List of articles (by subject) Journal of Value Chain Management
Open Access Article
1 - Investigating and Determining the Relationship between green purchasing capabilities with Economic and Environmental Performance Considering The moderating role of firm size : A Case Study of Organic Manufacturing Companies in Guilan Province
Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr Majid Bahramkhoo -
Open Access Article
2 - Designing a Model for the Role of Women in the Family Purchasing Decision-Making Process Considering the Impact of Viral Marketing (Case Study of Women in Tabriz)
Aliakbar peyvasteh Alii Gorbani Elnaz Hazem -
Open Access Article
3 - The effect of emotional intelligence on the creative performance of employees regarding the mediating role of environmental uncertainty and cultural intelligence, Case Study: Urmia Veterinary Office
reza rostamzadeh Shima Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
4 - Evaluating the Economic Productivity Model Based on Innovation with Emphasis on the Development of Human Resources in the Small and Medium Industries
Karim Esgandari sheida Orafaye Jamshidi Shadi Orafaye Jamshidi Ali Reza Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
5 - Designing a closed-loop green supply chain in the face of competitive demand and product pricing simultaneously using the frog jump algorithm
Mojtaba Ramazani rasul nasrollahi saeedlo -
Open Access Article
6 - Investigating the effect of perceived political atmosphere on emotional commitment with the transformative role of teamwork and political skill
Faramarz Tahmasebi Alireza tamizi sheida Orafaye Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
7 - Investigating the Effect of Perceived Political Atmosphere on Emotional Commitment with the Transformative Role of Teamwork and Political Skill
Faramarz tahmasebi Alireza tamizi sheida Orafaye Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
8 - Prioritizing effective factors on job satisfaction and its relationship with organizational commitment by applying TOPSIS technique (Case Study: East Azerbaijan National Oil Products Distribution Company)
Sedigheh Sarabinejad Akbar Vali Zadeh Oghani -
Open Access Article
9 - The Relationship Between JIT-Based Quality Management and Financial Performance in Car Company Listed on the Stock Exchange
aysan seyfi hossein Boudaghi Khajeh Nobar -
Open Access Article
10 - Providing Logistic Model for Decision-Making in Times of Crisis
Amirhossein Abdolalipour -
Open Access Article
11 - Assess the Factors Affecting the Performance of Supply Chain Management, Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Food Industry
hamideh Seyfi Shojaei -
Open Access Article
12 - Determination of the Impact of Supply Chain Integration Aspects on Competitive Capabilities
hesam Vaghfi Ali Fayaz mohamad mahdi ghomian -
Open Access Article
13 - Presentation of a Hybrid Model Supply Chain Agility Using Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Algorithms D ANP and VIKOR (Case Study: Manufacturing Industries)
parvaneh gholipoor mohammadmahdi mozaffari -
Open Access Article
14 - The Success of Customer Relationship Management and Knowledge Management Role (Case Study: Municipality of Osku)
karim eskandari haniyeh aghazadeh -
Open Access Article
15 - Investigating the role of Social Responsibility, Service Quality, and Corporate Identity of Organizations and Customers on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Case Study: Pasargad Bank)
abdillah naami seyedeh shima eftekhari sinjani Aliakbar Shahri Mejarshin -
Open Access Article
16 - The Role of Mental Health of Managers in Social Responsibility of Social Security Organization
Karim Esgandari Negar Monfared Masum -
Open Access Article
17 - Evaluation of Talent Management Value Systems in order to improve Performance (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Orumiyeh Branch)
Afahin Joudifam Mohammad Reza Norouzi -
Open Access Article
18 - The Impact of Organizational Culture, Organizational Strategy and Technological Innovation on the Effectiveness of Electronic Customer Relationship Management Systems.
zeynab soltani nima Jafari navimipour -
Open Access Article
19 - The Effect of Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management and Human Resource Management on Firm Performance
reza khorami ahad mahmoudzadeh -
Open Access Article
20 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Causes of Conflict and its Management Strategies Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques in Electricity Distribution Company of Hormozgan Province
Mina Sahraeian Reza Ahmadi Kahnali -
Open Access Article
21 - The Relation between Customer-Orientation and Brand-equity(Case study: Anata Company)
sahar kheyri -
Open Access Article
22 - Investigating the Impact of Sustainable Economics Dimensions on Marketing Performance of Tourism Industry
Siavash Mirzaei Milani hossein Boudaghi Khajeh Nobar -
Open Access Article
23 - Evaluating the Economic Productivity Model Based on Innovation with Emphasis on the Development of Human Resources in the Small and Medium Industries
Karim Esgandari sheida Orafaye Jamshidi Shadi Orafaye Jamshidi Ali Reza Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
24 - Organizational Performance Improvement through Value Chain and Knowledge Sharing
yeganeh chaarband Nima Navimipour -
Open Access Article
25 - A Comparative Study of Students' Academic Achievement, Happiness and Academic Self-Efficacy in Harris County schools
Omidali Hosseinzadeh Nazila Nourizadeh Leil Abadi -
Open Access Article
26 - Studying Effects of Using Green Marketing Strategy on Customers Preference in Buying and Consumers Loyalty to Green Home Appliance Brand.
ali Yavari jafar beykzad -
Open Access Article
27 - The Role of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in Organizational Productivity Case Study: Tabriz Tractor Manufacturing Company
batool zareie -
Open Access Article
28 - Survey of the Impact of knowledge Management in the Personnel Creativity of Gas Company in Uremia City
Tahereh daneshfar Assadollah khadivi -
Open Access Article
29 - The Effect of Customer Knowledge Management on organizational Effectiveness Considering the Mediating Role of Organizational Agility (Case Study: Sepah Bank of West Azerbaijan province
kamran Hosseinzadeh. reza rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
30 - The Classification of Agility Enablers for the Auto-Part Industry Suppliers
Mostafa Ziyaei Hajipirlu -
Open Access Article
31 - Designing a Model for the Role of Women in the Family Purchasing Decision-Making Process Considering the Impact of Viral Marketing (Case Study: Women in Tabriz)
Aliakbar peyvasteh Alii Gorbani Elnaz Hazem -
Open Access Article
32 - Agile Supply Chain Network Design with Integrated Production, Market Selection and Pricing Planning
Hassan Dehghan Dehnavi Zahra Delshad -
Open Access Article
33 - Evaluation and ranking of barriers and bottlenecks in the development of electronic customs (Case study: Customs of the province Western Azerbaijan)
amir fazli -
Open Access Article
34 - The Effect of Marketing Mix to Attract Loyal Customer، s to Help Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) (Case study: Kosar Credit Financial Institution)
Rasoul Salmasi Jafar Sadegh Feizi -
Open Access Article
35 - The Impact of Advertising on Brand Equity(Case Study: Chocolate Mamufacturing Companies of East Azerbaijan)
roghayyeh khorrami hossein boodaghi -
Open Access Article
36 - Investigating and Presenting Solutions for Optimal Utilization of New Technologies in Elementary School
yeganeh charband sara mehrabi pirpareh, saba -
Open Access Article
37 - The Effects of Environmental Factors on Green Marketing Performance (Case Study: Shirin Asal Company)
reza rostamzadeh asghar alimohammadi siyaban -
Open Access Article
38 - Investigating the Effects of Knowledge Management Processes on Human Resource Management with Emphasis on the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilization (Case study: Razi Customs of West Azerbaijan Province)
havaej Moghbeli, sirous Fakhimi Azar -
Open Access Article
39 - The Effect of Brand Evidence, Brand Attitude, Brand Hearsay on Brand Loyalty. Case Study (Leather Companies in the City of Tabriz)
Anisa Arya -
Open Access Article
40 - Dynamic modeling of systems to evaluate the factors affecting green supply chain management
Zahra Delshad Hamid Babaei Meybodi -
Open Access Article
41 - The CRM and ERP Impact on Value (Performance) Organizations Taking into Account of Mediator Integrated System and Process (Case Study: Mehvarsazan Iran Khodro Company)
Mohammad Mahmoudi meymand Fatemeh Shabannezhad -
Open Access Article
42 - Evaluate the Performance of the Industrial Parks of Zanjan Province Using DEA
Behjat Abchar Homa Doroudi -
Open Access Article
43 - Designing a Closed-loop Green Supply Chain in the Face of Competitive Demand and Product Pricing Simultaneously Using the Frog Jump Algorithm
Mojtaba Ramazani rasul nasrollahi saeedlo -
Open Access Article
44 - Prioritization of Factors Influencing the Development of Investment in Aras Free Trade Zone TOPSIS Technique
Akbar Valizadeh oghani Hajar Taghizadeh Asl -
Open Access Article
45 - The Model of Export Efficiency through New Entry Strategies Based on a Resource-Based View
Mojtaba Ramazani reza nasrollahi saeedlo -
Open Access Article
46 - Evaluating Marketing Capabilities Effects on Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Power (Case Study: Maral Industry Company of Urmia)
mohammad taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
47 - A Survey of Professional Ethics of Police Commanders of East Azerbaijan Province
Karim Esgandari Negin Mirab Khanbaghi -
Open Access Article
48 - The Effect of the Central and Peripheral Compatibility with Mobile Banking Features Considering Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy
Maryam Abdoli -
Open Access Article
49 - Identifying and Prioritizing Green Supply Chain Management Strategies Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchy Method
Farzaneh Mansouri Tayebeh Abasnejad -
Open Access Article
50 - The role of Personnel Capabilities on Supply Chain Agility (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Tobacco Company)
rostam amini reza rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
51 - The Effect of Word of Mouth Advertising on Customer Preferences
siyamak farrokhi ali Yavari jafar beikzad -
Open Access Article
52 - The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Creative Performance of Employees Regarding the Mediating Role of Environmental Uncertainty and Cultural Intelligence (Case Study: Urmia Veterinary Office)
Shima Esmaeili pardul reza rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
53 - The Role of Entrepreneurship Strategies in Success of Small and Medium Businesses and Prioritization of Strategies by AHP
Aliakbar peyvasteh S Mohamad Manafi -
Open Access Article
54 - Evaluation of the Relationship between Social Capital and Export Performance with an Emphasis on the Mediating Role of Cooperation and Organizational Commitment (Case Study: Snowa Co.)
HOMA KAVOOSI kalejahi hossain bodaghi khaje nobar -
Open Access Article
55 - The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management on Organizational Agility (Case Study: Iran Khodro Tabriz)
Masoumeh Safdari Reza Rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
56 - Management of Strategic Knowledge with Information Technology Approach
Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand