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    Ethical Charter of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

    The purpose of designing the ethical charter of the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, is to attract the opinion and increase the level of trust of writers and researchers during the process of reviewing and publishing the works of this center. This charter contains the policies of the journals regarding the ethical behavior of individuals in the field of publishing magazines.
    The following points provide an overview of the principles of ethics and do not include details.
    Authors, judges, editors and members of the editorial board for more information on the rules and ethical charter of journals can refer to the website of the Ethics Committee in publications (cope) or the charter and ethics standards in research approved by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology .
    Authors are required to adhere to the following ethical principles:
    Observance of ethical provisions in research
    Dear authors, we ask you to submit the works of your original ideas and original research, the journal has the right to deal legally with cases of data forgery, data distortion or plagiarism.
    Plagiarism is the use of the ideas, opinions, methods or sentences of others without mentioning the sources and is done with the intention that the expression of these scientific and literary contents of the article is the result of the author's own work.
    In order to prevent Plagiarism, the following is recommended.
    1- If you quote the same sentence from someone, the sentences must be in quotation marks and mentioning the source.
    2- Presenting the results, shapes and diagrams of other people's opinions (however minor) should be complete with reference.
    3- Copying other people's text is a violation, so write your opinion on the opinions and results of other people's research in your own language and by mentioning the source.
    4. It is an offense to copy and use your own published data and materials without providing references and information that part of the previously published material has already been published elsewhere.
    - Do not publish and repeatedly submit an article to several journals
    - Providing resources and appreciation of those who are involved in conducting research.
    The original author should thank all the people who contributed to the collection. Authors are required to cite publications that have been involved in compiling the content of the said work and should not use or report any private information obtained by a third party through conversation, correspondence or debate without the express written permission of the original source. Observe intellectual property. Authors should also seek the consent of all financial or spatial sponsors of the article and introduce them.
    - Mention the responsible people and colleagues in the article
    People involved in preparing and preparing the article: The main author and the person in charge of the correspondence of the article and other authors are mentioned as collaborators.
    Individuals who have made a more limited contribution to the collection should be commended and the honorary author should not be added or the actual author removed.
    Note: The names of supervisors and advisors are required for the main article taken from student dissertations and dissertations. (In other articles taken from dissertations and dissertations, the opinion of the supervisor / professors will be the criterion in this regard.)
    If a writer notices a major mistake or defect in his work, he is obliged to immediately inform the publisher-editor of his mistake and to take action to retrieve and correct the article in question.
    - Failure to submit articles in full
    Authors are not allowed to publish the data and findings of their previous articles with a slight change to a new article.
    It should be noted that the authors are responsible for the accuracy and precision of the content of the articles and the publication of the article does not mean that its contents are approved by the journal.
    It should be noted that the authors are responsible for the accuracy and precision of the content of the articles and the publication of the article does not mean that the contents of the article are approved by the journal.

    Duties of publishing agents
    The editor, the editorial board and the referees assist the editor of the journal in the qualitative and scientific review of the articles, but the editor is responsible for the final acceptance of the submitted articles. Publishing agents should observe the following:
    The evaluation of articles by the editor should be done solely on the basis of the scientific content of the articles and any action should be taken
    Avoid bias.
    All information contained in the articles is strictly confidential to all persons who have contributed to its publication, including the editor, judges, and other relevant factors (other than its authors).
    Disclosure and conflict of interest
    The use of the content of received articles that have not been published must be done with the express written permission of the author. Editors should refrain from reviewing and judging articles in which there is a conflict of interest.
    (Conflict of interest is introduced as part of research ethics and is a set of conditions in which a professional decision about a goal (the main commitment of the researcher) under the influence of secondary benefit (financial, personal credit, academic credit, reputation, etc.) Placed.)
    The part of the articles that do not have the necessary scientific load to publish the journal in terms of quality and content should be clearly distinguished.
    Editors are not allowed to force authors to submit articles to a publisher to accept articles.

    Respected judges are requested to adhere to the following guidelines.
    1. Cooperation in publishing decisions
    Achieving the level of quality and scientific promotion of articles as well as helping the editorial staff and authors is one of the goals of the judges.
    2. Fast and accurate judgment with memorization
    It is better to inform the editor as soon as possible or to withdraw from the judging process so that someone else can replace them.
    3- Trust
    Observance of ethical principles and