• فهرست مقالات نوشتار

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - منابع و سرچشمه های اطلاعات روایی آل زبیر در صدر اسلام ( نحوه دریافت، انتقال و ارائۀ آن ها )
        محمدرضا غضنفری
        آل زبیر از جمله خاندان هایی اند که بعد از اسلام شهرت زیادی کسب کردند و در منابع اسلامی نیز نام زبیر بن عَوّام و خاندان او مکرر ذکر شده است . این امر به نقش آنان در امور نظامی، سیاسی و علمی صدر اسلام اشاره دارد . زبیر بن عَوّام نه تنها به عنوان راوی احادیث پیامبر (ص) بل چکیده کامل
        آل زبیر از جمله خاندان هایی اند که بعد از اسلام شهرت زیادی کسب کردند و در منابع اسلامی نیز نام زبیر بن عَوّام و خاندان او مکرر ذکر شده است . این امر به نقش آنان در امور نظامی، سیاسی و علمی صدر اسلام اشاره دارد . زبیر بن عَوّام نه تنها به عنوان راوی احادیث پیامبر (ص) بلکه به عنوان یک صحابی نقش مؤثر ی در وقایع صدر اسلام داشته است و همسران ، فرزندان و موالی او آن وقایع و احادیث را از او نقل کرده اند. آثارموجود بیشتر به بُعد سیاسی این خاندان توجه داشتند، در حالی که نقش علمی اینخاندان به رغم دیرپایی و اهمیت آن مغفول مانده است . با توجه به آنچه در منابعمختلف درباره نقل احادیث و روایات آل زبیر آمده ، این مقاله هم به سرچشمه هایاطلاعات آنان می پردازد، و هم به چگونگی کسب احادیث و شیوه روایات آنان و نیز بهنحوه انتقال و ارایه آنها به راویان هم عصر و طبقات بعدتر اشاره دارد. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - فضای مجازی و زبان فارسی: غیرمعیارهای نوشتاری در شبکه ی اجتماعی تلگرام
        مسیحه هدایت مفیدی عطیه کامیابی گل علی علیزاده
        زبان از یک سو وسیله ارتباط بین افراد جامعه است یعنی نقطه مرکزی و پیشرفته نظام ارتباطی انسان به شمار می‌رود و از سوی دیگر وسیله بیان افکار و احساسات ما است. زبان فارسی با تاریخ، فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانیان پیوندی دیرینه و ناگسستنی دارد. یکی از وظایف و کاربردهای ویژه رایانه‌ها چکیده کامل
        زبان از یک سو وسیله ارتباط بین افراد جامعه است یعنی نقطه مرکزی و پیشرفته نظام ارتباطی انسان به شمار می‌رود و از سوی دیگر وسیله بیان افکار و احساسات ما است. زبان فارسی با تاریخ، فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانیان پیوندی دیرینه و ناگسستنی دارد. یکی از وظایف و کاربردهای ویژه رایانه‌ها و گوشی‌های هوشمند، ایجاد فضاها و امکاناتی مانند خدمات پیام کوتاه، راه‌اندازی و ایجاد اجتماعات و گروه‌های تعاملی و ارتباطی از طریق فضاهای سایبری و مجازی است که ارتباط بین افراد و گروه‌های مختلف جوامع زبانی و فرهنگی را امکان‌پذیر می‌سازد. گاهی زبان فارسی به کارگرفته شده در این فضاها دارای معایب و اشکالات اساسی است. در این پژوهش دو گروه خبری (دارای 115 و 98 عضو) از شبکه ارتباطی تلگرام انتخاب و جمله‌های آن براساس الگوهای معیار در سه حوزه فنی، زبانی و بلاغی بررسی شد. تعداد جمله‌های بررسی شده 753 مورد بود که طبق بررسی‌های انجام شده بیشترین کاربردهای غیرمعیار به ترتیب در حوزه ویرایش زبانی، فنی و بلاغی بود. اولین قدم در جهت اصلاح خطاهای زبان ارتباطی در فضای مجازی آگاهی دادن از نوع خطاها به کاربران است و در وهله‌ی بعد این ناهنجاری‌های زبانی باید در صورت امکان کنترل و الگوهای معیار جایگزین آنها شوند. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - نقش رسانه ها در تبیین هویت ایرانی
        سید محمد دادگران خدیجه ططری
        یکی از عملکردهای رسانه ‌ها از زمان پیدایش بشریت تا عصر نوشتاری و عصر اطلاعات فرآیند القاء، تقویت ارز‌ش‌ها، باورها، سنت‌ها و معیار‌های رفتاری بوده که با استناد به ابیات شاهنامۀ فردوسی - یکی از آثار ملی مکتوب ایرانیان- در این پژوهش، با تطبیق نظریۀ تطور تاریخی مارشال مک ل چکیده کامل
        یکی از عملکردهای رسانه ‌ها از زمان پیدایش بشریت تا عصر نوشتاری و عصر اطلاعات فرآیند القاء، تقویت ارز‌ش‌ها، باورها، سنت‌ها و معیار‌های رفتاری بوده که با استناد به ابیات شاهنامۀ فردوسی - یکی از آثار ملی مکتوب ایرانیان- در این پژوهش، با تطبیق نظریۀ تطور تاریخی مارشال مک لوهان با رسانه‌های ارتباطی ایرانیان و تاثیر آن‌ها در نگهدات تمدن و هویت ایرانی در سه بعد، بررسی و تحلیل شده است: 1. رسانه‌های گفتاری: که زبان، گفتار و گفتمان غالب در آن حائز اهمیت است. 2. رسانه‌های نوشتاری: که ریشه‌های خط و نوشتار به عنوان ابزار ارتباطی با استناد به ابیات شاهنامۀ فردوسی در دوران پادشاهیطهمورث دیوبند بررسی و تبیین شده است. 3. رسانه‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌های الکترونیکی: با ورود رسانه های جدید الکترونیکی از جمله رادیو، تلویزیون و در نهایت اینترنت و ورود ما به عصر اطلاعات، نقش هویت‌های ملی کمرنگ‌تر می‌شود که ایرانیان ساکن جامعۀ اطلاعاتی در نگهداشت فرهنگ، هویت و تمدن غنی ایرانی باید تلاش کنند. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        4 - رسانه و سبک زندگی سلامت محور (مطالعه سبک زندگی سلامت محور شهروندان در استان آذربایجان‌شرقی)
        فاطمه گلابی
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر رسانه‌ بر سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور شهروندان استان آذربایجان‌شرقی و با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام شده است. جامعه آماری شامل تمامی شهروندان بالای 15 سال استان آذربایجان شرقی بوده است که از میان آن‌ها، 1662 نفر از طریق نمونه‌گیری سهمیه‌ای از شهره چکیده کامل
        تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر رسانه‌ بر سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور شهروندان استان آذربایجان‌شرقی و با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام شده است. جامعه آماری شامل تمامی شهروندان بالای 15 سال استان آذربایجان شرقی بوده است که از میان آن‌ها، 1662 نفر از طریق نمونه‌گیری سهمیه‌ای از شهرهای منتخب (تبریز، اهر، بناب، خدافرین، شبستر، مرند و ورزقان) به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شده‌اند. همچنین از نظریه‌های وبر، مرتون، گیدنز، کاکرهام و گربنر استفاده گردید. نتایج استنباطی تحقیق نشان داد که ارتباط معناداری بین سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور با متغیرهای میزان استفاده از رسانه‌های نوشتاری (به شکل مثبت)، رسانه های مجازی (به شکل منفی)، استفاده هدفمند از رسانه‌ها (به شکل مثبت)، سن (به شکل مثبت) و جنس (به نفع مردان) وجود دارد. اما رابطه میان سبک زندگی سلامت محور با میزان استفاده از رسانه‌های تصویری و صوتی معنادار نمی باشد. متغیرهای مستقل تحقیق توانستند در مجموع 17 درصد از تغییرات متغیر سبک زندگی سلامت محور را تبیین نمایند. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        5 - ساخت اطلاعی مفروض و استنباطی در قرآن کریم از منظر رویکرد زبان‌شناسی نظام‌مند نقش‌گرا
        بهمن گرجیان فرنگیس عباس زاده
        وجود سه ویژگی تاریخی، تطبیقی و میان رشته‌ای در زبان‌شناسی نوین باعث سرعت گسترش، تغییر و تحول آن به شمار می‌رود. زبان انتقال دهنده نقش اطلاعی و ساختار محتوایی هر کلام است. نقش وابستگی ارتباطی جملات که با توجه به نقش گفتمانی و تأثیرات بافتی آن‌ها مشخص گردیده برای درک پیام چکیده کامل
        وجود سه ویژگی تاریخی، تطبیقی و میان رشته‌ای در زبان‌شناسی نوین باعث سرعت گسترش، تغییر و تحول آن به شمار می‌رود. زبان انتقال دهنده نقش اطلاعی و ساختار محتوایی هر کلام است. نقش وابستگی ارتباطی جملات که با توجه به نقش گفتمانی و تأثیرات بافتی آن‌ها مشخص گردیده برای درک پیام ضروری می‌باشند. هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی ساخت اطلاعی و موضوعی آیاتی چند از قرآن کریم با پیروی از نظریه نظام مند نقش‌گرای هلیدی(1994) می‌باشد که به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و با استفاده از منابع دست اول(قرآن کریم) انجام شده است تا به بررسی چگونگی تأثیر انسجام ساختاری و پیوستگی معنایی آیات قرآن بپردازد. نتایج حاکی از آن است که تغییر جنبه مفهومی و معنایی ساختار، بستگی به ساخت اطلاعی گفتمان و عناصر ارتباطی آن است که با دگرگون ساختن نوع ساختار احتمالی تقویت می‌شود و این تغییرات با ابزارهای زبانی و سبکی، شکل درستی به خود می‌گیرد. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        6 - کیمیا در میان زنان (خوانش نوین تاریخی و جنسیتی از رمان تربیتی کیمیا خاتون)
        عطاالله کوپال نیلوفر خسروی
        رمان تربیتی(Bildungstroman) ژانری از نگارش رمان است که در آن رشد شخصیت اصلی از کودکی تا بزرگسالی به تصویر کشیده می شود و در انتهای داستان،کودکِ ناپخته معمولاً به انسانی دنیا دیده با جایگاه اجتماعی خوب تبدیل می شود. از ویژگی های بارز نوع کلاسیکِاین ژانر؛ روایت خطی، تصویر چکیده کامل
        رمان تربیتی(Bildungstroman) ژانری از نگارش رمان است که در آن رشد شخصیت اصلی از کودکی تا بزرگسالی به تصویر کشیده می شود و در انتهای داستان،کودکِ ناپخته معمولاً به انسانی دنیا دیده با جایگاه اجتماعی خوب تبدیل می شود. از ویژگی های بارز نوع کلاسیکِاین ژانر؛ روایت خطی، تصویر کردن فراز و نشیب های زندگی شخصیِ کودکی که با بقیه هم سن و سال های خودش تفاوت دارد، تجربه ی معمولاً دو گونه عشق: عشق سطحی و سپس عشق پایدار و واقعی و در ضمن، حضور یک راهنما در رمان است. در قرن بیستم، نوع روایت خطیِ این ژانر، دست خوش تغییر شد و علاوه بر آن زنان و دیگر اقلیت هایِ نژادی، برداشت خاص خود را از این ژانر ارائه کردند. در حال حاضر این ژانر یکی از انواع روایت های محبوب برای نویسندگان زن به شمار می رود و آنها نوع جدید و زنانه ای از آن را استفاده می کنند. در این نوع روایت، تفاوت های زندگی و رشد زنانِ داستان های تربیتی نسبت به مردان مشخص می گردد و تفاوت دید آنها نسبت به خانواده ودیگری مطرح می شود. یکی از تفاوت های مطرح شده در این مورد، وفاداری زنان نسبت به یکدیگر است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        7 - اثربخشی بازخورد نوشتاری و شفاهی معلم بر یادگیری خودتنظیمی و پیشرفت تحصیلی در درس ریاضی
        مرتضی جباریان گرو معصومه خسروی محمد علی محمدیفر
        هدف این پژوهش بررسی اثربخشی بازخورد نوشتاری و شفاهی معلم بر یادگیری خودتنظیمی و پیشرفت تحصیلی در درس ریاضی دانش‌آموزان مقطع سوم راهنمایی سال تحصیلی 92-93 بود. طرح پژوهش از نوع شبهه آزمایشی و با استفاده از پیش‌آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه کنترل انجام گرفت. بدین منظور سه کلاس چکیده کامل
        هدف این پژوهش بررسی اثربخشی بازخورد نوشتاری و شفاهی معلم بر یادگیری خودتنظیمی و پیشرفت تحصیلی در درس ریاضی دانش‌آموزان مقطع سوم راهنمایی سال تحصیلی 92-93 بود. طرح پژوهش از نوع شبهه آزمایشی و با استفاده از پیش‌آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه کنترل انجام گرفت. بدین منظور سه کلاس از دانش‌آموز پایه سوم راهنمایی با روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای انتخاب شدند و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایشی و یک گروه گواه قرار گرفتند. ابزارهای مورد استفاده عبارت بودند از: پرسشنامه یادگیری خودتنظیمی و آزمون پیشرفت تحصیلی معلم ساخته. همچنین یک پکیج آموزشی بر مبنای 11 اصل بازخورد جهت اجرای بازخورد نوشتاری و شفاهی تهیه گردید. گروه‌های آزمایشی به مدت 15 جلسه بازخورد نوشتاری و شفاهی معلم را دریافت کردند ولی گروه گواه به روش سنتی آموزشی بدون بازخورد به کار خود ادامه داد. نتایج تحلیل داده‌ها نشان داد که بعد از ارائه بازخورد در خودتنظیمی و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان گروه‌های آزمایشی در مقایسه با گروه گواه، تفاوت معناداری ایجاد شد. اگرچه تفاوت معناداری بین بازخورد کتبی و شفاهی مشاهده نشد، اما مقایسه میانگین‌ها نشان داد که بازخورد کتبی از بازخورد شفاهی مؤثرتر بود. بنابراین، ارائه بازخورد مؤثر و مناسب بر اساس اصول مدنظر موجب ارتقای یادگیری خودتنظیمی و پیشرفت تحصیلی در درس ریاضی می‌شود. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        8 - نقش متون نوشتاری معماری در مشروعیت‌بخشی و اقتدار شاهان صفوی
        سمر حقیقی بروجنی شهریار ناسخیان
        در پژوهش‌های تاریخی معماری علاوه ‌بر ابنیه، داده‌های مکمل فراوانی وجود دارد که در ترسیم سازوکار فرهنگی و اجتماعی دوره‌های تاریخی مؤثر هستند. متون نوشتاری از جمله داده‌هایی هستند که اطلاعات صریح و روشنی در این خصوص فراهم می‌سازند. این مقاله به بررسی مفاهیم شکل‌دهنده به م چکیده کامل
        در پژوهش‌های تاریخی معماری علاوه ‌بر ابنیه، داده‌های مکمل فراوانی وجود دارد که در ترسیم سازوکار فرهنگی و اجتماعی دوره‌های تاریخی مؤثر هستند. متون نوشتاری از جمله داده‌هایی هستند که اطلاعات صریح و روشنی در این خصوص فراهم می‌سازند. این مقاله به بررسی مفاهیم شکل‌دهنده به مشروعیت و در نتیجه اقتدار حکومت صفوی در متون به‌جا‌مانده از معماری این دوران می‌پردازد تا نقش استراتژی سیاسیِ صفویه را در تبدیل حکومت خود از یک نظام صوفیانه به یک سلطنت مقتدر شیعی بررسی کند. این مقاله رویکردی کیفی دارد که روش گردآوری داده‌های آن بررسی اسناد و مشاهده است. بدین منظور متون مذکور، در دو قالب، از آغاز تا پایان حکومت شاه عباس اول بررسی شده‌اند؛ در بخش اول متون باقی‌مانده از نویسندگان دربار در توصیف آثار معماری و در بخش دوم متن کتیبه‌های موجود در بناهای ساخته شدۀ این دوران مدنظر قرار گرفته‌اند. بررسی‌ها نشان می‌دهد که این نوشتارها در آن دوران همچون رسانه‌ای تبلیغاتی عمل می‌کرده و منابع مشروعیت حکومت صفوی، یعنی تأکید بر ارتباط سلطنت و دین، القای نگاه سلسله‌مراتبی به نظام کیهانی و تلاش برای افزایش هیبت پادشاهان، در آن‌ها تأکید می‌شده‌است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        9 - بررسی دیدگاه دانشجویان در باره استفاده از اینستاگرام و متن نوشتاری در دوران کرونا
        نگین حیدری زاده
        این مطالعه با هدف بررسی دیدگاه دانشجویان در باره استفاده از اینستاگرام در دوران کرونا انجام شده است و به عنوان یک پلت فرم برای نوشتن متن نوشتاری با استفاده از روش تحقیق کیفی می باشد. دراین تحقیق از 30 نفر از دانشجویان ترم دوم زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهو چکیده کامل
        این مطالعه با هدف بررسی دیدگاه دانشجویان در باره استفاده از اینستاگرام در دوران کرونا انجام شده است و به عنوان یک پلت فرم برای نوشتن متن نوشتاری با استفاده از روش تحقیق کیفی می باشد. دراین تحقیق از 30 نفر از دانشجویان ترم دوم زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهواز استفاده شده است. دانشجویان در کلاس درس نوشتاری شرکت داشتند و از تکنیک پیمایش با ابزار پرسشنامه باز برای جمع آوری داده ها استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان می دهدکه تقریباً همه دانشجویان دیدگاه مثبتی نسبت به اینستاگرام به عنوان یک پلتفرم برای نوشتن متن نوشتاری دارند. اکثردانشجویان شرکت کننده اظهار داشتند که اینستاگرام رسانه ای سرگرم کننده، آسان و موثر برای نوشتن متن نوشتاری است. اگرچه، تعدادی از دانشجویان نیز موانع استفاده از آن مانند کند بودن سرعت شبکه اینترنت و مسئله حریم خصوصی آی تی را بیان کردند. بنابراین می توان نتیجه گرفت که اینستاگرام می تواند یکی از رسانه های آموزشی مفید ،مخصوصاً برای نوشتن، به شرط استفاده و نظارت مناسب باشد.پس نکته مهم در این پژوهش همانطوریکه در عنوان گفته شده بررسی دیدگاه دانشجویان در باره استفاده از اینستاگرام و متن نوشتاری در دوران کرونا می باشد.در نتیجه در می یابیم که دانشجویان احساس می‌کنند نوشتن ایده‌هایشان در اینستاگرام تجربه بسیار سرگرم‌کننده ای است. آنها می توانند ایده ها را به راحتی خلق کنند زیرا تصویری مستقیم از عکسی که در باره اش می نویسند ارائه می دهند. این قابلیت نوشتاری همراه با عکس و فیلم در اینستاگرام همچنین می تواند انگیزه نویسندگی را در دانشجویان تقویت کند. کلمات کلیدی: اینستاگرام، متن نوشتاری، حریم خصوصی، رسانه ای سرگرم کننده، دوران کرونا پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        10 - مقایسه اثربخشی تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی بر نقصان بیان نوشتاری در دانش آموزان با اختلال یادگیری خاص شهر اهواز
        تهمینه چنگیزی فرح نادری رضوان همایی ساسان باوی
        چکیدههدف این پژوهش، مقایسه اثربخشی تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی بر نقصان بیان نوشتاری در دانشآموزان با اختالل یادگیری خاص شهر اهواز بود. پژوهش از نوع مطالعات نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیشآزمون- پسآزمون- پیگیری و گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه دا چکیده کامل
        چکیدههدف این پژوهش، مقایسه اثربخشی تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی بر نقصان بیان نوشتاری در دانشآموزان با اختالل یادگیری خاص شهر اهواز بود. پژوهش از نوع مطالعات نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیشآزمون- پسآزمون- پیگیری و گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه دانشآموزان با اختالل یادگیری خاص شهر اهواز در سال 1401 بودند. با استفاده از روش نمونهگیری هدفمند تعداد 60 دانشآموزان دارای اختالل یادگیری خاص انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایشی و یک گروه کنترل)هر گروه 20 نفر( قرار گرفتند. به منظور گردآوری دادهها از پرسشنامه نقصان بیان نوشتاری اختالتالت امال نویسی پریسا رحمانی )1394 )استفاده شد. گروههای آزمایشی تحت تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل )12 جلسه 45 دقیقهای( و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی )12 جلسه 45 دقیقهای( قرار گرفتند؛ اما گروه کنترل هیچگونه مداخلهای دریافت نکرد. دادهها با استفاده از آزمون آماری تحلیل کوواریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان داد، هر دو درمان تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی بر بهبود نقصان بیان نوشتاری در دانشآموزان دارای اختاللیادگیری خاص اثربخش بودند )01.0p )و این نتیجه تا مرحله پیگیری تدوام داشت. بنابراین میتوان نتیجه گرفت، از تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل و تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی در جهت بهبود نقصان بیان نوشتاری در دانشآموزان دارای اختالل یادگیری خاص بهره برد.کلیدواژه: اختالل یادگیری خاص، نقصان بیان نوشتاری، تمرینات تقویت حس تعادل، تمرینات تقویت حس عمقی پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        11 - رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی زبان فارسی نوشتاری معیار در نوشته‌های فضای تلگرام: بررسی تأثیر هویت زبانی و کاربرد زبان فارسی به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم
        هوشیار رشیدی عادل دست‌گشاده(نویسنده مسئول) محمد صدیق زاهدی
        این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه چکیده کامل
        این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه زبان مادری و زبان دوم هرکدام با زیرگروه‌های هویت زبانی بالا و پایین تقسیم شدند (مجموعاً چهار گروه ۲۵ نفری). سپس، صفحاتی از نوشته‌های آن‌ها در تلگرام از حیث فنی و بلاغی بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که در املا و کاربرد ویرگول، هویت زبانی در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم نقش تعیین‌کننده‌ای داشت، ولی در کاربرد نقطه، هویت زبانی فقط در گروه زبان اول مؤثر افتاد و در کاربرد علامت سوال، هویت زبانی نقش مؤثری ایفا نکرد. هم‌چنین، در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم، هویت زبانی با استفاده از تعابیر مناسب و چینش صحیح ارکان جمله توأم بود. در املا، ویرگول، علامت سؤال، تعابیر مناسب و ترتیب ارکان جمله، عامل زبان دوم بودن مؤثرتر از هویت زبانی بود ولی در حیطه کاربرد ویرگول، این عامل فقط برای گروه هویت زبانی بالا مؤثر بود. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        12 - بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان
        طیبه پرآذران مژگان عبدالهی فاطمه پرسته قمبوانی
        هدف پژوهش حاضر "بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چندبعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان استان البرز" بود. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش، نیمه آزمایشی است. حجم نمونه شامل 120 نفر دانش آموز پایه چکیده کامل
        هدف پژوهش حاضر "بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چندبعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان استان البرز" بود. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش، نیمه آزمایشی است. حجم نمونه شامل 120 نفر دانش آموز پایه پنجم و ششم ابتدایی در سال تحصیلی 97-96 بود که از بین جامعه آماری پایه پنجم (4154 نفر) و پایه ششم (4237 نفر) به صورت تصادفی خوشه‌ای انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در هر گروه آزمایش و کنترل 60 نفر قرار گرفتند. ابتدا هر دو گروه در پیش آزمون شرکت کردند. سپس گروه آزمایش طی 10 جلسه تحت آموزش مورد نظر قرار گرفت و گروه کنترل نیز تحت آموزش معمول مدرسه قرار گرفت و پس از آن هر دو گروه در پس آزمون شرکت کردند. داده‌های حاصل با استفاده از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با ضریب پایایی آلفای کرونباخ 90/0 با نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج تحلیل واریانس چند متغیره نشان داد بین میانگین نمرات مولفه های سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله در گروه آزمایش و کنترل تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین در نتایج پیش آزمون و پس آزمون گروه آزمایش نیز تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد (01/0P≤). بر این اساس، می‌توان آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای به عنوان روش موثری برای افرایش سبک‌های یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش آموزان پیشنهاد کرد.کلید واژه ها: مهارت‌های نوشتاری، برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی، بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای، سبک یادگیری شهودی، حل مسئله پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        13 - تأملی برتاریخ نگاری درایران
        محمد نبی سلیم
        پرداختن به پیشینه وهویت انسانی توسط ایرانیان در طول تاریخ درازپای بشری جریانی مداوم ورو به توسعه بوده است. از نگارش خدای نامکها و دیگر محصولات فرهنگی ومحفوظ نگاه داشتن اسناد و روایتها تا تالیف کتابهای ارزشمند و متنوع در دوران پس از اسلام وهمکاری در برپایی بنای رفیع تمدن چکیده کامل
        پرداختن به پیشینه وهویت انسانی توسط ایرانیان در طول تاریخ درازپای بشری جریانی مداوم ورو به توسعه بوده است. از نگارش خدای نامکها و دیگر محصولات فرهنگی ومحفوظ نگاه داشتن اسناد و روایتها تا تالیف کتابهای ارزشمند و متنوع در دوران پس از اسلام وهمکاری در برپایی بنای رفیع تمدن وفرهنگ سترگ اسلامی، هرکوشش وپویشی در این حوزه درانحصار عنصر ایرانی بوده است. این مقاله می‌کوشد تا با نگاهی اجمالی به روند دگرگونیهای موجود درتکوین وگسترش ادبیات تاریخی ایران، کاستیها و افزودنیهای جریان تاریخ نویسی این سرزمین را روشن سازد. بدیهی است که هنوز زوایای ناشناخته بسیاری درحوزه پژوهشهای تاریخی وجود دارد که روشن ساختن آن برعهده دانشجویان تاریخ است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        14 - تاثیر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی زبان آموزان ایرانی
        رامین رحیمی روزیتا اتابکی
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگی چکیده کامل
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگیرندگان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی را در سطح دانشگاهی ارتقاء بخشد یا خیر. به منظور یافتن پاسخ پرسش مذکور 60 ترجمه آموز سال دوم کارشناسی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح آکسفورد (OPT) از میان100 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان جامع آماری انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه جهت شرکت در آزمایش تقسیم گردیدند. سپس پیش آزمون پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی از هر دو گروه به عمل آمد و به دنبال آن گروه آزمایشی در معرض 10 جلسه تمرین متغیر مستقل شامل آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی به همراه آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو که پنج مقوله: نظام حمل ونقل، نظام آموزشی، ورزش، آداب و رسوم و جشن ها و رفتار های مذهبی را در بر میگرفت، قرار گرفت؛ در حالیکه گروه گواه از روش های موجود آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در کلاس درس بدون آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی مذکور بهره جست. پس از آن، از هر دو گروه پس آزمون نوشتار توصیفی به عمل آمد. داده های بدست آمده از طریق آزمون تی وتحلیل کوواریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند و نتیجه گرفته شد که توانایی پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان آزمودنی های گروه آزمایشی در اثر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو ارتقاء یافته است. پرونده مقاله
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        15 - The Relationship Among Iranian Advanced EFL Learners’ Speaking, Writing, And Grammatical Competence
        حامد ضرابی نیما یمرلی نادیا قرنی
        This study examined the correlation between advanced EFL students' syntactic knowledge ‎and their writing and speaking proficiency to determine whether students' syntactic ‎knowledge can influence their productive skills. A total of 50 advanced students aged &lr چکیده کامل
        This study examined the correlation between advanced EFL students' syntactic knowledge ‎and their writing and speaking proficiency to determine whether students' syntactic ‎knowledge can influence their productive skills. A total of 50 advanced students aged ‎between 18 and 25 were chosen purposefully to take part in the study. Four tests, including a ‎placement test, a syntax test from Oxford University Press, a writing test, and one test for ‎speaking proficiency were employed to collect the required data. Because the data for this ‎study were quantitative, a correlational/descriptive design was chosen for the data to be ‎analyzed. The researcher then decided to find a correlation between the students' writing ‎and speaking scores and their syntax scores based on the obtained data. Both the t-test and ‎the Pearson correlation demonstrated that there is no real correlation between the syntactic, ‎speaking, and writing proficiency of the students. Further findings showed that there is no ‎difference between the relationship between syntactic knowledge and speaking proficiency ‎and the relationship between syntactic knowledge and writing proficiency. The implication ‎of this study is that grammatical competence is not a valid predictor for the proficiency of ‎students in writing and speaking courses. If a student’s grammatical competence is low, his ‎proficiency in writing and speaking can still be average or even above average depending on ‎the process of assessing these skills. Additionally, learners must understand that possessing ‎a strong grasp of grammatical knowledge does not inevitably ensure their ability to produce ‎language effectively in spoken or written form.‎ پرونده مقاله
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        16 - Investigating the Effects of Scaffolding Genre Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use on EFL Learners’ Academic Writing Skills: A Mixed-methods Study
        Masomeh Aghaalikhani Karim Nazari Bagha Shima Ahmadi Azad
        This study aimed to investigate the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ academic writing skills. The initial population was 100 EFL students from M.A. English language teaching (ELT چکیده کامل
        This study aimed to investigate the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ academic writing skills. The initial population was 100 EFL students from M.A. English language teaching (ELT) students who took academic writing course at Islamic Azad University, Tehran and Alborz branches. To homogenize the sample, Oxford placement test (OPT) was administered, and based on its results, 75 advanced learners were selected for the purpose of the study. After that, they were divided into 3 groups, namely the experimental group A (scaffolding genre knowledge), the experimental group B (metacognitive strategy use), and the control group. IELTS academic writing task 2 was administered as the pretest and posttest. The treatments lasted for 16 sessions. To explore the learners’ perceptions regarding the instructions qualitatively, the semi-structured individual interviews were administered to 20 students who were chosen from the experimental groups. The results showed that scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use had significant impacts on the Iranian EFL learners’ academic writing skill. In addition, the findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on the Iranian EFL academic writing skill in which scaffolding genre knowledge had more significant effects on Iranian EFL academic writing skill than metacognitive strategy use. Furthermore, the qualitative findings showed that the learners adopted positive views towards scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use in developing their academic writing skill. پرونده مقاله
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        17 - Promoting EFL Learners’ Writing Skills via Reflection: The Case of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle
        سلمان اصحابی مژگان رشتچی مسعود سیری
        Writing skill is a challenging and frequently-used activity in academic circles. This study investigated the effects of reflective writing on EFL learners’ writing performance. The participants were 61 Iranian EFL learners from two intact university classes random چکیده کامل
        Writing skill is a challenging and frequently-used activity in academic circles. This study investigated the effects of reflective writing on EFL learners’ writing performance. The participants were 61 Iranian EFL learners from two intact university classes randomly assigned to the non-reflective (n=31) and reflective (n=30) groups. Over sixteen sessions of instructions over eight weeks, the non-reflective group was taught using the traditional writing method; however, the reflective group was exposed to reflective writing instruction under Kolb’s Model. The data were collected through reflective writing compositions and the content analysis of think-aloud protocols. The quantitative data analysis revealed that the reflective group significantly outperformed the non-reflective group in writing compositions. The thematic analysis of think-aloud protocols substantiated the quantitative data findings, indicating that all participants went through the cognitive psychological processes of ‘planning, drafting, pausing and thinking, reading and reproducing, reviewing, editing and revising’ as they were engaged in reflective writing via Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle. The results offer significant implications for language instructors, curriculum planners, and course designers. پرونده مقاله
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        18 - The Effect of Graphic Organizer Strategy on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Complexity of Written Performance
        مریم حسن پور فاطمه میرزاپور
        Writing by which students can be assessed plays an important function in the education process. By considering this fact, investigating the impact of graphic organizer strategy on improving Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ complexity of written performance was t چکیده کامل
        Writing by which students can be assessed plays an important function in the education process. By considering this fact, investigating the impact of graphic organizer strategy on improving Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ complexity of written performance was the main goal of this study. 40 intermediate EFL learners were selected as the participants of the study on the basis of findings of Preliminary English Test. After that, they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. To assess the initial writing ability of participants, two groups were given a pre-test prior to the treatment. After applying traditional method to the control group and the graphic organizer strategies to the experimental group, both groups received a post-test to examine the effect of materials. To examine the effectiveness of the treatment, an independent samples t-test was conducted. To see the progression amount between pre-test and post-test of the experimental group, a paired samples t-test was also employed. The findings of the study indicated that graphic organizer strategies improved the learners’ complexity of written performance. The results have some implications for EFL/ESL teachers, students, test and materials developers, and syllabus designers. پرونده مقاله
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        19 - The Impact of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Writing Tasks on the Accuracy, Fluency, and Organization of ELT Students’ Writing
        میترا زراعت پیشه زهره سیفوری نسرین حدیدی تمجید
        Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their learning are superseded by interventionist attempts to explore direct applications of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory in language teaching and learning. This quasi-exper چکیده کامل
        Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their learning are superseded by interventionist attempts to explore direct applications of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory in language teaching and learning. This quasi-experimental study examined the extent to which engaging ELT major university students in writing tasks, compatible to their dominant intelligences, might enhance the accuracy, organization, and fluency of their writing. The participants were 64 male and female English major sophomores. They were in three intact classes, randomly assigned to a control no task (NT) group, a task-supported (TS) group, and an MI-oriented task (MIT) group after their initial homogeneity was assessed. The fifteen-session treatment comprised pre-writing brainstorming activities in the NT group and a set of pre-writing tasks performed by the TS group. In the MIT group, however, individuals with the same dominant intelligences were grouped together to perform tasks that were compatible with their dominant intelligences. The one-way ANOVA analysis of the research data obtained from the post-test writing scores revealed that the MIT group surpassed the other groups in accuracy, fluency and organization. The findings underscore the necessity of taking learners’ intelligences into consideration as a criterion for task selection and offer important pedagogical implications for teaching writing. پرونده مقاله
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        20 - Effects of Task Complexity, Task Conditions, and Task Difficulty on the Grammatical Accuracy of EFL Learners in Written Discourse
        سعیده آهنگری مهلقا اکبری
        Different methods of language teaching have tried to help EFL learners to develop good language skills based on their various perspectives. Research findings have underscored the effect of using task types in promoting language skills in terms of accuracy in written dis چکیده کامل
        Different methods of language teaching have tried to help EFL learners to develop good language skills based on their various perspectives. Research findings have underscored the effect of using task types in promoting language skills in terms of accuracy in written discourse. Therefore, this study set out to investigate whether there is an evidence of correct use of simple past tense (Accuracy) based on Task Complexity (Task type :Here-and now & There-and-then),Task Conditions (Gender: Male & Female), and Task Difficulty (Proficiency: Lower-intermediate & Intermediate). Sixty Iranian English learners in a language institute participated in the study and were assigned to four groups of lower-intermediate male, lower-intermediate female, intermediate male and intermediate female. Initial homogeneity of the groups was verified using two general proficiency tests; KET for lower-intermediate and PET for intermediate. All groups in here-and-now task type were asked to write a story using simple past based on a picture strip while for there-and-then task type the participants were supposed to write about their last birthday. The results from paired samples t-test, independent samples t-test and two-way ANOVA analysis of the written data revealed significant differences in performing task types, at different proficiency levels and interaction between them. The findings have significant pedagogical implications for EFL learners to understand the relationship among Task Complexity,Task Conditions, Task Difficulty and L2 written production leading to various degrees of Accuracy. پرونده مقاله
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        21 - The Effect of Self-regulated Strategy Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Ability
        طیبه عیوضی Iraj Khoshnevis
        This study explored the effect of teaching Self-Regulated Strategy on the writing accuracy and cohesion of Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, this study followed the SRS instruction model, using a transition word chart, examples, and a graphic organizer. To achieve the چکیده کامل
        This study explored the effect of teaching Self-Regulated Strategy on the writing accuracy and cohesion of Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, this study followed the SRS instruction model, using a transition word chart, examples, and a graphic organizer. To achieve the objectives, 50 intermediate Iranian EFL learners participated in this study. The design was experimental which used a proficiency, pretest-posttest and random sampling. The analyses of writing tests in the control and experimental groups revealed that SRS instruction had a positive impact on the participants’ writing ability. The effect of SRS instruction was significant on the participants’ writing accuracy and cohesion. The findings draw language instructors’ attention to the meta-cognitive dimension of writing and importance of teaching self-regulatory strategies as a way for achieving autonomy in writing. پرونده مقاله
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        22 - The Effect of Different Types of Teacher Written Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy
        مهران داوری بینا سیدحسین کریمی
        This research is a quasi-experimental study investigating the effect of different types of teacher Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy in using two functions of English articles (the first mention and anaphoric reference) an چکیده کامل
        This research is a quasi-experimental study investigating the effect of different types of teacher Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy in using two functions of English articles (the first mention and anaphoric reference) and simple past tense (regular and irregular). Ninety-four Iranian learners of English were assigned into three experimental groups of direct feedback group (n=24), indirect feedback group (n=24), direct plus indirect feedback group (n=24), and one pilot group (n=22). The participating groups’ homogeneity was checked by their performance in the proficiency test and the pre-test. During six treatment sessions, each of the three groups received feedback type. The papers with attached comments were returned to the participants. On two occasions (pre-test and post-test), the participants completed a picture description task. The results of one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference in the performance of the three groups. Furthermore, Scheffe post-hoc analysis indicated that the direct group outperformed direct plus indirect group, and direct plus indirect group outperformed the indirect group. پرونده مقاله
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        23 - A Comparative Error Analysis: Iranian Monolingual and Bilingual Male and Female EFL Learners
        مریم موذنی لیمودهی امید مازندرانی بهزاد قنسولی ژیلا نایینی
        Error analysis is considered as an invaluable pedagogical tool in teaching English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL). Despite abundant research, there are still lacunae in studies investigating the written grammatical errors among monolingual and bilingual male and چکیده کامل
        Error analysis is considered as an invaluable pedagogical tool in teaching English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL). Despite abundant research, there are still lacunae in studies investigating the written grammatical errors among monolingual and bilingual male and female Persian and Turkmen EFL learners. To fill the gap, 158 Persian and Turkmen EFL learners from Golestan Province wrote two descriptive scripts that were examined for their most recurrent written grammatical errors. The errors were then analyzed and compared based on the framework of the study. Statistical analyses indicated significant relationships between Persian and Turkmens’ written grammatical errors and their gender. The frequency of monolingual Persians’ errors was significantly lower than that of bilingual Turkmens. These findings might interest EFL teachers, syllabus designers, and materials developers. Moreover, they could be a prerequisite to corrective feedback research while opening doors to further pertinent studies. پرونده مقاله
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        24 - The Comparative Effect of Reading-to-Write and Writing-Only Tasks on the Improvement of EFL Learners’ Writing Ability
        Roxana Aminzadeh زینب سادات بویه
        The ability to write effectively is becoming progressively important and instruction in writing is assuming an increasing role in second and foreign language education. Students’ writing abilities have been tested through various writing tasks. Independent tasks o چکیده کامل
        The ability to write effectively is becoming progressively important and instruction in writing is assuming an increasing role in second and foreign language education. Students’ writing abilities have been tested through various writing tasks. Independent tasks of writing or writing-only tasks have been utilized to test students’ writing ability; however, they have been criticized for their lack of authenticity and validity and integrated tasks of writing have been proposed as an alternative. In this regard, this study attempted to examine the impacts of reading-to-write and writing-only tasks on the writing ability of Iranian EFL learners. The main participants of the study were 68 intermediate-level EFL learners divided into two homogeneous groups: experimental and control. After the writing pretest, the experimental group was given reading-to-write tasks for 15 sessions, while the control group was provided with writing-only tasks. Eventually, a writing posttest was administered. The statistical analyses of the collected data revealed a statistically significant difference between the writing ability of the participants of the two groups. To be precise, reading-to-write tasks were found to be more effective than writing-only tasks. The data collected via the reading-to-write questionnaire was likewise analyzed with the results showing a unanimous preference for reading-to-write tasks. پرونده مقاله
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        25 - The Effect of Dialogue Journal Writing on EFL Students' Writing Skill
        علی غلامی مهرداد
        Despite the role writing plays in learning a foreign language, many students do not show much interest in taking an active part in writing classes (Myint, 1997). Thus different activities have been proposed to motivate students to write one of which is dialogue journal چکیده کامل
        Despite the role writing plays in learning a foreign language, many students do not show much interest in taking an active part in writing classes (Myint, 1997). Thus different activities have been proposed to motivate students to write one of which is dialogue journal writing, and the present work tries to investigate the possible effect(s) of such activity on writing ability of a group of English students at Islamic Azad University- Hamedan branch. To do this, 50 students obtaining 1 and 2 on the TWE scale on the structure section of a TOEFL test were selected and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. After some introductory sessions, the students were asked to write paragraphs on a weekly schedule and hand them in to be corrected. In the experimental group the students were, furthermore, asked to keep journals and hand them in. After 4 months, the students in both groups took part in a writing exam in which they had to write two paragraphs on the topics given. The comparison of the means at p پرونده مقاله
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        26 - The Effect of Task Type and Pre-task Planning Condition on the Accuracy of Intermediate EFL Learners' Writing Performance
        سید محمد علوی نرجس اشعری تبار
        Task-based language teaching, which requires learners to transact tasks resembling their real life language needs, demands language learners to perform planning at different stages of their learning. Since various types of tasks can be used in task-based instruction, th چکیده کامل
        Task-based language teaching, which requires learners to transact tasks resembling their real life language needs, demands language learners to perform planning at different stages of their learning. Since various types of tasks can be used in task-based instruction, the present study examined the effect of task types and various participatory structures during pre-task planning on the quality of learners' writing performance, (i.e., accuracy). Towards this end, 120 intermediate EFL students were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups and one control group. While the experimental groups were subjected to different pre-task planning conditions, (i.e., individual, pair, and group), the control group performed tasks without any planning. During the treatment, they experienced task modeling, presentation and completion. A factorial design was followed in the present study, and the collected data were analyzed through ANOVAs that revealed task type and pre-task planning condition influenced the writing accuracy of the participants in a way that resulted in greater accuracy in the decision-making task in the experimental groups, thereby ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment in mitigating the long-standing problem of EFL learners in achieving higher levels of accuracy when a specific task type is concerned. پرونده مقاله
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        27 - Genre Analysis of Oxford and Tabriz Applied Linguistics Research Article Abstracts: From Move Structure to Transitivity Analysis
        بیوک بهنام Jafar Zamanian
        Following Swales’s (1981) works on genre analysis, studies on different sections of research articles in different languages and fields abound. This paper compares Applied Linguistics research article abstracts published in Oxford University and Islamic Azad Unive چکیده کامل
        Following Swales’s (1981) works on genre analysis, studies on different sections of research articles in different languages and fields abound. This paper compares Applied Linguistics research article abstracts published in Oxford University and Islamic Azad University of Tabriz in English using Swales’s (1981-1990) move structure model and Halliday’s (1994) description of transitivity processes. One hundred and forty eight English research article abstracts were analyzed at macro and micro level based on the Swales’s model (IMRD) and transitivity system. The results demonstrated that the four structural moves of Swales and transitivity processes of Halliday were evident in both abstract sets but were differently distributed. The research suggests pedagogical implications for TEFL practitioners, especially for the writing skill and for the preparing research article abstracts (RAAs). پرونده مقاله
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        28 - Lexical and Grammatical Collocations in Writing Production of EFL Learners
        مریم بهاردوست محمد رئوف معینی
        Lewis (1993) recognized significance of word combinations including collocations by presenting lexical approach. Because of the crucial role of collocation in vocabulary acquisition, this research set out to evaluate the rate of collocations in Iranian EFL learners' wri چکیده کامل
        Lewis (1993) recognized significance of word combinations including collocations by presenting lexical approach. Because of the crucial role of collocation in vocabulary acquisition, this research set out to evaluate the rate of collocations in Iranian EFL learners' writing production across L1 and L2. In addition, L1 interference with L2 collocational use in the learner' writing samples was studied. To achieve this goal, 200 Persian EFL learners at BA level were selected. These participants were taking paragraph writing and essay writing courses in two successive semesters. As for the data analysis, mid-term, final exam, and also the assignments of L2 learners were evaluated. Because of the nominal nature of the data, chi-square test was utilized for data analysis. Then, the rate of lexical and grammatical collocations was calculated. Results showed that the lexical collocations outnumbered the grammatical collocations. Different categories of lexical collocations were also compared with regard to their frequencies in EFL writing production. The rate of the verb-noun and adjective-noun collocations appeared to be the highest and noun-verb collocations the lowest. The results also showed that L1 had both positive and negative effect on the occurrence of both grammatical and lexical collocations. پرونده مقاله
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        29 - Iranian EFL High School Students’ Perceptions Regarding Written Grammar Feedback
        Mina Jodaie
        This paper reports on a study thatinvestigated Iranian EFL high school students’ perceptions of written grammar feedback to specify their reasons for preferring comprehensive or selective feedback and choosing some feedback strategies. A questionnaire was administ چکیده کامل
        This paper reports on a study thatinvestigated Iranian EFL high school students’ perceptions of written grammar feedback to specify their reasons for preferring comprehensive or selective feedback and choosing some feedback strategies. A questionnaire was administered to 100 EFL intermediate high school students who were selected based on their scores on a proficiency test. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 of them.The results showed that the students had a strong desire for receiving written grammar feedback and favored direct feedback comprehensively on each draft. However, the correction of errors in word and verb categories was more important to them than that of other grammatical errors. They also had common evaluations of written corrective feedback strategies. The findings of this study have some implications for EFL writing instruction. پرونده مقاله
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        30 - The Effect of Multi-step Oral-revision Processes on Iranian EFL Learners’ Argumentative Writing Achievement
        فرخ لقاء حیدری
        The purpose of this study was to explore the role of two multi-step oral-revision processes as feedback providing tools on Iranian EFL learners’ argumentative writing achievement. The participants taking part in this study were 45 Iranian EFL students who were ran چکیده کامل
        The purpose of this study was to explore the role of two multi-step oral-revision processes as feedback providing tools on Iranian EFL learners’ argumentative writing achievement. The participants taking part in this study were 45 Iranian EFL students who were randomly assigned into three groups. The participants of the groups were given three argumentative writing assignments, each assignment demanding three separate drafts. In the control group, the participants revised their essays in response to teacher's written feedback, while the participants of the two experimental groups experienced oral-revision talks with their teacher or a peer. Two sets of quantitative and qualitative data were collected: Argumentative essays written at the beginning and the end of the semester and interviews. The results of the quantitative aspect of the study revealed the significant outperformance of the two experimental groups. Moreover, the data provided through interviews revealed some differences in terms of the effectiveness of feedback between the two experimental groups. The participants of the peer-led group reported more awareness of the rhetorical structures and an ability to revise surface errors. While, the teacher-led group reported more global writing concerns like content, organization of ideas, and discourse. The obtained results point out that the mutual co-construction of participation roles and certain combinations of negotiation and scaffolding let the teacher provide a supportive conversational environment and assistance in accordance with the proficiency of learners of the teacher-led group to promote greater learner participation. پرونده مقاله
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        31 - Stephen Hawking's Community-Bound Voice A Functional Investigation of Self-Mentions in Stephen Hawking's Scientific Prose
        داود کوهی یاسمن علینژاد
        Thanks to the development of the concept of metadiscourse, it is now widely acknowledged that academic/scientific writing is not only concerned with communicating purely propositional meanings: what is communicated through academic/scientific communication is seen to be چکیده کامل
        Thanks to the development of the concept of metadiscourse, it is now widely acknowledged that academic/scientific writing is not only concerned with communicating purely propositional meanings: what is communicated through academic/scientific communication is seen to be intertwined with the negotiation of social and interpersonal meanings. While a large number of so called metadiscoursal resources contribute to the simultaneous negotiation of propositional and interpersonal meanings, the present study aimed at investigating the functions self-mention forms can fulfill in academic/scientific communication. Two of Stephen Hawking's scientific books were selected as the corpus of the research, and based on Tang and John's (1999) model, the constructed corpus was analyzed in terms of the functions self-mention forms can fulfill in academic/scientific writing. The findings revealed that from among the different roles identified by Tang and John, the representative role constituted the most frequent self-mention function in the corpus. The remarkably heavy presence of representative role in Hawking's scientific prose was interpreted as a further evidence for the claim that scientists are more likely to persuade readers of their ideas if they frame their messages in ways which appeal to appropriate community-recognized relationships. پرونده مقاله
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        32 - An Exploration of Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing
        داود کوهی معصومه رحیم وند
        The view that academic writing is purely objective, impersonal and informational, which is often reflected in English for Academic Purposes materials, has been criticized by a number of researchers. By now, the view of academic writing as embodying interaction among wri چکیده کامل
        The view that academic writing is purely objective, impersonal and informational, which is often reflected in English for Academic Purposes materials, has been criticized by a number of researchers. By now, the view of academic writing as embodying interaction among writers, readers and the academic community as a whole has been established. Following this assumption, the present study focused on how second/foreign language writers enact, construct, and invent themselves through writing. In this study, the theoretical stance on identity is grounded on Ivanič’s (1998) four interrelated aspects of writer identity, namely autobiographical self, discoursal self, authorial self, and possibilities for self-hood in the socio-cultural and institutional contexts. Hyland’s model of metadiscourse (2004a) was used as the analytical tool for analyzing texts. Based on a corpus of 30 research articles, the overall distribution of evidential markers, hedges, boosters, attitude markers, and self-mentions were calculated across four rhetorical sections (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion) of the research articles. According to the results of this study, identity is a critical aspect of writing which should be brought into the mainstream of second/foreign language writing pedagogy through consciousness -raising or the specific teaching of certain features. پرونده مقاله
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        33 - Iranian EFL Learners' Written Grammatical Errors: Different Levels of Language Proficiency
        مریم موذنی لیمودهی امید مازندرانی
        Errors are one of the enigmatic parts in the process of foreign language (L2) learning as they are extremely versatile at each and every stage of the language learning proficiency. The present study, therefore, was an attempt to reveal Iranian EFL learners’ gramma چکیده کامل
        Errors are one of the enigmatic parts in the process of foreign language (L2) learning as they are extremely versatile at each and every stage of the language learning proficiency. The present study, therefore, was an attempt to reveal Iranian EFL learners’ grammatical errors in writing at two levels of proficiency, namely lower intermediate and advanced, and then to investigate whether there was a relationship between the levels of EFL learners’ proficiency and the types of grammatical errors they committed in their scripts. The study was carried out at a private language institute in Gorgan, Iran. To this end, 60 female EFL learners (30 lower intermediate and 30 advanced females) whose age ranged between 13 and 17 participated in this study and wrote 150 word writing samples on a predetermined descriptive subject. The descriptive analyses of the data based on the scoring framework of the study demonstrated the types of grammatical errors at each level of proficiency. A Chi Square test was then run in SPSS Ver. 25 on the 16 common frequent error categories between both levels of proficiency, which verified the existence of a relationship between EFL learners’ levels of proficiency and the types of written grammatical errors they committed in their writing. The findings of the study might be of interest to EFL learners, EFL teachers, syllabus designers, and materials developers. پرونده مقاله
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        34 - The Impact of Three Feedback Types on Postgraduate TEFL Student Teachers’ Writing Accuracy and Organization
        زهره سیفوری
        One skill that student teachers need to develop during their academic studies is the capacity to produce accurate and well-organized texts. This study reports on the comparative impact of metalinguistic feedback (MLF), teacher interactive feedback (TIF(, and the peer-fe چکیده کامل
        One skill that student teachers need to develop during their academic studies is the capacity to produce accurate and well-organized texts. This study reports on the comparative impact of metalinguistic feedback (MLF), teacher interactive feedback (TIF(, and the peer-feedback (PF) on the accuracy and organization of postgraduate ELT student teachers’ writing. The participants were 57 postgraduate students who were recruited from a population of 70 postgraduate students, in three classes, that were randomly assigned as the MLF group, the TIF group, and the PF group based on the focus of the presentation and the feedback type they would receive during the 14 session treatment. A hybrid process-oriented and genre-based methodology was employed to teach the identical teaching materials to all the groups with a focus on grammatical features and relevant grammatical exercises in the MLF group, on reflective and interactive negotiation of form and meaning in the TIF group, and on individual peer-assessment of the peer’s writing in the PF group. The results revealed significantly higher levels of accuracy among the MLF group with no significant difference in the organization of the groups’ writing. The findings underscore the role of MLF in enhancing accuracy. پرونده مقاله
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        35 - The Significance of Peer-Editing in Teaching Writing to EFL Students
        زهره سیفوری
        This study set out to investigate the effect of peer- editing as a metacognitive strategy on the development of writing. It was hypothesized that peer-editing could be used to raise grammatical and compositional awareness of the learners. Forty pre-intermediate sophomor چکیده کامل
        This study set out to investigate the effect of peer- editing as a metacognitive strategy on the development of writing. It was hypothesized that peer-editing could be used to raise grammatical and compositional awareness of the learners. Forty pre-intermediate sophomores at Islamic Azad University-Tabriz Branch participated in the study, taking the course Writing I. To warrant the initial homogeneity of the groups, a nonequivalent pretest –posttest design was selected and the groups were randomly determined as the control and the experimental groups, each with twenty subjects. The treatment following the pretest involved a three-phase planning procedure including: consciousness awareness via error recognition activities, error categorizing activities, and self/peer editing. Statistical analysis of the post-test composition did not reveal any significant difference between the two groups. It seems that peer-editing entails a firm grammatical foundation which needs to be formed early in the process of language learning. The results underscore the need to reorient the method of teaching grammar at university level in a way to accommodate a task-based approach to cognitive and metacognitive strategies-based training. پرونده مقاله
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        36 - Metalinguistic Awareness and the Accuracy of Postgraduate TEFL Students’ Writing: Teacher’s Focus vs. Learners’ Focus
        Zohreh Seifoori
        The sway of the pendulum in language pedagogy towards conscious learning processes marks the paramount role of metalinguistic awareness. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the impact of teacher-oriented vs. learner-generated metalinguistic aware چکیده کامل
        The sway of the pendulum in language pedagogy towards conscious learning processes marks the paramount role of metalinguistic awareness. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the impact of teacher-oriented vs. learner-generated metalinguistic awareness activities on Iranian TEFL students’ writing accuracy. Sixty participants in three intact classes were randomly assigned as one control, and two experimental groups. All the participants received the same process-oriented instruction based on identical teaching materials. In the first experimental group, the teacher-focus metalinguistic awareness (TFMA) group, however, a collection of various form-focused activities, compiled by the teacher, was assigned and reviewed in the class weekly. In the learner-focused metalinguistic awareness (LFMA) group, the same assignments were assigned as supplementary self-study activities. The control group did not receive any structural assignments. The treatment perpetuated for six sessions and the analyses of the data obtained from the writing post-test revealed that both TFMA and LFMA groups outperformed the control group by producing more accurate writing and that the TF group surpassed the LF group. The findings lend credence to the significance of language awareness in EFL contexts and offer a number of pedagogical implications. پرونده مقاله
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        37 - On the Differential Effects of Computer-Mediated and Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy
        میر ایوب طباطبایی کامه خاصه خان نگین قویدل نیا صمد رمزی
        The present study investigated differential effect of two types of feedback namely, computer-mediated and metalinguistic, on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy. To this end, based on Nelson Proficiency Test (300 A), 69 Iranian advanced EFL learners, including چکیده کامل
        The present study investigated differential effect of two types of feedback namely, computer-mediated and metalinguistic, on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy. To this end, based on Nelson Proficiency Test (300 A), 69 Iranian advanced EFL learners, including 45 males and 24 females, aged between 17 and 24, learning English in language institutes in Salmas, were selected randomly out of the total population of 121 EFL learners and then divided into three groups. The participants in the two experimental groups received metalinguistic and computer-mediated feedback separately while those in the control group received no feedback. The analyses of the results obtained through a pre-test and a post-test indicated that both feedback types significantly influenced learners’ writing accuracy. However, analysis of the participants’ performances on the post-test demonstrated that metalinguistic group outperformed computer-mediated one. Thus, the effect of metalinguistic feedback was more than that of computer-mediated feedback. In addition, both of them were more influential than no-feedback instruction. The findings of the present study can be fruitful for syllabus designers and EFL teachers. پرونده مقاله
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        38 - The Efficacy of an SFL-Oriented Register Instruction in Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance and Perception: Language Proficiency in Focus
        محمد یوسفی اسگویی نادر اسدی آیدینلو مسعود ذوقی
        The current study sought to explore the impact of SFL-oriented register instruction on Iranian EFL learner’ writing performance with a central focus on their English proficiency level. As its secondary aim, the study delved deeply into the learners’ percepti چکیده کامل
        The current study sought to explore the impact of SFL-oriented register instruction on Iranian EFL learner’ writing performance with a central focus on their English proficiency level. As its secondary aim, the study delved deeply into the learners’ perception of the register-based instruction. To these ends, 50 intermediate and 50 advanced Iranian EFL learners were selected randomly and assigned to four groups: two experimental and two control groups. Employing an experimental pretest/posttest design, the learners of the two experimental groups received instruction on the three components of register; that is, field, tenor, and mode along with the implementation of a three-phase teaching/learning cycle, whereas the learners in the control groups were exposed to a conventional writing instruction. Quantitative analysis of the learners’ writing performance on the pre- and posttest measures revealed the contributory role of register instruction in improving Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance, regardless of their English proficiency level. Furthermore, having been surveyed through a researcher-made questionnaire, the advanced and intermediate learners expressed their positive attitude towards the instruction. The findings highlighted the necessity of superseding the traditional linguistic-based writing instruction by a contextual and situational teaching methodology similar to what has been implemented in the current study. پرونده مقاله
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        39 - The Impact of Summary Writing with Structure Guidelines on EFL College Students’ Rhetorical Organization: Integrating Genre-Based and Process Approaches
        Maryam Karimpour پروانه کارکیا
        This study aimed at investigating the impact of writing on Iranian EFL college students’ rhetorical organization. Thirty Iranian female undergraduate students majoring in English at Al-zahra University participated in the current study. The writing instructions in چکیده کامل
        This study aimed at investigating the impact of writing on Iranian EFL college students’ rhetorical organization. Thirty Iranian female undergraduate students majoring in English at Al-zahra University participated in the current study. The writing instructions included two stages, each lasting for four weeks. The participants were assigned to a control group and an experimental group according to an “S” model and received writing instructions based on genre and process approaches. The experimental group received writing instruction on text structure designed according to descriptive genre for the first four weeks, followed by the instruction on the process approach for the second four weeks. However, the control group received the process writing instruction only during the second stage. The research questions focused on whether summary writing with instructions on text structure improves students’ rhetorical organization or not. Also, the study sought to find out how students’ rhetorical organization improves when instructions on text structure are used as a supplementary tool to the process approach. The design of the study was quasi experimental. The findings revealed that summary writing with instructions on text structure helps students have better performances in rhetorical organization, concerning content, organization, language use, and syntactic complexity. Also, the obtained results indicated that genre and process approaches can be complementary, and summary writing with instructions on text structure can be used as a supplementary tool to the process approach. پرونده مقاله
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        40 - Impact of Process and Genre-Based Approaches to Writing on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Performance across Creativity Levels
        سولماز ایران نژاد ناصر غفوری اصغر محمودی
        This study aimed at investigating the effect of process-based and genre- based approaches to writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance across high and low creativity levels. The study followed a quasi-experimental design and it was conducted چکیده کامل
        This study aimed at investigating the effect of process-based and genre- based approaches to writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance across high and low creativity levels. The study followed a quasi-experimental design and it was conducted with a homogenous sample of 72 learners who were selected from an initial group of 90 participants from a private language institute in Urmia, Iran. Based on the results of an English proficiency test known as Oxford Placement Test and a test of creativity known as Abedi-Schumacher Creativity Test, the participants were assigned into four groups of 18. The treatment period lasted for 10 sessions including pretest and posttest sessions. The results of ANCOVA statistics showed that the type of instruction had statistically significant effect on the learners’ writing performance, with the higher performance of genre-based over the process-based writing instruction, while the level of creativity had no significant effect on the participants’ writing scores. Furthermore, a significant interaction was observed between instruction type and the learners’ creativity level. The findings of this study have pedagogical implications for teachers, syllabus designers, and practitioners to use appropriate instructional methods in ELT with special attention on learners’ creativity levels. پرونده مقاله
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        41 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Reactions to Different Feedbacks in Writing Classrooms: Teacher Written Comments (TWC) vs. Peer Written Comments (PWC)
        میترا ربیعی
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with چکیده کامل
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for a revision. This study reports on the effectiveness of two types of feedback provided by two different sources– the teacher and the peers– on students’ overall writing quality in an EFL context. To fulfill such an aim, a group of 60 Iranian Persian native speakers aged between 22 and 25 majoring in English Translation were chosen from among a greater population of 98. They were assigned to three homogeneous groups based on their scores on Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and a sample writing assignment on a given topic by emphasizing the expository genre through providing some reasons. They covered five topics before and after receiving feedback– ten written texts– in the span of a 15-week semester. Then, the papers were rated analytically. The findings revealed that feedback had a noticeable effect on the students’ draft editing, and of the two sources of feedback, the students benefited from teacher’s feedback more than their peers’ feedback. Other possible implications interpreted from this study supported the occurrence of a change in students’ roles in communicative foreign language learning settings and that, they could take the role of autonomous learners and turn into common respondents to other students’ writings and in this way their L2 knowledge construction and implementation increased پرونده مقاله
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        42 - The Impact of Linear Process versus Genre-Based Approach on Intermediate EFL Learners’ Accuracy in Written Task Performance
        زهرا طالبی نادر اسدی هانیه دواتگری
        The main purpose of the present quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effects of linear process versus genre-based approach on EFL learners’ written production. To this end, 40 learners of English at intermediate level were randomly selected as the parti چکیده کامل
        The main purpose of the present quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effects of linear process versus genre-based approach on EFL learners’ written production. To this end, 40 learners of English at intermediate level were randomly selected as the participants of the study and assigned into two groups of experimental (process and genre) which received different types of instruction for 8 sessions. Narrative and process-tasks were employed to collect data from the participants. The collected written data was quantified in terms of the accuracy measure. Independent samples T-test was employed as the statistical means of analysis. The results of the study revealed no difference between the performances of two groups in written narrative task, however, the result of statistical analysis in process task was significant. The study might carry some pedagogical implications for second language teachers, SLA researchers, teacher education and task designers. پرونده مقاله
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        43 - Effects of Pre-Task Strategic Planning on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Motivation and Accuracy
        مسعود ذوقی لیدا فخیمی شکری
        Considering the benefits of preparation for writing in the pre-writing phase, this study attempted to examine the effects of different pre-task strategic planning activities (i.e., pre-task form-focus planning, content-focus planning, and no planning) on writing accurac چکیده کامل
        Considering the benefits of preparation for writing in the pre-writing phase, this study attempted to examine the effects of different pre-task strategic planning activities (i.e., pre-task form-focus planning, content-focus planning, and no planning) on writing accuracy and motivation. To achieve the objectives of this study, sixty intermediate EFL learners were selected from an English language institute. They were randomly assigned into three groups, each of which included twenty participants. In order to measure the effect of strategic planning types, they were given a pretest and posttest in the form of narrative writing test and also the writing motivation questionnaire. One of the experimental groups received language focus activities, and the other one received content focus activities while the control group received no planning. After the twelve week intervention, all the groups were post tested. Results of the study based on ANCOVA showed that the form focus pre-task planning was the most effective in terms of its impact on the writing accuracy. However, it was found that there was no significant difference in the writing motivation of EFL learners who received different pre-task strategic planning activities. EFL teachers, curriculum developers and syllabus designers, and EFL learners can use the findings of this study in order to produce more accurate writings. پرونده مقاله
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        44 - Loyalty to Traditional Prescriptions or Facing the Challenge of Realities: An Investigation into the Status of Metadiscourse Awareness in Academic Writing Coursebooks
        داوود کوهی
        The well-established affiliation of metadiscourse research tradition to the philosophy of ESP raises some inevitable expectations on how much and how well the concept has been geared to meet the practical necessities of academic writing pedagogy. In light of such an exp چکیده کامل
        The well-established affiliation of metadiscourse research tradition to the philosophy of ESP raises some inevitable expectations on how much and how well the concept has been geared to meet the practical necessities of academic writing pedagogy. In light of such an expectation, a corpus of 35 academic writing coursebooks published during the last three decades was evaluated in terms of the possible realizations of key resources of interaction in pedagogical tasks. Due to its theoretical rigor and analytically operationalized nature, Hyland’s model of metadiscourse (2005a) was taken as the guiding framework for the current evaluation. The quantitative findings emerging from the analysis of the corpus did not sound sufficiently promising, suggesting that those theoretical developments have not yet been ideally translated into pedagogical designs; however, the rich range of resources identified in the tasks (i.e., the 55 categories emerging from the evaluation of the corpus) suggest that the rigorous tradition of research in metadiscourse has contributed to the effective operationalization of the concept for pedagogical objectives. It has been argued that through the effective introduction of the concept of metadiscourse into pedagogical designs and its appropriate operationalization, novice participants of academic/scientific discourse communities would be enabled to redefine the nature of academic communication and get rid of a large number of misconceptions which have become fossilized through long years of the dominance of positivistic thinking. پرونده مقاله
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        45 - The Impact of Task-supported Interactive Feedback on the Accuracy, Fluency, and Organization of Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing
        زهره سیفوری میترا زراعت پیشه سعیده آهنگری
        Controversy has not been yet resolved among researchers in second language research over the pedagogical efficacy of feedback in enhancing various features of learners’ writing skill. Research findings highlighting the significance of interactive tasks and learner چکیده کامل
        Controversy has not been yet resolved among researchers in second language research over the pedagogical efficacy of feedback in enhancing various features of learners’ writing skill. Research findings highlighting the significance of interactive tasks and learners’ engagement in improving the learning process stimulated the present study, the purpose of which was to explore the effect of task-supported interactive feedback on the accuracy, fluency, and organization of seventy two Iranian English major sophomores at Islamic Azad University-Mashhad Branch. It was hypothesized that engaging learners in both tasks and providing feedback would enhance their writing performance. The participants in three intact classes were randomly assigned to three groups: a control group, with no task (NTG), and two experimental groups: the task-supported group (TG), and the task-supported group with interactive feedback (TFG). Four one way analyses of variance tests were run on the research data indicated that the apparent gain in the task-supported interactive group over the other groups did not reach significance level. However, the TG group outperformed the control group in all three aspects of writing. The findings have pedagogical implications and can be interpreted in terms of socio-cultural characteristics of Iranian students. پرونده مقاله
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        46 - تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه‌ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش زبان‌انگلیسی
        زهره سیفوری
        تحقیق شبه تجربی حاضر به بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان پرداخته است و بر این فرضیه تحقیق استوار می‌باشد که شرکت در فرآیند ارزشیابی عملکرد خود توجه زبان آموزان را نسبت به ویژگی‌های صوری و متنی کلام نوشتاری چکیده کامل
        تحقیق شبه تجربی حاضر به بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان پرداخته است و بر این فرضیه تحقیق استوار می‌باشد که شرکت در فرآیند ارزشیابی عملکرد خود توجه زبان آموزان را نسبت به ویژگی‌های صوری و متنی کلام نوشتاری جلب نموده و موجب پیشرفت آنها می‌شود. آزمودنی‌های حاضر در این پژوهش شامل 40 دانشجوی مقطع کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش زبان انگلیسی از جمعیت پنجاه نفری دانشجویانی انتخاب شدند که درس نگارش پیشرفته را اخذ نموده و پس از تأیید همگنی در مهارت‌های درک مطلب و نوشتار به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تحقیق و شاهد تعیین شدند. هر دو گروه به مدت 12 جلسه بر اساس مطالب آموزشی یکسان و روش تدریس فرآیند-محور توام با بازخورد تعاملی، خود ویراستاری و بازخورد معلم آموزش دریافت نمودند. گروه تحقیق به صورت هفتگی در ارزشیابی پوشه‌ایی تکالیف نوشتاری خود نیز شرکت نمودند. تحلیل آماری داده‌های پس‌آزمون نشانگر پیشرفت معنی‌دار گروه تحقیق در صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری بود. نتایج پژوهش ضرورت شرکت دادن دانشجویان کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش انگلیسی در فرآیند آموزش و ارزشیابی پیشرفت آموزشی خود را مورد تأکید قرار می‌دهد و کاربردهای آموزشی بسیاری دارد پرونده مقاله
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        47 - Analyzing the Main EFL Learners' Writing Problems with Focus on Figurative Language: Metaphor and Metonymy Instruction
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karim Amir Marzban
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-metho چکیده کامل
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-method research with a sample of intermediate language students from both genders. In the qualitative section, 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling, and in the quantitative section, 120 language students were selected through convenience sampling from a university in Gorgan. Data were gathered through Quick Oxford Placement Test (OPT), writing tests, and a semi-structured interview. After recording and transcribing the interviews, the transcripts of the interviews were formatted using the software NVIVO 11 Pro®. With the help of this software, the textual data were reduced into some statements which could reflect the main ideas of the participants’ lived experiences without any intervention from the researcher. However, the data of the tests were inserted into SPSS software and the ANCOVA test was run to indicate differences between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement. The main results suggested that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations’ writing achievement. As well as that, findings from the analysis of data revealed the four main sources of writing problems as linguistic, personal, epistemological, and ecological. پرونده مقاله
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        48 - Peer Online Feedback and Teacher Online Feedback on Iranian Writing Performance
        Mohammad Azizi Reza Shams Narges Tavassoli
        This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using online peer and teacher feedback on Iranian EFL learners writing performance. To this end, a group of 28 homogenous learners were selected to participate in this study. They were divided into two equal sets; the چکیده کامل
        This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using online peer and teacher feedback on Iranian EFL learners writing performance. To this end, a group of 28 homogenous learners were selected to participate in this study. They were divided into two equal sets; the first group received online peer feedback and the second group received online teacher feedback. In order to obtain the results of the treatments, two types of t-tests were run. First, to check the effectiveness of the two types of online feedback, paired sample t-tests and to make the comparison between the TF and PF independent sample t-test was run. Results of the study indicated that both types of online corrective feedback are effective. However, the TF group outperformed the PF one. Therefore, technology integration in L2 classrooms and, more specifically, providing learners with online corrective feedback will lead to more progress in EFL learners' writing performance. پرونده مقاله
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        49 - Combined Effect of Critical Thinking and Dynamic Assessment on Enhancing Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: A Focus on Teaching Writing Strategies
        Raheleh Taheri Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi Omid Tabatabaei Hadi Salehi
        This study aimed to explore the combined impacts of critical thinking and dynamic Assessment on enhancing the writing performance of Iranian EFL learners, specifically focusing on teaching writing strategies. We selected 80 intermediate-level participants from a pool of چکیده کامل
        This study aimed to explore the combined impacts of critical thinking and dynamic Assessment on enhancing the writing performance of Iranian EFL learners, specifically focusing on teaching writing strategies. We selected 80 intermediate-level participants from a pool of approximately 200 language learners at an accredited institute (Gooyesh). These participants were divided equally into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group (EG) received writing strategies through the application of critical thinking principles and dynamic assessment. The control group (CG) received writing strategies through traditional methods without receiving critical thinking or dynamic assessment principles. The two groups underwent a writing pre-test to assess their initial writing skills, and after the treatment, to measure their writing improvement, they took a post-test using the same evaluation criteria as those of the pre-test. Then, appropriate statistical tools were employed to gauge the participants' writing progress as a result of the instructional methods. The results indicated that integrating dynamic assessment and critical thinking strategies significantly improved participants' written communication skills. These findings hold promise for EFL instructors, curriculum designers, and material developers. پرونده مقاله
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        50 - Impact of Teacher’s Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Stance in Academic Writing
        Katayoun Eghtesadi Ehsan Rezvani Bahram Hadian
        This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of dynamic assessment employed by teachers on promoting Iranian EFL learners’ stances in academic writing. For this purpose, three intact writing classes were selected by convenience sampling from BA s چکیده کامل
        This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of dynamic assessment employed by teachers on promoting Iranian EFL learners’ stances in academic writing. For this purpose, three intact writing classes were selected by convenience sampling from BA students of English translation at Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. The Quick Oxford Placement Test (QOPT) was administered to them, and those whose scores matched the intermediate band score of QOPT were selected. In general, 35 homogeneous students were selected from each class and randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group. A writing test was administered to all groups as the pre-test at the onset of the semester. The experimental groups were taught by the researcher and passed five different quizzes during the semester. The three groups were post-tested at the end of the semester. The results illustrated that both teacher and peers’ dynamic assessment effectively improved Iranian EFL learners’ stance in academic writing. پرونده مقاله
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        51 - The Relationship between Iranian English Learners’ Linguistic Intelligence and their Writing Ability, and Writing Assessment Criteria
        موسی احمدیان سمانه حسینی
        Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms o چکیده کامل
        Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms of language. This new theory of intelligence which gives emphasis to learner variable has been used in language learning and teaching settings. The present paper studies possible relationship between L2 learners’ linguistic intelligence and their writing ability, and writing assessment criteria. 33 female homogeneous Persian speaking EFL learners participated in this study. The instruments used were the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales (MIDAS), designed by Shearer (1996), and the participants’ two writings. The linguistic intelligence index was taken from the MIDAS and the participants' average scores on two writing tasks were used as an index of writing products. The writings were scored based on Jacobs et al.’s scale of five criteria: content, organisation, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. The correlational analysis of the results revealed a significant relationship between participants' linguistic intelligence and their performance on writing. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis showed that among all five criteria, vocabulary shows higher correlation with linguistic intelligence. Possible implications of the findings for language teaching and teaching writing will be discussed. پرونده مقاله
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        52 - Effects of Non-integrated vs. Integrated Tasks on EFL Learners’ Writing Development: Content and Organization in Focus
        Nikoo Farhadian Hossein Heidari Tabrizi Ehsan Rezvani
        The current study was set to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ writing development in terms of content and organization of چکیده کامل
        The current study was set to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ writing development in terms of content and organization of their writings. To this end, 60 male and female adult Iranian undergraduate EFL university students were selected through convenience sampling and divided into two equal experimental groups and one control group. In the first experimental group (integrated), the integrated reading-writing group was presented with a reading passage of approximately four paragraphs simultaneously with teaching writing. The second group (non-integrated) accomplished and submitted the tasks with reading and writing assignments separately within each session. In contrast, the control group received placebo instruction on writing and reading skills through the conventional methods of teaching writing. For the purpose of the study, writing tasks and a writing scoring rubric were utilized. The results revealed that there was no significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ writing development in terms of content. However, the results showed that there was a significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ writing development concerning the organization. The findings might have theoretical and pedagogical implications for EFL teachers, learners, and curriculum designers. پرونده مقاله
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        53 - Impact of Needs Analysis on Intermediate Learners' L2 Writing Development
        Sara Zafari Hossein Heidari Tabrizi َAzizeh Chalak
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedag چکیده کامل
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedagogical components that must be included or excluded to cater to the needs and preferences of learners. This research study specifically focused on the impact of user needs analysis on enhancing the writing ability of L2 learners. The study involved 128 intermediate English language learners from Iran who were enrolled in two private language centers and were fortuitously split up into an experimental or a control group. The researchers employed interview and questionnaire data to tailor the syllabus according to the learners' requirements, while the control group gained instructions based on the general outline of the institute. The outcomes revealed a significant difference in the average score of the learners in the experimental group in comparison to those in the control group. These outcomes suggest that performing a needs analysis at the outset of each course, based on empirical data that captures individual groups' needs and wants, is crucial for adjusting the pedagogical approaches accordingly. پرونده مقاله
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        54 - Comparative Effects of Scaffolding Strategies on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing
        ساناز جعفری Mohammad Reza Talebinejad Saeed Ketabi
        Scaffolding as an instructional strategy significantly contributes to learning development. However, there is a lack of studies assessing the comparative effects of various scaffolding strategies. The present study intended to evaluate the effects of motivational, metac چکیده کامل
        Scaffolding as an instructional strategy significantly contributes to learning development. However, there is a lack of studies assessing the comparative effects of various scaffolding strategies. The present study intended to evaluate the effects of motivational, metacognitive, and computer-based scaffolding on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' writing according to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. In this quasi-experimental study, sixty male and female intermediate EFL learners in the age range of 14 to 23 were chosen by convenience sampling from the Jahad language center in Tehran, Iran. They were enrolled according to their performance on Preliminary English Test (PET) in the 2020 spring English courses and were randomly assigned to three equal groups. The IELTS writing test was used as a pretest and posttest. Learners received a scaffolding instruction package on writing. A statistically significant improvement in the participants’ posttest writing scores was observed in all groups, and motivational scaffolding was the most effective strategy in developing the writing skill of EFL learners. The results could have implications by providing insights helpful for language teachers, learners, and syllabus designers. پرونده مقاله
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        55 - Psycho-dynamics of EFL Learners’ Writing Skills Development: Do Dynamic Assessment Modalities Matter?
        Seyed Hamed Etemadi Gholam-Reza Abbasian Abdollah Baradaran
        The present study tries to explore psycho-dynamics of Iranian EFL learners under the functions of dynamic assessment intervention modalities (i.e., facilitative vs. authoritative) modalities in developing their writing skills. To this end, this qualitative study ran on چکیده کامل
        The present study tries to explore psycho-dynamics of Iranian EFL learners under the functions of dynamic assessment intervention modalities (i.e., facilitative vs. authoritative) modalities in developing their writing skills. To this end, this qualitative study ran on the basis of semi-structured interviews and written protocols data collected from 120 Iranian advanced EFL learners was designed to elicit an in-depth understanding of the participants’ thoughts during performing writing tasks. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data from both sources (i.e., interviews and written protocols) revealed that: 1) authoritative modality works more effectively in facilitating the processes of opinion expression and effective revision and correction, 2) facilitative modality contributes more to developing critical and reflective thinking processes while writing. In the light of the facilitative modality, the learners can easily switch from their individualistic focus to a collaborative culture among teachers and learners. So, the learners become more self-regulated and can move from object-regulation through other-regulation towards self-regulation. Then, EFL learners’ psycho-dynamic actions are a function of DA-modalities. The findings offer theoretical and pedagogical insights for both researchers and practitioners in addressing language learning and learners. پرونده مقاله
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        56 - How does Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Formal Meta-discourse Markers Affect Learners’ Writing Skills?
        محمد مقدسی محمد بوالی Fatemeh Behjat
        Discourse markers improve both the quality and comprehension of a written text. This study aimed at investigating the effect of explicit and implicit instruction of formal meta-discourse markers on writ- ing skills. The quantitative data were collected from 90 upper-int چکیده کامل
        Discourse markers improve both the quality and comprehension of a written text. This study aimed at investigating the effect of explicit and implicit instruction of formal meta-discourse markers on writ- ing skills. The quantitative data were collected from 90 upper-intermediate students at Shiraz Univer- sity Language Center. Two experimental groups went through an instruction, while the control group did not receive any instruction on formal meta-discourse markers. A pretest-posttest method of as- sessment was employed. After an eight-session treatment, a posttest was administered to compare the participants‟ performances. The results revealed that the instruction of formal meta-discourse markers had a positive effect on the learners‟ writing skills. Moreover, the results showed that learners who received explicit instruction of meta-discourse markers could perform better in writing than learners who received implicit instruction. The findings can have pedagogical implications for EFL educators and materials developers to enhance learners‟ writing skill. Furthermore, the findings provide impor- tant insight into the impact of teaching discourse markers and raising learners‟ awareness through ex- plicit instruction in order to make pupils produce more cohesive and coherent written texts. Besides, it sheds light on the effect of different types of instruction on learning metadiscourse markers and its application in writing skills. پرونده مقاله
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        57 - Web-Based Googling Techniques and Strategic-Interactive Writing Instruction: A Study of Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Students’ L2 Writing Performance
        Asma Qoreishi Kolaqani Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei
        This study investigated the impact of web-based instruction Googling techniques (GT) and strategic and interactive writing instruction (SIWI) on the L2 writing performance of deaf and hearing-impaired (DHI) Iranian learners. To this end, 60 Iranian male and female DHI s چکیده کامل
        This study investigated the impact of web-based instruction Googling techniques (GT) and strategic and interactive writing instruction (SIWI) on the L2 writing performance of deaf and hearing-impaired (DHI) Iranian learners. To this end, 60 Iranian male and female DHI students at the elementary level participated in the study. The participants were divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group benefited from two particular instructional focuses of this study: GT and SIWI. In order to assess the effect of the treatment, a pre-test and post-test design was utilized and the obtained results were statistically analyzed. The findings revealed that online strategy-based instruction could positively affect the writing performance of Iranian DHI learners. The findings can have pedagogical implications for material practitioners, CALL package designers, and distance teaching planners to include strategy instruction in English courses for the DHI population. پرونده مقاله
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        58 - Blended Learning Strategies and EFL Learners’ Self-Regulation in Academic Writing
        Saeed Kheiri Hassan Solaimani Ali Asghar Rostami Abu Saeedi Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        Blended learning in Iran has provided a novel learning milieu for language learners and teachers. This study examined how blended learning writing strategies might contribute to the self-regulation of EFL learners in their writing performance. To this end, grounded theo چکیده کامل
        Blended learning in Iran has provided a novel learning milieu for language learners and teachers. This study examined how blended learning writing strategies might contribute to the self-regulation of EFL learners in their writing performance. To this end, grounded theory was used as thestudy's systemic methodology. Ninety-four Iranian EFL teachers were purposively selected through Writing Strategies and e-Learning Experience questionnaires. The participants were further interviewed to provide information on the blended learning strategies which can contribute to the self-regulation of the learning process. To enrich the data, the interviews were triangulated with some document analyses, observations, and field notes. The collected data were analyzed through open, axial, and selective coding processes in grounded theory. The results included some web-based strategies that Iranian EFL learners can take into account in order to become academic writers, some web-based strategies which might put Iranian EFL learners into the self-regulated learning frame, and some web-based strategies through which Iranian EFL learners can become self-regulated academic writers. The entire analyzed data were modeled and put into a putative frame. The results revealed that blended learning helps EFL writers in becoming contributors rather than just followers in the development of their compositions, and more importantly, in developing their self-regulated writing skills. The findings can have implications for teachers and students alike. پرونده مقاله
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        59 - Writing Fluency Achievement through Computer Concept-Mapping Strategy Conjoining Partial Persian Word Translation
        Jamshid Mashhadi حسین احمدی Payman Rajabi
        From educational spectrum, challenges in finding conducive ways for English writing have remained weighty. Thus, this report focuses on using computer concept mapping with partial word Persian equivalent in the graphs on facilitating writing fluency as a contributing fa چکیده کامل
        From educational spectrum, challenges in finding conducive ways for English writing have remained weighty. Thus, this report focuses on using computer concept mapping with partial word Persian equivalent in the graphs on facilitating writing fluency as a contributing factor. It was thought teach- ing writing suchlike leads to remembering more data and writing more fluently. To the researchers, EFL learners generally lack sufficient motivation in writing as they perceive as a complicated or bor- ing subject and come across difficulties during learning it. This strategy was adopted compared to tra- ditional teaching method. A prior and after treatment evaluation and normal group design was used. The study participants were 50 intermediate EFL students equally halved into experiential and control members. The experimental treatment group practiced writing using computer concept-maps but their counterparts were taught ordinarily. Statistical analyses by using SPSS statistical software were run. One-way ANOVA test and independent-samples t-test were adopted in data analysis. The overall findings arisen manifested that teaching writing with the use of computer concept maps was signifi- cantly much influential than conventional teaching approach. پرونده مقاله
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        60 - Probing into the Patterns of Pair Interaction in EFL Learners’ Peer Feedback Dynamics: Written Discourse in Focus
        Ahmadreza Jamshidipour حمید رضا خلجی فرامرز عزیزملایری
        The present study attempted to explore the patterns of pair interaction in peer feedback dynamics to facilitate the quality of peer feedback and the quality of English writing among EFL learners while communicating ideas through written discourse. This qualitative case چکیده کامل
        The present study attempted to explore the patterns of pair interaction in peer feedback dynamics to facilitate the quality of peer feedback and the quality of English writing among EFL learners while communicating ideas through written discourse. This qualitative case study was conducted with 12 (six pairs) EFL learners. To this aim, 12 out of 18 EFL learners from a writing course over 16 weeks, a session per week, during the first semester of 2019-2020 at Poldokhtar University were selected. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy model was transferred to the learners in the workshop. Three kinds of data, including semi-structured interview transcripts, 12 writing assignments, and artifacts of peer feedback dynamics, were analyzed by the QSR NVivo 8 software. The findings revealed that the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Model is more acceptable for peer feedback dynamics using patterns of pair interaction which provides a six-step model of critical thinking. The process of peer feedback dynamics was summarized as three steps: intake, critical thinking, and output. Each of the three steps had several mental processes in peer feedback dynamics. Accordingly, the amount of learners’ awareness resulted in their critical thinking. The more the learners were cognizant of their pair interaction and the feedback they received, the more they could criticize the tasks and class activities. Furthermore, the results showed that the pair interaction led to more motivation, cooperation, and confidence. When the learners were confident, they felt comfortable. In conclusion, during peer feedback dynamics, there was a cyclic relationship among the affective variables, including the learners’ awareness, critical thinking, motivation, cooperation, and confidence. پرونده مقاله
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        61 - Investigating IELTS Paper Mode vs. Computer Mode: Evidence from Academic Writing Test
        مهدی دست پاک Mohammad Javad Riasati Ehsan Hadipourfard
        The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiar چکیده کامل
        The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiarity had any significant effect on the IELTS overall band score of Iranian EFL candidates. To this end, 88 IELTS candidates from three different language institutes in Iran were randomly selected. Hence, based on the OPT results, 50 IELTS candidates were recruited and then divided into two equal groups, i.e. paper mode group and computer mode group randomly. Moreover, a computer familiarity questionnaire was also administered. The study’s findings revealed that the participants in the computer-based mode had a better overall band score than the participants in the paper-based mode on both writing Tasks. Additionally, the results showed that computer familiarity could result in computer mode outperformance in both tasks of IELTS academic writing tasks. These findings have some pedagogical implications, the most important of which is the influence of computer mode administration of IELTS and computer familiarity on candidates’ scores. پرونده مقاله
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        62 - Teaching Information Structure of Non-Canonical Sentences through a Deductive Vs. an Inductive Approach: Effects on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Products
        Hamidreza Sheikhi Bahram Hadian Mehdi Vaez-Dalili
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners’ writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth چکیده کامل
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners’ writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth semester, Arak University, participated in this study in the form of two intact groups called Deductive (experimental) and Inductive (control) groups, comprising 36 and 33 participants in that order. Under the effect of twelve treatment sessions of deductive vs. inductive instructions of IS principles, six weeks, the statistical analyses of the results regarding the pretest-posttest phase disclosed significant improvement of the participants’ writing scores in both groups. Concerning the post-test results, no statistically significant difference was observed in the Deductive vs. Inductive groups’ writing scores. Regarding the posttest-delayed posttest results, the statistical analyses showed a significant decrease in the Deductive group’ writing scores while the writing scores reduction in the Inductive group was not significant. So, the findings revealed a significant retention of improved writing skills in association with the Inductive group. Possible explanations for the writing improvement and implications of the findings for language teaching have been discussed. پرونده مقاله
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        63 - اثربخشی آموزش آگاهی واج‌شناختی بر حافظه فعال دیداری فضایی دانش‌آموزان با اختلال بیان نوشتاری
        معصومه پورمحمدرضای تجریشی سحر پهلوان‌نشان فائزه گلکار
        هدف این پژوهش، تعیین تاثیر آموزش آگاهی واج‎شناختی برحافظه فعال دیداری فضایی دانش‎آموزان دارای اختلال بیان نوشتاری در پایه سوم ابتدایی بود.طرح پژوهش از نوع شبه‎تجربی با پیش‎آزمون، پس‎آزمون و گروه گواه بود. 30نفر از دانش‎آموزان دارای اختلال بیان نو چکیده کامل
        هدف این پژوهش، تعیین تاثیر آموزش آگاهی واج‎شناختی برحافظه فعال دیداری فضایی دانش‎آموزان دارای اختلال بیان نوشتاری در پایه سوم ابتدایی بود.طرح پژوهش از نوع شبه‎تجربی با پیش‎آزمون، پس‎آزمون و گروه گواه بود. 30نفر از دانش‎آموزان دارای اختلال بیان نوشتاری از پایه سوم ابتدایی به شیوه هدفمند، انتخاب و با استفاده از مقیاس هوش وکسلر کودکان(وکسلر، ۲۰۰۰)، آزمون بیان نوشتاری(فلاح‎چای،1384)، و آزمون حافظه فعال دیداری فضایی(کورنولدی و ویشی،2004)، ارزیابی و سپس به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه(هر گروه15نفر)جایگزین شدند.گروه آزمایشی در13جلسه آموزشی آگاهی واج‎شناختی شرکت کردند، اما گروه گواه فقط برنامه متداول مدرسه را دریافت نمود.حافظه دیداری فضایی تمامی دانش‎آموزان پس از جلسه سیزدهم و دو ماه پس از آن، مجددا ارزیابی شد.داده‎های به‎دست آمده با استفاده از تحلیل کوواریانس و تحلیل واریانس اندازه‎گیری مکرر مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.نتایج نشان داد که تقریبا32درصد از تغییرات در بهبود حافظه فعال دیداری فضایی شرکت‎کنندگان در گروه آزمایشی، ناشی از مداخله آموزشی آگاهی واج‎شناختی بوده است، حتی این بهبود پس از گذشت2ماه، پایدار بود.می‎توان نتیجه گرفت که آموزش آگاهی واجی سبب ارتقاء حافظه فعال دیداری فضایی دانش‎آموزان با اختلال بیان نوشتاری شده است و تأثیر آن پس از گذشت دو ماه پایدار بود.بنابراین، معرفی و اجرای این برنامه در تقویت حافظه فعال دیداری فضایی دانش‎آموزان با اختلال بیان نوشتاری، پیشنهادمی‎شود. پرونده مقاله
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        64 - بررسی وجوه زیبایی شناسی نوشتار زویا پیرزاد در سه مجموعه داستان
        شهلا حائری سمانه رودبار محمدی
        این مقاله به طور مختصر شامل معرفی وجوه زیبایی شناسی نوشتار زویا پیرزاد، نویسنده ی معاصر ایرانی است که با توجه به داستان های کوتاه او مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. بدین منظور، ابتدا به بررسی زاویه ی دید و کانون روایت در داستان ها به عنوان مشخصه ی بارز نوشتار زنانه ی او می پ چکیده کامل
        این مقاله به طور مختصر شامل معرفی وجوه زیبایی شناسی نوشتار زویا پیرزاد، نویسنده ی معاصر ایرانی است که با توجه به داستان های کوتاه او مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. بدین منظور، ابتدا به بررسی زاویه ی دید و کانون روایت در داستان ها به عنوان مشخصه ی بارز نوشتار زنانه ی او می پردازیم و سپس به بحث درباره ی زبان خواهیم پرداخت تا با بررسی عناصری مانند تکرار، جابجایی و غیره ثابت کنیم که نویسنده با بهره گیری از آنها توانسته زبان شخصیت هایش را به زبان گفتار و روزمره نزدیک کند. همچنین خواهیم دید که پیرزاد در عین ساده نویسی، از آرایه هایی چون مجاز، تشخیص ، تشبیه، نمادپردازی و ....برای توصیف شخصیت ها و موقعیت های داستان هایش بهره گرفته است. پرونده مقاله
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        65 - تحلیلی بر عناصر شبه زبانی در آثار نمایشی
        فرناز ساسانی
        برای ارائه تعریفی جامع از زبان دراماتیک، لازم است که عناصر و اجزای مشخص کننده نوع تئاتر مورد بررسی قرار گیرند و این مطالعه و بررسی از بدو تکوین اثر آغاز و به صحنه گذاری آن ختم می‎شود، زیرا مولف و آفریننده اثر با انتخاب یکی از شقوق تئاتر ناگزیر است برای آن صورت و شکل چکیده کامل
        برای ارائه تعریفی جامع از زبان دراماتیک، لازم است که عناصر و اجزای مشخص کننده نوع تئاتر مورد بررسی قرار گیرند و این مطالعه و بررسی از بدو تکوین اثر آغاز و به صحنه گذاری آن ختم می‎شود، زیرا مولف و آفریننده اثر با انتخاب یکی از شقوق تئاتر ناگزیر است برای آن صورت و شکلی خاص را در نظر بگیرد و عناصری را در آن مدخلیت دهد تا به تأثیر خاصی دست یابد به گونه ای که متن نمایشی بتواند در شرایط خاص تماشاگران و یا احتمالاً خوانندگانی را که طبایع و ذوق و سلیقه های گوناگونی دارند تحت تاثیر قرار دهد. این بررسی در مورد تئاتر در بادی امر پیچیده و پرتکلف به نظر می‎رسد و تنها برداشت نمایشنامه نویس نیست که این کار هنری را پیچیده و دشوار می سازد بلکه شیوه های نمایش نیز برگوناگونی وتعقید آن می افزاید. تئاتر یکی از انواع آفرینش هنری است که به هنگام خلق آن، نوشته برگفته پیشی می جوید و کلام میاندار عرصه خلاقیت آن است؛ آنهم کلامی که به صورت کُنش ارائه می‎شود و باید به دقت تعریف و تبیین شود و عناصر مختلف آن که اصطلاحاً عناصر شبه زبانی نامیده می‎شوند مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گیرد زیرا از تداخل و ترکیب آنها با متن است که اثر نمایشی پدید می‎آید. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        66 - آموزش تفکر به مثابه نوشتار؛ براساس نقد دریدا از خوانش فوکو در رابطه بین عقل و جنون در کوگیتو دکارت
        بهمن کریم زاده
        مفهوم تفکر و اندیشیدن یکی از مسائل مهم معرفت شناسی است که فیلسوفان و معرفت شناسان از دیرباز تا کنون دیدگاه های گوناگونی درباره چیستی تفکر و چگونگی ارتباط آن با عقل ابراز داشته اند. در این نوشتار، ما به بازسازی مفهوم تفکر از دیدگاه دریدا به وسیله نقد او از خوانش فوکو از چکیده کامل
        مفهوم تفکر و اندیشیدن یکی از مسائل مهم معرفت شناسی است که فیلسوفان و معرفت شناسان از دیرباز تا کنون دیدگاه های گوناگونی درباره چیستی تفکر و چگونگی ارتباط آن با عقل ابراز داشته اند. در این نوشتار، ما به بازسازی مفهوم تفکر از دیدگاه دریدا به وسیله نقد او از خوانش فوکو از "من می اندیشم" دکارت پرداخته و چگونگی ارتباط آن را با آموزش تجزیه و تحلیل می کنیم. بر طبق دیدگاه فوکو، دکارت جنون را از تفکر کنار می گذارد، در حالی که به اعتقاد دریدا در کوگیتو، جنون وضعیتی از تفکر (درون تفکر) می باشد. در خوانش دریدا، کوگیتو نقطه صفری است که در آن عقل و جنون در هم تنیده اند. در حالی که فوکو دکارت را چنین تفسیر می کند؛ من فکر می کنم، پس من مجنون نیستم، دریدا او را چنین می خواند: مجنون باشم یا نباشم، من فکر می کنم، پس هستم. از سوی دیگر دریدا اذعان دارد که تفکر خود، نوعی نوشتن است، فکر کردن؛ یا همان نوشتن، فقط به لطف غیاب و وضعیت های امکان نیافته، و عقلانیت فقط به لطف عدم عقلانیت، یعنی جنون، امکان می یابد. نوشتار دریدایی نیز به واسطه رابطه ای مضاعف با آموزش فوکوی معلم امکان می یابد؛ استاد در ابتدا دانشجو را با فراهم نمودن دانش و طرز تفکر مناسبی آموزش می دهد و سپس دانشجو بخاطر این که خود فکر کند و صدای منحصر بفرد خود را ایجاد نماید، استاد را به چالش می کشد پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        67 - تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های فارسی خوانداری و نوشتاری دوره دوم ابتدایی از نظر توجه به مؤلفه‌های مهارت‌های تفکر انتقادی
        حسین افلاکی فرد امین امیری
        کتب درسی، یکی از مهم ترین عوامل یادگیری هستند. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب های فارسی خوانداری و نوشتاری دوره دوم ابتدایی از نظر توجه به مؤلفه های مهارت های تفکر انتقادی بود. برای دستیابی به این هدف ابتدا مولفه های؛ استنباط، استنتاج، ارزیابی مدارک و دلایل، تشخی چکیده کامل
        کتب درسی، یکی از مهم ترین عوامل یادگیری هستند. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب های فارسی خوانداری و نوشتاری دوره دوم ابتدایی از نظر توجه به مؤلفه های مهارت های تفکر انتقادی بود. برای دستیابی به این هدف ابتدا مولفه های؛ استنباط، استنتاج، ارزیابی مدارک و دلایل، تشخیص پیش فرض ها، و تعبیر و تفسیر به عنوان مؤلفه های تفکر انتقادی بر اساس بررسی های صورت گرفته از مقالات و پژوهش های مرتبط و مدل تفکر انتقادی لیپمن تعیین گردید و برای هر یک از مؤلفه ها نیز مصادیقی مشخص شد. روش پژوهش حاضر، تحلیلی -توصیفی و از نوع تحلیل محتوا بود. جامعه آماری، کتاب های فارسی خوانداری و نوشتاری دوره دوم ابتدایی که حجم نمونه برابر با جامعه آماری در نظر گرفته شد. ابزارهای گردآوری داده، در بخش تحویل اسنادی، فرم فیش برداری و در بخش تحلیل محتوا، فرم وارسی تحویل محتوای محقق ساخته است. واحد تحلیل این پژوهش صفحه (متن، تمرین ها و تصاویر) است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از شاخص آمار توصیفی استفاده شد. تجزیه و تحلیل محتوای کتاب های فارسی خوانداری و نوشتاری نشان داد که از بین مؤلفه های مهارت های تفکر انتقادی؛ مؤلفه استنتاج و تعبیر و تفسیر نسبت به مؤلفه های دیگر در کتاب خوانداری و نوشتاری دوره دوم ابتدایی دارای بیشترین فراوانی بود. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        68 - اثربخشی یک جلسه ی دو دقیقه ای افشای هیجانی- نوشتاری بر افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس در دانشجویان دچارضربه روانی
        درا پرو پروانه محمدخانی بهروز دولتشاهی نهاله مشتاق
        مدل تجربی افشای هیجانی، پیش بینی می کند که بر حسب دامنه ای که افشا منجر به بر انگیختگی عاطفی و پردازش جنبه های اطلاعات ناهمخوان با طرحواره می شود، تغییر روان شناختی و رهایی پیش خواهد آمد. هدف پژوهش حاضر، اثربخشی یک جلسه ی دو دقیقه ای افشای هیجانی- نوشتاری بر افسردگی، اض چکیده کامل
        مدل تجربی افشای هیجانی، پیش بینی می کند که بر حسب دامنه ای که افشا منجر به بر انگیختگی عاطفی و پردازش جنبه های اطلاعات ناهمخوان با طرحواره می شود، تغییر روان شناختی و رهایی پیش خواهد آمد. هدف پژوهش حاضر، اثربخشی یک جلسه ی دو دقیقه ای افشای هیجانی- نوشتاری بر افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس در دانشجویان دچار ضربه ی روانی بود. بدین منظور با استفاده از طرح آزمایش پیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه کنترل، 46 دانشجوی دختر با روش غربالگری انتخاب و به طور تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل کاربندی شدند. شرکت کنندگان گروه آزمایش در مورد ضربه ی روانی و شرکت کنندگان گروه کنترل در مورد محوطه ی دانشگاه به مدت 2 دقیقه نوشتند. افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس قبل از مداخله و سه هفته بعد و عاطفه ی مثبت و منفی بلافاصله قبل و بعد از مداخله ارزیابی شد و نتایج نشان داد که در کوتاه مدت، افشای هیجانی نوشتاری دو دقیقه ای به طور معناداری موجب افزایش عاطفه ی منفی و در درازمدت باعث کاهش افسردگی و اضطراب می شود. همچنین، مداخله در دانشجویانی که شدت ضربه ی روانی بیشتر و وضعیت اقتصادی ضعیف تری داشتند، موثرتربود. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که افشای هیجانی- نوشتاری در کاهش افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس موثر است و در این اثربخشی، تفاوتهای فردی به عنوان تعدیل کننده عمل می کند پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        69 - آشکارسازی هیجانی و نشخوار خشم
        محمد علی بشارت الهه حافظی علی مقدم زاده
        خشم، به عنوان هیجانی بنیادین با تهدید و ارزیابی منفی مرتبط است و محققین، نشخوار خشم را به عنوان سازه ای مرتبط با خشم معرفی کرده اند و افراد ناگو‌هیجان از نشخوارگری به عنوان راهی برای تنظیم و مدیریت خشم و هیجان های منفی خود استفاده می کنند. هدف پژوهش حاضر، استفاده از آشک چکیده کامل
        خشم، به عنوان هیجانی بنیادین با تهدید و ارزیابی منفی مرتبط است و محققین، نشخوار خشم را به عنوان سازه ای مرتبط با خشم معرفی کرده اند و افراد ناگو‌هیجان از نشخوارگری به عنوان راهی برای تنظیم و مدیریت خشم و هیجان های منفی خود استفاده می کنند. هدف پژوهش حاضر، استفاده از آشکارسازی هیجانی نوشتاری به منظور کاهش نشخوار خشم در افراد ناگوهیجان بود.بدین منظور طی یک پژوهش نیمه تجربی با پیش‌آزمون - پس‌آزمون و گروه کنترل، 130 دانشجوی دختر و پسر مقطع ارشد و دکتری دانشگاه تهران به شیوه ی نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب و 30 نفر از آنها که در مقیاس ناگویی هیجانی تورنتو نمرات بالایی کسب کرده بودند، به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل جایگزین شدند. گروهها قبل و بعد از اتمام پژوهش، از نظر نشخوار خشم مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. در گروه آزمایشی، از برنامه ی دو هفته ای آشکارسازی هیجانی نوشتاری (6جلسه 20 دقیقه ای) استفاده شد و گروه کنترل مداخله ای دریافت نکرد. نتایج تحلیل کوواریانس تک متغیره نشان داد که آشکارسازی هیجانی نوشتاری، نشخوار خشم افراد ناگو هیجان را کاهش می دهد. بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش می توان از آموزش آشکارسازی هیجانی نوشتاری، برای کاهش نشخوار خشم و پیامد های منفی آن در جمعیت عمومی و بالینی استفاده کرد. پرونده مقاله