A reflection on some concepts that disrupt security and public comfort from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Criminal jurisprudence
Mohamadebrahim Mojahed
Ahmad Abedini Najaf Abadi
Javad Panjepour
1 - .PhD Student in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Department of Human sciences and Law, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Fiqh and Basics of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Fiqh and Basics of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Corruption, assassination, Terrorism, Murder, treachery, Security, war,
Abstract :
The concept of concept is very important in all branches of science. Conceptual discussion in criminal law, especially in the field of security and public comfort, is of double importance. Since this field is closely related to the materials of Khamsa, and then there are conceptual inadequacies and ambiguities in some of these concepts; Based on this, the explanation of this category of concepts is an inevitable necessity, both theoretically and practically. Brief recognition and explanation of concepts such as terror and terrorism, and bioterrorism, war and corruption in the land and rebellion, political crime, assassination, coup d'état, and their difference and separation from each other are among the concepts that familiarization and explanation of them, both in terms of It is important both theoretically and in the practical aspect of law making, as well as in the position of judging and applying examples. This research analyzed some of the most important concepts in an analytical-descriptive way. First, these basic concepts were explained and described. Then attention was paid to the brief analysis of the attributes and dimensions, angles, territory and them. As a result of this research, the discussed concepts were disambiguated, and with the knowledge obtained of the elements and nature of each, their differences and distinctions were recognized and explained.