• فهرس المقالات Language Teaching

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - شناسایی ابعاد و مولفه های فرهنگی و آموزشی الگوی ارتقاء فرهنگی آموزش زبان خارجی مورد مطالعه: زبان انگلیسی
        سمانه محمدخانی عباسعلی قیومی امیرحسین محمدداودی سیده نازنین امیر ارجمندی
        مقدمه و هدف پژوهش: این پژوهش، با هدف شناسایی ابعاد و مولفه‌های فرهنگی و آموزشی الگوی ارتقاء فرهنگی آموزش زبان خارجی (زبان انگلیسی) در آموزشگاه‌های زبان انجام شده است. روش پژوهش: روش این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی، ترکیبی، توصیفی و پیمایشی می‌باشد. جامعه آماری در بخش کیفی شام أکثر
        مقدمه و هدف پژوهش: این پژوهش، با هدف شناسایی ابعاد و مولفه‌های فرهنگی و آموزشی الگوی ارتقاء فرهنگی آموزش زبان خارجی (زبان انگلیسی) در آموزشگاه‌های زبان انجام شده است. روش پژوهش: روش این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی، ترکیبی، توصیفی و پیمایشی می‌باشد. جامعه آماری در بخش کیفی شامل صاحب‌نظران دانشگاهی و در بخش کمی شامل کلیه مدرسان آموزشگاه‌های شهر تهران می‌باشد. در این بخش، نمونه آماری طبق فرمول کوکران شامل 400 نفر برای جامعه نامحدود است. در بخش کیفی، ابزار جمع‌آوری اطلاعات، مصاحبه نیمه ساختمند، پرسشنامه‌های استاندارد و محقق ساخته تعیین گردید، سنجش روایی از طریق اخذ نظرات صاحب‌نظران دانشگاهی و خبرگان حوزه‌های فرهنگی و آموزشی با تکنیک دلفی و سنجش اعتبار پایایی از طریق آزمون کرونباخ محاسبه شد. یافته‌ها: برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از آزمون‌های کولموگروف - اسمیرنوف، تحلیل عاملی تاییدی و اکتشافی، برازش مدل، آزمون t تک نمونه‌ای و آزمون فریدمن استفاده شد. نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج و یافته‌ها منجر به شناسایی سه عامل، دو بُعد و نُه مولفه گردید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - دور الثقافة فی تعلیم اللغات الخارجیة( اللغة العربیة نموذجا)
        سیده رقیه مهری نژاد
        یسعی هذا البحث أن یدرس دور الثقافة ومکانتها فی تعلیم اللغة الخارجیة وتأثیرها فی تعلّم اللغة الخارجیة و تأثیرها فی تعلّم اللغة العربیة کلغة خارجیة. فی تعلّم اللغة الخارجیة و منها اللغة العربیة و استخدامها المتناسب، تعلیم الثقافة لم یکن مؤثراً للسیاقات المختلفة فقط، بل فی أکثر
        یسعی هذا البحث أن یدرس دور الثقافة ومکانتها فی تعلیم اللغة الخارجیة وتأثیرها فی تعلّم اللغة الخارجیة و تأثیرها فی تعلّم اللغة العربیة کلغة خارجیة. فی تعلّم اللغة الخارجیة و منها اللغة العربیة و استخدامها المتناسب، تعلیم الثقافة لم یکن مؤثراً للسیاقات المختلفة فقط، بل فی مواضع تعلیم الثقافة مع اللغة الخارجیة التی لا مفرّ منها نستطیع أن نستخدم طرقا مختلفة.فی الواقع تعلیم اللغة العربیة خارج عن إطار لغة المقصد الثقافیة لم یکن مفیداً إلاّ إت یرافق بعض مواصفات ثقافة مجتمع تلک اللغة، لهذا حلّ مسائل تتعلّق باللغة والثقافة تساعد جودة عملیة تعلیم اللغة العربیة کلغة خارجیة وتحقّق الأهداف العلمیّة للتعلیم أی الإشراف علی اللغة العربیّة من قبل متعلّمیها کأداة لإیجاد العلاقة. النقطة الهامة فی تعلم إحدی اللغات الأجنبیة هی إننا بالنظر إلى الإتجاهات الثقافیة للمجتمعات لتعلّمها اللغات الأجنبیة، نجد أن هذا النهج یتأثر بالثقافة بالمعنى العام للکلمة. هذا البحث ، یحاول من جهة ، أن یدرس دور اللغة والثقافة فی تعلیم اللغة العربیة من خلال النظر فی هذین المفهومین. لتحقق هذا الهدف، قد عالجنا المباحث النظریة المعروضة فی هذا المجال وتقدیم أمثلة لتوضیح المناقشة. من ناحیة أخرى، یتم دراسة القضایا المتعلقة بعملیة تدریس اللغة وتعلمها فی هذا المجال. فی هذا البحث اعتمدنا علی الأسلوب التوصیفی- التحلیلی. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - New Perspective in PROSPECT: An Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses of Iranian Second Year Junior High School English Textbooks
        Narges Sardabi Mansour Koosha
        Textbook design and evaluation has recently turned into a very important area in English Language Teaching. This paper evaluates the English textbooks taught in Iranian Junior high schools: Right Path to English which was the medium of instruction until 2013 and the rec أکثر
        Textbook design and evaluation has recently turned into a very important area in English Language Teaching. This paper evaluates the English textbooks taught in Iranian Junior high schools: Right Path to English which was the medium of instruction until 2013 and the recently designed textbook-Prospect- which replaced it. For this purpose, Tucker’s (1975) textbook evaluation model was employed to conduct the research. The advantages and shortcomings of the textbooks are discussed in detail with reference to three major criteria extracted from this model. The results indicate that even though Prospect does not cover up some of the inadequacies and deficiencies of RPE, the development of a textbook based on Communicative Language Teaching syllabus is, to a great extent, a step forward towards constructing an up-to-date series for teaching English in Iranian schools. Results of this study have implications both for teaching and materials development. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - The Effect of Brain Dominance on Task-based Reading Comprehension among Iranian EFL Learners
        Armin Hormozi Zohreh Gooniband Shooshtari Sediqeh Vahdat
        One of the decisive factors affecting language learners’ learning is brain dominance. The present research was conducted to investigate the effect of brain dominance on task-based reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. To this aim, 50 intermediate Iranian أکثر
        One of the decisive factors affecting language learners’ learning is brain dominance. The present research was conducted to investigate the effect of brain dominance on task-based reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. To this aim, 50 intermediate Iranian EFL learners were selected as the study sample. The instrumentation included the ECPE test of proficiency, a hemispheric dominance questionnaire and a reading comprehension post-test. The four tasks of Problem Solving, Information Gap, Jigsaw, and Decision Making were chosen. Statistical analysis revealed that the difference in the performance of the three groups of right-, left-, and whole-brainers was insignificant on all of the presented tasks. Thus, it was found that brain dominance, as an independent variable, is not a correlate of success and achievement on task-based reading comprehension, as a dependent variable. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Exploring the Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on Reading Comprehension: Evidence from Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        Maryam Riazi Ahmadsaraei Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani
        The current research investigated the impact of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension ability. To this end, a total of sixty EFL learners were chosen based on their performance on Oxford Quick Placement Tes أکثر
        The current research investigated the impact of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension ability. To this end, a total of sixty EFL learners were chosen based on their performance on Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). Next, the researchers divided them into one experimental and one control group. At the beginning of this study, a pretest reading was run for both groups to examine their reading before introducing the treatment. Then, the experimental group was treated for ten sessions, which received training reading comprehension skills based on TBLT, whereas the control group received a placebo (teaching reading via the existing method). At the end of the study, both groups took part in the reading post-test. The researchers analyzed the data using Independent and Paired Samples T-test methods. The results represented that TBLT had a statistically significant effect on reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate learners. The results demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference in post-test scores between the control and experimental groups. That is, the experimental group performed better than the control group in the post-test of reading comprehension ability and the progress in the experimental group was higher than the control group. Pedagogical implications are provided for EFL teachers and material designers to incorporate TBLT activities into curriculum development as a tool to aid learners’ reading comprehension skill. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - E-learning Opportunities in English Language Teaching Based on the National Curriculum Document
        Majid Hamdani
        The national curriculum is a document that determines and explains the master plan of the curriculum and the framework of the country's curriculum system to achieve the goals of education in Iran and causes the unification and coherence of all program components and the أکثر
        The national curriculum is a document that determines and explains the master plan of the curriculum and the framework of the country's curriculum system to achieve the goals of education in Iran and causes the unification and coherence of all program components and the modernization and reconstruction of curricula based on the philosophy of education of I.R.Iran. Besides, it legalized whole activities in the educational system to achieve educational goals. In order to evaluate the opportunities of e-learning in English language teaching based on the national curriculum, the content of this document was analyzed using the opinions of three education experts. To do this, eleven codes agreed upon by experts were used. In the end, it was identified that important opportunities for the curriculum include richness and design, application of technology, media, and educational technology. Thus, the national curriculum document clearly refers to e-learning opportunities in the use of educational media and technologies. تفاصيل المقالة
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        7 - AI-English Language Generated Content: Navigating the Fine Line Between Originality and Plagiarism
        Masoud Neysani Seyedeh Elham Elhambakhsh Ahmadreza Nikbakht
        The era of AI-generated content has introduced a profound transformation in the realms of creativity, authorship, and intellectual property rights. This study examined two research aspects. Firstly, it explored the impact of AI- English language-generated content on the أکثر
        The era of AI-generated content has introduced a profound transformation in the realms of creativity, authorship, and intellectual property rights. This study examined two research aspects. Firstly, it explored the impact of AI- English language-generated content on the traditional boundaries of authorship, creativity, and intellectual property rights. Secondly, it investigated the ethical and legal challenges associated with AI's influence on TEFL content generation and how the academic communities address these concerns. The research team employed a mixed-methods approach. Twenty-Eight individuals, organizations, and professionals made up the target population of the current study. The researchers interviewed experts in the fields of AI, law, and English language material development. The researchers analyzed real-world cases of AI-TEFL generated content usage, particularly within academic settings. The findings revealed that AI-generated content challenges conventional notions of authorship and creativity by introducing autonomous AI creators while also augmenting human creativity. The ambiguous landscape of intellectual property rights necessitates adaptive legal frameworks. While AI challenges established norms, it also offers opportunities for collaboration and inspiration. To address these issues, collaborative frameworks, ethical guidelines, and transparency were proposed as integral solutions. Respondents emphasize collaborative efforts to address the ethical and legal concerns associated with AI's influence on content generation within the academic communities. The implications extend to various sectors, including academia, creative industries, and legal systems. This study underscores the pressing need for a delicate balance between AI's creative potential and the preservation of ethical and legal standards in the evolving landscape of content creation. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - سنجش رویکردهای غالب آموزش زبان؛ مطالعه برنامه‌های درسی آموزش زبان در دوره ابتدایی
        آذر مرادیان جمال سلیمی
        هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی برنامه‌های درسی آموزش زبان فارسی (محتوا، روش و سازوکارهای یادگیری) در دوره ابتدایی است. پژوهش از لحاظ هدف، کاربردی و از لحاظ شیوه گردآوری داده‌ها، توصیفی پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری شامل معلمان پایه اول و دوم ابتدایی است که در مدارس ابتدایی شهرستان أکثر
        هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی برنامه‌های درسی آموزش زبان فارسی (محتوا، روش و سازوکارهای یادگیری) در دوره ابتدایی است. پژوهش از لحاظ هدف، کاربردی و از لحاظ شیوه گردآوری داده‌ها، توصیفی پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری شامل معلمان پایه اول و دوم ابتدایی است که در مدارس ابتدایی شهرستان سنندج در سال تحصیلی 95-94 فعالیت داشتند که با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری به شیوه تصادفی خوشه‌ای انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها پرسشنامه محقق ساخته در این پژوهش ابزار شامل پرسشنامه محقق ساخته ایست که مبتنی بر پرسشنامه رایج حوزه آموزش زبان با عنوان سنجش رویکردهای آموزش زبان (ALEA) است. برای تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها از شاخص‌های آمار توصیفی شامل جداول و توزیع فراوانی، میانگین، انحراف استاندارد و نیز در سطح آمار استنباطی از آزمون تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی، ANOVA، تحلیل واریانس یک‌راهه، آزمون t تک نمونه‌ای و آزمون بارتلت (با نرم‌افزار SPSS19) بهره گرفته شد. عوامل و مؤلفه‌های برنامه‌های درسی آموزش زبان فارسی در پایه اول و دوم ابتدایی از دیدگاه معلمان در برنامه درسی اجرا شده با استفاده از روش تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی استخراج شدند که با توجه به بار عاملی و ساختار مفهومی و نظری گزاره‌های تشکیل‌دهنده پرسشنامه با تأکید بر گزاره‌های با بیشترین بار عاملی به ترتیب با عناوین روش‌های آموزش ذاتی؛ روش‌های آموزش اکتسابی؛ محتوای موضوعی اکتسابی؛ محتوای موضوعی ذاتی؛ محتوای موضوعی تعاملی؛ سازوکارهای یادگیری تعاملی؛ سازوکارهای یادگیری ذاتی؛ روش‌های آموزشی تعاملی؛ و سازوکارهای یادگیری اکتسابی نام‌گذاری شدند. نتایج نشان می‌دهد که دیدگاه معلمان ابتدایی برای عامل سازوکارهای آموزشی در رویکرد تعاملی در مقایسه با رویکرد اکتسابی تفاوت معنادار بیشتری داشته و دیدگاهشان احتمالاً به ترتیب به رویکرد تعاملی و سپس رویکرد اکتسابی نزدیک‌تر است. هم‌چنین معلمان در عامل محتوای موضوعی دیدگاهشان به ترتیب شامل رویکردهای ذاتی، تعاملی و اکتسابی است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - تحلیل محتوای دروس منتخب کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی دورۀ متوسطه اول مدارس ایران (Prospects) با استفاده از فرایندهای چهارگانه‌ی مدل یادگیری زایشی
        فرزانه دهقان
        هدف تحقیق حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی مقطع متوسطه اول مدارس ایران با عنوان Prospectبر اساس فرایندهای چهارگانۀ نظریۀ یادگیری زایشی (یادگیری، زایش، خلق معنا، انگیزش) است. بدین منظور، بر اساس این چهار فرایند اصلی چک لیستی تهیه گردید. چهار متخصص آموزش زبان و أکثر
        هدف تحقیق حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی مقطع متوسطه اول مدارس ایران با عنوان Prospectبر اساس فرایندهای چهارگانۀ نظریۀ یادگیری زایشی (یادگیری، زایش، خلق معنا، انگیزش) است. بدین منظور، بر اساس این چهار فرایند اصلی چک لیستی تهیه گردید. چهار متخصص آموزش زبان و 21 معلم زبان به ارزیابی 9 درس منتخب سه کتاب بر اساس این چک لیست پرداختند. روایی محتوایی این چک‌لیست بر اساس نظر 2 متخصص آموزش زبان مورد تأیید قرار گرفت و پایایی درونی و بیرونی رتبه دهندگان برای این چک‌لیست معنادار بود. سپس میانگین های به دست آمده با استفاده از روش ارزیابی درونی (internal evaluation) مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج ارزیابی درونی نشان می دهد که کتاب‌های Prospect از نظر فرایند زایشی موفق، از نظر فرایند خلق معنا متوسط و از نظر فرایندهای یادگیری و انگیزش ضعیف ارزیابی شده اند. همچنین، این کتاب‌ها از نظر توانایی تعمیم مطالب به محیط‌های غیرآموزشی که از اهداف روش تعاملی آموزش زبان بوده و از مؤلفه‌های مهم فرایند یادگیری است نیز میانگین پایینی کسب کردند. از نظر معیارهای انگیزشی، پرورش مهارت‌های تفکر، برانگیختن آگاهی و توجه نیز میانگین‌های پایینی به دست آمد. در انتها، پیشنهاد‌هایی به‌منظور بهبود کتاب ازجمله توجه به تعمیم یادگیری به محیط‌های بیرون کلاس، پرورش تفکر و انگیزش آگاهی در متن‌های انتخابی، تمرین‌ها و تکالیف ارائه شده‌اند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - تبیین تجربة متخصصین تعلیم و تربیت و مدرسان زبان انگلیسی برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دورة اول متوسطه
        خدیجه احمدی شهرام رنجدوست محمد عظیمی
        هدف از پژوهش حاضر،تبیین تجربه متخصصین تعلیم و تربیت و آموزش زبان انگلیسی برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دوره اول متوسطه است. مطالعه کیفی حاضر با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی در پاییز 1397 بر روی 21 متخصص تعلیم و تربیت و آموزش زبان انگلیسی به روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند و تا اشباع داده‌ها ا أکثر
        هدف از پژوهش حاضر،تبیین تجربه متخصصین تعلیم و تربیت و آموزش زبان انگلیسی برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دوره اول متوسطه است. مطالعه کیفی حاضر با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی در پاییز 1397 بر روی 21 متخصص تعلیم و تربیت و آموزش زبان انگلیسی به روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند و تا اشباع داده‌ها انجام شد. این مطالعه با رعایت محرمانه بودن اطلاعات و امکان ترک مطالعه در هر زمان که مایل بودند، ادامه یافت. روش جمع‌آوری داده‌ها از طریق مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته انجام گرفت. نحوة تجزیه‌وتحلیل یافته‌های این پژوهش بر اساس سه کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی انجام شد. داده‌های مصاحبه چندین بار به صورت فعال و تعاملی خوانده شد و سپس به صورت باز کدگذاری شد. پس از کدگذاری باز، داده‌های حاصل از آن بر اساس محورهای مشترکی که میان آنها بروز یافته است در کنار هم قرار گرفت و فراوانی آنها شد. سپس کدهای محوری بر اساس همانندی و ناهمانندی‌هایی که با یکدیگر داشتند در تم‌هایی گنجانده شد. فراوانی و درصد هر یک از کدهای محوری محاسبه شد. با تحلیل و ادغام مؤلفه‌های اصلی، 2 مؤلفه اصلی شناسایی و با تحلیل مؤلفه‌های اصلی، 28 مؤلفة فرعی استخراج گردید. نتایج به‌دست‌آمده نشان می‌دهد که از میان مؤلفه‌های فرعی به‌دست‌آمده از تحلیل پاسخ‌های متخصصین تعلیم و تربیت و آموزش زبان انگلیسی، مهم‌ترین روش برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی، ارتقا انگیزة زبان‌آموزان از طرق مختلف برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی توسط معلم در کلاس درس در دورة اول متوسطه است. تفاصيل المقالة
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        11 - Pedagogy of Aptitude in an EFL Context: Scale Development through a Thematic Analysis Approach
        Fariba Feyzbar Leila Akbarpour Firooz Sadighi
        Abstract: This study aimed to develop a language teaching aptitude scale for Iranian EFL teachers by using a qualitative thematic analysis approach. The participants of this study consisted of thirty (fifteen males and fifteen females) EFL experts who were Ph.D. holders أکثر
        Abstract: This study aimed to develop a language teaching aptitude scale for Iranian EFL teachers by using a qualitative thematic analysis approach. The participants of this study consisted of thirty (fifteen males and fifteen females) EFL experts who were Ph.D. holders in TEFL with more than twenty years of teaching EFL at different universities in Iran and at least one published paper on language teaching aptitude. They were selected through purposive sampling from different universities. To collect the required data, a semi-structured interview was used as well as the existing literature and documents on English language teaching aptitude. Data analysis was conducted using the thematic analysis approach. The following themes emerged as the components of the English language teaching aptitude scale: inter-personal relationship skill, motivation-making ability, time management ability, needs analysis ability, positive thinking skills, critical thinking ability, verbal intelligence, mastery over different teaching methods, evaluation skills, and English language proficiency. Based on the identified components, a scale consisting of 10 sub-scales including inter-personal relationship skills (16 items), motivation-making ability (4 items), time management ability (4 items), needs analysis ability (4 items), positive thinking skills (15 items), critical thinking ability (8 items), verbal intelligence (5 items), mastery over different teaching methods (13 items), evaluation skills (13 items), and English language proficiency (7 items) were developed for English language teaching aptitude for an Iranian EFL context. The scale included 90 five-point Likert items ranging from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. تفاصيل المقالة
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        12 - Investigating the Effects of Brainstorming Technique on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening and Teachers' Attitudes towards This Technique
        Ali Hamideh Mustafa Zamanian Mohammad Javad Riasati
        This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach, specifically a concurrent triangulation design, to examine the enhancement of listening proficiency among Iranian EFL learners and investigate EFL teachers' attitudes toward applying brainstorming techniques in EFL أکثر
        This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach, specifically a concurrent triangulation design, to examine the enhancement of listening proficiency among Iranian EFL learners and investigate EFL teachers' attitudes toward applying brainstorming techniques in EFL classrooms. The study involved 63 undergraduate male students studying at Naval Science and Technology University in Rasht, Iran, and 20 EFL teachers. The students were homogenized based on their English proficiency level and divided into experimental and control groups. All participants took a listening pretest, and then during 20 treatment sessions, the experimental group received brainstorming-based treatment while the control group received conventional treatment. A posttest was administered to all participants in both groups. The researchers conducted paired sample t-tests and one-way ANCOVA to examine the potential impacts of brainstorming techniques on the listening skills of EFL students. The results suggested that implementing brainstorming techniques in language learning processes can create a conducive environment for language learners to express their thoughts freely and practice the language authentically in the classroom. The research findings indicated that applying brainstorming techniques significantly enriched the listening ability of the students who received brainstorming-based treatment. The qualitative dimension of the study revealed that, according to the teachers' judgments, the brainstorming technique improves students' listening skills proficiency and develops teachers' attitudes toward teaching English. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that English instructors utilize brainstorming techniques in their EFL classes. Additionally, the material designers are encouraged to design English language textbooks' contents based on brainstorming techniques. تفاصيل المقالة
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        13 - E-Learning in the Context of English Language Teaching and Learning: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach
        Peyman Nouraey Mohammad Bavali Fatemeh Behjat
        available option for higher education institutions around the world. In Iran, universities used various platforms. For example, the Islamic Azad University started utilizing an exclusive platform (Vadana) and Payame Noor University used Adobe Connect. However, some chal أکثر
        available option for higher education institutions around the world. In Iran, universities used various platforms. For example, the Islamic Azad University started utilizing an exclusive platform (Vadana) and Payame Noor University used Adobe Connect. However, some challenges and problems were reported by the educators and students using these platforms, somehow due to a lack of preparation and premeditation. This study focused on the problems and challenges in contrast to the opportunities and solutions associated with e-learning among university educators and students through a mixed-methods approach. On the quantitative side, two questionnaires were created and distributed among undergraduate TEFL students. In total, 216 responses were received. The findings revealed that the participants were mostly in agreement with the statements mentioned in both questionnaires. Later, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, both questionnaires were validated. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 faculty members. Data saturation was reached after 5 interviews. The interview texts were then transcribed, and the findings were qualitatively presented and discussed. Based on the findings, the challenges and problems of e-learning encompassed technical issues, physical and mental concerns, additional burdens, assessments, proper training, IT literacy, and issues related to pedagogy. On the other hand, e-learning yielded benefits such as enhancements in communication, interaction, teaching, and learning, along with increased accessibility, convenience, productivity, and safety. The findings might be of value to students, educators, policymakers, and administrations involved in the delivery of online English language teaching in Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - The Basic Assumptions on Language Acquisition from Perspectives of Cognitive, Generative- Transformational, and Structural Linguistics: An Overview
        Fatemeh Behjat
        Language acquisition is a varied field, and there is an ocean of approaches from which one can investigate first/second language acquisition. These approaches root in different fields, basically linguistics. As for linguistics, research in language acquisition ranges أکثر
        Language acquisition is a varied field, and there is an ocean of approaches from which one can investigate first/second language acquisition. These approaches root in different fields, basically linguistics. As for linguistics, research in language acquisition ranges from structural and generative-transformational to cognitive linguistics. While in contrast with each other in main respects theoretically, and, critically speaking, each having its own pitfalls, they have common methodological applications. This article aims at scrutinizing structural, generative-transformational, and cognitive linguistics in relation with language acquisition and providing support for such a claim that not only they are not totally mutually exclusive and in contrast with each other, but they rather share the same objectives in language acquisition path concerning innate syntactic knowledge, usage-based, and word grammar (WG). تفاصيل المقالة
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        15 - The Effect of Task-Based Activities on Iranian Beginner EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension
        Ali Asghar Noshad Mostafa Zamanian
        The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of applying task-based activities on students’ listening comprehension improvement. It also aimed at providing evidence to show how shifting from a traditional language teaching approach into the TBLT approach ca أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of applying task-based activities on students’ listening comprehension improvement. It also aimed at providing evidence to show how shifting from a traditional language teaching approach into the TBLT approach can positively affect the process of learning listening skill. To do this, 80 participants were selected from three English language institutes in Shiraz. Participants of the study were chosen by assigning a placement test and they were divided into two groups. In the experimental group, the participants were taught listening skills based on the tenets of task-based teaching while the participants in the control group were taught listening skills traditionally. This process continued for 20 sessions. A pre-test and post-test were administered. One-way ANOVA, correlation and t-test analyses were used to determine whether differences between the sample means were statistically significant or not. It was found that the students of the experimental group, who experienced task-based principles of teaching listening, performed remarkably better than those of the control group on the final listening post-test. And it was concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between the effects of tasked-based activities and traditional activities on Iranian beginner EFL learner’s listening comprehension. تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - The Effect of Dynamic Assessment of Language Learning: A Review of Literature
        Elahe Rezayat Mohammad Bavali
        Researchers have historically noted the importance of Dynamic Assessment and its effect on students’ language learning. DA offers teachers and learners vast opportunities for language teaching and learning. The present article can be considered as part of the rece أکثر
        Researchers have historically noted the importance of Dynamic Assessment and its effect on students’ language learning. DA offers teachers and learners vast opportunities for language teaching and learning. The present article can be considered as part of the recent trend in the field of language teaching. It attempts to describe Dynamic Assessment and review the literature on the effect of DA on language learning. It also describes different concepts related to DA and highlights the differences between the two approaches to DA. The article concludes that teachers’ mediation and intervention and students’ active involvement in the process of development can reduce and overcome the obstacles to learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - The Comparative Study of the Iranian EFL Learners Vocabulary Learning through Two Different Formats: Paper & Pencil vs. Software
        Seyyedeh Setareh Mousavi Azadeh Nemati
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of using vocabulary software on the vocabulary learning of Iranian EFL learners. Participants of the study were 54 intermediate-level students (23 males and 31 females) learning English as a foreign language in Mehr Institute i أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of using vocabulary software on the vocabulary learning of Iranian EFL learners. Participants of the study were 54 intermediate-level students (23 males and 31 females) learning English as a foreign language in Mehr Institute in Izeh who were selected after taking the Nelson English Language Test as a proficiency test. They were randomly divided into two groups. Both groups participated in the teacher-made test of vocabulary as pre-test. During class sessions the control group was taught the vocabulary, in the conventional way, through the printed textbook while the experimental group was instructed by the software version of the same book. One independent samples t-test and two paired sample t-tests were run to investigate the research hypotheses of the study. The results of the statistical analyses revealed that although both methods had positive effects on the vocabulary learning of the participants, using vocabulary learning software was more effective than using printed book. The results of the present study could prove useful for EFL course book designers, educational planners, material developers, teachers, and learners to provide a better context for EFL learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - The Application of Ellis’s Principles for Effective Instructed Foreign Language Learning in Iranian Language Institutes and High Schools
        Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri Marzieh Mehrnoush
        This study attempts to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of the application of Ellis’s (2005) principles for successful instructed language learning in their language classes. To this end, a group of EFL teachers comprising high school and private أکثر
        This study attempts to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of the application of Ellis’s (2005) principles for successful instructed language learning in their language classes. To this end, a group of EFL teachers comprising high school and private language institute teachers took part in the study. The required data were gath- ered through a self-completion questionnaire developed by Howard and Millar (2009). Qualitative analysis of data revealed the teachers’ per- ception of the principles, as well as the principles they perceived to be most important to them, and the challenges they faced in implement- ing the principles in their language classes. These constraints included lack of time, the context of learning, the large number of students in classes, the testing system of the educational system, and the nature and structure of the language books. Results of independent samples t-test also indicated that those teachers who taught in the private lan- guage institute had a higher perception of the principles and were thus more successful than high school teachers in implementing them in their language classes. Based on the findings of the study, a number of peda- gogical implications for language teachers and syllabus and curriculum developers are stated. تفاصيل المقالة
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        19 - Socioeconomic Status or Attending Private English Courses: Which One is a Better Indicator of High School Students' EFL Motivation
        Babak Hosseinpour Hossein Sadeghoghli Afsar Rouhi
        The present study aimed to shed light on the relationship among students' socioeconomic status, self-reported English proficiency level, the length of attending private institutes, and L2 motivational factors namely: ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, L2 learning experien أکثر
        The present study aimed to shed light on the relationship among students' socioeconomic status, self-reported English proficiency level, the length of attending private institutes, and L2 motivational factors namely: ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, L2 learning experience, integrative motivation, and intended effort. Participants were 320 Iranian students studying English at high schools in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Data collection included EFL motivational factors adopted from Taguchi, Magid, and Papi (2009), socioeconomic status, and demographic information. The results of the Spearman Rho test revealed a weak or no meaningful relationship between the student's socioeconomic status and their L2 motivation suggesting that socioeconomic status is not an indicator of the school students’ EFL motivational factors regarding tripartite variables of Dörnyei's L2 Motivational Self System as well as integrative motivation and intended effort. However, the length of attending private language courses and the English proficiency of the students indicated moderate correlations with their L2 motivation and socioeconomic status. Current findings bear a clear message to the Iranian education policymakers that despite adopting a communicative approach in the latest official EFL coursebooks of schools, non-official private language institutes still perform more effectively than the Iranian formal education system in maintaining and enhancing the EFL motivation of learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        20 - How virtual English language Teaching Can be Used to Address Emotional Regulation, Anger Control, Among Iranian Housewives
        Sara Amiri Neda Fatehi Rad valeh jalali
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. However, the presence of some known issues including their financial dependence to the husband, has made them a vulnerable group in the society, whatever is its development status. This study aime أکثر
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. However, the presence of some known issues including their financial dependence to the husband, has made them a vulnerable group in the society, whatever is its development status. This study aimed at investigating the effect of virtual English language teaching on Iranian house wives’ emotional regulation, anger control. In so doing, a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used. The target population of this study included all Iranian house wives. From the population, about 60 Iranian house wives from different cities of Iran were selected through available sampling. The participants were randomly divided into two groups namely, the experimental and control groups. The required data were collected through the following instruments: The Persian version of Anger Control Questionnaire, developed and validated by Buss and Perry (1992);; and the Persian version of the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski et al., 2003). Data analysis was conducted running descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, Leven test, and one-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings confirmed a significantly positive impact of virtual English language teaching on Iranian House wives’ emotional regulation, anger control . The findings have implications for top-level educational authorities, social emergency administrators, and future researchers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        21 - Failing a course: A diary case study of an Iranian EFL student
        Alireza Bonyadi
        Students’ failure in an academic course is usually considered as a common phenomenon in theeyes of instructors. Luckily, in recent years some scholars have attempted to reconsider the issuetrying to investigate students experience and perceptions on their academic أکثر
        Students’ failure in an academic course is usually considered as a common phenomenon in theeyes of instructors. Luckily, in recent years some scholars have attempted to reconsider the issuetrying to investigate students experience and perceptions on their academic success and failure.Taking attribution theory as their theoretical framework, these scholars have tried to shed lighton this neglected aspect of education. Drawing on a learner’s course diary, this paper explores anIranian EFL learner’s perceptions of difficulties and constraints in failing and retaking a courseon Linguistics. The results of the study indicated that EFL learner attributed factors such asexamination anxiety, deficient study skills as the influential factors of her failure. Furthermore,socio- psychological issues such as negative self-evaluation and peer- negative –judgementswere emerged as the most bitter experience the diarist went through after her failure. Based onthe findings of the study, some pedagogical implications have been presented. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - How virtual English language Teaching Can be Used to Address Emotional Regulation, Anger Control, Among Iranian Housewives
        Sara Amiri Neda Fatehi Rad valeh jalali
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. However, the presence of some known issues including their financial dependence to the husband, has made them a vulnerable group in the society, whatever is its development status. This study aime أکثر
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. However, the presence of some known issues including their financial dependence to the husband, has made them a vulnerable group in the society, whatever is its development status. This study aimed at investigating the effect of virtual English language teaching on Iranian house wives’ emotional regulation, anger control. In so doing, a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used. The target population of this study included all Iranian house wives. From the population, about 60 Iranian house wives from different cities of Iran were selected through available sampling. The participants were randomly divided into two groups namely, the experimental and control groups. The required data were collected through the following instruments: The Persian version of Anger Control Questionnaire, developed and validated by Buss and Perry (1992);; and the Persian version of the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski et al., 2003). Data analysis was conducted running descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, Leven test, and one-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings confirmed a significantly positive impact of virtual English language teaching on Iranian House wives’ emotional regulation, anger control . The findings have implications for top-level educational authorities, social emergency administrators, and future researchers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - مطالعه و بررسی تاثیر آموزش به زبان مادری بر افزایش انگیزه تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان (مطالعه موردی: دانشآموزان مقطع متوسطه ناحیه یک شهر سنندج 92-1391)
        شهین اله‌مرادی سیف‌اله سیف‌اللهی
        هدف پژوهش حاضر مطالعه تاثیر آموزش به زبان مادری بر افزایش انگیزه تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان می‌باشد که با استفاده از روش های اسنادی و مطالعه میدانی انجام گرفته است. در این پژوهش با 80 نفر مصاحبه عمیق انجام گرفت که شامل سه گروه دانش‌آموزان، معلمان و صاحب‌نظران درحوزه‌های مربوط ب أکثر
        هدف پژوهش حاضر مطالعه تاثیر آموزش به زبان مادری بر افزایش انگیزه تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان می‌باشد که با استفاده از روش های اسنادی و مطالعه میدانی انجام گرفته است. در این پژوهش با 80 نفر مصاحبه عمیق انجام گرفت که شامل سه گروه دانش‌آموزان، معلمان و صاحب‌نظران درحوزه‌های مربوط به جامعه شناسی آموزش و پرورش، زبان‌شناسی و ادبیات را شامل می‌شود. از تحلیل محتوای داده ها و مطالعات میدانی این نتاج به دست آمد: هر چهار فرضیه مورد نظر در زمینه تاثیر آموزش به زبان مادری و نقش آن در ایجاد انگیزه، دادن اعتماد به نفس، تسهیل در امر یادگیری و از بین بردن از خودبیگانگی افراد، تایید شد. در پایان با توجه به نتایج حاصله راهکارهای کاربردی و راهبردی جهت راهیابی آموزش به زبان مادری در مدارس ارائه شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - An Analytical Evaluation of Iranian High School ELT Textbooks from 1970 to 2010
        اکبر عزیزی فر
        Textbooks play a very crucial role in the process of language teaching and learning. The present study carries out an evaluation of two series of ELT textbooks used for teaching English language in Iranian high schools since 1970 to 2010. For this purpose, Tucker’ أکثر
        Textbooks play a very crucial role in the process of language teaching and learning. The present study carries out an evaluation of two series of ELT textbooks used for teaching English language in Iranian high schools since 1970 to 2010. For this purpose, Tucker’s (1975) textbook evaluation model (see Appendix) has been employed. The results suggest that one of the main factors for the students’ achievement in English language is the ELT textbooks. The researcher suggests that in the textbooks, there should be enough opportunity for the learners to communicatively practice the language they are learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        25 - The Impact of Task-based Activities on the Reading Skill of Iranian EFL Young Learners at the Beginner Level
        ارشیا کیوانفر مونا مدرسی
        Task-based learning and teaching in the realm of teaching young learners is still considered an adventure since very few experimental studies to date have tackled its applicability in that age group. The present research was an attempt to find out whether using task-bas أکثر
        Task-based learning and teaching in the realm of teaching young learners is still considered an adventure since very few experimental studies to date have tackled its applicability in that age group. The present research was an attempt to find out whether using task-based reading activities has any impact on the development of text comprehension in Iranian young learners studying English as a foreign language at the beginner level. Two groups of 25 students, aged 11 to 13, were the participants of the study. Through a reading pretest, it was ensured that the two groups were at the same level and belonged to the same population in terms of the reading skill. Having instructed the experimental group with four task types and the control group with classical reading activities, the researcher compared the reading performance of the two groups through a t-test which, not surprisingly, manifested the better performance of the experimental group. A follow-up reading test also showed that the experimental group still enjoyed a higher level of reading skill after one month. Furthermore, the scores gained from the four task types were compared and it was concluded that the students performed better in tasks which involved creativity and gave them the experience of playing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        26 - On the Consequential Validity of ESP Tests: A Qualitative Study in Iran
        غلامرضا کیانی گودرز علی بخشی رامین اکبری
        Consequential validity, a component of construct validity as a unified concept introduced by Messick(1989), deals with the impacts of tests on teaching, learning, individual test takers, teachers, society, and educational system within a country. Although the impacts of أکثر
        Consequential validity, a component of construct validity as a unified concept introduced by Messick(1989), deals with the impacts of tests on teaching, learning, individual test takers, teachers, society, and educational system within a country. Although the impacts of language tests on teaching and learning have been somehow studied, the consequences of ESP tests on individual test takers and teachers have not been given appropriate attention. The present study aimed at exploring the possible consequences of ESP tests, as parts of master and doctoral entrance examinations to post graduate universities in Iran, on the stake holders and society. In doing so, a qualitative research method was applied. The participants were 31 master and doctoral students, and 5 ESP instructors. The data were analyzed in terms of the content. Four main themes with a variety of sub-themes emerged from the content analysis. The results indicated that ESP tests have negative psychological (anxiety, stress, disappointment, self-confidence, teaching efficacy, disappointment), social (deprivation from education, ethical issues, acceptance of nonqualified candidates), financial, and family consequences on the learners and teachers. The society is also influenced as the result of ESP tests scores. تفاصيل المقالة
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        27 - A Look into the Association between Life-Wise Syllabus and Teacher Success: A Quantitative Study in an EFL Context
        حمید خسروانی فرد رضا پیشقدم آذر حسینی فاطمی
        The current study aimed at investigating the relationship between life-wise syllabus- as a new type of syllabus which emerged as the result of recent developments in applied ELT and corresponding to the "education for life"- and teacher success in an EFL context. Life-w أکثر
        The current study aimed at investigating the relationship between life-wise syllabus- as a new type of syllabus which emerged as the result of recent developments in applied ELT and corresponding to the "education for life"- and teacher success in an EFL context. Life-wise syllabus introduced by Pishghadam in 2011 directed English teachers’ attention to give priority to life issues rather than language in class. These new concepts encourage curriculum development based on life and all of its manifestations which is the core principle of humanistic education. Then teaching should not only comprise mathematics, chemistry, or literature, but also emotions, relationships, attitudes, thinking styles, feelings, and states of mind. Due to the recent emergence of this syllabus and the dearth of research over its effectiveness, this research study was carried out to shed more light on the issue. To this end, 200 teachers- 100 from private sector and 100 from public sector- and their 1771 students were chosen as the participants of the research study from Mashhad and Ghaen cities. In this study, the teachers were given "Life-Responsive Language Teaching beliefs Questionnaire" (hereafter LRLTB), and their students were given the "Characteristics of Successful EFL Teachers Questionnaire" (hereafter CSET). The results of the correlational study indicated that the main variables and also their subscales were highly correlated. The comparison between male and female teachers regarding correlation between variables did not show any significant difference. But the comparison between private and public school teachers in terms of the relationship between the variables displayed that they were more strongly correlated for the latter. تفاصيل المقالة
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        28 - English Language Teachers' Views on Self-initiated Professional Development
        Fatemeh Malek Abbasi
        Keeping pace with the continuous changes and innovations in the field of English language teaching is considered to be a necessity for the quality of teachers' teaching. There are numerous approaches to teacher development, among which self-initiated development stands أکثر
        Keeping pace with the continuous changes and innovations in the field of English language teaching is considered to be a necessity for the quality of teachers' teaching. There are numerous approaches to teacher development, among which self-initiated development stands as one of the noticeable trends. Although teacher development is crucial for the quality of education, it appears that there are not many studies on self-development of English language teachers in Iran. There are studies mostly concentrating on the evaluation of pre- or in-service programs in English language teaching. Addressing this call, the main purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions of 48 in-service English language teachers towards their professional development. The data collection instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of both open-ended and close-ended items. Employing descriptive statistics, the data was analyzed. The results indicated that the teachers agreed with most of the concepts that indicate the importance of professional development. Moreover, they were aware of the importance of major professional development activities for their development. Yet, peer observation and action research were not preferred as much as the other activities. تفاصيل المقالة
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        29 - The Interface among Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligences, Language Teaching Anxiety, and Classroom Management Beliefs: The Case of EAP Instructors
        مودت سعیدی زهره بیات شهبازی
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship among English for academic purposes instructors’ interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence types, language teaching anxiety, and classroom management beliefs taking a correlational research design. To this أکثر
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship among English for academic purposes instructors’ interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence types, language teaching anxiety, and classroom management beliefs taking a correlational research design. To this end, a convenient sample of 98 EAP instructors were asked to complete the excerpted sections of McKenzie’s Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire, Teacher Anxiety Scale, and Behavior and Instructional Management Scale. The results of Pearson product-moment tests revealed a significant negative relationship between interpersonal intelligence and classroom management beliefs while no significant link was observed between intrapersonal intelligence and classroom management beliefs. The same results were obtained for the possible relationship between these two intelligence types and language teaching anxiety. Furthermore, a significant negative relationship was found between EAP instructors’ language teaching anxiety and classroom management beliefs. The multiple regression analysis also showed that interpersonal intelligence could strongly predict EAP instructors’ classroom management beliefs. Furthermore, the two independent samples t-tests demonstrated that language and content instructors differed with regard to their language teaching anxiety and classroom management beliefs in EAP classes. The results were discussed in light of previously existing literature and some pedagogical implications were presented for EAP teacher training courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        30 - تاثیر روش تدریس «تکلیف-محور» بر درک مطلب زبان آموزان
        رضا کلانتری مهناز سعیدی
        خواندن و درک مطلب یکی از موارد اساسی و مهم برای دریافت معنی از متن می باشد. تاکید بر مهارت خواندن فراگیران زبان های خارجی یکی از مهمترین موضوعات متدولوژی در زمینه آموزش زبان است. یکی از مشکلات فراگیران ایرانی عدم تمایل آنان در مواجه با تعامل با متن های خواندن و درک مطلب أکثر
        خواندن و درک مطلب یکی از موارد اساسی و مهم برای دریافت معنی از متن می باشد. تاکید بر مهارت خواندن فراگیران زبان های خارجی یکی از مهمترین موضوعات متدولوژی در زمینه آموزش زبان است. یکی از مشکلات فراگیران ایرانی عدم تمایل آنان در مواجه با تعامل با متن های خواندن و درک مطلب می باشد، در حالی که بیشتر متون انگلیسی در ایران بر اساس خواندن و درک مطلب طراحی شده اند. برای اینکه مهارت خواندن نقش اساسی در یادگیری زبان دوم داراست. اما کلاس های خواندن متون انگلیسی برای دانش آموزان خسته کننده به نظر می رسد در حالی که بیشتر دانش آموزان علاقمند اند موقعیتی پیدا کرده تا توانایی خودشان را نشان دهند و به سوالات معلّم جواب دهند. لذت بخش نبودن کلاس ها به علّت عدم آگاهی معلّمان از روش های صحیح تدریس خواندن و درک مطلب زبان انگلیسی می باشد.. تدریس زبان دوم با استفاده از روش تکلیف-محور یک روش موثر در بهبود دانش زبانی و درک مطلب فراگیران شناخته شده است. هدف تحقیق حاضر تعیین تاثیر تدریس فعالیت های آموزشی در قالب تکلیف-محور بر درک مطلب زبان آموزان ایرانی بوده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش 60 نفر فراگیر زبان انگلیسی از آموزشگاه خصوصی بوده است. با توجه به حجم کم جامعه صدرصد جامعه به عنوان نمونه انتخاب گردید. سپس نمونه آماری به دو گروه مساوی؛ گروه کنترل وآزمایش تقسیم شدند. یک گروه با روش های سنتی تعلیم داده شده و گروه دیگر با استفاده از تدریس فعالیت تکلیف محور تعلیم داده شد. تحلیل آماری مطالعه نشان داده است که بین دوعملکرد گروه ها تفاوت معنی داری وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        31 - English Language Teachers’ Reflections on Online Language Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic
        Mehdi Shaahdadi Goughari Mehry Haddad Narafshan
        During the Covid-19 pandemic, universities around the world faced closure because of social distancing and lockdown, therefore, unprecedently, education had to move online and universities in Iran were not exceptional. This sudden and abrupt shift required teachers to r أکثر
        During the Covid-19 pandemic, universities around the world faced closure because of social distancing and lockdown, therefore, unprecedently, education had to move online and universities in Iran were not exceptional. This sudden and abrupt shift required teachers to rethink their attitudes and beliefs. This study has been conducted to explore English Language Teachers’ attitudes toward their practices concerning the effects of social distancing and the maximized use of technology in the teaching profession. Having adopted a qualitative method to investigate teachers’ experiences, the data of this study were collected through interviews with nine English language university teachers, and their reflective journals. Generally, the results communicate considerable appreciation for integrating technology in English language courses. To be more detailed, this study revealed three main categories for positive attitudes (pedagogical innovation, instructional support, and professional identity formation) each with some subcategories. Also, the analysis highlights three concerns (technology-related challenges, classroom management, and inflexibility in behavior) for online teaching. The implications of the study mainly provide a welcoming environment for utilizing technology in teaching, especially in English language teaching. تفاصيل المقالة
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        32 - The Psychometric Properties of the Already-developed Language Teaching Aptitude Scale for Iranian EFL Teachers
        Fariba Feyzbar Leila Akbarpour Firooz Sadighi
        This study aimed at investigating the psychometric features of the already-developed Language Teaching Aptitude Scale for Iranian EFL teachers. A correlational survey design was used benefiting from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study participants consisted of أکثر
        This study aimed at investigating the psychometric features of the already-developed Language Teaching Aptitude Scale for Iranian EFL teachers. A correlational survey design was used benefiting from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study participants consisted of 300 (126 males and 174 females) Iranian EFL teachers who were conveniently selected from different Azad and State universities and various institutes and high schools of Iran. The instrument used for data collection was the already-developed Language Teaching Aptitude Scale for Iranian EFL teachers. This scale consisted of 90 Likert-type items that measured ten subscales (i.e., Good inter-personal behavior, Making students motivated, Time management ability, Recognition of students’ needs, Positive thinking skills, Critical thinking ability, Verbal intelligence, Mastery over different teaching methods, Evaluation skills, and English language proficiency). SPSS and AMOS 26 were employed to analyze the data, using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha test. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, along with alpha coefficients, provided evidence in support of the validity and reliability of the developed scale. Therefore, it can be concluded that the already-developed Language Teaching Aptitude Scale for Iranian EFL teachers can be used in recruiting individuals for the teaching profession so that teachers’ professional development and students’ English achievement are guaranteed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - Virtual English Language Teaching at the Service of Iranian House Wives: Emotional Regulation, Anger Control, and Domestic Violence in Focus
        Sara Amiri Neda FatehiRad Valeh Jalali
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. This study aimed at investigating the effect of virtual English language teaching on Iranian house wives’ emotional regulation, anger control, and domestic violence. In so doing, a quasi-exp أکثر
        House wives hold a specific position at home, as it is known to everyone. This study aimed at investigating the effect of virtual English language teaching on Iranian house wives’ emotional regulation, anger control, and domestic violence. In so doing, a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used. The target population of this study included all Iranian house wives. From the population, about 60 Iranian house wives from different cities of Iran were selected through available sampling. The participants were randomly divided into two groups namely, the experimental and control groups. The required data were collected through the following instruments: The Persian version of Anger Control Questionnaire, developed and validated by Buss and Perry (1992); the Domestic Violence against Women, developed and validated by Mohseni Tabrizi et al. (2011) in Persian; and the Persian version of the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski et al., 2003). The findings confirmed a significantly positive impact of virtual English language teaching on Iranian House wives’ emotional regulation, anger control and domestic violence. The findings have implications for top-level educational authorities, social emergency administrators, and future researchers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - Task-based Language Teaching in L2 English Writing Classrooms: Insights from Chinese Senior Secondary Schools
        Miner Chen
        There is little research on the task-based teaching approach in senior secondary L2 English writing classrooms. This study carried out an exploratory sequential mixed methods study to explore the suitability and adaptations of task-based language teaching in the domain أکثر
        There is little research on the task-based teaching approach in senior secondary L2 English writing classrooms. This study carried out an exploratory sequential mixed methods study to explore the suitability and adaptations of task-based language teaching in the domain of secondary schools in small cities. First, the researcher surveyed six EFL senior secondary teachers of different teaching experiences in China by convenient and purposive sampling to get background information, then had semi-structured interviews with them individually. To followed the interviews, the researcher surveyed 148 students via an online questionnaire also by convenient and purposive sampling. Findings indicated that, although most teachers acknowledged the usefulness of TBLT, they regarded it unsuitable and unfeasible in the context of Chinese senior secondary L2 writing classrooms. Also, students in the study ranked clear instruction and vocabulary increase as the first two contributors in improving their L2 English writing. But half of all students also valued an interesting writing classroom and took it as a third facilitator to develop their writing. Besides, adaptations were suggested to include professional task design, teacher discussion, reward mechanism and teacher profession development. In the future, further research is needed to examine the findings in this study, generalizing them to different contexts, ages and domains, and exploring teachers’ individual differences and their choice of teaching approaches. تفاصيل المقالة
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        35 - An Investigation of the Effect of Bilingual Education on Language Achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL Learners
        Marzieh Taheri Davood Mashhadi Heidar
        The present study investigated the impact of bilingual education on language achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL learners. It actually used bilingual education through content- based methodology or subject matter such as math, science and reading. To this purpos أکثر
        The present study investigated the impact of bilingual education on language achievement of Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL learners. It actually used bilingual education through content- based methodology or subject matter such as math, science and reading. To this purpose, the researchers used 40 Pre-intermediate EFL participants who were studying English conversation at a private language institute in Sari. These learners were chosen and divided randomly into control and experimental groups. Both groups took the same test as a pretest. The experimental group had access to bilingual education methodology through math, science and reading, while in the control group, participants had no special treatment. They had just access to the conversation by the use of conversation methodology which was assigned by the institute curriculum. After nineteen sessions, the posttest was administrated to both control and experimental groups. Based on the obtained results, a significant difference was observed between the mean scores of the two groups on the posttest. In fact, the null-hypothesis was rejected as the experimental group performed significantly better on the posttest. تفاصيل المقالة
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        36 - Cultural Differences Encountered by a Novice Chinese Immersion Teacher in an American Kindergarten Immersion Classroom
        Ya-Ling Chen
        The research objective of this study was to explore the cultural differences and challenges encountered by the Chinese Immersion Teacher (CIT) and how the CIT deal with the cultural differences in the immersion classroom. A qualitative case study approach was chosen for أکثر
        The research objective of this study was to explore the cultural differences and challenges encountered by the Chinese Immersion Teacher (CIT) and how the CIT deal with the cultural differences in the immersion classroom. A qualitative case study approach was chosen for this research. The participant was a novice kindergarten immersion teacher who was born and educated in a Chinese-speaking country. There were 13 children with diverse ethnic backgrounds in the teacher’s classroom. Interviews and observations were the primary sources of data. The data collection and analysis stages were undertaken concurrently. The researcher used thematic analysis to analyze the data. The findings of this study show that a novice CIT typically faces several challenges owing to the differences between Chinese culture and American culture, including the differences in the expectations regarding learning, teacher status, teacher authority, teaching methods, and learning styles. Moreover, the study found that the CIT struggled with these differences and did not know how to do her job without considerable support and training. The research led to suggestions to improve cultural awareness, management of cultural differences, and CIT training. تفاصيل المقالة
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        37 - The Impact of Structured Input-based Tasks on L2 Learners’ Grammar Learning
        Bahram Bagheri Afsaneh Bagheri
        Abstract Task-based language teaching has received increased attention in second language research. However, the combination of structured input-based approach and task-based language teaching has not been examined in relation to L2 grammar learning. To address this gap أکثر
        Abstract Task-based language teaching has received increased attention in second language research. However, the combination of structured input-based approach and task-based language teaching has not been examined in relation to L2 grammar learning. To address this gap, the present study investigated how the structured input-based tasks with and without explicit information impacted learners’ grammar learning. The participants were 60 adult learners of English, assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. The two experimental groups were exposed to structured input-based tasks in two types of explicit and implicit information. A pretest-posttest design was employed in order to detect any improvement in participants’ grammar learning. The results revealed that (a) the experimental groups significantly outperformed the control group, (b) participants’ grammar learning significantly improved in both the experimental groups, (c) structured input-based tasks with explicit information was significantly superior to structured input-based tasks without explicit information. تفاصيل المقالة
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        38 - Planned Focus-on-form Instruction in Task-based Language Teaching: The case of EFL learners’ oral grammatical accuracy performance
        Elham Parvaneh Reza Barzegar
        This study investigated the effects of planned focus-on-form instruction (pFFI) on developing oral grammatical accuracy in Iranian English EFL learners. To this end, 60 lower-intermediate EFL learners studying English in a private English language institute in Tehran, I أکثر
        This study investigated the effects of planned focus-on-form instruction (pFFI) on developing oral grammatical accuracy in Iranian English EFL learners. To this end, 60 lower-intermediate EFL learners studying English in a private English language institute in Tehran, Iran, were randomly assigned to two classes. Both classes received a task-based instruction on grammatical points elicited in oral production of English sentences with the only difference that one class, the experimental group (N=30) had a pFFI instruction (i.e., the target grammatical structures selected in advance), and the other class, the control group (N = 30), had a task-based instruction without any focus on planned grammatical structures. Learners’ oral performance was observed in their answers to pictorial cues in the pretest and posttest. The results of the study revealed that although both groups significantly improved in their oral performance in terms of grammatical accuracy, pFFI instruction was more effective on the experimental group since they significantly outperformed the control group. تفاصيل المقالة
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        39 - Effects of Textually-Enhanced Reading Tasks and Strategic Pre-Task Planning on Learning English Passive Voice
        Ali Shafaei
        In the realm of second language acquisition (SLA), task-based language teaching (TBLT) and input enhancement (IE) have been the focus of a great number of studies. However, the idea of investigating the effects of focus on form instruction through input-enhanced tasks a أکثر
        In the realm of second language acquisition (SLA), task-based language teaching (TBLT) and input enhancement (IE) have been the focus of a great number of studies. However, the idea of investigating the effects of focus on form instruction through input-enhanced tasks along with pre-task planning time as one of the features of task-based language teaching has been rarely explored in the field of SLA. Therefore, the current research set out to examine the impacts of focus on form instruction via textually-enhanced reading tasks along with strategic pre-task planning on L2 learners’ grammatical development in terms of learning English passive voice. For the purpose of the study, 60 intermediate learners of English were selected and divided into two groups of thirty namely as enhanced and unenhanced. Then, each group was divided into two sub-groups of fifteen as +planning and -planning. The participants were provided with a pretest prior to the treatment, then, they were instructed via the materials chosen for the purpose of the study for ten sessions and at the end they were provided with the posttest of the study. Their performance on the pretest and posttest were analyzed to find out the possible effects of the instruction provided throughout the treatment phase. The results revealed that learners who were exposed to enhanced reading tasks along with strategic pre-task planning time outperformed the other learners. The findings of the present study can be of use for language teachers, syllabus designers, and task designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        40 - Characteristics of an Effective English Language Teacher (EELT) as Perceived by Learners of English
        Roya Zamani Saeideh Ahangari
        Abstract Literature review indicates that an effective and good teacher has an important role in students' performances and their success. Pivotal roles of teachers may affect students’ attitudes and motivations to language learning. Improving the field of foreign أکثر
        Abstract Literature review indicates that an effective and good teacher has an important role in students' performances and their success. Pivotal roles of teachers may affect students’ attitudes and motivations to language learning. Improving the field of foreign language teaching and learning without improving the qualities of EFL teachers seems impossible. This attempt, at first hand, requires recognizing and identifying the qualities of effective EFL teachers. The purpose of this study was to characterize and investigate qualities of an effective English language teacher (EELT) as perceived by Iranian English language learners. A questionnaire which was based on four categories including English proficiency, pedagogical knowledge, organization and communication skills, and socio-affective skills was administered to 60 foreign language learners at Azad University of Tabriz. The collected data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that students expect a good English teacher to have the ability to develop proper relationships with students, ability to build students’ confidence, ability to maintain discipline in the classroom as the most important points. The findings of the present study have some useful implications for language teachers to know more about the perceptions and opinion of the students about themselves. They can plan and implement behaviors and activities that would encourage learners to get involved more in the English language learning process. تفاصيل المقالة
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        41 - Problems Associated with the Use of Communicative Language Teaching in EFL Contexts and Possible Solutions
        Mansour Koosha Masoume Yakhabi
        If the target of foreign language teaching is to use the language, communicative language teaching (CLT) seems to be an ideal teaching model. The goal of teaching with this method is to use the language as a medium of communication (Adi, 2012).The application of the com أکثر
        If the target of foreign language teaching is to use the language, communicative language teaching (CLT) seems to be an ideal teaching model. The goal of teaching with this method is to use the language as a medium of communication (Adi, 2012).The application of the communicative approach in teaching English as a foreign language, however, is associated with some problems that can cause the method turn out not to be so much successful and the learning outcome not to be efficient enough. This paper mainly intended to evaluate the problems that may lead to the failure of communicative language teaching in EFL contexts and some possible solutions for such problems. Awareness of these problems and the possible remedies can be helpful for both EFL teachers and learners, providing them with insightful ideas about how to manage their teaching and learning activities for the successful implementation of this method. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - Effects of CALL-Mediated TBLT on Self-Efficacy for Reading among Iranian University Non-English Major EFL Students
        Hossein Tavakoli Ahmadreza Lotfi Reza Biria
        The rich and still expanding literature on TBLT is helping to mature both its theoretical conceptualization and practical implementation in foreign and second language education. Similarly, computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has grown as a field, with the use an أکثر
        The rich and still expanding literature on TBLT is helping to mature both its theoretical conceptualization and practical implementation in foreign and second language education. Similarly, computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has grown as a field, with the use and integration of technology in the classroom continuing to increase and will continue to play an important role in this maturation process. The present study, hence, reports on an empirical study that investigated the effects of CALL-mediated TBLT on the perceived self- efficacy of Iranian university non-English major EFL students. Through non-probability and convenience sampling, two intact freshmen classes were chosen and randomly assigned as the experimental and the control group. During the treatment sessions, the students in the experimental group received instruction in a CALL-mediated TBLT format, while the control group received no CALL-mediated TBLT instruction but underwent only a task- based instruction on reading without the mediation of CALL. A univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was run, while controlling for pre-intervention scores as the covariate. A significant effect was found for CALL-mediated TBLT (F = 81.450, p = .000, partial eta squared =.504), suggesting CALL-mediated TBLT had a positive effect on the self-efficacy perceptions of the students in the experimental group . تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - Evaluation of High School English Course Books in Iran: Task Types in Focus
        Minoo Alemi Kheirollah Ahmadi Atefeh Rezanejad
        This study sought to examine the type and frequency of tasks in the Iranian high school English course books (Prospect 1, 2, 3 & English Book 1, 2, 3). The corpus was analyzed based on Nunan’s (1999) framework composed of five main task types, namely cognitive أکثر
        This study sought to examine the type and frequency of tasks in the Iranian high school English course books (Prospect 1, 2, 3 & English Book 1, 2, 3). The corpus was analyzed based on Nunan’s (1999) framework composed of five main task types, namely cognitive, interpersonal, linguistics, affective, and creative. To this end, the whole content of the aforementioned course books went through content analysis separately and accordingly descriptive and inferential results were reported regarding the frequency of each task type. The results showed that the linguistic tasks were the most recurrent type, whereas some task types (e.g., affective and creative) were totally absent. Furthermore, based on the results of Chi Square test, a significant difference was observed in the frequency of task types. While, according to communicative approach, communicative competence necessitates the inclusion of grammatical, discourse, sociolinguistic, and strategic competencies, the findings of the current study revealed that linguistic competence was overemphasized in these course books. This fact may lead to learners who are competent in producing linguistically appropriate utterances, which may at the same time be inappropriate with regard to context. The findings can have significant implications for EFL teachers and materials developers in making them conscious of the fact that the application of different types of tasks in textbooks is an important standard leading to more competent language users, especially in an EFL context like Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - Task-Based Language Teaching Vs. Conventional Language Teaching: The Case of News Story Writing in EFL Context
        Negar Nowroozzadeh Abbas Bayat Abbas Mehrpooya
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching on news-story writing in Iranian EFL context. To this end, a quasi-experimental, pre- and post-evaluation research design was employed. First, 78 Iranian BA sophomores majoring in translation at أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching on news-story writing in Iranian EFL context. To this end, a quasi-experimental, pre- and post-evaluation research design was employed. First, 78 Iranian BA sophomores majoring in translation at Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch, were selected through convenient sampling as the participants of the study. They were then randomly divided into two treatment and control groups--task-based group (TB) and conventional teaching group (TC) respectively. Both groups were initially given a test on news story writing to measure their writing ability at the pre-treatment stage. Then, the control group was taught through explanations abstracted from some deductive plans and reading-oriented method of teaching news story structure. The other group was exposed to a six-weak TB treatment based on Willis’ TBL framework. The post-treatment researcher-made test was then administered to compare the participants’ writing progress. The obtained statistical results showed that the employment of the task-based language learning scenario does not lead to an overall significant improvement of Iranian EFL learners’ performance in news-story writing as compared with the conventional teaching of the same skill. This is perhaps due to learners’ negative attitude towards TBLT, which originates from the inconsistency of TBLT with the educational philosophy in Iran. Therefore, TBLT programs may need to be modified on the basis of the local and traditional specifications of the education in the target community to be able to develop the learners’ news-story writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - Intelligent (Language) Tutoring Systems: A Second-order Meta-analytic Review
        Hossein Heidari Tabrizi Mahmoud Jafarie
        AbstractIntelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are referred to as computerized learning environments that incorporated pedagogical, cognitive learning, knowledge representation theories into computational models of tutor, learner, and domain knowledge respectively in order أکثر
        AbstractIntelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are referred to as computerized learning environments that incorporated pedagogical, cognitive learning, knowledge representation theories into computational models of tutor, learner, and domain knowledge respectively in order to provide individualized instruction in diverse subject areas. Since they take advantages of many technological artifacts of artificial intelligence (AI), knowledge representation models, and computational linguistics, they have been both object and means of research into AI, pedagogy, psychology, applied linguistics etc. Under the circumstances, the bulk of research findings is expectable and unavoidable. Sometimes researchers are badly in need of conducting first- or second-order meta-analytic reviews. This study first introduces the components of a typical ITS; then provides a descriptive account of the effectiveness, potential, and requirements of ITSs for foreign language teaching and learning (FLTL); and finally and most importantly, as a second-order review, synthesizes and describes the results of some previous meta-analytic reviews in reference to a few prevailing themes in the ITS research area such as the effects of the forms of instruction, subject matter variation, ITSs’ pedagogical features etc. Toward the third end, exclusion and inclusion procedures were applied to select seven target reviews using keyphrases scheme. The thematic meta-synthesis showed that the findings of almost all these reviews are consistent and congruent with some slight variations due to the study features. It is implied that meta-analyses like this can, by implication, inform and advance the science of ITS design, i.e. a theory of ITS design. تفاصيل المقالة
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        46 - امپریالیسم زبانی و جهانی شدن در محتوی آموزشی زبان انگلیسی در ایران: تحلیل دیدگاه آموزگاران زبان و اسناد بالادستی نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران در مواجهه با چالش ها و سلطه فرهنگی غرب
        مصطفی رفیعی حسن سلیمانی حامد برجسته
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی برداشت آموزگاران زبان انگلیسی ایرانی و همچنین سیاست گذاران نسبت به پدیده امپریالیسم زبانی و جهانی شدن در برنامه درسی آموزش زبان انگلیسی و ارتباط بین عوامل زمینه ای و نگرش امپریالیسم زبانی پرداخته است. برای انجام این پژوهش، 674 آموزگار زبان انگلیسی ا أکثر
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی برداشت آموزگاران زبان انگلیسی ایرانی و همچنین سیاست گذاران نسبت به پدیده امپریالیسم زبانی و جهانی شدن در برنامه درسی آموزش زبان انگلیسی و ارتباط بین عوامل زمینه ای و نگرش امپریالیسم زبانی پرداخته است. برای انجام این پژوهش، 674 آموزگار زبان انگلیسی ایرانی و هشت نفر از مقامات عالی رتبه ایران که مسئول طراحی و تدوین اسناد ملی در مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام، شورای انقلاب فرهنگی و وزارت علوم و تحقیقات و فنّاوری اطلاعات هستند برای شرکت در پژوهش دعوت شدند. با استفاده از مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری ، داده های کمّی جمع آوری شده تجزیه و تحلیل شد و برای داده های کیفی از روش تحلیل محتوا استفاده شد. یافته ها تأثیر قابل توجه عوامل فرهنگی و زمینه ای را در شکل دادن به نگرش آموزگاران و سیاست گذاران نسبت به امپریالیسم زبانی نشان داد. به منظور حفظ هویّت فرهنگی و زبانی دانش‌آموزان همراه با یادگیری زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان جهانی، این رویکرد می‌تواند به دانش آموزان کمک کند تا به افزایش مهارت‌های زبانی خود بپردازند و همزمان ارتباطات بین‌المللی را تسهیل نماید. بنابراین اعضای جامعه و به طورخاص برنامه ریزان، آموزگاران، زبان آموزان و والدین باید به ماهیّت و پیامدهای فرهنگی، اجتماعی و سیاسی این زبان توجه داشته باشند و آن را ابزار ارتباطی بی طرف تلقی نکنند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        47 - Does Communicative Language Teaching Really Work? A Critical Appraisal
        زهرا معصوم پناه محمد رضا طالبی نژاد
        When asked to identify the methodology they employ in their classrooms, most teachers claim to use “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT). Even with the shift of attention from insistence on methods toward post method condition, CLT has not lost its dominan أکثر
        When asked to identify the methodology they employ in their classrooms, most teachers claim to use “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT). Even with the shift of attention from insistence on methods toward post method condition, CLT has not lost its dominance in ELT. However, most teachers neither stop such a claim nor think critically why they do so. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to go through a critical appraisal of Communicative Language Teaching. This is done first by going through a brief review on the basic claims, tenets, barriers and problems of implementing CLT especially in EFL contexts. Then, a framework is proposed touching upon the shortcomings of the available models and theories for criticizing language teaching methods. Finally, it looks at how the design is implemented in practice by focusing on CLT and examines the framework based on the claims and tenets of CLT, with particular reference to research findings and available literature. It is argued that CLT helps learners in building automaticity and self-confidence; empowering meaningful learning; developing intrinsic motivation; employing multiplicity of strategies; and fending for learners’ language ego. Culture, sociopolitical consciousness and interlanguage stages of development are important to CLT. It allows for the initiative of the learner and is most probable to be informed by a mediation rather than medium view. However, there are several problems with CLT. The most important one is in regard with the practicality, unilaterality, and non reflexivity of method. Moreover, it assumes teachers as helpless victims of ideological imposition and disregards their agency in the teaching / learning process. تفاصيل المقالة
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        48 - A Transformational Shift through Pedagogical Translanguaging: English Language Teaching and the Content of Courses
        Mohammad Iman Askari Mahsa Ranjbar
        Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and considerable reliance on virtual education and communication, the language acquisition contexts are focusing on the transformational shift in pedagogies applying multilingual communicative capacities like ‘translanguaging’. P أکثر
        Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and considerable reliance on virtual education and communication, the language acquisition contexts are focusing on the transformational shift in pedagogies applying multilingual communicative capacities like ‘translanguaging’. Perhaps the best academic resources to explore about the issue are translation-oriented courses taught through typical teaching strategies in academic English programs. The issue led to reinforcement of considering pedagogical translanguaging within English Language Teaching (ELT) context among EFL learners who attend the related courses of the ELT programs focusing on translation skills. Thus, a sequential explanatory mixed design was selected to study the possible transformation resulted by translanguaging among EFL learners and teachers in the current study. As the pedagogical implications of the study, it is possible to declare that translanguaging within EFL context is considered as an influential strategy in helping teachers and learners to benefit from bilingual capacities in providing and understanding the content of courses. The issue also emphasizes on the transformational shift among the scholars and experts of the EFL context to have a new look over the role of translation, as an interactive code-switching procedure between First Language (L1) and Second Language (L2), which is not banning the language learners’ linguistic repertoire application. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - Investigating Discourse Socialisation Progress of an English as a Second Language Learner Using Systematic Functional Linguistic Approach
        Adnan Satariyan Mohammadreza Esmaeili Chinijani Bronwyn Reynolds
        This study was framed on the theory of Language Socialisation and a Systematic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. The aim of the study was to analyse the oral presentation discourse produced by an elemen- tary Iranian English as Second Language (ESL) postgraduate stu أکثر
        This study was framed on the theory of Language Socialisation and a Systematic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. The aim of the study was to analyse the oral presentation discourse produced by an elemen- tary Iranian English as Second Language (ESL) postgraduate student in an American university four times (September/December, 2015 and March/September, 2016) over one year. The data were collected in terms of textual resources during the discourse socialisation process while in a second language community. The data relating to oral presentations were taken through the Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT) and later transcribed for further analyses. The findings revealed that the participant became more competent as he continued his language socialisation in the second language academic community. He made progress through the use of textual resources, through the use of basic cohesive devices, including ‘and’ and ‘so’ over time. The study contributes to the language socialisation research by employing a systemic functional lin- guistics approach as a tool for the discourse development. It is intended that the findings will contribute to the knowledge around curriculum and the delivery of second language oral skills. تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - Development and Validation of an Instrument to Evaluate English Language Teachers' Lesson Planning Self-concept
        Fatemeh Faryabi Adnan Satariyan
        This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate English language teachers’ lesson plan- ning self-concept. To this end, 30 English teachers were asked to prepare a sample lesson plan and 15 of them were invited to participate in a semi-structure أکثر
        This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate English language teachers’ lesson plan- ning self-concept. To this end, 30 English teachers were asked to prepare a sample lesson plan and 15 of them were invited to participate in a semi-structured interview. A tentative questionnaire including six fac- tors namely: classroom management, lesson planning conformity, planning efficacy, variety and adaptation, goal setting, and metacognitive knowledge, was then designed. The designed instrument was piloted to 300 English language teachers and validated using exploratory factor analysis. The findings of the study sug- gested a model questionnaire (30 items), including five factors (goal setting and metacognitive knowledge as one factor), for the evaluation of English language teachers’ lesson planning self-concept. تفاصيل المقالة
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        51 - Using Cooperative Learning to Boost Creativity and Motivation in Language Learning
        Hamid Marashi Homayra Khatami
        This study sought to investigate the effect of cooperative learning on EFL learners’ creativity and motiva- tion. Accordingly, 66 pre-intermediate female learners were selected among 90 through their performance on a piloted sample Preliminary English Test. Learne أکثر
        This study sought to investigate the effect of cooperative learning on EFL learners’ creativity and motiva- tion. Accordingly, 66 pre-intermediate female learners were selected among 90 through their performance on a piloted sample Preliminary English Test. Learners were assigned into two control and experimental group. The Abedi-Schumaker Creativity Test (ACT) and the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) were given to both groups as pretest. Both groups underwent the same amount of teaching time and same material with the same teacher during 18 sessions taking 90 minutes each. In the experimental group, the students experienced the cooperative learning strategies of think-pair-share, roundtable, three-step- interview, and three-stay one-stray. The learners in the control group, however, received the instruction based on the syllabus of the language school, which had no cooperative learning component. The same ACT and AMTB questionnaires were administered again as the posttest at the end of the treatment to both groups and their mean scores on the tests were compared through an analysis of covariance. The results in relation to cooperative learning proved to have a significantly positive effect on EFL learners’ creativity and motiva- tion. This study provided yet further evidence in favor of applying cooperative learning in the ELT envi- ronment. تفاصيل المقالة
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        52 - Improving Reading IELTS Scores: Completion vs. Selection Tasks
        Arshya Keyvanfar Maryam Motlagh Rahmani
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        53 - Perceptions of English Language Learners about Teaching of Reading Comprehension Skills: A View of Task-based Language Teaching Method
        Azar Bagheri Masoudzade Ali Asghar Rostami Abu Saeedi Shahram Afraz
        The present research was an endeavor to determine whether or not the adoption of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) can be an effective means of increasing the students’ reading comprehension ability. Also, this paper explored the students' views towards the ment أکثر
        The present research was an endeavor to determine whether or not the adoption of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) can be an effective means of increasing the students’ reading comprehension ability. Also, this paper explored the students' views towards the mentioned method. To fulfil the purposes of the study, a mixed method research was employed and 80 advanced EFL learners of university participated in the study that were assigned randomly to the experimental and control groups. Having instructed the two groups with the same texts but different methods of teaching during a term, the learners’ reading performance results were compared through administering a reading posttest to both groups. The researchers in the control group class followed her regular teaching practice through the conventional book-based method, but, she applied task based method in three stages in the experimental group class. The obtained data were analyzed using t-test to examine the effectiveness of TBLT method as on students’ reading performance. Moreover, the students' views of the experimental group were investigated through related questionnaire and interview. The findings revealed that the experimental group remarkably performed better than the control group. Therefore, TBLT had a significant effect on learners’ reading performance compared to traditional reading instruction. On top of that, findings of the interviews and questionnaires demonstrated the participants' satisfaction with implementing TBLT method, and also revealed that they had positive views towards it. تفاصيل المقالة
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        54 - Challenges in Translation Teaching in the Iranian Context: An Ethnographic Study
        Mehrnoosh Amiri Razieh Rabbani Yekta
        Many studies can be found on translation teaching and students' perceptions of different classroom prac- tices. However, few studies have focused on how translator trainers view the task at hand. In the present study, the researchers aimed to explore the challenges tran أکثر
        Many studies can be found on translation teaching and students' perceptions of different classroom prac- tices. However, few studies have focused on how translator trainers view the task at hand. In the present study, the researchers aimed to explore the challenges translator trainers faced during the act of teaching translation. The method applied in this research was ethnography. The participants were two female trans- lator trainers who were teaching translation courses at one of the state universities in Isfahan. The re- searchers participated in their classes and closely observed translation courses for six months. In the field work, three different sources of information were used: the researchers’ field notes, the participants' dia- ries, and interviews. The challenges discovered are as follow: dictionary use, finding an equivalent and word selection, lack of facilities, students' reluctance, demotivation, and high expectation, unexpected situations, content knowledge and general information, students' general English proficiency, know-it-all students. At the end of this study, some implications and recommendations for further research were pro- posed to help experts in the field. تفاصيل المقالة
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        55 - شناسایی ابعاد، مؤلفه‌ها و شاخص‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای (سهولت کسب و کار)
        محمد جواد زنگنه اینالو مجتبی معظمی اسماعیل کاوسی محسن عامری شهرابی
        چکیدههدف اصلی پژوهش شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای است. بخش کیفی در دو گام به شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌ها با تکنیک تحلیل مضمون و بخش کمی با تحلیل کیو (روش آمیخته) انجام گرفت. نتایج کیفی برای 20 نفر از خبرگان ارسال گردید. روش کار نمونه گیری هدفمن أکثر
        چکیدههدف اصلی پژوهش شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های آموزش زبان مبتنی بر هویت حرفه‌ای است. بخش کیفی در دو گام به شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌ها با تکنیک تحلیل مضمون و بخش کمی با تحلیل کیو (روش آمیخته) انجام گرفت. نتایج کیفی برای 20 نفر از خبرگان ارسال گردید. روش کار نمونه گیری هدفمند و گلوله برفی است. نرم افزار بخش کیفی مکس کیودا و بخش کمی SPSS است. پس از جمع آوری نتایج، کارتها توزیع و اندازه کفایت داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون کرویت بارتلت و آزمون کیزر-میر- اولکین تایید و استخراج عامل‌ها با استفاده از چرخش واریماکس صورت گرفت. نتایج تحلیل منجر به استخراج 7 بعد: "فلسفه ذهن و یادگیری"؛ "قوه/چرخه یادگیری و زمینه سازی آن"؛ "قوه تفکر و پرورش آن"؛ "نقش مغز در یادگیری"؛ "مکانیسم‌های فعال سازی مغز و حافظه"؛ "تبدیل و انتقال چندگانه داده ها"؛ و "الگوها/مدارها و تصاویر عصبی" شناسایی و استخراج گردیدند. کلمات کلیدی: هویت حرفه ای، آموزش زبان انگلیسی، یادگیری، کسب و کار تفاصيل المقالة
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        56 - The comparative impact of reasoning gap tasks and opinion gap tasks on young EFL learners’ classroom engagement
        Azadeh Khanzadeh Darabi Alireza Memari Hanjani
        This study examined the differences between the effects of reasoning gap tasks and opinion gap tasks on young EFL learners’ classroom engagement. The participants comprised 63 Iranian young EFL learners within the age range of 9 to 12 years old. These 63 learners were s أکثر
        This study examined the differences between the effects of reasoning gap tasks and opinion gap tasks on young EFL learners’ classroom engagement. The participants comprised 63 Iranian young EFL learners within the age range of 9 to 12 years old. These 63 learners were selected out of an initial number of 100 male and female EFL learners at the intermediate level based on their performance on a Flyers test. The 63 selected participants were divided into two intact groups consisting of 31 learners in the opinion-gap task experimental group and 32 learners in the reasoning-gap experimental group. Then, an engagement checklist was used by two raters in the two groups as pretest. After that, for ten sessions each lasting for 90 minutes, in one of the groups, the researcher carried out opinion-gap tasks while reasoning gap tasks were implemented in another experimental group. Upon finishing the treatment, the two raters used exactly the same checklist and obtained the posttest engagement scores. The analysis of the data through the parametric test of paired sample t-test indicated that both task types significantly impacted young EFL learners’ classroom engagement. Besides, the results of Mann-Whitney U Test revealed that there was no significant difference between the effects of reasoning gap tasks and opinion gap tasks on young EFL learners’ classroom engagement. Based on the results, EFL teachers are recommended to use both task types to enhance EFL learners’ classroom engagement. تفاصيل المقالة
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        57 - عوامل موثر برآموزش نقشه مفهومی درارتقائ آموزش زبان دوم دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه با تاکید بر رویکرد ارتباطی
        حدیثه آبدری حسن شهرکی پور افسانه صابر
        چکیدههدف پژوهش حاضر عوامل موثر برآموزش نقشه مفهومی درارتقائ آموزش زبان دوم دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه با تاکید بر رویکرد ارتباطی می باشد. روش پژوهش توصیفی -همبستگی بود.جامعه آماری دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه شهر تهران بود. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران تعداد 202 نفر برآ أکثر
        چکیدههدف پژوهش حاضر عوامل موثر برآموزش نقشه مفهومی درارتقائ آموزش زبان دوم دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه با تاکید بر رویکرد ارتباطی می باشد. روش پژوهش توصیفی -همبستگی بود.جامعه آماری دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه شهر تهران بود. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران تعداد 202 نفر برآوردشد و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری به نسبت منطقه آموزشی انتخاب شداند. ابزار پژوهش پرسشنامه محقق ساخته مبتنی بر ابعاد و مولفه های استخراجی از متون وادبیات وپیشینه تحقیقات گوناگون است که روایی صوری و محتوایی آن پس از مطالعه توسط متخصصان دانشگاهی تایید شده است. پایایی پرسشنامه نیز طی محاسبه ضریب آلفای کرانباخ برابر با 90/0بود. درتحلیل داده ها روش تحلیل عامل اکتشافی استفاده شد.نتایج نشان داد توانش گفتگوی ارتباطی، مفهوم سازی، ابداع ونوع آوری، پردازش گروهی، سیستمی کردن و توانش عملگرایی عوامل موثر برآموزش نقشه مفهومی درارتقائ آموزش زبان دوم دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه با تاکید بر رویکرد ارتباطی بودند. میانگین همه عوامل ازدیدگاه دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه بیشتراز حد انتظار بود و توانش گفتگوی ارتباطی بیشترین و توانش عملگرایی کمترین رتبه را درارتقائ آموزش زبان دوم دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه داشت.نتیجه گیری: براساس یافته های این پژوهش می توان نتیجه گرفت که استفاده ازآموزش نقشه مفهومی با تاکید بر رویکرد ارتباطی در ارتقاء یادگیری زبان انگلیسی مؤثر بوده است، لذا این پژوهش استفاده از آموزه های نظریه ی رویکرد ارتباط گرایی را به منظور ارتقاء یادگیری زبان انگلیسی به عنوان یک زبان خارجی پیشنهاد می کند.کلمات کلیدی: رویکرد ارتباطی ، آموزش نقشه مفهومی ، دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه تفاصيل المقالة
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        58 - Investigating the Nexus of TBLT and Automatic Corrective Feedback: Implications for Second Language Writing
        Nafis Hosseinpour Fateme Raeesi Fariba Rahimi Esfehani
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and Automatic Corrective Feedback (ACF) are two pedagogical approaches that intersect in the realm of language learning and teaching. However, the integration of ACF into TBLT has not been thoroughly investigated, especially in seco أکثر
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and Automatic Corrective Feedback (ACF) are two pedagogical approaches that intersect in the realm of language learning and teaching. However, the integration of ACF into TBLT has not been thoroughly investigated, especially in second language writing. The current study, hence, was an attempt to explore the relationship between TBLT and ACF on the overall quality of L2 writing among a group of Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a number of 120 EFL learners were selected to participate in the study. The participants were subsequently allocated randomly into five groups: two control groups and three experimental groups. A preliminary writing assignment, serving as the pre-test, was administered to all groups. In this task, learners were instructed to rewrite the reading passage from unit 6A of the American File book, which was designated as a descriptive writing task. Subsequently, the participants received the required intervention over three sessions in the experimental groups. The distinctions among the experimental groups pertained to the types of task repetition employed. When needed, the participants sought assistance from Grammarly as an ACF. Participants in the control group did not experience any types of task repletion nor automated corrective feedback. Once the treatment sessions concluded, participants were administered the same pre-test as a post-test to gauge any alterations in the quality of their writing. Data analysis entailed a series of t-tests. Findings indicated that, on the whole, the three writing tasks accompanying ACF impacted the quality of writing among EFL learners similarly. Recommendations for future research were also put forward. تفاصيل المقالة