• List of Articles Sheikh

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Ups and Downs of the Political Presence of NaqshbandÊ Sheikhs in the Sheib§nÊds' Period
        Ali Aramjoo Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki Mohsen Masumi
        Following the decline of the Mongol dynasty in Transoxiana, the relationship between the rulers and the Såfi sheikhs entered a new phase, so that during the TimårÊds period, NaqshbandÊ Såfis enjoyed considerable influence in the society, th More
        Following the decline of the Mongol dynasty in Transoxiana, the relationship between the rulers and the Såfi sheikhs entered a new phase, so that during the TimårÊds period, NaqshbandÊ Såfis enjoyed considerable influence in the society, the b§z§§r and the court as well.  Although NaqshbandÊyya suffered a severe blow with the rise of Mohammad Kh§n Sheib§nÊ and the fall of the TimårÊds, especially in Samarqand, they not only remained in the Transoxiana politics, but also were able to play an important role in the power equations during this period, while establishing a continuous and extensive relations with the court of the Sheib§nÊds. The question of present study is why this relationship continued. According to the findings, both the emergence of the SafavÊd ShÊÊte rule in Ir§n and the initial coalation of the TimårÊds' remnants with it necessitated the relations of the Sheib§nÊds with the SunnÊ NaqshbandÊ sheikhs. Moreover, conflicts within the NaqshbandÊ houses as well as their local and economic interests, led sheikhs to establish greater contacts with the Sheib§nÊds. The internal struggles of the Abu al-Khairkhan’s descendants for power, especially after the death of 'Ubaidullah Khan, was effective in the entry of influential NaqshbandÊ sheikhs into politics. Manuscript profile
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        2 - -Sheikh Abbas Qumi's Historiography in Nafas al-Mahmūm fi Muṣibat Sayidina al-Ḥusayn al-Maḍlūm
        Ali Asghar Hosseinzadeh Mehran Esmaeili Abbas Mirzaei Nokabadi
        Nafas al-Mahmūm, is written about the martyrdom of Husayn bin ʿAli  and  has met with the favor and attention of the Shiite community more than other similar writings. In composing this book, Sheikh Abbas Qumi (d. 1941) used the method of hadith scholars, emph More
        Nafas al-Mahmūm, is written about the martyrdom of Husayn bin ʿAli  and  has met with the favor and attention of the Shiite community more than other similar writings. In composing this book, Sheikh Abbas Qumi (d. 1941) used the method of hadith scholars, emphasizing on isnad, and tried to write his work based on sources that he considered authentic. Al-Qumi sought to put aside the last layers from the martyrdom of al-Husayn literature, which were often added during the Qājārid era (1789-1925). However, this process does not seem to produce a single, coherent narration of the ‘ashura event. The main shortcomings of the book are:  relying on some historians and hadith scholars and referring to their sources frequently without criticizing their narrations, not identifying the primary sources of the tradition or ignoring it, lack of reports verification, lack of checking the accuracy of the reports, ignoring conflict between reports, lack of historical approach and finally, the lack of coherence in the conclusion and selection of the preferred report. It can be said that although this book keeps the reader away from the distortions of the late period, the number of different reports on each issue does not allow the reader to find out Qumi's opinion. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Visual and S‌tructural Analysis of Fractal Geometry in the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Ornaments (Isfahan- Iran)
        Hengame Rezazade
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        4 - Comparative Comparison of Common Animal Motifs in the Sheikh Safi Al-Din Complex (Safavid Period) and the Shrine of Imam Reza (AS) (Qajar Period): An intertextual Approach
        Roya Esmi Habib Shahbazi Shiran
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Critique and Analysis of the Arguments of Believers in Hurmat and Permissibility of News from the Celestial Rulings
        Mohammad Danesh Nahad (Corresponding author) Mohammad Hassan Vakili
        One of the important topics in Islamic jurisprudence is identifying the obligation of Tanjim (belief in the effect of the state of the constellations and the movement of stars in human life and terrestrial events). Most jurists have considered Tanjim as haram, but More
        One of the important topics in Islamic jurisprudence is identifying the obligation of Tanjim (belief in the effect of the state of the constellations and the movement of stars in human life and terrestrial events). Most jurists have considered Tanjim as haram, but such a ruling has fundamental problems and it is not the absolute argument for its hurmat (being haram). Not having a correct view of Tanjim leads to the issuance of an incorrect religious ruling. Accordingly, some have considered news of celestial rulings as haram (forbidden) and some as permissible. Those who consider Tanjim as haram, whose main reason is disbelief, have not paid attention to independent and non-independent causes, and this has caused their rulings regarding Tanjim to be insufficiently thorough. This study, with the library method, information analysis and comparison of opinions, looks for the problems in the absolute hurmat of Tanjim and to prove Tanjim as not being haram considering independent and non-independent causes. Because the non-independent reference of events to the heavens does not require any polytheism. the effects of these matters in the ruling of Tanjim has not been considered by researchers. Therefore, first the concept of tanjim is explained and after that, the ruling of news about celestial conditions rulings is examined to finally be able to examine the arguments for its hurmat and permissibility of the news of the celestial rulings in detail, or to reach the correct viewpoint. The findings include these items 1. Definite news of celestial rulings or belief in the influence of the stars is permissible, and this can not lead to disbelief and polytheism. 2. What causes the hurmat of Tanjim is the reference to an independent relation to the heavens, but non-independent reference does not have any corrupt consequences. 3. The arguments of the jurists on the hurmat of Tanjim is not absolutely complete. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Comparative Study on Concubine Marriage in view of Sheikh Toosi and Abu Hanifeh
        Najme Sharifpoor Bemanali Dehghan
        Sheikh Toosi considers concubine marriage appropriate and legit with permissible reasons from Quran and the tradition and states that the consensus Emamieh considers it lawful so he believes that all the laws of the permanent marriage is true for concubine one and says More
        Sheikh Toosi considers concubine marriage appropriate and legit with permissible reasons from Quran and the tradition and states that the consensus Emamieh considers it lawful so he believes that all the laws of the permanent marriage is true for concubine one and says that although it has some differences in lawful sense with permanent marriage, but it has no difference in rules except in the "limited duration" with it. In this type of marriage, man and woman whose marriage is permitted are married and determine their marital dowry and its duration. Child from their marriage is legitimate and legal. By the completion of the marriage time they get separated without divorcing, and she stays single for a preset time after the separation, etc. However, Abu Hanifeh and his disciples believe that the legibility of this type of marriage has been terminated due to some reasons from Quran, traditions, and reason. They have even put it in one line with adultery and prostitution. They believe that the second Caliph has made concubine marriage clearly unlawful, but none of the companions made a protest against that and this shows clearly to everyone that this marriage is unlawful. Some of them make some differences between concubine marriage and temporary marriage. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Emergence of the Imami scholastic Mysticism in Qom Seminary
        Mahmoud Sheikh
        This article explores the emergence of scholastic mysticism in the Qom seminary, which has been taking place over the past few centuries. Shia scholars in Qom have always had an interest in mystical teachings, resulting in the inclusion of mysticism in the program of se More
        This article explores the emergence of scholastic mysticism in the Qom seminary, which has been taking place over the past few centuries. Shia scholars in Qom have always had an interest in mystical teachings, resulting in the inclusion of mysticism in the program of seminaries, both formally and informally. The article focuses on the factors that led to the emergence of scholastic mysticism in Qom seminary, specifically during the tenure of AbdulKarim Haeri and the beginning of Seyyed Hossein Boroujerdi's leadership. The article argues that scholastic mysticism in Qom is the result of the migration of mystics from Tehran and Najaf to the city. Those who came from Tehran brought with them theoretical mysticism, while those from Najaf practiced practical conduct. Scholastic mysticism in Qom was able to reach a more complete state by absorbing these two streams of mysticism. One of the most significant factors contributing to the emergence of scholastic mysticism in Qom was the transfer of partial authority to the city during Haeri's leadership, due to the easing of travel restrictions between Qom and other major cities such as Tehran and Isfahan. Additionally, the location of Qom, which has been a cradle of Islamic wisdom and mysticism for a long time, contributed to the influence of Iranian culture and elements of Iranian life within the Shia seminaries. In conclusion, this article sheds light on the emergence of scholastic mysticism in the Qom seminary and highlights its origins and factors. The inclusion of mysticism in the seminary curriculum has enriched the understanding of Islam and its teachings, and the Qom seminary has been instrumental in advancing this field of knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Comparative Study of Sheikh Sana'an's Aqabat Al Solouk and The Seven Labours of Rostm
        Mousa Al Reza Heidari Googdareh Akbar Sha'bani Parvindokht Mashhour
        Tariqat seekers hould obviate all obstacles and obstructives to reach maturity and innocence toward Lord. Rostam in seven labours and Sheikh Sana'an in Attar's Speech of the Birds are the seekers who could pave the breath taking path and reach their Lord. The present ar More
        Tariqat seekers hould obviate all obstacles and obstructives to reach maturity and innocence toward Lord. Rostam in seven labours and Sheikh Sana'an in Attar's Speech of the Birds are the seekers who could pave the breath taking path and reach their Lord. The present article initially distinguishes the obstacles on mysticism and epic way by citing Shahnameh and Sheikh Sana'an's "Speech of the Birds" and then studies Aqabat (continuation) comparatively. In this research which mainly aims to show the difficulties for the seekers, the general achieved outcome is that the necessity of reaching mystic is to pass the troublesome paths and defiles. Although those ways may be similar in type and format, are common in nature and spirit. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Time of Sa‘di and His Works in Khāleq Mirzāzādeh’s Research
        A’zam Khoday Dādof
        Khāleq Mirzāzādeh is a great ctitic and researcher in Tajikistan. He was familiar with Sa‘di’s works, especially Golestān and Boustān , from his teen years; and he created estimable researches about Sa‘di through studying of and searchin More
        Khāleq Mirzāzādeh is a great ctitic and researcher in Tajikistan. He was familiar with Sa‘di’s works, especially Golestān and Boustān , from his teen years; and he created estimable researches about Sa‘di through studying of and searching in his works. It should be mentioned that there are worthwhile researches done in Tajikistan in relation to Sa‘di’s eventful life and his literary heritage. These researches begins with Master Sadr al-Din ‘Eini’s treatise titled “Sheikh Mosleh al-Din Shirāzi” and continues with Khāleq Mirzāzādeh’s researches. This article tries to study Master Khāleq Mirzāzādeh’s viewpoints about Sa‘di’s life and works and to introduce this researcher’s thoughts to Iranian readers. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The study and comparison of two cultural symbols: Faust and Sheikh San’an
        Gord Afarin Mohammadi Mahdi Famoori
        There have always been Features and characters in different cultures and literatures that because of their unique characteristics, they have had the ability for going beyond their dramatic personality and becoming one of the outstanding features in people More
        There have always been Features and characters in different cultures and literatures that because of their unique characteristics, they have had the ability for going beyond their dramatic personality and becoming one of the outstanding features in people’s mind. These features and characters, in addition to their literary position, have such a popularity, historic presence and inspiring aspects in people’s mind that we can call them “the cultural sculptures” or “the eternal samples of mind” of the society. Faust, The hero of Guteh, and Sheikh San’an, hero of Manteghotteyr, are some of these eternal samples of societies. They are the symbol of power inclined will and, spiritual leader of my stoicism, are two features that in this research are studied and compared.  Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Issue of Polygamy in Modern Intellectual Discorse: The Study of Contemporary Readings of Q 4:3 with the Emphasis on Al-Manār, Al-Mīzān and Min Waḥy Al-Qur'ān
        Seyyed Mahmood Tayyeb Hoseini Muhammad Hassan Shirzad Muhammad Hussein Shirzad
        One of the most important verses of the Holy Qur'an, which brings gender inequality to mind in the modern era, is Q 4:3. According to this verse, those men who are capable of observing justice among wives are allowed to marry up to four women. Mentioning the legislation More
        One of the most important verses of the Holy Qur'an, which brings gender inequality to mind in the modern era, is Q 4:3. According to this verse, those men who are capable of observing justice among wives are allowed to marry up to four women. Mentioning the legislation of polygamy in Islamic ruling, the early and medieval Muslim exegetes devoted their efforts to some linguistic-literary discussions about the Q 4:3. However, a new generation of Muslim exegetes, paying attention to the emerging questions and doubts in the contemporary period, have disregarded the traditional interpretations and provided justifiable interpretations which are appropriate to the modern socio-cultural conditions. In this research, the authors are going to study the change of attitudes of Muslim exegetes towards the interpretation of the holy verse Q 4:3 by focusing on Al-Manār, Al-Mīzān and Min Waḥy Al-Qur'ān. This study shows that while Abduh, Tabātabāei, and Fadlallāh advocated the legislation of polygamy in Islam, Sheikh Muhammad Abduh who was influenced by the doctrine of Neo-Mo'tazelah, forbade the practice of polygamy in Egypt in order to provide a more appropriate interpretation to the expectation and interest of the audiences in contemporary period. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Proving the lack of authority of the sayings of companions citing Sahih Bokhari
        Seyed Ali Rabbani Mousavian
        Among the Sunni fundamentalists, some believe in the reasoning of the opinions of the Companions, and in contrast, others have rejected this claim with rational and narrative arguments. Regardless of the arguments of the parties, both groups seem to have neglected their More
        Among the Sunni fundamentalists, some believe in the reasoning of the opinions of the Companions, and in contrast, others have rejected this claim with rational and narrative arguments. Regardless of the arguments of the parties, both groups seem to have neglected their original sources of narration. Referral to the most authoritative books of hadith among the public can be the best and fairest measure for the chapter of al-Khatab in this principled but also super-principled dispute. Sahih Bukhari, which according to the Sunni Republic is the most correct and important book after the Holy Quran, which does not require the study of document, contains narrations that can explain the answer to this question. The existance of Hadiths proves that some famous people cannot be considered equal in faith and justice, and not to be considered all their words and behavior to be correct, and in the first way, their statements could not be considered as evidence and a fatwa not to be issued based on them. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Tafsir and interpretation in the mystic system of Sheikh Alaa-dolah Semnani
        ghasem raufi ghodratollah khayatian
        Alaa al-Dawlah Semnani, one of the mystic commentators of the Quran, mentions various functions for interpretation and interpretation in his prose works while using verses and traditions. He disagrees with the interpretation of similar verses; But it agrees with other v More
        Alaa al-Dawlah Semnani, one of the mystic commentators of the Quran, mentions various functions for interpretation and interpretation in his prose works while using verses and traditions. He disagrees with the interpretation of similar verses; But it agrees with other verses. Unlike most commentators, he believes that dreams need interpretation and interpretation, and he uses interpretation and interpretation in the fields of principles and branches of religion, mystical revelations, letters, verses and traditions. He considers taweel to be a way to not excommunicate Muslims, to absorb different views in the Islamic religion, not to fall into the abyss of reincarnation, and to interpret mystical revelations. According to him, the measure of correctness of taweel and tafsir is conformity with Quran, hadith, reality, Arabic language and reason. One of the characteristics of his interpretation is its superficiality, lack of extraneous elements, the presence of theology, similarity and influence of Ibn Arabi's interpretation and his commentators. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to analyze the place of interpretation and interpretation in the eyes of this mystic. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Stylistic Techniques in Sheikh Bahai's Arabic Poetry
        Seyed Amir Moosavi sadegh ebrahimi kavari Sohad Jaderi
        Stylistics is the special way in which a person formulates his thoughts, and shows what is raging inside him, and his emotions and feelings circulate in his mind. The methods may differ according to different situations and purposes, but perhaps the same purpose had man More
        Stylistics is the special way in which a person formulates his thoughts, and shows what is raging inside him, and his emotions and feelings circulate in his mind. The methods may differ according to different situations and purposes, but perhaps the same purpose had many different methods. Among the characteristics of a good and sober style are: the accuracy in the choice of words, as well as that the pronunciation should be smooth and easy, and it should not come with strange, brutal words, but rather the pronunciation should be familiar and acceptable, because the goal of literature is the rapid impact on the soul. This is what we find in our poet Sheikh Al-Baha’i in his Arabic poetry, and he has tended to use the easy and familiar language by using some techniques and stylistic features that seem prominent and dominant in his poetry. As long as the poet was keen to achieve between him and his interlocutors. He adhered to the unity of the poem and its construction, an integrated artistic structure in which feelings and feelings follow, so building his poetry for him is based on emotional and psychological unity. Sheikh Bahai used the characteristics of the word in his poetry of generosity, strength, accuracy, ease, flow and resonance in proportion to its neighbors in sentences and structures, to derive from them the elements of techniques through values and his vast religious culture.Keywords: style, techniques, Sheikh Bahai, intertextuality, recall Manuscript profile
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        15 - Farsighted Approach of Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimiabout Revival of Arabic Language in Algeria
        Hayat Amare Maryam Jalaei
        Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimi is one of the renowned performers of Algeria. He is also known in literature field and one of the famous writers in the country. For releasing people of Algeria, he established a terrific culture structure not only to revive freedom of Al More
        Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimi is one of the renowned performers of Algeria. He is also known in literature field and one of the famous writers in the country. For releasing people of Algeria, he established a terrific culture structure not only to revive freedom of Algeria and save it from French colonization but also to return eminent place that Islam had granted to this area. Modernity was initiator of his activities and works. Not surprisingly, he struggles for reviving Arabian language, arranging it with today’s needs and securing it from decline and rollback; as a result, world of Islam, especially society of Arabs, would be secured from falling of Arabic culture and national identity, because language is the container of thought and culture. Hence, in present research, we review Sheikh Ibrahimi’s modern thoughts about Arabic language by descriptive analysis method to explain his insight. The most important result of the study is that Ibrahimi believes that arrangement of Arabic language with today’s development and problems and of course without separating it from ancestors’ values and heritage will result in revival and development of Arabic language at present time. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Sheikh Ansari and matching the option of the views on civil rights
        najmeh azizi naserabad علی رضا عسگری
        Spanish cucumber, gerund of authority. the term is defined to mean ownership contract. The purpose of this paper is to examine the option of civil rights from the perspective of Sheikh Ansari and match. In the preparation of the analytical method and library has been us More
        Spanish cucumber, gerund of authority. the term is defined to mean ownership contract. The purpose of this paper is to examine the option of civil rights from the perspective of Sheikh Ansari and match. In the preparation of the analytical method and library has been used .. According to the findings,Sheikh Ansari believes that the condition of the cucumbers - the authority to terminate or to sign the deal - the contract in cucumbers for someone to be proved right this right is given to him. And believes that the option of in terms of time, not a certain extent, but any period of time, short or long, attached to the contract or detached from it; it is permissible to be provided in the contract, but must be determined to the extent that otherwise it is not possible to increase or decrease the bet is void and the transaction. If the option in the contract for any of the seller and the buyer as well as to foreigners alone or with one of the sides of the contract is correct. Khyarshrt right because if it is fixed in the contract. That is, thecontrol of the holder of the right to terminate the contract due to the condition of the cucumbers cucumbers for the Qdast. Cucumber such other terms and conditions as a result of mutual consent, the parties achieved an agreement. And the effect of which is the termination of the contract is subject to the will of the stipulation. Manuscript profile
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        17 - investigating Seyed Asadollah kharaghanis' political thought
        Esmat ghafari maghsood ranjbar ali shirkhani
        Abstract Seyed Asadollah Kharaghani is among the second-rate personages who played an active part in the Constitutional Movement, and has been effective in arousing political and religious personages. He also engaged in religious and scholarly activities along with poli More
        Abstract Seyed Asadollah Kharaghani is among the second-rate personages who played an active part in the Constitutional Movement, and has been effective in arousing political and religious personages. He also engaged in religious and scholarly activities along with political activities, and eventually led to the emergence of a specialist trend in Islamology called Qur'anism or the return to the Quran. He faced new questions and needs of the new age that we did not have in previous religious and traditional teachings or did not seem to answer, or it seemed that past answers did not have the effectiveness of the new problems. It was suggested that we should read the Qur'an again and extract the material that is coming to us today. The present study examines the political thought of Seyyed Asadollah Kharaghani regarding the criteria, since the type of conception on the basis of the rule of law, the divine right of the state, the basis and scope of private and public law, the scope of law and legislation, and in particular their approach to the issue of Islamic democracy. This research will focus on library resources through descriptive-analytic method and with an interpretive-political approach to explaining the components of its political thought. Key words: Sheikh Asadollah Kharaghani, Islamic Democracy, Law Equality, Ultimatum Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Constitution of Constitutional System Scaled by Ideas of Sheikh Fadlullah Nouri
        alireza naeij سیدابراهیم معصومی مرتضی اشرافی
        Sheikh Fadlullah Nouri was one of the distinguished and avant-gardes of the constitutional movement. He had well realized the existing problems and challenges that faced Iranian people with full wisdom and said that the despotic regime was the main cause. For the same r More
        Sheikh Fadlullah Nouri was one of the distinguished and avant-gardes of the constitutional movement. He had well realized the existing problems and challenges that faced Iranian people with full wisdom and said that the despotic regime was the main cause. For the same reason, he believed that people must counter with the autocratic regime in the best way that is constitution of legislature and constitutionalizing the Imperial regime; hence, once constitutional movement began, he made speeches and distributed tracts to insist on this important thing. After the westernized intellectuals involved in the constitutional movement, intellectuals held control of the constitutional movement that Sheikh and scholars had in mind and they rose up for restricting autocracy, all laws written down by intellectuals after establishment of the first parliament he seriously opposed and he published treatises, statements and speeches for their improvement. The martyred Sheikh realized problems and incidences in the constitutional age through deep and precise understanding of the Islamic doctrines and their adjustment with his time and age. This triggered his confrontation with intellectual movements, colonialism and autocracy. The present article, based on historical evidence, intends to analyze the cases by which Sheikh opposed to the laws of the first parliament (laws of intellectuals) such as constitutionalism, transition from the constitutional movement to legitimate constitutionalism, the Constitution, theory of main oversight of Majlis, elucidation of concepts in the Constitution and amendment to the press law. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Wilayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) in the Political Ideology of Sheikh Fazlollah Noori
        Ebrahım Masoumı Hosein Arjini Ali Hashemzadeh Kooshak Ghazi
        The purpose of the present study is to review the special place and function of Wilayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) in Islamic society and the principle of Jurists’ supervision over the parliament legislations in the ideas of Sheikh Fazlollah Noor More
        The purpose of the present study is to review the special place and function of Wilayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) in Islamic society and the principle of Jurists’ supervision over the parliament legislations in the ideas of Sheikh Fazlollah Noori. The method of study is documentary research and descriptive analysis; the results showed that the presence of Sheikh Fazlollah Noori as a leader in the constitutional revolution is the clearest evidence for his disbelief in the royal government. He regards the Islamic jurist as the successor of Imam Zaman and hence he opposes the king and his collaborators. He considers all the (judiciary, executive, and legislative) officials in a legal government as the assistants who fulfill the orders of the Islamic jurist. Compared to other Islamic scholars, Sheikh Fazlollha Noori had a different view about the dignity and place of Islamic Jurist during the occultation as he believed that the Islamic jurist should have authority to perform divine rules, enjoin good, forbid evil, and finally execute Islamic orders. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Studying, Analyzing and Classifying the Miracles of the Sheikhs in the Tabaghat al Sofie by Khaje Abdullah Ansari
        Fathie al-Sadat karamooz Reza Ashrafzadeh Seyed Majid Taghavi
        Dignity is one of the key concepts in Islamic mysticism and a genuine advocate for the recognition of the Sufi mysticism of the bad Sufi. Khaje Abdullah Ansari, in the Tabaghat al Sofie, mentions the names of many Sufis and explains their behavior, behavior and thought. More
        Dignity is one of the key concepts in Islamic mysticism and a genuine advocate for the recognition of the Sufi mysticism of the bad Sufi. Khaje Abdullah Ansari, in the Tabaghat al Sofie, mentions the names of many Sufis and explains their behavior, behavior and thought. To accomplish this goal, he has described many miracles and described the quality of the elders' submission to epistemological and cognitive principles. In this research, based on the descriptive-analytical method and citing library resources, the duplicates mentioned in the above work are categorized and why they are frequented. Examination of Ansari's views shows that dignities have manifested in the mystic's lifetime and after his death. The wonders of life are: the knowledge of the unseen; the reading mind; the seizure of the forces and elements of nature; The dignities revealed after death were less frequent. These dignities include: speaking in the dream and dream; the role of closing the verse and mentioning the body of the deceased; The primary purpose of Sufis is to use these dignities, to discipline disciples, and to encourage them to follow the path of conduct. In this work, contrary to the tradition of popular mystical writing, there is no indication of the transcendent function of dignity to humiliate and suppress enemies and deniers, which can be attributed to the attitude of the author and his hopeful and romantic tendencies in the field of mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Stylistic Analysis Sheikh San’an’s story based on functional approach
        khadijeh Bahrami rahnama
        One of the viewpoint in linguistic science is systematic functional viewpoint, in which Language is a social tool for meaning transferring. Halliday is the greatest theorists in functional approach. About a role, he considers grammatical and linguistic concepts for anal More
        One of the viewpoint in linguistic science is systematic functional viewpoint, in which Language is a social tool for meaning transferring. Halliday is the greatest theorists in functional approach. About a role, he considers grammatical and linguistic concepts for analyzing a clause, which has three separate semantic layers (ideational, textural and interpersonal metafunctions) but connected to each other which is named metafunction analyzing different literary text like Mantiq-ut-Tayr. Among all the Mantiq-ut-Tayr’s stories, the story of Sheikh San’an is analyzed. This study with using descriptive analysis method has analyzed the problem of different processes, structural and non-structural cohesion and interpersonal metafunction in Sheikh San’an’s story. The result of this research stipulates that material process is used more than other processes in ideational metafunction, which indicates the objective and tangible actions used in this story. In textural structure metafunction, simple theme has a higher frequency than multiple theme and most clauses have embedded theme reiterated. Conjunctions in grammar cohesion, repetition element in reiterated lexicon cohesion-associational in collocation lexicon cohesion have the highest frequency in this story. In textual metafunction, declarative mood has a higher frequency than the other moods and most clauses have positive polarity.  Manuscript profile
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        22 - The connection between the language of mysticism and the vernacular In the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam
        atefe soltani Fateme Gholami
        Mystical prose is considered as a more accurate source for analyzing the components of the language of mysticism than poetry due to the presence of greater self-awareness. Many of the norms of this language, though seemingly in the service of expressing complex and unsp More
        Mystical prose is considered as a more accurate source for analyzing the components of the language of mysticism than poetry due to the presence of greater self-awareness. Many of the norms of this language, though seemingly in the service of expressing complex and unspeakable truths; But it is not entirely disconnected from the features of slang. This connection is deeper and more obvious in the literary form of "speech". Ahmad Jami is one of the speakers whose works are speeches that are then included in the text. The language of his works is simple and often focused on the vernacular.In the present article, an attempt has been made to identify and analyze the similarities and connections between these two languages in the works of Ahmad Jam, using a descriptive-analytical method, taking into account the characteristics of the language of mysticism and slang. For this purpose, the six texts of Ahmad Jam Majalis were read and close components in these two languages were extracted along with its evidence. Findings show that among the characteristics of the language of mysticism are melodicity, narration, de-familiarization, ambiguity and closeness to the language of the people in the forms of speech writing with characteristics such as poetry and proverb, allegory and anecdote, phonetic and grammatical aberration, Irony and specific dialect words and expressions are applicable in the vernacular. In addition, the clarity of tone in the language of Sheikh Jam, which is full of a sense of compassion, sharpness, biting and distress, is affected by the clarity and clarity that is more pronounced in slang than in other levels of the language. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Sheikh Sanaan Parable of Old man's Tale from mosque to Pub
        Seyed Ali Jaafari Sadeghi
        Sheikh Sanaan tale addressed by Attar Neishaboori in Manteq Altair Masnavi, is one of the permanent allegorical ancient Persian literature and is the source for creating number of the most basic allegorical motifs of Persian lyric. Therefore, it has been a lot of studie More
        Sheikh Sanaan tale addressed by Attar Neishaboori in Manteq Altair Masnavi, is one of the permanent allegorical ancient Persian literature and is the source for creating number of the most basic allegorical motifs of Persian lyric. Therefore, it has been a lot of studies about this story's historical roots and origins, as well as its influence on the works of poets after Attar. Many researchers has found Sheikh Sanan historical features in the man named Abdulrazzagh Yemeni or Sanaani. And Ghazzali's "Tohfat almolook" (Kings Gift) is known as one of the earliest works that mentioned this story. In addition, the origin of the popular theme of old man's going from mosque to pub tale in Hafez lyrics have been seen in this story. In this paper aside from describing the multiple meanings of the mentioned theme several other common themes in the works of lyric poets of the sixth to eighth century related to Sheikh Sanaan tale are studied. However, the examples of mentioned themes applied before Attar narration are studied in Sanai's lyrics. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Decoding the language of Termites
        Abdolreza Jamalzadeh
        A survey of the writings of Sheikh Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi known as "Sheikh al-Ishraq" reveals his comprehensiveness in both "ratiocination" and "discovery and enthusiasm" theosophies (philosophies). It also reveals his writings' diversity and enjoyment of dynamics More
        A survey of the writings of Sheikh Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi known as "Sheikh al-Ishraq" reveals his comprehensiveness in both "ratiocination" and "discovery and enthusiasm" theosophies (philosophies). It also reveals his writings' diversity and enjoyment of dynamics. Suhrawardi's works are written in different and theosophical styles. His esoteric treatises such as the Red intellect, The Chant of the Wing of Gabriel, alghrbat alghorbiyat, the Lover's friend and the other various treatises like "the Language of Termites" which we are going to explain and expand it in this article are an important and valuable group of his writings specifying the disciples' way, their barriers and goals. He wrote this treatise in very sweet and symbolic language and a combination of metaphors and Zoroastrian, Hermes and Islamic mysteries and states the journey of the spirit to God and uniting with Him and human beings' innate enthusiasm for the acquisition of knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Sheikh Bahaei and His Art of Poetry in the "Attraction of Word's Music"
        Abbass Kaymanesh
        In this Article, the author is about to present a summary of the life and works of Sheikh Bahaei and to evaluate the fabulous poem and Bahaei (i.e. valuable) words of him in the scale of word's music and art of versification of a jurisprudent poet who obtained the posit More
        In this Article, the author is about to present a summary of the life and works of Sheikh Bahaei and to evaluate the fabulous poem and Bahaei (i.e. valuable) words of him in the scale of word's music and art of versification of a jurisprudent poet who obtained the position and title of Sheikh-al-Eslam (i.e. Elder of Islam) in the Court of Abbas Safavy, the King, and in the realm of terminology and combination of them with the music frets and in the Mirror of Fantasy and creation of colorful concepts by him in prosody swing.   Manuscript profile
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        26 - Semantics of Intuition and its Functions in Sheikh  Ishraq's Perspectives
        Shahnaz Shayanfar Mahnaz Amirkhani Seyyedeh Zahra Hosseini
        Sohrvardi created philosophy of illumination introducing intuition in the arena of philosophy. Introduction of the novel idea provided a condition to resuscitate the philosophy science which declined focusing on traditional approaches.this article is seeking review the More
        Sohrvardi created philosophy of illumination introducing intuition in the arena of philosophy. Introduction of the novel idea provided a condition to resuscitate the philosophy science which declined focusing on traditional approaches.this article is seeking review the definition, place, types and functions of intuitionin order toexplainin Suhrawardi's initiative.The basic question of this paperis associated withIntuition functions in the philosophy of Suhrawardi and the relationship between intuition and reasoning: 1) is it possible the use of intuition (as a mystical knowledge) for an intellection science area? 2) If the answer is positive, what is the role of intuition in philosophy? This research attempts to provide the following importance results: 1) It is possible the use of intuition in philosophy arena without providing a contrast condition with intellectual inherent of philosophy, 2) Intuition is capable of solving many intellectual challenges potentially. The role of intuition in the wisdom of illuminationphilosophy may be introduced as the following: 1) Problem selecting in the case that the problem is evaluated as an important one affectingintuition 2) An introduction to access a mediocre proof, 3) Analyzing better a problem. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The mystical attractions in Sheikh Abdul-Mahmoud Jilly’(Hafyan) poems
        جعفر صدری عزت ملاابراهیمی
        Sheikh Abdul-Mahmoud Gilly, the Sudanese contemporary poet, in his mystical poems whose main themes are the passion and love to the holy Prophet (PBUH) praises himusing the mystical secrets. Therefore, the author intends to explain the hidden and clear meanings and conc More
        Sheikh Abdul-Mahmoud Gilly, the Sudanese contemporary poet, in his mystical poems whose main themes are the passion and love to the holy Prophet (PBUH) praises himusing the mystical secrets. Therefore, the author intends to explain the hidden and clear meanings and concepts of the poems in this study. This isaqualitative research that addresses the issue through library method. The author has also used the qualitative content analysis method to analyze the poems in order to find out the concepts beyond the literal meaning. The research findings show that the poet has used Islamic issues and mysticism techniques, and with this trend as well as the adherence to the views of scholars like IbnFarez and IbnArabi has been ahead of other poets of his time. It should also be mentioned that Gilly has resorted to the old methodsin his sonnets and with the Atlal and Daman, has also benefited from his particular style and made the meanings and concepts of his poem through eulogy. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Adaptability and Compatibility Of Mystical Components with Science in Sheikh Mahmood Shabestaris Golshane raz
        Mohammad Farahmand Maryam Soltanizadeh Manafi
        The deep look at the mystical texts has led to the intellectual movements of man. The   mystical recognition of mystic includes the whole world involving the universe and the metaphysical sciences. So the wise thought is necessary.  Studying   this   filed form differen More
        The deep look at the mystical texts has led to the intellectual movements of man. The   mystical recognition of mystic includes the whole world involving the universe and the metaphysical sciences. So the wise thought is necessary.  Studying   this   filed form different views except the scientific views and also the conformity of it to the scientific findings of the man, has not been considered by the different scientist of the different religions. Problem is this if the recognition field is higher than the recognition of the word the scientific recognition exists in it. This must be considered as the important subjects of the scientific progress and let spiritual matters enter the scientific word, but the main question in the new sciences age is that how much spiritual matters clarify the scientific theories in the mysterious explorations of the mystics. This matter has been important both in pas and now and is considered by the Scientifics and the philosophers in different branches. Some has tries to use the hostile tools in relationship between science and mystics to make this tow incompatible, and say that incompatibility exists in the soul of science and mystic. And some like Avicenna and Sohre vardi in past and Allame M.T Jafari, Ph.D E. Dinani and Ph.D E.  Gomsheyi have tried to make men science and spiritual talks are in conformity to each other. On the other hand some has tried to separate the science and mystic totally and look at them as different subjects. So it is tried in this writing to study the spiritual lines of Sheikh Mahmoud according to the scientific data conforming to the new scientific explorations of the modern age in these lines as   possible. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Comparative Analysis of Sufi Sheikhs Viewpoints on the Description of Beloved's Beauty
        Mahboobeh Moslemi Zadeh Mehdi Momtahen
        When mysticism entered the Persian poetry and romantic themes were combined with mystical ones, they were applied as symbols to express mystical meanings, so that it caused disagreements between some Sheikhs and persuaded them to write the books and treaties, to give so More
        When mysticism entered the Persian poetry and romantic themes were combined with mystical ones, they were applied as symbols to express mystical meanings, so that it caused disagreements between some Sheikhs and persuaded them to write the books and treaties, to give some definitions and justifications of those terms according to their schools. This article intends to analyze the ideas of some Sufi Sheikhs such as Hojviri, Ahmad Ghazali, and 'Einul Qozat Hamadani about the terms and themes of describing the beloved, and it is limited to such terms as Zolf (hair), Chashm (eye), Khadd (cheek), Khal (mole) and Abru (eyebrow). Hojviei's idea about these terms is based on juridical and religious views especially while discussing on Sama'; Ahmad Qazali describes the states of the lover and the beloved in a coherent way to express a certain system and Einul Qozat Hamedani explains these terms in different situations and concepts, by citing some verses from the viewpoint of mysticism and introducing the Shahed. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Intertextual Relationship of Safvat-al-Safa and Asrar-al-Tawhid (Based on Theory of Gerard Genette)
        khodabakhsh Asadollahi Sorraya Karimi
        Gerard Genette, one of the prominent scholars, relates the intertextuality of each text with its predecessors and in the theory of over-texture, the relation between any texts has been raised with its prefaced text. During the mystical period the discussion of mystics h More
        Gerard Genette, one of the prominent scholars, relates the intertextuality of each text with its predecessors and in the theory of over-texture, the relation between any texts has been raised with its prefaced text. During the mystical period the discussion of mystics has been remarkable with similar views and the structure of mystical tokens such as Safvat-al-Safa and the Asrar-al-Tawhid based on certain thoughts and speeches of mysticism. This study aims at enlightening the mystical aspects of the eighth century it is argued that the Qaramate and the ideas of Sheikh Safi according to the viewpoint and Qaramate of Abu Sa'id Abu- al-Khair in terms of the theory of genes. As a result of this research, intertextual orientation of Safvat al-Safa is welcomed in the wake of Abu Sa'id Abu- al-Khair thoughts in Asrar-al-Tawhid. The similarity of the themes of Safvat al-Safa with the wisdom of Qaramati like Tey-al-arz, Farasat, Death issues, people̕ s rescues and the like and the moral and educational concepts such as Self-education, Covering, and other issues of the intertextual relationship between these two works is confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Mystical Themes in the Arabic Poems of Sheikh Baha'i
        Seyed mehdi Masboogh Mehri Ghaderibibak
        Sheikh Baha'i is one of the great scientists of the Safavid era who has been an expert in various scientific fields. One of the aspects of his personality that is manifested in his poetry is his mystical behavior and approach. Sheikh Baha'i has received his mystical tho More
        Sheikh Baha'i is one of the great scientists of the Safavid era who has been an expert in various scientific fields. One of the aspects of his personality that is manifested in his poetry is his mystical behavior and approach. Sheikh Baha'i has received his mystical thoughts from its original sources, namely the Qur'an, the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Ahl al-Bayt (AS); In the meantime, his acquaintance with Sahifa Sajjadieh and his knowledge of the works of Iranian mystics has played a significant role in shaping his mystical thoughts. This article aims to identify the mystical themes in Sheikh Baha'i thought and to analyze his Arabic poems by content analysis method. The results show that mystical themes in Sheikh Baha'i's Arabic poems include various themes, the most important of which are love, anti-hypocrisy, spiritual wine, carpentry, intuition and mystical dance. The basis of his mystical poems can be summarized in love and self-cultivation, which leads to the acquisition of intuitive knowledge and makes him needless of school and lessons. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The role of historicism and promiseism in the mystical thoughts of Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei and the emergence of the Sheikhiyah Sect
        Reza Yousefvand
        It is necessary to examine the school of Sheikhiya because this sect has played a significant role in the emergence of new religious deviations and social changes in the contemporary period. The special beliefs of Sheikh Ahmed Ahsai and after him Seyyed Kazem Rashti mad More
        It is necessary to examine the school of Sheikhiya because this sect has played a significant role in the emergence of new religious deviations and social changes in the contemporary period. The special beliefs of Sheikh Ahmed Ahsai and after him Seyyed Kazem Rashti made the school of Shaykhia rise from the heart of Shiism and present a different face compared to its original origin, which is pure Shiism. In the division of the causes and factors based on which the promise and belief in the coming of the end-time savior causes the emergence of religious sects, two categories of factors can be mentioned: First, the category that is individual and related to specific individual claims; Like the Qadianiyya sect, the second category is social factors and refers to the social conditions of the creation of sects; Like the uprising of the Sudanese Mahdi. This group of factors, i.e. social conditions such as: poverty, oppression and corruption, and injustice, played a special role in the emergence of the Sheikhiya sect. The main question of this research is, what was the relationship between the emergence of the Sheikhiya sect and its underlying factors? The hypothesis under discussion is that there is a relationship between the requirements of the time and social conditions and the creation of the Sheikhiya sect. This article explains the hypothesis with a descriptive and analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam
        Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by ma More
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by many to be poetry collections attributed to him. In this study, in order to confirm this hypothesis, the intellectual and ideological level reflected in the prose books and poetry collection with regard to the themes of Qalandariaat has been studied and explored. The reason for choosing Qalandariaat was that it has a pivotal and decisive role in reaching a convincing conclusion that the poetry collection belongs to Sheikh Jam or is attributed to him. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The results of the research show that the frequency of Qalandari issues in the poetry collection is more diverse and includes such things as: pretending to be immoral; discrediting religion and rejecting the manifestations of Shariat; The name and the stigma are ignored. While Sheikh-e Jaam in his prose works has only mentioned such things as: criticizing the dishonest Sufis and the indebtedness of Inquisition, which are defined under the Qalandari religion. Overall, the obvious difference in the ideological level of Sheikh-e Jaam's views in the prose books and the poetry collection reinforces the hypothesis that these poems are attributed to him. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose Works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām
        Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by man More
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by many to be poetry collections attributed to him. In this study, in order to confirm this hypothesis, the intellectual and ideological level reflected in the prose books and poetry collection with regard to Qalandari themes has been studied and explored. The reason for choosing Qalandariat was that it has a pivotal and decisive role in reaching a convincing conclusion that the poetry collection belongs to Sheikh Jām or is attributed to him. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The results of the research show that the frequency of Qalandari issues in the poetry collection is more diverse and includes such things as: pretending to be immoral; discrediting religion and rejecting the manifestations of Shari’at. The name and the stigma are ignored. While Sheikh Jām in his prose works has only mentioned such things as: criticizing the Sufis and the indebtedness of Inquisition, which are defined under the Qalandari religion. Overall, the obvious difference in the ideological level of Sheikh Jām's views in the prose books and the poetry collection reinforces the hypothesis that these poems are attributed to him. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Phenomology of Sacred Places Based On Iranian-Islamic Architecture: Case study of Historical Mosque of Sheikh Lotfollah in Isfahan
        Mina Salimi Mohamadreza Sharifzadeh Esmaiel Baniardalan
        The existential elements of the mosque including the layout, tiling, color and light, shapes and lines contain the social and religious prophecy. In fact, the mosques in every historical period reflect the social status of their era. The main purpose of this research is More
        The existential elements of the mosque including the layout, tiling, color and light, shapes and lines contain the social and religious prophecy. In fact, the mosques in every historical period reflect the social status of their era. The main purpose of this research is phenomenological study of sacred places based on the Iranian-Islamic architecture (case study Sheikh Lotfollah). Studying the Islamic art from the perspective of phenomenology, we can achieve deeper levels and fundamental concepts in architecture whose nature goes beyond a specific climate, environment and time; the elements which represent the relationship between art and religion in Islamic culture. This study is conducted based on Rolf and Johannes Palsma approaches. According to the most important aspects of sense of place in Sheikh Lotfollah mosques such as entrance of the mosque, entrance corridors, walls, ceiling, altar and dome; the emergence from appearance to conscience and the triangular union of physical elements is taking place through light and essence. Accordingly it makes a deep inner dialectical relationship between Sheikh Lotfollah and its observer on the highest level of sense of place. Manuscript profile
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        36 - A Study on Some Mystical Components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish Folk Literature with the Narration of Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi
        Nasrin Rukesh Farhad Kakarash Mehry Pakzad
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lot More
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi, one of the narrators of this story in the form of folklore (oral literature) named as "Beit-e-Kurdi"( Kurdish Verse) which is narrated under the influence of Attar’s Sheikh Sanān, but in terms of anthropology and sociology with a combination of Attar’s mysticism and mystical beliefs of the narrator's period and geography. He has presented a different mystique. This article has been written with the aim of considering the mystical components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish folk literature according to Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi’s narration. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the article show that the Kurdish story of Sheikh Sanān has some differences both in form and content, which indicates the cultural and strong influences and developments of mystical culture in various periods of history. Changes in important influential personalities and even some mystical rites are obvious. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Some Manifestations of Mentor and Sheikh and its Role in Sanai’s Divan
        Farzaneh Dastmard
        Sanai is one of the intellectual poets in mystical literature whose works has been researched from different approaches but whose divan of poems have rarely been scrutinized. One of the outstanding and frequent elements in mysticism and Sufism and Sanai’s divan of More
        Sanai is one of the intellectual poets in mystical literature whose works has been researched from different approaches but whose divan of poems have rarely been scrutinized. One of the outstanding and frequent elements in mysticism and Sufism and Sanai’s divan of poems is the subject on “mentor and sheikh” that as the spiritual guideline they have an effective and undeniable impact on rearing mystic wayfarer and followers of spiritual journey of Tariqa, with whose guidelines wayfarers go through the internal journey and passages and risky paths. This paper tries to explain the standpoint view of this mystical literature about mentors and sheikhs in mystical journey via a descriptive analytic method within the poetic signs and evidences. It is concluded that the availability of guiding mentor is manifested in two forms and dual dimensions, sometimes seeking materialistic joys and virtues and some other times in search of other world’s virtues, dressed as Sufi and ascetic and leadership, free from worldly engagement, and above all love and fatality toward reaching the spiritual and comprehensive mentors of a perfect man. Manuscript profile
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        38 - A review of the status of the Musnadalia in the book of Anas al-Taibin by Shih Ahmad Jam Namaghi
        Jan Mohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Radfar
        Rhetoric is a method that can be used to influence the listener or reader, and it is divided into three parts: meaning, expression, and innovation. The science of semantics, one of the tools to understand the beauty of a text, can be a suitable criterion in evaluating t More
        Rhetoric is a method that can be used to influence the listener or reader, and it is divided into three parts: meaning, expression, and innovation. The science of semantics, one of the tools to understand the beauty of a text, can be a suitable criterion in evaluating the poem and text of a poet or writer. In this research, in a descriptive-analytical way and with library tools; The secondary purposes in the rhetorical use of Musnadali's situations in presenting or delaying and addressing, mentioning or omitting, knowing or rejecting, adjectives and binding have been analyzed based on the books of rhetorical sciences. The analysis of the book of Anas al-Taibin shows that the mention of the Musnadaliyya was more important than its removal, and it seems that his goal in both cases of mentioning or removing the Musnadaliyya was to express the content more in the shortest time, with the greatest emphasis. and in presenting and delaying the Musnadali, the presentation of the Musnadali is more important than its delay, and the Sheikh's motivation for presenting and delaying the Musnad Aliya was for the purposes of "putting the Musnad Aliya in the audience's mind" and expressing "pain and sorrow". For more emphasis, Sheikh Ahmad Jam introduced the Musnad Aliyah by adding it to a noun, pronoun, or adjective, and used the Musnad al-Nakrah less than the Masnad al-Marafa. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Effect of Canopy Protrusion Amount on Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort in the Dome Structure (Case Study: Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque)
        Najme Tavazo Mansour Nik pour Mohsen Ghasemi Hadi Farzan
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        40 - The Qur'anic Approaches of Sheikh Ishraq in the Hayakel-Al Nur treatise
        reihane sadeghi Ahmad Khajeeim
        Sheikh Ishraq (1191-1154) is a well-known scholar and creative philosopher, who, in his mystical and universal perspective, expresses philosophical and epistemological issues.The flavor of his words in the penetration and effectiveness of it is the citation and affirmat More
        Sheikh Ishraq (1191-1154) is a well-known scholar and creative philosopher, who, in his mystical and universal perspective, expresses philosophical and epistemological issues.The flavor of his words in the penetration and effectiveness of it is the citation and affirmations that are related to the verses of the Qur'an. The present study seeks to explore and explain the Qur'anic approach to the Quranic verses and its findings through an analytical-descriptive approach to one of the compilations of this divine wise called Hayakel-Al Nur. The result of this research is that the wisdom and philosophy of Sheikh Sohrevardi in his works are more than anything else based on the Holy Quran and the Islamic teachings, and his transcendent and fundamental ideas are also taken up in this short essay and directly influenced by verses. As well as the themes of the Holy Qur'an. Reflection of these impacts can be found in three forms: statement, report, and lexical. In propositional influence, Sohrevardi takes on the direct assimilation of the verses and collectively refers to six verses from the word of revelation. But most of the Qur'anic approaches are considered, attention to various propositions of the Qur'an and the variety of the implicit use of the verses. This approach is devoted to translate and report, and use semantics of verses, which gives the text content a coherence. Finally, we have mentioned the lexical impact. In this way, Sohrevardi mentions the Qur'anic compositions and compositions, or uses combinations that depend on that Quranic term. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Analysis of the mystical intertextual relations of the republican order with book of orthography based on Gerard Genet's theory
        Elham Ghanavati mohammad ghasemi Ahmad khatibi khiyali aliasgar halabi
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, in which the participation of those texts in the text in question is explicit, implicit, and implicit from one text to another. Gerard Genet is one of the More
        Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, in which the participation of those texts in the text in question is explicit, implicit, and implicit from one text to another. Gerard Genet is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, focusing most of his studies on the nature of narrative discourse. With this view, Suhrawardi's encyclopedias have been evaluated in the position of pre-text and the order of the Republic of Sheikh Kharghani as post-text. In this study, it is shown that Sheikh Kharghani has been influenced by the encyclopedias and most of the intertextuality in the Republic's order has been done implicitly (borrowing and inspiration) and sometimes Kharghani has an implicit view of the encyclopedias. The present article concludes that Sheikh Kharghani is in a mystical-intellectual atmosphere similar to Suhrawardi, and this closeness has led to the creation of commonalities and conceptual similarities in the work. In this research, intertextuality has been studied in the republican order and after studying the theoretical foundations, it has been adapted to Suhrawardi's encyclopedias. The result presented in a library method and in an analytical-descriptive way proves the intertextuality in the work. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Sheikh Hassan Mawlanabad’s Biography, Works and Sufism
        Sayyed Mohammad Khalid GHafari Mohammad Erfan Parsa
        Sheikh Hassan from Molan Abad (a village of Saqqez in Kurdistan province) was an obscure author, poet and theologist in Kurdistan in the end of Safavi dynasty. Unfortunately there has been no research on his life and he has been left unknown since then. While Sheikh Ha More
        Sheikh Hassan from Molan Abad (a village of Saqqez in Kurdistan province) was an obscure author, poet and theologist in Kurdistan in the end of Safavi dynasty. Unfortunately there has been no research on his life and he has been left unknown since then. While Sheikh Hassan had great effect on his society that time, his religious as well as literary piece of work are little known to people of these days. In this article we have tried to clarify some aspects of his life including: his education as well as his theological and scientific works. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The Tradition of Quran politico-social Research in Contemporary Iran(Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi and Asadollah Kharaghani)
        Sayyed Mohsen Ale Sayyed ghafur Mona Hamidinasab
        The purpose of this study is to study the flow of socio-political intellectual interactive structures and to identify the alternative components of the discursive order of religion and politics in the development of Iran's thought system. The historical writing of the t More
        The purpose of this study is to study the flow of socio-political intellectual interactive structures and to identify the alternative components of the discursive order of religion and politics in the development of Iran's thought system. The historical writing of the tradition of "new-thinking Islam" is the main focus of this research. The main question of this article is about the Islamic neo-thinker's approach in the interactive relationship between original sources and the fight against the intellectual degeneration of Muslims in the political society. And what changes did this tradition see in the first Pahlavi period and what kind of connection (contradiction, friction and dialogues) did it experience with other traditions such as Faqahati Islamic tradition? The research method in this article is descriptive and analytical. Designing and answering these questions requires knowing and re-understanding the history of Iran and the history of the political thought of modern Iran. The tradition of Navandish Islam is the result of efforts and struggles of three ancient traditions, Islamic and Western. In this tradition, Iranian-Islamic concepts and teachings, which rest in an aura of heavenly and otherworldly sanctity, are mixed with the western tradition, which has an earthly perception of them, and a reinterpretation of Islam is presented. This tradition, on the one hand, deprived the political sphere of heavenly sanctity and considered the public sphere to belong to the people, and on the other hand, it did not consider science to be in conflict with religion, but considered the goal of both to be the same. Therefore, this article examines the tradition of political research on the Qur'an by studying the views of two scholars, Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi and Asadullah Kharaghani Manuscript profile
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        44 - Investigating the contexts of the use of miracles in the Kashf al-Mahjoob Hojwiri And its comparison with the Resaleye Qosheiriyeh
        Fathiyatosadat sadat.karamooz Dr.ِِREZA ASHRAFZADEH Dr.majid taghavi
          Dignity in the culture of Islamic mysticism is one of the most widely used terms and concepts. This issue has not only stopped at the theoretical level, but has also been reflected in the practical history of Muslim mystics. They have used it to achieve various p More
          Dignity in the culture of Islamic mysticism is one of the most widely used terms and concepts. This issue has not only stopped at the theoretical level, but has also been reflected in the practical history of Muslim mystics. They have used it to achieve various personal and social goals. In this article, we intend to deal with the fields of application of miracles in the practical life of Sufism based on the opinions of two well-known personalities in the field of Islamic mysticism, namely Ali ibn Osman Hojwiri (author of Kashf al-Mahjoob) and Abolghasem Qosheiri (author of Resaleye Qosheiriyeh). For this purpose, descriptive and analytical methods have been used and data collection has been done based on library resources. Also, the statistical population of the research is the books of Kashf al-Mahjoob and the Resaleye Qosheiriyeh. Dignity in Hojwiri's and Qosheiri's views has two individual and social dimensions. In other words, mystics have sometimes used dignity to fulfill personal desires and sometimes for the public good. In general, the common areas of application in these two works are: mind reading and frosting; capturing the forces and elements of nature; hearing Hatef's voice; talking to the prophets in life and death; communication with animals; healing patients. The distinguishing features of the application of dignity in these two works are the greater variety and breadth of the Resaleye Qosheiriyeh and the multiplicity of its examples and parables than the discovery of the obligatory and the more prominent theoretical aspect of the satirical work. Also, Hojwiri refers to miracles such as: talking to God and tying the phrase on the body of the deceased Sheikh, and as a result of a layer of miracles such as: knowledge of the unseen, possession of objects, Sheikh's conversation with the tree, and death and voluntary life. Come Manuscript profile
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        45 - Comparison of Qalandari themes in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam and Hafez Shirazi
        , Jan Mohammad Afrazi, Hamid Tabasi, . Abolghasem Radfar
         Qalandaria is a branch of blame that has done some things contrary to religion for the sake of violence and has left a great impact on Persian literature. Iranian and Islamic mysticism began with asceticism and at some point merged with Sufism; He then entered a s More
         Qalandaria is a branch of blame that has done some things contrary to religion for the sake of violence and has left a great impact on Persian literature. Iranian and Islamic mysticism began with asceticism and at some point merged with Sufism; He then entered a stage in which some of his literature was called Qalandar literature. The influence of Qalandari thoughts in Persian mystical poetry started from Sanai and reached the highest level of development in Hafez. The poets of Qalandariyat spoke of their desire for love, Qalandariyya, drunkenness and passion, and criticized the scholars and ascetics. In Qalandariyat, words such as: Tasbih, Khaneghah, Kharqah, Asceticism, Sajjada, Sufi, Faqih, Mosque, School, etc. have been ridiculed, and in contrast, words such as: Dir Moghan, Magh, Maghbcheh, May, It has many uses. In this research, by descriptive-analytical method and library tools, the concepts of Qalandar in Hafez Divan and the works of poetry and prose of Ahmad Jam have been studied and compared. The results of the research show that Hafez and Sheikh Ahmad Jam have emphasized the issue of hypocrisy of religious people and Sharia more than others; Because the corruption that is created in this way in the society is much worse than the corruption of other classes. Also, Hafez and Sheikh Jam have emphasized the condemnation of selfishness and avoidance of the world and carnal habits. Hafez's wide range of views includes political, social, cultural, and religious issues; But Ahmad Jam has not mentioned the political characteristics of his society. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Explaining the Role of Light on Quality of the Architectural Spaces in Iranian Mosques
        Fariba Alborzi Farah Habib Iraj Etessam
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        47 - THE Study of Mufid political and intellectual interaction with gowernors of Buveyhid
        leila taghavi bahram amani
        Iranian Shi'a commanders of Buveyhid  was able to overcome the Abbasid caliphates of Baghdad more than a century .and  they perform  worthy services of the social, cultural and Intellectual  in Iran and Iraq, and also provided Appropriate space for More
        Iranian Shi'a commanders of Buveyhid  was able to overcome the Abbasid caliphates of Baghdad more than a century .and  they perform  worthy services of the social, cultural and Intellectual  in Iran and Iraq, and also provided Appropriate space for religious and academic  activities of Shiites. at this time the great Shiite scholars such as Sheikh Mufid, Sheikh Sadough and seyed Mortazi were engaged in teaching. - In this paper, interactions  governors Buveyhid  with one of the largest Shiite scholars Sheikh Mufid'  was studied, This study shows that on the one hand Sheikh as famous Shia scholar by holding discussant sessions, writing many books and educating students attempted for dynamics of Shiite jurisprudence and theology .On the other hand Depending on the time of He had a limited relationship and interaction with the rulers (They were a Shi'ite tendencies)  he was in great standing with the some commanders of Buveyhid sucha zdaldvlh. But at the same time, sheikh mufid   In the second half of his life,( Which coincides with weakness of Buveyhid Rulers and Abbasid power reorientation , and thus weaken the position of the Shiites) exiled Thrice  following shia- sunni conflict. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Russian ultimatum to Iran and agha sheikh Mohammad Hosein Maghsoodlou
        abolhasan shahvari fatemeh taghati
        In terms of economic chaos in Iran , parliment got decision to invite the financial advisors . as an example of these counsellors was Morgan Shoster ( an American counsellor who will act aggressively ). shuster' measurs weren't pleasing to government who had poletical a More
        In terms of economic chaos in Iran , parliment got decision to invite the financial advisors . as an example of these counsellors was Morgan Shoster ( an American counsellor who will act aggressively ). shuster' measurs weren't pleasing to government who had poletical and economic desires in Iran . shuster's order, based upon the confiscation of Shoaosaltane 'properties (Mohammadali Shah's brother). because of his dept to Iranian government . as a result of this , Russian government provoked and to ask for expellining of shuster from Iran. Russian ultimatum was accepted by the Iranian government but didn't accept by the natinal consulative assembly. the presence of nationalist representative and country devoted  and their insistance on the rejection of ultimatum and intervene in internal affairs of Iran convert the field between the government and parliment . as an example of liberal delegates ,Haj Mohammaad Maqsudlu (Ester abad representative)that with a short and histirical speech destined epopee and resistence and prid for Iranian people against foreigners.in this research tried to deliberate about the role of haj mohammad hossein in ultimatum event Manuscript profile
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        49 - Impression of Zahediyeh sect to Safavid's Sufism
        abbas panahe
        Sufism had enjoyed of penetration and more antiquity like other territory of Iran. Sheikh Zahed Guilani established Gnostic movement which had rarely differences with other mystical groups in Iran. However, the base of Zahediyeh's Sufism as on poverty and mendacity, but More
        Sufism had enjoyed of penetration and more antiquity like other territory of Iran. Sheikh Zahed Guilani established Gnostic movement which had rarely differences with other mystical groups in Iran. However, the base of Zahediyeh's Sufism as on poverty and mendacity, but Sheikh Zahed because of  political and economical penetration which had found in Guilan, Shervan, Aran, Azarbayjan was respected by local and Ilkhani's kings.  In spite of the mass number of Sheikh Zahed folowers, Shervan's rulers was always shocked with fear and dread. Because Disciples of Sheikh were more than their forces. After joining Sheikh Safi –al - Din Ardebili to him, on the base of the heritage which Sheikh Zahed had carried to him, the mystical method was created by him. It seems, Sheikh Safi in spite of spiritual motivations and wealth had paid attention to the pecuniary of Sheikh till to increase his power in this way. Besides of this issue, Sheikh Safi, by transferring lordship  from Sheikh Zahed family to himself after getting married with Sheikh Zahed's daughter, provided the background of mixed thought of political civil of Iran for his dynasty. This article is investigating Zahediyeh's Sufism and its influence on Safavid Sufism. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Interpretation of the Concept of Public Interest, Accordance with the Thoughts of Who Advocate Constitutionalism with Emphasis on the Opinion of Sheikh Ismael Mahallti Gravy.
        Nazanin Zahra Broghani Seyyed Mohammadreza Ahmadi Tabatabaei jalal dorakhshah
        The concept of public expediency in the context of the history of Shia political thought and in different eras has been the focus of thinkers, including these jurists who have paid attention to the concept of expediency in the context of constitutional thought. The dist More
        The concept of public expediency in the context of the history of Shia political thought and in different eras has been the focus of thinkers, including these jurists who have paid attention to the concept of expediency in the context of constitutional thought. The distinction between constitutionalism and monarchy knew that this important approach is at the threshold of the constitutionalism movement from the mothers of new political thought. The present study tries to show in what context Mahalati thought in the context of Mahalati's idea by using Skinner's interpretative approach while focusing on theept of public interest in the political thought of Mahalati? The hypothesis of his research states that the political thought of Mahalati is based on the defense of constitutionalism based on the observance of public interests, emphasizing on the constitutional government in accordance with rational arguments and the adaptation of religion in the age of occultation. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Reading the thought of neo-traditionalism in contemporary Iranian architecture based on Heidegger's philosophical hermeneutics (by examining the thoughts of Hossein Sheikh Zain al-Din)
        faezeh amiripouya Khosrow Afzalian IRAJ ETESAM Mohsen Tabbasi
        AbstractHeidegger, the founder of philosophical hermeneutics, whose most important concern is the neglect of existence. Philosophical hermeneutics, in the strict sense of the word, clearly refers to understanding, and pure understanding. In the process of perception and More
        AbstractHeidegger, the founder of philosophical hermeneutics, whose most important concern is the neglect of existence. Philosophical hermeneutics, in the strict sense of the word, clearly refers to understanding, and pure understanding. In the process of perception and understanding of any category, there are basically two directions. Considering that understanding is achieved in different ways, perhaps it is better to attribute this transfer to the message. Therefore, hermeneutics is proposed in art and architecture. The thought of the architect and the audience can be two desired aspects in architecture. Therefore, the thought of contemporary Iranian architects is one of the topics that can be read on this basis.Sheikh Zain al-Din is one of those architects who looks for dynamism and change in the essence of architecture, so the purpose of this research is to read his thought based on philosophical hermeneutics. which can be used to define a new language for today's architecture.The research method of this research is logical reasoning. Since logical reasoning is based on words; The present research is qualitative in terms of the nature of the data. Therefore, it is a descriptive form that tends to the process of meaning and understanding resulting from words; To clarify the relationships between elements and concepts, the technique of discourse analysis through lectures and interviews in specialized architectural press; is used and finally coding and discourse analysis is done.In the reading of Sheikh Zainuddin's thought based on Heidegger's philosophical hermeneutics, the most important point is historicity. Historicity in key words such as paying attention to the past, present and future, the past in stable tradition, the present in today's architecture, the past, present and future are three important key words in the architect's discourse. Therefore, today's architectural language can be determined. The characteristics of this architectural language are the lack of conflict between tradition and progress, which can establish a peaceful relationship between world architecture and traditional architecture. In the thought of the neo-traditionalist architect, the transformation of man from the past to the future takes place by using the achievements of the past and with a new expression in the new world. Therefore, man is present with fluidity and flow. Key words: philosophical hermeneutics, neo-traditionalism, contemporary Iranian architecture, Sheikh Zainuddinreferences Ahmadi, Babak, Mohajer, Mehran and Mohammad Nabavi. (2014). Modern hermeneutics, 11th edition, Tehran. Bani Massoud, Amir. (2014). Contemporary architecture of Iran (in the pursuit of tradition and modernity), architectural art of the century, Tehran. Palmer, Richard. A. (2011). Science of hermeneutics, translated by Mohammad Saeed Hanai Kashani, Tehran, Hermes. Partoui, Parvin. (1378). Phenomenology of Place, Tehran, Art Culture Pahlavan, Maryam, Hosseini Shahroudi, Morteza. (1386). A Reflection on Heidegger and Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Andishe Dini Quarterly, Number 22, 41-62 Sheikh Zain al-Din, Hossein. (2013). Thoughts of contemporary architects of Iran, interviewer: Seyed Alireza Qahari, Esmail Azadi (philosophy, art and architecture), first volume, Saba Farhang Publishing. Habibi, Seyyed Mohsen, (1400), description of the currents of architecture and urban planning in contemporary Iran, Cultural Research Publications, Tehran. Hasanpour, Mohammad, Kayhanpour, Mohsen and Alireza Nowrozi Talab. (2015). The nature of the hermeneutic round of understanding, in the aesthetics of photo interpretation, Bagh Nazar, No. 44, 5-12 Haghir, Saeed. (1381). Effar, work, audience of the hermeneutic world in the reading of architectural text, Zeba Noght, 7th issue, 117-126 Refahi, Hoda, Javaid Sabaghian, Moqdad (2016). Contextual analysis of neo-traditionalism in contemporary Iranian art (1340s) from the perspective of Michel Foucault's discourse theory, Scientific Research Quarterly of Kimiai Honar, No. 6, 23-37 Rajabi, Ruholah, Suleiman Heshmat, Reza. (2014). Language in Heidegger's Thought, Wisdom and Philosophy, No. 4, 23-40. Sheikh Zainuddin, Hossein A (1378). From appearance to imagination, Architecture and Urban Development Journal, number fifty-five, 74-70. Sheikh Zain al-Din, Hossein B (1378). The identity of the occupier, Architecture and Urban Development Journal, No. 50, 36-39. Sheikh Zainuddin, Hossein (1372). The Guest Years, Architecture and Urban Development Journal, No. 42, No. 42. Sheikh Zainuddin, Hossein (1382). Language, Space, Architecture, Art and Architecture Journal, No. 17, 21. Sheikh Zainuddin, Hossein (1381). Language and technique, Memar Magazine, No. 17, 28-45. Sheikh Zainuddin, Hossein (1377). Hafezieh guesthouse, Memar magazine, number one, 14-20. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Islamic-Iranian Progress Model in Urban sociology Studies Based on Reading of the Book “Man Lā Yahḍuruhū al-Faqīh”
        Hamid Karamati Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Aziz javanpourheravi
        Establishing modern Islamic civilization requires specific indicators and theoretical foundations of its own civilization. Urban studies in Islamic-Iranian civilization needs application of the original intellectual concepts in the civilization scope in relevance to the More
        Establishing modern Islamic civilization requires specific indicators and theoretical foundations of its own civilization. Urban studies in Islamic-Iranian civilization needs application of the original intellectual concepts in the civilization scope in relevance to the Islamic-Iranian identity. The noble book of “Man Lā Yahḍuruhū al-Faqīh” written by Sheikh Saduq is one of the most valuable and important books of Shia in Islamic civilization. This research aimed to express the basic concepts of the Islamic-Iranian progress model in the field of urban sociology studies based on the reading of the Man Lā Yahḍuruhū al-Faqīh”. The research methodology was descriptive-analytic conducted by documentary studies method. In each of the three socio-cultural, structural and economic dimensions in the field of urban sociology studies based on the text of this book, the basic and fundamental concepts have been discussed. The findings of the research indicated that in the field of urban  studies, the Islamic basic and fundamental concepts based on the Man Lā Yahḍuruhū al-Faqīh can be applied in the three socio-cultural, structural and economic dimensions in the material and spiritual life of the city. The results of the research can pave the way to adopt and implement the basic concepts of the Islamic-Iranian progress model in the field of urban building knowledge and urbanization. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Social and Cultural Heritage of Murshidia in the City Of Khonj and Its Southern Regions (Seventh and Eighth Century Ah)
        azam rahemejabere
        Khonj, a region in southern part of Fars, is considered as a stopover of the Persian Gulf beach. In the seventh century AH, a branch of Murshidia was founded there by Sheikh Rokn-O-Din Danial Khonji, causing widespread developments in this area and south of the Fars pro More
        Khonj, a region in southern part of Fars, is considered as a stopover of the Persian Gulf beach. In the seventh century AH, a branch of Murshidia was founded there by Sheikh Rokn-O-Din Danial Khonji, causing widespread developments in this area and south of the Fars province. Murshidia was initially founded by Shaikh abu Ishaq Kazaroni in Kazeroun, in the second half of the 4th century AH, and extended to most parts of Iran till the early nineteenth-century AD; and especially to Khonj, as an evidence of the flourishing and influential era of this trend. In this regard, the present article with a descriptive analytical method, investigate the effects of Murshidia followers on the cultural, social, and historical life of the city of Khonj. The cultural and social context of this city is being explored to explain the influence of Murshidia on the region. By studying the natural and cultural geography of the city, it is concluded that the strong social status of the Sufis, belief in the spirituality of Sheikh Abu Isaq Kazerouni, provision of social services, support of the rulers and being placed on the business road are among the effective reasons in development of Murshidia's tradition in Khonj. These reasons made a background for the important influences of the disciples on the cultural and historical life of this region. Manuscript profile
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        54 - A Reflection on Ahmad Ahsai's Influence on the Qajar Politicai Historey in the First Quarter of the 19th Century
        javad abbasi kangevari amirteymour rafiei Reza Shabani Samghabadi
        AbstractAt a time when the war between major European powers over the seizure of resources of Asian and African countries had also made Iran the scene of these conflicts, and given the Iranians' lack of readiness to enter new and clever battles, important evidence such More
        AbstractAt a time when the war between major European powers over the seizure of resources of Asian and African countries had also made Iran the scene of these conflicts, and given the Iranians' lack of readiness to enter new and clever battles, important evidence such as: Mehdi Ali Khan's success in engaging Fath Ali Shah with Afghans, France's five-month honeymoon with Iran from Finckenstein to Tilsit, the fictitious brawl between the Indian company representatives and the British Foreign Office (James - Minto) in front of Fathali Shah, and the deceptive thirty-month trip of Abul Hassan Khan Ilchi and James Morier to London, and frequent and full of deception ceasefire recommendations of Russia to Iran throughout the two-phase wars and etc., are irrefutable evidence of the Iranians getting politically played and deceived. Under these circumstances, the arrival of a new school of thought in Iran called Sheikhia headed by Ahmad Ahsaie’s , had devastating effects on the Iranian Political Historey during this period, including courtiers, religious schools, and the general public. Using library research, this paper focuses on a corner of this issue, that so far has not been discussed in detail, due to the gravity of the effects of the issues on each other. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Historical Geography of North Azerbaijan and the Caucasus Based on Sources of Safavid Era
        shahram panahi khiyavi
        During the second half of 9th to 10th hijra centuries/fifteen to sixteen centuries A.D, Safavid era annalists recorded the military actions of Late Sheikh in Safavid dynasty in the northern parts of Azerbaijan and some parts of the Caucasus. However, based on the inform More
        During the second half of 9th to 10th hijra centuries/fifteen to sixteen centuries A.D, Safavid era annalists recorded the military actions of Late Sheikh in Safavid dynasty in the northern parts of Azerbaijan and some parts of the Caucasus. However, based on the information, summary examples of issues related to the anthropology and historical geography of the areas discussed are obtained. Nevertheless, the simple question of the present study is: Based on remarks made by the historians, what are the issues in the field of political and human geography in the north of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus? The above question will guide us to this hypothesis: the geographical factor has an influential role on the historical events of that period, and consequently the actions and challenges of progress, appropriate creeds of Safavid sheikhs in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus is the place of curiosity. So, the main findings of the research show two fundamental points: First, the provided information is in agreement with the current features of North Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. Secondly, from the point of view of Safavid historians, the geographical distribution of the mentioned areas has been important merely due to the introduction of its communication and so, this information only respond to a small portion of our unknowns in that period. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Imam Ali's (as) strategy against the intellectual current of the Sheikhs during the Caliphate
        seyd mohsen sharifi shokrollah khakrand
        The intellectual current of the Sheikhs, who are also known as supporters of the school of the first caliphs, is one of the most important currents of thought during the reign of Imam Ali (AS), which is the result of the thought and behavior of the first caliphs during More
        The intellectual current of the Sheikhs, who are also known as supporters of the school of the first caliphs, is one of the most important currents of thought during the reign of Imam Ali (AS), which is the result of the thought and behavior of the first caliphs during 25 years of caliphate. The main question of this research is what was the strategy of Imam Ali (AS) against this current of thought, which requires understanding the nature and characteristics of the ideas of this current and its objective manifestations in society. Providing a method and a logical basis for the Imam's approach to this current of thought with emphasis on the historical and social conditions of society is one of the objectives of this study, which shows the complete nobility of the Imam over the society of his time. To answer this question, a descriptive historical method is used along with the content analysis of the texts, because it is a kind of historical research that is done based on tradition and history and also considers the issues of flow and cognition of society. The hypothesis of this research is based on the fact that Imam Ali (AS) at the beginning of the government could not explicitly criticize the Sheikhin school due to the influence of Sheikhin's thought in the Islamic society. However, the findings of this study show that in the second half of his rule, Manuscript profile
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        57 - Analytical analysis of the ideas of Ayatollah Lari and Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi in the Constitutional Revolution
        mohammad Bidgoli asghar rajabi dehborzoei
        Iran's constitutional revolution was the beginning of a meaningful system and an important intellectual, conceptual, political and social transformation in the contemporary history of Iran, which over time led to transformations and the creation of various discourses. A More
        Iran's constitutional revolution was the beginning of a meaningful system and an important intellectual, conceptual, political and social transformation in the contemporary history of Iran, which over time led to transformations and the creation of various discourses. Ayatollah Seyed Abdul Hossein Lari from the Sharia-oriented discourse and Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi from the religious modernism discourse both belong to the constitutionalist discourse. The question of the current research is the analytical analysis of the thoughts of Ayatollah Seyyed Abdul Hossein Lari and Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi about the constitution. The method used in this article is the conflict-centered discursive method of Michel Peshu, and by adopting a historical-analytical approach, it examines the opinions and thoughts of two great Shia clerics in the constitutional revolution. The findings of the article indicate that the confrontation of Ayatollah Seyyed Abdul Hossein Lari and Sheikh Hadi Najmabadi with the requirements of the new world and its issues, although it was done by relying on the element of rationality and using logical and reasonable reasoning, but their perception of this category of constitutionalism was different and of course had different consequences. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Investigation of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Isfahan and Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul with a body-centered approach
        Alireza Haj vaziri parnaz Godarzparvari Esmaeil Baniardalan
        According to the body-centered approach and relying on it, the present research tested the geometric motifs in mosques in terms of similarities and differences. In this research, the type of data was historical and mainly qualitative data, therefore, the upcoming resear More
        According to the body-centered approach and relying on it, the present research tested the geometric motifs in mosques in terms of similarities and differences. In this research, the type of data was historical and mainly qualitative data, therefore, the upcoming research was placed in the field of non-judgmental qualitative research. In this research, qualitative content analysis based on comparative, analytical method was used. Based on the observation of documents and library sources, their bases were explained and studied and analyzed. The tools used in the different stages of the study are: a checklist for closed and, if necessary, open interviews with relevant researchers and professors in this case, and recording the desired images through reliable internet sources, drawing tables related to the discussed geometric patterns using Related software and snapshots of available documents and resources. Based on the researches, the use of Islami and Khatai and inscriptions are common features of the two mosques, which are implemented in different divisions, compositions and colors, but this difference does not create a different feeling in viewer, and both mosques instill peace in human existence. This issue is actually due to the mystery of painting that gives unity to whole building in Islamic buildings and despite the difference between the two buildings, there is a show of homogeneity and dominance of pattern and decoration over form in such a way that the form is behind the decoration and in line with the concepts and Islamic values are a message of unity and integration. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Sheikh Bahai's hesitations concerning cooperation with the Safavid government
        Rafat Khajeh yar
        Safavid state formation and the recognition of the Shiite religion in Iran led to the presence of Shiite scholars even from the surrounding lands in Iran, especially during the reign of Shah Tahmasb, when many scholars of Jabal Amel turned to his court and became promin More
        Safavid state formation and the recognition of the Shiite religion in Iran led to the presence of Shiite scholars even from the surrounding lands in Iran, especially during the reign of Shah Tahmasb, when many scholars of Jabal Amel turned to his court and became prominent religious officials, mostly in cooperation with the Safavid government. And the second and third generations of these scholars continued to cooperate with the Safavid government in the following decades.Sheikh Baha'i is a descendant of the Jabal Amel scholars who held the position of the highest religious official during the reign of Shah Abbas I. As a prominent Shiite scholar, he collaborated with the Safavid government, but He looks at it and even mentions it as polytheism. Using descriptive and analytical methods, this article uses historical sources to first present a picture of the Safavid rule during the reign of Shah Abbas I and then to analyze the performance of Sheikh Baha'i and his interaction with the Safavid state. Manuscript profile
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        60 - A Muhaddith from Balkh with a background from Bom Ray; Analyzing the hadith character of Hossein bin Muhammad Oshnani in the Imamiya culture with an emphasis on the works of Sadouq
        sayed mohammad mousavi hosin sattar hamid reza fahimitabar
        Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani is one of the Sunni and Sunni scholars of Religious Religion in the fourth century AH. Boom Ray, with an ancient and rooted past, has been the home of many of the narrators and narrators. The assignment of Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani to Ray More
        Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani is one of the Sunni and Sunni scholars of Religious Religion in the fourth century AH. Boom Ray, with an ancient and rooted past, has been the home of many of the narrators and narrators. The assignment of Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani to Ray and his position in the hadith books of Ibn Babuiyyah is worthy of study. A Sunni jurisprudents are interested in the Ahlul -Bayt with a background from Ray that the traditions of the Marwi in Imamiyyah sources are often in the field of the virtues of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Although Shiite sources have been considered one of the Imam's elders, Sheikh Saduq's specific descriptions of the Imam Khomeini make him serious. Saduq described him as al -Adl, and the term is located for the conflict of votes among the researchers. In this essay, the title of one of the Sunni elders is identified. To illustrate the role of Saduq in the transfer of Sunni news to the Imamiyyah as one of his narratives, "Ya'ali Lak Kenz in al -Jinnah and An end of the Cornea", and considers the news of the concluded news. This study aimed Imamiyyah emphasizes the works of Saduq and with an analytical descriptive method to evaluate the identity of Rijali and hadith. Manuscript profile
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        61 - The Historical Evolution of the Concept of “al-Ghuluww” In the Three Shiite Schools of Kufa, Qum and Baghdad
        Fereydun Mohammadi Fam Seyyed Mahid Nabawi
        The issue of exaggeration (ghuluw) and its typical examples has always been discussed during the history of the Imamiya, and there has been a discrepancy about the extent of its existence. Some of their beliefs were sometimes considered Ghuluw and sometimes were regarde More
        The issue of exaggeration (ghuluw) and its typical examples has always been discussed during the history of the Imamiya, and there has been a discrepancy about the extent of its existence. Some of their beliefs were sometimes considered Ghuluw and sometimes were regarded as the standard Imamiyeh doctrines. In this paper, try to investigate the Historical evolution of the concept of Guluw in the three schools of Kufa, Qom and Baghdad, and find the origins of the differences existing in them. Besides that, we seek to know which important characters were in these schools, and why their views were accused of ghuluw. In this article, some characters such as, Jabir ibne-Yazid al- J’ufi, Mufadla ibne-Omar, Ibne- Abiya’four, and Hisham ibne- Hakam from the Kuffah and, Sheikh Saduq, from Um school and, Sheikh Mufid from Baghdad school were studied. The research was conducted in a descriptive and analytical as a library one. As a result, It seems that Some of these figures who quoted special Hadiths which Ahl al-Bayt would narrate them only to their very close companions (who shared secret facts with Imam) , caused people to call them Ghali. Also, some beliefs, (such as Sahv Al-Nabi) were considered ghuluww in a school while in another one, it was not ghuluww. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Ibn Bābiwayh’s Works Regarding Hazrat-e Zahra
        seyyed mohsen musavi
        Shiite writings about the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) have been formed since the presence of the Imams. It is imperative to review the lists, recognize the writings attributed to the scientists, and trace, revive, and reconstruct them in the contemporary era. Meanwhile, the specia More
        Shiite writings about the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) have been formed since the presence of the Imams. It is imperative to review the lists, recognize the writings attributed to the scientists, and trace, revive, and reconstruct them in the contemporary era. Meanwhile, the special attitude of Shiites towards Hazrat Fatima (PBUH), the belief in her infallibility and her high spiritual position, and the authenticity of her speeches, like Hadith, have always been ridiculed by the opposition since the beginning of Islam. Such extensive works have led to the creation of a lot of works about Hazrat Zahra (PBUH). Among the authors of the works about her is Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Bābiwayh Qumi, who has written four independent works about Hazrat Fatima (PBUH). In this study, we will try to identify in a descriptive-analytical methods, his writings and the evidence for paying attention to them in Shiite culture. The aim of this study is to summarize the evidence of the origin of these works and to collect the remaining parts of them. Manuscript profile
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        63 - An Approach to Islamic Feminism: A Reading of Sa’diyeh Sheikh's Perspective and Her Feminist Processing of Ibn Arabi's Opinions
        Mohammad Sadegh HedayatZadsh Soheyla Piruzfar
        One of the most controversial issues in recent decades is the issue and position of women in Islam. Different currents of thought have discussed about this field from their own perspective. In the meantime, the so-called "Islamic feminism", which has been growing in rec More
        One of the most controversial issues in recent decades is the issue and position of women in Islam. Different currents of thought have discussed about this field from their own perspective. In the meantime, the so-called "Islamic feminism", which has been growing in recent decades, has addressed this issue with various Qur'anic, jurisprudential, historical and mystical approaches. In this descriptive‑analytical article, the historical course of Sa’diyeh Sheikh's views as one of the figures of the Islamic feminist movement is extracted and it is shown that she became acquainted with Islamic mysticism and Sufism, inspired by Faḍlu al‑Rahmān's attitude. Using the linguistic features of the language of revelation and paying attention to the historical contexts of the emergence of the text and methods such as feminist hermeneutic, she started writing about women, but after familiarity with Islamic mysticism and especially Ibn ‘Arabi, Sa’diyeh Sheikh's research changed with a feminist processing of Ibn ‘Arabi's views. In order to provide the anthropological issues necessary for a fundamental review of jurisprudence and to help the emergence of feminist jurisprudence, she has considered concepts such as "perfect man" and "Jalal and Jamal attributes " with a feminist reading that in some challenging issues such as "degree" (The superiority of man over woman), "the testimony of women" and "the creation of Eve from Adam's left rib" are manifested. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Legacy recognition khorasan's soufies in sadughs books.
        sakine ansari Ali ِAdelzadeh
        among the different narrative traditions , interaction has always been done. the hadith tradition is also seen as one of powerful hadith traditions influenced the other traditions throughout history as impressions have already taken place. The present article will under More
        among the different narrative traditions , interaction has always been done. the hadith tradition is also seen as one of powerful hadith traditions influenced the other traditions throughout history as impressions have already taken place. The present article will undertake the discovery and explanation of the relations and the interaction of sheikh sadugh . as one of the pillars of shia hadith with tasavof tradition in the fourth century. saduq is one of the most important and influential Shia Muslims , with many trips to various points .It is one of the most important voyages of travel to khorasan and to dwell therein .Sufism had been an important part of the spiritual structure of the Khorasan community in that time according to the default of this study , in the interaction and the mutual impressions of various hadith traditions as well as long - term stay in khorasan the main question of this paper is whether between sheikh saduq as one of the scholars of the shia style is linked to a hadith tradition of mysticism .The results of the study show that Sheikh saduq in some of his works reported that he had been a mystic source Manuscript profile
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        65 - A nasebi narrator in the series of sadugh masters (shaykhs).
        hosin sattar kowthar yoosofi
        Ibn Babawiyyah as the great narrator of the Shiite worldIn her travels, she has always used many scholars and elders with different Shiite and non-Shiite ideas. In the meantime, the existence of one of the nominees mentioned by Saduq with the meanings of "we are the rig More
        Ibn Babawiyyah as the great narrator of the Shiite worldIn her travels, she has always used many scholars and elders with different Shiite and non-Shiite ideas. In the meantime, the existence of one of the nominees mentioned by Saduq with the meanings of "we are the right of my appointment"; It occupies the minds of why and how to use these elders. "Abu Nasr Ahmad Ibn Al-Hussein Al-Dhabi" is present in 4 works of Sadiq with such a description But it is very unknown in Rajali's works This research intends to analyze the works and news of Dhabi in a descriptive, analytical manner . Dhabi narrations on various subjects are sometimes cited by jurists, even the Imams, as the narration of the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt can be seen in her narrations.Give a better understanding of this character from the point of view of Ibn Babawiyyah and all his contemporaries. This study introduces Dhabi news in Shiite sources from narrated hadiths The descendants of Saduq have given this Shiite color and smell to this news only by looking at the sources of Saduq And they have even used it in their jurisprudential sources. In this way, by exploring the environment and culture of Neishabour and the elders and students of Abu Nasr, it provides us with new information. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Analysis of the Defense Discourse of Ali Salman, Secretary General of the Al-Wefaq Society of Bahrain, in Al Khalifa Court
        alireza Beygi hasan majidi
        After the 2011 revolution the Bahraini government arrested mainly Shiite leaders under various pretexts.One of these people is Ali Salman, the secretary general of the Jamiat al-Wefaq. Despite cooperating with the regime in the negotiation process and fulfilling the dem More
        After the 2011 revolution the Bahraini government arrested mainly Shiite leaders under various pretexts.One of these people is Ali Salman, the secretary general of the Jamiat al-Wefaq. Despite cooperating with the regime in the negotiation process and fulfilling the demands of the Bahraini regime in calming the movement, he was eventually arrested by Al-Khalifa and defended himself in court. The purpose of this study is to identify the prevailing discourse and the authority of Salman as a window to get acquainted with one of Bahrain's political discourses.This article seeks to explain and analyze Ali Salman's defense in the Bahraini court and to answer the question of what are the discourse components governing Ali Salman's defense in the Bahraini government court?Findings of this article that have been compiled using interpretive method and discourse and analytical analysis;It represents a kind of moderate and reformist discourse(as opposed to revolutionary discourse)in Salman's defense.Among the qualitative variables mentioned in the analysis of Van Dijk`s critical discourse,Salman has used the words, quotation, good interpretation and polarization the most.The hypothesis of this research is that the Al-Khalifa regime is not reformable and always tries to keep the Bahraini people away from the movement by making baseless promises Manuscript profile
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        67 - A review of the content of the masnavi "Toufatu Al-Ahbab" by Sheikh Obaidullah Nahri with an emphasis on mystical analysis
        Parvin Parsa Farhad Kakerash
        Analyzing and understanding literary works is a scientific and methodical approach in stylistics, and it is very important to know and examine the special way that the poet used to express the concepts in his work. Tuhfa Al-Ahbab is a mystical poem written by Sheikh Oba More
        Analyzing and understanding literary works is a scientific and methodical approach in stylistics, and it is very important to know and examine the special way that the poet used to express the concepts in his work. Tuhfa Al-Ahbab is a mystical poem written by Sheikh Obaidullah Nahri (1310-1247 AH), a Kurdish poet and mystic during the Qajar period, which was written in the form of a Masnavi and in the introduction of the Naqshbandi sect, their thoughts, teachings and behavior. The gift of loved ones can be examined from many aspects; But what is discussed in this research is the mystical analysis of the book, and with all its importance, there has not been any systematic and specific research in its introduction. In order to achieve this goal, the authors have used a descriptive-analytical research method and have reached the conclusion that the poet had a place in following the Sufi style of masnavis of classical and didactic poetry and was able to explore the themes of Sufism, especially Naqshbandi, with a new perspective. Captivating and charming, mystical and literary allusions, smooth and rhythmic language in Masnavi, give this literary and mystical work a special personality. Nazem has a special style in introducing mystics and flag bearers, and in writing the book, he has a structured approach to Mawlawi's Masnavi. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Introducing and criticizing some of Sufi's didactic and educational methods up to the sixth century
        احمد امین اعظم سیامک دستجردی
        Realization of the law and the way of reaching the truth without the guidance of someone who has gone this way is not possible. Some Sufi masters who have reached this status or are somewhat close to it because they have taken the responsibility for educating others. Fo More
        Realization of the law and the way of reaching the truth without the guidance of someone who has gone this way is not possible. Some Sufi masters who have reached this status or are somewhat close to it because they have taken the responsibility for educating others. For this purpose they have used various educational and training practices. This study is in the response to the question of what these educational methods are and how they have used. After introducing some of the educational methods of Sufi masters with regard to prose mystical sources up to the sixth century, some anecdotes associated with each method have discussed and they have been criticized. It should be noted that few researches have been done related to this issue. It can be concluded that despite differences in teaching methods of Sufi masters, there had been same training patterns among them such as: question and answers, punishment, traveling and expelling from the spiritual environment, paying attention to positive behavior of other great men in different schools, lack of attention to their bad behavior, etc….. Paying attention to the capacity of disciples and ultimately the motivation and desire to learn are also of remarkable points in Sufi teachings. Posing these issues as a small part of Sufi's educational situation is one of the significant moral and educational fields. Apart from the issue of presenting a teaching history it can be considered as a recommendation to custodians of the current education community. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Analysis and evaluation of social-economic criteria and their effects on the quality of slum neighborhood houses: Case study, Sheikh Abad neighborhood in Qom city
        mehdi Gharakhlo ali mehdi masoomeh mahdian
        Housing is one of the most important sectors of development in a society that with wide economical, social, bioenvironmental and body aspects has wide range of effects on providing health and face of community. Meanwhile, what has direct effect on the quality and quanti More
        Housing is one of the most important sectors of development in a society that with wide economical, social, bioenvironmental and body aspects has wide range of effects on providing health and face of community. Meanwhile, what has direct effect on the quality and quantity of housing is the economical-social features that will be a real reflection of the quality and comfort of people’s life. But today with the growth of population and development of citizenship, major problems such as the appearance of slums that are world symbols in recognizing that face and unsuitable houses have become the problem of many cities especially in developing countries. The major shortages that these days these neighborhoods in different social, body, health and especially economical are facing have caused that the houses of the residents of these neighborhoods, which should be the sanctuary, shelter, personal space and a place for relaxing for a man, are in unsuitable conditions. Therefore, the writers of the present paper, with the knowledge of the importance of the concept of slumming, housing quality, life health and,…and with the study of the theoretical ideas related to the research subject and complete field studies, analyses the social – economical features and their effects on the quality of housing in Sheikh Abad neighborhood in Qom as one of the million-populated and migration destination cities in Iran that faces the problem of slums. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data gathering was based on library studies and field studies(distribution of 310 questioners among residents by using Cokeran method). Also, to analyse the gathered data from the field studies, the spss software, and to analyse and prove a relation and correlation between variables the (Chi-Square) and (Man-Wietny) tests were used.  The result of the present paper show that the houses in the neighborhood have a very unsuitable quality because of weak social-cultural, especially economical structures of the residents that finally lead to decrease of life level, comfort and security of the residents in Sheikh Abad neighborhood.  Manuscript profile
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        70 - The Impact of the Thoughts of Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri and Allameh Naini on the Islamic Awakening
        Valiullah Esfandyar گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی
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        71 - The position and role of Ali Akbar Ghaffari in preserving and conveying Shia culture to the future generation by following Sheikh Sadough
        omolbanin movaggar Muhammad Ghasemi mahryar shababe javad alaelmohadesin
        The importance of explaining the role of Ali Akbar Ghaffari in preserving and coveying Shia culture to the future with the establishment of Sheikh Sadough is necessary because we see many similarities in the works and scientific services of Sadough and Ghaffari, despite More
        The importance of explaining the role of Ali Akbar Ghaffari in preserving and coveying Shia culture to the future with the establishment of Sheikh Sadough is necessary because we see many similarities in the works and scientific services of Sadough and Ghaffari, despite the significant time gap between them. These similarities include; Personality of scientific service, especially their common role in conveying Shia culture and hadith resources to the future generation; Just as Saduq tried to obtain, preserve and protect the hadiths of the imams in the fourth century AH and passed on this great heritage from the past to the future generation, Ghaffari in the present age has trimmed these works from various damage and corrected and researched them in order to passed them on to the future generation. Therefore, the introduction of Ghaffari's scientific activities and services in comparison with the superman of the history of Sadiq's hadith science, pay the way for the future to benefit the Shia world. Ghaffari's written works and his efforts to correct and research the works of religious leaders, pay attention to their importance, establishment and devotion to the scientific personality of religious leaders, especially Sadiq, show him well and place him in the ranks of high-ranking hadith scholars of the school of Imams . His scientific endeavor is valuable and can be modeled for the future generation. Manuscript profile
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        72 - The affairs of the jurist and the guardianship of the jurist in the eyes of Sheikh Ja'far Kashif al-Ghatta
        Muhammad Ma'refat
        Political thought has always been in the field of Islamic government jurisprudence and Islamic jurists, including Kashif al-Ghatta, have dealt with it in various sections of jurisprudence. In addition to his scientific status and social status, the era of Kashif al-Ghat More
        Political thought has always been in the field of Islamic government jurisprudence and Islamic jurists, including Kashif al-Ghatta, have dealt with it in various sections of jurisprudence. In addition to his scientific status and social status, the era of Kashif al-Ghatta has been influential in the formation and influence of his political thought. Among the powers and duties of the jurist in the age of absence from the point of view of Kashif al-Ghatta, is to take charge of jihad, establish and implement limits, the position of fall, the appointment of a judge and Shaykh al-Islam, and the guardianship of khums and zakat. On the basis of these matters, in the field of domestic policy to ward off the danger of the Akhbaris, and in the field of foreign policy, he ordered jihad and the permission to form the IRGC to Fath Ali Shah Qajar and made him his deputy. According to the principle of non-guardianship, he believes that creatures are equal in worship and no one has true dominion except God; Therefore, commands and prohibitions should be issued only by God or someone appointed by Him. His theoretical foundations in the book Kashf al-Ghatta 'and his practical life in the implementation of the social laws of Islam, indicate the acceptance of the general guardianship of the jurisprudent for the general deputy of the Imam, ie the comprehensive Mujtahid. This work, in addition to examining some historical currents and the practical life of Kashif al-Ghatta, is based on the description and analysis of his political views, using his written works. Manuscript profile
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        73 - The Social Views of Sheikh Ahmad Jām
        Ātefeh Soltāni Najaf Joukār Fātemeh Qolāmi
        Although Sheikh Ahmad Jām, as a mystic, used to emphasis on self-discipline, training of disciple and showing the way of suluk (spiritual journey), but on the other hand, he used to think about salvation of people, and in his writings and preaching sessions he pointed o More
        Although Sheikh Ahmad Jām, as a mystic, used to emphasis on self-discipline, training of disciple and showing the way of suluk (spiritual journey), but on the other hand, he used to think about salvation of people, and in his writings and preaching sessions he pointed out social deviations. By employing descriptive-analytical method and based on the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jām, the present article tries to examine the most prominent social issues of the fifth century AH. So far, no independent study about his social thoughts (based on all his works) has been done. His social approach can be studied in the following six subjects: 1. social classes, 2. popular institutions, 3. religious and social groups, 4. vocations and professions, 5. mores and 6. social morals. By considering his books and treatises, the social problems of Seljuk era can be examined. As the historical sources of that period are silent about social problems, and the historians of that era were dependent on courts and rulers and disregarded to social relations, the study of the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jām is an opportunity to explore the social problems of Seljuk period. Manuscript profile
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        74 - The Story of Sheikh Sanān in Mantiq-ut-Tayr of Attār: A Mythical Criticism Based on the Theory of Rite of Passage
        Masood Hasani Farhād Doroudgariān Ali Pedrām Mirzāei Ayoob Morādi
        "Rite of passage " refers to rituals such as birth, puberty, initiation, death, etc. in ancient societies that have a mythical structure. The theorists of ‘rite of passage’ believe that the mythical structure of these rituals follows a single pattern. By usi More
        "Rite of passage " refers to rituals such as birth, puberty, initiation, death, etc. in ancient societies that have a mythical structure. The theorists of ‘rite of passage’ believe that the mythical structure of these rituals follows a single pattern. By using analytical-descriptive method, the present article attempts to investigate the degree of conformity of the structure of ritual myths with the spiritual journey (Suluk) and behavior of Sheikh Sanān in Mantiq-ut-Tayr of Attār. Emphasizing the ritual nature of Sufism, the present study, while offering a psychoanalytic interpretation of each stage of Sheikh Sanan's mystical passage, shows that the narrative structure of the story is consistent with the four-stage model of theory of "rite of passage" (separation, crisis, transition and reincorporation).   Manuscript profile
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        75 - The Common Features of Pir/Sheikh (Old Wise Man) in Asrār al-Tawhid and The Brothers Karamazov
        azadeh hodeini arastoo mirani mohammadali mir
        Mysticism, as a human phenomenon, is not limited to a specific geographical region or ideology and its presence is seen in almost all cultures. Regarding the intercultural interactions between different cultures, mutual influence in the field of epistemological issues s More
        Mysticism, as a human phenomenon, is not limited to a specific geographical region or ideology and its presence is seen in almost all cultures. Regarding the intercultural interactions between different cultures, mutual influence in the field of epistemological issues seems obvious. Among Russian writers, Fyodor Dostoevsky, in a part of his novel The Brothers Karamazov, refers to the common mystical culture in Russia. In the novel, he frankly states that he has been influenced by the culture of Eastern mysticism. In the present study, by using library sources and descriptive-analytical method, the common features of Pir/Sheikh (old wise man) in Asrār al-Tawhid of Mohammad ibn Monvvar (the representative of Eastern mysticism) and The Brothers Karamazov (the representative of Western mysticism) have been investigated. The results of the research show that in these two books, the ways of life of Abu Said Abul-Khayr and Father Zosima (as the Pir/Sheikh or old wise men) have been dealt with, and topics such as the absolute obedience to the old wise man, the tendency of the masses to monastery and Sufi monastery, the public popularity of the old wise man, the guiding role of him in solving the problems of all the people, the charismatic acts of him, his connection with the Divine world, and the sanctification of the old wise man have been discussed. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Taboo-Breaking in the Story of Sheikh Sanān; An Analysis Based on Jung's Theory
        Mohammad Ahi Elyas Ghaderi
        Taboo (meaning prohibited and forbidden) refers to things that have limits and follow certain rules and should not be broken under any circumstances, and if they are broken, the person and her/his relatives will suffer negative and harmful consequences. The present stud More
        Taboo (meaning prohibited and forbidden) refers to things that have limits and follow certain rules and should not be broken under any circumstances, and if they are broken, the person and her/his relatives will suffer negative and harmful consequences. The present study, by using analytic-descriptive method and library sources, examines the examples of taboo-breaking in the story of Sheikh Sanān from the mystical book of Attār of Nishapur, Mantiq-ut-Tayr. In the article, the taboos are divided into two categories: Islamic and Christian taboos, and each of them has been analyzed according to the relevant religion. The main question is, given the character of Sheikh Sanān, why are taboos broken? The answer of the question is given based on the psychology of Jung and according to the principles of Islam and Christianity. Carl Gustav Jung believes that the incompatible and negative features are the result of the function of the shadow archetype. Therefore, the reason for breaking the taboos by the protagonists - Sheikh Sanān and the Christian girl - is the result of the action of the shadow archetype.  Manuscript profile
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        77 - The Conceptual Metaphor of Love in the Story of Sheikh Sanān
        omid vahdanifar safoora entezari
        In the present research, with a linguistic approach, we examine the conceptual metaphor of love in the story of Sheikh Sanān from the mystical book of Attār of Nishapur, Mantiq-ut-Tayr, taking into account the theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. For this purpose, More
        In the present research, with a linguistic approach, we examine the conceptual metaphor of love in the story of Sheikh Sanān from the mystical book of Attār of Nishapur, Mantiq-ut-Tayr, taking into account the theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. For this purpose, we have divided the story into three periods of sharia (law), tariqat (mystical way) and truth, and in order to understand the abstract concepts of love, we have analyzed all three periods by using analytical-comparative method. Also, based on the conceptual metaphor of love, some examples of the verses of the story have been examined. The findings of the research show that Attār has used various conceptual metaphors to represent love in the story of Sheikh Sanān. The micro-metaphors used in the surface structure of the story have a basic substructure called "mystical love" that gives them coherence. In terms of frequency, the macro-metaphors of the story are placed in three categories: ontological, orientational and structural metaphors. If we pay attention to the metaphors in the story, it becomes clear that the macro-metaphor "God is love" is the most central metaphor and all micro-metaphors have played a role in the evolution of this macro-metaphor.  Manuscript profile
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        78 - The Story of Sheikh San’ān: A Jungian Approach
        سعید بزرگ بیگدلی احسان پورابریشم
          According to Jungian Archetypes, the story of Sheikh San’ān is the story of confronting conscious and unconscious. Sheikh San’ān was a well-known man of religion, who, after having spent fifty years of his life worshiping God almighty, fell in love w More
          According to Jungian Archetypes, the story of Sheikh San’ān is the story of confronting conscious and unconscious. Sheikh San’ān was a well-known man of religion, who, after having spent fifty years of his life worshiping God almighty, fell in love with a young beautiful Christian girl. The archetypes of anima, wise old man (pir-e dānā) and hero, and other concepts such as shadow, rebirthing and journey can be explored from Jungian point of view. Considering the Jungian concept of individuation, the present article strives to analyze the story of Sheikh San’ān.  . Manuscript profile
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        79 - Mystic Contents of Inscriptions of Sheikh Safi al-Din's Tomb
        سیدهاشم حسینی
            In Islamic architecture the tombs, esp. those of the mystics’, are the most noteworthy architectural constructs next to mosques. Nearly all these mausoleums have some type of surface inscription in the stone, stucco, marble, mosaic and/or painting; More
            In Islamic architecture the tombs, esp. those of the mystics’, are the most noteworthy architectural constructs next to mosques. Nearly all these mausoleums have some type of surface inscription in the stone, stucco, marble, mosaic and/or painting; and specific verses from Quran or poems from famous poets are inscribed according to the functions of architectural elements. The present article tries to study the influence of Islamic mysticism in inscriptions of the tomb of Sheikh Safi-ad-din Is'haq Ardebili (1252-1334), eponym of the Safavid dynasty, based on Safvat as-safā, a hagiography of Sheikh Safi, written by Ebn Bazzāz (d. 1391-2), a disciple of Safi ad-Din's son and successor, Sadr al-Dīn Mūsā.     Manuscript profile
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        80 - The Analysis of the Story of Sheikh Sanān Based on Campbell's Theory of Monomyth
        Mohammad Reihāni raheleh abdolahzadeh borzoo
        According to Joseph Campbell's theory of monomyth, after a ritual invitation, the hero gets separated from his society, begins his journey, learns through ritual forces in an unknown land, is taught the ritual of initiation and returns for reforming his society. The jou More
        According to Joseph Campbell's theory of monomyth, after a ritual invitation, the hero gets separated from his society, begins his journey, learns through ritual forces in an unknown land, is taught the ritual of initiation and returns for reforming his society. The journey appears with some symbols and symptom in the form of archetypes. According to the theory of Jung, it is an instance of facing conscious and unconscious. By using descriptive method the present article tries to analyze the story of Sheikh Sanān regarding to Joseph Campbell's theory of monomyth and Jungian symbols. Sheikh Sanān, the symbol of unconscious, is separated from his people and motherland the call of the unconscious at night; then is taught by anima of existence in West, the symbol of unknown land of unconscious, and finally he is worthy of  reconciliation to unconscious of soul. The daughter is symbol of anima of Sheikh Sanān; she teaches love and its finer points to him; in return Sheikh Sanān hands over knowledge and faith, as symbols of conscious, to her. In this journey, 400 devotees, as the elements of conscious, surrender to will of unconscious. The return of Sheikh Sanān from Rome to Mecca is a symbol of individuality and perfection and corresponds to Campbell's theory of hero's return to home.   Manuscript profile
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        81 - The Concept of Love in the Story of Sheikh San'an (by Attār Neishapouri) and the Fantasy Play of Sheikh San'an (by M. H. Meymandinejad) Based on Robert Sternberg's Ideas
        Mohammadrezā Rasouli Parisā Kiomarsi
          The concept of love has been discussed in literature, but the cited theories have not been employed for its analysis. Love is one of the concepts that writers have paid attention to it in order to create their works. Attār Neishapouri is one of those who hase sp More
          The concept of love has been discussed in literature, but the cited theories have not been employed for its analysis. Love is one of the concepts that writers have paid attention to it in order to create their works. Attār Neishapouri is one of those who hase spoken much of the concept of love in his works. In Mantegh-Al-Tayr and in its anecdotes, he presents a special kind of love. One of these anecdotes is the story of Sheikh San'an, in which love is introduced as an effective element in advancing the story. In the dramatic literature of Iran, much attention has been paid to this story due to its interesting features. In contemporary era, Mohammad Hossein Meymandinejad has adapted the fantasy play of Sheikh San'an from Attar's story. In the present article, at first, Robert Sternberg's theory of love is considered and then, based on Sternberg's theory, the anecdote of Sheikh San'an and the fantasy play of Sheikh San'an by Meymandinejad are examined in order to distinguish the dimensions of love in these two works.   Manuscript profile
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        82 - “Suluk” in the Story of Sheikh Sanān and Siddhartha: A Comparative Analysis
        Eshāq Toqyānī Zohreh Moshāverī
        There are common grounds in the world's great literary works which have their roots in adaption or following common patterns. “Suluk” (spiritual journey) and struggle towards perfection are instances of these common grounds. There are remarkable similarity b More
        There are common grounds in the world's great literary works which have their roots in adaption or following common patterns. “Suluk” (spiritual journey) and struggle towards perfection are instances of these common grounds. There are remarkable similarity between the story of Sheikh Sanān, composed by Farīdad-Dīn Attār (1145 –1221) in Mantiq-ut-Tayr, and Siddhartha, a novel written by Hermann Hesse, the German contemporary poet and novelist. Referring to the similarities and differences between these works, and by analyzing the actions of characters, the present article shows that the main characters in both works are trying to reach perfection through suluk, in which worldly love is one of the important parts of this spiritual journey Manuscript profile
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        83 - Representation of the most important cognitive principles in Hakim Suhrawardi and Allameh Tabatabai’s epistemology
        Seyed sayed sharafoden tabatabaei sayyed hojjat tabatabaei
        The method of the works of these sages when compared, it may be said that one of the most important epistemological topics of the illuminative philosophy is the emphasis on the discussion of knowledge in presence and intuition. He considers the knowledge in presence to More
        The method of the works of these sages when compared, it may be said that one of the most important epistemological topics of the illuminative philosophy is the emphasis on the discussion of knowledge in presence and intuition. He considers the knowledge in presence to be infallible and true knowledge, but he considers the acquired knowledge to be a pure mental imagination which has no benefit from the  reality; Rather, what it has is only a form and an image of an object in the mind with external reality; of course, in the discussion of truth and falsehood, it agrees with the "theory of conformity" and in the discussion of the value of knowledge, it is "fundamentalist". Unlike Sheikh Ishraq, Allameh believes in a purely rational way that first; The origin of all knowledge and perceptions, even axioms, is  senses and sensual perceptions, and the abstraction of axioms from sensory concepts is unimpeded; He also attributes the formation of self-evident intelligences to another activity of the mind, which is the abstraction and derivation of philosophical second intelligences; Acquired knowledge is a rational derivation obtained from a known  in presence to which the intellect has inevitably admitted, and it is the known in presence of an imaginal and rational being which comes to the present of knower with its external existence, and this is the basis for Allameh to enter Discussion of knowledge in presence. Allameh, like Suhrawardi, believes in the "theory of conformity" and "foundationalism". Manuscript profile
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        84 - A Pricing Model for Value of Gas Regulation Function of Natural Resources Ecosystems (Case Study: Sheikh Musa Rangeland, Mazandaran Province, Iran)
        yadollah Bostan Ahmad Fatahiardakani Masoud Fehresti Sani Majid Sadeghinia
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        85 - Investigating the capabilities of the cultural attractions and presenting the sustainable development strategies Case study: Sheykh Safi Al-din Ardibil
        mohammad alizadeh hojat derkhshan sonai azhari
        Tourism is the leading service in the world today. However, in this era, limited resources and the necessity of employing sustainable development create a new challenge facing with destination management organizations. Therefore, strategic management systems and priorit More
        Tourism is the leading service in the world today. However, in this era, limited resources and the necessity of employing sustainable development create a new challenge facing with destination management organizations. Therefore, strategic management systems and prioritizing the key factors seems necessary to gain sustainable competitive advantage, which is considerable challenge for tourism organizations. In this regard, the core attraction as motivation and tourism products as well as the supply side of the industry are of great importance. This essay can be assumed as an efficient and practical guidance for attractions development strategies. The policy makers and tourism authority implement SWOT and Delphi techniques in order to supply scientific and practical strategies for site development. To prioritize the determined strategies, AHP model is used as well. The method of this study is cross-functional in nature. Ardabil region and Sheikh Safi al-din has been selected as a case study. The results of the information gathered indicates that the competitive advantage strategy, compared to the four strategies weights more. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Abstract The mathnawi of Golshan Raz is the most well-known versified work of Sheikh Mahmood Shabestari which encompasses his mystical thoughts. Though not so voluminous, this book is one of the most valuable monuments of literary mystical works in which the Sufi implications have been enthusiastically talked about. Shabestari has composed this mathnawi in answer to Amir Hossein Heravi's questions. The versified story of " The Golshan Raz
        Hamid Adalat Far Seyyed Mohsen Sajedi Rad Mohammad Ali Atash Sowda
        Abstract         The mathnawi of Golshan Raz is the most well-known versified work of Sheikh Mahmood Shabestari which encompasses his mystical thoughts. Though not so voluminous, this book is one of the most valuable monuments of lite More
        Abstract         The mathnawi of Golshan Raz is the most well-known versified work of Sheikh Mahmood Shabestari which encompasses his mystical thoughts. Though not so voluminous, this book is one of the most valuable monuments of literary mystical works in which the Sufi implications have been enthusiastically talked about. Shabestari has composed this mathnawi in answer to Amir Hossein Heravi's questions. The versified story of " The Golshan Raz " has the beauty of expression; it is more based on wisdom than imagery. In fact the content of this book is in short about the conquer of Mecca and some narratives from Ibn Arabi. The extension of Shabestari's familiarity in the Qur'an and traditions was so high that he uses them in the mold of allusion and simile in expressing the secrets of mysticism to prove his tenets. This article which is written in descriptive-analytic method, tries to demonstrate the impact of eloquence and its affectability in taking advantage of The Holy Qur'an and traditions. The distiches used here have been taken from the book written by Kazem Dezfulian and the numbers are applied according to the number of the page and the lines of the poems. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Comparative Study of Sheikh Fazl Al-Allah and Great Scholar Naeini on Right and Task
        Faramarz Mirzazade Shahindokht Pakzad
        Pundits of every society, for transition from a society that have been involved in crisis, must draw and inform the required base for development. One of the basis of development is distinguish of rights and tasks that have been often ignored. In this article have been More
        Pundits of every society, for transition from a society that have been involved in crisis, must draw and inform the required base for development. One of the basis of development is distinguish of rights and tasks that have been often ignored. In this article have been payed to comparison on basis of right and task from Sheikh Fazl al-allah and great scholar Naeini viewpoint; ruler’s rights and tasks to people and vice versa. The aim of this comparison is comparative study the viewpoint of two great scholars in constitutional age on characteristics of transformational society. In the other words, we study on whom viewpoint could lead to development from transition: a society that found on Noori viewpoint or Naeini viewpoint? This study is on comparative – analytical method. We first, study rights and tasks from two scholars on the main text from them and then, compare them. The conclusion of this study is, if a society is managed on great scholar Naeinin viewpoint, would be balanced and developed, and the other would be unbalanced and undeveloped. Manuscript profile
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        88 - The influence of Ibn Arabi's Fosus on Sheikh Mahmoud Shabastri's Gulshan Raz
        vahideh dadashzadeh tayebeh shamsaei
        This article is a kind of comparative analysis between the views of Ibn Arabi and Shabastri to show the points of the influence of Arif Shabastri from the passages of Sheikh Akbar's rulings, and it has been tried that the teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi permeated the t More
        This article is a kind of comparative analysis between the views of Ibn Arabi and Shabastri to show the points of the influence of Arif Shabastri from the passages of Sheikh Akbar's rulings, and it has been tried that the teachings of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi permeated the thought of Sheikh Shabastri. It is to be analyzed based on the system of Golshanraz. Shabestri was influenced by the spiritual influence of Ibn Arabi's words and expressions, and according to Mohammad Lahiji, the famous commentator of Gulshan Raz, the herbit of this compact and concise poem, but in secret, refers to the detail of a part of Sheikh Akbar's mysticism. Sheikh Mahmoud Shabastri has been influenced by Ibn Arabi's thoughts in topics such as the unity of existence, the perfect human being, the microcosm, the nature of creation, prophethood and guardianship, and the like. Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, the founder of the school of theoretical mysticism and a preacher of a kind of philosophical mysticism in the 7th century, was able to leave a significant impact on the entire history of mysticism. Ibn Arabi's mystical thoughts clearly overcame the thinking of Iranian mystics and found a high place especially in Sufi literature. Manuscript profile