The evolution of the concept of self-defence and new terrorism (with an emphasis on cyber terrorism)
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
ehsan sadeghipoor
Mahmoud Ganj Bakhsh
Kourosh Jafarpour
1 - PhD student of Public International Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Islamic Banking, Faculty of Economics, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: self-defence, preemptive attack, preventive attack, new terrorism, cyber terrorism,
Abstract :
The phenomenon of terrorism has transformed itself at a remarkable speed in the context of the development of societies. Today, one of the newest types of terrorism that has attracted the attention of many legal scholars is cyber terrorism. In this way, with the increasing number of new types of terrorism, followed by terrorist attacks in different parts of the world and the reaction of governments to these attacks, It has caused the issue of use of force against terrorist acts to become an raised issue in legal circles. In fact, after the September 11 incident and the spread of the cross-border threat of terrorism, a group of lawyers presented the doctrine of preemptive and preventive attack in the form of an expanded interpretation of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter to combat terrorism.Taking into consideration that in the current era, terrorism has gone out of the traditional mode and its modern forms are spreading under the name of new wave of terrorism such as cyber terrorism It is necessary to examine the issue that, considering the fundamental difference between traditional terrorism and modern terrorism, is it legal to refer to a preemptive and preventive attack against such an entity? Is citing self-defence against modern (cyber) terrorism legal? And subsequently, what is the justification for resorting to a preemptive and preventive attack in dealing with it from the point of view of international law? In this regard, in order to answer this problem, a descriptive-analytical research method has been used using library tools. It seems that if a terrorist attack has the potential to cause destruction to the extent of an armed attack, it is assumed to be armed and the victim government will have the right to self-defence, but international law has not recognized anything called a preemptive and preventive attack.
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