قابل توجهی از انسان ها و حیوانات به آن وابسته است. از این رو هدف این پژوهش شناسایی پیامدها و پیش آیندهای مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری استان گیلان است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش مرتعداران استان گیلان هستند. تعداد کل مراتع استان گیلان که دارای طرح های مرتعداری بودند برابر با 186 مرتع است و تعداد 335 نفر از مرتعداران به عنوان پاسخ دهندگان به پرسشنامه به صورت تصادفی از بین مجریان طرح های مرتعداری در این مناطق انتخاب شدند. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها در این تحقیق پرسشنامه بود و برای بررسی فرضیه های پژوهش از تحلیل عاملی تاییدی و مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد حداقل مربعات جزیی استفاده شد. نتایج حاکی از تاثیر مثبت و معنی دار عوامل اقتصادی، اجتماعی، روان شناختی، نگرشی و آموزشی- ترویجی بر مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری بود. همچنین مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری بر سلامت مراتع، افزایش تولیدات دامی و رضایت مندی بهره برداران تاثیر مثبت دارد. نتایج بررسی نشان داد که تعادل دام و مرتع یکی از مهمترین عوامل تخریب مراتع گیلان می باشد و مادامی که این مساله برطرف نگردد، تمامی تلاش ها و اقدامات برای مدیریت، اصلاح و احیای مراتع بی فایده و یا بسیار کم اثر است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - مقایسه مدل های شبکه عصبی مصنوعی و رگرسیون چند متغیره در پیش بینی درصد پوشش درمنه کوهی از روی برخی خصوصیات خاک
        منصوره کارگر زینب جعفریان
        مدیریت دقیق زیستبومهای خاکی برای اهداف مختلف مستلزم شناخت دقیق و کمی خصوصیات و فرآیندهای آنهـا بـه خصـوص در بخـش خـاک است. هدف تحقیق حاضر با توجه به تاثیر خصوصیات خاک بر پوشش گیاهی پیشبینی درصد پوشش گونه درمنه کوهی از طریق برخی خصوصیات خاک است. نمونهبرداری به روش تصادفی أکثر
        مدیریت دقیق زیستبومهای خاکی برای اهداف مختلف مستلزم شناخت دقیق و کمی خصوصیات و فرآیندهای آنهـا بـه خصـوص در بخـش خـاک است. هدف تحقیق حاضر با توجه به تاثیر خصوصیات خاک بر پوشش گیاهی پیشبینی درصد پوشش گونه درمنه کوهی از طریق برخی خصوصیات خاک است. نمونهبرداری به روش تصادفی سیستماتیک و با استقرار 5 ترانسکت 100 متری و 10 پلات 4 مترمربعی به فاصله 10 متر از هم روی هـر ترانسـکت انجام شد. درصد تاج پوشش درمنه کوهی در هر پلات اندازهگیری شده و نمونه خاک از عمق -0 15 سانیمتری گرفته شـد . در مجمـوع 50 نمونـه خـاک جمعآوری شده و مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. کربن آلی، آهک، نیتروژن کل، اسیدیته همراه با درصد رطوبت، درصد رس، درصد سیلت و درصـد شـن خـاک اندازهگیری شدند. تمام دادهها به دو سری شامل سری آزمایش متشکل از 70 درصد دادهها برای انجام تجزیـه و تحلیـل و سـری ارزیـابی متشـکل از 30 درصد دادهها برای ارزیابی مدلهای ساخته شده تقسیم گردید. نتایج نشان داد که رطوبت خاک، درصد سیلت و درصد شـن خـاک بـه عنـوان مهـم تـرین خصوصیات خاک پیشبینی کننده در درصد تاج پوشش درمنه کوهی در منطقه مورد مطالعه میباشند. هم چنین نتایج ارزیابی مدلها نشـان داد کـه مـدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی RMSE و ME به ترتیب برابر و 0/06 0/25 در مقایسه با مدل رگرسیون خطی چند متغیره با RMSE و ME بـه ترتیـب برابـر و 0/12 0/43 بهتر عمل کرده است. با توجه به RMSE و ME پایینتر مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی نسبت به مدل رگرسیون از عملکرد بهتری برخوردار بوده که دلیل این امر در نظر گرفتن روابط غیرخطی بین پدیدهها در روش شبکه عصبی مصنوعی میباشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - پهنه‌بندی پراکنش مکانی نوعی آویشن (Thymus kotschianus)و بوماران Achilla millefolium) )با استفاده از شبکه عصبی مصنوعی (مطالعه موردی: مراتع دونا استان مازندران)
        زینب بحرینی زینب جعفریان مریم شکری
        زمینه و هدف: هدف از این پژوهش، استفاده از مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی در تهیه نقشه پراکنش مکانی گونه های نوعی آویشن وبو مادران در مراتع دونا استان مازندران است. روش بررسی: نمونه برداری از پوشش گیاهی به روش طبقه بندی تصادفی در 29 واحد همگن انجام شد. در هر واحد همگن، 3 نمون أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: هدف از این پژوهش، استفاده از مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی در تهیه نقشه پراکنش مکانی گونه های نوعی آویشن وبو مادران در مراتع دونا استان مازندران است. روش بررسی: نمونه برداری از پوشش گیاهی به روش طبقه بندی تصادفی در 29 واحد همگن انجام شد. در هر واحد همگن، 3 نمونه خاک نیز از عمق 30-0 سانتی متری برداشت شدند. در پژوهش حاضر، از 20 عامل محیطی به عنوان متغیر مستقل و داده های مربوط به حضور گونه های گیاهی مطالعه شده به عنوان متغیر وابسته استفاده گردید. برای تهیة نقشه پیش بینی مکانی گونه ها، اطلاعات محیطی در GIS تبدیل به نقشه شده و با استفاده از روش نسبت فراوانی هر کدام از آن ها کلاسه بندی شدند. در این پژوهش از شبکه پرسپترون چند لایه، متداول ترین شبکه های عصبی مصنوعی پیش خور، استفاده گردید. ساختار بهینه شبکه عصبی مصنوعی، 1، 20، 20 تعیین شد. خروجی به دست آمده از شبکه در نرم افزار GIS تبدیل به نقشه های پهنه بندی گونه های گیاهی با 4 پهنه عدم حضور، حضور کم، حضور متوسط و حضور زیاد شد. ارزیابی مدل به دو روش منحنی ROC و ضریب کاپا انجام شد. یافته ها:با استفاده از روش منحنیROC، مقدار AUC برای گونه بومادران برابر 8/96، و برای گونه نوعی آویشن برابر 7/84 شد که نشان دهندة ارزیابی عالی و خیلی خوب مدل در پیش بینی است. بحث ونتیجه گیری: ارزیابی به روش ضریب کاپا نشان داد که این ضریب برای گونه بومادران، و گونه نوعی آویشن، به ترتیب برابر 89/0 و 76/0 بود که نشان دهندة ارزیابی بسیار خوب و خوب مدل است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - تهیه نقشه قابلیت مرتع داری اراضی با استفاده از روش های ارزیابی چند معیاره با ریسک و جبران متفاوت (مطالعه موردی: زیر حوضه پلاسجان)
        وحید راهداری علیرضا سفیانیان سعید پورمنافی حمید قیومی محمدی سعیده ملکی
        زمینه و هدف: مراتع، اکوسیستم مهم با کارکردهای متنوع در سرزمین هستند که در معرض تخریب قرار دارند. هدف از این تحیق، ارزیابی و تعیین مناطق با قابلیت، برای انجام فعالیت های مرتع داری زیر حوضه آبخیز پلاسجان می باشد. روش تحقیق: با انجام مرور منابع و به روش دلفی، معیارها، زیر أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: مراتع، اکوسیستم مهم با کارکردهای متنوع در سرزمین هستند که در معرض تخریب قرار دارند. هدف از این تحیق، ارزیابی و تعیین مناطق با قابلیت، برای انجام فعالیت های مرتع داری زیر حوضه آبخیز پلاسجان می باشد. روش تحقیق: با انجام مرور منابع و به روش دلفی، معیارها، زیر معیارها و محدودیت های مطالعه، تعیین گردید. وزن معیارها به روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) محاسبه و نقشه لایه ها با استفاده توابع متناسب فازی، استاندارد شدند. قابلیت مرتع داری منطقه با استفاده از ارزیابی چند معیاره (MCE) و با مدل های ترکیب خطی وزن دار (WLC) و میانگین گیری وزن دار مرتب شده (OWA) با ریسک و قابلیت جبران متوسط مشخص گردید. یافته ها: نقشه قابلیت مرتع داری اراضی در شش طبقه با قابلیت خیلی زیاد تا بدون قابلیت تهیه شد. در نقشه تهیه شده با استفاده از مدلWLC، 69249 و در مدل OWA، 54589 هکتار به مناطق با قابلیت خیلی زیاد مرتع داری تخصیص داده شد. مراتع کم تراکم در مدل WLC و OWA با 22981 و 19187 هکتار در طبقه با قابلیت خیلی زیاد، بیش ترین پتانسیل برای انجام فعالیت های مرتع داری موثر را دارند. بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد مدل WLC به دلیل مقدار جبران بیش تر در مقایسه با مدل تعریف شده OWA سطح بیش تری از منطقه را به طبقات قابلیت زیاد و خیلی زیاد اختصاص داده است که با کارکرد اصلی برای ذخیره آب و دامداری، سازگار است. این تحقیق اهمیت معیارهایی مانند خصوصیات گیاهان مرتعی، شکل زمین و خاک را برای تعیین مناطق با قابلیت مرتع داری را نشان داد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - تغییرات گروه‌های عملکردی گیاهان در اثر آتش‌سوزی در مراتع نیمه استپی استان چهارمحال و بختیاری
        الهام بنی هاشمی علی اصغر نقی پوربرج
        زمینه و هدف: درک چگونگی پاسخ گیاهان به آتش‌سوزی برای پیش‌بینی ویژگی‌ها و پراکنش بسیاری از زیست بوم‌ها ضروری است. هدف این تحقیق شناسایی، طبقه‌بندی و تجزیه و تحلیل صفات عملکردی گیاهان است که بتوانند به عنوان وسیله‌ای برای شناسایی تغییرات جوامع گیاهی در اثر آتش‌سوزی در فوا أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: درک چگونگی پاسخ گیاهان به آتش‌سوزی برای پیش‌بینی ویژگی‌ها و پراکنش بسیاری از زیست بوم‌ها ضروری است. هدف این تحقیق شناسایی، طبقه‌بندی و تجزیه و تحلیل صفات عملکردی گیاهان است که بتوانند به عنوان وسیله‌ای برای شناسایی تغییرات جوامع گیاهی در اثر آتش‌سوزی در فواصل زمانی مختلف مورد استفاده قرار گیرند. روش بررسی: مطالعه حاضر در منطقه کرسنک در شهرستان بن و در استان چهارمحال و بختیاری انجام یافته است. تعداد 6 سایت با سابقه آتش‌سوزی یک‌ساله و پنج ساله انتخاب و نمونه‌برداری به روش تصادفی طبقه بندی شده انجام یافت. در هر پلات پس از شناسایی گونه‌های موجود، درصد پوشش هریک از گونه‌ها تخمین زده شد و صفات گیاهی اندازه‌گیری شدند. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که صفات گیاهی همچون ارتفاع گیاه، تولید، شاخص سطح برگ SLA، مساحت و وزن خشک برگ، درصد ترکیب گونه‌های گندمی، علفی و بوته‌ای، درصد ترکیب گیاهان با خوشخوراکی کلاس II و III، درصد ترکیب گونه‌های با اشکال زیستی همی‌کریپتوفیت و کامفیت در دو منطقه آتش‌سوزی و شاهد اختلاف معنی‌داری داشتند (05/0Sig ≤). طبق نتایج تحلیل مولفه های اصلی، تأثیرپذیرترین صفات به ترتیب عبارت از شاخص سطح برگ SLA، خوشخوراکی کلاس II، طول برگ، درصد ترکیب همی‌کریپتوفیت، درصد ترکیب پهن‌برگان علفی و مساحت برگ بودند که ارتباط مستقیمی با آتش‌سوزی پنج‌ساله و آتش‌سوزی یک‌ساله داشتند. بحث و نتیجه گیری: بنابراین می‌توان نتیجه‌گیری نمود که صفات گیاهی نقش مهمی در تعیین پاسخ گونه‌های گیاهی به آشفتگی‌های محیطی دارند و از این رو می‌توانند بر سیر توالی ثانویه مرتع نیمه استپی پس از آتش‌سوزی تأثیرگذار باشند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - اثرتبدیل اراضی مرتعی به اراضی کشاورزی بربرخی ویژگی های شیمیایی و فیزیکی خاک (مطالعه موردی:روستای گنبد شهرستان همدان)
        داوود اخضری سجاد احمدی
        چکیده زمینه و هدف: تخریب اراضی ناشی از تغییر کاربری در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک، کاربری پایدار اراضی را با تهدید جدی مواجه کرده است. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی اثر تغییر کاربری اراضی مرتعی به کشاورزی بر روی خصوصیات فیزیکی-شیمیایی خاک در منطقه گنبد همدان انجام شد. روش بررسی: أکثر
        چکیده زمینه و هدف: تخریب اراضی ناشی از تغییر کاربری در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک، کاربری پایدار اراضی را با تهدید جدی مواجه کرده است. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی اثر تغییر کاربری اراضی مرتعی به کشاورزی بر روی خصوصیات فیزیکی-شیمیایی خاک در منطقه گنبد همدان انجام شد. روش بررسی: با توجه به نوع تغییر کاربری اراضی از هر کاربری 6 نمونه خاک از لایه سطحی خاک تهیه شد. پس از برداشت نمونه های خاک و آماده سازی نمونه ها، برخی خصوصیات فیزیکی-شیمیایی خاک شامل اسیدیته، هدایت الکتریکی، سیلت، رس، شن، ازت، پتاسیم، سدیم، ماده آلی، کلسیم و منیزیم اندازه گیری شدند. در این تحقیق، بافت خاک به روش هیدرومتری بایکاس، اسیدیته و هدایت الکتریکی به ترتیب با دستگاه های pH متر و EC متر، ماده آلی به روش والکلی- بلک، کلسیم و منیزیم به روش تیتراسیون، سدیم و پتاسیم با استفاده از فلم فوتومتر و ازت به روش کجلدال اندازه گیری شدند. یافته ها: پس از انجام تجزیه و تحلیل های آماری مشخص شد که تغییر کاربری اراضی مرتعی به کشاورزی موجب کاهش معنی دار اسیدیته و پتاسیم در سطح 5 درصد و ماده آلی در سطح 1 درصد شده است. مقدار میانگین ازت در کاربری کشاورزی 18/0 درصد و در کاربری مرتعی 09/0 درصد می باشد (01/0p<). در مقادیر اجزای بافت خاک، هدایت الکتریکی، سدیم و کلسیم و منیزیم با تغییر کاربری اراضی اختلاف معنی داری مشاهده نشد. البته مقادیر سیلت، سدیم، کلسیم و منیزیم در کاربری مرتعی بیش‌تر از کاربری اراضی مرتعی تبدیل شده به کشاورزی می باشد. بحث و نتیجه گیری: تغییر کاربری اراضی سبب ایجاد تغییر در خصوصیات شیمیایی و فیزیکی خاک می گردد. یکی از تغییرات ایجاد شده، فرسایش انتخابی خاک و تغییر بافت خاک بوده است. لذا ضرورت توجه و اهمیت بیش‌تر در تغییر کابری و تدوین برنامه های مدیریتی کاربری اراضی و اصلاح کاربری با توجه به قابلیت های منطقه مورد مطالعه احساس می گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - تاثیر شدت‏های مختلف چرایی بر تنوع و ترکیب پوشش گیاهی مراتع نیمه خشک (مطالعه موردی: مراتع محمد‏آباد، جیرفت)
        احسان کمالی مسکونی بهزاد عادلی ایرج امیری
        ز زمینه و هدف: آگاهی از فشارهای محیطی مخرب بر اکوسیستم که باعث تخریب زیستگاه ها و بیوم ها و در نتیجه کاهش تنوع گونه ای می گردد، ضروری است. یکی از فشارهای مخرب فیزیکی بر عرصه مرتع که باعث کاهش تنوع و از بین رفتن عناصر گیاهی حساس می گردد، چرای مفرط می باشد. هدف از انجام أکثر
        ز زمینه و هدف: آگاهی از فشارهای محیطی مخرب بر اکوسیستم که باعث تخریب زیستگاه ها و بیوم ها و در نتیجه کاهش تنوع گونه ای می گردد، ضروری است. یکی از فشارهای مخرب فیزیکی بر عرصه مرتع که باعث کاهش تنوع و از بین رفتن عناصر گیاهی حساس می گردد، چرای مفرط می باشد. هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی اثر شدت های مختلف چرایی بر تنوع و غنای گونه ای در مراتع نیمه خشک بخش محمد آباد، شهرستان جیرفت، استان کرمان بوده است. روش بررسی:به منظور بررسی اثر شدت های مختلف چرایی بر تنوع و غنای گونه ای سه رویشگاه متفاوت قرق، چرای متوسط و چرایشدید انتخاب و با استفاده از 90 پلات 4 متر مربعی در طول 18 ترانسکت اقدام به نمونه برداری گردید. در داخل هر قاب، فهرست گونه های موجود، درصد تاج پوشش و تعداد افراد هر گونه یادداشت شد. برای ارزیابی شاخص های تنوع و غنا، شاخص های غنای مارگالف و منهینگ و شاخص های تنوع سیمپسون، شانون-واینر، N0 هیل و N1 هیل محاسبه گردید. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها در نرم افزار SPSS انجام شد و مقایسه شاخص های مختلف تنوع و غنا بین مناطق با شدت های چرایی مختلف توسط آزمون توکی صورت پذیرفت. یافته ها: نتایج حاصل از محاسبه شاخص غنای مارگالف نشان داد که بین تمامی عرصه های چرایی از نظر آماری اختلاف معنی داری وجوددارد. از طرف دیگر بین مناطق مختلف چرایی از نظر شاخص غنای منهینگ اختلاف معنی داری وجود ندارد. نتایج حاصل از محاسبه شاخص های تنوع، در هر چهار شاخص سیمپسون، شانون-واینر، N0هیل و N1 هیل نشان دادند که بین تمامی عرصه های چرایی اختلاف معنی داری وجود دارد. بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: به طور کلی در منطقه مورد مطالعه شاخص های تنوع و غنای گونه ای به دلیل میزان بارندگی کم منطقه و قرارگیری در ناحیه نیمه خشک نسبتاً پایین است. بنابراین به علت حساس و شکننده بودن این نوع مراتع در بهره برداری از آن ها باید توجه بیش تری داشت تا از تخریب بیش تر جلوگیری شده و ترکیب گیاهی نیز اصلاح گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - تاثیر قرق بر برخی خصوصیات شیمیایی و آلی خاک (مطالعه موردی: حوضه گنبد شهر همدان)
        عباس قبادی داوود اخضری
        زمینه و هدف: چرای دام به‌عنوان یکی از آشفتگی‌های اکولوژیک باعث تغییر در خصوصیات خاک و پوشش گیاهی مراتع می‌شود. هدف از این تحقیق مطالعه اثر قرق بر ذخایر میکروبی زی‌توده و برخی خصوصیات خاک مراتع حوضه گنبد شهر همدان است. یکی از این مناطق تحت قرق 20 ساله است و منطقه دیگر در أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: چرای دام به‌عنوان یکی از آشفتگی‌های اکولوژیک باعث تغییر در خصوصیات خاک و پوشش گیاهی مراتع می‌شود. هدف از این تحقیق مطالعه اثر قرق بر ذخایر میکروبی زی‌توده و برخی خصوصیات خاک مراتع حوضه گنبد شهر همدان است. یکی از این مناطق تحت قرق 20 ساله است و منطقه دیگر در خارج از منطقه حفاظت‌شده تحت چرای دام‌ است. روش بررسی: نمونه‌گیری خاک بر اساس روش سیستماتیک- تصادفی انجام شد. پنج ترانسکت 1000 متری با جهت شمالی-جنوبی به‌طور تصادفی در هر منطقه (قرق و چرا شده) به‌صورت جداگانه در نظر گرفته شد. نمونه‌برداری خاک در هر 100 متر ببا روش سیستماتیک- تصادفی و در اردیبهشت ماه سال 95 انجام گرفت. عناصر مس، آهن، پتاسیم، منیزیم، منگنز و روی به‌وسیله طیف‌سنجی جذب اتمی، اسیدیته با دستگاه pH متر، وزن مخصوص ظاهری از روش کلوخه‌ای، نیتروژن کل از روش کجلدال، کربن آلی و ماده آلی خاک از روش اکسیداسیون تر والکی بلک و زیتوده میکروبی کربن به روش تدخین- استخراج محاسبه شد. یافته ها: پس از انجام تجزیه و تحلیل‌های آماری مشخص شد که غلظت عناصر پتاسیم و روی در خاک منطقه قرق و غلظت عنصر منیزیم در خاک منطقه چرا شده افزایش معنی‌داری در سطح 5 درصد داشته است. اسیدیته خاک در منطقه چرا شده از 01/7 در منطقه قرق به مقدار 23/7 افزایش یافت. رطوبت خاک در منطقه چراشده کاهش معنی‌داری ‌یافته و از 11/27 درصد در منطقه قرق به مقدار 12/18 درصد رسیده بود. جرم مخصوص ظاهری خاک نیز در منطقه چراشده 16/1 گرم بر سانتی‌متر مکعب بود که در منطقه قرق کاهش معنی‌داری داشته و به 98/0 گرم بر سانتی‌متر مکعب رسید. زی‌توده میکروبی کربن در خاک مناطق قرق و چرا شده تفاوت معنی‌داری داشت. مقایسه میانگین زی‌توده میکروبی کربن در خاک مراتع گنبد نشان داد که این پارامتر از 83/0 گرم بر کیلوگرم در منطقه چرا شده به مقدار 95/0 گرم بر کیلوگرم رسیده و افزایش معنی‌داری داشته است. بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج به‌دست‌آمده نشانگر این نکته است که در منطقه قرق با اعمال قرق، خصوصیات خاک در مسیر توالی و رسیدن به شرایط ایده آل قرارگرفته‌ است اما همچنان این منطقه نیاز به توجه و ادامه حفاظت دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        10 - فنولوژی گونه‌های ‌Ferula ovinia و Poa bulbosa و بهترین زمان ورود و خروج دام در مرتع گوراب اصفهان
        مریم غلامی مصطفی سعیدفر
        زمینه و هدف: مطالعه فنولوژی یکی از عوامل مهم و اساسی در اعمال مدیریت جهت بهره برداری بهینه از پوشش گیاهی است. گونه های مرتعی Ferulaovinia وPoabulbosaاز نظر علوفه ای و مرتعی و همچنین جلوگیری از فرسایش خاک از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار هستند. این تحقیق به منظور تعیین زمان مناسب أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: مطالعه فنولوژی یکی از عوامل مهم و اساسی در اعمال مدیریت جهت بهره برداری بهینه از پوشش گیاهی است. گونه های مرتعی Ferulaovinia وPoabulbosaاز نظر علوفه ای و مرتعی و همچنین جلوگیری از فرسایش خاک از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار هستند. این تحقیق به منظور تعیین زمان مناسب ورود و خروج دام از مرتع، درسایت گوراب اصفهان در 35 کیلومتری غرب شهرستان فریدونشهر به مدت 4 سال (1395-1392) شده است. روش بررسی: در این تحقیق ده پایه انتخاب و اطلاعات مربوط به مراحل فنولوژی برای هر پایه در مقاطع زمانی 7 روزه در مرحله رویشی و 15 روزه در مرحله زایشی اندازه گیری و در فرم ویژه ای ثبت گردید. هم زمان آمار هواشناسی روزانه از ایستگاه هواشناسی مستقر در محل اجرای طرح برداشت شد. یافته ها: رشد رویشی گونه ovinia Ferulaاز اواخر اسفند آغاز و تا اواسط خرداد ادامه یافت. دوره گلدهی اوایل خرداد آغاز و تا اواخر خرداد به طول انجامید. مرحله رسیدن بذر از اواسط خرداد آغاز و تا اواخر تیر کامل شد. در گونه Poabulbosaرشد رویشی از اواخر اسفند شروع و تا اواسط خرداد ادامه داشت. دوره گل دهی از اوایل خرداد شروع و تا اواسط خرداد ادامه یافت. مرحله رسیدن بذر از اواسط خرداد شروع و تا اوایل تیر به پایان رسید. بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان داد که با توجه به رفتار گونه های مورد مطالعه در بروز پدیده های زیستی در سال های مختلف مطالعه این امکان فراهم شده است که رفتار گیاهان را با تغییرات رطوبتی و دما در شرایط مختلف بررسی کنیم. بهترین زمان و ورود و خروج باید براساس نحوه بروز پدیده های زیستی در گونه ی Poa bulbosa تنظیم شود که در این صورت براساس مطالعات انجام یافته بهترین زمان می تواند در آخر اردیبهشت و اوایل خرداد باشد و زمان خروج دام به علت وجود پایه های خشک شده به ویژه در گونه ی Ferula ovina که در زمان خشک شدن (شروع تابستان) مورد استفاده دام قرار می گیرد، می تواند تا اواسط شهریور (مشروط بر رعایت تعداد دام مبتنی بر ظرفیت مرتع)، ادامه یابد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - پیش‌‌بینی گستره کنونی و آینده گونه Bromus tomentellus Boiss تحت دو مدل هشدار اقلیمی (Rcp4.5 و Rcp8.5) در اکوسیستم‌‌های مرتعی استان اردبیل
        جواد معتمدی مرتضی خداقلی راضیه صبوحی علیرضا افتخاری
        زمینه و هدف: تغییرات اقلیمی در دو دهه اخیر، یک موضوع جدی بوده است و بسیاری از مطالعات، بر روی جنبه‌‌های مختلف آن متمرکز شده‌‌اند. بنابراین، ضرورت دارد که رویشگاه‌ ‌بالقوه گونه‌‌‌های ‌‌شاخص مرتعی، در حال ‌‌حاضر و سال‌‌های ‌‌آینده، تحت مدل‌‌های هشدار اقلیمی، مشخص گردد. از أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: تغییرات اقلیمی در دو دهه اخیر، یک موضوع جدی بوده است و بسیاری از مطالعات، بر روی جنبه‌‌های مختلف آن متمرکز شده‌‌اند. بنابراین، ضرورت دارد که رویشگاه‌ ‌بالقوه گونه‌‌‌های ‌‌شاخص مرتعی، در حال ‌‌حاضر و سال‌‌های ‌‌آینده، تحت مدل‌‌های هشدار اقلیمی، مشخص گردد. از این‌‌رو، در پژوهش حاضر، با تهیه نقشه رخداد پیش‌‌بینی گستره کنونی و آینده گونه Bromus tomentellus، تحت دو مدل هشدار اقلیمی (سناریو Rcp4.5 و Rcp8.5)، جابجایی آن، در عرض‌‌های جغرافیایی، در سطح اکوسیستم‌‌های مرتعی استان اردبیل، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. روش بررسی: برای این منظور، در فصل رویش 1399، از 19 متغیر زیست اقلیمی و سه متغیر‌‌ فیزیوگرافی و مدل رگرسیون لجستیک، برای تعیین کمیت تغییر اقلیم در سه دهه آینده (سال 2050) و بررسی دقیق اثرات آن بر تغییر گستره گونه B. tomentellus در حال حاضر و آینده، استفاده شد. نقشه‌‌های خروجی نیز با احتمال رخداد بین صفر تا یک، به چهار طبقه؛ رویشگاه نامناسب (25/0-0)، رویشگاه تقریبا مناسب (5/0-25/0)، رویشگاه با تناسب بالا (75/0- 5/0) و رویشگاه با تناسب خیلی ‌‌بالا (1-75/0)، گروه‌‌بندی ‌‌شد و با استناد به ضرایب متغیرها در روابط رگرسیونی، متغیرهای موثر برای گستره کنونی و آینده، معرفی گردید. یافته‌‌ها: میانگین دمای سالانه (BIO1)، دامنه دمای سالانه (BIO7) و میانگین دمای سردترین فصل (BIO11)، بیشترین اهمیت را برای تناسب رویشگاه دارند که مقادیر آنها، با سخت‌‌تر شدن شرایط اقلیمی، افزایش می‌‌یابد. میانگین دمای سالانه رویشگاه‌‌های مناسب، طی سه دهه آینده، 6/1 تا 1/2 درجه سانتی‌‌گراد، افزایش خواهد داشت. ارتفاع رویشگاه‌‌های مناسب نیز، 115 تا 190 متر، بیشتر خواهد شد. در نتیجه، سطح رویشگاه مناسب آن، در واکنش به تغییرات اقلیمی، کمتر می‌‌شود. همچنین تحت سناریوی‌‌های اقلیمی، 2/30 درصد از رویشگاه‌‌های مناسب خود را در سال 2050، از دست خواهد داد و رویشگاه‌‌های نامناسب فعلی نیز، 4/29 درصد افزایش خواهد یافت. بحث و نتیجه‌‌گیری: در مجموع؛ تغییر اقلیم و افزایش شاخصه‌‌های دمایی، باعث حرکت گونه B. tomentellus به سمت عرض‌‌های جغرافیایی بالاتر در امتداد گرادیان ارتفاعی، خواهد شد. از این‌‌رو، طی سه دهه آینده، خطر حذف آن از اکوسیستم‌‌های مرتعی استان اردبیل، وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - مکان‌یابی و اولویت‌بندی مناطق مناسب پخش سیلاب با استفاده ازGIS و تحلیل تصمیم چند معیارهAHP (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آب‌خیز گرگان‌رود، گلستان)
        مژگان السادات عظیمی غلامرضا رهبر شهروز منصوری
        چکیده زمینه و هدف: مراتع در اقتصاد کشور، چه از لحاظ تأمین علوفه مورد استفاده دام و چه از دیدگاه حفاظت آب، خاک و خدمات دیگری که به جامعه می‌دهند، اهمیت ویژ‌ه‌ای دارند که مدیریت اصولی این اراضی را ضروری می سازد. مراتع استان گلستان زمانی از بهترین مراتع ایران به حساب می‌آم أکثر
        چکیده زمینه و هدف: مراتع در اقتصاد کشور، چه از لحاظ تأمین علوفه مورد استفاده دام و چه از دیدگاه حفاظت آب، خاک و خدمات دیگری که به جامعه می‌دهند، اهمیت ویژ‌ه‌ای دارند که مدیریت اصولی این اراضی را ضروری می سازد. مراتع استان گلستان زمانی از بهترین مراتع ایران به حساب می‌آمدند. اما به‌دلیل رشد روز افزون جمعیت و وابستگی شدید اقتصادی آن‌ها به منابع طبیعی از جمله مراتع باعث سیر قهقرایی پوشش گیاهی و نهایتا مراتع گردیده است. پخش سیلاب یکی از عملیات اصلاحی مرتع است که با اهداف معین شده در مناطق مرتعی می‌تواند اجرا گردد. بر این اساس تعیین مکان مناسب برای پخش سیلاب و نفوذ دادن آن به داخل سفره‌های آب زیرزمینی، یکی از مهم‌ترین مراحل انجام این گونه پروژه‌ها می‌باشد. روش بررسی: مدل AHP [1]روشی مناسب جهت مکان‌یابی عرصه‌های پخش سیلاب در حوزه‌های آب‌خیز کشور معرفی گردیده‌است. هدف از این مطالعه مکان‌یابی و اولویت‌بندی مناطق مناسب پخش سیلاب با استفاده از GIS وAHP در حوزه آب‌خیز گرگان‌رود می‌باشد. هم‌چنین در این تحقیق از روش نمره‌دهی دو ارزشی [2] نیز به منظور مقایسه با روش تحلیل سلسه مراتبی استفاده گردید. یافته‌ها: ابتدا با استفاده از روش AHP مناطق نامناسب تعیین شد، سپس در گزینه‌های باقی مانده، بر اساس نظراتی که از نتایج مدل به‌دست آمده و با اولویت بندی، نقاط مناسب شناسایی گردید که با ضریب تناقص گویی برابر 08/0، می‌توان بیان کرد وزن دهی معیارهای مکان‌یابی مناطق مستعد پخش سیلاب صحیح می‌باشد. از سویی نتایج این تحقیق با روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی نشان داد، مناطق پیشنهادی برای اجرای پروژه بخش سیلاب به‌طور عمده در شمال و شمال شرقی حوزه می‌باشند. اما در بررسی عوامل و محدودیت‌های طبیعی بر اساس روش بولین هیچ مکان مناسبی برای انجام پروژه بخش سیلاب در حوزه آب‌خیز گرگان‌رود پیدا نشد. بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: به طور کلی می‌توان بیان کرد که فعالیت پالایشگاه در منطقه باعث افزایش غلظت کادمیوم در خاک سطحی منطقه شده است. این افزایش به نحوی بوده که باعث شده غلظت آن از حد مجاز نیز بیش‌تر شود. 4- Analytic Hierarchy Process 5- Boolean تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        13 - ارزیابی اثرات کاربری اراضی در دشت گمیشان (با تکیه بر خصوصیات خاک)
        آزیتا مهرانی برهان ریاضی سید اکبر جوادی خسرو شهیدی همدانی
        زمینه: پدیده شوری در کشور ما به عنوان یک مشکل جدی مطرح می باشد و هر روز بروسعت و اهمیت آن افزوده می شود . نظر به این که شرایط اقلیمی از نظر خشکی و کمبود نزولات آسمانی ، شوری خاک و بالا بودن سطح ایستابی آب ، تجدید حیات پوشش گیاهی را محدود می نماید.، منطقه مورد تحقیق که ی أکثر
        زمینه: پدیده شوری در کشور ما به عنوان یک مشکل جدی مطرح می باشد و هر روز بروسعت و اهمیت آن افزوده می شود . نظر به این که شرایط اقلیمی از نظر خشکی و کمبود نزولات آسمانی ، شوری خاک و بالا بودن سطح ایستابی آب ، تجدید حیات پوشش گیاهی را محدود می نماید.، منطقه مورد تحقیق که یکی از اکوسیستم های منحصر به فرد ازجهت شوری منطقه ، بالا بودن سطح ایستابی آب و .می باشد،.. انتخاب گردید.این ناحیه درچندسال گذشته تحت فشاربیش ازحد بهره برداری، قدرت تولید ش به شدت کاهش یافته وهمین امرباعث تشدید فرسایش وازبین رفتن خاک منطقه شده است. مواد و روش ها : به همین منظور برای بررسی نقش کاربری اراضی و اثرات آن بر خاک سطحی، دو ناحیه زراعی و مرتعی در نزدیکی ناحیه ای که 20 سال تحت قرق بوده انتخاب گردید. برای اندازه‌گیری خصوصیات فیزیکی (بافت وساختمان ) و شیمیایی( ازت، pH ، EC و ماده آلی) خاک ، نمونه‌هایی از هر سه منطقه برداشت گردید.روش نمونه برداری به صورت سیستماتیک تصادفی انتخاب شد. در هر منطقه 3 ترانسکت به طول 100 مترانتخاب و در طول هر ترانسکت 3 نمونه تصادفی تا عمق 15 سانتی متربا استفاده از بیل برداشته شد. برای اندازه گیری میزان نفوذ خاکدر هر منطقه ( قرق ، مرتع و زراعت دیم ) سه نقطه به طور تصادفیانتخاب گردید.این عمل در سه تکرار و جمعاً به تعداد نه آزمایش انجام گرفت. نتایج : نتایج نشان داد که بهره برداری به صورت مرتع وزراعت دیم اثر معنی داری بر بافت خاک نداشت،ولی فشردگی سطح خاک افزایش یافت. هم چنین بر ازت و ماده آلی خاک نیز اثر معنی داری مشاهده نگردید. کاربری به صورت زراعت دیم EC خاک را به شدت افزایش دادا، اما کاربری به صورت مرتع بر EC خاک اثر معنی داری نداشت. نتایج آزمون نفوذپذیری خاک نشان می دهد که به طور میانگین، نفوذ پذیری خاک در ناحیه قرق حدود 10 برابر ناحیه مرتعی و 9 برابر ناحیه زراعت دیم می باشد. بحث و نتیجه گیری : با توجه به خطر بیابان زایی در منطقه، بهره برداری به صورت هر نوع کاربری (زراعی و مرتعی) باید با دیده تردیدنگریسته شود.باتوجه به موفق بودن قرق تحقیقاتی و کاهش شوری و افزایش نفوذپذیری خاک، قرق باید به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین روش های اصلاحی مد نظر قرار گیرد. عملیات زراعت دیم، باعث افزایش شوری و کاهش نفوذپذیری خاک می گردد هم چنین لازم است باتوجه به بارش کم در منطقه، اراضی دیم به مراتع دست کاشت تبدیل گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        14 - بررسی تنوع گونه‌ای گیاهان دارویی مراتع ییلاقی اسدلی-پلمیس در استان خراسان شمالی
        نگین نودهی موسی اکبرلو
        زمینه و هدف: حفظ تنوع گونه­ای هدف اصلی مدیریت مراتع است. برای مدیریت اکوسیستم اولین قدم، تعیین عوامل موثر بر پراکنش گونه­ها و تنوع گونه­ای است و تنوع گونه­ای با خصوصیات اکوسیستم همبستگی دارد. با اندازه­گیری تنوع می­توان توزیع گونه­ها را در محیط بررسی کرد و با تاکید بر پ أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: حفظ تنوع گونه­ای هدف اصلی مدیریت مراتع است. برای مدیریت اکوسیستم اولین قدم، تعیین عوامل موثر بر پراکنش گونه­ها و تنوع گونه­ای است و تنوع گونه­ای با خصوصیات اکوسیستم همبستگی دارد. با اندازه­گیری تنوع می­توان توزیع گونه­ها را در محیط بررسی کرد و با تاکید بر پویایی اکوسیستم توصیه­های مدیریتی مناسب را ارایه نمود. روش بررسی: در این بررسی 90 پلات 1متر مربعی، به طور سیستماتیک-تصادفی در منطقه مورد مطالعه پیاده گردید. در هر پلات، حضور و درصد تاج پوشش گیاهان تعیین شد. ضمن شناسایی گونه­های دارویی، تعلق هر گونه به جنس و خانواده، تعیین و فرم رویشی و تیپ زیستی و دوره زندگی آن­ها مشخص گردید. از شاخص­های تنوع شانون و مک اینتاش برای برآورد تنوع گیاهان دارویی منطقه در سطح تاکسونومیک، فرم­های رویشی، تیپ زیستی و دوره رویشی گیاهان استفاده شدند. نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج نشان داد که تنوع گونه­ای مراتع اسدلی-پلمیس در حد متوسط است و پوشش گیاهی منطقه بیشتر از گیاهان چند ساله تشکیل شده است که از مشخصه مناطق کوهستانی با اقلیم سرد ارتفاعات است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        15 - ارزیابی و پهنه بندی تناسب سرزمین برای کاربری مرتع با استفاده از روش فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی- منطق فازی AHP-FUZZY (مطالعه ی موردی: حوضه ی آبخیز سقزچی چای، اردبیل)
        داریوش ناصری علی اکبر شمسی پور محمد رضوانی
        حفاظت، بهره‌برداری و مدیریت پایدار از منابع آبخیز با هدف تأمین نیازهای نسل حاضر و حفظ این منابع برای نسل‌های آتی، از اولویت‌های اساسی است. هدف این پژوهش، تعیین درجه ی تناسب سرزمین برای کاربری مرتع با استفاده از روش ارزیابی چند معیاره (MCE) بر مبنای منطق فازی است. با در أکثر
        حفاظت، بهره‌برداری و مدیریت پایدار از منابع آبخیز با هدف تأمین نیازهای نسل حاضر و حفظ این منابع برای نسل‌های آتی، از اولویت‌های اساسی است. هدف این پژوهش، تعیین درجه ی تناسب سرزمین برای کاربری مرتع با استفاده از روش ارزیابی چند معیاره (MCE) بر مبنای منطق فازی است. با در نظرگیری مدل اکولوژیک مخدوم برای کاربری مرتع، نه معیار بارش ، ارتفاع، شیب، بافت خاک، رسوب، خاک، گروه هیدرولوژیک خاک، عمق خاک، تراکم پوشش گیاهی و کاربری موجود زمین برای ارزیابی انتخاب و از سازمان‌ها و ادارات مربوطه تهیه گردید. برای تعیین وزن هر معیار از روش فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) استفاده شد و در نرم افزار Arc/GIS9.3 با استفاده از عمل گر ترکیب خطی وزنی (WLC) کلیه ی لایه های اطلاعاتی با همدیگر تلفیق شدند و نقشه ی رستری توان مرتع‌داری تهیه شد. تناسب نهایی منطقه برای مرتع‌داری به 5 طبقه ی بسیار خوب، خوب، متوسط، ضعیف و خیلی ضعیف طبقه‌بندی شد و نقشه ی پهنه‌بندی آن تهیه شد. نتایج نشان داد که 1186 هکتار (6/15 %) از منطقه دارای توان بسیار خوب، 7/1667 هکتار (09/22 %) توان خوب، 5/1872 هکتار (66/24 %) توان متوسط، 2176 هکتار (63/28 %) توان ضعیف و 680 هکتار (9/8 %) بسیار ضعیف برای مرتع داری است. نتایج نشان می‌دهد که ترکیب سامانه‌ی اطلاعاتی جغرافیایی و تصمیم‌گیری‌های چند متغیره در ارزیابی تناسب سرزمین برای کاربری کشاورزی-مرتع داری بسیار کارآمد می‌باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        16 - مطالعه میزان مصرف گیاهان دارویی اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی و تعیین ویژگی‌های حرفه‌ای عرضه‌کنندگان این گیاهان در اصفهان
        منصوره قوام زینب سلیمانی نژاد
        گیاهان یکی از اولین و در دسترس ترین منابع قابل استفاده در درمان می باشند. امروزه استفاده از گیاهان دارویی به شدت در حال افزایش است. شناخت سلیقه و رویکرد جوامع به مصرف گیاهان دارویی و همچنین توجه به دیدگاه ها و پیشنهادهای مصرف کنندگان گیاهان دارویی، می تواند راهنمای خوبی أکثر
        گیاهان یکی از اولین و در دسترس ترین منابع قابل استفاده در درمان می باشند. امروزه استفاده از گیاهان دارویی به شدت در حال افزایش است. شناخت سلیقه و رویکرد جوامع به مصرف گیاهان دارویی و همچنین توجه به دیدگاه ها و پیشنهادهای مصرف کنندگان گیاهان دارویی، می تواند راهنمای خوبی برای برنامه ریزان و سیاستگذاران صنعت دارویی کشور باشد. وجود تقاضا برای گیاهان دارویی تحت تأثیر عوامل مختلف فرهنگی و اجتماعی می باشد. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش عوامل مختلف اجتماعی در تقاضای گیاهان دارویی و تأثیر اکوسیستم های مرتعی در تأمین گیاهان در اصفهان انجام شد. جمع آوری داده به روش پیمایشی بود که با استفاده از پرسشنامه از 33 فروشنده گیاهان دارویی در اصفهان در سال1394 انجام شد. روایی پرسشنامه توسط پانل متخصصان مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. ضریب آلفای کرونباخ برابر 877/0 بود که اعتبار پرسشنامه را اثبات نمود. نتایج نشان داد، گل گاوزبان (6/57 %) به عنوان بیشترین گیاه خریداری شده و بیماری های اعصاب و روان (2/79%) بیشترین علت مراجعه مردم به عطاری های اصفهان بودند. همچنبن بیشترین گیاهان دارویی خریداری شده توسط عطارها از رویشگاه های مرتعی بوده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        17 - برآورد میزان کربن ترسیب‎شده توسط گونه آتریپلکس‏کانیسنس در واحد سطح و نیز بررسی ارتباط میزان ترسیب‏کربن با عوامل خاک و پوشش ‏‏گیاهی در منطقه چشمه‎علی قزوین (Atriplex canescens)
        ضیاء‎الدین باده ‏یان معصومه منصوری
        اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی به‌ دلیل دربرداشتن بخش قابل توجهی از اراضی جهان، پتانسیل بالایی در ترسیب‎کربن دارند. این تحقیق به بررسی پتانسیل ترسیب‎کربن گونه آتریپلکس کانیسنس (Atriplex canescens) که در منطقه چشمه‎علی در استان قزوین که در قالب بلوک‌های کاملاً تصادفی و د أکثر
        اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی به‌ دلیل دربرداشتن بخش قابل توجهی از اراضی جهان، پتانسیل بالایی در ترسیب‎کربن دارند. این تحقیق به بررسی پتانسیل ترسیب‎کربن گونه آتریپلکس کانیسنس (Atriplex canescens) که در منطقه چشمه‎علی در استان قزوین که در قالب بلوک‌های کاملاً تصادفی و در سه تکرار کاشته شده بود، می پردازد. نمونه‌برداری‌ها از تیمارهای اصلی فواصل کاشت بوته (تراکم) در دو سطح 2×2 متر و 4×4 متر که هر تیمار اصلی شامل تیمارهای فرعی ارتفاع هرس در چهار سطح تیمار نظیر بدون هرس یا شاهد، هرس کامل یا کف‎بر، هرس از ارتفاع 20 سانتی‎متر و هرس از ارتفاع 40 سانتی‎متر بودند صورت گرفت. مقادیر کربن در بیوماس هوایی، زیرزمینی و خاک به تفکیک تیمارهای اصلی و فرعی محاسبه گردید. نتایج نشان داد که اختلاف معنی‌داری بین کربن زی‎توده هوایی و زیرزمینی درواحد سطح در تیمار اصلی تراکم 2×2 متر از تراکم 4×4 متر وجود دارد. همچنین تیمارهای بدون هرس (شاهد) و هرس از ارتفاع 40 سانتی‎متر با قرار گرفتن در یک سطح، نسبت به سایر تیمارهای ارتفاع هرس وضعیت بهتری داشتند. بین تیمارهای اصلی تراکم و همچنین تیمارهای فرعی ارتفاع هرس به‎لحاظ ترسیب‎کربن کل خاک اختلاف معنی‌داری وجود ندارد. میانگین ترسیب کربن کل در تراکم 2×2 متر، 16/59 تن در هکتار و در تراکم 4×4 متر، 81/59 تن در هکتار بوده است. تجزیه‎ همبستگی نشان داد که بین میزان کربن ترسیب شده کل و کربن آلی رابطه مثبت و معنی داری وجود دارد. بنابراین می‌توان بیان داشت که مدیریت مناسب اراضی مرتعی، تأثیر قابل توجهی در افزایش ذخیره‎کربن در گیاه و خاک خواهد داشت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        18 - بررسی تأثیر قرق بر پتانسیل ترسیب کربن در مراتع قشلاقی سرخکلای ساری
        عاطفه خانلری رضا تمرتاش محمدرضا طاطیان
        مراتع حاوی بیش از یک سوم ذخایر کربن زیست کره خاکی هستند که قادرند دی اکسید کربن اتمسفر را از طریق پوشش گیاهی جذب کرده و در بافت های گیاهی و سپس خاک تجمع و رسوب دهند. چرای دام از پوشش گیاهی به عنوان یک عامل انسانی می تواند در میزان این جذب اثر داشته باشد. لذا در این پژوه أکثر
        مراتع حاوی بیش از یک سوم ذخایر کربن زیست کره خاکی هستند که قادرند دی اکسید کربن اتمسفر را از طریق پوشش گیاهی جذب کرده و در بافت های گیاهی و سپس خاک تجمع و رسوب دهند. چرای دام از پوشش گیاهی به عنوان یک عامل انسانی می تواند در میزان این جذب اثر داشته باشد. لذا در این پژوهش تأثیر چرا بر میزان ترسیب کربن در مراتع قشلاقی قرق و غیرقرق سرخکلای شهرستان ساری مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. پس از تعیین تیپ گیاهی و شناسایی گونه غالب (Hordeum glaucum Steud) نمونه برداری از پوشش گیاهی با روش تصادفی- سیستماتیک با استفاده از 20 پلات یک متر مربعی انجام گردید. سپس زیتوده بالای سطح زمین شامل اندام هوایی و همچنین زیتوده ریشه گیاهان با اندازه گیری مستقیم تعیین شد. با توزین نمونه ها، درصد ماده خشک برای هر یک از بخش ها محاسبه گردید. همزمان با نمونه برداری پوشش گیاهی، نمونه برداری از خاک از دو عمق 0-15 و 15-30 با توجه به مرز تفکیک افق سطحی و زیرین در منطقه انجام شد. درصد کربن آلی نمونه های گیاهی و درصد کربن آلی خاک در آزمایشگاه به دست آمد. همچنین سایر خصوصیات خاک شامل وزن مخصوص ظاهری، بافت خاک، کربنات کلسیم، هدایت الکتریکی و واکنش خاک تعیین شد. در نهایت داده های به دست آمده از دو منطقه قرق و تحت چرا، با استفاده از آزمون تی مستقل در نرم افزار SPSS 16 مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که چرا موجب کاهش معنی دار ترسیب کربن از اندام هوایی به زیرزمینی در هر دو منطقه تحت چرا و قرق گردیده است (p≤0/01). در حالی که با وجود کاهش میزان ترسیب کربن خاک از منطقه قرق به غیرقرق، تفاوت معنی داری بین آن ها در عمق اول و دوم خاک مشاهده نشد. همچنین نتایج نشان داد که سهم خاک در میزان ترسیب بسیار بیش تر از گیاه بوده و به ترتیب 97 و 99% از میزان کربن موجود در منطقه قرق و غیرقرق را به خود اختصاص داده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        19 - بررسی فقهی و حقوقی اثر احیاءدر اراضی ملی
        عباس فدایی مقدم محمد عالم زاده جواد نیک نژاد
        هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی فقهی و حقوقی اثر احیاء در اراضی ملی است. روش پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی می‌باشد. نتایج حاکی از آن است که علی‌رغم وجود نظرات متفاوت فقهی و قواعد حقوقی، احیاء اراضی و اثر آن بر مصادیق مذکور، امری انکارناپذیر می باشد. مشخص نبودن زمان دقیق احیاء و اثر آن بر م أکثر
        هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی فقهی و حقوقی اثر احیاء در اراضی ملی است. روش پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی می‌باشد. نتایج حاکی از آن است که علی‌رغم وجود نظرات متفاوت فقهی و قواعد حقوقی، احیاء اراضی و اثر آن بر مصادیق مذکور، امری انکارناپذیر می باشد. مشخص نبودن زمان دقیق احیاء و اثر آن بر منابع مذکور و استنباط برخی از حقوق دانان مبنی بر تعیین تاریخ 16/12/1365 در ماده واحده قانون تعیین تکلیف اراضی اختلافی موضوع ماده 56 قانون حفاظت و بهره‌ برداری و تبصره 6 الحاقی به قانون ابطال اسناد فروش رقبات، آب و اراضی موقوفه به عنوان زمان احیاء، نه تنها ابهام موصوف را مرتفع نکرده، بلکه دو چندان نموده است. با بررسی احکام مختلف این نتیجه بدست می‌آید که اصولاً زمان احیاء و اثر آن، به تاریخ تصویب قانون ملی شدن جنگل ها و مراتع برمی گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        20 - بررسی پوشش گیاهی اراضی شور حاشیه دریاچه ارومیه با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره ای
        احمد احمدی محمدرضا طاطیان رضا تمرتاش حسن یگانه یونس عصری
        مرتع یکی از منابع تجدید شونده با ارزش است که در برنامه های توسعه ملی بسیاری از کشورها جایگاه خاصی دارد. هدف مطالعه حاضر بررسی درصد پوشش گیاهی اراضی شور اطراف دریاچه ارومیه با استفاده از داده های ماهواره ای می‌باشد. این مطالعه در منطقه ای به وسعت حدود 353150 هکتار در ارا أکثر
        مرتع یکی از منابع تجدید شونده با ارزش است که در برنامه های توسعه ملی بسیاری از کشورها جایگاه خاصی دارد. هدف مطالعه حاضر بررسی درصد پوشش گیاهی اراضی شور اطراف دریاچه ارومیه با استفاده از داده های ماهواره ای می‌باشد. این مطالعه در منطقه ای به وسعت حدود 353150 هکتار در اراضی شور اطراف دریاچه ارومیه انجام گرفت. در این پژوهش پیش پردازش های مختلف شامل تصحیح هندسی با استفاده از نقشه‌های توپوگرافی و تصحیحات اتمسفری از روش تفریق عارضه تاریک استفاده شد. عملیات برداشت زمینی در مرداد سال 1393 انجام گرفت. نمونه برداری در واحدهای گیاهی با روش نمونه برداری تصادفی طبقه‌بندی شده انجام شد. در این تحقیق به منظور بررسی رابطه بین متغیرها از رگرسیون چندگانه استفاده شد. در این مدل ابتدا با محاسبه ماتریس همبستگی، وجود یا عدم وجود هم راستایی (Collinearity) بین متغیرهای مستقل (شاخص های گیاهی و باندها) در منطقه بررسی شد. در این تحقیق بهترین مدل با توجه به مقدار بالاترR2 انتخاب شد. در مدل انتخابی چندین متغیر از بین تمامی متغیرهای مستقل گزینش شده و به عنوان مهمترین فاکتورهای موثر در تعیین نقشه درصد پوشش گیاهی منطقه معرفی شدند. در نهایت نقشه های تولیدی و نقاط نمونه‌برداری جهت بررسی صحت نتایج، کنترل گردید. نتایج نشان داد شاخص‌های مادون قرمز متوسط (MID-IR-INDEX)، مادون قرمز (Infrared)، کنتراست بازتاب در مرئی و نزدیک مادون قرمز (VNIRI)، شاخص گیاهی تبدیل شده (TVI، MIRVI، PD312، PD322)، و باندهای B2، B3، B5 و B6 رابطه معنی‌داری در سطح 5% با داده های زمینی داشته و به کمک مدل های رگرسیونی Backward نقشه میزان درصد پوشش گیاهی تخمین زده شد. جهت تعیین دقت نقشه تولید شده از روش Cross Validation استفاده شد که صحت کلی نقشه تولیدی از سنجنده +ETM برابر 92% و ضریب کاپای آن 2/89 بدست آمد. همچنین بر اساس نتایج این تحقیق، بخش اعظم اراضی شور حاشیه دریاچه ارومیه دارای تاج پوشش معادل 20-0% می‌باشند. بنابراین می‌توان چنین نتیجه گیری کرد که مراتع در منطقه مورد مطالعه در وضعیت مناسبی قرار ندارند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        21 - ارزیابی پتانسیل زنبورداری و تعیین جذابیت گیاهان مرتعی مورد استفاده زنبورعسل با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی در مراتع ییلاقی چهارباغ استان گلستان
        رضا یاری غلامعلی حشمتی حامد رفیعی
        هدف از تحقیق حاضر ارزیابی پتانسیل زنبورداری و تعیین جذابیت گیاهان مرتعی مورد استفاده زنبورعسل در مراتع ییلاقی چهارباغ استان گلستان در سال 1394 می باشد. بر این اساس، مدل نهایی پتانسیل زنبورداری از تلفیق چهار معیار اصلی درصد ترکیب گیاهان شهد زا و گرده زا (20 امتیاز)، فاصل أکثر
        هدف از تحقیق حاضر ارزیابی پتانسیل زنبورداری و تعیین جذابیت گیاهان مرتعی مورد استفاده زنبورعسل در مراتع ییلاقی چهارباغ استان گلستان در سال 1394 می باشد. بر این اساس، مدل نهایی پتانسیل زنبورداری از تلفیق چهار معیار اصلی درصد ترکیب گیاهان شهد زا و گرده زا (20 امتیاز)، فاصله از منابع آبی (10 امتیاز)، جاده و مسیر دسترسی (10 امتیاز) و متوسط دما در طول دوره زنبورداری (10 امتیاز) تعیین شد. بعد از تعیین تیپ های گیاهی به روش فلورستیک- فیزیونومیک، نمونه برداری از تیپ های گیاهی در منطقه معرف هر تیپ به روش تصادفی- سیستماتیک با استقرار 3 ترانسکت 300 متری و 30 پلات متناسب با نوع پوشش گیاهی منطقه انجام شد. نقشه منابع آبی منطقه و همچنین نقشه جاده با استفاده از GPS، پیمایش صحرایی و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS) رسم شد. 134 گونه گیاهی شهدزا و گرده زا مورد علاقه زنبورعسل از 80 جنس و 31 تیره گیاهی شناسایی شد. تیره های Asteraceae، Lamiaceae و Fabaceae به ترتیب با 29 (8/21%)، 23 (29/17%) و 19 (28/14%) گونه گیاهی دارای بیشترین درصد فراوانی گیاهان شهدزا و گرده زا در منطقه هستند. همچنین نتایج نشان داد گیاهان دارای جذابیت کلاس II و III بیشترین حضور (9/60%) و کلاس V کمترین حضور (3/2%) را در منطقه و با توجه به بازدیدهای منظم صحرایی تاریخ و طول دوره گلدهی اکثر گیاهان منطقه مراتع ییلاقی چهارباغ خردادماه تا شهریورماه است. همچنین نتایج مدل پتانسیل زنبورداری با استفاده از GIS نشان می دهد که از کل مراتع منطقه مورد مطالعه 62/17% (4/1562 هکتار) در طبقه پتانسیل متوسط (2S)، 41/72% (765/6419 هکتار) در طبقه پتانسیل پایین (3S) و 96/9% (5/883 هکتار) در طبقه عدم پتانسیل (N) قرار گرفته است. با توجه به نتایج حدود 03/90% منطقه (17/7982 هکتار) دارای پتانسیل برای زنبورداری بوده که با رعایت اصول می توان جهت زنبورداری اقدام و ضمن کسب درآمد، با کاهش فشار چرای دام به احیاء مرتع کمک کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        22 - مدلسازی رویشگاه بالقوه گون سفید با استفاده از روش‌های تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم‌شناختی و رگرسیون لجستیک (مطالعه موردی: مراتع ییلاقی بلدۀ نور)
        فرهاد برنا رضا تمرتاش محمدرضا طاطیان وحید غلامی
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف مدلسازی و تهیۀ نقشۀ پیش بینی گونۀ گون سفید Astragalus gossypinus با استفاده از روش رگرسیون لجستیک و تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم شناختی در مراتع ییلاقی منطقه بلدۀ نور استان مازندران انجام شد. برای دستیابی به این هدف نقشۀ متغیرهای محیطی به در محیط ArcGIS®9 أکثر
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف مدلسازی و تهیۀ نقشۀ پیش بینی گونۀ گون سفید Astragalus gossypinus با استفاده از روش رگرسیون لجستیک و تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم شناختی در مراتع ییلاقی منطقه بلدۀ نور استان مازندران انجام شد. برای دستیابی به این هدف نقشۀ متغیرهای محیطی به در محیط ArcGIS®9.3 در اندازه سلولی 10×10 تهیه گردید. 80 سایت به عنوان مکان های حضور و غیاب گونه با روش نمونه برداری طبقه بندی – تصادفی ثبت گردید. در هر سایت اطلاعات مربوط به حضور و غیاب گونه و متغیرهای محیطی ثبت و ارتباط بین پراکنش گونه و عوامل محیطی با استفاده از دو روش رگرسیون لجستیک و تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم شناختی تعیین و نقشۀ پیش بینی پراکنش گونۀ گون سفید تهیه گردید. نتایج حاصل از مدل رگرسیون لجستیک نشان داد که ارتفاع، اسیدیته خاک، کربن آلی خاک و دما در مرطوب ترین و خشک ترین فصل عوامل مهم تأثیرگذار بر پراکنش این گونه می باشد. بر اساس نتایج این مدل تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم شناختی، متغیرهای جهت جغرافیایی، میزان شن و مواد خنثی شده خاک، بارندگی در فصل بارش و دما در سردترین فصل به عنوان متغیرهای محیطی تأثیرگذار مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. مقادیر شاخص های کاپا و سطح زیرمنحنی پلات های ROC به ترتیب برابر 42/0 و 78/0 برای مدل رگرسیون لجستیک و 84/0 و 92/0 برای مدل تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم شناختی می باشد که دلالت بر دقت بالاتر مدل پروفیلی نسبت به مدل متمایزکنندۀ گروهی در منطقه مورد مطالعه می باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        23 - قابلیت دستورالعمل طبقه‌بندی شایستگی مرتع برای چرای گوسفند (مطالعه موردی: مراتع کوهستانی امام‌کندی ارومیه)
        جواد معتمدی حسین ارزانی اسماعیل شیدای کرکج
        تعیین شایستگی مرتع با استفاده از شرایط محدود کننده روش فائو، به لحاظ تعدد عوامل و اینکه در برخی از موارد نیاز به عملیات آزمایشگاهی و تهیه نقشه دارد، زمان بر بوده و امکان قابلیت کاربرد آن توسط تمامی کارشناسان، وجود ندارد. از اینرو دستورالعمل طبقه بندی شایستگی مرتع برای أکثر
        تعیین شایستگی مرتع با استفاده از شرایط محدود کننده روش فائو، به لحاظ تعدد عوامل و اینکه در برخی از موارد نیاز به عملیات آزمایشگاهی و تهیه نقشه دارد، زمان بر بوده و امکان قابلیت کاربرد آن توسط تمامی کارشناسان، وجود ندارد. از اینرو دستورالعمل طبقه بندی شایستگی مرتع برای چرای انواع دام در مناطق مختلف آب و هوایی، از طرف دفتر فنی مرتع پیشنهاد شد. بر اساس دستورالعمل پیشنهادی، شایستگی مرتع برای چرای انواع دام، از تلفیق سه معیار پوشش گیاهی (20 امتیاز)، آب (15 امتیاز) و فرسایش خاک (15 امتیاز) حاصل می شود. جهت ارزیابی قابلیت دستورالعمل ذکر شده در منطقه نیمه خشک، پژوهش حاضر در فصل رویش سال 1396 در مراتع کوهستانی امام کندی ارومیه انجام و نتایج حاصل از تعیین شایستگی تیپ های گیاهی بر مبنای دستورالعمل پیشنهادی با نتایج حاصل از روش شرایط محدود کننده فائو، توسط آزمون غیرپارامتری ویلکاکسون، مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که در روش شرایط محدود کننده فائو، در 83 درصد موارد، معیار تولید علوفه، در 46 درصد، معیار حساسیت خاک به فرسایش، در 11 درصد، معیار منابع آب، به عنوان معیارهای کاهش دهنده شایستگی تیپ های گیاهی می باشند. ولی در دستورالعمل پیشنهادی، تنها حساسیت خاک به فرسایش، سبب کاهش امتیاز شاخص ها و در نتیجه، طبقات شایستگی شده است. نتایج نشان داد که تفاوت معنی داری بین دو روش از نظر طبقات شایستگی نهایی وجود ندارد (P≤0.05)، و بیش از 85 درصد از مراتع منطقه، در دو روش به صورت یکسان طبقه بندی شدند. بنابراین دستورالعمل پیشنهادی، قادر به شناسایی و تفکیک مناطق مستعد و غیرمستعد از نظر چرای گوسفند می باشد و کارایی آن در مقایسه با روش شرایط محدود کننده فائو، با توجه به صرفه جویی در هزینه و سادگی، قابل توجه است. این دستورالعمل، کارشناسان را قادر خواهد ساخت که در هنگام تهیه طرح های مرتعداری چند منظوره (تلفیقی)، با روشی ساده و کاربردی در عرصه، به تناسب استفاده از مراتع جهت چرای دام پی ببرند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        24 - بررسی گذشته، حال و آینده تغییرات پوشش گیاهی مراتع البرز مرکزی در ارتباط با تغییر اقلیم
        دیانا عسکریزاده حسین ارزانی محمد جعفری جواد بذرافشان آین کولین پرنتایس
        شتاب در روند تغییرات اقلیمی باعث دگرگونی سریع وضعیت اکوسیستم های مرتعی شده است که یافتن روش های نوین ارزیابی این تغییرات راهی جهت مدیریت پایدار مراتع محسوب می شود. به منظور بررسی روند تغییرات پوشش گیاهی ناشی از اثرات اقلیمی مراتع البرز مرکزی انتخاب شدند. شاخص نرمال‌شد أکثر
        شتاب در روند تغییرات اقلیمی باعث دگرگونی سریع وضعیت اکوسیستم های مرتعی شده است که یافتن روش های نوین ارزیابی این تغییرات راهی جهت مدیریت پایدار مراتع محسوب می شود. به منظور بررسی روند تغییرات پوشش گیاهی ناشی از اثرات اقلیمی مراتع البرز مرکزی انتخاب شدند. شاخص نرمال‌شده تفاضل پوشش گیاهی (NDVI) با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست، سنجنده +TM، ETMو OLI برای سال های 1366 تا 1395 (30 سال) استخراج گردید. با استفاده از شاخص بارش استاندارد شده (SPI) روند خشکسالی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. جهت پیش بینی تغییرات آتی پوشش گیاهی مراتع از مدل زنجیره مارکوف استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که شاخص (NDVI) از سال های گذشته تا حال نوسان داشته است به طوریکه ضمن افزایش موقتی تغییرات در بعضی سال ها 1366 (0.86)، 1381 (0.87)، 1384 (0.87) و 1394 (0.86)؛ اما روند تغییرات کلی به صورت کاهش در میزان این شاخص در سال های 1374 (0.53)، 1376 (0.65)، 1379 (0.62) و 1387 (0.61) به خصوص برای طبقات متوسط تا خیلی فقیر بوده است. همبستگی بالا (5/91%) بین شاخص SPI و NDVI نشان می دهد که تقریباً در تمامی سال های کاهش پوشش گیاهی، خشکسالی شدید تا متوسط رخ داده است. همچنین مدل پیش بینی مارکوف تغییرات کاهشی شدیدی در میزان شاخص پوشش گیاهی برای سال های 2031 و 2045 پیش بینی می کند. بنابراین مدیریت مراتع باید به گونه ای پیش برود که با روند افزایش تدریجی دما و تأثیرات منفی آن بر پوشش گیاهی، از طریق تنظیم ظرفیت چرایی و نیز جایگزینی دام های با عملکرد بالا و تقویت گونه های گیاهی مقاوم به خشکی نسبت به شرایط آینده آمادگی یابند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        25 - مدل‌سازی تولید اولیه سطح زمین با استفاده از شاخص‌های ماهواره لندست-8 در مراتع سیاه‎پوش و گنج‌گاه استان اردبیل، ایران
        پشمینه محمدنژاد مهدی معمری اردوان قربانی فرید دادجو ودود محمدی
        هدف از این مطالعه برآورد تولید (تولید اولیه سطح زمین) فرم‌های رویشی و کل با استفاده از تصاویر لندست 8 در مراتع سیاه‌پوش و گنج‌گاه استان اردبیل بود. نمونه‌برداری میدانی در خرداد ماه 1398 انجام شد و تصویر ماهواره‌ای هم‌زمان با آن دریافت شد. تعداد هفت مکان نمونه‌برداری انت أکثر
        هدف از این مطالعه برآورد تولید (تولید اولیه سطح زمین) فرم‌های رویشی و کل با استفاده از تصاویر لندست 8 در مراتع سیاه‌پوش و گنج‌گاه استان اردبیل بود. نمونه‌برداری میدانی در خرداد ماه 1398 انجام شد و تصویر ماهواره‌ای هم‌زمان با آن دریافت شد. تعداد هفت مکان نمونه‌برداری انتخاب شد و در هر مکان سه ترانسکت 100 متری موازی و عمود بر جهت شیب مستقر شد و در امتداد هر ترانسکت از 10 پلات (یک متر مربعی)، تولید فرم‌های رویشی به روش تصادفی-سیستماتیک برداشت شد (در مجموع 210 پلات). تعداد 22 شاخص گیاهی با توجه به مرور منابع انتخاب و برای منطقه محاسبه شد. سپس، هم‌بستگی بین تولید فرم‌های رویشی و کل با شاخص‌های گیاهی محاسبه و شاخص گیاهی دارای بالاترین هم‌بستگی برای مدل‌سازی انتخاب شد. برای مدل‌سازی از معادله خطی درجه یک استفاده شد و معادلات به‌دست آمده در نرم‌افزار ArcGIS به‌صورت نقشه برآورد شد. نتایج نشان‌داد از بین شاخص‌های مورد بررسی، شاخص NDVI مناسب‌ترین شاخص برای مدل‌سازی بود؛ با این‌حال بیش‌ترین هم‌بستگی این شاخص با تولید کل (88/0) و تولید گندمیان (78/0) بود؛ درحالی‌که هم‌بستگی کم‌تری با تولید پهن‌برگان علفی (41/0) و بوته‌ای‌ها (31/0) داشت. محدوده تغییرات تولید مدل‌سازی شده برای گندمیان 0 تا 1857 کیلوگرم در هکتار، پهن‌برگان علفی 9 تا 766 کیلوگرم در هکتار، بوته‌ای‌ها 0 تا 458 کیلوگرم در هکتار و برای تولید کل 9 تا 3081 کیلوگرم در هکتار بود. ارزیابی صحت مدل‌ها با معیارهای RMSE، MDE و MAE انجام شد و صحت در حد قابل قبول بود. هم‌چنین مقدار اختلاف میانگین داده‌های واقعی با مدل‌سازی شده تقریباً برابر صفر بود. از نتایج این مطالعه می‌توان برای ایجاد تعادل بین عرضه و تقاضای تولید مرتع در راستای توسعه پایدار اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی منطقه استفاده کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        26 - طبقه‌بندی مهم‌ترین عوامل طیفی مستخرج از تصاویر لندست 8 در تبیین کربن آلی خاک سطحی مراتع نیمه استپی با استفاده از تحلیل عامل اکتشافی
        سعیده ناطقی رستم خلیفه زاده مهشید سوری مرتضی خداقلی
        پیشینه و هدف کربن آلی خاک در اکوسیستم های مرتعی از کارکردهای متنوعی همچون افزایش حاصلخیزی خاک، کنترل فرسایش، افزایش نفوذپذیری آب در خاک و کاهش اثرات گازهای گلخانه ای برخوردار است. ازاین‌رو یک شاخص کلیدی در تعیین سلامت خاک محسوب می شود که تمامی ویژگی های فیزیکی، شیمیایی أکثر
        پیشینه و هدف کربن آلی خاک در اکوسیستم های مرتعی از کارکردهای متنوعی همچون افزایش حاصلخیزی خاک، کنترل فرسایش، افزایش نفوذپذیری آب در خاک و کاهش اثرات گازهای گلخانه ای برخوردار است. ازاین‌رو یک شاخص کلیدی در تعیین سلامت خاک محسوب می شود که تمامی ویژگی های فیزیکی، شیمیایی و بیولوژیکی خاک را تحت تأثیر خود قرار می دهد. وسعت زیاد مراتع کشور، استفاده از روش های سنتی در برآورد کربن آلی خاک را با چالش جدی مواجه می کند. در چنین شرایطی استفاده از قابلیت های دورسنجی می تواند به‌عنوان گزینه ای مناسب برای پایش کربن آلی خاک مراتع کشور مطرح باشد. پژوهش حاضر باهدف تعیین مهم‌ترین عوامل طیفی تأثیرگذار بر کربن آلی در افق سطحی خاک در دو مرتع ییلاقی انجام شد.مواد و روش هاپژوهش حاضر در دو مرتع ییلاقی لزور و آساران انجام شد. مرتع لزور به مساحت 8150 هکتار و ارتفاع متوسط 2875 متر در محدودة طول های شرقی 52.514 تا 52.694 درجه و عرض های شمالی 35.855 تا 35.934درجه در استان تهران و مرتع آساران به مساحت 5642 هکتار و ارتفاع متوسط 2465 متر در محدودة طول های شرقی 53.265 تا 53.392درجه و عرض های شمالی 35.804 تا 35.882درجه در استان سمنان واقع‌شده است. در این تحقیق از اطلاعات سنجندة OLI ماهواره لندست 8 استفاده شد. پس از انجام عملیات پیش پردازش تصاویر ماهواره ای مناطق موردمطالعه، لایه های اطلاعاتی بازتابش بالای اتمسفر باندهای 2 تا 7 همراه با متغیرهای آلبیدوی سطح، شاخص رس، شاخص کربنات، شاخص اندازه ذرات، NDVI، شاخص های روشنایی، سبزینگی و رطوبت تبدیل تسلدکپ محاسبه شد. در هر یک از مناطق موردنظر، با استفاده از نقشه مدل رقومی ارتفاعی (DEM)، نقشه های شیب، جهت و طبقات ارتفاعی تهیه شد و از تلفیق سه لایه اخیر با یکدیگر، نقشه واحدهای همگن نمونه برداری حاصل گردید. نمونه برداری از خاک، با استفاده از روش نمونه برداری تصادفی طبقه‌بندی‌شده انجام شد. بدین‌صورت که، در هر یک از واحدهای همگن با توجه به سطح آن، به شیوه تصادفی، چند نمونه خاک از عمق صفر تا 20 سانتی متری برداشت شد و میزان کربن آلی نمونه ها با استفاده از روش والکلی- بلاک اندازه گیری شد.نتایج و بحثنتایج این تحقیق نشان داد متغیرهای طیفی مقادیر بازتابش بالای اتمسفر باندهای 2 تا 7 همراه با متغیرهای آلبیدوی سطح، شاخص رس، NDVI، شاخص های روشنایی، سبزینگی و رطوبت تبدیل تسلدکپ، همبستگی معنی داری با کربن آلی خاک‌دارند (0.01>p). همچنین نتایج تحلیل عاملی به روش تجزیة مؤلفه های اصلی (PCA) با مقادیر ویژه بزرگ‌تر از یک نشان داد کل واریانس تجمعی تبیین شده بوسیلة 12 متغیر مذکور، برابر91.74درصد است که این میزان واریانس بوسیلة دو عامل توضیح داده شد. عامل اول (رنگ خاک)، 76.6 درصد واریانس و عامل دوم (پوشش گیاهی و بافت خاک)، 15.14 درصد واریانس را تبیین کردند.نتیجه گیری نتایج این پژوهش مؤید وجود ارتباط معنی دار کربن آلی خاک سطحی با عوامل طیفی مستخرج از داده های سنجندة OLI لندست 8 در مراتع نیمه استپی موردمطالعه است. با توجه به وسعت زیاد مراتع ایران، استفاده از روش های سنتی در برآورد کربن آلی خاک به دلیل نیاز به‌صرف وقت و هزینه زیاد، امکان پذیر نیست و در چنین شرایطی استفاده از قابلیت های دورسنجی می تواند به‌عنوان گزینه ای مناسب برای پایش کربن آلی خاک مراتع کشور مطرح باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        27 - بررسی اثر آتش سوزی در مراتع بر تغییرات کربن آلی خاک با استفاده از شاخص های مبتنی بر سنجش‌ازدور
        سمیه ساعتی زارعی بهناز عطائیان
        پیشینه و هدف مراتع جزء آن دسته از زیست بوم های طبیعی هستند که بخش مهمی از ذخایر کربن خاک را به خود اختصاص داده اند و علاوه بر آن به‌عنوان ذخیره ژنتیکی بسیار متنوعی، تضمین‌ کننده پویایی اکوسیستم می باشند. آتش سوزی یک عامل طبیعی در مراتع به شمار می رود که طی آن اکثر پوشش أکثر
        پیشینه و هدف مراتع جزء آن دسته از زیست بوم های طبیعی هستند که بخش مهمی از ذخایر کربن خاک را به خود اختصاص داده اند و علاوه بر آن به‌عنوان ذخیره ژنتیکی بسیار متنوعی، تضمین‌ کننده پویایی اکوسیستم می باشند. آتش سوزی یک عامل طبیعی در مراتع به شمار می رود که طی آن اکثر پوشش های طبیعی موجود می سوزند. بررسی اثرات مثبت و منفی آتش سوزی بر اکوسیستم به‌ویژه بر خصوصیات خاک محققین را بر آن داشته تا به دنبال روش های جایگزینی، به‌جای روش های مستقیم و میدانی که عموماً بسیار پرهزینه و وقت گیر هستند، باشند. ازجمله روش ها و فناوری های نوینی که در زمینه منابع طبیعی بسیار پرکاربرد و مفید هستند می توان به سنجش‌ازدور اشاره کرد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثر کوتاه ‌مدت آتش‌سوزی بر ذخیره کربن آلی، اسیدیته و هدایت الکتریکی خاک مراتع در منطقه گنبد همدان و بررسی قابلیت سنجش ‌از دور در برآورد غیرمستقیم کربن خاک سطحی در مراتع نیمه ‌خشک پس از وقوع آتش ‌سوزی است.مواد و روش هادر این تحقیق از هر سایت 20 نمونه خاک از عمق 0-10 سانتی متری (درمجموع 40 نمونه) برداشت شد و با دستگاه GPS مختصات تک تک نقاط نمونه برداری ثبت گردید. نمونه‌برداری ‌ها در فاصله 15 الی 20 روز پس از وقوع آتش ‌سوزی در اوایل مهرماه انجام پذیرفت. نمونه ها پس از انتقال به آزمایشگاه جهت اندازه گیری میزان کربن آلی خاک مورداستفاده قرار گرفتند. سپس ارتباط آماری بین مناطق شاهد با مناطق دچار آتش‌سوزی با آزمون t مستقل موردبررسی و تجزیه‌وتحلیل قرار گرفت. همچنین برآورد غیرمستقیم میزان کربن آلی خاک سطحی در دو سایت شاهد و دچار آتش‌سوزی شده و بررسی روند تغییرات آن ها با استفاده از سنجش‌ازدور تصاویر ماهواره ای مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. به همین منظور پس از انجام پردازش های لازم بر روی‌داده‌های ماهواره ای، مقادیر متناظر بازتاب طیفی هر پیکسل با نقاط نمونه برداری در طول‌موج‌ها و شاخص های طیفی مختلف استخراج، و میزان همبستگی و ارتباط رگرسیونی هر یک از آن ‌ها با میزان کربن مورد تجزیه ‌و تحلیل قرار گرفت.نتایج و بحث نتایج حاصل از آزمون همبستگی پیرسون نشان داد که در بین تمام شاخص ها طیفی تنها شاخص HI با کربن آلی خاک در کوتاه ‌مدت و در منطقه شاهد همبستگی داشته است. همچنین در بین تمام شاخص ها، شاخص های BI، NDBI، NDVI، SAVI، VCI و VHI با مقدار EC در سایت شاهد همبستگی داشتند. در سایت شاهد بین اکثر شاخص های طیفی و EC خاک همبستگی معنی داری وجود داشت که پس از آتش سوزی این همبستگی در سایت آتش سوزی از بین رفته بود. در مورد همبستگی بین pH و شاخص های طیفی مشاهده گردید بین برخی از شاخص های طیفی و pH همبستگی به وجود آمده است. درواقع می توان نتیجه گرفت که آتش‌سوزی باعث تغییر بزرگی در میزان انعکاس و انتشار امواج از سطح خاک گردیده است به ‌گونه ‌ای که در سایت شاهد شاخص ها با EC همبستگی داشتند اما در سایت آتش سوزی همبستگی بین شاخص ها و EC به‌طور کامل از بین رفته است و در عوض بین شاخص ها و pH همبستگی ایجاد گردیده است. همچنین هیچ‌یک از شاخص های طیفی در فروردین 1396 در سایت شاهد با SOC همبستگی مثبت یا منفی معنی داری نداشتند و نتایج بیانگر این موضوع بود که پس از گذشت شش ماه از وقوع آتش سوزی تغییرات کربن خاک به‌گونه‌ای نبوده است که بتوان با شاخص های طیفی روند آن را بررسی کرد. در مقایسه نتایج مهر 1395 با نتایج فروردین 1396 در سایت شاهد مشخص گردید که پس از گذشت شش ماه شاخص NBR همبستگی معنی داری با میزان EC پیدا کرده است اما شاخص های BI و VHI همبستگی خود را ازدست ‌داده ‌اند. با توجه به بحث صورت گرفته در مورد شاخص NBR و حضور باند SWIR2 در آن به نظر می رسد باگذشت شش ماه از وقوع آتش‌سوزی، در سایت شاهد تغییراتی به وجود آمده که منجر به ایجاد همبستگی بین این شاخص و EC خاک گردیده است. ازآنجاکه مقدار انرژی بازتابی از سطح زمین به عوامل متعددی نظیر رطوبت خاک، تغییر محتوی ماده آلی خاک و پوشش سطح وابسته است لذا باید تأثیر این عوامل را در فصل رویش بر روی بازتاب خاک مدنظر قرارداد. عدم‌ تغییر این نتایج پس از گذشت شش ماه می تواند این موضوع را به اثبات برساند که اثرات مثبت و منفی آتش سوزی در دوره ای کوتاه‌مدت در حد شش ماه از بین نرفته و زمان طولانی تری برای بازگشت شرایط به حالت طبیعی نیاز است.نتیجهگیری مطابق با بررسی های صورت گرفته مشخص گردید که ذخیره کربن آلی خاک در مراتع آتش سوزی شده با مراتع شاهد دارای تفاوت معنی‌داری نیست. تغییر شکل و تثبیت مواد آلی خاک در اثر آتش توسط محققین زیادی مورد بررسی و توجه قرارگرفته است اما تبدیل و دگرگونی ماده آلی خاک در اثر آتش‌سوزی، اغلب منجر به نتایج ناهمگون و متفاوتی گردیده است. مشخص‌شده است در عمق 20-10 سانتی متری آتش سوزی تأثیری در میزان کربن آلی خاک نداشته است اما محققین دیگری مشخص کردند 6 ماه پس از آتش‌سوزی در خاک های سوخته در مقایسه با خاک های شاهد میزان کربن افزایش داشته است. مشخص‌شده است که سه ماه پس از آتش سوزی درصد کربن آلی خاک به ‌صورت معنی داری کاهش داشته است. همچنین در بررسی دیگری بر روی اثر آتش‌سوزی بر کربن آلی خاک مشخص‌شده است که در منطقه دچار آتش سوزی نسبت به منطقه شاهد در یک سال و دو سال پس از آتش سوزی میزان کربن آلی خاک کاهش معنی داری داشته است. ازآنجاکه اثر آتش سوزی بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک به‌شدت تحت تأثیر شدت آتش ‌سوزی، رطوبت خاک، اقلیم و پوشش گیاهی است. لذا تمام این عوامل منجر به حصول نتایج متفاوت در بررسی تأثیر آتش سوزی بر کربن آلی خاک گردیده است. با توجه به شرایط محیطی، اقلیم، شیب منطقه، بافت و ساختمان خاک و عوامل مرتبط با آتش‌ سوزی نظیر شدت و مدت آن، مقدار کربن خاک تغییر کرده است. برای مثال در صورت وقوع آتش‌سوزی متوسط شرایط برای رویش مجدد پوشش گیاهی سریع تر فراهم گردیده است اما در صورت وقوع آتش‌ سوزی‌ های شدید به ‌طور کلی تمام لایه آلی سطح خاک از بین رفته است و به ‌مرور کربن کاهش داشته است. همچنین در بررسی همبستگی بین شاخص های طیفی و کربن آلی خاک مشخص گردید تنها شاخص HI با کربن آلی خاک در سایت شاهد معنی دار بوده است اما در سایت دچار آتش‌سوزی هیچ‌ گونه همبستگی مشاهده نشده است. این امر را می توان به بررسی طیف طول‌موج ‌های مرئی آبی و سبز در رابطه ریاضی این شاخص بررسی کرد، زیرا تنها در این شاخص از طیف طول ‌موج سبز و آبی استفاده گردیده است. با توجه به نتایج سایر محققین به نظر می رسد تخمین کربن آلی خاک با استفاده از سنجش ‌از دور دارای پیچیدگی های خاصی است. ازآنجاکه کربن آلی خاک با بیشترین تأثیر خود را بر روی رنگ خاک می گذارد، لذا اگر مقدار آن کم باشد با استفاده از سنجش ‌از دور امکان تخمین آن ضعیف است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        28 - تعیین مدل شایستگی تولید علوفه در مراتع سراب سفید بروجرد با استفاده از سیستم سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی
        علی آریاپور مسلم حدیدی فاضل امیری علی حسین بیرانوند
        شایستگی تولید علوفه از جمله عوامل مهم مؤثر در شایستگی چرای مرتع برای بهره برداری پایدار از پتانسیل های طبیعی است. تعیین این شایستگی در مدت زمان اندک و با هزینه کم و دقت بالا از مهمترین چالش های کارشناسان و بهره برداران مراتع می باشد. این تحقیق در مراتع سراب سفید بروجرد أکثر
        شایستگی تولید علوفه از جمله عوامل مهم مؤثر در شایستگی چرای مرتع برای بهره برداری پایدار از پتانسیل های طبیعی است. تعیین این شایستگی در مدت زمان اندک و با هزینه کم و دقت بالا از مهمترین چالش های کارشناسان و بهره برداران مراتع می باشد. این تحقیق در مراتع سراب سفید بروجرد طی دو سال (1391-1390) و با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره لندست، اطلاعات و نقشه های پایه دستی و رقومی شده نظیر توپوگرافی و مدل رقومی ارتفاعی اقدام به تولید سایر نقشه های مورد نیاز مانند شیب، جهت و ارتفاع شد. همچنین اندازه گیری های میدانی با استفاده از روش قطع و توزین برای برآورد علوفه، چهارفاکتوری برای تعیین وضعیت مرتع، ترازوی گرایش برای مشخص شدن گرایش، شد. اندازه گیری درصد تاج پوشش گیاهان برای تیپ بندی، پیمایش صحرایی برای جداسازی واحدهای اراضی و به تبع آن تیپ بندی صورت گرفت. با تلفیق اطلاعات برداشت شده صحرایی با اطلاعات رقومی شده در محیط نرم افزار ArcGIS®9.3 نقشه های تیپ بندی، گرایش، وضعیت و تولید علوفه به دست آمد. نقشه لایه های اطلاعاتی با دستور یکپارچه سازی در محیط نرم افزار تبدیل به نقشه نهایی شایستگی تولید علوفه شد. نتایج نشان داد از 16 تیپ جداسازی شده 4 تیپ در کلاس غیرشایسته تولید، 8 تیپ در کلاس سه، 2 تیپ در کلاس دو و 2 تیپ در کلاس یک شایستگی تولید علوفه قرار گرفت. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که در صورت رعایت استانداردها و معیارها، بکارگیری تکنیک های سنجش از دور و سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی می تواند، با سرعت بالا، دقت زیاد و هزینه کم در مدیریت پایدار اکوسیستم های مرتعی مفید واقع شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        29 - شناسایی شب پره های خانواده Sphingidae در برخی مناطقاستان فارس
        فرنگیس قاسمی حسن آل منصور اصغر آل حسین
        طی تحقیقی در سال های 1385 و 1386، فون شب‌پره های خانواده Sphingidae روی برخی گونه های جنگلی و مرتعی در چند رویشگاه دراستان فارس مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. چهار منطقه جنگلی با پوشش غالب گیاهی بنه (ارسنجان)، کنار و بادام کوهی (فیروز آباد)، بلوط (کازرون و نورآباد)، گلابی وحشی أکثر
        طی تحقیقی در سال های 1385 و 1386، فون شب‌پره های خانواده Sphingidae روی برخی گونه های جنگلی و مرتعی در چند رویشگاه دراستان فارس مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. چهار منطقه جنگلی با پوشش غالب گیاهی بنه (ارسنجان)، کنار و بادام کوهی (فیروز آباد)، بلوط (کازرون و نورآباد)، گلابی وحشی (سپیدان) و یک منطقه مرتعی (شیراز) انتخاب گردید. تعداد 271 نمونه شب‌پره Sphingidae شامل 16 گونه با استفاده از تور حشره گیری و تله نوری جمع‌آوری، فرم دهی و اتاله شده و بر اساس ویژگی های مورفولوژیک و سیستماتیک طبقه بندی شدند. نمونه ها به‌وسیله نگارنده دوم به‌ شرح زیر شناسایی و به تایید Ian J. Kitching (موزه تاریخ طبیعی بریتانیا)رسید. Acherontia styx styx (Westwood, 1847) Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) Akbesia davidi (Oberthür, 1884) Clarina kotschyi kotschyi (Kollar, 1849) Daphnis nerii (Linnaeus, 1758) Hippotion celerio (Linnaeus, 1758) Hyles hippophaes (Esper, 1793) Hyles livornica (Esper, 1780) Hyles nicaea sheljuzkoi (de Prunner, 1798) Laothoe populi populeti (Bienert, 1870) Marumba quercus (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758) Rethera brandti euteletes (Jordan, 1937) Rethera komarovi manifica (Brandt, 1938) Smerinthus kindermanni (Lederer, 1853) Theretra alecto (Linnaeus, 1758) در میان نمونه های جمع آوری شده، گونه Acherontia styx styx اولین بار از استان فارس گزارش گردید و Marumba quercus یا برگ خوار بلوط در بیشتر محل های تعیین شده مشاهده گردید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        30 - بررسی فون کفشدوزک های خانواده (Col., Coccinellidae) مراتع گون گزی استان لرستان
        مجید توکلی امیر انصاری پور احمد پیرهادی فاطمه پیروزی
        فون کفشدوزک ‌های مراتع گون گزی استان لرستان طی سال ‌های 1384 تا 1387 در مناطقی که عملیات جمع‌آوری و رهاسازی پسیل مولد گز‌انگبین انجام می ‌شد از روی بوته ‌های گون گزی صورت گرفت، در این بررسی ‌ها در مجموع 11 گونه متعلق به 10 جنس به شرح زیر جمع‌آوری و شناسایی گردید: Henos أکثر
        فون کفشدوزک ‌های مراتع گون گزی استان لرستان طی سال ‌های 1384 تا 1387 در مناطقی که عملیات جمع‌آوری و رهاسازی پسیل مولد گز‌انگبین انجام می ‌شد از روی بوته ‌های گون گزی صورت گرفت، در این بررسی ‌ها در مجموع 11 گونه متعلق به 10 جنس به شرح زیر جمع‌آوری و شناسایی گردید: Henosepilachna argus (Geoffroy, 1762)*, Chilocorus bipustulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Exochomus flavipes (Thunberg, 1781), Exochomus quadripustulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Scymnus apetzi (Mulsant, 1846), Hyperaspis reppensis (Herbst, 1783)**, Coccinnula sinuatomarginata (Faldermann, 1837)*, Hippodamia variegata (Goeze, 1777), Oenopia conglobata (Linnaeus, 1758), Oenopia oncina (Olivier, 1808), Coccinella septempunctata (Linnaeus, 1758). گونه ‌ای که با علامت (**) مشخص شده‌است برای فون کفشدوزک ‌های ایران جدید است و گونه ‌هایی که با علامت (*) مشخص شده ‌اند برای فون کفشدوزک ‌های استان لرستان جدید هستند و برای اولین ‌بار از این استان گزارش شده ‌اند، در این تحقیق در مجموع 11 گونه کفشدوزک از 9 جنس مستقیما از روی گیاه گون‌گزی (Astragalus adscendens) جمع‌آوری گردید که از این بین 7 جنس در حال تغذیه از پسیل مولد گز انگبین (Cyamophila astragalicola) و دو جنس Scymnus و Henosepilachna در حالت خواب زمستانه از روی گیاه فوق جمع‌آوری گردیدند، گونه Henosepilachna argus تنها گونه گیاه خوار در بین این 11 گونه است. گونه هایی که برای فون ایران و استان جدید هستند توسط دکتر Fursch از کشور آلمان تایید شده‌ است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        31 - نقش دانش بومی در حفاظت از مراتع ییلاقی پلور استان مازندران
        فاطمه آذر جلال محمودی قدرت‌اله حیدری
        هدف کلی این تحقیق بررسی تأثیر دانش بومی در توسعه اکوتوریسم و ایجاد درآمد "منطقه پلور در استان مازندران"می‌باشد. تحقیق حاضر یک تحقیق پیمایشی بوده و اطلاعات بر مبنای طراحی پرسشنامه در قالب طیف لیکرت جمع‌آوری می‌شود. جامعه‌ی مورد بررسی از 210 نفر از ساکنین منطقه پلور تشکیل أکثر
        هدف کلی این تحقیق بررسی تأثیر دانش بومی در توسعه اکوتوریسم و ایجاد درآمد "منطقه پلور در استان مازندران"می‌باشد. تحقیق حاضر یک تحقیق پیمایشی بوده و اطلاعات بر مبنای طراحی پرسشنامه در قالب طیف لیکرت جمع‌آوری می‌شود. جامعه‌ی مورد بررسی از 210 نفر از ساکنین منطقه پلور تشکیل شده و حجم نمونه به صورت تصادفی براساس فرمول کوکران تعداد نمونه آماری 111 نفر بدست آمده است. اما در عملیات میدانی تنها تعداد 70 پرسشنامه تکمیل گردید و بقیه افراد تمایلی به پاسخگویی نداشتند. پایایی تحقیق به وسیله ضریب آلفای کرونباخ محاسبه و مقدار این ضریب 803/0 به دست آمده است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از آزمون‌های آنالیز واریانس و مقایسه میانگین‌های دانکن و همچنین ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون ساده استفاده شد. آنالیز داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار spss انجام شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که بین دانش بومی و توسعه صنعت اکوتوریسم و رونق اقتصادی رابطه معنی‌داری وجود دارد. یعنی با مدیریت صحیح و مبتنی بر دانش بومی می‌توان علاوه بر جذب گردشگر، ایجاد اشتغال، درآمدزایی، حفظ فرهنگ و سنن بومی منطقه به حفاظت از عرصه‌های منابع طبیعی بالاخص مراتع منطقه مورد مطالعه پرداخت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        32 - مدل‌سازی مطلوبیت رویشگاه گونة Stipa barbata با استفاده از روش تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم‌شناختی (ENFA) (مطالعه موردی: مراتع طالقان میانی)
        محمدعلی زارع چاهوکی محبوبه عباسی
        این پژوهش به‌منظور تعیین مطلوبیت رویشگاه گونة S. barbata با استفاده از روش تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم‌شناختی در مراتع طالقان میانی انجام شده است. گونة S. barbata از گندمیان مرغوب و با ارزش مرتعی است که اهمیت زیادی در حفاظت خاک و تولید علوفه دام‌ها دارد. به‌منظور مدل‌سازی مطل أکثر
        این پژوهش به‌منظور تعیین مطلوبیت رویشگاه گونة S. barbata با استفاده از روش تحلیل عاملی آشیان بوم‌شناختی در مراتع طالقان میانی انجام شده است. گونة S. barbata از گندمیان مرغوب و با ارزش مرتعی است که اهمیت زیادی در حفاظت خاک و تولید علوفه دام‌ها دارد. به‌منظور مدل‌سازی مطلوبیت رویشگاه این گونه، از نقاط حضور گونه و لایه‌های اطلاعاتی متغیرهای خاکی از جمله درصد سنگریزه، اسیدیته، هدایت الکتریکی، درصد آهک، مادةآلی، نیتروژن، پتاسیم، فسفر، عمق خاک، درصد شن، رس و سیلت و نقشه متغیرهای توپوگرافی منطقه (شیب، جهت و ارتفاع) به‌عنوان متغیرهای مؤثر بر حضور گونه استفاده شد. صحت مدل با استفاده از شاخص بویس مقدار 5/87% به‌دست آمد که نشاندهنده دقت بالای نتایج مدل است و ضریب کاپای به‌دست آمده از بررسی میزان تطابق نقشة پیش‌بینی با واقعیت زمینی نیز (64/0k=) به‌دست آمد. نتایج حاصل از بررسی‌ها نشان می‌دهد که در انتخاب رویشگاه گونه S. barbata در منطقه مورد مطالعه متغیرهای محیطی ارتفاع، جهت شمالی، هدایت الکتریکی و پتاسیم تأثیر منفی و متغیرهای عمق، آهک، ماده‌آلی و اسیدیته تأثیر مثبت داشته‌اند و مهمترین عوامل در مطلوبیت رویشگاه این گونه بوده‌اند. با توجه به مقادیر حاشیه‌گرایی (64/1)، تخصص-گرایی (399/8) و تحمل‌پذیری کل (119/0) به‌دست آمده از مدل، می‌توان نتیجه گرفت که گونه مورد مطالعه نسبت به شرایط خاصی از متغیرهای محیطی تخصص پیدا کرده است و دامنه خاصی از متغیرهای محیطی را در محدوده‌ منطقه مورد مطالعه تحمل می‌کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        33 - مدل تعیین شایستگی مرتع برای چرای گوسفند با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز باقران)
        عین اله روحی مقدم حلیمه جلورو هادی معماریان
        اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی یکی از پیچیده‌ترین اکوسیستم‌ها محسوب می‌شوند و بین اجزای آن روابط بسیار دقیقی وجود دارد. این امر ایجاب می‌کند که منابع مرتعی موجود در هر منطقه برای انواع بهره‌برداری به‌درستی مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد و تناسب اراضی برای هر نوع کاربری نیز مشخص شود. هدف از أکثر
        اکوسیستم‌های مرتعی یکی از پیچیده‌ترین اکوسیستم‌ها محسوب می‌شوند و بین اجزای آن روابط بسیار دقیقی وجود دارد. این امر ایجاب می‌کند که منابع مرتعی موجود در هر منطقه برای انواع بهره‌برداری به‌درستی مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد و تناسب اراضی برای هر نوع کاربری نیز مشخص شود. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی شایستگی مراتع حوزه آبخیز باقران واقع در استان خراسان جنوبی برای چرای گوسفند می‌باشد که با استفاده از روش فائو در محیط سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی صورت پذیرفته است. در این تحقیق از بین عوامل فیزیکی و پوشش گیاهی سه عامل تولید علوفه، منابع آب و حساسیت به فرسایش انتخاب شدند که به صورت سه زیر مدل ارائه شده است. نتایج حاصل از مدل نهایی شایستگی مرتع نشان می‌دهد که شیب و فاصله منابع آب مهم‌ترین فاکتورهای کاهش شایستگی مرتع برای این کاربری هستند. همچنین 63/32 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی S2 (متوسط)، 13/21 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی S3 (کم) و 06/18 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی N (غیر شایسته) قرار گرفته‌اند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        34 - بررسی عوامل موثر بر عدم رعایت ظرفیت چرا (مطالعه موردی زیر حوزه نچ حوزه آبخیز بلده)
        جلال محمودی راحله اسلامی خدیجه مهدوی
        مراتع حیاتی‌ترین بستر توسعه پایدار محیط زیست و پدیده‌های بوم‌شناختی به شمار می آید. ضعف نظام‌های بهره برداری و مدیریت این منابع خدادادی، باعث شده است که طی سالهای اخیر نظام بهره‌برداری از مراتع دچار سردرگمی می شود . مطالعه حاضر در زیر حوزه نج یکی از زیر بخش های حوزه آبخ أکثر
        مراتع حیاتی‌ترین بستر توسعه پایدار محیط زیست و پدیده‌های بوم‌شناختی به شمار می آید. ضعف نظام‌های بهره برداری و مدیریت این منابع خدادادی، باعث شده است که طی سالهای اخیر نظام بهره‌برداری از مراتع دچار سردرگمی می شود . مطالعه حاضر در زیر حوزه نج یکی از زیر بخش های حوزه آبخیز نور رود در بخش بلده شهرستان نور انجام شده است. جامعه آماری شامل بهره برداران طرحهای مرتعداری منطقه به تعداد 485 نفر بوده و تعداد نمونه 57 نفر مشخص شد.. گردآوری اطلاعات با استفاده از پرسشنامه در قاالب طیف لیکرت انجام شد. اعتبار و روایی پرسشنامه ازطریق اعتبارصوری و پایایی پرسشنامه با روش آلفای کرونباخ به میزان 801/0 بدست آمد . جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن،آزمون تجزیه واریانس و رگرسیون با نرم افزارSPSS ver. 19 استفاده شد.. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که دو متغیر وضعیت اقتصادی و آموزش و ترویج با رعایت ظرفیت چرارابطه معنی‌دار داشته و دو متغیر سطح سواد و آگاهی بهره‌برداران و نحوه اجرای قانون با رعایت ظرفیت چرارابطه معنی‌دار ندارند. ایجاد اشتغال و درآمد زایی به منظور اصلاح و بهبود شرایط اقتصادی و همچنین ایجاد و برگزاری کلاسهای آموزشی و ترویجی برای دامداران می تواند سبب کاهش فشار بر مرتع شده و بدین شکل دامداران آگاهانه به رعایت اصول مربوط به رعایت چرا خواهند پرداخت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        35 - کاربرد روش منطق فازی جهت بررسی پتانسیل زنبورداری در مراتع تمین-شهرستان میرجاوه
        مرضیه گرگی حسین پیری صحراگرد سهیلا نوری
        ارزیابی پتانسیل مراتع برای توسعه استفاده چندمنظوره و استفاده صحیح از توانمندی‌های این منابع یک چالش جدی برای مدیریت مراتع است. در این راستا این پژوهش با هدف ارزیابی شایستگی مراتع به‌منظور توسعه کاربری زنبورداری با استفاده از روش منطق فازی در محیط نرم افزار Arc GIS در مر أکثر
        ارزیابی پتانسیل مراتع برای توسعه استفاده چندمنظوره و استفاده صحیح از توانمندی‌های این منابع یک چالش جدی برای مدیریت مراتع است. در این راستا این پژوهش با هدف ارزیابی شایستگی مراتع به‌منظور توسعه کاربری زنبورداری با استفاده از روش منطق فازی در محیط نرم افزار Arc GIS در مراتع تمین در شمال تفتان انجام شد. بدین‌منظور نمونه‌برداری از پوشش گیاهی در تیپ‌های گیاهی منطقه به روش تصادفی-سیستماتیک با استقرار 3 ترانسکت 300 متری انجام شد. پس از تعیین اولویت معیارهای مؤثر در شایستگی زنبورداری با استفاده از روش پیشنهادی فائو، معیارهای مؤثر از طریق پرسشنامه توسط کارشناسان و متخصصین، اولویت‌بندی و وزن‌دهی شد. در مرحله بعد روش منطق فازی بر روی معیارها اعمال شد. در نهایت نقشه نهایی شایستگی منطقه جهت کاربری زنبورداری تهیه شد. نتایج نشان داد که بر اساس روش منطق فازی از مجموع 5572 هکتار اراضی مرتعی منطقه مورد مطالعه، 4/1387 هکتار (9/24 درصد) در طبقه شایستگی S1 (بدون محدودیت)، 3/1571 هکتار (2/28 درصد) در طبقه شایستگی S2 (با محدودیت اندک)، 2/2262هکتار (6/40 درصد) در طبقه شایستگی S3 (با محدودیت زیاد) و 351 هکتار (3/6درصد) در طبقه شایستگی N (غیرشایسته) برای استفاده زنبورداری است. علاوه بر این، ارزش شاخص پوشش گیاهی (84/0) بیشتر از دسترسی به منابع آب(81/0) و عوامل محیطی (37/0) است. با توجه به نتایج حاصل، مناطق شرقی مراتع تمین از شایستگی بالاتری جهت کاربری زنبورداری برخوردار بوده و این موضوع می‌بایستی در توسعه کاربری زنبورداری و مدیریت پوشش گیاهی مراتع تمین مورد توجه قرار گیرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        36 - ارزیابی قابلیت زینتی برخی گیاهان جنس Allium با استفاده از دو روش تجزیه مؤلفه‌های اصلی و امتیازدهی به خصوصیات زیباشناختی (مطالعه موردی: مراتع ییلاقی حوزه آبخیز نوررود)
        لیلا درویشی حسین بارانی موسی اکبرلو حسن قلیچ نیا
        این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی قابلیت زینتی گیاهان جنس Allium با استفاده از دوروش تجزیه مؤلفه‌های اصلی و امتیازدهی به خصوصیات زیباشناختی آنها در مراتع ییلاقی حوزه آبخیز نوررود انجام گرفت.بدین منظور که در منطقه معرف رویشگاه هر یک از این گونه‌ها، تعداد 5 تا 10 پایه گیاهی تعیین أکثر
        این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی قابلیت زینتی گیاهان جنس Allium با استفاده از دوروش تجزیه مؤلفه‌های اصلی و امتیازدهی به خصوصیات زیباشناختی آنها در مراتع ییلاقی حوزه آبخیز نوررود انجام گرفت.بدین منظور که در منطقه معرف رویشگاه هر یک از این گونه‌ها، تعداد 5 تا 10 پایه گیاهی تعیین و در محل علامت‌گذاری شد.سپس کلیه خصوصیات فنولوژیکی و مورفولوژیکی این پایه‌های علامت‌گذاری شده اندازه گیری و ثبت شد.آزمایش بر اساس طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 8 تیمار و 5 تکرار انجام شد. تیمارهاشامل 8 گونه آلیوم بود. برای تعیین قابلیت زینتی گونه‌های موردمطالعه از تجزیه خوشه‌ایی و تجزیه به مولفه‌های اصلی استفاده شدو ویژگی‌های مهم از نظر زینتی مانندارتفاع ساقه گلدهنده، قطرگل‌آذین، پهنای بوته،مدت دوام گل برروی بوته ومساحت برگ موردبررسی قرارگرفت.برمبنای دومولفه اول و دوم که 74/93 درصد از تغییرات موجودبین داده‌ها را توجیه نمودند، بای پلات مربوطه رسم گردید.همچنین در روشی دیگر، تصاویری از این گیاهان با استفاده از دوربین عکاسی در زوایایی مختلف ثبت گردیدودر خصوص ارزش زیبایی شناختی آنها از سه گروه مختلف آماری شامل جامعه و افرادبومی، متخصصین درزمینه گل و گیاهان زینتی و اهالی هنر و فضای مجازی پرسشگری به عمل آمد و مجموعاً تعداد 264 پرسشنامه تهیه گردید. ارزیابی قابلیتهای زینتی با استفاده از دوروش مورد مطالعه نشان داد که گونه‌های Allium bodeanum، Allium akaka، Allium elburzensis با قطر گل‌آذین بزرگ و رنگ زیبای بنفش وگونه Allium ampeloprasum بخاطر داشتن ارتفاع زیاد و مدت دوام برگ و گل زیاد، را می‌توان به عنوان گیاهانی با قابلیت زینتی خوب وقابل کاشت دراین مناطق معرفی کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        37 - مقایسه ترکیبات شیمیایی گل اروانه زیبا (Hymenocrater elegans bunge) با سایر گونه‌های جنس Hymenocraterتحت اقالیم مختلف (مطالعه موردی: ارتفاعات بلده نور مازندران)
        فاطمه میرمحمدی محمد مهدوی محمدحسن جوری
        گگل اروانه زیبا دارای خاصیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی، ضد قارچی و ضد باکتری و دارای روغن اسانس معطر، خوش‌بو و اثرات ضد میکروبی است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی ترکیب شیمیایی این گونه در منطقه بلده نور مازندران انجام شد. برای این منظور، اندام‌های هوایی گیاه در مرحله گلدهی جمع‌آوری و پس أکثر
        گگل اروانه زیبا دارای خاصیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی، ضد قارچی و ضد باکتری و دارای روغن اسانس معطر، خوش‌بو و اثرات ضد میکروبی است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی ترکیب شیمیایی این گونه در منطقه بلده نور مازندران انجام شد. برای این منظور، اندام‌های هوایی گیاه در مرحله گلدهی جمع‌آوری و پس از خشک شدن در دمای محیط آزمایشگاه، و تجزیه و شناسایی ترکیبات اسانس با استفاده از دستگاه‌های گاز کروماتوگرافی (GC) و گاز کروماتوگراف متصل به طیف سنج جرمی(GC/MS) انجام گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین میزان از درصد اسانس به ترتیب مربوط به ترکیبات Tetramethyl tricycle (49/27%)، Acetaldehyde Ethanal (64/21%)، Butenamide (47/21%)، Ethylamine (34/20%)، Methanonaphthalene (23/18%) و Labda (25/12%)، Cyclopropane,1-bromo (74/7%) بودند. با توجه به نتایج به‌دست آمده از این پژوهش و مطالعات قبلی درخصوص گونه گل اروانه زیبا و گونه‌های دیگر مربوط به همین جنس می‌توان گفت خصوصیات گونه‌های مختلف گیاهی حتی از یک گونه واز یک جنس در تغییر ترکیبات اسانس‌های استخراج شده از آن‌ها متفاوت است. بنابراین پیشنهاد می‌شود به منظور استفاده بهینه از گیاهان دارویی و استخراج بهتر ترکیبات شیمیایی به این عوامل توجه بیشتری گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        38 - تأثیراجرای عملیات بیومکانیکی بر پوشش گیاهی مراتع (مطالعه موردی : مراتع شهرستان ابرکوه استان یزد)
        سعیده صدقی
        اجرای عملیات ذخیره نزولات از مهمترین روش های اصلاح و احیاء پوشش گیاهی مراتع محسوب می شود. تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ذخیره نزولات بر فاکتورهای پوشش گیاهی مراتع قشلاقی شهرستان ابرکوه استان یزد انجام شد. موفقیت عملیات بیومکانیک از طریق اندازه گیری و آنالیز آماری فاکتور أکثر
        اجرای عملیات ذخیره نزولات از مهمترین روش های اصلاح و احیاء پوشش گیاهی مراتع محسوب می شود. تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ذخیره نزولات بر فاکتورهای پوشش گیاهی مراتع قشلاقی شهرستان ابرکوه استان یزد انجام شد. موفقیت عملیات بیومکانیک از طریق اندازه گیری و آنالیز آماری فاکتورهای پوشش گیاهی شامل درصد تاج پوشش، تولید، زادآوری و تراکم در چهار تیمار شاهد، پیتینگ، کنتورفارو و چاله های هلالی آبگیر مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. نمونه برداری به روش تصادفی - سیستماتیک و با استقرار ترانسکت و پلات صورت گرفت. داده ها به روش آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه ANOVA تجزیه و تحلیل شد. نتایج نشان داد که فاکتورهای مورد بررسی در سطح آماری یک درصد (P<0.01) دارای اختلاف معنی داری بودند. به گونه ای که میزان درصد تاج پوشش، تولید، تراکم و زادآوری گونه های گیاهی در روش هلالی آبگیر به ترتیب با 5/8، 25/39، 6/6 و 9/3 بیشترین مقدار را در مقایسه با دو روش دیگر داشت و این فاکتورها در روش های کنتور فارو و پیتینگ اختلاف معنی داری با شاهد نشان ندادند. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که احداث هلالی های آبگیر نسبت به روش های کنتور فارو و پیتینگ تأثیر بیشتری در افزایش پوشش گیاهی منطقه دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        39 - بررسی اثر ساختار گیاهان چوبی بر عملکرد اکوسیستم های مرتعی
        غلامعلی حشمتی پریا کمالی
        بررسی روابط بین پوشش گیاهی و خاک کمک شایانی به شناخت پتانسیل ها و عملکرد مراتع خواهد داشت. گونه های چوبی جز جدایی ناپذیر مراتع می باشند و نقش قابل توجهی در مشخصه های خاک مراتع دارند. تحقیق حاضر به منظور بررسی اثر ساختار گیاهان چوبی بر تغییرات عملکرد مراتع منطقه پرور در أکثر
        بررسی روابط بین پوشش گیاهی و خاک کمک شایانی به شناخت پتانسیل ها و عملکرد مراتع خواهد داشت. گونه های چوبی جز جدایی ناپذیر مراتع می باشند و نقش قابل توجهی در مشخصه های خاک مراتع دارند. تحقیق حاضر به منظور بررسی اثر ساختار گیاهان چوبی بر تغییرات عملکرد مراتع منطقه پرور در استان سمنان صورت گرفت. با استفاده از روش آنالیز عملکرد چشم انداز (LFA)[1]، 11 ویژگی سطح خاک در سه نوع از ساختار گیاهان چوبی (فشرده، نیمه فشرده و باز) در طول 3 ترانسکت صورت گرفت در طول هر ترانسکت 5 تکرار از هر نوع لکه اکولوژیک و نیز خاک لخت برداشت شد. سپس فاکتورهای اندازه گیری شده در قالب سه مشخصه پایداری، نفوذپذیری و چرخه عناصر غذایی در هر نوع ساختار طبقه بندی شد. نتایج نشان داد که گونه های چوبی با فرم فشرده تر نقش پررنگتری در بهبود شاخص های عملکرد مرتع از جمله پایداری، نفوذ پذیری و چرخه عناصر غذایی در مقایسه با ساختار نسبتا فشرده و نیز باز گونه های چوبی دارند. از طرفی هرچه ارتفاع گونه های چوبی کوتاه تر باشد نقش آنها در پایداری خاک بیشتر خواهد بود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        40 - بررسی و تعیین عوامل محیطی مؤثر بر پراکنش رویشگاه‌های مرتعی جنوب شرقی سبلان
        بهنام بهرامی اردوان قربانی
        چکیده: روابط بین پوشش گیاهی و عامل های محیطی به شناخت عوامل مؤثر بر رشد و استقرار گونه های گیاهی و همچنین شناسایی رویشگاه ها کمک می کند. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی ارتباط عوامل محیطی با پراکنش رویشگاه های مرتعی و تعیین مهمترین عوامل مؤثر در تفکیک این رویشگاه ها در منطقه ج أکثر
        چکیده: روابط بین پوشش گیاهی و عامل های محیطی به شناخت عوامل مؤثر بر رشد و استقرار گونه های گیاهی و همچنین شناسایی رویشگاه ها کمک می کند. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی ارتباط عوامل محیطی با پراکنش رویشگاه های مرتعی و تعیین مهمترین عوامل مؤثر در تفکیک این رویشگاه ها در منطقه جنوب شرقی سبلان واقع در استان اردبیل می باشد. نمونه برداری به روش تصادفی- سیستماتیک انجام شد. در اکوسیستم مرتعی مورد نظر، 45 رویشگاه در نقاط مختلف ارتفاعی و در دامنه های جنوب شرقی سبلان انتخاب و در داخل هر یک از این رویشگاه های تعیین شده، 3 پلات بزرگ 10 مترمربعی با فاصله 40 متر از همدیگر و در طول ترانسکت 120 متری مستقرگردید. در داخل پلات ها فهرست گیاهان موجود و درصد تاج پوشش آن ها تعیین گردید. همچنین در داخل هر پلات از دو عمق 15-0 و 30-15سانتی متری، خاک برداشت شد و خصوصیات اقلیمی نظیر بارندگی و دما ، خصوصیات توپوگرافی نظیر ارتفاع، شیب و جهت جغرافیایی، عوامل خاکی نظیر بافت خاک، هدایت الکتریکی ، اسیدیته ، ماده آلی (کربن) ، فسفر و پتاسیم اندازه گیری شدند. به منظور تعیین روابط بین عوامل محیطی با پراکنش پوشش گیاهی، از تجزیه و تحلیل آماری چند متغیره (رج بندی) استفاده شد. رج بندی جوامع گیاهی با توجه به عوامل محیطی به روش آنالیز تطبیقی متعارفی (DCA[1]، RDA[2]، CCA[3]) صورت گرفت. نتایج نشان داد درمنطقه مورد مطالعه، عوامل فیزیوگرافی (ارتفاع و جهت جغرافیایی) تأثیر معنی داری بر پراکنش رویشگاه های مرتعی دارند. نتایج حاصل از CCA عوامل محیطی منطقه مرتعی حاکی از آن است که محور اول و دوم به ترتیب با مقادیر ویژه 703/0 و 519/0 و واریانس 5/11 و 0/20 ، تغییرات رویشگاه ها و عوامل محیطی منطقه را توجیه می کنند. از نتایج این تحقیق می توان در مدیریت، احیا و اصلاح اکوسیستم های مرتعی جنوب شرقی سبلان و مناطق مشابه استفاده کرد. [1] - Detrended Correspondence Analysis [2] - Representational Difference Analysis [3] - Canonical Correspondence Analysis تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        41 - تاثیر تغییرات تنوع گونه‌ای بر مواد آلی ذره‌ای خاک مراتع کوهستانی آذربایجان غربی
        بهنام بهرامی رضا عرفانزاده جواد معتمدی
        به منظور ارزیابی تاثیر گونه جاشیر (Prangos uloptera) و گونه های همراه بر اجزاء ماده آلی خاک و توزیع خاکدانه ها، مراتع کوهستانی خانقاه سرخ ارومیه انتخاب گردید. نمونه گیری به روش تصادفی- سیستماتیک انجام شد. ابتدا دو منطقه مرتعی در کنار هم، با گونه غالب جاشیر انتخاب و سپس أکثر
        به منظور ارزیابی تاثیر گونه جاشیر (Prangos uloptera) و گونه های همراه بر اجزاء ماده آلی خاک و توزیع خاکدانه ها، مراتع کوهستانی خانقاه سرخ ارومیه انتخاب گردید. نمونه گیری به روش تصادفی- سیستماتیک انجام شد. ابتدا دو منطقه مرتعی در کنار هم، با گونه غالب جاشیر انتخاب و سپس چهار عرصه معرف در سطح هر یک از مناطق، جهت نمونه برداری انتخاب شد. نمونه های خاک از دو عمق 15-0 و 30-15 سانتیمتری و در مجموع 32 نمونه خاک از هر منطقه و دو عمق جمع آوری شد. کربن آلی ذره ای (POM-C) و نیتروژن آلی ذره ای (POM-N)، درصد خاکدانه های درشت و ریز و کربن موجود در آنها، آزمایش و آنالیز شد. نتایج آنالیز واریانس نشان داد که به جز درصد خاکدانه های درشت، تمامی فاکتور های مورد بررسی، در اثر افزایش تنوع گونه ای همراه با پایه جاشیردر منطقه مرتعی دوم افزایش یافتند. کربن و نیتروژن آلی ذره ای، کربن همراه با خاکدانه های درشت و درصد خاکدانه های ریز به طور معنی داری تحت تاثیر تنوع گونه ای بالای گیاهان همراه با جاشیر در منطقه مرتعی دوم قرار گرفتند. نتایج این تحقیق، تاثیر سریع تغییرات مدیریتی بر مواد آلی ذره ای را نشان داد و همچنین تغییر پذیری مواد آلی ذره ای خاک در واکنش به تغییرات مدیریتی پوشش گیاهی را ثابت نمود. افزایش مواد آلی ذره ای می تواند ناپایدار باشد، بنابراین تنوع گونه ای اکوسیستمهای مرتعی باید از طریق مدیریت بهینه پوشش گیاهی برای مدت زمان طولانی، حفظ گردد تا افزایش مثبت کربن آلی در خاک حاصل گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        42 - تحلیل رابطه بین تولید با سطح، تعداد دام و تعداد بهره‌بردار مرتعی (مطالعه موردی: طرحهای مرتعداری ییلاقی استان اصفهان
        ولی الله رئوفی راد قدرت اله حیدری ستاره باقری
        هدف از این تحقیق بررسی رابطه بینسطح، تعداد بهره بردار و تعداد دام با تولید مرتع در طرح های مرتعداری می باشد. بدین منظور با مطالعه دقیق کتابچه طرح‌های مرتعداری ییلاقی استان اصفهان، تولید مراتع، سطح مراتع، تعداد دام مجاز در زمان ممیزی و تعداد بهره بردار هر طرح استخراج گرد أکثر
        هدف از این تحقیق بررسی رابطه بینسطح، تعداد بهره بردار و تعداد دام با تولید مرتع در طرح های مرتعداری می باشد. بدین منظور با مطالعه دقیق کتابچه طرح‌های مرتعداری ییلاقی استان اصفهان، تولید مراتع، سطح مراتع، تعداد دام مجاز در زمان ممیزی و تعداد بهره بردار هر طرح استخراج گردید. در مرحله بعد، با بازدیدهای صحرایی تعداد دام موجود هر طرح شمارش گردید. در مرحله آخر رابطه بین سطح مرتع، تعداد بهره بردار و تعداد دام (بصورت جداگانه و مشترک) با تولید مرتع در دو حالت (مراتع تک بهره بردار و مراتع بیش از یک بهره بردار) تجزیه و تحلیل شد. همچنین تولید مراتع تک بهره بردار با مراتع بیش از یک بهره بردار (مشاعی و شورایی) و تعداد دام مجاز با تعداد دام موجود در هر دو گروه مراتع مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت. نتایج حاصله نشان داد تولید با سطح مرتع رابطه معنی دار منفی و با تعداد واحد دامی رابطه معنی دار هر دو گروه مراتع داشته اما با تعداد بهره بردار رابطه معنی دار ندارد. همچنین نتایج مقایسه تولید مراتع تک بهره بردار با مراتع بیش از یک بهره بردار نشان از عدم ارتباط معنی داری آنها بوده و تعداد دام مجاز با دام موجود در هر دو گروه مراتع اختلاف معنی دار داشتند. بنابراین با توجه به نتایج این تحقیق، می توان گفت که سطح مرتع و تعداد دام، عوامل مهم و تأثیرگذاری در تولید مرتع محسوب شده و انتخاب تعداد دام مجاز چرا کننده از مرتع با توجه به‌ سطح و توان تولیدی مرتع می تواند یکی از گام‌های اساسی مدیریت و حفاظت از مراتع به شمار ‌رود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        43 - ارزیابی کاربرد مدل‌های شبکه عصبی و رگرسیونی به منظور پیش بینی تنوع گونه‌ای با استفاده از برخی عوامل خاکی و فیزیوگرافی (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز خرابه سنجی ارومیه)
        بهنام بهرامی اردوان قربانی
        اندازه گیری مستقیم تنوع گونه ای امری وقت گیر و هزینه بر بوده و تا حدی به دلیل خطاهای حاصل از نمونه گیری غیرقابل اعتماد است. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین فاکتور های کم هزینه در پیش بینی تنوع گونه ای بوسیله شبکه مدل های عصبی مصنوعی، شبکه عصبی تطبیقی-فازی و رگرسیونی انجام شد. أکثر
        اندازه گیری مستقیم تنوع گونه ای امری وقت گیر و هزینه بر بوده و تا حدی به دلیل خطاهای حاصل از نمونه گیری غیرقابل اعتماد است. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین فاکتور های کم هزینه در پیش بینی تنوع گونه ای بوسیله شبکه مدل های عصبی مصنوعی، شبکه عصبی تطبیقی-فازی و رگرسیونی انجام شد. نمونه برداری با استفاده از روش سیستماتیک-تصادفی از 60 قطعه نمونه در طول 6 ترانسکت 100 متری و از عمق 30-0 سانتی متری خاک صورت گرفت.اطلاعات پوشش گیاهی به منظور اندازه گیری تنوع گونه ای بوسیله شاخص تنوع شانون-وینر ثبت گردید. همچنین به منظور تعیین عوامل تاثیرگذار بر تنوع گونه ای، فاکتور های هدایت الکتریکی، اسیدیته، وزن مخصوص ظاهری، درصدهای ماده آلی، رس، سیلت، رطوبت اشباع، خاکدانه های درشت و ریز و شیب و ارتفاع تعیین و اندازه گیری شد.سپس با استفاده از مدل های شبکه عصبی نوع پرسپترون چند لایه، شبکه عصبی تطبیقی-فازی و رگرسیونی تخمین تنوع گونه ای تعیین شد.نتایج نشان داد که معیارهای مجذور میانگین مربعات خطا و ضریب کارایی در مدل رگرسیونی به ترتیب 14/0 و 39/0 و در مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی 07/0 و 86/0 و در مدل شبکه عصبی تطبیقی-فازی 09/0 و 70/0 می باشند. همچنین میانگین تنوع شانون وینر برای منطقه برابر 1.98 بود.در واقع مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی به عنوان ابزار قدرتمندتری در پیش بینی تنوع گونه ای نسبت به آنالیز رگرسیون خطی چند متغیّره و شبکه عصبی تطبیقی-فازی عمل می کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        44 - تعیین مدل شایستگی مرتع برای چرای گوسفند با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز باقران)
        حلیمه جلورو عین اله روحی مقدم هادی معماریان
        اکوسیستم های مرتعی یکی از پیچیده ترین اکوسیستم ها محسوب می شوند و بین اجزای آن روابط بسیار دقیقی وجود دارد. این امر ایجاب می کند که منابع مرتعی موجود در هر منطقه برای انواع بهره برداری به درستی مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد و تناسب اراضی برای هر نوع کاربری نیز مشخص شود. هدف از أکثر
        اکوسیستم های مرتعی یکی از پیچیده ترین اکوسیستم ها محسوب می شوند و بین اجزای آن روابط بسیار دقیقی وجود دارد. این امر ایجاب می کند که منابع مرتعی موجود در هر منطقه برای انواع بهره برداری به درستی مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد و تناسب اراضی برای هر نوع کاربری نیز مشخص شود. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی شایستگی مراتع حوزه آبخیز باقران واقع در استان خراسان جنوبی برای چرای گوسفند می باشد که با استفاده از روش فائو در محیط سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی انجا شده است. در این تحقیق از بین عوامل فیزیکی و پوشش گیاهی سه عامل تولید علوفه، منابع آب و حساسیت به فرسایش انتخاب شدند که به صورت سه زیر مدل ارائه شده است. نتایج حاصل از مدل نهایی شایستگی مرتع نشان می دهد که شیب و فاصله منابع آب مهم ترین فاکتورهای کاهش شایستگی مرتع برای این کاربری هستند. همچنین 63/32 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی S2 (متوسط)، 13/21 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی S3 (کم) و 06/18 درصد مراتع در طبقه شایستگی N (غیر شایسته) قرار گرفته اند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        45 - بررسی اکولوژیکی تغییرات وضعیت مرتع و ارتباط آن با گونه های سمی
        کوروش خلعتبری محمدحسن جوری حمیدرضا محرابی
        تغییرات شدید ساختار بهره برداری از مراتع باعث دگرگونی پوشش گیاهی مراتع شده است که هجوم گونه های سمی در مناطق عاری از پوشش گیاهان بومی بعنوان نمادی از این تغییرات مطرح است. آگاهی از درجات وضعیت مراتع باعث اتخاذ تصمیم درست مدیریت بهره برداری از مراتع می گردد. به منظور برر أکثر
        تغییرات شدید ساختار بهره برداری از مراتع باعث دگرگونی پوشش گیاهی مراتع شده است که هجوم گونه های سمی در مناطق عاری از پوشش گیاهان بومی بعنوان نمادی از این تغییرات مطرح است. آگاهی از درجات وضعیت مراتع باعث اتخاذ تصمیم درست مدیریت بهره برداری از مراتع می گردد. به منظور بررسی روند این تغییرات و ارتباط آن با حضور گونه های سمی، مراتع جواهرده رامسر تحت سه تیمار قرق بلندمدت (30 سال)، کوتاه مدت (7 سال) و منطقه چرایی انتخاب شد. به کمک پیمایش صحرایی اقدام به جمع آوری گونه ها و شناسایی آنها توسط منابع معتبر شد. تعدادی پلات به روش تصادفی در هر سایت به منظور تعیین وضعیت و گرایش انداخته شد. وضعیت مرتع به روش شش فاکتوره و گرایش نیز با استفاده از روش ترازوی گرایش تعیین شد. همچنین به منظور تعیین میزان مصرف گونه های سمی توسط دام، از روش شمارش لقمه استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داده است که در این منطقه 133 گونه متعلق 19 تیره و 56 جنس حضور دارند. همچنین با توجه به وضعیت خوب (قرق بلندمدت)، متوسط (قرق 7 ساله) و ضعیف (تحت چرا)، 39 گونه بصورت سمی بوده است. 46 گونه مورد مصرف دام قرار گرفت که از بین آنها 15 گونه دارای خاصیت سمی بوده اند. بنابراین مطالعه روند وضعیت مرتع در منطقه نشان داده است که در مواقعی که فشار چرایی شدید می گردد و یا اینکه مراتع تحت چرای مداوم قرار دارند، گونه های بومی عرصه را به نفع گونه های مهاجم (که اکثرا غیرخوشخوراک و سمی هستند) خالی می کنند. اما بعضی از گونه های سمی بومی نیز وجود دارند که با توجه به خاستگاه اکولوژیک خود، عرصه عاری از گونه های خوشخوراک را تحت اشغال خود درمی آورند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        46 - بررسی اثر شدت‌های برداشت مختلف و مراحل فنولوژیکی بر تغییرات ذخایر کربوهیدرات‌های محلول در دو گونه Halocnemum strobilaceum و Halostachys caspica (مطالعه موردی: مراتع شهرستان گمیشان واقع در شمال غرب استان گلستان)
        مجید شریفی راد غلامعلی حشمتی محمد باقر باقریه نجار
        در مطالعه حاضر به بررسی تغییرات ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول در گونه‌های Halocnemum strobilaceum و Halostachys caspica در شدت‌های برداشت مختلف (صفر، 25، 50 و 75 درصد) و مراحل مختلف رشد فنولوژیکی (رشد رویشی، گلدهی و بذردهی) در اندام‌های هوایی (ساقه) و زیرزمینی (ریشه) پرداخته ش أکثر
        در مطالعه حاضر به بررسی تغییرات ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول در گونه‌های Halocnemum strobilaceum و Halostachys caspica در شدت‌های برداشت مختلف (صفر، 25، 50 و 75 درصد) و مراحل مختلف رشد فنولوژیکی (رشد رویشی، گلدهی و بذردهی) در اندام‌های هوایی (ساقه) و زیرزمینی (ریشه) پرداخته شد. براساس نتایج بدست آمده اثر تیمارهای شدت برداشت بر مقدار ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول در هر دو گونه معنی دار بود. در هر دو گونه شاهد بیش‌ترین مقدار کربوهیدرات را دارا بود و با افزایش شدت برداشت به‌طور معنی داری از مقدار ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول کاسته شد. لذا با توجه به اثرات منفی سطوح برداشت 50 و 75 درصد بر مقدار ذخایر کربوهیدرات گونه‌ها، سطح برداشت 25 درصد را می‌توان به‌عنوان سطح برداشت مجاز گونه‌ها در نظر گرفت. همچنین نتایج نشان داد اثر مرحله رویشی و نوع اندام گیاه بر مقدار ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول دو گونه معنی‌دار بود. طبق نتایج بدست آمده گونه‌های مورد مطالعه از نظر میزان کل ذخایر کربوهیدرات محلول (اندام هوایی+ ریشه) تفاوت معنی‌داری با هم داشتند. در هر دو گونه با پیشرفت مراحل رشد، میزان کل ذخایر کربوهیدرات‌های محلول به‌طور معنی‌داری افزایش نشان داد. بنابراین می‌توان مرحله بذردهی را بهترین زمان چرای دام در گونه‌های مورد مطالعه در نظر گرفت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        47 - بررسی برخی ویژگی‌های بوم شناختی گیاه دارویی (Artemisia sieberi Besser.) و تخمین تراکم آن به روش شبکه‌های عصبی در بخش روداب سبزوار
        علیرضا قاسمی آریان سیدفاضل فاضلی کاخکی حسین روحانی
        چکیده درمنه دشتی (Artemisia sieberi Besser) از تیره Asteraceae گونه ای دارویی در فلور ایران بوده که اسانس آن در درمان بیماری های انگلی و عفونی کاربرد دارد. طی سالیان اخیر، بخش هایی از رویشگاه های درمنه، توسط عوامل انسانی تخریب شده است. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی نیازهای آت أکثر
        چکیده درمنه دشتی (Artemisia sieberi Besser) از تیره Asteraceae گونه ای دارویی در فلور ایران بوده که اسانس آن در درمان بیماری های انگلی و عفونی کاربرد دارد. طی سالیان اخیر، بخش هایی از رویشگاه های درمنه، توسط عوامل انسانی تخریب شده است. این تحقیق با هدف بررسی نیازهای آت اکولوژی و برآورد تراکم درمنه در سال 1396 در منطقه روداب سبزوار انجام گرفت. ابتدا محدوده درمنه زار بر روی عکس های ماهواره ای، تعیین و اطلاعات بوم شناختی آن، شامل (توپوگرافی، اقلیم، خاک، زمین شناسی و فنولوژی) جمع آوری گردید. در مرحله ی بعد، تراکم درمنه در مراتع تخریب شده با استفاده از مدل شبکه عصبی مورد آزمون قرار گرفت. بدین منظور 70 نمونه تصادفی خاک متشکل از متغیرهای مستقل (بافت، EC،SAR ، pH،N ،P ،K ، کاتیون ها، ماده آلی و درصد آهک) و نیز تراکم درمنه (متغیر وابسته) برای ساخت مدل استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان دادند که درمنه دشتی، ارتفاعات 1400 تا 1800 متر، شیب های صفر تا 12%، بارندگی 160 تا 200 میلی‌متر و خاک های لومی تا لومی ماسه ای آهک دار با شوری کم را ترجیح می‎‎دهد. فعّالیت رویشی درمنه از اواخر اسفند شروع شده و تا اوایل آذر بذرها می رسند. همچنین نتایج پیش بینی مدل نشان داد، کمترین تراکم درمنه با 11/0 در مترمربع مربوط به اراضی می باشد که 40 سال تحت تنش شخم قرار داشته اند و بیشترین تراکم درمنه با 4/0 در مترمربع مربوط به اراضی است که دو سال از تخریب آنها می گذرد.مدل رگرسیون (R2) نشان داد که متغیرهای مستقل، 95% در تعیین تراکم درمنه نفش دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        48 - مقایسه ترکیبات فرار جمعیت‌هایی‌ از گیاه دارویی Eryngium noeanum Boiss. و Eryngium iranicum Mozaff. در ایران
        عبدالباسط محمودی محمد تقی عبادی مهدی عیاری نوش آبادی
        در این مطالعه اندام هوایی گونه Eryngium noeanum Boiss. با نام فارسی ” زول بیابانی“، از چهار رویشگاه مختلف الموت (AL) (استان قزوین)، گردنه آهوان (AH) (سمنان)، رازقان (RZ) (مرکزی) و گردنه بشم (BA) (سمنان) و گونه Eryngium iranicum Mozaff. از اطراف روستای نیک پ أکثر
        در این مطالعه اندام هوایی گونه Eryngium noeanum Boiss. با نام فارسی ” زول بیابانی“، از چهار رویشگاه مختلف الموت (AL) (استان قزوین)، گردنه آهوان (AH) (سمنان)، رازقان (RZ) (مرکزی) و گردنه بشم (BA) (سمنان) و گونه Eryngium iranicum Mozaff. از اطراف روستای نیک پی (NP) (زنجان) به ترتیب با ارتفاع 1600، 1980، 2450، 2150 و 1400 متر ازسطح دریا در تیر ماه سال 1397 جمع آوری گردید. نمونه های گیاهی خشک شده در سایه، با روش تقطیر با آب توسط کلونجر اسانس‌گیری شد. آنالیز کیفی و کمی اسانس به ترتیب توسط دستگاه کروماتوگرافی گازی متصل به طیف سنج جرمی (GC-MS) و دستگاه کروماتوگرافی گازی (GC-FID) انجام شد. محتوای اسانس به‌ترتیب، 0/3، 0/4، 0/55، 0/2 و 0/1 درصد (وزنی/وزنی) برای AL، AH، RZ، BA و NP بود. مهمترین ترکیبات نمونه اسانس ها شامل: آمورفا-11،4-داین (14/0، 17/6، 9/0 و 13/6 درصد)، گاما-سلینن (21/5، 40/5، 23/1 و 35/7 درصد)، اسپاتولنول (4/6، 0/7، 6/4 و 5/5 درصد)، اودیسم-7(11)-اِن-4-اُل (3/4، 0/5، 6/7 و 4/4 درصد) و سیس-فالکارینول (20/3، 1/0، 20/0 و 15/2 درصد) به ترتیب برای نمونه های AL، AH، RZ و BA بود. همچنین در نمونه NP مهمترین ترکیبات نمونه اسانس شامل: اِن-اُکتانال (12/8 درصد)، میرتنول (12/5 درصد) و سیس-فالکارینول (13/5 درصد) بود. عمده ترکیبات موجود در اسانس گونه E. noeanum در جمعیت های مختلف را سزکوئی ترپن ها (حدود 90-70 درصد) و عمده ترکیبات اسانس E. iranicum را ترکیبات غیرترپنی (56 درصد) تشکیل می دهد. زول بیابانی از دسته گیاهان دارویی مرتعی و بومی ایران، که کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. علیرغم ظاهری تیغ دار، دارای پیکره رویشی بزرگ، درصد اسانس قابل قبول و همچنین ترکیبات سزکوئی ترپنی و پلی استیلنی ارزشمندی است که می تواند در میان اسانس های تجاری دنیا قرار بگیرد. همچنین پایه تحقیقات متعدد دیگر در حوزه های مختلف باشد. مطالعات بیولوژیک بر ترکیبات اسانس این گیاه، می‌تواند به تعیین معیار کیفیت و استاندارد سازی آن کمک بسیار زیادی کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        49 - Investigation of the Nutritional Potential of some Rangeland Plants Species by <i>in vitro</i> Gas Production and Fermentation Parameters in Torbat-e Jam, Iran: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
        E. Ibrahimi Khoram Abadi M. Kazemi
        The current study aimed to evaluate the nutritional potential of some rangeland plants by in vitro gas production kinetics and ruminal fermentation parameters in the Torbat-e Jam region using a meta-analysis approach. A comprehensive literature searches in the scientific أکثر
        The current study aimed to evaluate the nutritional potential of some rangeland plants by in vitro gas production kinetics and ruminal fermentation parameters in the Torbat-e Jam region using a meta-analysis approach. A comprehensive literature searches in the scientific databases was carried out to identify studies that investigated the variables of interest. The data analyzed were extracted from 13 peer-reviewed publications. The effect size of all outcomes was reported as a standardized means difference (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Q test and I2 were calculated to determine the heterogeneity, and a meta-regression was also used to investigate sources of heterogeneity. A significant increase for 24 h in vitro gas production (IVGP) was observed (P&lt;0.01). Among the estimated gas parameters, potential GP (bgas) and fractional rate of GP (cgas) were increased significantly (P&lt;0.05). Also, short chain fatty acids (SCFA) (P&lt;0.05), microbial protein yield (MPY) (P&lt;0.01), and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) (P&lt;0.01) of culture medium were increased. The values of I2 (&gt;50) and Q (P&lt;0.05) for 24 h IVGP, bgas, cgas, SCFA, MPY and NH3-N indicated high heterogeneity. No publication bias was found for 24 h IVGP, bgas, and SCFA. With the evaluation of funnel plots, only one study on the right of each plot indicates publication bias for cgas, MPY, and NH3-N. A strong regression relation (P&lt;0.01) between some chemical compositions (dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber) and MPY and NH3-N was suggested from meta-regression analysis. In conclusion, the current meta-analysis confirmed that there were differences in fermentation parameters among all rangeland plants. However, all plants species had a relatively high potential nutritive value. According to the reported fermentation parameters, it seems that most of the Torbat-e Jam rangeland plants species have high nutritional value in small ruminant feeding. More in vivo and in vitro studies are needed to assess the other nutritive values and their effects on animal performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - Ex-ante Impact Study on the Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Middle East and North Africa Region Rangelands Rehabilitation Project in Iran
        حبیب شهبازی حمیدرضا علیپور اکرم عباسی فر
        The purpose of the Integrated Natural Resources Management program in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENARID) is to bring national investment projects in the field of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM). The impact evaluation study tests whether the أکثر
        The purpose of the Integrated Natural Resources Management program in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENARID) is to bring national investment projects in the field of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM). The impact evaluation study tests whether the selected technology has significantly contributed to restore and maintain of the ecosystem functions and productivity, and whether has improved the economic and social well-being of the targeted communities. We chose Kamkooyeh Village in the Behabad County where a "Village Development Group" (VDG) has been established by following participatory and capacity building approaches such as social mobilization and micro credit mechanism. A set of complementary activities and interventions were recommended and implemented in the site by consultation and active participation of the local communities and beneficiaries. One of the proposed interventions is rangelands rehabilitation project (RRP). The expected benefits and costs of the RRP were predicted through financial valuation and an ex-ante evaluation of socioeconomic impacts. The financial and social benefit-cost ratio of RRP was estimated to be about 0.97 and 2.15, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        51 - بررسی تاثیر نانو ذره نقره سنتز شده از گیاه و اسید جیبرلیک بر برخی ویژگی‌های مورفوفیزیولوژیکی و جوانه‌ زنی گیاه دارویی گون کتیرایی (Astragalus gossypinus Fisher )
        رضا دهقانی بیدگلی
        به منظور بررسی اثر نانو ذره نقره و اسید جیبرلیک بر جوانه زنی گونه گون سفید، آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی در 4 تکرار در سال 1397 اجرا شد. تیمار های آزمایش شامل پیش تمار با اسید جیبرلیک در 4 سطح (صفر به عنوان شاهد، 100 ،150و 300 ppm ) و نانو ذره نقره أکثر
        به منظور بررسی اثر نانو ذره نقره و اسید جیبرلیک بر جوانه زنی گونه گون سفید، آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی در 4 تکرار در سال 1397 اجرا شد. تیمار های آزمایش شامل پیش تمار با اسید جیبرلیک در 4 سطح (صفر به عنوان شاهد، 100 ،150و 300 ppm ) و نانو ذره نقره در 4 سطح (صفر به عنوان شاهد، 05/0، 1/0 و 2/0 درصد وزنی-حجمی ) به مدت 4ساعت در دمای 25 درجه سانتی گراد بودند. نتایج آزمایشات نشان داد اسید جیبرلیک، نانو ذره نقره و اثر متقابل تیمارها در سطح احتمال %1 بر تمامی صفات مورد مطالعه شامل درصد جوانه‌زنی، طول ریشه‌چه، طول ساقه‌چه، ضریب جوانه‌زنی، محتوای نسبی آب، کلروفیل a،b و کلروفیل کل، معنی دار بود. همچنین استفاده از اسید جیبرلیک ppm 100 باعث افزایش 25 درصدی طول ریشه‌چه شد، اما با افزایش غلظت اسید جیبرلیک طول ریشه‌چه و ساقه‌چه نسبت به شاهد کاهش پیدا کردند. همچنین استفاده از پیش تیمار اسید جیبرلیک ppm 150 و نانو ذره نقره 1/0درصد باعث افزایش 50 درصدی طول ریشه‌چه شد. بالاترین میزان درصد جوانه‌زنی، محتوای کلروفیل a،b و طول ساقه‌چه با اعمال تیمار ppm 100 اسید جیبرلیک به همراه تیمار 2/0 درصد وزنی-حجمی نانو ذره نقره به دست آمد. همچنین اعمال تیمار های ذکر شده به تنهایی نیز بر صفات مورد مطالعه اثرات مثبت و معنی دار داشتند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        52 - Assessment of Drought Severity Using Vegetation Temperature Condition Index (VTCI) and Terra/MODIS Satellite Data in Rangelands of Markazi Province, Iran
        Ali Akbar Damavandi Mohammad Rahimi Mohammad Reza Yazdani Ali Akbar Noroozi
        The drought caused a series of effects on many sectors of economy, especially natural resources. During two last decades, Iran has suffered from several severe to extreme agricultural droughts which caused significant decreases in rangeland and agriculture yields. This أکثر
        The drought caused a series of effects on many sectors of economy, especially natural resources. During two last decades, Iran has suffered from several severe to extreme agricultural droughts which caused significant decreases in rangeland and agriculture yields. This paper discusses the detection of agricultural drought severity over the rangelands of Markazi Province between 2000 and 2014 using remotely sensed data. Vegetation Temperature Condition Index (VTCI) is a near-real time drought assessment and monitoring approach which have been developed using Terra-MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. VTCI is defined as the ratio of LST differences among pixels with a specific NDVI value in a sufficiently large study area. VTCI has capability of drought stress classification which therein lower VTCI is for drought and higher one for wet conditions. The ground-measured precipitation data from the synoptic stations of Markazi Province are used to validate the VTCI drought monitoring approach (11 stations). For this objective, after the calculation of Standardized Precipitation Index ) SPI) with different periods and VTCI month of July during 2000 to 2014 (warm and cold edges from NDVI and LST scatter gram extracted), linear regression analysis between VTCI (15 maps) and SPI 1, 3,6,9,12,18 months were surveyed and finally, the best map was extracted. Based on the statistical analysis, higher correlations were found for July 2006 (R2 =0.73 for warm edge and R2=0.86 for cold edge) and the best linear correlation was created for SPI-18 month in July. Results showed that within VTCI classified map, moderate and low drought classes constituted most area of studied region. Also, the results showed that VTCI is closely related not only to recent rainfall events but also to past rainfall amount (18 month) indicating that VTCI is a better and near-real time drought monitoring approach for rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        53 - Patch Enclosure and Localized Effects of Selected Acacia Species on Herbaceous Richness and Soil Properties of Rangelands in Somali Regional State in Ethiopia
        Buli Tasisa Sileshi Nemomissa
        Enclosure and Acacia shade availability to plants are basic variable in arid and semi-arid rangelands. the aim of this study was investigation the impact of patch enclosure and Acacia shade using four treatments which are Inside Enclosure Under Acacia shade (IEUA), Insi أکثر
        Enclosure and Acacia shade availability to plants are basic variable in arid and semi-arid rangelands. the aim of this study was investigation the impact of patch enclosure and Acacia shade using four treatments which are Inside Enclosure Under Acacia shade (IEUA), Inside Enclosure Without Acacia shade (IEWA), Outside Enclosure Under Acacia shade (OEUA) and Outside Enclosure Without Acacia shade (OEWA) on herbaceous species richness and soil chemical properties of rangelands in Shinile Woreda, Somali regional state. The effects of enclosures and Acacia shade were completely different. Herbaceous species richness was significantly high in Acacia enclosure. All soil chemical properties showed significance difference under Acacia shade compared to areas without it except soil pH. On the other hand, there was no significant difference for soil chemical properties between inside enclosures and the nearby open grazing areas except for soil pH which was significantly higher inside enclosures. The result of study revealed that soil pH, Organic Carbon (OC) and Organic Matter (OM) were positively correlated with species richness in all of treatments. Electro Conductivity (EC) and potassium (K) showed positive correlation with species richness only under Acacia shade inside enclosures but they were negatively correlated in other treatments. Phosphorous (P) showed positive correlation with species richness at place without Acacia shade inside and outside of enclosure. Determining the relationship between soil and plants is a useful way to better understand the ecosystem condition and can help to manage the rangeland ecosystem. The degraded rangelands can be restored by an increase of an enclosure and Acacia shade which will benefit pastoral community from it. تفاصيل المقالة
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        54 - Rangeland Restoration Analysis on the South Slope of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Northeast Libya
        Adel Mahmoud Mohd Bin Ismail Mohamad Alias Alias Sood
        This study was conducted on the south slope of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar (the Green Mountain) rangelands, northeast Libya to investigate changes in perennial plant species richness, landscape function and soil surface condition in order to determine whether exclosures are effe أکثر
        This study was conducted on the south slope of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar (the Green Mountain) rangelands, northeast Libya to investigate changes in perennial plant species richness, landscape function and soil surface condition in order to determine whether exclosures are effected strategy for the improvement and rehabilitation of rangeland ecosystem at the regional level. Four study sites are positioned along a strong north-south rainfall gradient. A total of 28 monitoring sites were reinstalled and assessed between May and December 2014, the sites were then initially installed and assessed between the period of May and December 2006. The monitoring site layout is based on the Western Australia Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS). The response variables measured were those included in the protocols of Landscape Function Analysis technique (LFA). Based on the results, LFA indices were in the low and medium scales in all of the monitoring sites within the exclosures. Notably, it is considered a good comparison tool for what it is currently occurring at the target grazing areas. No changes in perennial plant species richness amid the study areas, with the exception of the Thahar Altair area (TT). Overall, in estimation, at least 10 years of protection from grazing is required in the highest rainfall area (Maduar Zetun), and a considerably longer period in the lower rainfall areas to the south before vegetation cover and soil surface conditions recover sufficiently to be re-exposed to grazing. Consequently, grazing should be controlled to conserve national forage resources. تفاصيل المقالة
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        55 - Effect of Micro-Catchment on indices of Rangeland Health Using Landscape Function Analysis Method
        mohaddeseh arab sarbizhan Mahdieh Ebrahimi Majid Ajorlo
        Water harvesting is the collection of runoff for productivity purposes, instead of runoff being left to cause erosion. In arid and semi-arid drought-prone areas, micro-catchments are widely used as a water harvesting method to improve rangeland condition. The aim of pre أکثر
        Water harvesting is the collection of runoff for productivity purposes, instead of runoff being left to cause erosion. In arid and semi-arid drought-prone areas, micro-catchments are widely used as a water harvesting method to improve rangeland condition. The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of micro-catchment on ecological indices of rangeland health in Ghick-Sheikhha, Jiroft, Iran using LFA (Landscape Function Analysis) method. A free micro-catchment area (as control) was selected to compare the effects of micro-catchment on the soil and vegetation cover. In this method 11 soil parameters were assessed (transects of 100m length) to recognize three functional properties, including stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling. Statistical data analyses were done using analysis of landscape function and paird t test to compare the performance indicators in the control and micro-catchment. To determine best factors affecting the health of the range, multivariate regression model was used. The results showed that in the micro-catchment treatment, the length of patches were more than that in the control area. Significant differences were observed between the areas in terms of three indices (p&le;0.05). Regression models suggested that the parameters of soil sedimentation, soil resistance to humidity, soil surface roughness and canopy cover in the micro-catchment area and soil surface roughness, litter cover and surface resist to disturb in the control area had respectively, the higher impact on rangeland health indices. Generally, the present study suggested the effectiveness of micro-catchment compared to the control area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        56 - Evaluating effectiveness of rangeland management cooperatives in Gonbad city, Iran
        mahjoobeh mohammadzadeh MohammadSharif Sharifzadeh Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh Yazmorad Gharavi
        Abstract. The present research aims to identify and analysis the effectiveness of rangeland management cooperatives in Gonbad city. The study was conducted in 2015. The research was performed in descriptive manner as survey method. The subjects (participants) included a أکثر
        Abstract. The present research aims to identify and analysis the effectiveness of rangeland management cooperatives in Gonbad city. The study was conducted in 2015. The research was performed in descriptive manner as survey method. The subjects (participants) included all members of rangeland management cooperative in Gonbad city. The sample size was determined by Cochran (n=200). For sampling random cluster method was used. The validity and reliability of questionnaire, was confirmed according to the Task Force and experts of Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management in Golestan province as well as Alpha Cronbach 0.97 respectively. Factor analysis is one of the aspects of inferential statistics which is used as weight of the raw scores and indeed weighted scores in this section combines the functions of rangeland management cooperative in their success. The final score of rangeland management cooperative function is obtained by multiplying weight average in current score success rate is achieved. Results of factor was led to extracting five analysis extracted as information and extension services, technical support services, collaboration and social interaction, restoring rangelands and suppliers of inputs so that accounted for 74.176 percent of the variance from total variance of variables for range management cooperatives union functions. تفاصيل المقالة
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        57 - Study the Effects of Range Management Plans on Vegetation of Summer Rangelands of Mazandaran Province, Iran
        Nemtollah Kohestani Hassan Yeganeh
        Rangeland rehabilitation and optimum exploitation are the first scientific and technical efforts with various programs in range management plans (RMPs) in Iranian range management sector. The range management plans have important roles in the natural resources conservat أکثر
        Rangeland rehabilitation and optimum exploitation are the first scientific and technical efforts with various programs in range management plans (RMPs) in Iranian range management sector. The range management plans have important roles in the natural resources conservation and improvement. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of accomplishment of range management plans on vegetation cover of Mazandaran&rsquo;s summer ranges over the past 22 years. First, twenty range management plans were randomly selected from 320 implemented ones in Manzandaran province, Iran. In order to collect the required data, field study was conducted to evaluate canopy cover percent, available forage, range conditions and trend before and after the implementation of range management plans. The data were analyzed and compared using parametric (t-paired) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) tests. The results showed that the RMPs have increased the available forage production up to 14.7% (P&lt;0.01). Also, range condition and trend had increased to 25% and 40% as compared to the control, respectively; but statistically, they had no significant effects. Although canopy cover percent of more range sites have increased, there was no significant effect. Thus, the execution of range management plans has relatively improved the range conditions but their positive effects were not clear for many range management plans. تفاصيل المقالة
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        58 - Studying the Relationship between Environmental Factors, Runoff Characteristics and Infiltration Depth Using Rainfall Simulator in Northwestern Rangelands of Iran
        Sedigheh Mohamadi
        Runoff leads to the leaching of soil nutrients, transports the topsoil particles and deposits the sediments in water reservoirs. Recognition of different environmental factors affecting the runoff properties and water infiltration depth has a great importance concerning أکثر
        Runoff leads to the leaching of soil nutrients, transports the topsoil particles and deposits the sediments in water reservoirs. Recognition of different environmental factors affecting the runoff properties and water infiltration depth has a great importance concerning soil for the integrated management of watershed and the distinguishment of complex hydrological processes. Thus, this research aims to determine the environmental factors related to the infiltration depth (ID) and runoff properties including runoff coefficient (RC), time to runoff (TR) and time to stop runoff (TSR) after stopping rainfall using a rainfall simulator. Three catchments involving Shahrchy, Zanjanrood and Glinak were selected based on the rain intensity in 30 minute duration with a 10 year return period in northwestern rangelands of Iran in 2013. The rainfall simulator was established in the rangeland units of each district to operate regarding 30 mm/h rainfall intensity for 30 minutes. Afterwards, data collection with respect to the environmental factors including vegetation (canopy cover and four species diversity indices), topography (slope, height and direction) and soil factors (from 0-30 cm horizons) was fulfilled. Data analysis (71 samples) was done using Pearson correlation and multivariate stepwise regression method. The validity of regression models (18% gathering data equivalent to 15 samples) was tested by R2 and other statistic indices. Results indicated that 77% variations of RC variable were accounted for canopy cover, sand content, organic carbon, clay content and nitrogen content of soil. Such factors as soil moisture, sand content level, lime content level, species number and Shannon diversity indices explained 73% variations of runoff after rainfall. Similarly, clay content, organic carbon and gypsum content of soil explained 82% variations of time to stop runoff )TSR( and such parameters as slope, latitude, organic carbon and silt content of soil explained 60% variations of infiltration depth )ID. تفاصيل المقالة
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        59 - Changes in Soil Properties by Harvester Ant's Activity (Messor spp.) in Roodshoor Steppe Rangeland of Saveh, Iran
        Mahsa Ghobadi Mohammad Mahdavi DONAT AGOSTI
        One of the most important micro engineers of the terrestrial ecosystems, especially in the arid areas is the harvester ants due to their activity in the soil through nest building; they can make major changes while influencing the surface and subsurface in the rangeland أکثر
        One of the most important micro engineers of the terrestrial ecosystems, especially in the arid areas is the harvester ants due to their activity in the soil through nest building; they can make major changes while influencing the surface and subsurface in the rangeland soil. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of harvester ants (Messor spp.) on some soil properties in Roodshoor Steppe rangeland in Saveh, Iran. Soil samples in four depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 cm) were taken in three treatments of active and non-active nests and control area. Soil infiltration test was carried out over ants' nest and control site in dry and wet seasons by double rings method. The results showed that the Messor spp. soils had lower pH and higher concentration of organic matter, total carbon, N, P, K, Mg+2, Ca+2, Ec and sand percent in comparison with the control site. The soil infiltration rate regarding the nests was significantly higher than the control area in both dry and wet seasons. In the same habitat, nutrient concentrations did not change along the vertical gradient in contrast to control plots where soil nutrients decreased with depth. This showed homogeneity of different soil layers by ants. On the other hand, investigating the chemical and physical properties of soil did not show a significant difference between the dead nests and the control area. This can be the expression of effects created as the result of the presence of ants in modifying soil in the active nests. These effects disappeared with the passage of time after they left their nests. Therefore, the role of the ants in changing soil properties should be considered, especially in the arid and semi-arid area in which the soil is poor. The presence of ant colonies and their activity in this climate can improve soil conditions and increase soil fertility in most parts of the ground. تفاصيل المقالة
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        60 - Dust Particles and Aerosols: Impact on Biota “A Review” (Part III)
        Victor R Squires Elahe Karami
        Natural resources play a fundamental role in the economy of country and create the situation to achieve the goals of sustainable society, these valuable resources have to be conserved and used with care. Destroying the forests and rangelands will lead to a dark future f أکثر
        Natural resources play a fundamental role in the economy of country and create the situation to achieve the goals of sustainable society, these valuable resources have to be conserved and used with care. Destroying the forests and rangelands will lead to a dark future full of poverty, starvation and environmental pollution. Forests and rangelands play a considerable role in reducing air pollution, minimizing soil erosion, protect against destructive floods, creating a pleasant place of recreation and relaxation while also allowing recharge of underground water resources. In short, ensure the preservation of resources essential for life on the earth. This is Part 3 of a comprehensive review of the impact of dust particles and aerosols. Part 1 (Squires, 2016a) examined the mechanisms by which dust particles and aerosols become airborne and the effect of particle size on deposition patterns. Part 2 (Squires, 2016b) focussed on the impact of particulates on the physiology, and productivity of plants. In this paper, attention is directed to the impact on human health of dust and aerosols generated from dust storms and from industrial sites (mines, factories and from roadside dust generated by passing vehicles). Effects of such dust range from nuisance (that arises from loss of visibility) to increased costs of clean-up of premises, through to serious health problems generated by inhalation of dust particles and aerosols. تفاصيل المقالة
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        61 - Determination of Best Supervised Classification Algorithm for Land Use Maps using Satellite Images (Case Study: Baft, Kerman Province, Iran)
        Sedigheh Mohamadi
        According to the fundamental goal of remote sensing technology, the image classification of desired sensors can be introduced as the most important part of satellite image interpretation. There exist various algorithms in relation to the supervised land use classificati أکثر
        According to the fundamental goal of remote sensing technology, the image classification of desired sensors can be introduced as the most important part of satellite image interpretation. There exist various algorithms in relation to the supervised land use classification that the most pertinent one should be determined. Therefore, this study has been conducted to determine the best and most suitable method of supervised classification for preparing the land use maps involving no grazing, heavy and moderate grazing rangelands, ploughed rangelands for harvesting licorice roots and dry land and fallow lands in Baft, Kerman province, Iran. After being assured of accuracy and lack of geometric and radiometric errors, the images of Landsat and ETM+ sensors achieved on 3 July 2014 have been used. A variety of algorithms involving Mahalanobis distance, Minimum distance, Parallelepiped, Neural network, Binary encoding and Maximum likelihood was investigated based on field data which were obtained simultaneously. These algorithms were compared with respect to error matrix indices, Kappa coefficient, total accuracy, user accuracy and producer accuracy of maps using ENVI 4,5. The results indicated that the Maximum likelihood algorithm with Kappa coefficient and total accuracy of map estimated as 0.969 and 97.77% were regarded as the best supervised classification algorithm in order to prepare the land use maps. Mahalanobis distance algorithm had a low ability for recognizing two types of dry land and fallow land uses concerning the extracted maps. According to the findings, various land use maps as rangelands under three grazing intensities and ploughed rangelands to harvest the licorice roots provided by the means of algorithms related to neural networks were not of sufficient accuracy. The highest Kappa coefficient of Neural network algorithms was estimated as 0.5 and attributed to the algorithm of multilayer perceptron neural network with the logistic activation function and one hidden layer. تفاصيل المقالة
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        62 - Impacts of Rangeland Reclamation and Management on Carbon Stock in North East of Iran (Case Study: Kardeh Basin, Mashhad, Iran)
        Somayeh Naseri Hossein Tavakoli Mohammad Jafari Hossein Arzani
        One of the effective ways for reducing atmospheric CO2 is carbon sequestration by plants and soils. Rangelands with an expanded area have a great potential for Carbon (C) Stocks. In this study, C stocks in three treatments including natural rangelands (NR), Pit- seeding أکثر
        One of the effective ways for reducing atmospheric CO2 is carbon sequestration by plants and soils. Rangelands with an expanded area have a great potential for Carbon (C) Stocks. In this study, C stocks in three treatments including natural rangelands (NR), Pit- seeding by Agropyrum elongatum (PS) and abandoned dry farming (ADF) were examined in Kardeh basin Mashhad, Iran in 2013. In each treatment, ten transects and in each transect, ten plots were established. Percentages of vegetation cover, litter, rock and soil were recorded in each plot. Aerial and root biomasses of dominant species were sampled by the clipping and weighing method. Litters in each plot were collected and weighed, too. Carbon content of biomass and litter were measured by combustion method using Electric Combustion Furnace. Ten soil samples were taken along each transect at two depths of 0-25 and 25-50 cm. The soil organic carbon percent was determined by the Walkley&ndash;Black method. Data analysis was performed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared using Duncan test. Results showed significant differences between treatments for total C stocks (soil+biomass+litter). NR and ADF management with the average values of 535.32 and 177.14 (t.ha-1) had the highest and lowest C stocks, respectively. Among the components of the ecosystem, soil had a main role in C sequestration followed by above biomass, roots and litters. PS management had the highest C stocks in plant biomass and litter but its soil C stocks were significantly lower than NR. Perennial grasses, bushes and perennial forbs were dominant in PS and NR management that play the most important role in plant C stocks. In conclusion, proper management of natural rangelands and more attention to vegetation and soil conservation may lead to store a considerable amount of C stocks in these lands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        63 - Socio-economic Factors Affecting Acceptance of Livestock and Rangelands Insurance (Case Study: Agh Ghala county, Golestan Province, Iran)
        Mehdi Foladizada Hossein Barani Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani Hamid Mostafaloo
        Insurance services and financial compensation are regarded for the consequences of events that may happen or not.Farmers and stakeholders can be benefited from the agricultural and natural resources insurance so that they can attain much more stability in resources mana أکثر
        Insurance services and financial compensation are regarded for the consequences of events that may happen or not.Farmers and stakeholders can be benefited from the agricultural and natural resources insurance so that they can attain much more stability in resources management, especially through mitigating the effects of potential and imminent risks. The current research was aimed to determine the effective factors in the acceptance of livestock and rangeland insurance by stakeholders in Agh Ghala, Golestan Province, Iran in 2015. Data were collected based on the survey-descriptive research method. Statistical population was all the rangers having a range management plan. Among 93 subjects, sample size was determined as 76 people based on Cochran formula. The effective socio-economic variables among stakeholders were determined using logistic regression. Results of logistic regression suggest that such variables as livestock insurance against previous 20-year risk factors, risk taking and insurance expert knowledge had positively significant effects and family size had negatively significant effects on the acceptance of livestock and rangeland insurance (P&le;0.05). Variable of "insurance expert knowledge" had the highest impact on adopting livestock and rangeland insurance among the factors entered into logistic regression model (P&le;0.05). It was concluded that holding the extension workshop on risk transfer and dealing with different aspects of insurance provided by an educator who is fluent in native language will be effective. تفاصيل المقالة
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        64 - Forage Quality of Salsola turcomanica (Litv) in Semi-arid Region of Gomishan, Golestan Province, Iran
        Armin Arrekhi Hamid Niknahad Gharmakher Johann Bachinger Ralf Bloch Johannes Hufnagel
        The information about the forage quality of rangeland species is essential to supply a reasonable diet to livestock and determine thestocking rate and grazing time on rangelands. Salsola turcomanica is one of the important species of semi-arid rangelands in the Western أکثر
        The information about the forage quality of rangeland species is essential to supply a reasonable diet to livestock and determine thestocking rate and grazing time on rangelands. Salsola turcomanica is one of the important species of semi-arid rangelands in the Western part of Golestan province, Iran. The present study was conducted to provide information about the nutritive value of S.turcomanica at different growth stages in 2019. Plant samples (with three replications) were randomly collected in four growth stages (vegetative stage, early flowering, late flowering and seed maturity) from Gomishan rangelands during the summer and autumn 2019. Seven quality indices, including Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Crude Protein (CP), Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD), Metabolizable Energy (ME), Digestible Energy (DE), Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) and Ash content (Ash) were analyzed. Data analysis was performed using One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method and mean comparisons were done by Duncan test. The results demonstrated that there are significant differences among phenological stages for all the traits (p &lt;0.05). The results demonstrated that the content of CP (from 25.66% to 8.33%), DMD (from 84.45% to 56.31%), ME (from 12.35 to 7.57 MJ/Kg), Ash (from 40.03% to 35.60 %), DE (from 36.17 to 24.12 Mcal/Kg) and TDN (from 82.55% to 53.41%) were decreased by the progress of growth stages. Regarding its growth seasons and high values of CP, ME and DMD in all phenological stages, it is suggested that this species can have aprominent place in the grazing livestock diet in semi-arid rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        65 - Effects of Exclosure on Soil Properties in Winter Rangelands in Golestan Province, Iran
        Hamid Niknahad Gharmakher Esmaeil Sheidai-Karkaj Isa Jafari
        Rangeland degradation is one of the global concerns affecting the pastoralists and those who suffer from its negative environmental consequences. Grazing exclosure has been extensively used among the techniques implemented by the government to protect the fertility of t أکثر
        Rangeland degradation is one of the global concerns affecting the pastoralists and those who suffer from its negative environmental consequences. Grazing exclosure has been extensively used among the techniques implemented by the government to protect the fertility of threatened rangelands. The impact of exclosure has been a controversial issue; therefore, it is important to understand its effectiveness in restoring the degraded rangeland ecosystems. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the changes in some physico-chemical properties of soils following the grazing exclusion as compared to the adjacent grazed areas in three winter rangelands in Golestan province, Iran in 2011-2012. In each rangeland, ten soil samples were taken at the depth of 0&ndash;20 cm. Then in the laboratory, some soil properties such as soil texture, bulk density, porosity, saturated humidity, pH, EC, OM, total N, lime content, the amount of exchangeable Na+, K+, Mg++ and Ca++ were measured. Data of exclusion and grazed areas were analyzed using the independent T test in SPSS18 software. The results demonstrated that the establishment of exclosure had positive significant effects on the soil physico-chemical properties in Gomishan and Inchehbroun rangelands. So, a significant increase in the mean value of porosity, saturated humidity, OM and total nitrogen (p&lt;0.05) as well as the significant decrease in bulk density and lime content (p&lt;0.05) was observed in these rangelands. According to the results, the application of exclosure is recommended in Gomishan and Inchehbroun rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        66 - Efficiency of Spectral Indices Derived from Landsat-8 Images of Maharloo Lake and Its Surrounding Rangelands
        Hamid Reza Matinfar Vahid Zandie
        Maharloo Lake is one of the salty lakes located in the southeast of Fars province, Iran. Presence of salt domes has a significant role in its salinity. Magnesium-sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are dominant salts of the lake. Due to the drying up of lake, widespread أکثر
        Maharloo Lake is one of the salty lakes located in the southeast of Fars province, Iran. Presence of salt domes has a significant role in its salinity. Magnesium-sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are dominant salts of the lake. Due to the drying up of lake, widespread lands surrounding the area are exposed to secondary salinity. It seems necessary to investigate the changes to find salinity level in order to predict the changes of vegetation and its margin uses. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the spectral indices derived from the images of Landsat8 sensors in detection of salty levels of the Maharloo Lake. In this study, Landsat8 imagery was used to obtain salinity indicators in the salt lake. Fourteen salinity indices have been calculated using the ENVI. The results showed that the indices of BI, SI, SI1, SI2, SI3, VSSI, YSI and SR could detect the area covered by salt crust on the lake and then, isolate and separate it from the rest of reflection spectrum. However, MSI and NDBI indicators were unsuccessful in detection of salt crust. NDVI and COSRI indicators used in plant detection could not detect the salt crust and just identified the typical vegetation. Finally, I2 and NDSI indicators also partially with low accuracy succeeded to detect some salinity areas and had no satisfactory performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        67 - Semi-Circular Bunds Effect on Restoration of Plant Vegetation and Soil Properties in Koteh Rangeland, Sistan and Baloochestan Province, Iran
        Hamideh Khosravi Mahdieh Ebrahimi Masood Rigi
        In dry lands, semi-circular bund has been considered as a management practice used to restore the ecological revival in terms of vegetation enrichment and soil amelioration. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of semi-circular bunds on vegetation cover a أکثر
        In dry lands, semi-circular bund has been considered as a management practice used to restore the ecological revival in terms of vegetation enrichment and soil amelioration. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of semi-circular bunds on vegetation cover and some soil properties in Koteh rangeland, Sistan and Baloochestan province, Iran (2014). Adjacent to the semi-circular bund area, a rangeland area without semi-circular bunds was selected as the control site. Vegetation sampling was done using 5&times;5 m2 plots and soil samples were taken from the depth of 0&ndash;30 cm. Vegetation and soil data were analyzed using T test. In total, 16 species from 7 families and 13 genera were observed. Results showed that semi-circular bunds exhibited more vegetation cover, plant production and density. The minimum values of production and vegetation cover were related to the control site. The highest and lowest richness and diversity of species were measured in the semi-circular bunds area and the control site, respectively. The pH level was significantly higher in the soils of semi-circular bunds area as compared to the control site (P&lt;0.05). However, the level of soil EC followed an opposite pattern. Results showed that the amounts of organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium carbonate increased significantly in the semi-circular bunds as compared to the control site (P&lt;0.05). The semi-circular bunds area had more amounts of clay and silt and the least values were measured in the control site. In total, the results of the study showed that building the semi-circular bund had positive effects on vegetation cover and soil properties in the rangelands of study area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        68 - The Effects of Climatic Parameters on Vegetation Cover and Forage Production of Four Grass Species in Semi-steppe Rangelands in Mazandaran Province, Iran
        Mina Bayat Hossein Arzani Adel Jalili Saeedeh Nateghi
        The vegetation cover and rangeland production are the most important factors to determine the proper planning system for effective utilization and management of rangelands. In this research, the effect of climatic factors (temperature and rainfall) were studied on veget أکثر
        The vegetation cover and rangeland production are the most important factors to determine the proper planning system for effective utilization and management of rangelands. In this research, the effect of climatic factors (temperature and rainfall) were studied on vegetation cover and forage production of four species (Festuca ovina, Bromus tomentellus, Dactylis glomerata and Agropyron trichophorum) during 2002-2006 and in 2013 in a semi-steppe area in Polur rangeland, Mazandaran Province, Iran. The climatic factors were annual rainfall, growing season rainfall, growing season plus previous year rainfall, growing season rainfall of March, annual mean temperature and growing season temperature. For this purpose, some plots with a systematic distribution were selected. The vegetation cover and forage production were measured. The relationships between vegetation indices and climatic factors were assessed for each species using stepwise regression. The results demonstrated that the plant species had responded to rainfall and temperature fluctuations. However, the responses were different in various species. Among the important climatic factors, the growing season rainfall of March was the most effective index for B. tomentellus and A. trichophorum vegetation cover and forage production as well as on D. glomerata vegetation cover. The forage production of F ovina was influenced by the growing season plus the previous year rainfall. According to the results, the forage production and vegetation cover of these grass species could be estimated based on rainfall data. Therefore, with the knowledge of the effects of rainfall year fluctuations on vegetation indices over a long period, it is possible to make the necessary predictions for optimizing the management of rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        69 - Using SWAT Model to Investigate the Impact of Rangeland Management Practices on Water Conservation (Case Study: Gorganroud Watershed, Golestan, Iran)
        Mohadeseh Zadsar Mojgansadat Azimi
        Hydrological response of a watershed is a comprehensive symbol of environmental conditions and characteristics of the basin. Vegetation is one of the main factors in water resources status, erosion, and sediment of a watershed. Rangelands of Golestan province, Iran due أکثر
        Hydrological response of a watershed is a comprehensive symbol of environmental conditions and characteristics of the basin. Vegetation is one of the main factors in water resources status, erosion, and sediment of a watershed. Rangelands of Golestan province, Iran due to the geographical location, climate, and destruction of these resources as well as drastic land use changes from forests, and rangelands to agricultural lands have a high potential of run-off. Therefore, in the present study in order to determine the best management of the rangelands, we developed a rangeland improvement model using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Gorganroud Watershed, Golestan, Iran. Calibration and validation of model were performed using Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Program (SUFI-2) in the eco-hydrological model of SWAT. Simulating the run-off in the studied hydrometric stations, the results showed that this model performed well for the study area (P-factor 0.6-0.9; R-factor 0.85-1.5). As well, four range improvement scenarios (mechanical, biological, biomechanical and livestock grazing management) were defined in this study. On average, by applying mechanical, biological, biomechanical, and grazing management scenarios, runoff was reduced to 13.5%, 11%, 20.7% and 12.5%, respectivelyin comparison with the actual runoff. According to the obtained results, the biomechanical scenario was identified as the best one in reducing the runoff and water conserve in poor and moderate rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        70 - Determining the Preference Value of Perennial Grasses Using Preference Index and Sheep Grazing Time Methods in Grasslands of the Middle Alborz, Iran
        Saeed Rashvand Hassan Yeganeh Fazel Amiri
        Preference value means livestock preference to eat some plants relative to other plants or species. Accordingly, by studying the preference values, the range managers could determine the rangelands grazing capacity to achieve the optimum performance of livestock and to أکثر
        Preference value means livestock preference to eat some plants relative to other plants or species. Accordingly, by studying the preference values, the range managers could determine the rangelands grazing capacity to achieve the optimum performance of livestock and to guarantee the stability of rangeland ecosystem. The objective of this study was to determine the preference value of perennial grasses using two methods of preference index (species feeding frequency) and sheep grazing time (feeding time recording) in a semi-steppe rangeland in the middle Alborz Mountains of Iran during four consecutive years (2010-2013). The collected data were tested for normality and then, analyzed by the software of SAS9.1. The means comparisons were made using the Duncan method. Results showed that sheep preferred five grass species (Bromus tomentellus, Festuca ovina, Dactylis glomerata, Agropyron intermedium, and Agropyron trichophorum) in the rangeland. There were significant differences between species and years for grazing time method; however, there were no significant differences for preference index. Also, there were significant differences between months within years for both methods. Results showed that A. trichophorum with the average value of 13.8% grazing time was ranked as the first species followed by D. glomerata with the average value of 11.1% as the second one (Grazing time method). There were no significant differences between A. trichophorum, B. tomentellus, D. glomerata and F. ovina regarding the preference index with the average values of 0.57, 0.75, 0.70 and 0.56, respectively. Overall, the results indicated that grazing time percent method in semiarid rangelands gives more realistic results as compared to the preference index method because of the concrete and tangible results. تفاصيل المقالة
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        71 - Soil Moisture Estimation in Rangelands Using Remote Sensing (Case Study: Malayer, West of Iran)
        Hamid Nouri Muhammad Faramarzi
        Soil moisture is generally regarded as the limiting factors in rangeland production. Although many studies have been conducted to estimate soil moisture in semiarid areas, there is little information on mountainous rangelands in west of Iran. The present study aims to i أکثر
        Soil moisture is generally regarded as the limiting factors in rangeland production. Although many studies have been conducted to estimate soil moisture in semiarid areas, there is little information on mountainous rangelands in west of Iran. The present study aims to investigate the soil moisture estimation in rangelands as compared to the other land uses over a mountainous area in central Zagros, Iran using remote sensing. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land was used to compute actual evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture by the means of Landsat8 images of March, April, May, June, July, August and September 2013 for diverse land uses in Malayer, Iran. SEBAL algorithm estimates the ET using net radiation flux, soil heat flux and sensible heat flux. The results showed that there was no significant difference between daily ET computed by SEBAL method and Penn man Monteith. Mean Bias Error (MBE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for daily and hourly ET were 0.15 and 0.39, respectively. The spatial regression was used to detect the relationship between soil moisture index (SMI) and Temperature dryness vegetation index (TDVI) as dependent variables and daily evapotranspiration (ET24) as independent variable. The results revealed that the correlation between SMI and ET24 was positively significant (0.78 to 0.49) and between TDVI and ET24 was negatively significant (-0.74 to -0.46) during the period of rangeland vegetation growth in this area (March to June). SMI in rangelands had the strongest correlation as compared to the other land uses. Thus, SEBAL model is a robust tool to calculate the soil moisture in rangelands by the means of remote sensing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        72 - Ecological Restoration, Global Challenges, Social Aspects and Environmental Benefits
        Elaha Karami
        This book consists of 14 chapters covering important aspects in regards to various terrestrial ecosystems, wetlands, river systems, mine site rehabilitation, marsh ecology and heavy metals pollution. Also aims to fill some of the information gaps in ecological restorati أکثر
        This book consists of 14 chapters covering important aspects in regards to various terrestrial ecosystems, wetlands, river systems, mine site rehabilitation, marsh ecology and heavy metals pollution. Also aims to fill some of the information gaps in ecological restoration, particularly in under-researched ecosystems around the world. Restoration ecology emerged as a separate field in ecology in the 1980s. It is the scientific study supporting the practice of ecological restoration, which is the practice of renewing degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action. Ecological restoration is a valuable endeavor that has proven very difficult to define. The term indicates that degraded and destroyed natural systems will be re-established to sites where they once existed. As a discipline Restoration ecology has attracted many adherents and spawned numerous books, research papers and scientific journals. The Society for Ecological Restoration is an international group which foster philosophy and practice and promote the concepts and precepts. Ecological restoration means different things to different people. This Section begins with an examination of the terminology associated with Ecological restoration and defines how the subject will be dealt with in this book. A commonly accepted definition is "return of an ecosystem to a close approximation of its condition prior to disturbance." The term restoration means the re-establishment of predisturbance functions and related physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Restoration is a holistic process not achieved through the isolated manipulation of individual elements. The holistic nature of restoration, including the reintroduction of animals, needs to be emphasized. Merely recreating a form without the functions, or the functions in an artificial configuration bearing little resemblance to a natural form, does not constitute restoration. The objective is to emulate a natural, self-regulating system that is integrated ecologically with landscape in which it occurs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        73 - The Effects of Deferred Grazing System on Vegetation Parameters in Semi-Arid Rangelands (Case Study: Jashlubar, Semnan, Iran)
        Mojgansadat Azimi Moslem Mozafari
        Rangeland management plan is one of the major means of management and utilization of rangelands in Iran. The formulation of these plans for the rangeland users should be studied from the ecological and socio-economic points of view. One of the main envisaged activities أکثر
        Rangeland management plan is one of the major means of management and utilization of rangelands in Iran. The formulation of these plans for the rangeland users should be studied from the ecological and socio-economic points of view. One of the main envisaged activities in almost all the management plans is the grazing system. An experiment was used to study the effects of three deferred grazing systems (15, 30, 45 days delay) and control treatment (Non- grazed) on vegetation parameters in semi-arid rangelands of Jashlubar in Semnan province. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications over 6 years (2006-2011). In each experimental unit, data from three life forms of vegetation (shrub, forbs and grasses) were collected along a 30 m transect within ten fixed quadrates (0.5 &times; 0.6 m2) appropriate to vegetation sizes. In addition, forage productions of two life forms (forbs and grasses) were collected over 5 years. Data were analyzed using SAS software and means comparison was made based on Duncan&rsquo;s method. The results showed the significant effects of deferred grazing systems on the growth of shrubs in terms of canopy cover. However, there were no significant differences between treatments for canopy cover percent of forbs and grasses. The lowest shrub canopy cover was obtained in 45-day delay of grazing. There were also significant effects of deferred grazing systems (15, 30 and 45 days delay) on forage production of both forbs and grasses (P&lt;0.05). Result of means comparison showed that the best delay time for the rangeland utilization of this area considering the annual precipitation is the 15-day delay with the highest forage production for forbs and grasses and the highest cover percent for shrubs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        74 - Ecological Drivers of Ecosystem Diversity in Sahelian Rangeland of Niger
        SOUMANA Idrissa Boubacar M. Moussa Youssoufa Issiaka Ali Mahamane Ambouta J.M. Karimou Mahamane Saadou
        Description of vegetation patterns associated with environmental factors such as grazing, climate, landforms, substrate variables etc. are helpful for land management planning. This study used new synecological tools to investigate plants composition and to provide ecol أکثر
        Description of vegetation patterns associated with environmental factors such as grazing, climate, landforms, substrate variables etc. are helpful for land management planning. This study used new synecological tools to investigate plants composition and to provide ecological descriptions of plants communities of communal pastures in Sahelian Ecological Zone of Niger. Vegetation and several environmental variables were recorded in 197 plots using the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. A composite soil sample of about 1 kg from each plot was collected for analysis.A total of 252 species were recorded, belonging to 148 genera from 47 families, in which the angiosperms families counting 251 species are more represented and the pteridophytes are represented by one species belonging to the family of Marsileaceae. Poaceae, Leguminosae-Papilionoideae, Convolvulaceae, Cyperaceae and Leguminosae-Mimosoideae are the largest families. High abundance of the Poaceae species reveal the great potential forage value of the Sahelian rangelands. Most of the plants species are Therophytes and widely distributed elements in the tropics, revealing therefore an arid environment with great potential forage value under high disturbance, accordingly poorly managed. Arid ecosystems under heavy disturbance are susceptible to desertification. Nine pasture vegetation communities have been discriminated, distributing along the environmental gradient. Significant abiotic factors of plants distribution and their assemblage to form communities are geomorphology, total alkalinity, magnesium, phosphorous total and the cationic exchange capacity. Significant factors as well as sand, clay, silt, calcium, organic carbon, available phosphorous contents and plants compositionvaried differently with the definite plants communities. Plants communities under depression have great amounts of moisture and soil factors of soil fertility, therefore more resilient. Likely, plants communities located on sandy plains and dunes slopes or summits are more vulnerable to desertification than those located in fertile depression with great water contents. تفاصيل المقالة
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        75 - Investigating Effects of a Prescribed Spring Fire on Symbiosis between Mycorrhiza Fungi and Range Plant Species
        Jalil Ahmadi Mohammad Farzam Amir Lagzian
        Fire is one of the incorporate vegetation management practices for grasslands and semi-arid rangelands. It may affect symbiotic relationship between range plants and mycorrhiza. Accordingly, this research was aimed to investigate the effects of a spring prescribed fire أکثر
        Fire is one of the incorporate vegetation management practices for grasslands and semi-arid rangelands. It may affect symbiotic relationship between range plants and mycorrhiza. Accordingly, this research was aimed to investigate the effects of a spring prescribed fire on the symbiotic relationships between mycorrhiza and 6 plant species. The study was conducted in a semi-arid steppe rangeland called Dehbar, Torghabeh in Mashhad, Iran. A prescribed fire was applied on 20th April 2015. Soil and plant samples were taken one month later. Colonisation and spore density were measured on the root of 6 different species. Spring fires significantly increased fungi spores in the rhizosphere of all plant species with the highest and lowest frequencies (42 and 24 per gram dry soil) obtained for Pimpinella tragium and Artemisia aucheri, respectively. Fire effects on colonization varied from high to no effect ranges. The increases in the mycorrhiza propagules after a prescribed burning during the growth season might be due to a sudden increase of nutrients from plant ashes. Although the studied plant species were different in terms of morphology (canopy and root type), phenology and life form (geophyte, perennial grasses and shrubs), the spring fire increased the colonization rate for plant species that had just started vegetative plant growth (Stipa barbata, Artemisia aucheri and Pimpinella tragium) but it had no effects regarding the plant species (Poa bulbosa, Agropyron trichophorum andAstragalus gossypinus) that were fully grown at the time of burning and/or had terminated seasonal growth period at the time of soil sampling. Therefore, in terms of plant-mycorrhizal symbiosis, a prescribed spring fire might increase the competitive advantage of perennial late season species as compared to annual early season species which are mostly ephemeral or invasive plants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        76 - Comparative Assessment of Gully Erosion and Sediment Yield in Different Rangelands and Agricultural Areas in Ghasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Iran
        Khosrw Shahbazi Ali Salajagheh Mohammad Jafari Hassan Ahmadi Aliakbar Nazarisamani Mohammad Khosrowshahi
        Negative impacts of gully erosion in marly areas are severe due to improper landuse practices such as irrigation, tillage, overgrazing and degradation of vegetation cover. The objective of this research was to evaluate gully thresholds related to plant vegetation cover أکثر
        Negative impacts of gully erosion in marly areas are severe due to improper landuse practices such as irrigation, tillage, overgrazing and degradation of vegetation cover. The objective of this research was to evaluate gully thresholds related to plant vegetation cover and landuse change in the Agriculture (AG), Fair Rangeland (FR) and Weak Rangeland (WR) areas of Ghaasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Iran in 2015. The topographical parameters and vegetation cover were measured in the field. Furthermore, nine flumes were performed to determine the critical values of hydraulic parameter and sedimentation. Results revealed that cross-section, width, depth and gully branches length in the FR were significantly lower than those for AG and WR (p&lt;0.05) affected by plant canopy and litter. The significant differences were found between three sits for soil organic carbon (SOC), electrical conductivity (EC) and hydraulic characteristics (inlet discharge, velocity, loaded sediment). Higher vegetation cover in the FR was attributed to the increased hydraulic thresholds and adversely limited cross-section enlargement. Finally, the sediment concentrations in AG, FR and WR were 15163, 9560 and 12000 ppm, respectively. Lower SOC was found in WR and AG due to higher concentration of load sediment. Hence, it was concluded that bare soil, poor vegetation and lower SOC are considerable reduction factors in gully thresholds and subsequently, off-site sedimentation and SOC loss in the study area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        77 - A Conceptual Model on Relationship between Structure and Functions in Rangeland Ecosystems
        Amir Ahmadpour Gholam Ali Heshmati Ramtin Joolaie
        One of the most important issues in structure-function relationship modeling is that each rangeland has numerous functions and each of them can provide the most benefits in a certain state of that ecosystem. In fact, relationship between structure and function can be va أکثر
        One of the most important issues in structure-function relationship modeling is that each rangeland has numerous functions and each of them can provide the most benefits in a certain state of that ecosystem. In fact, relationship between structure and function can be varied in different states. After presentation of the Linear Structure-Function Model based on the Clementsian succession theory, another conceptual model was proposed to modify it based on more realistic State and Transition theory. While previous models mostly suppose one single function in their simulations, in this article, we suggest a conceptual model that summarizes the relationships between Ecosystem Structure and Multiple Functions (ESMF) in various states. The model can be useful for rangeland managers to get a rather correct understanding about multiple functions in rangelands. By this right understanding, the rangeland managers will be able to identify the best states for their ecosystems and try to reach to these states which can provide totally maximum benefits. This model shows that some functions in rangelands may conflict with or overlapped each other and some functions may not show a meaningful relationship with structure in ecosystems so that it is a very important task for managers to choose the states with the highest benefits and less conflict. تفاصيل المقالة
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        78 - Factors Affecting Herders Migration Time to Summer Rangelands (Case Study: Kouhdasht Rangelands, Lorestan Province, Iran)
        Samira Hajipuor Hossein Barani Hassan Yeganeh Ahmad Abdei Sarvestani
        The main objective of this study was to assess factors affecting early entrance and later exit of herders from summer rangelands. The study population consisted of heads of Nomads in Kouhdasht region, Lorestan province, Iran. According to Cochran formula among 1038 Noma أکثر
        The main objective of this study was to assess factors affecting early entrance and later exit of herders from summer rangelands. The study population consisted of heads of Nomads in Kouhdasht region, Lorestan province, Iran. According to Cochran formula among 1038 Nomadic families, 310 families were selected with stratified random sampling in 2015. In order to assess validity, expert's opinions were considered and face to face interviews and questionnaires were applied to collect data, and Cronbach&rsquo;s Alpha was used to assess reliability. To determine the factors influencing movement calendar, the factor analysis (principle component analyses) and KMO statistics were used. The variables were ordinated by factor analysis into six factors. Results of Mann-Whitney test indicate that annual herd calving and distance of winter and summer rangelands had a significant effect on livestock entrance and exit date to the summer rangeland. Results of Kruskal-Wallis test showed that herders who had private rangeland and those who had cooperative rangelands leave summer rangelands later and in the right time, respectively. Herders whose main job was ranching had good knowledge about livestock entrance and exit date of rangeland. Results obtained from factor analysis showed that factors of tribes&rsquo; tendency to use fresh fodder for their livestock, lack of forage in the winter rangelands and increased annoying insects were effective in early migration of nomadic. The livestock weight loss and lack of places in the winter rangelands were effective in early and late exit of livestock from the summer rangeland. تفاصيل المقالة
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        79 - Change of Species Diversity in Vascular Plants Across Ecological Species Groups
        Hossein Naderi Mohsen Sharafatmandrad
        Biodiversity plays a crucial role in stability and productivity of natural ecosystem. The main goal of this research was to classify ecological groups in steppe rangeland and investigate their relationships with plant diversity indices. Therefore, fifty different Land U أکثر
        Biodiversity plays a crucial role in stability and productivity of natural ecosystem. The main goal of this research was to classify ecological groups in steppe rangeland and investigate their relationships with plant diversity indices. Therefore, fifty different Land Unit Tracts (LUT) were identified in Khod-Neuk basin, Yazd province, Iran, in 2010. Vegetation and soil samples were taken in the LUT&rsquo;s representative stands. Two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method were used to identify ecological groups on the basis of presence-absence and canopy cover of plant species. The diversity indices including species richness, Shannon-Wiener evenness index, Simpsons&rsquo; dominance index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Simpsons&rsquo; diversity index were analyzed in vascular plants based on species canopy cover data. Then the relationship between land unit distribution and diversity indices was assessed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Results showed that ecological groups were quite different in terms of species composition and plant diversity indices. So that, ecological group 2 had the lowest dominance index and the highest scores of other indices and ecological groups 1 and 5 had the lowest richness and along with ecological group 3 had the lowest species evenness values. Ecological group 5 had the lowest and the highest scores of Shannon-Weiner diversity index and Simpsons&rsquo; dominance index respectively. The second group located in the mid altitudes with high saturation percentage and low Na, lime and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) had the highest diversity indices. Therefore, these groups are enough to delineate rangeland into ecological units which could be used for management purposes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        80 - Factors Affecting Structure, Conduct and Performance of Livestock Markets in Butana Area, Sudan
        Hala Ahmed Hassan Mohammed Abdelaziz Abdelfattah Hashim Babo Fadlalla Siegfried Bauer Sahar Ezzat
        Structure, Conduct and Performance (SCP) is used as an analytical framework, to make relations amongst market structure, market conduct and market performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the factors, which affect SCP of livestock markets in the Butana ar أکثر
        Structure, Conduct and Performance (SCP) is used as an analytical framework, to make relations amongst market structure, market conduct and market performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the factors, which affect SCP of livestock markets in the Butana area, Sudan in 2011. A total sample of 222 livestock traders were surveyed using structured questionnaire in seven primary and secondary markets distributed in Butana area. Both descriptive statistics and econometric methods were used to analyze data collected from traders using SPSS19 and STATA10 software. The logit regression model was employed to estimate the variables affecting the SCP of livestock markets in the area under study. Poor infrastructure of livestock markets, prices of livestock and high transaction cost had negative and significant effect (P&lt;0.0) on structure, conduct and performance (SCP) of primary markets. As expected, lack of access to credit had negative effects (P&lt;0.05) on SCP. Policies are required to improve livestock markets facilities, to encourage a higher price for the sale of animals at a younger age and to provide credit services to livestock traders in order to develop the sector and improve the livelihoods of pastoralists in the Butana area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        81 - Mapping Natural Resources Vulnerability to Droughts Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making and GIS (Case Study: Kashkan Basin Lorestan Province, Iran)
        Elyas Khezri Rahim Maleknia Hossein Zeinivand Ziaodin Badehin
        Zagros Mountains in west of Iran are covered by unique forests and rangelands. Increasing population, low level of development and high dependence of local people on natural resources for primary livelihood needs resulted in degradation of Zagros forests and rangelands. أکثر
        Zagros Mountains in west of Iran are covered by unique forests and rangelands. Increasing population, low level of development and high dependence of local people on natural resources for primary livelihood needs resulted in degradation of Zagros forests and rangelands. Along with these factors, since the last decade, climate change including severe drought is an important issue in the world, particularly in semi-arid natural areas of Iran including Zagros. This research was conducted to develop an integrated method for mapping vulnerability of natural resources to droughts in Kashkan basin Lorestan province, Iran in 2015. Hence, a combined method including AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making method and GIS was used. Based on literature review, study area conditions and experts&rsquo; opinions, six criteria and nineteen sub criteria were determined. The weights of this initial set of criteria and sub criteria were determined by experts using pairwise comparisons and weights of them were calculated. Then, maps of different sub criteria were analyzed in the GIS environment using calculated weights. Results showed that the most important criteria in drought sensitivity were hydro climate, physiography, and vegetation cover. Annual mean precipitation and temperature, vegetation cover were the most important sub criteria. Findings of research also indicated that 17.11%, 26.28% and 7.67%, of the studied area were classified as low, moderate and high vulnerable areas, respectively. In addition, 8.50% of the studied area is classified as extremely high vulnerable to droughts. This study introduces a combined method to mapping vulnerability of natural resource to droughts. Findings of this study could be considered by managers to develop proper plans for vulnerable areas. تفاصيل المقالة
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        Hossein Badripour
        Karim Saei was born in 1910, in Mashhad, north eastern Iran, where he got his diploma. He left behind his homeland for Karaj city to study at the Faculty of Agriculture of Tehran University. He passed his course very successfully and received his B.Sc. degree in 1931 fo أکثر
        Karim Saei was born in 1910, in Mashhad, north eastern Iran, where he got his diploma. He left behind his homeland for Karaj city to study at the Faculty of Agriculture of Tehran University. He passed his course very successfully and received his B.Sc. degree in 1931 followed by a scholarship to study for 2 years at Agronomic Institute in Montpellier, France. He graduated M.Sc. with excellent grade. Due to his brilliance during his study in France, Revue de bois magazine published an article about him, naming him a genius. Back to back with his study in France, he was granted another scholarship to study Forest statistics at University of California, Berkeley. He received his second M.Sc. in 1937 and returned back with a treasure of knowledge to serve his country. Soon he was recruited by Directorate of Agriculture. He founded Forest Office as the first body for forest management in Iran within the Directorate of Agriculture in 1938. Very soon, he became the head of Forest Office.His attempts to found Forestry Bureau, resulted in 1940 but still he believed that forests should be attached more attention and later on Directorate of Agriculture transformed to Ministry of Agriculture in 1941 and Forestry Bureau converted to Directorate of Forestry and 4 regional forestry offices established, respectively in Guilan, Tonekabon, Mazandaran and Gorgan under the supervision of Directorate of Agriculture in 1942. In 1949, he became the chair of Forest Corporation.Saei in collaboration with his colleagues formulated the forest act and delivered it to the parliament for ratification. He also suggested to the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of Tehran University to offer forestry, soon he started working there as the lecturer. The first estimate of forest area was also given by him in 1946. تفاصيل المقالة
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        83 - Investigating the Effects of Different Harvesting Intensities on Forage Production in Sahand Rangelands of Eastern Azerbaijan Province, Iran
        Mohammad Reza Najibzadeh Mina Bayat Saeedeh Nateghi Mohammad Hasan Pezeshki
        Due to the decreasing trend of rangelands, many native species are vulnerable and even at risk of extinction. Therefore, seed preservation and propagation of native species of rangelands and recognition of the characteristics of grazing, drought tolerance and their prod أکثر
        Due to the decreasing trend of rangelands, many native species are vulnerable and even at risk of extinction. Therefore, seed preservation and propagation of native species of rangelands and recognition of the characteristics of grazing, drought tolerance and their production potential are very beneficial. In this study, the five species of Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, Bromus tomentellus, Alopecurus textilis and Thymus kotschyanus, which are the key species of Sahand Rangelands in Eastern Azerbaijan province, were studied. Treatments in each block included four grazing intensities, namely 25%, 50%, 75% and the control (no harvesting). The harvest was performed during the growing season and at the beginning of the grazing season for four years (2007-2010). Results of statistical analysis showed that the effect of harvesting intensity, year and intensity by year interaction were significant for forage production of F. rubra, B. tomentellus and A. textilis (p&lt;0.01). However, the effect of year and intensity for T.kotschyanus and the effect of year for F. ovina were not significant. Results showed that forage production of species was different in years. Higher forage production in 75% harvest intensity was obtained in B. tomentellus, F. rubra and A. textilis with average values of 15.8, 18.1 and 16.7 g/p, respectively. In latter species, forage production was much affected by climate changes rather than the harvest intensity. The highest forage production of F. ovina was obtained in light harvest. Increasing the harvest intensity may decline plant vitality. It was recommended that allowable grazing intensity of Sahand rangeland might be 25% up to 50% harvesting intensity for preserving these species. تفاصيل المقالة
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        84 - Determining Timely Entry and Exit of Livestock in Rangelands Using Bromus tomentellus Phenological Stages (Case Study: Goorab Rangeland of Isfahan)
        Maryam Gholami Mostafa Saeedfar
        In the rangelands of Iran, the lack of appropriate grazing management is one of the major problems ultimately leading to untimely and excessive grazing intensity of forage. Accordingly, most of the rangelands show a retrogression trend and poor conditions. In forage spe أکثر
        In the rangelands of Iran, the lack of appropriate grazing management is one of the major problems ultimately leading to untimely and excessive grazing intensity of forage. Accordingly, most of the rangelands show a retrogression trend and poor conditions. In forage species, phenological stage is one of the most important criteria for range management. Bromus tomentellus species is an important range species for forage production controlling soil erosion. In order todeterminethetimely entry and exit of livestock in rangelands based on phenological stages of B. tomentellus, this study was conducted in Goorab rangeland, Fereydoun Shahr, Iran during four years (2007-2010). In this research, ten plant bases of B. tomentellus were selected and their phonological stages were recorded in a 7-day interval period. At the same time, meteorological data were collected from meteorological station adjacent to the study site. According to the occurrence of biological phenomena in the different years of study (wet conditions in 2007, severe droughts in 2008 and normal years in 2009 and 2010) and also based on plant growth stage in the 4 year study, it was concluded that 30th April and 31th May were suggested as the best time for livestock to enter and exit from the rangeland, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        Ehsan Zandi
        Eng. Hadi Hosseini Araghi was born in 1943, in Arak, Iran, where he graduated from the high school of natural sciences. He received his B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Tehran. In 1969, he started his collaboration with the Range Organizat أکثر
        Eng. Hadi Hosseini Araghi was born in 1943, in Arak, Iran, where he graduated from the high school of natural sciences. He received his B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Tehran. In 1969, he started his collaboration with the Range Organization in the form of preparing range management plans. He received his M.Sc. from the Arizona State University in 1976. Then, in 1991, he received a sabbatical completion certificate (equivalent to PhD) from the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in the field of remote sensing and geographic information systems. Until 1986, he had various positions as expert, range ecology supervisor, and the deputy of Range Technical Office. Then, for three years, he was one of the members of The Supreme Council of Forests and Rangelands. In 1990, he moved to the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad and served in different sections including agriculture, monitoring and evaluation, and agricultural development studies. After retirement in 2001, he established the Cooperative&ndash; Engineering Company and advice on sustainable development of Iran and served as a member of its Board of Directors. Membership:Responsible for mapping of desertification and vegetation in the national project of desert land use planning (International Desert Research Center, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Tehran).Fellow co-founder of the Group for Research and Education (new rural development) with a history of more than forty years of experience in the centers of higher education, including Faculty of Natural Resources, University of TehranAdvisor to the Office of Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection تفاصيل المقالة
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        86 - Indicator Species for Rangeland Management by Anp-Dematel method (Case Study: Nahavand Rangeland)
        Marziye Asgari Armin Mashayekhan Ali Ariapour
        The wide ecological area consists of a rangeland with special vegetation and one of the key factors in rangeland management is to select Management Indicator Species (MIS). Management indicator species based on a new method such as Analytical Network Process-Decision Ma أکثر
        The wide ecological area consists of a rangeland with special vegetation and one of the key factors in rangeland management is to select Management Indicator Species (MIS). Management indicator species based on a new method such as Analytical Network Process-Decision Making Trial and Evaluation (ANP-DEMATEL) is one of the most important stages in the successful Range management as choosing a suitable species for the site can be the key to success. This paper provides research contribution on selecting management indicator species using ANP-DEMATEL for the Range management of Nahavand rangeland in Hamedan, Iran in 2016. This research as a guide to determine the best Management Indicator Species (MIS) was interested in how to use ANP-DEMATEL approach using Super Decisions software version 2.8. The criteria of species selection were grazing pressure, soil conservation, palatability, and beekeeping value and a set of species for criteria included Acanthophyllum microcephalum, Thymus kotschyanus, Hypericum perforatum, Bromus tomentellus, Tragopogon graminifolius, Malabaila secacul, Festuca ovina, Poa bulbosum, Hordeum bulbosum and Medicago sativa. Criteria were identified as the most preferable options. Results showed that grazing pressure and soil conservation with the values of 2.001 and 1.125 were the best criteria for the range management. Among species, Medicago sativa, Thymus kotschyanus, Hypericum perforatum and Acanthophyllum microcephalum (0.1454, 0.1387, 0.1247 and 0.1155) contributed to rangeland management objectives. The result of this study showed that the multi-criteria decision making and ANP-DEMATEL can provide accurate results and help rangeland managers to overcome knowledge gaps under complex ecological conditions. تفاصيل المقالة
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        Elaha Karami
        Mansour Mesdaghi was born in 1941 in Ghazvin, Iran, where he completed his elementary and high school.After graduation from Gorgan Forest and Range school, he had been employed in Ministry of Natural Resources as a technician in FAO branch of United Nation in collaborat أکثر
        Mansour Mesdaghi was born in 1941 in Ghazvin, Iran, where he completed his elementary and high school.After graduation from Gorgan Forest and Range school, he had been employed in Ministry of Natural Resources as a technician in FAO branch of United Nation in collaboration with Dr. D. L. Goodwin, the Range Scientist at Houmand Range Research Station. He received his B.A degree in Economics at Tehran College of Business in 1973. Then, in 1975, he received a governmental fellowship to accomplish his M.Sc and Ph.D. in Range Ecology at Northern Arizona University and University of Wyoming. The results of his dissertation on vegetation of saline and alkaline habitats of Red Desert in Wyoming was published in Shrublands of Wyoming by his supervisor, Professor Herbert G. Fisser.After continuation his career as an expert in Research Institute and in Forest and Range Origination, he was transferred to the College of Natural Resources in Gogran where he had taught the courses of Range Measurement, Quantitative Plant Ecology, Phytosociology, Advanced Statistical Methods, and Range Research Techniques. During his sabbatical leaves at Colorado State University, 1993-1995, USA and at University of British Colombia, 2002-2003, Professor Mesdaghi integrated the idea of socio-economics in rangeland inventory and evaluation and presented his results in Proceedings of the V International Rangeland Congress in 1995, USA, and XX International Grassland Congress, in Canada, 2015.Professor Mesdaghi is the author of Range Management in Iran, Plant Ecology, and Statistical and Regression Methods. He has also translated the Range Management Books such as: Principles and Practices, Ecological Methodology, Vegetation Description and Analysis, Wildlife Ecology and Management, Walter&rsquo;s Vegetation of Earth which were the best books of outstanding scientists in the world. تفاصيل المقالة
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        88 - Soil Organic Carbon Content and Stocks in Relation to Grazing Management in Semi-Arid Grasslands of Kenya
        Hillary Rotich Richard Onwonga Judith Mbau Oscar Koech
        Rangelands cover approximately 85% of Kenya&rsquo;s land mass and is a major resource for livestock farming with a considerable potential to mitigate climate change, yet these lands are stressed differently by various management. Our study aimed at determining the influ أکثر
        Rangelands cover approximately 85% of Kenya&rsquo;s land mass and is a major resource for livestock farming with a considerable potential to mitigate climate change, yet these lands are stressed differently by various management. Our study aimed at determining the influence of grazing management systems (rotational, continuous and ungrazed) on soil organic carbon stocks in Yoani ranch located in the southern rangelands of Kenya (2016). This research was conducted on a commercial grazing ranch, a section of it was converted from continuous grazing into rotational grazing and has been under rotational grazing for 11 years during the time the research was conducted. Within the same ranch, there was a section with similar geomorphology and soils as the rotationally grazed which was not converted and has been continuously grazed for over 30 years to represent the continuous grazing system. The ungrazed area consists of an abandon section of the ranch for more than 30 years due to a deep gully which was formed by gully erosion creating an isolated area inaccessible by livestock. Soil samples were taken up to a depth of 1.2m, at an interval of 0-10, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-90 cm and 90-120 cm. The difference between soil sampling depths is because the upper layer between 0-30 cm is more dynamic with respect to soil microbial activities which can be influenced by grazing as compared to the deeper depths along the soil profile. The ungrazed site recorded significantly (P&lt;0.5) higher soil organic carbon concentrations than rotational and continuously grazed sites for all soil layers up to 1.2m depth. The rotationally grazed site had higher soil organic carbon concentrations across depths compared to continuously grazing system which was attributed to grazing management effects. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        89 - Role of Plant Species and Ecological Patches in Conserving and Fixing Natural Landsʹ Soil Using Landscape Functional Analysis (LFA) (Case Study: Dehbar Rangeland, Torghabeh, Mashhad, Iran)
        Reyhaneh Azimi Gholam Ali Heshmati mohamad kia kianian samira hossein jafari Dawood Zakeri
        Degradation of plant patches is considered as one of the indices for rangeland degrading health condition. Investigating the accuracy of triple indices (infiltration, stability and soil nutrient cycle) presented by LFA method seems necessary to determine its efficiency أکثر
        Degradation of plant patches is considered as one of the indices for rangeland degrading health condition. Investigating the accuracy of triple indices (infiltration, stability and soil nutrient cycle) presented by LFA method seems necessary to determine its efficiency in semi-arid areas with the least cost. This study aims to investigate the role of vegetative species and growing forms on soil surface characteristics in Dehbar semi-steppe rangelands, Iran in 2014. So, eleven soil surface characteristics in different vegetative types each of 3 replicates were measured using landscape functional analysis (LFA). Then, the measured parameters were classified based on their sustainability, permeability and food chain continuum for each plant species. According to the results obtained from various analytical investigations, the ecological patches consisting of Artemisia aucheri (46.83%) and complex of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron intermedium (with the amount of 41.7%) were higher than other forms of vegetative growth for soil sustainability. The complex of Acantholimon sp., Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus commixtus had the lowest amount in terms of soil sustainability (38%). The comparison of soil permeability indices for different types of plant covers showed that the percentage of Artemisia aucheri (32.06%) and complex of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron intermedium (33.5%) had the highest amount while all other patches were equal and had the lowest amount. In terms of food chain, the ecological patches such as Artemisia aucheri (25.63%) and complex of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron intermedium (27.66%) had the highest amount. The complex of Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus commixtus (16.36%), the complex of Acantholimon sp., Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus commixtus (13.63%) and the complex of Acantholimon sp. and Agropyron intermedium (15.36%) had the lowest values (p&le;0.01). Therefore, Artemisia aucheri (shrub) and a complex of Artemisia aucheri and Agropyron intermedium (grass) patches, introduced as ecological indicators for the study area, are suggested for rangelands restoration. تفاصيل المقالة
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        90 - Economic Evaluation of Shallot Utilization in Varnasa Rangeland, Naghadeh, Iran
        Javad Motamedi Morteza Mofidi Chelan Saeed Rahmanpour Mahshid Souri
        Recognition of byproducts and their exploiting economic evaluation is one of basic requirements in documenting prospect of rangelands utilization. In this regard, the present study was performed to estimate the economic indices of exploiting byproducts production in Var أکثر
        Recognition of byproducts and their exploiting economic evaluation is one of basic requirements in documenting prospect of rangelands utilization. In this regard, the present study was performed to estimate the economic indices of exploiting byproducts production in Varnasa rangelands, Naghadeh, Iran. For this purpose, the economic data for calculating economic indices were collected after sampling vegetation and estimating shallot species byproduct and forage production per unit area in 2015. The results showed that the annual economic benefit derived from forage production per household is 71.16 US$ y-1. The generated economic rent was estimated about 98.14 US$ h-1 in year. Average gross income from the exploitation of byproducts in a harvest period per household was estimated around 838.23 US$ from 5.7 hectares that after reducing the explicit costs of utilization (transport), the net income was 761.61 US$ per household. Economic profit per household after reducing the hidden costs (labor) and explicit costs (transport) from gross income was estimated about 720.35 US$ y-1and economic rent of exploiting shallot byproducts is 473.47 US$ h-1 per year. Considering the discount rate of 3%, the expected value per hectare of the studied rangelands for the byproducts and forge production are estimated about 789.12 and 32.71 US$, respectively. Similarly, the expected total value of rangelands for byproducts and forage production is amounting totally to 821.84 US$ that the share of shallot byproduct to total rangeland expected value is 96%. Incomes from the exploiting of byproducts and forage production comprise 27.2 and 1.3% out of the average annual income of households, respectively. In addition, annual employment of shallots byproduct and forage production utilization was estimated 1.44 and 0.16 person&rsquo;s y-1,respectively which the share of byproduct is about 10% out of the total employment. The results show that the byproducts exploitation plays an important role in the local economy and employment as well as declining the increase of grazing intensity. Overall, the results of this study reveal the need to consider the byproduct incomes in range management schemes and comprehensive management of natural areas تفاصيل المقالة
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        91 - Comparing Different Modeling Techniques for Predicting Presence-absence of Some Dominant Plant Species in Mountain Rangelands, Mazandaran Province
        Mansoureh Kargar Davod Akhzari Amir Saadatfar
        In applied studies, the investigation of the relationship between a plant species and environmental variables is essential to manage ecological problems and rangeland ecosystems. This research was conducted in summer 2016. The aim of this study was to compare the predic أکثر
        In applied studies, the investigation of the relationship between a plant species and environmental variables is essential to manage ecological problems and rangeland ecosystems. This research was conducted in summer 2016. The aim of this study was to compare the predictive power of a number of Species Distribution Models (SDMs) and to evaluate the importance of a range of environmental variables as predictors in the context of rangeland vegetation. In this study, Aflah rangelands with 5721 ha were selected. In this research, predictor variables included climatic, topographic and edaphic parameters. The sampling method was equal random-classification for vegetation and soil. Topographic factors including slope, elevation and aspect were determined in Arc GIS software. In each sample unit, 10 plots were established (total 350 plots) and the lists of the species, their number, their presence or absence were recorded. The efficacy of five different modelling techniques to predict the distribution of five dominant rangeland plant species (Agropyron repens, Festuca ovina, Leucopoa sclerophylla, Stachys lavandulifolia and Tragopogon graminifolius) was evaluated. The models were generalized linear regression (GLM), classification and regression trees (CART), boosted regression trees (BRT), generalized additive models (GAM), and random forest (RF). Data analysis was done using the R software, version 3.1.1. The results showed that GAM model demonstrated most consistently high predictive power over the species in the rangeland context investigated here. GAM model exhibited the most predictive power. The importance analysis of the environmental variables showed that N, pH and aspect were the most important variables in the GAM model. Overall, N, P and C/N soil (0.452, 0.437 and 0.389) were the most important environmental variables. تفاصيل المقالة
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        Motahareh Esfandyari
        Mohammad Hossein Hakimi Meibody was born in 1963 in Meibod, Yazd province. He gets his diploma in Meibod and then for higher education, he went to Isfahan university and exceeded direction of plant science for 4 years and graduated in 1989 with excellent grade. Then, he أکثر
        Mohammad Hossein Hakimi Meibody was born in 1963 in Meibod, Yazd province. He gets his diploma in Meibod and then for higher education, he went to Isfahan university and exceeded direction of plant science for 4 years and graduated in 1989 with excellent grade. Then, he went to Tehran university and passed course of Plant Systematic in Biology department of faculty of science since 1996 with excellent grade in this year ‌(1996) he accepted as faculty member of Natural Recourse of Yazd university. He trained many students at yazd university since 2003. Then he gets a scholarship from ministry of science research and technology in 2003 and went to Puna university of India and completed his higher education in Mycology up to PhD degree.In coming back to Iran, he selected as chairman of Natural Recourse faculty of Ardakan city in 2004. Then he printed some bulletins and 3 book about Range Plants and many research program presented by him in period of 2004 to 2017. He supervised many Msc students and also published 30 articles in scientific journal. He loved nature and many of his times spent visiting and sampling of range plants with complete herbarium of natural recourse faculty of Yazd and Ardakan university. he was died on December 2017 and it was very suddenly for all of his colleagues and also for hid students. تفاصيل المقالة
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        93 - Ecological Effects of Climate Factors on Rangeland Vegetation (Case Study: Polour Rangelands)
        Diana Askarizadeh Hossein Arzani
        Climate is the most important factor of plants distribution in global and regional scale. Understanding the current distribution of vegetation cover and its interaction with climate regularity is important for predicting its future. In order to determine the effective c أکثر
        Climate is the most important factor of plants distribution in global and regional scale. Understanding the current distribution of vegetation cover and its interaction with climate regularity is important for predicting its future. In order to determine the effective climate factors in plant life-form in Polour rangelands in the Damavand summit (2400 to 4100 m above sea level), Iran, a study was carried out in May to July 2016. Climatic diagram for the average data of 2006-2016 was obtained by Emberger&rsquo;s method. Regression method was used for determining the relationships between altitude and climatic factors and the output was employed to draw isothermal and isohyet maps as well as phytoclimatic map using Arc GIS v.10.2 software. One square meter plots were established randomly in the stand area and vegetation cover data were collected. The results showed that the study area has cold arid climate with six months of drought period. The stepwise regression analysis between total vegetation cover and the climate factors showed that minimum temperature was the most effective variable (r=0.875) that may influence the vegetation cover. The plant growth was started when environmental temperature copes with 10oC which was mid-April. Hence, the upland rangeland plants of Polour are grown in severe condition and the most life forms such as grass-shrubs need sufficient climatic components such as precipitation and temperature. Therefore, the range management approach can be achieved by limiting the grazing periods for two months to maintain the current vegetation cover which finds an opportunity to balance themselves with expressive climate changes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        94 - A Review on Bush Encroachment Effect on Cattle Rearing in Rangelands
        Shimels Ali Getachew Muche
        Bush encroachment is an increase in woody plant density typically resulting in impenetrable thickets, suppressing palatable grasses and herbs. Moreover, bush encroachment is a globally observed phenomenon. Besides, increasing the density of unpalatable shrubs and trees أکثر
        Bush encroachment is an increase in woody plant density typically resulting in impenetrable thickets, suppressing palatable grasses and herbs. Moreover, bush encroachment is a globally observed phenomenon. Besides, increasing the density of unpalatable shrubs and trees has reduced the carrying capacity and threatens the sustainability of grazing animal production, especially in arid and semi-arid grasslands and savannas around the world. Bush encroachment is a serious environmental and economic problem. In addition, biodiversity, wildlife habitat and nutrient cycling (rates, magnitude, seasonability and spatially patterns) are affected by these changes in vegetation. Although the increases in woody plant abundance have widely noted, such elements as rates, dynamics, spatial patterns and approximation have not been well documented. However, land use practices such as increased grazing pressure and decreased fire frequency have been associated with shifts from grass to woody plant domination. The pastoralists have been using the traditional grazing management in order to cope up with the relatively arid conditions of the environment, prevent from overgrazing and ensure the sustainability of resource base. تفاصيل المقالة
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        95 - Climate Change Implications on the Rangelands Condition in West Guji and Borana Zones, Southern Ethiopia
        Tesfaye Dejene Gemedo Dalle Teshale Woldeamanuel Muluken Mekuyie
        Climate change is one of the most serious threats to rangeland. The implications of climate change on the rangelands conditions of the Duda and Gomole in Southern Ethiopia were examined. Measurements of rangeland were made using field survey and focus group discussions. أکثر
        Climate change is one of the most serious threats to rangeland. The implications of climate change on the rangelands conditions of the Duda and Gomole in Southern Ethiopia were examined. Measurements of rangeland were made using field survey and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA was employed to detect whether significant difference exists between range conditions, while Pearson bivariate correlation used to test the relationships between climate factors and herbaceous plants. The Mann-Kendall test was used to determine the trends of rainfall and temperatures over times; meanwhile Sen's slope estimator was used to test the magnitude of changes. The results show that no significant annual rainfall trend was in both Duda and Gomole rangelands, despite a slight increase in rainfall. However, the annual minimum temperature significantly increases in Duda rangeland, while the annual maximum temperature significantly decreases in Gomole rangeland. The major herbaceous species in Duda rangeland (Cenchrus ciliaris, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria naghellensi, Digitaria milanjiana and Panicum maximum) had positive correlation with annual rainfall and negative correlation with minimum temperature. In the Gomole rangeland, Cenchrus ciliaris and Bothriochloa insculpta negatively correlated with minimum temperature. The Duda rangeland was in poor condition where that of Gomole was in fair condition. This difference was mainly due to slight difference between climate of Duda (arid and semi-arid) and Gomole (arid) of the rangelands. The multiple linear regression model result showed that changes in rainfall and temperature accounted for 46% of variability on Duda rangeland condition, whereas rainfall changes accounted for 32% of variability on Gomole rangeland condition. Therefore, the present study suggests rangeland rehabilitation in the short run through soil and water conservation, bush clearing and burning, and the planting of desirable grass species are critical to reduce the effects of climate change on rangeland. تفاصيل المقالة
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        96 - Effects of Sowing Season and Method on Seedling Emergence and Survivor Rate of Vicia variabilis in Kermanshah Province, Iran
        Mohammad Gheitury Mosayeb Heshmati Mohammad Fayaz Yahya Parvizi Hoshmand Safari
        Rangelands are the main source of forage production whose degradation is being accelerated due to improper utilities. Furthermore, re-vegetation of palatable plants like Vicia variabilis is more limited in overgrazed rangelands. The objective of this study was to improv أکثر
        Rangelands are the main source of forage production whose degradation is being accelerated due to improper utilities. Furthermore, re-vegetation of palatable plants like Vicia variabilis is more limited in overgrazed rangelands. The objective of this study was to improve degraded rangelands in Meleh-Kabud (Kermanshah, Iran) through planting Vicia variabilis. The research was conducted at experimental plot scale using split plot comprising treatments of season and method cultivations. Treatments included Planting time and methods with three replications with seeds collected in the study area. Seeding seasons comprised early spring and early autumn, but seeding methods were row seed sowing and broadcast seeding. Data collection was carried out for sprouting and establishment during two years. Rate of shooting appearance was evaluated in the first year (2016), while plant survival rate assessed in the second year (2017). Results indicated planting seasons affect both shooting and survival rates for Vicia variabilis. Furthermore, early spring season was found more suitable. Shooting and survival rates through row seed sowing were 20.00 and 13.83%, respectively. In contrast, these respective rates via broadcast seeding were reduced to 2.67 and 1.17 percent. We concluded that row sowing in early spring was the optimal method for rangelands in Kermanshah province. تفاصيل المقالة
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        97 - Comparative Study of Species Diversity in different Land Use Units of the Borana Lowlands, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia
        Gemedo Dalle
        Quantitative study of species diversity across different land use units and districts is important to document status of local plant biodiversity, to evaluate impact of management and for planning future management. This study aimed at determining impacts of land use un أکثر
        Quantitative study of species diversity across different land use units and districts is important to document status of local plant biodiversity, to evaluate impact of management and for planning future management. This study aimed at determining impacts of land use units on species diversity and spatial distribution of species in two districts of Borana zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Stratification and systematic random sampling techniques were used for data collection. Plot size of 500 m2 for woody species and subplots of 0.25 m2 for herbaceous species and soil samples were used. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Shannon diversity index and Simpson index were determined. Relationships between vegetation and environmental variables were analysed using Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The overall mean alpha, beta and gamma diversities were 29.2, 2.5 and 102.6, respectively. Average total number of species in enclosures and open access grazing sites was 113 and 96 species, respectively. Enclosures or relatively protected land use units (Kalos) had more species diversity than their corresponding open access grazing lands (Worras). Shannon diversity index ranged from 3.11 in the grazing land for dry livestock to 3.78 in the Web grazing land for lactating cattle. Similarly, Simpson index of dominance ranged from 0.034 in the Web Worra to 0.089 in grazing land for dry livestock (Foora). Kalos had higher Simpson diversity index than their corresponding Worras. Soil nutrients varied across land use units. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) was higher in enclosed than in open access grazing land use units. The study also showed that there was significant variation in P, Ca, CEC, silt and sand across the two districts (p&lt;0.05). RDA and CCA results revealed that altitude, OM, K and N were the most important environmental variables that significantly accounted for the spatial distribution and abundance of species. It was concluded that enclosures had contributed to increased species diversity. Promoting the area enclosure as a viable strategy for biodiversity management and rehabilitation of rangelands were recommended as a result of this study. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        98 - Projected Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks over a 50-Year Period under Different Grazing Management Systems in Semi-Arid Grasslands of Kenya
        Hillary Rotich Richard Onwonga Oscar Koech Judith Mbau
        Rangeland cover approximately 85% of Kenya&rsquo;s land mass and is a major resource for livestock farming with a considerable potential to mitigate climate change, yet these lands are stressed differently by various management. Our study aimed at predicting the long-te أکثر
        Rangeland cover approximately 85% of Kenya&rsquo;s land mass and is a major resource for livestock farming with a considerable potential to mitigate climate change, yet these lands are stressed differently by various management. Our study aimed at predicting the long-term changes in Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in grazing lands of Kenya under different grazing management systems (rotational, continuous and ungrazed), for a 50-year period using RothC 26.3. This research was conducted on a commercial grazing ranch which practices the two grazing management systems. Soil samples were collected at the depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm for the determination of soil organic carbon concentrations and bulk densities, results were later used for running the RothC model. The predicted results showed that the rate of SOC stock [t/ha] was higher under rotational grazing system in comparison to ungrazed and continual grazing system for the modelling period of 2015-2064. In the absence of grazing, the system was predicted to accumulate 19.22 Mg C ha-1 of SOC at the rate of 0.369 Mg C ha-1yr-1, whereas rotational grazing system was predicted to accumulate 30.46 Mg C ha-1 at the rate of 0.61 Mg C ha-1yr-1. The continual grazing management system resulted in the accrual of 18.49 Mg C ha-1 at the rate of 0.37 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 over 50 years. Thus, rotationally grazing management system have the potential of accumulating soil organic carbon in semi-arid grasslands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        99 - Resting Impact on Vegetation Cover of Fescue-Forbs Rangeland in Mongolia
        Otgontuya Lkhagvajav Lkhagvajav Namdag Munkhbat Chimed
        The rangeland in the Khangai mountain region in Mongolia has degraded for the last decades mainly because of overgrazing and climate change. Livestock production is important part of the economy and is based on natural rangeland. In this research we seek to elucidate th أکثر
        The rangeland in the Khangai mountain region in Mongolia has degraded for the last decades mainly because of overgrazing and climate change. Livestock production is important part of the economy and is based on natural rangeland. In this research we seek to elucidate the influence of five years (2004-2009) of protection from grazing on vegetation cover of different degradation levels of Fescue-forbs rangelands in Khangai mountain region of Mongolia. In the beginning of the study grasses dominated within the slightly degraded site, especially Agropyron cristatum and Koeleria macrantha. Forbs dominated within the moderately degraded site, mainly Artemisia frigida and A. commutata and within the heavily degraded site sedge species dominated, mainly Carex duriuscula. The climate was fluctuated during the study period that affected the plant growth and vegetation cover. When looked at variation of total vegetation cover among years within un-grazed and grazed sites there had been fluctuation among years. The total vegetation cover was significantly different (P&lt;0.001) among years at all degradation levels. The total vegetation cover was 18-22% higher in un-grazed site of slightly degraded site, 8-10% in un-grazed site of moderately degraded, 39-58% in un-grazed site of heavily degraded site in 2005 to 2006. The total vegetation cover was higher (P&lt;0.05) at un-grazed sites than grazed fir many years. The vegetation cover was lower at all sites in 2007 through 2009. It was depending on drought and accumulation of litter cover. Grasses and forbs had improved in un-grazed site of slightly and heavily degraded sites. تفاصيل المقالة
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        100 - Optimum Seed Rate for Vigna sun-hum (Tagtaga) for Rangeland Rehabilitation in Sandy Soil of North Kordofan
        Ahmed M. M. Lazim Elnazir M. Daw-elbait Sahar Ezzat Salih. A. Elsheikh
        In order to determine the optimum rate of Vigna sun-hum seed sowing for rangeland rehabilitation in sandy soil of North Kordofan, Sudan, two trials were conducted separately under managed and unmanaged conditions at El-obeid Agricultural Research Farm in Sheikan localit أکثر
        In order to determine the optimum rate of Vigna sun-hum seed sowing for rangeland rehabilitation in sandy soil of North Kordofan, Sudan, two trials were conducted separately under managed and unmanaged conditions at El-obeid Agricultural Research Farm in Sheikan locality of North Kordofan State in 2015 and 2016. Seed rates were 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Kg/feddan (4200m) and arranged by a Completely Randomized Block Design with three replications. The species in both trials was established under rain-fed conditions by broadcasting seeds on prepared seed beds early in the rainy season. In the managed trial, seeds were broadcasted on a clean seed bed. The first and second weeding was carried out after two and four weeks from seed broadcasting. In the un-managed trial, a bare area or an area with scatter occurrence and low density of herbaceous species was selected annually and weeding was not done. Vegetation cover, density and forage dry weights were obtained using (50x50 cm&sup2;) quadrate. MSTAT-C statistical software package was used for the statistical analysis. In both managed and un- managed trials, the results revealed that there were significant (P&le;0.001) differences in most measured variables. In the managed trial of 2015 cropping season, the seed rate of 3 kg/feddan recorded the highest vegetation cover (33.3%) and the highest dry weight (260.3 g/m&sup2;) whereas the one kg/feddan had the least vegetation cover (10%) and dry weight (52.1 g/m&sup2;). In un-managed trial of 2016 cropping season, the seed rate of 4 kg/feddan recorded the highest density (98 plant/m&sup2;) and the highest dry weight (100.3 g/m&sup2;) whereas the third seed rate recorded the least density (37 plant/m&sup2;) and dry weight (33.6 g/m&sup2;). Results of combined analysis indicated that there were significant (P&lt;0.001) differences among the five seed rates in most studied parameters. For Vigna sun-hum as endangered leguminous range species, two optimum seed rates of 3 and 4 kg/feddan were recommended for ranches and natural rangeland rehabilitation in the managed and un-managed areas, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        101 - Forage Quality of Salsola yazdiana and S. tomentosa in Different Growth Stages in Saline Desert of Yazd Province, Iran
        Mostafa Zare Ehsan Zandi Ardavan Ghorbani
        Information on forage quality could help rangeland managers to select suitable grazing method to achieve higher animal performance without damage to vegetation. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the forage quality of S. yazdiana and S. tomentosa, which أکثر
        Information on forage quality could help rangeland managers to select suitable grazing method to achieve higher animal performance without damage to vegetation. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the forage quality of S. yazdiana and S. tomentosa, which are the most important species of saline rangelands in Ardakan in Yazd province, Iran. These two species are grazed by goats and camels. The edible biomass of both species was sampled in three phenological stages during 2015-2016. Forage quality indices such as Crude Protein (CP), Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD), Metabolizable Energy (ME), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Crude Fiber (CF), and Water Soluble Carbohydrate (WSC) were measured using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). Data were analyzed using a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. Means comparison was conducted using Duncan's Multiple Range test. According to the results, phenological stages showed significant differences for DMD, CP, WSC, ASH, ADF (P&lt;0.01) CF and ME (P&lt;0.05). Moreover, results showed significant differences between species for DMD, WSC, ASH, ADF (P&lt;0.01) and CP (P&lt;0.05). However, interactions (species &times; stage) showed significant differences only for DMD and ASH (P&lt;0.05). In both species, forage quality based on positive indicators such as DMD (72.83, 63.91), CP (11.18, 10.12), and ME (7.7, 7.44) for both S. yazdiana and S. tomentosa had the highest values at the vegetative stage. By the progress of growth stages in both species, these indices were decreased. In comparison, S. tomentosa had higher forage quality than that of S. yazdiana. Although the grazing season for goat and camel in these rangelands is in fall and winter, the suitable time for grazing by these livestock is the late winter and early spring at the vegetative stage. Thus, by considering the grazing time of goat and camel from these species, supplementary feeding is required. تفاصيل المقالة
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        102 - Social Responsibility and Rangelands Conservation: An Investigation on Mobile Pastoralists in Golestan Province, Iran
        Bahareh Behmanesh Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani Hossein Barani Mohammad Reza Shahraki Majid Mohammad Esmaeili
        Social responsibility of pastoralists is one of the most important elements and an integral part of rangelands exploitation. It not only leads to better rangeland health, but also enhances exploiters&rsquo; satisfaction for continuous sustainable utilization of rangelan أکثر
        Social responsibility of pastoralists is one of the most important elements and an integral part of rangelands exploitation. It not only leads to better rangeland health, but also enhances exploiters&rsquo; satisfaction for continuous sustainable utilization of rangelands. The present study investigated the role of social responsibility in rangelands condition in nomadic areas of Gonbad County in Golestan province, Iran. Survey method was conducted in 2016. Population consisted of 180 nomadic households. A sample size of 115 households was selected using stratified random sampling method in ten pastoral units (nomadic and nomadic&ndash;rural systems). Required information was collected using questionnaires. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by academics and social experts of rangelands management. The findings showed that the social responsibility of respondents could be evaluated at high level. The ethical dimension of social responsibility was ranked in the first priority but the economic dimension was the last one. There was a significant and positive relationship between social responsibility and range condition. Also, social responsibility of uneducated exploiters (unable to read and write) was higher than other educated exploiters. Due to a positive relationship between social responsibility and range condition, it is recommended that exploiters&rsquo; responsibility can be enhanced by delivering appropriate educational opportunities in order to improve range condition. تفاصيل المقالة
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        103 - Nutritive Value of Some Rangeland Plants Compared to Medicago sativa
        Mohsen Kazemi Reza Valizadeh
        Awareness of the forage nutritive value of rangeland species is important to provide a balanced diet in order to meet the nutritional requirements of ruminants and to determine the suitable grazing time and rangeland grazing capacity. Hence, different laboratory methods أکثر
        Awareness of the forage nutritive value of rangeland species is important to provide a balanced diet in order to meet the nutritional requirements of ruminants and to determine the suitable grazing time and rangeland grazing capacity. Hence, different laboratory methods were used to compare the nutritional value of Centaurea cyanus, Fumaria officinalis, Galium tricornutum and Vicia sativa as compared to Medicago sativa. Whole plant samples just before flowering were randomly collected from different rangelands of Torbat-e Jam in spring 2018. The means of Crude Protein (CP), Ether Extract (EE), Crude Fiber (CF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Organic Matter (OM), Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL), Nitrogen-Free Extract (NFE) and Non-Fiber Carbohydrates (NFC) of five studied plants were 19.67, 1.79, 19.16, 35.96, 27.20, 86.98, 9.95, 46.36 and 29.56% of dry matter (DM), respectively. The macro and micro elements were in a reasonable range as compared to Medicago sativa. The in vitro organic matter degradability (IVOMD), in vitro dry matter degradability (IVDMD), 24 h in vitro gas production (24 h IVGP), metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy for lactation (NEl) were the highest in Centaurea cyanus and Galium tricornutum, respectively. Differences in fermentation parameters (NH3-N, total volatile fatty acids: TVFA and pH) were observed in the media following incubation of plants. The 24 h IVGP was positively correlated (P&lt;0.0001) with IVOMD, IVDMD and TVFA and negatively with ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N; P&lt;0.0001), crude protein (CP; P&lt;0.01) and ether extract (EE; P&lt;0.05). The results indicated that all rangeland plants studied in this experiment had a favorite nutritional value compared to Medicago sativa. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        104 - The Landscape as a Unit for Rangeland Inventory in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Iran
        Mansoor Mesdaghi
        Severe range degradation was critically extended in many region of Iran and caused many rangelands were restricted and interwoven with croplands in a complex system. Therefore, rangeland planning and inventory as an isolated activity has become almost impossible. Curren أکثر
        Severe range degradation was critically extended in many region of Iran and caused many rangelands were restricted and interwoven with croplands in a complex system. Therefore, rangeland planning and inventory as an isolated activity has become almost impossible. Current landscape planning involves contributions of different social organizations often with different interests and with different desired outcomes. In this study, landscape is considered as a management unit. I have proposed an integrated model based on traditional pastoralism which will facilitate sustainable land use of natural resources in future. Combining the benefits of different rural groups is the most important part of our decision making plan which provides solution to the problems of non- dependency of villagers to the rangelands. Formation of research work group from urban specialists and rural skilled workers with cooperation of international organization are the keys of preparation the integrated projects. Our monitoring of the past land use, suggests that the use of rangelands by local herders was being co-adapted with natural environments. We have proposed an integrated model that includes various levels of management, needs of social organizations, potential rangeland classes, and agro-ecological-based dry land farming. The main advantage of planning based on landscape unit is that by consideration of ecological aspects of past use and present features of land use, integrated models can be provided based on land suitability. Combining the benefits of different rural groups is the most important part of such decision making which provides solution to the problems of non- dependency of villagers to the rangeland as Badripour et. al. (2016) emphasized on them. تفاصيل المقالة
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        105 - Investigation of Climatic Parameters Affecting Annual Forage Production in BidAlam rangeland, Abadeh, Fars Province, Iran
        Hossein Arzani Eshagh Omidvar Saeed Mohtashamnia Seyed akbar Javadi Mohammad Jafary
        Regardless the crop production, range and livestock management is unlikely to be possible. Considering the range production is essential for efficient and effective range management. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the rate of forage production a أکثر
        Regardless the crop production, range and livestock management is unlikely to be possible. Considering the range production is essential for efficient and effective range management. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the rate of forage production and the effects of climate variables. For this purpose, forage yield of four range species including Artemisia sieberi, Scariola orientalis, Stipa atriseta, and Stachys inflate regarded as indices species was recorded in Bidalam rangeland, Fars province, Iran in a 10-year period (1998 to 2007) and then, the study continued for another two years (from 2016 to 2017). Forage yield was collected through cutting and weighing method in 60 random 2m2 plots along four 300 m transects during 12 years. Climatic parameters such as rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and sunshine periods were obtained from Abadeh weather station and used for estimation of forage yield in different growth periods of the year. The annual dry matter production of each species and sum of all species were used as dependent variables and climatic parameters were considered as independent ones using multivariate linear regression. The results showed that previous rainfall (rainy of growing season plus last year) had the highest effect on annual forage production of rangelands (R2=0.88). It was concluded that using regression analysis between annual rainfall and forage production in some indices species, the rangeland production of coming years could be estimated with high accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
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        106 - Causes and Effects of Rangeland Degradation in the Lowland Districts of the Bale Eco-Region, Ethiopia
        Aliyi Jarso
        This study was carried out in Bale Eco-Region (BER) which is located in Southeastern Ethiopia with the objective of addressing the cause and effect of ecological damage, particularly rangeland degradation. Both purposive and stratified random sampling approaches were us أکثر
        This study was carried out in Bale Eco-Region (BER) which is located in Southeastern Ethiopia with the objective of addressing the cause and effect of ecological damage, particularly rangeland degradation. Both purposive and stratified random sampling approaches were used to select HouseHolds (HH). Individual interview, key informants and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were the main sources of data for this study. The livelihood activity in BER lowland area was pastoralism before 1965 and it was based on highly productive, vast and free Rangeland with unlimited movement of the pastoralists. In the low land of BER, migration has a destination, pattern and objective to meet. These destinations are sources of mineral, a breeding site, feed and water. Migration is used as strong seasonal disease, water and feed shortage escaping mechanism. However, this is currently changed to Agro-pastoral or some of them to crop production do different disturbances. The change was mainly aggravated by expansion of agricultural investment, high population growth, illegal settlement and cultivation and banning of migration to Forest. Utilization of grazing land is communal and rangeland around homestead and watering points are overgrazed and resulted in bare land and encroached by unpalatable and thorny species. The vegetation cleaning and cultivation of drought prone area under rain-fed regimes have accelerated bare land expansion and unpalatable vegetation encroachment. The overall rangeland condition has deteriorated and the livelihoods were jeopardized. The people get in trouble, then moving from degraded area to protected and moist source forest land in Bale Mountain National Park and now causing serious deforestation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        107 - Investigation of Relationship between Precipitation and Temperature with Range Production of Grasslands in North and North-east of Iran
        Nafiseh Fakhar Izadi Kamal Naseri Mansoor Mesdaghi
        One of the most important issues in rangeland management is the estimation of carrying capacity. To estimate range production, we need to use a large number of sample plots to clip plants in a sampling scheme; therefore, due to vast area of rangelandsand time and cost l أکثر
        One of the most important issues in rangeland management is the estimation of carrying capacity. To estimate range production, we need to use a large number of sample plots to clip plants in a sampling scheme; therefore, due to vast area of rangelandsand time and cost limitations, direct estimation of rangeland production by sampling plots is almost impossible. Since there is a strong relationship between climatic factors and rangeland production, using indirect estimation methods of rangeland production is important. The relationship between production samples and climatic factors can be easily predicted. Present study was conducted in five locations of Spandol, Zarchak, Torogh, Aselme, and Dash, Iran in 2013. In this research, the relationships between forage production and three climate parameters including precipitation, temperature, and precipitation to temperature ratio (P/T) were investigated. For each parameter, 33 variables (periods) were considered. Stepwise regression analysis was used to select the most effective periods of precipitation and temperature. The relationship between production and March to April precipitation and November to December temperature was positive but with October to March temperature, it was negative. The relationship between production and P/T was negative in May to June and positive in January to March. In general, simultaneous of rainfall and temperature had effective roles in increasing dry matter production of grasslands in the studied areas. تفاصيل المقالة
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        108 - Impact of Regional Rangeland Cover Degradation on Increasing Dusty Days in West of Iran
        Hamid Nouri mohamad faramarzi seyed hadi sadeghi
        Dust events of Iran mainly originate from Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and inland territories which are influenced by droughts and Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) degradation in regional scale. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of Regional Vegetati أکثر
        Dust events of Iran mainly originate from Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and inland territories which are influenced by droughts and Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) degradation in regional scale. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of Regional Vegetation Cover Degradation (RVCD), particularly Regional Rangeland Cover Degradation (RRCD) on frequency of dusty days in western provinces of Iran (Khorramabad, Ahvaz, Hamadan and Kermanshah) since 2000. Therefore, the LU/LC and RRCD were evaluated with respect to time-series MODIS satellite images and NDVI Index. The trend of RRCD was predicted by Markov chain analysis for 2030, 2060 and 2100. The accuracy analysis of comparing the observed and predicted LU/LC classes to 2000 and 2016 indicated the absolute value of error around 5.49%. The findings showed that probability of changing from water body, high-cover and low-cover classes to non-cover class would probably be 55% and 62% during 2016-2030 and 2030-2060, respectively. Durability of non-cover class was 89% during 2000-2016. Thus, the area of non-cover class increased to 410 km2 in the study region. In general, it could be noted that increasing of RRCD and drought are the main causes of dusty days increasing from 2000 to 2060. تفاصيل المقالة
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        109 - Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen in Himalayan Rangeland of Eastern Nepal: A Comparison between Grazed and Non-grazed Rangelands
        Dil Limbu Madan Koirala ZhanHuan Shang
        Soil microbial biomass plays an important role in nutrient transformation in terrestrial ecosystems. Microbial biomass is also an early indicator of changes in total soil organic carbon. Thus, the main objective of this study was to identify and quantify the present sta أکثر
        Soil microbial biomass plays an important role in nutrient transformation in terrestrial ecosystems. Microbial biomass is also an early indicator of changes in total soil organic carbon. Thus, the main objective of this study was to identify and quantify the present status of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen with various management practices in Himalayan rangeland. To meet the aforementioned objectives, a field study was conducted in Tinjure Milke Jaljale (TMJ) eastern Himalaya Nepal in 2011-2013. Soil samples were collected from the depths of 0-15 cm at three soil cores in each quadrat. Quadrat size was 30*30 cm and core size was 4 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep. Composite soil sample was made while mixing all the samples of a quadrat. Five quadrats were taken from each subplot. Soil core was separated into three sections viz. 0-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm profiles with 5 cm length of each slice. Soil sample analysis was carried out by the process of chloroform fumigation method. The Result showed that soil microbial biomass C ranged from 219.84 to 987.5 mg/kg. The soil microbial biomass C was increasing with decrease of grazing intensity of the rangeland and differences were significant. Similarly, the soil microbial biomass N with value of 207.72 mg/kg was significantly higher in occasional grazing plot than two other treatments. Both soil microbial biomass C and N values were in decreasing trend with increase of soil depth of the rangeland. تفاصيل المقالة
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        110 - Professor Dana Kelly, President of the International Grassland and Rangelands Committee
        Journal of Rangeland Science Admin
        Professor Dana KellyPresident of the International Grassland and Rangelands CommitteeDr Dana Kelly is a lecturer in the Master of Integrated Water Management program at the International Water Centre. Her role includes the development and implementation of the Collabora أکثر
        Professor Dana KellyPresident of the International Grassland and Rangelands CommitteeDr Dana Kelly is a lecturer in the Master of Integrated Water Management program at the International Water Centre. Her role includes the development and implementation of the Collaborative Planning module, and supervision of final projects for students, particular those working with Indigenous communities around the world. She has undertaken various research and teaching roles with The University of Queensland since 2004.Dana has implemented projects that fostered very successful collaborations at regional and national levels in diverse fields of natural resource management, agriculture and mental health.Previously Dana worked for government, NGOs and private enterprise, including as state-wide coordinator for pest management extension, in protected area management and in tourism. In 2011 she was appointed as the Australian representative to the Continuing Committee for International Rangeland Society.Dana is a social scientist with particular interests in collective social learning, participatory action research, participatory local governance and evaluation. Her PhD focused on power relations in community engagement processes.Now she is President of the International Grassland and Rangelands Congress in Nairobi, Kenya-October 25-30, 2020.She has written a number of articles and books that are about natural resource management. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        111 - Changes in Vegetation and Soil Characteristics of Steppe and Semi-Steppe Rangelands under Impact of Solar Power Plant in Absard and Shahrerey, Iran
        Mahshid Souri Nadia kamali
        In recent years, Iran has begun to move towards the development of the use of renewable energy sources in line with global developments. In this study, Side effects of two solar power plants on rangeland condition were studied. These solar power plants have been constru أکثر
        In recent years, Iran has begun to move towards the development of the use of renewable energy sources in line with global developments. In this study, Side effects of two solar power plants on rangeland condition were studied. These solar power plants have been constructed using mosaic panels for installation obliquely on 16 ha in Absard rangeland (semi-steppe) and 23 ha in Shahrerey rangeland (steppe), Iran in 2016. In this study, sampling was performed in both rangelands for solar power plant and adjacent control. Sampling was done in 2019, based on the use of 100 m transects with one and two square-meter plots for semi-steppe and steppe, respectively, with a distance of 10 m on transects, systematically. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-30 cm from the beginning, middle and end of each transect as a composite sample. The obtained data were compared using independent T-test by SPSS software. Results showed that in comparing of soil factors between solar power plant and adjacent control site in both rangelands, there were no significant differences between treatments. However, vegetation cover and total biomass between solar power plant and control in Absard were significantly different (P&lt;0.01). In Absard site, the vegetation cover (39% vs. 51%) and total biomass with values of (254 vs. 312 kg/h) were obtained in solar power plant and control, respectively, so the panel significantly reduced the performance of the vegetation cover and biomass in semi-steppe rangeland. In contrast, In Shahrerey , the vegetation factors between the solar power plant and the control were not significantly different from each other. So, from the point of view of natural resources and according to the results of the present study, for electricity generation, the establishment of solar power plant in the steppe rangelands is recommended as compared to semi-steppe rangeland. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        112 - Use of Medicinal Species as an Ecological Indicator for Interpreting Changes in Rangeland Status (Case Study: Javaherdeh Rangelands of Ramsar)
        Tina Salarian Hossein Arzani Mohammad Hasan Jouri Mohammad Jafari
        The use of modern methods in the analysis of rangeland ecosystems has received much consideration. The study of the diversity of medicinal and sometimes toxic species in rangelands can be regarded as an indicator of ecological status changes in rangeland ecosystems. In أکثر
        The use of modern methods in the analysis of rangeland ecosystems has received much consideration. The study of the diversity of medicinal and sometimes toxic species in rangelands can be regarded as an indicator of ecological status changes in rangeland ecosystems. In the present study, Javaherdeh mountain rangelands in north of Iran were selected under three sites including long-term exclusion, medium-term exclusion, and grazing during 2018-2019. Sampling was performed in each plant type with 4 transects of 200 meters and a random point every 10 m. Identification of species was carried out using published methods. Shannon&rsquo;sdiversity,Margalef&rsquo;srichness, dominance, and evenness indices were determined for each plot. The means comparisons were made for the three study sites using one-way ANOVA in SPSS v.22 software. According to the results, the highest values of diversity and richness indices for medicinal plants (1.817, 2.370) and total plants (2.062, 3.132) were calculated for the long-term exclosure. The evenness index for total species in the medium-term exclosure (0.588) and grazing area (0.620) was almost similar and higher than the amount of the long-term exclosure (0.058). However, the mentioned index for medicinal species in long term exclosure (0.739) was higher than two other sites. The dominance index for total plants in the grazing area (0.260) was higher than two other sites; however, this index of medicinal plants was higher in the grazing (0.355) and medium-term exclosure (0.393) sites as compared with the long-term exclosure (0.224). Overall, species diversity indices of medicinal plants could be a proper tool to interpret the ecological changes in range conditions. Therefore, ecological management of rangelands could be achieved through understanding and knowledge of these changes. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        113 - The Effect of Soil Moisture and Climatic Index of Evapotranspiration on Forage Production in Rangelands of Dehsir, Yazd province, Iran
        Elham Fakhimi Hossein Arzani
        Estimation of long-term pasture production using important factors of climate and soil characteristics on forage production is inevitable. Reduced water and precipitation is important factor limiting production of fodder, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Water us أکثر
        Estimation of long-term pasture production using important factors of climate and soil characteristics on forage production is inevitable. Reduced water and precipitation is important factor limiting production of fodder, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Water use efficiency in these areas is the amount of water stored in the root orientation early in the growing season and water spread area of effective rainfall in the growing season that is used for evaporation and transpiration in plants. One of the important sections of the hydrological cycle is evapotranspiration. The transpiration directly affects forage production. The basis of estimating the water requirement of plants is the potential evapotranspiration which can be calculated by different methods. In this study, forage production in steppe rangelands of Dehsir, Yazd province, Iran were estimated using climatic index of potential and actual evapotranspiration and soil characteristics using Penman-Montith (Cropwat 8.0 software). The climatic data were provided from Dehshir Rainfall and Abarkooh Synoptic Station. Soil samples were taken by Auger at the beginning period of the growing season and soil moisture content was obtained weighing the soil before and after drying to constant weight in oven (100&deg;C) in 2013. Then the regression model for estimation of forage production using soil moisture and evapotranspiration as independent variables was developed. The results showed that forage production had a strong correlation with the climatic index of actual evapotranspiration according to the estimation of actual evapotranspiration in a ten-year period, a model was provided for forage production as Ya=194.85+1.132(ETact). It could be said that actual evapotranspiration as an index for climate yield is one of the fundamental factors in estimating forage production. تفاصيل المقالة
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        114 - Economic Value of Morocco Oued Beht Watershed Rangeland Habitats in terms of Forage Production
        Ismaili Hassana Elasri Bouchra Ghazi Souad Ziri Rabea Brhadda Najiba
        Rangelands represent a potential resource with a high socio-economic value. This value remains unmonetarized and therefore, not taken into account in public policies, which does not reflect the real value of this Ecosystem Services (ES) and negatively affects the sustai أکثر
        Rangelands represent a potential resource with a high socio-economic value. This value remains unmonetarized and therefore, not taken into account in public policies, which does not reflect the real value of this Ecosystem Services (ES) and negatively affects the sustainable management of rangelands. This study was carried out in 2019; it aims to estimate the economic value of the supply service of the rangelands and to demonstrate its place in the local economy. The result reflects the socio-economic importance of this service, offering an average of 22.65 million forage units (FU/year= 1 kg barely grain), with the gross economic value of 6.79 million USD/year. The study also illustrates the degree of pressure on these pastoral ecosystems, represented by high overgrazing rates and negative net economic value. The comparison between the supply and demand of forage units shows an average cost of degradation of 760 USD /ha in forests and 209 USD/ha out of forests, which negatively affects the sustainable management of these resources. To this end, the strategies adopted must respond to all environmental and socio-economic challenges, based on the preservation of the fragile environment to benefit the socio-economic development of local populations. These strategies must give users a sense of responsibility in the process of setting up, monitoring, and eventually adapting the management systems practiced. تفاصيل المقالة
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        115 - Prioritization of Rangeland Species Functions with Emphasis on Indigenous Knowledge of Range Holders (Case study: Titoeieh Area in Baft Township, Kerman, Iran)
        Hossein Arzani Nahid Hamzehnejad Reza Bagheri Seyed Akbar Javadi
        Prioritizing the rangeland plants for ecological functions is one of the main concerns in the operation of multifunctional rangelands. Considering that the use of various functions of plant species in rangelands can lead to higher renter's income and change single-livel أکثر
        Prioritizing the rangeland plants for ecological functions is one of the main concerns in the operation of multifunctional rangelands. Considering that the use of various functions of plant species in rangelands can lead to higher renter's income and change single-livelihoods to multi-livelihoods. This research aims to prioritize the rangeland plants using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and VIKOR software on the basis of indigenous knowledge of ranchers during 2017-2018 in Titoeieh rangelands of Baft Township, Kerman, Iran. The results, based on analyzing the hierarchical method of questionnaires on 29 plant species revealed that the coefficients of importance of plant species for kinds of functions including forage, medicinal, beauty, beekeeping and soil conservation were different. In this regard, there was no unique plant with similar coefficients of importance for all functions. Vikor scenario illustrated that scoring 0.25 coefficients to the forage production function (and giving remain one to others as equal coefficient) resulted in Artemisia aucheri species as the first priority species, priority even when the yield of forage functions scored by 0.25 and o.50 and 0.75 coefficients. Furthermore, by giving these coefficients to other functions, Artemisia aucheri was allocated as the first rank with the exception of scenarios 8 and 13 (scored respectively 0.5 and 0.75 to beauty function associated with the remains to other functions) that resulted in Amygdalus scoparia as the first one. According to indigenous knowledge, ground reality and scenario making results, it can be concluded that since Artemisia aucheri was ranked in the first priority species at almost all scenarios, it can be thinkable and manageable in the multiple use of rangeland. According to extensive habitats of Artemisia aucheri in mountainous rangelands of Iran, this research can be applicable for increasing the income of range holders with holistic view. تفاصيل المقالة
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        116 - Determination of the Potential Habitat of Range Plant Species Using Maximum Entropy Method
        Fatemeh Palashi Hossein Piri Sahragard Majid Ajorlo
        This study aimed to identify the most important physical variables affecting the distribution of four range plants species (Tamarix aphylla, Calligonum comosum, Prosopis spicigera and Salsola rigida) habitats and to prepare potential habitat map of the species using Max أکثر
        This study aimed to identify the most important physical variables affecting the distribution of four range plants species (Tamarix aphylla, Calligonum comosum, Prosopis spicigera and Salsola rigida) habitats and to prepare potential habitat map of the species using Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) method in rangelands of Jiroft city, Kerman province, located in SE Iran. To this end, sampling of vegetation including species type and percent cover was conducted with randomized-systematic method in 2015. Sample size was determined as 60 plots with a quadrat size of 25-100 m2. For soil sampling, eight profiles were dug in each habitat and samples were taken at two depths, i.e., 0&ndash;30 and 30&ndash;60 cm. Results indicated that the classification accuracy of the model was acceptable and soil variables including EC, percentage of lime, organic matter, moisture content and texture had the greatest effect on the distribution of the studied plant species habitats. Correlations between the actual and predicted maps for Tamarix aphylla and Calligonum comosum habitats were at a very good level, Kappa = 0.81 and 0.79, respectively, for Prosopis spicigera habitat was at a good level, Kappa = 0.75, and finally for Salsola rigida was at a moderate level, Kappa = 0.53. These results indicate that the MaxEnt method can provide valuable information about the physical conditions of plant habitats in arid rangeland. Knowledge on physical characteristics of plant habitats can be useful in determination of potential habitats and rangeland improvement projects. تفاصيل المقالة
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        117 - The Response of Topsoil Properties and Nitrogen Transformation to Land Cover in a Semi-arid Rangeland (Case Study: Kojur Rangeland in Mazandaran Province, Iran)
        Nastaran Armat Ghasem Ali Dianati Tilaki Yahya Kooch
        The role of different plant covers (i.e. Artemisia aucheri Boiss, Cousinia commutate Bunge and Agropyron longiaristatum Boiss) in topsoil properties and Nitrogen transformation is less known under semi-arid mountains. The main objective of this research was to study the أکثر
        The role of different plant covers (i.e. Artemisia aucheri Boiss, Cousinia commutate Bunge and Agropyron longiaristatum Boiss) in topsoil properties and Nitrogen transformation is less known under semi-arid mountains. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of land covers on topsoil properties and nitrogen transformation. The study was carried out for investigating the soil properties of Grazing Exclusion (GE), Grazed Rangeland (GR) and Rainfed Agriculture (RA) in Kojur, Mazandaran province, Iran. Thirty-six 1m2 plots were set at three treatments to sample the dominant plant species. Soil samples were then taken from the central part of each plot sample in an area of 20&times;20 cm and depth of 20 cm. Our findings demonstrated that the carbon (C) content of plant materials did not differ for studied land covers whereas GR and RA had higher N content (1.48 and 1.41%, respectively) and lower C/N ratio (13.33 and 14.45%, respectively). In the GE, N concentration of soil (with 0.34%) was 1.5 times more than that in GR and RA (0.20 and 0.21%, respectively). Soil nitrification and N mineralization rates were significantly higher in the GE (0.33 and 0.28 mg kg&minus;1d&minus;1 respectively) as compared to the RA (0.15 and 0.08 mg kg&minus;1d&minus;1 respectively) and GR (0.01 and 0.04 mg kg&minus;1d&minus;1 respectively). There were no significant differences among land covers for bulk density, available K, microbial respiration, and ammonification rates. According to the results, grazing exclusion with presence of grass species increases the organic C contents, total N, and eventually, N mineralization which totally leads to improved soil quality in these regions. تفاصيل المقالة
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        118 - Competition on Rangelands Utilizations Conflict Source among Users in Semi – Arid Areas at Eldebeibat, South Kordofan State–Sudan
        Abdelrahim Abdelrahim Ibrahim Galal Fashir
        This study was conducted at Eldebeibat area, in South Kordofan State, Sudan. The aim of this study was to assess the role of competition on rangelands&rsquo; utilization on occurrence of conflicts between land&rsquo;s users in the semi-arid areas of Eldebeibat, Sudan. T أکثر
        This study was conducted at Eldebeibat area, in South Kordofan State, Sudan. The aim of this study was to assess the role of competition on rangelands&rsquo; utilization on occurrence of conflicts between land&rsquo;s users in the semi-arid areas of Eldebeibat, Sudan. Two target questionnaires were designed to collect data from two groups of land users namely nomadic pastoralists and sedentary farmers that are using the area. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The results showed that, illiteracy was high in both groups. The crop production was the main source of income in the sedentary communities, while pastoralists practiced cultivation beside livestock rising at the same time. However, both groups preferred raising mixed species of livestock in their herds &lsquo;structure. In addition, it was found that milk production represented the main goal of livestock keeping for the both groups. The results also indicated that the main reason of the livestock health deterioration was shortage of forage. Moreover, pastoralists followed restricted routes to practice grazing. All respondents included in this study, considered the occurrence of conflicts among them as normal phenomenon and the causes of conflicts are different between them. Most of the nomad pastoralists considered blockage of routes of livestock movement by farms as the main cause of conflicts, where as sedentary groups attributed occurrence of conflicts for damaging their farms by pastoralists&rsquo; livestock when entrance to and exit from grazing land and during grazing, that increased during rainy season in particular. The two groups resort to traditional local administration (Godeyah) for reconciliation and solving the conflicts among them. تفاصيل المقالة
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        119 - Effectiveness of Range Management Plans in Middle Zagros Region from Viewpoint of Rangeland Experts
        Mehrdad Baharvandi Nourollah Abdi Abbas Ahmadi Hamid Toranjzar Saeed Gholamrezai
        Assessment of Range Management Plans (RMP) enables policy makers and governmental planners to understand their impact from different environmental, social, human, and economic aspects in order to improve future planning. The purpose of the present study was to explore t أکثر
        Assessment of Range Management Plans (RMP) enables policy makers and governmental planners to understand their impact from different environmental, social, human, and economic aspects in order to improve future planning. The purpose of the present study was to explore the effective variables on RMP in Middle Zagros Mountain in Lorestan, Ilam, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah provinces, Iran in 2018. Data were collected using a structured interview technique and questionnaires (N=140) prepared in 6 sections and filled by rangeland experts of local offices of natural resources in four provinces. Seven factors were asked about weaknesses of range plans and 6 factors were asked for strengths of the plans. Result of the logistic unit (Logit regression) showed that the variables of lack of government credits (p&le;0.01) and lack of continuous monitoring on the proper implementation of the project (p&le; 0.10) were negative while the variables of users&rsquo; participation in the implementation of RMP (p&le; 0.01) and specifying customary system for herders (p&le; 0.01), controlling herders&rsquo; grazing license (p&le; 0.10), the rate of acceptance of the rural municipality, Implementation of modifying and rehabilitation operations, establishing livestock and rangeland balance (p&le; 0.05), Intersection cooperation between the involved institutions and departments (p&le;0.01) and rural council the range management projects (p&le; 0.05) were positively significant from the perspective of the experts. Also, 47% of experts were against renting rangeland to nomadic and non-rural nomad herders. They also suggested the implementation of RMP could be done in the divided rangelands rather than common form. In sum, the available projects and plans in the region under study area were not efficient due to technical, social, and economic problems. Hence, they need to be reviewed in this regard. It should be attempted to take into consideration the technical, social, and economic issues more seriously while preparing new projects. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        120 - Impact of Bush Encroachment Control on Rangeland Vegetation in the Rangelands of Bale, Southeastern Ethiopia
        Mahammed Abdullahi Abdunaser Birka
        This study was conducted to examine impact of bush encroachment control on rangeland vegetation in the south eastern Ethiopia. The study targeted two main and dominant encroaching woody plant species, Acacia bussei and Acacia aerfota, and their effects on rangeland vege أکثر
        This study was conducted to examine impact of bush encroachment control on rangeland vegetation in the south eastern Ethiopia. The study targeted two main and dominant encroaching woody plant species, Acacia bussei and Acacia aerfota, and their effects on rangeland vegetation attribute dynamics in Raitu district of Bale zone, southeastern Ethiopia for two consecutive years. Rangeland site encroached by these two acacia species was replicated/divided into three plots, and each plot was subdivided into five sub-plots receive five treatments: cutting at 0.5 m above ground alone (T1), cutting at 0.5 m above ground and dissecting the stumps (T2), cutting at 0.5 m above ground and pouring chemicals on stumps (T3), cutting at 0.5 m above ground and debarking the stumps down into the soil surface (T4) and control (T5). Data on biomass, species richness, basal and litter covers, soil erosion and compaction, dead and re-sprouted encroaching tree/shrub species were collected. The applied treatments significantly influenced (P&lt;0.05) basal cover, dry matter and the two encroaching tree species. The results of this study showed that T1 and T4 were good in controlling A. aerfota in that order. T4 and T3 had a significant effect on controlling A. bussie in their order. The most dominant grass and non-grass species observed after the control actions were Cenchrus ciliaris, Bothriochloa radicans, Hibiscus aponerus, Pennisetum mezianum, Lintonia nutans, Chrysopogon plumulosus and Eragrostis papposa. Therefore, controlling encroaching tree/shrub species had created a conducive grazing area with palatable herbaceous species for the livestock. The management of bush encroachment will contribute to stabilize rangelands and to minimize the negative effects of feed and food crises in the future. تفاصيل المقالة
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        121 - The Ecological Factors Effecting the Distribution of Artemisia melanolepis Boiss. in Southeast of Sabalan Mt., Iran
        Ardavan Ghorbani Maryam Molaei ShamAsbi
        Artemisia melanolepis Boiss. is an endemic, rare and endangered species inhabiting high altitudes at Sabalan Mt., Iran. This study aimed to identify the effect of environmental variables on the distribution of A. melanolepis, in southeast faced slopes of Sabalan Mt., Ir أکثر
        Artemisia melanolepis Boiss. is an endemic, rare and endangered species inhabiting high altitudes at Sabalan Mt., Iran. This study aimed to identify the effect of environmental variables on the distribution of A. melanolepis, in southeast faced slopes of Sabalan Mt., Iran, in 2016. In the habitats of A. melanolepis two sites (A and B) were selected with almost the same ecological conditions in the presence and absence of this species. In each site, five 100m transects using the random- systematically method were established. Land covers, canopy cover, density, litter (Lit), bare soil (BS), stone and gravel (SG) were recorded in 10 plots (each one square meter along each transect). Thirty-six soil samples were collected from 0-15cm depth (depth of root activates/ three samples from each transect). Soil texture (percent of clay, sand and silt), organic materials (OM), particulate organic matter (POM), water dispersible clay (WDC), potassium (K), phosphorous (P), acidity (pH) and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured at the lab. Elevation, slope, aspect, and mean annual precipitation and temperature for each plot was calculated. The cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA and canonical discriminate analyses (CDA) were used for data analyses. The cluster analysis based on the presence and absence of species, separated each groups of A and B into two subgroups. There were significant differences between clusters using multivariate analysis of variance (p &lt;0.01). Results showed that high density of A. melanolepis was related to increasing OM, POM, WDC, P, elevation and decreasing sand, pH and slope. Results of CDA showed that A. melanolepis distribution was more influenced by aspect, Tem, pH, POM, OM, silt, sand, P, slope, Lit, total canopy cover, SG, BS, elevation, WDC, EC and K in the selected sites. These results can be used in protecting and restoration of this species. تفاصيل المقالة
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        122 - Influence of Climatic Factors on Forage Production and Vegetation Cover of Iran's Upland Rangeland (Jashloobar Rangeland, Semnan Province)
        Somayeh Naseri Behrooz Arastoo Tahereh Parvaneh
        Annual climate fluctuations cause changes in production, condition, trends and grazing capacity of rangelands. The present study investigated effect of climatic factors on the vegetation dynamics in Jashloobar, summer rangeland of Semnan province, Iran, in two vegetatio أکثر
        Annual climate fluctuations cause changes in production, condition, trends and grazing capacity of rangelands. The present study investigated effect of climatic factors on the vegetation dynamics in Jashloobar, summer rangeland of Semnan province, Iran, in two vegetation types: Festuca rubra in Margesar and Stipa lessingiana in Sefiddasht during 2011&ndash;2015. Climatic parameters included temperature (mean daily, absolute maximum, absolute minimum, monthly maximum and monthly minimum), monthly humidity (absolute maximum, absolute minimum and average) and monthly precipitation. These factors were determined by Inverse Distance Weighted method using 19 meteorological stations in Semnan province due to an absence of climatological and synoptic stations on this site. Vegetation cover percent and production were measured within two 400m transects and 20 plots (1&times;1m2) along transects. Means comparisons were made between the years in terms of vegetation production and canopy cover using Duncan test, and the relationship between climatic factors with vegetation parameters which were determined using linear regression. Results show that production varies significantly over years (P&lt;0.05). The lowest production rates in Margesar and Sefiddasht were observed in 2013-2014 with 254 and 213.3 kg/ha respectively. Although the precipitation significantly decreased from 293 mm in 2011-2012 to 173 mm in 2013-2014(P&lt;0.05), but stepwise regression indicated that finally in Margesar, absolute maximum temperature and absolute minimum humidity in December and in Sefiddasht, absolute maximum temperature in June and absolute minimum temperature in August were entered in production forecasting model. This indicates that forage production is highly sensitive to absolute mentioned climatic parameters in addition to rainfall. Also, due to short period of growing season in these years, grazing period should also be limited; therefore, ranchers and the government should optimize rangeland management and reduce the length of the grazing period, decreasing grazing capacity or alternative livelihoods such as ecotourism, beekeeping and exploitation of medicinal plants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        123 - Evaluation of Meteorological Factors in Estimating Forage Production in Steppe and Semi‌-steppe Rangelands of Iran
        Hossein Arzani Zahra Mansouri Aliraza Moghaddamnia Javad Motamedi Shahram Khalighi Sigaroudi
        Rangeland production is especially important in meeting food requirement of rangeland societies. Sometimes, historical data are required for long-term grazing capacity estimation. Regression equations that are reasonably reliable for predicting forage production from pr أکثر
        Rangeland production is especially important in meeting food requirement of rangeland societies. Sometimes, historical data are required for long-term grazing capacity estimation. Regression equations that are reasonably reliable for predicting forage production from precipitation characteristics have been developed for rangeland yield estimation. In this research, the relationship between forage production and meteorological factors was evaluated with six-year data for Pashaylogh and Incheboron rangelands (2003 to 2007 and 2017- Golestan province, Iran) and eleven-year data for Nemati rangeland (1998 to 2007 and 2017- Markazi province, Iran). For sampling, four parallel transects with a length of 300 m and at a distance of 100 m from each other were established in the steppe area (Nemati) and six 200-m transects were created in the semi-steppe area (Pashaylogh and Incheboron) and they were located parallel and at a distance of 100 m from each other. Due to the need for uniformity in the data of the rangelands of different provinces and their comparison, plot size of 1&times;2 m was selected in steppe site, and 1&times;1 m for semi-steppe sites. Data analysis was done through regression models. The results showed that forage production was related to temperature and precipitation rather than other meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation, sunlight hours, relative humidity, evapotranspiration and average wind speed). The best equation that can predict the relationship between meteorological data and forage production was August precipitation and temperature (R2=0.88) in Pashaylogh, the precipitation of June (R2=0.88) in Incheboron rangelands. There was a relationship between forage production (R2=0.79) with precipitation and temperature in July and in Nemati rangeland. The forage production index was determined based on effective meteorological factors and The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration (SPEI) drought index. According to meteorological data, a coefficient could be obtained to estimate long-term rangeland production and prevent from forage loss. تفاصيل المقالة
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        124 - Effects of Sowing Season and Cultivation Method on Vegetative Traits and Establishment of Astragalus lilacinus in Ardebil Province, Iran
        Alireza Eftekhari Jaber Sharifi Ehsan Zandi Effahan
        Choosing the suitable species, sowing method and sowing season are three important factors for the success of rangeland restoration. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of sowing season and sowing methods on vegetative growth and establishment of أکثر
        Choosing the suitable species, sowing method and sowing season are three important factors for the success of rangeland restoration. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of sowing season and sowing methods on vegetative growth and establishment of Astragalus lilacinus in rangelands of Ardabil province during 2014-2015. Seeds of Astragalus lilacinus collected from its natural habitats and after its viability testing, it sown in a split-plot design based on randomized complete block with three replications. Factor A was sowing season at two levels (autumn and spring) and Factor B, was sowing method at two level (Scatter seeding and row seeding). The seeds were sown under dryland farming conditions. Data collected for establishment rate, canopy cover, plant height, and the flowering stems number over two years. The data were analyzed of variance and the mean comparison was performed using Duncan's method. The results showed that the seedling establishment rate was 28.5% under rainfed conditions. The higher establishment percentage with an average value of 33.6% obtained in the scatter seeding that was significantly higher than row seeding (23.6%). The sowing season by sowing method interaction effect was significant for canopy cover (P&lt;0.05) and the higher value of canopy cover (2398cm2) was obtained in autumn season using scatter seeding method. تفاصيل المقالة
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        125 - Characterization of Rangeland Watershed of the Semi-arid Rangelands, Southeast Ethiopia
        Mahammed Abdullahi Abdulnaser Yonus
        Characterization of watersheds was conducted in semiarid rangelands of Dalloma woreda, southeast Ethiopia during 2018-19 fiscal years. Data were collected using household surveys, field observations, focus group discussion and key informant interviews . Both crop and li أکثر
        Characterization of watersheds was conducted in semiarid rangelands of Dalloma woreda, southeast Ethiopia during 2018-19 fiscal years. Data were collected using household surveys, field observations, focus group discussion and key informant interviews . Both crop and livestock production (71%) and only livestock production (17%) ware the main activities to earn a living. Respondents ranked sale of livestock and livestock products (61%), sale of honey (20%) and sale of crops (10%) as the main source of income. The pastoral and agro-pastoral in the watershed mainly depends on the production of livestock as their main livelihood because of the suitability of the area for the production of livestock. Drought, the existence of pests, diseases and weeds, land degradation, high price of input, shortage of improved seeds and shortage of land were a major constraint for crop production. Livestock feed shortage, disease, marketing, lack of improved genotype and low animal by product are the major constraint for livestock productions. Drought, bush encroachment, crop encroachment, overgrazing, over utilization, population increase, disease and inappropriate government policies were the main factors for degradation of rangelands. The result of this study showed that land degradation together with poverty is the most serious problem. Since the well-being of the local community is highly interrelated to the natural resources it has to be managed properly in a sustainable way. Majority of respondents showed the community in the watershed and natural resources management faces interlinked complex problems, implying the importance of integrating different approaches to address the problems in the watershed and improving the livelihood of the community. Thus, integrated watershed management program should be implemented to address different problems in the watershed so that both natural resources and livelihood of the local community can be optimized. تفاصيل المقالة
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        126 - The Foraging Ecology of Nguni and Brahman Cattle under Different Management Systems in High-altitude Grasslands of South Africa
        Phumlile Simelane Julie Shapiro Thembs&#039; Alilahlwa A. M. Mahlaba Robert McCleery Duncan MacFadyen Ara Monadjem
        Cattle production is important to both communal livelihoods and the national economy of South Africa. Understanding the foraging ecology of cattle is important for managing both the animals and their rangelands. This paper reports the dietary preferences of Nguni cattle أکثر
        Cattle production is important to both communal livelihoods and the national economy of South Africa. Understanding the foraging ecology of cattle is important for managing both the animals and their rangelands. This paper reports the dietary preferences of Nguni cattle under holistic management and Brahman cattle under conventional management at two farms during both the wet and dry seasons in high altitude grasslands of South Africa. Foraging patterns were monitored through focal sampling from June 2015 to January 2016. We found that dietary utilization and selectivity varied between the wet and dry seasons for both Nguni and Brahman cattle and both breeds showed strong preferences for certain plant species. In the dry season, Nguni selected strongly for the grass Eragrostis plana. The Brahman selected high value grass species, particularly Sporobolus fimbriatus, Panicum ecklonii, Pennisetum clandestinum, and Themeda triandra, which they continued to utilize in nearly the same proportions in the dry season, even though they were not as widely available as in the wet season. This study suggests that cattle breed may influence foraging ecology and highlights the need for future research on how this interacts with management. Furthermore, our results suggest that due to their greater flexibility in diet and reduced reliance on supplementary feed, Nguni cattle may be particularly well-suited to this heterogeneous landscape with a marked dry season when resources are scarce. تفاصيل المقالة
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        127 - Correlations between Some Vegetation Attributes and Soil Physicochemical Properties at Selected Wet Season Grazing Sites Central Sudan
        Abdelrahim Elbalola Ibrahim Yousef Ahmed Elshikh
        This study aimed to trace changing patterns of vegetation attributes in association with soil physicochemical properties at selected seasonal grazing sites central Sudan (Khartoum State) namely Tundub, El-Farish, Abuseweid, Medaisees, Buhat, Abudolou&rsquo;a Km 72 and A أکثر
        This study aimed to trace changing patterns of vegetation attributes in association with soil physicochemical properties at selected seasonal grazing sites central Sudan (Khartoum State) namely Tundub, El-Farish, Abuseweid, Medaisees, Buhat, Abudolou&rsquo;a Km 72 and Abudolou&rsquo;a Km 42. A combination of sampling procedures was followed to sample vegetation and soil. Comparisons between sites were made using one way ANOVA, followed by Duncan&rsquo;s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Pearson&rsquo;s correlation analysis was made between plant attributes and soil physicochemical properties. Study sites varied significantly in plant productivity, diversity and soil properties. Abuseweid site achieved the highest herbaceous diversity, density and total dry matter productivity values. Tundub and Buhat were higher in woody perennial attributes having the highest browse productivity and percentage canopy covers. Tundub exceeded other sites in plant ash, Ca, Mg and K contents followed by Medaisees every time. Medaisees exceeded others in plant P and N contents, given that Tundub, Medaisees and Buhat were higher in perennial woody attributes. The sand dune sites Abudolou&rsquo;a Km 42 and Km 72 were the poorest sites in all vegetation attributes measured. Variation between sites in plant attributes was strongly related to variation in soil physical and chemical properties. Two groups of soil physicochemical factors regarding their associations with vegetation attributes were observed, soil Na, N, clay, water holding capacity (WHC), EC, OC, OM and silt contents were positively correlated to vegetation attributes; pH, Ca and sand contents negatively correlated to vegetation attributes. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        128 - Effect of Environmental and Managerial Factors on Range Condition in Semi-Arid Mountainous Area of Chahar Bagh in Northeastern Iran
        Khosro Shahidi Hamedani Ali Tavili Seyed Akbar Javadi Mohammad Jafary Mohammad Tahmoures
        Semi-arid mountainous areas are of special importance in terms of ecological function i.e. vegetation dynamics and its evaluation under environmental- managerial factors is a necessity for their sustainable use. Due to the highly variable environmental characteristics i أکثر
        Semi-arid mountainous areas are of special importance in terms of ecological function i.e. vegetation dynamics and its evaluation under environmental- managerial factors is a necessity for their sustainable use. Due to the highly variable environmental characteristics in these areas, proper land management and utilization can severely affect the Range Condition (RC). Here, the relationship between topography, soil characteristics and management (RC) under grazing] was investigated through multivariate analysis in mountain areas of Golestan&rsquo;s Chahar Bagh, northeastern Iran in 2019. The RCs were assessed by scoring vegetation and soil characteristics in areas under livestock grazing areas. The preliminary findings of this research showed that environmental factors i.e. clay, P, EC, slope, aspect, Soil Moisture (SM) and K had the most effect on the formation of five different vegetation types (Cum.% of Var.=80.4%). The results showed that RC changes had more significant relationships with managerial factor/grazing than environmental factors. In general, the effect of environmental and management factors and their common effect in changing RC were equal to 1.84%, 74.1 and 21.04%, respectively. The change of soil physical properties was more than soil chemical properties under RC changes. Factors of Organic Matter (OM), Bulk Density (BD), porosity and SM showed significant changes under excellent, good, fair, poor and very poor conditions (P&lt;0.05). In general, excellent and good rangelands were related to more OM and porosity and less slope and K. Moreover, poor/very poor rangelands were related to more SM, BD, P and slope. Overall, managing grazing can significantly decline/improve RC in mountainous area. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        129 - Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Semi-Arid Rangeland Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis based on Remotely Sensing Data (Case study: Neyshabur Rangeland, Khorasan-Razavi Province, Iran)
        Hamid Reza Matinfar Ahmad Reza Pilevari Akbar Sohrabi
        Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) reservoirs is high priority in the rangelands managements in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to estimation carbon sequestration using Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis (MLR), Principal Component Analysis أکثر
        Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) reservoirs is high priority in the rangelands managements in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to estimation carbon sequestration using Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis (MLR), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Euclidean Distance from the soil line (D) on remote sensing data in semi-arid rangelands of southwest of Neishabour, Khorasan Razavi province, Iran. The map of SOC was prepared using a total of 102 soil samples (depth 0-10 cm). Landsat 8 images of the study area were provided on 5 July 2018 and used to develop the models including (OLI, TIRS), visible, near-infrared, middle-infrared, and thermal infrared bands. Models were developed using SOC as dependent variable and spectral data of MLR, PC1 and Euclidean D soil line as independent variables. Then, the developed models were validated using additional samples (30 points). The results illustrated that the MLR, PCA, and Euclidean D soil line models explain 62, 45, and 53% of the total variability of SOC coupled with root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values 0.09, 0.21, and 0.05, respectively. Therefore, the MLR technique could provide superior predictive performance than that for PCA and Euclidean D soil line techniques. It was concluded that the SOC spatial information derived using the MLR technique had much greater spatial detail and higher quality than to that derived from the conventional soil map. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        130 - What Drives Ranchers’ Intention to Conserve Rangelands: The Role of Environmental Concern (A Case Study of Angoshteh Watershed in Borujerd County, Iran)
        Saeid Karimi Amir Saghaleini
        There is growing concern about severe rangeland degradation caused mainly by the overstocking and overgrazing of these lands, especially in developing countries. Since ranchers&rsquo; behaviors and practices are crucial determinants of rangelands conservation, this stud أکثر
        There is growing concern about severe rangeland degradation caused mainly by the overstocking and overgrazing of these lands, especially in developing countries. Since ranchers&rsquo; behaviors and practices are crucial determinants of rangelands conservation, this study was conducted to clarify the underlying constructs of ranchers' intention to conserve rangelands. It is based on an extended theory of planned behavior. The extension was implemented by adding environmental concern. The survey was conducted in 2020. Data were collected through questionnaires completed by a sample of 120 ranchers in the Angoshteh watershed in Borujerd county, Iran. The questionnaire validity was confirmed by faculty members and experts in the field, and its reliability was confirmed in a pilot study by Cronbach's alpha. Data were analyzed through the partial least squares structural equation model method, using SmartPLS 3.2. The results indicated that the extended TPB explains 0.79% of the variance of ranchers&rsquo; intention to conserve rangelands. According to the results, all three of the TPB&rsquo;s psychological variables, namely attitude towards conserving rangelands (&beta; = 0.58, p &lt; 0.01), subjective norms (&beta; = 0.20, p &lt; 0.01), and perceived behavioral control (&beta; = 0.17, p &lt; 0.05), were related significantly to ranchers&rsquo; intentions to conserve rangelands. Further, environmental concern had a positive and significant relation to attitude towards conserving rangelands (&beta; = 0.55, p &lt; 0.01), subjective norms (&beta; = 0.31, p &lt; 0.01), and perceived behavioral control (&beta; = 0.73, p &lt; 0.01). In addition, environmental concern was related indirectly and significantly to ranchers&rsquo; intentions to conserve rangelands through its antecedents. Therefore, policymakers, experts, and extension agents of natural resources can influence the behavior of ranchers with respect to conserving rangelands by emphasizing these variables. تفاصيل المقالة
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        131 - Prioritizing Impact of Economic, Social and Ecological Factors on Sustainable Range Management (Case study: Semi-Arid Rangelands of Kerman Province, Iran)
        Najmeh Faryabi Hossein Arzani Seyed akbar Javadi Mohammad Jafary Mehdi Farahpour
        Economic, social, and ecological factors in rangelands affect range management. By integrating and studying these factors, a more appropriate method can be applied to assess the sustainability of rangelands. In the present study, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as we أکثر
        Economic, social, and ecological factors in rangelands affect range management. By integrating and studying these factors, a more appropriate method can be applied to assess the sustainability of rangelands. In the present study, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as well as the experiences and views of rangeland exploiters and nomadic and natural resources experts in Kerman province were used to compare and prioritize the economic, social, and ecological factors affecting sustainable range management in semi-arid rangelands of Kerman province in 2017. Then, the means comparisons were made between priorities of rangeland exploiters and experts. Using AHP weight data, our results showed that ecological capital had the most impact of 0.71 and 0.61 from the viewpoints of rangeland exploiters and experts, on sustainable range management in the study area, and the two other factors including economic ones with 0.17 and 0.19 and social ones with 0.09 and 0.19 capital were ranked, respectively. Furthermore, according to the results of comparing the views of rangeland exploiters and experts, significant differences were found between the views of the two mentioned groups for 14 indicators including plant species diversity, soil erosion, groundwater, unity and solidarity at the range allotment level, trusting the experts and promoters, the presence of people in decision making and planning, the presence and role of women in livestock and non-livestock products, living cost, and livestock number. Overall, the results indicate the inconsistency between the views of these two groups. Therefore, prior to policy making for sustainable range management, more consistency is required between the views of rangeland exploiters and experts in each of the related organizations for greater participation of range managers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        132 - Assessment of Fire Effect on Water Balance Components under Different Land Uses in Central Zagros Rangelands, Iran
        Khodayar Abdollahi Ali Asghar Naghipour-Borj Samira Bayati Zahra Eslami Forrest Weston Black
        Fire occurrence may lead to a significant impact in many terrestrial ecosystems. This basin scale study attempted to evaluate the effects of fire on the water balance components in the Central Zagros, Iran in 2019. Two modeling frameworks including WetSpass-M spatial mo أکثر
        Fire occurrence may lead to a significant impact in many terrestrial ecosystems. This basin scale study attempted to evaluate the effects of fire on the water balance components in the Central Zagros, Iran in 2019. Two modeling frameworks including WetSpass-M spatial model and Bayesian Belief Networks were used to investigate the effect of fire on the amount of runoff, groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration. The first part of the study was water balance simulation at a monthly scale. In addition, the Bayesian belief networks were applied to explore and understand key issues effect on water balance after the fire. Calibration and validation of the WetSpass-M model were performed without considering the effect of fire (2000-2014) and then, the modelwas run againfor the fire scenario by reducing manning roughness coefficient and increasing the &theta; coefficient. Subsequently, the water balance components of each class, i.e. sparse forest, sparse, semi- dense and dense rangelands were calculated. The percentage of changes in the water balance components was used for comparison. Calibration and validation were performed before finalizing the simulation. A Nash-Sutcliff coefficient of 0.61 and 0.58 was obtained during the calibration and validation, respectively. The analysis of the water balance components results depicted that fire had increased the amount of runoff (13.5%) and it has reduced the amount of groundwater recharge (2.52%) and reduced the amount of actual evaporation (4.45%). The highest increase in runoff belonged to the sparse forest (15.8%), followed by dense (14.5%), semi- dense (13.7%) and sparse rangelands (12.5%), respectively. The results showed that runoff acts as the major factor affecting soil water balance (50.36%) followed by land use (10.49%), and infiltration (10.12%). تفاصيل المقالة
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        133 - Effects of Grazing Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Southern Rangelands of Kenya
        Hillary Rotich Oscar Koech Richard Onwonga Judith Mbau
        Rangelands ecosystems play a critical role in regulating the emission and uptake of the most important Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) such as CO2, CH4, and N2O. However, the effects of grazing management on GHG fluxes in the semi-arid lands of East Africa remain unclear. The p أکثر
        Rangelands ecosystems play a critical role in regulating the emission and uptake of the most important Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) such as CO2, CH4, and N2O. However, the effects of grazing management on GHG fluxes in the semi-arid lands of East Africa remain unclear. The present study compared the effects of three grazing systems on cumulative CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in the semi-arid grazing land ecosystem in Yohani ranch Makueni County, Kenya. The study followed a pseudo-replication design in which there were three treatments: 1) Continual grazed, 2) rotational grazed and 3) and ungrazed. Greenhouse gas samples were collected using the static chamber method for a period of three months covering the dry and wet season as well as a transition period. Cumulative soil CO2 fluxes were highest in continual grazing system (2357&plusmn;123.9 kg ha-1 3 months), followed by rotational grazing (1285&plusmn;123.9 kg ha-1 3 months) and lowest in the ungrazed (1241&plusmn;143 CO2 kg ha-1 3 months), respectively. The three month cumulative N2O and CH4 fluxes were also highest in continual grazing and lowest in ungrazed site 677.9&plusmn;130.1, 208.6&plusmn;127.3 and 162.2&plusmn;150.3 (g ha-1 3 months) and CH4, 232.7&plusmn;126.6, 173.1&plusmn;126.6 and 80&plusmn;46.2 (g ha-1 3 months) respectively. The results suggest that the continual livestock grazing system increases emissions of GHGs compared to rotational grazing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        134 - The effect of fire on the structural and functional characteristics of vegetation (case study: Astragalus spp. habitat of Kabodeh, Kermanshah)
        Borzou Yousefi Mohammad Gheitury Mosayeb Heshmati Reza Siahmansour
        Wildfires annually occur as a threatening factor in natural resources at a large scale. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of fire on the structural and functional characteristics of vegetation in the Kaboudeh range site, Kermanshah provinc أکثر
        Wildfires annually occur as a threatening factor in natural resources at a large scale. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of fire on the structural and functional characteristics of vegetation in the Kaboudeh range site, Kermanshah province, Iran during three years (2018-2020). An unburned range (control) was selected near the burned range. Both sites had the same characteristics. Sampling was preformed at a stratified random with four 50 m transects and 20 m distances as well as 10 fixed quadrates (1 m2). The spatial correlation was performed between quadrates.Data were collected for plant density (no/m2), canopy cover (%), and production (g/cm) for species and palatability classes. The range condition and range trend were evaluated using four factors and balance methods. The results showed that the palatable plants in the fire site were decreased with density (1.7 no/m2), production (4.1 g/m2), and canopy cover (3.9 %) compared to the control. In the first years after the fire, the fire decreased the number of palatable plants, and decreased the average values of production and canopy cover both by approximately 75%, butthe class II plants had not significantly decreased.In the burned site, the invasive plants (Class III), dominated by annual grasses, have spread rapidly across the range.The range condition in the burned area was poor andrange condition trend was positive, but in the control area,range condition was medium and range condition trendwas constant.In the short term, fire drastically caused the increase of annual grasses,decrease of species diversity, and subsequentlyled to a decrease in the stability of the range. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        135 - Effects of Organic Mulches on Soil Properties and Growth Attributes of Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) for Cultivation in the Coastal Rangelands of Southern Iran
        Saeid Rabani Kourosh Ordookhani Farshid Aref Mahdi Zare Shahram Sharafzadeh
        Caper is a drought tolerant plant and natural feed of animal in the coastal rangelands of Iran. However, due to soil salinity and alkalinity issues, the growth of such native plants in the southern soils of Iran is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the effec أکثر
        Caper is a drought tolerant plant and natural feed of animal in the coastal rangelands of Iran. However, due to soil salinity and alkalinity issues, the growth of such native plants in the southern soils of Iran is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various mulches including oil mulch, cement, sugarcane bagasse, palm waste and their combination, on soil properties and plant growth characteristics of caper plant in 2019 in Deylam, Iran. The results showed that using sugarcane bagasse and palm waste mulch significantly increased the soil nutrients (available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Similarly, both mulches significantly increased soil moisture with values of 24.61 and 23.03% and decreased electrical conductivity (EC) with values of 83.60 and 81.46 dS/m, and pH (6.77 and 6.95), respectively (p &lt;0.01). In contrast, application of non-organic mulches such as oil and cement mulch and their combination let to decreases of soil moisture with values of 17.03%, 18.40% and 18.97%, respectively (p &lt;0.01). Using sugarcane bagasse mulch and palm compost mulch significantly increased stem length (20.26 and 22.43 cm), weight of the aerial part of plant and SPAD value (41.40 and 41.97 unit) of caper plant, respectively (p &lt;0.01). There was negative correlation between plant weight and soil EC (R=-0.74) and pH (R=-0.57). Findings suggested the significant effect of organic mulches on adjusting soil EC and pH for improving the establishment of caper plants in the coastal rangelands of Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        136 - Nomads’ Perceptions on Nomadic Rangeland Management in Two Provinces of Iran (An Application of Grounded Theory)
        Ali Mohebbi Rosemary Black Zahra Farzizadeh Mahdi Ramezani Rostam Khalifehzadeh
        In Iran, rangeland management is based on grazing licenses that were introduced in 1963. Following the nationalization of the country's forests and rangelands, the Iranian Government began approving grazing licenses to eligible users. However, evidence suggests that thi أکثر
        In Iran, rangeland management is based on grazing licenses that were introduced in 1963. Following the nationalization of the country's forests and rangelands, the Iranian Government began approving grazing licenses to eligible users. However, evidence suggests that this strategy was not effective in utilization and improvement of the rangelands. This study aimed to answer the question, from the nomads&rsquo; perceptions, whether the grazing licenses in the optimal rangelands management have been effective or not? The study location was the territory of the Bakhtiari pastoral nomads, who were engaged in animal husbandry in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari and Khuzestan provinces, Iran. Data were collected using the grounded theory technique and semi-structured interview. The sampling method was purposeful and theoretical and data collection continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Content analysis was used to identify categories. Data were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding. Findings showed that six key categorizes emerged from the data: i) Grazing management is necessary to improve rangeland condition ii) the need for strict implementation of the license rules, iii) The number of livestock on the grazing license must be sustainable, iv) The problem of presence of urban dwellers with livestock grazing licenses and some real herders without grazing licenses, v) Nomads should protect natural resources, and the Government should support them, vi) the current system of livestock grazing licenses is not sustainable in balancing between livestock number and rangeland production. The central category was, "Inefficiency of animal grazing license in creating balances between livestock and pasture"; as a result, the creation of jobs for surplus herders in outside of pastures was introduced as an important strategy to solve the problem. The findings suggest a new management regime needed to achieve a balance between grazing and rangeland management. تفاصيل المقالة
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        137 - Prediction of Climatic Ecological Nest of Artemisia aucheri Boiss in the Capital of Iran Based on Modeling
        Mahshid Souri Morteza khodagholi Saeedeh Nateghi Nadia kamali Parvane Ashouri Razieh Saboohi
        Optimal habitat has a beneficial effect on species survival. In this research a logistic regression statistical method was used to prepare the potential distribution map of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. in 2020-2021. The maps of 19 bioclimatic and three physiographic variabl أکثر
        Optimal habitat has a beneficial effect on species survival. In this research a logistic regression statistical method was used to prepare the potential distribution map of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. in 2020-2021. The maps of 19 bioclimatic and three physiographic variables with a resolution of 4.9 km under the current conditions prepared. Then, sampling information related to the presence and absence of species and environmental variables recorded and the relationship between species distribution and environmental factors determined using logistic regression. Finally, the map of potential distribution of Tehran province produced. The results of logistic regression model showed that in the current situation, 427057 hectares (31% of the province) has a probability of more than 75% presence of this species. The kappa coefficient for evaluating the regression model was 0.86, which according to Koch and Smith classification is one of the models with good accuracy. In order to study the effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of the species, climate bio maps were prepared based on the MRI-ESM2-0 circulation model and under two scenarios of 4.5 and 8.5 for 2050. The species under study is currently in the range of 1600 to 2800 meters. The results show that by changing the conditions from a balanced to a pessimistic situation, the area with a presence of more than 75% of the species decreases and the area with a presence of 25-50% increases. Also, results show that the minimum and maximum altitudes in scenario 4.5 will change to 1500 and 2500 meters, respectively. While according to scenario 8.5, the presence of this species is only at above 2500 meters. According to the 8.5 scenario, the species will migrate to higher altitudes. The results identify climate sensitive areas and possible future shelters of Artemisia aucheri Boiss for use in conservation and rangeland planning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        138 - Determining Ecological Thresholds in Saline Habitats on Western Shore of Lake Urmia, Iran
        Javad Motamedi Esmaeil Sheidai-Karkaj
        In temporal and spatial patterns, the critical (ecological) thresholds have rapid changes in ecological gradient. Determination of thresholds along the environmental gradients can help to control destructive factors and therefore, the success in restoration projects can أکثر
        In temporal and spatial patterns, the critical (ecological) thresholds have rapid changes in ecological gradient. Determination of thresholds along the environmental gradients can help to control destructive factors and therefore, the success in restoration projects can be guaranteed. This study was conducted to evaluate the trend of changes in functional and structural indices along soil salinity gradient and to determine the ecological thresholds in saline habitats of Uremia Lake, Iran, in the growing season of 2019 and 2020. Landscape Function Analyses (LFA) guideline was used to evaluate the sites. The values of the indices were fitted with the pattern diagrams (S-shaped curves). The habitat restoration process after five years of range management and development projects was evaluated and ecological thresholds were determined. The results showed that the values of the functional and structural indices decrease along the salinity gradient and the lowest values were observed at the end points of the gradient. As a result, the success of range development projects was lower at salinity center. The results of the S-shaped curve models showed that the regression relationship between landscape organization index and nutrient cycle with eleven soil indices along the salinity gradient was not significant and their determinant coefficients were less than 50 %. On the other hand, there was a strong relationship between the index of stability and permeability with the salinity gradient, with determinant coefficients of 83 and 63%, respectively so that the values of these two indices decreased significantly when approaching the salinity center. تفاصيل المقالة
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        139 - Determination of Rangeland Grazing Suitability Model by GIS (Case Study: Sarab Sefid Basin, Lorestan, Iran)
        Ali Ariapour
        Livestock grazing in unsuitable land has increasingly grown in most part of rangelands of Iran due to population growth. It causes many irreparable damages such as soil erosion, water loss, and wealth loss. Therefore, it is important to identify the best suitable land f أکثر
        Livestock grazing in unsuitable land has increasingly grown in most part of rangelands of Iran due to population growth. It causes many irreparable damages such as soil erosion, water loss, and wealth loss. Therefore, it is important to identify the best suitable land for livestock grazing. Land suitability for livestock grazing affects by many ecosystem components but due to time and funding restrictions, the most important and feasible elements were investigated. This paper adapted the schematic model based on the concepts presented by the FAO suitability analysis for livestock grazing in Sarab Sefid Borujerd rangeland of Iran. Significant needed factors to livestock grazing such as forage; soil and water which were in sub-models were determined and incorporated into the final model of rangeland grazing suitability. Some important maps include such as: DEM, slope, aspect, range condition, range trend, forage, soil erosion, water sources used as input data. Three sub models including water accessibility, forage production and erosion sensitivity were considered. The most adaptation of Suitability occurs for class (Good) S1, (Medium) S2, (Poor) S3 and (Non-suitable) N respectively using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). First of all, the complete raster layers valued and ranked by FAO method for each factor then integrated by overlays intersected command. Results show that according to 16 types of vegetation cover there was no each of them in S1 class, 3088.75 ha S2, 1892.63 ha S3 and 882.85 ha were N class. Also result determined that there is no limitation of water resource in total rangeland and the most and main important factors effect on suitability are soil erosion and slope due to mountainous area. According to the field data and comparing with the study data it can/is possible to conclude GIS technique is fast and accurate to monitoring and determining of suit abilities of rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        140 - Investigation of the Nutritional Potential of a Pasture Plant Species (Cyperus rotundus L.) at Different Growth Stages Under In Vitro and Standard Laboratory Studies
        Mohsen Kazemi
        Cyperus rotundus L. (C. rotundus) is a medicinal plant and a species of sedge (Cyperaceae family) that grows in different world rangelands, especially in Iran. The nutritional aspects of this plant have not been scientifically investigated by animal science nutritionist أکثر
        Cyperus rotundus L. (C. rotundus) is a medicinal plant and a species of sedge (Cyperaceae family) that grows in different world rangelands, especially in Iran. The nutritional aspects of this plant have not been scientifically investigated by animal science nutritionists. Therefore, the C. rotundus's nutritional potential at three growth stages by different standard laboratory methods was investigated. Different amounts of chemical-mineral compositions were observed among the various growth stages of C. rotundus. The dry matter (18.86&ndash;25.15 % of fresh weight), crude protein (10.51&ndash;14.40 % of DM), neutral detergent fiber (27.42&ndash;33.40 %), acid detergent fiber (18.75&ndash;24.83 %), ash (10.95&ndash;13.40 %), and non-fiber carbohydrates (41.01&ndash;45.14 %) contents of C. rotundus differed among three growth stages (P &lt; 0.05). The different contents of minerals (sodium: 2.37&ndash;2.88 g/kg of DM; calcium: 4.19&ndash;4.77 g; phosphorus: 1.20&ndash;1.36 g; magnesium: 2.50&ndash;2.99 g; potassium: 27.10&ndash;29.33 g; manganese: 45.13&ndash;54.12 mg/kg of DM; iron: 470&ndash;527 mg; and zinc: 13.40&ndash;18.07 mg) were also observed among three growth stages of C. rotundus. The highest content of potential gas production (47.66 ml/200 mg of DM) was observed in C. rotundus at the vegetative stage (P &lt; 0.05). The amounts of 24 h dry matter digestibility (47.97 %), 24 h organic dry matter digestibility (43.30 %), metabolizable energy (4.54 MJ/kg of DM), net energy for lactation (2.14 MJ/kg of DM), and dry matter intake (4.38 % of body weight) were the highest in the vegetative stage of C. rotundus. Regarding C. rotundas's relatively favorite potential nutritional, it was concluded that it can meet some of the nutrient requirements of small ruminants at the maintenance level. The vegetative stages exhibited better nutritional values compared to the other two growth stages. This plant can be nutritionally comparable to corn silage as a commonly used forage in small ruminants' feeding. تفاصيل المقالة
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        141 - Changes in Species Diversity and Functional Diversity of Vegetation under Different Grazing Intensities in Changizchal Rangelands, Mazandaran Province, Iran
        Mansoureh Kargar Majid Sadeghinia Sara Farazmand
        Different indices of functional diversity as: functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve) and functional divergence (FDiv), could help to understanding of the relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem function. Therefore, this study was aimed to eval أکثر
        Different indices of functional diversity as: functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve) and functional divergence (FDiv), could help to understanding of the relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem function. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate changes in species diversity and functional diversity of vegetation under different grazing intensities in relation to soil physic-chemical properties in Changizchal rangelands, Mazandaran province, Iran. During the spring and summer of 2014. Three functional traits including Specific Leaf Area (SLA), Vegetation Height (VH), and Leaf Dry Matter Content (LDMC) were measured in three grazing intensities (low, moderate and high). Taxonomic diversity was quantified using several indices including Species richness (S), Shannon (H), Evenness (E) and Simpson (D). In addition, functional diversity was quantified using single trait-based (FDvar) and multi trait-based indices (functional richness (FRic), functional divergence (FDiv), and functional evenness (FEve). The result showed that functional richness and species richness increased at moderate grazing. Similarly, the higher values of FDvar of the SLA were observed in a moderate grazing. Whereas, the FDvar of VH values significantly increased in light grazing. The low grazing induced increase in the FDive and FEve coupled with decreasing soil organic carbon (P&lt;0.05). The FDvar for SLA had a positive relationship with soil N and P in low grazing. Stable grazing on Changizchal rangelands tends to increase competition for soil N and P, resulting in an increase in the functional richness in grazed plant communities. The present study highlights the potential importance of low to moderate grazing intensities in mediating and reducing competition between plants for nutrient resources. تفاصيل المقالة
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        142 - Application of 24-epibrassinolide as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy Alleviates Negative Effects of Salinity Stress in Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad
        Amir Saadatfar Samira Hossein Jafari
        Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad is an endemic medicinal plant which grows naturally in arid rangelands of south west of Iran. It is also being cultivated in arid regions with salt problems. So,it is necessary to find a method to develop its cultivation under salinity condi أکثر
        Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad is an endemic medicinal plant which grows naturally in arid rangelands of south west of Iran. It is also being cultivated in arid regions with salt problems. So,it is necessary to find a method to develop its cultivation under salinity condition. This study was aimed to determine effects of 24-epibrassinolide(EBL) in three levels (0,1and2&micro;M) on reduction of negative effects of salinity on morpho-physiological and biochemical traits in S. khuzistanica plant under four salt levels(0,3,6,9 ds/m). A pot experiment was conducted using factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications in greenhouse at Shahid Bahonar University ofKerman,Iran in2021. The results of ANOVA showed that values of all morphological traits, including stem and root lengths, fresh and dry weights of aerial parts significantly reduced with increasing salt concentration(p&lt;0.01). The results showed that application of1 and 2&micro;MEBL had better performance at all salt levels. The amounts of total chlorophyll,N,P+,K+andK+/Na+had significantly reduced by increasing the salt concentration alone and combined with EBL. The highest amounts of the latter traits were observed at 2&micro;MEBL without salt. The amounts of anthocyanin,proline,sugar and Na+,significantly increased by rising salt levels. The highest amounts of anthocyanin with values of 38.64and 38.21mg/g,were obtained at9ds/m salt coupled with2and1&micro;MEBL, respectively. The lower amount ofNa was observed under 2&micro;MEBL. The highest sugar value(2.02mg/g) was observed in 9 ds/m salt coupled with 2&micro;MEBL. Similarly, for proline content, the highest values of 0.315and 0.312mg/g were obtained in9ds/m salt coupled with 1and2&micro;MEBL, respectively. There was no significant difference between 1and2&micro;MEBL levels in terms ofroline. Overall, 2&micro;MEBL was the best treatment to alleviate the negative effects of salt at all treatments. According to our findings, 24-epibrassinolide application at appropriate dose, as an environmentally friendly strategy, can be useful to improve S.khuzistanica tolerance and its production in arid rangelands with salt problems. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        143 - Modeling Potential Habitats for Gymnocarpus decander Using Multivariate Statistical Methods and Logistic Regression (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan Province)
        Masome Narouei Seyed Akbar Javadi Morteza Khodagholi Mohammad Jafary Reza Azizinezhad
        Identification of habitats and suitable environmental conditions for the presence of various animal and plant species is one of the key issues in ecology and environment modeling. In Iran, Gymnocarpus decander species is the main and most abundant plant of the Baluchi f أکثر
        Identification of habitats and suitable environmental conditions for the presence of various animal and plant species is one of the key issues in ecology and environment modeling. In Iran, Gymnocarpus decander species is the main and most abundant plant of the Baluchi flora, especially in the rangeland areas. Due to its high resistance to harsh environmental conditions and salinity, this species can be useful for rangeland reclamation and restoration. In order to assess potential habitats of G. decander in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran, this research was conducted in May 2020 using multivariate statistical methods including factor analysis, clustering and logistic regression. To do so, the map of real habitats ofG. decander, was modeled using altitude and 62 climatic variables which were prepared using 24 meteorological stations across the province and neighboring. Climatic variables were reduced to 5 factors using PCA, including temperature, precipitation, radiation, dust and maximum temperature, which accounted for 88.3% of the climate change in the studied region. According to the regression models, the precipitation, temperature and altitude variables were the most significant independent variables (p &lt;0.05) which influence the potential habitats ofG. decanderin the study area. Also, the study area was divided into 5 groups (G1:G5). The results suggest that models are more accurate in homogeneous groups than in the whole region. The Kappa coefficient and perdition accuracy had the highest and lowest values for G1 (68% and 88%) and G5 (19% and 59%), respectively. The results also showed that currently, 48.2% of the studied region has actual habitats. While the modeling results based on the model of the whole region showed that the potential habitat area of this species was 52.3% and based on the grouping models, it was 53.7%. Therefore, based on differences between actual data and modeling result, 4.8% of potential habitats have noG. decander. Also, results indicate that the G4 region with altitude range between 800-1250 m, growth season mean temperature was about 16 &deg;C and annual precipitation about 170 mm was the main habitat forG. decanderin Sistan and Baluchestan. According to the results of this study, G. decander is an endangered species and it is necessary to plan long-term management to preserve and restore its habitats in the arid regions of southeastern Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        144 - Effects of Fire on Vegetation Cover and Forage Production of Solan Rangeland in Hamadan Province, Iran
        Ghasem Asadian Zahra Azimnejad Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari
        Fire causes extensive damage to rangelands&rsquo; ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of rangeland fire on vegetation and forage production in mountainous rangelands of the Solan area in Hamadan province, Ir أکثر
        Fire causes extensive damage to rangelands&rsquo; ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of rangeland fire on vegetation and forage production in mountainous rangelands of the Solan area in Hamadan province, Iran. A burnt area and a homogeneous area without fire (control) were selected for this study. In the burnt area, the fire has occurred in July 2018. In each site, data were collected in the months July to October using four linear transects with a length of 200 m using a systematic random sampling method. In each transect at a distance of 20 m, 10 plots of 1m2 were considered. Vegetation sampling was done during (July to October) three years of 2018, 2019, and 2020. Some factors such as forage production, percentage of bare soil, stones and gravels, litter, survival rate, canopy cover, and percentage of shrubs, perennial and annual forbs, perennial and annual grasses were measured. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two areas for all variables except perennial forbs cover, shrubs cover, and stone and gravels percent in the first year. Fire reduced the litter percent, forage production, canopy cover, survival, and increased bare soil, soil erosion, and sediment. The geophytes life forms of the species in the study areas had the highest coverage percentage (38.66%) in both areas. Some species such as: Astragalus verus, Astragalus gossypinus, Acantholimon bromifolium, Acantholimon olivieri, and Acanthophyllum crassifolium were sensitive to fire. On the other hand, species such as Rosa persica due to having rhizomes and extensive underground roots were resistant to fire. تفاصيل المقالة
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        145 - Rangeland Biodiversity: Status, Challenges and Opportunities Review
        Teshome Gemechu Chawicha Gemedo Dalle Tussie
        Rangeland biodiversity is a multidimensional spectacle that includes the diversity of organisms, genetic differences among them and the communities, ecosystems, and landscape patterns. The variety of biodiversity life and processes is essential for moral, aesthetic and أکثر
        Rangeland biodiversity is a multidimensional spectacle that includes the diversity of organisms, genetic differences among them and the communities, ecosystems, and landscape patterns. The variety of biodiversity life and processes is essential for moral, aesthetic and economic reasons. This review aimed to combine the earlier works on rangeland biodiversity: status, challenges and opportunities. Despite being less suited for crop cultivation, rangelands with low and variable precipitation, rocky topography, poor drainage, or harsh temperatures offer feed and water for free-ranging wild and domestic animals, as well as timber and mineral resources. Rangelands often have shallow soils, little rainfall, and slowly cycling nutrients. Habitat destruction and fragmentation, alien invasive species invasion, climate change, the incidence of accidental fire, prolonged drought, overgrazing, poor coordination among various disciplines and implementation schemes are the current critical challenges of rangeland biodiversity. Community-based management systems and participatory approaches, managing invasive species and rangeland rehabilitation, sustainable and integrated rangeland management practices, building resilience for rangeland resource dynamics, the presence of indigenous knowledge and donor support are the main opportunities for the improvement of rangeland biodiversity. Therefore, it was concluded that the current rangeland biodiversity was drastically shrinking and degrading. This suggests an urgent need for rangeland management strategies that promote biodiversity conservation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        146 - Indigenous Rangeland Management Systems on Carbon Sequestration in Semi-arid Areas of Eastern Ethiopia
        Ahmed Mohammed Kassa Retta Mekete Tahir Abebe Fereja
        The study was conducted in Shinile district of eastern Ethiopia to evaluate soil carbon stock potentials under three indigenous rangeland management practices (communal grazing land, prescribed fire and grazing enclosure) and to address the current pastoralists knowledg أکثر
        The study was conducted in Shinile district of eastern Ethiopia to evaluate soil carbon stock potentials under three indigenous rangeland management practices (communal grazing land, prescribed fire and grazing enclosure) and to address the current pastoralists knowledge on constraints and opportunities for increasing soil organic carbon in the rangelands. Soil samples at different soil depths (0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm) from the study district were collected to estimate the below ground soil organic carbon. The soil attributes were analyzed of variance. Priority index was employed to study constraints and opportunities to use rangelands for carbon sequestration. In the study district, enclosure grazing land management had the highest (p&lt;0.05) carbon sequestration potential as compared to the other practices. In addition, the soil organic carbon content decreased with increasing soil depth. The major opportunities to use the rangelands for carbon sequestration were availability of vast rangelands, and rotational grazing. However, there are also constraints, which includes knowledge and experience gap on rangeland resource use for carbon economy and climate variability. Therefore, appropriate land management systems are very important in improving soil organic carbon on rangelands to minimize effects of climate variability on food security in semi-arid areas. تفاصيل المقالة
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        147 - Effects of Planting Date and Biofertilizer on Seedling Growth of Thymus daenensis Celak and T. vulgaris L. Cultivated in Borujerd, Iran
        Sajad Shams Beyranvand Mohammad Farzam Ali Ariapour Jafar Nabati
        Seedling establishment is a crucial stage in the restoration of degraded rangelands. The effects of sowing dates and bio-fertilizers on the growth and establishment of Thymus daenensis Celak (native) and Thymus vulgaris L. (introduced) were studied over two growth seaso أکثر
        Seedling establishment is a crucial stage in the restoration of degraded rangelands. The effects of sowing dates and bio-fertilizers on the growth and establishment of Thymus daenensis Celak (native) and Thymus vulgaris L. (introduced) were studied over two growth seasons at Islamic Azad University, Borujerd branch, Lorestan, Iran. The treatments consisted of four bio-fertilizers treatments i.e., mycorrhiza fungi, nitrogen-fixing free-living bacteria (NFB), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), and a control group, two species of Thymus sp. and two transplantation dates (November 2017 and March 2018) were also included. PSB and NFB (50 mm/lit of dissolved water) as well as mycorrhiza were applied twice: once during seed sowing in pots and again after transplanting the seedlings in the field. The results demonstrated that T. vulgaris exhibited superior performance (ranging from 31.8% to 51%) in various plant traits such as height, canopy cover, leaf area, dry leaf weight, dry shoot weight, aerial dry weight, root dry weight, shoot-to-root ratio, and root volume compared to T. daenensis. The transplantation date did not significantly affect seedling survival rate and shoot growth. However, seedlings transplanted in November had a higher root-to-shoot ratio (0.94), root dry weight (3.48 mm), root volume (3.56 m3), main root length, and mycorrhiza colonization (11.4%). In exceptionally wet year in in 2018, T. vulgaris performed better than T. daenensis. However, we anticipate T. daenensis to outperform T. vulgaris during normal and dry years, particularly with the application of PSB biofertilizer in its root medium. We recommend simultaneous comparisons of plant growth and thymol concentration under various cultivation and/or biofertilizer treatments on Thymus species in future studies. تفاصيل المقالة
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        148 - The use of modified and unmodified digital cameras to monitor small-scale savannah rangeland vegetation.
        Thabang Maphanga
        Savannah rangelands provide a significant source of income for rural communities, which use them to manufacture a variety of products. Traditionally, rangeland managers used visual and/or physical monitoring methods that were time-consuming, labour-intensive, and expens أکثر
        Savannah rangelands provide a significant source of income for rural communities, which use them to manufacture a variety of products. Traditionally, rangeland managers used visual and/or physical monitoring methods that were time-consuming, labour-intensive, and expensive. The applicability of these methods to assessing rangeland vegetation remains largely unknown. Photographs taken digitally can be analysed qualitatively or statistically, and analysis can focus on individual species or integrate data from the entire field of view into a community or canopy-level picture. This technique attempts to bridge the gap between ground-based observations and satellite remote sensing. What motivated the review of this digital camera is that the system has proven to be inexpensive in other studies and because images can be analyzed either quantitatively or qualitatively, and the analysis can focus on individual species or integrate across the field of view or canopy-level perspective. Digital cameras were discovered to be scientific instruments capable of accurately estimating and measuring vegetation parameters only recently in crop sciences, where they are used to detect flowering success or track phenological stages in monospecific crop stands. By reducing the labour-intensive nature of monitoring at the field scale with camera-based remote sensing, these effective applications demonstrate the vast potential of camera-based remote sensing. Digital Image Analysis (DIA) offers a more continuous method of capturing data, storing and transferring it electronically to a computer, and processing it with image-analysis software. The number of data that can be collected each day at a given time is limited as opposed to visual estimations. تفاصيل المقالة
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        149 - Effects of Phenological Stages on Yield and Quality Traits of Three Halophyte Plant Species as Forage Sources and Combating Desertification in Khuzestan Province, Iran
        Kourosh Behnamfar Ehsan Zandi Esfahan Ali Ashraf Jaffari
        Halophytes have good potential for forage production and combating desertification in saline soils. The present research was aimed to investigate the effects of phenological stages (Vegetative, Flowering & Ripening) on the yield and quality of three halophytes, Atriplex أکثر
        Halophytes have good potential for forage production and combating desertification in saline soils. The present research was aimed to investigate the effects of phenological stages (Vegetative, Flowering & Ripening) on the yield and quality of three halophytes, Atriplex leucoclada, Suaeda fruticosa, and Seidlitzia rosmarinus, in warm steppe rangelands, Khuzestan privince, Iran. Data were collected in 2015-2016 for Dry Matter (DM) yield. Quality traits included Crude Protein (CP), Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD), Water-Soluble Carbohydrates (WSC), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Crude Fiber (CF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), and total ash. Data were statistically analyzed using SAS9 software and means were compared using LSD 5% method. Results showed a significant difference between species, phenological stages, and their interaction for all the traits. S. fruticosa and A. leucoclada with average values of 14.45 and 12.88 t/ha had higher and lower production, respectively. In all species, with some exceptions, the DM yield, WSC, ADF, CF, and NDF increased, and CP, DMD, and ash decreased with the development stages. For S. rosmarinus, the lower and higher DM yield with values of 8.11 and 16.90 t/ha were obtained in the vegetative and flowering stages, respectively. The highest and lowest CP in S. fruticosa (17.73 and13.31%), S. rosmarinus (13.05 and 9.62%), and A. leucoclada (10.19 and5.29%) were obtained in flowering and seed ripening stages, respectively. In S. rosmarinus, DMD decreased in the flowering stage compared to the vegetative stage (from 70% to 65%), but its value increased again in the seed production stage and reached to 90%. However, in Suaeda and Atriplex, there was no significant variation at different growth stages. Our results clearly showed that Suaeda fruticosa having a higher DM yield in the flowering stage (16.20 t/ha) coupled with higher CP (18.04%) (p&lt;0.5) recommended for cultivation as forage sources and combating desertification in Khuzestan province, Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        150 - Studying Short-Time Dynamics of Vegetation and Soil Organic Carbon in a Semi-arid Rangeland (Case Study: Zharf, Khorasan Province, Iran)
        Mohamad Taghi Kashki Amr Ali Shahmoradi Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
        Abstract. Rangeland vegetation dynamics encompass all processes of changes in vegetation composition and structure over time. Investigating the rangeland ecosystem dynamics makes it possible to determine the effects of climatic and management conditions on qualitative a أکثر
        Abstract. Rangeland vegetation dynamics encompass all processes of changes in vegetation composition and structure over time. Investigating the rangeland ecosystem dynamics makes it possible to determine the effects of climatic and management conditions on qualitative and quantitative changes of the vegetation in a specific period of time. Accordingly, data collection and measurements for evaluating vegetation dynamics in rangeland ecosystems of Zharf region in Khorasan province, Iran were conducted from 2009 to 2013. Vegetation variables were measured by the means of 3 transects with the length of 500m and sampling plots. Meanwhile, at the location of each plot, soil moisture content was measured at two depths of 0-15 and 15-30 cm using a Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR) instrument. At the same locations, soil samples from topsoil layer (up to 15 cm depth) were collected to measure organic carbon. Results showed that at a four-year period, depending on inter-annual changes in rainfall and other climatic parameters and under local management practices, more or less changes occurred in some major vegetation factors such as species and total canopy cover. Changes were more prominent in canopy cover of annual plants, perennial forbs and to some extent in perennial grasses. Changes in soil organic carbon showed a very slow trend. Based on soil texture and variations of seasonal and annual rainfall, soil moisture caused variations in vegetation factors. In the study site, considering the relative stability of soil cover by stones, gravels and plant litter, total soil cover changes were a function of changes in total canopy cover of plants. The results of this study could be considered for proper adjustment of rangeland management in Zharf region. تفاصيل المقالة
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        151 - The Study of Diversity Indices of Plants Species Using SHE Method (Case Study: Javaherdeh Rangelands, Ramsar, Iran)
        Tina Salarian Mohammad Hassan Jouri Diana Askarizadeh Mahdieh Mahmoudi
        Recent attitude of vegetation assessors is using of new ecologic approaches to evaluate and analyse the complex rangeland ecosystems. Plant diversity is the most important indices to assess the ecological changes of rangelands. In order to survey of plant indices of ran أکثر
        Recent attitude of vegetation assessors is using of new ecologic approaches to evaluate and analyse the complex rangeland ecosystems. Plant diversity is the most important indices to assess the ecological changes of rangelands. In order to survey of plant indices of rangelands, two exclosure areas (long-term and mid-term) and a grazing area in rangelands of Javaherdeh (Ramsar, Iran) were selected. Quadrate size and number were respectively obtained by minimal area and statistical formula methods. The diversity, richness, and evenness indices in each quadrate were calculated. For comparing of these indices, one way ANOVA and Duncan test method were used. Results showed that the higher values of diversity and richness indices were obtained in the long term exclosure and the lower values of evenness index were obtained in the grazed area. The SHE analysis clarifies that the highest species richness and diversity was obtained in lower plots number in the long-term exclosure areas and reversely it needs more plots for assessment of grazed area. Along with time elapsing, the long-term exclosure and grazing area had higher and lower evenness, respectively. The mid-term exclosure, however, needs also long time to reach the maximum species richness and diversity. Hence, in order to achieve the ecologic management of the rangeland ecosystems, knowing of bio-indicators and their components analysis (SHE) can draw future trend of the ecosystem and bring out data to program it. تفاصيل المقالة
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        152 - Assessment of Range Health Changes in Zagros Semi-Arid Rangelands, Iran (Case Study: Chalghafa- Semirom-Isfahan)
        Ezatollah Moradi Gholam Ali Heshmati Ali Hosein Bahramian
        Rangeland health assessment provides qualitative information on ecosystemattributes. We examined changes in rangeland health in the Zagros semi-arid rangelands ofIran at fixed sites between 2001 and 2011, over the 10-year period. The rangelandfragments significantly dec أکثر
        Rangeland health assessment provides qualitative information on ecosystemattributes. We examined changes in rangeland health in the Zagros semi-arid rangelands ofIran at fixed sites between 2001 and 2011, over the 10-year period. The rangelandfragments significantly declines in the quality of the vegetation, and changes in plantspecies were driven largely by seasonality, and to a lesser extent, amount of rainfall. Threeindices of rangelands health (composition, function and stability) developed using sitebasedvegetation and landscape data. The results indicated that the majority of sites hadintermediate values of the three indices, and few sites had either very low or very highvalues. The indices of composition and function were strongly correlated with thesubjective ratings applied to each site at each measurement period. The results of this studyhighlight the difficulty of detecting change over extensive areas of rangeland, and ofseparating management induced effects from climatic effects in an environment whichexperiences wide spatial and temporal variation in rainfall. Results showed that soil surfaceresistance decrease and water flow pattern degradation were the most important causes inrangeland health decrease. Although, Chalghafa rangelands have enough rain falls tosupport habitation, humans had degraded the landscape. Moderate grazing is the best wayto use the grazing land without severe reduction in abundance and biomass of species. تفاصيل المقالة
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        153 - Investigating the Effects of Soil Factors on Biodiversity in Plant Communities of Karvan Rangeland (Case Study: Isfahan Province, Iran)
        Habib Yazdanshenas Mohammad jafari Hossein Azarnivand Hossein Arzani Malihe Nasiri
        Understanding the plant species diversity could be used as an importantindicator applied for the natural areas management. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the relationships between soil characterizes with distribution and diversity ofplant in vegetation types in أکثر
        Understanding the plant species diversity could be used as an importantindicator applied for the natural areas management. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the relationships between soil characterizes with distribution and diversity ofplant in vegetation types in Karvan district (located in west of Isfahan province). For thispurpose, three vegetation types were selected as follows: Scariola orientalis-Astragalusgossypinus (Sc.or-As.go), Hordeum fragile-Astragalus gossypinus (Ho.fr-As.go) andCousinia bachtiarica-Astragalus gossypinus (Cu.ba-As.go). Then, four transects randomsampling - systematic bias to the general and lateral slope of the region in each vegetationtype were placed and the name and other characterize of the plants were recorded by 90 ofrandomly quadrate one m2, also the soil samples of the start and end of each transect fromtwo different depths (0-20 and 20-75 cm) of soil were taken. Soil samples were analyzedand the physicochemical factors were measured. Diversity indices such as Menhinick,Margalef and Fisher alpha were analyzed by VMSP software and soil data were analyzedby PC-ORD software. The results of numerical indices showed a different diversity indexin vegetation types and there were significant correlation between some soil properties anddiversity index. It was concluded that the Sc.or-As.go type had the highest diversity incomparison with the other vegetation types (Ho.fr-As.go and Cu.ba-As.go). Finally soilproperties such as organic matter, clay and soil depth had positive and the amount of limeand gypsum had negative correlation with species diversity. تفاصيل المقالة
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        154 - Capability Investigation of Carbon Sequestration in Two Species (Artemisia sieberi Besser and Stipa barbata Desf.) Under Different Treatments of Vegetation Management (Saveh, Iran)
        M. Alizadeh M. Mahdavi M. H. Jouri
        The rangelands, as one of the largest dynamic biomes in the world,have very capabilities. Regulation of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere,particularly carbon dioxide as the main greenhouse gases, is one of these cases.The attention to rangeland, as cheep and re أکثر
        The rangelands, as one of the largest dynamic biomes in the world,have very capabilities. Regulation of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere,particularly carbon dioxide as the main greenhouse gases, is one of these cases.The attention to rangeland, as cheep and reachable resources to sequestrate thecarbon dioxide, increases after the Industrial Revolution. Rangelands comprise thelarge parts of Iran as a steppic area. Rudshur (Saveh), as area index of steppicarea, was selected under three sites including long-term exclosure, medium-termexclosure, and grazable area due to the capability of carbon dioxide&rsquo;ssequestration of dominated species. Canopy cover&rsquo;s percentage of two dominatedspecies (Artemisia sieberi Besser and Stipa barbata Desf.) was determined viaestablishing of random 1 square meter plot. The sampling of above and belowground biomass style was obtained by complete random. After determination ofash percentage in the laboratory; conversion ratio of plant biomass to organiccarbon was calculated by ignition method. Results of the paired t-test showed thatthe amount of carbon sequestration in above ground and underground biomass ofArtemisia sieberi Besser and Stipa barbata Desf. is different in three regions. It,of course, has not any difference between under and surface ground&rsquo;s biomass ofArtemisia sieberi Besser in long-term exclosure. The independent t-test resultsindicate differences between underground biomass corresponding each other inthe studied sites. Carbon sequestration in the Stipa barbata Desf. was totally morethan Artemisia sieberi Besser. Altogether, the average sequestration of the longtermexclosure was 5.842gr/m&sup2;, the medium-term exclosure was 4.115gr/m&sup2;, andgrazable area was 5.975gr/m&sup2; so that there is not valuable statistical difference interms of total amount of carbon sequestration to three sites. تفاصيل المقالة
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        155 - Investigation of Plant Diversity in Middle Rangelands of Taleghan by Using BIO-DAP
        F. Fahimipoor M. A. Zare Chahouki M. Jafari M. Goldansaz Z. Mohhebi
        Plant Diversity conservation is a main objective in rangelandmanagement. Plant diversity is a suitable index for showing the changes ofvegetation in rangelands and has a high correlation with ecosystem parameters.Therefore, using this index it is possible to find the ch أکثر
        Plant Diversity conservation is a main objective in rangelandmanagement. Plant diversity is a suitable index for showing the changes ofvegetation in rangelands and has a high correlation with ecosystem parameters.Therefore, using this index it is possible to find the changes and manage theecosystem correctly. The current research was performed to determine the speciesdiversity in Fashandak rangelands of Taleghan. To do this, 110 plots each one withan area of 1 m2 were established based on randomized-systematic method anddensity of the species within each plot was recorded. Species properties includingthe related genus and family in addition to life form, growth form and biologicaltype were determined. Shannon, Simpson and McIntosh diversity indexes wereused. Results showed that diversity of Fashandak rangelands could be considered asmoderate. The highest distribution frequency was related to the species of Bromustomentellus, Hypericum perforatum and Thymus kotschyanus. تفاصيل المقالة
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        156 - Relationship between Some Environmental Factors with Distribution of Medicinal Plants in Ghorkhud Protected Region, Northern Khorasan Province, Iran
        Mousa Akbarlou Negin Nodehi
        Medicinal plant species constitute a considerable part of the flora in Iran and play a major role in the composition of plant communities. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the factors leading to the establishment and distribution of vegetation. For data sampling أکثر
        Medicinal plant species constitute a considerable part of the flora in Iran and play a major role in the composition of plant communities. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the factors leading to the establishment and distribution of vegetation. For data sampling (2012), land units were specified. The plot size was determined using minimal area method and number of plots was determined by statistical methods according to the changes in vegetation cover. 120 1 m2 plots were selected and within each plot, the presence and absence of species and cover percent were estimated. The soil samples were taken in each plot in (0-30 cm) depth. Data were collected and analyzed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Results indicated that the first three axes explained the total variation. The variables of altitude, OM, N, pH, and sand had significant correlations with the first axis and explained the 60% variation. For the second component, topographic properties and EC were more important traits and explained the 29% variation. These two components explained the 89% vegetation cover variation in Ghorkhud region as G1 (Eryngium bungei-Asperula arvensis) and G2 (Conium maculatum-Acantholimon pterostegium) types were grown in sandy soils (low OM, N, pH and high EC) coupled with high altitude and slope, G3 (Asperula arvensis-Cichorium intybus) type had a higher adaptability with sandy soils (low OM, N and pH) coupled with lower EC, higher altitude and lower slope and G4 (Artemisia sieberi-Convolvulus arvensis) type tended to be established in clay soils (lower sand% and higher OM, pH and N) and lower altitude. تفاصيل المقالة
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        157 - Comparison of Seed Bed Preparation Methods on Seedling Emergence Rate in Six Range Species in Khash Rangelands of Iran
        A. A. Ameri A. A. Sanadgol
        This study was conducted to compare the methods of seed bedpreparation in rangelands of Khash region in Sistan and Baluchestan province inIran. A split plot design was conducted based on Randomized complete blockdesign with three replications in 1999. Five seed bed prep أکثر
        This study was conducted to compare the methods of seed bedpreparation in rangelands of Khash region in Sistan and Baluchestan province inIran. A split plot design was conducted based on Randomized complete blockdesign with three replications in 1999. Five seed bed preparation methods wereused as main plot as: 1) Seed sown by passing livestock. 2) Seed sown machinery.3) Seeds sown as drilled into furrows. 4) Seeds sowing into furrows covered bystraw mulch .5) Seed sown machinery and pressed by roller. Six range specieswere used as: 1) Artemisia santolina, 2) Eurotia ceratoides, 3) Zygophyllumeurypterum, 4) Astragalus squarrosus, 5) Stipagrostis sp. and 6) Artemisia sieberi, as sub-plot. The results of experiment showed significant differences among theseed bed preparation methods on seedling emergence rate. Astragalus and Eurotiahad higher germination percent when they sown and passing through livestock.Zygophyllum and Eurotia had higher germination by machinery seeder followedby roller. The lowest germination percent was obtained by method of seed sowingin furrows covered by straw mulch and seeds were sown machinery. Among thespecies, Eurotia, Zygophyllum and Astragalus were ranked in the first orderfollowed by Artemisia. The Stipagrostis species. Had no germination for all ofseed bed treatments. تفاصيل المقالة
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        158 - Study on the Environmental Factors Contributing to Distribution of Thymus kotschyanus in Taleghan Basin, Iran
        Leila Darvishi Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki Mohammad Jafari Hussein Azarnivand Majid Yousefi Valikchali
        Growth and productivity of plants are mainly affected by various environmentalfactors in different ecosystems and natural habitat in the world. This research aims to studythe existing relationships between the phytosociology characteristics of Thymuskotschyanus and envi أکثر
        Growth and productivity of plants are mainly affected by various environmentalfactors in different ecosystems and natural habitat in the world. This research aims to studythe existing relationships between the phytosociology characteristics of Thymuskotschyanus and environmental factors in order to find the most important factorsgoverning development of the species in middle Taleghan rangelands, Iran. Subsequent toindicating the study region, the required flora and environmental data were collected byfield survey. Plot size and sample size were determined by minimum area and vegetationprocedure methods, using 40 plots along four 100 m transects. The characteristicsincluding floristic list, percentage of canopy cover, number of plants as well as height, thelargest and smallest diameter, and freshness of T. kotschyanus were recorded. Likewise,bare soil percentage, litter percentage, and stone and gravel percentage of topsoil wererecorded in each plot. Moreover, in order to study the soil features, eight soil profiles weretaken in each site up to 30 cm depth at the beginning and end of each transect.Classification of vegetation cover was performed by TWINSPAN analysis while factorsinfluencing the change in vegetation characteristics of T. kotschyanus were determined byPCA analysis. Results demonstrated that factors involving slope, altitude, organic matter,lime content, nitrogen content and soil texture show the highest impact on vegetationcharacteristics. Overall, variables including elevation ranging between 2300-2500 m, slopein the range of 20% - 40%, and fertile sandy loam textured soils in presence of nitrogenand high organic matter content as well as low lime content provide the most suitablecondition to develop a high production T. kotschyanus. تفاصيل المقالة
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        159 - Assessment of the Effects of Overgrazing on the Soil Physical Characteristic and Vegetation Cover Changes in Rangelands of Hosainabad in Kurdistan Province, Iran
        H. Azarnivand A. Farajollahi E. Bandak H. Pouzesh
        Soil physical properties have an important role on vegetation growththrough affecting the development of root system. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the trampling effect of livestock grazing on soil physical properties andvegetation cover changes. The experimen أکثر
        Soil physical properties have an important role on vegetation growththrough affecting the development of root system. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the trampling effect of livestock grazing on soil physical properties andvegetation cover changes. The experiment was conducted on three range conditionsites (Reference, Key and Critical area) with ten frequencies in HosseinabadeKudistan in 2009. Soil physical characteristics consist of humidity, bulk density,porosity and aggregate stability index. In this study remarked soil cover changes inthree mentioned regions. The results showed that soil moisture reduced fromreference to critical area. Soil bulk density was the lowest in reference area and thehighest in critical area. Reference site had the highest soil porosity while the soilporosity reduced in critical area. However, as the density of grazing increased, soilbulk density increased and soil moisture, soil porosity, aggregate stability index andvegetation cover percent decreased. Bare soil percentage was the highest in criticalregion. According to the results of this research, the grazing seems caused to majorchanges in the physical properties of the topsoil. Since the region has highecological potential, if the intensity of grazing would be in a moderate level, theregion soil will be able to compensate the negative aspects of livestock trampling. تفاصيل المقالة
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        160 - Investigation of Rangeland Changes Based on Landscape Metrics Analysis (Case Study: Kezab Rangelands, Yazd Province, Iran)
        Mahdi Tazeh
        Adverse changes in rangeland vegetation can be considered as one of the criteria for land degradation. Some of these changes can be evaluated through monitoring the spatial changes of landscape parameters. This study aimed to investigate the landscape changes inKezab ra أکثر
        Adverse changes in rangeland vegetation can be considered as one of the criteria for land degradation. Some of these changes can be evaluated through monitoring the spatial changes of landscape parameters. This study aimed to investigate the landscape changes inKezab rangelands of Yazd province, central Iran. Landsat satellite images of 1990, 2002, and 2013, and landscape metrics including Total Edge, Edge Density, Mean Shape Index, Number of Patches, Mean Patch Size, and Median Patch Size were used in this study. Landscape fragmentation was analyzed through calculating various metricsof landscape patterns using the FRAGSTATS software. This study was performed with a focus on landscape elements in poor and very poor rangelands. Results indicated a reduction in the area of rangelands with poor conditions and an increase in the size of rangelands with very poor conditions. The results showed that perimeter sum of spots in rangelands increased From 51.6 km in 1990 to 62 km in 2013. This increase in the perimeter showed further destruction of poor rangelands. This process was considerably seen in very poor rangelands and increased from 48.9 km in 1990 to 56 km in 2013. The process of Edge Density index changes confirmed the intensification of desertification in the region. Also, the number of patches in poor and very poor rangelands increased from 23 to 11 and from 4 to 10, respectively. The intensification of destruction has been shown in very poor rangelands. Rangelands were also changed in terms of other landscape parameters, eventually leading to the deformation of rangeland patches and the degradation process has been intensified in this region. According to the results of these studies, landscape changes of rangelands could be assessed at various time intervals to detect the factors affecting rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        161 - Studying the sffects of Grazing Capacity and Rangeland Conditions on Occurrence of Landslide in Subalpine Grassland (Case Study: Rangeland of Masoleh Watershed)
        Mona Fakhre Ghazi Mohammad Hasan Jouri Vahid Gholami
        Subalpine rangeland as a rara avis ecosystem is very important because ofecological features. Consistency and resistance of this ecosystem is so frangible and itsnatural equilibrium is instable due to the effects of biotic and abiotic factors. The landslideas one of neg أکثر
        Subalpine rangeland as a rara avis ecosystem is very important because ofecological features. Consistency and resistance of this ecosystem is so frangible and itsnatural equilibrium is instable due to the effects of biotic and abiotic factors. The landslideas one of negative consequences in upland area is seen in Masoleh watershed (north ofIran). This study has investigated the roles of biotic factors playing in the occurrence of thelandslides in Masoleh rangeland. Hence, two sites such as exclosure and grazing areaswere analyzed and compared. The plot size was 1m&sup2; and totally, 128 plots were obtainedby minimal area method and statistical formula approach, respectively. The rangelandconditions were measured by six-factor method. Clipping and weighing method was usedto determine the grazing capacity. In order to do the landslide zonation, the landslide indexwas employed. Results showed that there were significant differences between speciesdensities and soil conservation factors in both exclosure and grazing areas. There might bemore than 1.2 overstocking in the grazing area. The rangeland conditions‟ classes anddistance from fold, effective biotic factors, geologic formation, soil texture and effectiveabiotic factors were the most influential factors on the landslide occurrence in subalpineecosystem of Masoleh. Regarding results of current research, the exclosure can protect thesoil from the landslide through increasing the perennial and endemic species. Decreasinglivestock and regulating the animal entrance and egress to reach the suitable circumstancesof vegetation covers and pull up the landslide occurrence are recommended in this area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        162 - Effects of Grazing Exclusion on Plant Productivity and Carbon Sequestration (Case Study: Gomishan Rangelands, Golestan Province, Iran)
        Hamid Niknahad Gharmakher Isa Jafari Foutami Arezou Sharifi
        In recent years, rangelands have been regarded as potential carbon sinks. One of the most widely suggested options to sequester more C in rangelands is the restoration of the degraded rangelands through grazing the exclusion. In present study, the effects of exclusion o أکثر
        In recent years, rangelands have been regarded as potential carbon sinks. One of the most widely suggested options to sequester more C in rangelands is the restoration of the degraded rangelands through grazing the exclusion. In present study, the effects of exclusion on the carbon sequestration of Gomishan rangelands were investigated. Three transects were established in a key area inside and outside the exclosure. In each transect, ten plots were established systematically and in each plot, the number of plant individuals for each plant species was recorded and used to estimate the density of each species per unit area. In order to estimate the plant biomass, a few individuals of each species were sampled by the clipping and weighing method. The carbon content of aerial and root biomass were obtained by the combustion of 10 g of oven-dried samples. Five soil samples at the depths of 0&ndash;10 and 10&ndash;20 cm were taken along each transect and then, transported to the laboratory. The soil organic carbon percent was determined by the Walkley&ndash;Black method. Plant data analysis was performed by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test. The rate of soil carbon sequestration inside and outside the exclosure was compared using the independent T test at significance level of 1%. Finally, the economic benefit of sequestrated carbon was estimated. The results revealed that the response of plant and soil carbon storage to the exclosure in Gomishan rangelands was positive and there was a significant difference between exclosure and grazing areas for the stored carbon of plant biomass and soil. After a 20 year exclosure, the value of carbon sequestration per hectare in Gomishan rangelands was estimated as 14743 $/h. It can be argued that the education and extension of carbon sequestration in Iran will offer new incentives to restore the degraded rangelands. تفاصيل المقالة
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        163 - Identifying Rangeland Development and Restoration Operations Targets (Case Study: Hossein Abad Bazoft Basin, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran)
        Azadeh Afrigan Mohammad Jafari Sara Jamalpour Arghavan Shahlayie
        The purpose of this study was identifying rangeland development andrestoration operations targets. This study was conducted in Hossein Abad Bazoft basinwith 7162 ha area, located in south east of Farsan County, Chaharmahal and BakhtiariProvince, Iran. The basin has vari أکثر
        The purpose of this study was identifying rangeland development andrestoration operations targets. This study was conducted in Hossein Abad Bazoft basinwith 7162 ha area, located in south east of Farsan County, Chaharmahal and BakhtiariProvince, Iran. The basin has various land uses including rangeland, forest, irrigated farmand garden, dry farm, residential area and rock mass. In this study, during land surveyingprocess, ecological carrying capacity was first calculated for the rangelands and forestsecosystem. After capability evaluation, with regard to keeping the current land use andavoiding from more land degradation, restoration programs were proposed. In this regard,required data layers including altitudinal classes, slope classes, aspect classes, rangelandcondition and trend, climate, soil hydrologic groups, depth and texture of the soil, geologyand geomorphology were overlaid using GIS 9.3 by intersect method, and 280homogenous units were resulted. The results of homogenous unit characteristicsassessment showed that the region fell respectively in the categories 1, 3, 6, 3 and 4 forconservation, rangeland, forest, agriculture and unauthorized agriculture capabilities.Finally, according to the characteristics of the achieved capabilities and defining requiredcriteria to propose each executive program, we proposed the location and the kind of theexecutable restoration programs such as exclosure, hill seeding, converting the inefficientdry farms to forage plants cultivation and in forest quantitative and qualitativeregeneration. تفاصيل المقالة
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        164 - Effects of Seed Scarification on Vegetation Parameters in Some Astragalus Species under Field Conditions (Case Study: Homand Absard, Damavand, Iran)
        Sedigheh Zarekia Ali Ashraf Jafari Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
        This research aims to evaluate the effects of seed scarification on five perennialAstragalus species including A. effusus, A. vegetus, A. subsecundus, A. brevidens and A.cyclophyllon in the field conditions. Seeds were sown after scarification with sandpaper byhand in t أکثر
        This research aims to evaluate the effects of seed scarification on five perennialAstragalus species including A. effusus, A. vegetus, A. subsecundus, A. brevidens and A.cyclophyllon in the field conditions. Seeds were sown after scarification with sandpaper byhand in the field of Homand Absard Rangeland Research Station, Damavand, Iran in autumnin 2008. The seeds were sown using split plot design based on the completely randomizedblock design with three replications. In each plot, seeds of each accession were sown on twoparallel lines (scarified and control) with 2 m length and 75 cm along with the distance of 50cm for each accession. Vegetation indices including forage production, canopy cover area,plant height, number of flowering stems and seed yield were studied over three years. Datawere analyzed using split plot for specific years in sub plots and mean comparisons were doneby Duncan method. Results indicated significant differences between treatments, species andyears for all the traits. Interactions between species and year were significant for all the traitsexcept plant height. Seed scarification caused an increase in forage production, canopy coverarea and number of flowering stems. According to the results, mechanical seed scarificationhas been recommended to be done before planting herbaceous Astragalus. The species A.vegetus (accession Kurdistan) and A. effusus (accession Urmia) were recommended for rangerevegetaion and rehabilitation in semi dry lands with the annual precipitation more than 300mm. تفاصيل المقالة
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        165 - Analyzing Effective Factors on Rangeland Exploitation by Using A'WOT (Case Study: Aq Qala Rangelands, Golestan, Iran)
        Abolfazl Sharifiyan Bahraman Hossein Barani Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani Abolfazl Haji Mollahoseini
        Rangelands are known as one of the main income resources for their exploiters.In the recent century, management of Iran rangeland has undergone vast transformationsbecause of vulnerable socio-economic conditions of pastoralists. A study was done toprovide a clear pictur أکثر
        Rangelands are known as one of the main income resources for their exploiters.In the recent century, management of Iran rangeland has undergone vast transformationsbecause of vulnerable socio-economic conditions of pastoralists. A study was done toprovide a clear picture of the status and utilization of Aq Qala rangelands via assessinginternal and external environmental factors affecting the utilization of rangelands. Thus aSWOT was adopted to identify and assess the positive and negative factors in internal andexternal environments. Data were collected through free and brainstorming interviews withan emphasis on the knowledge and experience of rangelands&rsquo; exploiters. After contentanalyzing of primary collected data, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and spectralquestionnaires were respectively used for range management technicians and exploiters toquantify gathered qualitative information. Based on the results, priority of the main factorsof SWOT related to the rangelands utilization was respectively identified for opportunities,threats, weaknesses, and strengths. The results revealed that chance of income extensionfrom livestock productions (weight= 0.102) had the first priority in the opportunitiessection. In the threats section, drought and its consequences in rangeland exploitations(0.095) had the highest threats from pastoralists and technicians views. Lack of waterresources and their uneven distribution (0.028) and the importance of rangelands and theirexploitation in the livelihood and economy (0.022) were respectively the main factors inthe strengths and weaknesses sections. تفاصيل المقالة
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        166 - Water Resources Suitability Model by Using GIS (Case Study: Borujerd Rangeland, Sarab Sefid)
        Ali Ariapour Moslem Hadidi Kolsoum Karami Fazel Amiri
        Water resources suitability is one of the most important factors to sustainabilityutilization of natural potential by rangeland grazing suitability. To determine this factor inshort time, low cost and high accuracy are most challenges of experts and ranchers. Usingsuita أکثر
        Water resources suitability is one of the most important factors to sustainabilityutilization of natural potential by rangeland grazing suitability. To determine this factor inshort time, low cost and high accuracy are most challenges of experts and ranchers. Usingsuitable technique for this subject can be sustainable utilization comprising from rangelandecosystems according to its degradation and heavy grazing. This research was conducted inBoroujerd Sarab Sefid rangeland, Lorestan province, Iran from 2011 to 2012. Some factorssuch as slope, height and direction maps provided by using satellite images, basicinformation, analog and digitized maps such as; topographic and DEM (Digital ElevationModel). Also measurements of field were conducted by excursion and interview withherders to determine places of water resources such as permanent and temporary springsand permanent and temporary rivers too. Water resources area's map was prepared byusing Arc GIS9.3 software with integration of digitized information and field data. At theend water resources suitability were determined by using three sub models such asquantity, quality and distance from water resources. Results show that all of 16 plantvegetation types were dropped in І and П classes of water resources suitability whichdidn‟t have any limitation according to quantity and quality and distance of animalhusbandry and livestock. As a final conclusion this research shows that using RS and GIScould be useful to water resources suitability of rangeland ecosystems with low cost andhigh accuracy and speed, if consider standards and criteria of using GIS and RS. تفاصيل المقالة
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        167 - Effects of Salinity on Seedling Growth and Physiological Traits of Vetiver Grass (Vetiveria zizanioides Stapf)
        Davoud Akhzari, Alireza Ildoromi Maryam Dashti Marvili
        Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) is known to be survived under the diversesoil and water conditions. In order to study the effects of salinity stress on the seedlinggrowth of the desired species, a completely randomized design was conducted with 3replications. Seed أکثر
        Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) is known to be survived under the diversesoil and water conditions. In order to study the effects of salinity stress on the seedlinggrowth of the desired species, a completely randomized design was conducted with 3replications. Seeds were sown in the salty-soil plots in the greenhouse. Salinity levels werespecified as 4 control ones including 20, 30 and 40 dS/m. Results showed that the seedlinggrowth and yield were progressively declined by the increase of NaCl concentration levels.The concentrations of both chlorophylls a and b were dramatically increased by increasingNaCl and the highest and lowest values have been obtained for the levels of 40 and 4 dS/m,respectively. There were no significant differences for the leaf area and water content withthe salinity of 20 dS/m as compared to the control treatment. The concentrations ofchlorophylls a and b were 0.73 and 0.41(mg/g FW) and 0.35 and 0.11 (mg/g FW) in the 40and 4 dS/m salinity treatments, respectively. Leaf water content for 4 and 20 dS/m salinitylevels has been calculated as 11.3 and 9.8 percent. But there was a significant reduction inthe leaf water content with 30 and 40 dS/m salinity levels. Leaf water content with 30 and40 dS/m salinity level was 6.3 and 5.2 %. Leaf area in 4, 20, 30 and 40 dS/m salinity levelshas been computed as 172, 168.7, 81.7 and 65.2 cm2, respectively. Compared to the controltreatments, there was a significant reduction in leaf area with 30 and 40 dS/m salinitylevels. Our results suggest that in an EC between 4 to 20 dS/m, Vetiveria zizanioides couldgrow. تفاصيل المقالة
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        168 - Investigation of Stability and Relationships between Species Diversity Indices and Topographical Factors (Case Study: Ghorkhud Mountainous Rangeland, Northern Khorasan Province, Iran)
        Negin Nodehi Mousa Akbarlou Adel Sepehry Hasan Vahid
        One of the main objectives of ecosystem management is to preserve the speciesdiversity. Many researchers regard higher species diversity as the stability of ecologicalsystems. The aim of this study is to investigate the stability and relationships betweentopographical f أکثر
        One of the main objectives of ecosystem management is to preserve the speciesdiversity. Many researchers regard higher species diversity as the stability of ecologicalsystems. The aim of this study is to investigate the stability and relationships betweentopographical factors with diversity indices in Ghorkhud mountainous rangeland innorthern Khorasan province, Iran. For data sampling (2012), land units were specified.Floristic list was prepared and minimal area was determined based on the nested plot(Braun-Blanquet method). 120 plots of 1m2 were selected and within each plot, thepresence of species and cover percent were estimated. For data analysis and meanscomparison of species diversity between the study sites, One-way ANOVA and Duncantests were used. The species diversity was investigated using numerical indices andstability of the habitat was determined using parametric indices. The results showed thatspecies diversity was decreased due to the increased altitude. Diversity indices wereincreased by the increased slope percent. Also, eastern slopes had the most diversity ascompared to the other driving directions since the communities with high and lowdiversities generally follow the Log-Normal and Geometric models, respectively.According to our results, the areas with light slopes, middle altitudes and north and westdirections followed the Log Normal distribution which had the most stable levels. It wasconcluded that the area with Log-Normal model represents a relatively stable communitieswith medium to high species richness. تفاصيل المقالة
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        169 - Preference Value Evaluation of Rangeland Plant Species for Kaboudeh Sheep
        Reza Erfanzadeh Moharam Ashrafzadeh Seyed Hamzeh Hosseini Kahnuj Arezu Alizadeh
        Study on the livestock diet is one of the main priorities in the management of rangeland in Iran. So, this study was conducted to compare preference values of plant species in three age classes of Kaboudeh sheep (one, three and five year old ones) in rangelands of Bavan أکثر
        Study on the livestock diet is one of the main priorities in the management of rangeland in Iran. So, this study was conducted to compare preference values of plant species in three age classes of Kaboudeh sheep (one, three and five year old ones) in rangelands of Bavanat, Fars province, Iran. For each age class, four sheep were selected and their grazing times from different plant species were recorded using a timing method (chronometer) for two hours during the day. The effects of livestock age, plant species and their interactions on preference values of plant species were assessed using a factorial experiment (GLM test). Also, one way ANOVA was applied to compare preference values between plant species for each age class of animals. The results showed that the age of the animals and plant species had significant effects on preference values of plant species. Species of Poa pratensis and Avena fatua for young animals and Acer cinerascens for older animals had higher preference values. In addition, species of Poa pratensis and Prangos ferulaceae had appropriate preference values for all three age classes of animals. As vegetation cover in the study area is mostly consisted of the bushes and shrubs in autumn and on the other hand, sheep has little ability to graze this kind of plant species subsequently during the grazing period, they dominantly focus on herbal species. In general, animal diet demands cannot be provided from rangelands and it is required to use the methods of manual feeding with dry forage and supplements. One of the possible alternatives is to harvest and store the annual yield of P. ferulaceae in spring in order to feed the animals in autumn and winter. تفاصيل المقالة
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        170 - Plant Species and Functional Types’ Diversity in Relation to Grazing in Arid and Semi-arid Rangelands, Khabr National Park, Iran
        Mohsen Sharafatmandrad Adel Sepehry Hossein Barani
        In arid and semi-arid rangelands, grazing as one of the natural or human induced processes has direct and indirect effects on structure and dynamics of plant community and ecosystems. A study was done to analyze the effects of grazing on plant species diversity and Plan أکثر
        In arid and semi-arid rangelands, grazing as one of the natural or human induced processes has direct and indirect effects on structure and dynamics of plant community and ecosystems. A study was done to analyze the effects of grazing on plant species diversity and Plant Functional Types&lsquo; (PFTs) diversity of arid and semi-arid rangelands. We analyzed plant richness and diversity data from 75 sampling plots located in five bioclimatic zones of Khabr National Park containing a total of 73 plant species. Ward's hierarchical clustering was then used to cluster all plant species into eight PFTs according to the chosen traits. For each site, grazing intensity was estimated in three classes (low grazing, medium and high grazing intensities). We found that as grazing intensity increased, total species richness and diversity were decreased. Considering PFTs as total showed the same pattern for species; however, each PFT diversity and richness didn&lsquo;t display a significant different response to grazing. Looking at each PFT relative cover change in different grazing intensities showed that PFT1 and PFT8 were grazing sensitivities while PFT6 and PFT7 benefited from grazing and their relative cover increased consistently in response to the increased grazing intensity. PFT3 and PFT4 had the highest relative cover rates in moderately grazed areas. PFT2 and PFT5 had a complicated response to grazing and their relative cover was the minimum at moderately grazed sits. This finding may imply that grazing has completely negative impacts on the community structure and it seems that it reduces plant species and functional types&lsquo; diversity and richness. It can be also concluded that the analyses on PFTs level possibly give more insight into the grazing response of plant community in arid and semi-arid rangelands than those on species level but there is a need for further studies. تفاصيل المقالة
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        171 - Rangelands Goods and Services Local People Views and Priorities (Case Study: Hezarjarib Rangelands, Mazandaran Province, Iran)
        Mohammad Reza Shahraki Naghmeh Gholami Baghi Mohsen Sharafatmandrad Bahareh Behmanesh
        Rangelands are the main sources of forage for livestock feeding by localpeople. Beside forage production, rangeland ecosystems provide many other goods andservices such as medicinal plants, recreation, soil and water conservation, wildlife habitat,fishing, hunting, hiki أکثر
        Rangelands are the main sources of forage for livestock feeding by localpeople. Beside forage production, rangeland ecosystems provide many other goods andservices such as medicinal plants, recreation, soil and water conservation, wildlife habitat,fishing, hunting, hiking, etc. Nevertheless, there are no much information about the waythat local communities think about the rangelands goods and services. Therefore, a studywas conducted to examine how local people think about rangelands goods and services andwhat their priorities are. The statistical populations were farmers, pastoralists andbeekeepers of Hezarjarib, Mazandaran Province, Iran and 100 people of them wererandomly selected as a sample. First, 17 indices of rangeland importance (goods andservices) were identified through questionnaires and oral interviews. Each indicator wasquestioned using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Validity was established using a panel ofexperts and Cronbach's alpha was used for reliability of questionnaire. Data were analyzedand then, interpreted using coefficients of variance. Medicinal plants, beekeeping, foodproduction for human and grazing lands for livestock were the first four prioritiesrespectively considered as the most important indices by local people. Aquaculture andfishing and soil conservation with the highest CVs were considered as the less importantindices in local people views. The results showed that the extent of range exploitation hadsignificant relationships with the education of exploiters, number of livestock, income andfarmland area. It was concluded that rangelands goods and services should be defined andevaluated based on local people views to be considered as a source of alternative income ornew enterprises for local people. تفاصيل المقالة
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        172 - Effects of Shrub Canopy on the Microclimate and Soil Properties of Steppe Rangeland
        Tahereh Sadeghi Shahrakht Mohammad Jankju Mansour Mesdaghi
        In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, shrubs may act as fertility islands but theireffect may vary depending on their morphology and ecological impacts. This research wasaimed to study effect of three shrubs Scariola orientalis, Astragalus heratensis, and Rosapersica on soi أکثر
        In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, shrubs may act as fertility islands but theireffect may vary depending on their morphology and ecological impacts. This research wasaimed to study effect of three shrubs Scariola orientalis, Astragalus heratensis, and Rosapersica on soil properties and on the microclimate conditions (temperature, luminance, andsoil moisture) of their understory in the steppe rangelands of Kakhek Gonabad, Iran. Along50-m transects, flexible plot sizes were selected to measure the microclimate factors ofunderstory species and the open spaces next to the shrubs based on the canopy diameters ofeach intercepted shrubs. Soil samples were taken from understory of shrubs. Themicroclimatic factors of understory and open spaces were compared using paired-t test.The soil properties were analyzed under 3 shrubs and open spaces and then comparisonwere made using Duncan‟s test. The results showed that temperature and luminanceintensity were significantly lower in understory than the open spaces (p&lt;0.05). Soil depthmoistures (15-55 cm) were higher in understory than the open space while soil surfacemoistures (0-10 cm) did not vary. Among the investigated shrubs, Astragalus heratensishad the greatest facilitation effect on microclimatic factors. The soil criteria of EC (0.32mS/cm), organic matter (1.6%), and nitrogen (0.08%) were significantly higher inunderstory of Astragalus heratensis than in the open space (0.15 mS/cm, 0.39%, and0.028%), respectively. These effects can be related to the wider canopy cover, greaterstature, and possibly nitrogen fixation for Astragalus heratensis. تفاصيل المقالة
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        173 - Relationships Among Forage and Litter Production in Three Grazing Intensities in Nodooshan Rangeland (Yazd, Iran)
        E. Fakhimi M. Mesdaghi Gh.A. Dianati Tilaki M. Tavan
        Grazing management plays an important role in the continuous and economicutilization of pastures. Proper grazing management is a main factor for the accumulation ofplant litter which reduces soil erosion and increase the soil permeability to keep moremoisture in the soi أکثر
        Grazing management plays an important role in the continuous and economicutilization of pastures. Proper grazing management is a main factor for the accumulation ofplant litter which reduces soil erosion and increase the soil permeability to keep moremoisture in the soil. In current study, the effect of three different grazing intensities (low,moderate and high) along with the grazing gradient on the forage production rate and plantlitter percentage was investigated on Nodooshan steppe pastures of Yazd, Iran. A randomizedcomplete block with three replications was used to compare three grazing methods. Data forforage production and litter percent were collected from a 2m2 quadrate in each plot. Theresults showed significant differences among grazing systems for both traits (P&lt;0.05). Theresults showed that low grazing had the highest forage production. The regression equationbetween forage production and litter percentage were logarithmic in both moderate and highgrazing intensities. For low grazing intensity, the relationships between two traits showedquadratic egression and therefore, it was concluded that moderate grazing intensity was thebest in terms of both forge and litter production. تفاصيل المقالة
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        174 - Effects of Super-Absorbent Polymers (SAPs) Plus Manure Treatments on Vegetation Cover and Soil Nutrients of Festuca ovina under Drought Stress
        Mahshid Souri Javad Motamedi
        Knowledge of physiological and environmental factors is important for foragegrass production. Festuca ovina is a grass species adapted to Azerbaijan region climate,Iran. This species is a valuable source for forage production and soil conservation.Nitrogen (N), Phosphor أکثر
        Knowledge of physiological and environmental factors is important for foragegrass production. Festuca ovina is a grass species adapted to Azerbaijan region climate,Iran. This species is a valuable source for forage production and soil conservation.Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are three most important plant nutrients.The aims of present study were to investigate the effects of super absorbance polymer andcattle manure on vegetation growth and soil NPK element of Festuca ovina under droughtstress. A split-plot design was used with drought stress as the main plot (control, -0.3 and-0.9 Mp) and polymer +fertilizer as the sub factor (T1: control, T2: 50 g manure, T3: 5 gpolymer, T4: 5 g polymer + 50g manure, T5: 10 g polymer, and T6: 10 g polymer + 50gmanure) in five replications. N, P and K contents of soil samples were determined beforeand after the experiment using Kjeldal, P-Olsen and flame photometer methods. The dataof NPK and two cuts of vegetation covers were collected and analyzed using SASsoftware. The results showed that the application of polymer and manure had positiveeffects on all the traits. Higher values of vegetation covers were observed in T4 and T6treatments where both polymer and manure were applied. Higher values of NPK with theaverage values of 0.69%, 21 ppm, and 395 ppm, respectively were observed in T6: (10 gpolymer + 50g manure) and the higher vegetation cover with the average values of 82%and 46% were obtained in the first and second cuts, respectively at the same treatments.Since there were no significant differences between T6 and T4, it was recommended toapply 5g polymer coupled with 50g cattle manure in 4300 g of soil to improve grassproduction in drought environment. تفاصيل المقالة
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        175 - Effects of Rangeland Restoration (Contour Furrows, and Mortar Stone Dam) on Soil Fertilization (Case Study: Silvana Region, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran)
        Mahshid Souri Seyedeh Khadijeh Mahdavi Sahra Tarverdizadeh Sankari
        The overgrazing and excessive utilization of rangelands has caused vegetationand soil degradation in many rangelands. In the rangeland management, the soil andvegetation elements, environmental factors and livestock should be considered as decisionmaking agents. Various أکثر
        The overgrazing and excessive utilization of rangelands has caused vegetationand soil degradation in many rangelands. In the rangeland management, the soil andvegetation elements, environmental factors and livestock should be considered as decisionmaking agents. Various methods are applicable for the rangeland restoration as contourfurrows and mortar stone dam. In order to evaluate the effects of restoration treatment onsoil fertility parameters, this research was carried out in Rangelands of Silvana region,West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Soil samples were taken based on a random method usingsix 100-m long transects in both treated and control sites. Soil samples were taken from thebeginning, middle and end of each transect in both 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depths. Nitrogen(N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) contents of soil samples were determined usingKjeldal, P-Olsen and flame photometer method, respectively. Differences between meansof soil properties in the restoration and control treatments were compared by applying onewayANOVA and SNK (P&lt;0.05) test using SPSS18 software. The results showedsignificant differences between restoration and control for soil properties. N, P and Kcontents in mortar stone dam treatment in both depth soils were increased as compared tocontour furrows and control. According to the results, there are significant differencesamong P, N and K concentrations in both mortar stone dam and contour furrow treatmentsbetween upper and lower soil layers. But, amount of K in the upper soil layer of contourfurrow and mortar stone dam treatments was less than lower layer. It was concluded thatthe constriction of mortar stone dam in the studied area had led to positive impacts on soilfertilization. Overall, the results show that in Silvana region, rangeland improving ispossible through applying the mechanical operation of mortar stone dam. تفاصيل المقالة
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        176 - Investigation of Changes in Rangeland Vegetation Regarding Different Slopes, Elevation and Geographical Aspects (Case Study: Yazi Rangeland, Noor County, Iran)
        Hamid Reza Saeedi Goraghani Mojtaba Solaimani Sardo Nabi Azizi Ali Azareh Sara Heshmati
        In many studies, topographic factors have been considered as an important factor in establishing the vegetation in different ecosystems. So, it affects vegetation composition and diversity by influencing soil moisture, fertility and soil depth. The aim of this research أکثر
        In many studies, topographic factors have been considered as an important factor in establishing the vegetation in different ecosystems. So, it affects vegetation composition and diversity by influencing soil moisture, fertility and soil depth. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of slope, elevation and geographical aspects on species growth, forage production and vegetation cover in Yazi rangeland, Noor province, Iran. Sampling was done along three transects with the length of 150 m in each unit. Along each transect, 15 plots (1 m2) were established with 10 m distances. In each plot, species name, growth form, cover percent and soil surface percent such as percentages of stones, pebbles and amount of litter were recorded. Also, the rangeland production was measured by the clip-and-weigh method. Data were analyzed and mean comparisons were done using Duncan method. Results showed that the geographical aspects had significant impacts on forage production, vegetative form and species composition. Northern aspects had the highest forage production rate and species frequency. Also, elevation had a significant effect on forage production and vegetative form so that the elevation of 1600-1900 m and 2200-2500 m had the highest and lowest effects. Also, according to forage production and vegetative form in the range of slope classes, it is specified that it has also a significant effect on forage production seen in higher slopes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        177 - Statistical Downscaling HadCM3 Model for Detection and Perdiction of Seasonal Climatic Variations (Case Study: Khabr Rangeland, Kerman, Iran)
        Amir Saadatfar Hossein Barani Abdol Reza Bahremand Ali Reza Massah Bavani Adel Sepehry Ahmad Abedi Servestani
        Rangelands are one of the most vulnerable parts concerning the climatechanges‟ impacts. These impacts are even stronger in the arid and semi-arid areas whererangeland ecosystems are in critical conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to figure out theactual dynamics of cli أکثر
        Rangelands are one of the most vulnerable parts concerning the climatechanges‟ impacts. These impacts are even stronger in the arid and semi-arid areas whererangeland ecosystems are in critical conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to figure out theactual dynamics of climate variations on the rangelands. The aim of this research was todetermine climate changes in Khabr rangeland, Kerman, Iran. So, four meteorological datasets of HadCM3 model including minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation andradiation rates were used to assess climate changes in the region. In this regard, climatechanges during 2011-2039 were assessed by downscaling HadCM3 data using LARS-WGmodel under three scenarios of B1, A2 and A1B. The results have showed that the rainfallrates of spring and summer would have declining trends under all three scenarios.Minimum and maximum temperature rates would increase in all seasons, and just radiationone showed a decreasing trend for winter. Based on A1B scenario, minimum andmaximum temperature rates had the highest increasing trend. Radiation and precipitationhad the highest increasing and declining trends in the A2 scenario, respectively. Moreover,the increase in maximum and minimum temperature rates was averagely greater than thepast and consequently despite the increasing trend in minimum and maximum temperaturerates, the increase in the mean temperature rate during this period would be expected.According to the results, Khabr rangeland‟s climatic conditions will be significantlydifferent in the next 30 years and long-term and strategic planning is necessary inconsistent with the management policies with these conditions. تفاصيل المقالة
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        178 - Effects of Harvester Ants’ Nest Activity (Messor spp.) on Structure and Function of Plant Community in a Steppe Rangeland (Case Study: Roodshoor, Saveh, Iran)
        Mahsa Ghobadi Donat Agosti Mohammad Mahdavi Mohammad Hassan Jouri
        Harvester ants are known as one of the most renowned bio-disturbances in the arid and semi-arid ecosystems that affecte vegetation by collecting seeds and harvesting plants. It seems that physiognomy of plant association in steppe shrub land of Roodshoor, Saveh, Iran ha أکثر
        Harvester ants are known as one of the most renowned bio-disturbances in the arid and semi-arid ecosystems that affecte vegetation by collecting seeds and harvesting plants. It seems that physiognomy of plant association in steppe shrub land of Roodshoor, Saveh, Iran has been highly changed by harvester ants&rsquo; activities that caused to conduct this research. The study was carried out on active and inactive nests and control site from June to August 2012. Diversity indices and functional groups such as vegetative form, longevity, and photosynthesis type were analyzed as compared to criteria in three sites. Results showed that richness, diversity, and vegetation cover in the ant colonies through increasing the annual forbs and rare species (Campanula stricta and Lepidium vesicarium) were more than the control site. For evenness index, however, there was no significant difference between the control and nest sites. In contrast, the function of plant community in the active nests due to the decrease of dominant shrub frequency of the area that is Artimisia siberi by Messor spp. was less than the control site. Low diversity, richness, plant function, and high vegetation cover in inactive nests were also observed as the results of the presence and activities of the ants in the active nests. Hence, the ant activities in the active and inactive nests can bring out micro sites with different plant associations so that regarding high density and quantity of the ant nests in all the area, it can decrease the key plants and change their functions. It therefore will debilitate the stability and function of this rangeland ecosystem. تفاصيل المقالة
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        179 - Flora, Life Form and Chorology of Winter and Rural Range Plants in the Northern Khorasan Province, Iran
        Mohammad Jankju Fereydoon Mellati Zohreh Atashgahi
        Floristic studies are fundamental for the applied sciences such as rangelandmanagement and conservation. Unique ecological and climatic conditions in the NorthernKhorasan Province (NKP) make it a remarkable habitat for the floristic studies. Plant specieswere collected أکثر
        Floristic studies are fundamental for the applied sciences such as rangelandmanagement and conservation. Unique ecological and climatic conditions in the NorthernKhorasan Province (NKP) make it a remarkable habitat for the floristic studies. Plant specieswere collected from 50 field sites, representing major habitats of winter and rural rangelands.Surveys were conducted during active growth periods in 2007 and 2008. Plant species wereidentified and their chorology and life form determined through laboratory examinations andby using reference books. Floristic surveys resulted in identification of 534 plant species,belonged to 315 genus and 68 families. Asteraceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae were respectivelythe most abundant plant families. Among the life forms, Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes,Chamaephytes, Phanerophytes and Geophytes included 45, 32, 9, 7 and 7% of the totalspecies, respectively. Irano-Turanian was the most dominant (65%) Chorotypes. Thedominance of Hemicryptophytes and Therophytes, as well as vast distribution ofChamaephytes, can be referred to the simultaneous effects of climate fluctuations andlivestock grazing on the flora of winter and rural rangelands in NKP. تفاصيل المقالة
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        180 - Estimating Plant Biomass by Using Non-Destructive Parameters in Arid Regions (Case Study: Inche-Broun Winter Rangelands, Golestan, Iran)
        Naghmeh Gholami Baghi Adel Sepehri Hossein Barani Salman Abdol-Rasoul Mahini
        Plant biomass is an important factor for determining arid and semi-aridrangelands capacity. Due to the lack of proper and annual sampling of rangelands, there areno suitable data to determine biomass, range condition and proper range managementoperations. Plant biomass أکثر
        Plant biomass is an important factor for determining arid and semi-aridrangelands capacity. Due to the lack of proper and annual sampling of rangelands, there areno suitable data to determine biomass, range condition and proper range managementoperations. Plant biomass is one of the measurable attributes that can be assessed inrangeland studies. Since the clip and weight method is destructive and time-consuming,green biomass was estimated by using dimensional parameters (Plant Allometry) includingcanopy cover, length and width of diameters. Field sampling was done using seventy 2&times;2m quadrats along five 100 m transects. The data were analyzed by stepwise regression. Theresults showed that the fresh and dry biomass showed significant positive correlations withcanopy cover, the length and width of diameters of Halocnemum strobilaceum shrub(p&lt;0.05). The results of stepwise regression showed that just canopy cover and diameterlength were remained in the final model, so that 80.2% of biomass variations wereexplained by canopy cover and diameter length. تفاصيل المقالة
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        181 - Rangeland Ecohydrology, New Paradigm in Water Management of Arid and Semi-arid Lands
        Nasrin kolahchi Mohsen Mohseni Saravi Ali Tavili Mohammad Jafari Ghasem Assadian
        At the beginning of twenty-first century, the water crisis in the priority policy andmanagement is inside and outside of the country as principle thoroughly human, social,economic and political rulers of the country is considered abundant. The World Bank hasannounced th أکثر
        At the beginning of twenty-first century, the water crisis in the priority policy andmanagement is inside and outside of the country as principle thoroughly human, social,economic and political rulers of the country is considered abundant. The World Bank hasannounced that during 1960 and 2025, water resources in Middle East, from 3430 m3 for theeach person in year reach to 667 m3 because of population growth, degradation of naturalresources, extent and spread of deserts. Study of ecohydrology in arid and semi aridrangelands of the world is one of the newest methods for available water resourcemanagement. In this science, all of effective ecology elements on water balance equationwere reviewed. In these areas, a strong relation had been seen between ecology and hydrologyprocesses. In these areas, not only lack of precipitation, but also irregular and unpredictabledistribution of precipitation was problematic. Ecohydrology pays particular attention to theseareas of vegetation and its impact on groundwater and surface water. تفاصيل المقالة
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        182 - Assessment of Dust Impact on Rangeland and Livestock Production According to Ranchers Opinion (Case Study: Andimeshk District, Iran)
        Abed Zeidali Hossein Barani Mohsen Hosseinali Zadeh
        Natural resources have been attracted a great deal of attentions and have been frequently exploited for many years. Dust is one of natural disasters mainly in recent years; here, in south west of Iran, it had destroyed the rangelands. The dust has detrimental effects on أکثر
        Natural resources have been attracted a great deal of attentions and have been frequently exploited for many years. Dust is one of natural disasters mainly in recent years; here, in south west of Iran, it had destroyed the rangelands. The dust has detrimental effects on the rangelands, livestock and livestock production. High concentrations of dust may lead to the coughing, nasal discharge, wheezing and increased effort to breathe. Dust can weaken the immune system and expose livestock to infectious diseases and bacteria and eventually cause death. In order to assess the dust impact on rangeland and livestock production, this study was conducted according to the pastoralist opinions. The statistical population involved the pastoralists of Andimeshk with a grazing license in south west of Iran. According to Natural Resources Department, 474 pastoralists had grazing license. 110 people for the samples were selected. The reliability of questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (&alpha;=0.82). Pastoralists believed that the greatest impact of dust is on the forage palatability in a way that livestock avoided grazing the dusty plants. Pastoralists believed that dust in winter has a greater impact on the plant than that in summer because in most tropical regions, the vegetative growth is occurred in winter. In this study, the pastoralist score given as 4.33 out of 5 implies that dust can cause the deterioration and destruction of livestock teeth due to grazing dusty plants so that the teeth get worn out over time resulting in the fact that young livestock may be removed from herds. Most of people in the desired region did not issue livestock insurance due to cost effectiveness. 67% of pastoralists believe that dust reduces the rangeland production and has some devastating impacts on it. 68% of pastoralists believe that dust reduces the livestock production and has some devastating impacts on it. تفاصيل المقالة
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        183 - Changes in Soil Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Modified and Native Rangeland Communities (Case study: Sisab Rangelands, Bojnord)
        Ali Asghar Naghipour Borj Maryam Haidarian Aghakhani Masoud Nasri Hadi Radnezhad
        Converting the native rangelands to simplified agronomic communities causessome changes in soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Establishing of perennial plantcommunities on formerly cultivated rangelands is expected to stabilize soil properties andincrease the amount أکثر
        Converting the native rangelands to simplified agronomic communities causessome changes in soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Establishing of perennial plantcommunities on formerly cultivated rangelands is expected to stabilize soil properties andincrease the amount of C, N, P stored in rangeland soils, but there is little information on whatplant communities are the most effective for improvement of soil C, N, P reserves. Thepurpose of this study was to compare soil C, N, and P pools in ungrazed native rangelandswith plant community of Festuca-Centurea with those ungrazed pastures established bysowing non-native perennial grasses (Agropyron elongatum and Agropyron desertorum),shrubs (Kochia prostrata), and wheat cultivation in continuous dry land farming system.Study site was located in Sisab Research Station in North Khorasan Province, Iran. Theresults showed that the total C, N and P contents in the soils under modified plantcommunities were less than that for native rangeland. Soils under A. elongatum, A.desertorum and K. prostrata tended to have higher values for total C, N and P than soilscultivated annually in wheat-fallow systems. The total C and N content of soils under K.prostrata were near as native rangeland which suggests that K. prostrata can increase the soilC and N contents much more rapidly than the other perennial communities. تفاصيل المقالة
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        184 - Systemic Management of Mountainous Rangeland Ecosystem, Case Study: The Javaherdeh Rangeland of Ramsar
        Mohammad Hassan Jouri Dina Askarizadeh Vahid Rahimi Mohammad Mahdavi
        Mountainous rangeland ecosystems have a highly delicate position in ecologic areabecause of severe environmental conditions and having wildlife and livestock. Knowing andrealizing the biotic and abiotic components, which have an interaction with each other in thisecosys أکثر
        Mountainous rangeland ecosystems have a highly delicate position in ecologic areabecause of severe environmental conditions and having wildlife and livestock. Knowing andrealizing the biotic and abiotic components, which have an interaction with each other in thisecosystem, perform the most important role in to desirable management of it. The systematicmanagement is one of the managing features such as modern approach for land managementand suitable use of upland ecosystems. To reach that, mountainous rangelands of Javaherdeh(Ramsar) via 1:25,000 scale map were selected. Density, rangeland conditions, vegetationcover, gravel and grit were determined by Superficial and modified six-factor methods, ArcGIS v.9.3 software was employed to achieve land form map which was obtained by thecombination of altitude, slope, and slope aspect maps. First, basic and first environmental unitmaps were changed with land form map into soil type map, and first basic map intovegetation type map. The proposal map of systematic management of area was associatedwith final environmental unit map into landuse map via their attribute table. The establishedproposal map shows accurate position of different future land uses on the basis of currentecological capabilities of areas. Around Javaherdeh village is suitable for extensive outdoorrecreation (7.59%) and appropriate for the grazing of livestock (62.22%). Some areas(20.07%) also should be protected because of landslides and debris formation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        185 - Assessment of Health Conditions of Mountain Rangeland Ecosystem Using Species Diversity and Richness Indices, Case Study: Central Alborz (Iran)
        Mohammad hasan Jouri Dnyan Patil Rivandra S. Gavali Nosrat Safaian Diana Askarizadeh
        Based on the importance and role of species diversity and richness as ameasurement of the health of an ecosystem; studying of their components can lead toevaluate the health condition of rangeland. This research was carried out in a part ofhighland mountainous rangeland أکثر
        Based on the importance and role of species diversity and richness as ameasurement of the health of an ecosystem; studying of their components can lead toevaluate the health condition of rangeland. This research was carried out in a part ofhighland mountainous rangeland of Mount Alborz Range in Iran. Diversity and richnesswere assessed as an ecosystem health indicator. The study area was located between 2200to 4200 m altitude in north of Iran. The rangeland vegetation was covered by grass as thedominant species along with forbs and cushion like species. The rangeland was grazed bylivestock as summer rangelands. The samples were collected in reference, key, and criticalareas using transects. The data were analyzed by stepwise regression in that rangelandcondition as dependant variable and vegetation form as independent variables. Plantdiversity and richness indices were calculated by PAST Software. The results showed thatgrass species diversity had the highest correlation with the rangeland condition in key site.The cushiony species and the combination of grass and forbs had high correlations with therangeland condition in both critical and reference sites. The key and critical rangelands hadthe highest and lowest diversity, respectively. The critical zone was in disequilibriumconditions so the rehabilitation of vegetation cover is recommended for the similar regions.It was concluded that Long-term enclosure can decline the species diversity and richness.Moderate grazing is the best tool to use the grazing land without severe reduction inabundance and biomass of species. تفاصيل المقالة
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        186 - Evaluation of Interception in Astragalus parrowianus, (Case Study: Gonbad Rangeland of Hamadan Province, Iran)
        Nasrin Kolahchi Mohsen Mohseni Saravi Ali Tavili Mohammad Jafari Ghassem Assadian
        Vegetation cover is the first barrier for the raindrops resulting to the interception and infiltration loss. Interception as one of the main components of ecohydrology equation plays a major role in the water balance of rangelands. However, few studies have been done on أکثر
        Vegetation cover is the first barrier for the raindrops resulting to the interception and infiltration loss. Interception as one of the main components of ecohydrology equation plays a major role in the water balance of rangelands. However, few studies have been done on the interception of rangeland plants in Iran. This study was carried out to find the interception rate in Astragalus parrowianus through the rainfall portable simulator devices. In addition, the relationship between plant structural factors such as height, large and small diameters, volume and surface of cover and rangeland physiographic factors including altitude, slope percentage and slope in the interception rate was evaluated. Data were collected and analyzed based on simple linear regression models and multivariate analysis (stepwise approach and descending). Results showed that in first group with a volume of 0.002 to 0.02 m3 and canopy cover of 642 m2, 4.421% of total amount of rainfall interception was happened while in second group with volume of 0.02 to 0.087 m3 and canopy cover of 1640 cm2, the interception rate was 1.85% out of total precipitation. In the first group, the interception rate showed a significant correlation (P&le;1%) with large diameter (r=-0.73) and the canopy cover at 5% level (r=-0.51). Interception rate in the second group at 1% significant correlations with canopy cover (r=-0.93), diverse small diameter (r= -0.874), large diameter (r=-0.76) and plant volume size was calculated (r=-0.83). From the regression equations obtained in each group, the interception rate can be measured in Astragalus parrowianus without clipping and weighing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        187 - Effect of Three Operation Systems of Contour Furrow, Pitting and Enclousure on Rangeland Improvement (Case Study: Golestan Province, Iran)
        Abdollah Chamani Manijeh Tavan Seid Ali Hoseini
        In order to study the effects of three operations of rangelands on the properties of vegetation in rangelands, this research was conducted in Chaat Gonbad, Golestan province, Iran in 2004. Chaat area is located in 50 km of border road of Dashlibroun to Maravetappeh in N أکثر
        In order to study the effects of three operations of rangelands on the properties of vegetation in rangelands, this research was conducted in Chaat Gonbad, Golestan province, Iran in 2004. Chaat area is located in 50 km of border road of Dashlibroun to Maravetappeh in North of Attract River (border of Iran and Turkmenistan). The Altitude is 70 m, annual rainfall is 170 mm and annual temperature is 8.16&deg;C. Most of rains fall in spring. In this study, four operation systems including contour furrow, pitting, enclosures and control area (without any operations) were conducted. Samples of vegetation factors were done randomly in 20 plots of 1m2. Data were collected for the forage production, vegetation cover% and canopy height. Data were subjected to analyses of variance and comparisons were made using Duncan method. The results showed significant differences among four operation systems for all traits (P&lt;0.01). The results showed that contour furrow had more efficiency for plant characteristics compared to other operation systems. تفاصيل المقالة
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        188 - Comparison of Measurement Indices of Diversity, Richness, Dominance, and Evenness in Rangeland Ecosystem (Case Study: Jvaherdeh-Ramesar)
        Negar Davari Mohammad Hassan Jouri Ali Ariapour
        The diversity and richness of species are of important components to evaluate the health of ecologic system of rangelands. This research was conducted to investigate the biodiversity in riparian and neighboring areas via comparison of indices in Javaherdeh rangeland of أکثر
        The diversity and richness of species are of important components to evaluate the health of ecologic system of rangelands. This research was conducted to investigate the biodiversity in riparian and neighboring areas via comparison of indices in Javaherdeh rangeland of Ramsar. Plot-transects was randomly used to estimate diversity, richness, dominance, and evenness indices in two regions. Multi Linear regression method was used to analyze the relationships of three indices to rangeland condition. Results of floristic list showed that there were 66 species belong to 19 families and 56 genera. Gramineae and Compositae families with values of (23.24 and 12.1%) had the highest and Boraginaceae and Hypolepidaceae with 2% had the lowest frequency, respectively. Result showed that richness species index in riparian area and diversity index in neighboring area had high correlation with the rangeland conditions. Hence, ecologic management could be used as a tool for evaluation of indices as reflectors of disturbance in rangeland. تفاصيل المقالة
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        189 - Evaluation of Enclosure Effects on Soil Carbon Storage (Case Study: Rangeland of Shahtappeh-Chah Mahmood and Chiro in Semnan Province)
        Maedeh Yousefian Khadijeh Mahdavi Mohammad Mahdavi Reza Tamartash
        Livestock grazing is one of the most important kinds of land usage that has a high potential to decrease or increase carbon storage in rangeland ecosystem. This research was investigated the effects of enclosure on soil carbon storage in a rangeland with dominant plants أکثر
        Livestock grazing is one of the most important kinds of land usage that has a high potential to decrease or increase carbon storage in rangeland ecosystem. This research was investigated the effects of enclosure on soil carbon storage in a rangeland with dominant plants of Artemisia aucheri. Hence, two rangelands of enclosure (Shahtappeh-Chah Mahmood) and no enclosure (Chiro) were chosen in Semnan province, Iran. For soil sampling, 20 plots of 1x1 m2 along with two vertical transects with 100 m length were used in each region. Then, two profiles were dug in 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths in soil of baseline and inter-path of plants in each plot. Data were collected for pH, EC, CaCO3, saturation moisture, soil texture, organic carbon (OC%) and s organic matter (OM%), Soil bulk density and Soil carbon storage and the mean was compared by t-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference (P&lt;0.05) between OC% and OM% of baseline in enclosure and no enclosure rangeland. Soil OC% and OM% in baseline in the first depth was more than the second depth in two study areas. There was a significant difference (P&lt;0.05) between soil OC% and OM% in baseline and inter-path of plants in two depths of enclosure and no enclosure rangelands. Soil bulk density (gr/ha) in baseline and inter-path of plants in 15-30 cm was more than 0-15 cm. In enclosure and no enclosure rangelands, grazing had no significant effects on soil organic carbon storage of baseline in each depth. So, the total carbon in 0-30 cm in each region was 47.46 and 40.85 ton/ha, respectively. There was a significant difference between carbon storage of baseline and inter-path of plants (P&lt;0.05) in two depths in enclosure and control rangelands. It was concluded that higher carbon sequestration occurs in the soil, the soil biological and mechanical activities can increase. تفاصيل المقالة
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        190 - Investigation of Fire Effects on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Soil in Golandaz Dehbekri Rangeland
        Saed Shahrokhi Sarduo Reza Bagheri Hamzeh Ahmadi Fatemeh Mahdavi
        Awareness of the effects of fire on various aspects of an ecosystem after the fire,is important for range management. Changes in soil physical and chemical propertiescaused by fire can be the cause of changes in the vegetation. In this study, effects of fire onphysical أکثر
        Awareness of the effects of fire on various aspects of an ecosystem after the fire,is important for range management. Changes in soil physical and chemical propertiescaused by fire can be the cause of changes in the vegetation. In this study, effects of fire onphysical and chemical characteristics of soil were investigated. This research was carriedout in a randomized block design method in the Golandaz rangeland of Bam. The variablesin two treatment sites (with firing and without fire treatment) were organic carbon, nitrate,phosphor, potassium, EC, pH, percentage of sand, silt and clay, and soil structure. Theresults showed that absorbed potassium, silt, nitrate, organic carbon, EC, and pH areincreased in fired site comparing to control site. Other elements including clay content,absorbed potassium, phosphorus, EC, and pH in fire site were not significantly differentfrom control site. تفاصيل المقالة
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        191 - Determination of Soil Salinity in Frankenia hirsuta L. Habitat (Case Study: Saline and Alkaline Rangelands of Golestan Province)
        Ghasem Ali Abarsaji Mohammad Mahdavi Mohammad Hassan Jouri
        Soil salinity is one of the important factors which can influence the growth anddistribution of plant species. Saline and alkaline rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran withlow-deep underground water level are considered as a halophyte plant species growing area.Attempt أکثر
        Soil salinity is one of the important factors which can influence the growth anddistribution of plant species. Saline and alkaline rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran withlow-deep underground water level are considered as a halophyte plant species growing area.Attempts have been made to determine soil salinity and its relationship with Frankenia hirsutaL. In order to determine the Electrical Conductivity (EC) of soil, three soil samples had beentaken in the flowering stage of Frankenia hirsuta from the soil at depth of 0-30 cm in threeundergrazing, exclosure and control areas (where there was no Frankenia hirsuta). Data werecollected and analyzed for soil Electrical Conductivity (EC). Results showed that there was asignificant difference (P&le;0.01) among three sampling areas (exclosure, undergrazing andcontrol). High EC values were obtained for control area. So, the presence of this species insaline and alkaline rangelands was highly affected by soil salinity. Soil salinity in the controlarea was 39% higher than undergrazing area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        192 - Determination of Sodium Chloride in the Plant Species of Frankenia hirsuta L. in the Saline and Alkaline Rangelands of Golestan Province (A Case Study of Inche-Shorezar Rangeland)
        Ghasem Ali Abarsaji Mohammad Mahdavi Mohammad Hassan Jouri
        The study of the relationships of the plant species with the soil in a salty ecosystem would play a significant role in the ecologic programming and management of these inhabitants. The saline and alkaline rangelands of the Golestan province are areas that contain salty أکثر
        The study of the relationships of the plant species with the soil in a salty ecosystem would play a significant role in the ecologic programming and management of these inhabitants. The saline and alkaline rangelands of the Golestan province are areas that contain salty soil with high underground crusts. The areas are covered by halophyte plants such as Frankenia hirsuta. This species is a perennial plant from the Frankeniaceae family. They could absorb salt from soil and store it in their organs in order to reduce soil saltiness and restore slat of lands. Thus, in order to determine the percentage of sodium chloride of such species, sampling was taken in the flowering stage from two exclosure and grazing areas by six replications. Then, the percentage of Sodium Chloride (NaC1) was measured in the lab using the titration method. The statistical analyses and the comparisons of the means of the collected data were made by the use of T-test. The results showed significant difference for NaC1% of the phytomass of the species (P&le;0.01). The average value of NaC1 was 2.13% and 1.37% for the exclosure and grazing area, respectively. In the other word, the highest and lowest values of NaC1% were obtained for exclosure and the grazing area, respectively. It was concluded that Frankenia hirsuta can take in the soil salt and by gathering or grazing, it could led to reduction of soil saltiness. تفاصيل المقالة
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        193 - Effect of Grazing Intensity on Soil Density of Inchehbroon Rangelands (Golestan province, Iran)
        Seid Ali Hoseini Adel Sepehri Hossein Barani Abdolreza Bahremand Manijeh Tavan
        Infiltration rate of water into the soil depends on the factors such as rock and litter cover, canopy cover, rainfall intensity, coarse material, land slope, soil texture and amount of initial soil moisture. The most important factors that are effective in the water inf أکثر
        Infiltration rate of water into the soil depends on the factors such as rock and litter cover, canopy cover, rainfall intensity, coarse material, land slope, soil texture and amount of initial soil moisture. The most important factors that are effective in the water infiltration rate of rangelands are livestock trampling and vegetation reduction due to the overgrazing. In present study, through drawing a curve of number dung distance from the fold, three areas were determined as heavy pressure grazing (A), fixed grazing (B) and without grazing (C). The soil samples were taken and soil density was determined. Results of analysis of variance showed a significant difference between soil densities in all three grazing zones (P&lt;0.01). There were also significant differences between soil densities of patches and bare soil (P&lt;0.01). Results showed significant differences of patches in the range of severe grazing and bare soil in the same range (P&lt;0.01). تفاصيل المقالة
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        194 - Multivariate Statistical Method for Assessing Livestock Grazing Effects on Soil and Vegetation in Steppe Rangelands (Case Study: Steppe Rangelands of Saveh)
        Sedigheh Zare Kia Hossein Arzani Mohammad Jafari Seyyed Akbar Javadi Ali Ashraf Jafari
        This study aims to assess the effect of grazing intensity on vegetation structure, soil nutrient concentrations and soil physical properties. The study was carried out in steppe rangelands of Saveh, Markazi province, Iran. Four sites with four grazing intensities includ أکثر
        This study aims to assess the effect of grazing intensity on vegetation structure, soil nutrient concentrations and soil physical properties. The study was carried out in steppe rangelands of Saveh, Markazi province, Iran. Four sites with four grazing intensities including very high, high, moderate and non-grazed with the same ecological conditions were selected. To study various vegetation and soil parameters in each range site, a reference area was selected. Then, sampling was performed by randomized systematic method in reference areas. Vegetation characteristics, soil physical properties, bulk density, infiltration rate, soil texture and chemical constituents including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH, EC and organic carbon were measured. Principal component analysis was performed on a dataset with 22 variables to determine the effect of grazing intensity on vegetation structure and soil properties. Results indicated that the first three axes explained the total variation. The variables of potassium, phosphorous, bulk density, class I, class II, clay, field capacity, infiltration, Peganum harmala, Salsola laricina, Artemisia sieberi and perennial forbs had significant correlations with the first axes and explained a 74.27% variation. For the second components, silt, sand and perennial grasses were more important traits and explained a 15.5% variation. In non-grazed and moderate grazed sites, there were more canopy cover of both Artemisia sieberi and Salsola laricina, and for high grazing sites, there were plants of class III such as Noaea mucronata and Peganum harmala. The grazing intensity was associated with lower values of infiltration, clay percent and field capacity and higher values of bulk density, potassium, phosphorous and sand percent. Therefore, vegetation structure and soil properties were changed by the interaction between grazing intensity, soil properties and vegetation structure. The results suggested that excluding grazing livestock on the arid steppes has a great potential to restore vegetation and soil. Therefore, it must be encouraged as an alternative to stop further degradation and to combat desertification in arid and semi arid ecosystems. تفاصيل المقالة
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        195 - Determining the Most Suitable Vegetation Index for Seperating Ecotone Boundaries in Arid Rangelands Using Satellite Data
        Mahnoosh Pourhadi Saeed Mohtashamnia Mohammad Mahdavi
        Ecotones are zones of gradual changes from an ecological system to another.Ecotones monitoring could be important to find out the reason for changes and limits. Inthis research satellite data were used to analyze the ecotone boundary in Fars steppicrangelands using IRS أکثر
        Ecotones are zones of gradual changes from an ecological system to another.Ecotones monitoring could be important to find out the reason for changes and limits. Inthis research satellite data were used to analyze the ecotone boundary in Fars steppicrangelands using IRS LISS III and Pan data of year 2006. The real vegetation map andecotones prepared through Geo-eye images from Google earth software and calibratedusing field study. Five soil line vegetation indices such as SAVI, MSAVI2, TSAVI,OSAVI and GESAVI from processed data were calculated. Each of these indices wasclassified by applying density slicing analysis method. Then the accuracy of producedmaps was audited with error matrix method. The results show OSAVI and SAVI had thehighest overall accuracy and kappa coefficient as 82.1% and 82% for overall accuracy and76% for Kappa coefficient, respectively. According to this research, soil line vegetationindices have intermediate accuracy for separation of arid rangelands ecotones in Iran withIRS data, although, OSAVI and SAVI perform better than the others. تفاصيل المقالة
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        196 - مطالعه اثر کاشت تاغ (Haloxylon persicum ) و آتریپلکس (Atriplex canescens ) بر خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی خاک در مراتع ملارد زرندیه
        عباس احمدی حمید ترنج زر مسعود گماریان سهراب پاژنامه
        تاغ و آتریپلکس از گونه های مقاوم به شوری و خشکی هستند که در چند دهه اخیر، به طور وسیع در عملیات مقابله با بیابان زایی و احیای مراتع خشک و نیمه خشک در ایران کاشته شده‌اند. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی اثر تاغ‌کاری و آتریپلکس‌کاری بر خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی خاک در بخشی از مرات أکثر
        تاغ و آتریپلکس از گونه های مقاوم به شوری و خشکی هستند که در چند دهه اخیر، به طور وسیع در عملیات مقابله با بیابان زایی و احیای مراتع خشک و نیمه خشک در ایران کاشته شده‌اند. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی اثر تاغ‌کاری و آتریپلکس‌کاری بر خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی خاک در بخشی از مراتع بیابانی ملارد شهرستان زرندیه انجام گرفت. بدین منظور سه منطقه شامل شاهد (مرتع طبیعی) منطقه آتریپلکس کاری و منطقه تاغ‌کاری هر یک به مساحت 5 هکتار انتخاب شد. نمونه برداری به روش تصادفی &ndash;سیستماتیک انجام گرفت و در هر کدام از مناطق 20 پلات در امتداد 2 ترانسکت به طول 500 متر مستقر شد. نمونه برداری خاک در دو عمق 0-30 و 30-60 سانتیمتر از مناطق شاهد و تیمار (آتریپلکس کاری و تاغزار) انجام گرفت و خصوصیات مهم فیزیکو شیمیایی خاک نظیر بافت خاک ، شوری یا هدایت الکتریکی(EC) ، اسیدیته (pH) ، کربن آلی ، آهک، فسفر، کلسیم، منیزیم، سدیم و پتاسیم، کلر و بی‌کربنات در آزمایشگاه اندازه گیری شدند. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آنالیز واریانس یکطرفه استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد به‌غیر از اسیدیته و مقدار سیلت در بقیه متغیرهای خاک، اختلاف معنی&lrm;دار بین تیپ‌های گیاهی و منطقه شاهد وجود دارد. گونه تاغ، بیش از آتریپلکس موجب شوری، قلیاییت و آهکی شدن خاک سطحی گردیده است؛ اما با توجه به بومی بودن و سازگاری بالای این گونه، به نظر می رسد گزینه مناسب تری برای احیای چنین مراتع خشکی باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        197 - بررسی تغییرات میزان بیوماس گونه های Bromus tomentellus و Festuca ovina (مطالعه موردی: مناطق کوهستانی الموت قزوین)
        سعید رشوند حسن یگانه
        بدون شناخت خصوصیات تولیدی گیاهان و مقدار مصرف علوفه یک مرتع در طول دوره چرا، برنامه ریزی و مدیریت صحیح مرتع و دام مقدور نمی باشد. لذا به منظور میزان تغییرات تولید و مصرف دو گونه‌ گندمی مهم در مراتع نیمه استپی بادامستان زنجان بررسی شد. این تحقیق در 4 سال انجام گرفت و هر أکثر
        بدون شناخت خصوصیات تولیدی گیاهان و مقدار مصرف علوفه یک مرتع در طول دوره چرا، برنامه ریزی و مدیریت صحیح مرتع و دام مقدور نمی باشد. لذا به منظور میزان تغییرات تولید و مصرف دو گونه‌ گندمی مهم در مراتع نیمه استپی بادامستان زنجان بررسی شد. این تحقیق در 4 سال انجام گرفت و هر ساله پایه های یکسان در داخل قرق و پایه های یکسان در خارج قرق از گونه های Festuca ovina و Bromus tomentellus به منظور بررسی تغییرات تولید و مصرف انتخاب شد. در هر ماه از فصل چرا، تولید و مصرف علوفه تعداد 5 پایه از هر یک از گونه های مورد بررسی برداشت و به تفکیک در پاکت‌های جداگانه به آزمایشگاه منتقل و پس از خشک شدن در هوای آزاد، اختلاف وزن علوفه خشک در داخل و خارج قرق، مبنای محاسبات علوفه تولید شده و مصرف شده در سایت قرار گرفت. داده‌های حاصل از سال 1386 تا سال 1389 مورد تجزیه واریانس مرکب در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی قرار گرفت. نتایج آنالیز واریانس گونه‌های مورد مطالعه نشان داد که اختلاف معنی‌داری در سطح 1 و 5 درصد در بین سال‌ها و ماه‌های آماربرداری از نظر میزان علوفه تولیدی وجود دارد و از نظر میزان مصرف گونه‌ها هم به غیر از اثر متقابل ماه در سال برای 2 گونه اثرات سال و ماه معنی دار است. درصد مصرف گونه‌ها نسبت به هم و زمان اوج مصرف گونه‌ها در بین ماه‌های مورد بهره‌برداری شبیه به هم بود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        198 - بررسی خصوصیات رویشگاهی گونه Ephedra major Host. در مراتع شهرستان بجنورد
        علی محمد اسعدی اصغر خوشنودیزدی
        هدف از این تحقیق بررسی شرایط رویشگاهی گونه Ephedra major به عنوان گیاهی دارویی، علوفه ای و مؤثر در حفاظت آب و خاک در مراتع شهرستان بجنورد است. مشخصات اقلیمی، زمین‌شناسی، تیپ رویشگاه، گیاهان همراه، اندازه‌گیری متغیرهای رویشی، برآورد تولید و تجزیه فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک برا أکثر
        هدف از این تحقیق بررسی شرایط رویشگاهی گونه Ephedra major به عنوان گیاهی دارویی، علوفه ای و مؤثر در حفاظت آب و خاک در مراتع شهرستان بجنورد است. مشخصات اقلیمی، زمین‌شناسی، تیپ رویشگاه، گیاهان همراه، اندازه‌گیری متغیرهای رویشی، برآورد تولید و تجزیه فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک برای گیاه در رویشگاه آن انجام گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که این گونه در منطقه مورد مطالعه با بارندگی متوسط سالانه 9/332 میلیمتر، دمای متوسط سالانه 82/9 درجه سانتی‌گراد و اقلیم نیمه خشک سرد تا اقلیم ارتفاعات رویش مناسبی دارد. این گونه در دامنه‌های شمالی و جنوبی در ارتفاع 1400 تا 2520 متری از سطح دریا در مناطق کوهستانی پراکنش یافته‌است. در منطقه مورد مطالعه خاک بسیار کم عمق و دارای بافت شنی لومی، 75/7 pH= ، 88/55EC= میکرو زیمنس بر سانتیمتر و آهکی می‌باشد. تیپ رویشگاه درمنه- علف بره است و بیش از 86 گونه گیاهی همراه این گونه دیده می‌شود. میانگین پوشش تاجی و تراکم افدرا در منطقه به ترتیب 19/2 درصد و 346 پایه در هکتار بود. تجزیه و تحلیل مولفه اصلی نشان داد که متغیرهای بارش، درصد رطوبت اشباع، اسیدیته، پتاسیم، کلسیم و شن همبستگی معنی داری با محور اول داشتند و 49.84٪ تغییرات را توضیح دادند. برای مولفه دوم، درصد مواد آلی و نیتروژن مهمترین صفات بود و تغییرات 27.94٪ را توضیح داد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        199 - بررسی پایش و تغییرات شاخص‌های گیاهی در مراتع نیمه استپی خلیل بیگ ارسنجان فارس
        سید محمد رضا حبیبیان علیرضا افتخاری مرتضی خداقلی نادیا کمالی
        تغییرات مداوم را باید جز جدایی‌ناپذیر هر اکوسیستم دانست. مراتع نیز به‌عنوان اکوسیستم‌های طبیعی از این موضوع مستثنا نیستند. به‌طوری ‌که پایش مرتع به مفهوم بررسی مستمر این اراضی با توجه به اهمیت اکولوژیک، کارکردهای اقتصادی و تغییرات دائمی این منابع، امری ضروریست. بر این ا أکثر
        تغییرات مداوم را باید جز جدایی‌ناپذیر هر اکوسیستم دانست. مراتع نیز به‌عنوان اکوسیستم‌های طبیعی از این موضوع مستثنا نیستند. به‌طوری ‌که پایش مرتع به مفهوم بررسی مستمر این اراضی با توجه به اهمیت اکولوژیک، کارکردهای اقتصادی و تغییرات دائمی این منابع، امری ضروریست. بر این اساس پایش مراتع خلیل بیگ شهرستان ارسنجان به مدت 2 سال (1399 و 1400) انجام شد. شاخص‌های گیاهی مورد ارزیابی شامل درصد تاج پوشش گونه‌های گیاهی، میزان تولید گونه‌های گیاهی، درصد لاشبرگ، سنگ و سنگریزه، خاک عاری از پوشش، وضعیت و گرایش مرتع بودند. نتایج نشان داد میزان درصد تاج پوشش گیاهی از 98/10 درصد در سال 1400 تا 5/15 درصد در سال 1399 و میزان تولید از 208/350 تا 306/566 کیلوگرم ماده خشک در هکتار متغیر بود. وضعیت مرتع در حالت ضعیف در دو سال مورد بررسی قرار داشته و گرایش آن منفی بود. براساس نتایج مقایسات انجام شده با استفاده از آزمون t مستقل، اکثر شاخص‌های تاج پوشش گیاهان (فرم‌های رویشی و کلاس‌های خوشخوراکی مختلف) و شاخص‌های تولید (فرم‌های رویشی و کلاس‌های خوشخوراکی مختلف) بین دو سال دوره بررسی (سال 1399 نماینده یک سال مرطوب و سال 1400 نماینده یک سال خشک) تفاوت معنی‌داری در سطح 1 و 5 درصد داشتند. نتایج آزمون همبستگی پیرسون نیز نشان داد که میزان بارش پاییز و زمستان، میزان بارش سالانه ، متوسط دمای کمینه و متوسط دمای سالانه بیشترین همبستگی را در میزان تاج پوشش و تولید کل گیاهان منطقه بر عهده داشته‌اند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        200 - بررسی ویژگی های بوم شناختی و مرتعکاری گونه داروییThymus trautvetteri (مطالعه موردی: مراتع منطقه گودالی سلاخ بجنورد)
        علی محمد اسعدی
        گونه آویشن تالشی از تیره نعناعیان (Lamiaceae) و یکی از گیاهان دارویی با اهمیت ایران است که دارای مصارف زیادی در صنایع غذایی، بهداشتی، آرایشی و به ویژه دارویی است. این پژوهش به منظور شناخت خصوصیات بوم‌شناختی این گونه جهت معرفی و کشت انبوه آن در اراضی زراعی دیم، در طی سال أکثر
        گونه آویشن تالشی از تیره نعناعیان (Lamiaceae) و یکی از گیاهان دارویی با اهمیت ایران است که دارای مصارف زیادی در صنایع غذایی، بهداشتی، آرایشی و به ویژه دارویی است. این پژوهش به منظور شناخت خصوصیات بوم‌شناختی این گونه جهت معرفی و کشت انبوه آن در اراضی زراعی دیم، در طی سالهای 400-1397 در سطح رویشگاه و دیمزار در منطقه گودالی سلاخ شهرستان بجنورد انجام شد. مشخصات اقلیمی و خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک رویشگاه تعیین شد. همچنین مراحل فنولوژیکی، تولید، تراکم، تاج پوشش، ارتفاع گیاه و سیستم ریشه گیاه مطالعه شد. نتایج نشان داد که این گونه در منطقه مورد مطالعه با بارش متوسط سالانه 295 میلیمتر، دمای متوسط سالانه 28/11 درجه سانتی‌گراد و اقلیم نیمه خشک سرد رویش مناسبی دارد. رویشگاه این گونه عمدتا در جهت دامنه‌های شمالی در ارتفاع 1200 تا 1900 متری از سطح دریا در مناطق کوهستانی پراکنش یافته‌است. خاک رویشگاه عمدتا دارای بافت شنی لومی با اسیدیته 8/7، هدایت الکتریکی 1 دسی زیمنس بر متر، ماده آلی 2 درصد و مقدار آهک 3/27 درصد می باشد. میانگین پوشش تاجی و تولید در رویشگاه و دیمزارمرتعکاری شده به ترتیب 29/9 و 6/61 درصد و 7/227 و 4/2465 کیلوگرم در هکتار بود. نتایج بدست آمده از تجزیه و تحلیل مولفه اصلی نشان داد که از میان عوامل محیطی مورد بررسی به ترتیب متغیرهای شن، سیلت، ماده آلی، هدایت الکتریکی، سنگریزه و ازت همبستگی معنی داری با محور اول داشتند و 8/28 درصد تغییرات را توضیح می دهند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        201 - تعیین انرژی قابل متابولیسم و نیاز روزانه ماده خشک علوفه در شرایط نگهداری برای گوسفندان چرا کننده در مرتع سیاه پلاس (مطالعه: پارک ملی لار)
        هادی منصوری خواه محمد چمنی ناصر کریمی قباد عسگری جعفرآباد کاظم کریمی
        آگاهی از میزان نیاز غذایی دام، میزان علوفه در دسترس مرتع و نیز کیفیت آن، اولین گام در مدیریت موفق دام و مرتع به شمار می رود. در این تحقیق معادل وزن واحد دامی، انرژی قابل متابولیسم نگهداری و نیاز روزانه گوسفندان چرا کننده، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. به منظور تعیین وزن رده ها أکثر
        آگاهی از میزان نیاز غذایی دام، میزان علوفه در دسترس مرتع و نیز کیفیت آن، اولین گام در مدیریت موفق دام و مرتع به شمار می رود. در این تحقیق معادل وزن واحد دامی، انرژی قابل متابولیسم نگهداری و نیاز روزانه گوسفندان چرا کننده، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. به منظور تعیین وزن رده های مختلف گوسفند نژاد زندی چراکننده در مراتع پارک ملی لار منطقه سیاه پلاس در موقعیت 35 درجه و 54 دقیقه عرض شمالی و 32 درجه و 52 دقیقه طول شرقی ، سه گله دارای دام غالب نژاد زندی به صورت تصادفی انتخاب و از هر گله 60 رأس دام شامل 20 رأس میش 3 ساله، 20 رأس میش 4 ساله، 5 رأس قوچ 3 ساله، 5 رأس قوچ 4 ساله،10 رأس بره سه ماهه در دو مرحله ابتدا و انتهای فصل چرا علامت گذاری و توزین شدند. با استفاده از میانگین وزن میش‌های 3 و 4 ساله، وزن گوسفند چرا کننده در منطقه مورد مطالعه برابر با 59/1&plusmn; 96/49 کیلوگرم برآورد گردید. گونه‌های علوفه مورد چرای گوسفندان در مرحله گل ‌دهی، تاریخ 15/3/1398 در این مرتع شناسایی و جمع‌آوری شدند. میانگین درصد پروتئین خام (CP)، الیاف حاصل از شوینده اسیدی (ADF)، قابلیت هضم ماده خشک (DMD) و میزان انرژی قابل متابولیسم (ME) در هر کیلوگرم علوفه خشک مرتع برای 41 نمونه گیاهی به ترتیب برابر با 77/4 &plusmn; 18/11 ، 89/7 &plusmn; 19/39 ، 83/7 &plusmn; 11/56 و 26/1 &plusmn; 58/7 مگاژول تعیین شد. انرژی قابل متابولیسم روزانه برای حالت نگهداری معادل واحد دامی در این مرتع برای 120 رأس میش، برابر با 35/0 &plusmn; 54/10 مگاژول در روز و نیاز روزانه آن بر اساس ماده خشک مصرفی با توجه به کیفیت علوفه برابر با 04/0 &plusmn; 38/1 کیلوگرم برآورد گردید. تفاصيل المقالة