Integrated Impact of Communicative and Pragmatic Language Teaching on Language Proficiency, Pragmatic Awareness, and Cultural Competence of Advanced University EFL Learners
الموضوعات :
1 - Department of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Payam-e- Noor University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Pragmatic Language Teaching (PLT), technology integration, pragmatic awareness,
ملخص المقالة :
This research sought to assess the integrated impact of CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) and PLT (Pragmatic Language Teaching) on language competency, pragmatic awareness, and cultural competence. The study used a mixed-methods methodology, integrating both pre- and post-tests, questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observations, in addition to technological tools to enhance learning experiences in 150 advanced EFL students from five Iranian universities. The results obtained from repeated measures ANOVA and t-tests demonstrated that the integrated use of CLT and PLT approach leads to a considerable enhancement in language proficiency, pragmatic awareness, and cultural competence, when compared to the utilization of either method individually. Qualitative findings demonstrated a notable rise in student self-assurance, enhanced comprehension of different cultures, and heightened levels of involvement. The results highlight the efficacy of combining Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Pragmatic Language Teaching (PLT) through the use of technology to improve global language training. The study's findings emphasize the necessity of providing instructor training in both strategies, developing a curriculum that effectively combines communicative and pragmatic features, and doing additional research to understand the long-term effects of integrated language teaching approaches. The research enhances our understanding of how the integration of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Pragmatic Language Teaching (PLT) might optimize language learning consequences and better equip students for real-life communication.
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