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        1 - A Critical Approach to Terrorism phenomenon: Traditional and Critical Theories
        Keyhan Barzegar Rahmat Hajimineh
        As with any academic field, terrorism studies is in large part constituted by an identifiable and fairly consistent set of sharedassumptions, narratives and labels about its primary subject as well as an accepted body of knowledge-generating practices.These narratives, More
        As with any academic field, terrorism studies is in large part constituted by an identifiable and fairly consistent set of sharedassumptions, narratives and labels about its primary subject as well as an accepted body of knowledge-generating practices.These narratives, assumptions and knowledge-generating practices function to define the field’s ontological, epistemological,methodological and ethical-normative approaches which can be found in much of the field’s primary output, particularly byits leading scholars. Since, nowadays there is a great knowledge about different dimensions of terrorism that should bestudied in term of interdisciplinary and analytical matters. In this regard, we can address about formation of critical terrorismwhich attempts to explain terrorism phenomenon. So, the main question of this paper is that if critical approach couldestablish a comprehensive frame for studying terrorism as it did in other fields. For this aim, by applying critical approach toterrorism in two steps, including; deepening and broadening terrorism research shows that such critical view not only revealshortage of dominant traditional paradigm such as, lack of self- reflexivity, lack of contextualization, ahistoricity, statistbias, media censoring, dearth of fieldwork and so on, but also provides more comprehensive framework for terrorismstudies. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Development of the concept of self-defence in line with national interests against modern terrorism from the perspective of international law
        ehsan sadeghipoor Mahmoud Ganj Bakhsh Kourosh Jafarpour
        The evolution in the nature and form of international threats in the current century is due to the process of globalization, and terrorism has become transnational and international in response to these changes, which usually occurs with the organization and use of new More
        The evolution in the nature and form of international threats in the current century is due to the process of globalization, and terrorism has become transnational and international in response to these changes, which usually occurs with the organization and use of new technologies.Thus, these characteristics have added to the difficulty of fighting and preventing it. Arguably, self-defence against non-state actors is at least sometimes legal. But in terms of the emergence of new types of terrorism such as water terrorism, international jihadism, cyber terrorism, and finally the acquisition of dangerous radioactive, chemical, and biological weapons by terrorists which suddenly endangers international peace and security, This issue is raised, considering the coordinates of modern terrorism, what is the position of reference to preemptive and preventive attack in international law? This research examines the proposed legal theories and arguments with a descriptive analytical method and tests the hypothesis that governments have the right to resort to self-defence by using military forces if they are exposed to an armed attack. Manuscript profile
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        3 - روان شناسی اقدامات تروریستی: هراس و هراس افکنی
        نوروز کارگری نسرین مهرا
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        4 - حمایت غیر کیفری از بزه‌دیدگان بیوتروریسم؛ مطالعه اسناد بین‌المللی و حقوق ایران
        نصرت حسن زاده بابک پورقهرمانی
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        5 - تحلیل جرم شناختی تأمین مالی تروریسم در حقوق ایران
        حسین اسدزاده بنابی محمد رسایی
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        6 - The role of the religion in social changes through crime (with emphasis on the Islam role in terrorism)
        Nourooz Karegari
        Islam as a divine religion nowadays faces with some charges base on its relation with terrorist attacks. According to these charges, it is claimed that the most of terrorist attacks are done by Muslims and so it would mean that there is a direct connection between Islam More
        Islam as a divine religion nowadays faces with some charges base on its relation with terrorist attacks. According to these charges, it is claimed that the most of terrorist attacks are done by Muslims and so it would mean that there is a direct connection between Islamic believes and terrorist attacks. In this essay, which has been done analytically using the profile of terrorist groups, we will show that the reality of these kind of groups is different from what is shown. On the other hand, the foundation of the religious believes are in contrast with the violence terrorist attacks. These kinds of attacks always originate from political motives and in the case of religious violence, religious believes are the sole mean to achieve these political goals; either for advancement of the political goals or for providing a base to empower the political power through committing violence on the religious believes. Manuscript profile
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        7 - New terrorism: A Theoretical Framework
        ابوذر Gohari moghadam
        International terrorism can be defined in the framework of international systemchanges. To do so, in this article we try to describe terrorism through theglobalizations’ different aspects. In better words, this essay is a theoreticalexplanation of the new terroris More
        International terrorism can be defined in the framework of international systemchanges. To do so, in this article we try to describe terrorism through theglobalizations’ different aspects. In better words, this essay is a theoreticalexplanation of the new terrorism by applying some globalization effects on theindividual especially the South people. Presenting a new framework of analysis toexplain new terrorism, this article is to mention the main globalization aspectsnaming political, economic, cultural and technological on occurring new terrorism.Globalization process has created a dozen of phenomena such as emerging newnon-governmental actors, weak states, international crimes, great immigrations,merging of different races, information & technologic revolution, distribution ofWMDs etc. These elements beside the other main factors of globalization causemeaning and identity crisis in under developing countries and specially groups andindividuals of the South. To project this crisis the individuals resort to ideology andreligion to find or redefine their identity. They try through ideology to escape fromfrustration and in this way if they access to WMDs the results of their actions is newterrorism Manuscript profile
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        8 - -
        M. Masoomi A. Saee
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        9 - US Defense and Foreign Policy after the September 11th
        حمید Hadian
        This article is a study of the American compulsive and coerciveforeign policy formulation and its defence stategy on preventive war andpre-emption after the September 11/2001. The immediate application ofthis policy was a broader formulation of coercive and compulsive f More
        This article is a study of the American compulsive and coerciveforeign policy formulation and its defence stategy on preventive war andpre-emption after the September 11/2001. The immediate application ofthis policy was a broader formulation of coercive and compulsive foreignpolicy which accepted the right of the U.S. to pursue unilateral or even multilateralsolutions, and also a doctrine permitting pre-emptive and preventivestrikes against contemporary international terrorism, terrorism and genocide(nuclear terrorism). These policies, developed during the invasion ofAfghnistan and Iraq wars. Supporters of the Bush doctrine, also described as the neo conservatives, advocate the dominance of Middle East issues by theU.S. and are involved in this plan (Greater Middle East Initiative). The authorbelives that this strategy is based on fostering economic progress and thedeveloping skill levels of the politics in this region, instead of, dealing withimplications for settlement on core issues of the Palestinian-Israeli ongoingdisputes. The new national security strategy of the united states issued afterthe September 11th, is a policy of actively ignite a new era of economicgrowth in Arab countries and finite political resources for them to meet theU.S. priorities Manuscript profile
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        10 - Piracy and Marian Terrorism Perception on International Treaties
        Jaafar Kousha Farhad Shaygan
        Unlike piracy and slave trade that were as the first instances of international crimes and world jurisprudence in combination with prosecuting and punishing those who committed them, there are some other international committed crimes in marines that have recently attra More
        Unlike piracy and slave trade that were as the first instances of international crimes and world jurisprudence in combination with prosecuting and punishing those who committed them, there are some other international committed crimes in marines that have recently attracted the attentions of world community. Amongst different kinds of crimes according to the degree of importance as mentioned above and how the world copes with them by entering into the international treaties, two items of important crimes such as piracy, armed robbery against ships with marine terrorism have been considerably noticed. The spread of treaties to cope with the crimes mentioned above in territories beyond states’ jurisprudences were mainly focused on these discussions. This paper has also discussed the four conventions of Genoa (1958), marine laws (1982), Rome convention (1988) and attached protocol on navigation security accompanied by other international documents and those of regional and reciprocal documents. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Sentence of Polluting Water with an Intention of Harming Others (Bioterrorism)
        nahid dehghan afifi
        Cause to sustain a loss, is haram and against the benefit and causing a defect in something. Assassination also means creating fear and terror among the people. Perverseness is going beyond moderation and is contrary to reform, and it means to defect, annul and make use More
        Cause to sustain a loss, is haram and against the benefit and causing a defect in something. Assassination also means creating fear and terror among the people. Perverseness is going beyond moderation and is contrary to reform, and it means to defect, annul and make useless and ruin. Bioterrorism means mass killing by biological materials. This type of pollution, which is done intentionally and aggressively, is considered haram from the Islamic point of view. Cause to sustain a loss, pollution and perverseness are all among the concepts for which Islamic Jurisprudence, have issued rulings in jurisprudential books, and in most cases, they have issued a fatwa, to quit or commit, on the various issues. Meanwhile, the social system order and the maintenance of this order are of special importance for Islam, and this is the obstacle to doing things that cause disruption of social order. Cause to sustain a loss and pollution can sometimes lead to murder and sometimes injury. In both cases, the ruling is taken from the verses of sanctity. The ugliness of this act is clear even executing them about non-Muslims and the enemies. In addition, assassination and surprise murder has also been condemned. Treason or betrayal and disturbing the public order of the world are other reasons for being forbidden. Therefore, assassination or pollution with the intention of harm, which usually leads to the murder of a person, is haram for many reasons. It can be understood from these meanings and concepts, for any kind of action that is equal to what has been said, adapting the rational and narrative prohibitive arguments can lead to haram ruling for them. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A reflection on some concepts that disrupt security and public comfort from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence
        Mohamadebrahim Mojahed Ahmad Abedini Najaf Abadi Javad Panjepour
        The concept of concept is very important in all branches of science. Conceptual discussion in criminal law, especially in the field of security and public comfort, is of double importance. Since this field is closely related to the materials of Khamsa, and then there ar More
        The concept of concept is very important in all branches of science. Conceptual discussion in criminal law, especially in the field of security and public comfort, is of double importance. Since this field is closely related to the materials of Khamsa, and then there are conceptual inadequacies and ambiguities in some of these concepts; Based on this, the explanation of this category of concepts is an inevitable necessity, both theoretically and practically. Brief recognition and explanation of concepts such as terror and terrorism, and bioterrorism, war and corruption in the land and rebellion, political crime, assassination, coup d'état, and their difference and separation from each other are among the concepts that familiarization and explanation of them, both in terms of It is important both theoretically and in the practical aspect of law making, as well as in the position of judging and applying examples. This research analyzed some of the most important concepts in an analytical-descriptive way. First, these basic concepts were explained and described. Then attention was paid to the brief analysis of the attributes and dimensions, angles, territory and them. As a result of this research, the discussed concepts were disambiguated, and with the knowledge obtained of the elements and nature of each, their differences and distinctions were recognized and explained. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Takfiri terrorism ahd exprwssing the position of jihad in lslamic jurisprudence
        mohammadali ansarichamroudi Hossein sadjadi younes vahed yarijan
        تروریسم تکفیری به دنبال خشونت ، تهدید و کشتار است ، که نتیجه آن، ترس و ناامنی در کشورهای منطقه شده است ، آنها اقدامات خود را در قالب جهاد اسلامی مطرح کرده اند در حالی که هدف از جهاد جنایات غیر انسانی نبوده بلکه اعتلای ندای توحید است . بنابراین هدف اصلی پژوهش بررسی اقدام More
        تروریسم تکفیری به دنبال خشونت ، تهدید و کشتار است ، که نتیجه آن، ترس و ناامنی در کشورهای منطقه شده است ، آنها اقدامات خود را در قالب جهاد اسلامی مطرح کرده اند در حالی که هدف از جهاد جنایات غیر انسانی نبوده بلکه اعتلای ندای توحید است . بنابراین هدف اصلی پژوهش بررسی اقدامات تروریسم تکفیری و بیان جایگاه جهاد در متون روایی و فقه اسلامی است که با روش کتابخانه ایی، بصورت تبیین و استناد به آیات و روایات پیامبر اکرم (ص) در نزد فریقین، به بیان آراء پرداخته و در ادامه برخی عملکرد پدیده تروریسم تکفیری را مورد نقد قرار داده است ، و بر این نتیجه است ، تروریسم ، محصول اندیشه های تند ، جمود ، افراط، تعصب و جهالت است که با هدف ، فتنه گری و کشتار در منطقه ، بدنبال تأمین منافع سیاسی برای خود و حامیانشان ، تشکیل شده است و این در حالی است که اعمال آنها هیچ گونه ارتباط شرعی و عقلی با سنت نبوی (ص) و اسلام ندارد. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Crime agaist Tourists in Tourism Destinations Case Study:Tehran Metropolise
        Azita Rajabi Marzieh Khanmohammadi
        Tourism is a very delicate and sensitive industry especially in relation with safetyand security matters in different national,regional and international levels. Every kindof security incidents such as :crime against tourists ,war,riots and terrorism will causeirrecover More
        Tourism is a very delicate and sensitive industry especially in relation with safetyand security matters in different national,regional and international levels. Every kindof security incidents such as :crime against tourists ,war,riots and terrorism will causeirrecoverable damage to the industry.Control and providing the security of tourists and prevention of crime againstthem,not only boots their reliability but also by reducing their concerns for providingtheir physical and financial security,make them enjoy their trip and travel further.Tehran city includes one forth of urban population of the country (the mainpopulation centers) and arrival and departure place of the most incoming tourists toIran, so it is playing the main role in managing tourism destinations in the country.Therfore, security incidents and crime agaist tourists can destroy tourism industry inseveral occasions.The goal of this article is surveying security issues and crime against tourists intourism destinations.The methods of this research is descriptive- analystic and the aimis practical. the results and findings of the research shows that social andenvironmental security in Tehran city is not in proper level ,and like many othermetropolises the crime rate is high. therefore, Tehran city is not in a proper securitysituation for developing tourism industry at present time.So it seems some extrememeasures should be taken to improve tourism industry in the under study city. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Environmental terrorism centered on armed conflict in the light of international criminal law
        behrooz sepehri nourooz kargari Mohammad Ashouri ghassem ghassemi
        Environmental terrorism is a violent behavior that with the intention of depriving the peace, order and security of human societies, by targeting the environment, endangers human life and health and environmental security and whenever at the same time with Conflicts Arm More
        Environmental terrorism is a violent behavior that with the intention of depriving the peace, order and security of human societies, by targeting the environment, endangers human life and health and environmental security and whenever at the same time with Conflicts Armed and on the part of one of the parties to the conflict, it causes extensive and irreparable damage and not only endangers the health and life of the contemporary generation, but also endangers the health of future generations and deprives the healthy of environment. Therefore, reviewing strategies to deal with such events is the main purpose of current research. The present research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and in the form of citations through the use of library and electronic resources including books, articles, dissertations, regulations and international documents in Persian and English languages. The only way to fight with this criminal phenomenon is to bind the parties to the conflict to the norms and regulations related to international humanitarian law and to criminalize the violation of such regulations, in order to control the violence of the conflicting parties within the limits of international regulations. Violation of such regulations will result in criminal prosecution charges of "international crimes" or "serious crimes of international importance." Although Article 5 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court 1998 does not forecast environmental terrorism as an international crime, but because of the profound and irreparable harmful effects on human life and health and the health of the environment and the possibility of spreading such effects to remote areas. And even to future generations, international legal doctrine and documents recognize environmental terrorism as an acute example of terrorism and its importance in the line of international crimes and the effects of international crimes on it. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Environmental Terrorism Criminalization; Challenges, Norms and Strategies
        Sayeed Abbas Puorhashemi Payman Namamian Sobhan Tayebi
        Background and Objectives: Todays abuse of the Environment and the living World, both as atTarget and as a tool for Terrorist Activity is Evident. In this context, "green war" with the changingface of terrorism as a phenomenon, emerging in the contemporary world appears More
        Background and Objectives: Todays abuse of the Environment and the living World, both as atTarget and as a tool for Terrorist Activity is Evident. In this context, "green war" with the changingface of terrorism as a phenomenon, emerging in the contemporary world appears. Not only theinternational laws, but domestic laws (National) did not counter this threat practically. It providesemerging threats. However, the applicability of legal principles, strategies could also replace the antiterrorismactions effectively and provide appropriate solutions for this crisis. Green or environmentalterrorism, including terrorism with new environmental elements, conveniently located on the route ofterrorist activity.Methods: The Presented cross-sectional study based on the principles, methods, libraries research andthe forwarded ways based on the cross-sectional and Library Noting including old and new aspects ofthis new phenomenon of terrorism is discussed. In this regard, the proposed environmental terrorismas a global risk coping strategies are also reviewed and considered with the best route is diplomacy.Results: In addition to describing the implementation of these strategies in this regard, this study hasattempted to offer effective strategic approaches to tackle the new criminal law as "green terrorism" or"the ecosystem drawing" with the best tackle of the mechanisms which provides emerging threats. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Environmental terrorism risk management solutions with a focus on prevention in the light of international law
        behrooz sepehri Nowruz Kargari Mohammad Ashouri ghassem ghassemi
        The inescapable dependence and connection of living organisms with the environment, along with the ease of contagion and the cross-border nature of the harmful effects of destructive environmental actions, increases the risk of serious vulnerability of humans if the env More
        The inescapable dependence and connection of living organisms with the environment, along with the ease of contagion and the cross-border nature of the harmful effects of destructive environmental actions, increases the risk of serious vulnerability of humans if the environment becomes a target or tool by terrorist groups. Such a way that it is possible, as a result of environmental terrorism, the life and health of a wide range of human societies may suffer irreparable injuries and cause extensive damages. For this reason, in order to fight against environmental terrorism and control the risks its injuries, it is not enough to criminalize and determine the legal punishment for the perpetrators, but it is necessary to think of comprehensive and universal preventive measures. In order to avoid the terrible dangers of environmental terrorism as much as possible, must considering the international norms, measures to prevent environmental terrorism be foreseen. The present research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and in the form of citations through the use of library and electronic resources including books, articles, dissertations, regulations and international documents in Persian and English languages. Deterrent norms in the prevention of environmental terrorism in international documents, in the form of measures such as the prohibition of supporting terrorism, norms related to humanitarian rights, curbing the development of weapons of mass destruction, norms related to environmental protection, necessary measures to protect agricultural products and other basic needs. And also assuming the occurrence of terrorist behaviors, supporting the victims and restoring the previous situation under the light of transitional justice, they are among the measures that will be effective in preventing or mitigating the risks caused by environmental terrorism. International documents and norms indicate that the experiences of historical events have made the international communities understand the terrible dangers of environmental terrorism and predict measures, albeit incomplete, to prevent the occurrence or neutralize the effects of such terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Legal and Quranic dimensions against financial terrorism with a focus on human rights
        Somayeh Sarrami Nafiseh Nekouei Mehr Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Tabatabaei
        In Iranian law, the term terrorism has been used many times, but the mentioned applications are not in the field of criminology and legal fight against terrorism, but the general responsibilities of the police and the Ministry of Interior is mainly explained. Given that More
        In Iranian law, the term terrorism has been used many times, but the mentioned applications are not in the field of criminology and legal fight against terrorism, but the general responsibilities of the police and the Ministry of Interior is mainly explained. Given that Iran's name is on the FATF blacklist these days, it was necessary to study Iran's membership in various multilateral treaties on the prohibition of international terrorism in order to determine whether Iran's law is consistent with international law in the field of international terrorism. This article first deals with the definitions of terrorism in the laws and the Qur'an, and then deals with the laws of Iranian domestic law and membership in anti-terrorism conventions. Finally, it is important to note that Iran has taken effective steps against financial terrorism and it is one of the activists against this crime. Manuscript profile
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        19 - امکان سنجی شناسائی مسئولیت کیفری سیاست گذاران (وهابی) و مجریان حقیقی دولت های حامی تروریسم با تاکید بر رویکردهای سیاسی و حقوقی در جغرافیای سیاسی خاورمیانه
        سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد
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        20 - حقوق قربانیان اقدامات تروریستی در رهیافت های سیاسی و قوانین بین‌المللی با تاکید بر جغرافیای سیاسی خاورمیانه
        سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد
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        21 - مطالعه تطبیقی قوانین و مقررات مقابله با تروریسم از منظر اسلام و حقوق بین الملل
        امین امینی زارع ابومحمد عسگرخانی مریم مرادی
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        22 - ریشه‌های بسط و نضج بنیادگرائی افراطی در پاکستان در راستای ایجاد امنیت ملی و منطقه‌ای با تاکید بر مرزهای مشترک ایران
        فاطمه زهرا علی محمدی حمیدرضا محمدی عزت الله عزتی
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        23 - بررسی نقش اماکن متبرکه بر مسائل فرهنگی اعتقادی مردم و تأثیرات ژئوپلتیکی آن (مطالعه موردی استان مازندران)
        سجاد کمری عزت الله عزتی سید یحیی صفوی رضا شعبانی
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        24 - تاثیر دزدی دریایی بر امنیت مناطق دریایی کشور سومالی
        سجاد کریمی پاشاکی محمد صادق یحیی پور علی کاظمی پور
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        25 - نقش کشور عربستان در گسترش تروریسم و تاثیر ان بر امنیت ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
        محراب هداوند میرزایی
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        26 - جامعه شبکه‌ای و تروریسم نوین؛ بررسی منابع ژئوپلیتیکی، ژئواکونومیکی و ژئوکالچری تروریسم نوین در منطقه خاورمیانه در راستای دستیابی به یک مدیریت اجرایی برای امنیت
        داود عابدینی
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        27 - الگوی روابط امنیتی ایران و پاکستان در مقابله با پدیده تروریسم از سال 2001 تا 2017
        محمد محمودی بالا گفشه علی بیژنی محمد اخباری
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        28 - تحلیل تروریسم در منطقه خاورمیانه از منظر حقوق اسلام و حقوق بین‌الملل
        علی حایک احمد رمضانی مریم مرادی سید باقر میر عباسی محمد صادقی
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        29 - Removing terrorism from Islamic jurisprudence and jurisprudential explanation of political decision Imam KHomeini (RA)
        احمد مرادخانی فاطمه رحمانی
        Today, the phenomenon of "terror" affect the daily lives of ordinary people, especially Muslims. However, the teachings of Islam under attack by some Western countries and is a doubt, terrorists created. Roots and explains the term in Islamic jurisprudence and jurists, More
        Today, the phenomenon of "terror" affect the daily lives of ordinary people, especially Muslims. However, the teachings of Islam under attack by some Western countries and is a doubt, terrorists created. Roots and explains the term in Islamic jurisprudence and jurists, terms that are equivalent to the word terror, And also delves into the assassination of Islamic jurisprudence and Quranic verses and traditions in dealing with offenders, and examining the reasons for the legal permissibility and impermissibility of killing human beings for the purpose of Mbrasazy Islam and Muslims from terror and violence is concerned. In this paper, using the analytical method and remove all doubts on the cause of death sentence of Salman Rushdie issued by Ayatollah Khomeini (RA) And provide de-terrorism Islamic Bill of Rights has been investigated. Manuscript profile
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        30 - ISIS: An Actor with Pre-Modern Thought and Ultra- Modern Instruments
        masoud motallebi لیلی حیدری
        Islamic group Isis is one of the most important salafi That has been able to dominate parts of Iraq and Syria in short time and be in focus of regional and international change. ISIS can be seen as an extreme actors in search of redemption, rescues and returns to the in More
        Islamic group Isis is one of the most important salafi That has been able to dominate parts of Iraq and Syria in short time and be in focus of regional and international change. ISIS can be seen as an extreme actors in search of redemption, rescues and returns to the initial ideals of Islam.This group consider itself as a identity phenomenon with task of reviving the Islamic caliphate and Emarat and the restoration of Sunni glory. Isis is also an example of new terrorist groups, transnational and global nature, that emphases on terror and violence,it has transcend modern, state-centered, materialistic interests and seeking confined to the boundaries passed and focuses on identity claim is global. The main problem of the present article is manifested in question ” how actors is Isis intellectually and how uses cyberspace in order to advance it is goals?” . The proposed hypotheses is "Isis, although is intellectually pre –modern but is a typical of post-modern terrorism in virtual space that uses it is facilities in order to introduce itself and to make terrorist network to creat"Islamic caliphate" Manuscript profile
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        31 - The study and Comparison of Takfiri Cults among Muslims and Christians: An ISIS and Ku Klux Klan Case Study
        rana ghasemi hadi vasei saeed montazery
        Today, Takfir and terrorism are among Muslims and Christians as a deviant and violent thought, especially in the religious-political arena, and it is important to reveal the nature of these Takfiri-terrorist cults. In this regard, this study investigates the emergence b More
        Today, Takfir and terrorism are among Muslims and Christians as a deviant and violent thought, especially in the religious-political arena, and it is important to reveal the nature of these Takfiri-terrorist cults. In this regard, this study investigates the emergence backgrounds of Takfir and terrorism among Muslims and Christians, in particular the common aspects of the ISIS cult and Ku Klux Klan applying library research and descriptive correlational research methods. To this end, the historical dimensions of Takfir and terrorism have been investigated from the past to today among Muslims and Christians, and then the common beliefs and goals of the Takfiri cults have been analyzed. The results show that the attitudes of Takfiri cults in Islam and Christianity are not rooted in religion and faith. What is common among these two cults includes deviations from the religious principles, and the political orientation, violence incentives, and domineering. Also, the powers’ behind the curtain political motives has a great demonstration on escalating the crisis in Islamic countries. ISIS and Ku Klux Klan are not approved by Islam and Christianity, and promotion of political awareness and understanding of the essence of religion are among the most important methods for dealing with Takfir. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Iran’s Strategy for Combatting the Financing of Terrorism
        Hosein Salehi Abomohamad Asgarkhani Sohrab Salahi
        The purpose of the present study is to review the role of Iran in combatting the financing of terrorism. The main research question is: What is the strategy of Iran in combating the financing of terrorism? The method of study is descriptive-analytic and the research res More
        The purpose of the present study is to review the role of Iran in combatting the financing of terrorism. The main research question is: What is the strategy of Iran in combating the financing of terrorism? The method of study is descriptive-analytic and the research results show that some ani-terrorist measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran include: blockage and confiscation of terrorist property and assets, giving information about transactions that are suspicious in terms of terrorism, increasing executive cooperation with other countries regarding investigation about financial resources of terrorism, obligation of the systems of money transfer to observe rules and regulations against money laundering, intensification of measures about customer identification in cases of phone transfer in national and international levels, and reforming rules and regulations to reassure so called charity and non-profit organizations are not used for financing terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        33 - A Study of Russia's Political and Security Approaches to Cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran to Counter Fundamentalism and Terrorism in the Middle East
        Jaber Monirpour Malek Zolgadr Mahdi Khoshkhati
        Today the main threat to governmental actors at the international level comes from emerging non-governmental actors, so at this point, security cooperation is needed between Russia and Iran to counter fundamentalism and terrorism in the Middle East. The purpose of the p More
        Today the main threat to governmental actors at the international level comes from emerging non-governmental actors, so at this point, security cooperation is needed between Russia and Iran to counter fundamentalism and terrorism in the Middle East. The purpose of the present study is to answer how the subject of terrorism and fundamentalism has fostered cooperation between Russia and Iran. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the theoretical approach of neorealism has been used. The research relies on the hypothesis that the common goals between two countries to counter fundamentalism have improved their cooperation and transformed bilateral ties between Tehran-Moscow. The results showed that although the level of cooperation between Iran and Russia has been improved, the complexity of globally and regionally structural and realistic approaches has removed special strategic ties between them. Manuscript profile
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        34 - US-EU Divergent and Convergent Relations in Important Matters of the Globe
        مجتبی محمدی نودهکی ابراهیم متقی محمدرضا اصغری
        It seems necessary to recognize stands and functions of US and EU as to their role-plays as two major effective actors in international order. Some of the important international issues such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, Middle East peace process and partic More
        It seems necessary to recognize stands and functions of US and EU as to their role-plays as two major effective actors in international order. Some of the important international issues such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, Middle East peace process and particularly Iran and our country’s nuclear program have found considerable amount of capacities of US-EU foreign policy and diplomacy. Both powers try to pursue in their own specific way their interests and benefits in dealing with important matters of the world. In different times, this differential method has led to differences between both powers in global issues which if not scientifically checked shall be mistaken at the surface level or deeply and in the way of approaching them. Therefore, recognizing new and old areas of differences and their causes seems necessary so that the level and scope of these differences at different times might be learned by looking into these cases and a more realistic recognition can be reached. In this way, the effective potential of each of the two powers is understood considering their tools and facilities in international issues. Manuscript profile
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        35 - نقش ترور و تروریسم در ایجاد بحران سیاسی لیبی در دوره پساقذافی
        عباس جهان تیغ طاهره میرساردو سروش فتحی
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        36 - Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges of the Joint Foreign Policy and the Security of European Union vis-a-vis Iran(1991-2021)
        Faranak Khodnegah Davood Kiani
        Despite the challenges in our relationships between both actors and U.S. pressure, the European Union has tried to expand its relationships due to relative advantage in areas of cooperation, and this research, based on descriptive-analytical method and library studies, More
        Despite the challenges in our relationships between both actors and U.S. pressure, the European Union has tried to expand its relationships due to relative advantage in areas of cooperation, and this research, based on descriptive-analytical method and library studies, answers the main question: What components are the factors that promote and what are the challenging factors for the relations between the two? It seems that: It seems that the European Union, due to negative U.S. propaganda and despite disagreements with Iran over issues such as human rights, nuclear issue and terrorism and arms war in the Middle East, also has common interests in the form of energy security and foreign investment.The geopolitical and geostrategic position of Iran and its impact on regional security is important and the EU is trying to deepen its relations with Iran and its influence. to increase the whole region Manuscript profile
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        37 - Sociological and Cultural Factors in the Formation of Terrorism
        AKBAR SHABANI Akbar Shabani Mehdi Esmaeli Hassan Haji Tabar Firooz Jaei
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        38 - The Emergence of International laws and Regulations of States against Terrorism from the Perspective of International Law
        Amin Amini Zare AboMohamad Asgarkhani Maryam Moradi
        Amin Amini Zare[1],AboMohamad Asgarkhani[2]*,Maryam Moradi[3] Abstract: Terrorism has been the subject of considerable reflection and research in various fields of the humanities, including international law. The purpose of this article is to investigate the origins o More
        Amin Amini Zare[1],AboMohamad Asgarkhani[2]*,Maryam Moradi[3] Abstract: Terrorism has been the subject of considerable reflection and research in various fields of the humanities, including international law. The purpose of this article is to investigate the origins of international regulations of world gov­er­n­m­ents in the fight against terrorism from the perspective of international law, which is followed by a descriptive-analytical method. According to the results the contemporary era has witnessed a lack of agreement and collective success in c­o­untering and eliminating the phenomenon of terrorism. The reason for this can be attributed to the lack of relative unity in defining the nature of the terrorist act, which in turn confuses and inefficiencies the forms of confrontation with it and institutions such as the United Nations.  Although, the structure of inter­n­a­tional law has not become fruitful and final solutions due to the use of power by powerful governments in their interests. [1].PhD student in Public International Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran. [2].Professor, Department of Law and Political Science, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran,Corresponding Author [3].Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law,Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran Manuscript profile
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        39 - The effects of the Wahhabi and Brotherhood discourse on the developments in Libya between 2010 and 2019
        Sadegh Daneshvar abbas salehi nejafabadi Ghasem Toraby
        Sadegh Daneshvar[1],Abbas SalehiNajaf Abadi[2]*, Ghasem Toraby [3]  Abstract The discourse of the Muslim Brotherhood is considered to be the most im­p­o­­rtant and deep-rooted "reformist Salafi" movement in the Sunni world; It is rooted in the conte More
        Sadegh Daneshvar[1],Abbas SalehiNajaf Abadi[2]*, Ghasem Toraby [3]  Abstract The discourse of the Muslim Brotherhood is considered to be the most im­p­o­­rtant and deep-rooted "reformist Salafi" movement in the Sunni world; It is rooted in the contemporary Islamic revival movement led by Seyyed Jamaluddin As­a­d­abadi. This discourse was founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928 in Egypt and is now highly influential in many Islamic countries, such as Turkey and Qatar. In contrast to the Brotherhood's discourse,we should mention the Wahhabi d­i­s­course,which rises and seeks with a Salafi and fundamentalist reading of Is­la­m in Saudi Arabia, using oil dollars and important Islamic centers such as Mecca and Medina.Take over Islam.The present study aims to explain the i­m­p­a­ct of the Muslim Brotherhood on behalf of Turkey and the Saudi Wahhabi discourse on the developments in Libya from 2010 to 2019,The research method in this article is based on historical-analytical method. [1].PhD Student in Political Science (Political Thought), Faculty of Humanities, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran [2].Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran, Corresponding Author [3].Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran Manuscript profile
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        40 - Review of Anti-Terrorist Financing Laws and Regulations in Iranian and Afghan Law and International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
        Hamidreza Dabirzadeh Ahmad Hajidehabadi Hasan Pourbaferani
        One of the direst issues of the modern era is terrorism and it’s financing. Fortunately, we see some strong will to tackle this malign problem in Afghanistan (2013), so the present criminal laws and the laws against terrorism (2017) financing are drafted in this r More
        One of the direst issues of the modern era is terrorism and it’s financing. Fortunately, we see some strong will to tackle this malign problem in Afghanistan (2013), so the present criminal laws and the laws against terrorism (2017) financing are drafted in this respect. Recent findings demonstrate flaws in Iranian and Afghan laws and regulations to fight terrorism financing and even those laws present lack cohesion and does not encompass the whole aspects of their dangerous action. Therefore, this situation necessitates full and immediate cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan to draft appropriate criminal laws to take firm action to punish the terrorism financers and put an end to violators of state regulations in supporting terrorism. However, we have to examine the compliancy of the present Iranian and Afghan laws to the related convention which indicate full adherence by Afghan laws and some by the Iranian laws Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Criminological Study of Terrorism Financing
        Vahid vaziri Ali mohamad haji dehabadi
        Vahid vaziri[1] Ali mohamad haji dehabadi [2] Abstract  Terrorism financing refers to a set of actions that are carried out by presenting or collecting funds in any way and with any justification, including payment of taxes, taxes, and drug trafficking, human traf More
        Vahid vaziri[1] Ali mohamad haji dehabadi [2] Abstract  Terrorism financing refers to a set of actions that are carried out by presenting or collecting funds in any way and with any justification, including payment of taxes, taxes, and drug trafficking, human trafficking and other black trade, directly and indirectly, against the law, and deliberately, in the form of various forms of cash, the provision of movable and immovable property, remittances and electronic tools are provided to these groups. The aim of this study is to investigate the criminology of terrorist financing. In this research, is an attempt to examine the tendency of individuals in different organizations and groups to provide financial support to terrorist groups from a criminological point of view and by explaining criminological theories? Criminological theories such as differential socialization and mass neutralization are expressed. [1] - PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Qom [2] - Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology. Faculty of Law and Humanities. Qom Manuscript profile
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        42 - Jurisprudential Basics of Criminalization of Terrorism Financing
        sheyda alidoost babak pourghahramani
        Terrorism is one of the most important crimes that results in destroying the discipline and security of the society. Terrorists need financial support to achieve their goals and must supply their financial resources in some way. The people and groups that finance the te More
        Terrorism is one of the most important crimes that results in destroying the discipline and security of the society. Terrorists need financial support to achieve their goals and must supply their financial resources in some way. The people and groups that finance the terrorists commit terrorism financing crime, so the legislators have also paid attention to criminalization of terrorism financing besides the criminalization of the terrorism itself. However, the question is that what are the jurisprudential basics of criminalization of terrorism financing in Iranian criminal law? So, the purpose of this research is to investigate the jurisprudential basics of criminalization of terrorism financing. The research results indicate that the term "Terrorism Financing" corresponds to certain titles in "unlawful warfare" and "subscription on sin and hostility" in jurisprudence. In addition, there are verses, narratives, and jurisprudential rules that document the prohibition and criminalization of terrorism financing, and we can name some general rules such as the rule of "consuming the property of other for no good reason", the rule of "no injury", the rule of "prohibition of subscription on sin and hostility", and "preserving the life and security of the society" that justify criminalization of Terrorism Financing. Manuscript profile
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        43 - An analysis of the Iranian legal system approach to bioterrorism with a brief look at the erspective of Islamic jurisprudence
        Seyyed Aliakbar Mousavi Gholam Hossein Masoud masoud raei
        Bioterrorism as a new tool has been considered by military ,economic and health centers of the world .Today ,the importance of nuclear weapons is to the extent that nuclear weapons are not a potential threat to the global community .Biological agents are considered as t More
        Bioterrorism as a new tool has been considered by military ,economic and health centers of the world .Today ,the importance of nuclear weapons is to the extent that nuclear weapons are not a potential threat to the global community .Biological agents are considered as the most dangerous threats to human health and safety .The present study was carried out with the aim of " the study of iranian legal system in comparison with islamic jurisprudence in view of islamic jurisprudence " and by using descriptive - analytical method and gathering information by library - documentary method .The results showed that there is no independent mass in iranian law ,but in vari Manuscript profile
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        44 - An analysis of the role of environmental crimes in national security; jurisprudential, legal and criminological approaches
        Sarah Ziadkhani Sadegh Salimi Seyed Abdolali Ghavam
        A threat to national security is an action or a series of events that seriously threatens the quality of life of the residents of a country or the scope of authority of a government or private units belonging to a country in choosing policies in a more or less short per More
        A threat to national security is an action or a series of events that seriously threatens the quality of life of the residents of a country or the scope of authority of a government or private units belonging to a country in choosing policies in a more or less short period of time. It is extremely dangerous. National security can be discussed as a very important phenomenon, and one of these areas is the environmental issue, which has caused the formation of new debates under the title of environmental security. The numerous characteristics of environmental damage that have irreparable effects have caused this category to become a significant influence in jeopardizing national and international security and to face a serious risk to sustainable development. This research described the important concepts of the study with a descriptive-analytical method, and then it examines the impact of the green belt on national security and environmental security from a legal, jurisprudential and criminological point of view. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Culmination of NATO’s Presence in Afghanistan; Security or Spread of Insecurity and Terrorism
        مجید بزرگمهری
        In recent years, NATO’s new policy is assessed in accordance to the abilities of expanding its geographical sphere and increased role in world’s affairs including fight against terrorism. By taking advantage of present power vacuum, due to falling apart of W More
        In recent years, NATO’s new policy is assessed in accordance to the abilities of expanding its geographical sphere and increased role in world’s affairs including fight against terrorism. By taking advantage of present power vacuum, due to falling apart of WARSAW Pact after the demise of communism in Russia and other communist nations in Eastern Europe, NATO tries to expand its sphere of influence from its traditional area, such as Atlantic and Europe, to Asia, Oceanic and Middle East. The present study, by employing the descriptive-analytic method, aims to know the capabilities of NATO and challenges faced with in establishing order and security in Afghanistan. Hence, the main question to be answered in this paper is what are the prospects of NATO being able to eliminate the network and the bases of terrorism in Afghanistan? Manuscript profile
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        46 - a
        Ali Karimi Firoozjaee hosein hashemi hasan haji tabar Firoozjaee
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        47 - ffdf
        ali gasemian
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        48 - Jurisprudential and Legal Review of Bioterrorism
        Ahmad Moradkhani Fatemeh Rahmani
             Based on the spread of the phenomena of terror and terrorism in today's world, its changing form is simultaneous with the progress of science and technology, the utilization of biological agents in humans, animals, plants, medicines, foodstuffs, More
             Based on the spread of the phenomena of terror and terrorism in today's world, its changing form is simultaneous with the progress of science and technology, the utilization of biological agents in humans, animals, plants, medicines, foodstuffs, etc. and ultimately the annihilation of human beings in order to dominate the resources of other nations. It is to an extent that biological agents are used as biological or bio-terroristic weapons to destroy and weaken others. Therefore, after defining the bioterrorism, its jurisprudential and legal review, correspondence of this type of terror with the jurisprudential components and reviewing the jurisprudential verdict of defense against this phenomenon are among the objectives of this article. Content reporting is investigated as library and field research. The permission or lack of permission of using bioterrorism weapons is also investigated. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Waterborne and foodborne zoonotic protozoa, an unknown threat as a biological agent in bioterrorism
        N. Hajipour J. Gharekhani
        Some zoonotic protozoa can be easily transmitted through food and water and cause serious illnesses in humans and animals. Because these pathogenic agents have some characteristics of an effective biological agent such as latent period, low infectious doses, high resist More
        Some zoonotic protozoa can be easily transmitted through food and water and cause serious illnesses in humans and animals. Because these pathogenic agents have some characteristics of an effective biological agent such as latent period, low infectious doses, high resistance to disinfectants, they can play a role as an unknown biological agent in bioterrorism. Considering the increasing threats of bioterrorism, biological agents and their use by some colonial countries, it is necessary to identify and recognize these unknown agents and ways to prevent them. Based on a systematic study some keywords such as” bioterrorism”, “biologic”, and “protozoa zoonosis”, parasite” and names of some waterborne and foodborne parasites were searched in reliable information databases and then the related topics were studied carefully. The results of this study show that in addition to bacteria, viruses and their toxins, zoonotic protozoa such as Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Toxoplasma gondii which can be transmitted through food and water, can act as biologically hazardous agents in bioterrorism. Because these zoonotic protozoa are resistant to some disinfectants, for example, chlorine and low temperatures, so the only way to deal with these biological agents at times of crisis is to boil the water for 10-15 min at 60 ° C as well as to cook completely those food materials with the probability of contamination. Manuscript profile
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        50 - The Relationship between Terrorism and the Right to Life in Light of the International Judicial Precedent
        Marzieh Ghobadi Seyyed Mohammad Ghari Seyyed Fatemi
        Abstract: The human right to life is one of the most fundamental and inalienable rights of the human beings. No other rights or freedom have such great emphasis and categorical support in international human rights documents like the right to life. In recent years figh More
        Abstract: The human right to life is one of the most fundamental and inalienable rights of the human beings. No other rights or freedom have such great emphasis and categorical support in international human rights documents like the right to life. In recent years fight with terrorism has become one of the priorities of international community and the development of the subject in international law has been considerable. The question which is raised here is “what is the relation between the fight with terrorism and right to life?” Here some fundamental questions are raised “Whether on basis of international regulations use of lethal weapons against the suspects in terrorist activities?” Is the purposeful killing of the terrorist leaders is conforming to international human rights regulations? Whether the death of the terrorist in jail does blame the governments with breach of human rights violation? Whether the execution of those involved in terrorist operations is against human rights regulations? The present article by reviewing the international legal precedent come to the conclusion that although the fight against terrorism can lead to certain legal and legitimate violation of life to right but the instances which legally can violate the right to life is very limited and rare. Therefore as a general rule for the fight against terrorism those mechanism should be used which do not violate the right to life. The human rights courts and tribunals have repeatedly insisted that right to life preside all other values in human society, including the fight against terror. The methodology used in the paper is reviewing the verdicts of international human rights courts.   Manuscript profile
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        51 - Explaining the Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia vis-à-vis the Excommunicative Terrorism in Iraq and Syria
        مهدی هدایتی شهیدانی sajad morady kelardeh
        Abstract: The Middle East region is witnessing an increase in the activities of terrorist groups in recent years. The activities of these groups have had different reactions of regional countries. The present paper by an analytical method and within the framework of def More
        Abstract: The Middle East region is witnessing an increase in the activities of terrorist groups in recent years. The activities of these groups have had different reactions of regional countries. The present paper by an analytical method and within the framework of defensive realism theory wants to examine Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy towards excommunicative terrorism in Iraq and Syria and with this objective discusses two main questions. First what is the role of excommunicative terrorism in Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy in Iraq and Syria? Second, what strategies does Saudi Arabia follow about excommunicative terrorism in Iraq and Syria? The findings of the paper shows that the excommunicative terrorism in Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy plays the role of threat balancing in the face of Iran’s expansion of power in Iraq and Syria and Saudi Arabia’s strategy vis-à-vis excommunicative terrorism is a varied range of policies consisting direct support, making consensus against Iran in regional organizations under his influence and coalition making with regional countries. The article examines the above issue by the use of library and internet sources.   Manuscript profile
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        52 - The Confrontation of Violence of Hegemony and Terrorism in Iraq
        Shahrouz Shariati Akram Mirzadeh
        Abstract The recent developments in the Arabian Middle East countries particularly Iraq have attracted the attention of international relations observers but what has turned the region into an explosive situation is the expansion of terrorist activities of radical Isla More
        Abstract The recent developments in the Arabian Middle East countries particularly Iraq have attracted the attention of international relations observers but what has turned the region into an explosive situation is the expansion of terrorist activities of radical Islamic groups and the military presence and violent and hegemonic measures of the United States in confronting the phenomenon. On this basis, the examination and analysis of terrorism and hegemonic suppression of it and the role of these two phenomena in intensifying each other needs to be explained because it is one of the important problems in the Middle East today. The paper attempts to evaluate the picture and outcome coming out of the interaction and confrontation between terrorism and iron hand suppression of it. In fact the paper wants to examine the causes of growth and expansion of terrorism in the Arabian Middle Eat with emphasis on relations between hegemonic suppression of terrorism and terrorism in Iraq. The article takes the help of historical descriptive, analytical method and statistics to prove the hypothesis. The finding of the study shows that the growth and expansion of terrorism in the Arabian Middle East is the product of employing explicit and implicit violence by the United States hegemonic stability strategy and the relation between hegemonic stability and terrorism in Middle East is evaluated. Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Impact of Money Laundering on Expansion of Organized Terrorism in the Middle East (2001-2016)
        سید سعید میرترابی mohsen keshvarian
        Abstract: The expansion of terrorism and its widespread occurrence particularly the organized one had led researchers to deeply study the roots, causes and the ways to contain it. Since the Middle East region is one of the centers which terrorism has grown considerably More
        Abstract: The expansion of terrorism and its widespread occurrence particularly the organized one had led researchers to deeply study the roots, causes and the ways to contain it. Since the Middle East region is one of the centers which terrorism has grown considerably, the present article wants to study the impact of money laundry as one of the factors that reinforces the terrorist groups in the Middle East. The article wants to answer this question that how money laundering helps the growth of organized terrorist groups (Al-Qaeda and ISISI) from 2001 to 2016. The hypothesis is that money laundering by providing a secure network for supplying major part of financial resources and external transections of organized terrorist groups with foreign partners has created the ground for the growth of organized terrorism in the Middle East from 2001 to 2016. The article shows the complexity and the dimension of money laundering techniques used by organized terrorist groups for financial transaction and money transfer. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive and common political will with the region and beyond the region to contain the challenge of money laundering by organized terrorist groups. This will be possible when the measures and mechanism decided for this purpose do not be used for political capital again certain countries in the region, a situation which unfortunately used by the Western Banks against Iran. The methodology used by the article is descriptive-analytical. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The Public Diplomacy’s Regaining Identity in the United States’ Foreign Policy after 11 September
        سید اصغر کیوان حسینی Ali Ardakanian
        Abstract Public diplomacy, a word which entered into international relations from 1960s has been used to describe new aspects of international diplomacy. It is also part of a chain of evolution of diplomacy in different period of time. The United States is one of the b More
        Abstract Public diplomacy, a word which entered into international relations from 1960s has been used to describe new aspects of international diplomacy. It is also part of a chain of evolution of diplomacy in different period of time. The United States is one of the big powers which from the beginning of its entrance into international community made use of public diplomacy. The United States has always used new apparatus and innovative methods for achieving its ends. The present paper pays special attention to vast experiences resulted from applying public diplomacy during Cold War as well as the last decade of 20th century. But what have been more emphasized are the years after September 11th. The paper tries to focus more on qualitative as well as quantitate aspects of George Bush junior and Obama administration’s approach in applying public diplomacy in fight against terrorism. The question raised by the present article is “what has been the impact of September 11th events on development process of public diplomacy of the United States?” The underlying hypothesis is that during the Bush junior administration greater importance had been attached to public diplomacy as compared to earlier periods. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical and the collection of data is from library material. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Future Studies of the Middle East over the Next Three Decades; Analysis of the Trends of Fight against Terrorism at the International Level
        محمدعلی بصیری زهرا آقامحمدی
        Abstract: The Middle East is one of the most important regions of the world that has been affected by terrorism as one of the most serious security threats for the future of the region. Although the states in the region have adopted different strategies to fight his phe More
        Abstract: The Middle East is one of the most important regions of the world that has been affected by terrorism as one of the most serious security threats for the future of the region. Although the states in the region have adopted different strategies to fight his phenomenon yet these strategies have not been able to effectively resolve the problem in the region and at the international level. The present article takes the help of English school theory of international relations and wants to answer this question as to what desirable and probable trend will exist in future for dealing with terrorism at the international level? The finding of the study shows that a scenario with characteristic like the solidarity of international community in fight against terrorism, more serious leadership of the United Nations, commitment to human rights while fighting against terrorism, formation of a coherent operational strategy, accepting the jurisdiction of International Punitive Court for punishing the agents of terrorist acts and strengthening equality and justice, will be the most favorable and probable outlook for fight against terrorism in the international arena in coming three decades. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the threats coming from terrorism and the opportunities for fighting against it with coming three decades with the cooperation of international community under the leadership of the United Nations. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical and futures studies. Manuscript profile
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        56 - An Analysis of Computer Games’ Role in Improving U.S. Soft Power
        farhad badiee hossein harsij
        Abstract: The world of video games is very interesting and attractive which could fascinate millions of people throughout the world and their audiences are increasing daily. Nevertheless there is a fundamental question that "what is the main objective behind producing More
        Abstract: The world of video games is very interesting and attractive which could fascinate millions of people throughout the world and their audiences are increasing daily. Nevertheless there is a fundamental question that "what is the main objective behind producing these games?" Whether the production of these games is only for entertainment or there are other goals behind them. The background location, story and characterization of some of these games are such that some sharp-sighted players feel doubtful whether the goal of producer of these games is just entertainment. The present article wants to answer the above question and it examines these games in two parts. First part is about battles in Islamic countries, the games which their story happens in Islamic countries. The second part is about future games, the games that are related to wars which happen in the near future. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical. The finding of the paper shows that these games help improve the soft power of the United States and could influence the audiences and change their way of thinking. Moreover, these games prepare the ground for implementation of the Western countries policies especially the United States one and try to legitimize those policies. Manuscript profile
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        57 - State Crisis in Libya and Security of the Europe
        Rashid Recabian Mahdi Mohammad Nia mehrdad alepour
        Since the fall of Qaddafi, no government has ever able to establish a unified sovereignty in Libya. So today, Libya has two independent states: the National Unity Government which is being supported by the United Nations and the interim government formed by the parliame More
        Since the fall of Qaddafi, no government has ever able to establish a unified sovereignty in Libya. So today, Libya has two independent states: the National Unity Government which is being supported by the United Nations and the interim government formed by the parliament of Tobruk, a supporter of the general, Khalifa Haftar in al-Bayda. In the post-Gaddafi era, it was hoped that the new government could lead Libya toward democracy, but, due to the division of sovereignty and political conflict between the seekers of power, a crisis of authority and insecurities caused by violent tribal activists and Salafists led the post-authoritarian state turned out to be regarded as a failed state. With the intensification of conflicts between various political groups, including Haftar and the National Unity Government in Tripoli, the possibility of state-building in this country has been confused. The main question is that "How does the government's crisis in Libya's new political conditions affect the security of European countries?" The hypothesis of the article is that "the expansion of civil war and chaos during post-Gaddafi era has led Libya, as a failed state, to be a base for the migration of terrorist groups and human trafficking into Europe". Manuscript profile
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        58 - Bioterrorism, Death Politics and National Security
        Ali Akbar Jafari
        As an anti-security behavior, bioterrorism is a by-product of globalization threatening the human-being societies, governmental structures and international security. prioritizing the death politics and the discourse of hatred and fear as foundation of bioterrorist beha More
        As an anti-security behavior, bioterrorism is a by-product of globalization threatening the human-being societies, governmental structures and international security. prioritizing the death politics and the discourse of hatred and fear as foundation of bioterrorist behavior led to transition from information to terrorism era in the 21st century. So, the nexus between power- knowledge thanks to the development of biological literatures and technologies turned to bidimensional issue functioning both for medical and political affairs. Such a dialectical professions waxing with the growth of techno-financial, logistic-organizational resources. Thus, the main question of the current paper is to analyze the relation between bioterrorism and security. By focusing on the negative relation between security and bioterrorism, the tentative hypothesis perceives the increasing of one is tantamount to decreasing of the other. So, thoroughly totalizing the institutional chain of medical politics and understanding politics as medicalization is the main suggestion of the current research in which securitization of healthy and medicalization of security will not only increase the societal security but also leading to proliferation of healthy social forces in the international politics. Finally, by employing the analytical method and functioning the conflict management and responsibility to protect, this paper will test the proposed hypothesis. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Citizenship rights, Citizen Security and Combating Terrorism in Europe
        mohammad nassirzadeh نصیرزاده Farideh Mohammad Alipour
        Citizenship rights are a combination of duties and responsibilities of society members towards one another, society and state. In cases such as threats to national security, governments may serve these threats as a ground for restrictions on these rights. In enforcing t More
        Citizenship rights are a combination of duties and responsibilities of society members towards one another, society and state. In cases such as threats to national security, governments may serve these threats as a ground for restrictions on these rights. In enforcing this restriction States must adhere to legislative principles such as proportionality and non-discrimination. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the European countries have tried to restrict civil rights. The main question is how fighting terrorism has affected Citizenship rights in Europe? Using the explanatory method and with the aim of enriching the research literature on the current situation of civil rights in the light of the anti-terrorist policies of European countries, the results of the study show that in the State of Exception, the provision of security through preventive use of criminal justice in reality, results in ignoring many of the fundamental rights and freedom of individuals and minority groupsIncluding Muslims. Manuscript profile
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        60 - A Survey of the Importance of Persian Gulf Region Energy in Political and Security Strategies of the United States
        Abolghasem Taheri Mehdi Zare
        The disintegration of the Soviet Union and rising of the United States as a hegemon power coincided with the change in the power structure of international system. In the international structure, economy became the center of emphasis and security preoccupation has inter More
        The disintegration of the Soviet Union and rising of the United States as a hegemon power coincided with the change in the power structure of international system. In the international structure, economy became the center of emphasis and security preoccupation has interwoven with economic concerns. In the post- Cold War era the international politics has linked indispensably with the relations of security and economy. In this situation, the role of energy in international economy is indisputable and prominent. The United States dependence on energy despite the development and expansion of new energy sources and energy from Persian Gulf region and also the attempt of newly emerged rivals to have strategic links with the countries of the region has led the United States to adopt a strategy of controlling the region and its valuable energy sources. The increasing growth of demand for energy by European Union, China, India and Japan and also the expansive attempt by Russia to monopolize energy and use it as a lever to influence the already mentioned powers have visualized the possibility of formation of alliance and coalition out of the control of the United States hegemony. Besides these threat perception the activities of anarchist non-state actors with the support of some of the regional states of Persian Gulf threatens the existing international system which is not based on the balance of power system but on hegemony system. Thus the main mission of the United States is retaining its powerful position in a new competitive game and if need be ending the principle of competition in Persian Gulf and setting up a new structure for institutionalizing American values and fight with the elements that destabilize the situation. The United States policy is creating extreme fear about terrorism and fights against this menace and this in fact is a realistic method for achieving its objectives. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Terrorism from the View Point of Islam
        Mohammad Reza Hatami
        The subject of “terrorim” in the discipline of politicl science and especially in international relations has been of importance and lot of attentions have been paid to it. After the September 11 terrorist events more attentinos have been focused on it and t More
        The subject of “terrorim” in the discipline of politicl science and especially in international relations has been of importance and lot of attentions have been paid to it. After the September 11 terrorist events more attentinos have been focused on it and this topic became the main issue in political conferences and mass media. The September 11 events became an important historical and unforgetable incident and a milestone in international system and it gave a new meaning and attitude towards terrorism. Since the terrorist who participated in September 11 events were all Muslims and from the Arab countries، the Western mass media which have been under the influence of Jewish and Zionist circles tried to substantiate that Islam is having a terrorist nature and the Muslims and Arabs are participating in suicide attacks. The Western media in their interpretation and analysis considered Islamic Jihad sysnoymous with terrorism. As such، many people in the Western countries are of the view that Islamic contermporary civilization is related to terrorism and the terrorist events are having the backing of Islamic thinking and beliefs. Thus in the present article an attempt has been made to give a historical introduction about terrorism and define it، then the article discusses the issue from the view point of Islam. The article while defining and clarifying the meaning of terrorism from the view point of Quran verses، traditions، customs and the prophet’s way of life it tries to reject the allegation that Muslims are terrorist and it acquit Islam from terrorist beliefs. It also distinguishes the difference between terrorism and legitimate defence. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Preemptive Legitimate Defense: the Legitimacy of Resorting to Force or Frequent Breach of the United Nations Charter (Text in Persian
        Mohammad Javad Zarif Mohammad Ahani Amineh
        After the Second World War and formulation of the United Nations’ Charter, the main founding principle of international security for the post war period was laid and that was prohibition of the use of force in international relations. The founder of the United Nat More
        After the Second World War and formulation of the United Nations’ Charter, the main founding principle of international security for the post war period was laid and that was prohibition of the use of force in international relations. The founder of the United Nations’ Charter taking into consideration the experience of the League of Nations in which the governments within certain conditions had the right to resort to force, this time strictly prohibited the use of force in international relations and considered it illegal and illegitimate. Nevertheless, for this rigid and inflexible rule there were two exceptions viz collective security derived from chapter seven of the United Nations Charter and referring to right of self-defense or legitimate defense based on Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. Except these two exceptions any resort to force in international relations was prohibited and considered illegal. In question of the criteria of implementing collective security there was not serious debate. But after 11 September events the question of preemptive legitimate defense was brought about from theoretical Pandora box of American leaders and on that basis the United States strategy of countering terrorism formed. On the basis of this concept which had its origin in customary international law; despite of the clear emphasis which the United Nations Charter put on occurrence of military aggression for referring to the principle of legitimate defense, stated that there was no need for military aggression and mere existence of direct and immediate threat which have the sign of imminent aggression from enemy, allows the governments to attack the threating center and eliminate the source of threat. The present article wants to examine whether such a preemptive strategy of the United States is having legal legitimacy based on the United Nations’ Charter or it is an action to justify and legitimize the application of force in international relations? Therefore, the articles by looking into different legal and political aspect of this rule, examines the legitimacy or lack of legitimacy of the United States measures. Manuscript profile
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        63 - A Review of the Efficiency of Relative limitations Theory of Ted Gurr in Analyzing the Phenomenon of Terrorism in the Middle East
        Seyed Abbas Hashemi Hamid Jan nesar Fatemeh Karbalae Ahmad
        Abstract: The relative deprivation theory of Ted Gurr was introduced to explain the conditions in which some citizens (or groups) avail themselves facilities, privileges and advantages more than others which consequently lead to deprivation and exclusion of second grou More
        Abstract: The relative deprivation theory of Ted Gurr was introduced to explain the conditions in which some citizens (or groups) avail themselves facilities, privileges and advantages more than others which consequently lead to deprivation and exclusion of second group. The emergence of the feeling of deprivation is a modern phenomenon originating from changes and fundamental developments of human societies which existed more in societies with traditional structure which of course this feeling gets aggravated once the people compare themselves with their counterparts in the society. On the whole Ted Gurr in his theory claims that disappointment and frustration of the people in achieving their goals leads to unconventional behavior by them. In the same manner this continued dissatisfaction prepares the ground and motivation for mass violence which terrorism is the sign of it. In recent years the Middle East is one of the strategic regions and at the same time the center of crisis and hotbed of growth and emergence of terrorism. The present article by making use of Ted Gurr’s theory as its theoretical framework tries to examine the efficiency of this theory in explaining and analyzing the phenomenon of terrorism in the Middle East. The finding of the study shows that the emergence and growth of terrorism in the Middle East region is not merely due to relative deprivation. In fact this factor is one of the factors which along with other factors i.e. inter-regional and extra-regional; leads to the growth of terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        64 - The Role of Oil in US Invasion of Iraq
        Enayatollah Yazdani Reza modoghli
        The September has led to a dramatic change in the from and essexce of international system, and even in it's concepts. This event can be assumed as the end of transition period in international system and US foreign policy. This event paved the ground for the creation o More
        The September has led to a dramatic change in the from and essexce of international system, and even in it's concepts. This event can be assumed as the end of transition period in international system and US foreign policy. This event paved the ground for the creation of a new enemy called, terrorism, and made it possible for the US to benefit from this to solve its problems in international system. This event also made a different condition for US foreign policy system and provided it with a good excuse to attack Iraq in for fighting against terrorism and destroying the of mass destruction weapons. However, it seems that along with these goals, the act of gaining access to Iraq's rich oil resources has been among the hidden plans of US war in Iraq. In other words, Iraq's crisis has had a close connection to oil resources of this country and oil has been one of the most significant objectives the US invasim. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Nuclear Terrorism: Conceptual Explanation within the Framework of the United Nation’s Performance
        Alireza Golshani Haydar Babanasab Ali Bagheri Mahmoudabadi
        Nuclear terrorism is one of the most dangerous and terrible menace for human society and therefore, a serious threat and danger for peace and international security. The United Nations in the direction of fighting and containing nuclear terrorism and maintaining peace a More
        Nuclear terrorism is one of the most dangerous and terrible menace for human society and therefore, a serious threat and danger for peace and international security. The United Nations in the direction of fighting and containing nuclear terrorism and maintaining peace and international security has taken several legal steps. The occurrence of September 11, 2001 terrorist events and the possibility of committing similar terrorist acts with nuclear material added urgency to the fight against this kind of terrorism. The Security Council of the United Nations in resolution number 1540 in the year 2004 obligated all the governments to take necessary measures to control and protect nuclear material and prevent the proliferation and expansion of nuclear weapons, and in this way stop nuclear terrorism. Besides this one of the important measures taken in this regard with the initiative of General Assembly and International Atomic Energy Agency was the approval of a convention in 2005 in the General Assembly of the United Nations with a unanimous vote. On the 7th July 2007 after the receipt of twenty second approval document as the thirteenth international anti-terrorist convention put into effect and is binding on all the members. In this convention which includes 28 articles, the legitimate right of all countries for exploitation and peaceful use of nuclear energy was reiterated. This convention is the most important convention of the United Nations about terrorism. The authors of the present article want to describe the legal steps which have been taken in these international institutions, like the measures taken by General Assembly, Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency, in the direction of flight against terrorism and maintaining peace and international security. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Reason for the Increase in Terrorist Attacks in Iraq after the Fall of Saddam
        Morteza Baghian Zarchi Maryam Darabimanesh Rohollah Amiri
        One of the important consequences of the United States invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam have been the increasing insecurity and violence in Iraq. A violence which its clear manifestation can be seen in terrorist attacks-mostly in the shape of suicidal bombing. F More
        One of the important consequences of the United States invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam have been the increasing insecurity and violence in Iraq. A violence which its clear manifestation can be seen in terrorist attacks-mostly in the shape of suicidal bombing. From 2003 to 2008 these violent incidents and terrorist attacks have increased dramatically, in a way that its repercussion is still continuing. The aim of the present paper is answering this question that what are the domestic factors contributing to recurrence and increase of such terrorist attacks after the fall of Saddam. The underlying hypothesis which is discussed with a descriptive-analytical method in reply to the above question is that several historical, cultural, social and political factors play role in increase of terrorist attacks in Iraq. Within the framework of the above hypothesis and by making use of constructivist theoretical model, three important indexes namely political history of Iraq and Baath Party, ethnic and religious differences and the United States invasion of Iraq are examined and analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Drone Strikes in Counterterrorism Operations: An Analysis with Emphasis on Yemen
        Mohsen Karami Navehkesh Abbas Alipour
        Abstract                Over the past year in restive Yemen, in Abyan and Shabwa provincial regions, it was declared that fighters of Al-Qaeda, who were related to Saudi Arabia, were hiding and More
        Abstract                Over the past year in restive Yemen, in Abyan and Shabwa provincial regions, it was declared that fighters of Al-Qaeda, who were related to Saudi Arabia, were hiding and accumulating their power which resulted in shaping new groups such as Ansar al-Sharia. In this regard, the above-mentioned group, before being destroyed by Yemeni military in summer 2012, was attacked by unmanned drones, in line with Obama‘s counterterrorism strategy. The present study discusses whether the use of unmanned drones can help promote regional stability and security or it only serves as a new way to expand and extend extremism? We argue that the drone strikes in so called counterterrorism operations in tribal Pakistani areas and expanding these operations to Yemen has helped extremism and rise of bloody conflicts in the region and Al-Qaeda and Taliban have used this opportunity for more destabilizing the region. This indicates that Obama's counterterrorism and military strategy does not work. Manuscript profile
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        68 - امکان سنجی شناسائی مسئولیت کیفری سیاست گذاران (وهابی) و مجریان حقیقی دولت های حامی تروریسم با تاکید بر رویکردهای سیاسی و حقوقی در جغرافیای سیاسی خاورمیانه
        سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد
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        69 - حقوق قربانیان اقدامات تروریستی در رهیافت های سیاسی و قوانین بین‌المللی با تاکید بر جغرافیای سیاسی خاورمیانه
        سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد
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        70 - مطالعه تطبیقی قوانین و مقررات مقابله با تروریسم از منظر اسلام و حقوق بین الملل
        امین امینی زارع ابومحمد عسگرخانی مریم مرادی
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        71 - ریشه‌های بسط و نضج بنیادگرائی افراطی در پاکستان در راستای ایجاد امنیت ملی و منطقه‌ای با تاکید بر مرزهای مشترک ایران
        فاطمه زهرا علی محمدی حمیدرضا محمدی عزت الله عزتی
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        72 - بررسی نقش اماکن متبرکه بر مسائل فرهنگی اعتقادی مردم و تأثیرات ژئوپلتیکی آن (مطالعه موردی استان مازندران)
        سجاد کمری عزت الله عزتی سید یحیی صفوی رضا شعبانی
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        73 - تاثیر دزدی دریایی بر امنیت مناطق دریایی کشور سومالی
        سجاد کریمی پاشاکی محمد صادق یحیی پور علی کاظمی پور
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        74 - نقش کشور عربستان در گسترش تروریسم و تاثیر ان بر امنیت ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
        محراب هداوند میرزایی
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        75 - جامعه شبکه‌ای و تروریسم نوین؛ بررسی منابع ژئوپلیتیکی، ژئواکونومیکی و ژئوکالچری تروریسم نوین در منطقه خاورمیانه در راستای دستیابی به یک مدیریت اجرایی برای امنیت
        داود عابدینی
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        76 - الگوی روابط امنیتی ایران و پاکستان در مقابله با پدیده تروریسم از سال 2001 تا 2017
        محمد محمودی بالا گفشه علی بیژنی محمد اخباری
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        77 - تحلیل تروریسم در منطقه خاورمیانه از منظر حقوق اسلام و حقوق بین‌الملل
        علی حایک احمد رمضانی مریم مرادی سید باقر میر عباسی محمد صادقی
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        78 - The challenges of Applying Global Jurisdiction in Dealing with Cyber Terrorism
        Hasan Movassaghi
        Undoubtedly, one of the crimes that threatens the peace and internal security of countries and the international community in a mysterious and widespread way is the crime of terrorism, which has caused deep concern for almost all the nations and states of the world, and More
        Undoubtedly, one of the crimes that threatens the peace and internal security of countries and the international community in a mysterious and widespread way is the crime of terrorism, which has caused deep concern for almost all the nations and states of the world, and dealing with it as a Erga Omnes obligation Inclusion is demanded from all countries and because some Countries do not have the experience of threats and terrorist attacks, they have no desire and inclination to cooperate with the international community to eliminate the crime of terrorism And this seemingly simple issue has caused the continuation of terrorist attacks in the world. In this research, we will deal with the obstacles of applying the principle of universal jurisdiction in the fight against terrorism and we will provide guidelines for its acceptance and application. The research method in this article is descriptive and comparative, and the findings of the research show that the governments act completely monopolistically in the field of jurisdiction of the domestic courts, and it does not go too far to exercise global jurisdiction. Manuscript profile
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        79 - جرائم مورد تأکید اف.ای.تی.اف و روش‌های ارتکاب این جرائم از طریق نظام بانکی
        ابوالفضل جعفر قلی خانی سیدمحمد حسینی احمدفداله طیبه بلوردی
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        80 - دفاع مشروع پیشدستانه در برابر گروه های غیردولتی از منظر حقوق بین الملل
        ابراهیم rajabi mohamad rezazadeh
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        81 - جستاری در رهیافت‌های تاریخی و حقوقی بین‌المللیِ نحوه سرکوب عملیات‌های تروریستی ناقض امنیت هوانوردی
        پیمان نمامیان
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        82 - Iran's international judicial policy regarding the assassination of personalities with a look at the assassination of Lieutenant Sepahbod Qassem Soleimani
        mohamad salehi Shahrdad darabi alireza saied
        Field and Aims: So far, many actions have been taken against Iranian officials and scientists with the aim of assassinating them and martyring them. Based on this, the American government martyred Sepahbod Qassem Soleimani near the Baghdad airport during an operation in More
        Field and Aims: So far, many actions have been taken against Iranian officials and scientists with the aim of assassinating them and martyring them. Based on this, the American government martyred Sepahbod Qassem Soleimani near the Baghdad airport during an operation in 2020. This action was carried out by the order of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in the form of a drone attack on the territory of Iraq, which violated many international regulations.On the other hand, the Iranian government took measures to counter it, which are part of these measures in the form of legal and judicial measures, which were examined in this research to finally clarify Iran's judicial policy in this field.Finding and Conclusion: Regarding the false claim of the United States that there is a security agreement with Iraq, it should be acknowledged that with reference to Article (3) of this agreement, it is clear that the authorization of terrorist acts or any military operations by the United States on the territory of Iraq, which is in clear contradiction In compliance with the laws, international customs, conventions of the Iraqi government and the spirit that governs it, it is invalid and free from any legal burden. The actions of the Iranian government in the form of judicial measures are divided into two categories: prosecution in international courts (International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court) as well as lawsuits in the domestic courts of the Iraqi government and the domestic courts of Manuscript profile
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        83 - The role of Interpol surveillance networks in curbing transnational terrorism
        azar alinejad
        Field and Aims: The spread of terrorism outside the borders of countries led to the formation of a type of terrorism, known as transnational terrorism. Today, the development and advancement of communication and information technologies and the use of them by terrorist More
        Field and Aims: The spread of terrorism outside the borders of countries led to the formation of a type of terrorism, known as transnational terrorism. Today, the development and advancement of communication and information technologies and the use of them by terrorist organizations and individuals has created a situation were dealing with this form of terrorism has become a new challenge at the international level, and numerous international organizations and institutions has also involved the international community in this confrontation and providing effective solutions. Interpol is one of the organizations that, by having supervisory institutions at the international level, can take effective measures in the field of curbing this form of terrorism, Method: This article is written in a descriptive-analytical way. Findings and results: The findings indicate that terrorist groups with goals, activities and organizational forms that are beyond their origin can be called "transnational". Therefore, terrorists can be transnational in three ways: goals, actions and organizational form. In dealing with the transnational terrorism network, Interpol has adopted methods that include: a- Identifying suspected terrorists; b- Preventing the travel of people suspected of terrorist activities; C- tracing the financial resources of terrorists; T- The use of two monitoring networks including the mobile network database and the fixed network database. Interpol member states that have adopted the connection to mobile and fixed networks and have also used it to screen people and documents at border crossings and other key points, Manuscript profile
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        84 - ی
        دکتر نوروز کارگری
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        85 - تحلیل حساسیت مبارزه با پولشویی در صنعت بیمه ایران )بر اساس پویایی متغیرهای کنترل عمومی(
        محمد مهدی عزیزی امیری فرامرز خلیقی مریم السادات عسکری محبوبه اعلایی
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        86 - بررسی ابعاد و پیامدهای ژئوپلیتیکی حضور ناتو در افغانستان
        حجت اله پاشاپور محمد اخباری
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        87 - Measuring Criminal Rules of Nuclear Law in International Documents
        peyman namamian Ebrahim Aghamohammadi
        Measuring Criminal Rules of Nuclear Law in International DocumentsPenal Code Penalties within the framework of criminal law as a group of rules applied at national, regional or international level to counteract nuclear-related or radioactive energy-related practices or More
        Measuring Criminal Rules of Nuclear Law in International DocumentsPenal Code Penalties within the framework of criminal law as a group of rules applied at national, regional or international level to counteract nuclear-related or radioactive energy-related practices or governments requiring them to be criminally liable. Can be distinguished from other rules of the same manner based on the extremely dangerous nature inherent in nuclear or radioactive energy. The paper seeks to assess international standards for the criminalization of nuclear rights at the international level, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism, and the UN Security Council resolutions.The paper seeks to assess international standards for the criminalization of nuclear rights at the international level, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism, and the UN Security Council resolutions.Key Words: Nuclear Terrorism, International Law, Nuclear Law, Criminal Law, International Covenant of Anti-Terrorism, Security Council Resolutions. Manuscript profile
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        88 - The ambiguities of International Humanitarian Law application on World War against Terrorism
        Mahdi Heydarifard Ali Pour Ghassab Amiri
        the entry of non-governmental Emtities is one of the important indicators of contemporary wars that causes unbalanced structure of conflicts. In recent decades, rapid advances in weapons technology increased the gap between the warring parties in terms of military capab More
        the entry of non-governmental Emtities is one of the important indicators of contemporary wars that causes unbalanced structure of conflicts. In recent decades, rapid advances in weapons technology increased the gap between the warring parties in terms of military capabilities, the upsetting of the balance of power and divided them into strong and weak. As a result we have witnessed the innovation of Asymmetric, Non-structured war methods based on Unconventional using ofArmed tools and tactics, such as resorting to terrorist acts. The emergence of these methods has expanded the scope of military conflict to civil society and reduced the complience of the parties to basic principles of international humanitarian law as the only legal means to protect the lives of civilians and propert against military attacks. in the nature of today's wars and the shift to non-governmental conflicts with ethnic, religious and identity goals has led to the development of the battlefield and the entry of civilians as fighters, which has greatly blurred the line between military and civilian. Finally, the lack of international consensus on the definition of terrorism and its examples, the political approach of countries and sometimes,Hiring of terrorist groups, the monopoly of the application of humanitarian law principles on war situations while some terrorist acts take place outside the battlefield. .. are some of the factors that have intensified this challenge. Manuscript profile
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        89 - The European Union’s Anti Terrorism & Extremism Norm-building Strategy Within the International Order
        Ramsin Beit Jam Mohammad Ali Khosravi Reza Jalali didokht sadeghi hagigi
        The present research is trying to verify the anti terrorism and extremism normative strategy of the European Union within the international order. Terrorism is one of the most serious and dangerous menaces against the entire human community and civilization. Terrorism h More
        The present research is trying to verify the anti terrorism and extremism normative strategy of the European Union within the international order. Terrorism is one of the most serious and dangerous menaces against the entire human community and civilization. Terrorism has the potentiality to train a group of individuals which have no consideration for tolerance and for a peaceful coexistence of different nations. The most tangible contact of the European countries with the brutal aspects of terrorism regards the different conflicts in the Middle East where a note vole group of European terrorists that are actually the native citizens of these mostly western European countries that at the end of conflicts could try return to their native countries bring inning with them the extremist ideologies that could destabilize the above mentioned European countries. Inconsideration of such danger the anti terrorism policy of European Union represents a priority for this important international structure and because of that the collaboration with the other countries and between Parliaments of different countries is extremely important especially in consideration of fact to block the financial resources of terrorist organizations. Manuscript profile
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        90 - The International Capacities of the Legal Investigation of the Assassination of Nuclear Martyrs
        saleh Rerzaei Pishrobat
        The assassination of Iran's nuclear scientists is one of the most important and bitter events of the country in recent decades. This issue can be examined from different perspectives and the present article examines and evaluates it from a legal perspective and in More
        The assassination of Iran's nuclear scientists is one of the most important and bitter events of the country in recent decades. This issue can be examined from different perspectives and the present article examines and evaluates it from a legal perspective and in a descriptive-analytical way. The main question to which this article intents to answer is what capacities are there in the international arena for the legal investigation of the assassination of these scientists and to what extent can the Islamic Republic of Iran use them in order to exercise its legitimate rights? The hypothesis and findings of this research indicate that in the current situation, in international law, there are mechanisms for the legal investigation of the assassination of nuclear scientists, which in the present case, the Islamic Republic of Iran can also use them within the prescribed framework, But at the same time, there are some gaps and shortcomings in this field, which may face challenges in the legal pursuit of these assassinations. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on International Security
        Masoud AKHAVAN KAZEMI Tayebeh Sadat Hoseini Fereshteh Bahramipoor
        Today, environmental concerns, has become a serious security question in international relations and created a major inquietude for statesmen and policy makers. Since environmental problems caused by climate change are becoming more serious, it would transform to an inf More
        Today, environmental concerns, has become a serious security question in international relations and created a major inquietude for statesmen and policy makers. Since environmental problems caused by climate change are becoming more serious, it would transform to an influential variable in internal or international conflicts. Climate changes not only destroy human natural habitats but also disrupt social arrangements and increase the likelihood of violent conflicts and endanger peace and international security and affect the environmental justice. The aim of this study is to identify threats and environmental factors resulting from climate changes and analyze their effects on peace and security in the international system. The findings of this study suggest that future climate changes have un undeniable impact on national integration of societies and on the peace and stable security in the international system and will cause the new types of disputes. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Impact of Insecurity on Development of Neoterrorism in the Middle East An Approach to Iran and Saudi Arabia
        Amir Heshmati Alireza Rezaei
        Abstract Over the recent years, expansion of neo-terrorist groups in the Middle East has shaped a wave of various security threats in the area. Although credible news has been published on downfall and destruction of organizational and logistical cores of these groups i More
        Abstract Over the recent years, expansion of neo-terrorist groups in the Middle East has shaped a wave of various security threats in the area. Although credible news has been published on downfall and destruction of organizational and logistical cores of these groups in Iraq and Syria, there are valid documents suggesting that scattered actions still continue by currents depended on ISIS. Various researches were carried out focusing on root causes of development of neo-terrorism and several measures were taken to confront terrorist acts. Nevertheless, at regional level, there is no effective experiment available on investigations and measures taken to identify the nature of insecurity. This is a qualitative research conducted with descriptive-analytic approach aimed at finding how did identity insecurity of Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia influence the development of neo-terrorism in the Middle East? According to the researcher, unrestrained prevention of biographic narration by Iran and Saudi Arabia , added to creating identity insecurity for both countries, triggered or exacerbated the anxiety caused by shame in credence and regional behavior of these actors, prevented earning honor policy, and in an unplanned manner, led to development of neo-terrorism in the region. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Comparing Study of Strategies of the EU and U.S. in relation to Combat with Terrorism
        Ardeshir Sanaie
        Up sep.11, 2011 terrorist attacks to world trade organization (WTO) as most effective terrorist attacks which was regarded as turning point at international relations: the issue of terrorism was changed into security agenda. In fact sep.11,2001 terrorist attacks: the More
        Up sep.11, 2011 terrorist attacks to world trade organization (WTO) as most effective terrorist attacks which was regarded as turning point at international relations: the issue of terrorism was changed into security agenda. In fact sep.11,2001 terrorist attacks: the issue of terrorism was changed into factor in the way of formation to foreign policy of some countries and in the field of international policy: each country based on its values and norms fight against asymmetric threats and terrorism and selected specific strategy. In his way following up sep.11, 2011 terrorist attacks in U.S.A the doctrine of war against terrorism and combat with mass destruction weapons was compiled by neoconservative party. E.U. approved strategy of combat with mass destruction weapons: which resulted in coalition of great worlds powers against terrorism. In the way of combat with terrorism, Sep.11, 2011 terrorist attacks prepared suitable grounds for attacks of U.S.A to Afghanistan in year 2001 and following up attack to Iraq in year 2003 without accompany of EU countries such as: France and Germany and regardless to U.N. which resulted in great gap between relations of EU beyond Atlantic region and U.S.A in the field of combat with terrorism. In the present research it is dealt with this question that: What is similarity and difference among strategies of EU and U.S.A in relation to combat with terrorism?  Manuscript profile
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        94 - America's Foreign Policy in the Fight against Terrorism: Kabul-Washington Security Pact Aims and Consequences
        Esmaeil Bibourdi کابک خبیزی محمد حسن شاه رضایی
        The terrorism event of 11th September 2001 and invasion of U.S to Afghanistan during less than one month after this event (in 7th of October of the same year) makes Afghanistan as a focal point in U.S foreign policy. In this direction political and security changes in A More
        The terrorism event of 11th September 2001 and invasion of U.S to Afghanistan during less than one month after this event (in 7th of October of the same year) makes Afghanistan as a focal point in U.S foreign policy. In this direction political and security changes in Afghanistan after raid to this country and capture it by allied forces, has been one of the most important and complicated regional and international challenges during past decay. This problem has been under the influence of some factors like bases, interests, objects and different policies, and in some various cases regional and international actors, in face of Afghanistan and uncertainty of common regional policy with respect to it. This changes has caused continuous political, social and security quarrels in this country. In a present century, whatever threatened the American interests in a view of U.S leaders is terrorism phenomenon. On the other side the focal point of U.S foreign policy in new thousandth is struggle with terrorism. American existence threat in recent years isn't from the side of international famous actors; the main disturbance of U.S leaders isn't arising from the interests struggle with continental powers or provisional powers but their pioneer challenge coming a different kind of actor in a scene. It is for the first time that the U.S during its history encounter with N.G.O actor as a main threat, so the U.S encounter with a threat that can call emergence of emerge terrorism. U.S hegemony power and vital role of this country in the world is a factor that create a universal new order and from the other side powerful presence of U.S in Afghanistan territory during past 13 years finally lead to drawn up Kabul-Washington security contract during Ashraf Ghany government caused that I reimburse to the role of U.S foreign policy in drawing up this contract and effect of it in the security of region and Islamic republic of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        95 - Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Policy with the European Union in the Last Three Decades
        Kamran Tarami Iraj Moradi
        As a major political player on the global stage and a chief trading partner, the European Union (EU) has always occupied a prominent place in Islamic Iran's foreign relations. Bilateral ties, however, have always been strained fluctuating between bad and worse. This art More
        As a major political player on the global stage and a chief trading partner, the European Union (EU) has always occupied a prominent place in Islamic Iran's foreign relations. Bilateral ties, however, have always been strained fluctuating between bad and worse. This article examines Iranian-EU relations since the revolution in Iran with the aim of identifying the factors in Iranian foreign policy that have contributed to estrangement and variations that have characterized Iran-EU ties. It argues that whenever the governments in Tehran have adopted a radical foreign policy, relations have deteriorated and at times when they have pursued a pragmatist line tensions have eased. Manuscript profile
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        96 - The Rise OF ISIS and Its Impact on Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran
        Ardeshir Sanaie Mona Kaviyanpor
        Abstract Beginning of every crisis has different causes and factors, such as historical, geopolitical, economic, social and cultural. Sometimes, governments tend to bane their relation not only on formal grounds, but also they sometimes limited their compliancy from ter More
        Abstract Beginning of every crisis has different causes and factors, such as historical, geopolitical, economic, social and cultural. Sometimes, governments tend to bane their relation not only on formal grounds, but also they sometimes limited their compliancy from terrorist groups in international relation of countries. ISIS is the most brutal terrorist organization among all armed groups in Middle East region. After America attacked, Al-Qaida in Iraq was the founder of the formation of the Islamic state. After Syria unrest intensifies, ISIS came from Iraq to Syria. Rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria has different consequence in the Middle East and in most part of word. Several Countries have also been involved with ISIS phenomenon and inevitably in contrast of it they had various measures. Islamic Republic of Iran was directly at odd with ISIS, because its territorial integrity and political regime has challenged Iran’s regional allies. It was also a threat for Iran in terms of its ideology and security. Therefore, Iran's foreign policy is influenced by the emergence of the Islamic State was forced to apply strategies to deal with it. This article attempts to use the framework of constructivism to check the rise if ISIS and its impact in the foreign policy of Islamic republic of Iran in regional and international level. Manuscript profile
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        97 - International Law and Terrorism Issue
        Kabak Khabiri Maral Darbandi
        Abstract ُSecurity Council of the United Nation Organization, as the only place which has legal right and is authorized to use force in the international interactions. Important developments have occurred in multilateral international treaties between the Convention fo More
        Abstract ُSecurity Council of the United Nation Organization, as the only place which has legal right and is authorized to use force in the international interactions. Important developments have occurred in multilateral international treaties between the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism of 1937 and the Inter- American Convention against Terrorism of 2002. This article attempts to explore the question of changes which is occurred, as well as whether these laws have been an effective legal response in combating terrorism. After differentiating between comprehensive and sectoral conventions and between universal and regional conventions, the article comparatively analyzes them based on definitions of offenses, the extent of criminalization, exceptions concerning scope of application, measures to be taken by the states parties, obligatory and optional jurisdiction, obligations of states in the sphere of legal cooperation and assistance, rights of the offender, extradition, exceptions from extradition or legal assistance, and issues not covered by the conventions. Solutions proved to be the most effective against international terrorism and discrepancies and overlaps between the conventions are discussed.   Manuscript profile
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        98 - The Effects of September 11 Incident on Russia’s Position in the International System (2001-2010)
        SeyedMohammad Tabatabaie Razieh Hazrati
        Abstract September 11 incident leaded to some principle changes in international security and many see it evens more important than the results of the Cold War. This incident not only changed the structure of international system, but made countries to redefine their f More
        Abstract September 11 incident leaded to some principle changes in international security and many see it evens more important than the results of the Cold War. This incident not only changed the structure of international system, but made countries to redefine their foreign relations. US relation with its rival in Cold War, Russia, entered into a new stage. The question studied in this paper is: “what are the effects of 9/11 on Russia`s position in international system?” The hypothesis is that the 9/11 incident leaded to an increasing role of Russia in the international system according to the security and political requirements of the US. In this article, the reasons of cooperation between Russia and US is based on offensive realism, US security and its political requirements of the after 9/11 and its effects on the increasing importance of Russia`s position in international system are carefully studied.     Manuscript profile
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        99 - Al Qaeda and America, Threat or Pretext for the War
        Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi
          Abstract Currently, there are different assumptions about scenarios or interaction contrast between America and Al Qaeda there. Some analysts believe that bin Laden's death will eventually lead to the destruction of al-Qaeda network. This group of people who b More
          Abstract Currently, there are different assumptions about scenarios or interaction contrast between America and Al Qaeda there. Some analysts believe that bin Laden's death will eventually lead to the destruction of al-Qaeda network. This group of people who believe that al-Qaeda, is an organization that rooted in different parts of the world, since the network is expected to avenge the blood of bin Laden to America. For years the pretext for the war and bloodshed will continue. But some other analysts have considered the opposite of their view of America has made al-Qaeda and bin Laden directly or indirectly, whatever they say Americans can provide. Hence the creation of new threats to America, will move to eliminate bin Laden. The current critical situation in the Middle East that America is setting aside the issue of so-called war on terrorism, to confidently deal with the issue of the popular uprising in the Arab world to pay. They believe that the U. S. is not interested to fight against terrorism anymore. In this regard, popular uprisings in the Middle East is more dangerous than terrorism for Americans and Washington have become shabby affair with close combat terrorism directed their energy to make a new threat.   Manuscript profile
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        100 - Investigating the Impact of Terrorism on Economic Growth in the Middle Eastern Countries: A Panel Data Approach
        Mehrzad Ebrahaimi Mojtaba Kefayat Hashem Zare Abbas Aminifar
        Terrorism is a complex phenomenon without a comprehensive definition of it, as many scholars have defined the term terrorism based on their own understanding of it. Terrorism and its consequences go beyond the aspects of fear, terror and loss of life and property. The l More
        Terrorism is a complex phenomenon without a comprehensive definition of it, as many scholars have defined the term terrorism based on their own understanding of it. Terrorism and its consequences go beyond the aspects of fear, terror and loss of life and property. The link between security and economic growth is essential, because economic development cannot happen without security, and peace and security without growth may not be sustainable. According to the literature, terrorism has a direct impact on economic growth. Terrorism, conflict and violence destroy direct foreign and human capital and weaken political and social institutions that have a positive impact on economic growth. With this in mind, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of terrorism on economic growth in Middle Eastern countries during the period 2018-2000 using the combined data method. The results of this study showed that the number of terrorist incidents and those killed in terrorist attacks had a negative and significant effect on the economic growth of the studied countries. According to other results, it has been observed that human development index, foreign direct investment, bank credit and foreign trade have a positive and significant effect on economic growth. Inflation rate has a negative and significant relationship with economic growth Manuscript profile
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        101 - Studying the Impact of War and Terrorism on the Image of Middle Eastern Sport
        hamidreza jalili ali hematiafif nima majedi mehdi naderinasab
        The present study aimed to study the impact of war and terrorism on the image of Middle Eastern sport. The research method was correlational in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this study consisted of experts in the field of sport and politics. Pu More
        The present study aimed to study the impact of war and terrorism on the image of Middle Eastern sport. The research method was correlational in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this study consisted of experts in the field of sport and politics. Purposeful sampling was used to identify these samples. The sampling continued until theoretical saturation was reached and finally 52 individuals were identified as the sample. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were assessed. Structural equation method was used for data analysis. All data analysis was done in SPSS and PLS software. The results of the study showed that military warfare has an effect of -0.198 on the Middle East sport aspect. Also, psychological warfare has an effect of -0.387 on the Middle East sport. The results of the present study showed that terrorism has an effect of -0.540 on the Middle East sport aspect. The present study found that economic warfare and cyber warfare had no significant effect on Middle Eastern sport. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Woman as victim and terrorist: A reflection on the reasons for joining European women to ISIS
        Yousof Qorashi Fatemeh Ahmadnejad
        Why European women join ISIS? This question at the beginning of ISIS emergence in the Middle East was a concern for many Muslim communities and their families, and answering to this question gradually became evident by declaring the formation of the Islamic caliphate an More
        Why European women join ISIS? This question at the beginning of ISIS emergence in the Middle East was a concern for many Muslim communities and their families, and answering to this question gradually became evident by declaring the formation of the Islamic caliphate and joining more Muslim women to it. In this regard, a handful of research institutes published reports linking ISIS and women, but scientifically, feasible literature did not produce. This made it necessary for initiating an article on the purpose of examining the reasons for joining European women to ISIS. The hypothesis of the article is that women consider herself as victims and joining ISIS based on reasons such as isolation and the lack of sense of belonging to Western culture, oppression and injustice towards the Muslim nation, reaction to the indifference of the international community, and ultimately the establishment of Islamic Utopia. These cases are being examined in the light of Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory of terrorism. It is presumed that the phenomenon of ISIS is simultaneously considered as a terrorist organization and a government to rely on it to explain the roles of ISIS women. These roles represent the alternatives for women to escape the strains imposed. Manuscript profile
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        103 - چالش‌هاو موانع مقابله با تأمین مالی تروریسم در اسناد ملی و بین‌المللی
        محمدصادق چاووشی HADI KERAMATI MOEZ
        یکی از مهم‌ترین دلایل تقویت جریان‌های تروریستی درجهان، تداوم تأمین منابع مالی مورد نیاز آن ها از طرق مختلف است. در واقع تروریست‌ها برای رسیدن به اهداف تروریستی خود نیازمند تأمین مالی هستند و برای تأمین این نیاز حیاتی خود به راه‌های گوناگونی متوسل می‌شوند. لذا به منظور م More
        یکی از مهم‌ترین دلایل تقویت جریان‌های تروریستی درجهان، تداوم تأمین منابع مالی مورد نیاز آن ها از طرق مختلف است. در واقع تروریست‌ها برای رسیدن به اهداف تروریستی خود نیازمند تأمین مالی هستند و برای تأمین این نیاز حیاتی خود به راه‌های گوناگونی متوسل می‌شوند. لذا به منظور مبارزه با تروریسم، یکی از مهم‌ترین و ضروری‌ترین راه‌ها، مبارزه با تأمین مالی آن است. در این راستا اتخاذ تمهیداتی برای مبارزه با تأمین مالی تروریسم و اتخاذ هرگونه اقدامی به منظور خشکاندن منابع تأمین مالی تروریسم در اسناد ملی و بین‌المللی ضروری است. عدم الحاق ایران به کنوانسیون بین المللی مبارزه با تأمین مالی تروریسم، عدم شناسایی مفهوم تروریسم به عنوان یک رفتار مجرمانه مستقل و فقدان سیاست جنائی افتراقی در خصوص آن دلالت بر چالش‌ها و موانع مقابله با تأمین مالی تروریسم در اسناد داخلی است؛ در این مقاله نگارندگان با روش تحلیلی - توصیفی به واکاوی چالش‌ها و موانع در اسناد ملی و بین‌المللی برای مبارزه با تأمین مالی تروریسم خواهند پرداخت Manuscript profile
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        104 - The role of economic strategies and tactics in the survival of Salafi-Takfiri groups
        reza khorasani Mohammad Mirabdoli
        Terrorists need financial support to achieve their goals, and therefore resort to various legal and illegal ways. Islamic radical groups, of which they can be termed takfiri terrorists, are no exception to this rule and despite the emphasis on ideological and religious- More
        Terrorists need financial support to achieve their goals, and therefore resort to various legal and illegal ways. Islamic radical groups, of which they can be termed takfiri terrorists, are no exception to this rule and despite the emphasis on ideological and religious-spiritual issues, in order to grow and succeed, attracting audiences and followers through advertising, supplying weapons, carrying out terrorist operations and other everyday needs, they need access to enough funds to fulfill their goals. Therefore, the present research attempts to answer this key question What factors contributed to the persistence of Takfiri terrorism in different regions?. In order to answer this question, this hypothesis has been suggested that one of the effective factors in the non-destruction of Salafi-Takfiri groups due to the diversity of access routes for takfiri groups to multiple sources and their lack of dependence on a source of income to finance their expenses. in this regard, the most important sources of financial needs of the terrorist-takfiri groups that indicate their flexibility in adopting various methods of income generation are described in this paper and their economic approach to The future has also been explored. In this study, the descriptive-analytic method has been used. Manuscript profile
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        105 - Combating Terrorism through Risk Management
        نوروز کارگری
        If we would consider the terrorism as a social threat that can affect the people depending on the local and time circumstances, the notion of danger and dangerousness would make sense in responding and combating that. If we would consider the terrorist actions as a crim More
        If we would consider the terrorism as a social threat that can affect the people depending on the local and time circumstances, the notion of danger and dangerousness would make sense in responding and combating that. If we would consider the terrorist actions as a criminal or at least as a harmful behavior and, taking account the accepted functions and goals for punishment, pursuit to repress them through the classic punishment system, they would be subject of the suppressive criminal reactions, but base on the several indications, new approaches could be more influential about this matter. Particularly these new approaches consist of risk management and dangerous situations control through the legal ways. According to this new approach terrorist actions are considered as a social risk which shall be subjected of risk management. This noncriminal actions could be preferred on criminal reactions because they could remove the challenges related to security in antiterrorism legislating, and on the other hand they could be more influential than criminal actions and put more controls on these kind of actions Manuscript profile
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        106 - Feasibility study of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court against terrorism
        Maryam valizadeh yosef almasi Farhad Zereshki
        Terrorism is one of the international crimes that as a not-so-emerging phenomenon has been able to disrupt international order and security by using the factor of fear and attacking the civilian population. This shows the need to deal with it. These include the drafting More
        Terrorism is one of the international crimes that as a not-so-emerging phenomenon has been able to disrupt international order and security by using the factor of fear and attacking the civilian population. This shows the need to deal with it. These include the drafting of the Rome Convention by governments to combat international crimes and gross violations of humanitarian law. Based on this, the question arises whether the International Criminal Court, within the framework of its statute, has the possibility of dealing with terrorist crimes? A look at the terrorist acts committed by terrorist groups can provide us with a list of examples of terrorist acts that can be applied to domestic crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. Accordingly, although the crime of terrorism is not within the jurisdiction of the Court (Article 5) Compared to other crimes mentioned in this article, it can be prosecuted. However, in terms of territorial, temporal, personal and complementary jurisdiction, there are limitations for criminal proceedings by the International Criminal Court. Manuscript profile
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        107 - The place of motivation and ideology in defining terrorist crimes in Iranian law and comparing it with international documents
        mazaher khajevand mina jafari
        One of the obstacles to countering terrorism is disagreement about the concept and nature of this phenomenon. The constituent elements of terrorism have not been universally agreed upon, and this has led to different perceptions of terrorism and, as a result, a lack of More
        One of the obstacles to countering terrorism is disagreement about the concept and nature of this phenomenon. The constituent elements of terrorism have not been universally agreed upon, and this has led to different perceptions of terrorism and, as a result, a lack of coordination in the fight against it. The fundamental question that arises in this regard is what are the characteristics and elements emphasized in the crime of terrorism? What is the place of motive and ideology in the definition of terrorist crimes in Iranian law compared to international documents? The present article is a descriptive-analytical and examines the question using the library method. The results of the study indicate that systemic violence, motivation (ideology), organization and lack of legitimacy are the most important characteristics of the crime of terrorism. International documents, including the UN General Assembly definition of terrorism, mention motive as a feature of terrorism, but in Iranian criminal law, the basis is not an independent criminal title for terrorism and emphasizes the systematic violence of terrorism in creating public terror. In Iranian criminal law, terrorism is mainly dealt with as moharebeh. Terrorism is considered in international documents or as an international crime in itself. Manuscript profile
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        108 - The Evolution of Foreign Policy of United State toward Afghanistan on the base Geopolitics Theories
        محمدجعفر جوادی‌ارجمند مائده کریمی قهرودی محسن اخباری
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        109 - تروریسم دریایی: امنیت دریا و مسئولیت دولت‌ها
        آرش شرقی
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        110 - نقش شورای امنیت در مقابله با تامین مالی تروریسم
        mohamad rezazadeh هوشنگ شامبیاتی mohamadali mahdei
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        111 - تروریسم، بزه‌دیدگی، حمایت‌های ویژه، بزه‌دیدگی غیرمستقیم.
        mazaher khajevand majid bahari qazani