Identifying and Prioritizing the Causes of Conflict and its Management Strategies Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques in Electricity Distribution Company of Hormozgan Province
Subject Areas : Journal of Value Chain ManagementMina Sahraeian 1 , Reza Ahmadi Kahnali 2 *
1 - Graduated MA Public Administration, University of Hormozgan, Hormozgan, Iran
2 - Department of Management, University of Hormozgan, Hormozgan, Iran.
Keywords: Fuzzy Topsis, FUZZY AHP, Organizational Conflic, Conflict Management,
Abstract :
Abstract Nowadays, organizational conflict and conflict management are the topics which attract organizations' manager and employees. So the aim of this study is to identifying and prioritizing the causes of conflict and conflict management styles in Hormozgan Province Electricity Distribution Company. This study in term of purpose and methodology are respectively functional and descriptive―survey. The study population in first step is all employees of Company concluded 157 persons and for the second step is managers and human resources professionals encluded 6 persons. The validity and general stability of questionaire proved through experts and Chronbach's Alpha with 0.88 factor respectively. In this study with the use of library search and reading the previous studies related to present search and experts' and professors' opinions, the factors of organizational conflict were determined to 3 main factors such as (individual, communication, structural) with the total 20 indexes. The fuzzy AHP was used for determining the weights and relative importance then the style of conflict management was prioritized by Tapsis fuzzy method. The results concluded that the individual factor was the most important factor for conflict event. Among the personal factor, the competition index for prize and understanding limitation was located in higher priority in organization conflict. Among the structural factor، the evaluation system and bonus inconsistent and uncoordinated distribution of power, and for the relational factor, the discrimination relations and defect in informational system gain significance. According to results, the manager's prefer in use of conflict management styles are respectively reconciliation and cooperation styles then agreement and avoidance and eventually force style.