Open Access Article
1 - Natural Frequency and Dynamic Analyses of Functionally Graded Saturated Porous Beam Resting on Viscoelastic Foundation Based on Higher Order Beam Theory
M Babaei K Asemi P Safarpour -
Open Access Article
2 - Effect of the Multi Vibration Absorbers on the Nonlinear FG Beam Under Periodic Load with Various Boundary Conditions
H Ahmadi K Foroutan -
Open Access Article
3 - Vibration Analysis of Rotary Tapered Axially Functionally Graded Timoshenko Nanobeam in Thermal Environment
N Shafiei M Hamisi M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
4 - Vibration Analysis of the Sandwich Beam with Electro-Rheological Fluid Core Embedded Within Two FG Nanocomposite Faces Resting on Pasternak Foundation
A.H Ghorbanpour-Arani A Rastgoo -
Open Access Article
5 - Temperature-Dependent Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Cylinders
Y Mohammadi M Rahmani -
Open Access Article
6 - Influence of Viscoelastic Foundation on Dynamic Behaviour of the Double Walled Cylindrical Inhomogeneous Micro Shell Using MCST and with the Aid of GDQM
A Mohammadi H Lashini M Habibi H Safarpour -
Open Access Article
7 - An Approximate Solution of Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beam Using B-Spline Collocation Method
D Mahapatra Sh Sanyal Sh Bhowmick -
Open Access Article
8 - Size Dependent Nonlinear Bending Analysis of a Flexoelectric Functionally Graded Nano-Plate Under Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Loads
A Ghobadi Y Tadi Beni H Golestanian -
Open Access Article
9 - Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Material Beam by a Modified Mesh Free Method
M Foroutan Sh Sharafi S Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
10 - Determination of the Effective Parameters for Perforated Functionally Graded Plates with Polygonal Cutout by Analytical Solution
M Jafari M. H Bayati Chaleshtari H Abdolalian -
Open Access Article
11 - An Efficient Finite Element Formulation Based on Deformation Approach for Bending of Functionally Graded Beams
H Ziou M Himeur H Guenfoud M Guenfoud -
Open Access Article
12 - Effect of Winkler Foundation on Radially Symmetric Vibrations of Bi-Directional FGM Non-Uniform Mindlin’s Circular Plate Subjected to In-Plane Peripheral Loading
N Ahlawat R Lal -
Open Access Article
13 - In-Plane Analysis of an FGP Plane Weakened by Multiple Moving Cracks
R Bagheri M Mahmoudi Monfared -
Open Access Article
14 - Free Vibration Analysis of Bidirectional Functionally Graded Conical/Cylindrical Shells and Annular Plates on Nonlinear Elastic Foundations, Based on a Unified Differential Transform Analytical Formulation
M Molla-Alipour M Shariyat M Shaban -
Open Access Article
15 - A Generalized Thermo-Elastic Diffusion Problem in a Functionally Graded Rotating Media Using Fractional Order Theory
K Paul B Mukhopadhyay -
Open Access Article
16 - Vibrations of Inhomogeneous Viscothermoelastic Nonlocal Hollow Sphere under the effect of Three-Phase-Lag Model
S.R Sharma M.K Sharma D.K Sharma -
Open Access Article
17 - Elasticity Exact Solution for an FGM Cylindrical Shaft with Piezoelectric Layers Under the Saint-Venant Torsion by Using Prandtl’s Formulation
M. R Eslami M Jabbari A Eskandarzadeh Sabet -
Open Access Article
18 - Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Beam with Magnetorheological Fluid Core Using Timoshenko Beam Theory
Omid Miraliyari Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi Mohammad Mahdi Najafizadeh -
Open Access Article
19 - Dynamic Stability Analysis of Bi-Directional Functionally Graded Beam with Various Shear Deformation Theories Under Harmonic Excitation and Thermal Environment
A Ghorbanpour Arani Sh Niknejad A Mihankhah I Safari -
Open Access Article
20 - A Novel Spring-Based Model for Damage Investigation of Functionally Graded Beams
S Karimi M Bozorgnsab R Taghipour M.M Alipour -
Open Access Article
21 - An Approximate Thermo-Mechanical Solution of a Functionally Graded Cylinder Using Hybrid Integral Transform and Finite Element Method
M Dehghan A Moosaie M Zamani Nejad -
Open Access Article
22 - Closed-Form Formulation for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Plates
Mahdi Shaban Mohammad Javad Khoshgoftar -
Open Access Article
23 - Thermo-Magneto-Elastic-Plastic Analysis of functionally magnetoelastic pressurized thick cylindrical structure
Sahar Sohrabi S Rash Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
24 - Free Vibration Analysis of A Sandwich Cylindrical Shell with A Functionally Graded Auxetic Honeycomb Core via The zig-zag Theory
Hossein Amirabadi -
Open Access Article
25 - On the Aeroelastic Stability of a Two-Directional FG GNP-Enriched Conical Shell
Alireza Shahidi Arashk Darakhsh -
Open Access Article
26 - Dynamical stability of bi-directionally graded moving beams
Mohammad Hasan Babaei Rochi Jalil Jamali -
Open Access Article
27 - Double Cracks Identification in Functionally Graded Beams Using Artificial Neural Network
F Nazari M.H Abolbashari -
Open Access Article
28 - Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Beams with Piezoelectric Layers Subjected to Axial Load
M Karami Khorramabadi -
Open Access Article
29 - A Nonlocal First Order Shear Deformation Theory for Vibration Analysis of Size Dependent Functionally Graded Nano beam with Attached Tip Mass: an Exact Solution
M Ghadiri A Jafari -
Open Access Article
30 - An Efficient Co Finite Element Approach for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Ceramic-Metal Skew Shell Panels
G Taj A Chakrabarti -
Open Access Article
31 - Fractional Order Generalized Thermoelastic Functionally Graded Solid with Variable Material Properties
A Sur M Kanoria -
Open Access Article
32 - Buckling Analyses of Rectangular Plates Composed of Functionally Graded Materials by the New Version of DQ Method Subjected to Non-Uniform Distributed In-Plane Loading
R Kazemi Mehrabadi V.R Mirzaeian -
Open Access Article
33 - Free Vibrations of Three-Parameter Functionally Graded Plates Resting on Pasternak Foundations
J.E Jam S Kamarian A Pourasghar J Seidi -
Open Access Article
34 - A Semi-analytical Approach to Elastic-plastic Stress Analysis of FGM Pressure Vessels
A.T Kalali S Hadidi-Moud -
Open Access Article
35 - Thermo-Elastic Analysis of Non-Uniform Functionally Graded Circular Plate Resting on a Gradient Elastic Foundation
A Behravan Rad -
Open Access Article
36 - Comparison of Various Shell Theories for Vibrating Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells
M Javadinejad -
Open Access Article
37 - Free Vibration Analysis of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Plates with Multiple Circular and Square Cutouts Using Finite Element Method
J Vimal R.K Srivastava A.D Bhatt A.K Sharma -
Open Access Article
38 - A Zigzag Theory with Local Shear Correction Factors for Semi-Analytical Bending Modal Analysis of Functionally Graded Viscoelastic Circular Sandwich Plates
M Shariyat M.M Alipour -
Open Access Article
39 - Effect of Non-ideal Boundary Conditions on Buckling of Rectangular Functionally Graded Plates
J Mohammadi M Gheisary -
Open Access Article
40 - Simple Solutions for Buckling of Conical Shells Composed of Functionally Graded Materials
A Lavasani -
Open Access Article
41 - Dynamic Stability of Functionally Graded Beams with Piezoelectric Layers Located on a Continuous Elastic Foundation
N Omidi M Karami Khorramabadi A Niknejad -
Open Access Article
42 - Inhomogeneity Material Effect on Electromechanical Stresses, Displacement and Electric Potential in FGM Piezoelectric Hollow Rotating Disk
A Ghorbanpour Arani H Khazaali M Rahnama M Dadkhah -
Open Access Article
43 - Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Spinning Cylindrical Shells Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory
M Mehrparvar -
Open Access Article
44 - Frequency Analysis of FG Sandwich Rectangular Plates with a Four-Parameter Power-Law Distribution
S Kamarian M.H Yas A Pourasghar -
Open Access Article
45 - Application of Piezoelectric and Functionally Graded Materials in Designing Electrostatically Actuated Micro Switches
A Hosseinzadeh M.T Ahmadian -
Open Access Article
46 - A Power Series Solution for Free Vibration of Variable Thickness Mindlin Circular Plates with Two-Directional Material Heterogeneity and Elastic Foundations
M.M Alipour M Shariyat -
Open Access Article
47 - Generalized Differential Quadrature Method for Vibration Analysis of Cantilever Trapezoidal FG Thick Plate
K Torabi H Afshari -
Open Access Article
48 - The Effects of Carbon Nanotube Orientation and Aggregation on Static Behavior of Functionally Graded Nanocomposite Cylinders
R Moradi-Dastjerdi G Payganeh M Tajdari -
Open Access Article
49 - Buckling Analysis of FG Plate with Smart Sensor/Actuator
N.S Viliani S.M.R Khalili H Porrostami -
Open Access Article
50 - Buckling Analysis of Simply-supported Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates under Non-uniform In-plane Compressive Loading
M Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
51 - Calculation of Natural Frequencies of Bi-Layered Rotating Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells
I Fakhari Golpayegani -
Open Access Article
52 - Influence of Rotation on Vibration Behavior of a Functionally Graded Moderately Thick Cylindrical Nanoshell Considering Initial Hoop Tension
H Safarpour M.M Barooti M Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
53 - The Effect of Modified Couple Stress Theory on Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Double-Layer Boron Nitride Piezoelectric Plate Based on CPT
M Mohammadimehr M Mohandes -
Open Access Article
54 - Analysis of Mode III Fraction in Functionally Graded Plate with Linearly Varying Properties
M.R Torshizian -
Open Access Article
55 - Thermal Creep Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick-Walled Cylinder Subjected to Torsion and Internal and External Pressure
S Sharma S Yadav R Sharma -
Open Access Article
56 - A Rapidly Convergent Nonlinear Transfinite Element Procedure for Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Temperature-Dependent Functionally Graded Cylinders
M Shariyat -
Open Access Article
57 - Analytical Solutions of the FG Thick Plates with In-Plane Stiffness Variation and Porous Substances Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory
M karimi darani A Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
58 - Stress Analysis of Two-directional FGM Moderately Thick Constrained Circular Plates with Non-uniform Load and Substrate Stiffness Distributions
M.M Alipour M Shariyat -
Open Access Article
59 - Effects of Geometric Nonlinearity on Stress Analysis in Large Amplitude Vibration of Moderately Thick Annular Functionally Graded Plate
M.H Amini A Rastgoo M Soleimani -
Open Access Article
60 - Theoretical Formulations for Finite Element Models of Functionally Graded Beams with Piezoelectric Layers
J.N Reddy S Doshi A Muliana -
Open Access Article
61 - On the Analysis of FGM Beams: FEM with Innovative Element
M Zakeri A Modarakar Haghighi R Attarnejad -
Open Access Article
62 - First-Order Formulation for Functionally Graded Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compression
A Hasani -
Open Access Article
63 - Optimization of Functionally Graded Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations
M.H Yas S Kamarian J.E Jam A Pourasghar -
Open Access Article
64 - Effect of Exponentially-Varying Properties on Displacements and Stresses in Pressurized Functionally Graded Thick Spherical Shells with Using Iterative Technique
M Zamani Nejad A Rastgoo A Hadi -
Open Access Article
65 - Magnetic Stability of Functionally Graded Soft Ferromagnetic Porous Rectangular Plate
M Jabbari M Haghi Choobar A Mojahedin E Farzaneh Joubaneh -
Open Access Article
66 - Elastic-Plastic Transition of Pressurized Functionally Graded Orthotropic Cylinder using Seth’s Transition Theory
S Sharma R Panchal -
Open Access Article
67 - Vibration Analysis of FG Nanoplate Based on Third-Order Shear Deformation Theory (TSDT) and Nonlocal Elasticity
M.M Najafizadeh M Raki P Yousefi -
Open Access Article
68 - Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Directional Functionally Graded Panels and Comparative Modeling by ANN
H Khoshnoodi M.H Yas A Samadinejad -
Open Access Article
69 - Edge Crack Studies in Rotating FGM Disks
H Eskandari -
Open Access Article
70 - Elastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Variable Thickness Rotating Disk by Element Based Material Grading
A.K Thawait L Sondhi Sh Sanyal Sh Bhowmick -
Open Access Article
71 - Time-Dependent Hygro-Thermal Creep Analysis of Pressurized FGM Rotating Thick Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Uniform Magnetic Field
A Bakhshizadeh M Zamani Nejad M Davoudi Kashkoli -
Open Access Article
72 - Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell Panel With and Without a Cutout
k.S Sai Ram K Pratyusha P Kiranmayi -
Open Access Article
73 - Two-Dimensional Elasticity Solution for Arbitrarily Supported Axially Functionally Graded Beams
A Singh P Kumari -
Open Access Article
74 - One-Dimensional Transient Thermal and Mechanical Stresses in FGM Hollow Cylinder with Piezoelectric Layers
S.M Mousavi M Jabbari M.A Kiani -
Open Access Article
75 - Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors in a Spherical Pressure Vessel with Functionally Graded Coating
H Eskandari -
Open Access Article
76 - On the Stability of an Electrostatically-Actuated Functionally Graded Magneto-Electro-Elastic Micro-Beams Under Magneto-Electric Conditions
A Amiri G Rezazadeh R Shabani A Khanchehgardan -
Open Access Article
77 - Estimation of Thermoelastic State of a Thermally Sensitive Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder: A Mathematical Model
V. K Manthena N.K Lamba G.D Kedar -
Open Access Article
78 - Delamination of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Multilayered Non-Linear Elastic Beam - an Analytical Approach
V Rizov -
Open Access Article
79 - Biaxial Buckling Analysis of Symmetric Functionally Graded Metal Cored Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation under Various Edge Conditions Using Galerkin Method
M Rezaei S Ziaee S Shoja -
Open Access Article
80 - An Investigation of Stress and Deformation States of Rotating Thick Truncated Conical Shells of Functionally Graded Material
A Thawait L Sondhi Sh Bhowmick Sh Sanyal -
Open Access Article
81 - The Nonlinear Thermo-Hyperelastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Incompressible Hollow Sphere with Temperature Dependent Material Using Finite Element Method
Ali Zargaripoor Mohammad Shariyat -
Open Access Article
82 - Mixed-Mode Transient Analysis of Multiple Interface Cracks Between Half-Plane and Functionally Graded Layer
M. Rezaei Rased R. Bagheri R. Jamalpour