• List of Articles وحدت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Spatial Orientation of the Manifestation of Unity in Multiplicity in the Architecture of Traditional Houses in Shoushtar: Case Study Aminzadeh House and Gazor House
        alireza taghizadeh Vida Taghvaei
        One of the main trends of Iranian-Islamic architecture is unity in multiplicity that can be defined clearly in traditional houses in the particular relation between the part and the whole. In the Iranian-Islamic architecture, each element, form or space can be understoo More
        One of the main trends of Iranian-Islamic architecture is unity in multiplicity that can be defined clearly in traditional houses in the particular relation between the part and the whole. In the Iranian-Islamic architecture, each element, form or space can be understood in isolation, or in combination as a concept. This is clearly reflected on the spatial organization of the Iranian houses as the principle of spatial orientation, which has been revealed in different ways in the architecture of the traditional houses in Shoushtar. The purpose of this research is to investigate the manifestation of unity in multiplicity in architecture that plays an effective role in creating the harmony between the fabric and meaning in the spatial organization of the houses in Shoushtar. This research has been conducted in two domains: the first covers the related topics of Islamic theoretical foundations such as the principle of unity, and the second includes the criteria and indices of spatial orientation in the spatial organization of the architecture of the houses in Shoushtar. The research has employed a mixed method with a qualitative approach which uses content analysis to systematically analyze texts and writings. In this way, library research has been used for collecting theoretical data. Accordingly, concepts such as the spatial orientation of the manifestation of unity principle have been analyzed as the theoretical basis of the research. In the second domain, the architecture of the houses in Shoushtar, including Aminzadeh House and Gazor House has been explained and analyzed in a table according to the theoretical foundations of the research, such as the spatial orientation. The results show that the single layer structure of the houses as the thermal element has been one of the main features of the main axis of the houses in Shoushtar, which has led to the presentation of a Shadadi Iwan as a space with various climatic, biological and communicational functions along the main axis of the house. Therefore, it is suggested that the future studies consider the central spatial system in the spatial organization of the traditional houses and the effect of light on the formation of open, semi-open and closed spaces around the main axis of the houses and its role in the way of space arrangement in the spatial organization of the modern houses so that the criteria derived from these studies would affect the development of the rules and guidelines for the design of house architecture in Shoushtar. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Unity as a Main Factor in Divine Approach to Urban Design
        Mojtaba Ansari Ehsan Sharifian Mohamad Mehdi Abdollahi Sabet
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        3 - Personal Unity of Being and its Reflection in the Knowledge of One in Plotinus
        S. Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi Fatemeh Estesnaei
        There is no doubt that Plotinus believes in the intuitive unification, butfor some reasons such as totality and limitless of One, interpretation ofcausality to emission, non acceptance reincarnation and unity, nonindependence of Persons, knowing the manifolds as image a More
        There is no doubt that Plotinus believes in the intuitive unification, butfor some reasons such as totality and limitless of One, interpretation ofcausality to emission, non acceptance reincarnation and unity, nonindependence of Persons, knowing the manifolds as image and ray, ofone can infer personal unity from his expressions and its reflection inhis theory about the knowledge f One. He, on the basis of various kindsof souls, emphasizes on the diverse stages of Knowledge. According toPlotinus the One is utterly unknowable both intuitively andintuitionally, and the only way to receive him is to transcend Intuitionwhich represents the duality of witness and witnessed. As a result in thestage which correspondence to mystical inexistence there is only onereality percept. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Unity of Soul to Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas
        نوشین عبدی ساوجیان محمد سعیدی مهر
        The question of plurality or unity of human soul is among the topicswhich basically originate from Plato's and Aristotle's works. Platoconsiders the subject from two approaches and finally accepts theplurality whereas Aristotle deems it unreasonable to reckon the soul t More
        The question of plurality or unity of human soul is among the topicswhich basically originate from Plato's and Aristotle's works. Platoconsiders the subject from two approaches and finally accepts theplurality whereas Aristotle deems it unreasonable to reckon the soul tobe plural and divisible and consequently admits the unity of the soul.Regarding these two theories (i.e. the unity of the human soul and theplurality of it), the philosophers have to either confirmed one theoryand reject the other at the same time. Therefore the two PeripateticIslamic and Christian philosophers, Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas areinclines toward the “unity of soul “theory. The difference of these twophilosophers is in that Avicenna’s requires clarifications due to someconflicting aspects in his theory. This conflict arises from therepeatedly emphasis on soul unity on one hand and in the meantimeattribution of human activities to three other souls. To integrate theseevidently clashing points it is possible to set forth two status namely“definition and realization” (essence and existence). Aquinas assessesthe subject more rigorously and in more detail comparing to Avicennaand while considering different views including Plato’s, proves thedominance of Aristotle's theory over Plato’s. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Critique of the Method of Explication of Concepts in Philosophy of Science: the Case of the Concept of Unification
        هادی صمدی
        Carnap’s method of explication of concepts proposed based on the ideathat the main responsibility of philosopher of science is the clarificationof vague scientific and unscientific concepts in the language of scienceand replacement of them by “crystal clear& More
        Carnap’s method of explication of concepts proposed based on the ideathat the main responsibility of philosopher of science is the clarificationof vague scientific and unscientific concepts in the language of scienceand replacement of them by “crystal clear” ones. The critiques ofphilosophers like Strawson, Quine, and Popper caused mostphilosophers of science not to openly endorse Carnap’s method ofexplication, even though an important part of their philosophical worksdevoted to his project. In recent years, some philosophers of sciencehave fully defended the method of explication. Instead of criticizing thearguments of these philosophers, this paper criticizes the products ofapplying the method of explication on one important concept ofphilosophy of science, “unification”. It has been shown that the effortsof philosophers of science in offering an explication for this concepthave been futile. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Restatement of Evolution in the Light of the Unity of Nature and Actuality of Species in Illuminationist Philosophy
        Seyed Mohammad Ali Dibaji Ali Akbar Nasekhian
        The unity of the natural world has long been a subject of thought and interest for philosophers. In modern times, this has been studied by scientists in the natural sciences, including biology. Meanwhile, evolutionists believe that all kinds of natural beings in a desce More
        The unity of the natural world has long been a subject of thought and interest for philosophers. In modern times, this has been studied by scientists in the natural sciences, including biology. Meanwhile, evolutionists believe that all kinds of natural beings in a descending continuum reach a single origin. In other words, all natural species emerge gradually from each other and finally from a common root. The evolutionists' statement of the unity of the natural world, requires that the nature of species is purely biological nature, and that this nature by itself, hasn’t any independent and actual feature. Such an exposition, as the evolutionists themselves have pointed out, is inconsistent with the theory of the illuminationist philosophers (such as Plato), who considered an independent and actual species. In this article, from the perspective of illuminationist philosophy, and especially Suhrawardi's viewpoint, the reasons of evolutionists' discussion of the unity of nature and the actuality of species has been reviewed. The results of this study show that in the illuminationist tradition, due to substantial increase of intensity, species can evolve in their own kind, but their independent actuality is provided not by material persons (sanam), but by lords of species and immaterial substantial lights Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Railton, Explanation, and Metaphysical Debates
        سید محمد حسینی مجید اکبری
        Metaphysical debate between realists and anti-realists is here at issue.P. Railton claimed that these debates reduced to explanation. All topicssuch as IBE, unification of scientific theories, science progress, conceptof observation, experimentation and primacy reductio More
        Metaphysical debate between realists and anti-realists is here at issue.P. Railton claimed that these debates reduced to explanation. All topicssuch as IBE, unification of scientific theories, science progress, conceptof observation, experimentation and primacy reductionism deal withand depend on explanation.Railton suggests that metaphysical debates on the alleged topicsreduced to explanation because it depends on our account (andunderstanding) of the world and its necessary persistent of phenomena.Since, our perception of facts of worlds come to date which are notneutral and value free, the conflict couldn’t remove. In Railton’s view,very conflict and challenge go head to controversies without anyplausible outcome. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Realms, Dimensions and Essence of Mystical Experience
        على موحدیان عطار
        This paper is an attempt to provide a clearer and deeper view ofmystical experience. First, it catches a glimpse of this concept fromabove and finds it possessed of different instances, realms, anddimensions. It then delimits the subject to the common applicationof this More
        This paper is an attempt to provide a clearer and deeper view ofmystical experience. First, it catches a glimpse of this concept fromabove and finds it possessed of different instances, realms, anddimensions. It then delimits the subject to the common applicationof this concept in order to examine the four-fold dimensions of thisstate of disclosure, that is, the epistemic, epistemological,subjective, and emotional dimensions.Giving a brief survey of the descriptions of this state by some wellknownresearchers in this field such as James, Underhill, Suzuki,Stace, and Otto, the writer tries to show that the four features ofmystical experience, that is, epistemicity, intuitivity, subjectivity,and love-centeredness are together qualified as the essence of thisexperience due to their foundationality and universality.Employing a phenomenological approach, the writer tries to provethat the quintessence of middle-path mystical experience consists inthe immediate and direct knowledge of Reality( reality stripped ofall modes), while in the final step of mystical experience, it is thedirect and immediate knowledge of the unitary reality of being(Absolute Reality).The article has dealt with mystical experience from aphenomenological point of view. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Critical Analysis of the Unification Account of Explanation
        هدی آزاد
        Explanation is one of the most important issues in the philosophy ofscience, which many attentions have been paid to it since Aristotle. Theunification account of explanation, first presented by Friedman (1974),is one of the most discussed contemporary models. According More
        Explanation is one of the most important issues in the philosophy ofscience, which many attentions have been paid to it since Aristotle. Theunification account of explanation, first presented by Friedman (1974),is one of the most discussed contemporary models. According to thisconception, scientific explanation has to show that many separatedargument patterns have basic similarities and via these similarities wecan understand related phenomena deeper. Philip Kitcher has extendedthis idea and has argued that scientific explanation aims to represent amaximum of facts and natural regularities in terms of minimum oftheoretical concepts and assumptions. According to Kitcher, a few ofargument patterns can be used in the explanation of many beliefs, andso we can show that how scientific explanation amounts tounderstanding. However, the unification account of explanation facessome problems, including the point that the relationship betweenunification and understanding is not clear. Another difficulty concernsthe relationship between explanation and the causal direction. In thispaper, after presenting the main features of the unification account ofexplanation and its merits over the classical D-N model, it will beargued that due to some problems in the unification account it seemthat the best way to round about these problems is to adopt a kind ofexplanatory “pluralism”, depending on different philosophical andscientific contexts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Vedic Theology
        M. J. Shams
        The most ancient and most important sources of Hindu religion arethe Vedas, and among them Rg Veda, which is a collection ofhymns composed in praise of various gods, undoubtedly occupiesthe most prominent place.Glorification and praise of each god in many hymns of the R More
        The most ancient and most important sources of Hindu religion arethe Vedas, and among them Rg Veda, which is a collection ofhymns composed in praise of various gods, undoubtedly occupiesthe most prominent place.Glorification and praise of each god in many hymns of the Rg Veda,sometimes as the greatest of the gods, has led the scholars topropose various theories of Vedic religion, from polytheism tohenotheism (or kenotheism) and monotheism, and to make differentcategorizations of the Vedic gods.The present article tries to explain and analyse the Vedic theologyin the light of these theories. It also deals with the various classes ofthe Vedic gods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Ibn Sab‘īn on the Ladder of “Unity of Being” or “Absolute Unity of Being”
        فاطمه دوست قرین
        In the history of Islamic thought, the conflicting views of the believersof “unity of being” have led to different interpretations, in as much as,some of these believers have claimed the novelty and uniqueness oftheir own theories. As a prominent example Ibn More
        In the history of Islamic thought, the conflicting views of the believersof “unity of being” have led to different interpretations, in as much as,some of these believers have claimed the novelty and uniqueness oftheir own theories. As a prominent example Ibn Sab‘īn, a controversialAndalusian mystic, regards his theory of “absolute unity of being” asan essentially distinguished theory in the history of Islamic thought.Examining this claim, this article has arrived to the conclusion that it isnot true. In fact, his theory is the continuation of the tradition ofMuslim mystics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Mahatma Gandhi’s Religious Thoughts
        M. Sargolza’ī
        Mahatma Gandhi, the charismatic leader of India’s independencemovement, who played a great role in religious, moral, social and politicalawakening of Indians in the early twentieth century, was extremely impressedby religious, moral and mystical motivations. There More
        Mahatma Gandhi, the charismatic leader of India’s independencemovement, who played a great role in religious, moral, social and politicalawakening of Indians in the early twentieth century, was extremely impressedby religious, moral and mystical motivations. Therefore, he was entitledMahatma (The Great Soul) by Indian society, which is considered a mysticaland religious award.In his point of view, religion had a fundamental status. Consequently, thecritical viewpoints against religion in the modern world greatly concernedhim and later on, brought about his religious and social reformative thoughts.In his opinion, religion was more comprehensible in practice andexperience; hence, he thought that man must pass through superficial aspectsof religion by practicing all religious and moral instructions, then penetratesinto its depths, so that he would experience the Truth face to face.In this article, we have tried to clarify the religious dimensions of hispersonality, and also scrutinize simultaneously his most significant ideas andreflections on religious realm, specially on Hinduism and some subjects suchas God, faith, Brahmacharya, Ahimsā, satyāgraha, unity of religions andreligious reformations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Upanišadic Theology
        M.J. Shams
        Philosophical inclinations of Vedic hymns are considered in Upanišads indetailed. Instead of Vedic commendatory hymns addressing Gods andGoddesses, searching the hidden Truth and finding a fixed and unchangeableprinciple within transitory and unstable phenomena i More
        Philosophical inclinations of Vedic hymns are considered in Upanišads indetailed. Instead of Vedic commendatory hymns addressing Gods andGoddesses, searching the hidden Truth and finding a fixed and unchangeableprinciple within transitory and unstable phenomena is viewable in Upanišads.While Vedic hymns speak of various and scattered divisions of the supremebeing, Upanišads suppose one concealed Reality more transcendent than allthe transitions and changes of the mundane world. The Vedic Gods aremessengers of the one light which is appeared as the universal creation. Byreferring to Upanišads, we encounter with an interesting transformation:transition from objective to subjective, from anxious wandering of theexternal world to a quiet meditation in depth and meaning of the essence andself. The Upanišads notice to the rout of the esoteric ascension extensively, aninterior travel by that, the individual selves would be able to acquire theUltimate Reality, the same reality which is within us. It is a supreme andAbsolute Truth which is completely different and far from the phenomenalworld and the whole cosmos; and on the other hand, is indeed identical withall the phenomena and universe Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Unity of Religion from the Rumi’s Point of View
        عبدالرضا مظاهری
        According to the Sufis the relation between God and the world issimilar to the relation between sun and its rays so all prophets camefrom a single source of light; however lay people who have engaged inmaterial matters could not appreciate this unity, therefore, called More
        According to the Sufis the relation between God and the world issimilar to the relation between sun and its rays so all prophets camefrom a single source of light; however lay people who have engaged inmaterial matters could not appreciate this unity, therefore, called theprophets as Moses, Jesus and etc. Since people could not realize theessence of religion, they start interpreting it according to theirunderstanding, and as a result, fighting with each other. Rumi believesthat prophets are the representatives of God on the earth and by usingallegory he tries to explain the unity of the path of prophets. Accordingto Rumi, the mystery of the oneness of religion will be discovered onlyby cutting through the exoteric side of it. From his viewpoint the innateGod-given religion, or the real divine unity, and the devotional prayerare the essence of religion and if people understand this reality, theirconflict will be disappeared. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The Thoughts of Saʿd al-Dīn Ḥammuyyī on Theoretical Mysticism
        عالیه Nouri M j Shams M T Fa'alli
        Saʿd al-Dīn Ḥammuyyī, the well-known mystics of the 7th/13th century, was from a Shāfi'ī family who have had a long history (about 400 years) in Egypt and Syria. Saʿd al-Dīn belonged to the Kābravi Order and was one of the prominent disciples of Shaikh Nadjm al-Dīn Kubr More
        Saʿd al-Dīn Ḥammuyyī, the well-known mystics of the 7th/13th century, was from a Shāfi'ī family who have had a long history (about 400 years) in Egypt and Syria. Saʿd al-Dīn belonged to the Kābravi Order and was one of the prominent disciples of Shaikh Nadjm al-Dīn Kubrā. He was one of the first Sufis who explicitly confirmed the absolute sainthood of Shiite Imāms. He wrote several books and treatises contained mysterious sayings, mathematical figures and shapes and full of mystical terms, these materials are sometimes hard to understand. Most parts of his writings are unpublished and still preserve in manuscript form in the libraries and it is one of the serious obstacles to survey his mystical thoughts. In this article we review some of his main treatises such as Maḥbub al-, fī Ulum al-Ḥaqāyiq va al-Daqāyiq, Lataḥīd fī Gharā and al-Miṣbaḥ fī al-Taṣawwuf. Moreover we survey the words of his distinguished dispel, ʿAzīz al-Dīn Nasafī. We try to describe his teachings on ontology especially his ideas about the theories of oneness of Being, basicality of Being and modulation of existence. We also compare some of his teachings with his contemporary mystic, Muḥī al-Dīn Ibn al-ʿArabī.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Life and the Mystical Thoughts of St. Bonaventure
        Hamid Mahmoudian
        St. Bonaventure is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished andeffective figures in Christian mysticism. As the second founder ofFranciscan order, he gives an account of St. Francis' biography andworks; beside that, he deals with the Christian mysticism in his works.Al More
        St. Bonaventure is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished andeffective figures in Christian mysticism. As the second founder ofFranciscan order, he gives an account of St. Francis' biography andworks; beside that, he deals with the Christian mysticism in his works.Although his place among the Franciscans is similar to the place ofThomas Aquinas among the Dominicans, the account of his life is notas clear as Aquinas' biography. However, his works could help us tounderstand his character and thought. For example, his book entitledThe Journey of the Mind to God (1259 C. E.) is one of the mostimportant works on Christian mysticism. This article tries to survey hisbiography and his works as well as his ideology and his mystical pointof view. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Tectonic in Architecture: Dual Nature of Tectonic Relationships in Some Contemporary Architectural Works in Iran
        Pariya Pourmohammadi Farshad Mafakher Asghar Saed Samiei Mehrdad Matin
        Background and Objective: The illustration of the concept of oneness by an artist requires a specific definition of architecture that is able to expand its physical and structural indices and aesthetic instrumentation into a spiritual framework. This attitude is in comp More
        Background and Objective: The illustration of the concept of oneness by an artist requires a specific definition of architecture that is able to expand its physical and structural indices and aesthetic instrumentation into a spiritual framework. This attitude is in compliance with the tectonic concept. Tectonic in architecture has two key interpretations: Theory of internal structure of artistic work and the formation and linkage of form elements to achieve harmony. This paper has two goals:  First, the principles and criteria of the oneness of architectural work to investigate the compliance of its core and artistic forms and second, the assessment of four great architectural works of contemporary architecture in Iran based on these criteria to measure the compliance of the core and artistic forms.Material and Methodology: This was an applied descriptive-analytical study. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to assess the compliance of core and artistic forms of the samples based on the given criteria and goal.Findings: Results showed better compliance between the core and artistic forms of the Senate (Islamic Consultative Assembly) building than the other three works (Azadi Tower, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, and City Theater of Tehran). As a result, this building has greater compliance between the technical and conceptual-semantic dimensions.Discussion and Conclusion: Findings of this study direct architectural discussions towards using the tectonic expression as an instrument for harmonizing and integrating aesthetic and technological subjects in the design process of the contemporary works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - A Study of Mystical Components in the Texts of Islamic and Indian Schools (based on the views of Rumi and Mohammad Darashkooh)
        ghasem ahmadi Fatemeh Lajavardi Mohammad reza adli
        The roots of the cultural, literary and religious commonalities of Iran and India can be traced back to the distant past, and many of the themes and allegories used in Iranian and Indian mystical texts are similar. The similarities between Islamic Sufism and the mystici More
        The roots of the cultural, literary and religious commonalities of Iran and India can be traced back to the distant past, and many of the themes and allegories used in Iranian and Indian mystical texts are similar. The similarities between Islamic Sufism and the mysticism of other nations of the world are undoubtedly very noteworthy. Although there are common features in the experiences of world mysticism, one should not expect them to be expressed in the same words always and everywhere. This article examines the similarities between some of the customs and rituals of the two mystical schools of Islam and India. From a careful study of Indian sources and Persian Sufi books, there are many similarities in educational methods and conduct, the most important of which are: the value of human existence and its importance in mystical literature of Iran and India, the manifestation of love and knowledge in mysticism Iranian and Indian, the multiplicity of houses and authorities of conduct, the value and importance of the position of the heart, the value of the position of old man and mentor, asceticism and austerity, struggle against the soul, the theory of annihilation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Comparative Analysis on Monotheism from Pir-i Herat’s (Khajeh Abdollah Ansari) and Attar Neishabouri’s Points of Views
        Leila Mousavi siavash moradi Hossein Arian
        Monotheism as the central pillar of Islam was profit Mohammad’s mission and vision statements. If monotheism wouldn’t be the front and center, the other pillars of Islam couldn’t be persuaded. Monotheism is the most important doctrine amongst Muslim my More
        Monotheism as the central pillar of Islam was profit Mohammad’s mission and vision statements. If monotheism wouldn’t be the front and center, the other pillars of Islam couldn’t be persuaded. Monotheism is the most important doctrine amongst Muslim mystics as Joneid Baghdadi,Molana referred to it as a prosperous topic in discussions on related subject matters. Each person has a special attitude towards the category of monotheism and puts himself in a way to reach it. Mental silence and thinking in the horizons and souls from the point of view of mystics is one of the best ways to understand monotheism. Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, one of the most well-known Muslim Sufi saints, had monotheism in all his work and publications. Attar Neishabouri also beautifully brought monotheism and pantheism into his magnificent versified literature. Attar Neishabouri (passed away 618 Hejri Ghamari) was a mystic poet who explicitly and gorgeously teased apart the monotheism in detail. This research intends to conduct a comparative analysis on Attar Neishabouri’s and Khajeh Abdollah Ansari’s literature and poems. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Annihilation “Fana” and Unity “Wahdat” in the Works of Rumi and Ibn-Faridh
        Maryam Faridi Mehdi Tadayyon
        Ibn-Faridh was one of the greatest poets of Sufi poetry in Arabic literature. Rumi, on the other hand, has always been the leading lord of love and mysticism in Persian literature. Rumi and Ibn-Faridh both believe that annihilation would culminate in unity, and they bot More
        Ibn-Faridh was one of the greatest poets of Sufi poetry in Arabic literature. Rumi, on the other hand, has always been the leading lord of love and mysticism in Persian literature. Rumi and Ibn-Faridh both believe that annihilation would culminate in unity, and they both seek divine union through annihilation. Both assert that, in order to obtain union, the spiritual seeker must first separate themselves from their physical beings, and must then be immersed in the Beloved so that there is nothing left of their own egos. Passing through such a stage, the mystic seeker will find his Eternal Beloved in a union of love. The great importance of this subject and the similarities between the beliefs of Rumi and Ibn-Faridh demands a thorough investigationofthe notions of annihilation in God(Fana), and total integration in God (baqa). Manuscript profile
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        21 - Comparison and inviolability to God from the viewpoints of Sanā’ī and Ibn ‘Arabī
        Hamidreza Ardestani Rostami
        Most of the time scientists and scholars have had viewpoints on human being, God and the universe. One might find shared points in the considerations of the scientists and scholars that have been influencedby each other or have lived at the same time. The pres More
        Most of the time scientists and scholars have had viewpoints on human being, God and the universe. One might find shared points in the considerations of the scientists and scholars that have been influencedby each other or have lived at the same time. The present research is  on comparison and inviolability to divine characteristics (a matter of eloquence) in the works of two scholars. One is a philosopher poet wholived in Ghazna in Iranian territory and the other a poet philosopher who lived in Andalusia. They are namely Sanā’ī the 5th century poet and Ibn ‘Arabī the 7th century thinker. Although these scholars lived in two different eras they have had similar ideas on comparison and inviolability to divine characteristics. Manuscript profile
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        Seyyed Hussain Seyyedi Ameneh Batani
        Ibn Farez is one of the greatest composers of mystic poetry in Arabic literature. Hafiz is also the master of mystic love poetry. Mysticism is one the most favored and most important human issues and that’s finding the real truth and being perished More
        Ibn Farez is one of the greatest composers of mystic poetry in Arabic literature. Hafiz is also the master of mystic love poetry. Mysticism is one the most favored and most important human issues and that’s finding the real truth and being perished in the nature of the divine love. The aim of mysticism and a mystic one is finding serenity within and leaving the mean qualities and being drowned into the ocean of truth. The importance of this issue and the similarities which exist between Hafiz and Ibn Farez in this regard is the subject of this comparative study. Manuscript profile
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        23 - a
        Hossein Sedqi Noureddin Peyda
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        24 - Evidences of aesthetics in Attar and Rumi’s mysticism
        Rashin Bani Najjarian Reza Heidari Nouri
        The aesthetics’ background should be sought among olden and ancient tribes. The first steps have been taken by the civilizations of Iran, India and Greece this direction, and they have left good achievements in memory. Aestheticism school in Islamic Iranian m More
        The aesthetics’ background should be sought among olden and ancient tribes. The first steps have been taken by the civilizations of Iran, India and Greece this direction, and they have left good achievements in memory. Aestheticism school in Islamic Iranian mysticism was formed in initial centuries of Islam applying the achievements of Greek wisdom and Eastern enlightenment, especially with the use of ancient Iranian wisdom, and has become a major school in Islamic mysticism enjoying Qur'anic doctrines.  The pioneers of the mentioned school were all Iranians. Great mystics such as Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Attar Neyshaburi, whose willing for beauty and aestheticism have always been remarkable in their mystical works. Attar Neyshaburi also believes in the reflection of the truth beauty in other creatures; Especially the earthly lover who is mentioned in the story of Sheikh of Sana’an and the Christian Girl in " Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr" (Conference of Birds).  The present article attempts to provide information about the concept of beauty and aesthetics in Islamic mysticism by considering Attar and Rumi’s mystical works and ideas. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Comparative study of Islamic Awareness in Mohammad Iqbal and Abdullah Al-Baradouni's Poetries
        Ismael Islami Safiallah Kurd
        One of the long-standing concerns of poets and writers around the Islamic world and Muslims is the idea of ​​Islamic awareness in which each poet has worked in his or her own era completing his or her mission in various ways. This article concludes that similar ide More
        One of the long-standing concerns of poets and writers around the Islamic world and Muslims is the idea of ​​Islamic awareness in which each poet has worked in his or her own era completing his or her mission in various ways. This article concludes that similar ideas of two poets have led to their common goals of Islamic awareness, each one expressed it in its own way by studying Pakistani poet – Mohammad Iqbal Lahouri and Yemeni poet – Abdullah Al-Baradouni's with an analytical-descriptive approach; Abdullah Al-Baradouni depicts the Islamic awareness by composing poems with resistance literature concepts as well as Iqbal Lahori explicitly. Both poets consider unity among Muslims to be the most important secret and principle for the victory of Muslims over global arrogance and call on their followers to refrain from extreme patriotism and to consider all Islamic lands as part of their homeland. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Unity; Discourse in the Context of Sustainability Literature; with a Reflection on Persian and Arabic Contemporary Poetries
        Farooq Nemati
        Invitation to national unity and cohesion is one of the main themes in sustainability literature. Therefore, one of the most important discourses among the poets of the Islamic awakening in Persian and Arabic contemporary poetry is the issue of unity and public invitati More
        Invitation to national unity and cohesion is one of the main themes in sustainability literature. Therefore, one of the most important discourses among the poets of the Islamic awakening in Persian and Arabic contemporary poetry is the issue of unity and public invitation to solidarity and the formation of a single line against the enemies. This important socio-political category, the main sources of which are the guidelines of Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH), is widely reflected in the contemporary period and in the poems of bilingual poets; In a way, these poets consider the factor of unity in religious and national fields as one of the main factors of victory and success of Muslims in their political and social arenas. In this article, we will examine and analyze their views on the issue of unity by passing over the poems of the most important Persian and Arabic contemporary poets in the field of sustainability literature. The approach of this research shows that these poets, while enumerating the dangers of division, consider unity in its two Islamic and national spheres as the basis for achieving goals and defeating the conspiracies and plans of the enemy.   Manuscript profile
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        27 - The unity of existence in the words of Imam Khomeini and its comparison with Davood Qaisari
        Nematollah Behzadi Farajollah Barati Maryam Bakhtiar
        Dawood Qaisari is one of the famous mystics of the sixth century who has a great contribution in the development and growth of Ibn Arabi school. This book is undoubtedly one of the most prominent educational texts on theoretical mysticism, which testifies to the author' More
        Dawood Qaisari is one of the famous mystics of the sixth century who has a great contribution in the development and growth of Ibn Arabi school. This book is undoubtedly one of the most prominent educational texts on theoretical mysticism, which testifies to the author's mastery in understanding and explaining the topics of Ibn Arabi's thought. The discussion of "unity of existence" is one of the important topics in this work, which is very interesting and has always been discussed by other mystics and thinkers of the Valley of Mysticism; For example, in the present era, Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, who, although entering the world of politics, does not hide his devotion and interest in Ibn Arabi's thought and his works, and especially in the discussion of the unity of existence. In the works of Daud Qaisari and Imam Khomeini, both of which are influenced by the teachings of the Ibn Arabi school, we find that they have similar views and opinions on the unity of existence and its bills, which are worthy of attention. Similarities such as: the unity of personal intuition, the first determination, the status of oneness and unity, etc. Although at first Imam Khomeini disagreed in some cases, Manuscript profile
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        28 - Quranic Principles of the Five Presences (Hazarat-e Khams) in Theoretical Mysticism
        Maryam Mahmoodi Ali Akhlaghi Samira Qasemi
        Appearance of Ibn-e Arabi’s, his students and his commentators’ thoughts created a new way of thinking in Islamic mysticism that was the result of 6 centuries of mystics, philosophers and scholastic theologian’s thinking. In the process and evolution o More
        Appearance of Ibn-e Arabi’s, his students and his commentators’ thoughts created a new way of thinking in Islamic mysticism that was the result of 6 centuries of mystics, philosophers and scholastic theologian’s thinking. In the process and evolution of this way of mystical thinking new expressions were coined that some scholars think they were created by the unusual mind of Ibin-e Arabi’s and some others think they root in esoteric exegeses and interpretations of Quran and hadith (prophetic saying) or a mixture of them. The Five Presences (Hazarat-e Khams) or the Five Worlds are from the important and key expressions of this way of thinking which have Quranic or theological (Kalami) identity and some great people such as Ibn-e Arabi have brought up and discussed them based on verses of Quran and prophetic sayings. In the present article the Five Presences have been explained from the viewpoint of mystics and they have also been analyzed based on the verses of Quran, words of interpreters and eminent mystics. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A Study on Holy Quran Principles about Enjoying Religious Differences
        Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali Mohammad Ibrahim Bakhshandeh
        It’s about centuries that enemies and arrogant countries set disunity and conflict amongst religions and Islamic tribes as their main strategy against Middle East; unfortunately war and Muslims’ slaughter news have been the main headline of the media all aro More
        It’s about centuries that enemies and arrogant countries set disunity and conflict amongst religions and Islamic tribes as their main strategy against Middle East; unfortunately war and Muslims’ slaughter news have been the main headline of the media all around the world because of some Islamic nations and governments’ inattention and carelessness. Existence of differences and dissimilarities is natural and many advantages would be achieved because of these differences from Quran’s viewpoint. This research has been done with descriptive – analytical method and intends to study Quran’s principles on avoiding disunity among Islamic tribes and religions; it concludes that these differences are introductions and never should be the final aim; human’s duty is to decrease the differences and avoid disunity. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Studying and analyzing the elements of alienation and loneliness and comparing them in the poems of Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simin Behbehani
        sa sa mahnaz bahrani
        Nostalgia or the feeling of loneliness or sadness resulting from alienation from a psychological point of view is heartbreak and a person's longing for his past. This feeling appears as a manifestation of unconscious human behavior. Nostalgia, or feeling lonely and sad, More
        Nostalgia or the feeling of loneliness or sadness resulting from alienation from a psychological point of view is heartbreak and a person's longing for his past. This feeling appears as a manifestation of unconscious human behavior. Nostalgia, or feeling lonely and sad, manifests itself within the framework of longing for home, lover, family, happy childhood and adolescence, and favorable political, social, economic, and religious conditions in the past. The result of this research shows that Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simon Behbehani, as followers of the romantic school of contemporary literature (Arabic and Persian), used nostalgia as one of the basic and necessary foundations in their poetry and based on psychological sources and indicators are presented among the poets of nostalgia, although al-Bayati's words and feelings are more attractive and emotional Compared to Simin Behbehani. This research studies the poems of Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Simon Behbehani with an analytical and descriptive approach based on library sources. Its aim is to discover the components of nostalgia and to know the intellectual and poetic lines of these two poets. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Organic unity and Applied review of ode Altomanyneh Mikhaeel Noaimeh
        Zinah Erfatpoor Mohammad Khosravi Chitgar
        In the modern era, under the  influence of the Western literary criticism has been highly spoken  about Organic  Unity in Arabic ode But many  researchers and Critics is established incomplete concept of organic unity in their minds and think it mean More
        In the modern era, under the  influence of the Western literary criticism has been highly spoken  about Organic  Unity in Arabic ode But many  researchers and Critics is established incomplete concept of organic unity in their minds and think it means the ode become confined  to an Personal experience or a feeling and while they study it in the poetry they are amaze between logical unity and the unity of subject .So this essay express the concept of Organic unity and the unity of subject and the logical unity at contemporary Arabic poetry critics and schools and then the Organic Unity of the ode Altomanyneh of Mikhaeel Noaimeh that the Just to see what elements are applied to the organic unity between the components of the ode until the Organic unity is achieved. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Unity ideological resonance in the literature of resistance to the movement of Bahrain
        Ali Bagher Taheri nia Farzaneh Mahmoodi Nasrin Abbasi
        Islamic consciousness is set of people-revolutionaries which has being started at late 2010 s, including rising and rebelling of Bahrainian on 14th Feb. 2011. But this rising is different from others because of Bahrain Media's trying as well as western governing's effor More
        Islamic consciousness is set of people-revolutionaries which has being started at late 2010 s, including rising and rebelling of Bahrainian on 14th Feb. 2011. But this rising is different from others because of Bahrain Media's trying as well as western governing's efforts about clannish so that it is adapted as Shiite cultism, belligerent antagonistic motion against Sunnite. The topic has been reflected clearly within resistant literature, as far revolutionary poets states ideological solitariness between Shiite and Sunnite Muslims. Along direction, in this study was analyzed total relation among Islamic resistance in general and acknowledge in special. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis of the Quranic Function of Social Unity from the Perspective of Allamah Tabatabie
        Sayed Mahdi Soltani Renani mohammadreza haji esmaeeli Muhammad Reza Sotudenia Sayed Mahdi Lotfi
        One of the social functions of Holy Quran in human life from Allmah Tabatabaie's point of view is the creation and expansion of social unity. He considers the unity as an element causing the honor and power of the Muslim community and regards it as God's gift. He believ More
        One of the social functions of Holy Quran in human life from Allmah Tabatabaie's point of view is the creation and expansion of social unity. He considers the unity as an element causing the honor and power of the Muslim community and regards it as God's gift. He believes that Quranic suggestion for achieving this goal is to have plan for its expansion not just in words but in practice and adds that Quran besides designing and strengthening unity has mentioned the factors of schism as the social barriers of realizing unity. Quran has also tried to fight against the factors of schism and suggested practical solutions. The present study emphasizes the importance and situation of social unity in human life by highlighting Allamah Tabatabaie's views in al-Mizan and discusses about its Quranic functions, its barriers and solutions. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Study of religious tolerance in the poems Elias Farahat
        Hasan Majidi Tabibeh Shokohi
        Praise of the Prophet (PBUH) is one of the issues that poets were interested in it. Some of the Diaspora Christian poets Sang poems in praise of the Prophet (s) in the modern era, especially Elias Farahat, and called on Arabs to tolerance, brotherhood and unit More
        Praise of the Prophet (PBUH) is one of the issues that poets were interested in it. Some of the Diaspora Christian poets Sang poems in praise of the Prophet (s) in the modern era, especially Elias Farahat, and called on Arabs to tolerance, brotherhood and unity. What are the ideas and motives that led to the praise of the Prophet? In fact, some of the Diaspora poets believe the unity of religions, and that’s why they glorify the Prophet and exalt him in their poem and prose. These poets make patriotism their religion and Arabism, its center. The religious tolerance in the poems of Elias Farhat,is considered a rejection of the intolerance and rigidity, and this is one of the salient elements in the literature of the Diaspora. Farhat glorifies the religion of Islam because this religion has made a significant effect in the unification of nations. As he prefers good work to the ordinances of religion, and sees that Islam is right, although he is a hristian rebel on ritual of the Christian religion. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Retiring review cucumbers from the perspective of Sheikh Ansari and implementation of the civil rights Vara’ court precedents
        Mohamad Mehdi Ahmadi najmeh azizi naserabad
        Summary Cucumber rights including financial rights that the warrants for Jurisprudence and Iranian Law and with the length and extent of the rights of other countries is not relevant. The Right Like other financial rights, can be dismantled. And like all legal acts req More
        Summary Cucumber rights including financial rights that the warrants for Jurisprudence and Iranian Law and with the length and extent of the rights of other countries is not relevant. The Right Like other financial rights, can be dismantled. And like all legal acts require the will and discretion. Dealers could not Khiari condition that initially they can then make the right cucumbers as well as it will dismantled. To the, so that The contracts are common today that it has created problems. To the extent that some lawyers are inclined to the view that such a provision is void contracts that have to know the other hand, the Shia jurisprudents about the possibility of waiving all no explicit provision in each cucumber cucumbers paid to the quality of overthrowing it. This rule has carefully considered the many problems faced by lawyers. In considering scrapping the cucumber appeal against this rule Astnsnayat, so that many of the lawyers referred to this rule is entered. Knew cucumber and residual rights, the rule of lawyers with many problems faced scrutiny. Cucumbers right that the two parties or one of them and then contract to a third party the authority to terminate the contract. The implementation of this legal action is the right one will be done and need to be willing and Rhythmic is among the contrary annulment is located mutual consent. Internal determination and passion Terminator has no effect on the contract. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Idea of Ummah in the Eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra)
        ابوذر گوهری مقدم سید علی لطیفی
        Recognition of basic keywords in political thinking of Imam Khomeini (ra) is an important passage to desirably know the politico-mental system of a foundation he laid and memorably left behind legally and institutionally after revolution of Iran in 1357 (1978). “U More
        Recognition of basic keywords in political thinking of Imam Khomeini (ra) is an important passage to desirably know the politico-mental system of a foundation he laid and memorably left behind legally and institutionally after revolution of Iran in 1357 (1978). “Ummah” is known as a word that has Islamic nature and theme and it has been incorporated from religious literature into political thinking of Islamic thinkers, particularly the great leader of the Islamic Revolution. Research done on practical and theoretical works of Imam Khomeini (ra) indicates that the word keeping its religious originality and adopting its Quranic and narrative origin stands together with conceptual changes of the day like the words of nation and nationalism; it can reproduce itself in thinking of Imam Khomeini (ra) by making use of tools of Ijtihad with the time and space exigencies. The present article tries to make a study of idea of Imam Khomeini (ra) in this regard by means of analytic-descriptive method and library-based studies. By checking the old used word literature by Imam Khomeini (ra), one can draw the conclusion that concept of nation is found a marginal concept and in contact with concept of Ummah and he has never negated nationalism in the sense of rule of people or nation in his statements made about nationalism; rather, he has abandoned ethnicism and tribalism and their undesirable effects that result in division and disunity of Islamic Ummah. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Religion as Viewed by Sufism
        Mohammad Yousef Nayyeri Maryam Elahizadeh
        As with their other doctrines which are based on another world beyond this tangible one, the Sufis think of religion as having an inner nature in addition to its outward appearance. In their opinion, the outward appearance of the religion, cut off from its inner nature, More
        As with their other doctrines which are based on another world beyond this tangible one, the Sufis think of religion as having an inner nature in addition to its outward appearance. In their opinion, the outward appearance of the religion, cut off from its inner nature, is a framework with no value in itself and can lead its believers neither to their destination nor to their goals. In their religious discourse, inner nature and appearance, principles and commandments, and theory and practice are blended together. They conceive the true meaning of the religion as revelatory certitude and serving people and put more emphasis on the latter, i.e. serving people. The writers, throughout this essay, are seeking to discover the true manifestation of religion. In conducting this research, the researchers have relied mainly on quotations and works of the greatest Muslim Mystics of 2nd to 5th centuries (AH) – Bayazid Bastami, Abul-Hassan Kharaqani, Abū Saʿīd Abi’l-Khayr, Imam Mohammad Ghazālī and Ayn-al-qożāt Hamadānī. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Unity of Creation; Bin Ma'ayet of Khosrawani's Wisdom in Manteqotteir Attar
        Leyla Gholami Ahangar-Kolayi Mahmoud Tavousi Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh
        Khosravani Hekmat is Philosophy and mysticism of ancient iran that In this research, the principle of unity of creation is considered as one of its important attributes in the works of Attar. According to the results, The poet was influenced by the principle of the unit More
        Khosravani Hekmat is Philosophy and mysticism of ancient iran that In this research, the principle of unity of creation is considered as one of its important attributes in the works of Attar. According to the results, The poet was influenced by the principle of the unity of creation, although under the influence of the human being in the wisdom of Khosravani, But, unlike its predecessors, The scientific analogy corresponds to the universe of the universe with the cosmic universe, which is equivalent to the analogy of the integrity of the thirty-sixth with the Simorgh. Particle and universe, ancient secrets, ordering, desirable city, number 30, Mount Ghaf, The victim of the sensual desire, the number seven, the simorgh and the famine are all the manifestations of the unity of creation in Manteqotteir that They originated from the wisdom of Khosravi. The unity of its existence in Manteqotteir is related to the integrity and integrity of the universe, the cosmic order, and the mythology of the perfection of the day. Between the above concepts, the equality ratio is in the quadruple rational ratios. Manuscript profile
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        39 - An Analytical Comparative Study of the Myth of “Zal and Rudaba” in Comparison to Other Iranian and Egyptian Myths
        maryam mahmoodi ahmad khademi
        There is a symbolic interpretation of the myth of “Zal and Roudabeh” in its covert layers as it is in other Iranian and Egyptian myths. Zal and Simorgh are equal to the Sun, and are the symbols of godlike heroes. Rudaba is also the symbol of the gods associa More
        There is a symbolic interpretation of the myth of “Zal and Roudabeh” in its covert layers as it is in other Iranian and Egyptian myths. Zal and Simorgh are equal to the Sun, and are the symbols of godlike heroes. Rudaba is also the symbol of the gods associated with water and the moon, and an icon of unconsciousness. These three characters are all eternal as their prototypes. The myth of Zal and Rudaba is abundant with dualities that are inclined to unite and exalt, i.e. Zal is to undergo metamorphosis in order to escape from that duality and transform into a godlike authority living close to Simorgh; and Rudaba – a female heroin – desires to be in union with Zal – a male hero. This paper has studied the myth of Zal and Rudaba and has compared it to ancient myths of Iran and Egypth regarding their structures and concepts. Finding the similarity between these myths the paper has given an archetypal and symbolic analysis of them Manuscript profile
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        40 - From Multiple Unity to Oneness Unity An Analysis of Attār Nīšābūrī’s Notion of The Truth of Monotheism
        Hamidreza Shirali Malek Mohammad Farokhzad
        The first consensually accepted theological, philosophical, and mystical principle among all Muslims and followers of Ibrahim’s religion is monotheism, and the belief in this unaltered principle, is undoubtedly the product of the truth of monotheism that governs a More
        The first consensually accepted theological, philosophical, and mystical principle among all Muslims and followers of Ibrahim’s religion is monotheism, and the belief in this unaltered principle, is undoubtedly the product of the truth of monotheism that governs all the existence. However, it should not be ignored that ultimate knowledge about this solid and integrated principle is hardly achievable and rarely attainable, and according to the beliefs and sayings of all distinguished mystics of Islamic countries the perfect manifestation and the most justified form of monotheism is merely in the authority of the Perfect Man ever, who is the Excellency of the Master of Prophets, Mohammad (PBUH). On the belief of Islamic thinkers the knowledge about the boundaries between oneness unity and multiple unity is out of the toleration and understanding of all human beings; and what the knowledgeable masters believe as the “annihilation in God”, is indeed drowning in unbounded ocean of oneness unity; the unity that its only God will not let a twin whatsoever. The present research is undertaking the study of the monotheism in Farīd-al-dīn Mohammad Attār Nīšābūrī’s works. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Anti-wisdom during Safavid age
        Hassan shamyan Mehdi Muhaghegh
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        42 - A Comparative Analysis of 'Epistemology of the Nafs (Soul) in Masnavi' and 'post-Cartesian Thoughts of Spinoza
        Robabeh Abbasi Sahebi Hosein Mansoorian Sorkhgarieh Reza Forsati
        This article is a comparative study of the “epistemology of the soul" from the viewpoints of Molāna and Spinoza. Research hypotheses indicate that there are substantial similarities between the mystical attitude of Molāna which is based on the “unity of the More
        This article is a comparative study of the “epistemology of the soul" from the viewpoints of Molāna and Spinoza. Research hypotheses indicate that there are substantial similarities between the mystical attitude of Molāna which is based on the “unity of the existence” and Spinoza's believe in “the unity of the essence”. Despite Spinoza's adherence to the rationalism of Descartes, he had, unlike pluralist Descartes, a unitarian look in the field of the “essence of the existence”, that had common features with Molāna thoughts in Masnavi Ma’navi. For this reason, bearing in mind the hypothesis that nafs, is theoretically as well as practically, distinct from the soul, Spinoza's trans- cartesian attitudes in epistemology of the soul became the subject of comparison. This research which is in analytic-descriptive method, is done as an interdisciplinary comparative study, both philosophically and mystically, in response to the problems of: what is the nature and origin of the nafs? How can be controlled its insurrections? And what is the degree of the effect of djabr va ikhtyār (fatalism and free will) on the emergence of the selfish appetites? It concluded that there is not significant differences between two attitudes in nature, states and acts of the soul and its levels, restraint manner and the relation of the soul with human will, except in their methodology. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The Function of Narrative Plot in Formation of Organic Unity in Free Poetry: A Case Study of Badr Shākir al-Sayyāb and Mehdi Akhavān Sāles
        Aliasghar Ghahremani Moghbel Fereshteh Yadegari Hojjat Rasouli Amir Farhangnia
        The beauty of the literary work, especially free poetry, is due to the cohesion of its different parts in form and content, so that it appears to the reader as a coherent construction of harmonious units from the beginning to the end. Organic unity is one of the most pr More
        The beauty of the literary work, especially free poetry, is due to the cohesion of its different parts in form and content, so that it appears to the reader as a coherent construction of harmonious units from the beginning to the end. Organic unity is one of the most prominent issues raised after the emergence of free poetry of which the plot is the most important element. In this article, the authors examine the organic unity of narrative plot and its importance in forming organic cohesion and coherence of the constituents of poetry through the comparison between the pioneers of Arabic and Persian free poetry, Badr Shakir al-Sayyab and Mehdi Akhavān Sāles, from a comparative view point and reliance on the American school. They are also examine how each of these poets uses these elements. The findings of the research show that Akhavan is more successful in applying narrative plot, including rising and falling action (gereh goshāei and gereh afkani), in formation process of organic unity, because his poetry is in a clear linear process that is materialized this by using rising and falling action as well as logical systematic sequences of thoughts in which the richness of the Persian heritage in fictional language has been effective. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Analysis of Ode Form in Poems of Jarollah Zamakhshari
        Hassan Dadkhah Tehrani Kheyrieh Ajrash Gholam Reza Karimifard Zohreh Azari
          Since the days of ignorance, ode in Arabic literature has been written based on a specified system and poets and critics have used this defined structure as foundation of their works. Arabic ode consists of several parts, each of which is an introduction to the n More
          Since the days of ignorance, ode in Arabic literature has been written based on a specified system and poets and critics have used this defined structure as foundation of their works. Arabic ode consists of several parts, each of which is an introduction to the next part; first verse of an ode is called matla'. After matla' are placed tashbib (to mention youth affairs) or nasib (soft poetry about women), taxallos (pseudonym) (escape of poet from lyricism to main theme), main theme (praise, glory, whimper, etc.), and maqta' (section) (prayer of approval and desire to immortality for desired person of the poem) respectively. This is the exact criterion which past poets obliged themselves to it and critics make future poets to follow it. Jarollah Zamakhshari is one of the poets that this paper analyzes his adherence to Arabic ode of ignorance period through investigating odes and methods applied in composing prelude, matla', pseudonym (connection of prelude with main purpose of the poem),final part and unity of subject. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Bidel in the Deep Ocean of the Mystical Sonnet: A Critical Perspective
        Mehdi Mahouzi Seyyed Ibrahim Arman
        Bidel Dehlavi as the greatest mystical poet in the Indian Subcontinent has unleashed the Indian School of Persian poetry from its formal form and style. To him the sonnet was the continuation of the thoughts and ideas of Mowlavi’s in his ‘Shamsiyaat’. More
        Bidel Dehlavi as the greatest mystical poet in the Indian Subcontinent has unleashed the Indian School of Persian poetry from its formal form and style. To him the sonnet was the continuation of the thoughts and ideas of Mowlavi’s in his ‘Shamsiyaat’. The present article is an attempt to come to an understanding of Bidel through the lens of his mystical sonnets where he upholds the idea that, in the process of the mystical return a human being takes , all the forms of multiplicity direct themselves towards a direction of unity. All those forms in their downward waft from the creator to the created are representational which confer and illustrate the characteristics of the Creator. The mystical sonnets of Bidel dramatize a mystical epic which renders the love of a human being for his eternal beloved. These sonnets frequently carry surreal layers of meaning in themselves thus making the poetic vocabulary he uses in his depiction of such a mystical expressions quite perplexing to the readers as well as the researchers. All these said, his poetry bears such an enthusiasm and attraction in itself that his use of such meter and feet, rhythm and rhyme has all made it more inviting and effective to the readers. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Transformation and modernity of Allegory in the Theory of Existence Unity and Intuition Unity (Focusing on Sanai and Fakhr al-Din Ibrahim Iraqi’s Masterpieces)
        Ali Akhlaghi Maryam Mahmoodi
        The attitudes of famous mystics, facing epistemological matters and relationship between human being, the Creator, and the universe during eras and times, at any mystic level, differ from one another. Every thinking-mystic attitude is endowed with a particular analysis More
        The attitudes of famous mystics, facing epistemological matters and relationship between human being, the Creator, and the universe during eras and times, at any mystic level, differ from one another. Every thinking-mystic attitude is endowed with a particular analysis of the mystic and enjoys the exclusive writing methods or special thoughts to express their mystical discoveries, which might have been the results of other famous mystics’ team works. Although investigating mystics’ masterpieces, sayings, and writing structures have many things in common, much attention and evaluation of this piece with the special and pure mystical factors and literary language may provide precise readers with delicate differences regarding vocabulary, imagination, and thoughts. Allegory is considered to be the best mimetic method for the mystics to express more about mystical experiences and in higher levels, mystical-instructional thoughts, which have different structures and images in the two big inclinations of intuition unity and existence unity. By comparing the masterpieces of two mystic poets as the samples of these two mystical thoughts – i.e. Hakim Sanai Ghaznavi and Fakhr al-Din Ibrahim Iraqi – the author has tried to analyze this issue in order to explain and express the same through evidences. Manuscript profile
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        47 - The study and analysis of pantheism and expression allegories in description quatrains of Jammi relaying on its educational aspect
        GholamReza Davoudipour asghar dadbeh
        This article has done based on allegory  usage in description quatrains of Jammi - which is a thesis on pantheism description and votes of Ebn Arabi- and the subject of this article is relayed on its educational aspect and has measured on discussion and opinion sca More
        This article has done based on allegory  usage in description quatrains of Jammi - which is a thesis on pantheism description and votes of Ebn Arabi- and the subject of this article is relayed on its educational aspect and has measured on discussion and opinion scale. At first it is briefly explained about allegory, pantheism and expression, then present allegories in text have categorized to eight sections include: ‘’light and sun, fire, mirror, glass, water flow, sea and desert, letters and numbers’’ whole of them have explained and describe. And finally results of research have conclude.   Manuscript profile
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        48 - Educational foundations of Islam Managing the evolution of religious character, Jalal Al Ahmad
        Sayyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni Mohammad reza kamali baniani
        Jalal Ahmed is one of the most prominent intellectuals Has spoken in various fields such as Westernization, religion, women's rights, government, intellectual, intellectuals, and ... The owner of the pen is tough. This paper tries to view and regarded the Jalal Al-Din More
        Jalal Ahmed is one of the most prominent intellectuals Has spoken in various fields such as Westernization, religion, women's rights, government, intellectual, intellectuals, and ... The owner of the pen is tough. This paper tries to view and regarded the Jalal Al-Din Ahmad, causes and its historical roots emerge And  understanding of the reasons for his escape religious and religion-oriented paradigm of thought that it's a fundamental role in shaping Iranian society, - But its effect is already visible- The review will be. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Express unity with the techniques of spiritual allegory
        M. Nazari
        mystical literature Has a special place, Masnavi is like a miracle.Rumi's beautiful expression and use of allegory with various tips in the form of similes, metaphors, allusions, ancient and patterns ... to express Mystical object. Sports themes such as destruction, ann More
        mystical literature Has a special place, Masnavi is like a miracle.Rumi's beautiful expression and use of allegory with various tips in the form of similes, metaphors, allusions, ancient and patterns ... to express Mystical object. Sports themes such as destruction, annihilation in Allah's attributes, Unity is a form of reasoning concepts with different purposes, To the mind of the decisions about what, in a decision about something else, because of the similarity between it creates Dvmqvlh­ The garlic. He believes that this property is Vjsmany material forms and templates, Which prevents see the truth because behind them nothing but unity does not exist. The only way to get to the truth except through Vastghraq on the right will not forget. Rumi, to prove the unity of spirits, of metaphorical allegories such as shades of light barrier Congress Nvrkh article speaks the truth. Inally, the Masnavi unity shops or anything other than God knows He knows apparent and unreal. Manuscript profile
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        50 - The study Of Mysticism in the works Of Contemporary Orientalists
        Hamid Jafari Qariyeh Ali
        The present study investigates the works of some contemporary orientalists who have conducted broad scientific evidentiary studies on mysticism. As a mediator between Islam and the West, Annemarie Schimmel did extensive studies on mysticism, looking through the lens of More
        The present study investigates the works of some contemporary orientalists who have conducted broad scientific evidentiary studies on mysticism. As a mediator between Islam and the West, Annemarie Schimmel did extensive studies on mysticism, looking through the lens of a believer and an academician. Hellmut Ritter’s studies on old manuscripts and the collection of Daryaye Jan are an indication of his devotion to and love of Iranian-Islamic mysticism. Fritz Meier revealed the hidden aspects of Baha Valad’s life and released him from being overshadowed by his son, Molana Jalaluddin. A decade of research on the life and thought of Abu-Saeed Abolkheir was his invaluable contribution to mystic studies. The elaborative and refinery studies of theses researchers, along with their exemplary knowledge and scientific courage, introduced to the world a great part of Persian mysticism and literary treasure. Manuscript profile
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        51 - A Survey of Possible Integration of Romantic Mysticism and Pantheistic Mysticism
        Abbass Gohari Aminreza Nooshin
        Romantic (loving) mysticism changes the relationship between God and human being from the relationship between king and peasant and even the relationship between worshiper and deity to lover and beloved or beloved and lover, therefore, this is the best exhib More
        Romantic (loving) mysticism changes the relationship between God and human being from the relationship between king and peasant and even the relationship between worshiper and deity to lover and beloved or beloved and lover, therefore, this is the best exhibition of human being-God relationship. According to this mystical approach, human is the lover and the beloved of God that suddenly as the same time that the human is the beloved becomes lover with the help of divine love during a tremendous experience and in a special moment. Pantheistic mysticism is a type that is related to the experience of unity and it claims that during this experience the mystic pays attention to nothing except God and pays attention only to God. In this mystical school, the dualism between creator and creature has been mentioned; So Romantic (loving) mysticism can be added to this school. Pantheistic mysticism is also a mysticism that claims the mystic during the mystical experience achieves a knowledge about unity between creator and creature and the mystic understands that although, dualism has been happened between God and other creatures but this dualism is not a basic matter, So in this essay the romantic aptitude of pantheistic mysticism has been approved and then with the use of two reasons, that one of them is based on reality and the other one is based on reason, this claim that says “The unity between pantheistic mysticism and romantic (loving) mysticism does not exist” is rejected. Manuscript profile
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        52 - نمود عینی عرفان و وحدت وجود در باغ ایرانی(موردمطالعه باغ تخت شیراز)
        زهره ترابی شهام اسدی
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        53 - Comparative Study Of Manifestation in Rumis and Shabestaris Monistic Thoughts pertaining Masnavi and Golshan-e-raaz
        Hosein Arian Leili Abbassi Montazeri
        As we know, Rumi's worldview is based on monism; the fact that the nature of the almighty has manifested in various forms in objects and creatures, has made them the overall mirror of the almighty. Because of the impression of Rumi's school of thought on Shabestari, thi More
        As we know, Rumi's worldview is based on monism; the fact that the nature of the almighty has manifested in various forms in objects and creatures, has made them the overall mirror of the almighty. Because of the impression of Rumi's school of thought on Shabestari, this concept has entered in his mystical ideology as well. This paper tries to make a comparative study on the concept of 'manifestation', one of the basic concepts on the issue of absolute unity. Our major goal at present and in general is the study of the comparative and contrastive ideas of Rumi and Shabestari against the manifestation of the almighty in objects and creatures. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Sanaees view about" the unity Of Existence
        Felor valipour Chahardah cherik Reza Elahimanesh
        In investigating viewpoint of Sanaee about "Unity of Existence", locality of God, World and Human in perspective of Sanaee are considered. God is unique Essence that is not dualism- bearer. By view point of Sanaee. He is outstanding, summary of all Existence – worlds an More
        In investigating viewpoint of Sanaee about "Unity of Existence", locality of God, World and Human in perspective of Sanaee are considered. God is unique Essence that is not dualism- bearer. By view point of Sanaee. He is outstanding, summary of all Existence – worlds and containing ascending and descending arch that target of his creation is the insight of God. He entered from transcendental world (non- existence) to arena of world to reach to insight desert and unity with Right and survival by God. World of Existence also is manifestation Divine glory and shadow of Right (God). Manuscript profile
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        55 - Decoding theWoman inSpiritual  Sessions Of Ibn Arani
        Simin Valavi Hamid Abedi Firozjaei
        The present paper is about using mystical symbol of woman in Ibn Arabi sonnets. Ibn Arabi is the founder of new style of theoretical Sufism that is evident amonghis works.Especially in his mystical Sessions Court, he is dedicated to interpreting Tarjoman Alashvaq, Use o More
        The present paper is about using mystical symbol of woman in Ibn Arabi sonnets. Ibn Arabi is the founder of new style of theoretical Sufism that is evident amonghis works.Especially in his mystical Sessions Court, he is dedicated to interpreting Tarjoman Alashvaq, Use of special statements that Ghazal feel quite that the flavor is divine and mystical.His work is on the development of mystical thought in the sonnet "pantheism". In this essay with an introductory note about the Sufism of Ibn Arabi and intellectual context of his secrets will be referred to on the basis ofhis workinthesonnetformtomystical. Twenty decoding with a better understanding of this Beauty understand its meaning has been noted to some of the poems related to Persian language. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Asiri Lahiji’s Outlook on the Unity Of Existence
        Ali Akbar Afrasiyabpour Jalil Mohammadi
        Shams-Aldin Mohammad Asiri Lahiji, in whose poetry and verses, he tried to depict Gnostic notions in theoretical and practical terms is one of the Teymurian’s Shi’ite Gnostics (840- 912A.H.). The most fundamental premises, in his discussion, are the presentation of the More
        Shams-Aldin Mohammad Asiri Lahiji, in whose poetry and verses, he tried to depict Gnostic notions in theoretical and practical terms is one of the Teymurian’s Shi’ite Gnostics (840- 912A.H.). The most fundamental premises, in his discussion, are the presentation of the “Unity of Existence” theory. Being impressed by Ibn Arabi and Sheikh Mahmood Shabestary, he proposes his ideas aesthetically. The “Unity of Existence” theory is considered as a kind of interpretation of Monotheism whose roots are in Islamic Gnosticism in the 2nd century that is analyzed by Ibn Arabi methodologically with a kind of philosophical interpretation. Asiri Lahiji is also considered as one of the proponents of the“Unity of Existence” theory while contemplating and implying Hafez and Molavi Gnostic concepts as well as Earlier Gnostics. He elaborates on the “Unity of Existence” proceeding to the “Perfect Universal Man.” The unique “God” is the genuine and gracious Absolute Unity, the sole eternal “light”, from whose essence all the other creatures are mere reflections. Manuscript profile
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        57 - 'Ayn ul-Quzzāt Hamidānīs view on Unity Of Being
        Morteza Shajari
        Unity of Being as a doctrine that says no other entity unless God can be described by Being, has been scattered all over the writings on Ayn ul-Quzzat. In Commenting this Quranic verse: "How! Are they still in doubt about the meeting with their Lord? Lo! Is not He surro More
        Unity of Being as a doctrine that says no other entity unless God can be described by Being, has been scattered all over the writings on Ayn ul-Quzzat. In Commenting this Quranic verse: "How! Are they still in doubt about the meeting with their Lord? Lo! Is not He surrounding all things?" (Quran; 41:54) he describe those who are in doubt about the meeting with the Lord, as blind. The blind men are who can not see God's sovereign encompassment over all existents including His Being, because in doing so, can undoubtedly observe that they, themselves, are among the numerous Divine manifestations. For him, God by His sovereign encompassment over the manifestations can be regarded both as centre and periphery. Therefore, God possesses Being truly not like the creatures that are of it metaphorically. They, i. e. creatures, are the various modes of the Unitary Being that from time to time, Hamadani calls them as temporal advents. God is eternal, to say, He is beyond the time, so that one can say as in the beginningless eternity God existed with no other thing accompanied Him, He exists in the present time and will exist in the endless eternity, too. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Ayyar idol Ebrahimi bleeder Of jami criticism
        Hamid Jafari Ghariyeh Ali
        The molana Abdorahman jami is of explicator and promoter mohyeddin-ebna Arabic belief in Theoretc sufism. In his Valued trace (Naghdonosus) bring summary of Ebna Arabic thinking and ideas. and This book is Realy summary of (fosusolhekam) Ebna Arabi describe being infa More
        The molana Abdorahman jami is of explicator and promoter mohyeddin-ebna Arabic belief in Theoretc sufism. In his Valued trace (Naghdonosus) bring summary of Ebna Arabic thinking and ideas. and This book is Realy summary of (fosusolhekam) Ebna Arabi describe being infact to total sing leness. That has different dignity and symbol. And demeanor and diverse way Are of faces and symbol that there fore this describe is divine names for prophet.And of blessing sorce. That is claim essence to be to acquire or own primacy.And as much these ability more than more perfect appearance revelation name to these. Jami in bleeder Ebrahimi to describe secrets of perfect human being . and with own wisely style show one thing in much it.And arriving at then claim and face tempered of a infact is total. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Pantheism and its signs in mantegh al-teyr
        Masoud Pakdel
          According to pantheism theory in Islamic theosophy , what ever eyes see and thought records, is superficial and imaginary growth, and beyond that there is an unlimited and real existence. This growth is effect of that unique and unlimited existence.  Attar uses compou More
          According to pantheism theory in Islamic theosophy , what ever eyes see and thought records, is superficial and imaginary growth, and beyond that there is an unlimited and real existence. This growth is effect of that unique and unlimited existence.  Attar uses compound pun to explain imaginary growth and unique and real existence. Thirty birds  and roc (simorgh). Roc which is byond the superficial senses  really exists and it is only one , whereas thirty birds which  ane on  face of  super ficial senses donot  really exist, but in fact they are signs and realization of that single fact. The Roc is the mystery of God and thirty birds are mystery of humans. Roc is beyond the senses of other birds. in fact those thritl birds found out that Roc in themselves. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Variety Of Ideas on Satan among Islamic  Mystics and Interpreters
        Seyyed Nader Mohammadzadeh Seyyedeh Zahra Hosseini
        As a stubborn entity misleading human being in Abraham related religions, Satan is a significant and questionable subject matter among philosophers, theologians, and mystics. The interpreters have three view points towards Satan. First, it is a genie. Second, it was an More
        As a stubborn entity misleading human being in Abraham related religions, Satan is a significant and questionable subject matter among philosophers, theologians, and mystics. The interpreters have three view points towards Satan. First, it is a genie. Second, it was an angel at first but became a genie. And third, it was an angel. The followers of every one of these standpoints have resorted to a lot of verses and traditions but a closer look reveals that Satan was a genie at first and because of a lot of worshipping had a position among the angels. From mystics point of view there are various standpoints available. Most mystics assume Satan as a symbol of wickedness and a source of seducing human being. However, some of them including Hallaj, Eynolghozat-e- Hamedani, Ahmad Ghazali, etc. defend Satan and believe it as a pure lover of God and a real theist. Hallaj believed that Satan is even more theist than God Himself and proudly wears the clothes of damnation. Despite the defense made against Satan, mystics find fault with its disobedience, pride, spiritual blind, and inability to see behind the surface meaning. In the school of pantheism, Satan and demons and wicked ones are manifestation of the glory characters of the Almighty that are not detached from the will of God. In the end, it is concluded that the purpose of deniers and supporters and worshipers of Satan all refer to monotheistic standpoint of Islam. This paper is prepared in a descriptive and analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Mystical Attitude Of IbnFarez
        Mahmood Abdanan Mehdizaeh Abdolali Daylami
        One of the major differences between human being and other creatures including angels is that his mentality and emotions are always evolving and growing in a sense that the essential aspect of character will penetrate into his religious beliefs. Accordingly, his way of More
        One of the major differences between human being and other creatures including angels is that his mentality and emotions are always evolving and growing in a sense that the essential aspect of character will penetrate into his religious beliefs. Accordingly, his way of praying whose philosophy is summarized in the verse of the Koran as “We created Jinni and other spirits to be praying” has also undergone a revolution in the form and content. In addition to keeping its essence which is worshiping God it is spiraled and engaged so much that through this kind of creature obliged to pray in different forms of life other creatures should find out and make a research on various aspects of different means of praying and spiritual journeys. Now we would like to recognize the means of spiritual journey and internal ways of praying by the Egyptian IbnFarez. He lived in an era that the praying of some devotees had exceeded the normal situation and turned into abstinence and wayward to God during the first century, then to spiritual journey at the outset of the second century, after which by the late third century toward a phenomenon of fatality and revelation and unity, and eventually to the monism or intuition and hidden concepts of that in the seventh century. Therefore, it is endeavored to study and analyze the mystical view of his. After the introduction on training Sufis and the available expressions used in that era, there will be some explanation on his mystical concepts and then the nature of his love and the procedures. In the end, the comments of some researchers on the nature of unity and his views on revelation and monism will be dealt with. Manuscript profile
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        62 - An overview Of Ibn Arabi`s Influence on Sufism in the Malay World
        Mahmoodreza Esfandiar Faezeh Rahman
        No doubt Ibn-i Arabi is considered, one of the most prominent figures in history of Islamic thought and mysticism. Perhaps less character in the history of Islamic culture can be traced back to the circle of supporters and opponents widespread. His thought was spread to More
        No doubt Ibn-i Arabi is considered, one of the most prominent figures in history of Islamic thought and mysticism. Perhaps less character in the history of Islamic culture can be traced back to the circle of supporters and opponents widespread. His thought was spread to anywhere in the Muslim world was controversial, both disciples and followers were loyal and tough opponents and critics found. In other parts of the Islamic world, such as Malay world also has been more or less in these circumstances. The people of this area of far from Islam homeland have been followed mystical Islam. Basically Sufis and Sufi orders had played a major role in the Islamization of the region.Some of these orders (such Qaderieh) very impressed by the school of Ibn-i Arabi, especially his theory of  "unity of being". In the Malay world Sufism The unity of being also was very effective and found a lot of pros and cons. Hamzah Fnsuri, Shams Alddin Sumatrani, Abdulsamad Palimbani, Abdul Rauf Singkili and Raniri that were The influential personalities and sufis in the mysticism of Malay world, are considered proponents and critics of Ibn Arabi`s school. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Study Of Semiotics in Mystical Loving Discourse in Rumis and Sa'dis Sonnets: Based on Matrix and Hypogram by Michael Riffaterre
        Farhad Tahmasbi
        This paper is based on the semiotic pattern of Michael Riffaterre in reading the poems of Molavi and Sadi, his theory of descriptive poems (the matrix and hypogram) is explained in this paper for the first time. The discourse of love is then analyzed on the basis of thi More
        This paper is based on the semiotic pattern of Michael Riffaterre in reading the poems of Molavi and Sadi, his theory of descriptive poems (the matrix and hypogram) is explained in this paper for the first time. The discourse of love is then analyzed on the basis of this pattern, including the following three: love, beloved and the lover, and their matrixes and hypograms are later elaborated. It aims at applying this pattern in ancient Persian poetry. It was indicated that the discourse of love is based on love and unity in Molavi’s sonnets whereas it is based on love and Carpe diem in Sadi’s sonnets. It confirms the traditional hypothesis that Molavi is a mystic and Sadi is a lover, through citations and methodologies. The course of descriptive poems related to the discourse of love leads from the love, beloved and lover to unity dynamically in Molavi’s sonnets, whereas this course leads from the unity of love and life to Carpe diem and the existential realism in Sadi’s sonnets Manuscript profile
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        64 - A Glimpse at the Inter-textual Relationship  between Dr. Ghadamali Saramis Poetry and Cognitive Field Of Mysticism
        Mehri Talkhabi
        The purpose of this paper is that, using the intertextuality theory one can show that a work itself is the result of attracting other texts. This paper contemplating on the Ghadamali Sarrami’s lyrics shows that he is a poet who doesn’t hide intertextual nature in his wo More
        The purpose of this paper is that, using the intertextuality theory one can show that a work itself is the result of attracting other texts. This paper contemplating on the Ghadamali Sarrami’s lyrics shows that he is a poet who doesn’t hide intertextual nature in his works. Sarrami's works have strong intertextual relations with mysticism. Finally, this paper concludes that, the easier it will be realized Sarrami’s poetry semantic horizons by knowing the frame of reference of mystical. Manuscript profile
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        65 - The Analysis Of mystical Allusions In Divan-e- Salman-e-Saveji
        Mohammad taghi Ghandi Jalil Tajlil
        .An analytic Study through the Divan-e- Salman-e- Saveji reveals the fact that in love mysticism, he is greetely influenced by the distinguished figures such as Ibn-e- Arabi, Moulavi and Hafez. Going through his poems, the presence of mysticism in various forms is vivid More
        .An analytic Study through the Divan-e- Salman-e- Saveji reveals the fact that in love mysticism, he is greetely influenced by the distinguished figures such as Ibn-e- Arabi, Moulavi and Hafez. Going through his poems, the presence of mysticism in various forms is vividly understood. Like his sonnets, the odes, written to give his compliments to those who have been admired by him however, is full of mystical lessons. Beauties and affections have been so highlited in Salman’s poems that they can be valued the same as masterpices left by Hafez and Sa’di. Salman is one of the followers of pantheism and illumination. His poems are characterized to be against hypocritical asceticism, but in favor of roguishness. Love and pantheism have been known to be the main themes of his poems and the core of his allusions. From his joyful point of view, the reality of life can be found in true love. In the appraisal sonnets and odes, a mixture of romantic deep feelings and a mystical look upon the universe, forms Salman’s attitude and life style. From this aspect, Salman has inherited his ancestors’ mystical tradition and pantheism. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Detachment in Eckharts and Rumis Viewpoints
        Ghorban Elmi Fatemeh Bababeygloo
        The purpose of this paper is an analysis of "Detachment" from the perspective of Eckhart and Rumi, the great Sufi, Christian and Muslim, which uses library resources to study the concept and characteristics of "Detachment". One of the pivotal teachings of Gnostic philos More
        The purpose of this paper is an analysis of "Detachment" from the perspective of Eckhart and Rumi, the great Sufi, Christian and Muslim, which uses library resources to study the concept and characteristics of "Detachment". One of the pivotal teachings of Gnostic philosophy among all mystics and mystical schools is "Detachment". Its dignity is so that Eckhart and the Rumi intends to invite everyone to gain it. From the perspective of Eckhart and Rumi, "Detachment" is the lack of belonging, freedom and leave; in this state, the mystic leaves the whole of his person and everything and achieves into the union with God is. From Eckhart’s view, without knowing, without possession and without desiring, one achieves "Detachment". In the same way, Rumi says that leaving of knowledge, belonging and will is necessary to achieves "Detachment". Manuscript profile
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        67 - Features of pantheism theory in Jami’s Haft Awrang
        Akbar SayyadKuh Mohammad Anvar Bejarzehi
        Norodin Abdorahman Jami is the greatest cultural and literary figure of 9th century that in his blessing life he has pervaded on all literary and social currents of 9th century. He is one of the greatest commentator of pantheism by Ebn Arabi and one of his true disciple More
        Norodin Abdorahman Jami is the greatest cultural and literary figure of 9th century that in his blessing life he has pervaded on all literary and social currents of 9th century. He is one of the greatest commentator of pantheism by Ebn Arabi and one of his true disciple and is also well known among others such as Fakhrodin Araghi and Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari. Jami removed the charges of incarnation from the thoughts of Molana Jalolodin Balkhi by true comprehension and correct delineation of Ebn Arabi’s pantheism and closed the doors of vulgarity and misuse from the mystical theory of pantheism. He is the one poet and mystic with much compilation and many works have remained that Haft Awrang with mystic theme is the most prominent one. Jami starts Haft Awrang with an implicit interpretation of pantheism and thereafter presents explicitly two worlds as God’s manifestation that its comprehension is done by thoroughbred not by novice. Mohammad , the Arab (pbuh) is the prophet and a perfect guide for true followers . The important tools of Jami in Haft Awrang to reach the pantheism are hierarchies of protector namely closeness to duties and practices. In this article, features of pantheism have been studied from the point of Jami’s Haft Arangh. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Unity of existence in Mulla Sadra's idea
        Afifeh Hamedi
        One of the basic Sadrian mystics and philosophers opinions is the unity of existence .The most important issue in Islamic philosophy that has been discussed after discussion on principality of existence, and caused to form various sects of philosophical and mystical. Mu More
        One of the basic Sadrian mystics and philosophers opinions is the unity of existence .The most important issue in Islamic philosophy that has been discussed after discussion on principality of existence, and caused to form various sects of philosophical and mystical. Mulla Sadra, the great philosopher of 16th century, also is one of the herald unities of existence. And after Jami is the only one that has become famous in this theory and according to many thinkers, he had been influenced by Ibn arabi. In his great book,( Al-asfar-al Arbae), he regarded existence according to proof, like phahlavi philosophers gradational,(tashkiki) i.e oneness reality that has different degrees .He in the same book(second part of first trip) manifested his final opinion in unity of existence on the basis of talent and mysticism, and has approved the individual unity of existence. So, he has named existence of possibilities ,dependent being. that whole are the reflex of one reality and the thought of independence and multiplicity of them is not real. In the end he has causation to dignity .In this research author has tried to obtain final theory of Mulla Sadra and to show oneness of unity of existence by hikmat-al motaliyah and mystical unity of existence. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Pantheism in the Eyes of Ibn Arabi and Spinosa
        MohammadTaghi Ghandi Mohammadreza Aram
        Ibn-e-Arabi and Spinoza have come up with brand new insights about existence. This study is concerned with a study of their views. Espinoza was also known as Cartesian philosopher too.The problem of substans and divine attributs and how they are attributs to the Lord be More
        Ibn-e-Arabi and Spinoza have come up with brand new insights about existence. This study is concerned with a study of their views. Espinoza was also known as Cartesian philosopher too.The problem of substans and divine attributs and how they are attributs to the Lord being and their relation with the true and pure unity of God are of the most fundamental epistemological problem in the realm knowing the origian.The present article is going to study the process of pantheism from the point of view thinkers such as Ibn-e-Arabi and Aspinoza. Manuscript profile
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        70 - A Comparative Analysis of Unity of Existence (Pantheism) from Meister Eckhart and Ibn Arabi Viewpoint
        Kambiz Safiie
        Believing in Unity of Existence (Pantheism) involves necessarily believing in existentialism. Essentialists argue that things essence and substance are fixed and invariable; and things vary in terms of their essences and truths. Existence or being is subjective and is b More
        Believing in Unity of Existence (Pantheism) involves necessarily believing in existentialism. Essentialists argue that things essence and substance are fixed and invariable; and things vary in terms of their essences and truths. Existence or being is subjective and is being realized through creation of a substance in outside world or mind. Being could not be true, without realized essences. Also, philosophers argue that essences and truths of things are separate and their unity is subjective. And what are realized are different things and plural essences. The paper analyzes Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart’s views on unity of existence. Both of these mystics and thinkers belong to Abrahamic religions, but one of them is a Muslim and the other is a Christian and proponent of roman church. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Zoroastrian Mysticism and Its Commonalities with Islamic Mysticism
        علی‌اکبر افراسیاب‌پور
        Zaroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions that contain the principle and pure mystical beliefs having an enormaous impact on eastern and western religions. This article endeavors to both present fundamentals of mystical beliefs and recommend some titles for mo More
        Zaroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions that contain the principle and pure mystical beliefs having an enormaous impact on eastern and western religions. This article endeavors to both present fundamentals of mystical beliefs and recommend some titles for more extensive studies respectively. The theory on Light and Darkness is from an existential and anthropological perspective assumed to be derived out of the commonalities of the above mentioned mysticism. Intellectual persons such as Ibn Yazdaniar Ormavy were conveyers of Zoroastrian mystical beliefs to Islamic mysticism. Zoroastrian light and fire known as love, beauty, and wisdom conlinue their lives. Mystical myths are also other sommonalities exising between Zoroastrian mysticism and that of Islam, especially Simorgh myth that is a perfect example. Khergheh and Sedreh are other evidences in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        منیرالسادات پورطولمی
        Divine will and its relation with guidance and deviation of mankind are the most important issues that have occupied the mind of religious intellectuals. The present study seeks into the mystical mind of Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi, the well-known mystic of seventi century A.H. More
        Divine will and its relation with guidance and deviation of mankind are the most important issues that have occupied the mind of religious intellectuals. The present study seeks into the mystical mind of Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi, the well-known mystic of seventi century A.H. to find out the answer of the above mentioned issues according to his ideologcal principles. In the stydy, after defining the fixed substances, the importance and the role of it will be discussed in the divine will, and the matter of dependency of God s will out of His knowledge and in the end proved dignitaries and oneness dependency of divune will has been explained. Then, it is included that what is obtained in the universe is possible due to the fixed substances, and every substance owns a property instictively and invariably. All the possibilities follow the existence rules and the divine will. The will of God also belongs to the will and instinctive property of possibilities. Manuscript profile
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        73 - A New Look at the Relativity of Personal Unity and Dubious Unity of Existence
        رحمت‌الله معظمی گودرزی علی شیخ الاسلامی
        This paper seeks to present a novel perspective about the relativity between Personal Unity of Existence in mysticism and Dubious Unity of Existence in philosophy. To this end, relying on literature, principles and relevant different approaches, these two unity-oriented More
        This paper seeks to present a novel perspective about the relativity between Personal Unity of Existence in mysticism and Dubious Unity of Existence in philosophy. To this end, relying on literature, principles and relevant different approaches, these two unity-oriented perspectives are considered not across one another but within two various insightful overlapping fields. Accordingly, these two subject matters are traces in the book written by the oriental well-known philosopher Mr. Sadrolmoteahhelin, and by presenting the beginning and the final works of him the writer underscores the equal acceptance of the above mentioned cosmological approach in his works. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Ethics in the KhajooKermani’s Poems
        Mahdieh Cheraghi Ahmad Zakeri
        KhajooKermani was a scholar whose poetry dealt with ethical issues. He was influenced by his master, Sheikh Kazerooni, and adopted the school of Morshediyeh-the school in which the followers believed in ethical values. He followed the school of ethics such as other cont More
        KhajooKermani was a scholar whose poetry dealt with ethical issues. He was influenced by his master, Sheikh Kazerooni, and adopted the school of Morshediyeh-the school in which the followers believed in ethical values. He followed the school of ethics such as other contemporary scholars including Attar, Molavi, and Ibn-Al-Arabi. They believed love is superior to logic and wisdom. He developed his conception of ethics to arrive at the knowledge of absolute fact-God. The purpose of this study was to review the Khajoo’s poems to discover the ethical concepts he reflected in his poetry. His poems showed that he passed the seven theological steps towards God and reached God’s knowledge which helped him merged with the absolute familiarity with God. This was made through efforts and exercises that any religious person should pass to make God satisfy. Hypocrisy and showing off could be the main obstacles of arriving at this position. He then followed the style of ethical meditation in which he merged in God. He believed that the universe was created based on the God’s love and the Holy Spirit. Thus we should try to follow ethical values in the world and with training and meditation leave the earthly world through seven stages of spiritual journey and settle in the spiritual world. This is the ultimate goal of human beings created by God. Therefore the follower may choose his own death and leave his earthly life to meet God’s throne and refer to the first place in which he dwelled before coming to this Earth. Human beings are carrying the God’s spirit and this can help them to return to their origin. They should cleanse their sprits through meditation and then go to the unity in which they become one again in front of God. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Mystical Theosophy in Saeb's Divan
        Seyede Zahra Askari Nejad Syed Ahmad Hosseini Kazeroni
        Certainly, the social behavior of human beings and the manner of their behavior against each other and the importance of religion and faith role have been studied continuously. In addition to, one of the most important secrets of poet permanency and stability in future More
        Certainly, the social behavior of human beings and the manner of their behavior against each other and the importance of religion and faith role have been studied continuously. In addition to, one of the most important secrets of poet permanency and stability in future thoughts is depend on his usage of universal human purports. The poem of Saeb period is a humanity poem. His audience has been people; he has talked with them friendly and sympathized with them. The purpose of Saeb in the tendency of theses purports has been paying to regular life problems in different dimensions that according to his Divan, the reflection of social problems have been distinct and obvious from different aspects. This essay studies the religious and theosophical aspects further which are the sociological matters of one literary work. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Pantheistic Thought in Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi's Poem
        Seyyed Mehdi Masboogh Mehri Ghaderi Beebak
        Pantheism is one of the key concepts in Islamic Sufism and always some parts of mystics' ideas have allocated to it. Pantheist is the belief that God is the only realistic being and all the creatures and the entire universe represent the existence of God. This mystical More
        Pantheism is one of the key concepts in Islamic Sufism and always some parts of mystics' ideas have allocated to it. Pantheist is the belief that God is the only realistic being and all the creatures and the entire universe represent the existence of God. This mystical approach was reflected in Arabic literature extensively and mystic poets have expressed it in various ways in their poetry. Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi, the writer and poet of Ottoman era, is one of these poets who has rendered to pantheistic thought specifically inasmuch as it is the main content of his poems in the court so called "Divan al-haghaegh va majmou al- raghaegh". In this article, by using content-analysis method, different aspects of pantheism are evaluated in Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi's poetry. The results demonstrate that pantheism in Nablusi's poem has three leyers; manifestation of the essence of God in existence, unity of the human soul with the spirit of God and in other words fana fy Allah, and third layer consists of ratiocinations and exemplifications that he has spoken out in favor of this idea. Manuscript profile
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        77 - A Mystical Attitude toward Existentialism of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.)
        Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Felour Valipour Chahardah Cherick
        Worldview of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) also involves a mystical view. In his mystical existentialism, he believes that the real existence only belongs to God and that the universe is the manifestation of Divine names and attributes, meanwhile accepting the law of causality an More
        Worldview of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) also involves a mystical view. In his mystical existentialism, he believes that the real existence only belongs to God and that the universe is the manifestation of Divine names and attributes, meanwhile accepting the law of causality and proves it to the world. His excellency,  Ali(p) through comparison and contrast in fact confirmed the pantheism as the exact polarity, and in His statements proves the unity of existence that is the same legal unity of fact. His excellency, by stating his special position and that of other family members of prophet Mohammad proves their mediator role to be of their blessing, also position of caliphate and absolute Guardianship for all of them and so explores mystical secret stages of the existence. Manuscript profile
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        78 - From God-seeking to Godly Behaving in Shams Maghrebi's Poems
        Mohammad Reza Assad Mehdireza i Kamali Baniyan Rezvan Derakhshideh
        Pantheism is of a long history as a perspective with mystical origin whose trace can be followed in ancient India and in the philosophers' thought before Socretes in Greece and Rome. Although in Islamic mysticism, Ibn Arabi is not the first mystic believing in this prin More
        Pantheism is of a long history as a perspective with mystical origin whose trace can be followed in ancient India and in the philosophers' thought before Socretes in Greece and Rome. Although in Islamic mysticism, Ibn Arabi is not the first mystic believing in this principle, he is the first one who developed and fixed it by introducing this principle in theoretical and mental discussions. Among the poets tending to the theory are Iraqi, Molavi, Attar, etc. Shams Maghrebi is also among the poets paying much attention to the material and Ibn Arabi views. With regard to the fact that the so-called theory is inherently paradoxical and its perception creates a sort of astonishment in the perceiving person's thought and ego, expressing the Maghrebian mystical matters appears vague in the reader's eye. In this article we examined pantheism in Shams Maghrebi's poems and explained its indicators. Manuscript profile
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        79 - The Position of Pantheism in Jami's Mysticism
        Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Zahra Kashaniha
        In Islamic mysticism,Jami believes inthe theory of pantheism, and He is a lover of Ahlal-Bayt (Family members of religious Imams') among the Naqshbanditariqa, which follows the IbnArabi's theory. Accordingly, the theory of truth is the only one, and that originality com More
        In Islamic mysticism,Jami believes inthe theory of pantheism, and He is a lover of Ahlal-Bayt (Family members of religious Imams') among the Naqshbanditariqa, which follows the IbnArabi's theory. Accordingly, the theory of truth is the only one, and that originality comes from unity. The apparent plurality in the world is somethingaccredited that makes up the manifestation of the unified truth. In other words, these pluralities are made of a dream or a shadow and just like an image inside a mirror. Existence is the God’s book and the creatures are God’s names and divine words. This paper explores first hand sourcesthrough historical or documentary methods, in which the aspects of innovation is Jami's theory of pantheism that brings about a new aspect of investigation with its ownspecial categorization and puts forward an innovation in explaining allegories in the context and a verbal format. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Investigating the Thoughts of Borhanoddin Mohaghegh Termezi
        Davood Vaseghi Mehdi Maleksabet Mohammadkazem Kahdooii
        Borhanoddin Mohaeghegh Termezi is one of the salient features in Islamic mystics and who comprehended the presence of Baha valade balkhi in his youth. He reached the higher degrees of mystics under his support. After the death of Bahaodin, Seyyed took the responsibility More
        Borhanoddin Mohaeghegh Termezi is one of the salient features in Islamic mystics and who comprehended the presence of Baha valade balkhi in his youth. He reached the higher degrees of mystics under his support. After the death of Bahaodin, Seyyed took the responsibility of guiding Molana Jalaledin and he guided him to mystic path and the destruction level in a way that he could tolerate the companionship of the king of lovers- Shams Tabrizi.  Deep thinking in his education book reveals that he has great thoughts in mystic path and these thoughts made a huge improvement in the thoughts of great men like Molavi and Soltan valad. He is one of the mystics who understand the unity of existence and the regards multiplicity as invalid. Borhanoddin also knows sanctity as heart recognition with which everything can be a sign of God. Beside this, Seyyed Serdan explains about mortification, invocation of God and observing forty days seclusion which is an obvious reason for his maturity in mystics. In this study, after having a short look at the Borhanoddin’s life path, his most important mystic thoughts will be analyzed.   Manuscript profile
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        81 - The Etymology of Pantheism in Nasafi’s Kashf-ul-Haqaiq
        zarrin varedi Mohammad Yusuf Nayyeri Fatemeh Moezzi
        Nasafi, as a scholastic man, has categorized and explained matters of Islamic Sufism- especially: Pantheism- in Kashf-ul-Haqaiq. In line with the other mystics, however, it is obvious that in this way, he has deterred himself wrapping theological and philosophical argum More
        Nasafi, as a scholastic man, has categorized and explained matters of Islamic Sufism- especially: Pantheism- in Kashf-ul-Haqaiq. In line with the other mystics, however, it is obvious that in this way, he has deterred himself wrapping theological and philosophical arguments. Nasafi, unlike mystical philosophers like Suhrawardi (Sheikh Eshragh), does not carry his readers to impassable defiles of argument and proof. Nasafi, in addition to have Islamic Sufism treasure with himself- the roots of this treasure could be found in ancient India and Greece (especially in Plato and Aristotle’s works)-, he has dismantled more clusters from Ibn Arabi and Ibn Sab'een’s gardens. In choosing titles of Kashf-ul-Haqaiq chapters and his specific terminology, it is not unlikely that Nasafi has copied directly from Ibn Arabi and Ibn Sab'een’s works. In this paper, rooting Nasafi’s believes and ideas on Pantheism shows without question influence of Ibn Arabi and Ibn Sab'een. It is noteworthy that in this rooting, Ibn Sab'een’s ideas have their specific novelty. Manuscript profile
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        82 - A New Way of Proving the Content of Personal Unity of Existence
        Vahid Vahed Javan Ali Ghasemi Sajad Nikkhoo
        Mystics have attempted to prove the theory of "unity of existence" (waḥdat al-wujūd), which is the basis of mysticism, and they have presented various reasons. This paper seeks to elaborate on the meaning and content of the unity of existence in mysticism in order to r More
        Mystics have attempted to prove the theory of "unity of existence" (waḥdat al-wujūd), which is the basis of mysticism, and they have presented various reasons. This paper seeks to elaborate on the meaning and content of the unity of existence in mysticism in order to represent a new method in proving the theory of the unity of existence according to the mystics' evidence. This research includes five steps to demonstrate all the content of the personal unity of existence: 1.Absolute existence is absolutely a part of the external realization 2.Existence is necessary by itself 3.Existence is necessary by itself, unit, not pluralistic and doubtful 4.The existence of creatures is not real 5.Creatures are the multiplicities, attributes, things, emersion, and indications of the real existence.   In addition, for each one, an argument has been stated and after summarizing, all the content of the unity of existence has been proved. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Exploring the Illuminated Wisdom in Yusuf Chapter in Respect to the World of Imagination as Viewed by Ibn Arabi
        Somayeh Saffari Ahmadabad Ismail BaniArdalan Iraj Dadashi Mohammad Reza Sharifzadeh
        In Ibn Arabi’s mind, light, as one of the many names of the God, contributes to the manifestation of the objects and creatures in the domain of the various presence statuses of the world through emitting and beaming its radiations into the levels of existence. And More
        In Ibn Arabi’s mind, light, as one of the many names of the God, contributes to the manifestation of the objects and creatures in the domain of the various presence statuses of the world through emitting and beaming its radiations into the levels of existence. And, in line with this, every creature experiences a quality of existence according to the principle of the God’s existential manifestation in names and attributes based on its existential rank in the position of a shadow of this light in respect to the owner of the shadow and it can be perceived by means of the illuminated wisdom and gaining knowledge over the forms of the imagination.The final result was that the same way that the human imagination needs interpretation as isthmus between the worlds of soul and body, the disconnected imagination is also in need of interpretation in its isthmus rank between the divine and corporeal worlds as the place wherein the ethereal spirits and the soft bodies of the world of matter gather around; in parallel, the domain of the existence in the rank of absolute imagination and multiplicity of the shadows of the God need interpretation towards the unity of the essence. The knowledge over this method of approach towards the existence can be only acquired through illuminated wisdom that, as believed by Ibn Arabi, its perfect form has been entrusted in His Highness the Great Apostle of Islam (may Allah bestow him and his scared progeny the best of His regards) in His Highness’s rank of Yusuf. The present study’s method in this study is descriptive-analytical. The data collection instrument includes library research. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Ibn Arabi's Unity Regime Effects on the Bubbling and Sonnets by Bidel Dehlavi with an Emphasis on Love
        Abbas Bakhshande bali Aliakbar Shoubkalaei
        One of the issues raised up constantly through Mohiyeddin Ibn Arabi is the idea of unity of existence. Like other ideas, this thought has had a dramatic effect on some Indian thinkers, such as Bidel Dehlavi. One of the issues of the unity of existence is love in the Bei More
        One of the issues raised up constantly through Mohiyeddin Ibn Arabi is the idea of unity of existence. Like other ideas, this thought has had a dramatic effect on some Indian thinkers, such as Bidel Dehlavi. One of the issues of the unity of existence is love in the Being that Ibn Arabi and, consequently, Bidl had in their works at its angles. This article is based on a descriptive-analytical method and citing library resources to explore the impact of Ibn Arabi on Biddle on the issue of love in the universe. The findings of the research are that Biddle has been dealing with the Islamic mystic system of Ibn Arabi by introducing discussions such as the series of love in the system of unity of existence, grief and love, virtual love, and martyr Love in the course of the Unity School of Being. The presence of love in the mysticism is exhilarating and exhilarating. From the perspective of Ibn Arabi and Bidel, love exists in all the mystical interpretation of existence based on mystery. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Mystical Linguistics of the Quran from Ibn Arabi’s Viewpoint and its Comparison with Allameh Tabatabaei’s Perspectives
        Masood Hajrabi
        This paper deals with Ibn Arabi’s viewpoint and Allameh Tabatabaei’s perspectives over the language of religion and the comparison of their viewpoints. In mysticism, it is not possible to possess the apparent language of revelation books. Ibn Arabi views the More
        This paper deals with Ibn Arabi’s viewpoint and Allameh Tabatabaei’s perspectives over the language of religion and the comparison of their viewpoints. In mysticism, it is not possible to possess the apparent language of revelation books. Ibn Arabi views the nature of divine language based on which he believes that revelation book is in apparent language. Allameh believes in apparent language and quite contrary to Ibn Arabi, his theory is in the field of the Quran and Islam. In this paper, we would like to extract the fundamental theories of Ibn Arabi and Allameh Tabatabaei in their works. This paper aims at two purposes. First, organizing Ibn Arabi’s and Allameh’s viewpoints in the Quranic language, and then expanding their thinking through presenting new issues over their viewpoints or matching their standpoints on one another. The methodology used in this paper involves a combination of quotations and mystical rational analysis. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Tracing Jami’s Ontological Thoughts in Fayz Kashani’s Mentality
        Qodratolah Khaiatian Rahele Mirakhorli
        Nurdin Abdul Rahman Jamy- famous ninth-century Sufi poet Islamic calendar by the writings and commentaries of Ibn Arabic school in explaining a significant impact on the spread and persistence of schools in Iran. He thought in the works of Ibn Arabic, as one of the top More
        Nurdin Abdul Rahman Jamy- famous ninth-century Sufi poet Islamic calendar by the writings and commentaries of Ibn Arabic school in explaining a significant impact on the spread and persistence of schools in Iran. He thought in the works of Ibn Arabic, as one of the top exponents of this school is an important issue. As described in the Nqdalnsvs Hekam as per description Alfsvs role and also wrote a commentary on Hekam. But the influence of the teachings of the cup on the Iranian thinkers, the question comes to mind whether the unity of existence - as the most important teachings of Ibn Arabic thought in theoretical Sufism as the goblet as follows, in the writings of Faiz Kashani Reflective or not? This descriptive comparative study plans, the possibility that the teachings of the cup thinking about ontology reached Faiz Kashani criticized by relying on texts and words Almknvnh examine and analyze  the comparison between the ideas of Heroes and grace Kashani, trace Jami ideas about ontology can be seen in the writings of Faiz Kashani. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Unity of Existence in Jaami’s and Ibn Al- Arabi’s Thoughts
        naser Gharehkhani Najmeh Mahyaei
        Abd-ul-Rahman Jaami is one of the poets who have been familiar with the works and thoughts of Ibn Arabi and has been influenced by him. One of the poems from Jaami’s ‘Haft Orang’ is the Tuhfat al-Abrar, which is based on the thoughts of Ibn Al-Arabi pa More
        Abd-ul-Rahman Jaami is one of the poets who have been familiar with the works and thoughts of Ibn Arabi and has been influenced by him. One of the poems from Jaami’s ‘Haft Orang’ is the Tuhfat al-Abrar, which is based on the thoughts of Ibn Al-Arabi particularly his ‘Unity of Existence’. Jaami is one of the first poets to provide explanations on the thoughts of Ibn Al- Arabi regarding unity of Existence and has been highly influenced by his thoughts. One of these effects is the oxymoron, i.e., unity and multiplicity, assimilation and dissimilation, the outer and the inner, etc. related to unity of Existence. In the present study, an attempt has been made to show Jaami’s perspective on unity of Existence and its exemplification (tashbih or attributing human characteristics to God) and tanzih (not assigning human features to God or differentiation between God and human), the world and human being, the inner and the outer (appearance, etc.) in the extended poem of Tuhfat al-Abrar. Although Jaami has acted paradoxically in this regard, he seeks to find a unified conclusion in his mind.  The results of the present study showed that, he has been under the influence of Ibn Al- Arabi in reaching this conclusion and these two mystics (i.e., Ibn Al- Arabi and Jaami) express their thoughts and ideas paradoxically. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Comparison of Trinity in Creation from Ibn Arabi's and Christianity Point of View
        alila attar Abdolreza Mazaheri
        Among mythologists, Ibn Arabi, in his ontology, expresses some sort of Trinity in the creation of God, from which it is possible to explain the phenomenon of the proliferation of unity. Ibn Arabi, in addition to teaching subjects such as the truth of Muhammadyya and lov More
        Among mythologists, Ibn Arabi, in his ontology, expresses some sort of Trinity in the creation of God, from which it is possible to explain the phenomenon of the proliferation of unity. Ibn Arabi, in addition to teaching subjects such as the truth of Muhammadyya and love, uses logical propositions such as Soghra and Kobra and the middle one to explain creation. Therefore, besides the subject, he can pay attention to one and make half of the creation dependent on his willingness. Knows To illustrate this, it refers to various examples, such as science and the universe. But in the Christian Trinity of Jesus, the agent of human salvation and the spirit of Alcudus is the agent of salvation with nature (Father). However, the belief in the divinity of all three entities in Christianity cannot be combined with Abrahamic monotheism, as it is explicitly rejected in the holy text of the Qur'an and belief in the divinity of Jesus (PBUH) is considered to be disbelief. Manuscript profile
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        89 - A study on Mystical Thoughts of Attar Neyshaburi
        Jafar Havasi Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni Farzaneh Yousef Ghanbari
        Sheikh Farid Al-Din Attar Neishaburi (618-540 AH) is the creator of some mystical masnavis such as Mantiq Al-Tayr, Mosibat Nameh, Elahi Nameh and Asrar Nameh. These works contain his mystical thoughts in a mysterious language. This article focuses on the mystical though More
        Sheikh Farid Al-Din Attar Neishaburi (618-540 AH) is the creator of some mystical masnavis such as Mantiq Al-Tayr, Mosibat Nameh, Elahi Nameh and Asrar Nameh. These works contain his mystical thoughts in a mysterious language. This article focuses on the mystical thoughts of Attar and aims at explaining the views and opinions of Attar Neishabouri on various mystical issues. The existence of contradictions and paradoxes, the famous mystical thought of "Die before death", the mystical story of Sheikh San'an, the discussion of repentance, the likeness of the divine essence, the unity of the existence of all the mystical mysteries which are mentioned in the works of Attar, especially in the mentioned works. Attempts have been made to present a comprehensive discussion in the descriptive and analytical way of these mystical thoughts and topics, providing examples and poetic evidences and explaining them.  Manuscript profile
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        90 - Study and Comparison of Mystical Themes in Poems of Attar Nishapuri and Ibn Farez
        Yasna Saani mostafa salari Behrouz Romiaee
        Fariduddin Attar of Nishapur is one of the outstanding pinnacles of Islamic mysticism. Ibn Farez, too, is one of the great composers of Sufi poetry in the Arabian literature. Both have addressed the most significant and remarkable mystical themes and concepts in their m More
        Fariduddin Attar of Nishapur is one of the outstanding pinnacles of Islamic mysticism. Ibn Farez, too, is one of the great composers of Sufi poetry in the Arabian literature. Both have addressed the most significant and remarkable mystical themes and concepts in their mentalities and poems. The poetry and thoughts of these two poets have vast similarities in common. Among the shared discussions among these mystical poets are monotheism, love, and so on. Therefore, due to the importance of mystical literature among Islamic nations, the points that is addressed in this paper is that the mystical themes applied in their poetry are extracted out of their poetry and has been analyzed and studied comparatively through the artistic language of Ibn Farez and Attar who belong to two different cultures and languages and nations and era, and then the similar and different aspects of mystical themes of their poetry from two different cultures are revealed Manuscript profile
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        91 - Mystical Themes in Divan Fāni Khoei
        Katayoun moradi
        Fāni Khoei (deceased 1846) is a mystical poet and a comprehensive sage who shows in his written works, especially in his poems, that mystical themes have been his constant preoccupation. For this reason, he gives importance to precise points in theoretical and practical More
        Fāni Khoei (deceased 1846) is a mystical poet and a comprehensive sage who shows in his written works, especially in his poems, that mystical themes have been his constant preoccupation. For this reason, he gives importance to precise points in theoretical and practical mysticism and defends the theory of the unity of existence with different expressions more than any other concept. Then, following the Khorasani and Iraqi style, and following Sana'i, Attar, and Molavi, he performs art in the field of divine love. It also follows the Sufi path by fighting against the ego and pluralistic thought and he looks at Imam Ali (a.s.) from a mystical point of view and gives more importance to poverty as well as death and survival in mystical authorities. It clearly expresses its dependence on Shiite mysticism and draws the philosophy of human life in love for the eternal beloved. For this reason, this wise poet can be considered one of the great Shiite mystics in Persian literature. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Investigating the Relationship between God (Creator) and the Creature from Imam Ali’s Mystical Viewpoint
        Rouhollah jafari
        God has a certain relationship with creature which has been profoundly described in some of narrations regarding Imam Ali (AS). Based on the findings of this study, God the Almighty is the origin of the universe and can be found everywhere and the world can be considere More
        God has a certain relationship with creature which has been profoundly described in some of narrations regarding Imam Ali (AS). Based on the findings of this study, God the Almighty is the origin of the universe and can be found everywhere and the world can be considered as a place for His signs and He surrounds everything. As a result, God the Almighty accompanies objects in manifestation i.e. God does not exist inside objects and simultaneously exists within the universe. It means that God is accompanying the creation and every object, so the living creature is a sign of His presence and existence. Ofcourse, the creatures’ value and position are not equal to that of God i.e. they are not at the same position with God the Almighty to accompany Him.Thus God is unique in His nature, but in His manifestation, He can be found alongwith the creatures. Manuscript profile
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        93 - The Effect of Ibn Arabi's Theory ( Unity of Being) on Da'ei Shirazi’s Settah
        Seyyedeh Shahnaz Soleimani Omidvar Malmoli Seyyed Ali Sohrabnezhad
        Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (538-638 AH), a great Islamic mystic, has introduced certain ideas into Islamic mysticism in the sixth and seventh centuries AH. Some of these ideas, under the title of Unity of Being, have a special character after him in many mystical texts. Shāh D More
        Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (538-638 AH), a great Islamic mystic, has introduced certain ideas into Islamic mysticism in the sixth and seventh centuries AH. Some of these ideas, under the title of Unity of Being, have a special character after him in many mystical texts. Shāh Da’ei Shirāzi (870-870 AH), a poet and mystic of the ninth century AH, is one of those who has received many influences from Ibn Arabi. In his commentary on Golshan-e-Rāz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari, entitled Nasa’em Golshan, he has dealt with Ibn Arabi's thoughts. In addition, there are many aspects of Ibn Arabi's thought, especially the issue of the Unity of Being, in the margins of his Divan and Settah. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method. The information and data have been collected using the library documents and books. The result obtained from this research clearly shows that Shah Da'ei borrowed his idea of the Unity of Being from Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and simplified it by using his allegories and explanations. Manuscript profile
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        94 - بازشناسی پدیداری اندیشه‌های عرفانی در معماری مسجد گوهرشاد مشهد
        Amir Akbari Amenehsadat Fatahimasoom
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        95 - A Study of Unity-Based Manifestations in Rumi's Masnavi
        sedighe hashemi mohammad reza ghari mohsen izadyar
        Mystical literature is the most extensive field of literature in Iran that plays an important role in fostering ethics and culture. Mystical poetry is a poem written by the Lord of Meanings in expressing spiritual principles and truths, and mystical poets have transmitt More
        Mystical literature is the most extensive field of literature in Iran that plays an important role in fostering ethics and culture. Mystical poetry is a poem written by the Lord of Meanings in expressing spiritual principles and truths, and mystical poets have transmitted these teachings in the language of symbolism and symbolism. The researcher first refers to the definition of symbol and then introduces Rumi and his place in mystical literature to his view on unity.What can be considered about Rumi's poetry and thought is the development of mystical and moral thoughts in the works of this precious poet.In this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical (library) way, by studying the spiritual Masnavi, several stories were examined in which the importance of unity and love for the god and return to the main position is beautifully displayed using various symbols. Has been.Keywords:Mystical poetry, symbol, symbol in Masnavi, unity Manuscript profile
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        96 - واکاوی مبانی فقهی هم گرایی مسلمانان در جهان اسلام
        اکرم هاشم زاده حسین ایزدی
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        97 - Woman in Sanaei and Moulavi View Points As Unity with Exalted Right (GOD)
        فلور Valipour chahardah-cherik
        The prospect of pundit Sanaei and Moulana about woman as most high manifestation of unity with Right (God) can be known as sublime of woman position in current culture of the present era. These two Iranian elite poet and gnostic, by attributing the special characteristi More
        The prospect of pundit Sanaei and Moulana about woman as most high manifestation of unity with Right (God) can be known as sublime of woman position in current culture of the present era. These two Iranian elite poet and gnostic, by attributing the special characteristic to the elite and merited women, defined those greats as model and pattern for all humans and considered the achievement to such a position possible for any human who put him/her-self in this route and path. Sanaei and Moulavi praised the women as mature human being and the intermediate between Right and the creature and discovered many Gnostic secrets by this way. They defined the woman as most high symbol of Divine beauty and love and also most comprehensive manifestation of Divine manes and having the attributes of creativeness and comprehensiveness and stated the whole and highness of Right (God) in the mirror of woman existence. Manuscript profile
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        98 - The evoltion of the concept of love in the thought of the Muslim mystics
        Tooraj Amiri
        Abstract; The evoltion of the concept of love in the thought of the Muslim mysticsIn Edifications of love come to mythological teachings and religions. Philosophers, too, spoke of the theories of love. with interest from the teachings of god - human and their loving exp More
        Abstract; The evoltion of the concept of love in the thought of the Muslim mysticsIn Edifications of love come to mythological teachings and religions. Philosophers, too, spoke of the theories of love. with interest from the teachings of god - human and their loving experiences, Points ,mystics have an important insight about their love and its mysteries. ,Rais to love ,inclination, agreed, devotion, in mystical behaviorcan lead to love, According to mystics, whether it is with the consciousness whether or not before or after that, despite the prohibition of love and Inexperience and its problems but because of the knowledge, the natural beauty, mysterious of its being manifestation appeared. Plain lawful mystical love with a sort of mystical understanding Was combined. In evolutionary satiety Slowly it shifted its place to an important Unity of existence. In spite of the Sufis that they had known of the the secret of love But in the course of its reign there was clearly no time to express and the peak of the acme of the thoughts Sufis and a new paradigm emerged in sufism . in this context, the narrative of the roots, the evolution of the concept of love and love n relation to the knowledge in islamic mysticism, comparative analysis has been studied. Keywords: hobb ,love , gnosis, mystics ,unity of existence Manuscript profile
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        99 - Self-confidence not Narcissism A Study of Lahoori’s Golshan-e Raz-e Jadid and Comparing it with Shabestari’s Golshan-e Raz
        Abas Etminani
        Eqbal Lahoory the Pakistani thinker and mystic Loved Iran and Islamic mysticism and beleveid that the emancipation Muslims depends   on their return to the Islamic traditions. But he believed that some of the ideas  of  Islamic  mysticism &nbsp More
        Eqbal Lahoory the Pakistani thinker and mystic Loved Iran and Islamic mysticism and beleveid that the emancipation Muslims depends   on their return to the Islamic traditions. But he believed that some of the ideas  of  Islamic  mysticism  need  to  be  revised.  He  had  a  special attention to Mawlana Jalaloddin Romi and Shabestari‟s Golshan-e Raz. He considered Amir hussein Heraviy s questions important and as a resalt tried o compose (Golshan-e Raz Jadid) and Replay to some of the  mystic  and  philosophic  concepts  of  (Golshane  Raz)  Suchus: thought and it‟s scope, Contingent being and Necessary Being, Pantheism, Eternal and Not Eternal. He thought the Progress of Islamic Nafions  Depends on it‟s Return to “Selfness”. and the progress of Islamic nations. We have tried to point to the differences between the View Points of these two thinkers  of  Islam. Manuscript profile
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        100 - Pantheism, some of the challenges and Mowlavi’s Relation with it
        shahbaz Mohseni
        The paper attempts to answer the following questions; What is pantheism and what are the challenges by mistics in the past? Did Mowlavi have any connections with Moh’yeddin Arabi and has he been influenced? Based on Shamse Tabrizie’s Critical view point r More
        The paper attempts to answer the following questions; What is pantheism and what are the challenges by mistics in the past? Did Mowlavi have any connections with Moh’yeddin Arabi and has he been influenced? Based on Shamse Tabrizie’s Critical view point regarding Mohyeddin, departure from Mohyeddin because of this fact? Since in many interpertations of Masnavi, Mawlavi has been interpreted based on Ebne Arabi, This is due to Mawlavie’s approach or the interpreters themselves? Some of Mowlavi’s poems may have connection with pantheism but generally Mowlavi is not pantheist. Interpretations that have been indeed are approach and interpretation of Commentators. Manuscript profile
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        101 - Ontology in Attar’s Mystic Contemplation
        Mohammad hossein khanmohammadi Mohammad Amir Obaydinya Fahri Omar Solayman
        Since the advent of Islamic thought, the theme of “Essence” and “Existence,” their differences, which one is preceding and original and which one is credential and secondary, encloses the most essential philosophical notions and ideas in Islamic More
        Since the advent of Islamic thought, the theme of “Essence” and “Existence,” their differences, which one is preceding and original and which one is credential and secondary, encloses the most essential philosophical notions and ideas in Islamic thoughts. The classifying of two sections of “Existence,” and “Essence” that is introduced by Farabi and Ibn Sina into Islamic philosophy became a branch of traditional, established Scholastic philosophy both in East and West. This two part classification turned into the source of many philosophical subjects and problems in East and West. It included the issue of originality whether the Existence is original and Essence is credential or vice versa: Essence is original and Existence is credential? This issue formed the first and the most essential step in the ontological contemplation among Muslims. Nevertheless the vision of mystics on ontology can be indicated that the Islamic mystics propounded Pantheism in general. They believe that the universe and its components are all the shadow of the origin of Existence who is Almighty, or they are the mirror for the reflection of manifestation of Almighty. Attar is also a mystic and a poet of Monism whose ideology is based on Pantheism. His endorsement of this attitude is quite obvious in his works. This research besides the summery of the ideas and notions of philosophers and mystics on the ontology issue, includes the assessment of the evolution course of this attitude in Attar’s works. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Studying the Role of National Epics in Naming the geographical phenomena inGhorveh
        Teymoor Malmir Khaled Soltani
        The wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures in Iran has been a great advantage for this country, providing a rich substantial culture and a lively society. However, this variety and multiplicity has sometimes been used by the country's enemies as means for engenderin More
        The wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures in Iran has been a great advantage for this country, providing a rich substantial culture and a lively society. However, this variety and multiplicity has sometimes been used by the country's enemies as means for engendering schism a diversion in the country. Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, due to its richness and profundity, can play its traditional role of providing national identity and unity. In order to demonstrate the significant role of Shahnameh in providing Iranian groups with a single national identity, we considered the effect of Shahnameh on naming geographical phenomenon in Ghorveh with four towns and twelve rural areas. This research, registering geographical names and being impressed of Shahnameh, prevents this national unity from obliteration. Manuscript profile
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        103 - National Epic Reflex in Stories People of Ghorveh
        Teymoor Malmir Khaled Soltani
        The wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures in Iran has been a great advantage for this country, providing a rich substantial culture and a lively society. However, this variety and multiplicity has sometimes been used by the country's enemies as means for engenderin More
        The wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures in Iran has been a great advantage for this country, providing a rich substantial culture and a lively society. However, this variety and multiplicity has sometimes been used by the country's enemies as means for engendering schism a diversion in the country. Ferdowsi's Shâhnâmeh, due to its richness and profundity, can play its traditional role of providing national identity and unity. In order to demonstrate the significant role of Shâhnâmeh in providing Iranian groups with a single national identity, we have analyzed the Shâhnâmeh stories used among the people of Ghorveh, a west Iranian town in which a variety of ethnic groups live. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Stylistics scrutiny of Vahdat Kermanshahi's odes
        Masood sepahvandi Alireza Shahrestani Seyyed Arman Hosseini Abbariki
        One of the most grand poet and Gnostic of 13 century was (Tahmasb khan) he called by (Vahdat Kermanshahi). He born in the west of the country. Almost the reason of his fame was by composing a pure theosophy odes. That is include purport, like: love & pantheism. Ther More
        One of the most grand poet and Gnostic of 13 century was (Tahmasb khan) he called by (Vahdat Kermanshahi). He born in the west of the country. Almost the reason of his fame was by composing a pure theosophy odes. That is include purport, like: love & pantheism. Therefore that Vahdat Kermanshahi have a serious role in creation contemporary literature of Kermanshah and design, literature style of this area. So, in this inquiry, whole effort will be for scrutiny his odes by stylistics point. The method of work is scrutiny his odes in 3 level. Verbal level (phonetic, lexical, syntactic), mental level, literary level. Also try to show the matters how make a notability in his poetic language. Manuscript profile
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        105 - Mystical revelation from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi
        seyed rahmatolla mosavimoghadam Seyed Sajad Sadatizadeh ali sabri
        The discussion of discovery and intuition in Islamic epistemology is one of the fundamental and essential issues in the mystic religion; So much so that the foundation of Islamic mysticism is based on revelation and observation of the unseen world. Mystical revelations More
        The discussion of discovery and intuition in Islamic epistemology is one of the fundamental and essential issues in the mystic religion; So much so that the foundation of Islamic mysticism is based on revelation and observation of the unseen world. Mystical revelations are considered the most important epistemic source of theoretical mysticism as an ontological system. This article tries to first review the types of revelation among mystics, its basic features, its evaluation criteria and the background of revelation in the view of the founders of the Ashraq and Masha school of thought, and also the nature, nature, and levels of revelation in the view of Islamic philosophers and mystics, especially Sadra and Ibn Arabi, in detail; As the founder of transcendental wisdom, Sadra has openly claimed to develop some philosophical issues that are considered to be his special initiatives and has shown his dependence on the great mystic Ibn Arabi. The basic question of this article is whether the method of Mullah Sadra's revelations is like other philosophers and mystics or does he have a special style for himself? We can also pay attention to the question of whether Sadra'i intuition is influenced by Ibn Arabi or not. The findings of the research confirm the fact that Mulla Sadra has developed a tendency and used judgmental and debatable topics in processing taste issues; From this point of view, it is influenced by Ibn Arabi. Manuscript profile
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        106 - The theory of unity in Imam Khomeini's intellectual system based on his guidelines and cultural opinions
        farkhondeh kornasidezfuli
        cultural opinionsThe issue of unity and unity among the Islamic world has been a very important and necessary issue. Because the colonialists sought to divide and weaken the Muslims and in various ways sought to eradicate Islam and rule over the Muslims and plunder thei More
        cultural opinionsThe issue of unity and unity among the Islamic world has been a very important and necessary issue. Because the colonialists sought to divide and weaken the Muslims and in various ways sought to eradicate Islam and rule over the Muslims and plunder their property and resources. Hazrat Imam Khomeini (RA) considered unity as a factor of strength and division as a cause of weakness in the foundation of religion, and the unity of the Islamic world was always considered a great ideal for him. But the realization of "unity" from his point of view requires conditions and the creation of necessary platforms, the most important and necessary of which is the design and creation of a single and common intellectual, cultural and ideological system, and the Imam was looking for that by proposing this intellectual system based on It is to strengthen the spiritual and cultural solidarity between Islamic societies. In this article, an attempt is made to firstly define unity and its underlying factors in the thought system of Imam Rahal, then while examining the concept of arrogance as the main factor in creating division between Islamic societies, by using a descriptive-citing method, the influence of the ideas of the culture of Imam Quds Sar, which is a reflection of his philosophical opinions; To explain the unity of the Muslims of the world. Manuscript profile
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        107 - A comparative study of the rule of negation of mustache from the point of view of Imamiyyah and Sunni jurists
        Hossein Bakhshi shahrokh abadi Alireza Askari Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi
        In this research, it is devoted to the study of "the application of the rule of negation of mustache from the viewpoint of Shiite and Sunni scholars".The findings of the research indicate that the rules and principles of the Imami jurisprudence and the jurisprudence of More
        In this research, it is devoted to the study of "the application of the rule of negation of mustache from the viewpoint of Shiite and Sunni scholars".The findings of the research indicate that the rules and principles of the Imami jurisprudence and the jurisprudence of the four Sunni sects regarding the issue of the rule of negation of the mustache, the principle of adherence to agreements and treaties, the rule of invitation, the rule of intimacy and brotherhood in relation to Islamic countries, peace Izzat Madar, the principle of preserving the system, Dar al-Islam and Jihad, and the viewpoints and points of view and the quality of reasoning were mentioned along with the mention of their evidence, and to reach the views of the jurists of the two religions, drawing rules and principles for it is very helpful.The results of the research showed that the Sunni experts said about the concept of negation of the mustache, the meaning of the negation of the mustache is the negation of proof and argument for the unbelievers on the Day of Judgment. Some said that it is negating the power that can destroy the government and the faith of the believers. Some said it is negation of enemies' rule; provided that they do not advise each other to falsehood, and give up evil deeds, and repent of their sins, and some have expressed another meaning. In Shia, according to Ibn Abbas and Yasa Hazrami, Manuscript profile
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        108 - Mortality in Allah and Pantheism in Ibn_al_Faridh and Mollaye Jaziri Poem Books
        Ahmad Shariatpanah
        One of the most important literary works of mystics seen in dhikr and literary meetins is Allah's love which absorbs any listener's heart with attractive songs and appears in morality in Allah our and pantheism.Two Arab and kurd poets Ibn al-Faridh (Soltan al-Asheqin) a More
        One of the most important literary works of mystics seen in dhikr and literary meetins is Allah's love which absorbs any listener's heart with attractive songs and appears in morality in Allah our and pantheism.Two Arab and kurd poets Ibn al-Faridh (Soltan al-Asheqin) and Molaye Jaziri (Sotan al- Moshtaqin) were the superlatives of their centuries in love contents meanwhile their names in mysticism comes along Sheikh-e- Eshraq Suhrawadi, Ibn-e -Arabi, Sadr-al-Din Qoonawi, Mowlawi Balkhi and Mowlana Khaled Sharazuri and their verses and processes have been taught in Sufi circles. These two mystic poet's verses are brimful of theoretical mysticism concepts and expressions like unity, mortality, eternity, ecstasy fargh, poverty, Love, passion and tens of other expressions which have been expanded and developed with ballades and sonnets in allegory and poetic interpretations with a specific ability. These two mystic poets have so many similarities and believe that mortality ends with pantheism and seek pantheism in the mortality in Allah. They assume that in order to get to the unity, the mystic separates from his/her corporality, blends in his/her beloved so that nothing remains from him/her. Passing this step, the mystic finds his/her eternal beloved in a lovely unity. Manuscript profile
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        109 - بررسی و تحلیل نقش طبیعت در ساختار معماری و شهرسازی اسلامی
        سعید ملکی جعفر سعیدی
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        110 - Investigating the Jurisprudential, Legal, Theological, Political, and Unity of the Islamic Ummah Based on Jurisprudential Opinions
        morteza pourmolaii Rahmat Farahzadi
        From the Islamic point of view, the "ummah" as a "human being" is first of great importance and secondly, it has moderate effects on human beings, such as death and life, happiness, and cruelty. On the other hand, unity and empathy are desirable for Islam and it calls o More
        From the Islamic point of view, the "ummah" as a "human being" is first of great importance and secondly, it has moderate effects on human beings, such as death and life, happiness, and cruelty. On the other hand, unity and empathy are desirable for Islam and it calls on Muslims to try to create it and avoid any division. In verses and hadiths, in addition to the rule of reason to praise the creation of unity and condemn division and separation, some jurisprudential rules can be used to prove this importance. The unity of the Islamic ummah is that all Muslims should act in a united, coordinated, and cohesive manner against their common enemies. According to the Qur’an, the necessity and importance of unity are one of the most fundamental social and religious issues of Muslims. The purpose of this article is to study the legal jurisprudential status of the unity of the Islamic ummah based on jurisprudential opinions. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Historical Coexistence of National Identity and Ethnic Identities in Iran and the Need to Adopt a Policy of Unity in Plurality in the Current Era
        Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali
        Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali[1]   Abstract: The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between national identity and ethnic identities in Iran and to introduce an appropriate identity policy-making model to strengthen the relationship between th More
        Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali[1]   Abstract: The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between national identity and ethnic identities in Iran and to introduce an appropriate identity policy-making model to strengthen the relationship between these identities and consolidate solidarity and national identity in the country. Accordingly, the key question of the research is that in the multi-ethnic country of Iran, the State of the Islamic Republic should adopt what kind of identity policy in order to strengthen the relationship between national identity and ethnic identities and consolidate solidarity and national identity in Iran? The hypothesis of the article is that considering the multi-ethnicity of Iran and the historical coexistence of national identity and ethnic identities in the country, the State of the Islamic Republic in order to strengthen the relationship between these identities and consolidate solidarity and national identity, should have an identity policy of unity in plurality. This policy can express national unity in the context of ethnic pluralism in the country. It should be noted that the research method of the article is descriptive-analytical. [1]. PhD in political Science, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran Manuscript profile
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        112 - Studying Social Classification in Islam
        Nazi Abdollahpour Fariba Eskandar Jafarzadeh
        Islam, as the last religion has responded to all human needs. One of men’s fundamental questions has concerned equality and inequality of human beings based on their race, color, religion, and etc. and one of the complexities of human societies is class distinctio More
        Islam, as the last religion has responded to all human needs. One of men’s fundamental questions has concerned equality and inequality of human beings based on their race, color, religion, and etc. and one of the complexities of human societies is class distinction among different social strata. However, the question is “What differences are there between the criteria of Islam and other religions?” In some religions such as Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, the social stratification is such that an individual’s mobility from one class to another is practically impossible, or in Judaism, due to their belief in racial superiority, extra-class inequality is quite common. What should be considered is that, the social classes in Islam are not based on wealth and biological traits, and they are based on human differences regarding their talents and capabilities. That is to say, the social classes exist in order to meet the society’s numerous needs, so that it can move toward perfection and prosperity. In Islam, factors such as chastity, knowledge, and etc. cause one group to be superior to another and lead to individual’s superiority in God’s presence as well as in after life. In addition, these factors resulted in assigning greater responsibilities while they don’t involve any social, economic and class privileges or advantages. In this article, by surveying the viewpoints of some religions and of Islam, it is tried to answer the important question, “Does the social stratification in Islam result in inequality in all fields and spoiling human beings rights?” To do this, descriptive method and library survey were used. Manuscript profile
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        113 - Jurisprudential documents on the necessity of the convergence of the Muslims of the world
        Akram Hashemzadeh Hossein Izadi
        Ever since the Prophet's mission and the presentation of Islam to humanity, the Qur'an and the infallibles have always emphasized the necessity of achieving convergence between Muslims, and reformers emphasized on its realization from the very beginning of Isl More
        Ever since the Prophet's mission and the presentation of Islam to humanity, the Qur'an and the infallibles have always emphasized the necessity of achieving convergence between Muslims, and reformers emphasized on its realization from the very beginning of Islam. The necessity of convergence is due to the fact that, unfortunately, harm has been caused to convergence and that is; According to the reasons that have a much lower strength and jurisprudential identity compared to the reasons for convergence, people beat the barrel of divergence. The main question of the current research is what are the jurisprudential foundations of Muslim convergence. The present article tries to comprehensively explain the issue of convergence and its necessity by using the descriptive-analytical method and by collecting information in a library and by referring to the books and articles written in this field. The results of the research show that in the discussion of convergence, reference to the book (Qur'an), Sunnah and the use of the consensus of the discoverer of the Sunnah and finally, reference to reason and the use of independent and non-independent intellectuals are pervasive and inevitable. Manuscript profile
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        114 - -
        مریم حدادی رسول مقصود پور سید محسن حسینی پویا
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        115 - Verbal Principles of Osoul Fiqh and its Effect on Making Judicial Justice in Civil Judgment
        Hamid Bahramian Mostafa Rajaeipour Hossein Ahamari
        The knowledge of jurisprudence and jurisprudential principles are two fundamental sources of knowledge in the deduction of Islamic Law through which each jurisprudential researcher must stick to their research. Analysis of the issues under discussion in the realm of the More
        The knowledge of jurisprudence and jurisprudential principles are two fundamental sources of knowledge in the deduction of Islamic Law through which each jurisprudential researcher must stick to their research. Analysis of the issues under discussion in the realm of these two sets of knowledge convinces us that most of these issues are not merely restricted to jurisprudential discretion but produce data and lead to intellectual methods that supply the truthfulness of any kind of deduction, especially from the written texts. In the legislative system of Islamic Republic of Iran which is based on Islamic Laws, familiarity with the deduction method and confrontation with texts from the viewpoint of Muslim jurists is an undeniable need. The two fields of knowledge are fundamentally important in drawing inference from positive laws as well as legislative approach in the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, they have not been addressed in national jurisdiction system as they should have been. The present study is aimed to make the significance of the issue clear in making a juridical fair judgment. Manuscript profile
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        116 - Investigation and Zoning of Soil Erosion Rate in Chehlgazi Sub-Watershed of Kurdistan Province
        Seyed Pedram Nainiva Maedeh Parichereh Maryam Mohammadrezaei
        Soil erosion is considered as a natural and human hazard in both developing and developed countries. In other words, this problem can be caused by unprincipled development and factors affecting it, such as increasing population, deforestation, and lack of attention to s More
        Soil erosion is considered as a natural and human hazard in both developing and developed countries. In other words, this problem can be caused by unprincipled development and factors affecting it, such as increasing population, deforestation, and lack of attention to soil capacity, as well as caused by factors such as overgrazing, unprincipled and traditional cultivation, destruction vegetation etc.; For this reason, it is referred to as an international problem in many societies.This research has been conducted in order to evaluating hazard, zoning of areas prone to water erosion and determining the amount of soil loss in the Chehlgezi sub-basin of Gheshlagh(Vahdat) Dam, Sanandaj with the SLEMSA model and Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing.The results of hazard assessment, zoning of areas susceptible to water erosion and determination of the amount of soil loss showed that 93.15% of the sub-basin has erosion volume of 0 to 10, 2.46% of the sub-basin has an erosion volume of 10 to 20, 3.17% has an erosion volume of 20 to 50, and 1.20% has an erosion volume of 50 to 537 tons/ha/year. According to the classification of erosion rate between 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 tons/ha/year, which is classified as low and medium class, about 95.61% of the sub-basin is in the low to medium class. Therefore, according to the mentioned cases, the use of other models and the comparison with their results with this model and observational data can be effective in making management decisions in the region. Manuscript profile
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        117 - بررسی منشأ و ویژگی های تساهل عرفانی در مثنوی معنوی مولوی
        احمد خاتمی مرتضی هادیان
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        118 - Imam Reza's(AS) cultural polocies in uniting and synchornizing Islamic religions
        Ali Asqar Khosravi Hafshajani hoseyn khosravi Ali Elhami Sohrab Eslami
        The Islamic World is facing a variety of challenges nowadays. It is therefore necessary to pave the path for making the Islamic branches closer together in order to overcome the challenges. There is no doubt that all faithful Muslims know that one of the reasons of the More
        The Islamic World is facing a variety of challenges nowadays. It is therefore necessary to pave the path for making the Islamic branches closer together in order to overcome the challenges. There is no doubt that all faithful Muslims know that one of the reasons of the greatness of Islam is the closeness and unification of Islamic religions despite the differences and disputes. The stronger this unification among Islamic branches including Shias and Sunnis get, there will be more chances and opportunities prepared for the Islamic world to face their enemies. But what is worrying is the ignition of adversaries, hostilities and spiting among different branches and cults of Islam. Actually the disputes in religious jurisprudence and some of the nonfundamental issues which are the natural result of free thought and the practice of religious jurisprudence are not innately dangerous and the goal of religious unification is not diminishing and destroying the differences themselves but its most important goal is not to let these differences cause adversaries and let brotherhood and closeness replace disputes and separation. The sayings, books and behavior of Imam Reza(AS) show that during his fruitful life he carried out serious efforts to unite the religions. The theory of this research is the effectiveness of Imam Reza’s teachings in religious unification according to holy Quran, sayings and his debates. This descriptive analytical research starts first by notetaking from different sources, then categorizing them and at last analyzing them. Manuscript profile
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        119 - تحلیلی بر دلایل لشکر کشی نادر شاه به هند
        دکتر داود اصفهانیان محمد فریدی
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        120 - Historical-discourse reading of the Hadith of the Golden Dynasty
        yahya Mirhoseini zahra hashemi
        The "Golden Chain" is the most important and famous speech of the eighth Shiite Imam; The sentence was issued in 200 AH in Neishabour, at the request of a large number of non-Shiites, especially the companions of hadith. Due to the reflection of the narration in Shiite More
        The "Golden Chain" is the most important and famous speech of the eighth Shiite Imam; The sentence was issued in 200 AH in Neishabour, at the request of a large number of non-Shiites, especially the companions of hadith. Due to the reflection of the narration in Shiite and Sunni sources, the Golden Dynasty has been much debated. A review of the many researches that have been organized on this hadith shows that ideological concepts such as monotheism and Imamate have been the most emphasized. The present article tries to explain the purpose and intention of Imam Reza (as) from the selection and retelling of this hadith by the method of historical analysis and considering the discourse conditions and emphasizing the author-oriented hermeneutics. The results of the research show that this choice was completely purposeful in order to invite Muslims and beyond the monotheistic religions to converge and ask them to stop excommunicating each other. In order to prove this hypothesis, we showed that the completion of the hadith in Shiite narrations that rely on the condition of Imamate is different from the first part in terms of narrator and purpose. Manuscript profile
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        121 - Britain’s European Policy Discourse: A Metaphoric Analysis (Text in Persian)
        Homira Moshirzadeh Fatemeh Hamoei
        The relations of Britain and European Union have always been one of the important and controversial issues in domestic political scene of Britain for the past fifty years due to negative attitude of Britain towards European integration and unity. The question which the More
        The relations of Britain and European Union have always been one of the important and controversial issues in domestic political scene of Britain for the past fifty years due to negative attitude of Britain towards European integration and unity. The question which the present article wants to examine is how this skeptical and stressful attitude of Britain towards European unity has shaped and what circumstances have helped shaping this outlook? The present article wants by making use of “perceptual-cognitive theory” of Lakoff and Johnson and metaphoric documentation analysis method of Millikan and also by examining the language used in speeches، statement of politicians and foreign ministers of Britain in relation to European integration، extract and analyze metaphors، signs، premise، symbols and systems indicating this discourse and explain the possibility of this attitude in foreign policy، the process of shaping British and European identity and also the common custom of this country towards European policy and the dynamic of such interpretation. Manuscript profile
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        122 - The United Kingdom and Europe Foreign Policy Discourse Analysis (Laclau and Mouffe Model)
        Ahmad Naghibzadeh Fatemeh Hamoei
        Britain as a European power is always famous for her opposition to deepening integration in Europe and Europeanization. In fact this country is one of the staunchest opposition of converting the European Union into European federation. The observers are of the view that More
        Britain as a European power is always famous for her opposition to deepening integration in Europe and Europeanization. In fact this country is one of the staunchest opposition of converting the European Union into European federation. The observers are of the view that it is only the economic compulsion that has made Britain join the process of integration and this country is having a supra Atlantic outlook. The present paper by taking the help of discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe wants to identify and analyze the signs (signifier and signified) present in foreign policy discourse of European Union which is articulated by Britain as an important member of the union and also examine the formative discourse atmosphere in order to explain the process of making British and European identity and to make possible the tense approach of Britain foreign policy Manuscript profile
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        123 - Futures Research and sudies about the Process of Integration and Unity in Islamic World
        Mohammad Reza Ghaedi Alireza Golshani
        Abstract: The present article tries to describe the internal and external challenges to the unity of Islamic world. In this direction the existing processes in the Islamic world have been explained to find out whether the present situation is an integration or disintegr More
        Abstract: The present article tries to describe the internal and external challenges to the unity of Islamic world. In this direction the existing processes in the Islamic world have been explained to find out whether the present situation is an integration or disintegration. The present research by taking into consideration the realities of international system and the existing process in the Islamic world, wants to know whether the unity of Islamic world is possible in future? The finding of the study indicates that by examining the existing situation in the Islamic world one comes to the conclusion that  due to contradiction of the Islamic states, in short term we cannot witness the unity of Muslims. For solving this problem, first a plan of Islamic world unity should be prepared and this plan should initially bring about a consensus among the governmental and intellectual elite. Then practical measures and common programs should substitute hostility and contain extremism. Manuscript profile
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        124 - The Sign of Unity in Diversity in Indian Society (Text in Persian)
        Hojatollah Darvishpour
        The aim of the present article is to study unity in diversity in India. The assumption of the article is that India is a country with diversity. The article examines the unique aspect of diversity in Indian society. These aspects of diversity in Indian society are relig More
        The aim of the present article is to study unity in diversity in India. The assumption of the article is that India is a country with diversity. The article examines the unique aspect of diversity in Indian society. These aspects of diversity in Indian society are religion، ethnicity، language etc. The underlying hypothesis is that despite this diversity India is a united entity. In this regard the uniting factors are enumerated and examined also in this direction the elementary and secondary uniting principles and foundations are discussed and their roles in uniting the Indian society are underlined. In the third part the factors that threaten the unity of Indian society are discussed. These factors are Hindu nationalism، religious conflicts، regionalism، state-centre conflicts; and the central government is trying to control them. The finding of the study shows that despite the presence of certain factors which threaten the unity of India، the unity in diversity is prevailing. In other words notwithstanding diversities، the unity is the dominating aspect of Indian society Manuscript profile
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        125 - To examine Iranian nationalism ideology central elements in the First Pahlavi age
        Shahrzad Roumez alireza abtahi naser jadidi
        To examine Iranian nationalism ideology central elements in the First Pahlavi ageShahrzad Roomz, PhD student in Islamic Iran history, Najaf Abad unitIslamic Azad University, Najaf abad, IranSeyyed Alireza Abtahi (responsible author)Assistant Professor of history group, More
        To examine Iranian nationalism ideology central elements in the First Pahlavi ageShahrzad Roomz, PhD student in Islamic Iran history, Najaf Abad unitIslamic Azad University, Najaf abad, IranSeyyed Alireza Abtahi (responsible author)Assistant Professor of history group, Najaf Abad unit, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, IranNaser JadidiHistory group associate professor, Najaf Abad unit, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, IranAbstractConstitutionalism movement in Iran led to irregularity and chaos rather than democracy governmental establishment since Iran society social, economical, cultural and political beds weren't ready, and foreign countries interfered.In such a condition, to establish security and maintain integrity in country was Iran society the most important necessities. Patterning European countries,Intellectuals found that the best solution for Iran chaos conditions was to reinforce national unity through forming powerful government. In the present study, while examining nationalism in the Reza shah age, and what were nationalism ideology central cimponents inthat period? it is tried to examine this using historical and analytical method relying on valid resources.it is tried to answered to this question which are central elements and components of Iranian nationalism ideology in the First Pahlavi age?It seems that national union, archaeology; Patriotism and Royalism have been Iran main nationalism central components in Reza shah age. Manuscript profile
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        sabekeh esfandyar
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        Sabikeh Esfandiar Mohammad Hasanabadi Maryam Shabanzadeh
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        128 - Comparing and contrasting on "like a thirsty pot" poem (An analysis based on New Criticism)
        Hojjatollah Rabiei
        This article seeks to use the proposed new critique method to study the poetry of " sabue teshne ...The Thirsty cebu" by Mehdi Akhavan-Sales, while explaining some of the key words and components underlined by the new critique, such as "tension" , "Subject" and "aironi More
        This article seeks to use the proposed new critique method to study the poetry of " sabue teshne ...The Thirsty cebu" by Mehdi Akhavan-Sales, while explaining some of the key words and components underlined by the new critique, such as "tension" , "Subject" and "aironi ", to use them as an applied critique of this poem. Aiming to this , by reading precisely the poetry and examining the contradictions and inconsistencies and referring them to the main line of the poem, how the effect is configured. In this process, the audience is introduced step-by-step through a practical action critique from the perspective of new critique. The result of this research is that the components of the work are organized in harmony with each other and with the internal unity, and beyond the contradictions, poetry is the integrity and unity of organism. Manuscript profile
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        فردین حسین پناهی
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        hojjatollah rabiei mahboobeh khorasani morteza rashidi
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        Ahmad Ghanipoor malekshah Nima Ramazani
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        132 - اخلاق: ویژگی پنجم سبک شناسی تکوینی بیدل دهلوی
        محمدخلیل طالبان پور اصغر دادبه
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        133 - Analysis of the concept of wine in the poems of Sadr al-Motealehin Shirazi
        saeed mohammadi kish
        Sadr al-Din Muhammad bin Ebrahim Qavam Shirazi or Molasadra, is a divine sage and philosopher, mystic and poet of the 11th century AH and the founder of transcendental wisdom. In his Masnavi, he has expressed some mystical, philosophical and ruling opinions. The aim of More
        Sadr al-Din Muhammad bin Ebrahim Qavam Shirazi or Molasadra, is a divine sage and philosopher, mystic and poet of the 11th century AH and the founder of transcendental wisdom. In his Masnavi, he has expressed some mystical, philosophical and ruling opinions. The aim of the current research is to investigate the attitude of the poet in expressing the term May with various interpretations, which is done in a descriptive-analytical way. From the findings of this research, we can refer to the concepts of May in this Masnavi. Mulla Sadra calls for the flame whose fire is like a burning flame and can erase the mystic's ego in the stage of annihilation in God. According to Mulla Sadra, the perfect mystic is in the fire of love, freed from the ego and intoxicated to observe the mysteries. is achieved When he is not drunk, he does not consider the possibility of an independent and separate existence. It is because the heart is the eternal place of his spiritual light, just as the dark house of the heart has been transformed into a glade of meanings due to the light of that wind. The wine that Sadrul Matalhin wants is the wine of knowledge of the negation of existence and lack of validity, and by drinking it, the mystic realizes the knowledge of absolute existence, which is indeed the secret of unity. Manuscript profile
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        Marziyyah Shariati
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        135 - Abdelkader El Djezairi: The Brave Mystic and the Founder of Resistance Poetry of Algeria
        Nazanin Farzad Abdolhosein Farzad
        From the first centuries of Islam, many great Sufis have been involved in protecting the borders of Islamic territories to stand against the enemy attack. During the Timurid and Safavid periods, Sufis, as one of the most important forces against social injustice, abando More
        From the first centuries of Islam, many great Sufis have been involved in protecting the borders of Islamic territories to stand against the enemy attack. During the Timurid and Safavid periods, Sufis, as one of the most important forces against social injustice, abandoned seclusion and were directly involved in political affairs. In recent centuries, when European colonialists invaded and occupied Islamic countries, especially North Africa, many leaders of the resistance movements were piouses and Sufi masters. Algeria was under the brutal rule of the French for nearly a century and a half (1830-1962). Among warriors in Algeria, it must be pointed to Abd-el-Kader El Djezairi who was a prominent poet, mystic, warrior and outstanding politician that even his enemies admired his chivalry. In the present article, the thoughts of Abd-el-Kader Djezairi as the first resistance poet-mystic of Algeria in 19th and early 20th centuries are studied. One of the important parts of Abd-el-Kader's mysticism is uprising against cruelty and injustice. In other word, the mysticism of Amir Abd-el-Kader El Djezairi is a bravery and revolutionary mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        136 - Unity of Binary Oppositions in Ilāhī-Nāmeh; Based on the Concepts of Transformation and Equation
        Sabikeh Esfandiyār Mahmood Hasanābādi Maryam Shabānzādeh
        Binary oppositions are considered as one of the main components of the critique of modern texts; but they can also be used in the critique of Persian classical texts. In Ilāhī-Nāmeh, Attār Neishapouri suggests that on the path of the Truth, nobody can reach the perfecti More
        Binary oppositions are considered as one of the main components of the critique of modern texts; but they can also be used in the critique of Persian classical texts. In Ilāhī-Nāmeh, Attār Neishapouri suggests that on the path of the Truth, nobody can reach the perfection without binary oppositions. Thus, he faces the sālek (holy traveler) with much binary oppositions from the beginning to the end of suluk (spiritual journey). Attār believes that the only method for converting oppositions to unity is to use the force of "transformation" and "equation". Most of the oppositions employed by Attār are linked to "transformation"; in this way, the opposites change their nature and unite with each other. In this "transformation", he seeks a kind of "transcendence" that needs contemplation and going beyond the corporal world. By using descriptive and analytic method, in the present article, the attempt is made to explain Attār's Divine thoughts based on concepts of "binary oppositions", "transformation" and "equation". This research does not seek to find the opposite terms and to classify the binary oppositions quantitatively, but it attempts to find the concepts that beyond apparent oppositions may conduce to the perfection of man.  Manuscript profile
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        137 - Light and Darkness in the Poems of Adunis; A Mystical Approach
        Sabikeh Esfandiyār Rezā Rezāee
        An examination of Adunis' poems shows that the contrary opposites have a special status in his thinking; they play a crucial role in conveying the poet's new and favored concepts. One of the most important oppositions, which is found at high frequency in his poems, is t More
        An examination of Adunis' poems shows that the contrary opposites have a special status in his thinking; they play a crucial role in conveying the poet's new and favored concepts. One of the most important oppositions, which is found at high frequency in his poems, is the opposition of light and darkness. By using analytical-descriptive method, the present article attempts to evaluate two opposite and commonly used concepts of light and darkness in Adunis's poems based on mystical analysis. In this way, Adunis' special view about the nature and objects becomes clear, revealing aspects of the mystical thoughts in his poetry. The results show that concepts such as good and evil, inward and outward worlds, guidance and deviation are reflected in these two concepts. According to Adunis, one must abandon the intrinsic nature of them and unite darkness with light and reach a point where all opposing elements and multiples are united. To achieve this goal, the poet puts away material things and relies on a particular concept called "madness", and in this way, reveals the Truth and provides the knowledge of the ultimate nature of being.   Manuscript profile
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        138 - tion of the Unity beyond the Manifestations (The Case Study: Ghazels of Saib Tabrizi)
        mohammadvali mardani Roghayeh Rezaee Hesam Ziyaee
         Existence originates from a first source that is the origin of the universe. This first source (the Unity) manifests himself in all phenomena and a holistic mystic, by observing these manifold of phenomena, reaches the source of the existence or the Unity. With th More
         Existence originates from a first source that is the origin of the universe. This first source (the Unity) manifests himself in all phenomena and a holistic mystic, by observing these manifold of phenomena, reaches the source of the existence or the Unity. With the eyes of the heart, he/she sees the First Principle in all corners of the universe. Is this view, which was formed by Ibn Arabi, also visible in Sabk-e Hindi (Indian style)? Was Saib Tabrizi, as one of the pillars of the Indian style, fascinated by this view? The data of the research show that Saib Tabrizi has considered the unity of being in his Divan and has introduced it as a way to the true gnosis and theoretical knowledge. The present research has been done by analytical-descriptive method and its data is collected from library sources. The results of the study show that Saib Tabrizi, like the mystics who believe in the unity of being, considers the world of plurality as a symbol and manifestation of a single truth and seeks to discover this first source (the Unity). Manuscript profile
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        139 - Mystical Themes in the Poems of Sāeb Tabrizi
        خدابخش اسداللهی
          Mirzā Muhammad-ali Sāeb (1601/02-1677) also called Sāeb Tabrizi, is the celebrated Persian poet whose reputation is based primarily on some 300,000 couplets. His “Indian style” verses reveal an elegant wit, a gift for aphorism and proverb, and a keen More
          Mirzā Muhammad-ali Sāeb (1601/02-1677) also called Sāeb Tabrizi, is the celebrated Persian poet whose reputation is based primarily on some 300,000 couplets. His “Indian style” verses reveal an elegant wit, a gift for aphorism and proverb, and a keen appreciation of philosophical and intellectual exercise. Even though mystical symbols and ideas are prevalent in his poetry, it has not received enough attention. This article tries to study the mystical concepts, like annihilation, oneness of being, as well as death, in his poetry.     Manuscript profile
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        140 - The Influence of Ibn Arabī’s Thoughts on Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh
        جمشید جلالی شیجانی
          Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh (1392-1464), Khorasanian mystic and the founder of Noorbakhshiyye Order, is influenced by Ibn Arabī (1165-1240), the famous Islamic mystic. The present article, by considering the thoughts and discussions of Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh More
          Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh (1392-1464), Khorasanian mystic and the founder of Noorbakhshiyye Order, is influenced by Ibn Arabī (1165-1240), the famous Islamic mystic. The present article, by considering the thoughts and discussions of Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh, tries to show the very influence of Ibn Arabī on the subjects of "unity of Being", "the Seal of saintship" and "the Perfect Man".   Manuscript profile
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        141 - God's Action: Mawlānā Jalāl al-Din Rūmi's Point of View
        مرتضی شجاری
          According to Muslim mystics all existing things, anything except God, have a virtual and unreal entity in the world. But Mawlānā Jalāl al-Din Rūmi's perspective seems to be altogether different. According to him, the perfection of man lies in the belief in his More
          According to Muslim mystics all existing things, anything except God, have a virtual and unreal entity in the world. But Mawlānā Jalāl al-Din Rūmi's perspective seems to be altogether different. According to him, the perfection of man lies in the belief in his annihilation (Fanā`) in God. By so doing, one can come to a direct and complete intuition of the annihilation of any kind of entification and plurality. On the other side, Mawlānā seems to believe that although any thing that exists is nothing but Divine names, all changes occur according to the law of causality. The Present article, by taking into account the theological (kalāmi) theories of the Asharite school of thought and other various mystical schools, attempts to re-examine Mawlānā's understanding concerning the way God acts in the world.     Manuscript profile
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        142 - Annihilation (Fanā) and Self-Knowledge in Ībn Arabī's Thoughts
        مرتضی شجاری
          According to Ībn Arabī, annihilation (Fanā) in God is an ontological point of view; there is nothing except God and all things are mortal. The holy traveller (sālek), in the end of his/her travel, annihilates in God; there is only one truth, that is God, and all More
          According to Ībn Arabī, annihilation (Fanā) in God is an ontological point of view; there is nothing except God and all things are mortal. The holy traveller (sālek), in the end of his/her travel, annihilates in God; there is only one truth, that is God, and all things are figurative beings. Based on a prophetic parol (Hadith), "he who knows himself, knows his Lord". The persent article tries to study the relationship between annihilation (Fanā) and self-knowledge in Ībn Arabī's thoughts.       Manuscript profile
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        143 - The Idea of “Unity of Being” in the Rubā'iyāt of Bidel Dehlavi
        masuode rohani siyavash haghjo ali akbar shobaklaii
        Ibn 'Arabi's idea of “unity of being” grew slowly in Islamic lands, especially in Iran and then in India. One of the important ways of promoting the idea was the literary-mystic texts. The idea of “unity of being” has been manifested in the rubā' More
        Ibn 'Arabi's idea of “unity of being” grew slowly in Islamic lands, especially in Iran and then in India. One of the important ways of promoting the idea was the literary-mystic texts. The idea of “unity of being” has been manifested in the rubā'iyāt (quatrains) of Bidel Dehlavi. In his rubā'iyāt, the issues of tashbih and tanzih (transcendence and immanence), inward and outward, unity and diversity, and the like are discussed. He believes firmly to the idea of “unity of being” and explains, in a stable manner, the related topics.   Manuscript profile
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        144 - Immortality Instinct: A Mythical Approach
        Majid Mansoori hamid gholami
        Immortality and undeterminity of myths cause them to have continuity in human unconsciousnessthrough the passage of time, and to be considered as one of the inseparable parts of human life. Indeed, it seems that, semantically, continuity of human life is not possible wi More
        Immortality and undeterminity of myths cause them to have continuity in human unconsciousnessthrough the passage of time, and to be considered as one of the inseparable parts of human life. Indeed, it seems that, semantically, continuity of human life is not possible without myths because myths provide a deep response to one of the great challenges of man, that is, immortality instinct. By using the analytic-documental method, the present article tries to study the main themes giving rise to the immortality instinct and reasons of using the same structures in the different cults and ethnic groups. The theme of immortality can be found in mythical motifs like eternal return, myth of fertility, resurrection, the days of childhood, return to unity and myth of becoming a writer. The processes of formation of these motifs are the same, because the mythical mind (collective unconscious) has common function. Manuscript profile
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        145 - Possibility, Phases and Purpose of Cognition Based on Perception of Beauty in Fakhr al-din Iraqi`s Epistemological System
        Sārā Manoochehri Moghadam Mohammadrezā Rikhtegarān
        In Fakhr al-din Iraqi`s epistemological system, the pantheistic viewpoint of the creation of the universe is appeared in the form of adoration of the sensible beauties and as the Good`s manifestations. By using descriptive-analytic method, the present paper tries to mak More
        In Fakhr al-din Iraqi`s epistemological system, the pantheistic viewpoint of the creation of the universe is appeared in the form of adoration of the sensible beauties and as the Good`s manifestations. By using descriptive-analytic method, the present paper tries to make an epistemological explanation to the perception of Beauty in the thoughts of Iraqi; so it first determines the rule of Beauty and then the phases and purpose of perceiving it in his thought. The research shows that according to Iraqi, the perception of the sensible beauty leads to recognizing of the Good in His manifestations. Divine providence causes man perceives the sensible beauties as the Good`s manifestations and the cognition ofHim begins; the context is provided for the Perfect Man and the spiritual journey (suluk), the attraction by God and the union are realized. According to Iraqi, the epistemological cognitive phases of the Good`s manifestations- which are equal to the phases of loving Him- and the existential transubstantiation are simultaneous.  Manuscript profile
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        146 - 'Unity of Being' in the Thoughts of Jāmi and Shabestari: A Comparative Analysis
        Batool Mahdavi Shahlā Khalilollāhi Monireh Eidi
        The present article attempts to compare the idea of 'unity of Being' in the thoughts of Ibn Arabi, Jāmi and Shabestari. Ibn Arabi has a key role in formation this idea. Among the poets and writers of 7th and 8th A.H. centuries, Jāmi and Shabestari played an important ro More
        The present article attempts to compare the idea of 'unity of Being' in the thoughts of Ibn Arabi, Jāmi and Shabestari. Ibn Arabi has a key role in formation this idea. Among the poets and writers of 7th and 8th A.H. centuries, Jāmi and Shabestari played an important role in enforcing and developing the ideas of Ibn Arabi. Like Ibn Arabi, they believe that there is nothing in the universe other than the Truth (God) and all of the pluralities are the different manifestation of God. The present research shows that Jāmi and Shabestari, like Ibn Arabi, believe that all things are manifested in God; they use rhetorical mediums like sea and its manifestations, number, mirror and light, and glow of light through the colorful mirrors for explaining the idea of 'unity of Being'. Manuscript profile
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        147 - مبانی و شرایط استناد به اعتبار امر مختوم قضایی با بررسی تطبیقی در نظام‌های حقوقی کامن‌لا، کشورهای عربی و ایران
        مریم حدادی رسول مقصود پور سید محسن حسینی پویا
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        148 - Jurisprudential and legal study of the right of termination in partial invalidity of the contract with a comparative study of common law
        Ali Eslami panah Asiyeh Alaee
        Background and Aim: Annulment has its own characteristics, coordinates and principles that are fundamentally different from other cases of termination of the contract, such as termination, etc. This annulment may occur only in a part of the contract and lead to its part More
        Background and Aim: Annulment has its own characteristics, coordinates and principles that are fundamentally different from other cases of termination of the contract, such as termination, etc. This annulment may occur only in a part of the contract and lead to its partial annulment. . In order to protect the rights of victims from minor invalidity, different solutions have been proposed in different legal systems. The right to terminate the right part of the contract is one of the solutions that is accepted in the jurisprudential and legal system of Iran and is referred to as the "option of discrimination". Is to examine the acceptance of such a right for the victim of a minor invalidity of the contract and its conformity or non-conformity with justice and fairness and legal principles.Method: In this research, analytical and descriptive methods have been used.Findings and Results: The right of termination is not only not contrary to the "principle of necessity of contracts" but also in accordance with the important jurisprudential rule of "no harm" and also in accordance with justice and fairness. Of course, the absoluteness of this right can be contrary to the above rules, and it is necessary to imagine restrictions such as "desirable unity" and "desirable plurality" for it. The option of segregation discrimination is not provided for in Iranian law, but it can be reconciled with some cases of termination right provided for in British law. Manuscript profile
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        149 - ازدواج مختلط اتباع ایران
        بهشید ارفع نیا
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        150 - نسبیت احکام دیوان بین‌المللی دادگستری در نظریه و عمل
        سید قام زمانی سوده شاملو
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        151 - هوش مصنوعی و داوری تجاری بین المللی
        محمدرضا مهرافزا افشین زرگر بهنام حبیبی درگاه
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        152 - بررسی تطبیقی ازهار گلشن با گلشن راز شیخ محمود شبستری
        علی اصغر حلبی مهناز میرزا مهدی اصفهانی
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        153 - Pantheism from the Viewpoints of Rumi and Spinoza: a Comparative Study
        مهناز صفائی هوادرق علی اصغر حلبی
        Pantheism is one of the broadest concepts in the history of thought which can be traced back to the ancient times. Therefore, reaching a consensus about its true meaning is not an easy task. However, for improving our understanding about the pantheist thinkers it appear More
        Pantheism is one of the broadest concepts in the history of thought which can be traced back to the ancient times. Therefore, reaching a consensus about its true meaning is not an easy task. However, for improving our understanding about the pantheist thinkers it appears necessary to deal with this concept comparatively. This article tries to survey the views of Rumi and Spinoza, two great thinkers of the history of thought, on knowledge and the ways of gaining it. It also tries to compare Rumi’s transcendental pantheism with Spinoza’s monistic pantheism, which apparently seem different, and enumerate their similarities. Manuscript profile
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        154 - The Semantics of the Word "Ahl" in the Holy Quran, and the Study and Explanation of Ahl al-Kitab in the verse of unity (verse 64 of Al-Imran)
        Zahra Aghababaei Hossin Moradi Mohammad Hossin Saeibi Frhad Edrisi
        The word "Ahl" is one of the most widely used words in Quran; along with its derivatives, it has been used more than 125 times. This breadth of use of this word in the Holy Quran and its combination with other words and Quranic concepts indicates the special place of th More
        The word "Ahl" is one of the most widely used words in Quran; along with its derivatives, it has been used more than 125 times. This breadth of use of this word in the Holy Quran and its combination with other words and Quranic concepts indicates the special place of the word and the need to study its semantics. One of the important combinations of the word "Ahl" is its combination with the word "Kitab". Ahl al-Kitab, ot the People of the Book, are those to whom the scripture belongs. In this article, we try to discuss the lexical and idiomatic meaning of "Ahl" and "Ahl al-Kitab" in the verse of unity using a descriptive method to explain them by reflecting on different dimensions of the word "Ahl" and understanding its semantic domains and to deal with the revelatory concept of the subject of Ahl al-Kitab, its Quranic uses, and its examples in the Holy Qur'an. It is noteworthy that according to verse 64 of Al-Imran, God wants Muslims to unite and show solidarity with the People of the Book. Manuscript profile
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        155 - َHolding Fast (E'tesaam) in the Interpretation of the two Islamic Religious Sectors and its Role in the Creation of Unification and Avoidance from Schism
        ayoub shafei
        Unification, being together and solidarity have long been considered as necessities of any society. Since the Holy Quran is a perfect program for the human beings’ lives, the present study deals with the elaboration of the emphases on unification and prohibition o More
        Unification, being together and solidarity have long been considered as necessities of any society. Since the Holy Quran is a perfect program for the human beings’ lives, the present study deals with the elaboration of the emphases on unification and prohibition of schism based on a descriptive-analytical method through employing those of the Holy Quran’s verses in which the term “holding fast” (E'tesaam) has been introduced; next, the interpretations of the term in various Shiite and Sunni resources will be put forth followed by pinpointing the resources in which the phrase “holding fast to the God’s cord” (E'tesaam bi hablolah) has been specially approached. It can be understood through contemplation over the Holy Quran’s texts and interpretations thereof that the entire Holy Quran’s verses in which the term “holding fast” has been used and also the schism, dispute and discrepancy have been prohibited are revealed in Medina and point to the issue that holding fast to the God’s cord and resorting to the God and His religion are amongst the primary reasons and important factors giving rise to the Muslims’ strength and the establishment of an independent Islamic government. Holding fast to the God’s cord is a way for strengthening and getting robust, obeying God, unification of the Islamic nation and the Muslims’ esteem and, on the contrary, schism, dispute and discrepancy are causes contributing to the separation of the Islamic nation, weakness and looseness of them and, eventually, the enemies’ takeover of them. Obedience to the divine orders and directives, being guided towards the straight and right path, entering the mercy of God and acquiring the God’s benevolence, accompanying the believers and choosing their friendship in this and the other world are inter alia the most important outcomes of holding fast to the God’s cord; in opposite, taking the semblance of the Kaafirs (the unbelievers in God) of the prior nations, the weakening and looseness of the Islamic nation, entering the circle of polytheism and the abhorrence of the God’s great apostle (may Allah bestow him and his sacred progeny with the best of His regards) of the ones who caused sequestrations in the religion are amongst the outcomes of discrepancy and schism. Manuscript profile
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        156 - تربیت عرفانی از دیدگاه مولوی با تکیه بر مثنوی
        محمدرضا مشمول حاجی آقا محسن فرمهینی فراهانی سینا فروزش
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        157 - تبیین عقلانی عالم ذر با تکیه بر حکمت متعالیه
        منیرالسادات پورطولمی
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        158 - ورزش و روابط بین‌الملل: جنبه‌های مفهومی و تئوریک
        افشین زرگر
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        159 - Outputs of Ideal Development Qualifications Based on Imam Khomeini Opinion of Judgment Definition
        Hassan Shafiee Bahram Zahedi
        Nowadays, the word of development has special manning in literary of social science which has along with some of cultural and philosophy theories and also it shows special view to individual and social life. Architecture of Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini was sp More
        Nowadays, the word of development has special manning in literary of social science which has along with some of cultural and philosophy theories and also it shows special view to individual and social life. Architecture of Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini was speaker of other ways; except of known eastern or western copies of recent world. He was leader in political, social, economic, cultural domains and his base of working was responding to the all side of individual and societies necessities according to Islam religion; so ideal development will have qualification which is completely different of word development definition rather than other views. Our hypothesis is meaning of judgment base on Imam Khomeini opinion identifies qualifications of ideal development with attention of main role of basic philosophy from political, economic and social theories. In fact, we are going to search how impression has been judgment meaning definition on assignment of ideal development qualifications from Imam thinking? This research way is base on interpretation approach and quality analyzing. All data are gathered in library frame and studied according to hermeneutic technique (different pre–hypothesis). All Gathered research outputs which have accorded based on Imam Opinions show that ideal development will have special characteristics which are issues of his Islamic view with regard to existence, humanity and fortune of man. Five main qualifications based on Imam Thinking are as below items which are necessities to goal ideal development; Getting direction toward the ultimate fortune, Independency, Empowering, Obligated to the legal, Reach to the social judgment. The key word according to Imam Opinion is judgment description for determination of ideal development qualifications since it observes man who stays in most high spirit and also guarantee for social judgment         Manuscript profile
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        160 - Analyzing Binary Oppositions in Hassan Alwan’s Novel Mouton Sageer Through the Eyes of Iranian Mystics
        رضا ناظمیان mansooreh doagoo
        Binary oppositions have long captivated mystics and are a focal point for structuralists, who often build the foundation of texts around them. By emphasizing these dichotomies, they aim to unveil a unified system and gain deeper insights into the text. In "Mouton Sageer More
        Binary oppositions have long captivated mystics and are a focal point for structuralists, who often build the foundation of texts around them. By emphasizing these dichotomies, they aim to unveil a unified system and gain deeper insights into the text. In "Mouton Sageer" (A Small Death), binary oppositions play a central role, and this study examines their significance in the story of Hassan Alwan through a descriptive-analytical approach. Drawing from Ibn Arabi's mystical themes, the research delves into the perspectives of Iranian mystics to elucidate the author's underlying framework. The title "A Small Death" symbolizes an earthly love that undergoes a transformation, elevating a mortal being to a celestial realm and fostering a connection to true love. Alvan's work strives to expound upon an intellectual system rooted in binary oppositions, illustrating a mystical concept of "unity in plurality" where love serves as the unifying principle. The ultimate goal is to bring harmony to the current world, transcending conflict, as Alvan posits love as the key element that binds individuals together. Manuscript profile
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        161 - Bidel in realm of mystical lyrics
        Mehdi Mahoozi
        Mirza Abdul-Qader Bidel Dehlavi is a prominent poet of mystical poetry in the subcontinent of India. He has transformed the Indian school of poetry from mere superficiality to the utmost wisdom. Bidel's poetry in realm of mystical lyrics is the continuation of Mawlana J More
        Mirza Abdul-Qader Bidel Dehlavi is a prominent poet of mystical poetry in the subcontinent of India. He has transformed the Indian school of poetry from mere superficiality to the utmost wisdom. Bidel's poetry in realm of mystical lyrics is the continuation of Mawlana Jalalud-din Mohammad Balkhi's line of thought in his Diwan Shams. The purpose of this article is to introduce Bidel in the realm of mystical lyrics. According to Bidel all multiplicities in man's journey towards God leads to unity. In his descent however all multiplicities are regarded as the attributes of Deity which have descended from the zenith of the universal and Absolute to the nadir of the particular and relative. Bidel's mystical lyrics is a spiritual epic which expresses love and yearnings for the Divine beloved. These often merge with a sort of surrealist thinking, thus mystical terms in his Indian style of poetry mostly are complex and implicit, and it is difficult of find an equivalent for them. Nevertheless, his mastery in using prosodic forms and verbal rhymes gives such dynamism and fervor to his lyrics that only reveals the hidden charm and passion within the Ghazals.  Manuscript profile
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        162 - Moulana_s different approach to the question of Determinism and Free will
        Asghar Dadbeh
        Determinism and freewill are among the principal religious and discourse related issues which have been the subject of many discussions and investigations in Philosophy and Mysticism.  Upon acceptance of determinism the mystery of man_s responsibility and the riddl More
        Determinism and freewill are among the principal religious and discourse related issues which have been the subject of many discussions and investigations in Philosophy and Mysticism.  Upon acceptance of determinism the mystery of man_s responsibility and the riddle of creation of sin arise and upon acceptance of freewill (Tafviz) we are faced with the paradox of limitation of God_s power and an exception to the ultimate law of causation emerge. Legal theorists, philosophers, mystics, each with their own criteria have attempted to solve the riddles.  Moulana however cast a different look on the subject.  Firstly he maintains that determinism and freewill like any other philosophical problem is disputable and discussion over it is endless.  Secondly he illustrates that for practical reasons both problems are required by man and depending on his need, man sometimes inclines towards one or the other.  Thirdly, since he looks at the problem from the pluralistic or dualistic perspective as a rational philosopher and a free thinker he justifies free will and from a monotheistic perspective, as a mystic believing in monotheism, confronting him he sees a determinism which is the same as free will and superior to that which he calls . Manuscript profile
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        163 - Love from Mowlana’s Point of view
        Shirin Bayani
        Mowlana’s  mystical and philosophical views overall are based upon one principle and that is unity of existence (wahdat al-wujud).  The pillars of this principle are as follows:  being and non- being, unity and separation, conflict, and Perfect man. More
        Mowlana’s  mystical and philosophical views overall are based upon one principle and that is unity of existence (wahdat al-wujud).  The pillars of this principle are as follows:  being and non- being, unity and separation, conflict, and Perfect man.  The present article focuses on love regarded in the philosophy of unity of existence as the foundation of Gnosticism and Asctecism. Mowlana regards love as the essence of all improvements and magnanimities. Ayn al-Qozat-e Hamadani believes that love is the intermediary between the lover and the beloved, joining them together. Mowlana believes God is the main axis of love and the world is regarded as orbits, connected to and dependent on it.  Mowlana’s Masnavi begins and ends with love. Manuscript profile
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        164 - Hadith Moulana and his Masnavi in gatherings andspeeches of the Indian mystics
        Sharieef Hossein Ghasemi
        The great Indian mystics have always been in contact with the Persian mystics.  Migration of the mystics to India and coming of Moslems from the old Khorasan to this land has greatly helped the development of these relations.  Indian mystics have always had el More
        The great Indian mystics have always been in contact with the Persian mystics.  Migration of the mystics to India and coming of Moslems from the old Khorasan to this land has greatly helped the development of these relations.  Indian mystics have always had elders and relatives in Khorasan and this bondage has continued for some time. One of the most distinguished eminent Persian mystics is Moulana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhiwhose mystical and spiritual identity remained unrecognized in India in his time, however he was always praised by the poor and the Indian mystics and his Masnavi and Ghazaliat were reverberated in gatherings and speeches of the Indian mystics.  Mystics such as Bu Ali Qalandar, SheykhAmanallahPanipat, shaykh Hassan Badakhshi for the confirmation of their mystical sayings especially about unity of being have drawn upon the verses from Masnavi.  In this article the manner in which the Indian mystics came under Moulana’s spell is studied, and where appropriate examples are provided. Manuscript profile
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        165 - The inner unity of religions in Mowlana’s thoughts
        Akbar Ghorbani
        Islamic Gnostic tradition whose principles and teachings are well portrayed in the works of Moslem mystics is central to our cultural heritage and religious identity.  Revision of such works in order to discover its potentialities at a time when globalization and d More
        Islamic Gnostic tradition whose principles and teachings are well portrayed in the works of Moslem mystics is central to our cultural heritage and religious identity.  Revision of such works in order to discover its potentialities at a time when globalization and dialogue among civilization are of prime importance, is a commitment laid on the shoulder of great scholars.  In this article Mowlana’s thoughts are revised to find the footprints of a new theory in the field of comparative religious studies, that is inner unity of religions which is based on the separation of religious law, and the mystic path encountered often in his works.  Insisting upon the main principle of ‘unity of existence’ he regards the inner contents of religions far superior to their outward surface.  The unifying thought of Mowlana in this regard is expressed sometimes based on the multiplicity of forms and unity of essence, and sometimes is based upon the unity of truth and difference in views. Manuscript profile
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        166 - Moulana and the Universal Peace
        Mohammad Navid Bazargan
        The present article seeks to find an answer to the question whether or notMoulana in the roots of his pluralistic thoughts is essentially the propagator of the world peace and non-violence in modern terms.  Thus attempt is made to bring examples from Moulana’ More
        The present article seeks to find an answer to the question whether or notMoulana in the roots of his pluralistic thoughts is essentially the propagator of the world peace and non-violence in modern terms.  Thus attempt is made to bring examples from Moulana’s encounter with the phenomenon of Tatar and overt violence seen in the 7th century AH, and to examine his main line of thought in comparison with the modes of thoughts of the propagators of non-violence such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Desmond Toto,… in order to draw a clear picture based on points of similarities and differences. �ورد بررسی قرار گرفته، بر روی موارد اشتراک و افتراق داوری روشن‌گرانه‌ای صورت گیرد.   Manuscript profile
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        167 - Structural consistencies and inconsistencies in Mowlana’s lyrical Ghazals
        Ali Asqar Arjee
        Mowlana’s ghazal is at such heights that one cannot find anything like it neither before nor after his time.  A structured poem, made rich in vertical arrangement, achieved unity and coherence through use of narration, allegory, and metaphor.  However, t More
        Mowlana’s ghazal is at such heights that one cannot find anything like it neither before nor after his time.  A structured poem, made rich in vertical arrangement, achieved unity and coherence through use of narration, allegory, and metaphor.  However, the strength of Mowlana’s ghazal lies in music.  Despite having unity of meaning and rhythm, imaginative colorful themes a kind of inconsistency is found underlying its texture.  This article attempts to cast light on those instances. Manuscript profile
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        168 - A brief review of the internal structure and the classification of Bahuvrihi compounds in Farsi
        Maedeh Asoodegan
        The present article is divided into five sections and includes the following items:   The research methodology, posing questions and assumptions, stating the main idea, and the importance of research A descriptive account of terminology used in the body of a resea More
        The present article is divided into five sections and includes the following items:   The research methodology, posing questions and assumptions, stating the main idea, and the importance of research A descriptive account of terminology used in the body of a research paper A report based on the latest findings of linguists and other thinkers on the subject of research Analysis of the collected data Conclusion The article is prepared by two methods: An inductive-deductive one on one hand and a descriptive-­analytic one on the other hand. The structural linguistic approach is dominant throughout the research. The research data is drawn from the linguistic thesis, newspapers, peoples' speech, mass media, and put together in accordance with the linguistic background of the writer. In this article an attempt is made to investigate the Bahuvrihi Nominal Compounds from the following aspects: syllabic structure, Morphological structure, and semantics characteristics. Then, two distinct groups of the Bahuvrihi Compounds namely, predicative and Double Nominal ones are introduced. Also, the role of processes resulting in either reinforcement and diminution of meaning in forming the Bahuvrihi Compounds is examined. Finally, the research data is found to be in accordance with the common patterns revealed in the classification.  Manuscript profile
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        169 - Decoding Daghoghi’s story
        Fatemeh Haydari
        Daghoghi’s story in Masnavi Manavi is one of the stories which bewildered the readers but the bewilderment that the poet has times and times refers to is a mystical bewilderment. The poet’s experience and the theme of the story do not look familiar to the re More
        Daghoghi’s story in Masnavi Manavi is one of the stories which bewildered the readers but the bewilderment that the poet has times and times refers to is a mystical bewilderment. The poet’s experience and the theme of the story do not look familiar to the reader and it has hidden secrets whose understanding is not possible with our ordinary senses and it is beyond our everyday life experiences.  The internal ambiguity of most events requires commentaries and interpretations in such a way that in order to unveil its mysteries one cannot rely on logic and intellect. This story is an eternal experience which is transmitted through the unconscious and the key to the discovery of the unconscious is the study of its symbols.  In this article attempt is made to give a brief outline of the story and to solve some of its mysteries and complexities. Manuscript profile