List of Articles Social Competence Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Investigating the Role of School Climate in Predicting Social Competence of Girl High School Students in Dezful City in the School Year 2019-2020 Masoumeh Motlaq Nasim Tale`pour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Effect of Seligman self-actualization intervention on social competence in high school student girls with social anxiety disorder in city of Najafabad Parisa Shahsavari Maryam Esmaeili Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Pattern of Structural equations of Social competence with Cyber Bullying Based on Difficulty in Emotion Regulation in male high school Students وحید فلاحی محمد نریمانی akbar atadokht 10.30486/jsrp.2020.1902042.2471 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Comparison of the effectiveness of social competence training and social skills on social anxiety, social adjustment and social intimacy teenager boy sasan bavi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The effectiveness of educational games based on social-emotional learning on empathy and social competence in preschool children Mahmoud Hakimi Farimani Farideh Hamidi Hossein Akbari Amarghan Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) on Social Anxiety and Social Competence of Students amir yekanizad Akbar Soleimannezhad Mojtaba Vazie Maryam Manzari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Prediction of Anxiety, Aggression and Social Competence among Preschool Children based on Parents' Maladaptive Perfectionism Khadijeh Abolmaali Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Study the Situation of Components of Social Competence in Curriculum Design of Sixth Grade, From the Perspective of Teachers Mehr Hosseini Soheila Zalbeigi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training and Interpersonal Skills Training on the Psychosocial Competence of Students of Urmia Girls' Technical and Vocational School sahar esmaeili Ali Naghi Agdasi Amir Panahali 10.30495/jinev.2020.675608 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Effectiveness of Program Based on Successfulness on Social Competence and Academic Achievement of Adolescent Girls in City of Mashhad Farzane Amani Morteza Monadi Mahnaz Akhavan Tafti Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - A Relationship between Religious Attitudes and Social Competence in Parent-Child Emotional Metacognition Malieh Firozsamadi Tahmores Aqajani Fatemeh Shaterian Behzad Shoghi Jamal Sadeqi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - The Role of Family Emotional Climate in Predicting Social Competence among Female High School Students in Dezful City Nasim Taleipour Masoumeh Motlaq 10.22034/ssyj.2021.684307 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - Comparison of cognitive emotion regulation, social competence and aggression among normal and internet addicted adolescents (Case study: 18-18 year old students in Tabriz) Saeid sharifi Rahnemo Mehri Saniei ayatolla fathi Majid Sharifi Rahnamo Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - Role of Social Self of Tehrani Citizens in Sustainable Urban Development (A Case Study: District 2, Tehran) Mohammadreza BOZORGI Farhad Emamjomeh Iraj Eraj Saee Arasi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - The Role of Social Self of Tehrani Citizens in Sustainable Urban Development (Case of Study: District 2, Tehran) Mohammad reza Bozorgi Farhad Emamjomeh Iraj Eraj Saee Arasi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - The relationship between Social competence and Empowerment with Organizational Citizenship in staff of Sport and Youth Organization of Tehran province Mahbobeh mehrajee fg ghobadi mojtaba aali ebrahim deldar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - Efficacy of Training Collaborative Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Skills on the Social Competence and Emotional Expressiveness in the Students with the Signs of Bullying Ezzat Deyreh Naser Amini Shahdokht Azadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 18 - Providing a model for identifying and attracting primary school principals in Tehran B. Moradi B. Moradi , A. Khorshidi , A. Khorshidi , L. Abassi Servak , L. Abassi Servak Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 19 - Comparison of Academic Motivation, Social Competence and Academic Identity of Children of Single-parent Families and Nuclear Families raheleh shukuhi leyla bizhanikashkak fatemeh khazaeipool Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 20 - Comparing resiliency, social competence and defense mechanism styles in women with and without ovarian cysts Mojghan Sepahmansoor Marziye Modaresi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 21 - Effectiveness of training packages of Yang's reasoning on mood instability and perception of social competence in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Miad Sayfi pour Ilnaz Sajadian Mohammad Ali Nadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 22 - Emotional Autonomy and Willingness to Communicate: The Mediating Role of Social Competence Parisa Rashidi Okhchi Heman Mahmoudfakhe Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 23 - Clustering Bullying Behavior of Teenager Students Based on Social Competence and Social Preference Sima-Sadat Korsavi Majid Sadoughi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 24 - A Comparison of General Health, Self- Efficacy and Social Competence of Male and Female Students with Working Mother and Non Working Mother Mohamad Mehdi Goudarzi Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand Soodabeh Bassak Nejad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 25 - Preliminary Validation of the Perceived Social Competence Scale II (PSCSII) Among High School Female Students Negin Bakhshi Farideh Yousefi 10.30495/jzvj.2021.4569 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 26 - The effectiveness of courage skill training on social competence and psychological well-being of abused women Fatemeh Pooragha rodbadeh seyed omid sotodeh navrodi farideh Dokanehi Fard Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 27 - Prediction of Emotional Disturbance based on Self-concept and Social Competence in Students Saied Malihialzhackerin / Alireza Shokrgozar / Saeideh Ghazizadeh saied Malihialzackerini Alireza Shokrgozar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 28 - The Effectiveness of Improving Executive Functions on Reflective Function and Social Competence of Orphan Adolescents Mahdieh Yasari Azad azam farahbijari