Environmental terrorism centered on armed conflict in the light of international criminal law
Subject Areas : Biosafetybehrooz sepehri 1 , nourooz kargari 2 , Mohammad Ashouri 3 , ghassem ghassemi 4
1 - PhD student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Authors)
3 - Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: the environment, International Crimes, International Humanitarian Law, Environmental Terrorism, Armed conflict,
Abstract :
Environmental terrorism is a violent behavior that with the intention of depriving the peace, order and security of human societies, by targeting the environment, endangers human life and health and environmental security and whenever at the same time with Conflicts Armed and on the part of one of the parties to the conflict, it causes extensive and irreparable damage and not only endangers the health and life of the contemporary generation, but also endangers the health of future generations and deprives the healthy of environment. Therefore, reviewing strategies to deal with such events is the main purpose of current research. The present research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and in the form of citations through the use of library and electronic resources including books, articles, dissertations, regulations and international documents in Persian and English languages. The only way to fight with this criminal phenomenon is to bind the parties to the conflict to the norms and regulations related to international humanitarian law and to criminalize the violation of such regulations, in order to control the violence of the conflicting parties within the limits of international regulations. Violation of such regulations will result in criminal prosecution charges of "international crimes" or "serious crimes of international importance." Although Article 5 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court 1998 does not forecast environmental terrorism as an international crime, but because of the profound and irreparable harmful effects on human life and health and the health of the environment and the possibility of spreading such effects to remote areas. And even to future generations, international legal doctrine and documents recognize environmental terrorism as an acute example of terrorism and its importance in the line of international crimes and the effects of international crimes on it.
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- Pourhashemi Seyed Abbas, Namamian Peyman & Taybi Sobhan. "Criminology of Environmental Terrorism; Challenges, norms and strategies". Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 1394; 17 (1): 167-182. (In Persian)
- Mirkamali Alireza, Hajivand Amin & Safari Farshid. "Environmental Terrorism in French Criminal Law and Its Compatibility with Similar Criminologies in Iran". Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Studies (University of Tehran). 1397; 48(2): 423-445. (In Persian)
- Aliapour Hassan. "The Legal Nature of Terrorism; Case Study of the Gaza Event". Quarterly Journal of Strategic Studies. 1389; 13(2): 171-201. (In Prsian)
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- Kargari Nowruz. "Inside Terrorism". Tehran: Mizan Publications; 2012. (In Persian)
- Ellen O'Connell Mary. "The Choice of Law Against Terrorism. Journal of national security law & policy". 2010; 4(343): 343-368.
- Najafi Behzad. "Law of International Organizations (WHO) Health law". Tehran: Mizan, 2013. (In Persian)
- Mir Abbasi Seyed Baqer, Rezaei Mohammad Reza. "International Responsibility of Governments Due to Environmental Destruction in International Armed Conflicts". Journal of Comparative Law Research. 2019; 23(2): 135-157. (In Persian)
- MIRIAM J. AUKERMAN. "War, Crime, or War Crime? Interrogating the Analogy Between War and Terror". Linnan DK. Enemy combatants, terrorism, and armed conflict law: A Guide to the Issues. United States of America: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2008. 145-164.
- seacor Jesica E. "Environmental Terrorism: Lessons from the Oil Fires of Kuwait". American University International Law Review. 1996; 10(1): 481-523.
- Roberts Adam. "Laws of War. In Aria MH. International Perspectives on the Persian Gulf War". Tehran: Printing and Publishing Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 1996. 393-444.
- Vosoughi Manouchehr, Masahabadi Parivash, Alamzadeh Iran, Borghei Mehdi, Rashtchian Davood, Sanati Ali Mohammad. "Determination and Bioremediation of Petroleum Pollutant in Soil of Persian Gulf Coast". Journal of Water and Wastewater. 2005; 15(1): 2-9. (In Persian)
- Akbari Hamid, Naghavi Mohsen, Jafari Nahid, Faghihi Fereshteh, Asgari Majid. "The rate and pattern of mortality due to environmental pollution resulting from the Iraq-Kuwait war in the population of the southern provinces of Zagros and its comparison with the population of the northern provinces of Zagros". Journal of Hakim Health System Research. 2007; 10(3): 54-61. (In Persian)
- oryan Shahrbanoo, Tatina Mostafa, Gharibkhani Mahtab. "Study of the effects of oil pollution in the northern part of the Persian Gulf on the accumulation of heavy metals (nickel, lead, cadmium and anadium) in the muscle tissue of white halva". Scientific Journal of Oceanography. 1989; 1(4): 61-68. (In Persian)
- Nowruzi Mehrnoosh, Sadeghi Mohammad Mehdi, Bagheri Tavani Mostafa, Zandavar Hedie. "Accumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of three species of fish in the waters of the Persian Gulf and its relationship with some biometric characteristics". Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2020; 21(6): 198-212. (In Persian)
- Khorramabadi Alireza, Alizadeh Doghiklayi Ebrahim, Mohammadi Mehdi, AinElahi Fatemeh. "Study of heavy metals (copper, zinc and nickel) muscle tissue of western white shrimp muscle in Bushehr farms". Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2015; 12(3). 91-100. (In Prsian)
- Mashhadi Ali. "Human Rights and the Environment". Tehran: Khorsandi; 2017. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi Mehrdad, Hosseini Azad Seyed Ali. "Protection of Environment in Armed Conflict from the Perspective of International Law". Tehran: Shahr-e-Danesh; 2015. (In Persian)
- Pajuhan, Seyed Hadi. "International law and countering the transmission and export of environmental pollutants". Tehran: Shahr-e-Danesh. 2018. (In Persian)
- Mottaghi Afshin, Kaviani Rad Morad, Najafi Sajjad. "The Relationship between Environmental Security and National Security (Case Study of Bioterrorism)". Quarterly Journal of Parliament and Strategy. 2016; 22(83): 75-100. (In Persian)
- Mehra Nasrin, Gholipour Gholamreza. "Ecoside crime: Past, present and future. Criminal Law Research". 2021; 8(31): 43-81. (In Persian)
- Shah Hosseini Atieh. "Environmental International Responsibility for Prohibited Actions". Tehran: Khorsandi; 2018. (In Persian)
- Gill Terry. "Chivalry: A Principle of the Law of Armed Conflict?". In Matthee Marielle, Toebes Brigit, brus Marcel. "Armed Conflict and International Law: In Search of the Human Face". Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Press; 2013. 33-51.
- Zamani Seyed Ghasem, Abdollahi Mohsen, Nouri Waliullah, Rai Massoud. "The principle of proportionality in armed conflict in the light of the documents and procedures of international criminal courts". Journal of Criminal Law Teachings, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences. 2017; 1(12): 91-115. (In Persian)
- Momtaz Jamshid. "International Law on Weapons of Collective killing". Translation and research: Ranjbarian Amir Hossein. Tehran: Mizan; 2012.
- Moazami Shahla, Namamian Peyman. "Exercising universal competence in the fight against terrorism". In "Ashouri Mohammad, Moazami Shahla, Mehra Nasrin. Understanding terrorism - a collection of articles (legal-philosophical approach)". Tehran: Negah Baeneh, 2015. 196-226. (In Persian)
- carrir Robert, Freeman Hakan, Robinson Drill, Wilms Hurst Elizabeth. "An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure". Translation and research by Abiri Armaghan, Ameri Zahra. Tehran: Khorsandi; 2015. (In Persian)
- Cassée Antonio. "International Criminal Law". translated and researched by Piran Hossein, Amirarajmand Ardeshir, Mousavi Zahra. Tehran: Jangal; 2009. (In Persian)
- Abdollahi Mohsen. "Terrorism, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law". Tehran: Shar-e-danesh; 2009. (In Persian)
- Marchuk Iryna. "The Fundamental Concept of Crime in International Criminal Law (A Comparative Law Analysis)". Berlin Heidelberg: Springer; 2014.
- Shariat Bagheri Mohammad Javad. "Fundamental Documents of International Criminal Court". Tehran: Jangal; 2015. (In Persian)
- Biparva Amir. "Genocide, a crime against human rights". Judgment Quarterly. 2018; 17(91): 121-134. (In Persian)
- Jalali Mahmoud. "Terrorism from the Perspective of International Law with Emphasis on the Incident of September 11, 2001". Mofid Journal. 2006; 11(52): 49-80. (In Persian)
- Sajadpour Seyyed Mohammad Kazem, Aghamohammadi Zahra. "The Security Council, the Great Powers and the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Conceptual Frameworks and Operational Functions". Afagh-e-Security Quarterly. 2015; 8(28): 161-188. (In Persian)
- Saffari Ali, Esmaili Mehdi. "Approach to International Documents to Prevent Terrorism". Journal of Legal Researches. 2013; ---(13): 391-428. (In Persian)
- Sharifi Tarazkoohi Hossein, Modarres Sabzevari Sasan. "The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iran-Iraq War from the Perspective of International Criminal Law". Journal of Public Law Research. 2016; 18(52): 129-152. (In Persian)